Friday, February 23, 2024

The Club -- Meeting 467 -- Fantasies and Things That Should Remain Only That

“Without this playing with fantasy, no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.” - Carl Jung

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.


I'm posting a little early this week, as I'm going to be tied up much of this weekend. I may start shooting for more Friday postings, as our comments seem to wind down earlier in the week, and I seem to have fewer things going on Fridays. While I think posting on the same day every week did help build up the blog, I find that in retirement I'm just not very into keeping an inflexible schedule on any front.


I hope you all had a great week.  There’s not much to report here.  It was a pretty sedate week, with no major drama.  Although, there was one thing vaguely FLR-related worth mentioning. It was a minor thing in and of itself, but it’s another indication that Anne may be in the early stages of a transformation similar to what KOJ has described in which his wife became far more open in her displays of authority after she retired.



We were visiting my parents.  Anne was telling some story, and I interrupted her with a somewhat snarky comment.  Without missing a beat and without even turning to acknowledge me, she said very firmly and directly, “Excuse me. I’m speaking,” then went on with her story. Again, it sounds minor, but her demeanor was totally in command, in a way that I’m not sure she would have displayed even a couple of years ago.  And, the fact that she was that comfortable with a confident display of authority in front of my parents, plus two of my sisters, also seems to me to speak volumes about her increasingly in-charge mindset.



We had a pretty good discussion last week, on what I thought was a very narrow topic.  It’s notable that several of you didn’t accept the underlying premise that DD could be a deal-killer in a future relationship, preferring to take the positive view that it probably would not prove that hard to find a woman who was interested in it or to persuade a partner to try it. And, as Al pointed out, it’s almost certainly a case of “nothing ventured, nothing gained”:


“It often seems to be a truism in the F/M DD/DWC community that it is usually quite difficult to convince a wife to take a disciplinary role. However, it is probably even more true that most men are so concerned about the possibility of rejection and looking foolish (weird, unmanly, sick) that they never bring it up (it took me a few years to do so, and even then it was while we were both drunk and swapping sexual fantasies - when I confessed to a "mild interest" in being spanked). This is certainly a very understandable concern, and yet, what I have often seen in spanking forums such as this over the years is that once a wife was approached, they were quite often willing to give it a try to some degree, and many quickly came to enjoy their role as a disciplinary wife.


There were different, and somewhat opposing perspectives on the best timing for approaching a future partner about your disciplinary needs.  Mike represented the view that it may take some time to develop the kind of relationship in which one would feel comfortable admitting to that kind of need:


I guess it always depends on the person I would be dating. If she had a strong “take charge” mentality and I sensed an authoritative vibe coming from her, maybe I might open up. But it took me 10 years of marriage and being in a very emotionally vulnerable place to finally open up to my wife about my spanking need. I don’t know if I would have that level of trust and vulnerability at the beginning of a relationship.


Alan took a different view regarding timing, and I really liked his spin on DD as a “deal-maker” rather than a “deal-breaker”:


DD is definitely not a deal breaker at the beginning of a serious relationship, but it can be a “deal maker” and has been for me in my two DD relationships. The depth and intimacy that DD offers make it impossible for other women to compete with a woman who adopts loving female-led discipline. In earlier relationships, I always found myself searching for something missing. What was missing, of course, was discipline and spanking. With it, I am emotionally fulfilled.


However, I think waiting is not the best strategy. One reason is simply it is unfair not to tell her of needs that are so deep that might later sabotage your relationship. But a better reason is that early in a relationship is the interval when she may be more open to exploring unfamiliar (to her) aspects of sexuality—and it is also the time she is going to be motivated to show that she wants to meet your needs. What I am suggesting probably actually happens rarely. But in today's world –with the increasing honesty about sexuality (especially for emerging generations), it could work.


There was also an unexpected diversion into the topic of pre-spanking erections.  Maybe I’ll do a full topic on that in the future, though we covered it pretty thoroughly in the comments.


As the week was winding down, I got this topic suggestion from Glenmore, along with two of his drawings:



Just another potential suggestion for your blog.  I have attached a couple of scenarios that are likely fantasies for many of us, but my question is how many of us would actually do this, and how would we react if this really happened?


·      Would it be worse if you did or didn't know the other men and women?

·      How would you feel about being spanked by the other women, and would you have a problem with your wife spanking the other men?

·      Do you like it but would prefer it just remained a fantasy?


Just a few thoughts and I'm sure you could add a few more.


Glen’s illustrations centered on multiple spankers and spankees coming together for a disciplinary session.  I’ll answer his questions on that specific scenario, but I’ll also broaden his question a bit to include: “Are there DD or FLR-related scenarios you fantasize about but probably would not actually do if given the opportunity?”


My answer to Glen’s specific questions are:


“Would it be worse if you did or didn't know the other men and women?” I don’t have a real opinion on which would be “worse.”  But, I do think whether I knew the other men might have a big impact on whether I would ever fantasize about, or be attracted to, such a scenario in the first place.


For me, “authenticity” is a big driver of my DD interest.  If there isn’t some element of real accountability/punishment in it, I don’t have much attraction to it.  If a session involved only men and women I didn’t know, I think it would feel like a game or party.  I wouldn’t say I have zero interest in ever attending a spanking party, but whatever level of interest I have is quite low.  So, while I think the scenario is very unlikely to ever happen, any fantasy I would have about it would probably be limited to it happening with someone I actually know.


“How would you feel about being spanked by the other women, and would you have a problem with your wife spanking the other men?”


Being spanked by another woman isn’t a huge fantasy for me, but I admit to being more than a little intrigued by stories Aunt Kay’s husband has shared about being sent to another woman for a session. There are also stories on the DWC website—like “Military Duty Calls” in which a female soldier going on deployment sends her husband to her mother for a spanking—that I am attracted to, as long as there is a strong, real disciplinary component.


As for whether I would have a problem with Anne spanking the other men in Glen’s joint scenario, the simple answer is no.  While it’s hard to know for sure, I honestly don’t think I would have any problem with Anne spanking any man in any real disciplinary scenario. I’m not sure whether I would want to see it happening, but I don’t think I would have any problem at all with her doing it.  In fact, although I think the chance of it happening is virtually nil, I would have tell her to go for it if the situation ever presented itself.


