Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Club - Meeting 456 - Costs and Benefits of Disciplinary Spankings and FLR Relationships

“Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. While I’ve always said the blog is open to both men and women, one of our commenters suggested I expressly invite our female readers to join the discussion.  try to be more expressly inviting in order to get a little more female involvement.



I hope you all had a great week.  We were on the road, which is always a little grueling, though it was a fun trip.  There wasn’t any actual DD action during the trip, though there was one incident that illustrated Anne escalating her strictness—or at least her threats—steadily.


It was on the last day of the trip, and we were pushing through a long drive home.  Anne has a problem with “back seat driving,” and it was on fully display that day after taking a hiatus for a while. She kept “reminding” me of the speed limit, even though while I often was speeding, it was basically just going with the flow of at least the faster traffic.  I started throwing unmistakable signals that the “reminders” were getting on my nerves.  She responded with something along the lines of, “Fine.  You can drive whatever speed you want.  But, if you get a ticket, I’m going to spank your ass hard every single day for a week.”


How did I respond?  I slowed down, reluctantly and resentfully.  Not to the speed limit, of course, but to a speed that was pretty unlikely to get me ticketed.



So, her threat worked, even if to me it does seem kind of like cutting off your nose to spite your face, since the only thing slowing down really accomplished was to get us home even later.  But, in the end, she got what she wanted.


It also seemed to me to illustrate something about “threat” and “warnings.”  I’m not really sure whether in those circumstances a threat of a single spanking would have caused me to slow down much. The odds of getting a ticket weren’t particularly high, and a single spanking might have been an insufficient threat. But, when she raised the stakes dramatically to a full week of daily spankings, THAT got my attention. 


Something else that might have worked would be had she threatened to give me an immediate spanking in the car.  Severity, in the form of not just one or two but multiple spankings, clearly got my attention, and immediacy might have done the same.  Without out one or both of those, I’m not really sure if my compliance would have been the same.  But, something that seems to be changing this year is her determination to ramp up the punishment to whatever is required.


Anyway, thanks to everyone for keeping the conversation going again.  I almost didn’t post again today.  I just wasn’t in the mood and wasn’t feeling the inspiration. But, I felt like not posting was becoming a habit.  So, I looked at some of the recent topic suggestions and started thinking about how to approach it.  Within a few minutes, I went from being not in a DD mood at all to thinking about how, even though I was pretty good on our trip, there certainly were certain things that happened during the week that might merit a session over her knee.


The topic I landed on was a very straightforward and simple one from Norton. A couple of weeks ago, he suggested:


It occurs to me, since I just wrote about it, that another topic could be about the benefits and costs for you and your wife practicing this kind of lifestyle.


While we have comments about costs and benefits of these lifestyles virtually every week, sometimes it’s good to give these “big picture” issues some focused attention. I also think that while we often talk about the benefits of DD, we don’t often talk about what it costs, and we often seem to assume that it has no costs for our wives.  So, let’s talk a bit directly about our respective cost-benefit analyses.


For me, the primary benefit of domestic discipline lies in establishing boundaries and guardrails, which I’m not always great at imposing on myself.  I readily admit that I have a personality that is prone to excesses.   



And, I don’t always do a good job of anticipating more abstract consequences.  Kind of like our “discussion” about my speeding during our trip.  Anne calculated the odds of getting caught differently than I did, and then she amped up the possible consequences way beyond the monetary cost of a speeding ticket.


Relatedly, having someone impose boundaries and guardrails balances me out emotionally.  A personality that gravitates toward extremes can be inherently stressful and intense.  I am convinced that our close to 20 years of DD has done at least as much to help bring some balance to my psyche as meditation ever has.  It’s probably no coincidence that I discovered both DD and mindfulness meditation at about the same point in my life as, for me, they address much the same temperamental and personality issues.


Then there is the erotic feelings that DD arouses.  While in most of my life I am about as anti-authoritarian as you are ever going to encounter, there clearly is some part of me that gravitates HARD toward a maternal style of imposed discipline and toward being taken outside of my comfort zone.  Near the end of last week’s topic, ZM, GH and I talked a little about the need for “authenticity” and how, for me, that means I have a strong desire to be taken to a mental/emotional state where I am not in control and where someone else decides what consequences I will face for behavior that they THEY decide is an issue. 


The speeding thing is, again, a great example.  I did not see the speeding as a problem and, frankly, still don’t. But, Anne decided that it was a problem for her, and then she figured out how to MAKE it a problem for me.  Did I like her decision?  Definitely not in the moment. I resented it and continued to resent it every mile for the rest of that trip – miles in which I complied with her wishes about appropriate speed not because I agreed with her but because she laid down a rule in a way that demonstrated that she didn’t really care whether I agreed with her or not.


At its core, there is something incredibly parental about your spouse deciding for you what you will care about and being willing to make you pay a painful price if you do not accept the rule they have laid down.


Indirectly, I’m sure that over the years I’ve benefited from DD in the form of better physical and mental health. Given some of my excesses, had trends from 20 years ago continued unchecked, it probably wouldn’t have been pretty.


So, are there costs associated with DD?  Of course there are, and for me they tend to be the flipside of the benefits that both Anne and I receive.


I ran across the captioned spanking meme just a few days ago, and it seemed to me to sum up very succinctly the paradox of the cost-benefit trade-offs these relationships entail:



This year in particular, as Anne has ramped up her control, it’s been driven home to me over and over again that when I’m liking our regimen the least is exactly when it is doing its best work. There have been multiple times over this year when she’s given me a hard lecture and harder spanking that I really, truly did not want or sometimes even agree with.


But, the ill feelings those brought out at the time were the also the closest I’ve come to the “authenticity” ZM talked about last week.  Those incidents were authentic precisely because, at least at the time, there was nothing erotic about them and, instead, they represented instances of her imposing her will at times or in ways when I very much did not like it.  In fact, authenticity is perhaps the most real “cost” that “real” DD imposes, even if it is simultaneously something many of us crave.


There is also a cost to me that varies directly in proportion to one of the biggest benefits Anne receives, namely the ability to communicate to me directly and concretely her dissatisfaction.



I do get a better sense of balance and psychic well-being from having guardrails imposed. There also are psychic benefits involved in behaving better and not causing problems for myself.  But, the cost of that improvement is the most straightforward cost of all – hard, painful punishments that lead me to want to walk the straight and narrow more often.


Perhaps the hardest “cost” associated with the more FLR-oriented aspects of our relationship is being truly, genuinely, kept under someone else’s control and being subject to their decision-making authority. It all is fodder for so many fantasies . . . right up until she exercises her authority in a way you truly do not like.



Even my fantasies of being taken far beyond what I think I can take, and in a way that feels as close as we can get to non-consensual, have the inevitable cost of, by definition, being taken there by virtue of her decision, not mine.


 Anne obviously gets the benefits of having a better-behaved husband and getting her way more often. But, are there costs?  I’m sure there are or have been in the past.


Anne was one of those wives who took to the DD relationship I asked for far easier than I feared she might.  Still, I think it took a while before she really embraced the authority and power. Today, I suspect this captioned meme sums up how she feels most of the time:



She has told me that she gets off giving me orders or imposing limits, especially when my reaction makes it clear that I really dislike complying.  I also think that, while she is not a sadist, she gets that spankings must hurt to be effective and, for that reason, she wants them to hurt.  I think she probably gets off on the whole thing more than she sometimes lets on, and I know she gets off on making me feel nervous and vulnerable. 


I do think one cost associated with exercising control is learning to lead and to do so responsibly.  It’s not easy being in charge, even if it may have a lot of benefits.  I suspect it sometimes seems like a duty or obligation.



