“The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people's reality, and eventually in one's own.” - Susan Sontag
Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club. Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.
Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.
I hope you had a good week. Mine was hectic, continuing the trend of one damn thing after another going wrong. We have a vacation coming up in a few days, and I’m torn between knowing I desperately need one, on the one hand, and worrying about what the hell could go wrong, on the other.
I’m also desperate for motorcycle season to begin, but it’s still pretty cold, and on warm days snow is turning to mud. Plus, included in that “one damn thing after another” pattern is a couple of nagging age-related physical problems that could put a crimp in this riding season.
Oh well. Enough whining.
Last week’s topic got fewer comments than I’d hoped. “Consent” is usually a compelling subject and, in the past, has driven some great conversations. It’s another example leading me to wonder whether the blog is just running out of gas. Too early to say, but it does feel like there’s been a big drop in energy lately.
But, we did get some thoughtful, insightful comments. I especially liked this one from Chris H, as I think it accurately describes what can be a long process of a wife gaining more and more confidence and control:
“My wife and I are in a light FLR. She doesn’t control everything in our relationship, but she is in charge of home maintenance and how the family schedules operate. She has set certain rules regarding the family schedule and chores that she is 100% committed to spanking me for, when I disobey. I’m also not allowed to have a temper outburst.
It took a LONG time for her to embrace this role, over many years of me asking her and praying that she would.
So now, when she tells me that I’m going to be spanked for something, I feel like I have zero control over it. I don’t want it, and even if I beg her not to spank me, I feel like I don’t have a choice. Technically I could always refuse, but the consequence of that would be jeopardize the relationship structure I’ve wanted for so long.
So in reality, my spankings are non-consensual because I don’t have any acceptable options left other than to accept my punishment - whether I want it or not doesn’t matter.”
Alan similarly emphasized the psychological aspects of consent and how our psychological ability to resist may diminish over time, making our feelings about our ability to consent potentially illusory:
“I suspect many of us feel we have more “consensual” veto power over getting spanked than we actually do have at the moment of a spanking. In both of my DD relationships, my actual capacity to defy her about a spanking that she really wanted to administer was minimal - maybe none. My ability to defy her is roughly inversely proportional to the number of punishment spankings she has given me.
Think about this: once she knows you need spankings, and she has already spanked you for real discipline, she knows she can spank you if she is determined to do so-and her power to do this just increases over time. I have not talked about this directly with my wife. But I remember it coming up with my former GF. She acknowledged that she might not always be able to control me when we were (physically) apart. But she said something like this: “When we are together, I know I can absolutely control your ass, and there is nothing you can do about it. “
She was right. The control, of course, is not physical but psychological, and it increases every time you submit to a spanking. I think a part of us wants to believe we can defy her if “I really wanted to." But try it the next time she tells you a punishment spanking is coming. You can delay and even beg, but you can’t really stop it. You can’t stop it because you really don’t want to -and because the price of defying her is not a price you can afford.”
For me, I continue to hope that our dynamic evolves in such a way that it feels less and less consensual. What I need to ponder a bit more is how to take some of these abstract goals—like making the dynamic feel less consensual, or her being more strict, or her taking a stronger and stronger role—and move them along with some concrete actions on her part and mine. Otherwise, we seem to stay at this frustrating point where we talk about this stuff all the time, and we both seem to share broad goals of where we want things to go, but it never seems to get a lot of real traction.
Because we are going on vacation next week, and because I’m in for a very busy weekend, this week’s topic is going to be less psychologically dense.
A few weeks ago, Glenmore suggested this topic:
Would you and your wife be open to make a video or audio recording of your spankings? Would you watch / listen to it with her and what might you learn?
Al responded with a bit of personal DWC history:
“Back when the DWC was active, Aunt Kay invited the club members to send in videos of wives spanking their husbands for a possible compilation. Obviously public exposure was a big issue - and nothing ever came of the video idea. However, for a while, there were some pics on the DWC site of real life DWC couples in action (we did not participate).
When the video idea was suggested, Susan and I actually did one with the camera position carefully positioned not to show my wife's face and I was otk wearing a ski mask. Kay thought it was a fun idea - as if Susan was spanking a burglar in lieu of calling the police. Ultimately, we decided not to submit it out of "an abundance of caution over possible exposure". But - we did have "fun' doing it (in spite of the real pain from the real spanking) and we watched it a few times before finally erasing it (again, didn't want anyone - especially the kids - inadvertently coming across the recording).”
