Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Club Meeting 424 - Needs, wants and usefullness

“Desire is in men a hunger, in women only an appetite.” - Mignon McLaughlin


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our (mostly) weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.


I hope you all had a good week.  For me, so far so good in terms of no flagrant behavioral breakdowns or resolution breaking.  I shouldn’t be so excited about making it a whopping week, and yet in past years, it hasn’t taken more than that to screw up in some significant way at least once.


Several of us also seem to share some post-Christmas fitness and weight loss goals.  Here's hoping we all meet them.

And, ZM has resolved to stop looking at women’s butts, while I refuse to make any such commitment.



It seems like many of us share a resolution or goal around wanting to crank up the intensity of discipline or FLR, however we each may define “intensity.”  It’s interesting, but in the roughly 11 years that I’ve been running this blog, I can think of maybe one instance in which a commenter said they are in a DD relationship and wished his wife was less demanding, less strict, less consistent, etc. Which is a segue into this captioned resolution photo and into this week's topic.


A couple of weeks ago, during the Q&A session, Donn raised this question, while suggesting it probably was too broad for that session and, instead, merited a full-topic discussion:


“My wife suggested a question (more likely a "subject") that she is interested in learning more about. It is not something that can likely be answered with just a "sentence or two," so it may require an entire week's discussion. This is for the men . . . "Do you believe you have a "need" for Domestic Discipline (DD)? Or rather, is DD "useful" in your relationship, but you could (psychologically) "prosper" and "happily live" your life without it? "All sorts of people have tried to define what are "truly human needs," and many people make a point of contradicting people when they claim something is one of their own personal "needs." We're not interested in anyone else's definition of a "need;" every person has to define for themselves what their own needs truly are (and their decisions should be respected). So, . . . "How do you, personally, know what you feel is a "need" for Domestics Discipline?" Thanks everyone, and have a great New Year!”


I can kick things off and give my answer here within the body of the post.


For me, it’s hard to separate out “need” from “useful,” or “need” from “want.”  Probably because there are multiple meanings of “need,” which can overlap to the point of fully encompassing or being encompassed by concepts like “want” or “useful.”



I have a really hard time distinguishing between “need” and “want” because they are more or less the same thing, different in degree not kind.  In fact, one of the Merriam-Webster definitions of “need” is “an urgent want.”


I have seen one effort at line drawing that I felt was somewhat helpful to me in analyzing why each of us wants this thing we do.  It comes from Jillian Keenan’s book Sex With Shakespeare, in which she discusses her own spanking needs.  She distinguishes between a “kink” and a “fetish” in a way that I think correlates at least loosely, with the difference between a want and a need.  According to Jillian:


“Plenty of vanilla people explore kink as an accessory to sex. The difference is that fetishists explore sex as an accessory to kink. Our fetish is our baseline. It is our first, and most fundamental, need. This is about identities, not activities.”


She goes onto explain that if she had to choose between spanking and sex, she would choose spanking, because in some real sense spanking is her core expression of sexuality.


By that standard, I plainly am someone who has a kinky interest that I want to fulfill, not a fetish that I need to fulfill.  If forced to choose between sex and spanking, sex would win hands down.  Another way of illustrating the difference might be that if Anne ever decided she didn’t want to do Domestic Discipline anymore, I wouldn’t be happy about it but I could easily live without it. It simply isn’t core to my identity in the way it is to some people.


I also have a hard time distinguishing between “need” and “useful” because, again, the definitions aren’t all that separable.  Another Merriam-Webster definition of “need” is “a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful.” 


I think that definition also brings into play the question of “need” from whose perspective?  I sometimes want a spanking but I often don’t, while my wife would probably say that while I might not want one I desperately need it, in the sense that one is requisite, desirable, useful, or has been fully earned.



Getting past the dictionary definitions down to brass tacks, my answer to whether I have a “need” for DD or, rather, find it useful, it’s not an either/or. Instead, there are really three overlapping answers.


First, in terms of my own desires and needs, I certainly want the lifestyle and at times that wanting has been more or less urgent.  Yet, to use Donn’s words, I could prosper and happily live my life without it. 


Second, there are times that from my perspective I need a spanking in the sense that it is helpful or useful in maintaining boundaries or in “cleaning the slate” after some bad behavior.  My wife would agree that I often “need” it in that sense of it being requisite or what accountability and justice require.


Third, it does serve “useful” purposes for both me, Anne, and the relationship itself.


 That’s about the best I can do.


Also, during the Q&A session, Alan asked about dildos and pegging.  Fortuitously, I saw this meme last week, which seems directly on point.


Have a great week.


  1. Dan, I admit I am not sure what question I am answering here, but I will offer some thoughts regarding the three overlapping answers.

    Regarding the first one, I suppose the urgency of my wanting has varied a lot over the years. Maybe I could prosper and live life happily without DD spankings, but on both these counts (prosperity and happy living), I am convinced that things are markedly better with DD spankings than without them.

    Regarding the second one, yes, I also need boundaries and accountability to keep me from slipping into bad behaviour patterns.

    Regarding the third one, yes, DD spankings give immeasurable benefits to me, my wife and our marriage. I couldn't imagine what things would be like without them.


    1. Thanks, J. Your thoughts are pretty close to mine, other than I could imagine, and live with, the absence of DD.

  2. A. My marriage NEEDED help.
    B. Domestic discipline helped my marriage.
    C. I/we NEEDED domestic discipline.

  3. I imagine that most everyone will have similar answers. Here is my own personal thoughts and life lived. I recognized that our marriage was better when she took control; we had experienced this off and on for a few years. I asked her to really take the lead and for us to become a Wife Led Marriage. In that WLM she also incorporated DD. I felt DD was something that we NEEDED but it was also something that I WANTED. I needed or wanted it because it was useful and beneficial to our marriage much like the aspect of WLM.

    Because of a different aspect of our lives she one day told me that we were no longer going to be a WLM which also meant there would not be DD. That has probably been a year now. I still desire, want, and need the WLM and DD. Can we have a happy life without it, yes. But, I do think about it a lot.


    1. That's a helpful perspective coming from someone who has, in fact, had it and then lived without it.

  4. Hi Dan,
    This a great question (or perhaps questions) that on the surface seem pretty easy, but the more you think about it the more you realize there is an underlying complexity making it difficult to really answer.

    "I imagine that most everyone will have similar answers." - Not necessarily... My answer - at least so far, but it is still early in the week during which I will certainly continue to think about it - is quite different than what I expect others to say.