I do know that she sometimes struggles with the simple logistics of figuring out how to make time for a spanking in the midst of a busy day.  She’s told me that when she does think of DD, it’s often in the context of figuring out when to announce one is coming and how to fit it into whatever else she has going on.


How about you? What benefits do you get from your DD and FLR relationships? What are the costs involved? 


Ladies, what benefits do you get from imposing painful consequences on your husband or from exercising more authority than you might in a traditional marriage? Are there costs associated with those benefits, or is it all upside?  If there are trade-offs, are they worth it?


Have a great week.




  1. Dan,
    I think for our relationship DD has only strengthened our bond as a couple. We were together with friends over the weekend. We don’t seem to have any of the same problems our friends have within their marriages. One of our friends is now divorced. The other friend just finished counseling and appears to have the marriage on track. My final core friend in the group, has a sexless marriage. She wears the pants, but I know DD has nothing to do with it. DD has given my wife the ability to be on an even keel so to speak. We had a discussion on life during the long drive. She responded how much she appreciated all I do, and how great a man she married. It made me proud. I responded how she has made me a better man. She said how, I responded the thrashings you give me when I’m out of line. She smiled warmly. I don’t think DD is the answer to every relationship, but it’s certainly helped ours and the love I feel for her. I think it would benefit some of my friends. I don't think there is a negative to DD in our marriage. It seems to have only strengthened it. I have stated I wish she would up the ante. In the car, I brought up the raising my voice idea, I told her you should punish more when that occurs. We will see how that progresses. There was a frankness to the conversation the entire ride up.

    1. I love those frank conversations in vanilla environments. Most of our DD conversations seem to happen the same place our DD conversation began. In bed, with the lights off. Usually after a spanking. We make a lot of generalized plans about the direction of travel, but those conversations don't add up to much. But, maybe once a year we have an open conversation, during normal hours, and those DO seem to actually be meaningful. For us, it tends to happen over dinner in public restaurants. I have no idea why that context seems to happen, given that there is more risk of someone overhearing and it's not like, as retirees and empty nesters, we don't have plenty of opportunity to talk to each other.

      I admit I don't really get the sexless marriage thing. We have a couple of friends who seem to have a great marriage. They do lots of activities together and with their adult kids. Yet, the wife has told Anne that they haven't had sex in years. Anne and I aren't exactly rabbits, but it's hard for me to imagine staying in a relationship where sex just didn't happen.

    2. I understand completely, GLM. If “sexless marriage” is defined as a marriage without penetrative sex, I am now in a sexless marriage. For medical reasons I am no longer able to get it up. At all. Moreover, my wife says she is at a stage of life where she no longer needs a man who can get it up. However, I have a deep emotional attachment to my wife and we have shared interests that transcend sex. And although we no longer f**k, we still have a kind of marital intimacy that is highly erotic for me. For me being commanded by my wife and disciplined by her are important elements of that erotic intimacy.

  2. Our situation with speed is a little different from yours. As I’ve mentioned in the past, a speeding ticket would result in a caning at a rate of one stroke per dollar. It’s about twenty years since I’ve had one and I have no wish to repeat. Anyway, a long time ago (before I met my wife) I was pulled over (in Texas) for 77 in a 70 - fortunately only a warning rather than a ticket but that might be because at the time I didn’t have a US license and he just didn’t want to do the paperwork. Anyway, I’ve never forgotten that and so tend to keep my speed to four or five over the limit most of the time. My wife sees seven over as a requirement, so when we’re road-tripping - not unusual - I get grumbled at if I’m not seven over. There is a clear understanding that if I get a ticket for doing what she tells me when she’s in the car, there are no consequences. Of course there are times when I might go faster just to sit with the traffic. More uncertain would be the situation on a non-interstate road, one lane each way with the occasional passing lane, and we do hundreds of miles on these. I’m sure you know the frustration Dan, you get stuck behind something and when the opportunity presents itself you kick it, possibly hitting twenty or thirty over for a few seconds - and she does exactly the same when she is driving. She has been known to point out that I really shouldn’t be doing ninety, and if this ever resulted in a ticket, I really don’t know if I’d be bent over as a result or not. Your fourth picture this week is absolutely me, we’ve talked about maintenance here many times, she calls it putting my world straight and tbh, it doesn’t happen often enough. You talk about Anne ramping up her control, I can’t say the same - as much as i’d like to. When real discipline happens, rather than just maintenance, it’s usually driven by my feelings of guilt over something, there are occasions where I’ll just be told to bring her the paddle or cane and be instantly dealt with - possibly for something I didn’t even realize I’d done (although it’s always justified,) but that doesn’t happen often. We always said when we started that the benefits were : 1. She moved past any anger or annoyance 2. I moved past any feelings of guilt 3. Anything was dealt with quickly and we never had that feeling of something hanging over us. I’m not sure that 1 or 3 are still valid, simply because I just don’t upset her as occasionally happened in the early years. I guess DD worked in the long term. So it’s now really all about 2. I’m honestly not sure what benefit she gets from it now - other than on those occasions when she does trigger it herself. There was a case a couple of years ago where I really lost my temper for no valid reason - probably the only time It’s ever happened. A few weeks later she dealt with it with probably the most severe paddling she’s ever given me, followed by the comment that of I ever did it again, that would just be the warm-up. Overall, I agree with T - particularly as it affected the early years of our marriage. Now, it still brings big benefits for me, for her I think she’d say that it has achieved what she should have wanted it to and now is more something she has to fit in to a busy life, more for my benefit than for hers. TG

    1. When the speed limit is 45 or lower, I try to go about 4 mph over the posted limit. If the limit is 55 or higher, I shoot for 8 or 9 over the limit. But, admittedly, there were times on the trip where I might come into a reduced speed area of 45 with me doing 60. The reason Anne's backseat driving makes me particularly nuts is she's not a careful driver herself. On this trip she tried to justify her comments by claiming that I'm simply more aggressive than she's comfortable with, but it's complete BS. I challenged her to text our kids and ask them who is the more aggressive driver, her or me. She wouldn't do it because, of course, she knows what the answer would be. I probably do drive faster than her on average, but she does regularly speeds. She tailgates. She gets furious when people in front of her are driving too slowly. And, the height of the hypocrisy is she blows a gasket if anyone comments on HER driving. In a hilarious incident several years ago, I was shuttling our daughters somewhere. We were stuck at a light and the car in front of us failed to go when the light turned green. One of my daughters, who was about 4 at the time, shouted out, "Hey lady! What the hell are you waiting on?? Move it!" I knew exactly where she'd heard that before.

      It would be great if couples were always getting equal benefits from DD, but I can see how a wife might not get as much in the present but still be very satisfied that it had solved bigger issues in the past and was, therefore, still worth the effort. Also, even if DD may have "solved" certain problems, at least in my case there is always the risk of backsliding, which is really what I mean by guardrails. There are times when I ask myself whether I really still need DD, but it seems like shortly after I ask myself that question, I end up answering it via some big behavioral failure.

  3. Dan, it’s amazing how similar things are in the lives of some of us spanked husbands. My wife is also a backseat driver who gets on my nerves sometimes. She frequently admonishes me to slow down. She has also made clear that getting a ticket would be a spanking offence. (Reminds me of my parents’ rule when I was a kid: if you get the strap at school, you get spanked at home). I always respond to spanking threats and slow down grudgingly the way you did. Like Anne, my wife says that if I get a ticket the spanking will be severe. However, from what you have written, Anne’s threats of severity are more credible than my wife’s. Mind you, since she sees speeding as a safety issue, I do believe the spanking would be harsher than usual. What really gets my attention is that my wife will sometimes threaten me with a roadside spanking if I don’t do as I’m told and slow down. She has actually given me a roadside spanking before, but that was in a an isolated area way out in the sticks. She has also threatened to do it in more populous areas if I don’t slow down, or if I don’t control my temper behind the wheel. Would she really do it? Rationally, I doubt it. But emotionally I respond as though the threat is credible. She always follows the threat with the warning, “And don’t think I won’t do it.” I have never run the risk of testing her on that point. I slow down.

