“To succeed in life
requires a total inability to do anything that makes you uncomfortable when you
look at yourself in the mirror.” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Hello all. Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples
Club. Our weekly meeting of men and
women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline relationships.
Before we get started, I
would once again like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers,
if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. While I’ve
always said the blog is open to both men and women, one of our commenters
suggested I try to be more expressly inviting in order to get a little more
female involvement. So, here’s another try.
I hope you all had a great
week. Ours was pretty uneventful, except
that on the Domestic Discipline front, it kind of wasn’t. We’ve been at this almost 20 years and, yet,
sometimes some small thing happens that seems like a big change. Or, at least it seems like it might become a big
change if it became a regular practice.
It all started with a
conversation about the lull we had gotten into where DD was concerned, which
was partially the result of a back injury I sustained a few weeks ago. I let her know that things were sufficiently
better that nothing physical stood in the way of us trying to get back on
I also screwed up my courage
to finally just ask outright whether I was right in intuiting that she's been
missing the DD action and that she seems to actually want to spank more
Well, she admitted that's the
case. She said she's been particularly
frustrated lately with my tendency to be snarky and sarcastic and that she recognizes
that she needs to be much quicker to deal with those issues and to order a
spanking as soon as they happen.
The problem is, we’ve had
these discussions about her stepping up the level of consistency and being especially
strict about disrespect (usually in the form of snarky or sarcastic comments) a
hundred times before, but it never seems to happen.
Well, the very next day, right
before dinner we were talking about a problem I've been having that's kind of
like tennis elbow. She asked where the pain was after I'd already pointed to it
(twice), and without thinking I let loose with something to the effect of, “The
same place it was when I pointed to it the last two times.” No sooner had the words left my mouth than
she responded, "There you go with the snarky tone! Just last night you said I shouldn't let you
get away with that. So, guess what? After dinner, you're getting spanked."
It ended up being delayed
until almost bedtime, and at one point I thought that maybe she actually had
gotten wrapped up in something else and forgotten the whole thing. That suspicion was reinforced when, about 15
minutes before our usual bedtime she changed into the nightgown she almost
always sleeps in. Very functional and not at all designed for sexual
titillation. And, she invariably spanks me fully clothed in whatever she
happened to be wearing that day.
So, I was surprised when she
told me it was time for the spanking. But,
in another departure from our normal routine, she decided to conduct it in one
of our guestrooms instead of our bedroom because, of all things, one of our
dogs was hanging out in our room and she decided she didn't want to kick him
Our bedroom has an ottoman we
almost always use for spankings, while the guestroom isn't set up for such
activities. I preceded her into the room
and started to close the window shade. She was following right behind me and,
when she entered the room said emphatically, "What are you doing? Why are you closing that?" I didn't say
anything and, after a pause, she on her own it was better to close them,
because the neighbors on that side of the house have teenage kids.

As I’ve related before, several
months ago she started leaving the shades open during some spankings. But, that
was in our bedroom, where the windows face into our backyard and the nearest
house is a good 75 yards away with trees in both yards. While not impossible,
it’s not likely those neighbors could see into our bedroom and, even if they
did, we don’t know them at all. The neighbors adjacent to our guestroom,
however, are people we know pretty well, and their house is separated from ours
only by two very narrow side yards. So, it is VERY possible that a spanking in
the guestroom could be seen. While she ultimately
thought better of it, the fact that she initially was unconcerned about the
prospect that someone might see (even if it was still somewhat unlikely, given
that there weren’t lights on in their windows that face ours), seems like a big

Having lowered the shades,
she simply sat on the bed, motioned me to get over her legs, and got down to
business. The swats were hard, but she
stopped after two or three minutes, which is maybe 1/3 of a normal spanking for
us, and said, “Since it was a moderately snarky comment, I’ll let you go with a
moderately long spanking. This time.”
That in itself is a new
development, as Anne has always been very “binary” in her approach to
spanking. All are more or less equally
long and hard, regardless of the offense.
A couple of nights later, I
brought up the changes, telling her that somehow they added up to a spanking
that felt both unusually "business-like" and, at the same time,
unusually maternal. She said that was
exactly how it felt to her too, characterizing it as being like a mother who
was tired of dealing with a mouthy teenager and, therefore, took matters in
I observed that part of the
maternal vibe for me was her blasé attitude toward neighbors who know us observing,
because it was so much like mothers when I was growing up. They would very commonly take a misbehaving
kid out of the room, deliver a spanking, then come back as if nothing out of
the ordinary had happened. Or, they would deliver on the spot, not caring a whit who might see. There simply
wasn’t any concern about anyone knowing a spanking was in progress. It might be embarrassing for the recipient, but from the disciplinarian's standpoint, it was no big deal.
She agreed it had that vibe,
but added something to the effect of, "You could also think of it as a
wife who has had enough of certain conduct and has decided she will do
literally whatever it takes to make you decide it is in your best interest to stop.
If that means the neighbors find out, maybe you'll find that sufficiently
embarrassing to change your behavior.”
While where all this goes over
time is unknown, it does seem like a spanking that was one of the mildest I’ve
received in a while might be fairly momentous in terms of what it may portend. Only time will tell.