We have not made a video or audio recording of a spanking. But, the idea does have some appeal. My openness to it probably reflects some personal growth over the time we’ve been doing this, as for a long time I shared Al’s strong concerns about exposure. In my case, looking back I can say it bordered on paranoia, though I’m sure I would, in fact, have been utterly mortified if we had made such a video and it got out.
It’s not mere speculation that being outed would cause an initial panic, as I went through one real-life incident that gave me some insights on how I would react to being involuntarily “outed.” A few years ago, I was going through my email inbox and saw one whose subject line really got my attention: It consisted of a password I had used on many different websites.
It got worse. It was directed to me, using my real name throughout the email. The sender claimed to have hacked my computer and gotten my passwords, as proven by
the email’s subject line. It further claimed to have downloaded my browsing
history, and still further claimed to have commandeered the camera on my laptop
to record me visiting some very nasty and embarrassing websites. The sender demanded that I send some amount
(a few thousand dollars) in bitcoin, otherwise all this embarrassing
information would be sent to everyone in my Contacts app, the contents of which the sender claimed to have copied.
For several minutes, I went into a full-blown panic at the idea of some very embarrassing stuff going out to all my friends and family, not to mention the various business contacts in my rolodex. And, my panic was very focused on spanking-related material, since that genre constituted a lot of my “naughty” on-line activity.
Finally, my rational brain came to the rescue. I Googled the general description of the blackmail threat and found it was a fairly popular scam. The reference to one of my real-life passwords, which had given the whole shakedown its credibility, was easily explained. Millions of real usernames and passwords, and the real names they are associated with, are available on the dark web as a result of well-known, large-scale data hacks.
Although the whole thing was a scam, it did force me into thinking hard about how I would react if my participation in this thing we do ever became widely known, not just to a bunch of strangers but to those I know and am the closest to. After the initial panic, my attitude became more, “It is what it is. I guess I’ll deal with it.”
So, today I wouldn’t let an
abstract concern about being “outed” by someone getting ahold of a picture or
video of me being spanked stop me from doing it. Also, with modern video editing software, it's fairly easy to obscure the faces of participants.
But, setting aside confidentiality risks, why would I want to do it? For me, the biggest reason is I’m genuinely curious about how both she and I look during the act. As I’ve said in a couple of recent responses to comments about certain drawings or pictures, I’m very drawn to realistic facial expressions in spanking art. I’m very drawn to pictures that seem to show real fear or anxiety leading up to the spanking, real pain and regret during the spanking and, on the part of the spanker, looks of business-like determination.
I would like to see visually the extent to which my wife and I display those sorts of facial expressions during a real-life spanking. With today's technology, it would even be possible to see one's reactions live and in the moment, though personally I think I would prefer to view it after-the-fact.
Also, knowing my wife possessed that kind of visual evidence of our spanking relationship could reinforce the power hierarchy in a major way. Even though I trust her unreservedly and don’t believe she would ever use such a video to “out” me or intentionally embarrass me, just knowing she could do so undoubtedly would ramp my feelings of vulnerability and my sense of her potential power over me.
Last week, I talked a little
bit about the group NXIVM and their motivational method of getting “collateral”
from participants, sometimes in the form of embarrassing material that might be
released if the participant failed to keep a commitment or meet a goal. It seems to have been a very effective means
of incentivizing the participants’ desired behavior, even if they probably knew
the embarrassing material would never be revealed.
A part of me craves the intense feelings that surround the inherent risk of such embarrassing material being out there, in someone else's possession, even if I am confident Anne would never intentionally use it against me and even though I know the risk of someone else obtaining it would be low.
As for an auditory recording, the prospect of that doesn’t do much for me. I'm not sure why, given that a spanking overheard as it is happening does give me a strong emotional response, perhaps more than a visually witnessed one. For example, while I don’t have any real desire to hear a recording of myself being spanked, I do find the thought of someone listening in over the phone while one is happening to be very compelling.
How about you? Have you ever recorded a spanking session, whether by video, sound recording, or a photograph? Did you keep it? If so, who has possession of it? Have either of you shared it with anyone else? Do you ever view or listen to it together? Do you share Al’s concerns about possible exposure, or is the possibility of such disclosure exciting in some way?
I hope you have a great week. FYI, it is very likely we won’t have a post next week.
Don't forget that Google can make it harder or easier to comment. I wasn't able to comment for a few weeks because I visit this site in an incognito browser, and the login I have to do every time was requiring an extra verification step that wasn't working until several days ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid I wouldn't trust my wife to secure a recording. An accidental leak would be hundreds of times more likely than an intentional sharing. And, as the disciplinarian, I think she should be the one to record and have it if we were to make one. I think it would be interesting viewing ten or twenty years from now if we could figure that out.
