Monday, October 9, 2023

The Club - Meeting 455 - Verbalizing, Tears, Letting Go and Accepting One's Place

"I was better after I had cried, than before--more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle.” - Charles Dickens from Great Expectations


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline relationships.


Before we get started, I would again like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. It’s been too long since we heard from women who are either in F/m domestic discipline or Female Led Relationships, or positively interested in it.  Please think about joining in.



Can I just say, I really, really love this time of year!  Other than Christmas, Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I just love this entire season.  I spent yesterday afternoon putting up Halloween lawn decorations, though the woman across the street beat me to it, as usual.  Unfortunately, our travel early in the month threw me off a bit, and I feel like I’m a little late to the party. And, there is still work left to do, like getting pumpkins.



Speaking of being late, just an FYI, we are traveling again later this week and won’t be back until early next week.  I do plan to post but probably won’t get to it until Tuesday.  I know that my posting schedule is getting less predictable, but I think that’s likely to be the new norm. My post-retirement schedule is more flexible, but we finally seem to be getting into a more adventurous groove in which more of that flexible time is spent traveling, which means blogging will be fitted in more flexibly, though hopefully without a big drop in frequency.


I thought we had a good discussion last week about telling others about our DD relationships.  Though, Alan kind of summed up my own thoughts, and added some “what if” food for thought/fantasy:


I am somewhat surprised by the comments indicating reluctance or reticence in discussing TTWD with other males who have been identified as in, experiencing or otherwise understanding or understanding F/M discipline. In fact, one of my unfulfilled fantasies is to be seriously disciplined together with another male under female authority his wife and my wife both acting as independent disciplinarians.


There are probably many causes of this fantasy including seeing how another DD couple handle discipline But I think a major reason for the fantasy is the opportunity to have conversation and possibly friendship with a male who has the same emotions, desires and experiences I have had. I have shared much of that with my wife (and earlier with my former GF) but seeing another male under discipline or him seeing me might presage an openness and vulnerability very different from that experienced with the opposite sex.


This may be one of those fantasies better left in fantasia. And if it actually was fulfilled, the experience could be very different from the fantasy. However, I think the benefits of being in face to face, person to person zoom-less connection with another male under his wife’s authority would end up a very positive experience.


I share some of Alan’s surprise that, while some were open to telling others about this lifestyle, there was also a lot of resistance to talking openly to anyone about it, particularly other males.  Admittedly, while I’m open to it in theory, in practice I haven’t done much to open myself up that way.   


It’s also probably one reason why I haven’t tried more diligently to try to morph this group into something more truly DWC-like. I’m not quite sure how Aunt Kay, Jerry and others built a real face-to-face community around this thing we do, when so many of us are so resistant to that kind of openness, but somehow they did. Maybe it was just a more open, experimental time?  On the surface, we’ve become more tolerant of kink, but so much of it is consumed on-line.  Maybe solo access actually inhibits group participation?  Hard to say.


This week’s topic extends, for me, from one of ZM’s comments last week regarding “memorable” spankings:


Another very significant and memorable one was when she spanked me to tears. She has spanked me sort-of to tears other times, where I was on the verge or perhaps beginning to cry, but this one was different. I had had several bouts of bad attitude, and she informed me beforehand that I was going to be spanked, and it would continue until I was in tears. The combination of her telling me beforehand that the spanking would only end with me in tears, a horrible Delrin cane, and her employing the diaper position definitely did the trick. She stopped spanking shortly after I began crying. She said she would have liked to go longer, but it was hard to see me cry. I kind of have a feeling that if we get to this point again, she would be more comfortable pressing on with it.


While he’s related that story before, it came up in a conversation between Anne and I, and it could lead to another of those milestone moments.  Maybe.



A couple of weeks ago, some of us here posted spanking videos that seemed sort of plausible or similar to the kind of disciplinary spankings we received. Something that jumped out at me was that most of the recipients were a lot more vocal than I am while being spanked.


When being spanked, I definitely trend toward the stoic end of the spectrum. While I do exclaim, gasp, and groan, I don’t really use words.  I don’t say how hard it hurts, or how I can’t take it, or ask her to stop.


Some women may like it that way.  In fact, one of the first stories I ever read on the Disciplinary Wives Club website, entitled Pretty Legs II, involved one disciplinary wife disciplining another wife’s husband and becoming exasperated that he was “crying and begging for mercy” and couldn’t “even take his spanking like a man.”


Yet, while vocalizing may on the surface seem like a form of resistance, I think on some level trying to stay stoic is, at least for me, absolutely a subtle way of resisting authority. 


One of my biggest emotional attractions to domestic discipline was the prospect of having to give up control but, the reality is, twenty years into this I still find ways to maintain that control, and one of them probably is trying to “man up” while being spanked.  As long as I don’t vocalize how badly it hurts and how much I wish it would stop or, worse yet, let her bring me to tears, then I’m not really giving in to it.  It’s a very subtle form of control, but control nonetheless.  


ZM’s post came up in my conversation with Anne, because after the “videos” post I told her that I was thinking about trying to let myself go verbally a bit during, and maybe even before spankings.  It could take many forms. Maybe, instead of trying to delay spankings in my usually passive way, I come right out and ask tell her I’m afraid to be spanked and ask her not to. As long as she knows that she absolutely should NOT let me out of it, it allows me to own up more to what I’m actually feeling and gives her a chance to express her authority by reinforcing verbally that I am, in fact, going to be spanked whether I like it or not.


Similarly, crying out during a spanking about how much it hurts, telling her I can’t take any more, begging her to stop, all might be more honest and open than my usual stoicism, while again giving her a chance to take more demand by not giving into my pleas and, in fact, letting me know that it’s going to keep going and going.


Anne’s reaction to the prospect of me being more verbal was quite positive. She said it would be an indication that she was doing a really good job and that I was really learning a lesson.


 She also said that she thought it would help humble me. I asked whether that was one of her express goals, and she didn't hesitate in saying that it is.


Which brought us to . . . crying.  There have been times I have gotten close to real tears, but I always “man up” in the end.  ZM’s wife got around that by making it clear that the spanking would not be over until he cried real tears.