“Do you like it but would prefer it just remained a fantasy?” Glen’s specific scenario doesn’t really rise to the “fantasy” level for me. But, I could see it being something I would be open to exploring under the right scenario. I think it probably would have to be limited to one other couple. I would need to have some kind of personal connection to the other husband, though that could include someone I’ve known only electronically through this blog.  Even though I see other men naked in the gym almost daily, I suspect the full nudity would be at least as embarrassing as the spankings.  Would I do it if Anne ordered such a thing?  Undoubtedly yes.  Is it a scenario I would actively pursue in real life? Probably not.


As for my own question as to whether there are DD or FLR-related scenarios you fantasize about but probably would not actually do if given the opportunity?”


It may seem odd for someone who spends as much time writing about DD as I do, but I don’t have that many fantasies about it. And, I suspect the ones I do have are not the least bit appealing to most of you.


I’ve often commented on how envious I am of JR’s woodshed stories, and I do have a thing for both woodsheds and barns and would very much like to experience a real disciplinary spanking in one.  There’s nothing controversial or even all that interesting about that fantasy, of course. 



However, many of the stories I’ve read that include those elements involved male spankers. There are no shortage of stories out there about being taken to the woodshed by a father or uncle.  Although the woodshed/barn scenario is appealing to me by itself, the M/m aspect of many of those stories also appeals to something deep within me. 


In fact, the photo immediately above is one I came across a long time ago as part of a spanking story that involved a dominant male who was in a D/s sort of relationship with a couple.  The husband had done something the dominant male and the wife agreed should be punished, but the wife kept blowing off phone calls to schedule it. So, the dominant male interrupts a dinner party the couple was hosting and lets the husband know he will make a scene if he does not accompany him to a horse barn on the couple’s party.  Once there, he whips him to tears before letting him go back to the party. That story is one of the first in the spanking genre that I recall having a very strong reaction to.  A big part of my DD need is rooted in wanting to have my will overcome such that I am held to account even when I don't want to go along with it.


I’ve also recounted that, while I seldom dream about spanking, a particularly vivid one I did have involved being taken from a party at work to be spanked by a male office manager, with everyone in the party (including Anne, my mother and my dad) knowing it was going to happen. 


Are these M/m stories and dreams something I might fantasize about but would never do in real life?  I don’t know.  I think that much of my DD attraction is rooted in power dynamics and parental authority, including both maternal and paternal authority.  My morbid desire to have discipline imposed is less gender-specific than it probably is for most of you.  And, in the very unlikely event that Anne was to order such a thing, would I go along with it?  Almost certainly yes.



There is a sense in which Anne's recent assertiveness, and the "goal achievement" and procrastination check-ins we recently implemented, has been a long-term fantasy, and one I could come to regret.  Just like the M/m and woodshed spanking scenarios appeal to me because they involve being literally and psychologically taken to a place outside my "control zone," a lot of what Anne and I are exploring involves her increasingly setting the rules, enforcing them when and how she sees fit, and generally empowering her in ways that I may have less and less control over as she explores these more aggressive and assertive parts of her personality.



Most of my other DD-related fantasies are pretty pedestrian and involve being spanked in unconventional or risky places, like the backseat of a car or in the woods.  I definitely would go along with anything like that if Anne wanted to.



How about you? How do you feel about Glen’s scenario and his questions about it?  Is it something you are attracted to?  Is it an attraction you would be game to pursue in real life, or is it one of those things that is better as a fantasy? Are there other fantasies that fall into that category?


I hope you have a good week.


  1. I've had the fantasy of being sent to another woman's house to be spanked. For me, it's truly just a fantasy, oriented around an exotic encounter with someone unfamiliar, rather than being about my wife's control and foresight.

    Thinking about being spanked by a man quickly widens the scenario into a masculine society with a hierarchy, ambitious goals, perhaps in an interesting historical setting. Thinking about being spanked by a woman narrows the scenario to where it's just me and her and it doesn't really matter who we are and what brought us together.

    Again, that's just my mind.

    1. I get what you mean about the context for the fantasy. I would need some backstory for the scenario, whether the spanker was male or female. But, the male would require a lot more to seem "realistic" in my mind as to how I came to be there.

  2. Dan, it was a nice surprise to see a fresh post early. Thanks for your hard work keeping this wonderful site active.

    Adding to last week's topic, confessing my willingness, and desire, to be spanked helped our marriage in its early stages. My wife understood that it wasn't easy to share such intimate and embarrassing thoughts and I couldn't have asked for more from her in terms of openness.

    As comfortable as she is with this part of our marriage, she's made it clear that sharing it with other women isn't a possibility. She knows that I think about being spanked in front of her friends and sisters, but gives no indication that it could ever happen. While she is interested in my other fantasies, and (willing in most cases) this one is a real turn off for her. My interest has centered on Beth doing the spanking and others watching, but I imagine she would be even less open to having one of them administering the discipline. That's specially true with my sisters in law, I'm sure. It's not a subject I bring up, and I feel like it's best to keep those thoughts to myself. No doubt she's thinking much more rationally than I am, as bringing others in would certainly complicate relationships!

    1. "Adding to last week's topic, confessing my willingness, and desire, to be spanked helped our marriage in its early stages. My wife understood that it wasn't easy to share such intimate and embarrassing thoughts and I couldn't have asked for more from her in terms of openness."

      I haven't thought a lot about whether Anne understood how hard it was to confess the DWC attraction to her, though I'm sure she got that. There are times even now when we've been laying in bed and discussing (usually post spanking) the prospect of her stepping up her authority, and I'm clearly nervous about raising it. She's commented on how she likes it when I get that way says she likes knowing she can keep me feeling a little off balance and on edge.

      I get Beth's attitude. I have never actually proposed to Anne bringing in any kind of witness or participant. I suspect her attitude would be similar to Beth's because she definitely has a jealous streak, so I suspect any "other women" scenario would be a no-go. Though, it might be different if it were something like Glen's scenario with two wives spanking their husbands at the same time. Though, I think the scenario is extremely unlikely to ever present itself. And, I agree with yopu that bringing others into a relationship can "complicate" things. I know some who have pulled it off, but I also know at least two couples for whom it was "playing with fire" (this involved swinging, not DD), and in both cases it ended very badly.

