Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Club - Meeting 483 - Who is really in control? Safewards and, Conversely, Restraints?

“A kite needs to be tied down in order to fly. I learned how important restrictions can sometimes be in order to experience freedom.” - Damien Rice


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to our female readers to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.


In that vein, welcome to MC and AE, Disciplinary Wives who over the last week or two have decided to join in our discussions.  Welcome! 

I hope you all had a good week.  This summer has been all about ramping up my life-long motorcycle fetish, and this week was no exception.  I won’t go into the details, but I ended up calling it quits a day early, which is why I am able to get around to posting this weekend.  I felt like I needed a breather.  And, I'm still feeling the effects of an injury from my other recent adventure trip and strongly suspect I have a surgery in my near future.  Oh well.  . . .  Motorcycles may not be exactly safe, but I can think of more dangerous pursuits at this age.


Any way, on to this week's topic. It's a two-parter.  As you'll see below, the second part was suggested by a couple of reader comments, including one from the newly joined MC.  But, I didn't have a lot of material with which to turn it into a full post, and these to parts seem to me to fit together naturally.  


The first part is basically a verbatim re-posting of a topic from five years ago.


That topic is “safewords.”  Here is how an urban dictionary entry describes it: “In BDSM, begging to stop increases pleasure and reality. A safeword is used to actually mean "stop", since screams for stopping aren't sincere. The safeword is usually a normal word, like "pink", "banana", or "door" and is determined before starting play.”



While safewords may seem like a pretty straightforward topic, unlike in the BDSM context where they seem to be treated as more or less mandatory, in DD there are some layers to peel back.


 “Consent,” "consensual non-consent," and true non-consent have been on my mind a lot lately.  I’ve always known that part of what initially attracted me to DD was the prospect of losing control to someone or, more accurately, having control taken away from me. 


When I discovered the Disciplinary Wives Club, the stories that appealed to me most were those in which the corporal punishment regimen was imposed by the wife, as opposed to initiated at the husband’s request.


Similarly, stories in which a spanking goes on way past the husband’s self-perceived limits were and are morbidly attractive to me. 


Being spanked when I really, truly do not want to be has always been part of the perverse appeal Domestic Discipline has for me.  Same with being taken way past the point of mere discomfort, to the point that it feels like I simply cannot take anymore.  Yet, take it I must.



Safewords are not part of our relationship and never have been. To me, they are inconsistent with my need for disciplinary spankings to be as “real” as we, as consenting adults, can contrive.


With a safeword, I would remain in control, and that is the exact opposite of what I want.  For us, spanking is all about accountability, consequences, punishment, and payback.  Giving me the ability to shorten the duration of a spanking or lessen its severity by simply uttering an agreed-upon word or phrase seems inconsistent with those motivations. This cartoon from KD Pierre illustrates it nicely.


For us, the whole point of DD is putting my butt's fate in her hands, letting her decide when enough is enough, and making sure that some punishments are way more than I want to repeat. 


Now, that doesn’t mean a spanking should ever be pushed to a place where it is unsafe or risks causing real injury.  But, for us, a safeword isn’t necessary even in that context.   



We have been married for a third of a century. We’ve been doing Domestic Discipline for almost 20 years.  We know each other’s actions and reactions so well, if I felt something was really wrong, I’d just say so.  There is no doubt in my mind that she would pause and, if something was wrong, stop the spanking.


Also don’t tend to verbalize a lot during spankings, at least not with words.  I do plenty of grunting, groaning and yelping, but I don’t beg her to stop.  Now, we’ve talked a bit about me vocalizing more, and maybe if we did a safeword would minimize confusion. On the other hand, I feel like I can accomplish the same thing simply no not saying “Stop, something is wrong!”   


What do you think?  Yes or no on safe words?  Are there some situations (medical emergency, real injury, etc.) where it is appropriate but others (the spanking just hurts a lot) where it is just trying to avoid the punishment itself and should not be allowed?  If you do use one, care to share what it is?


Safewords are all about empowering the recipient to end a spanking on their terms.  Last week, a couple of comments related to the converse, i.e. doing something to control a spanking recipient who may be struggling to take what he knows he is due.



In discussing some modifications he made to a dining table, Adek had the following topic suggestion:


“We have solid oak dining table with very chunky legs. I made some minor modifications (a couple of eye hooks hidden under the table top) as the biggest issue with me is moving when receiving a spanking. The idea was that with legs secured at the knees to the table legs and hands cuffed and secured to the eye hooks this would prevent moving. I’m also fascinated by the description here where a the woman is able to give the larger man a severe spanking despite apparent resistance. I think restraints and restraining are very interesting as removing the husband’s ability to resist for me would seem very humbling and step up the realism of a punishment.


Later in the week, MC described her preferred spanking furniture set up:


I tend to use a backless wooden barstool. I can drape my husband over it in either direction, and he can hold onto the cross bars to support himself. I have a long belt that can go around him and the seat to hold him in place, but I only use it occasionally. For our respective heights, it works well, as his bottom is stable and I have room for a good swing.


Late this week, AE also brought up restraints, noting that she and her husband do not use them, as she expects him to hold still and cooperate without them.


To me, using restraints to immobilize the spankee is the converse of using a safeword.  Restraints emphasize that the spankee is not in control and does not get to get up or thrash around in a physical declaration that he has had enough.



Yet, even though I do crave being taken outside of my comfort zone, restraints aren’t a part of our DD practice.