    I am thinking about the cost/benefit analysis of DD. My wife gets home from visiting her friend in a couple of days. I’m pretty sure she won’t come here to participate. But I will put your questions to her, and if she feels like answering, I will report what she says.

    1. Anne hasn't threatened a roadside spanking, but we do have an RV and she has alluded to how easy it would be to deliver a spanking in it. My mental associations with roadside spankings are more about parental spankings. I don't remember actually getting one from either of them, but I distinctly remember lots of threats that they would pull over and give one. In fact, one of my only other vivid spanking dreams involved my mother pulling over a car to give the adult me a spanking.

    2. My mother used to threaten roadside spankings when I was a kid. The threat was usually couched as a question, “Do I have to stop the car?” I took the threat seriously because it was entirely within the realm of possibility that she would do it. Now that I think of it, that may be one reason threats like that from my wife have such resonance.

    3. GH,
      My Mother would say, one more
      word from you guys and I’m pulling this car over and beating you both. We immediately shut our mouths. I remember one time, we took a piece of candy from the store. A manager said something to my Mother.
      My Mothers response, after a humiliating apology, was don’t worry, he won’t be sitting comfortably for a long time. The pit in my stomach on the ride home was horrible. The BB spanking was quite memorable and one I never forgot. My wife gave me a pit in my stomach one time when I overreacted on an issue. Her response was,
      You just wait till we get home. It reminded me of my youth.

    4. T, I suppose a roadside spanking when I was a kid would have been different than a spanking at home. Like you I got BB spankings at home. My mother wouldn’t have bared my bottom in public, but she would not have hesitated to spank me on the seat of the pants in public, and that would have been embarrassing enough to me. That has made me wonder about something. Spankings from my wife are always on the BB, to the point that I think of that as an essential element. That’s why I think my wife could never actually spank me in a public place the way she does at home. The partial nudity would make it an unlawful act of public lewdness. But now I wonder, would an adult/adult spanking in a public place that didn’t involve nudity be unlawful?

    5. Dan: “Anne hasn't threatened a roadside spanking, but we do have an RV and she has alluded to how easy it would be to deliver a spanking in it.”

      Dan, having an RV would open a whole new realm of possibility. I believe that if we had an RV, I would have been spanked in it by now because my wife has never been one to delay a spanking. She does it when she is in the mood to do it, and if there is a delay, the mood often passes. That’s probably the reason she threatens roadside spankings rather than threatening to spank me when we get home.

  4. Our costs are minor, but the benefits are many. Our FLR with DD household is over 13 years old now and still strong. No arguments, no silent periods, no grudges, nothing held back or lurking in the background. When I misbehave, I get spanked, wherever we are. She does not threaten, but I know it will happen. Not for a traffic ticket, but I recall the minor accident I had with her car. She said she did not feel like she had to punish me but knew I would feel better with a spanking. But warned me, if I wanted a spanking, she would not hold back. I said I would feel better as the accident was my fault. Her insurance deductible was $150. She delivered 100 lashes with the belt and 50 hard swats with the wood paddle. I was bruised for days, but felt justice was served and the issue was never brought up again.

    1. You definitely seem much more prone to asking for a hard spanking than I am. In a similar circumstance, I probably would have tried to claim some hit and run incident caused the damage. Well, I probably wouldn't go that far, but it is rare that I will ask for a spanking, especially if it's clear she doesn't feel the need to punish me for something.

    2. In this case, Dan, she was in the car with me, so I could not claim it was not my fault. I did ask to be punished as I knew the guilt would be worse the longer it went on. I did not think she would spank that long or hard, but she did warn me. Bottom line is, I will always be truthful with her and take my spanking.

  5. To the cost/benefit equation for us: my costs include 1, the real pain I experience from a spanking-there is nothing I enjoy about a punishment spanking when it is happening. 2. the restrictions on my behavior, which in the short run are often hard to deal with; 3 giving up the power and control I would have in the relationship if it wasn’t DD 4—embarrassment from having my ego humbled.

    Her costs include 1. assuming the role and responsibility of disciplinarian after several years on the other side of the paddle;2 dealing with the mental conflict she had (earlier than lately) with having a husband she sees as robust, aggressive, and successful but who she also has to put over her knee and spank like an adolescent to bring about good behavior;3. The time it takes her to make discipline a priority in her life;
    The benefits for me: 1. the day-to-day exhilaration of being under the control and authority of a woman I love and trust; 2, real help with behavior that had or has plagued me most of my adult life, including several unhealthy or destructive habits;3 the sexual charge that comes from remembering spankings she had administered or might administer in future.; 4 The increased confidence and positive feelings that come from being a disciplined husband and knowing the guardrails are really there. It allows me to let go more, because if I veer off the road, she won’t let me go too far.

    The benefits for her: 1 the ability to correct me for things that bother her ( big and small) without damaging our relationship;2 Controlling power and authority in our relationship, which makes her feel safe and more confident; 3 A sexual charge from the exercise of her authority and some of the aspects of spanking me;4 The social prestige benefits she receives from presenting to the world a husband some other women ( friends/acquaintances) see as a model husband because of the way she has trained me to behave in public with her.
    Costs for us as a couple. we have to live something of a double life since only a handful of people know anything about our DD relationship (this has become more pressing over time); 2. Making discipline a priority often caused disruptions in plans and scheduling conflicts (when we were both working)

    Benefits for us as a couple: 1. We have achieved an intimacy and closeness neither of us ever experienced outside of a DD relationship. There is something about spanking that allows this to happen. My former GF expressed similar feelings. 2. Good and often great sex, especially soon after a spanking (+_ 24 hours or so). The feelings I have making love with her after spanking are an ecstatic mix of passion, lust, and tenderness. 3. The harmony possible in a close relationship when both respect and love each other but there is a clear understanding of who is in charge and that there can be and will be consequences of behavior that harms or threatens the relationship

    1. I love these and identify with almost all of them. I especially like the way you broke out a separate category for benefits and costs to you as a couple.

      The only one of your benefits that I might not identify strongly with is #4. I don't think DD helps me let go more. I had no problem letting go before it came along, and I definitely feel like it holds me back not lets me go. But, there is a certain comfort in being held back even if it may not feel that way at the time. No matter how often we talk here about origins, I can never get much clarity on what may have caused me to be into DD. But, I do think that one part of it was having no rules (or none that were really enforced) as a teen and young adult, and how that left me feeling like there was a huge weight of responsibility on my shoulders. So, while I don't think DD makes me more confident or allows me to let go, I think knowing that someone else will impose limits from time to time does reduce my stress level.

      I like your #3 benefit for you as a couple. I've talked before here about a work relationship I had in which we were both peers, both very strong wills, and ended up with a difference in views on which neither one of us would budge. It convinced me that truly equal relationships have often unappreciated downsides and that things actually do often work better when, as you says, there's a clear understanding of who is in charge.