    Like everyone else so far (and probably most others to come) I absolutely agree that DD and having imposed "guardrails" helps me personally stay on track better and makes it more likely that I will achieve my dreams ("prosperity and happy living"). Also, it definitely helps our marriage in many ways, ranging from better communication, more closeness, no "silent treatment", quick and complete closure, more respect, and so on. Also, it does help to tame my ego at least somewhat, and puts my wife and helps equalize natural power imbalances that my wife and I might otherwise have. All of this describes at least some of the benefits of DD both personally and for our relationship, and it speaks to the "usefulness" of DD, and in a way shows that I "need" DD, or at the very least benefit greatly from it. And also because of how much better it makes my life and marriage, it would be natural that I would "want" a DD relationship.

    However, while looking at it from the perspective of the results - improved behavior, better relationship, and all the other benefits of DD - could certainly justify my want or need for it, as it seems to for others, the results of DD have little or nothing to do with my need or want for it. For me, the strongest motivation is about the imposed boundaries (or "guardrails"), with the "imposed" part being even more important than the "boundaries." It is about the control, authority and the exercise of authority, and the power transfer involved. I assume this is at least somewhat driven by growing up without much of that, and then coming across the kink related to it at just the right time to make it an overwhelming desire for me.

    Now, is it a need? I would say "sort of." If my wife were to stop all things related to DD, I would be very unhappy about it, but my love for her is much stronger than my need or want for DD. In the end, I would live with her happily ever after, but the fact is happy would be at least somewhat hollow because I would be forever unfulfilled.

    If I weren't in a relationship, and knowing myself as I know now, I don't think I would let myself fall in love with someone that was totally against all this. It is not that it is that important, but the desire never goes away, so why enter a relationship that you know is going to leave you longing for something else? Having said all that, I wouldn't choose someone just because of this either, since while it is seeming incredibly important to me, it is but a small part of my life.

    Now a quick clarification: "And, ZM has resolved to stop looking at women’s butts, while I refuse to make any such commitment." - I am NOT resolving to stop looking at women's butts, but rather I am trying to change how much and how long I do it. I don't want to be looking so intently and so long that anyone with me or around me would notice (especially my wife) or even worse would be for the person I was looking at to notice and feel uncomfortable.


    1. "I imagine that most everyone will have similar answers."- Not necessarily... My answer - at least so far, but it is still early in the week during which I will certainly continue to think about it - is quite different than what I expect others to say." Agreed. I would expect there to be a fairly wide range of perspectives on this one.

      "For me, the strongest motivation is about the imposed boundaries (or "guardrails"), with the "imposed" part being even more important than the "boundaries." It is about the control, authority and the exercise of authority, and the power transfer involved. I assume this is at least somewhat driven by growing up without much of that, and then coming across the kink related to it at just the right time to make it an overwhelming desire for me." Your entire comments fits really closely with my dynamic. The one exception might be that while the "imposed" part is very important, I think the guardrails themselves are just as necessary. There have been times that I've lost some of the taste for imposed authority and thought that perhaps I had outgrown the need for DD. Almost every time, however, I'd go crashing through a guardrail in a way that made me see I really do need constraints.

      Regarding your clarification, if women didn't want me looking they wouldn't be wearing yoga pants. ;-)

    2. "The one exception might be that while the 'imposed' part is very important, I think the guardrails themselves are just as necessary." - Probably true, and of course if there were no guardrails, then there would be nothing to impose. The angle I was trying to take and the reason I was focusing on "imposed" is because for me the guardrails have two purposes. Of course, one is the to keep me from crashing off the edge. But just as importantly, I need the comfort of knowing the guardrails are there, whether I come close to the edge or not. Others have focused quite a bit on how their behavior takes a hit if they don't have some external push, and I am sure that mine does too. But for me the behavior part (the result) is much less important than the comfort of knowing the constraints are there and the feeling of wellbeing that comes from that.

      "...if women didn't want me looking they wouldn't be wearing yoga pants" - undoubtedly true. However, I don't want to come off as too much of a perv, nonetheless, especially since while they may be seeking attention, they probably are looking for more attention from guys who are younger, more fit, and better looking than I am!


    3. The situation I was thinking of that distinguishes the "imposing" and the "guardrails" for me is some kind of arbitrary rule or something that was happening as a pure display of power or authority. Let's say she decided I was putting on too much weight and, in order to promote my health, she spanked me for eating ice cream. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I could live with it and, in retrospect, that use of her authority might turn me on. On the other hand, let's say she decided I was allowed to have chocolate ice cream but not vanilla, purely because she wanted to impose such a rule. I don't think that would ever entail any kind of erotic charge for me. More likely, it would just piss me off.

    4. ZM wrote:"I assume this is at least somewhat driven by growing up without much of that, and then coming across the kink related to it at just the right time to make it an overwhelming desire for me."
      I find my experience to be different. I was completely controlled by parents and older brothers my parents spanked and my brothers punched I hated it at the time but they were also my biggest defenders and protected me from making stupid decisions. My desires for DD are wrapped up in wanting as you stated (guardrails). When I left home I was forced to make my own decisions and made a mess of things. A failed marriage, bad career and financial decisions and the list goes on. The person I trust the most in this world is my current wife we have made it almost 30 years but things could have been easier if I had given her complete control up front she helped me with decision s but we did not always agree even if she was almost always right. Now she makes the decisions without question if I argue I get what I need not always what I want but in the end I am happy and secure in knowing she wants what is best for me and our marriage. I think want and need are bound in trust I want discipline because I trust her to give me what I need

    5. Hi Anonymous,
      It is certainly interesting how we come at this from different angles, and with different experiences that lead us here, yet here we are discussion a common theme! As I wrote to KOJ below, we all have vastly different motivations for DD, and that ultimately shapes the entire experience for us. For me, it is more about being subject to discipline and control and is closely tied in with my sexual fantasies, while for others it is about the positive results this has on their behavior and is perhaps not sexual at all. As long as each of us is getting some good from DD, whether practicing it or just thinking about it, we can all support and encourage each other as we explore this together.


