Hi all. For those of you in the U.S., I hope your long Labor Day weekend is off to a good start. I do plan to post over the weekend, but I'm off taking care of some other things this morning. I plan to post later today, or tomorrow morning.
A forum for Disciplined Husbands and Disciplinary Wives to share their thoughts regarding Domestic Discipline and Female Led Relationships. No offense to our friends in the Femdom, BDSM and Master-slave communities, but that's not really what this blog is about. This site is for adults only and includes adult content. If you are not an adult or are offended by such material, please leave now.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Club Meeting 309 - Confessing & Snitching
Between lovers a little
confession is a dangerous thing. - Helen Rowland
Hello all. Welcome back to
The Disciplinary Couple’s Club. Our
weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a
Domestic Discipline relationship.
I hope you had a great
week. Mine was up and down. We are slow
at work again, but I also had a lot of work-related travel and
socializing. Bad combination. I don’t do well when I’m not busy with
concrete tasks and projects. The week
was also book-ended by work related socializing that left me depleted
energetically. But, at least there is
the weekend . . .
We had a good discussion last
week about our experiences with parental discipline. Over the years of blogging and polling about “origins”
and how we come to this lifestyle, the surprising pattern is the lack of any
common pattern. Some experienced lots of
spankings as kids. Some none at
all. Some of us grew up with consistent
discipline and enforced boundaries. Some were left to basically raise ourselves. After years of discussion this, I really don’t
see any pattern at all, and I’m at a loss to explain what triggered my own
attraction to being disciplined and to having power taken away from me. I have this sneaky suspicion that if there is
a common pattern, it has more to do with the parenting style of the fathers
than mothers, though thanks to Freud we tend to see this stuff through an
Oedipal lens.
We also explored again the
maternal aspects of discipline, with Danielle observing: “I guess my FLR is
more maternal than many of the DD relationships people here have for a couple
of reasons. First, my authority is not limited by some sort of agreement about
“spanking infractions.” I decide when discipline is needed and what form it
will take. Second, I don’t limit consequences to spanking, but add the kinds of
consequences I used to discipline my sons when they were teens.” I think that touches on some of my own needs
for discipline with a maternal vibe. ZM
said he would like to explore the maternal issue in more depth, and I heartily
agree but can’t quite figure out an appropriate topic formulation. All thoughts and suggestions on that are
As for this week’s topic, I’m
feeling kind of lazy, so I will once again take advantage of a topic suggestion
from “A husband who knows.” He suggested:
“Possible topic: the
Confession Challenge. Dan, above you reveal three work behaviors your
disciplinarian does not know about. And you did so knowing that your wife reads
your blog. Repeat that confession and challenge the rest of us to confess
behaviors our disciplinarian does not know about for which we likely would be
punished. Challenge Part 2: Challenge each of us to read our confession to our
disciplinarian! Then report back here what happens!”
Tomy responded: “"Confessional
Sessions" were the most popular of activities in Aunt Kay's Gathering
events (group events). In those cases men submitted a written confession to
Aunt Kay and she studied them and assigned them to one of the other wives who
then took appropriate action. It was super-cool.” Tomy, as an aside, I would love to hear more about this. Your allusions to ways in which the DWC really was a live "club" always intrigue me.
The “confession” AHWK was
referring to was this comment from me identifying behaviors at work that either
hold me back or that I just feel like I should correct because it is the right
thing to do:
(1) Temper and lack of
patience with others, whether directed up or down. I try really, really hard
not to "punch down," but it wasn't quite true when I said above that
it "never" happens. It's rare, but it can happen, especially if I'm
dealing with someone who is being kind of mindless rule follower and getting in
the way of getting something done. But, if it someone a lot lower than me in
the pecking order, losing my temper or being rude to someone in those
circumstances is something I really wish someone would rat me out for.
(2) Failure to keep up on
some required paperwork and reporting. There is one task that is fundamental to
how we get paid, but that I just absolutely hate. I'm always behind and, while
it doesn't impact the organization much, it means I spend a lot of evenings and
weekends playing catch up. It would be great if someone told my wife,
"BTW, he's a week behind again in turning in X report . . ."