    2. Alan, that is a great list of costs and benefits. The costs and benefits you list for yourself apply entirely to me. I can’t say with certainty that my wife would say the cost and benefits for her are identical to your wife’s list, but my intuition is that my wife would say something similar. I guess #3 for your wife, that she gets a sexual charge out of spanking you, might not apply to my wife. She says it’s not sexual for her. Then again, I’m not sure she would tell me if she was getting a sexual kick because the idea that spankings are purely disciplinary for her may be a strategy to increase the power imbalance. Come to think of it, I find the impression that she is sexually disinterested when she spanks me to be hot! And from reading my journals, she probably knows enough about my feelings and my fantasies to know I would find that hot, so she could be consciously playing on that. On the other hand, from a purely sexual perspective, I feel somewhat emasculated when I get spanked like a child, so I may look emasculated to her too, and maybe that reduces my attractiveness in her eyes. Who knows? Since DD goes together with full FLR in our house, I’m pretty sure she would say that making me do a bigger share of the housework is a big benefit for her. Having to do more housework is a cost for me, but it is simultaneously a benefit because it is a cost that turns me on in the context of FLR.

      Whether spanking me is sexually gratifying for my wife or not, it is certain that FLR reinvigorated our sex life at a time when it began to be stale. According to sex surveys, most women are turned off by submissiveness in men, so that may be something my wife had to overcome. Maybe deep down she would have preferred a more manly man. But I think that being the boss gave her the confidence to tell me exactly what she wants and doesn’t want in the bedroom. That has meant less penetrative sex and a greater emphasis on her pleasure than mine. Sometimes she has even practiced orgasm denial for me so as to focus sex entirely on her pleasure. I guess that is a benefit for her and a cost for me, though it is a cost that excites me, so maybe it is a benefit for both of us.

      From my perspective, FLR and DD have made my wife sexually attractive to me in a way that defies aging. I appreciate the beauty of young women as much as any guy, but I don’t lust after young women because spanking and otherwise dominating me makes my wife sexier than any young woman in my eyes. My wife even dominates my fantasies. I would classify that as a benefit for both of us.

    3. GH,
      My wife does get a sexual charge from spanking me. She enjoys seeing me writhe and squirm in pain to a certain extent. I’m a bit like you, I feel emasculated at times when she is scolding and spanking. We do not have an FLR but I do a bunch of housework that most guys don’t do. I don’t mind putting loads of laundry and doing dishes ect. My wife also does not want an FLR and wants a man’s man. I agree with how hot I think my wife is when she scolds and punishes me.
      I am putty in her hands at that point. I love the way she holds me after and of course, the sex is out of this world. I’ve stated before, that I do wish sex would wait at least a day or two after punishment. Like the song, you can’t always have what you want. I do love Alan’s breakdown of the benefits of DD. I do wish my wife was as consistent as yours and punished much more often. I can’t see how this couldn’t be a benefit for a lot of marriages out there, but that’s another conversations.

  6. Alan's list pretty well covers most of the costs and benefits for us. I was in a war and have PTSD from that. DD has been very effective in helping with it, and it really does calm me down to be spanked on a regular basis. Another benefit for us is that DD really adds to our sex life. I get turned on just by her just threatening a spanking, and she often talks about it for that reason. The Wicked Queen describes many of the benifets for women in her article "Why Women should consider a F/M spanking relationship", which is well worth reading. In it she sums it up nicely with this.....
    "Real domestic Discipline Spankings... In submitting to them -There is freedom and Trust.
    In giving them - There is power and responsibility.
    In both...there is intimacy and love.
    Lastly, GH expressed exactly how I feel about DD making his wife sexually attractive to him in a way that defies aging, and "makes his wife sexier than any young woman"
    So true!

    1. Norton and GH.
      This is very on point, and I should have emphasized it in my post. It is a powerful and potent antidote to the familiarity and comfortableness that creeps into many long-term relationships. It is also an enormous benefit for wives who may be aging superficially and less physically attractive than once; DD can be a magic exilic that fires a male libido in a way that seems to defy the time and longevity of the relationship. Women in DD relationship with a spanko undoubtedly realize the benefit, but I doubt many other “vanillas” do. You do have to experience it, but it is enormous and actually grows as DD continues.
      Thanks for bringing it up because it certainly belongs on the benefit side of any cost-benefit calculation.


  7. That last entry was mine.

  8. Aging seems to be harder on women, especially if they are concerned about staying physically attractive. A wife that is in a F/M DD relationship is probably going to have a husband that is not likely to bail on her for a younger woman. It takes a lot of vulnerability and trust to develop a real DD relationship, and a guy that knows he needs to be spanked is far more likely to be loyal to his wife. As we have discussed before in this blog, most women that get into F/M spanking as a lifestyle start in their 40s or later. They have become more mature, and more confident in themselves. They are not going to be tolerant of adolesent behavior, and guys like us become pretty dependent on having a wife strong enough to take us in hand. Most of us know this is good for us, and we appreciate being reined in. As far as the cost of being spanked so often, the only one for me is my butt seems to be premaritally wrinkled. That is a small price to pay considering all the benefits. My partner went on vacation recently, and I haven't been spanked for almost 3 weeks. However, my butt looks the same as it did when she left.

    1. Norton, I agree with everything you said.

    2. It's ironic, isn't it? So many women are afraid that if they assert themselves, their significant other will think they are a bitch and could rebel. Yet, for those married to guys like us, the disciplinary part of the relationship is something their husbands need and want and aren't that likely to readily find anywhere else.

  9. Wish me luck, boys! My wife is home after 3 weeks apart, and I am going to try to rekindle our FLR, which has been dormant for too long, due to my health issues. I have been writing in the present tense about FLR and DD, even though I was really writing mostly about the past. May the present tense be the correct one the next time I write about DD and FLR.

    1. There have been long-ish periods for us where DD was more of a memory than a current state. It happens. Good luck!

  10. DD started for us as a way of satisfying my lifelong interest in spanking. We were playing about one night, she started to spank me and I opened up about my interest a few days later. It gave her some power over me as she was able to access a part of me that I had kept secret from everybody. I got into the habit of writing to her about how I felt after each of the early spanking experiments, feedback, etc. That process opened up a very useful additional channel of communication between us as I was able to be much more considered with my thoughts in my journal updates. Looking back (and even now) they are a form of love letter which she always enjoys getting and remonstrates with me if I leave too long a gap. We used to use email but now use a shared file which I write to. The initial spankings were pretty mild but as I added to her implements arsenal, they became more severe. I would often 'coach' her in my journal about not being too soft on me, how long, etc so that she could get a 'feel' for what was appropriate. The large egg timer (!) was a breakthrough as she still uses it as a guide for duration ('You've earned at least two turns of the the timer' is a phrase I have often had directed at me).

    After a time I asked her to explicitly link the spankings with behavior changes that she (and I) wanted to see. I wrote out several versions of 'rules', we experimented with a 'points' system but eventually have settled on a set of general principles, a sort of charter that we both use as a way of measuring how I have behaved and whether a 'reset' is due. Link that to our recent development where I now explicitly 'own up' to failings and request that she addresses them via a spanking has moved her sense of power and control (she says) to a new level. If I miss anything she will point it out during the pre spanking 'talk'.

    She loves the fact that she now has a husband who (she says) is self aware enough to recognize & admit to failings, even though I know what the consequences will definitely be. She has moved from seeing spanking as satisfying a fetish in me, to it being a very clear foundational tool in our relationship management. She is very aware that I find the whole subject a turn-on but she is also very aware that of the difference between my fantasies and her very painful punishments when I misbehave.

    The key benefit for her is a rebalance in our relationship - as she will often say, she now has the power to stop me, to re-center me, to reset me any time needed. She says (and I agree) that we are much closer now and puts a lot of it down to the 'need' that I have exposed to her, the openness in my journal and hew ability to draw any dispute to a close if necessary.

    For me I now have the clear guidelines (or guardrails as Dan calls them) and some clear consequences when I overstep. As a very goal driven personality having this clear 'target' behavior', , measures & consequences is very appealing. Tension builds in most relationships for a variety of reasons - there is nothing quite like a session with the strap to 'clear the air'! TB

    1. This is such a great comment. It resonates with me and parallels some of our own DD development in so many ways. Yet, it also gave me pause to think about a couple of things in a different way, which doesn't happen that much after 10 years of blogging on this subject.