  5. Two things : I’ve noticed that sometimes if we’ve had a longer dry spell, my overall behavior tends to change. Perhaps a little less respectful towards her and so on. In this situation, a good “reminder” kind of resets my world and gets us back on track. In this sense, I’d say that “need” is a valid word to use as a spanking has a significant beneficial effect and without it, there is a deterioration. For myself though, I tend to think more in terms of the word “crave.” I can’t really say I “need” it in that my life would fall apart without it, but it is important to me and there are times when I get edgy when it’s been too long without that reminder or I know I deserve it for something and it hasn’t yet happened. TG

    1. This is pretty close to where I am. A lot of the time it doesn't really rise to the level of craving, but it certainly does rise to that level at times.

    2. "I can’t really say I 'need' it in that my life would fall apart without it, but it is important to me and there are times when I get edgy when it’s been too long without that reminder or I know I deserve it for something and it hasn’t yet happened." - Same. In fact, I lived almost 50 years without it, so it seems clear that I can survive without DD. But I too get edgy when it has been too long. Also, for me, "crave" probably is about the perfect word. Not necessarily for spanking, since unlike many on here, I don't actually enjoy spankings very much, but more the whole power thing.


    3. My wife loved exerting her authority, so I didn't have to wait long for it!

  6. We always use the start of a new year to review our agreement, list of offenses and the manner our life is conducted and tweaking if necessary. I learned from my first relationship, a FLM with DD household, that I want/need direction and correction. I NEED the accountability and WANT a spanking to be the means to that end. Both of my partners, former and current, and I agree that corporal discipline yields a happier relationship/marriage. There are virtually no arguments. Disagreements or due punishments for rule breaking or missed chores are dealt with swiftly with a very effective spanking. After which, the issue is over, not to be brought up again. Maybe, this does not work for everyone, but for 7 years of FLM and now 13 years of FLR, it has worked well for us. I definitely WANT this lifestyle and feel our relationship NEEDS it to continue to work as smoothly as it has been.

    1. "Disagreements or due punishments for rule breaking or missed chores are dealt with swiftly with a very effective spanking. After which, the issue is over, not to be brought up again." I would have said that too, until our disagreements in the last third of last year. It showed that even after 15+ years we still have room for improvement.

    2. I think a couple has to be very careful with that one. I certainly don't want to get my ass warmed for something I know was wrong and to "perform contrition", but then have it thrown up at me after I have been punished.

    3. It is certainly true that you don't want the issue used against you after you have already been punished for it. Certainly, there must be some balance. After a punishment is given, I think it is still valid to discuss what happened until both parties are in alignment, or at least able to understand each other's perspective. At that point, especially since the penalty was paid, there should be enough closure that the issue can be considered fully resolved.

      But for this to happen, she really needs to punish until she feels like the lesson was fully learned and the punishment was sufficient for the crime (so basically until she gets it out of her system), but sometimes that doesn't happen because she might be compelled to stop prematurely like in the case where there is too much damage to your bottom.

      Additionally, this doesn't account for repeat offenses. I expect my wife to consider the issue closed and to not keep dragging up things from the past, and rightly so, but at the same time, if I keep going out and doing the same thing every time and never seem to learn anything at all, it might not be unreasonable to expect that she will become very irritated and might want to tie actions into a larger pattern of actions.


    4. "if I keep going out and doing the same thing every time and never seem to learn anything at all, it might not be unreasonable to expect that she will become very irritated and might want to tie actions into a larger pattern of actions."


    5. We’ve added getting spanked for some new things: lack of communication, failure to line the pan with foil when I bake potatoes a certain way. Most of the time I get multiple spankings, on the same or different days, for things I’ve done before. It’s not that Ann brings up the past - on the contrary I’ve never heard about “that time when you…”
      I get multiple spankings only because I’m a repeat offender and we both know it!

    6. I also needed multiple sessions over my wife's lap for certain lessons to "take." Bad habits are hard to break. Sometimes the wooden spoon breaks more easily!

    7. Multiple sessions for the same or similar behavior are very much within the rules of the game for us as are pointed warnings and even scolding which doesn’t proceed to a spanking. What I would resent is the kind of nagging and recriminations that are supposed to be eliminated by giving her disciplinary authority. Honestly, that is not something I can complain about very often but when it does happen I just want to scream at her “just spank me if you feel that way”. But being like the cowardly lion I usually just meow.

  7. Hi Dan,
    I come at this question from a Maslow-type paradigm: And that is considering human needs as hierarchically ordered. So needs are not the same at all phases of one’s life. Spanking ( in my case to be spanked by a woman with whom I am emotionally involved in a disciplinary context) is a powerful “need” constrained only by lower-level needs that precede it such as the need for food, water, self-esteem, and social interaction.

    As a higher-level need, Maslow’s notions about “self-actualization” capture my spanking need pretty well. Spanking ( i.e., F/M spanking) takes me toward full self-actualization of my sexuality.

    To put it more simply, when my wife spanks me as a discipline, I am able to feel and express my fullest and most authentic sexuality. No other sexual experience comes close to the fulfillment that combining disciplinary spanking with sex.

    But here is where it can get tricky. Do I therefore “need” spanking to engage in fulfilling sex or have a full life? Need it in the way one needs food, water, self-esteem, etc.? Then the answer is no because I can function sexually without spanking. But I am nowhere as happy or fulfilled as when spanking is involved.

    In essence, I need spanking to achieve sexual fulfillment but I probably don’t need sexual fulfillment itself. I want it intensely but I don’t need it to survive.
    Regarding Keenan’s feeling that spanking can become sex, I think I understand what she is saying- because in fact, the spanking “drive” can seem all-consuming. But I have not experienced what she describes, in effect experiencing spanking as its own end.

    For me, some expression of my sexuality with a partner must be part of it for it to be a full experience. I am not denying that what she describes is possible. But if it happens it is an awesome notion because one is talking about replacing a deep-seated biological drive (sex) with spanking. Most of us understand how powerful the spanking impulse can be, but is it that powerful?

    1. Alan, I like the approach of looking at it through a Maslow-like lens.

      "As a higher-level need, Maslow’s notions about “self-actualization” capture my spanking need pretty well. Spanking ( i.e., F/M spanking) takes me toward full self-actualization of my sexuality."

      My needs are kind of like this, though I would probably modify it to "takes me toward full self-actualization INCLUDING my sexuality."

      Until you posted this, I didn't really get that your need and mine are, in fact, different, with the difference being about the degree to which it is a sexual need or desire. I absolutely admit and agree that *part* of my attraction to DD is sexual, but I get the sense it may be a smaller part for me than it is for you.

      Also, for me DD is more *attractive* because of the sexual component, but I think the sexual component is a less substantial part of why I "need" it, whether need in the sense of an "urgent want" or as something that is "requisite" or beneficial. In those senses, DD might be something I "need" even if it had no sexual element for me.

