Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Club - Meeting 442 - More Strictness, DD and Real-Life, and Untimely Spankings

Men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness. - Coco Chanel


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are, or would like to be, in a Domestic Discipline relationship.


I hope you all had a great week.  Mine was OK, though our weather has been extremely rainy, which is putting a damper on some outside activities, like motorcycling.  


Speaking of which, the above meme popped up in an on-line motorcycle forum.  While it doesn’t have much relevance to our debates here about the prevalence of adult punishment spanking, perhaps its appearance in such a vanilla forum says something about the prevalence of FLR-like arrangements or, as KOJ has put it a few times recently, the prevalence of “pussy-whipped” husbands?  In any event, I thought it was pretty funny.


We had a good discussion last week. It sounds like, in general, many of us are on the receiving end of our wife's "business-like" demeanor.  Although I do sometimes think Anne should let her emotions rip sometimes, on the whole I think "business-like" reflects both of our preferences.  I even lean toward "abrupt."



It was an interesting week for me where DD is concerned.  Sometimes, I get in these moods where I want (or think I want) to experience a significant “crackdown” from Anne in terms of strictness, consistency, etc.  I talked to Anne about it after one of my spankings this week, and I think we both generally agree it should happen. But, we’ve had many such conversations over the years.  Though, I’ve come to appreciate that with DD, as with most things in life, timing is everything, and that can include the big-picture context.  For most of our DD relationship, we were both working and had kids around.  This is our first full year where neither of those limiting factors are in play anymore.  


Has that resulted in a sea change in terms of consistency, openness, etc.?  Not really, but KOJ’s experiences show how quickly that can change.  He has talked about how open, and downright bold, his wife became after retirement. Last week, I asked whether that was a gradual, iterative process or, rather, something more abrupt.  He responded:


“It was shockingly abrupt with my wife, with no explanation. She must have been thinking about it for a long time. She had been hiding her authority over me due to concern about both of our careers. I had no idea that she wanted to display her authority, or at least not hide it. But suddenly she was making the same demands and comments in public that she did in private. I was taken aback. Eventually we talked about it. She was her matter-of-fact self. "You'll just have to accept it like you do your spankings," she said.  I came to realize that power is more powerful the more people know about it!”


I admit, her statement--"You'll just have to accept it like you do your spankings,"--stirs something deep inside me.  I suspect that some of KOJ’s comments about how his wife became far more open, bold, and demanding after retirement struck a deep chord and led to some of this week’s introspection about what I really want from this lifestyle. 


The introspection also probably resulted, in part, from some old DWC materials I received from Aunt Kay’s husband, including Word versions of portions of the DWC website and some of the old pamphlets.  Most of it wasn’t anything I hadn’t seen before, but seeing it aggregated in one document gave me a few things to ponder, including:


·      Unsurprisingly, I tend to think of the DWC mostly in relation to corporal punishment.  But, I think I sometimes I forget just how much Kay stressed the wife’s “authority.” It’s true that she emphasized it mainly in the context of the wife having unchecked authority to determine the “why, how, and when” of punishment.  But, that is pretty sweeping in its own right, particularly with respect to the “why” element. And, it seems to be that she tilts pretty strongly toward the wife making more non-disciplinary decisions as well.

·      She stresses the “maternal” element in her management of her husband (“Jerry” for DWC purposes) and in the DWC philosophy as a whole, more than I sometimes remember. 

·      Her view of the extent of the wife's authority, and the extent to which it shouldn't be questioned once the couple decide to enter into a DWC arrangement, can include being pretty dismissive of the husband’s qualms or concerns.  While she clearly thinks communication is key and the husband and wife should try to get on the same page, there also is a real “if he doesn’t like it, too bad” element in there, very similar to KOJ’s wife’s “You’ll just have to accept it . . .” enforcement of her authority.


The combination of KOJ’s comments and the DWC materials was stimulating for sure but also kept me deeply aware that asking Anne to take over more and more could have ramifications that go far beyond getting spanked more often. 


For example, when I suggested that her taking more verbal control would probably augment the effect of her punishments, she was very, almost disturbingly, enthusiastic about it.  But, that’s also what I mean about timing being everything.  It’s not like we haven’t talked about her becoming more verbally dominant and controlling before, but this time something seemed to resonate for her with greater force.