Anne has never given me that kind of ultimatum.  In fact, I’ve always gotten the sense that she was kind of reluctant to take me to that point, maybe because of her own reaction.


This time, however, when I talked about ZM’s story, including that his wife did find it hard to see him cry, she seemed much more open to it.  She said she wasn’t sure whether she would, in fact, find it that hard to see me cry as long as she thought the conduct that led to the spanking merited a spanking to tears.   



She acknowledged that, given the way I’m wired, an “until you cry real tears” spanking could take a LONG time, possibly involving an hours-long effort with multiple sessions separated by breaks for any numbing to recede.  I acknowledged that might be the case, though I’m not sure it necessarily would.  I think if she were to emulate ZM’s wife and announce up front that it would go on and on and on until I cried real tears, that might cut off my “man up” instincts in their tracks. 


The odd thing is, none of this seemed to phase her, while she used to be quite skittish about the subject What has changed? I’m not sure, but overall she just seems less concerned than she used to be about me suffering substantial embarrassment or other negative consequences on top of the spankings.  A lot of the memes I see about embarrassment and crying involve the wife assuring the husband that it's not something to be embarrassed about.

I don't think that's Anne's present attitude at all.  Instead, I think maybe she's inching toward become more like KOJ's wife (I miss him, by the way) who, in retirement, started caring less and less about asserting her authority openly even if it embarrassed him. To the point of taking him to a private room for a spanking during a busy party.


It’s in-line with, for example Anne's sudden determination to leave window shades open when spanking. For some reason, she’s simply stopped caring as much if someone sees and I get embarrassed. 


Or, if she lectures me strongly and I get embarrassed or temporarily resentful. 


Or, if she gives me a much harder spanking than I think the situation deserved (as happened a few days ago). 


Or, possible, if she spanks me until I cry mortifying tears.


I did tell her that we both might need to be prepared that bringing me to real tears, after all these years of DD, might work a really fundamental change in our relationship that might be hard to predict in advance. I told her that I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t leave me feeling like there was a very substantial shift in the hierarchy, with me feeling in a very concrete way that my position was firmly under her.


We’ve talked a lot about tears in this forum over the years, and people can respond to this post with any thoughts they may have about the subject. But, I hope at least a few people who have experienced it can tell me, am I right to assume that letting go and really crying during a spanking is, in fact, humbling on a whole different level? That it likely will reset the power dynamic in a pretty fundamental way?  That the relationship likely will feel fundamentally different afterward, with her more firmly in charge? Is it likely to make the spanking feel even more maternal?


If any of our female readers are inclined to weigh in, have you experienced your husband crying real tears from a spanking? What was your emotional reaction to that?  Is it something you wanted to happen?  Is it maybe even a turn-on to do it, or to consider doing it? If it hasn’t happened, do you want it to?



Have a great week, and happy October!


  1. Dan,
    I have yet to be spanked to tears by my wife during a thrashing. I have come close a few times. I feel like you Dan, I man up and just take it. I think there would need to be a serious conversation and a serious reason for her to beat me till I was crying. I have thought long and hard about it. Do I feel the need for that type of discipline every time I am spanked? The answer is probably no. I think my actions would have to warrant such discipline. I think
    the offense would have to be so egregious and disrespectful. We have had a discussion lately about raising my voice to her. I get animated when I feel she doesn’t hear me. She despises when I raise my voice. This goes back to her ex and her youth. I am not yelling per se but getting animated. She did threaten me one day with, “ If you raise your voice again, I’m going to thrash you till you’re crying like a child.” I immediately toned it down because, I could tell she was serious. I think if she followed through on that spanking, we would probably of reached that level. The few times she brought me close to that level, was probably the combination of pain and scolding. Do I eventually want to release during one, my answer would be yes. She has seen me cry at wakes and funerals. So it’s not I am emotionally void.

    1. "Do I feel the need for that type of discipline every time I am spanked? The answer is probably no."

      Same here. In fact, I think it would have to be reserved for serious offenses for which she was seriously angry, because otherwise I don't think I ever really *could* give in to it.

      "She has seen me cry at wakes and funerals. So it’s not I am emotionally void." Mine has seen me cry too, and I'm definitely not emotionally void. In fact, I can cry pretty easily watching movies or listening to sappy songs.

  2. Dan, you mentioned in passing, trying to delay a spanking. This implies that it is usually her decision to spank, primarily to deal with whatever anger or annoyance she might be feeling. My situation is a little different, since although it sometimes does happen that way, a punishment is more likely to be driven by me wanting to deal with my feelings of guilt - which we have talked about in the past. Even when she has triggered the punishment, which sometimes happens, I don’t believe I’ve ever tried to avoid or delay a spanking. I also don’t vocalize during a spanking but - particularly with a more severe one - may make plenty of noise. One of the videos you referenced a couple of weeks ago struck a chord, a merciless session with a paddle OTK, being held down while squirming uncontrollably. That level of intensity is very rare but it has happened and even with the squirming and noise, I have never asked to have it cut short. I deserved it at the time and was going to take as much as she thought necessary. I have never cried though - tbh, I wouldn’t know how, I think it’s just not part of my make-up. On your point about manning up, it depends for me on the nature of the spanking. We do sometimes do maintenance, which tends to start fairly easy and build up. I definitely focus on not reacting then, if only to make her work harder. I know I’m going to lose in the end but it feels good to stay still and quiet as long as I can. A real disciplinary spanking of course is another matter. I know she’s going to push me beyond what I’m comfortable with very quickly and keep going. One final point on Alan’s convent that you referenced. I don’t really have the same fantasy of being spanked alongside another man by both wives, but I would be interested in being spanked by another women - whether a wife in a DWC-like get together or a disciplinarian. I think my wife spanks pretty hard when there’s a reason to do so, but I have no yardstick to compare to. I’d be intrigued to know how her level of severity compared with others. TG

    1. "Dan, you mentioned in passing, trying to delay a spanking. This implies that it is usually her decision to spank, primarily to deal with whatever anger or annoyance she might be feeling."