      Finally, I get the sense from your comment that spanking is a bigger part of what you need for sexual fulfillment than it is for me. As I said, spanking definitely is an erotic driver for me, but I had a high level of sexual fulfillment before DD and I think I would have a high level of sexual fulfillment if it stopped. I might, and probably would, feel less fulfillment in OTHER areas of actualization in Maslow's hierarchy, but I don't think it has a huge impact on my sexual fulfillment.

    2. Hi Alan, I was reading from Dan's post last night and my wife and I were talking about exactly the same thing. I may "need" a spanking, but if I had nothing to eat or nowhere to live, spanking would be far from a felt need.

      "Spanking ( i.e., F/M spanking) takes me toward full self-actualization of my sexuality." - I agree with this, or perhaps with Dan's modification, not sure exactly but something like this. And by the way, I think this is a big part of why I constantly obsess about witnesses. I believe that someone else seeing that I am a spanked husband would help with my self-actualization by concretely validating the reality of this thing which is such a significant part of my psyche.


    3. "I believe that someone else seeing that I am a spanked husband would help with my self-actualization by concretely validating the reality of this thing which is such a significant part of my psyche."

      That's a really interesting point. Kind of an enforced validation by removing your ability to deny the reality of what you want and need.

    4. ZM wrote: “I think this is a big part of why I constantly obsess about witnesses. I believe that someone else seeing that I am a spanked husband would help with my self-actualization by concretely validating the reality of this thing”

      This is something I have never connected before, but I think you are right about linking self-actualization with witnesses. I have felt about having a spanking witnessed that I was revealing to the world that my wife spanked me and I submitted to it. And the first time at least I felt a strong need to do that.
      But it is more than just that, and definitely, a form of self-actualization wherein one expresses who they are- a form of self-actualization that goes beyond sexuality

    5. Hi Dan
      You raise some very nuanced points. I am going to respond to them by quoting two of your key points and commenting on each. Overall I think there may be some degree of difference between us with respect to the strength of the spanking impulse. If so that difference may be attributable to the different ages we discovered spanking (hence the developmental stage) and the difference in the period spanking has been a “thing” for us (hence time). I know for sure spanking (specifically F/M spanking has become increasingly important to me over time and experience, so the need is dynamic. Before I had my first disciplinary experience, I was ambivalent about it. Not any longer!
      Dan wrote : “ Also, for me DD is more *attractive* because of the sexual component, but I think the sexual component is a less substantial part of why I "need" it, whether need in the sense of an "urgent want" or as something that is "requisite" or beneficial. In those senses, DD might be something I "need" even if it had no sexual element for me.”
      Dan, for me the sexual and disciplinary are symbiotically joined, so I can’t cleanly separate them or say I need one without the other. So I couldn’t say without qualification as you do that “DD might be something I "need" even if it had no sexual element for me.” And that is because the need for DD always brings a sexual component, whereas the need for sex does not need to have a disciplinary component. But if it does have a disciplinary component, that will bring me much closer to sexual self-actualization

      Dan wrote, “ … I get the sense from your comment that spanking is a bigger part of what you need for sexual fulfillment than it is for me.”
      This is where it gets tricky and very nuanced. Keeping it simple: I can and do get great fulfillment from sex without a spanking component; however sex with F/M discipline, particularly sex after F/M discipline is a transcendent experience close to what I understand as self-actualization (Maslow) So it’s not a question of what brings sexual fulfillment because I can experience that with or without spanking. But transcendence or self-actualization: that requires F/M discipline as part of the sexual experience

    6. "...the need for DD always brings a sexual component, whereas the need for sex does not need to have a disciplinary component. But if it does have a disciplinary component, that will bring me much closer to sexual self-actualization." - This. I feel exactly like this.

      Regarding Dan's "In those senses, DD might be something I 'need' even if it had no sexual element for me." - I am sure that I would still "need" imposed boundaries, regardless of whether DD had a sexual element for me or not. However, if it didn't, I would almost certainly react much differently to boundaries being imposed, since it would hit my anti-authoritarian nature head on and the results probably wouldn't be pretty. The fact that DD happens to be incredibly sexual to me - even though I still don't understand exactly why it is - is what enables it to work so powerfully for me.


    7. "However, if it didn't, I would almost certainly react much differently to boundaries being imposed, since it would hit my anti-authoritarian nature head on and the results probably wouldn't be pretty."

      That's a good point.

    8. I didn't feel self-actualized when I had to face a whole party of people who had apparently just heard me being spanked. I just felt embarrassed. Even later, the publicness of my role as a spanked husband did not feel particularly fulfilling.
      What did seem self-actualizing was the realization that accepting my wife's authority made me a better husband, father, and man -- that if I allowed her to mold me I would become the best version of myself. Domestic discipline was the chisel my sculptress used.

    9. Hi KOJ,
      Each week we all gather here and talk about similar practices where our wives or other females discipline us or punish us using spanking and at times other methods for real-world misbehavior, bad attitudes, etc. Yet even though our practices may be pretty similar, we each have vastly different motivations and different perspectives on the whole thing. Some are almost entirely focused on results and improved behavior, while others, like me, it is almost the opposite; I like to see behavior improving, but it is much more about the process, the control, the power transfer. For some DD is very sexual, perhaps even more so than sex, while others claim that it is in no way sexual for them. There are multiple different spectrums. You seem to be quite clearly on the focused-on-results and not-sexual side, based on what you wrote a few weeks back: "spankIng was not an arousing kink in addition to punishment for me, so I never fantasized about witnesses as many do here. For us it was power and punishment but not sexy. The idea of witnesses was embarrassing, not titillating."

      Considering that DD is not kinky or sexually exciting to you, I am not surprised that you didn't feel self-actualized but rather just felt embarrassed at having witnesses. Minus the sexual component and the attendant titillation, I do expect it would be just plain embarrassment to have someone see or hear you being punished. And because your focus was almost entirely on the results (improved behavior), any self-actualization flowed from that: "What did seem self-actualizing was the realization that accepting my wife's authority made me a better husband, father, and man." And in fact, if your focus is on the results (good behavior), and not the process used to achieve those results (DD), then having someone witness the process (when you are punished), would not only not be self-actualizing, but quite the opposite, since the whole reason you are being punished is for bad behavior.

      It is so interesting that we are wired so differently, yet still find ourselves interested in or drawn to this same topic.


