“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin
of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With
consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“It's not what we do once in a while
that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins
Hi all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couples Club. Our weekly gathering of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline relationships. I hope you had a great week.
Mine was, as usual, mixed. Given the sheer quantity of temptations out there this time of year, I actually had a remarkably successful week where diet, exercise and personal discipline on things like that were concerned. I had one drink all week, did a pretty good job resisting the piles of baked goods that make their way into our office this time of year, and worked out hard five days in a row. On the other hand, work productivity remained challenging, even though our workload has finally picked up a little. Inertia is just a very powerful force, and after being slow for an extended period, it's hard to shift into high gear again. It also was a week in which my patience with some of the "higher-ups" wore really thin. Which is a significant problem, because as I talked about last week, losing my temper really is an impediment to some greater growth, and accepting some authority is inherent in this thing we do. For me, it is one of my biggest personal challenges.
Now, that said, I will say something that seemingly goes in the opposite direction. I am hoping this Christmas signals the high point for the current fashion of faux outrage, of taking offense at absolutely everything, and of proactively looking for things to get your panties in a twist about. Witness the latest, i.e. the "controversy" around the song Baby It's Cold Outside. If this isn't the silliest example of political correctness run amok, it's hard to think of a better one, though the PC crew seldom surprises me with the depths they will plumb to find something new and trivial to get all worked up about. Sorry PC advocates, seducing and being seduced are still perfectly legitimate for most sex-positive people who aren't professors or students at Yale. The fact that this is, in fact, totally faux outrage that has not one thing to do with the lyrics of the song itself becomes apparent when you look at it from just a slightly different angle. Don't think so? Take a look at this version, this time with Lady Gaga in the role of the seducer intent on keeping Joseph Gordon-Levitt in her arms and on her bed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtoW4aV-CIc. Lock her up! I also found this on BuzzFeed, from a feminist putting the song in perspective and in its historical context:
"See, this woman is staying late, unchaperoned, at a
dude’s house. In the 1940’s, that’s the kind of thing Good Girls aren’t
supposed to do — and she wants people to think she’s a good girl. The woman in
the song says outright, multiple times, that what other people will think of
her staying is what she’s really concerned about: “the neighbors might think,”
“my maiden aunt’s mind is vicious,” “there’s bound to be talk tomorrow.” But
she’s having a really good time, and she wants to stay, and so she is excusing
her uncharacteristically bold behavior (either to the guy or to herself) by
blaming it on the drink — unaware that the drink is actually really weak, maybe
not even alcoholic at all. That’s the joke. That is the standard joke that’s
going on when a woman in media from the early-to-mid 20th century says “hey, what’s
in this drink?” It is not a joke about how she’s drunk and about to be raped.
It’s a joke about how she’s perfectly sober and about to have awesome
consensual sex and use the drink for plausible deniability because she’s living
in a society where women aren’t supposed to have sexual agency."
It's all in the way you choose to look at things, isn't it? Right now, I kind of feel like look at things in whatever way offends the most sensitive people around me. F
or 2019, I think I need to set a resolution of every day making at least one tight-ass, whether on the political left or the political right, clutch their pearls in offense at something that comes out of my mouth.
Speaking of consistency, it's sorely lacking in our DD relationship right now. Well, not really "sorely." Whatever soreness I am experiencing is purely from recent hard workouts. This is the case, despite the fact that before this week, my behavior had been pretty consistently bad. And, when I reversed course a bit this week, it had nothing to do with increased discipline or control being imposed on me as part of this thing we do. Rather, the cumulative impact of lack of sleep and cold symptoms that I can't get rid of four weeks after getting the cold convinced me that I had to get my shit together on diet, exercise, meditation and alcohol because the alternative just wasn't something I could keep dealing with. But, in an ideal world, the bad behavior would have gotten nipped in the bud much earlier, with a decisive enforcement of the rules and a terrifying application of her strap, paddle and cane.