      It's a lot more mixed than that. I would say that a majority of the time I either do initiate it in some way, or it's obvious to both of us that one has been earned. But, neither of those keep me from trying to delay or avoid. It often seems like a good idea to report on myself, right up until it is close to happening.

      "I don’t really have the same fantasy of being spanked alongside another man by both wives, but I would be interested in being spanked by another women - whether a wife in a DWC-like get together or a disciplinarian."

      I don't lean strongly toward either scenario. I think either could be embarrassing. One would think that being spanked with another man would be more so, but I'm not sure it's that simple. It could feel more like a game in that scenario and less like discipline, and I don't think I would feel nearly as much embarrassment if the discipline felt less real and more like it was a "scene" or a game.

      I also may be one of the few on here who wouldn't be averse to being disciplined by another man, under the right circumstances, one of which being it really was punishment. Growing up when and were I did, both fathers and mothers spanked, and I've had male and female teachers and principals who spanked. So, while I'm mostly inclined toward F/m in real life and in fantasies, it's not a cut and dried, one-sided thing for me.

    2. I'm in the same boat Dan, I'd be ok to be disciplined by another man... provided it was on my wife's authority and direction.

      A couple of weeks ago Alan advised that I was self sabotaging by not encouraging my wife to punish me when she hinted at it or asked if I was looking for one. I think that my response to her is similar to your trying to avoid or delay - I want (need?) her to impose it unilaterally for me to feel that it is real. If she does not, then my feeling is that the offence was more "warn-able" than punishable... but don't do it again (and mostly I don't). The upshot is that it has been nearly three months since I was last punished (although that was a goodie).

      Maybe I am self sabotaging, but it has now got to the point where if I even discuss I fear that it will be taken as "asking for it" - which is both scary and unauthentic.

    3. Mark, all of this is very consistent with my own experiences. My efforts at delay and avoidance are usually pretty half-hearted, but I can't quite help myself from trying to put off until tomorrow what I could just give in to today. When I do try to delay, it's seldom with the conscious goal of getting out of it entirely. I usually do tell myself that there really is some reason why tomorrow would be better. But, the reality is that delay often does turn into complete avoidance.

      And, it definitely does feel more authentic, as you say, if she is 100% in control. In my mind, when she asks a question like, "Do you need a spanking?" to warn me off whatever I'm doing, it is leaving me in charge. I would much rather she either (a) orders the spanking there and then and carries it out; or, phrase it more affirmatively like, "Knock that off right now or I'm going to spank you" or similar phrasing that makes it clear she isn't asking for my opinion on what should happen.

      I think you and I are in a very, very small minority when it comes to willingness to be spanked by a man.

    4. Mark,
      I really do get it -the intense need/desire for unilaterally imposed female authority, especially when it leads to spanking. What I was apparently unartfully trying to convey to you came from a lot of experience with women struggling to learn to use the authority we give them. They want to give us what we need (and many of them come to need), but they also have fears, doubts and deep apprehension about exercising that authority.

      I believe many younger women (say under 35 up to 40 have thrown off much of the vile patriarchal culture that has repressed both them and us for millennia. But more mature women do struggle with it – and they need to be reassured we are going to obey them and submit to their authority if they choose to use it. We ask a great deal of a classically patriarchally conditioned women, It is a small miracle that so many of them are able to give it.

    5. Thanks Alan, not unartfully! I was a bit sensitive because I had received a negative (justified) response from another and I think that your comment was correct. I just didn't really want to take it onboard.

      I was coming from the position that only a few months back she was imposing authority really well, changing things that suited her, punishing to enforce and reinforce the changes (without my permission - other than bending over as instructed), and I was complying... and I thought both of us were happier. Since then however she has started dancing around the issue again, trying to read my face to see if she should punish etc. This is a negative path that will always give her the wrong answer... if a spanking is imminent, I never want one and my face is very easily readable. So she gets the message that now is not a good time and so doesn't. The outcome is that I resent the backwards step, and our relationship is less comfortable.

      What I should have done is spoken to her later and said that she should have spanked, that I expected it, that I "never want it/always want it", and see what happens.

      I have a very minor surgery tomorrow which will take a couple of weeks to recover, so immediately after that I will talk though the above with her and let you know how I get on. Suspect that I may end up with a sore bottom!

    6. Dan yes, I hadn't actually connected the dots. "Do you need a spanking" which my wife uses often leaves me in charge. I agree, I would much rather "Knock that off right now or I'm going to spank you" or "Get the paddle, I've warned you before" or "I'm going to cane you the moment we get home"...

      Alan, you are right, all of this is a big ask and I need to up the reassurance!

    7. Mark,

      Good luck, both with the surgery and the subsequent talk with your wife. There is an ebb and a flow to the DD experience—which is why I probably find the metaphor “ dance of discipline”, to so well capture the drama so many of us experience.

    8. I so agree with this. Her typical opener is something like “maybe we should get the paddle out” with a somewhat questioning tone. What I sound like to hear is a much more commanding tone with a firm instruction. TG

    9. I agree with Alan completely about the ebb and flow. But, I've sometimes likened it to walking up a circular staircase, in which it sometimes feels like your moving back to the place you've already been, but you find it is at a higher spot than where you were before. Or, maybe it's as simple as "two steps forward, one step back."

      TG, same here. It's just so much more powerful with her giving clear commands. While the semantic difference is subtle, "If you don't stop, we're going to get the paddle out" is fundamentally different from "maybe we should get the paddle out?"

    10. Ahh, the ebb and flow of DD. I wish my wife had just a bit more confidence in her discipline repertoire. She has said multiple times, “do you want a thrashing”. “Do you want me to strap that bottom”? I should answer her with an absolute yes. I know I need it but don’t have the balls to say “yes thrash me for being naughty”. She should just say go bend over now. I know the spanking is going to hurt so I back peddle immediately. I like the analogy of the staircase above.

    11. I long for imposed spankings as well, but when asked when I want todo my next maintenance spanking tried to tell her that it was up to her, or if that’s convenient for you. This annoyed her mightily so now I just answer, Yes or now. If she has got up the gumption to ask it seems clear that she is ready so regardless of whatever I feel at the moment my answer is Yes. So far, I think she appreciates this approach.