We did experiment with them a few times. I bought some cuffs that attached to a strap and a small bar that could be used to secure the cuffs to the top or bottom of a door.  When the kids were young, we would often conduct discipline sessions in the basement, after they were bed.  There was a large storage closet that was accessed through a door in the basement bathroom, which provided a double layer of security and sound-proofing.  We experimented with draping me over a small foot stool, binding my hands in front of me with the cuffs and securing them to the underside of the door using the attached strap and bar. 


Given that it did render me pretty helpless, I thought it would add to the sense of being completely under her control, subject to whatever severity and length of spanking she chose to deliver, whether I agreed with it or not.


For whatever reason, it didn’t have the anticipated psychological impact.  Perhaps my lack of emotional reaction is rooted in the same dynamic that has always led me to reject safewords:  No matter how hard the spanking, I’ve never tried to resist by thrashing around to get out of position.


Now, if I did, I would want her to solve that in some concrete way, perhaps something like the belt MC sometimes uses to secure her husband to the bar stool.


But, I don’t think we would use something like the cuffs again.  Over the last couple of years, we’ve simplified the whole spanking “ritual” a lot and, as I explained last week, I think that’s been a good thing in that it has encouraged consistency and frequency. Cuffs and elaborate restraints are a complication I don’t think either of us would really want.


 And, of course, there is nothing that says being restrained requires a piece of equipment.  While Anne has never actually used it with me, I find the whole “arm behind the back” thing perversely attractive.


Perhaps augmented with a leg-lock.  



Or, for those who have experienced or fantasized about witnesses, perhaps those witnesses could have a more active role in securing cooperation? (I realize that's probably not quite the scenario depicted in this drawing, but I like it a lot and wanted an excuse to use it.)

How about you?  Have you ever been tied down or restrained during a spanking or restrained your partner, whether with implements like straps, belts or ropes  or using body positioning like an arm or leg lock?  Are restraints--implements or bodily--part of your usual routine or reserved for certain occasions, such as when a spanking is going to be especially severe or the recipient is already sore from a previous session?

Does the recipient have a strong emotional or psychological response to being restrained? Does it make the spanker feel more powerful or in control?


Have a good week.


  1. I have to make brief mention of BDSM here as for us there was a progression. As I’ve mentioned before, we met through a shared interest in spanking, which morphed into broader BDSM for a year or so before it developed further into DD. When we first met and played, we certainly had safe words available, but over the course of some months, we reached a point were - as you said - we got to know each other well enough that we no longer felt them necessary. My memory is that we had dropped safe words before discovering DD, but we have certainly never had safe words in a DD context and I can’t imagine that we ever would. We have each occasionally played with others in the last twenty years and would always have a safe word available in those cases. We strongly believe that restraints are not appropriate or safe in a new play relationship, however when we had known each other for a while we did create what is effectively a spanking bench, except that the spankee is spread-eagled, so it is also usable for other types of play as well as spanking. Nowadays, having not really played with BDSM for quite a while, the bench still gets used occasionally in DD. As I’ve mentioned before, we do have a couple of very specific rules relating to fixed, post-orgasm canings for speeding tickets and late fees. These were originally not unusual but now happen very rarely - once last year and not for several years before that - but these are firmly restrained - wrists, ankles and across the back. Whether maintenance or “normal“ punishment, spankings may be OTK or bent over, but are not restrained. TG

    1. It's probably worth emphasizing that the first D in DD stands for "domestic." Unlike in BDSM, the essence of DD relationships includes domestic couples in established relationships. I totally agree that a safeword would be strongly advisable in any context in which corporal punishment is used between people who don't know each other well, whether "playing" a scene with shorter-term play partners or a client visiting a pro.

  2. We have never used a safe word. In my opinion it would undermine her authority. I don't need a safe word because I trust her. On a rare occasion we have retained my arms by using the belt from a rob to tie my wrist together under me so that I can't reach back. However, we no longer allow the restraints simply because I am expected to obey her and stay in position. If my hand comes back or I slide off her lap the spanking becomes harder and longer. If I get defiant then additional punishments could be added like additional corner time or daily corner time and or spankings every day until she is satisfied.

    1. "I don't need a safe word because I trust her."

      For me, the trust that makes safewords unnecessary is reciprocal, and I think it's almost more important that she trusts me. She trusts that if I were to suddenly try to get up and say something was wrong, it would be in the sense that something feeling like I was injured or risking injury was going on and not just wanting to get out of a hard spanking.

  3. As for safewords: For me they take away the magic of DD. A spanking for me is about giving up control and handing myself over completely. If I would have a safeword I guess I wouldn‘t be able to let completely go but I would always try to assess when or if it is the time to use the safeword. The most memorable spanking I ever got felt like it would never end and it would be going on forever. I had no idea when she would stop. Every time I thought it was over she would pick up a different instrument and my heart would sink because I knew it would still go on for a while. This feeling of helplessness ultimately is also what brings me to tears. For the same reason I don‘t like to know in advance how many swats I will receive or having to count them out. I would just try to get through it somehow if there is an end in sight rather than let go and surrender completely. Mike

    1. "A spanking for me is about giving up control and handing myself over completely." Same here, and I get what you mean by the sense of helplessness being critical to the dynamic, though it hasn't yet brought me to tears (unfortunately).

  4. We do have a 'safeword' (RED) for all spankings except punishments, but I have never used it. This is not a macho statement. We always say a 'safeword' is not allowed for punishment spankings, but of course, accepted for a real emergency. She is in charge of discipline and I must accept whatever she deems necessary, but the level of trust is so high, I know she would never harm me. There have been times when she paused saying I have reached my limit, but she feels more punishment is needed. This usually results in a second spanking, say an hour later or a second or even third day of spanking. There have even been times when my limits were expanded with her saying 'I'm passing your limit to insure the punishment is effective, thus expanding my limits for the next time.
    Restraints have been used, but mostly for maintenance spankings or BDSM scenes in a dungeon for example. During real punishment, I am not allowed to 'protect' my ass in any manner. Slight movement after a strike is permitted as long as I quickly reposition and present my ass for the next strike. There is no reaching back with hands, or extensive moving allowed at all. This goes back to our original agreement where I agreed to accept her punishments without question.

