"Judge a man by his questions, rather than by his answers." - Voltaire
all. I hope you had a great week. Mine was OK. Nothing particularly fun or
interesting, but also no major stressors or dramas whether self-created or
otherwise . I am finally feeling a
little more productive at work. It only
took two freaking months, which may say a lot about my level of burnout at the
end of 2017.
The week
ended on an interesting note. There
hasn't been a lot of disciplinary spanking going on lately, for various reasons
mostly related to temporary illnesses and injury. It sure has not been because I have been on
my best behavior. Yesterday, things
slowed down around 4:30 and some of us decided to do an impromptu happy
hour. Around the time I was getting
ready to leave, my wife called and said she wanted to go out for dinner, and
asked whether I'd been carousing with the work people, as is often the case on
a Friday afternoon. I admitted that I
had, and I was treated to a mini-lecture about it. Nothing serious, though it probably was
pretty clear to the people at the table that I was being told that happy hour
was over. So, I did call it a night,
though in fairness I had been getting ready to leave anyway. On the way home, I got a text from my wife
directing me that when I arrived at the restaurant I was to order water and
nothing else to drink and that I was cut off from alcohol for the rest of the
Now, this
follows on discussions we have been having about her stepping up her strictness
and the amount that she verbalizes what she wants and expects. We've talked about it for a while, but
recently it has been actually happening, in noticeable ways. She's getting on me more if I leave dishes in
the sink or don't put something away.
She's increasingly comfortable just telling me what I can and cannot do. And, while perhaps it feels sexy in
retrospect, it isn't at the time. In the
moment, it embarrasses me to take orders like, "Why did you leave you
dinner plate in the sink? Go put it in the dishwasher. Now."
It does make me feel almost exactly like a sullen teenager being told to
clean his room. When the order is a
prohibition on conduct like happened last night, I feel flashes of both anger
and resentment. The resentment takes the
form of, "I'm part of a work culture where having drinks with the team is
part of being a team and part of leading it.
It's just part of the gig, yet I'm constantly getting berated for
it. This isn't fair." The anger is just plain old obstinance and
resistance to authority. Again, a lot
like a teenager being told to put away the videogame and muttering, "Don't
tell me what to do" under his breath.
As he complies. And, from her
perspective she is doing exactly what I have asked her to do, and I think she
genuinely does increasingly get that she is imposing boundaries for my own

Last week
ZM made the comment, “BTW, with regard
to the “strong man” issue, I asked my wife if she feels maternal during
punishments, and she said she definitely does. In everyday life, she very much
wants and expects a strong husband, but when she decides it is time for
punishment, she becomes the authority figure and I become very much the naughty
boy. After punishment, we revert to normal.”
As the above shows, my own wife's approach is getting more and more maternal. She increasingly is the strict mom setting
boundaries and enforcing them. But, it's kind of moving in the opposite
direction from ZM's description, in that her being in control is become more
the new normal and when we revert to something else, it's because of ingrained
habits and socialization. When I'm in the middle of being told I have to order
water in a restaurant when I really wanted a nice lager, I do mutter to myself,
"I think I've created a monster."
More accurately, I think I've created a Mother! We'll see where this goes . . .
We're also
going through a big performance review push at work, changing up the way we
supervise people and trying new ways of letting them know how they're doing
and, conversely, giving them more opportunities to tell us how we are doing as
managers and as a team. As part of that,
I've been conducting a series of meetings with my people about what is working
well, what's not, etc. I have to say,
it's just fascinating what happens when you give people real room to talk about
why they do the things they do.

This is all
happening as I read on Ronnie's Heart and Soul blog,
https://ronniesoul.blogspot.com, that March is traditionally a month for
Q&A in blog world. I was not aware of that. But, from time to time I have devoted a week
to opening the floor for questions.
"ask me anything" is a little bit misleading. Because, while you can ask me anything, it
doesn't mean I'm going to answer.
Particularly things like my secret identity or questions that might make
that identity not so secret. But, with
that caveat aside, I'll do my best to answer any questions people may have. And
feel free to direct questions to each other, too.
yes, this is kind of a blatant ploy on my part to avoid putting a real topic
out there, as I just wasn't that inspired by any of them today. Though, feel
free to address any of the above, including my musings about what it is like as
the FLR aspect of this relationship becomes more prominent and I increasingly
am treated like that teenage boy, subject to rules he doesn't like but that are
imposed "for his own good
Have a great week.