Why is consistency so hard in these relationships? I know many parents who are inconsistent in setting boundaries for their kids, but some are pretty good at it. They see setting and enforcing boundaries as part of the parental gig and something that is absolutely necessary for the recipient's own benefit. So, why is it so hard to import that mindset into a DD marriage, particularly given that unlike the recipient of childhood discipline, in these relationships the person on the receiving end of the paddle usually has asked for it literally, not just via his actions.
For us, I think it comes down to entrenched roles, priority-setting and concerns about openness. First, she fights the entrenched socialization of traditional gender roles and also the "kinkiness" factor that makes taking on the role of a Disciplinary Wife an act of social daring and bucking conventions. For my part, I tell myself that I need to be better about formalizing a system of self-reporting and asking to be spanked when I know I deserve it, yet I don't follow through, because I have my own entrenched socialization that resists the embarrassment of admitting, in writing or in a face-to-face conversation, that I've done wrong and deserve to be punished for it. Second, while this aspect of our lives is important to us, apparently not quite important enough to find ways to do it even when other things intrude. Third, I am convinced that our lack of openness about this has been a major impediment over time, because we put so much effort into hiding it that we limit her opportunities to openly display that she is in control, because we are caught up in the conventions that say this isn't "normal" and that people should keep any non-conventional power arrangements strictly private even when not overtly sexual.
My subconscious may be trying to force the openness issue. I've talked about the fact that I usually wear a necklace with a pendant that supposedly, in BDSM world, symbolizes a male submissive. It doesn't quite fit how I view my role, but I can't find anything more DD-specific. It usually stays safely hidden under my shirt, but not lately. It popped out three times in one week. The first time, I had to go
to the doctor, and when the nurse told me to take off my shirt, at first I totally forgot about the necklace. The second time, I got on an elevator to leave
work, along with a couple of the younger people on my team. I turned to talk to one of them, and as I did
so I felt the same pendant get caught on my shirt collar as I turned. It had somehow worked itself out of my shirt
and was hanging outside the collar in plain view. The third time, it somehow worked it's way outside my shirt as I was sitting in my office. The damn thing is like The One Ring constantly working to reveal itself, for those of you who are Lord of the Rings geeks like myself. Of course, as I've observed before, the only people who would know what the symbol means are those who are in the lifestyle, so why get embarrassed? Well, what if the male doctor is a male Dominant and does recognize the symbol? Would I be embarrassed? Quite likely, though I do ask myself why I'd really care.
When I tie all the above together, I think as the kids have gotten older and as we have fewer financial insecurities keeping me tied to a particular job or career, I'm asking those mid-life questions about the extent to which I am leading my own life, or one that has been imposed on me by social convention. Part of me is just tired of hiding this part of my life. It's not like I feel a desire for some dramatic coming out of the closet ceremony. Rather, I just don't feel as much need to hide it, particularly if doing so means we never take this to the level we both say we want. For that reason, I keep encouraging Anne to come out and be more open about the fact that she is in charge. I think you will soon see her take up that challenge a bit, perhaps on this blog and perhaps a bit more in real life.

Of course, the holidays are probably the time of year when maintaining consistency in the disciplinary aspects of the relationship is the hardest. Friends and relatives are around more than ever. It takes a certain proactive effort to just maintain the dynamic let alone extend it.
I know this entry has rambled a lot, but that tends to happen when I wake up on a Saturday without a firm topic in mind. To the extent there is one that you see in the above, feel free to comment on any aspect that strikes your fancy. But, in order to pretend I do have a real topic in mind, how about this: If you have actually succeeded in bringing a degree of consistency into your DD relationship, how have you done it?
- Husbands, what actions have you taken to give your wife the control and support she needs to take on this role? What have you done to help ensure that you do, in fact, pay a price for your bad behavior when you know you deserve it.
- Wives, given all you have going on in your life, and given some of the societal and emotional hurdles, what steps have you taken to make sure that you actually consistently give him what he has coming? Another question for the wives: Is it harder to be consistent or harder NOT to be? The surface level answer would seem to be that being a leader is hard, and doling out DD punishments consistently could
be a very difficult thing, because of the need to be "on" all the
time. But, might the converse be even more of a
problem? The "on again, off again" ebbs
and flows might keep the disciplinary wife always on edge and never quite
getting into a personal zone where she really feels in control. Thoughts?
