Friday, October 11, 2024

The Club - Meeting 494 - Post-Spanking Discussions

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”― C.G. Jung

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you all had a great week. Ours was pretty sedate, as we’re finally getting into our groove on the situation around Anne’s recovery.  While getting back to fully normal will take months, we’re more than half-way through the acute phase. 


One big surprise was that she became more than a little intent on delivering a spanking earlier this week, though it didn’t actually happen.  I probably wasn’t as supportive as I should have been.  Honestly, it took me by surprise, as at the outset of this little medical adventure we were given information that led me to envision a much flatter recovery curve with her having extremely limited mobility for weeks.  While movement is still very limited, she's moving around more than I anticipated. Still,  I couldn’t figure out logistically how it would work, especially our respective positions.  She didn't seem to have any great ideas either, and her intention seemed to dissipate as the week went on.

So, I sort of wish I had been more openly cooperative and helpfully creative though, again, it was really a matter of me having prepared myself mentally for a multi-month hiatus (on top of the multi-month hiatus we’ve already experienced).


On a non-DD oriented note, trees here have been turning colors for a while, yet it's stayed consistently hot.  Finally, this morning there was a distinctly fall-like chill in the air. Finally!


I thought we had a good discussion last week, especially given that in the past topics that had a potentially heavy BDSM connection tended to go off the rails.


Near the end of the week, a new-ish commenter who goes by “D.D.” left a comment on the topic from two weeks ago.  It’s mainly about tears, but it had some very personal observations  on the feelings that led to him getting past the crying threshold, as well as what I see as an almost perfect illustration of a wife’s transformation into the kind of “no BS” disciplinary partner so many of us want (or say we want) and that a few are lucky to have.  Given that it was on an aging post, I’m afraid most readers wouldn’t find it there.  It also has a tangential relationship to today's topic. So, here’s the full comment:


“The first time I cried it wasn't from the intensity of the particular spanking itself but from a culmination of spankings a few weeks after my wife first took me in hand. 

I had been spanked and disciplined a lot in those first few weeks, and I think I felt a loss of control. That combined with the shift in my wife’s demeanor made me feel very unsure about what would happen leading into each time I was disciplined. We went from having arguments where she would eventually get emotional and cry or she would be passive-aggressive to now being very cold, matter of fact and strict. 

Leading into this particular spanking I was balking and trying to get out of it. I had a sense of panic at the point she brought me into the room and it was time to bare myself and bend over the bed. I had just been spanked the day before for something else and this was the second time I was being disciplined for the same issue in a week. I felt frustrated with myself and the frequency of misbehavior. I think deep down I was realizing I wasn’t the mature responsible adult I thought of myself as. Getting disciplined really highlighted that.



I dont know why but that spanking was the first I really tried to talk my way out of. My wife continued to tell me to bend over and take my punishment and that we would talk after. Eventually, she told me I was now going to be spanked for disobedience in addition to the original reason for the spanking. That got me lowering my pants and bending over. I will never forget the glare from my wife as I finally obeyed. I was already tearing up getting into position and it only took a few swats before I started crying. That didn’t seem to phase my wife. The spanking and scolding were long and severe. 

After the spanking was over, she sat me down and said I was permitted to tell her what was so important before the spanking. I tried to rationalize not getting spanked so much but this conversation is what turned into us formalizing our FLR relationship. My wife made a lot of good points and basically doubled down on the fact that things were going to continue where they were heading if I wanted to be in the relationship. She said the only way I was going to get out of getting disciplined like a bad child was to fix my bad behaviors and attitude and always respect her as the authority in the house. 

In hindsight, I realized another role reversal was that where previously she would cry and break down during an argument and I usually was not emotional and eye rolled, now I was the one crying and remorseful and she was very matter of fact and in control. I have only cried a few times in the many spankings I have gotten but that was the first one.”


Wasn’t that great?  Something about the line I highlighted really gets to me, and I think it's a perfect reflection of some of the feelings I was having when I first discovered the DWC and brought it to Anne's attention.


Onward to this week’s topic, as suggested by Glenmore: 

"Perhaps a suggestion for a future topic might be post-spanking discussions.

Like yourself and Anne, my wife and I usually discuss the spanking in bed afterwards. Interestingly, I'd say she is the one who broaches the subject first, asking how sore my bottom is and teasing me a bit about how hard it will be to sit, etc. I believe she likes to chat about the spanking because she enjoyed it, is proud of it, and perhaps is still basking in that power exchange which puts her in charge temporarily.


In fact, I find that she likes to stay in charge for a day or two after the spanking, bossing me around and showing higher than normal confidence.


Another of the subjects that come up is references to someone knowing about my spanking. She might say, "I wonder what your friends would think if they knew I gave you a red butt?"


Personally, I enjoy the post-spanking discussions and even her teasing. What type of discussions, if any, do others have post-spanking and does she remain 'in charge' for a time afterwards?”


I’ll kick it off.  I’m reading a bit into Glenmore’s second sentence.  Anne and I very frequently do have heartfelt discussions about the DD part of our relationship, in bed, right after a spanking. The part that’s true to our experience and may or may not be implicit is Glenmore’s scenario is that the discussion is both post-spanking and pre-sex. It's seldom that we got right to bed after an evening spanking (and the vast majority of ours are in the late evening).


I realize some couples draw a firm line between discipline and sex by never doing the latter immediately after the former.  They want a clear separation between the two, I assume to make sure he takes away one, wholly consistent, non-erotic message away from his spanking. 

Although I appreciate the logic of that position and intellectually it makes perfect sense to me, it still hasn’t been our norm.  We very often do have sex after a disciplinary session.  I’m not sure we ever made a conscious decision about it, and I’m also not sure there is as much “cause and effect” between the two as one might think. Rather, I think the pattern was established in the early years when we had kids and I was traveling constantly, and that the two became linked because there were limited windows of time when we were (a) both physically present; (b) not working or occupied with other things; and (c) the kids were in bed or gone.  So, both sex and spanking happened on those rare occasions when the stars aligned on all three of those factors. 