In general, she has assured me that she never discusses our intimate activities with others and I believe her.
Yeah, Google's verification process definitely doesn't help.
DeleteMy wife also says she never discusses intimate activities with anyone, and I mostly believe her. She can't stand her sister, so there is no sharing going on among siblings, contrary to how many sister relationships work. And, her social friends and her don't seem to share anything about sex. Honestly, I wish she did have someone she shared this kind of stuff with. I think it would be humbling for me, in a good way, to know that she's told others.
OMG, that story you told about the scam was terrifying!
ReplyDeleteWe have never filmed a spanking or any other intimate act. I would be paranoid about it somehow getting out.
Yeah, it was pretty terrifying for the first few minutes. After that, I did settle down a bit, even though at first I was still believing it was real. Funny how the mind adapts quickly to what it thinks is the inevitable reality.
DeleteYes, I have recorded myself being caned, with a single fixed camera on a tripod. I'm not a photographer and I discovered that it is much more difficult than you would expect. The recording was pretty poor quality and I haven't tried again.
ReplyDeleteAnd because the quality was poor it wasn't worth keeping so I deleted it.
I think that to do a good job, you would need quality lighting and multiple cameras... or a dedicated camera operator. Bit difficult to arrange when your wife decides that you need a spanking!
Yeah, I'm not a great photographer either and don't have the right equipment. It doesn't surprise me you weren't able to shoot a high-quality video.
DeleteI have received the same spam email in the past - very scary initially but like you I eventually came to the logical conclusion it wasn’t what it looked like. I have filmed myself in the past both self spanking and being spanked by my then gf (now wife) - I love the thrill of rewatching them but alas haven’t made the effort in a while. I have shared the more anonymous ones with both of our faces on twitter previously - the exhibitionism of it all is certainly a turn on for us both. Exposure to my family is something I wish to avoid but the reality is they are not naive. Many of my friends know I am very kinky (some know more details than others) and even acquaintances and work colleagues in the village I live seem to have some idea (no idea how word travelled but I’ve been to many bdsm events publicly so it’s certainly possible someone else there saw me and recognised me). Ultimately I’m happy to own all of who I am, though I would prefer my immediate family and of course our children to stay blissfully unaware.
ReplyDeleteI've never really thought of myself as an exhibitionist, but the fact that I am attracted to the idea of a video, and I'm at least mildly interested in witnesses, should probably make me reevaluate that.
DeleteWe have never recorded any spanking sessions and I doubt if she would ever consider it. On the other hand, she has spanked me in front of others on occasions, so I would assume it is not due to any privacy concerns. Perhaps the concept of retention is present. A recording or photo or video may be kept for many years where a personal witness only has the short real time view to recall mentally. I would have less concern about any type of recording than she has, but she makes the decisions. My former used to discipline me at the time of the incident no matter where we were or who may be present. This was quite some time ago when everyone did not have the ability to document an event as they do today. As far as us recording a session for later views or use, we have never done that.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point about retention. It did occur to me as I was writing this post that there is a non-trivial risk that a witness might video a session without the recipient knowing.
DeleteI had a somewhat similar scam. They were able to hack my Netflix account. I then had to call Netflix and have them reset my password after verification. I then of course received an email at the same time to reset my Netflix password. The email was bogus. I then had to reset my email password as well as others just to be safe. Interesting enough, a friend of mine, received a text from his bank w a fraud alert and the legit fraud number from his bank. He went to dial the number and a “bank representative” called regarding the charge. My friend was wise to the scan, even though they had all of his information. My buddy asked for his name and number. He called the bank fraud number from the text, legit, and they stated it was a 1000 percent fraud. A phishing scam that I’m sure has gotten a few. When the same individual called back, he has some serious superlatives for him. As for this weeks topic, first my wife came home from her trip exhausted. We caught up and she said, I didn’t forget, you’re getting thrashed tonight. She followed through w a blistering. I applaud her efforts for not forgetting. I didn’t want a thrashing. Because I had not seen her in so long, I wanted some intimate time with her. She refused and instead gave me a dry release. Her response was next time, you won’t talk to me in that manner and you didn’t even deserve the release. I was a bit taken back to be honest, but she was correct in her statement. I leave for a guys impromptu trip later in the week and she made it clear that I won’t sit comfortably on the plane ride down. We have made a number of of videos when we were younger. A few came out great and we would watch them occasionally. They are secured, but we will destroy them soon. We haven’t watched them in sometime. We have implicit trust in each other and without kids in the house, I have never worried about them falling into the wrong hands. I agree with today’s technology, it’s so easy to post anonymously online. Spank Tube had some great videos where no faces are ever seen.