    12. Dan wrote:“ walking up a circular staircase, in which it sometimes feels like your moving back to the place you've already been, but you find it is at a higher spot than where you were before

      Beautiful metaphor. But what if we were descending that circular stair case rather than ascending it, seemingly moving back and forth but actually steadily descending?. Might that not perfectly describe the American political system today and indeed American democracy?

    13. Sounds like you're about as depressed about the current political situation as I am. What's it say about the current state of the Republican party that the choice for Speaker is between election denier Jim Jordan or election denier Steve Scalise. Or that nationally our presidential choice is going to be between two octogenarians or almost-octogenarians?

    14. 3pops, yes, while I think it's great if a wife does take the bull by the horns and command the process, sometimes that just isn't going to happen and you have to go with the hand you're dealt. To mix a whole bunch of metaphors . . .

    15. 3pops, probably a good approach for my wife too. I will need to work on it! My problem is that "Are you looking for a spanking?" often comes out of the blue and it takes me a few seconds to get my head on straight. By then what she has seen is me squirm, look uncomfortable, and ultimately say something that means No.

      I think that your approach would take me some re-wiring but may help re-wire her in the long term too. Particularly if I try to explain what I'm doing adopting your approach.

      Guys, you have my sympathy re your octogenarians, however we are two days from the election here in New Zealand... and our choices (whilst 20 years younger) are not great either!

    16. Dan wrote,” : What's it say about the current state of the Republican party that the choice for Speaker is between election denier Jim Jordan or election denier Steve Scalise”

      It says that the GOP has stopped functioning as a major political party, so riven with factions, lack of leaders, and abundance of demagogues. It may be near an end as a viable party while still vigorous as a cult, as long as Trump is on the scene. Trump's ultimate exit will provoke the most desperate challenge for any major political party in American history, back to Civil War times

    17. I agree that it's become more of a cult than a party. Probably inevitable once it started not just tolerating but actively bowing to the religious right. You end up with a cult within a cult.

  3. I put this question to my wife and she said she definitely doesn't want to see my cry as a result of a spanking. She said that, put simply, she has this image of me as being a tough man who can stand up to pretty much anything, and me crying as a result of a spanking would shatter that image. I admit it isn't easy to avoid at times, but I have so far managed it!


    1. I can understand her perspective, and I'm sure many women share it.

    2. I would like to get there one day but I’m with J. I’m not sure how my wife would handle it.

  4. I get quite verbal during a spanking with yelps and ouches. I never ask to to stop or say I can't take more, that is up to her to decide. I guess a bit stoic on my part but not meant as 'resisting her authority'. When I have earned a punishment or even for due maintenance, I know I am to be spanked. She has complete control over duration and force. I trust her completely, she knows my limits and would never inflict harm upon me. I am more that agreeable to her giving whatever she determines is necessary. I do shed full tears, often for both maintenance and discipline. I do not wail or sob, but full tears do flow, beyond my control. I do fully accept my place as her sub and take my maintenance or punishment spankings as best as I can.

    1. SC, how frequently do the real tears flow? I assume it isn't every discipline spanking?

    2. Actually most discipline spankings are causing tears. Some maintenance spankings as well. Lumping both types together, I would say 75% of my spankings cause real tears to flow.

    3. Interesting discussion about tears. I think I sometimes have tears in my eyes by the end of a spanking, but I never break down completely and sob the way I cried when spanked as a kid, so I don’t really classify just tears as “crying.” On the other hand, I make no effort to “man up” and maintain complete stoic composure during a spanking. I vocalize the pain and sometimes I buck or writhe, especially if my wife uses the strap. I feel, rightly or wrongly, that it would be disrespectful to my wife to hide the impact of her spankings behind a screen of stoic self control.

    4. Hi GH,
      Your description fits me pretty well also. I might have tears, or more often misting of sorts, in my eyes by the end of a spanking, but only once have I begun the transition to sobbing, which caused my wife to stop quite soon after. But I also do buck or writhe, and I am usually not stoic during a spanking.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Dan,
    It is very interesting that I came up in your conversation with your wife this week, since that same thing happened regarding you when my wife and I were talking, though in a different context. We were talking about women commenting on the blog (or more specifically almost never commenting on the blog). She was saying that she likely wouldn't comment on the blog, since she doesn't even read it - though I read some of it to her from time to time - and if she doesn't keep up with it, it is just too much work to read what everyone else said and to comment. During that conversation, she said that it is not because she doesn't have anything to say, and then continued: "for example, if we lived close to Dan, I am sure I would talk to his wife some, since we would have a lot to talk about." Regarding the whole DWC like thing, where other couples are involved, she has in the past said about the same thing, that she assumes that if we lived close to you, we probably would have met up by now, and who knows where that would have went?

    I will comment on the whole "tears" thing when I get time, since it is one of my favorite topics to talk about. It sure seems like something significant has changed for your wife and her approach to DD.


    1. Somehow I wonder whether, if we lived close by, our wives would confine themselves to "talking." We might both have our "witness" fantasies fulfilled. :-)

      It definitely does seem like something has changed. It's not as dramatic or as regular as KOJ experienced when his wife retired, but it's still noticeable.

    2. I have little doubt that it would have reached the witness stage by now, or at least would be well on the path. But I guess we will never know.


    3. This is all interesting conjecture: what would be the dynamic if two female-led DD couples were geographically proximate, had some regular social interaction, and were aware of each other's relationship? As far as I know, the DWC couples had the social interaction but not the geographical proximity (I am speculating here and may be mistaken)

      It seems likely to me there would be some sharing of the DD relationship, but how extensive would depend on the personalities of each couple. Thus, one set of couples might limit their sharing to some obvious display of female authority issuing an order to the male that implies consequences for disobedience. At the other end of the continuum would be joint discipline sessions or other discipline involving both couples.