(3) Getting snotty with
bureaucracy from "on high." This is a variant of (1), but I really do
have a problem dealing with entrenched foolishness and, while it's fine to
bring it up, I tend to do it snarky, sarcastic ways.
As I told AHWK, my wife does
know about these behaviors because I’ve talked to her about them before, but
she doesn’t have any way to find out about specific instances of those
behaviors unless I report it myself.
Which I often don’t. Why not?
Well, it’s not really about fear of punishment.
It’s more that I really am embarrassed that I engaged in the behavior,
and I don’t want to tell her about it because I don’t want to look bad.
It’s really that simple. But, since the AHWK dropped the gauntlet, and since there is no mechanism in place for anyone at work to snitch on me, I
will man up and confess to three specific examples of bad behavior, all of
which are loosely work related:
(1) I did “punch down” a bit
recently, expressing some dissatisfaction to someone in our IT department about
a policy that has been driving me crazy.
I wasn’t mean exactly, but he doesn’t really have any power to change
the thing that was making me mad, so it was more about me venting my spleen
than about accomplishing anything.
(2) Last week, I got
frustrated for about the thousandth time with some communications coming from
the “C-Suite” that I see as a distraction and an example of focusing on small
things to the exclusion of more important issues. I made that view very clear in an email that
went to a dozen more people, some peers and some up the chain. Again, it wasn’t that I was saying anything
that was wrong, but saying it yet again in way that was a very direct challenge
to the thinking and priorities of those at the top just didn’t really serve any
purpose, so why do it.
(3) I had a fairly
significant instance of losing my temper last week, when a fairly new colleague
started criticizing some things the organization was doing, without having any
real understanding of what he was talking about. I took it for a while, then rebuked him
pretty directly, in a large meeting, for mouthing off before he had sufficient
background to really understand an issue.
I alluded to this incident in last week’s blog post. There is not a question in my mind that he
was out of line. But, the way I reacted is not how a leader should act. And, ironically, I am sure that some of the
leaders I directed the communication to in (2), above, feel like I was behaving
exactly like the guy I went off on in my meeting.
Also, since this topic originated
with some comments relating to enlisting co-workers and others to “rat out” a
DD husband for bad behavior at work, I would like to expand the topic a bit by
asking have you ever gotten spanked for something because someone “told on you”? Perhaps a work colleague let something slip
at a party? Maybe a friend referred to
some shared adventure you hadn’t shared with your wife? For all the wives, do
you have any kind of “intelligence network” in place that will tip you off to
bad behavior? Have you ever been shocked
to find out through a third-party that your husband did something and failed to
report it? How did you deal with it?
Content Note: I'm adding this note, because several comments indicate an issue that is becoming a problem and that I want to nip in the bud. I do not mind when regular commenters drift off into other territory sometimes after addressing a topic. But, the last couple of weeks have seen several people--mainly various iterations of "Anonymous" and a couple of new commenters--attempt to use this as a convenient place to strike up a discussion about their Femdom fantasies, BDSM scening, etc. Enough. The masthead at the top of the blog says what it is about -- and what it is not. I'm going to just start deleting comments that don't have anything to do with the topic or that kind of pretend to for a sentence or two before launching off into whatever Femdom or BDSM fantasy the commenter feels like talking about at random.
Content Note: I'm adding this note, because several comments indicate an issue that is becoming a problem and that I want to nip in the bud. I do not mind when regular commenters drift off into other territory sometimes after addressing a topic. But, the last couple of weeks have seen several people--mainly various iterations of "Anonymous" and a couple of new commenters--attempt to use this as a convenient place to strike up a discussion about their Femdom fantasies, BDSM scening, etc. Enough. The masthead at the top of the blog says what it is about -- and what it is not. I'm going to just start deleting comments that don't have anything to do with the topic or that kind of pretend to for a sentence or two before launching off into whatever Femdom or BDSM fantasy the commenter feels like talking about at random.
Have a great week.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Club Meeting 308 - Parental Discipline
“If soldiers are
punished before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove
submissive; and, unless submissive,
then will be practically useless. If, when the soldiers have become attached to
you, punishments are not enforced, they will still be useless.” ― Sun Tzu, The
Art of War
Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couples
Club. Our weekly gathering of men and
women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline relationships,
mainly of the Female/male variety. I
hope you had a good week.