There also were some minor developments on the “spanked more often” front this week.  As I said to someone here last week, we have talked about the benefits of making sure that each major offense gets a separate punishment, but the reality is most of the time they get lumped together. Or, there is an intention to deliver multiple spankings in the same week, but only one actually happens.  Unfortunately for my butt, that wasn’t the case this week.  In my most recent journal entry (which Anne insisted I do), I reported three separate offenses, though one was fairly minor.  That resulted in two hard spankings, separated by about five days, though her original plan was to do them with one or two days in-between.  So, real life did kind of get in the way, but this time not fully.  These circumstances suggested a couple of topics to explore this week.


The first involves the interplay between our DD goals and “real life.”  I feel like we talk quite a bit about how real-world factors—children, family obligations, work, travel, illnesses and injuries, to name a few—sometimes interfere with our goals or desires around more consistency, openness or strictness in the DD and FLR aspects of our relationships. 


But, what about the reverse? Does our DD lifestyle ever interfere with “real life” or cause us to adjust other plans?  A comment from Mark got me thinking more about this:


“I have to be careful when and how I discuss spanking with my wife as it can result in the offer "do you need a spanking"... cue the rabbit in headlights. I always need a spanking, but I certainly don't want one when it is imminent! Back to your quote - my last caning was especially hard (marks for a week) because one of the reasons for the punishment was for not using my words which is something that she has punished before. She thought that I was quiet on Saturday because I needed a spanking and didn't talk about it. Actually, I was quiet because I expected a spanking (because she had threatened it during the week and they often turn up when she has time on the weekend), and I was horny but damned if I was going to masturbate and then receive the spanking post orgasm!!!”


Have there been times I haven’t masturbated because I didn’t want to risk a post-orgasm spanking?  Probably, though honestly, I don’t masturbate very often.  There have, however, definitely been multiple times when I wanted sex but didn’t initiate it, because I knew I due for a spanking and I was afraid that bringing up sex would result in Anne saying, “Sure, but you have a spanking coming first. Go get ready.” 


Another, very non-sexual example, is working out.  There have been lots of times that I’ve delayed or skipped a leg day in the gym when I knew a spanking was coming, because I didn’t want the residual soreness of a hard glute workout to cause an upcoming spanking to be even more painful.


There have also been times that I skipped happy hours at work or adjusted scheduling social get-togethers because Anne had ordered that a spanking would happen that evening.


Another example might be things like doctor appointments and the desire to avoid inadvertent discovery. I don’t think I’ve ever changed one because I didn’t want to risk the doctor seeing a well-spanked bottom. But, I am overdue for a colonoscopy, and I might suggest to Anne a spanking hiatus in the week prior. 


How about you?  Are there times when you’ve had to adjust your “real world” commitments or routines because of an upcoming or recent spanking?  


The other issue I thought we might explore relates to timing and its interplay with certainty.  As I said, my second spanking this week was five days after the first one. That meant one of the underlying offenses was from almost three weeks ago.  We’ve talked a lot here about it being preferable for the punishment to come immediately after the offense, but I’m rethinking that bit.  A few weeks ago, Alan had this to say about delayed punishments:


“The other issue you raise is the length of time before discipline is no longer needed or appropriate. This taps into one of the purposes of punishment that we don’t discuss as often as we do deterrence and behavior modification. I am thinking of “retribution,” which is punishing simply because the person committed an offense where the suffering should be proportionate to the severity of the offense committed -- punishment for punishment’s sake aside from or absent any other purposes of the punishment –and no matter how long it has been since the offending behavior.”


It's a legitimate point.  And, maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the corrective power of even a delayed punishment.  Yes, when training dogs, and children, it's important that consequences (positive or negative) follow quickly after the behavior we’re trying to reinforce or dissuade. Adult humans, however, are complex creatures with complex brains.  We can and do appreciate negative consequences on a longer time scale.


An untimely spanking may not be ideal, but neither is a lack of consistency. Certainty of punishment may be just as important as timeliness, right? 


Further, a lot of my need for discipline is tied to feelings of guilt or remorse and to a deep-seated need for accountability.  It is true that as more time passes between the offense and the punishment, I feel less and less need to be held accountable.  However, it’s also true that on some level, feeling remorse and wanting to be held accountable make the spanking easier to take.  Conversely, a long gap between the offense and punishment negates some of the emotional relief I get from being held accountable, which can make cooperating with the disciplinary process emotionally frustrating. But, that frustration itself reinforces my view of her power and authority, and it also serves as an ongoing reminder that I shouldn’t be quick to assume that I’ve gotten away with some bit of bad behavior.