Glenmore’s wife apparently initiates the post-spanking discussions most of the time.  For us, it’s usually, but not always the reverse.  And, when she initiates, it often is with some question or observation about the state of my butt as her hand glides over it in bed.  Like with Glenmore’s wife, there is sometimes a teasing quality about it or something like seeking affirmation that the session was a job well done.


Art by KD Pierre

More often, however, it’s me who initiates the discussion.  Again, some of it is habit carried over from our earliest DD experiences. In those early days, I think I was always looking for affirmation that she actually got some enjoyment or fulfillment out of the session, or at the very least that she was comfortable with having given a hard spanking. As with most of us, I had initiated the DD relationship, and she had gone along with the request.  It was difficult for me to judge how the experiment was going for her, and I was always a little afraid she might still think it weird or might have some negative feelings about it. 

Honestly, I think from early on, it was the opposite.  She was not very vocal about her feelings, but I’ve come to suspect that she was beginning to enjoy the power and control, not to mention the opportunity for “payback,” well before she expressly owned up to those feelings.


Even today, I’m still doing some of that probing, asking her how she feels about what she just did or about whatever incremental amount of authority or strictness she exercised in conjunction with it. Part of me is still, after 20 years, still a little nervous about whether she’s experiencing it as “too much” or “too weird.” And, twenty years later my concerns on that front probably are not only wrong but the opposite of right.


The biggest driver of my desire for post-spanking discussion, however, is it’s when I have the deepest feelings of intimacy and respect for my wife, and I often feel a compelling need to talk about it. Aunt Kay’s line about, “The harder you spank, the more he will love you for it,” is absolutely true for me. 


Post-spanking, I want to tell her all about how much I appreciated what she did (even though I hated it as it was happening) and how much I want her to embody that very stern, demanding maternal energy—exactly what D.D. described in the comment above--in the relationship as a whole.  In fact, while it never seems quite to gel fully, a lot of our talk focuses on ramping up the FLR and maternal aspects of the relationship.


I’m also way more prone to talking to her post-spanking about what I feel and want and need.  In the period immediately after a spanking, my ego defenses have dropped away to almost nothing.  It's  when I feel the most relaxed, although that isn’t the right word for it. It’s more like “drained” or "depleted," but in a good way.  


Artwork by KD Pierre

It’s an odd corollary, but I’ve felt that way a few times after acupuncture, when something about the treatment tapped into some deep pool of stirred up energy and released it without warning.  I’ve also gotten close to it a few times with meditation, but rarely.  After a hard session, things that I would be embarrassed to say in the waking hours come out freely lying in bed in the dark. 


It’s no accident that when I first suggested DD, that discussion also took place in bed, in the dark. 

Glenmore asked whether the wives project being “in charge” for some period after the spanking.  I haven’t really noticed that, though I do think the actual content of our post-spanking discussions—which often center on her embracing the FLR and maternal roles more and more fully—may lead to additional strictness or assertiveness.


From past discussions on the blog, I get the impression some don’t communicate very much after a spanking. In some cases it sounds like the recipient is left alone to think about what got them in that position.


Or, perhaps to pull themselves together after the spanking ordeal. Because a real punishment spanking is often, in fact, an ordeal. 



Although it’s probably a separate topic, I’ll also mention another form of pre-spanking “discussion,” namely, journaling.  I very often will write something in my DD journal after a spanking, going into more detail about the experience, what led to it, what I’m feeling, and how thankful I am that she took me in hand and hoping she will amp up keeping me under her thumb.


Post-spanking journaling and post-spanking face-to-face discussions both help me process what I’m thinking and experiencing. That’s kind of what I’m getting at in choosing the Jung quote at the top of this post.


I'll also mention in passing that one scenario I find to blend both terror and fascination is having to tell someone else that I've been spanked right after I've been given one.


How about you? What sort of post-spanking discussions do you have, if any?  Whether you’re the spanker or the recipient, do you like discussing things afterward?  What are the common subjects of any post-spanking discussions? Are there things you would like to talk about but don’t?


Have a good week.



  1. I shall start off the discussion by being the most boring contributor. Their is no post spanking discussion allowed at Chez GoodLife, Mrs GL allows me to hug her, get into bed, hold her hand once she has turned out the lights and put away anything used and thank her. She will reply "thats ok" I am allowed to sigh and emit quiet noises of either pleasure or discomfort but that is it. After a few moments I remove my hand, turn over and wish her good night, she replies similar, whilst giving me a couple of soft swots to the spanked bottom. No discussion on it is tolerated. I am expected to get up the next morning like nothing has happened but allowed a good mood/carefree demeanour. The only communication about spanking in the house is when I remind her, by text, when my next maintenance is due. It is not my ideal situation but I cope. Cheers GLM.

    1. I don't want to sound judgey, but it seems like the "I cope" comment invites a discussion. You've always gone by the moniker "Good Life Mickey," but as you've come to describe things over the last couple of years (I don't feel like your older comments were so bleak), is it, in fact, a good life? It sure doesn't sound like one as you describe it every week. It seems like you desperately want something that your wife is emphatically unwilling to give. If it is such a stark mismatch, why keep it up? I've always said that if Anne decided tomorrow that she wanted to drop all DD and FLR aspects of the lifestyle, I would be disappointed and would feel a loss, but I'd likely get over it and move on, because in the scheme of things it's a small part of our life. But, I also don't think that I have the pervasive, all-consuming needs around it that you do.