Mine was one in which everything
at work seemed to go from bad to work, and some of it because of very
undisciplined behavior. And, for once,
not just mine. I had a new colleague
pushing buttons in some major ways, and he finally pushed the wrong one and I
went off. I reported last year about an
incident in which I went off on someone and Anne made me apologize to them, and
how humbling that was. This time the situation
is different, in that last time I really did feel like I jumped to a conclusion
that was wrong even if it was perfectly consistent with the kind of dick-ish
behavior this person displayed on a regular basis. Even if it was humbling to
do, I felt like my behavior really called for it precisely because my reaction
to him was factually wrong. This time,
there really isn’t any doubt this guy was crossing lines and pushing buttons. The only real issue is whether my reaction
was consistent with what I expect from myself and, hence, whether some humbling
is called for even if I wasn’t actually in the wrong this time. I guess another way of putting it is you can
react in a way that is perfectly consistent with reality and that the recipient
100% deserves, yet it still may not be consistent with the kind of behavior you
want to embody. I need to think about
this more, because right now I’m still pretty pissed off at this guy and enjoying
wallowing in my righteous indignation and feeling kind of good about taking him
down a peg. But, for now, on to other
In one of the final comments
on last week’s topic, “A husband who knows” suggested the following: “Possible topic: Compare the discipline
you got from your parents with the discipline you get from your wife (or give
to your husband). How are they alike and different? Which has been more
effective? Which do you prefer?” This touches a bit on a post I did
back in February about the maternal element in discipline, and while I
generally try to avoid doing the same topic twice in one year, this one is
broader and gives people more room to roam.
Also, I’ve honestly been wanting to explore the issues around maternal
and parental discipline more, because I’ve been getting more comfortable with
admitting to myself that, while many here seem to have come to adult discipline
via an early and probably innate fascination with spanking, my own needs in
this area seem more closely tied to discipline or lack thereof as a teenager that
now compels me to want discipline with a particularly “parental” element.
But, before we get to that, a
hopefully interesting aside. In looking
for quotes to put at the top of this post, I thought that a good place to start
for quotes related to parental discipline might be to run a Google search for
quotes related to the biblical injunction of “spare the rod and spoil the
child.” What I found was kind of
fascinating given the context of this blog and today's topic because, as it turns out that quote actually
is not from the Bible at all and, in fact, is about adult spanking! For the whole back story, check out this
article: http://www.thisdayinquotes.com/2010/11/spare-rod-and-spoil-child-is-not-in.html. Note: The quote I ended up using has nothing to do with parental discipline, but I found it while doing the search for quotes for today's topic and it seemed to me to be a very insightful statement on the interplay between love and authority.
Now, after that little
diversion, I’ll throw out my own answer to “A husband who knows” topic,
hopefully without retreading too much on February’s post.

I think the reasons I don’t
recall any by my mother is because they simply weren’t that eventful and
probably happened when I was young enough that I just don’t remember them.
Interestingly, I do remember at least one
spanking she gave one of my sisters. In fact, it had some corollaries to the drawing the left, except what I recall is my sister being draped over the end of the bed, not on all fours on top of it. What I don't recall is exactly how I came to have this memory. The most likely explanation is that I opened the bedroom door a crack and looked in as it was happening. Probably should have earned one myself for that behavior.
I'm also pretty certain that was not the only time my sister got spanked. She was kind of a bully as a teen and got in lots of trouble at school and, like a lot of families at that time and in that place, the rule was "get spanked at school, get a second and harder one at home that night."
I do recall some threatened and
at least one actual spanking from my father.
I recall the threatened spanking situation fairly vividly, and it
involved one of those very direct instructions that if I kept doing something I
was going to get spanked. What I don’t
recall is whether I actually did keep doing what I was doing and did actually
get spanked. I even more vividly recall
one actual spanking, because it would have been pretty hard to forget as it was
a very sound spanking with a belt.