Yeah, banking fraud detection has gotten pretty sophisticated. Someone tried to access one of my daughter's bank accounts. They made a mistake in calling the bank's automated line. The bank's fraud technology detected that the voice didn't match her voice, which they apparently recorded during previous calls. I had no idea banks did that.
DeleteGood on your wife for sticking to her guns.
Kids in the house would have been an issue for keeping a video, but now it would more likely be kept on a phone or laptop. If my kids ever access my computer after I'm gone, they definitely are going to learn way more than they ever wanted to know about their father's proclivities.
Dan, before going into the main topic, let's address your expressing that you feel like your blog may be running out of gas. First, there were 89 posts. Many of the comments were quite complex and described a variety of the many different ways DD works for different couples. Even if the topics are similar to those done before, you have pretty astute and enthuistic group of very articulate commenters. Many of us were not aware of the blog for quite awhile after you started it, so we are a different group than the original folks. It ebbs and flows, but in general, it is always interesting, and somewhat erotic, learning about how others practice DD. Lastly, there is nothing else like this unique virtual community dedicated to exploring DD in a serious manner. So, keep up the good work! On to the topic ....We have done numerous videos of disciplinary spankings. No need for fancy cameras or lighting - all you need is an iPad. Watching them later is a good reminder of exactly why you want to avoid a disciplinary spanking. Also, it is very erotic to see her look of determation when she is really serious about getting a message across. She takes a photo of my butt after every spanking she gives, so there are hundreds of them. You can hide them in your phone or on your iPad. It is also an easy way to keep track of your spankings, which is sometimes helpful when writing in my DD journal. I did show one friend some of the photos and a video. Before I did that, my friend always thought our DD was simply a fun sexual game, but the video clearly showed that the spankings were indeed, very real.
ReplyDeleteNorton said “ Watching them later is a good reminder of exactly why you want to avoid a disciplinary spanking. Also, it is very erotic to see her look of determation when she is really serious about getting a message across”
DeleteWe have some pictures but no surviving video. As Norton describes, we have discussed using photographs or videos as “reminders.” We do have a room dedicated to disciplinary spanking. And we keep several paddles, straps, and a cane in there. We have talked about using it as a sort of adult “time out”, where she could order me to “decide” if I wanted to avoid a spanking. It seems like a good idea, but we have not tried it ( when she does send me to the spank room, her mind and my fate have already been decided. The only thing I have to decide is whether I am going to “do it the easy way or the hard way”). I will be interested to know if anyone else uses photos or videos as “warnings.” I wonder if just visual proof of past spanking and its result( she has several post-spanking pictures) would act as much of a deterrent. On the other hand, watching or even listening to a video might be realistic enough to trigger the brain into the sort of self-preservation that happens when faced with an imminent spanking
I do have one selfie showing the results of a spanking. It's on my computer among thousands of other pictures. Every once in a while, I see it when searching for another photo. For me, it doesn't really serve as a deterrent. It was taken only two or three years ago, long after I stopped experiencing really major bruising. But, even if it were more dramatic, I doubt a still photo would ever have the same impact as a video.
DeleteI agree. Even a vivid video might not have much deterrence.
There was a mistake on my last post. Just to be clear, the 2nd sentence should have said "Your last week's post had 89 comments"
ReplyDeleteI agree that last week’s discussion was very enlightening. Also, many thanks for maintaining the blog…it is excellent.
ReplyDeleteAs for filming, the problem for me with phones/tablets and partially with computers is cloud storage/back up. The goal is to find a way to capture and view content that is completely offline. My thought is if we were to do it, and I’m interested to try at least once, we would film it on our Nikon then transfer it to a thumb drive. The files could be locked as a zip, or located in hidden folders in the event the thumb drive was found. This isn’t foolproof by any means but seems to assuage most of my paranoia around inadvertently sharing.
There are also encrypted thumb drives, that usually require passwords to access the data. One cloud option that seems pretty solid to me is Proton. I've been using their mail service for a while. They have end-to-end encryption, don't require personal information for sign up, and they have a paid version that includes cloud storage. They're also located outside the US and won't respond to US subpoenas.
DeleteI pity the fool that would subpoena my spanking video, but I appreciate the insight. All my devices are already connected to Apple and OneDrive…it’s disentangling it all, and the fear of a mistake that is the problem.
OK - I’m guilty of recording a spanking ( strapping) quite a few years ago using a GoPro. I just left it running on a piece of furniture close to the bed. The quality is not bad, the images are a bit small, but can be zoomed in on, sound is quite good.