    2. I always feel gratatue and love after a spanking, reguardless of the reason for it. We do sometimes have sex after a disciplinary spanking, as we always feel very intimate and close then. She will sometimes bring up how she intends to spank me when we are about to have sex, as she knows it turns me on. Dan, as to your comment about how you would feel if Anne decided to drop DD, and you would "likely get over it and move on", that would certainly not be the case for me. I actually experienced something like that, and I while I did move on, I moved on to another woman. You have said before that you didn't used to even think about F/M spanking, but I don't think that is the case for many of us, especially if you have had a lifelong obsession with it. While it may not be a constant "all consuming need", it never goes away, at least for me.

    3. Dan, the "Good Life" element is a geographical reference about a 1970's sitcom of the same name. Basically the series was set within the area I live. In terms of want/need/get I am very open that Mrs GL and me are not on the same page re DD/spanking and I have also been open that I'm a "better than nothing man" who aspires to a stronger, more codified arrangement than I presently have. The only thing that has changed in the last couple of years is I thought in 2023 I was getting very close to what I'd consider was where I wanted to be, that turned out to be wrong. I don't believe that has made me darker (it has however made me slightly more reckless in my "secret" spanking life). Cheers GLM.

    4. Believe me, Norton, I definitely get that I am an outlier when it comes to not having an early spanking interest. Though, I think even within the super-majority camp there is a vast range of intensity, from long-standing but relatively mild to, as you put it, a lifelong obsession. If something were to happen to Anne, or if our marriage were to end for some reason, I'm sure that I'd be hoping to find someone who was either into, or who was at least open to, disciplinary spankings. But, for me it's definitely not something I would ever end a relationship over nor would it be a "litmus test," if you will, for any future relationship.

    5. Dan,
      I left my first wife because she was so opposed to spanking me. For me, spanking is an all consuming need! I cannot live without it. My present wife is coming into her own on the matter of being my strict disciplinarian. For us, communication is the key. We are getting there little by little.

    6. David, I sympathize, even if it's not something that I truly understand. I read Jillian Keenan's "Sex With Shakespeare." She does a pretty good job of explaining what a true spanking fetish is, as distinguished from a sexy interest, mere kink, or something you are doing for self-improvement. It gave me a new perspective, but it's still pretty academic for me.

  2. I'm pulling forward to here a reply I gave to a comment Jackson left late yesterday on last week's post, as I think it also applies well to this week's topic. I encourage everyone to read his comment, as it ties in nicely the topic of communications around DD/FLR/spankings, and also says a lot about why people keep coming back to this group. Here's my reply:

    "So far, she doesn’t really seem to get anything erotic from our FLR/DD."

    It's really hard to predict where that will go over time. As I said in the new post I put up last night, I strongly suspect Anne started getting off on it earlier than I thought. When we very first started, I think that like any pretty conventional person getting hit with something like that out of the blue, she thought it was weird. But, not so weird that she wouldn't do it. And, she did take to the spanking itself incredibly quickly, and with a surprising lack of empathy for the plight of my butt. Within a very short amount of time, and once we got a serious instrument like a fraternity-style paddle, some sessions would leave me *very* bruised but, almost from the very first time that happened, she seemed to see it as the natural result of my own choices. For a very long time, however, she claimed she didn't get any kind of sexual turn-on from it. After a few years, she admitted that she did get a sexual thrill from telling me I was going to be spanked, directing me to go ready, basically all the prelude to the spanking when she was giving orders and watching them be followed. But, she said the spanking itself didn't really excite her. Today, I am pretty sure it does, whether she fully admits it or not. It's odd, because she's not at all an uncommunicative person, but where DD is concerned, it's always been the case that I have to be proactive in asking her how she's feeling about it, and I often suspect I'm not getting the full story."

  3. Well I just asked her if she got any sexual or non-sexual thrill or feeling of power either in the prelude, during or after delivering a spanking to me and she says No. I believe her. She has always said that she does it for me and the behavioral changes in me are the sole benefit to her. I do sense an heightened intimacy and closeness after a spanking. It is profound in me, but she also experiences this feeling of closeness and intimacy. She has just given me a huge gift of Love and Discipline. My adrenaline and dopamine are off the hook and as subspace sets in I usually thank her and vow that I will improve and behave better and that I know that she will not hesitate to hold me accountable. We lie together holding each other closely until intimacy, submission and resignation in me turns to arousal and eroticism…then we usually have a really intense lovemaking where I bring her to one or two orgasms and then I am allowed…Like I said in another comment…I am an extremely lucky man! Last Sunday after my Discipline which was particularly intense as I had just received a new paddle (3 Layers thick of bridle leather with steel reinforcement, 22” long and 3.5 inches wide. It’s Brutal. We call it the “Drinking Paddle”, as it must make an appearance when Drinking rules have been broken. Anyway…as it pertains to this conversation….After the session I told her later over breakfast that I have never felt closer to her or more loved by her than in that moment after our session. And she smiled saweetly and said Aww…You want go back upstairs right now? I laughed and said No I Do Not!!!😂

    1. The new instrument certainl sounds brutal. I can understand not wanting a repeat session!

    2. Sounds an interesting instrument! Where can we find it?




  4. Dan,

    D.D’s comment you allude to illustrates something that probably happens in most successful DD relationships. I will call it the “take-down” to emphasize how it permanently sets the DD power relationship. His wife achieved it by spanking him repeatedly when their relationship required that. She contributed to her take down by insisting he take a spanking he was trying to take his way out of—and then adding punishment for his defiance.

    I have experienced this twice, and I felt a little blindsided both times. I thought before it happened, I could control when she spanked and whether she spanked at all. But events just took over, and I realized it was going to happen and there was nothing I could do about it. The full realization of what has happened doesn’t occur until later --even days later. But the feeling of well-being and happiness starts immediately after the spanking.