    2. I thought a bit more about a female witness being involved. There is an intriguing element to that. Typically when I hear my wife talk "shop" with other women it's in a technical context. My wife takes on this friendly, confident tone she doesn't use at home. With a witness I imagine here taking on this tone, to the other women, explaining what she needs to administer to me, and adding little explanations or asking for input as she proceeds. The idea of being talked about intrigues me more than the other woman herself. I wonder: what am I doing to stifle this side of her at home? What steps could she take to bring it out?

      If I imagine a male witness, I imagine me trying to talk to him about what's in store for me, as if I planned it. I would be trying to maintain my status with this other man and reduce my wife to an assistant.

      There undoubtedly are deep sexual and social identity issues in play here!

    3. MW, that's a really interesting and unique take on the conversations that might going on and how, for you, it would vary depending on the gender of the witness.

  3. It really depends. I would have no problem being spanked by another woman or my wife spanking another man if we knew them and trusted them. DD for me is really about trust. I trust my wife to hold me to our mutual set of values if my wife had a friend with the same values and we both trusted her and respected her I would have no issue with my wife giving her authority to spank me., it is a fantasy but if it became ral. I would be good with it but my wife is a private person. She doesn't mind being seen as a strong confident woman but she also believes that we should be perceived as a traditional couple with the man the as HOH. Stange to me that she would feel that way given that she has no problem with putting me over her knee. It's kinda like the paradox that I feel not really wanting to be spanked but recognizing my need to be held accountable. We often fantasize about something and desire it to be true but want to be perceived as being normal within social norms. I'm rambling but just because I want my fantasy to be real does not mean it will be.

    1. "We often fantasize about something and desire it to be true but want to be perceived as being normal within social norms."

      Anne had a little bit of that going on when it came to DD and child-raising. I was never all that disturbed about the possibility of the kids finding out that she spanked me. But, she had a problem with it. It wasn't so much that she was concerned about wanting them to perceive her in a more conventional role but, rather, she thought it might lead them to have less respect for me. I think those concerns have dissipated over time

  4. There were several women I knew in high school, mainly teachers, who I think could have put me over their knee had they been into such a thing back then. I didn't have any DD or spanking desires at that time, but I did have a thing for older women, and looking back it was about female authority figures. So, had one of them been so inclined, I'm sure I would have given it to it. But, at this point in time I can't really think of anyone, whether someone I know or a celebrity/public personality, that I would fantasize about in a disciplinary role.

  5. I haven’t posted in quite sometime, as we have been extremely busy throughout the holiday season. The new year started and we have had one thing after the other. Unfortunately, DD suffered. I was way overdue for a few disciplinary spankings that never occurred for one reason or another. We went on vacation with a massive group of people. We knew a few but not others. It was one of those vacations too cheap to bypass, and you could drift off and not run into any of the people you travelled with. One day, I was upset about service at a dining establishment and made a disparaging remark to the server. My wife was pissed at me. I squared away the tab and when the sever came over, she apologized for my actions and told the server, “don’t worry sweetie, my husband will have a whole new attitude when you see him tomorrow”. I immediately felt a pit in my stomach. We headed back to our room and I tried to explain my reasoning and she was
    Hearing nothing of it. She was tired of my condescending attitude. We arrived back at the room, she told me to remove my belt and hand it to her. She whipped me good. Let’s just say I know the next door neighbors heard it. We arrived at the restaurant the next day and I apologized for my comments. I was beat red and embarrassed and literally had a hard time sitting that night. It had been quite some time since the last whipping and I was extremely tender.

    1. I have real problems with patience, and I can get pissed about slow service in restaurants. But, I also try real hard not to "punch down" in any situation in life, including going off on servers, recognizing that it's often not their fault. If I did screw up and act rudely to a server, I would hope my wife wold give me the kind of blistering yours gave you.

  6. As far as the last two topics. I’m probably the youngest poster on here. I say that based on some of the comments posted on here. DD would be a deal breaker for me in a new relationship. As you know I have a spanking fetish and have posted that here before. I get an erection prior to a spanking that diminishes the minute my wife starts the whipping. A majority of the time we either make love or she will give me a release. I actually prefer to not receive any type of love making after a punishment, but my wife wants otherwise. She has told me she enjoys seeing me writhe in pain as she punishes me. Like most of the wives here, she was vanilla and I admitted my fantasies to her after about a year of dating. I was spanked a lot growing up and she had made small innuendo’s in front of my Mother that has embarrassed me. My fantasy would be for my wife to spank me in front of her best friend. Her fiend is the only one who knows about our DD. We never see her as she lives across the country. My second fantasy is to have my neighbor that I grew up with spank me. She still lives instate and used to paddle her daughters. She a devout church going no nonsense women. I over heard a lot of spankings at their home.

    1. "I over heard a lot of spankings at their home." When I was growing up, it was very common for kids who were playing together to get spanked by someone's mom if they got too rambunctious, broken something, hurt someone, etc. But, they tended to be taken to another room one at a time. Or, if just one kid was at fault, he might be taken aside and spanked. And, kids would often be taken out of church or public gatherings and spanked. It wasn't all that common (though not unheard of) to see someone get spanked, but it was very common to overhear one. Maybe for that reason, I don't have a big attraction to seeing others get spanked, but I do find the thought of overhearing one very compelling.

    2. Yeah, most of the churches in our communities had "cry rooms" in the back. It was a deceptive label. Officially that was where you took infants who otherwise might cry during services. More commonly, it was where parents took misbehaving kids in order to give them something to cry about!

    3. Same thing with us growing up. I used to stay at my friends house all the time and I remember my Mother telling my best fiends Mom and Dad, if he gets out of line you have my permission to spank him. It happened one time, my friend and I were spanked with a spoon by his Mom. I observed my friend get paddled as well as his sister. We also were watched throughout the summer by a friend. She had two daughters. One of the daughters and I got into trouble and we were both given the spoon. I can’t believe how it seemed that it was so normal to see these punishments in both church and school. A different world that’s for sure.

    4. T, it's true that part of the world sure has changed.

  7. > And, kids would often be taken out of church or public gatherings and spanked.<

    We went to church almost every Sunday at a country fundamentalist church - and it was not uncommon at at all for a kid to be taken out by one of his parents during the service and spanked outside the church - almost a weekly occurrence it seemed. And, getting spanked at home after church was a common occurrence for kids in that day and time as well. I recall getting taken out of the church and spanked a couple of times, and there were probably several after church.