    1. "She is in charge of discipline and I must accept whatever she deems necessary, but the level of trust is so high, I know she would never harm me." Same here, though as I noted in response to Ward, above, I think it's equally true and important that she trusts *me* to accept what she deems necessary and not try to use movement or vocalization to get out of it.

    2. In total agreement, Dan. Trust works both ways and I never try to 'get out' of a due punishment. In accordance with our agreement, I frequently rat on myself (way better than to have her discover the infraction and feel I am keeping it from her) and actually strip, bring her an implement and assume the position without direction from her.

    3. You are more trustworthy and reliable than I on that front. I still struggle with asking for it even when I know I deserve it.

  5. Im reposting this from last week as it correlates with the topic of restraints. I like you guys above feel no need for a safe word. I think it would defeat the purpose of learning a lesson. I’m writing this response to correlate with yours above as well. I’m sitting very gingerly this afternoon. My circumstances are similar to yours above. I went out with a group of guys the other day and over indulged. One of our friends had to stay the night. He could not of driven home. My wife was not happy to say the least. I screwed up and even after getting spanked after dinner the other night still felt ashamed of my actions. I was at work feeling horrible because there is no good reason to drink to excess. I know how to have a great time without doing shots and trying to keep up with the youngsters. It’s easier for me to talk about DD to my wife on the phone. Kind of similar to a journal, but more direct. Ive never directly asked my wife for a thrashing. Ive never had the nerve, but yesterday was a bit different. She called me for an unrelated question and I apologized again for our drunkenness. She said dont worry your bottom will pay the lesson for it. I manned up and said that my shame and guilt were still bothering me. I really needed to be beaten much longer than normal. I asked if she could scold and lecture
    me about my actions. I needed to learn a lesson and feel remorse. Her attitude was positive and told me dont worry, tonight you will learn a lesson. She set the tone with a text on my way home from work that stated, “GET HOME NOW”. When I arrived at home she told me to shower. I did as requested and she told me how disgusted she was with my actions. I was going to learn a valuable lesson about adult responsibility. I couldnt even look her in the eye. She told me not to bother drying off. I’ve never quite seen my wife so serious. She then tied my hands together to keep them from covering my bottom. As erotic as this sounds, the thrashing started and i was left breathless. My already tender backside was wet and couldnt take the thrashing I was receiving. I buckled and tried to move as the leather paddle came down over and over again. There was nothing erotic about the thrashing I was being given. I was learning the lesson I asked for . In my head, I was like why would anyone want this. My wife ignored my pleas and continued to rain down on me with such a vigour that she was sweating. I promised and pleaded I would be better. I eventually was broken and although not crying, i was breathing heavy and sweating. My wife dropped the paddle, untied me and told me i should do better or this will be a common theme. This was by far the most perfect example of DD that has occurred in our marriage. For a timid, soft spoken women, she has found her DD form. I sent her a text today from work telling her how
    much I love her and appreciate her taking the time to correct me. I gave her positive accolades about how her scolding and tone set the mood for the spanking. I felt remorse.
    Although at the time i wanted it to end, she did not let up at all, and continued well beyond my limits. I do not want a repeat of this anytime soon, but I’m proud of her.

    1. T. I think that your description of what was going through your mind at the various times is just about a perfect recounting of my mind set in equivalent circumstances, and I suspect that’s true for most of us here. TG

    2. Over-indulging was, for many years, the #1 reason for me getting spanked. And, looking back, the self-perceived need for accountability that attracted me to DD and led me to bring the concept to my wife. I used to blame the social pressures of work, including the need to develop business through socializing with clients and potential clients. But, the reality is it happens with friends too, now that I'm retired.

      It's not often that I still feel the need for accountability *after* a spanking, but it does happen from time to time. It usually results not in me asking for a second spanking but, rather, in asking for a general increase in her day-to-day control and strictness.

    3. Sounds completely appropriate. Glad you had the courage of your convictions and followed through with a very serious session. Congrats to your lovely wife. Graham

  6. Like all of you others, we have no need for safe words or restraints. I trust her implicitly, and she tends to err on the side of caution anyway. As I wrote about in the last post, she recently gave me a hard, slow, very deliberate spanking that went well past the point where I wanted it to stop. It affected me in a profound way, and made me commit to alter my drinking limit to a degree I would not have thought possible earlier. Such is the power of a real, functional, DD relationship. It takes a strong woman to do that, and I am very grateful to her for being committed enough to punish me when I need it.

    1. "I am very grateful to her for being committed enough to punish me when I need it." Same here.

  7. We do not employ safe words, at T’s request. As I shared before, we are still new and I know his limits are well beyond my own at this point. I doubt this is something we will revisit even as I continue to build my confidence. During our initial talks I simply requested that during or after, if something doesn’t feel right, or his feelings about the approach changed, that he not hesitate to bring it up. I promised the same if my view on our arrangement changes.