      "We were playing about one night, she started to spank me and I opened up about my interest a few days later. It gave her some power over me as she was able to access a part of me that I had kept secret from everybody." While I remember distinctly the acute embarrassment involved in bringing DD to Anne's attention, I've never really thought about the fact that while DD would give her power over me, the act of confessing my desire for it was itself the first step in giving her such power.

      It has me wondering whether that act of giving someone power over you is also at the root of many of our DD interests and fantasies, including particularly witnesses. I've known almost since the beginning that a big part of my DD interest was tied up in desire to give up control. But, I've never really thought much about how two of the things we talk so much about here--others knowing or learning about our DD and witnesses--also involves giving others a certain power over us. Even if the witness were someone you trust, you never really know what they may do, right? And, if it is someone you *don't* trust or maybe even don't like, that amps up the power even more. KD Pierre has a story on his website called "Pride," in which a wife gets sick of her husband bickering with a friend and allows that friend to spank the husband, precisely because she knows how humbling it will be. During the course of the spanking, the friend lets him know how much she enjoys having that power over him. That story has always really gotten to me, but until your comment, I somehow never really tied together how confessing my interest in DD to my wife was different from others knowing only really as a matter of degree. They aren't all that different in kind and all the possible permutations involve some degree of giving control to another.

      "Link that to our recent development where I now explicitly 'own up' to failings and request that she addresses them via a spanking has moved her sense of power and control (she says) to a new level." I'm curious about this one. It seems like, in some ways, you owning up and requesting that she address something leaves you with a lot of control. Yet, she experiences it as the opposite. Can you can explain that more?

      "Tension builds in most relationships for a variety of reasons - there is nothing quite like a session with the strap to 'clear the air'!" We've been going through something like that this week. Part of me has wanted her to just decide to spank me to reset the balance, though so far she hasn't really used DD in that way.

    2. Our journey with journaling has been somewhat similar, though the logistics are different in some respects. In the very early days, I kept a journal, though it was pretty limited and more like a report card, with some explanatory material. I expanded that over time, but at some point I went into my multi-year paranoid phase, which included being concerned about someone (including but not limited to snooping kids) getting access to a paper journal. I tried email for awhile, but that didn't seem all that much more secure. So, I started keeping the journal in a Pages (Apple's word processor) file, which was password protected. It was easy to share with Anne via text, and if someone was to get access to her phone, they wouldn't be able to open the document without the password. I also could include spanking art and memes. Lately though, the electronic format began to seem impersonal. Plus, I started kind of *wanting* the vulnerability that came with the lack of security around a paper journal. So, I'm back to using that format. As in your case, a lot of the entries involve me "coaching," or opening up about areas in which I feel like I need a stricter or more "no mercy" approach. She says she likes the journal because it gives her more visibility into what is going on in my head, not just with respect to DD but other things in my life.

    3. I stopped journaling when health problems caused our FLR to go dormant. But while my wife was away, I went out and bought a new journal. When I say “journal”, the format is actually a series of letters to my wife. I wrote several entries while she was away. The main themes of my entries were how much I have been missing FLR and DD, an apology for some of my failings as a husband during the time without DD, and how sexy she is in my eyes when she is strict and demanding. I left the journal on her dresser on top of a box of her favourite chocolates and under the hairbrush she uses for spankings. I felt really nervous about how she would receive this initiative, but so far the signs look good. She said she enjoyed the journal entries. I’m not sure whether that means she intends to return to reinstate a full FLR, but I feel hopeful. I think journals are a valuable tool of communication in a FLR, especially for me because I can express things in writing that I feel too vulnerable to say face to face.

    4. "Link that to our recent development where I now explicitly 'own up' to failings and request that she addresses them via a spanking has moved her sense of power and control (she says) to a new level." I'm curious about this one. It seems like, in some ways, you owning up and requesting that she address something leaves you with a lot of control. Yet, she experiences it as the opposite. Can you can explain that more?

      The only behaviors that she is interested in punishing me for are disrespect, moodiness, etc - so behaviors that impact her directly. She is therefore aware of anything that I 'own up' to already (and would usually take action to address either as a specific or as a general 'reset'). She does see that my recognizing & admitting to the behavior before she takes action is another level of submission & self-awareness. In fact although we have only been using this approach for a number of weeks, if I don't 'own up' to some failing that was obvious to both of us, she will take extra spanking time to highlight that particular issue. A virtuous circle of sorts in that I am encouraged to document my own failings even though I am aware of the consequences, because if I don't there is a very good chance that the next spanking session will be increased to cover the omission.

      She is a big fan of the new approach and she enjoys matching my journal view of my behavior with her own recollections. She also feels that it takes some of the pressure off her in deciding if/when a spanking is due. It helps me in that I dislike the delay & uncertainty between offence & punishment - if punishment is due then I am always keen to get it over and done with. My behavior has definitely been better for the past few weeks, mainly because I know feel that if I misbehave I have to submit a 'confession'.

      PS We use a PW protected OneNote file for the journal as it can be read on any device, it updates in real time and the PW seems pretty secure.

    5. Thanks, TB. This is really helpful.

      The password protected file definitely has a lot of advantages including, as you say, the ability to read on any device. Another advantage is providing clips from this blog. When Google started requiring logins to view the blog, Anne largely stopped reading this version. I've been making duplicate entries on Wordpress for a while, but she doesn't see the comments. When I was using a PW-protected Pages file, it was easy for me to copy comments that I thought she should pay special attention to.

      But, there's just something I like about paper when it comes to journaling about personal, introspective stuff. I've been a chronic journaller for many years, but I frequently have journals going in multiple formats. For a lot of simple, day-to-day entries and for including associated pictures with entries, I use an electronic journal. I really like the searchability, being able to quickly find older entries with particular information or remembrances. But, for more personal stuff, for some reason I just really like the feel of writing things down on physical paper. From a security perspective, of course, it's ass backward, as I'm putting the more sensitive stuff in the most vulnerable format. Though, I can probably argue that both ways. A computer hack is not a totally uncommon occurrence these day, while it's not particularly likely that someone is going to break into my house and steal journals.

    6. I agree--strongly.Journaling, particularly by hand, can be a powerful tool,not only for recording thoughts but also for analyzing problems and making decisions

      I have used both electronic journaling and hand written and both have been extremely useful. With you, I think " writing it down" opposed to typing is the better option. There is a more physical, almost visceral aspect to hand writing, not present in typing.

    7. Totally agree, Alan. I find that many times when I sit down to write something by hand that as the process goes along, more and more insights pop into my head even if I thought I already had a good understanding of the subject. There's just something about that medium that gets your mind working in a way that typing doesn't.

  11. TB, the approach which led to DD was very similar to yours. Like you, it started off with my spanking obsession, and at the beginning of the relationship, I asked her to witness a session with a professional spanking me. She had never been exposed to adult spanking before, but seemed to warm up to it quickly. She asked the dom to spank her to get a better understanding of it, and she got turned on by the experience. It took awhile for us to graduate from spanking as sexual play to DD. When we got together, I had some bad habits, but never really had any desire to change them. This blog helped me identify how things might improve if I was actually punished to help change my behavior. It didn't take too long for me to realize that this path was going to require me to be completely honest with my partner and include everything we had agreed would lead to a disciplinary spanking, which I would write down in a journal and read to her every week. I endured many punishment spankings for the first few years, mostly because of my drinking over our agreed upon limit. Now, I am much better behaved, and the vast majority of the spankings I receive are for maintenance, which are still hard, but nothing as hard or long as a disciplinary spanking. Though I don't enjoy them while they are happening, I still need an occasional punishment spanking, and that is what I fantisize about.