One note on last week's topic. I suspected that an open invitation for more wives to participate would probably flop, and it kind of did. I suspect there just aren't really all that many female readers. Also, we talked last week about how women in these relationships have a very practical bent; that may express itself as having better things to do than spend a weekend surfing DD blogs. I also think there is a dynamic among "Tops" that they just aren't as interested in discussing all this as we "bottoms" are. I have no idea why, but that is how it seems to work. But, thanks to new commenter Elizabeth. I hope she will continue to participate and maybe that will encourage other "lurkers" to join in. Thanks to Anna as well for sharing some of the interesting new developments in her disciplinary adventures. Perhaps Peter will have something to add?
Have a great week.
Ah consistency. I would say if our DD had a consistency it would be 'viscous'..........because it certainly can get sticky. But if you mean consistency in terms of execution then I would say we have been extremely consistent in being inconsistent.....which I suppose is a consistency of sorts.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, I know Rosa and I are serious about this. I have no doubt that she is as interested in it as I am, which was probably not the case in my prior marriage. And yet when it comes to 'action', it almost seems to come out the same. So I wouldn't put too much stock in consistency. I would even be suspicious of anyone saying they are routinely consistent.
Life just throws so much at us that I think activities like DD which are highly dependent on being in the right frame of mind for them to work, are often the first things to suffer when the twists and turns of circumstances and mood swings bombard us. I think like with all things DD is a perpetually imperfect work-in-progress, and as along as both parties are committed to that goal, it's the best we can ask.
Unfortunately, I suspect you're right about "real life" always getting in the way.
DeleteThis issue of consistency seems to be a recurring one for us in our hobby. The other day, my wife showed me a post she put on social media to her friends. The post was a quote — “my favorite position is in front of an ATM getting money out” pretty funny... So I decided to show her an image from our hobby where a guy is laying at the feet of this woman surrounded by money — she loved it and reposted her original post with the image attached. Long story short, I think we have got to make it interesting to the woman, what do you think?
ReplyDeleteDan, with respect to your concern regarding consistency, everyone’s experience is different but how about baby want a new car an Amex whatever, keep me on track at work and you will have it. Dan btw I also have the pendant and have yet to encounter anyone who knew what it was, as far as I know. If called out, I plan to act innocent “what” I can’t believe she tricked me.
Been wanting to share this experience. So the other day, we were at a bowling alley with another couple and the old lady cheated, ok I think she cheated, I put her over my knee and gave her a few swats, she promptly put me over her knee and did the same with more enthusiasm, I thought the other guy was going to lose his mind... out but not out..
It's possible, but don't you think being empowered to put a guy over your knee and paddle his ass read would be Puhlenty interesting to most women?
ReplyDeleteI have never had anyone see the pendant and act as if they recognized it. But, I have had someone see it and ask me what it is. I fumbled about it being some trinket I saw on vacation, but I think it came out sounding like I was lying. For all my worry about someone seeing and knowing what it was, it never occurred to me to come up with a ready like to tell someone who did NOT know what it was.
That is certainly what we think, not sure the ladies are there. I wanted to suggest that if you get a clue about her interest in taking charge in an area, it might be an opportunity to reinforce the general concept of she’s in charge — in the example I used it was financial but it could be any one of the aspects we generally talk about including discipline.
ReplyDeleteThis is Elizabeth. We developed consistency over a number of years. It was based on taking advice from Aunt Kay's site about having a weekly Reckoning. And keeping a journal in between the weekly sessions. I think that any submissive husband who keeps a journal of misbehavior is more likely to get regular discipline from his disciplinary wife. At 1st my husband kept a journal. After a few years I began keeping one as well because I wanted to keep track of the issues that he was less aware of. Now he gets spanked virtually every Friday night. That is the definition of consistency. I would think others could do the same.