ReplyDeleteI was really interested in what the whole process looked and sounded like from a third party perspective. It was fascinating ( to me) to watch afterwards and I still have it on an encrypted drive. I have also audio recorded a session (using the memo feature on iPhone) only because I was curious as to how many strokes were received in a ‘typical’ discipline session (103 in that one ). I had tried counting a few times but failed as the pain increased. I felt guilty doing both as I am sure my wife would have refused and so I have not repeated either. I do wonder if it is voyeuristic to take pleasure in watching your own punishment…TB.
I don't know why she cares, but my wife once got very angry with me when she caught me using my phone to try to time a spanking. If I thought I could get away with it, I'd probably try to use it to count swats, as you did. I have never once succeeded in counting to the end, though I've often tried.
DeleteApart from my paranoia about producing a video recording that could go astray, I’m not sure I would like to see myself being spanked. I am one of those people who don’t like the sound of my own voice in audio recordings. Therefore, I would probably think that I look ridiculous and be embarrassed in a bad way if I saw myself being spanked. I feel like an adolescent when I get spanked, but I sure don’t look like an adolescent now. Lol.
Further to my comment yesterday, a weird idea occurred to me. I definitely would not want to see a video of myself being spanked. But you know how at the DWC there were accounts of women spanking other women’s husbands? Well, the thought occurs to me that I would love to see a video of my wife spanking another, much younger, man. That has suggested a brand new fantasy to me. When we moved into our house, we were a young couple surrounded in the neighbourhood by retirees. We are now retirees surrounded by young couples and young families. So now I have a fantasy about my wife becoming the neighbourhood disciplinarian and all the young wives sending their husbands to have their bums paddled by my wife when they misbehave. I would love to be a witness to that, and maybe even to film it to document the punishments for the wives of the men being spanked.
Although I am pretty sure it will never happen, I would be very open to Anne spanking another man, even if I did not get witness it. When I've talked to Aunt Kay's husband about women sending their men to her for a spanking, he's said that it that context he seldom witnessed the spanking. Instead, Aunt Kay sent him to another room while she took care of business.
DeleteOn the topic of fantasies: One of mine is to be disciplined together with another male also under DD, with my wife spanking me and his wife speaking him, one after the other. In my most whole version of this fantasy, the spankings occur semi-regularly as a tool our wives use to incentivize our behavior. I think this is more about sharing the DD experience with another male. Usually, the thought of another male knowing my wife spanks me would not be something positive. It's actually embarrassing that my brother-in-law knows, AND that he has rejected spanking in his own relationship. But there would be no embarrassment in the presence of another male, also subject to his wife’s discipline. There may be some exhibitionism in the fantasy, too, since his wife would witness my spanking ( but she would not spank me) as well as administer a spanking to her own husband. Interestingly, I have no fantasy of my wife spanking another man . Nor is being spanked by another woman very erotic in contemplation. Being sent to another woman or being spoken to by another woman at my wife’s direction would be erotic, however.
Alan, it is interesting to me how are fantasies and interests are so dependent on what might seem like minor nuances. The distinction between your reactions to being spanked by another woman, on the one hand, and being sent by your wife to another woman for a spanking, on the other, totally resonates with me. My wife sending me to someone else for a spanking holds a morbid attraction to me, and I have no doubt that the drive there, arriving at the door, and all the lead up the spanking, would be incredibly powerful. Yet, I don't have a strong reaction when envisioning the spanking itself.
DeleteI think I would feel embarrassed being spanked in front of another man, even if he also was subject to his wife's discipline. I'm sure I would be embarrassed being spanked in front of *any* witness, though I do think it would be more embarrassing in front of another man. The fact that he too was spanked might lessen the embarrassment somewhat, but I suspect it would still be substantial. That doesn't mean I wouldn't do it. In fact, the embarrassment makes the prospect somewhat more attractive. A few weeks ago, Doug proposed that one attraction to disciplinary spankings is that it raises strong emotions, and that some of us crave such emotions. For me, I think he's right, and it's why adding more embarrassment to disciplinary scenarios isn't something I have a problem with. And, while it probably will remain a fantasy, if I did have the opportunity for the scenario you describe, it's something I would be into experiencing.