    10. KOJ: "I didn't feel self-actualized when I had to face a whole party of people who had apparently just heard me being spanked. I just felt embarrassed." I think I probably would feel that way in the moment. I'm not sure whether it would feel more titillating later, after I had a longer time to process it,

      ZM: I agree, it's fascinating the extent to which we end up in a similar place, but by so many different paths and for so many different reasons.

    11. One future day, the genetic phenotype underlying the spanking genotype will be well-mapped and understood. That is to say, the influence of genes on spanking desires and behavior will be established to a scientific rigor; the differences among us then will be attributed to normal variability in phenotypes and ( importantly) differential life experiences we all have.

      In effect, it’s the old nature versus nurture question applied to our favorite subject

    12. Hi Alan,
      I hope that this happens within my lifetime, so that finally I will have some chance of understanding just WHY I want (or need?) this!


    13. Meanwhile, enjoy it. Spanking is like fine wine, rare cheese and good friends; it gets better as it ages

    14. ZM,
      I agree with much of what you addressed to me, but I don't see the connection between self-actualization and witnesses for the very reason that witnesses are outside the self. I am supposed to be achieving self-actualization from within. It can't be imposed by its very definition. I guess you are saying that the feeling you get from being witnessed is fulfilling. But the feeling of achieving my best authentic self is something I should be able to repeat on my own. I shouldn't need an external force.

    15. Alan,
      At some point in the aging process, wine and cheese both go bad. Friends and spanking, not so much. I may never again experience a spanking "friend," but the memories and the lessons learned don't age.

    16. Hi KOJ,
      "I don't see the connection between self-actualization and witnesses..." - The reason I see that connection (at least for me) is that one of the important traits that are present in those that we would consider self-actualized is their ability to accept themselves as they truly are. This allows them to overcome guilt, become less inhibited, and enjoy themselves, and also it helps them to accept and even embrace others as they are. So, if I am to become the best version of me, I must first fully accept who I am and what I am about.

      "... for the very reason that witnesses are outside the self. I am supposed to be achieving self-actualization from within." - I agree that the process of self-actualization is largely internal, and ultimately nobody can cause someone else to self-actualize. However, I believe the word "self" is a reflection of not only who is doing at least some of the work, and also who is the recipient of this work, kind of like "self-serve" means that you are doing the serving, and it is you who you are being served. But "self-serve" doesn't necessarily mean that you did all the underlying work as well. For example, if I have a self-serve BBQ, it doesn't necessarily mean that you cooked the burger, butchered the cow, raised the cow, or planted the field that the cow grazed in.

      "But the feeling of achieving my best authentic self is something I should be able to repeat on my own. I shouldn't need an external force." - Again, I largely agree with this, but considering that Maslow claimed that self-actualization could really only take place when all the other needs were first met, you might be doing much of the self-actualization yourself, but you are riding on the combined efforts of all those around you that allowed all the lower-order needs to first be met to create the conditions for self-actualization to occur.

      In the end, I think there is some interplay between that which takes place inside us and that which happens around us. I think you stated it quite beautifully for yourself: "What did seem self-actualizing was the realization that accepting my wife's authority made me a better husband, father, and man -- that if I allowed her to mold me I would become the best version of myself." You had to accept your wife's authority, allow her to mold you, and to realize that doing so made you a better husband, father, and man. Meanwhile, she did the "sculpting" that helped you achieve some degree of self-actualization.


    17. Clearly my wife helped me get closer to my authentic self. To me self-auctualization is a process of becoming more than a process of revealing. That's why the witnesses thing sits wrong with me. Having others see my inner need is not self-actualization to me. I have to grow, develop, learn, struggle, change to reach self-actualization.

    18. KOJ wrote. “ To me self-actualization is a process of becoming more than a process of revealing. That's why the witnesses thing sits wrong with me. Having others see my inner need is not self-actualization to me….”

      Everyone gets to define self-actualization for themselves. However for me and apparently some others on the blog (they can speak for themselves): the impulse toward witnesses is not “having others see my inner self” In fact that part of it is why many try to avoid witnesses. Instead, the impulse to witnesses is driven by the desire to fully express whom one is including that part that needs to be spanked by one’s wife or partner. Since spanking as Danielle aptly observed is also innately sexual, orchestrating a witnessed spanking is a delicate business indeed. But the instinct to do it is much more social than exhibitionist.

    19. Hi Alan,
      "Everyone gets to define self-actualization for themselves." - True that. And the part I was referring to as one of the characteristics of self-actualized people (to understand and to fully accept yourself and others as they truly are) is one that I took from psychology journals, so I don't think I was completely off base with it, since at least someone agrees with me!

      "...the impulse to witnesses is driven by the desire to fully express whom one is including that part that needs to be spanked by one’s wife or partner...the instinct to do it is much more social than exhibitionist." - I agree fully, though you stated it better than I would have.

      And KOJ,
      I am not sure why I am responding, since it seems clear that we are miles apart on this issue. I know I am somewhat just restating what I said before, but that is partly because it doesn't seem like you necessarily read it, since instead of responding to what I thought was at least somewhat sound reasoning, you simply responded again that you don't think witnesses fit with this.

      First off, I never said that the time I have witnesses would be self-actualizing! Rather I said it "would HELP with my self-actualization by concretely validating the reality of this thing." It is merely one of many stepping stones along the path towards self-actualization for ME (not anyone else).

      "To me self-auctualization is a process of becoming more than a process of revealing." - I agree fully. It is a process of becoming the best possible me, and one part of that process is fully accepting who I am and what makes me tick. Since having witnesses would help make that part of my psyche (and sexuality) more concrete for me, I think - but don't know, since it hasn't happened - that it might be a milestone moment for me. Not that I would be fully self-actualized, but rather I would have taken one more step in that direction.

      "I have to grow, develop, learn, struggle, change to reach self-actualization." - Absolutely right. Self-actualization is not the work of a moment, but of a lifetime. I kind of think that being spanked would be part of the learning and growing part for me, since I think I might understand myself better afterwards. Of course, it is also possible that it will do nothing for me, and will play no significant role in my journey towards self-actualization, in which case it will be either a titillating or embarrassing memory, or perhaps both.