    Accepting a punishment that has been given is an expectation I set at the beginning. This includes holding still, not attempting to protect himself, and language during a spanking. Vocalization is fine, but cursing will make it last longer and potentially add to the severity since it’s something I know he’s working on anyway - I’m happy to reinforce that goal. AE

    1. Hello, TE here (AE’s husband)

      We do not need a safe word, SHE is keeping me safe. Deeply uncomfortable and sorry during a correction, certainly, but medically safe. I trust that, as all of this is because she loves me.
      Restraining is unnecessary, because she is in control of the situation, and she demands that I cooperate. Not easy… we are discovering I am a kicker and a squirmer while I am being spanked. But she deals with that too… yikes! We look forward to engaging with the community here a bit as we grow in our DD practice.


    2. Hi TE. Welcome!

      It is interesting the things we can discover about ourselves when over our wives knees or draped over whatever piece of furniture she employs for the purpose. While in "real life" I have a "never give up" mentality, when over my wife's knee I am NOT a kicker and squirmer and am uncharacteristically compliant.

  8. Just a quick compliment for your first photo, of the 1985 Honda VF1000R.

    I had always wanted to own one, as they were the ultimate "superbike" from that era. Nothing could touch them on the track!

    Because of the "Harley Tariffs," I could never afford one of the 1000cc. had to settle for the VF750R, which still rocked back then. I also like my '97 VFR750: Scary-amazing how quickly you can inadvertently hit 120-130 on the freeway, before you even realize it!

    Dan, be safe out there! (Neither of us have the reflexes we did thirty years ago.)

    1. Small world -- I too had that 750R back in the day and had that same experience of looking down and seeing the speedometer had drifted up to 120+ seemingly on its own. Great bike, though I realized I just didn't like that riding position; that bike turned out to be my one and only foray into "crotch rocket" world. But, just watching Top Gun: Maverick had me thinking how nice a new one would look in my garage.

      It's true that the reflexes aren't as good as when I was 20, but I'm also not nearly as prone to do stupid things that test them. Or, rather, I still do stupid things but at slower speeds and usually not on pavement. And, I kind of like to think I epitomize that Toby Keith line: "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was." :-)

  9. My wife came into spanking with no experience whatsoever and I was surprised at how quickly she took to it. Either she was a natural disciplinarian, or living
    with me had more frustrating than I realized. Probably both. Anyway, to build her initial confidence, I did suggest a safe word. I never found the need to use it though.

    1. It was the same with my wife. Her mother did spanking, but mostly my wife's siblings. (It seemingly did very little good -- they were awful kids and are awful adults.) She's also just not the kind of dominant personality one might associate with having the "top" role in a DD relationship. But, like yours, she took to it amazingly quickly, and I seriously do suspect some it had to do with a decade of building frustration with me.

      I don't recall much about it, but I have a dim memory that when we first started she asked whether we should have a safe word. My view was no, because even in those early days I saw one of the big goals of DD as taking my control of the process away to the largest extent possible.

  10. Having spoken with my wife, it seems we both find the idea of a spanking bench or similar appealing in theory, but we probably wouldn't be so enthused in practice, or at least not enthusiastic enough to do it regularly. Therefore, it looks like it would be for occasional fun at most.

    Having seen the Spanking Central spanking bench in action, it looks like it is very well designed for men: a snug fit, but he is stopped from moving and his buttocks are very accessible.

    Anyway, the reason we aren't so enthused is that in our estimation, in an ideal situation (which I believe ours is close to), the husband will have personal responsibility and not resist, making it unnecessary. The understanding my wife and I have is that she will display no passive-aggressive behaviour (including say dubious claims of having a headache in the evening), but the flip side is she gets to inflict physical punishments without resistance. She keeps my belly full and my balls empty and I wouldn't want things any other way.


    1. I have the same general reaction to spanking benches -- a bit appealing in theory but not in practice. Though, it's not even all that appealing in theory. It has too much of a BDSM vibe for me. If restraints were necessary, something closer to the simplicity of AE's reference to using a belt to strap him to a stool would have more appeal.

    2. J:
      Could you provide some more info on the "Spanking Central spanking bench." (I did a Google search on those terms without success.)

      Can you provide a description, or possibly a URL-link to an advertisement, photo, or video of that bench?

      -- Thanks

    3. Here is an example of a video showing the bench in question.


  11. No. We don’t have a safe word. Dev can tell when things are getting out of hand. An injury occurred several years ago and now she’s more cautious. HR

    1. There are definitely some sensitive areas down there. Several years ago, I had a bad tailbone injury (non-spanking related). It was absolutely excruciating and is a big reason why my one caveat to "any time, anywhere for any reason) has been on DD when either of us has been drinking. That injury was so painful and took so long to recover from, I simply won't risk a repeat of it because some bit of carelessness happens if either of us is tips during a session.

  12. HR,
    I was concerned when we first started as my wife was not an experienced spanker. We mainly use leather implements as they tend not to cause serious damage. If one misses its mark, it will not have lasting damage. The bigger paddles can be a concern. She doesn’t use the wood Vermont paddle much anymore. I believe it brings up memories of her Mother. She utilized a wood paddle on her and her siblings bare bottoms growing up.
    Interestingly, we visited family out of state yesterday. We tend to partake in some heavy libations when we are together. My cousin wanted to continue and I said I was good for the night. His wife jokingly said light weight, what happened to u. My wife didn’t skip a beat, and said to her, “I had to reign in my husband last week”. She looked at me and said you learned your lesson last week, didn’t you love? I chuckled and was flush, and told his
    wife that a group of us went a bit overboard. My wife then came behind me and when no one was looking squeezed one of my cheeks hard. I knew to tow the line and was sure not to have a repeat of last week. I definitely did not want a thrashing like last week.

    1. Straps definitely are a lot less injury prone.

      That's a very interesting conversation with your extended family. I'm not open or close enough to any of mine to go there.

