Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Club - Meeting 510 - Spanking Attire -- Dress Up, Down, or Not at All

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” - Oscar Wilde


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you all had a good week.  Mine was kind of rough.  I’m limping around with a painful, swollen knee, yet I can’t identify a thing I did to injure it.  I got some blood tests back after an annual physical, and my scores are worse than last year on all the biggies, even though my diet and exercise don’t seem any worse than last year, other than my exercise routine was interrupted earlier in the year from an injury.  Aging really isn’t for sissies . . .



And, I’m posting a day later than usual because I spent most of yesterday in the vet’s office with an injured pet.  Between his bum leg and mine, we make an interesting conjoined pair when walking next to each other.



Anyway, that was a long lead in for what will be shorter than usual post.  I have some extended family visiting this week and don’t have time to do anything very long and detailed.  But, I don’t want to skip posting entirely, as I may have to skip next week.  Therefore, this simple topic suggestion from Glemore is a good fit for this distracting week:


“Does your wife dress specially for your spanking, with heels stockings, leggings, etc.? If not, would you like her to?


Let’s expand it a bit to how both parties dress for a spanking and to what extent those clothes stay on during it.


For us, the answer is pretty straightforward.  Anne wears whatever she happens to be wearing that day, and it all stays on during the spanking. She dresses fairly casually most days, so she’s usually in a pair of jeans and a casual top of some sort.


I’m almost always in jeans and a casual shirt, but doesn’t really matter since almost all our spankings occur with me completely naked.


I don’t know whether that’s typical.  When looking through my collection of drawings and pictures, I was a little surprised that pants down but not off seemed to be the most prevalent.  


Second most prevalent was probably pants off but shirt on.  



Fully nude seemed to be a distant third, even though it probably was the one most prominently depicted on the DWC website.


For the women, the winner by a mile seemed to be skirts and dresses, though where I live, I don’t see that many skirts and dresses in women’s daily wear. Shorts are also pretty prominently featured. I assume that dresses, skirts, and shorts are so common in spanking pics and drawings simply because men are the audience for those pictures and we like female legs and/or draping ourselves over naked legs is a common element of spanking fantasies.


Drawing by RedRump


Fancy lingerie also seems to be a fairly common element in a lot of spanking art, though I wonder how common it is in real life? 



The spanker stripped down to her underwear, or a top with panties, is somewhat common.

The completely nude female spanker is probably least common, though I do have dozens of examples in my collection.



As for preferences, authenticity and an “all business” approach are key to my DD desires, so I’m very happy with Anne dressing in whatever she would normally be wearing.  Anything else would feel too much like play-acting a BDSM-ish scene.


Drawing courtesy of RedRump

Something like this reflects my preferences much more closely.


How about you?  How does the spanker in your relationship usually dress during a spanking.  How about the spankee?  Do your preferences differ from that norm?


Have a great week.


  1. Dan, my wife is like yours. She spanks me in whatever clothes she happens to be wearing in the moment. She always fully dressed. Her most usual attire when we are at home is a t-shirt and tights.

    I am always pants down but not off. If that is indeed the most frequent way for people to be spanked, it could be because that’s the way parents most commonly spanked kids back in the day. My wife and I have never talked about this. That’s just the way we have always done it. When she is going to spank me, she tells me to pull my pants down, not to get undressed, so that’s what I do. For some reason, I think that I feel more vulnerable with my pants down than I would completely nude. I’m not sure why. Maybe it feels more infantalizing.

    1. "For some reason, I think that I feel more vulnerable with my pants down than I would completely nude." I can understand that and might feel the same way. I don't really know why, but we've always done it with me fully nude.

    2. Dan, do you think you might have started to do it with you being fully nude because of that picture from the DWC website? I have always loved that picture, and I can see how an image like that could influence your, and your wife’s, way of doing things. (I liked that the spanking was being seen by another man peeking in the window). And then, once you get started doing things a certain way, it is like you get into a groove, and that simply becomes the way it is done. Of course, it could be that your wife orders you to strip completely because she is turned on by seeing you naked when she is fully dressed. There is a lot to be said for the CFNM power dynamic as an enhancement to DD.


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