  8. That approach to the topic is a great way to look at it.

  9. Hey Dan, I can live without DD. I did for a decade or more before I met my wife. My ex was not interested in spanking and was very vanilla. I was also way too much of a hot head when younger. My current wife is a bit older than I am. I wish I had met her when younger. DD would have affected my life in a more positive way when younger. As you know my kink came from being spanked young. My last one was at age thirteen. My ex was not interested, so I reached out a few times to a disciplinarian. She was great but there was something missing on a personal level. When I met my wife, we dabbled in spanking and she has definitely taking it to the next level. This has taken sometime. When she is on, it’s the perfect example of a DD punishment. Consistency is key. Like
    J, my interest has waned over the years. My behavior has improved dramatically due to my wife’s sickness. Now that she is recovered and things are good, I feel it’s harder for her to punish for little things. I was there through thick and thin. I assume that because of this; she probably feels bad about severely spanking me at times.
    I also don’t make the same mistakes over and over. I definitely want DD, but I don’t Need it. Dan, unlike you I have a fetish and not a kink. My fetish goes back to my youth and is sexualized to an extent. I have thought about spanking during sex. Like you, I would choose sex over spanking. We clean the slate after a spanking as well. My attitude becomes much more mellow and I am taken a few pegs back, so to speak. On a separate note, I went to the gym today, and observed the shortest purple yoga shorts I had ever seen in my life. It left little to the imagination in the front and the back. Of course she was doing squats. I just chuckled at the post regarding this the past few week. I also could not help but discreetly stare about ten times. Call me what you like, but you shouldn’t be wearing them, if you don’t want the attention.

    1. "My behavior has improved dramatically due to my wife’s sickness. Now that she is recovered and things are good, I feel it’s harder for her to punish for little things. I was there through thick and thin. I assume that because of this; she probably feels bad about severely spanking me at times."

      I get this. We had a period late last year in which my wife was pretty sick with the flu. It was a short term illness, but she was pretty sick for a couple of weeks. I suspect that helping her then did keep a couple of spankings at bay once she recovered.

      Yeah, those super short gym shorts seem to be a trend. I've seen multiple women in my gym wearing them. A very nice fashion development, if you ask me.

    2. Maybe I need to start going to the gym.

    3. "Maybe I need to start going to the gym." - I think you just hit on my problem! Here, I see the lycra or tight denim covered (and in the summer barely-covered) bottoms in coffee shops and cafeterias. Maybe if I had to go to the gym to see them, I would be losing weight instead of gaining it!


  10. My wife had me so enamored of her authority that if she "explained" while I was OTK why I was allowed to have chocolate ice cream but not vanilla -- "We. are. not. va-nill-a. peo-ple. in. an-y. re-spect. young. man!" -- I am sure I would have believed her and obeyed her!

    1. I like that representation of the likely audio.

    2. I have had some similar responses to sharp, clear, and short messages delivered during an O.T.K . spanking. That kind of scolding really resonates, not only during the spanking but for a good while afterward. I think the reason might be that the conscious brain can absorb only a limited amount of information during a spanking. But if it is short and repeated, it does seem to get internalized. When my former GF told me that there was a direct line between my bum and my brain, this is what she was talking about,

    3. Hi Alan,
      This direct line between bum and brain seems to be something that I have as well. I have been almost stunned at how spankings change not only my behavior, but also my mindset, perspective, and mentality.


    4. Do you experience also the power of those short but emphatic scoldings during a spanking? I still remember the first time I experienced them after I had used the word " no" in disobeying an order from my former GF.

      While she spanked me, over and over again she reiterated " No is not in your vocabulary when you speak to me". Nothing more but I actually awoke the next morning remembering those words.

    5. Most of the times the in spanking scolding doesn't do all that much for me, but there have been at least two times I can think of when she kept saying the same thing again and again, punctuated by hard swats. And those two cases are also two of the times that I can say that spanking completely changed my mindset about something, and I can still remember what she said. So I can't say for sure that it was the scolding component with repetition that did it, but it seems pretty likely.

      Regarding awaking the next morning remembering her words, I think that because of how DD/FLR ties into my deepest fantasies, I do end up "replaying" the punishment for days and days after it happens, so I think that is where much of its power to effect change comes from.


    6. I hasten to add that the large majority of scolding I have received are either before punishment or more or less extended monologues from her during or occasionally after. It may be the power of the sharp concise message during the actual spanking lies in its rareness. But it does work.

    7. I had this bum to brain link as well. For me the connection was clearly maternal. I was the naughty boy being corrected by the maternal stand-in, and the message from my bum to my brain was not only "you must obey" but also "you WANT to obey, to please her, to earn her praise and acceptance, to feel her love."
      Correction is a form of love. Each spank is a painful caress.

    8. Scolding always accompanies my spankings. It would feel odd, and a little cold, if I was punished without one. For us, it starts off with more of a lecture than a scolding. The reason for my spanking is explained in detail and I am expected to respond. Beth is very thorough during this part and I am always eager to get it over. The scolding happens when I am over her knee and it has a much quicker tempo. There is no denying a maternal feeling to both experiences.

    9. Hello Kevin,
      Excellent point about the needed distinction between lectures and scolding, which I think we tend to lump together even though they are different in timing, duration, tempo, tone, probably volume, and many other things.

      I too am always anxious to get the lecture part over with and get on with the spanking. Partly because I so strongly dislike conflict and just want to get the whole episode behind me, partly because of boredom since this part seems to go on longer than necessary since it is always stuff that I know, partly because I am nervous about the impending painful spanking and just want to get that over with, and probably partly because my ego does not like being bruised like this.

      And I agree that there is definitely a maternal feeling to both experiences.


    10. "Partly because I so strongly dislike conflict and just want to get the whole episode behind me, partly because of boredom since this part seems to go on longer than necessary since it is always stuff that I know, partly because I am nervous about the impending painful spanking and just want to get that over with, and probably partly because my ego does not like being bruised like this." This is me to a T.

    11. ZM & Dan

      Much like both of you, once the spanking becomes inevitable, I want to get it over and pre-spanking lectures are often psychologically painful. But they also create an atmosphere where I can better fully accept the discipline coming both as punishment and correction. When I see the anger in her eyes or disappointment, the resentment I might start with just ebbs away and begins to be shame or regret for what happened combined with growing apprehension about what she is going to do. It gives me time to get emotionally ready.

      Also, for me, the pre-spanking period is one where my adult brain is still fully functional and the lecture prepares me mentally for what is going to happen and why it’s going to happen. Once I am over her lap or in position and feeling the strap or paddle, that adult brain is offline temporarily and I become more of the naughty little boy being embarrassingly punished than the fully functioning adult my wife wants to see.