I hope you all have a great week.


  1. One of the best examples, and looking back on it funniest, is that I would find out I was getting spanked when my wife rounded up our kids and sent them off to the nearby park. After I had irritated her about something I would hear her say, "All of you off to the park!" I knew my pants wouldn't be up long!

    1. KOJ, you and your wife must have gotten into DD much earlier in your marriage than we did, if she was sending your kids to the park to spank you. I’m curious, do you think the kids ever had some inkling of the reason they were being bundled out the door? I think kids are smarter and more perceptive about their parents’ marital dynamics than we sometimes think. Given that your wife had a maternal status relative to you as well as your kids, I imagine they might have picked up on that vibe.

    2. GH,
      They were in elementary school by the time we started DD. We were careful and secretive for many years, so I do not think they picked up on DD but probably did pick up my wife's maternal vibe and tendency to be the decision-maker.
      We did not spank our kids and had no spanking implements, using household items. I think they would have been totally shocked.
      It was only much later, after the empty nest and retirement, that my wife became so bold with her allusions to DD. My daughter once made a comment to me attributing her mom's newfound "pushiness" to menopause. I just nodded.

    3. We were raising kids during the era when sending kids off to the park unattended probably would get you reported to Social Services. But, there were of course times the kids would be going off to some event or, when they got older, going off on their own. In such circumstances, Anne would sometimes whisper in my ear, "As soon as they're gone, you're getting your butt blistered."

    4. Same here, Dan. When our kids were small, it was no longer acceptable to send kids to the park unattended. But when I was a kid, my mother and other kids’ mothers did that. Well, maybe not the park, but out into the neighbourhood to play somewhat unattended with other kids.

    5. I am in my 60s, so older than you guys. It was a small neighborhood park on a diagonal from our house, and we could see most of it from an upstairs window. Plus a cop lived next door to the park. It seemed safe to us. It was my butt that wasn't safe when the kids were at the park!

    6. I doubt you are much older than I am, KOJ.

    7. You're a little older than me (or, I guess possibly a bit more than a little, depending on how far into your 60s), but I was raised in that generation where you could leave your house to hang out with friends, be gone the entire day, and the parents wouldn't have a care in the world. Though, ironically, the one and only time that I have a reliable memory of being spanked by my mother was when I left the house without permission to hang out with a kid up the street. But, it was because (a) I was very young; (b) I didn't even tell her that I had left the house; and (c) she thought the kid I went to hang out with was a bad influence, which was why I didn't tell her that I'd left or where I was going.

  2. Dan, I sometimes feel like the odd man out here because my wife and I are explicitly into FLR, not just DD like most of you guys. My understanding of DD without FLR is that the discipline a guy gets from his wife is almost like a contractual arrangement between equals. In other words, she agrees to spank you to help you meet behavioural objectives you set for yourself, maybe with input from her. In fact, the overall power dynamic could even be traditionally patriarchal if the wife’s disciplinary duty is limited that way. When I used to visit the DWC website, I perceived the dynamic there to be about FLR, and maybe even female supremacism, rather than just DD. Your quotation from the DWC reminds me why I felt that way. If Aunt Kay was saying the wife should have the authority to decide on the “how, why, and when” of discipline, would that not be a de facto FLR, even if there was an otherwise traditionally patriarchal division of labour between a breadwinner husband and homemaker wife? The husband may be bringing home the bacon, and the wife may be allowing him to make big decisions on his own, but when she takes up the hairbrush, he is pretty much like one of the kids. Is that a fair assessment, or is my perception distorted by my kink?

    1. You describe our marriage pretty well except the kids didn't get spanked hardly at all, just me. We did not consider our marriage an FLR because that often goes much further, where the husband has no say in anything. We made all significant decisions together, and that is not typical FLR in my mind.

    2. KOJ, my wife and I make significant decisions together, but I consider our marriage to be female led because she has power to discipline me that is not reciprocal. Also, in cases where we don’t arrive at consensus on a decision, my wife’s superior status as disciplinarian gives her power to “break the tie”, as Dan has put it so well.