Hey Dan, don't feel too badly about having to order water instead of a lager......there's not much difference. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs for questions? I have three and they're not too personal: "Have you ever seen the rain....coming down on a sunny day?", "What becomes of the broken-hearted?" and most importantly...."Who wrote the 'book of love'?" (I wonder.....wonder....)
Unfortunately, I decided to give up bread, and those Irish stouts you like are like drinking a loaf in a glass. :-)
DeleteTo answer, (1) no, but the raindrops keeping falling on my head; (2) I don't know what become of them, but if they're big girls they don't cry, and (3) Madonna, but she called it Sex.
1. How old are you, exactly?
ReplyDelete2. What is your least favorite and most favorite vegetable? Keeo in mind that corn, potatoes, and tomatoes (plus a few others) are NOT vegetables.
3. How long could you go without a smartphone?
1. I am 49. Have been for years.
Delete2. Whatever the opposite is of a vegetarian, that's me. I hate tomatoes with a passion, unless in spaghetti sauce or ketchup. I do like potatoes in all forms, particularly french fries. Other than those, I will eat spinach, broccoli and carrots, but I think of them and most other things that come out of the ground as a garnish, not a meal.
3. It would be measured in minutes or seconds. Definitely not hours or days. I did have an incident a few months ago where my phone stopped working, and it literally made me nervous. I was like a hamster in a cage, pushing the little lever but with no pellet coming put.
To make it fun, I'll answer as well.
ReplyDelete1. I'm 56.
Delete2. My least favorite vegetable is carrots. IdI venture to say that I hate carrots. My favorite vegetable is a tie between brussel sprouts and broccoli.
3. I went two weeks without, and it was torture. I can go an entire weekend without, and will sometimes do so just to avoid people.
Joe2 here,
ReplyDeleteHere are my questions:
1. What is your favorite spanking instrument and why?
2. Do you have a spanking instrument that hurts too much to use often?
Thank you
Hi Joe2,
Delete1. It's hard to define "favorite" from the disciplined party's perspective, right? That could mean, "The one that she thinks hurts but it really doesn't." And, we do have one that fits that bill. It is a wooden paddle, shaped kind of like a ping-pong paddle, and about as effective as one. It is too wide and too light to have much real impact. But, in terms of an instrument that is effective for discipline, while I have spent unbelievable amounts of $$$ on high-quality paddles, over time I have come to think that the best instrument is a fairly plain and simple leather strap.
2. We have had a few instruments that we have tried and given up on because they just did too much damage. We have a rubber strap that fits into that category. It hurts like hell, but also causes too much damage too quickly which was counterproductive because spankings came to an early halt. We also have a wooden paddle that we've stopped using because the pain was so great that it caused me to "man up" at the outset and I just could not accept the spanking as discipline and would just try to gut it out. I'm not sure why that paddle hurts so much, but I think because it is very hard wood, has large holes and is narrow such that the force is calculated.
Joe2 here,
DeleteI always wondered about paddles shaped like a ping-pong paddle. They just looked too light with too much surface area. My wife does not raise her arm above her shoulder and is not a gym rat, so options are limited.
Thank you for your answers.
Hi Dan,
DeleteI will write more later, but wanted to know what you (or others) use for a leather strap? Ironically, my wife and I were just talking a few days ago about what "tools" we are missing, and one is a leather strap and the other is a narrow but thick wood paddle with holes. I have experienced neither, though we do also have a horrible rubber strap and a variety of paddles.
Right now our most painful implement by far is a 3/8x30" delrin cane. I am currently sitting on some stripes it made last night.
We have a few leather straps. The best source I have found is The London Tanners. The appropriately named DD Strap is the best all-around punishment strap we've found. They have another called the CP Ruler Strap that gives a very, very bad sting.
DeleteI would think twice about the narrow, thick paddle with holes. We have tried them, and it's generally just too much force and hardness in too small a surface area.
For reasons I don't quite understand, my wife just can't seem to make canes work very well. We have tried them several times, but it just doesn't hurt very much, and she doesn't like using them. There clearly is something she is not doing right, but I can't tell what.
Thanks for the strap information. I haven't yet had the "pleasure" of experiencing it, so really don't know what to expect.