    I wasn't spanked excessively - and certainly not severely - as a child, but we were all spanked fairly regularly - although my spankings did end by the time I was eight, due to family situations (except for that one at age ten by my attractive aunt - that most likely triggered my "interest" in spanking). --al

    1. Al, same here it was a weekly occurrence to observe or hear a spanking administered at church. My most embarrassing spanking happened at church. My Mother was upset about my behavior and took me into the ladies room. I was bent over the sink and my own belt was used on me. A few ladies walked in looked and smiled. They proceeded to head to a stall and use the facilities and clearly heard my whimpering. I remember staying stoic for the most part, but was clearly embarrassed as I was in my underwear getting a strapping in a ladies room. I remember exiting the room and received a strange look by another boy who was a couple years younger than me. I played it off but was happy that none of my friends saw me. As I got older, I observed a women who always had a spoon sticking out of her purse. Her children were always misbehaving and that spoon got quite the workout.

    2. A majority of my spankings were given after church or school. My Mother would be in her Sunday best and it seemed like we would always be in trouble for something. I also clearly remember the minister preaching about making sure
      to use the rod on us kids. We would arrive home and my Mother would say get to your room. A bare bottom spanking would ensue and the all was forgiven and Sunday dinner would be made.

  8. Having gone to one of the Shadow Lane parties in Las Vegas, I did get to experience getting spankings by different women. Part of the format was for the men who wanted to experience being spanked, was for us to show ups at a certain room, at a specified There were about a dozen ladies waiting to put each of us over their laps. There were numerous spanking parties going on in the hotel rooms, and if the doors were open, it was considered an invitation to join the party. I prefer to be spanked rather than to do the spanking, so I only spanked a few women. The majority of the spanking was M/F, and there was some F/F spanking going on. However, there was no M/M spanking happening at all, and that was ok, as it has always been a major turn off for me. Of course, these were all strangers for me, though many of them had been to other parties before and knew each other. It was great to meet so many other like minded spankos, but of course, it was mainly about spanking and not DD. As far as other fantasies, I like the idea of being spanked by other women, and remember the story Dan mentioned about the woman who arranged to have her mother spank her husband while she was away. The woman I am with has to told several women friends that she spanks me, but they showed little interest. Her sister is pretty conservative, and I think I would like being spanked with her witnessing it, as it would be extremely embarrassing. I don't have any major unfulfilled fantasies going, as I am with a woman who enjoys her authority and will not hesitate to put me in my place. Being spanked past my limit has been a fantasy, and that does happen if she is really wanting to make a point. Non stop, rapid, spanks seem to be the most difficult for me to take, and therefore, have proven to be the most effective for punishment.

    1. That room full of waiting strict ladies sounds incredible! That is be a case where reality would outpace fantasy for me. I would never think of that, but if given the opportunity, I would hardly hesitate to walk in there and experience it.

    2. "I like the idea of being spanked by other women, and remember the story Dan mentioned about the woman who arranged to have her mother spank her husband while she was away."

      I don't know why I like that story so much, but I do. I usually see the "spanked by the mother-in-law" stories as almost always complete fantasies, but something about that one has more of a ring of truth. And, it's not the MIL's authority that does something for me in that story. It's something about the wife's "all business" attitude of putting a system in place for what will take place in her absence, and she doesn't even seek his input in putting it together. She simply tells him what she intends to implement, and then she does it.

    3. Dan, another part of that story I liked was how the mother in law impressed her daughter with how quickly she brought him to tears. I remember her instructions to the husband were to get over her lap and keep his hands on the floor until she was finished spanking him. The wife was impressed he was able to do that. One other fantasy I have done a few times is acting as a servant at a tea party given by my dom. I was wearing a frilly apron, and nothing else. Any of her friends could spank me any time they wanted to, and many did. Of course, I didn't know them, so it was just kinky fun. At the time, I had no idea how satisfying real DD can be.

  9. Couple of points. Firstly, I know from our experiences talking to people in the lifestyle that it is regrettably common for people to weave great fantasies and then, when the chance arises to turn them to reality, they chicken out. I’ve never understood this, I have had many different fantasies over the years involving additional people in all sorts of combinations, one or two I have had the opportunity to put into practice, but I’d jump at the chance to make any of them real. (There was one occasion after my wife’s shoulder surgery when she called in some help from someone we knew in the lifestyle.) Secondly, there is one rule that is common to all of my imaginings, my wife is always in control, so regardless of whose knee I might be over, and even if she were to send me somewhere else, I’m always obeying her and not the other person. TG

    1. As I said in the post, while there are lots of things one could try in this lifestyle, there aren't many scenarios that I actively fantasize about. And, I think that if the opportunity did arise, I would probably try any of the things that are an actual fantasy for me.

      The complicating factor for me is that any scenario that I'm attracted to--whether in real life or in a fantasy--revolves around "authenticity." Both the exercise of authority and the disciplinary/punishment elements need to be "real." Group scenes like the the Shadow Lane parties described above don't fit that bill. I think even smaller gathering would have that same unreal, party-like dynamic for me. I can see the possibility of building reality-based elements into a get-together with one other couple or in the scenario of being sent to someone else for discipline, but I think anything larger than that would, for me, lack that essential element of real discipline for real offenses.

      Another issue regarding keeping fantasy and reality separate, that I thought about for the post but failed to put in, is sometimes a fantasy is powerful only because it has NOT been actualized. Often, the reality doesn't match the fantasy. Or, once you actualize a fantasy it loses all its power and allure. "It's only kinky once" seems to have some truth, and I can see how some would want to keep something in the fantasy realm not because they are afraid to do it but, rather, because they want to preserve its power for them.

    2. "... sometimes a fantasy is powerful only because it has NOT been actualized. Often, the reality doesn't match the fantasy. Or, once you actualize a fantasy it loses all its power and allure." - In my experience, reality rarely matches the fantasy, but not necessarily because it the reality is less in any way, but rather just because it is different. So far, while quite a few fantasies have become reality, I haven't had any fantasy that totally lost its power over me. In some - not all - cases, I may think a bit less about a fantasy that has been previously realized, but that is mostly because some of the curiosity has been removed. However, this is often offset by me thinking of new variations of the fantasy that are inspired by the real life experience.


    3. "So far, while quite a few fantasies have become reality, I haven't had any fantasy that totally lost its power over me."

      Your experience with a semi-witnessed spanking, i.e. your wife spanking you while a friend was there, knowing it was happening, does seem to refute some of my concerns about a fulfilled fantasy losing it's power. You have said that it was a very powerful experience, so much so that you can't fully articulate what you were feeling as it happened. I get the sense that experiencing that hasn't at all diminished your interest in witnesses and others knowing.

