A man is as good as he
has to be, and a woman is as bad as she dares. ~ Elbert Hubbard
Hello all. Welcome back to
The Disciplinary Couple’s Club. Our
weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a
Domestic Discipline relationship.
I hope you all had a great
week. Mine was exhilarating, frustrating, exciting, exhausting -- pretty much everything you want from an adventurous vacation. I came back with a slight injury and a sunburn, but otherwise no worse for the wear.
I know many of you tried to keep
the comments going but many were diverted to spam. I’m sorry about that. Unfortunately, most of the days I was out
adventuring I was either off-grid or otherwise occupied. Although I did have my phone with me, I think
it is literally the first time in a couple of decades that I haven’t ventured
onto a desktop computer, laptop or tablet for an entire week.
A couple of weeks ago, K and
Alan had a series of exchanges focusing on post-orgasm spankings, also sometimes
referred to as “milking.” Here is a
slightly condensed version of their comments:
K: J always has me climax before (rare) punishments and
sometimes, but not always, before (more common) discipline/correction spankings
(depending on how severe she wants to make the experience).
I absolutely hate it; It
takes me completely out of the frame of mind where it's exciting and sexy, and
the contrast between the "afterglow" feeling and the pain of the
spanking is very stark. It's, I must admit, a very effective for her to make
the spanking a real disciplinary event that I would NOT sign up for
But, interestingly, my MEMORY
of those spankings are much more complex. I remember that my wife spanked me in
a no-nonsense, definitely punitive way, and I find that to be a very erotic
thing. So while it's not sexual in the moment at all, it reinforces something I
find very erotic and and exciting.
I'm not RECOMMENDING it, but
it does work for us in a way that's hard to explain.
Does that make sense?
I should also add: J isn't
trying to make me miserable, quite the contrary, we want to make each other
happy. But she feels that if she's going to discipline/punish me for something,
it needs to be "real" and not something that I get pleasure or mixed
signals from. And I have to agree, even if I hate it when she carries it out.
Alan: K WRITES: “But she feels that if she's going to
discipline/punish me for something, it needs to be "real" and not
something that I get pleasure or mixed signals from.”
It is hard to disagree with
her feeling about the “realness” of punishment. Making a man “cum” before
punishment leaves no doubt that it is real. But I look at post orgasm spankings
as the “nuclear option” to be used when all else fails, but not every time. I
have experienced post orgasm punishment a handful of times and I do know how
powerful they can be.
But for us, my wife can make
a punishment spanking very real without making me cum before while holding the
post orgasm out as an implicit threat if she feels it is needed.
I am not criticizing your
wife or any other couples who use post-orgasm spankings routinely. And
apparently some couples do use them regularly. Every couple has to learn what
works for them, and I have heard the argument that spanking a male after orgasm
often produces a shorter spanking and leaves less damage to the bum despite the
pain. So it is actually more “merciful.”
Those arguments may well be
correct and I have been convinced that administering post-orgasm must be in a
disciplinary wife’s arsenal. But I do think it’s better to use it sparingly
because removing the erotic charge (for us anyway) reduces that strong
emotional bonding post-spanking can that makes DD so powerful
BTW, the last time I
addressed this topic a female commenter said I was ‘nuts” if I thought I should
be immune to spanking if I had cum. I am not saying that at all. I am just
saying that a very real spanking can be administered to a guy without making
him cum before. And doing that keeps the threat of a post orgasm spanking a
line he doesn’t want to cross.

Alan (responding to my comment that we have not done
post-orgasm spankings and I kind of hope it stays that way): I agree with your
sentiments with the caveat that if wife or girlfriend determines she wants it
available, then it becomes a problem to make it a hard limit and still maintain
a full D\D or FLR relationship. I don't believe it is necessary but both women
I have had a disciplinary relationship have bristled at the notion their
authority was limited as far as using it. I think you have been fortunate that
Anne hasn't used it and frankly I think I have been lucky that both women in my
life used it very infrequently and mainly to make a point. However as K and
several others report it MAY not be uncommon in female led DD relationships.
Personally I would like
to see a fuller discussion of the practice: how many use it, how often, with
what results, for what issues etc.
So, let’s give Alan that
fuller discussion. It’s not a discussion
I can contribute much to, at least not based on any actual experience. It is an activity we have not engaged in
(yet), and I am pretty glad about that. I
do recognize, however, that this might be one of those things where the rubber
really meets the road regarding behavior correction. I have no doubt that being
completely relieved of the erotic or sexual tension and energy that may be
bound up in the desire for DD leaves only pure punishment, and I can see it
being option for very serious offenses if “lighter” forms of punishment haven’t
Also, it's just the nature of
an orgasm to leave you feeling lazy and content -- about the last thing you
would want after that is a long, hard spanking.
Of course, that is kind of the whole point of doing it that way. I sometimes wonder whether removing all that
energy would make it easier for me to get to real tears, but I kind of doubt
it. The two don’t seem connected, but I
could be wrong.
So, please let us know what
your experiences have been, if any, with post-orgasm spankings.