    I imagine take-downs take many forms. But essential to all is that moment when she stands her ground, assumes full no, kidding disciplinary control, and expresses the authority you told her was hers to exercise. She draws a very clear red line. You are under her discipline; if you don’t want it, you had better make that clear for both of you.

    My former GF used to tell me, “You are going to learn that I control your bum.” That was what happened to D.D, and what I am describing happened to me. I told her I was serious about it (DD). But when she became serious about it, it actually happened.

    1. Alan, I don't know whether I've ever been at the point that "I realized it was going to happen and there was nothing I could do about it." But, I've definitely been at the point that I realized I was not going to be able to talk my way out of it and that she was going to stick to her guns. And, also a couple of instances where I realized, after the fact, that she was the judge of things like how hard the spanking was going to be and that it might be "more than I bargained for," to say the least. In those times, it wasn't quite that I thought there was nothing I could do about it, but there was still a huge shift in my sense of her own perception of her authority and that she had reached a level of wielding in a way that I might not agree with, at least in the moment. I don't know quite how to articulate it, but it's a moment in which she demonstrates that she's fully adopted everything you've been telling her you want about being strict and unyielding, and now you truly get that you are getting what you asked for and will be subject to it from that point forward. It's a moment when you asked for the power shift, you got it, and now you really get the implications of it.

    2. “ In those times, it wasn't quite that I thought there was nothing I could do about it, but there was still a huge shift in my sense of her own perception of her authority and that she had reached a level of wielding in a way that I might not agree with, at least in the moment. I don't know quite how to articulate it, but it's a moment in which she demonstrates that she's fully adopted everything you've been telling her you want about being strict and unyielding, and now you truly get that you are getting what you asked for and will be subject to it from that point forward”

      That seems close to what I was describing but experienced more incrementally. There is definitely an epiphany about it -realizing that you have what you wished for and still wish for it -but it's equally part thrilling and scary. I will make one caveat about not being anything I could do about it. More accurately I realized there is nothing I wanted to do about it.


    3. "equally part thrilling and scary." That's the way it's been for me since the day I discovered the DWC. From virtually the very first section I read, I was both truly terrified of what it might entail and, yet, undeniably turned on. I've never had a situation in which the emotions were in such stark conflict.

    4. I see it as more personal responsibility. If I talk my way out of a spanking regularly, then I am only cheating myself. My wife will end up continuing to feel sore with me and I will not get the full behaviour correction benefits that I want.


  5. That was Alan. I wanted to add that the take down doesn't need to produce tears. I experienced two of then and tears were not part of it. Its the wife or girlfriend taking a firm no negotiation stand about you accepting discipline when you don't want to accept it -and for her reasons in her time frame. You "consented" to non consensual discipline and she did get the memo


  6. I wouldn't say there is a huge amount of talking. Our talking at this time doesn't follow much of a pattern. Also, we have agreed we don't talk about the offence after it has been dealt with by spanking. However, below are a few examples of things we talked about recently after the spanking and before the sex:
    Me thanking my wife for giving me what is both painful and pleasurable.
    Her thanking me for not resisting while she does this, recognising that she does find it pleasurable.
    My wife commenting on the improving shape of my buttocks. I like to exercise and this pays dividends over time.
    How sexy my wife looked in the leather clothing as I was unzipping the breast and crotch areas.
    Other physical punishments.
    Sex positions to try.
    Talking about the baby we are trying for and thanking her for her willingness to carry him/her.
    Philosophising about the finiteness of my limited time on this earth and its link to my desire to procreate.
    Hope these examples aren't too off-topic, but they are reasonably representative.


  7. "Its the wife or girlfriend taking a firm no negotiation stand about you accepting discipline when you don't want to accept it..." In our compact, that has been true from the start. I should add that we first agreed that my behavior needed correction, and then we agreed that her authority to spank would be absolute. I no longer ever try to talk my way out of it, but sometimes merely register my disagreement that it is necessary.

    1. I don't really make that distinction, because my wife is a responsible adult who can decide for herself irrespective of what I say whether a spanking is warranted.


  8. Tom,

    My wife and I have a very similar arrangement. There is No refusing discipline. I agreed to consensual non consent punishing Any time she says. Once we were traveling with friends and a day before we were all scheduled to go to an island vacation from our vacation. She said I needed discipline before we left the next morning for mouthy and disagreeable behavior that day. I disagreed but submitted anyway. I just didn’t think any thing I said rose to that level. She did, and wanted to nip it before our week long trip. The only time I refused was about a month ago. I had been pushing her buttons and almost asking for it(also against the rules), and she had had enough. I got the order to go upstairs, but I had a waxing appointment the next morning and I did not want the aesthetician to see that I had been spanked so I refused. Well, I should have gone upstairs and calmly explained the situation, and she would have likely postpone the thrashing. Instead I flat out refused, and the following day I paid dearly by enduring almost twice her normal intensity and duration. She was furious and on Fire! She kept asking…”Are you Ever going to refuse Discipline again?” Over and over as the paddles impacted. It definitely was a “Take Down”.

    1. Not sure what happened here, but my assumption is that a couple would work out at the beginning if they want others to know what is going on and if someone refuses because it would bring it to someone else's attention, it is no surprise a man would refuse (unless he had confidence that his wife wouldn't leave marks).


    2. I've never outright refused. I can recall one time fairly early on I was under a ton of pressure at work and was at our kitchen table working a my computer when she ordered one out of the blue. I didn't refuse but made it very clear it was not a good time. She got very angry and stormed off. I wish I'd handled that one better, as it probably did undermine her confidence.

  9. On several occasions my wife has postponed punishment for several days at my request, when I was under a lot of stress and needing to focus on some problem or just feeling physically low from a bad cold.