  13. Spanking benches, etc. can be lots of fun and effective. However, unless you're hermits, it is hard to hide a true spanking bench, cross, etc. So, no, we unfortunately have none. I appreciate that some fairly "normal" items can double in purpose, but we've not seen any that fit our decor. Graham

    1. Same, though I also lost any desire to have anything like that around a long time ago. As I said above, for me it's just way too BDSM-y.

  14. Hello everyone,

    I wanted to share my perspective, as a wife, on this topic. My husband and I have been practicing DD for a long time, and I've found that certain approaches work well for us.

    First, regarding the use of a safe word I believe it is not necessary in our dynamic. From my experience, a spanking, when done properly carries no real risk of injury. As someone who has been spanking Tom for years, I feel confident in my ability to gauge how far to go. Our communication and trust are strong and I pay attention to what's going on when I'm dishing out a spanking.

    On the topic of restraints, when giving a real good spanking, I find them to be a valuable tool. A fast and hard spanking with a severe implement and no warm-up works best for me, as he becomes desensitized relatively quickly and so long spankings don't work well. Because they are fast and intense, he can squirm around a lot, and the restraints help hold him in place for the short time he is getting it. This helplessness pushes him into a surrender state, and leaves him contrite and penitent. Appreciate hearing the other perspectives, and glad to be part of this group.

    1. "As someone who has been spanking Tom for years, I feel confident in my ability to gauge how far to go."

      I think Anne feels the same way. If anything, she tends to stop at the first sign of even minor "spotting" or abrasion, even though I've explained that those aren't real injuries that bring a deserved session to an early conclusion.

      "A fast and hard spanking with a severe implement and no warm-up works best for me, as he becomes desensitized relatively quickly and so long spankings don't work well."

      Same here. Several people here who have reached real tears have said that duration, and the feeling that it would never end, had more to do with letting go into real tears than did the severity. But, I too become numb fairly quickly, particularly with wooden instruments. Three to four minutes of vigorous strokes is about it before the numbness starts setting in.

  15. Hmmm. I’m going to take the other side of this debate here. The general consensus seems to be that safe words are not necessary. The following is quoting Dan but there are others stating similar views:
    “Similarly, stories in which a spanking goes on way past the husband’s self-perceived limits were and are morbidly attractive to me.”
    “Same with being taken way past the point of mere discomfort, to the point that it feels like I simply cannot take anymore. Yet, take it I must.”
    “To me, they are inconsistent with my need for disciplinary spankings to be as “real” as we, as consenting adults, can contrive.”
    “With a safeword, I would remain in control, and that is the exact opposite of what I want.”
    “Giving me the ability to shorten the duration of a spanking or lessen its severity by simply uttering an agreed-upon word or phrase seems inconsistent with those motivations.”
    “For us, the whole point of DD is putting my butt's fate in her hands, letting her decide when enough is enough, and making sure that some punishments are way more than I want to repeat.”

    I don’t have the same amount of experience as most of you here and please don’t get me wrong, I am also not trying to make the case I’m tougher or can take more either. In fact I seriously doubt that. That said, if there’s not a safe word, if you don’t have to stop the paddling because you can’t take any more, hasn’t the disciplinarian left some on the table?

    I can’t imagine any of us not having our limits. Take any given session and our wives could have gone twice as long (or more) and swung 50% harder and faster. Could we have taken that? And if we don’t have to literally tap out, we haven’t been taken to our actual limit. How well our wives know us seems to me to be beside the point or maybe even a detriment for us to take as much as we can and not just what our “self-perceived limits” are. We never reach our real limits if we don’t have to tap out. Using a safe word (tapping out) to stop the session is reaching our real limits. It’s surrendering, total surrender and admitting defeat. Anything short of that logically has us in a state that “I could have taken more.”

    My wife and I do have a safe word (red) and I have used it on one occasion. The common theme for men in a DD relationship is clearly “stricter, more, harder, longer.” Admitting you can’t take one more single swat, admitting defeat is a very humbling experience and isn’t that also a part of what DD is to us? My wife informed me after I did have to use my safe word that she liked it because she didn’t have to wonder if it was intense and hard enough and that she fully intends to take me there more in the future. That’s intimidating as hell! And when she doesn’t, she absolutely is leaving some on the table – and that’s what I don’t like.

    If our wives’ stop anywhere short of that, don’t we come out of the session as the victor? “I was able to take everything she threw at me. I won.” It’s a different feeling when you admit defeat and surrender.

    Did I “win” by making her stop by using my safe word? Not hardly, because any time I use the safe word she stops immediately and makes sure there isn’t something that needs addressing medically. However, since I ended the session, I still owe her one and she starts over no later than the next day like the original session never even happened. Talk about “be careful what you wish for!”

    It just seems to me that, logically, being taken to our actual limit checks all of the boxes more than her stopping at a place anywhere short of that point. DB

    1. Not sure what the debate is. Something either works for you or it doesn't, and it depends on what you want out of the spanking.

      I would never be looking to reach my "limits". Discipline isn't a game to prove how much I can take or not take. It is her decision about what I need in the situation under her control. Think of it like a parent-child interaction. The child has no safe word and is hoping for leniency. Whatever the parent gives, it is a measure of that parent's evaluation of the circumstances. The interaction is grounded in trust. If I get less than I can take, that's a good thing. What matters is that I faced her decision, not me deciding when I've had enough. In control of my own fate would not feel like punishment, at least the kind that works for me.