    1. Out of curiosity, how much is your agreed-upon limit on drinking?

    2. 2 beers a day is my limit. But remember, I am old. A few years ago, I drank a lot more, and it was something I really wanted to change. I tried many approaches, but only DD really worked, and that took about 2 years, and dozens of hard spankings.

    3. Anne and I seem to be in a perpetual renegotiation of what the rules around alcohol should be. Oddly to me, there is a very big difference between two and three. Anne has sometimes advocated for two, but two would, in my experience, cut off prematurely a bunch of good conversations I have with friends over a happy hour. On the other hand, three definitely is more likely to lead to six than is two.

    4. Dan,
      I thought about using DD to curb my alcohol consumption but all of our friends drink and socialize together. We do have a tendency to go overboard at times, but I’m not an everyday drinker. I might drink two or three out of seven days a week, unless on vacation of course. My wife has told me, you’re a big boy, you could drink when you want. I would assume, if I was a drinker daily, then it would be different. I know it works for some, but I don’t want my wife dictating to me what I should or shouldn’t be doing. I also don’t want to do the same to her. There is a fine line when it comes to our DD.

    5. T, your drinking patterns sound very close to mine. The vast majority of our friends drink -- in some cases a lot. Most weeks, there are far more days that I don't drink at all. I don't have drinks with dinner. I'm not one to watch a ballgame and drink beers by myself. But, when I drink, I have a tendency to binge. So, I do feel like I need some limits around that, but what exactly they should be is part of a multi-year "discussion."

  12. First of all,
    This is KOJ and I am glad to be back after dealing with some health issues.
    The answers above are so excellent that I am not sure what to add. I would say that in addition to agreeing with many of those comments that DD changed my marriage and both of us individually profoundly for the better:
    1. It gave my wife a way to end and win arguments. Even more, I stopped arguing so much because I knew she had the power of the paddle.
    2. It made me a better man, husband and father. Spankings and the threat of them helped regulate behaviors that needed to be regulated, such as sarcasm, short temper, drinking to excess, male chauvinist laziness about helping around the house, and selfish inattentiveness to the needs of my wife and children.
    3. DD empowered my wife. Once she saw that she could control me, she began believing she had control of other aspects of her life, such as career. She went back to school and started a new career. Yes, part of that empowerment came through maturity. But I am convinced that her power over me, which she would not have had without the hairbrush and the bath brush, was a main reason that she became more assertive and outgoing.
    In the face of those benefits, the detriments are negligible. I wouldn't even call them detriments -- more like side effects:
    1. Her spankings hurt like hell physically. Emotionally I saw them as penance. That helped with the physical pain.
    2. I sometimes disagreed with the limits she placed on me. But they weren't big enough issues to be really concerning. Any major decision was made together.
    3. I was embarrassed by her penchant for implying that she spanked me, such as euphemistic threats in front of others -- "Do you LIKE sitting down?" "Do we need to address your attitude right now?" "You ARE getting too big for your britches!" And the one that embarrassed me the most: "You do remember that I have a hair brush in my purse, don't you?" But over time I came to believe that the embarrassment was part of the consequence I earned when I misbehaved. She constantly reminded me when I complained that I could easily avoid any of these threats!
    DD was great for me!

    1. Hey! Great to have you back. I was decided you must have "shuffled off that mortal coil" and been rude enough not to tell us. :-)

      Seriously, I'm glad you are OK and are rejoining the conversation.

    2. Many thanks for your kind words Dan. Why did the shuffling off the mortal coil thought come to mind? Lol.


    3. You were such a reliable contributor, it was hard to imagine you just stopping suddenly absent something bad happening. And, I do kind of have this problem with my mind jumping right to worst case scenarios.

    4. You never know, nothing is certain in life (though with my military colleague it wasn't entirely unexpected)! ;-)

      I wouldn't call myself reliable. Some weeks can go by when I don't have much in particular to say about a topic (say because it isn't a huge aspect of the F/M DD part of our marriage), and then a topic can come along that applies to us very, very well, in which case I have a lot to say.


    5. Sorry, that comment was actually meant for KOJ.

    6. KOJ, I am glad to see that you are back and are okay. Your wife’s penchant for making spanking threats in public adds further context to the story you told previously about her spanking you at a party. Prior to the party some of your friends and acquaintances must have surmised that your wife gave you disciplinary spankings. Some of the public threats she made would have left little doubt. It sounds like she wanted people to know. Therefore, if people overheard her spanking you at the party, it would have confirmed something some of them already knew or strongly suspected, wouldn’t it? It is as though she had consciously prepared the ground for the step she took at the party.

    7. GH,
      I think that's true, but only in hindsight. She was very mysterious about her plans and motivations. When I would ask she would say, "I'm not telling. Mystery is what makes a husband keep coming back for more."

  13. Costs and benefits?

    Regarding costs, the main ones are having a sore backside from time to time and practising something that I don't yet feel able to talk about openly.

    However, these things are outweighed by so many benefits:
    1) I don't have to put up with prolonged low-level ill moods from my wife: we are happy together.
    2) I always have a full stomach and empty balls: she doesn't have a purported headache that goes on for months! We accumulated a large brood quickly.
    3) My wife is respectful to me and my ways of doing things, knowing that she has an outlet for her dissatisfaction when there is something to address.
    4) I have undergone enormous character improvements as a result of the accountability.
    5) Learning to block pain has caused me to try more "manly" pursuits that I didn't think were within me previously.

    And many more!


    1. J, you bring up an interesting con: “practising something that I don’t yet feel able to talk about openly.” That resonates with me. In fact, I have discussed with my therapist the feeling that my wife and I are leading a double life by hiding the D/s nature of our relationship. Maybe that is the reason some part of me would like my wife to make it publicly known that she wears the pants, even though that would embarrass me. Of course, if you see DD as nothing but a sex act, it is normal to be secretive about it. However, if the disciplinary lifestyle is more than just a kink, the feelings of shame that make us hide it can give rise to uncomfortable feelings of inauthenticity in our lives.

    2. I think the majority of the general public would view it as a kink. There are very few blogs and websites dedicated to DD and FLR, especially F/M. The way I look at it, is we in the 1% category. Even with all of the videos on ST, there are very few contributors. It’s def. not mainstream. I believe it will dwindle down the road. I could be wrong and hope for new contributors, but let’s face the facts. The majority that contribute here, are the same and have been for sometime. A few have fallen off. I lurked for years before posting.

    3. GH, you are lucky to have a therapeist who will listen to you about DD. Mine obviously didn't approve of it and was mainly concerned about my safety, so I'll never bring it up with her again. Could you tell us what this therapeist said concerning your feelings of living a double life? It seems for us guys involved with this blog, practicing DD is far more involved than just being a sex act. I don't feel ashamed of having this lifestyle, but I don't share it with anybody. It isn't for lack of trying, it's just never worked out well before. Most people simply aren't that interested. It is something I would love to be able to share and talk it with others, but this is the only place I am aware of that can happen. It does feel like we are living with a secret by practicing this lifestyle. However, for us, it doesn't feel inauthentic, as it obviously works well for us. It's just a pity that so many couples don't know about it, as it would improve a lot of marriages.