    3. I don't know whether your perception is distorted by your kink, but I don't agree with this: "My understanding of DD without FLR is that the discipline a guy gets from his wife is almost like a contractual arrangement between equals. In other words, she agrees to spank you to help you meet behavioural objectives you set for yourself, maybe with input from her." The dynamic can be that limited in *some* DD relationships, but I don't think those would represent even a majority, and maybe not even a substantial minority, of those here.

      "When I used to visit the DWC website, I perceived the dynamic there to be about FLR, and maybe even female supremacism, rather than just DD." I don't think the DWC as a whole was about female supremacy, but I do think there were some snippets that drifted into it. For example, some of the stories in particular invoked not just the wife's disciplinary authority over the husband but the authority of other wives over that husband. Though, I think so much of the content was comprised of stories, written by various DWC enthusiasts, that what you see there is basically what we have here every week -- many different perspectives arising out of many different DD and FLR models.

      , the "why, when and how" wasn't a quote from the DWC. It was my characterization. But, she certainly does talk about the wife's "unchecked" authority over disciplinary matters.

    4. Sorry if I have mischaracterized the way DD functions for most guys here, but I feel as though I am in the minority in embracing the FLR label, and I sense that lots of guys want to make it clear that being spanked doesn’t make them an unequal partner. You are probably right that the diversity of perspectives men bring here make it difficult to apply labels like DD and FLR. I am perhaps overly reliant on labels in trying to understand myself and how I compare to other men.

    5. GH
      It is helpful to think of it as a continuum running from limited DD to 24-7 FLR, with couples falling all along that continuum and the definitions themselves pretty subjective. Probably a wife's initiative or at least compliance moves the relationship along the continuum. The blog has often remarked on how dynamic long-term DD-oriented relations can be. My wife for example, has the authority to spank anytime,any place for any reason. So she could move it to a full FLR if she decided,leave it where it is or even back off the discipline. Ultimately that is up to her, with input from me but HER decision

    6. Thanks, Alan. That makes sense. —GH

    7. "the definitions themselves pretty subjective." Agreed. It's not like there is some authoritative kink dictionary out there.

      I agree there is a continuum, though it's kind of like a continuum located within the overlapping oval of a Venn diagram. I see DD and FLR as two different things that, in individual practice, may or may not overlap. You could have an FLR that doesn't incorporate DD *at all*, which is why to me it's more of a Venn diagram situation than two points on a continuum.

      This is my personal view because, again, it's not like there's some authoritative dictionary we can look to, but I see FLR as really being about decision-making authority. In theory a DD relationship could be so limited that she has no authority to make decisions outside agreed-upon punishments and maybe even very little authority within the punishment context. You could also have a DD relationship that gives her a broad scope of authority to determine the "when, where and why" of the disciplinary portion of the relationship. I personally see that as being in that overlapping segment in the Venn diagram, though I know we have commenters here whose wives do seem to have that kind of authority (or close to it), but they don't believe they are in an FLR. Then, there are relationships where the couple have agreed that the wife has authority to make all sorts of decisions, including but also going beyond discipline and punishment, which seems to me to be the kind of agreement perhaps we all can agree is an FLR.

    8. As submissive as I was to DD, I never would have agreed to an FLR where she had unlimited decision-making authority, nor did DD give her the power to break ties.
      If we disagreed about something important, we kept talking until we found common ground. The only time DD came into it was if I was rude in presenting my position. Then I would get spanked, but the disagreement on the issue itself would continue until we talked it out. We had that system long before DD, and I am glad we continued it.

    9. "agree there is a continuum, though it's kind of like a continuum located within the overlapping oval of a Venn diagram."

      I see a DD where “there are no limits on my authority”, to have a linear relationship with a full FLR, hence the use of continuum to describe it. Venn diagrams as I was trained to use them are most useful for contrasting and comparing two or more distinct data sets. But I don’t see DD and FLR as comprising separate data sets, therefore a Venn diagram lacks much utility to me

      But our differing perspectives do illustrate the inherent subjectivity of defining or even describing DD vis a vie FLR. Your view could well capture the reality of the underlying dynamic we are addressing. But in the absence of reaching a consensus on an operationally rigorous definition of DD and FLR, subjectivity will prevail

    10. "I see a DD where “there are no limits on my authority”, to have a linear relationship with a full FLR, hence the use of continuum to describe it." I don't disagree, but I see that linear relationship/continuum existing within that overlapping oval in the Venn. I don't see the datasets as "separate," because they undoubtedly do overlap. The word I would use is "independent." The reason I see it that way is you could have an FLR that doesn't involve DD at all. To me, the very name Female Led Relationship suggests that its essence is about who leads, which can be completely independent of things like corporal punishment, discipline, etc. In theory, I can see the same being true in the DD circle -- that there would be some DD relationships that are so narrowly defined that there is no female "leadership" or independent decision-making involved. Now, in practice, I think a DD relationship that narrowly defined probably is pretty rare. With FLRs on the other hand, they can and exist without any element of discipline or punishment.