    2. Brett said, “Something either works for you or it doesn't, and it depends on what you want out of the spanking.” I completely agree with that statement, however the most consistent theme in blogs on the subject are stricter, more intense, longer, harder etc. I am not trying to speak for Brett or anybody else but I am in that same camp and have expressed that to my wife. She responded (in time) to taking me “red.”

      “Think of it like a parent-child interaction. The child has no safe word and is hoping for leniency. Whatever the parent gives, it is a measure of that parent's evaluation of the circumstances.” “If I get less than I can take, that's a good thing.”

      That’s just it though, that’s the last way I want to look at it. It’s not a parent-child interaction and I do not hope for leniency. The child has not asked the parent to discipline (punish) them for their (bad) behavior. I have, as has most men involved in a DD relationship. If leniency were the goal, not being spanked at all is the ultimate in leniency and who wants that? Or even a light spanking? I want pushed – to my limit – and neither of us know where that’s at unless she takes me there on occasion.

      But as Brett said, “Something either works for you or it doesn't, and it depends on what you want out of the spanking.” I’m not attempting to recruit anyone over to the dark side. Whatever works for every couple is up to them. I’m just offering a different perspective – that works for us. DB

    3. DB, I see your point, and it is worth thinking about. For me, where it doesn't quite work is your observation that "It’s surrendering, total surrender and admitting defeat." For me, just knowing the option to use a safeword for that would prevent the sense of surrendering. And, for me, surrendering is very important but secondary to the feeling that the need to surrender is being imposed on me by an outside authority. As long as I know a safeword is available, I'm still going to feel in control. Now, it's true that given that I'm bigger and strong, absent physical restraints I do remain in some control anyway. But, there is only so much I can do in the context of a consensual relationship to make a loss of control a full reality.

      "However, since I ended the session, I still owe her one and she starts over no later than the next day like the original session never even happened."

      If we were to use a safeword, I think something like this would be an absolutely critical part of the process.

    4. Dan said, “Now, it's true that given that I'm bigger and strong, absent physical restraints I do remain in some control anyway.” This is part of the point. She pushed me to my limit. I’m not talking about it being uncomfortable or starting to hurt or even hurting like crazy. I was at my limit to what I could take and safe word or not, I was at the point of having to stop or escape the onslaught. We all have that point even though few of us (evidently) have ever been taken there. Having a word to call out instead of rising up and taking the paddle out of her hand or leaving the room is in my opinion a much better option.

      And for sure, the fact that I still owed her a bent over session afterwards is a huge part of the equation that I support 100%. I have been on the receiving end of her paddle many times prior and since without having to use it, but for anybody who “wants” to be taken to their limit, it makes sense to me to be able to easily make her aware I’ve arrived there instead of there being a side scene of me bugging out. Trust is also thrown around a lot. She has to be able to trust me, and she does, to not use that word unless I am at my legitimate limit – and I don’t. The threshold is WAY beyond the point of it hurting (even a lot). I was quite proud of her for taking me there actually, and the makeup session the next day was no walk in the park either! DB

    5. DB, I see your points, though for me the existence of the safeword as an "out" would still undermine the whole premise of someone else taking control of me, which for me is a critical part of the dynamic.

      As for taking me to or past a limit, the big limiting factor for me is the simple physical fact that at some point I go numb. In fact, the closest I've come to a real limit, where I truly could not handle it, was something like the heavy rubber strap that was simply excruciating from the first stroke. The problem I had with it was that the pain was so severe and so immediate, *all* I was thinking about was trying to gut it out and get through it. For DD to work for me as discipline, there has to be some little element of me wanting the accountability and wanting to be punished, even during the spanking. Heavy rubber instruments wiped all that from my mind. And, it sounds like for you, getting up and leaving the room is still a psychological possibility. I suppose for me theoretically maybe it is, but as a practical matter it kind of isn't. And, if I thought there was a real risk that I would get up or actively resist, at that point I probably *would* reconsider the second part of this topic and suggest we come up with some effective restraints.

  16. No safe words & no restraints in our DD - as other have said, having a safe word is incompatible with the whole ‘vibe’ of DD, turning it into a game rather than a lifestyle. Submitting & maintaining position are both such important psychological aspects of DD for us. She knows I could stop or refuse a punishment anytime but I never have or will. Doing so would spoil the magic. TB

    1. I don't think having a safeword *necessarily* turns it into a game, but I think the BDSM insistence on safewords certainly arises from that game-like scenes in that dynamic. And, I do think safewords might be advisable for newer relationships or in relationships where the communication or trust levels aren't high. Of course, in those kinds of relationships, I wouldn't advise real DD at all.

  17. Hi Dan,
    Sorry for my radio silence. I got a little busy due to perhaps biting off more than I can chew, but at least I don't lack ambitious dreams!

    Regarding safewords, we don't use one, since I trust her fully, and as you said, if there was a problem, you would simply tell her. Having said that, in the context of DD - or at least OUR DD - if we did have a safeword, it would not have anything to do with my bottom or the pain of the spanking, since the pain is temporary and is actually the point of the spanking. Rather, it would only be used for something other than the pain of the spanking itself. An example is that I have suffered from nosebleeds all of my life; not serious, in that they always stop, but totally at random times. If my wife were spanking me, and if my nose started to bleed and she weren't in a position to see it, that would be a good thing to tell her, whether through using a safeword or simply telling her the situation. Or if for some reason I was having a hard time breathing or anything serious like that. But not because the spanking is "more than I can handle."