      One thing that is intriguing about this sort of speculation is that there is some unknown probability (possibly low but not zero) that some of us have friends and or close neighbors who share our DD dynamic to some degree. But because most of us are “closeted,” they are not aware of us, and we are not aware of them.


    4. Hi Alan,
      Excellent points, as always. When I speculate about Dan and I and our wives, the reason I assume that we probably would have gotten together if we lived close is because Dan and I are both quite passionate about DD, and we seem to be on similar wavelengths a lot of the time. My wife also said she assumed we would have met, so I take that as openness on her part, so that only leaves Dan's wife, and I am guessing Dan is pretty good at convincing people!

      However, what I don't know at all is how we would hit it off if we did actually meet. Maybe our wives couldn't stand each other or something like that, or maybe the whole dynamic would just be awkward. Or maybe it would be a perfect dynamic and would foster a lot of openness, and Dan and I would find ourselves experiencing all the witness things that we so often talk about.

      I love your last point. There is absolutely a non-zero probability that some of our friends or acquaintances do practice DD, and we don't even know it!


    5. ZM and Alan, all great points. ZM, I have do doubt Anne would come around to, at the very least, meeting. And, I probably shouldn't phrase it as negative as "come around." The fact is, her openness and whole approach have changed *a lot* over the last year.

      The other issue impacting how personal meetings would develop is whether they would be DD focused or morph into something more vanilla. With both the women I've met in person or over Zoom who are in DD and FLR relationships (one F/m and the other M/f), it was our DD blogging that brought us together but, over time, our conversations have become at most 10% focused on those issues, and much more about careers, family, books, etc.

      Interestingly, I've recently become social friends with a guy in our town though some mutual activism on a local political issue. Anne and I have hung out with him and his wife a few times, and we both detect an FLR-like vibe there. It is very clear that the wife is the dominant personality in that marriage. He too has a strong personality, but when he's around her it becomes very clear that hers is stronger and more dominant. Now, whether that dominance extends beyond day-to-day interactions, who knows . . .?

  7. I have never cried during a spanking, but I can get tears from a song or a movie. It is a fantasy of mine to have it happen, but I've never been to be able to get there. It isn't a conscious effort to man up, it just simply doesn't happen. As far as trying to delay a spanking, I can't remember ever doing that. If it's a punishment spanking, I want to get it over with, so I am not thinking about it. I look forward to maintenance spankings, and always feel more relaxed after I get one. They start out slowly with a long warm up, and then the intensity increases until they reach a point where I stop resisting and give in. That usually takes about 4 or 5 minutes, then I eventually start getting numb.

    1. In my case, I don't think the failure to cry is a result of a conscious effort to man up. But, I think that reason is in there, subconsciously controlling things. Though, another big issue is the numbness you refer to. It almost always happens that before the spanking is over I am starting to go numb.

  8. Dan wrote: " I’m not quite sure how Aunt Kay, Jerry and others built a real face-to-face community around this thing we do, when so many of us are so resistant to that kind of openness, but somehow they did."

    From reading the DWC Website, I've kind of always had the "impression" that Aunt Kay formed a "network" between the wives, first. (I.E., Aunt Kay would vet a couple by directly speaking, one-to-one, with the wife first.) Once the wives had formed such a communicative network, only then were the husbands "taken in hand an 'brought along'."

    If, here, we already have a communicative network of almost exclusively men (>98%; recently >99.5%), it is extremely difficult for a wife to "jump in" and thus become the "odd person out."

    If somehow we could get our wives communicating privately, between themselves, it is possible that their network could grow, and occasionally invite men to submit questions, or the women could take up conversations among themselves about the subjects we men have raised here.

    Personally, I think such a forum for wives should be viewable by invitation only. Furthermore, to ensure the wives remained the driving and controlling force, only vetted wives could have their comments posted. (Men could comment, for review by the moderator, for possible "quoting" (or posting) for further discussion between the women.)

    Dan: Could such a "sub-forum" be setup as part of this blog, or possibly dedicate one of your related, "inactive" blogs for that purpose? Any thought on this , anyone?

    -- Donn

    1. Donn, I think the challenge right now is, with zero female participation, who would run it? So far, my wife hasn't shown much interest in participating, though she does read the blog regularly.

    2. I do wonder if co-moderators would make more women comfortable commenting (who already know of or read the blog) Ideally Dan, it would be Anne and yourself. However, another supportive woman already in or knowledgeable about F/M DD relationships might provide the same ambiance. You have been consistently encouraging and open to more female participation -but the truth is we are a “boys club” and as such probably somewhat off-putting to many women who might otherwise comment. A woman in a Co-moderator role would shift that perception, at least some.

    3. Possibly, Alan. I had talked a few times with the author of the Living and Learning and FLR blog,, about doing something jointly, but she's been focused on career for the last few yearsay. It's hard to find someone with both interest and a track record or some connection to one of the existing members such that there is a high level of trust. That point is kind of important. A few years ago, Aunt Kay's husband thought he had found a woman to take over the DWC. It turned into a very messy situation.

    4. I understand the desire to have commentators from both sides of the cane, and it was lovely when we also had the female bottom commenting; but its a great blog and extraordinarily useful to us so I don't think that it is the end of the world. Dan repeating that females are welcome is very worthwhile and helpfully makes all of our positions clear. Beyond that, it is what it is.

    5. Dan, I think it is difficult to get women involved in these conversations because most women spankers are like your wife: they spank for practical purposes that are beneficial to the relationship, but they aren’t really spankos, so they might find it boring to participate in an online forum. I know my wife is like that. Now, women who are into DD as bottoms like us are another story. I think that bottoms, whether male or female, love to talk about spanking.

      Incidentally, I have a feeling that my wife may talk to her closest women friends about intimate relationship issues, which might include spanking. My wife is currently visiting an old friend from school days. She texted me yesterday to say that I am not the only guy struggling with erectile dysfunction, that her friend’s husband can no longer get it up because of heart problems. So I shouldn’t feel sorry for myself seemed to be her point. The idea of my wife and her friend discussing their husbands’ ED kind of blew my mind. Then my wife texted that she has let DD slide in recent months because of my health problems, but that is going to change when she gets home, so the house better be spic and span when she arrives or she will make up for all the well deserved spankings she has refrained from giving me recently. That the spanking warning followed so closely her comment about comparing notes with her friend about their husbands’ ED makes me suspect that my wife probably revealed intimate details about FLR and DD as well. I could be wrong, but that’s my gut feeling. In fact, I imagine my wife showing our text exchange to her friend to prove that we have a D/s relationship. I am simultaneously embarrassed and turned on by that idea.