DeleteYou might be right about the holed paddle but I will probably try it anyway, since I usually make my own. I get it about it hurting too much from the beginning so being counterproductive. However, honestly I could see her using it more near the end of a punishment, when I am already somewhat numb, with the intention of leaving a longer lasting impression (ie bruised bottom).
As for the cane, I think maybe you already answered your question when you said "she doesn't like using them." I can tell you that thus delrin cane, used hard, just causes an indescribable amount of pain... In general I can say that rattan canes, or at least those we have tried, are quite a bit easier to take, but Lexan and Delrin are just evil.
For Christmas, my wife got us an M1 strap from the LeatherThorn etsy shop. We each like it for different reasons. Definitely worth a look.
DeleteIt's rare that us husbands do truly BAD things. It's typically varied degrees of stupid, selfish or "bad behavior". However, as you and wife's experience w DD and FLR together continues to progress and evolve and your wife's view of the role of true punishment continues to advance.....could you see a time or situation that you step over that line with an egregious enough offense (I've had just a couple of them in my 27 yr marriage) that for that circumstance your wife is not concerned about how you react or handle the spanking (maning up etc).... her goal IS to truly want it to hurt to the extent that that it is severe enough an expereince that you would NEVER make that kind of mistake again and pay a price commensurate to the offense....as such she disregards the duration or how you feel about it....and she picks up the severe wooden paddle you've referenced and truly teaches you a lesson you won't forget?
Hi Darren. What you describe has really been her norm in the past. I have told her that going hard from the beginning, no warm-up, etc., with a really intense instrument makes it harder for me to give in to it, stop resisting, get to the point of tears, etc. Yet, it never really changes how she spanks. She goes hard from the beginning with whatever tool she feels like using. I don't know for sure, but I think that part of the reason she does so is that while she knows I want to experience the catharsis of crying from a spanking, and she kind of wants to see that happen, her primary goal is to spanking hard enough every time that it is real punishment.
DeleteHi Dan. That domestic discipline strap from London tanners is the one that gets used on me. It makes one hell of a smacking cracking sound when it is laid on by a determined lady and it stings like the swarm of bees but causes no harm other than to turn the recipients bottom a very bright shade of red. This redness can last for several days I have found. Does that sound like your experience of this particular strap ? It has a very comfortable handle as well which presumably makes life easy for Mrs Dan. What are the qualities that make a good and effective strap for you guys ?
DeleteYes, that is my experience, though it can cause more significant marking that just a persistent shade of red. I can define effective straps more in terms of what does not work than what does. If they are too long--like many of those marketed at "prison" straps--they are hard to handle and tend to do more damages to the hip when they wrap around. If they are too flimsy, they aren't effective. But, if they are too thick, then they have many of the same drawbacks as a too-large paddle. I think what makes the DD Strap so effective is it is thick but somewhat yielding (unlike a few of the larger London Tanners straps), long enough to cover both cheeks and to generate some real force but not so long that it is difficult to wield.
DeleteI have come to believe that while paddles may appear to be more severe than straps, many really aren't, primarily because of the duration element. A wife can go a long, long time with a strap. Most paddles eventually end up numbing the butt, thereby ending the spanking as real "discipline."
Dan thanks for the reply. I agree with what you say about the ineffectiveness of paddles compared to the more yielding quality of the strap. It sounds as if you have spent quite a lot of money on various implements and quality equipment is by no means cheap I am sure you would agree. Do you and Mrs D find that the DD strap is more effective with you bending over or laying face down ? Also, you mention that a wife can go a long long time with a strap. Typically how long does Mrs Dan strap you for ?
DeleteYes, I hesitate to even add up what I have spent over the years on this little hobby of ours. And, I have a thing for custom paddles made with exotic wood, so even when we do not "need" another tool, I tend to buy her a present if I see something especially nice or unique.
DeleteI am usually laying down. She says she can generate more force swinging downward than to the side.
While a strap can go a long time, typically she does not use any one instrument for an entire spanking. She tends to switch at least four or five times, though I have told her that I think she would do better to use a strap and just let the pain build and build.
Hi Dan
ReplyDeleteYou are indeed a brave man to field questions!
I'm curious what happens after you receive a good spanking?
This can be an awkward and uncomfortable time (in more ways than one!).
Is there rubbing , dancing or corner time ?Perhaps a post spanking scolding? Does your wife tease you or laugh when you have trouble sitting after?Or I'd it just 'back to business' and forgotten?