      Not that it really matters in any respect. I'm as guilty as anyone of wanting to define things and identify each little box that various relationship styles fit it in, even though 90% of the time, it just doesn't matter to any of the discussion here. The 10% in which does tends to be when you have someone who projects their little box onto everyone else.

    11. I think Alan’s idea of a linear spectrum and Dan’s idea of a Venn diagram are both useful conceptual frameworks, even if they seem contradictory. Dan is right that it is possible to have FLR without DD. FLR could include things like the woman being the unilateral decision maker and controlling the finances, the man doing the cooking and cleaning, the woman dominating in the bedroom, the man needing permission to do things most men take for granted, etc. It is possible for an FLR to have all of those things without DD, or at least without corporal punishment. On the other hand, it is possible to have pure DD without any of those other trappings of female dominance. That’s why KOJ rejects the FLR label. On the other hand, if you view DD on a spectrum, it starts from a point where the wife is “allowed” to discipline her husband in an agreed manner (spanking), for certain agreed behaviours, under circumstances that are thoroughly consensual at all times. However, if the woman starts to claim the right to decide unilaterally how, when, and why she will administer punishment, it strikes me that the couple moves along a spectrum from pure DD towards FLR. KOJ, says he would never agree to FLR, and I respect his right to define the nature of his relationship. But had I been in KOJ’s shoes, I would have considered being spanked at that party as moving into FLR territory. He didn’t want to be spanked there because it was so embarrassing, but his wife overruled him. He believed it contravened an agreement that there should be no witnesses to his spankings, but his wife ignored the agreement, albeit retroactively justifying her decision with the technicality that people who only hear a spanking aren’t really “witnesses”. If you think of it from the point of view of a witness who saw KOJ’s wife take him upstairs, overheard her spanking him, and saw a red faced KOJ following his satisfied looking wife back down the stairs to rejoin the party, where he behaved in a chastened, respectful manner for the rest of the evening, I think most people would conclude that his wife wore the pants in the relationship. KOJ, you said yourself that some people said you were “pussy whipped.” To me that expression denotes a de facto FLR, even if there is no formal acknowledgment that the wife is the boss. However, I get your objection that the label FLR implies a more comprehensive kind of male disempowerment that you would not have accepted.

    12. I think I’m with Dan and GH on this one. I think the Venn diagram is appropriate, It’s perfectly possible to have either a DD or FL relationship without the other but they can easily overlap. I can certainly imagine an FL relationship where she makes the decisions and he is quite happy with that and there is no disciplinary component to it. Equally, if a DD relationship exists to control agreed-on unwanted behaviors, this doesn’t necessarily imply any authority outside that specific area. I also agree about the spectrum, this is not an on/off switch. I’d put us somewhere to the FL side of center. We definitely have a DD relationship, but in most respects are a partnership. We make important decisions together although each of tends to lead in different areas. She’s far more competent than I am in areas such as finance and insurance while I tend to lead on technology and some other practical areas - but even there neither of us would make a significant decision with consulting the other. I like looking after her on a day-to-day basis but I’m not sure to what extent that constitutes an FLR. I think she would say we are FLR to an extent, but it’s not clear-cut. TG

    13. Hi TG. Good to see you with us again. Well-timed, as I was thinking just yesterday that we hadn't heard from you in a while.

      Ours is like yours -- not clear-cut. Where discipline is concerned, at least in theory she has the "unchecked" authority Aunt Kay recommended. But, while I think we're genuinely living that with respect to "any reason," it's never really been tested on the "any time" or "any place" fronts, e.g., she's never done anything like KOJ's wife spanking him at a party where others could overhear. Honestly, I think I would submit to whatever she demanded on that front, but I suppose one never knows until the rubber actually meets the road, right?