    6. … women who are into DD as bottoms like us are another story. I think that bottoms, whether male or female, love to talk about spanking.”

      That point is well taken. But as ironic as it seems, I think it is really the non-spanko “practical disciplinarians most needed on the blog. Spanko women are of course very welcome. But they are largely going to echo and elaborate themes already well represented on the blog.

      What the “practical” non-spanko who spanks could bring to the table is alternate views and perspectives that are very discussable and valuable. I am thinking in particular of Danielle whose views and contributions opened my eyes to many of the issues women “on the other side of the paddle” experience and sometimes struggle with toward the end of creating and maintaining an F/M DD relationship


    7. Alan, I agree with you that it would be useful to have the participation of some disciplinary wives with a practical (non-spanko) perspective on spousal discipline. But my wife has no interest in talking or reading about it, and I think the absence of all our wives here shows that she is not unique in that regard. I think Dan is lucky that Anne at least reads the blog.

    8. As I said elsewhere, my wife likes to talk about spanking, and she often asks "what's going on in the blog?" So, I end up giving her a condensed version each week. But that level of interest is a bit lower than what would be needed for her to actually go to the blog and read it herself, and even lower still that for her to create a google account and write on the blog.

      However, I do agree that it would be nice if more women (or even some women for that matter) would contribute here, since they would bring an interesting and useful perspective.

      For example, this week's topic about tears and verbalizing. Tears may mean a lot more to the person being spanked than to the one doing the spanking, even though they are an outward sign of an inward surrender. But depending on the circumstance and the purpose/goal of the spanking, whether tears are shed or not may be irrelevant. If my wife is trying to teach me a lesson, then spanking me to tears and somewhat past that point probably would be a good indicator that she took a strong step in that direction. The same is true if she wants to see remorse, then again tears could be a good sign to her that her mission was accomplished. On the other hand, if she is angry about something, she might just really want to vent her frustrations on my bottom. In that case, then to be effective (her emotions fully vented) the spanking should continue until she doesn't feel any residual anger, or perhaps when her feelings of sympathy for me outweigh any residual anger.

      In the same way, verbalizing may seem different from different perspectives. If I am being spanked, I usually am trying - whether successfully or not - to not verbalize my suffering. But maybe my wife really needs to hear that verbalizing as a positive reinforcement that she is getting through to me.

      Anyway, I would like it if more real wives would participate, though I would choose any day what we currently have to having one or more female imposters.

    9. ZM, I think websites dealing with femdom and related themes are rife with female imposters. I won’t name names, but I suspect that some dominant “women” with large online followings and successful book sales are men who know the marketing value of pretending to be women. Since none of our wives are interested in participating here, I think the most reliable way to get women’s perspective on F/M DD is to talk to our own wives individually and share what they tell us. A further caveat: although the non-sensational tenor of DCC leads me to trust the veracity of most of the posts by men here, one should realize that not all posts by men are reliable. Some men are going to exaggerate, and some are going to post outright fantasies.

    10. Hi GH, I agree with everything you said. Probably most input from our wives will be channeled through the guys who actually do participate here. And yes, there are always going to be some who exaggerate or post fantasies, though usually you can kind of pick them out by looking for consistency over a longer period of time.


    11. GH: "That the spanking warning followed so closely her comment about comparing notes with her friend about their husbands’ ED makes me suspect that my wife probably revealed intimate details about FLR and DD as well."

      The timing of the conversations does seem to be more than a little coincidental.

  9. I’m not sure that ‘tears’ should be a goal in DD. As I have written about recently, we are changing our approach to managing my behaviour from one where it is always my wife’s responsibility to declare that a spanking is merited to one where I also, as an adult, am taking that responsibility of owning up to unacceptable behaviour once the dust has settled. This is not me ‘trying to be in control’ but an increase in self-awareness/ self-management. It feels like that it is becoming increasingly more like a joint effort to improve our relationship. Crying during punishment feels like self indulgence - accepting, absorbing & dealing with the justified pain feels more ‘adult’ somehow, more instructive and for us DD is about (sorry for the cliche!) ‘growth’. The sexual undertones are an added bonus.

    I have cried at funerals and been moved to tears by music, movies, etc. I have definitely had wet eyes from the sting during spankings but never felt the urge to completely break down into full on tears & sobbing. That feels like several steps too far which may take us to a place that neither of us want to go. TB

    1. I don't think tears are exactly a goal for me, but I do feel like until they happen, I'm going to feel like I never quite capitulated to what is happening or to the different hierarchy we've tried to work on. But, I can also see how for some of us, stoically taking it could feel like taking responsibility. It probably depends on where your particular "growth" challenges lie. For me, the challenge in personal growth has always been around reining in my ego and obstinance. For me, crying is such a huge ego threat that the path of growth really revolves around things like crying that involve a direct capitulation of that ego and obstinance, accepting being humbled, being fully under someone else's control, etc. For someone else, the challenge might be accepting more responsibility for the process.

    2. I agree with Dan on this. It depends in large part on the people involved and what the purpose of DD is. For example, if someone is a very self-disciplined person (I guess you can say "adult" if you prefer), but if that person is sometimes arrogant or insensitive and they hurt their wife's feelings or the feelings of others with their lack of self-awareness, then they are not being punished for not acting adult, rather they are being punished for not acting like a very good adult. In that case, they should take responsibility for their behavior and willingly accept discipline, which may include remaining as stoic as possible to show that they accept the discipline. However, if someone is not so self-disciplined, then probably a frequent reason for them being punished is because they are being irresponsible. While of course the long-term goal of external discipline in this case is to cause more self-discipline to emerge, the fact that they are not yet self-disciplined, then expecting them to self-manage any part of the discipline process is probably pointless.