ReplyDeleteHi Elizabeth. For us, journaling helped in some areas but not so much in consistency. She has said that both the blog and journaling have helped give her insight into what makes me tick. Which is an interesting statement about how much work communication takes and how easy it is to take for granted, given that we have been married for over 20 years, yet blog posts and journals are still required to give her insight into who I am. So, I do think the journaling has a lot of value. But, it hasn't made the discipline more regular. Now, the idea of HER keeping a journal IS intriguing. Maybe we both need to keep one and agree to some kind of face-to-face discussion every week to go over them. But, the whole area of reporting is another area where we talk a good game . . .
DeleteSam's question - What's the motivation that will work? - is THE question. Have you, or any of us, ever had that dedicated, specific discussion with their wife?
ReplyDelete"What will it take to get you into this new car today?" asks the tacky car salesman. You and him know it's the same cheap shtick that the pots and pans sales guy also uses. You know why? Because it works.
"Hey Baby. What would REALLY motivate you to take over as the driver of this DWC lifestyle? What would be the key to start YOUR car?" OK I'm displaying a bit of levity.
What would motivate YOU to let go of every last bit of hold-back resistance, excuses, fudging, and pussyfooting around and talk to her without any filters?
You're probably on to something. When we have made significant steps forward, it tended to be after a serious, face-to-face conversation, usually over dinner at a restaurant at a table where we wouldn't be overheard. But, I also don't think our discussion has included an explicit, "Hey Baby, what would it it take to get you into . . ." I agree that often we don't do things that seem tacky or just too easy to be true. Yet, they work.
DeleteDan, I hope your wife enjoys my last post. Bwa Ha Ha
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I sensed you are truly ready. My suggestion to you is to reread the two paragraphs right above the last cartoon. That is the submissive u speaking. As to the proper reply if questioned about the charm around your neck I will tell you what I have trained Peter to say if anyone asks about his charm. Merely say
"It's something my wife gave me as a special gift."
By the way Peter will be replying to you later. FYI it was an order by the way!
Hi Anna. Tell Peter I apologize for causing him more embarrassment. :-)
DeleteThat's good advice on the charm.
I think I've been ready to take it to a different level for a while. And, she was earlier this year, then the momentum got frittered away in the face of the usual distractions, mainly kids around. In the end, hopefully there will be a time in which we have TWO people who are highly motivated at the same time and in the same direction.
DeleteMs Anna told me earlier today that i was to speak here about my training. First we went into marriage counseling. It took many years of my childish behavior. Acting out, drinking total disregard for any
promises i made to Ms Anna or our sons to drive her to seek counseling. I was told it was that or she would seek an attorney. Her demands were simple. She wanted me to be accountable for my behavior.
At one session which was about money, i confessed that several hundred dollars MsAnna was questioning was going to a professional Domme. No sex just discipline with belt, brush and a caning now and then. I broke down and confessed also confessed it was what i needed to keep me from going off the track. That was so hard for me to admit. Ms Anna made an appointment the next day with
Ms. X. She had her coach her, which I confess Ms Anna seemed to pick up rather quickly. Part of my sessions with Ms X.
Ms Anna then sat me down every Friday evening( our boys go to my parents overnite) To formalize
our chats she sat and i knelt before her and we discussed how we would handle it. After setting the rules up we began. First rule the first time i tried to get out of it she was done. Secondly we would sign
a six month trial agreement.There was to be no sex after the discipline that nite. If i felt a need to be reigned in we would arrange a sitter for the boys go to my office where i would be disciplined.
Without giving details i was bruised each time. Ms Anna was a great pupil. Most important was I knew if i didn't change she would divorce me. I LOVE MS. ANNA ! Each session makes me love her more. In many ways it has relit our marriage. We are more 50/50 partners. She need only look in my direction at a party and i know to ask for club soda not a drink. I hate that i need this but i do and the fact that she
gives me this discipline makes me appreciate and feel her love for me.
Hope this is what she wanted me to write. If it isn't i am sure i will be writing again soon. Thanks and Dan good luck to you.