      We've also experimented with other aspects of an FLR like her ordering chores, and ordering other things that I would consider "service domination." I've also made it clear that on things like relatively minor spending, I not only don't expect to be consulted - I don't want to be. A few times, she's taken it a step further, like once when she decided I needed a vacation, so she simply told me she was going to book a trip out of the country and when it was going to be, and told me to plan around it.

      But, most major decisions we do make together though, honestly, on a lot of bigger decisions--like where to live, where the kids would go to school, etc.--she got her way on some big issues that I really didn't like. But, it wasn't an FLR-related thing. More like a "the person who cares the most wins" kind of thing.

      On finances, we have a split. She generally takes care of things like paying the bills, while I handle most of the investments. But, in that area it's more about competence and relative interest than any formal split of authority.


    14. Dan said: “The reason I see it that way is you could have an FLR that doesn't involve DD at all”

      And of course, you could have a DD that doesn’t involve an FLR. But what makes DD/FLR linear is that both empirically and theoretically, either one can evolve into the other, the FLR into a DD, and a DD into an FLR.

      It is the possibility of some sort of straight-line progression-- rather than its probability-- that makes it linear

      A currently inactive blog (Thinktank) which I think you occasionally commented on included several accounts of women in an FLR initially without DD-style physical discipline who eventually began to use it for one reason or another. i.e. they moved toward or incorporated the elements of DD as we commonly discuss it into their FLR. On the other hand, your blog has included comments from many who saw their initial DD move toward or sometimes become full FLRs.

      A Venn diagram can convey some of this, but it implies a discontinuity between the two that in my opinion does not exist I think many of us feel we have firm boundaries around our relationship and it will not change, Some fewer of us have experienced a gradual ( or maybe not so gradual) tightening of the reins as a wife or girlfriend begins to explore, understand and enjoy her authority and the capacity to make things happen. DD's do become FLRs and ( apparently) the converse .

    15. Thanks Dan. I’ve been reading in recent weeks but just didn’t feel I had anything to contribute. I try to chime in when I have something to say. TG

    16. TG, the way you describe your marriage applies well to mine: DD that falls somewhere on the FL side of the centre of the spectrum. My wife definitely considers it to be FLR because she occasionally likes to remind me that she is “the boss” and expects me to “do as I am told”. The reason I would locate our relationship on the FL side of centre and not at the FL extremity is that my wife has no interest in micromanaging my life, so I feel that I have quite a bit of personal autonomy. Nor does she make all the decisions on her own. Come to think of it, if you consider a spectrum from pure DD to full FLR, maybe one can imagine the spectrum extending beyond mere FLR into BDSM territory. For example, if a wife asserts her authority over her husband by locking him in a chastity device, or if she makes him wear a “slave collar”, one could argue that they are moving beyond FLR into lifestyle BDSM. Or maybe you need to use Dan’s Venn diagram analogy and see DD, FLR, and BDSM as three separate but potentially overlapping spheres.

    17. Incidentally, I don’t mean to disparage BDSM. I’ve read quite a bit about “enforced chastity”, and I find the idea hot. But I would put it in the category of BDSM rather than simple FLR. I can imagine, however, that some people might argue that it is an element of basic FLR or DD.

    18. For me, a Venn diagram is to uncover common ground or the lack thereof. I see three overlapping circles: DD, FLR, and decision-making. Day-to-day decisions are in the center covered by all three circles: my wife makes them, exerting her authority backed up with corporal punishment. Important decisions (new car, major vacation, job change, etc.) are only in the decision-making circle, outside FLR and DD.

    19. I see I wrote the above in the present tense, as if it were still true, which I wish it was ...

    20. I see I wrote the above in the present tense, as if it were still true, which I wish it was ..." :-(

    21. GH,
      I agree that being spanked at the party had some FLR implications. We weren't purely DD. She had a lot of maternal authority. But if I had to characterize the relationship, I would call it a DD marriage and not an FLR marriage. Her big concern was how I acted toward others (including her). But she didn't want to control me. She didn't tell me what to wear, give me a curfew, put me on an allowance, etc. Those would be FLR things to me.