  10. Not a fantasy here on either point. I have been sent to another woman to be spanked. Also been to several spanking parties. The time we went to a neighboring state for a party for the first time after making arrangements on line. The host couple vetted us at their home the afternoon of the party and we enjoyed a short play session together. We had never met these folks prior and just as the rules of the party that evening, both the host male and I were stripped and spanked by both of the ladies. So in answer to the questions... I did not know any of the men or women who attended the party. Like the afternoon, all men were stripped before the party began. I had no problems being spanked by all the ladies there, several times. Nor did I have any issue with my partner spanking all the men there. We have attended parties from that group several times, attended other parties and hosted a few ourselves. The little cartoon drawings are exactly like most of the F/m we have attended.

    1. I’m with a few of the commenters above. I have zero desire to attend a spanking party. Prior to my wife, I visited a few disciplinarians for real punishment. I had a few ex girlfriends who would spank me hard but DD was not prevalent in our relationships. My first wife had zero interest in spanking me. I do not have a mother in law fetish. I did not get a chance to meet her, but my wife said she was no nonsense. She paddled her and her siblings hard. Attending a party to me would be weird. Spanking is an intimate act. I couldn’t see myself flipping over the laps of different females throughout the evening. Although I have a fetish, I crave it for disciplinary purposes only and not for fun and games. Seeing a disciplinarian was one on one and I attributed it like a DR seeing me naked.

    2. "I do not have a mother-in-law fetish." For me, that's a huge understatement if we're talking about my real life MIL.

    3. "I have been sent to another woman to be spanked." We don't currently know anyone IRL who could do it, but it seems like every year or two, Anne gets some injury (most recently tendon problems from pickle ball) that sideline all disciplinary activities for a month or two. I really don't know whether she would ever consider a "surrogate" if one were available. She tends to be more private than me.

  11. · Would it be worse if you did or didn't know the other men and women?
    Much worse/embarrassing if you knew the other parties, but still challenging regardless.

    · How would you feel about being spanked by the other women, and would you have a problem with your wife spanking the other men?
    Not likely to ever happen, but I’d have no problem with either option.

    · Do you like it but would prefer it just remained a fantasy?
    I think fantasies are useful and generally a healthy way to keep the mind engaged and libido activated. Whether they become real or not, it is always the chance that they could that gives them power. Yes, once a fantasy is realized it may lose its appeal, but I seem to have no trouble concocting new ones. Therefore, I’d enjoy seeing some coming to fruition.


    1. "but I seem to have no trouble concocting new ones."

      Good point.

  12. Hi Dan
    Long time reader and first time “comtributor”. Love your blog. Your recollection of school and being attracted to older women in authority really struck a chord with me. I felt the same way, the only difference for me was my awareness of how badly I wanted to be taken Otk and spanked by those females. So my question to you - do you think you were subconsciously aware of this desire way back then, and either repressed it or didn’t recognize it was something you craved?

  13. Regarding Glen's scenario, I have little to no interest in a spanking party type event, due to the lack of authenticity it implies. For spanking or other punishments to be meaningful for me, there must be some connection back to a behavior, or at the very least to the authority my wife has. However, my over-active imagination can even come up with a scenario where it could work. In this scenario, because of something I have done, my wife takes me to a spanking party specifically because she knows other women will spank me and there will be a semi-public humiliation that goes along with that. And getting away from the spanking party, there are many other scenarios that involve others either as witnesses or as those administering punishment, ranging from my wife having one or more witnesses present, them actually spanking me, her sending me to a friend to be spanked, and every other possible variant.

    "Would it be worse if you did or didn't know the other men and women?" - I really have no idea. I expect that if I did know them, it would be much more embarrassing, especially afterwards when I inevitably saw them again. On the other hand, if I did know them, I might find that I feel much closer to them afterwards, as Alan has said.

    "How would you feel about being spanked by the other women, and would you have a problem with your wife spanking the other men?" - I would probably find it super embarrassing to be spanked by other women, but as you all know, this is a pretty big fantasy for me (or at least having one or more witnesses). As far as my wife spanking other men, I don't think I would have a problem with it, but just as I assume that if another women spanked me, it would be at my wife's request and under her control, I assume that if my wife ever spanked another man, it would be at his wife's request and under her control.

    "Do you like it but would prefer it just remained a fantasy?" - I have no doubt that if many of my fantasies were to come true, I would find them overwhelming at the time, and probably would absolutely want to just disappear and not have to do them and for the moment to end. But having said that, I really would like almost all of my fantasies to be realized, no matter how I feel about them at the moment. I want the experiences and memories. And because I trust my wife, I simply cannot see myself refusing anything that she is ok with.


    1. "I want the experiences and memories."

      Absolutely agree! Some of my strongest memories, things that I look at almost wistfully today, were things that were extremely difficult at the time I was going through them.

      The first paragraph of your comment is virtually identical to my own thoughts on this subject. Authenticity is an absolutely necessary element for me but, you're right, my imagination can come up with all sorts of ways to make a contrived situation reflect my wife's authority.

  14. Hi AG. Welcome, and thanks!

    Great question! I'm not sure there is a real answer, but the best one I can come up with is "neither." I don't think I had a subconscious desire for spanking that was repressed, or a desire for spanking that went unrecognized.

    As I've mentioned here, the very first time I remember being attracted to adult spanking at all was when watching a segment on an old HBO series called Real Sex. I definitely got a sexual thrill from it that I'd never experienced before. I think it triggered an entire new desire that I'd never had before, consciously or subconsciously. And, it wasn't all that strong a desire. We weren't very kinky in practice, but I had a generally "kink positive" attitude, and it just seemed like something naughty that I wanted to experience.

    It was a few months after that that I found the DWC. Unlike the Real Sex segment, the DWC hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. What it added to the spanking scenario was a strong element of strong female control and imposed discipline. With the benefit of a lot of hindsight, I think my reaction to the DWC probably DID involve not so much a subconscious or unrecognized desire but, rather, an existing desire that I didn't fully understand. As I said, when I was in high school, there were a couple of teachers (and a couple of mothers), who I was attracted to. By college at least, I knew I had a thing for older women. What I don't think I was as clear about at the time is that the attraction was to older, confident women, often in authoritative positions. It was that element of confident, controlling, authoritative women that the DWC added, with the spanking being a tool that such women used to exercise their control.