  10. I've found it's always easier to talk about it after, in our case it's usually the next morning. When I upset her I feel like I need a spanking but sometimes she forgets how upset she was and just let's it slide. I know eventually it will catch up with me. Her frustration will build until she orders me to get the paddle. I just can't bring myself to ask for a spanking, but I know if I could it would relieve the stress for both if us and avoid a more severe spanking in the near future. I can tell her afterwards that she should have nipped it the bud earlier A lot of my frustration is the lack of consistency. I think that's true for a lot of husbands whose wives are from a vanilla background. Having never thought about an FLR. I they like the idea but not always enough to make it a reality.

    1. "I just can't bring myself to ask for a spanking, but I know if I could it would relieve the stress for both if us and avoid a more severe spanking in the near future."

      I have flat-out asked on a very small number of occasions. More commonly, I will give her a journal entry that hints, though sometimes that says directly, that I should be spanked for something.

    2. Lack of consistency is a factor in my two-year FLR/with discipline. Discipline, it seems, appears to be "off" considerably more than "on". Usually, whenever I ask if she enjoys her role as the domme, she replies that she does. However, recently I brought up the drought we've been in only to be told to, "Back-off, I will get to you when I can".

      I've obeyed her wishes, but you know what they say about all work and no play.

    3. Yeah, Dale, while we men tend to take a lot of grief for our inability/unwillingness to communicate, it is a two-way street.

  11. While we are fairly new to this site, which we find very interesting, as I mentioned earlier we are seniors and while we didn’t have names for what we were doing and there was no internet we did find some books and magazines which reinforced my assertion that what was needed was my discipline when I said so. Its bern years now since the last time he refused my order to go wait for me. The consequences were more than he wanted to endure.He found the DWC site and we were both fascinated. He reached out to Aunt Kay and i somewhat reluctantly agreed to visit her and her husband. Watching Aunt Kay spank him was confusing. While I have been spanking him for decades seeing another woman spank him was difficult. He is quick to complain and squirm during our sessions, he was much more stoic over her knee.He admitted after that he tried with all his might not to cry out . We never went back and he said he really felt helpless and had marks all over his behind and legs. We both thought we would find sharing experience with others enlightening he said he simply couldn’t do that again.

    1. Did he say why he was determined to be stoic with Aunt Kay and not with you?

    2. Although it was totally clear that we had gone there for the experience, he said he was very embarrassed having another woman see him so vulnerable He complained to me for a bit about how he felt different about me seeing another woman spank him,

    3. A good reminder that experiences often turn out differently in reality than in our fantasies. I've never had any real desire to do the group thing were spanking is concerned. I know Aunt Kay and Jerry often met couples 1:1 and some of those meetings ended up with the men being spanked. I probably would have been fine with that, as long as I felt like there was something real that I was being spanked for. Spanking divorced completely from the disciplinary aspect just does nothing for me.

    4. Miss C said: “Watching Aunt Kay spank him was confusing”

      I do get this. I have been spanked with her sister present several times. But neither her sister nor any other woman has spanked me in my wife's presence. If it did happen, as it apparently did for you –i.e., another woman in effect demonstrating her technique for your benefit- neither my wife nor I would be comfortable with that as your husband was not.

      However, if my wife told me she was sending me to another woman for discipline (there could be several reasons for doing that), then the spanking would feel like an extension of her authority: she is delegating her authority to someone else. Then, the spanking from another woman would be an extension (an embarrassing one) of my wife’s authority. So, in the example you cite -if you had asked Aunt Kay to discipline him on your behalf, that would have been an entirely different situation.

      In the real world, do disciplinary wives delegate their authority like that? I don’t know, but plenty of instances of it are recounted on various websites. If my wife decided to do it, her motive would probably be to help someone else with their relationship. But the point is, if she ordered it, I would obey her. But if we were at a spanking party or another social setting, I would have no interest in being spanked by another woman.


    5. Alan, we went to se Aunt Kay after he had spoken with het by phone. As it turned out we lived fairly close by. He haf told her of our long dd relationship and that some four decades after the fact he still thought of the spanking he took from my mom.He was hoping that maybe sharing with Aunt Kay who was intelligent and expert on this subject that maybe we could learn something about what Aunt Kay described as an event to remember. I was somewhat surprised by how intense the spanking was. As I mentioned he tried much more than he does with me to stay still and not cry out. In the end no pun intended it was more than he expected and more than he could take. After some of our sessions he displayed the affects, for days after Aunt Kay he was very quiet shy and modest and on the way home in the car he couldn’t look at me.

    6. Alan, in going through my old blog posts and corresponding comments (I've been working my from oldest to newest -- almost up to 2020 - YAY!), I came across a description from Tomy/Jerry of one of the DWC, small group in-person get-togethers. I found part of it kind of fascinating. I'll figure out a way to work it into a post for next week.

    7. Dan, I will look forward to Tomy’s perspective. He added greatly when he commented on the blog.
      Miss C, it sounds like Kay’s spanking dredged up some deep emotion. Since the spanking he got from your mom earlier was such a big event for him also, it sounds like there are some unresolved issues for him, possibly connected to severe punishment. It could have been the severity since a severe spanking can bring a man face to face with his limits, which can lead to growth but, in the short term a lot of angst. Some of us ( at least), when a spanking begins, feel ( irrationally) that we are going to get through it just fine, But when it takes us beyond our “limits,” that can be profoundly humbling and scary. That could have happened to him.


    8. It might not of necessarily been the severity at all, but the fact that he had not been punished
      by another women except his wife. I agree with Dan that fantasy sometimes doesn’t live up to the reality. I’m sure it could have been embarrassing, humiliating, and maybe even degrading to point that during it, his male ego didn’t have it in him to say I’m done. I remember visiting a few disciplinarians prior to my wife. I had a bond with one of them who spanked maternally and held me accountable for my actions. The other two, I didn't connect with mentally and actually turned me off to a degree. I felt almost dirty leaving there. It was as if I almost was cheating on my girlfriend at the time. He could have felt that way as well, even though his wife was present. There is something very venerable about bending over your wife’s knee to be blistered.
      It’s very different than bending over for a stranger. I’ve experienced both and a women who loves you giving you a thrashing, is much different than one whom you’ve paid.