      I read somewhere, maybe on this blog, about a woman who told her husband there was a naughty little boy inside him and her job was to bring him out and teach him how to behave (( or maybe teach him the consequences of misbehaving) I think something like that happens for us often during the actual spanking. And for a while, there is only one adult in the room plus one naughty little boy who is being reminded why he doesn’t want to act like a naughty little boy with his wife.

      But before the paddle or strap does its job there can be two adults in the room even though one of them may be standing there with his pants around his ankles and his face as red as his bottom will soon be. So, I think that the pre-spanking lecture period can be pretty important as well as pretty unpleasant

    12. "I read somewhere, maybe on this blog, about a woman who told her husband there was a naughty little boy inside him and her job was to bring him out and teach him how to behave (( or maybe teach him the consequences of misbehaving)."

      I think that's in one of the "real people" stories on the DWC website

    13. My naughty little boy was already out there, running around acting like a fool. Her job was to spank him back inside me. She once told me while I was OTK, "Even if you can't be a man, you're going to start acting like one!"

  11. Wanting and needing I learned from my girlfriend that needing is really what I should have asked for. The results were beyond what I thought, the benefit to my girlfriend who I did marry benefited her more, she had the control she wanted and I needed and all aspect of our marriage has been because of the need for a spanking and not my want for a spanking.

  12. I both need and want F/M spanking, guardrails and boundaries. Could I live without F/M spanking? Yes, and have done so for most of my life. One can survive without a lot of wonderful things, but life is simply not as enjoyable. I have had great sex with many women, but didn't realize until recently that having an ongoing DD relationship was even possible. Having finally discovered a woman that enjoys being dominant and likes to spank, life and sex have actually never been better. F/M spanking is so fundamental to my sexuality, it's now always intertwined. I would never again be in a vanilla relationship.

    1. "Having finally discovered a woman that enjoys being dominant and likes to spank, life and sex have actually never been better." That's great!

    2. “F/M spanking is so fundamental to my sexuality, it's now always intertwined.”

      This, more tersely and clearly, is what I was trying to express above. It is also I suspect what Keenan means

  13. I need to think about spanking discipline, but I only want to experience it.

    I guess distinguishing want from need is pretty simple for me. Can I live happily without this thing? Yes, that's my reality. Can I stop thinking about it? No, so I must need to think about it. Would I like being in a good DD relationship? Yes, I want it but don't need it.

    After air, food and water, maybe we don't really "need" anything. :)

  14. Hi Brett. Besides air, food, and water, don't you need other things in order to have a happy, meaningful, life? I need sex, spanking, friends, love, a feeling of purpose, freedom, creativity, music, and lots more. If you have something you can't stop thinking about, that seems more like a need than a want. Air, water, and food is not enough to keep babies alive - they need touch to survive. When people are put in solitary confinement, they have food, air and water, but they usually go crazy after a while. People seem to need and crave human connection. So, can you please enlighten us about your definition of need?

    1. Hi KOJ,
      I think that both you and Brett can be correct, since obviously there are different levels of "need," which was at least part of the point that Maslow was trying to make with his hierarchy of needs. Brett was referring to basic needs, and in theory, yes you could survive indefinitely if you have adequate food, water, and air, assuming that you are in a place with suitable climate so you don't need clothing and shelter, and with sufficient safety that you can protect yourself. I am not guaranteeing that you might not go crazy from isolation, but at least certain people do quite well when alone for very long periods of time. Of course, one could make the case that they are crazy to start with!

      But just being able to physically stay alive is much different from what most of us would consider "living." To have a "happy, meaningful life" is something that most people strive to achieve, and many if not most manage to varying degrees. To even strive for the happy, meaningful life, our basic needs must first be met, and to actually achieve this type of life will expose many other needs, like those that you listed, though unique to each individual.

      I fully agree about the deep need for human connection, and many of the problems that we have seen manifest in recent years have been the result of a decline in the degree to which people feel connected to others.


    2. Adult consensual spanking is connection. If only the vanilla world could understand that.

    3. Hi Norton. Of course, there are various levels of need. There's simple survival, but that's just an amusing aside in the context of a "need" for spanking. If taken seriously, then survival is more complicated.

      As I said, if I can live happily without something, then I don't need it. If I enjoy something, and can't seem to escape from it even if I wanted to, I consider it a need, but that's semantics.

    4. Oops. I see that I mistakenly addressed my response above to KOJ, not Norton! My apologies.

      But since I already mistakenly addressed KOJ, I will now address his actual comment: "Adult consensual spanking is connection. If only the vanilla world could understand that." - Absolutely agree. I don't know if I have ever felt any other connection that is quite the same as this.


    5. Same here. Adult consentual spanking is also trust and vulnerability. Being vulnerable doesn't come naturally to men, because many of us older guys were given the message to always be tough. 50 Shades and the movie "Secretary" were both embraced by the vanilla world, but they both were about M/F spanking, and both had a the male being an out of touch jerk. It's a challange to let your wife or G/F know you need discipline and guidelines, My last wife never accepted it, and that's why she's my ex. Many younger men and women are not so restricted in their roles, which is a good thing.

    6. Yes Sir. I agree w/you, very hard to open up and let your wife or GF know. At the same time though, brings you two so MUCH closer together doesn't it? I also have an ex-wife who just couldn't handle it. It took my current wife awhile but after she learned what it meant to me she is more than happy to be a willing participant. Although I'm in my early 50s I'll agree w/you, the younger folks are NOT nearly as adverse to women spanking men. Much more open to it in my experience.

  15. I feel it would be impossible for me to live without it but I also don't want to live without out it. I get it I cannot separate what I want from what I think I need, but isn't the point to have her decide what is needed. Requesting a spanking because you think you need one is after all really a wanting. I get in trouble for demanding what I want because I have given her the authority to decide what I need. If I am demanding about needing a spanking she will punish me in other ways like corner time or given a list of things I must do for her. The spanking will come but when she decides. My impatience is the thing she wants to deal with the most.

  16. I didn't have a sexual obsession that led me to ask my wife to spank me. I did suggest it as a way to deal with my disrespect. She tried DD and it worked, and over the years she took to it -- and the authority it gave her -- more and more. By the end, I think she needed DD more than I did in the sense of not being willing to let go of it as marital authority. If I had said, "You can't spank me anymore," she would have been really upset. The reverse would not have been that upsetting to me. I still needed DD as a way of improvement, while her need was more psychological in the sense of needing to control, especially as lIfe slipped from her.

