“As kids, our experiences shape our opinions of ourselves and the world around us, and that's who we become as adults.” - Chris Hemsworth
Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club. Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.
Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.
I hope you had a good week. Mine was pretty good. Quite a departure from last week on the Domestic Discipline front. No spankings.
Was it just me, or did last week’s conversation never quite gel? A few comments here and there, but participation seemed to be down significantly. Hopefully, people were just busy with other things.
Near the end of the weekly comments, Donn raised some issues about racial, religious, and geographic influences on adult DD participation. I don’t want to get into those issues directly, particularly religion and spanking. Whenever I’ve done so in the past, it’s attracted some discussion that I just don’t want to get into. But, Donn’s comments did lead to an observation from me about the correlation, or lack thereof, between the prevalence of spankings in our respective childhoods and our DD desires as an adult.
My point being that, after over ten years of running this blog, I’ve been unable to detect any such correlation. Some of us were subject to corporal punishment as kids. Some weren’t. Some had strict parents. Some had very lax parents. Some experienced spankings in school. Some did not.
Although I think most of us intuitively believe there should be a positive correlation between relative degrees of exposure to spanking as a kid and interest in spanking and discipline as an adult, I have a really difficult time seeing one emerge from the thousands and thousands of comments on this blog. We seem to assume that if we want to be spanked by our wives now it is probably because we were spanked by our mothers as kids, but I just haven't seen much evidence presented in our blog comments that it's actually true.
Some of you may be familiar with the polls that were posted on the old DWC website. While illuminating, they too were riddled with hidden assumptions that almost undoutedly skewed the results. For example, there were several questions related to spankings by mothers, but there was not a single question (from what I recall) about whether participants were spanked by their fathers. There seemed to be a presumption, hidden in the otherwise seemingly neutral questions, that adult DD interest must be associated with parental spankings and, more narrowly, with spankings from the mother and not the father.
But, it’s also been a long time since I’ve tried to drill down into the issue in any systematic way. In the early days of the blog, it was somewhat easier to figure out the leanings of our participants/lurkers on various issues, because Blogger had a neat little polling widget. Unfortunately, that polling capability is long gone, so I’m stuck with just asking tailored questions and hoping people respond. It’s a pain in the ass, but I’m going to try it again this week.
So, here goes my attempt to ask a series of questions with the specific intent of teasing out the extent to which there is or is not a correlation between our early spanking experience, or lack thereof, and out interests in DD as an adult.
I hope both regular
participants and lurkers will participate, as it’s an easy entry point into
telling us all a little bit about your DD background but without having to
craft a long, self-revelatory comment.
So, here goes. I’ve put the choices in parentheses to try to keep things
- What is your DD orientation? (spanker/spankee/switch)
- How prevalent was spanking in the community/communities you grew up in? (very prevalent/moderately prevalent/not prevalent at all)
- How open were parents and kids in your community about spankings, including talking openly about the subject and/or spanking in public? (very open/moderately open/it was known but kept mostly/it was not discussed or performed in public at all)
- How frequently were you subject to corporal punishment at home? (frequently/a few times but not regularly/not at all)
- If you were subject to corporal punishment at home, who was the primary disciplinarian? (mother/father/both mother and father equally)
- Were you subject to corporal punishment at school? (yes/no)
- Were you spanked by relatives or third parties outside your home or school? (yes/no)
- At what age did you develop an interest in spanking or being spanked? (pre-teen/teen/20s/30s/40s or older)
- At what age did you develop an interest in Domestic Discipline or DWC-style spankings? (pre-teen/teen/20s/30s/40s or older)
Like I said, I’ve tried to keep this simple and straightforward. Unfortunately, I know from experience with the old Blogger polling widget that I will inevitably look at the responses a week from now and know I should have added certain questions or stated some questions differently. But, let’s go with those for now.
Please try to answer each question using one of the suggested options. But, feel free to give additional details to clarify or further elucidate your answers.
I will try to kick things off.
- What is your DD orientation? (spanker/spankee/switch)
Answer: Spankee
- How prevalent was spanking in the community/communities you grew up in? (very prevalent/moderately prevalent/not prevalent at all)
Answer: Very prevalent in the community I was born and raised in for several years. It was less prevalent, or at least not as openly prevalent, in the community where I went to high school.
- How open were parents and kids in your community about spankings, including talking openly about the subject and/or spanking in public? (very open/moderately open/it was known but kept mostly/it was not discussed or performed in public at all)
Answer: In the community where I was born and raised for several years, it was very out in the open. Parents talked about it and were not at all shy about spanking kids (their own and sometimes others) in places where it could be overheard or sometimes witnessed. Where I went to high school, it was much less open, though still practiced in school.
- How frequently were you subject to corporal punishment at home? (frequently/a few times but not regularly/not at all)
Answer: A few times but not regularly.
- If you were subject to corporal punishment at home, who was the primary disciplinarian? (mother/father/both mother and father equally)
Answer: I don’t have many specific memories of childhood
spankings, but I think mother and father roughly equally. I recall my biological father (he died when I was young) threatening spankings, but I don't recall any actual ones. I am pretty sure my mother did spank me a few times when I was young, but not often. I do remember her spanking one of my step-siblings. I recall one belt strapping from my step-father, and it was very memorable.
- Were you subject to corporal punishment at school? (yes/no)
Answer: Corporal punishment did take place at school, and I was sent to the principals’ office a few times with the expectation I would be paddled, but I don’t think it ever actually happened.
- Were you spanked by relatives or third parties outside your home or school? (yes/no)
Answer: Yes, a handful of times by uncles or aunts. There may have been others, but I don’t recall.
- At what age did you develop an interest in spanking or being spanked? (pre-teen/teen/20s/30s/40s or older)
Answer: 30s. Late 30s to be specific.
- At what age did you develop an interest in Domestic Discipline or DWC-style spankings? (pre-teen/teen/20s/30s/40s or older)
Answer: 30s. Late 30s to be specific.
Even though I’m sure it will be a small sample and the results won’t be remotely scientific, hopefully we’ll get enough answer to either see some patterns or conclude there just don’t seem to be any. In any event, I look forward to see all your answers.
Have a great week.