    4. Norton, when I first told my therapist that I had some masochistic kinks I needed to talk about, she was supportive, but she did did tell me that if by “kink friendly therapy” I meant that she would necessarily encourage everything I might reveal I was into, she might not be the right person. That’s because she has dealt with clients who were into heavy forms of BDSM that crossed the line from healthy kink into self harm and abuse. Therefore, from a therapist’s point of view, the client’s safety may be a legitimate concern. Concerning the form of FLR my wife and I have practiced, which I have described to her in some detail, my therapist is totally non judgmental. She says that that if it is beneficial to my marriage, that’s a good thing. As far as my feelings about living a double life, that is just one part of a bigger pattern of shame, guilt, anxiety, and insecurity that has run throughout my life and that she is helping me to sort out and deal with. She told me at one point that if I consider keeping our DD lifestyle a secret to be living a double life, then everyone is living a double life because we all keep aspects of our intimate lives secret.

    5. I'm not a mental health professional but, honestly, it seems like your therapist drew some reasonable lines. While I think mental heal professionals have historically pathologized a lot of human sexuality, I think it's also fair to say that not every expression of every kink is necessarily healthy.

      I'm pretty OK with the concept of living a double life. It seems like an interesting and titillating way to live. As I've said many times here, and I'm sure many don't agree, I don't see a big advantage in this lifestyle becoming so well known and accepted that all the "kink" kind of goes out of it. Part of the reason it maintains my ongoing interest is because there ARE taboo aspects to it. If it ceased to be taboo, I'm not sure I would have the same level of interest.

    6. Dan, my therapist agrees with your point about the history of mental health professionals unnecessarily pathologizing human sexuality. In fact, she discourages me from trying to put labels on myself that are derived from that history of pathologizing desires and behaviours that don’t adhere to traditional ideas about what is “normal.” I see your point that it is okay to have a double life where sexual behaviours are concerned. My therapist agrees with you on that point. But I am still wrestling with it because being a submissive husband subject to DD feels like an aspect of my identity that transcends sex, even though it is sexual. To me F/M DD seems different than other “femdom” sexual activities like pegging or chastity play or small penis humiliation or forced feminization. Obviously, it is appropriate to keep explicitly sexual activities like that totally private. But for some reason I feel that concealing the fact that my wife wears the pants and has disciplinary authority in our marriage is a bigger thing. I think I feel the way a gay person must feel when feelings of shame force them to remain in the closet, so there is a fearful desire to be “outed” as a spanked husband.

    7. I understand and appreciate what you're saying, though it doesn't resonate for me on a personal level. I do feel that being in a DD relationship has become pretty core to my identity, though I don't feel any strong desire to be "out" to everyone about that. I do sometimes want to be more open about it, but it's not a big driver for me. It also may be the case that while DD has become a core part of my life, it may not be a part of my identity in the way some other attributes are. I lived up through my late 30s without DD being *any* part of my identity, so it may not be as core to me as it is to some of you.

    8. Dan,
      I’m with you on this one. DD plays a small role in our relationship. As stated in the past, we are not in an FLR and my wife would refuse that type of relationship anyway. I don’t feel a strong desire to be out anyway. The most embarrassing moment for me was a group text sent to friends by mistake from my wife. She was pissed about something and answered me with a Mother scolding a child response. Our friends responded with the usual banter. “Oh someone in trouble now”, “enjoy the couch”. When I arrived home, I told her it was unacceptable to respond like that to the group. She stated, too bad you should have been a grown man about your actions. She did apologize a few days later and said she would be careful. A spanking was not in the text thank God. I would have been mortified. She wouldn’t want the DD aspect of our relationship outed either. She does believe it’s private and it does have sexual aspects to it.

    9. Anne and I do pretty frequently share DD-related things by text, and she sometimes does let me know over text that I'm in for a session. The odds being what they are, I wouldn't be surprised if, at some time, a text goes astray.

  14. There is a widely held social science theory that holds when a person believes themselves to be in the minority, particularly a small or niche minority, they tend to both be cautious about expressing their views AND tend to underestimate the proportion of any population they represent.

    There is no good data of which I am aware estimating how many couples practice any form of F/M discipline. But given the apparent demand and abundant supply of F/M-themed material all over the internet, one can reasonably expect some significant proportion of males to have a desire/interest in F/m.

    Then, consider how most of us ended up in our relationship: in one way or another, by convincing our vanilla, usually reluctant spouse to try it.

    It seems probable that of the likely millions of males with an F/M fetish, some significant number have convinced their SO to try it. We can only guess the actual proportion of the population in or has been in a F/M relationship. But the strength of the spanking fetish must be a powerful motivator for males in a committed relationship to bring about such a relationship.

    And it's apparently in such a relationship that a reluctant vanilla spouse is most willing to try it. Consider also the testimony over and over on this blog alone of the benefits wives and SOs often derive from an F/M relationship -and in fact, some/many become “hooked” on it when they try it.

    So, are we a hidden majority in the male population? Not likely. But neither is it likely that there are a minuscule proportion of males. Just as once, there was no good data on other sexual minorities—until there was: I think someday we will have a reasonably good idea how many couples practice or have practiced F/M.

    When we do have that information I am inclined to think it will be somewhere between -10 percent –although it could be higher. As we have discussed many times on this blog—most males, as well as their spouses in F/M relationships, guard that information -and that tendency alone almost guarantees there is more of it going on than most people imagine

    1. Whoops! That is 5 -10 percent

    2. Alan, that makes a lot of sense. GH

    3. Hi Alan,
      I have no idea about the actual percentages, but your logic is pretty solid.


    4. Alan ,
      I would be hard pressed to believe it’s 10%, based on the number of sites out there.

  15. Alan, what you wrote makes a lot of sense to me also. After reading it, I looked up what percent of the USA identifies as LGBT and it was 7%, which is about the same as your prediction, 5 to 10 %, of how many of us are into F/M relationships. There have been popular books and movies about adult spanking, but so far they are M/F, such as 50 Shades or Secretary. Neither was very good, but there were a few convincing spankings in Secretary. It would seem likely that a movie, maybe a documentary, about a couple into DD and F/M spanking might be of interest.

    1. While my wife was away recently, I took the opportunity to re-watch Secretary and the first two Fifty Shades movies. I saw Secretary when it first came out, and I thought of it as a “spanking movie.” Rewatching it, I was disappointed how little actual spanking there was. From a spanking perspective, I found Fifty Shades more satisfying. (Incidentally, when I watch a M/F spanking scene, I always identify with the woman). Though I found both movies erotic, I was annoyed at the heavy handed pathologization of D/s relationships in both movies. I felt that both were playing a double game: a big selling point of both is in titillating audiences with highly erotic portrayals of spanking and D/s sex, while explaining the character’s’ erotic motivations to be grounded in psychological damage and dysfunction. I felt as though the movies were moralizing about erotic desires they were exploiting for commercial purposes.

    2. "I felt that both were playing a double game: a big selling point of both is in titillating audiences with highly erotic portrayals of spanking and D/s sex, while explaining the character’s’ erotic motivations to be grounded in psychological damage and dysfunction." Totally agree, especially with 50 Shades. It's underlying message seems to be that it's OK to be kinky, but not TOO kinky. If you are TOO kinky, it's undoubtedly because you were abused as a child.

      Have you seen A Dangerous Method? It too suffers from pathologizing spanking, but at least there are some good scenes and the movie overall is quite well done. One of my biggest issues with 50 Shades is the books are just so poorly written and, IMO, the movies aren't much better.

    3. Is A Dangerous Method the one based on Carl Jung? I must try to look it up, now that you have reminded me about it. I haven’t read the Fifty Shades books. You are right that the writing in the movies isn’t great, but I must confess that I found some of the erotic scenes, including the spankings, pretty hot. I’m not normally into M/F spanking, but my submission kink is powerful enough that I can imagine myself as the woman in M/F scenarios. Actually, that is so true that I told my therapist that I thought I might have “autogynephilia”. That was one occasion when she told me to stop pathologizing my sexual fantasies.