But, I think it is not so
much spanking in particular as discipline in general where my parent’s approach was both atypical for the time and place but also very distinct from what I need now and what my wife are increasingly experimenting with her trying to provide. My mother was very strong-willed in some
ways, but it was expressed very erratically.
She could go from June Cleaver to Mommy Dearest in a heartbeat. She seldom made or enforced rules but, at the
same time, could be very pushy and aggressive.
But, it was totally inconsistent and never really connected to setting a
rule precluding any particular bad behavior and then imposing a consequence for
that behavior.
My father’s approach to bad
behavior was even more forgiving. He had
been a wild man in his youth and, frankly, well past the age where most men start
growing up. If I had to compare him to a
literary character, the closest I can come is probably Hud in the Larry
McMurtry novel “Horseman Pass By,” which was made into a movie starring Paul Newman
as the erratic western anti-hero Hud. He was sort of a force of nature, but it
wasn’t just by temperament; it was his overarching philosophy and encompasses
his philosophy on parenting. He told me
more than once in high school, “I’m not going to lay down a bunch of rules
unless and until you screw up in some way that shows me you need them.” Now, that may sound like a teenage boy’s wet
dream, but the problem was I did, in fact, screw up a lot at least by normal
standards. I was just smart and lucky
enough to get myself out of it most of the time. So, there was almost nothing like accountability-based or rule-driven discipline for me growing up:
I wasn’t really aware of how
stressful that was at the time, but I think by the time I got out of college I
felt like I had the world on my shoulders, because when there are no boundaries
being imposed on you, everything you do and all the associated consequences are
fully on you, too. By the time I got out
of grad school, I felt an incredible amount of stress and anxiety, even if I
didn’t really show it. So, I think I was
primed and ready when I stumbled on the Disciplinary Wives Club in my late 30s. The descriptions of men having boundaries
imposed upon them by strong-willed wives just really got to me deep down
inside. But, I don’t think I consciously
associated it with anything maternal. I
really needed someone to set rules and enforce them consistently, but anyone
would do if they had sufficient presence and authority to make me feel like I
am not the one in command and that punishment is inevitable and resistance
futile. While the "strict mom"
archetype serves that role, so could an aunt, teacher, school principal, or any
other authoritarian whose power or position was sufficient to make me submit.
So, to answer “A husband who
knows” first question, the differences between the discipline received from my
parents and the discipline from my wife are like night and day. My parents very seldom spanked and, at least
once I got old enough to remember such things, arguably never really disciplined,
at least if we associate discipline with, to use Anton’s word, “training.” “Effectiveness” follows that same answer – my
parents didn’t discipline at all, so anything my wife does is likely to be more
I think the more interesting
part of the topic for me is the interplay between what I didn’t get back then
and what I think I need now. For a long time, I didn’t bring this up at all with
Anne, or even really to myself, though I think I suspected on some level that
my need for adult discipline is rooted in a need for what I will call, for lack
of a better word, “re-parenting.”
has talked in positive terms about using DD to reduce me to a "teen-age
boy who needs a spanking from his mom."
She also has compared me to a teenager who mischievously pushes buttons
just to do it, then is surprised when she actually does something about it. It's that roller-coaster ride that is my DD
obsession—wanting boundaries when I don’t perceive them and then getting
resentful when she suddenly imposes one.
What I am starting to appreciate is it may very well have been my own
mother's erratic approach to parenting, and my father’s totally passive
approach, that put me on that roller-coaster, wanting discipline when it is
absent but resenting it once it is imposed. And, what I seem to both crave and resist the most is consistent, no nonsense rule setting and direction. In fact, at the risk of saying anything negative, I think the one "deficiency" in our DD lifestyle has always been lack of consistency, and I think I crave it (and resist it) precisely because my mother was so inconsistent in her moods and parenting approach.
As discussed last year, I've
also noticed that part of the attraction I have to spanking drawings that
include a maternal vibe is the "getting down to business" demeanor
and the sense of inevitability it conveys, and the domestic setting definitely adds to the ambiance.