DeleteI have never been spanked in front of smother male ( did come close once). So my real world response to it might be different from fantasy. But I think what make it seem different is the absence of the alpha male competitiveness. If he is bare bum over his wife's lap ( or going to be), then I am not going to experience him as any kind of male rival ( same for him). It is impossible to think of yourself as an alpha male when your wife is spanking you. As I think about it, that is one of the attractions of spanking and DD. I like being an alpha male -and most of the time my wife likes it too. But DD allows one to put all that down when needed or wanted. I have mentioned a former GF told me that I was a "different" person after she had spanked me. I think I could comfortably share that person if disciplined together with another male under DD.
Understood. I think I've lost a lot of that alpha male competitiveness over the last few years, particularly since retiring. My old work environment, and really the entire profession, were incredibly competitive, and I definitely got into more than my share of "dick waving" contests while in that environment. But, I found that once I left it, a lot of that mindset just drifted away.
DeleteWhere I could see it reassert itself in the spanking context, however, is I wonder whether being spanked in front of another male would lead me to try to be even more stoic than I already am. I might do so in front of any witness, but I suspect it would be more likely if the witness were a man.
My twist on this area of fantasy has always been watching my wife spanking another man (or possibly even just listening to it from outside the room) and knowing I’m next. TG
DeleteDan, when you say that you “would be open to Anne spanking another man,” do you mean that it would just be okay with you or that you would welcome it? For my part, I find the fantasy of it very erotic. Although I would like to witness it, I would accept being sent out of the room the way Aunt Kay used to do. What excites me about the fantasy, I think, is the idea of my wife increasing her power by extending it to other men. Being sent out of the room, leaving her alone in the room with a man whose pants she would be taking down, somehow adds to the excitement. I suppose her decision to exclude me from a procedure that is, for me, so erotically charged would further increase my sense of her power in our relationship.
DeleteAlan and Dan, I agree completely that the fantasy of being spanked by another woman is far less exciting than the fantasy of being sent by my wife to another woman to be spanked. Maybe that’s because having your punishment outsourced to another woman gives it the situation a DD context that would be lacking without your wife’s involvement. I rarely fantasize about being spanked by a younger woman, probably because I have difficulty imagining a DD context for that. But if my wife sent me next door to be spanked by the cute thirty-something woman, that would blow my mind!
Alan, I like your fantasy of being spanked by your wife together with another man who is going to spanked by his wife. I agree with Dan that being spanked in front of another man would be more embarrassing than being spanked in front of a woman. I’m not sure why. Maybe it is because there is a natural element of rivalry between men, so being humbled by your wife in front of a man would make you feel more deeply disempowered or even emasculated. Here’s a further extension of that idea: what if your wife outsourced your spanking to another man? I must confess that, although I am generally uninterested in M/m spanking, if it was being done at my wife’s behest or with her permission, I would find that erotically exciting.
Doug, I would welcome it. You said: "What excites me about the fantasy, I think, is the idea of my wife increasing her power by extending it to other men." Same here. I would actually be very into her embracing a full Aunt Kay-like role, including spanking other men. Unfortunately, I don't think that's ever going to be her thing.
Delete"Here’s a further extension of that idea: what if your wife outsourced your spanking to another man?" For me, when it comes to "female authority", the emphasis is much more on the "authority" than on the "female" part. Looping back to last week's discussion, I think a spanking from another male would increase the vulnerability and the feeling of it being potentially non-consensual. In fact, some of my strongest reactions to spanking stories, after I discovered my DD interests, involved things like being taken to the woodshed by an uncle, or an unrelated male. In fact, one of my earliest favorites involved a story in which a husband and wife were in some sort of relationship (I think there were cuckold themes in the story, but I don't remember the plot fully) with a very dominant male. The wife had asked the other male to punish the husband for something, but she kept ignoring his messages to set it up. So, he simply showed up at the door while they were hosting another couple for dinner. He let the husband and wife know that he was going to take the husband out to their horse barn and spank him, and they could choose for it be done the easy way (by cooperating in making up some story for the husband to excuse himself from the party for a few minutes) or the hard way. The husband very reluctantly agreed, and accompanied the man to the barn, where he received a very hard belt whipping. I also enjoyed a story in which a bratty teenager was taken by his single mom to a strict uncle's house, where the uncle took him to the woodshed and gave him a severe paddling.
So, yes, I definitely have fantasized about being spanked by males and, as long as my wife was a part of the decision for it to happen, I would undoubtedly comply.
TG, agreed. I always like drawings where someone is being spanked and someone else is in the hallway or another room waiting anxiously for their turn.
DeleteI see a clear distinction between authority and spanking. My wife is the only person to whom I give authority over me However if she chose to nominate another person as her proxy spanker, I would accept that without question. I would still feel she was delivering the punishment, just using someone else as the implement. TG
DeleteIn fact if my wife did use a surrogate disciplinarian, it would strengthen her authority and intensify the disciplinary effects. Like TG " My wife is the only person to whom I give authority over me". So delegating that authority and requiring my obedience to an intensely embarrassing order would actually represent he exercise of a lot of power from her.