    I'm not saying that spanking isn't part of the attraction to DD, but it's secondary. It's true that when it comes to expressions of authority, I have a much stronger reaction to corporal punishment that to other means of control. But, in the absence of the power dynamics and rearrangement of the marital power hierarchy, spanking in and of itself holds little interest for me.

    I hope that long-winded answer makes sense, even though I have no idea whether it's entirely accurate. It's just the best explanation I have.

    Thanks for participating, and I hope you will again.


  15. Hi, all!
    We are good friends with another couple and I know he deserves some domestic discipline, and I think it would be a very good experience for her to provide some.
    In a situation where we'd all discussed it beforehand, I would be comfortable getting naked in front of them and having my wife provide a 'demonstration' of what works for us.
    While that could be the extent of it - I'd just get re-dressed - I admit I would enjoy watching my friend also get stripped and strapped, and it would be fine by me if my wife took a turn there.
    Finally, being punished by his wife would be a significant bonus for me.

    1. I have a couple of friends who I think could really profit from a DD relationship. Though for one of them, the dynamic has changed. He used to have a major drinking problem, which was causing a lot of other problems. We drifted apart for a few years. When we got together recently, he'd replaced beer with Diet Coke. But, I still think DD would be a great thing for him, because it's his intense personality and control needs that are at the root of his issues. The other friend is a newer relationship. His wife very clearly wears the pants in the family, to the point that it makes me wonder whether they are already in some kind of FLR-like relationship.

      Sometimes these topics and the comments give me a bit of surprising insight into my own psyche, including my insecurities. Some of the comments, including yours, make me realize how big a deal nudity in front of other people I know is for me, but only in an already embarrassing situation like getting punished. Your reference to getting undressed in front of another couple triggers some nervousness and embarrassment, as have similar comments from some others. More so than the spanking itself. Yet, the odd thing is, I get naked in front of other men in the gym almost daily.

  16. For this scenario to be 'real' for me , as some others have stated , there would have to be a reason for the punishment , so all three of us were guilty if something that justified discipline from our wives.
    The other factor would be my familiarity with the players sz doing this with complete strangers would be more daunting and uncomfortable for me.
    We have a number of female friends whom I would enjoy being part of the scene, and having my wife spank the other men would be secondary to having those women spank me.
    As to whether my wife would feel the same way, I don't know and realistically , the chances of it ever happening would be very low so it will likely remain a fantasy scenario for me .

    1. Your first comment is why a scenario with one other couple works more for me -- I can see scenarios where a husband and a friend got in trouble together, or maybe each separately pissed his respective wife off and it had not been punished yet. But, the more couples you add the harder it would be for there to be real, coordinated punishment going on, versus just a spanking party with a made-up veneer of discipline.

      Where you and I may be a little different is I think it would be far less uncomfortable me with strangers. I don't really care that much about the opinions of people I don't know.

  17. There was mention of a spanking party earlier and a reply that (for them ) it made the "spanking unauthentic". Obviously each couple has to decide for themselves whether they can have both "real DD" as well as "spanking play" (perhaps at a spanking party or with other couples). There is, of course, no "right answer" - just each couple's own inclination.

    Aunt Kay wrote the following on the FAQ section of the DWC site (all those years ago):
    “Is it best to reserve all spanking for disciplinary purposes in a DWC home?”


    "Oh, I hope not! While our theme is indeed proper discipline by wives, we are all about having fun and good times. Even the creation of a DWC home should be desirable for both parties. In reality, most of us love to do role plays, creative scenarios, or just have a spanking session for no reason other than “general principles”, such as “you must have gotten away with more than I’ll ever know, so into the bedroom with you”.

    On occasion we will attend a party where there is more likely to just be a lot of spanking going on with only very occasional role playing."

    My wife and I have both agreed that we might be willing to participate in a "spanking party" - especially if FM D/D oriented - but not within a couple of hundred miles of our home. My wife has occasionally expressed an interest in spanking other men just for fun (my wife enjoys spanking just for the joy of spanking) - or to help them with their disciplinary needs - but we have never acted on it - although I'm certain that there are many men in a major metro who would love to have someone to spank them.


    1. I recall that blurb on the DWC website. I also learned a while back that Kay and Jerry's DWC journey actually started with a spanking party. He had a pre-existing spanking interest and she agreed to a "date" at such a party. It was some time after that he did something she warned him not to do, and she ended up giving him their first real DD spanking. The rest was, as they say, history.

      I should convince my wife that her post-retirement gig should be spanking naughty male bottoms in our metro area. She'd probably make more on an hourly basis than I did pre-retirement.

    2. I often wonder why there are not any actual DWC clubs in communities given that similar clubs advocating partner swapping were popular for a while.
      Perhaps it's time to do some advertising and recruiting to guage interest?
      I suppose it would need a champion to convince couples to join.

    3. My guess is there are way more people interested in swinging than in F/m DD.

    4. We were going to spanking parties held by a local group regularly about twenty years ago. Both giving and receiving in a group of like minded people was enjoyable fun and we made some good friends there. I don’t know where my wife stands on this now but I’d certainly be up for it again if we became aware of a suitable local group. TG

    5. I was always sorry that we discovered the DWC as it was winding down and missed their gatherings. TG

    6. TG, same here. Though, the reality is that when we discovered the DWC, we were both overly concerned about maintaining anonymity. Anne still is, from what I can tell. So, even had we discovered it earlier, I doubt we would have taken advantage of what the DWC had to offer, though I wish that were not the case.