Hi Glen. No rubbing, dancing, corner time or a post-spanking scolding. The most immediate happening is me putting her tools away. Probably 80% of the time, we have sex afterward. On those occasions when we don't it is generally "back to business." She will sometimes want to take a look the next morning at the extent of visible marking, and will often express disappointment if the lingering results don't seem to match the effort that went into them.
DeleteI'm surprised she doesn't insist on a 're-spank' when she is disappointed in the results!
DeleteThanks Dan.
Haha Glenmore. I was thinking exactly the same thing! I hope she reads this blog!
Thankfully, while she knows about the blog, she seems to have remarkably little interest in reading it.
DeleteWhen she is 'disappointed ' I suspectshe will make a point of making up for it next time Dan!
Deletedan here are my three questions:
ReplyDelete1) do you get hard being spanked
2) is the sex after a discipline session different
3) does she stay dressed with you naked for discipline
thanks for this
Hi Peter.
Delete1) It depends on what you mean by "being." Before, for sure. During, not so much. I am usually completely soft within a few swats.
2) Not the sex itself. We tend to talk at least a little about the DD/FLR aspect of our relationship or about that particular session, which doesn't happen as much where the sex was not preceded by a spanking. But, the sex itself is much the same.
3) Yes, she is always fully clothed and I am always naked for each spanking.
Questions for Dan and others: Did your wife find that administering a spanking was awkward at first? If so, how long did it take for it to seem like a natural thing to do?
ReplyDeleteWhen we decided that my wife should be in charge of certain types of decisions, we naively believed that no enforcement mechanism was needed since I agreed to her deciding. Although I have never questioned her decision to assign certain chores to me, the timeliness and quality of completing those chores hasn't always met her expectations. Also, I sometimes cross the line from providing input to her decisions, which is encouraged, to complaining about her decisions, which is not allowed. We eventually agreed that she needed some tools to deal with these issues. I am the one that suggested that spankings should be among her options. Her preferred options are assigning additional chores or telling me no for an activity I want to do. Sometimes those options are not practical. She says that spanking me seems like a good idea but actually doing it feels awkward to her.
No, oddly enough, mine seemed to take to it very quickly.
DeleteAnyone else have input to Anonymous' question about: how long it took your wife to get to the point that giving a spanking felt "natural" for her???? Any examples of that first time she reflexively disciplined ....and you thought "OH DAMN....she's bought in to this!!!!" For me/us we're unfortunately still at a stage that it is still a bit "forced" and awkward. Hoping with more work it will be more seamlessly incorporated into part of our day to day relationship.
DeleteThe number of swats in our first five 'encounters' were (approximately): 4, 4, 30, 70, 100. (Each a few weeks apart.)
DeleteSo yes, I'd say my wife took to it fairly quickly! She does have a naturally dominant personality, so I wasn't too surprised. I think any couple can make it work with time and communication.
Hi Dan and others. Been away for over a month and living off the grid. Amused to hear the question about living without the phone. We were without TV, internet and virtually no cell phone. It was available for emergency calls. Also your wife's seemingly stepping up on giving discipline is what we do every January. Renewing our agreement, my pledge and reviewing our list of infractions. For about a month, it is almost like a boot camp and she notices and acts on everything I mess up on, giving discipline spankings very often.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, my questions:
Does she always spank you only on full cheeks? There are times my Dominant directs a full leg spread and seems to concentrate on inner cheeks and anus.
Are you spanked immediately or as near as possible after an infraction, not waiting until, say bedtime?
Are you aware of any others knowing about your lifestyle. For example, family (yours or hers), friends, neighbors, etc.
Hi SC.
Delete(1) Yes, only on the cheeks. I was thinking about a topic around this, including whether any of the Disciplinary Wives strap on the things. This seems to be "a thing" in some spanking fiction and spanking art, but I don't know how prevalent it is in real DD relationships.
(2) No, spankings are often delayed not just hours, but days or weeks. We have talked about changing that and it's been a long standing goal, but it doesn't seem to happen.
(3) As far as I know, only two people know. One is a mutual friend and the other a fellow DD blogger. It is, of course, possible that one or more of the kids know but has not informed us. Where the kids are concerned, it also may be that they have observed some of the blooming FLR aspects (their mother being increasingly outspoken about what she wants) but not the spanking part. I just don't know.
It's also more than theoretically possible that neighbors might know. I can be pretty vocal when it comes to yelping from the hard swats, so it is at least possible that neighbors might have overheard.
