"Sex is
as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be
satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.”- Marquis de
all. Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couple's Club. Our weekly
gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, Domestic
Discipline and Female Led Relationships. I hope you all had a great week.
We had a good discussion last week regarding proactively preventing bad behavior,
versus simply punishing it. Several people
shared their experiences with preventative spankings, and there seemed to be a
general consensus that such spankings can help actually prevent bad behavior. This week, I was reminded that some punishments can both punish and prevent. My wife grounded me as punishment for night
that involved a little too much carousing with work people, and the punishment
was that I am grounded and banned from drinking for a week. So, the
punishment both addressed the bad behavior and directly prevented further
misbehavior by removing me from the situation that keeps getting me in
Our conversation last week also took off on a slight tangent into whether
self-reporting and taking the initiative of bringing her the belt or paddle
moves the DD relationship forward or, conversely, undermines her
authority. That one may be worth a topic in the near future, though we've
done variations of it before.
For this week, let's talk
about sex. Do I have your attention now?
Of course I do. Yet, one of the reasons
for this topic was an article I read this week that indicates that at the same
time that attitudes toward sex are increasingly liberated and sexual imagery
and content is more available than ever, Americans are actually having much
less sex than in the past.
http://time.com/5297145/is-sex-dead/. It’s a fascinating read, and I
encourage you to go through the whole article, but the following gives a sufficient summary for our purposes: "According to the
General Social Survey, a profile of American behavior that has been gathered by
the National Opinion Research Council at the University of Chicago since 1972,
the fraction of people getting it on at least once a week fell from 45% in 2000
to 36% in 2016. One study of the GSS data showed that more than twice as many
millennials were sexually inactive in their early 20s than the prior generation
was. And the sharpest drop was the most recent, in the years 2014 to
The only age cohort fighting
the trend was, interestingly, the one that seems to be among the largest of
this blog's readership: "Only the 60-somethings are bucking the
trend—possibly partly with a little pharmaceutical help. Unlike the retirees
who came before them, they’re putting the sex back in sexagenarian, with an
average coital frequency that is slightly higher than in two decades
I also ran across this fairly
fascinating Politico article that compares the sexual fantasies of our two
predominant political parties. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/10/27/sexual-fantasies-republicans-democrats-politics-221919. The
survey it addresses found that, although Democrats and Republicans fantasize at
similar rates, the content of those fantasies differs sharply. According to the
author, “Republicans were more likely than Democrats to fantasize about a range
of activities that involve sex outside of marriage. Think things like
infidelity, orgies and partner swapping, from 1970s-style “key parties” to
modern-day forms of swinging. Republicans also reported more fantasies with
voyeuristic themes, including visiting strip clubs and practicing something
known as “cuckolding,” which involves watching one’s partner have sex with
someone else. By contrast, self-identified
Democrats were more likely than Republicans to fantasize about almost the
entire spectrum of BDSM activities, from bondage to spanking to
dominance-submission play. The largest Democrat-Republican divide on the BDSM
spectrum was in masochism, which involves deriving pleasure from the experience
of pain.”
The author postulates that
the difference may be explained by the fact that people most want what they
can’t have. The Republicans stress
“traditional family values” and the sanctity of the nuclear family, so their
fantasies drift to scenarios involving sex outside the traditional marriage
context. While the article doesn't
discuss it, one can see how that kind of discrepancy between fantasy and
reality might create some "problems":
Democrats, on the other hand,
stress equality and egalitarianism and, hence, fantasies about extreme power
differentials are inordinately appealing.
Perhaps when the sex is most egalitarian, fantasies involving exercising
power come to the forefront:

interesting, the theory does seem a little simplistic.
I’m also not sure it does a great job of explaining why Democratic men
would be interested in being on the receiving end of a DD relationship, or why
Democratic women might be attracted to being a Disciplinary Wife. To the extent it’s true that Democrats more
actively promote "women's liberation" and helping women break those glass ceilings, then if this author’s theory were correct wouldn’t
those of us who are Democrats be attracted to empowering men and dis-empowering
women, since our party’s bent is the opposite? And, while Democrats are fantasizing about BDSM wouldn't their fantasies more naturally drift to sadism and not masochism, given their rejection of "might makes right" and relative aversion using physical violence and power for political ends? Or, perhaps it's that a lot of the Democratic party-line comes from elites in powerful institutions (professors at Yale, Harvard, etc.), and those people are pretty well-off, well-educated, and don't lack for independence; hence, their fantasies run to being dominated and controlled?
It's all very interesting though very complicated. But, taking it down to a
personal level, I have no doubt at all that I crave yielding up control to
someone else, because in most of my life I have control and authority in
over-abundance. Perhaps it's not just that we fantasize about things that we can't or don't now have, but also perhaps about things that we think we missed out on, like strong maternal discipline or boundaries.