    Restraints are also not really part of our DD, since I think we have used them a grand total of one time. But I must say that we have both referred to this one occasion many, many times, so there clearly is some power behind restraints. For us (speaking from our vast experience of one time) restraints are about 99% psychological. In practice, she spanks until the spanking is done, and I would never physically try to stop it or avoid it, except perhaps some moving around in response to the impacts. But I certainly wouldn't stand up and stop her. Having said that, even though I wouldn't, I COULD, and restraints change all that. So even though they are completely unnecessary for us, they still change everything psychologically. I kind of have a feeling I will be able to report back in on this sometime in the coming months, because she has been mentioning that one time that we did have me tied to a table quite a lot recently.

    When it comes to a spanking bench, obviously it would be impossible in our current living situation, but one thing we have talked about quite a lot is if we had a large house built, it would be great to have a noise-proof secret room, and it would probably have a spanking bench inside. The scenario she keeps coming back to is that we are entertaining lots of people, and she whispers in my ear to go to the secret room, and a few minutes later she slips out and comes and spanks me, in close proximity to everyone but out of earshot. Then, I have to go back and rejoin the crowd as if nothing had ever happened.

    Now that I think about it, we could save a lot of money by just increasing openness, so the same scenario could happen, but without the need for the secret noise-proofed room and with everyone knowing full well what is happening...!


    1. Welcome back! I'd assumed life just got very busy again. Would love to hear more if you have time to email.

      "Having said that, in the context of DD - or at least OUR DD - if we did have a safeword, it would not have anything to do with my bottom or the pain of the spanking, since the pain is temporary and is actually the point of the spanking."

      Same here. And, your distinction does point out that the issue of safewords isn't necessarily a binary, have one/don't have one, thing. They might have one purpose in something like BDSM, but have a legitimate but more restrictive role in DD.

      Regarding restraints, the few times we used them I *thought* they would have the psychological impact they had on you, but they really didn't. I'm not sure why.

      I love the secret room idea, but I'm kind of a geek about that sort of thing. In this post, I talked about the closet we have in the basement that is accessed through the bathroom. It is big enough (just barely and only if we moved a bunch of junk out of it) to serve that purpose, and I've thought about having someone install a hidden door that looks like a bookshelf. Given that we are empty-nesters, it's not like we really need something like that, but I still just like the whole idea of having a room that no one knows about.

  18. Now to ever so briefly hit on all the weeks I missed...

    Regarding tools I dread, it has to be the Delrin cane, which is also probably my wife's favorite tool. She seems to include it in every punishment. But we also have quite a few other dreadful items, like the "Devil's Braid" made from braided silicone. It is just super heavy and absolutely quite, but it is 100% thud, and a hard thud at that. Also, we have a rubber strap "The Curse of Dana" which is highly effective in every way and painful beyond belief, but ironically when my wife uses it, I tend to get off easier because it causes so much surface damage that the punishment ends prematurely. And of course the evil bathbrush, which always produces quick results, but I really don't like to see it laid out for use.

    Furniture and ritual - no pervertable furniture so generally the couch or the bed are used. As far as ritual, we never had all that much, but recently even less. The closest we have ever come is some scolding and maybe some corner time before, after, or between rounds of spankings in bigger punishments.

    Before and after - I could probably write a book about this, so maybe better to not and instead simply say everything changes, including at times even my mindset and perspective.

    And I will save the best topic for a separate post below.


    1. The Devil's Braid does sound pretty evil. We had the Curse of Dana, but it smelled so awful--like an old tire--I threw it away days after buying it. But, I also agree that the rubber implements do have that ironic effect of leading to shorter sessions. Our rubber straps all led to enough damage that Anne got squeamish. I was not sorry to confine them all to the trash bin.

  19. "The 'ideal' domestic discipline or FLR relationship" - I really, really liked this topic, and was so sad I didn't get to post on it.

    Virtually everything that you wrote about this topic applies equally to me: maternal (not like "my mom", but like "a mom"), her being totally in control, consistency, frequency, openness, embarrassment, etc. The fact is, when we have been able to devote time and effort to the DD aspect of our relationship, it has been pretty close to perfect. My wife took to this better than I ever could have imagined, and she is just such a strong, stable person. If she sets her mind to something, it will happen. She is still learning to be more "commanding" since even though she is so mentally strong, she is always a little too nice to everyone.

    Also, what DB said resonated with me, especially after he explained it a little more: "It would be in a teasing and even a taunting manner. I want her pointing out what a predicament I’m in, how vulnerable I am and how I am completely at her mercy but how she has no intentions of showing any mercy. There’d definitely be a clear hierarchy element but clearly that she is a wife who spanks and I am a husband that gets spanked. I want her to flaunt and wield her power with confidence and be quite demanding. I want her to voice her expectations of how I am to handle her spanking (keep still, take it, quit squirming, stick that ass out, etc.) and then make sure I comply to her unreasonable demands and expectations or suffer more consequences." The "teasing and taunting" admittedly might make it seem like a game, but somehow, I get where I think he is coming from. He wants his wife to not only wield her authority, but at times to do so very overtly, openly, and strongly. The reasons this resonated so much with me are 1) my wife really would probably get into this, because it is kind of the opposite of her normal personality (and also because she wants to learn to be more "commanding" as I said above), and 2) I have recently been realizing more and more just how "verbal" I am and just how powerful the verbal element is for me. In many cases, I think talking about and hearing about something is more powerful than actually doing that thing, with the caveat that the "talking about and hearing about" has to be tied to something that likely could or will happen, and not just entirely in the abstract.