Yet, I have shied away from expressing a lot of this on the blog, because
I do want it to be a positive resource that encourages newbies to try Domestic
Discipline, but I also realize that the “I’m his wife, not his mother” attitude
may be pretty prevalent with wives who are unexpectedly confronted with a
husband’s need for discipline.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Club Meeting 307 - Scolding
“Power is not a means; it is
an end. - George Orwell
Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couples
Club. Our weekly gathering of men and
women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline relationships,
mainly of the Female/male variety. I
hope you had a good week.
Sorry for the late posting. I had a few other things going on today. Typical summer Saturday.
Thanks for carrying on without
me. I did check in to see what was going
on from time to time, but I was consciously trying to check out a bit. I succeeded to some extent, though I ended up
getting sick a few days into it. I guess
the upside is, I’ve been hoping to lose 10 or 15 pounds – just didn’t
anticipate it happening quite so abruptly and violently. I know -- Too Much Information, right?
I can’t say I came back
super inspired with new topics. But, it
was nice of some of you to help me out with some ideas based on comments from a
week ago. During our discussion of rituals,
Danielle and Alan had an exchange about scolding and its place in an FLR and DD
relationship. Based on some past polls, despite—or
perhaps because of—its humbling aspects, many men seem to crave a firm “talking
to.” Here are the results of one we ran
a couple of years ago:
"I am in a DD
relationship, and if I could change things, I wish . . ."
Spankings were more severe 76
Spankings were less severe
Spankings were more
frequent 91
Spankings were less
frequent 3
My partner would be more
verbally strict 76
My partner would be less
verbally strict 0
My partner would be more
openly dominant 67
My partner would be less
openly dominant 1
While “more openly dominant,”
came close, “more verbally strict” was the only answer that was 100%
unanimous. So, apparently many of us
fantasize about their wives “using their words” to put us in our place. Danielle talked about it thusly:
“Spankings are always
preceded by a scolding. I’ve become adept at scolding and I like doing it. In
pre-FLR days, Wayne and I used to have some pretty intense arguments about
things like the division of housework. Now that we have a FLR I find it
wonderfully empowering to be able to tear a strip off my husband in a one-sided
way because I remember how he used to argue with me. I think it is as humbling
for him as it is empowering for me. Sometimes a chastisement will begin and end
with a good scolding.”
“In our house a serious scolding usually is a segue to spanking but sometimes I am smart enough to back down early enough I get warnings, her favorite being “you’re close”. Discipline is a delicate dance and I unconsciously gauge how far I can go. That leash has gotten shorter and shorter over the years. But at the same time I think her warnings have become more and more effective because I know the point of no return is close. It’s part of the paradox every spankee confronts -loving to fantasize a spanking will be administered but hating the actual spanking itself.”
As Danielle and Alan point
out, scolding can be a prelude to discipline, an independent form of
discipline, or something that helps reinforce her authority and control. I suppose it also could be used after
a spanking to reinforce the message.
So, scolding it this week’s
topic. What role, if any, does it play
in your DD or FLR relationship? Are you
one of those men who crave it? Are those
needs satisfied? And, importantly, what impact does her
scolding have on you?
Tell us all how that works, with as much detail as
possible since I think we all—husbands and wives—benefit from concrete examples. For the wives, are you
comfortable scolding, lecturing, and verbally chastising your man? If so, was it always that way? If not, how did you get comfortable with it? How does he react to it?
To kick it off, I am one of
those men who want—or think I want—verbal strictness and scolding. This is one area in which my desire for
authority with a “maternal” vibe really comes shining through. I would like her to explore being much more
verbally strict – telling me what to do, chastising me with some real force and
fury when I screw up, etc. Our reality
is a little different. Most of the
scolding that happens is, in fact, a prelude to spankings, and she doesn’t tend
to “rip me a new one” outside that context.
I’m sure some women worry
about being seen as “bitchy” if they are verbally strong, but I think for men
wired like many of us here, it works the opposite. Weak verbalizing comes off as “nagging,”
while a strong and confident woman saying what she expects and enforcing her
rules with her voice as much as with her paddle is incredibly sexy and
So, tell us about your experiences
and views on scolding and verbal strictness.
I hope you have a great week.
Friday, August 2, 2019
On Vacation
Happy Friday all. We are winding down the summer with an impromptu vacation. I hope you all have a great weekend and upcoming week.
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