    3. ZM: "they are not being punished for not acting adult, rather they are being punished for not acting like a very good adult."

      I like that distinction!

  10. "have felt sorry for myself internally where the chastiser has pushed limits unexpectedly." I've felt a little of that too.

  11. I'm no scientist but I have my doubts if any level of pain is thr main cause of crying.
    From what I have read , the more pain , the more endorphins and other chemicals are produced by our body to sustain it but not to make you cry.
    To cry during spanking I'd say there has to be some emotional trigger that releases it and not physical pain.

    1. I think you're right. I've had some fairly painful physical injuries and never come close to crying, so the underlying emotions clearly have a major role.

  12. Glenmore, this seems right to me. I might yell at extreme pain (something broken or torn) but never cry. Similarly I've never cried during a spanking (admittedly we/she have never set out to achieve tears). I do though cry at funerals, pets passing, sad movies etc...

    1. I’m right with you guys above. I’m kind of blown away that SC cries 75% of the time during a disciplinary spanking. I agree that the level of endorphins that are reached along with the numbing play a role. I’ve been spanked pretty hard and haven’t gotten there yet. Im pretty shocked to hear that figure.
      I think I cried when younger, from the anticipation of the spanking, disappointing my Mother, and the humiliation of a bare bottom spanking. The pain from the spanking didn’t cause me to cry per se. I think it was the combination of all of the factors. I balled my eyes out when my friends son died. I had no problem showing emotion then. I just think as we get older, we process things differently. As for the state of our country, I don’t know how many people are religious here, but after the attack on Israel and what is occurring in this world. I’m not sure our future has a positive outlook. Our country and the whole world has lost all of its core values; to the point I wish I had been born a few decades earlier. I feel grossly sorry for my nieces and nephews because of the world they have to grow up in, providing it is still around.

    2. "I think I cried when younger, from the anticipation of the spanking, disappointing my Mother, and the humiliation of a bare bottom spanking."

      T, that's exactly right, and I really don't know whether that's something that can be replicated as an adult.

      I don't know whether being born a couple of decades earlier would haves changed much. You look at how things were in the early and mid-60s with political protests, scandals, corruption . . . there's a big element of the more things change the more they stay the same. With the benefit of hindsight, it seems like we have these periods that sometimes extend for a decade or so where things seem to be going pretty well (much of the 80s were kind of in that sweet spot), but those are the exceptions not the rule.

  13. Same for me Mark , I may verbalize more if a spanking is very intense but I never have and doubt if I would ever cry no matter how hard she spanked.
    Emotions spark tears for me , even Anthems , etc at sporting events.
    I really do not get the link between tears and a spanking to be honest.

  14. I do my best not to verbalize, mainly because she tends to slack off or stop before I think that she should. We are fairly new to this and she has gotten harsher over the past few months. I have never been brought to the point of what I would call crying, but the last couple of sessions have left me with what I would call wet eyes.

    1. Ldd, I think that probably is a big issue with verbalizing a lot before a wife has gotten really comfortable with being "harsh" and ignoring those signals.

  15. I’m in the cry during songs/movies camp, but spanking creates a completely different feeling. I’ve had moist eyes and sniffles, but can’t imagine ever crying.


  16. I agree with most everyone else that I am much more likely to cry during a touching scene in a movie than from a spanking, and that crying is almost entirely emotional and not all that closely linked to pain. However, as I am writing about this, I am also thinking and processing, so I am not quite sure where I will end up on this. First off, while I cry during movies and things like that, I am much more likely to cry from a happy scene than from a very sad scene. But, on the other hand, I also do of course cry at very sad things, like the death of pets and things like that. However, I don't usually cry when I think about negative things that happened in the past due to my own actions, so I am not sure that guilt/remorse necessarily has all that much of a direct connection to tears for me. But what I do think can work is when I do feel remorse, and then the physical pain of a spanking can lower my emotional barriers, and all this combined with the emotional pain of seeing my wife hurt or upset might lead to me surrendering to tears.

    BTW, last night I received a hard spanking, which I really deserved. There were two things that set it apart from pretty much every spanking so far. First off, my wife was very verbally strong in her scolding and she was clearly venting her anger, which made the whole thing happen hard and fast. In the end, even though I am sitting on a somewhat sore bottom, I know I got off much lighter than I should have, and in a way, I wish she would have fully vented all these feelings she had, rather than stopping, though of course I also was relieved when she stopped when she did, otherwise I might have been writing something entirely different about tears today.

    Secondly, she also strongly considered a non-spanking punishment to go along with the spanking, which I was spared not because it wasn't deserved but rather because she knew I really needed a decent weekend. Somehow, this consideration of the non-spanking punishment combined with the level of emotion she showed made this feel much, much more real than most other punishments I have received.


    1. ZM, before we began FLR, my wife used to get very angry sometimes when we argued. I know that was my fault because I would become stubbornly argumentative, even when I knew she was right. It is rare for my wife to get really angry at me now because she uses spanking to nip behaviours and attitudes that annoy her in the bud. She always scolds me during spankings, but when she is merely annoyed, the scolding is like a stern lecture. On the rare occasion when she has become really angry with me, the spankings are as you described: hard and fast, with harsh scolding. Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately—those hard angry spankings are short in duration. They are always a revelation to me because they make me realize that she keeps a lot of force in reserve during more routine spankings, when she is just exerting control rather than venting anger. During an angry spanking, I cry out in pain, and there may be some tears, but my wife always stops before I really start to cry. I think she stops when she has sufficiently vented her anger. Angry spankings are very emotional for me because I feel terrible about doing whatever made my wife feel that way. For that reason I will sometimes cry, not during the spanking, but afterwards. Angry spankings end abruptly. My wife will simply drop the strap on the bed and walk out, leaving me to stew in my emotions. The tears will flow while I am writing an apology and later when she forgives me.

    2. Hi GH,
      "Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately—those hard angry spankings are short in duration. They are always a revelation to me because they make me realize that she keeps a lot of force in reserve during more routine spankings, when she is just exerting control rather than venting anger." - Good point. Our wives probably normally are only using a fraction of the force they are capable of given sufficient anger or emotion.