With those
observations in mind, I’ll leave you all to make whatever comments you can make
about them. The one concrete suggestion I
have for a topic is, does practicing Domestic Discipline lead to more
sex? I’m not sure what impact it has had on our own batting average. I do think that Domestic Discipline
contributes to the overall level of erotic energy in a relationship, and I do
think that both the “Top” and “bottom” can find the power exchange very
erotic. And, some of our Disciplinary
Wives admit candidly that they come to be turned on by exercising power even if
it felt unnatural at first. I don't know whether power always corrupts, but I have no doubt it can be addictive.

On the other
hand, I have seen instances in which parties tied discipline and sex too
closely together, such that he would get spanked only after a hard spanking,
which seems like a great way to make him adverse to sex in general. Or, if the couple adopts a “no sex after discipline”
rule, does that result in less sex? Or perhaps could it result in less
I look
forward to hearing from you all. Whether
Republican or Democrat, don’t spend so much time fantasizing that you forget to
vote! Well, if you’re a Republican and
intend to vote that way, I’m personally fine with you getting a little carried
away and forgetting to cast that ballot. 😉
Very thought-provoking entry; a bit scholarly even. My brain is on weekend mode so all I can say (both seriously and tongue in cheek - yea I get it) is I am totally in favor of people having a lot of great sex, and if spanking is involved...what a wonderful world.
ReplyDeleteThankfully, the scholarship was all someone else's responsibility. It just happened that in a single week I happened to find two sex-oriented articles, both of which could be loosely leveraged into a DD topic. Sometimes you get lucky . . .
DeleteYeah, it occurred to me that this topic may not have much application to those of you in the UK. Not because you aren't Republicans and Democrats, but because isn't EVERYONE in the UK a spanko? That's certainly the stereotype. ;-)
ReplyDeleteSo first let me pick on the analysis you made. The D vs R comparison is very weak. It is more likley that the cultural reasons people tend to a D or R are better correlated with the various preferances. To say another way the party and sex fantasies are both the result of somthing else and not actually causal to each other. We also need to consider what it meant to be a D or R 40 years ago versus today. To many moving pieces for conclusions. Although, for women this may be more pronounced. Many R women I know embrace the role of wife as a helper to the husband and his authority. They choose this roll and most have a happy life. D women do tend to be more open to an alternative role, however it is not an abosolute. I think you might find more variations that can be explained in generational cohorts than R vs D. Men...well we can fantasize about anything if we put our minds to it.
ReplyDeleteOn the subject of DD and effects on sex. We have tried differant things. However, about a year ago we agreed to keep spanking and sex separate while we figured things out. Since then we only combined them once. We will occasionally have sex then nights I receive some sort of dicipline but usually differant nights. We did this to separate the "real" from "fantasy" while my brain worked on some things. We will probably combine them more regularly again sometime in the future. But for now we have sex when we want and spank when needed. Rarely do they happend the same day but if they do we figure it out. We are in our 30s with small kids though...so sometimes sex/spanking schedules are dictated to us.
I assume you mean the theory advanced by the person who did the study is "weak." I didn't analyze it, other than to say his causation theory seemed simplistic and some of it didn't seem to fit the facts well. Though, I'm not sure that your theory that common cultural factor(s) cause or influence both the choice of party and the nature of the sexual fantasies makes much intuitive sense either. Though, it's possible I suppose. Fore example, it may simply be that conservatism in the cultural sense leads to conservative politics AND to relatively conventional fantasy play. BDSM and similar activities are kinky, while sex outside marriage may violate religious prohibitions but isn't really kink per se. In extramarital sex, the actors may change but the act is basically the same. Kinkiness is, by definition, unconventional. Engaging in it requires a certain degree of tolerance of and openness to alternative experiences, while conservatism is all about sticking to tradition and maintaining conventional norms. Therefore, if one party is more conservative and more about upholding traditional behavior, then the less conventional the activity--the less kinky--the less open that person is going to be to it. Fantasies about extramarital affairs may simply be less of a stretch for someone who is thoroughly conventional than getting one's ass paddled.
DeleteThough that too doesn't quite jibe with what I've observed with DD demographics. People seem to get MORE open to DD as they get older, yet people also tend to become more politically conservative with age. Like I said, nothing is simple.
Where kids are concerned, I found the trajectory to be (a) it's hard to find privacy for spanking when they are young; (b) it's even harder when they are teenagers, because they stay up later; (c) it gets better after high school, but it may not be a huge change if they go to college close to home, and as long was they come home for long stretches during school vacations their presence can still cause major breaks in the DD and FLR momentum.
The only alternative I can think of is openly telling the children about it, which I accept is a very difficult decision!
