“Be at war with your vices, at peace
with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” – Benjamin Franklin
Hello all. Welcome back to the last meeting of the
Disciplinary Couples Club for 2018.
I hope you all had a great
Christmas. Ours was good. In some ways, it seemed like a "smaller" holiday. Less busyness. Slightly less running around from party to party. And, smaller but more personal gifts. And, I
like that. One of my siblings who is
going through a rough time financially got me something that didn't cost much but was meant a lot to me. And, one of my
kids decided to get me a gadget I had said I didn’t really want. She ignored my uninformed inclinations, and apparently knew me better than I
know myself because it turns to out be one of the coolest gadgets I've gotten in a long time. I also got a meaningful DD-related gift that I won't specify, but the giver knows what I am referring to. It was much appreciated, though I'm not sure I will be "enjoying" it in 2019!
Looking back on 2018, it was
a pretty good year, if I ignore the career front. That aspect of 2018 was mediocre at best,
with much more involuntary downtime than I’m usually comfortable with. Yet, I
didn’t get too wigged out about it, which is itself progress. And, while I tend to process too much of my
life through the career lens, when I take a step back and really ask whether
2018 was a good year, it undoubtedly was.
While our progress stalled mid-year, on the DD and FLR front my wife
really did step it up significantly in the first half of the year, and
hopefully she will get back on track once kids clear out after the
holidays. Our kids are all healthy and
doing well on their chosen school/career paths.
From a health perspective, this time last year I was convalescing from
an injury and in a chronic bad mood due to lack of sleep caused by ongoing pain
from said injury. Full recovery took way longer
than I expected, but I’m finishing out 2018 stronger and healthier than I was
in 2017, and slightly ahead of where I was in 2016. At my age, doing better
than holding steady is itself a surprising accomplishment. While it was not a smooth ride for everyone
in our extended family, all of them are
still with us as we head into 2019 and their momentary setbacks now look like blessings
in disguise. We also have some aging furry friends that are more like family than
pets. I was pretty sure more than one of them would not see the end of 2018, yet while things
are getting harder for them, all are still with us.
So, while New Years is
supposed to be about resolutions, it also should be a time to reflect on the
year that was and give thanks for what we accomplished and received and gave
back. In that light, 2018 was, if not an unqualified success, at least much
better than other very possible alternatives.
But, back to those resolutions. Elizabeth had suggested each husband commit to one, and I
generally do end each year or kick off the new one with a list of my own resolutions.
Last year, I kind of punted, saying that I wanted the year to be generally
about “balance,” and while far, far from perfect, I do think I made some small
progress in that, as demonstrated by the fact that it was not a great
year for us from a career and financial perspective, yet I didn’t wig out nearly
as much about that as would have in years past.
Though, it is a little depressing, every year I run this New Years post
and see that while some things get better, there are definitely a lot of
"fails." Since I punted last year, let’s
compare where we are in December 2018 on those things I has listed as
resolutions for 2016 . . .
- Fewer Saturdays spent regretting my Friday work-related socializing [AT BEST – SLIGHTLY BETTER THAN 2017]
- Learn to better control my temper at work [BETTER – THOUGH I LOST GROUND NEAR YEAR-END. LOTS OF ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT]
- Nurture those important relationships, both work and personal, that sometimes don't get the time or attention they deserve [MIXED – WORSE ON SOME FRONTS BUT BETTER IN ODD CONTEXTS]
- Exit 2018 in better physical shape than I entered into it, as measured by pant size, blood pressure, strength and endurance [MIXED, THOUGH SOME IMPROVEMENT]
- Self-report any infractions at least weekly [FAIL]
- Empower my wife to grow in her disciplinary authority [OK]
- During spankings, instead of "taking it like a man," try hard to let go all ego and control, surrendering totally to her authority. Let loose and really cry during a spanking. [FAIL]
- Do a two-day boot camp to focus on our DD and FLR relationship [FAIL]
As I said when closing out
one of these posts a few years ago, given the way the “successes” and “failures” of each year meander and take such
unexpected twists, each year ultimately must be judged only in the rearview mirror. And, while often fail in the specifics, more general progress is made. Therefore, I will
once again keep things "thematic" this year, leaving the details to work
themselves out.
- Self-Reporting: I will pick up the resolution that Alan said he should make but won’t. I feel like my failure to carry through on this has been a major impediment to me becoming more humble and her becoming more authoritative. I’m still mulling how to make this one concrete, but it will be the #1 priority for our DD life.
- Empowering Her: Again, this is a little too thematic, but I need to find ways to help my wife pick up where she left off in mid-2018 and move things substantially forward from there in terms of her status. Early last year, after reading the book The Hesitant Mistress, she made some really big progress on taking on and exercising more authority and power. I’m not sure how exactly to measure this, but I want to leave 2019 with her authority on more open display and on a much more solid ground so we don’t move forward then hit a wall as happened this year.
- Crying: Let loose and really cry during a spanking. Perpetually on the list, but hope springs eternal.