Onward to an actual
topic. Last week, I provided a link to a
spanking video Aunt Kay’s husband sent me that included a very strong “lecture”
component, from a wife who seemed genuinely pissed off. It led Alan to observe:
have seen a couple of tapes from this couple before. It could, of course, be
role-playing by an especially talented pair of amateurs. But I think not. What
we see here instead is a couple in some sort of DD relationship involving
spanking who have set up taping equipment in advance of offensive behavior,
agreeing to film the real thing when it comes along. This scene and two or
three f others produced by them resonate too deeply with my experiences to not
be genuine.
other point, for those who have not recorded discipline, is the surreal effect
that is produced by watching yourself get a real spanking. My wife has no
interest in recording, but my former girlfriend was interested in it, and we
did a few pretty crude tapes.
they were, but watching her in action and my response (both verbal and
physical) was like the equivalent of having an out-of-body experience. I became
the “third person” in the room, seeing it as if I was watching someone else get
spanked rather than me. I suspect that the “third person” effect wears off if a
couple does a lot of taping, but I don’t know for sure.
That led to a few comments around
whether people had taken videos of a spanking, and it seemed few have. We have
not, though I admit to a perverse curiosity about it. I would like to see some of the mechanics,
like exactly how hard is she swinging, and I’d also like to see the look on her
face. Though, I think I’m most interested in seeing my own reactions. I suspect it would have that “third person” quality
Alan references, though I have no way of knowing.
So, my first topic is really
just a continuation of the comments from last week: Have you ever taken a video
of you taking or, for the wives, administering a spanking? If so, what was that
The discussion of the
spanking video also led to a topic suggestion from Alan:
filming a session: It might be interesting if Dan selected a spanking video
like the one noted in the introduction (i.e., plausibly real) -and then offered
commentators a chance to comment on how much it resembled their typical
spanking, in what way, how it did, how it didn’t, etc. Alternately, a series of
similarly plausible spankings could be linked, and commentators invited to
choose their favorite or most typical one or the one coming closer to their
typical experience and why and how. In this way, folks might learn a lot both
about what is “normal” for others and what is ideal. What made me think about
this is that talking some this week about the spanking Tomy cited made me
realize I don’t really have a good sense of what others experience, and I have
some pretty strong ideas as to what constitutes a “ real and effective”
spanking for me. We all could learn from that.
I like the idea, though doing
it justice is going to require some real participation from the group,
including providing some of their own clips.
And, let’s not limit it just to “plausibly real” videos, since the
reality is almost all the content out there is stage in one way or another. Instead,
I would ask commenters to provide videos that reflect either of the following:
· a spanking that is close to what you receive in terms
of severity, duration, etc.
· a spanking that may deviate significantly from what you
receive but that reflects your “ideal” or something you genuinely want to experience.
As Alan suggested, let’s get
into specifics about what is similar to what you receive (or want) and what isn’t,
since it’s probably the case that no video is going to perfectly match what you
do or desire.
I can kick it off and will
provide a few clips.
I’ll start off with the spanking clip from Aunt Kay’s husband. This one actually does have some similarities
to one of our “typical” spankings. The
duration is probably close to ours, and the position is somewhat similar,
except Anne never locks my leg down with hers.
Where it differs is:
· Anne never gives hand spankings.
· I am always completely naked.
· While Anne has started lecturing more during the
spanking, this video has WAY more of it.
Anne’s lecturing tends to be during very short breaks in the action and,
overall, it’s a much more limited part of the experience.
· Anne’s go-to instrument these days is the bath brush,
which would have resulted, I think, in a harsher spanking than this depicts.
This next video is one of several
I’ve seen from this spanker, and it depicts something pretty close to our
actual spankings. While clearly staged, I think
this woman’s spankings often have a very realistic feel. It feels very close to
ours in terms of duration (around five or six minutes of actual spanking time)
and severity. She cycles through three instruments, while these days Anne uses
two and sometimes three. The instruments she uses are themselves pretty similar
to the ones Anne would use. The primary areas where it differs are:
· Obviously, the recipient is female, but my focus in
watching it is generally on the spanker, not so much the spankee.
· The recipient is way more verbal than I am during a
spanking. I exclaim a lot (grunting and gasping, mostly) but not that amount of
verbalizing and emoting.
· The spanker’s pace is very quick. Anne’s is more deliberate, usually with a second
or two between each swat. I admit to being a little curious about how a “fast
and furious” approach like this one would feel.
· The spanker emphasizes caring for the spankee and they
hug at the end. This is purely my thing, but I would find that very off-putting
during a spanking. It works best for me when
Anne’s words and demeanor emphasize that I am there to be spanked and hard, and
I don’t need or want after-care.
This last one (actually, more
than one) is a compilation from a commercially-oriented service and, thus, the scenes
are obviously staged. My focus is mainly on her bath brush scenes.
She clearly is laying into him hard, especially in the one near the end of the
This clip from the same source includes an acted scene
that includes a fake lecture, but she is very upfront that it’s a scene and not
reality, so I’m not focusing at all on plausibility. What I find notable about this one is the very
strict tone and the way a simple hairbrush becomes a very effective
instrument in her hand.
The reason I included the clips
of this particular woman’s spankings is, while her spankings are maybe harsher
than Anne’s, it’s a matter of degree not kind.
Her swats seem somewhat harder than Anne’s, though it’s not a night and
day difference, with the caveat that her clips of paddlings (here is a teaser) do
seem quite a bit harder than what Anne delivered back when she used a fraternity-style
paddle. (She hasn’t done a stand-up
session with one in a long time.) I
would characterize this woman’s spankings not so much as something I “want”
Anne to match in terms of severity and very strict tone, but they are at a
level I would like her to feel prepared to go to if she thought it were
So, forward those favorite clips guys (and gals) and
let us know how they do and don’t reflect the punishments you receive or maybe
aspire to experience. And, of course, feel free to comment on my clips.