If you don't mind another question Dan based on your answer above.
DeleteDoes your loud vocalization have an impact on the spanking such as her spanking less hard ...or harder?Perhaps it inspires her.?
I think it has positive and negative effects. On the one hand, I think it does gratify her to know she is getting the job done. On the other, I think it probably decreased the frequency of spanking and delayed taking care of business right away, because even if we were doing it in the basement and later at night, I think she worried that kids might overhear.
ReplyDeleteAnna here....
I have a thousand questions but will stick to just three.
1. Are you naked when you wife comes into the room or does she watch you undress?
2. Is there ever corner time, either before or after a session ?
3. If there is sex after a session of discipline are you allowed to ejaculate?
4. One more, if you could write a script for a session what would you want to include
that isnt there now?
Thanks you are the best
......I've been thinking about having corner time incorporated so curious to hear your response to that. Also related to your response about concerns over noise causing postponing your discipline...have thought about her using things like calling me aside out of earshot of kids and being sent to my room or something like that as immediate punishments in the moment....but knowing that spanking is coming when it can
DeleteHi Anna. Particularly for you, I am happy to answer more than three. :-)
Delete(1) I'm almost always naked when she comes into the room. Sometimes it varies in that she will come into the bedroom as I am getting out her tools and setting things up. I may not be naked at that point. But, in those cases, she usually goes into the master bathroom and futzes around in there while I finish setting up and then get undressed. It is pretty rare for her to actually watch me get naked before a spanking and has even lectured me for not being naked when she comes in. I don't really know whether being made to disrobe in front of her would add to or retract from the feeling of vulnerability. Thoughts?
(2) We have never done corner time, though I have been bringing it up more lately. Given my ADD nature, it could definitely make me a little crazy. On the other hand, I manage to control the ADD while doing meditation, so there is the chance that I would just start meditating with my nose against the wall, thereby entirely defeating the purpose of the corner time.
(3) Yes. She has never tried to cut me off from ejaculating during sex, whether post-spanking or otherwise.
(4) There are really two. First, I think in general, longer and harder lecturing before, and possibly during, a session. Second, as you well know, I am fascinated and terrified by tears, and that is the #1 thing that I would "like" to experience during a session that has not happened so far. The first kind of relates to the second, as I think stronger lecturing would help put me in a better mindset to let go. Though, recently I have been asking her to get stricter with me in general and generally be more verbally directive and in charge, so it's not only about being lectured right before a spanking but putting in my place more in general. You have said that Peter can be cocky and arrogant, and those are certainly my failings as well. She is definitely getting better at dealing with that immediately.
Darren, we have thought about that, too. Being sent to your room could definitely be an "in the moment" kind of punishment.
ReplyDeleteJust finished reading for first time FEMDOMTHINKTANK.BLOGSPOT.COM Think all men seeking a more dominating wife should read it
Hi Anna. Yes, the most recent posting there is pretty illuminating, and a little concerning. You would think that two people into DD would have at least somewhat similar motivations, but that chart they post is a real eye-opener on the whole "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus," thing. The high and low-ranking items are almost mirror images. But, it's consistent with my own experience. As soon as my wife started stepping it up on the FLR side, it became apparent that things like doing chores were very high on her list of priorities, but on my side . . . not so much. It does surprise me a little that "Unconditional Obedience" ranked so high for women but so low for men.
DeleteI do think the analysis might have been more helpful had respondents had to pick and choose among pre-set alternatives. I suspect one reason "unconditional obedience" ranked low for men is that some men probably thought of that as being part of "he recognizes obedience to her" or even "accountability."
Dan, a woman’s perspective, I insist that I control any punishment session. When I tell Bart it time for “ a Talk” that means I list his offense or offenses, he waits for me fully dressed. I ceremoniously unfasten his belt lower his pants and underpants to his ankles. This is different than an erotic encounter, pre- lovie making .If I am administering the soanking otk with a hairbrush or bent over using the strap, the pants around the ankles is very childish not erotic . If he cries out with expletives that get his mouth soaped which he hates, also childish and me in control. Yelling louder makes the spanking harder and longer so he rarely does that. I never ever allow him to righle or squirm away. All spankings are followed by pants down corner time. Earlier when we were younger and spankings more frequent Bart’s behind became hardened. Now he is more sensitive and I always leave marks that last several days. I have a London Tanners strap that I purchased after years of trying belts that were hard to aim and often wrapped around and left marks on his hips in front . When he sees this strap he knows it’s going to be difficult to sit for a while. Over the years I have spankef him in hotels and he hated the idea that someone could hear. For years I carried my hair brush in my purse and if I motioned toward it he knew he was in for it.