DeleteI'm not sure that telling them is the only alternative, as you could just go about doing it without really talking about it. In other words, don't talk about it but don't go out of your way to hide it either.
DeleteWell, for someone who has complained about not having ideas for topics, you sure didn't hesitate to offer up three good ones in one shot! ;-) (Talk about shooting your wad in one go! Now don't go saying next week you've run out of ideas!) LOL
ReplyDeleteSo, where to begin and remain at all brief? Sex. Easy one for us because to be honest, I would not consider Rosa or I to be "sexual" in the context that most people (kinky or not) use the term. It's just not our thing. We get off on power exchange, fetishistic servitude, pampering, and the occasional orgasm to maintain balance.....but that's about it. Nothing we do even remotely resembles anything typical with regards to conventional "sex". (Which is fine for us since neither of us are looking to make any babies.)
As for frequency? Well given what I said already, frequency seems to be more of a strategy than a measurement. That said, we have suffered from a lessening of frequency for even what we do enjoy, but I attribute that to:
1: Our age and time together.
2: Stress over finances
3: Stress over health
4: Stress over the social and political trends.
As for the last topic: sexual fantasies as related to Party affiliation, I don't have much to offer. I am not a member of either party, nor do my fantasies align with those of most other people. So the only consistency in that I suppose is: buck the trend in affiliation = buck the trend in types of fantasy. Besides, I guess studying fantasies is of interest to some, but I would prefer a study of what people DO as opposed to what they think about doing or "fantasize about". I mean really....THINK about doing? I don't believe there's much I have never THOUGHT about about doing, but I think it says more about who I am to see what I actually pursued actively enough to make happen.
As for Tuesday? Well, I feel like the guy who used to complain that while wanting black raspberry with chocolate shavings ice cream, all he ever got offered was chocolate or vanilla ice cream. But then got denied ALL ice cream for two years and now is hoping for even a small scoop of vanilla.
By now I feel like I'd be willing to make a desperate deal with the devil himself: I would accept any party to be in control of the White House or Congress........I almost don't even care about policies anymore.......all I'd want in return would be that in exchange for my acquiescence, Trump's mouth would be duct taped shut and his twitter account revoked for the next two years.
This is such a lesson in the gap between how we see ourselves and how we likely are perceived by others. You, a guy who has cranked out more kinky content than anyone I know, doesn't see himself as sexual! But, I get the line you're drawing.
DeleteInteresting point on frequency being a strategy, not a measurement. Or, one could say a cause and not an effect.
I totally agree that actions speak louder than words. Though, if we knew what people thought about doing and compared it to what they actually did, the desires they left unfulfilled--whether from guilt, fear of social rejection, fear of career or other impact--would also say a lot about who that person is. There are times I get really mad when I see the hypocrisy of, for example, a conservative politician like Spitzer getting busted for sexual activities that he condemned in other people. But, what I feel is sadness for people who leave a lot of who they are hidden or throttled because of all the fear they carry around.
I like that Trump has a Twitter account. If he didn't, he might be more successful in carrying out his agenda, which would be even scarier.
My wife and I discussed this topic on a drive yesterday and she thought that spanking hadn't directly increased how much sex we had. It's true that our spanking generally doesn't lead directly to sex.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, the intimacy and connection of spanking - and the appreciation I feel for her in it's wake - are pretty undeniable. Overall it's certainly given us a new level of connection and prevented any drifting apart.
More generally, any kind of FLR that makes her pleasure a priority should keep husbands eagerly offering their services - and ours definitely does!
Thanks, CK. Preventing drifting apart is something I, coincidentally, thought about a few days ago. Over the time I've run this blog, I've observed how important to many DD wives the benefit of ending arguments early really is, without long, drawn out fights and bickering. And, while it may be painful in the moment, the men want to that quick conflict resolution, too. You wonder how many couples drift WAY apart just because of sheer weight of the build up of unresolved conflicts and just getting really tired of the same old faults coming up over and over, and also sheer lack of interest in each other after awhile. DD and FLR relationships may not be as prone to that drift, because the required interaction forces and encourages a high-level of ongoing engagement, and problems don't build up as much.
DeleteCKing's perspective regarding the intimacy and appreciation for the generosity usually associated with a DWC wife taking on the role, matches my sentiments. As does the desire to please and be of service. And for me at least, aside from conforming to occasional specific orders, there was nothing I liked better than bringing a smile to her face.
ReplyDeleteI admit that the desire to please and be of service has not been a big part of my own DD motivation, and I struggle with the "service domination" aspects of an FLR. I don't think it's so much selfishness (though that undoubtedly plays a role), as an overarching sense of independence that manifests as an attitude that each of us should just do our own thing without a lot of help. I'm not saying that attitude is healthy, but it's just kind of my set point.