    One final point that I would add to the whole "ideal" relationship part is that the ideal DD or FLR should be satisfying and rewarding to both parties. In fact, one reason that I said our DD relationship is nearly perfect during those times we have actually had time to practice it is because it has not just been MY thing, but rather OUR thing; my wife also gets something out of it and does it not just because it is good for me, but rather because it is good for me, for her, and for us. I guess that is where the "relationship" part comes in... And one additional thing that flows out of the relational aspect of it is is balance. If thinking about the "ideal" DD or FLR, I would naturally gravitate to something far too extreme, which might be fun to think about, but undoubtedly would not be something I would like if I really had it. That's just how I am; I take everything to the edge and then well beyond, because while I am many things (hopefully mostly good!), one thing I am NOT is balanced. My wife brings much needed balance to everything. So even as we venture further into FLR territory, I feel comfortable knowing we will end up with something balanced and good for both of us.


    1. "The "teasing and taunting" admittedly might make it seem like a game, but somehow, I get where I think he is coming from. He wants his wife to not only wield her authority, but at times to do so very overtly, openly, and strongly."

      At first, I read something very different into "teasing," but I now get what he meant. I too am very attracted to the idea of Anne wielding power more overtly and more vocally.

      "I have recently been realizing more and more just how "verbal" I am and just how powerful the verbal element is for me. In many cases, I think talking about and hearing about something is more powerful than actually doing that thing . . ."

      Same here, I definitely am more verbal/aurally oriented than visual. Even in spanking art, drawings that involve someone hearing a spanking going on hit me far harder than someone visually witnessing one. There's something very power to me about being overheard versus being seen.

      "One final point that I would add to the whole "ideal" relationship part is that the ideal DD or FLR should be satisfying and rewarding to both parties."

      I think many women shy away from DD and FLR because it's hard to acknowledge they get something very satisfying out of being in control, including being in control of punishing someone. Yet, for me, it is a very big turn on when Anne expresses that she does very much enjoy being in control.

      "[O]ne thing I am NOT is balanced. My wife brings much needed balance to everything." Same here for sure. I definitely have your issues with being extreme and unbalanced in my basic orientation toward things. It's one reason that, when my body started falling apart, taking a sabbatical or just some time off from work wasn't going to be workable. For me, work and career were always a vortex that drew all my energy into them, and there was no way for me to half-ass that.

  20. "Furniture and ritual - no pervertable furniture so generally the couch or the bed are used. As far as ritual, we never had all that much, but recently even less. The closest we have ever come is some scolding and maybe some corner time before, after, or between rounds of spankings in bigger punishments."

    ZM, this sounds like us too. For me, there is much more appeal when punishment is administered in a normal setting and without elaborate ritual. It's the same reason that I am partial to my wife's hairbrush as an implement.

    1. Same here, though Anne has caught on that no matter how iconic and aesthetically satisfying the ebony hairbrush may be, it simply isn't as effective as her bath brush.

  21. Wow, lots of good stuff here this week. We don't use a safe word. Like others said, she knows me so well that it is unnecessary.

    Restraints, some said you aren't giving up control if you use restraints. Most of the time we don't use them, but for some serious DD sessions she will tie me up in a very exposed position. I am allowing myself to be put in a totally helpless situation; how much more can I be giving up control than to allow her to do that to me? I have mentioned before that Domino likes shibari. Sometimes she will tie me up using shibari techniques. That takes a while so the whole time she is doing it I am thinking about my punishment that is coming next. Very much a disciplinary mind game. Once tied and exposed I am totally at her mercy for however long she wants. Sometimes she will trash me and then leave me tied up while she does something else and then come back for round two. I never know and can't do anything about it. When it is over, and I am untied, I am resolved to never cause her to have to do that again. Eventually I fail, but maybe only three times a year. The rest of my thrashings are untied. If I squirm too much the thrashing just goes on longer.

    We camp a lot and if I act up while camping it is not unusual for her to wait for dusk and order me outside naked and administer my thrashing if there are no others camping too close. She uses a riding crop for those usually, because it is quieter. A paddle or leather strap sound like a gunshot in the quiet woods. If there are people around, then I have to take it in the RV. She doesn't like that because she does not have enough swing room for her liking. She enjoys tying me up or making me take it naked at a campsite. Whether being thrashed at home, tied up, or thrashed at the campsite, in every case she is totally in control and doing it for my own good. So why shouldn't she get some extra enjoyment out of administering my discipline?

    1. "I am allowing myself to be put in a totally helpless situation; how much more can I be giving up control than to allow her to do that to me?"

      For me, I thought that restraints would feel that way, but for whatever reason, they just didn't. I wonder if this is where the whole trust thing has the non-intuitive effect of undermining restraints -- deep down inside, I trust my wife not to take things "too far" (whatever that is), so psychologically the restraints end up not serving much purpose for me.

      She has not spanked me (yet) in our RV, but it definitely would require some kind of OTK positioning. Not nearly enough room to swing a big paddle or strap.

  22. Safewords - we haven't had any for over 20 years. I always felt that I want to be totally at her mercy, so having a safeword would be oppose to this idea. However, I have asked her to eshablish a safeword for other sexual activity we experiment with in last months, because it's out of my control zone.
    Restrains - I love it. It makes the punishment much more intense, I surrender much faster, she spanks much harded.

  23. Long story short, my partner gets big time turned on by administering sometimes severe spankings on my bare bottom. I reluctantly go along to go along. A few months back during one episode the bruises her punishment inflicted became very painful and were not healing. Much to my utter embarrassment I eventually found myself in the emergency room in a cubicle parading around nude from the waist down in front of a female doctor, a nurse and my partner. It seemed there was little regard for my modesty or dignity as I remained completely exposed with no drape or covering while I was examined. The examination included not only a visual check of me back there, I was also given a digital rectal exam and much to my shock a genital check.


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