    4. It is about the relationship between Jung and Freud and the early days of psyhcoanalysis. It has two of my favorite actors (Michael Fassbender as Jung and Viggo Mortensen as Freud), and and a couple of (M/f) spanking scenes.

  16. Hi Dan,
    Yet another week where I was too busy to participate here. I haven’t had a chance to read everyone else’s comments yet, so I will probably mostly say the same thing as others, but here I go anyway…

    For me, the benefits of DD are many.
    - Makes me feel grounded and peaceful. I love the clear tie between actions and consequences. It just makes the world seem safer.
    - Helps me to truly “get” my wife’s perspective
    - Fulfills my fantasies.
    - Makes me feel very loved

    Some costs for me are:
    - Embarrassment (sometimes) that I can’t just improve by myself or be more self-disciplined
    - Having to choose the more responsible option rather than the easy way
    - Being taken down a notch sometimes, which my ego doesn’t appreciate
    - Painful spankings that I certainly don’t like at the time.

    For my wife, some benefits are:
    - She is truly and fully heard any time she chooses to be
    - Helps balance the power inequities in our relationship resulting from education, careers, gender, etc.
    - Allows her to get things done without nagging
    - She gets a charge out of exercising her authority

    And a few immediate costs to her are:
    - She has to wonder whether she is being too strict or bitchy
    - Uncertainty about whether I will willingly comply
    - In certain situations (at least foreseen, even if they haven’t yet happened) punishing me might also mean she is punishing herself somewhat
    - For “check-in” type things, she has to stay on top of it
    - Time and effort

    The biggest benefits are shared by both of us:
    - Me reaching my own goals and full potential makes life better in every way.
    - Better health for me if she pushes that, likely leading to more and better years together.
    - Intimacy unrivaled in most marriages
    - Excellent communication
    - No build-up of aggravations or resentment

    I can’t think of any real shared costs, though there may well be some.

    The benefits of a disciplined life (whether through self-discipline or assisted by external motivation) are very substantial: better financial security, better reputation, more responsibility, better relationships, stronger families, and longer lifespan. While all of these benefits are huge - they are the “big” things that most people care a lot about - the benefits accrue over a lifetime and are not necessarily certain. There are no real benefits to an undisciplined life, though perhaps a few things like doing what you want at the time may seem like benefits for a short while.

    Discipline in all forms (self-discipline or external discipline) is always immediately costly, since it means intentionally choosing things that are for the best long-term rather than doing what is desired or expedient at the moment. In the end, there are costs for either a disciplined or an undisciplined life, just the magnitude of the costs and the timeline of when they are incurred. DD uses relatively minor short-term consequences (like painful, ego-denting, and sometimes humiliating punishments) to hopefully prevent much larger long-term costs and to reap huge long-term benefits.


    1. You definitely put your finger on why real behavioral change is so hard. The emotional benefits of misbehavior are often immediate, while the benefits of self-discipline may literally take decades to be proven out.

    2. I needed DD in my marriage because I was weak -- I always leaned toward instant gratification over long-term benefits. Thankfully, my wife was strong -- though my rear end wasn't thankful!

  17. I think a book or movie would/could precipitate a breakthrough moment if it hit the best sellers list or was seen by large public. But the timing of 50 shades and movies featuring M/F were aimed at female audiences and coincident with a lot of magazine coverage of spanking . In short the ground was prepared for public awareness and interest to be explored. I don't think we are there yet with F/m public awareness and interest. Then there is the tendency of both press and film to distort and sensationalize any minority sexuality, even F/M which, the erotic expression of which at least is mainstream.

    All in all, we may be a couple of decades before F/M relationships are intelligently discussed in wider public forums. I think it will take another generation ( or two) to bring that about.

  18. Agreed, though I think there is a real chicken and the egg problem where hitting the best sellers list is concerned. A friend of mine (made through our respective blogging) is a very successful writer of kinky romance, many with a spanking and D/s spin. She's pretty wired into that part of the publishing community, and she's told me that the problem with writing F/m DD stuff is that the market is just tiny in comparison to the M/f genre.

    1. In the publishing industry, the Romance genre is huge, and the readers are almost exclusively women. My understanding is that M/F spanking is pretty common in traditional romance novels because lots of women fantasize about being taken in hand by a strong, dominant, but caring man. Therefore, the popularity of the 50 Shades books among women isn’t a complete surprise. Unfortunately for us guys, women don’t fantasize about the type of “romance” that would involve F/M spanking. Stories with F/M spanking, on the other hand, occur exclusively within the genre of femdom porn aimed at a male audience, and men tend not to read as much as women, so the market is small. F/M spanking erotica tends to be visual rather than literary, and it tends to cater exclusively to male fantasy. Personally, I would like to see women led DD relationships like ours treated in serious literary novels or short stories that are entirely realistic rather than romantic or pornographic. I recall reading a novel some years ago by the Canadian novelist Douglas Coupland. There is no spanking scene in it, but at one point two guys are lost and out very late, and one guy says to the other, “My wife is going to roast my ass when I get home.” That’s was it. There was no other mention of spanking. The speaker said it in a matter-of-fact manner, and the other guy didn’t comment on it. It jumped out at me because it was like an offhand recognition that F/M DD exists in the real world outside of femdom porn. The guy could have been speaking metaphorically, of course, but even so, metaphors imply that the real thing must exist. That gave me the idea that I would like to see a novel or story that isn’t just femdom porn with a protagonist who just happens to be a spanked husband like us guys. In such a novel, the spanking discipline would have to be incidental in the development of plot and character. Maybe it would take a James Joyce to write such a novel.

    2. "Unfortunately for us guys, women don’t fantasize about the type of “romance” that would involve F/M spanking."

      It's an interesting dynamic. Theoretically, it seems more than plausible that after being marginalized for generation after generation, women today would fantasize about being in control themselves and maybe even indulge in some "revenge" fantasy about being in charge of uppity, ill-behaved men. Yet, that doesn't really seem to be happening, at least as reflected in the literary world. Maybe hoping it will is just fighting hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary history in which men's brawn put them in charge and in which there was an evolutionary advantage for women in being with alpha males who led the tribe.

  19. “ she's told me that the problem with writing F/m DD stuff is that the market is just tiny in comparison to the M/f genre.”

    The relative sizes of the two markets don’t surprise me. But I am curious what market data is used to judge either market’s demand. I have looked at several F/M-themed books and found a few “non fictions” to be worthwhile but very little of F/M fiction. It seems very formulaic and tends to cater to the more extreme male fantasies,
    It's hard to judge the demand in any market when there are supply imperfections in that market. Until more first-rate authors begin publishing spanking-themed literature, the market will remain artificially low.

    1. The demand side is obviously pretty hard to assess, but one probably can assume that there is at least some correlation between actual sales of whatever material is out there and demand for that product or genre. Amazon doesn't publish actual sales figures, but it does publish rankings. There are some calculators out there that can give you a rough idea of a book's sales based on its Amazon category rankings. Here's an example: Even the most popular F/m books do seem to have pretty paltry sales.

      Though, book sales may be an imperfect proxy for whether some other media, like a F/m DD-themed movie, could flourish. The simple fact is, women buy a hell of a lot more books than men do. And, one reason that 50 Shades sold so well is its release date was well-timed with respect to the release and success of e-readers, which allowed women to read salacious content in public (on the beach, on a plane, etc.) on the privacy of their device.

    2. “ The simple fact is, women buy a hell of a lot more books than men do.”

      Absolutely! This fact, together with women's presumably strong preference for M/F material, suggests that book sales are not a particularly good barometer for interest in F/M material The mostly low quality of F/M literature that is produced likely further depresses book sales within that genre.


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