    7. My wife and I were "official members" of the DWC (vetted by the phone call with Aunt Kay) back when the group was active and had a private Yahoo group for the vetted members. However, we (and most of the members) still remained anonymous by using pseudonyms - with only Aunt Kay knowing the actual "true identities" of those of us who remained anonymous. There were a couple of gatherings during that time but we were not able to go for logistic reasons (i.e. - kids) - but we would not have anyway as we we have never been willing to compromise our anonymity. After twenty years, there are three people that know of our lifestyle - my wife's sister (who inadvertently overheard a spanking), one of my wife's old college girl friends who opened up to us about her bdsm lifestyle (as a "switch" - and we then confided our lifestyle to her). And a close guy friend who saw a paddle that was left laying out (who we knew well enough to confide in - and while he was not personally interested in being spanked, he was completely accepting of the idea). Both the ladies have witnessed me receiving a true DD spanking - and both the ladies have spanked me in a more "fun" (but still quite painful way). While we do practice real DWC-style DD, we also have a bit of fun with it now and then. --al

    8. Al, my list of people who know our real identities (doesn't that sound coolly superhero-ish?) is slightly longer than yours, though yours is comprised of more people from your "real life." I told one vanilla female friend fairly early on. I've exchanged real identities with one of the regular commenters here, though we've never met in person. I've met face-to-face with two (former) female bloggers in this space (one F/m, one M/f), one live and one over Zoom, both of whom know my real name. Aunt Kay's husband and I have each others' real names and contact info, and we've talked live over Zoom and telephone.

      Then there are the unknowns. Do the kids know? I think one probably increasingly suspects thanks to some recent observations and exchanges with my wife. I haven't met the husbands of the two former bloggers, though one of them waved at me at the beginning of a Zoom call. They know my first name but probably not much beyond that. My vanilla friend has been married twice during the time she's known about our DD lifestyle, and I have to assume one or both of her husbands know. In fact, I've told her that I don't care whether she tells her current husband.

      I guess you could say I've hit the point that I'm not very protective about my identity, but I'm not flaunting it either. I'll probably never be as open as, say, former commenter KD Pierre was, displaying photos of himself and his wife on his blog. But, now that I'm not longer in my former dick-swinging, competitive profession, it's not like there would be any real damage done if more people were to know. And, the plain fact is that based on our exchanges here, I've come to like many of you guys and to feel like I know you. I wish I'd been less concerned about anonymity and would have gotten to know Aunt Kay before she died, and I feel the same way about some of our little network here.

    9. All of which reminds me of the time we walked into a Scarlet Moons (the spanking party group we used to go to) get-together about twenty years ago and my wife immediately saw an ex-co-worker in the room. TG

    10. I've never had any desire to be on the other end of the paddle, but I could make an exception for a few ex-co-workers.

    11. Al, as I have thought about it this week, and as I have read what people have written, I have realized that probably if my wife and I ever did have a chance to go to a spanking party (without risking too much), I probably would jump at it. I still say that to me any spanking there probably wouldn't feel that "authentic" (to my taste), and would just feel like play, no matter how hard it was, I have about enough kinkiness and fascination with anything and everything that I would probably not want to pass up the experience.


  18. Not long winded at all. Very interesting and thanks for indulging me. That all makes a lot of sense. I intend to be much more participatory in the future. We have a lot of alignment on things from what I read in your blog. Much appreciate all the work you put into this endeavor


  19. Thanks, and it would be great to add you as a regular participant.

  20. Not for me. Trust is a must and I only trust her to spank me. JR

    1. That concern would keep me away from pros, but probably not from the wives of other disciplined husbands that I might have some kind of track record with. I do think it's probably kind of a crap shoot going to a pro and that the chance of landing with one who is working out a lot of aggression issues on her customers' asses is not insignificant.

  21. Public punishments were a regular occurrence where I grew up - I often had to queue with classmates at school to be strapped (on the hands although one ‘Christian’ Brother would occasionally make us bend over ‘for a change’). And I would fairly often overhear friends & neighbours spankings through open windows. My DD sessions can be sentenced but not executed for several days so I could see a scenario where a punishment was delayed until there was a gathering of like minded couples ( if we knew any IRL. It’s obviously a fantasy but one that feels more real & possible than many.

    I did share a dream that I had once with my wife whereby she engaged the services of a surrogate (male) spanker to punish me as she was recovering from shoulder surgery. I found the dream quite a turn on given that she was in control of the whole situation and essentially telling two men what to do! Surprisingly although she is quite ‘vanilla’, she seemed to very much like the scenario as a thought experiment …

    Fantasies are wonderful in themselves and I have always felt very relaxed about the fact that they exist on a continuum with real life experiences at one end and a whole range of enjoyable but never to be achieved experiences at the other. TB

    1. "Surprisingly although she is quite ‘vanilla’, she seemed to very much like the scenario as a thought experiment …." I wrote a story for my wife a few years ago that included her directing me to be spanked by a male, and I've told her about my dream in which I was taken from a work function (that my wife and other family members were also at) and spanked by a male. She too seemed to like those scenarios. I think sometimes maybe I make too many assumptions about what my wife would "never do" without having all that much basis for those assumptions. It's probably generally a mistake not to distinguish between things your partner might not initiate versus things they would not do.

    2. Excellent point that just because your partner might not instigate something, it doesn't necessarily mean that they would never do it or go along with it. And then, people also change over time, so "never say never" really does ring true.


    3. Agreed, and the degree of change isn't always linear. I would say Anne has changed more in the last year than our previous 19+ in this lifestyle.

  22. I too am a long-time reader and love your blog. My interest in spanking goes back to when I was six years old! A neighborhood girl, also about 6, described for me how her younger brother (age 4, maybe?) had his pants taken down and was spanked on his bare bottom. When I heard that, I had two totally contradictory thoughts: one, how horrible, and two, how I wished someone would do that to me. I ended up hardly spanked at all as a kid (and never bare bottom), but pre-puberty and post-puberty and throughout more than half a century I've had that desire. It's tied to excitement, not to guilt. As far as fantasies that should remain fantasies for me, one or two days of a female-led relationship with plenty of spanking would be fun and exciting for me, but I wouldn't want more than that. I'd be totally okay with being sent to the home of another woman to be spanked. For me, what's at the heart of it all is a desire for the intense excitement that comes with losing all control in a safe way. For me, if the pain is easy or at least not too hard to bear, I remain in control and it's not very exciting. It's when I can't take that I'm no longer in control. Yeah, it's very unpleasant while it's happening, but somehow the excitement of it all in prospect and in retrospect keeps me coming back for more.

    1. Well said Mark. I really canidentify with your journey and experiences.

    2. And I deserve a severe punishment for all my typos…smh

    3. "For me, what's at the heart of it all is a desire for the intense excitement that comes with losing all control in a safe way."

      Losing control--or, more precisely, having it taken from me--is a big part of the attraction to DD and FLR for me. But, I can't easily characterize it as "excitement." More like "morbid fascination."