TG and Alan, I agree with you both.
DeleteSorry to do this after some have already weighed in, but it occurred to me that a full topic on fantasies could be a good one. So, I'd like to ask people to forego sharing any more now. I have some time today and tomorrow before we leave for vacation. I'll put a full post together and post it next Friday or Saturday.
DeleteA few years back I was helping a friend move her Mom's things out of a nursing home and they had one of those hidden cameras which plug into the wall to monitor her .
ReplyDeleteShe no longer wanted it so I took it home , obviously for the purpose that I might be able to secretly record a spanking .
The problem was that it needed to be plugged into a wall outlet so it could really only record anything basically at floor level , although it would be able to capture audio well.
It was motion activated so would only record when someone entered the bedroom..
It recorded a whole lot of nothing for a few weeks until it was finally time for me to get a spanking.
The result was video of my wife's feet and lower legs and nothing of me , although the audio was interesting to listen to.
As usual there was not much audio of me speaking , mostly grunts with the occasional Yelp and some inaudible mumbling but hey voice was crisp and clear , as where the paddle whacks which were a lot louder than I thought.
I kept it plugged in for a while after but it ended up not recording at some point as I don't think it was a quality product so I ended up.disposng of it.
Like Dan , my real curiosity would be to see our facial expressions, or my butt turning from white to red but that would require a professional video and her consent which will never happen.
It was an interesting and fun experiment though.
We recently installed some cameras in a vacation condo we have, as a security measure. They are out in the open and have pretty expansive views. So, if my wife ever did deliver a spanking in one of those rooms, it probably would be recorded and could be at a favorable angle for seeing the whole thing. I hadn't thought of that possibility until your comment. Creates some interesting possibilities . . .
DeleteJust wondering Dan , with those security cameras are you the only one who can access the recordings ?
DeleteActually, only Anne. She was the one who wanted to set them up, and I haven't added the app to my devices to view them myself. That creates the interesting situation that when I'm using the condo by myself (which I often do), she could theoretically be watching me at any time, unless I turn the cameras off.
DeleteI am reasonably sure my wife would tune in. She she would let me know that she did or would tell me if she intended to do so. There would be no subterfuge about it. But it would set up an interesting dynamic. Overall there are a large number of home cameras in use and wife in charge relationships are not rare ( particularly if you include those that rarely or never use corporal punishment). Voila! We have a new trend
Better behave yourself when you're there alone Dan !
DeleteI know it’s not what you mean, but I’ve been a terrible exhibitionist, putting video and photos of my younger self out there. I had to learn quite a bit about video editing to be able to keep our identities concealed. If anybody recognizes me from my bare butt, I figure that’s par for the course! Despite keeping in good shape, I’ve become more self conscious about my appearance as I get deeper into my forties - I’m figuring nobody wants to see that! ;-). Wish I had similar pics from my twenties. But I’m glad I made we made those two videos, one of me spanking him, one of him spanking me, for posterity. I’ll rewatch when I’m 92!
ReplyDeleteNo, I do think that's totally consistent with what I meant in the post. I've always thought I am not an exhibitionist, but I sometimes think I am in limited ways. I had the same thought about video editing software. I've seen plenty of videos with elements of the video--faces, license plates, trademarked elements, etc.--obscured, so it seems to be a common feature of modern video editing software. Of course, at present I don't know a damn thing about how to use *any* feature of video editing software . . .
DeleteI could be wrong about how I'll think about the kink and spanking stuff at 92, if I make it that far, but I suspect I'll be right there with you, reliving my glory days! I do truly believe that age is, in large part, a sate of mind. I'm in touch regularly with Aunt Kay's husband. He's 80+ and still very into the whole disciplinary thing, even if he's no longer in a relationship that includes it. It gives me hope that I'll still be interested in kinky stuff for another decade or two.
Dan wrote : “…I'll think about the kink and spanking stuff at 92…”
DeleteBoth of you are hitting what may be the strongest argument for kink in general or spanking in particular. It ages with you. And as I get older, I understand and appreciate the sexual energy released or created by spanking.
Commenters on the blog have often shared their age range, and it seems clear that spanking emerges in relationships as couples age together (some exceptions, obviously). Among researchers, there is some opinion that kink might signal a higher-than-average sex drive. But it could also be the inverse: kink creates a higher sex drive. Ponce de Leon never did find his fountain of youth. He probably should have been spanked for that.