DeleteI have no personal affinity for the "service domination" experience either. And I see where the word "service" leads to that idea; especially in this blog. And my quoting CK's phrase "please and be of service" doubles down on giving that impression.
DeleteFor us, it was both parties intrinsically committed to giving the other a loving 1000%. She considered discipline to be a tool, used for beneficial reasons. Never to diminish me. She liked me to be strong.
My use of the word 'service' initially referred to sexual ones - being eager to give even if all I was getting was spanked. However, I'm not above picking up a broom if that's what the situation calls for!
Yes, sexual service hardly seems lie a chore!
DeleteI believe couples that use consensual spanking do end up having sex more often although apparently many women separate punishment from lovemaking so the two don't necessarily happen together or even the same day. Spanking opens or increases feelings of intimacy that naturally lead to physical romance although I imagine people differ a lot in how intense this is felt.The frequency or increase in sex in DD couples is probably relative to what went on before DD ( realizing that there is little or no "before" for some couples). But if you had a lot of sex before beginning DD, you probably still do . But if sex was rare before DD, there is probably a relatively steep increase.In sum , spanking must lead to more sex but couples might vary a lot in how much
For us, there was about 10 years of "before." It's hard to compare time periods, because there was probably, if anything, a drop off from the first of our marriage until now, but that has more to do with kids than DD.
DeleteWhat would you expect if it had been done from the beginning of the marriage?
DeleteHard to say. As I said, for us the presence of kids probably had a more substantial impact on frequency than did DD, so I'm not sure DD would have changed anything had it been introduced earlier.
DeleteSorry for two in a row here but wanted to address separately the issue of sex quality linked to DD. Aside from the quantity of sex experienced (or not) the quality of sex must go up for most. It has for me in both relationships with the very best being in the aftermath of a serious spanking amid strong emotions. There is something about being stood up after a hard spanking or pulled out of the corner and being taken in your disciplinarians arms for lovemaking (even when denied an orgasm which occasionally happens)I believe this high quality sex is because discipline allows a wife or girlfriend to fully express negative feelings while metaphorically stripping away the multiple level of defenses many men armor themselves up with. The result is often unusual intimacy and vulnerability. For me making love to a women who has just disciplined me can be a transcendent moment. Both women who have spanked me have expressed the view that my surrendering and their control has similar effects on them. It would be interested to hear from others on this but quantity aside, the quality of lovemaking can go off the charts with spanking
There definitely are times that my sense of intimacy and vulnerability ramp way, way up after a disciplinary spanking. It's also the case for me that my I have always been attracted to strong, forceful women, and the more my wife steps into the lead role, the sexier that is, which probably contributes to higher quality sex and more interest even as my age would suggest the libido should be dropping not staying steady or even going up.
DeleteWe definitely don't have a no-sex-after-spanking rule. The whole point of the spanking is that it should address the matter in full. My wife and I feel that if she felt the need to impose such restrictions, it would, in effect, say that the spanking was not sufficient to address the issue in full. Following a disciplinary spanking is the logical time for sex to us, since if the disciplinary spanking has been done correctly, there will be no unaddressed issues obstructing intimacy, unlike other times, when maybe some little niggling thing has quietly built up.
ReplyDeleteThat is an interesting way of looking at it.
DeleteInteresting topics... I'm always keen for some lovemaking after discipline as it is already such an intimate and connecting experience. However she almost always puts it on hold until next day or later in the day if the punishment happens in the morning. I have tried to explain that I am at my most docile, loving and submissive immediately after she has roasted my nether regions with her favourite strap but rarely do I convince her (and I don't try too hard in case there is a backlash!.
ReplyDeleteShe has this thing about punishment and reward and keeping them separate. Personally I think she may be a bit tired after delivering what is normally a vigorous resetting!!!
All that in mind she does get the benefit of a VERY well behaved husband for as long as she can hold out ... maybe that is the strategy...
While we typically DO have sex after discipline, I do understand those who see that as potentially diminishing the message by linking the spanking to a "reward."
DeleteThis is speculative but I wonder if the women who allow sex versus those who don't are distinguished by whether they feel the punishment was completely successful and no further issues exist ( at the moment)versus women who believe further punishment ( or discipline) is needed to settle the matter.I have had experiences I won't detail including recent experience that leads me to this conclusion. Almost by definition your wife is continuing your punishment if she habitually denies intimacy after a spanking.
It's certainly possible, though I don't have any way of knowing. I do quibble a bit with your last sentence, because I think there is a meaningful distinction between "continuing punishment," on the one hand, and not wanting to create a positive association between spanking for discipline and sex.
DeleteNeither of us see this as ‘continuing punishment’ but more like ‘continuing intimacy’. Punishment and sex are both very intimate in different ways - the gap between these activities, as long as it is reasonable, can be some of the closest times we have and that gap does emphasise control and respect for her. TB