    4. Mark wrote:” For me, what's at the heart of it all is a desire for the intense excitement that comes with losing all control in a safe way …. if the pain is …not too hard to bear, …it's not very exciting… ( but) when I can't take (it) … I'm no longer in control

      Very on point. As discussed earlier, it is not the pain or the spanking itself that produces the enormous erotic energy—but the feeling of being completely under the control of a woman we love and trust.

      However, an additional layer needs to be explored to understand why we are so afraid of not being in control. The need to let go of control in a safe environment is no great puzzle itself. All humans have the need to let go of their defenses and posturing and to reveal themselves completely and openly. Submitting to authority and accepting punishment is one pretty effective way to achieve that. Spanking opens up a part of us that we are otherwise hard-pressed to be in touch with. I always remember what a former GF said to me after a spanking: “ Alan, you are a completely different person after I have spanked you, and I like that person very much” For me I still don’t know why letting go is so hard, but I know spanking does it and maybe that all I need to know

    5. I second the losing control aspect as crucial. It's more important than the actual spanking part but that part is essential too. It's less the pain than it is the tone.
      Personally, I don't appreciate the bondage or BDSM scenes very much although that is about control too, or maybe more about power. Maybe that's the difference in domestic style scenes. Somehow it is a deep rooted need because I now see that a regular dose of it is very balancing. And I'm upping my foot rub game too!

    6. Even though we have been practicing a DD lifestyle for about 3 years, I have seldom felt a loss of control until about a month ago. What changed is she has upped her game after I shared my fantasy about wanting to feel out of control. She is not only spanking harder, but will often include rapid, non stop, spanks that go on for a minute or longer.
      That quickly makes me begin to make more noise and sometimes kick uncontrollably. That is what I wanted, and I have no regrets, as a real DD spanking should make me feel the loss of control. The fact that she is willing to do it makes me extremely grateful, and is fundamental to our DD.

    7. Alan, I agree that many of us seem to have a desire to let go of control, though our fear of doing so is very deeply rooted. For me, the both the desire and the fear are exemplified by crying during a spanking. When I discovered the DWC, the stories that hit me the hardest were those in which a spanking resulted in real sobbing. Yet, in 20+ years, I've yet to experience that kind of surrender, and there is no doubt in my mind that the reason is I can't quite bring myself to really let go of control at the deepest level.

      Mark, for me too the prospect of losing control is a critical part of the process.

      Michael, I agree that tone is critical. And, for me the domestic context is key to the whole thing. You're right that theoretically BDSM scenes and bondage should involve a perceived loss of control, yet they don't really do anything for me. I think it's because (a) they lack that domestic vibe; and (b) they are all about having an escape hatch available, like safe words, which undermines the reality of the loss of control.

    8. "Losing control--or, more precisely, having it taken from me--is a big part of the attraction to DD and FLR for me. But, I can't easily characterize it as 'excitement.' More like 'morbid fascination.'" - Exactly this for me...

      And Alan, I agree with what you said about humans needing to let down their defenses and posturing in order for their real, deep self to be revealed. I wonder if part of the reason witnesses are so compelling to me is because it seems like a greater loss of control and certainly more vulnerability, and somehow deep down I know that I need that?


  23. Mark, your thoughts about spankings at six were similar to my own at that age. I remember when a friend of the same age and I were threatened with spankings from two girls a couple of years older. One girl (my friend's cousin) pulled me across her lap but I escaped, feeling like that's what I should do. As I thought about it a little later, I remember having an inexplicable feeling that I should have let her do it.

    1. Growing up, my cousins and I were pretty intent on *avoiding* spankings. At a recent funeral, one of my female cousins even recounted her and her brother (the deceased), playing rambunctiously until someone got hurt, then scheming to make sure the adults didn't know what had really happened in order to avoid an otherwise very likely "whuppin'"

    2. Mark and Kevin, my thoughts started pre puberty and ramped up into my teens. I’ve basically been hard wired since then. I watched my friends sister get a serious spanking on her underwear by her Father. I remember later on in life, her now ex saying, she needed a good spanking after an argument. I think they were into MF DD. This immediately brought me back to my youth and observing her getting a spanking. We lost touch and life went on. While younger, I did date a girl in our church group. We used to fool around and one day while her parents were out, she gave me a good strapping with the belt. We were probably around 17. She said she enjoyed it but felt a bit bad at the sight of my bottom. We were too young to be serious and she went to school across the country.

  24. On a separate note, my wife and I got into a tiff over a family issue surrounding an upcoming trip. As we guys all know, our wives know how to push the right buttons. I made a remark to her about a member I regret. Her reply was, let’s see how you feel after I whip you till you can’t sit for a week. I took a serious spanking and it was extremely tender to sit for the last few days. I of course apologized profusely during the thrashing, but she just kept going. It reminded me of the DWC immediately. It’s amazing how fantasy turns into reality rather quickly when you’re getting thrashed.

    1. "It’s amazing how fantasy turns into reality rather quickly when you’re getting thrashed."

      One thing I have never been punished for and probably never will be is saying anything about her family. She dislikes most of her family even more than I do.

  25. In the fantasy real, sometimes you better be careful what you wish for. My girlfriend is embracing the the idea of hard spankings as motivation to do my chores, treat her right, and other responsibilities that I sometimes shirk.
    She's enjoying the freedom to express herself and developing a self-confidence that extends beyond our relationship. It's a win-win so far. The whole arrangement came from us both being honest about what we need. That's the secret sauce.
    I used a short story as a way to illustrate the tone I'm looking for (but not demanding). It was a fantasy story but she clearly read it with interest. After a paddling that left open wounds in my rear end we went out to dinner and she chose a hard bar stool as our seats. Then with no warning she brought me into the bathroom, locked the door, took down my pants and applied multiple quick, stinging swats on each cheek. Then we went back and finished our meal.
    That sort of semi-public treatment is (was) just a fantasy. I still think about it. Now I'm imagining recruiting her close friend to witness or participate in one of our regular maintenance spankings. That one I haven't expressed quite yet. There are more implications involved there.

    1. "She's enjoying the freedom to express herself and developing a self-confidence that extends beyond our relationship. It's a win-win so far." I saw that happen with my wife over the years. It was a virtuous circle of sorts, with her authority at home leading to greater confidence, which in turn led to ramping up her authority at home.

      But, you're right that you need to use some discretion in deciding what to share about fantasies and about things you want or think you want. You might get them.

  26. Such an amazing collection of insightful, generous, and sizzling comments!


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