ReplyDeleteHi Sylvia. I can definitely understand how how pants around the ankles, as opposed to full nudity, could be very humbling. My wife has not done it that way, but I do see how it could be very effective.
DeleteI did recently add a heavy belt to her arsenal, because she is not at all interested right now in "outing" ourselves, so we wanted something we could travel with for use on vacation. A heavy belt seemed innocuous enough. Though, you are right, for home use the strap is much preferred.
I usually pack my hairbrush - and the martinet - when we travel... and I have used them quite a few times in our hotel rooms (knowing full well that we may be overheard).
DeleteL. (naturally) is always embarrassed when this happens - especially when "knowing smiles" are directed at us by chambermaids or by other guests (almost always women) we go down for dinner...
Dan, as many of your followers, Bart’s public posture is very alpha male. While he is respectful of women generally speaking he does sometimes act out with other men and is prone to fits of road rage . Now that are kids are grown on the occasions where o have felt he acted too macho and even dangerous I have felt taking him down a few notches important . It’s in this dynamic where I find the exchange of power so important to our relationship and for his health and safety. We have had situations where while in the car he gets angry and loses perspective . While Bart is much bigger and stronger than me when I march him by the ear with him stumbling and shuffling with his pants around his ankles he seems quite humbled . After many years of marriage I don’t combine sex with spanking While there is no doubt some sexual component , the spankings are punishment not a reward I don’t enjoy the actual act of spanking but love how calm and affectionate he is after composing himself .
ReplyDeleteI have some road rage problems myself. I think that people who drive in the left lane slower than those behind them and refuse to move to the right need to taken to the side of the road and shot. Since I have no authority to do that, I have been known to go around them, get in front of them, and then slow WAY down until they are forced to either move over or come to a dead stop. Fortunately, when we go somewhere together my wife almost always drives (because I like to read, not because of the FLR thing), thus she never sees such bad behavior, thereby saving my ass.
DeleteAggressive driving was one of the traits that got me into trouble with my wife initially as she is quite nervous as a passenger.
DeleteAfter a few repeat offences, she decided a paddling AND the removal of my driving privileges would be a better correction.
As a result , like Dan , she does all the driving now , not because I like to read but because its less stressful and she prefers it.
It hasn't saved me entirely from paddlings as I do still occasionally 'have a go' on her behalf at inconsiderate drivers who cut her off , etc.
The rude drivers don't bother her at all , but my yelling at them does!
I am not guilty of "road rage", but there have been a number of times when some "reckless driving" got me in trouble with my wife. In such cases (which typically occur on narrow, winding roads), I may be ordered to pull over in the nearest country lane where she can (unobserved) pull down my pants and deliver the spanking I "deserve"... unless (when we are traveling) she prefers to wait until we get to our hotel, where she can spank or whip me as she sees fit!
ReplyDeleteHas your wife ever spanked you more than once in a single day?
Hi Frank. No, we've talked about her doing that for particularly egregious offenses, but she has not actually done it.
DeleteThere have been times when L. needed to be spanked more than once a day - but this mostly happens on the weekend when I give him a list of chores to perform... and when he needs occasional "reminders" (sometimes with the kitchen spoon, sometimes with a switch, or with the martinet - or, occasionally, with the strap...
Hello all,
ReplyDeleteSince this week has had a number of comments/questions involving the specifics of punishment, I have a question that I have never found a good answer to. If a punishment is to consist of multiple implements, for example a hairbrush, bathbrush, paddle, and a strap, in which order should they be used, or does it matter? My assumption, at least dealing with rigid wood items, is that they should be used from lighter to heavier, since the heavy ones tend to make the bottom go numb. However, I don't know how "whippier" things fit in, such as straps and canes.
That is my view, though I think most wood items will numb eventually, so if they are going to be used for a long duration, they should be used later
ReplyDeleteHas your wife ever spanked you away from your home. Have a great week.
Hi Frank. Yes, a few times. Mainly in hotel rooms while on vacation.
DeleteSame here... (and occasionally in the woods) :-)