Hi Peter. No, actually, I wanted to hear more about the recent experience with being open with another couple about DD and you being spanked in tandem with your friend. Anna got my attention with that one. Please feel to share about it from your perspective!
DeleteIf my husband considered me responsible for catching him in the act, or giving him the third degree about his behavior on every business trip, I would just say forget the whole thing. He requested that I hold him accountable and punished him. That's one thing. But I think most wives alwould not be willing to spend the time and energy necessary to continually catch the misbehavior. He has to confess, and he does that by keeping an honest and complete journal. Those of you who are unwilling to come clean and instead are expecting your wife to find out about all your misbehavior are living in a dream world. It's dishonest and disrespectful.
For us, the issue isn't so much the lack of a journal or other reporting system. It's the lack of follow-through on the weekly "Reckoning" you discuss above. We've talked about it over and over again, but it never quite gels. Need to put that on the Resolution list for 2019
DeleteRegarding the "honest and complete" journal Elizabeth mentioned; i was incredibly valuable for us too.
ReplyDeleteMany good ideas going here:
ReplyDeleteConsistency - yep, with travel and the nest filling, we're likely on a DD break for a month. I did get a going-away reminder while we were cleaning the kitchen Saturday!
Pendant - the up-arrow-in-circle? I'm hoping to get somthing like that this Christmas myself. CafePress has a lot of products in the 'owned male' category. Was going to explain it, if necessary, as a reminder to stay positive, but 'a gift from my wife' is probably an even better answer.
Journal - I'm definitely interested in starting something like this, though I suspect it would collect my DD dreams rather than my critical self-evalutation...
That is a good description of what may be an issue with my journal. It tends to be about what I want, not really what I've done. Though, I think she believes that that narrative approach of the journal does help give her insight into what is going on with me. The solution may be that there needs to be two distinct formats, one being the current narrative journal that talks about whatever seems relevant, and a second more succinct report along the lines of what Tomy describes below.
DeleteCK If you structure the journal such that you are filling specific fields, it takes care of that issue.
ReplyDeleteFor example a simple table with a few columns like "Promised/or Assigned" above one column "Date Due" for second column and "Results" for a third column.
If this is reviewed weekly it becomes very simple and clear what needs to be discussed. Of course everyone should deign a system that works for them.
Frank has a small spiral notebook that fits in a pocket. He carries it everywhere, and he is required to enter every date, even if there are no misbehaviors. Next to the date he writes the specific behavior that we will address, such as "2 extra drinks at lunch business meeting," or "forgot to do dishes last night" or "left socks on the floor" or "did not put car in garage last night." There is nothing else in the journal.
DeleteOur week starts Saturday morning because Friday evening is our reckoning. He strips naked and sits at my feet while I review his list and mine. I assign implements and strokes for each transgression.
Establishing a regular system like this makes it very easy for me to be his disciplinarian.
Thanks, Elizabeth. This is very helpful. Thanks for sharing your system.
It's always interesting comparing our lists. Most of the items on my list are also on his, which is a very good thing. If there is something on my list which should have been on his, like leaving the car outside so I had to scrape the next morning (as happened today), then the number of strokes is doubled.
DeleteIf an item is on one of our lists two weeks in a row, the number of strokes also is doubled. We have yet to have a third week in a row (as you might imagine, doubling the pain is quite effective).
Sometimes I have something on my list that I wouldn't expect him to have listed, and that's fine.
Most of our procedures were suggested by him, including him being naked while I am fully clothed. That seems to guarantee me the power needed to carry out the punishment.
Elizabeth, when you say the number of strokes is doubled for certain things, does that mean you have a set number of strokes per offense?
DeleteNo, we do not have a set number of strokes for a specific offense. I adjust the number (or the implement) based on how recurrent it is, based on the idea that if the offense is recurring then he must not have been spanked hard enough previously.
I also look at how inconvenienced I was. For instance, I did not appreciate at all having to scrape my windshield yesterday morning. So on Friday he will get it worse than if it had been warm enough for me to not have to scrape. Or if he forgets the dishes (I cook, he cleans) and I am having company for lunch and have to rush to do them myself, then he gets it worse than if I could just leave them until he gets home from work.