    1. Hi KOJ (or perhaps J or TG or any others who wish to respond),
      I have several question that maybe you can help out with, because like several others who have posted here, you had no sexual obsession with spanking when you asked your wife to spank you and it seems like it was mostly about behavior modification throughout, at least for you. My questions are 1) if it ever felt sexual in any way, like during certain periods? 2) how did it feel when your wife kind of pushed it to the FLR level? Did you ever get any kick out of her taking charge or exercising her authority? and finally 3) if it was entirely non-sexual (I am just assuming), was it fascinating in some other way? The reason I ask this is because I assume for myself the primary thing that keeps me coming back here and interacting week after week is that it is part of my sexuality, so it is a pretty strong urge. So I wonder how it would feel if I were part of a DD relationship and it wasn't in any way sexual for me.


    2. I can't say there was no sexual component but rather that we worked to separate punishment from sexuality. Being naked from the waist down in front of an attractive woman seems inherently sexual to me. Increased blood flow to the rear of the pubic region can impact the front of the pubic region. Having my manhood rubbing against her thighs or trapped between them while OTK had sexual overtones. There were times when she was clearly aroused by exerting her authority, and that in turn aroused me. But we believed in not acting on these feelings so that the punishment was not in any way pleasurable.
      We did not have an FLR outside of domestic discipline. We made other decisions together as equals even though she had absolute authority to decide what I would be punished for, and how, in the DWC tradition. I did become much more deferential -- she would say gentlemanly -- and this did appear FLR-like to many.
      Yes, I found it quite fascinating to be wrapped around her little finger, and I took to the role of well-spanked and well-trained husband. I liked that other wives were clearly jealous of our relationship, and I didn't care that other husbands thought I was pussy-whipped. It didn't hurt that my wife was a highly sexual being and I was getting much more sex of all forms than the guys making fun of me!
      The DWC model resulted in a mostly conflict-free marriage, though the vanilla world mught have seen severe corporal punishment as a form of conflict. Once my wife knew she had the power to regulate my behavior, we developed a comfort level together that seemed beyond the other couples we knew. That was truly fascinating.

    3. KOJ, there are many similarities between my marriage and yours. We don't practice FLR when it comes to making major decisions and only recently has my wife begun mildly repremanding me with others present. This is only with close friends and the reaction varies from amusement to slight discomfort. It doesn't bother me in the least. I wasn't aware of it at the time, but maybe her

      It would be a sad day when having my pants pulled down by my wife doesn't create an immediate physical response on my part and having her lecture me at the same time only enhances the experience. I haven't mentioned this before, but Beth is an elementary school teacher and knows how to verbally address bad behavior. We refer to it as her teacher voice. She was studying to be a teacher when we met and I've wondered if there was a subliminal attraction.

      I won't deny that there is a connection between our disciplinary life and our sex life. Since I have given my wife authority to spank me, her confidence has grown, including in the bedroom. We have hardly ever had sex immediately after a spanking though. My wife doesn't forgive and forget as quickly as I do and isn't ready to make love immediately after being annoyed or angry with me. She will kiss me to show forgiveness and several hours later, or the next day, we have great make up sex.

    4. My wife also would give me a hug and kiss after punishing me. We often would have sex a couple hours later, maybe after watching a movie together. We didn't consider it makeup sex because the spanking ended the conflict.
      I didn't much like being reprimanded in public but I accepted it as part of her authority. She did grow in confidence from DD, in the bedroom and everywhere else!

    5. HI KOJ,
      I am probably being dense, but after reading your posts I don’t completely understand the relationship between your sexuality and being spanked. So I am asking questions here and not drawing any conclusions. One question is: do you consider the spankings administered by your wife to be solely disciplinary with any sexual feeling an inadvertent side effect (for example: “Being naked from the waist down in front of an attractive woman seems inherently sexual to me.”) In other words, discipline was the objective and any sexual feelings that came up were just incidental?
      My other question is whether you consider yourself to have a spanking fetish as that term is commonly understood. Or did you submit to your wife’s punishments for other reasons such as the benefits to your relationship, your desire to atone for misbehavior, etc
      The context for asking both of these questions is that the disciplinary relationship you had with your wife seems very similar to mine and others ( maybe minus the semi-public hair brushing she gave you) but most of us seem to experience it tied up with our sexuality. Thanks

    6. "It would be a sad day when having my pants pulled down by my wife doesn't create an immediate physical response on my part and having her lecture me at the same time only enhances the experience." It used to be the same with me, but less reliably so in the last year or two.

      I wonder whether former teachers are over-represented among disciplinary wives. I could see it being so, just because it's one of the few professions that actively encourages authority, control, and maintaining order .

    7. Perhaps a good future topic. I have wondered about it also and there are " theoretical reasons" to suppose it is so ( Interpersonal behaviors. characteristics correlated with the professions , " birds of a feather flock together" etc. But having watched for it over the years I don't have much evidence for it. That won't stop me from proposing my own nomination for most represented spanko profession: medical professionals


    8. I nominate lawyers, though also with no evidence.

  17. Spanking ain't peaceful, but the aftermath is!

  18. "Spanking ain't peaceful, but the aftermath is!" - Hahahaha. Love it!


  19. Alan,
    I don't have a spanking fetish, and sexual feelings were incidental for me. Spanking was very maternal and thus nonsexual. However, I will say that the whole concept of maternal authority -- love, affection, correction -- has for me some sexual undertones in something of an Oedipal way. Plus, I had sex with my wife, obviously, and I don't think I could completely separate her loving correction on my bare bottom from our sexual relationship. So ... it's complicated!

    1. I would add that power exchange with a person I am having sex with also seems to have sexual undertones.

    2. Thank you KOJ for your response. I don't completely understand it because it's not mine. But it is fascinating that couples do exist and thrive where " pure " discipline is the practice, evidenced I think by your lack of a spanking fetish ( which I normally would be skeptical of but am not in your case. I wonder how many men are committed enough to female authority that they would accept the kind of discipline that you received without some sexual strong impetus ties to it. I hope I would, but my experience with post-orgasm punishment makes me wonder about it


  20. Wow. I guess I am the odd man out. Spanking or sex? Spanking, hands down, every time. Could I live without spankings? Well, I wouldn't die without them. But, I couldn't see being satisfied without them being a part of my life. (Spankings without any sexual overtones are good, with sex great. I'm good with a spanking or multiples before, intermission, after, or all of the before mentioned)


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