I think if you’re hard wired like some of us here, you won’t be able to just shut it off. I think I’ll be into DD and punishment until the day I die. Whether I think that’s a good thing or a bad thing, is inconsequential. I like this blog, and I applaud Dan for his work. I feel a bit like you Dan, how many topics can we discuss without regenerating old topics. Maybe a suggestion of posting twice a month might rejuvenate newer ideas. I guess maybe I’m a bit caught in the doldrums of DD.
DeleteAlan, I agree that it's probably a virtuous circle, with an openness to new experiences fueling an interest in kink, which fuels a stronger sex drives, which fuel an interest in new experiences . . . I do think my own sex drive was higher than normal when I was younger. Or, at least, I think I got interested in sex at a younger age than most. And, even though my experience never matched my interest levels, I recall even back in college I knew my sexual desires were wider and more flexible than many of my peers. So, discovering the DWC was the seed I needed, but it fell on fertile ground.
DeleteI gave up on the goal of not regenerating topics a long time ago. Honestly, pretty much all the posts over 10+ years are variations on probably 10-12 core topics that are core to these relationships. But, I do try (sometimes not successfully) not to repeat a topic more than once a year, and ideally no more than once every couple of years. The real issue isn't the repeat topics (which is inevitable) but the repetitiveness of the commenters. I love our core group of commenters and hope they stick with me 'til we are all testing the proposition that we'll be into this into our 90s. But, it really is necessary that new, active commenters join in periodically and that a few of them are just as thoughtful and diligent in commenting as those that have stayed at the core. The repetitive questions only work if there are non-repetitive answers.
DeleteI've thought a few times about moving from weekly to bi-weekly. It might solve some problems but it exacerbates others. I thought when I retired that my schedule would suddenly become way more flexible, and in some ways it has, but it's also become much less predictable. I think that is going to be even less predictable in the future, as my rediscovered and growing love of motorcycle and van travel leads me to more and more excursions on a less and less predictable schedule. We're also tied to our house more than we'd like by virtue of our two dogs. Once they pass over the rainbow bridge, we've committed to going dogless for a while, so we can travel more and to more exotic places. All that is going to make blogging on a predictable schedule harder.
I've also thought about doing something like Julie (see her comment above) has done with her blog, varying the format to include things like spanking stories, though in my case it probably would non-AI driven. I don't think I would ever change the format entirely, but I might shake it up a bit. I honestly like writing about DD and spanking, including DD fiction, but I've never really followed through on the fiction in they way I've disciplined myself to write a non-fiction, topical post every month.
I also feel like, as I get older, I'm more frustrated by how timid we've been with our DD. I really do envy some of you who have had witnessed spankings, been taken aside for spankings that others could overhear, and generally explored more adventurous elements of TTWD. I do need to figure out a way to bring more of that kind of thing into our relationship, which could also open up new avenues for the blog.
I’ve noticed that as we’ve aged into our forties, the urge to act out those crazy, more public things we did while younger, including even publishing more personal blog entries, has faded, though the excitement of thinking about them has not, hence my new emphasis on fiction, I guess.
DeleteFor me, things have moved a bit in the opposite direction. In my 30s and 40s, I was totally paranoid about potentially "outing" myself by sharing personal details. I was especially worried about career impact. I retired young (54), and since then I've lost a lot of that early concern. I'm still not using my real name on here or anything, but I just don't care nearly as much about other people knowing.
DeleteJulie writes:“ ,,. hence my new emphasis on fiction, I guess.”
Why don’t you use that awesome energy and talent you have to tackle serious F/M fiction or nonfiction? I am thinking novelistic or long-form non-fiction, a book, not that formulaic fluff being turned out and marketed on Amazon. The talented authors in this space are extremely rare. Instead, writers are turning out short, barely readable “books” that probably average 40 pages or less. Check out Annabelle Watson in non-fiction and Elara Stone in Fiction for the rare example of a good writer producing serious material. There are a few others I could mention, but not many.
Why you? You have the vibe, you do get spanking in all its complex psychological manifestations, you have an enormous amount of material on and about F/M, including, as I remember, some first-person accounts. -- and you have a blog that would allow you to market it. Take a look at what is out there if you have not already. It is a desert
I do have a few Kindle books out there. Check out the sidebar of my blog. My most “serious” (and I use the term loosely!) long form F/M (450 pages) was so “good” it was banned by Amazon for being too naughty, so I made it available as a free pdf download on my blog (see sidebar - David’s Spankings).
DeleteDo you mean a different sort of work at all?