He needs to understand that inconveniencing his lovely wife is not gentlemanly behavior.
The doubling works like this: "I was going to give you 10 with the paddle for leaving the car outside overnight, but since you did not remember it on your list, it will be 20. And since I had to scrape it will be 30."
Or with a repeated offense, I expect him to remember...
"You admit you left your socks on the floor. Wasn't that on your list last week?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"And what was your punishment for it last week?"
"10 with the belt, Ma'am."
"So what have you earned this week?"
"20 with the belt, Ma'am."
"Hand it to me ..."
Quite simple, really.
This all makes perfect sense. Thanks, Elizabeth!
ReplyDeleteSorry. I must admit that I knew what Ms Anna ordered me to do and to be honest i was embarrassed to actually put it down on paper. So here it goes...
Ted and I have been friends since college. We both are avid tennis players. About two years ago we were in the locker room changing when i noticed a dark bruise on Ted's hip. I merely mentioned it and asked if he had taken a fall. He blushed and said he slipped in the shower at home. Later at lunch after swearing me to secrecy he
told me that Laura had punished him. Said that she disciplines him with spankings.I saw his discomfort and realized how hard it must have been to say that. Without thinking I blurted out my own admission. To be frank it was a relief to have said it to someone. He felt the same. After that from time to time he would show me a mark made by a caning or i might do the same. We both agreed that we dreaded it but wanted it and finally one day Ted said quietly to me, he liked how it seemed to relax him and yes we both agreed we had each from time to time masturbated thinking of our last session.
Then several months passed and one day Anna was waiting for me and after five swats with a cane i confessed that i had discussed our private life with Ted. A few weeks later Anna informed we had been invited to dinner at Laura & Ted's home. At that dinner the Ms Anna & Ms Laura they announced that since Ted and i had shared what the ladies felt was a private moment, they felt that after dinner perhaps Ms Anna and i would enjoy seeing Ted disciplined. Before i could speak Ms Laura then smiled and said of course it might be good for Ted and i to see how Ms Anna handles you. Ms Laura sent Ted to the study to get things ready. A few minutes later we went to the study Ted was kneeling on the floor leaning on the ottoman so his bare bottom was the target. She used a thick belt on his bottom and quickly he was whimpering, i sensed mostly out of embarrassment.Ms Laura sent him to stand in the corner.Quickly Anna ordered me to lose my slacks and boxers and to lean over the back of
the chair with my legs spread. Ted was ordered to come watch my humiliation. After Ms Anna used the same thick belt on me. The ladies ordered us to each stand in the corner nose against the wall while they sat on the sofa and had brandies.
We have met a few times and the ladies vary who gets spanked by what and by whom. Any erections seen by either Ted or i is an immediate five with a cane. Should arousal occur it goes away quickly.
p.s. Anna has just read what i wrote. I did forget the last order she gave me. So Dan if you have any questions i have sworn to answer them to the best of my ability.
Thanks, Peter! I don't have any follow-up questions, but others may.
ReplyDeleteHi Peter,
ReplyDeleteSome questions; 1. Is there a bonding experience with Ted experiencing discipline together? While I would be deeply humiliated to be punished in front of another male, I don't think I would feel that way at all if the other guy was also disciplined It’s a guy thing I think or maybe just me. 2. Is the discipline delivered side by side more effective in modifying your behavior compared to discipline in private? 3. Can you describe your feelings when you have been punished by Laura in front of Anna especially to tears? It must be an incredibly cathartic experience at the same time agonizing to endure. I know I would try to endure it stoically but in the end would end up in an overwhelming emotional state. Please relate what you will. BTW I think your experience while certainly not unique (Tomy has testified to that) will occur much more often in the future for many of us as more connections are made and spanking continues to go mainstream.
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ReplyDeleteThis is Elizabeth with a word for disciplined hubbies and a word for disciplinary wives.