    9. "I felt almost dirty leaving there." While I've never gone to a pro, I suspect this is exactly how I would feel with most of them.

  12. For us all lecturing is done while the spanking is being given. After it’s over all is forgiven and forgotten. JR

    1. That's true for us with respect to lecturing, but not the larger communication process

  13. There is lots of lecturing during the spanking for us too ,but it could not be called a discussion as it is very one sided and the subject is exclusively about the reasons for the spanking.
    Afterwards, when the matter is closed, she usually initiates a two way discussion focusing on the effectiveness of the spanking and her job well done.
    She is not stern but very proud confident and perhaps a little compassionate , having clearly enjoyed her task although she does not outright admit it.
    She also enjoys telling me that a spanking is coming and even dropping thankfully vague hints in front of others.
    I must confess I do get some enjoyment out of our post spanking discussions too.

    1. "She also enjoys telling me that a spanking is coming . . ." Same here. That took a long time to develop but now she does it pretty regularly.

  14. This blog has done so much good…i think for our FLR. I think it was Alan that said he was spanked often his first year and now maybe once every 2 weeks…even once a month , and thinks that because She was so strict the first year that he is more obedient now. I discussed this yesterday with Her after my very long, very harsh weekly discipline. I had broken drinking rules, being too intense about FLR rule, asking for sex more than once during the week rule, not taking proper self care rule and carelessness/lack of focus rule…so it was quite a session! Afterwards, She said that a crack down is coming. There are going to be more “Go upstairs and wait for me” orders coming. Self reporting is also part of our dynamic and last night I was having a difficult time getting back to sleep at about 4:45 so I got up and had a couple of fingers of bourbon and got right back to sleep. She had an early appointment and I overslept(because of the drink, I’m sure), so I failed to get up and do my getting her off to work chores….gettong her Diet Coke, breakfast, water bottle in her car, taking care of the chickens, feeding the dogs…..etc. My dilemma is self reporting. I could just put this in my weekly journal that we review on Sundays before punishment, or I could fess up after She gets home from work….in which case She will be livid and most likely punish me in the moment(immediately). My bottom is super sore from yesterday…and I really don’t want a spanking…I also don’t want her to think I did it on purpose to try to provoke a spanking. I’m not really sure what to do. Thoughts? Especially from female Leaders, but also from men? Thank you all so much.

    1. I share your problem with self-reporting. I manage to do it a lot in journal entries, but it is very, very difficult for me to do it near the time of the offense when I think there is a good chance it will result in a spanking that day.

      Please don't take this as judgmental. Everyone who is a long-term reader here knows I have my own issues with bingeing alcohol. But, if you have sleep problems (I have had chronic insomnia my entire life), alcohol in the middle of the night is probably about the worst thing you could possibly do. And, it's not just the direct impact on sleep. It fucks with so many other systems. When I was working, I had to do a ton of happy hours and long, boozy dinners with clients and potential clients. Twenty years of that almost put me into the ground. I still drink, but it's way less than when I was in that work/social atmosphere every day. I've come around to accepting the fact that insomnia is a hard-wired problem for me, but alcohol in the evening hours made it so much worse.

    2. Thank you Dan…I appreciate your candor. Every time I consider being dishonest or even not self reporting I think about all that She is doing and the effort that She puts in to this thing called FLR/DD and it helps me to not dishonor our efforts by failing to be All in. I think this afternoon I will have to come clean with Her and if that means going upstairs then it just does. If She decides to wait until Sunday that is fine too. Ultimately it’s Her decision. That’s what I signed up for. You are right…night drinking is never good. This brings to mind something from earlier comments about Her being in charge somehow more just after a spanking. That really doesn’t figure in the mix for my wife and I. When we entered this agreement, I agreed to Her being in charge and making all of our final decisions for us. I still handle investments because I’m good at it and enjoy it and she has no interest in it. Spanking doesn’t really change her position of authority. It punctuates it, but she is in charge All of the time, not just in close proximity to the administration of Her Discipline.

    3. For us, decision-making authority has always been less formal. For spanking and punishment, we've formally agreed to '"anytime, anywhere,, for any reason." But, as a practical matter only the last one has really mattered and, honestly, I've probably been more committed to the "any reason." I think in the abstract she supports "any reason," but in reality has struggled over the years with underlying doubts about whether I will *really* accept particular spanking orders. For probably 90% of daily decisions, we're either making them together or we have fallen into our own spheres of influence,, usually based on our respective interests. Like you, I manage all our investments, because I enjoy it while she isn't interested. But, she handles most of the household accounting, bill paying, etc., to the point that I probably couldn't access our bank accounts simply because I often don't know the passwords and haven't had any reason to.

      But, I do think over the years, the ultimate "tie breaking" authority has shifted to her in most instances. Honestly, we haven't encountered many truly weight decisions where we were split. But, I'm mostly OK with someone having the actual deciding vote. I had a relationship with a peer at work that sometimes became very difficult because, while we liked each other a lot, we sometimes disagreed on tactics and on who should have the final say. It was a real world example of "immovable object meets irresistible force." It almost ruined a good friendship, and it left me convinced that truly equal decision making is not always the ideal that our egalitarian society makes it out to be.

    4. Yes…and that really is us too. Most of the time we talk about things and many times arrive at the same conclusion, and She is always very good about considering my point of view and input, but ultimately She does have the final say…And once She has had the final say, discussing the matter further is permitted, but not in any persuasive tone. That would then be considered “argumentative”, and being argumentative is a punishable event. We also have the “anytime for any reason” agreement, but She usually sticks to our written rules. They cover pretty much everything.