      I too feel bad during "angry spankings," knowing that I made my wife feel that way, though that sorrow (at least so far) has not led to tears. The only time I actually made it to tears was during the incident Dan described above.



    3. "BTW, last night I received a hard spanking, which I really deserved. There were two things that set it apart from pretty much every spanking so far. First off, my wife was very verbally strong in her scolding and she was clearly venting her anger, which made the whole thing happen hard and fast."

      This has been happening with us more and more lately. Our wives seem to be on a similar growth trajectory where DD is concerned.

    4. True that. Sometimes I am startled about just how similar we are not only in some of our background things (like few limits while growing up, always managing to dodge bullets, etc.) but also how things seem to be shaping up in the present WRT DD.


  17. As I have been thinking over the past few days about this, I am thinking more and more that the whole reason that tears are so compelling to me is because I want to feel like the spanking is completely outside my control. And clearly, if I am sobbing then I am not in control. As my wife and I have talked about the spanking she gave me a couple of days ago, she said she would have liked to go longer, but it was largely that she saw I was having a hard time taking it, so she stopped, only to later kind of wish she hadn't.

    So, if I verbalize too much or start crying, then she is more likely to stop, so both of those actions are in effect a way that I am controlling everything, whether intentionally or not. On the other hand, as long as I am able to not break down and cry and can stoically take the spanking, it also seems that I am still in control at least somewhat, maybe not of the spanking itself, but I am still in control of my reaction to it.

    So, the only way that I can think of for me to be clearly not controlling anything at all is if I am in tears or thrashing around and/or verbalizing my pain and she continues spanking even though I am obviously not taking it well at all. I think this is what I probably need to experience sometime, though I am pretty sure I will not love the experience.


    1. You've hit the nail on the head regarding how being in control could be taking it stoically, or not taking it stoically. Looking back, I think a lot of crying from a spanking as a kid was a means of trying to get it to end faster, and maybe not much changes as an adult. I agree with you that the only real solution is probably to make it clear to our wives that they should continue the spanking until they are convinced a lesson has been learned or until they feel vindicated, ignoring that we "aren't taking it well." When Anne and I have talked about tears lately, I've told her that she probably needs to condition herself not to treat tears as a trigger for her to stop.

    2. I must admit that I have more than a little bit of reluctance to ask my wife to spank me without regard for how well I am taking it, for obvious reasons. But yes, it is probably just the ticket to find out what real loss of control feels like.


  18. ZM, did you tell your wife that you don't want her to stop spanking you just because you're having a hard time? Your description of the tension between how hard your wife spanks you, and your desire to spanked hard enough that you feel she is totally dominating you, is probably a familiar theme for many of us. Most of seem to want our wives to be more strict, spank harder, and exert their authority more often. Of course, I am grateful that she chooses to spank at all, and want her to be comfortable with her level of how hard and long works for her. She has told me that giving me a hard punishment spanking is difficult for her, and she doesn't enjoy doing it. However, she realizes that sometimes I need it, so she will do it out of love for me, and she knows it's good for our relationship. We have taken some videos of different spankings, and it surprises me how hard and long she can spank, especially for things she really cares about, like reckless driving. After 5 minutes of OTK, her arm gets tired, and she moves us to the bed, where she will continue spanking, with me laying on the bed, propped up with pillows. In this position, she can swing the paddle harder, and it's easier on her arm. My butt is very flat and wrinkeled after, and will be so for quite awhile. Watching a video of a spanking like that gave me a different perspective of how it is for her to deliver a hard paddling. It is also a good reminder for me to appreciate what she does, and not ask her for more. And yes, I still have the fantasy.

    1. I admit to begin pretty interested in videoing a spanking, and it's as much to see her reactions as my own.

  19. Hi Dan, this is my first time commenting and I want to thank you for your great blog! My wife and I are just starting to explore DD after being married for 10 years and the insights from your blog are helping me a lot. I'm a pretty hard wired spanko who just recently came out to my wife and she doesn't enjoy spanking me, but she started a few weeks ago because she knows it's something I need.
    As for the tears issue, I got my first spanking last Saturday and it brought me to tears and made me cry. I knew beforehand that it was going to be a hard spanking because I really messed up. After our weekly behavior review, my wife ordered me to take my place on the bed and she started with the cane. Our cane is a little shorter (about 24 inches) and my wife is not very experienced with the cane yet, so the spankings may not be as hard as others are used to when they get the cane, but what she lacks in hardness she makes up for in quantity. I'm sure I got over 100 strokes. I thought she would never stop. Then she dropped the cane and picked up our wicked bath brush. That was the moment I was really distraught, but somehow I still managed to keep my composure. When she stopped with the bath brush, I thought we were finally done, but no - it was back to the cane. As the spanking and scolding continued, I was getting closer and closer to breaking down. Two things finally sent me over the edge: first, she announced that she would not stop until she had me where she thought I needed to be emotionally and I would let go/surrender. At that moment, I knew it was pointless to try to keep my composure. Second, she scolded me about how my behavior was affecting her and our children. At this point, all my buttons were pushed and I started crying and sobbing. After that she delivered a few more strokes and then stopped. I think she felt like her work was done. That was the longest and hardest spanking I had received up to that point (the first time I had some dark bruises on my butt and still felt sore for the next two days). Before that, she usually gave me 30 to 40 smacks with the bath brush, which were painful but did not last long enough to put me in a state of surrender. So I would say that the duration and the feeling of "this is never going to stop" was a very important aspect of being able to cry. It helped me release a lot of pent up guilt and stress, and that was what she was trying to accomplish. I was really impressed that my very vanilla wife was able to get me to that point already after a couple of weeks practicing DD. Thanks again for your blog, Mike

    1. Thanks for joining in, Mike!

      "So I would say that the duration and the feeling of "this is never going to stop" was a very important aspect of being able to cry."

      I'm sure that's true. Duration seems to be a lot more important than severity for getting someone who is holding back to really surrender.


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