ReplyDeleteHusbands: I am sure you count yourself lucky if your wife has agreed to punish you. Now you have to make it real by regularly reporting your transgressions and accepting the punishment she assigns. If you do not report honestly and completely, then you are not serious about changing your behavior or about being a true disciplined husband. You are just playing a game where you get away with the behavior when you want to ... and then want to be punished for it when you feel like it. And then you blame her for inconsistency? Hogwash.
Disciplinary wives: Punishing a husband is a lot like sex. Sometimes you really feel like it, and sometimes not so much. You do it anyway most of the time because he asked you and because you love him. There are Friday nights where I don't feel like spanking my husband. Where I just go through the motions. And you know what? His behind gets just as red and his behavior improves just as much! He barely notices when I am not into it. And I keep reminding myself: This is making him a better man and husband. It reduces conflict in our marriage and makes my life easier. Isn't that worth my arm being tired from whacking his rear? You bet.
Thank you Elizabeth for that refreshingly common sense advice to all. Each partner has a role to faithfully play and L-O-V-E is definitely the underlying force of all of it.
ReplyDeleteA few answers to Alan's questions:
1. Has been a great bonding we no longer have any secrets from each other. It is freedom!
2.It has changed my attitude about it all and as the ladies say still to soon to tell.
3.There was a freedom in those tears. I was a mess emotionally. While we stood bare assed side
by side, noses to the wall his presence comforted me. When Anna & i went home i knelt and
performed oral on her. I sobbed and was comforted later by her embrace. Both Ted & i feel
our need to be better in our ladies eyes is a now a shared goal. We shall see!
Hi Dan,
ReplyDeleteFor us, there is no question that life gets in the way of consistency. Sure, if we could be more consistent that would be great, but at least for me, the way it works out is OK, because in the end I am just beyond happy that we even have this in our relationship at all.
Perhaps we just aren't serious enough about it or don't make it enough of a priority, but we do what we can, and it works for us. I agree that if I did more self-reporting it would probably help out with consistency, but I am not sure that it would be an overall improvement because I think she is happy with how it is and we are still growing into it. As it is, if something becomes enough of an issue that she wants to address it, then she does, so this provides an excellent way to blow off steam for her and also a pretty effective communication method. As for me, it gives me some of the feeling of "imposed boundaries" that I so desperately need and it keeps me somewhat in check.
Thanks for your candor. This is really breaking new ground at least for me. We may be closer to it than I realize but for now I am just trying to put myself in your place and imagining the reaction I would have. Good luck on your adventure which is really what it is.
Been meaning to comment all week but never seem to get there.
ReplyDeleteThis post was well timed. We experienced a consistency issue this week ourselves.
But I step back and look at it more like this. What in life is really consistent. Other than church every Sunday, the rest of week can be different every week. Yeah I go to work, but it is always different. Kids are different every week. Very few things are consistent. Something as complex as DD...which is a consequence of inconsistency...how can we expect it to be consistent? At this point I just keep myself satisfied with regular engagement and consistency is just a bonus.
That's a good point - why should DD more consistent than anything else in my life?
DeleteInteresting set of themes. For us the start & continuation of DD has meant a much higher level of openness (from me), a regular flow of emails and now a journal that I have jokingly said will sell for millions if and when I achieve high office! (Or as she retorted will be great blackmail if I ever really misbehave!). Just as well that neither are in any way likely ...
ReplyDeleteBut the serious point for me is the self discovery that I have gone through and still enjoy through writing my innermost thoughts on a subject that until we started I had never shared with anyone. "When fantasy meets reality". The great news is that she regards my 'kink' as a gift that enables her to keep me under control with threat, promise and regular action on the discipline front. We achieve pretty good consistency although there are sometimes gaps (but only very rarely more than a couple of weeks) ... TB
Consistency is a choice, I would say. And Frank and I have chosen a simple and consistent life. He goes to the VFW on Tuesdays, I play Bingo on Wednesdays, we go to church on Sundays, and he gets spanked on Fridays. It just isn't that difficult for us. The phrase "life gets in the way of consistency" just means that the activity isn't a high priority. At least that's how we see it. Elizabeth