    5. You're definitely further along the FLR spectrum than we are, at least based on that description. I'm comfortable with Anne having the final say in a lot of areas, but there are some issues that are closer to my core identity or passions that I would not just defer. One of the biggest fights we got into early in our marriage was when I decided to take up motorcycles again after grad school. If the topic came up again today, we'd probably have the same argument, with the same result. Similarly, we have a vacation place that I'm into more than she is. If she were to decide we should get rid of it and devote ourself to suburbia, that would be a hard no, because that second home has become my happy place.

      So, I would say I'm OK with Anne having the final say on most decisions, but definitely not all. But, most of this is purely theoretical. As I said, there have been very few times in 30+ years together that we haven't agreed, or been able to compromise, on things that actually were important.

    6. Jackson:

      Going back to your original questions, and dilemma, I would propose the best course of action is "Get our in front of it with complete honesty."

      Whichever way you go, you will likely get a thrashing. It seems to me, the real questions are: (1) How severe a thrashing; (2) How
      "angry vs. respecting of you" will your wife be afterword. I think honesty would lead to less thrashing and more respect.

      Clearly, she already knows of at least half of your recent transgressions, right? How could she not know of you missing all of your early morning prep directed to her; you may not have been there, but she certainly was. Would / could she honestly believe that you intentionally tried to "'brat' a spanking" if she knew what you believe is the true, underlying reason: Breaking her drinking rules in the middle of the night? Confessing to the drinking violations, and then explaining how (you believe) that led to the other violations, and taking full responsibility for all of that, right up front, BEFORE SHE EVEN RAISES ANY OF THOSE MATTERS, then directly asking her to apply "corrective, punitive discipline," could very well defuse a large part of her anger BEFORE the disciplinary punishment begins.

      She is also likely, from such honest confessions, and the sincere request to be held accountable, to hold less anger AFTER the discipline.

      Frankly from my perspective, and I believe your own, you seriously screwed up. Don't you honestly believe you should be punished? To some degree? So that both of you can move on, and you can hopefully lessen future chances of similar screw-ups? Isn't that what you really want, in the end?

      Maybe there is more to these events, and your relationship, than you presented, or will later present, but that is my own perspective. And what I would hope that I myself could do, if I were in your particular situation.

      (In fact, I have been in similar situations. It is much easier to "make confession" when you know she already has many of the details of the transgression, but you can at least [somewhat] pretend you are making a "complete & clean confession;" first informing her of everything, before she "discovers" it herself.)

    7. Donn….Nailed it! That is great advice, and exactly what I am going to do. Thank you. If I am sincere enough and disclosing enough She might decide to put it off until Sunday, my regular day of “wrecking”. Honestly…I know I deserve it.

    8. Jackson:

      If you would like an example of myself [NOT] fully getting out in front of something, and extra punishments that resulted (and which I could have avoided with complete honesty from the get-go), check my postings (2) from four weeks ago:

    9. Donn:

      She had a hard day at work and I was going to wait to speak to Her about my transgressions, but she sensed that I was apprehensive or nervous and I said that I was going to pick a better time to talk about it but that the reason I was off in the morning was that there was night drinking and she said she had suspected that. She seemed to appreciate the honesty, but said the discipline may wait until Sunday, or it could come at Any moment…..That’s pretty much the worst in my book. I would much rather be ordered upstairs right now than be told it’s coming and can come at anytime. It’s going to be a long week!!!

  15. I always tend to initiate the post spanking conversation. Although it’s not my preference, we tend to either make love or snuggle after a thrashing. Sometimes it’s just her providing stimulation and me talking about how much I love and appreciate her thrashing me. She will tease me about how red my bottom is and ask me the next day if I’m sore. I like a few guys here, feel a deep sense of intimacy after a good thrashing. My ego is taken down a peg or five. I have had plenty of spankings with no sex afterwards and for me, I like these as they are more maternal. I would love for our relationship to be strictly DD/FLR a majority of the time, but my wife flatly refused it. She has increased her authority and has definitely became
    more comfortable giving me a serious
    scolding and spanking. She also admitted to it being weird early on in the relationship but now actually does get off on it. I am held accountable more now than ever before; but she simply can’t be bothered by some of things others are held accountable for here. I typically don’t forget certain things to do around the house and don’t consider myself a procrastinator. Since her medical issue, I’ve cooked, done laundry ect. Ect. Like Dan, DD is a small piece of our life. Could I live without it, the answer is yes. We go through spurts anyway. The question is if something happened to my wife, would I seek someone who would be interested in it. The response would be yes and I would be upfront about it. I would probably seek out someone who
    was a bit more stern and strict with me. Although, that comes with many disadvantages as well, I.e. getting taken advantage of. I am sincerely happy that some of us have found women who will entertain this type of relationship, even if it’s not 100% how we perceive it should be.

    1. "I have had plenty of spankings with no sex afterwards and for me, I like these as they are more maternal."

      I share your desires around the whole maternal vibe, yet somehow it doesn't carry over to any problem with having sex after a spanking. For me, or her. Honestly, I think some of the first discussions in which we openly acknowledged the maternal issue were in bed, after a spanking but before sex. The first that I can recall is me telling her that I felt like I needed a "strict teacher/principal" kind of tone, and she said something like, "You're more like a teenager who keeps poking and poking the bear until his mother gets fed up and spanks him, then you get all surprised that she orders the spanking." Up until then, I had consciously avoided making many express references to my increasing recognition that "maternal" was something I associated with DD, as I thought it might turn her off. It's really been the opposite.

  16. We have pretty extensive conversations after most spankings. We’ve both shared in the comments over the last few months about how we’re still pretty new to utilizing DD in our relationship. While I understand that in the end, it’s all my decision and up to my discretion, as we started, the conversation helped me understand what he was feeling and what (if any) difference my hand vs an implement made. It allowed me to process my feelings about giving the spanking. As a very type A person in the early stages, I needed reassurance that we were implementing DD in a way that met his expectations - a symbolic gold star. I also wanted to provide an outlet for him to say, “This isn’t actually what I thought it would be; let’s regroup.” We had conversations before we agreed to bring it into our relationship that led me to believe we were in it for the long haul, but in case the practice didn’t align with the concept, I wanted to provide space for that. As we’ve gotten a little farther along, I’ve gotten more confident in my role, and that has led to light teasing afterward - if his behind is red enough, if he’ll be able to sit the next day, etc. I still like a gold star, but now it’s more about how DD impacts our relationship and less about the mechanics of getting the spanking “right.” - AE

    1. AE, I'm not sure I've seen a more perfect summary on how couples who are giving this kind of relationship a serious try should approach it and the communications about it. Kudos!

      I love the line about a "symbolic gold star."

      "While I understand that in the end, it’s all my decision and up to my discretion, as we started, the conversation helped me understand what he was feeling . . ." I think Anne feels the same way, and I know she's feels that way about journaling in particular. She says it helps her get insight into what is going on in my head.

  17. Post spanking discussion almost always take place whilst I am still in position and she sits on the bed near my head. This means I am still in a very submissive position having to look up to speak. Also she has an a couple of occasions, resumed spanking if my attitude seems to warrant it. So she has deliberately chosen this approach (I believe) for that very reason. We would normally speak for 5 - 10 minutes, mainly her asking how I was feeling, did I agree with the punishment and a similar range of questions. Initially I am generally trying to recover from what is usually a pretty severe strapping, but she does get some very honest answers during those times. We will sometimes have sex after but she is fairly strict about keeping discipline separate although if not then generally later that day.

    SOmetimes if she has decided to punish me 'in the moment' rather than for an accumulation of issues, she may still be cross, even after the strapping. In those times she will often finish the punishment and leave the room with an order for me to think through what has happened and why. I will usually give her 30 minutes and then apologise for whatever I had done. Those punishments feel even more 'real' for some reason.

    In answer to some of the other points that have come up. I have offered her the opportunity to stop using spanking as a form of discipline (usually at times when she seems reluctant to take action or when there has been a short break but she always says she definitely wants to keep it as an option. She sees spanking me as a mildly enjoyable duty, a view that is hard for me to understand given my lifelong interest. I often say to her that a) she is very lucky to have such a relationship lever (!) and b) that if the roles were reversed I would be a LOT stricter and I would spank much more frequently. Comments like those get 'the look'.

    I have resisted maybe a couple of times when I really felt that the atmosphere between us was just not right. I regret both times. We have also on a couple of occasions gone to the bedroom with her planning to spank me only for her to decide that it was not appropriate. It is almost like there is a 'sweet spot' in our relationship where spankings will occur. I have never directly asked but I have clearly intimated that it may be a good idea to get a spanking done. I have been even clearer in my journals She knows (obviously) that spanking is a 'thing' for me. I have explained many times that whilst I enjoy the fantasy and I enjoy the fact that we have spanking as an option for her in our relationship, that I definitely do not enjoy the lead up to and the actual spanking. Early on I did ask if we could have more erotic spanking sessions but she refused point blank saying it will be for punishment only.

    My wife has always had the final say on anything that she is invested in, ever since we got involved and way before DD. I grew up in a matriarchal environment and so I am completely comfortable with that and I have learned over the years to ensure that most of those decisions go the right way through proper preparation. Once she has made her mind up she can be completely resolute which has led to disagreements, raised voices and inevitably an apology (from me) and very often a punishment not for my opinion but for my attitude. TB

    1. "She sees spanking me as a mildly enjoyable duty, a view that is hard for me to understand given my lifelong interest. I often say to her that a) she is very lucky to have such a relationship lever (!) and b) that if the roles were reversed I would be a LOT stricter and I would spank much more frequently. Comments like those get 'the look'."

      I don't get it either. Anne clearly does like the feeling of being in power, yet there is this weird hesitancy to use in the areas that *should* really matter to her, like slapping down any disrespect. Where I used to differ from you is that I couldn't imagine ever being the disciplinarian, so the idea of me spanking more frequently would never come up. But, there have been a few times during this convalescent phase we are in when I'd get frustrated that she wasn't doing something necessary for her recovery, like eating, because she was distracted surfing stuff on her phone. I started saying things like, "Are you going to eat, or do I need to take your phone away?" I have to admit, even those *tiny* expressions of power and authority had an addictive quality. It reinforced by bewilderment about why she hasn't fully embraced that power.

    2. These are not rare examples. There are gender differences between men and women when it comes to punishment. When one talks about gender differences it's essential to emphasize that there is enormous diversity among both men and women on any gendered trait.

      However, some research suggests that women tend to weigh fairness more heavily before administering punishment than men. And they tend to be particularly sensitive to behavior that might have injured them, not being comfortable with punishing, for example, starting an argument, but very comfortable with punishing for doing something harmful to yourself or the relationship. I have seen this over and over, getting spanked, for example, for letting a chore go when the same day I had a tantrum, which greatly upsets her.

      I believe the decision to spank in a DD is complex in the sense that my wife weighs many things and may declare that I am being spanked for X when it is actually X, Y, and D all the way back to Wednesday last week, which I have forgotten. This is one reason I believe that “ any reason” is important to emphasize and respect.


    3. To be fair, I would have NO interest or desire to be the disciplinarian in our marriage, I cannot imagine inflicting pain on my wife. And indeed that may be a good insight into why she doesn’t spank as often as I feel that she should / could… TB

    4. "However, some research suggests that women tend to weigh fairness more heavily before administering punishment than men." Somehow, I don't find that hard to believe.


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