    22. KOJ, by your definition of FLR, I am not in a full FLR either. — GH

    23. GH,
      I was accused of being pussy-whipped, even to my face. But I never thought I was. First of all, I take that term literally -- that the wife is controlling the husband by restricting his access to her private parts. That type of femdom was never part of our marriage.
      Dan commented last week that is a sad comentary that in our culture gentlemanly behavior could be misconstrued as pussy-whipped, but that is exactly the case. For the first decade or so of our DD, no one could have ever had a clue that corporal punishment was part of our marriage, nor would they have described my wife as the boss of me. But they did notice that I was becoming less rough around the edges. The hard-boiled hard-drinking hard-driving tough-talking cynical sarcastic journalist was turning into a gentleman! Maybe the wisdom of age? Maybe his wife had something to do with it?
      It was only in the decade after our early retirements that her authority came more to the fore, with hints of DD included. Then the whispering about pussy-whipped began. I took it in stride because I truly was a better person, thanks to her.

    24. KOJ, I don’t like the term “pussy whipped”. I find it crude, and I don’t think it has anything to do with being a gentleman or not. I think it has traditionally been used by young men in a specific context. Consider a group of young single men who like to party and do wild things together. Then one of them gets into a serious long term relationship with a woman. Suddenly, he is no longer “one of the boys” in the same way. When the others plan to go out drinking on Saturday night, he can’t join them because he has to make concessions to his girlfriend’s wishes if he wants the relationship to last. So the other guys tease him that he is pussy whipped. The metaphorical implication is, I suppose, that the girlfriend is using the access to sex as a way of controlling his behaviour, but I think the metaphor is usually meant in a lighthearted way. In a sense, to be pussy whipped is, in my mind, an inevitable part of the process of growing up and becoming a responsible man in a relationship with a woman. I believe that, even in the absence of DD or conscious FLR, there is a natural process by which women domesticate men. Men who refuse to submit to that process remain perpetual Peter Pans. Well, that’s my theory.

    25. GH: yes, I think DD, FLR and BDSM are three different things that might overlap. BDSM itself is a spectrum; at the mildest end of the spectrum is Top/bottom which is basically light-hearted play with one partner calling the shots and the other doing what they are told and accepting what’s done to them. The dominance generally extends only to the play session and probably won’t spill over into “real life.” Moving along the spectrum you get to a Dominant/submissive pattern. More serious in demeanor, probably a little more physically challenging, but still probably limited in spilling outside the play session into life. At the far end of this curve is Master (or Mistress) and slave. This is the 24/7 complete dominance where every aspect of the slave’s life is controlled. (The difference from “traditional” slavery is of course that the slave chooses to put him or herself in this lifestyle.) The aspects you mention, such as chastity devices and collars tend to live in the Master/slave model. So yes, i’d still go with the Venn diagram as being valid, but with three segments instead of two. TG

    26. TG, I think of FLR versus BDSM this way: if your wife can order to wash the floor, that’s FLR. If she orders you to wash the floor with a toothbrush, that’s BDSM.

    27. GH. Nice one. TG

  3. I have to comment on that photo of the spanking paddle hanging on the wall for all to see because it appeals so powerfully to my spanking fetish. When I was a kid, there was actually a spanking paddle hanging on the kitchen wall in the house of one of my friends. I was fascinated by that paddle and couldn’t keep my eyes off it. My friend’s mother must have noticed my fascination because one time she teased me that I didn’t have to worry about the paddle as long as I was a good boy. I have sometimes fantasized about my wife hanging a paddle on the kitchen wall, maybe because of that childhood memory. That’s got me to thinking, if one thinks of spousal discipline purely as discipline, and not as a kinky sex act, would it not be theoretically acceptable to publicly acknowledge the existence of DD by hanging the spanking paddle on the wall? I suppose the paddle on display in my friend’s house made me blush because I was a budding spanko. But since most parents spanked their kids that way in those days, I imagine most people wouldn’t have paid much attention to that paddle. The idea of a paddle on display fascinates me for the same reason KOJ’s story of being taken upstairs by his wife for a spanking at a party does. When I was a kid, my parents wouldn’t have thought twice about taking me aside for a spanking if I misbehaved while we were guests in someone’s house. In that sense, what KOJ’s wife did was maternal the way I experienced maternal discipline as a kid.

    1. GH - this triggered a memory for me. I had a friend at school whose parents had a strap hanging on the dining room wall. I was likewise fascinated. I assumed it was for keeping the kids in line... but maybe it wasn't?

    2. After retirement, my wife had our kitchen redone (since she was spending more time there). She had the pots and pans hanging from the ceiling above the stove island. Interestingly, she put the wooden spoons and cutting boards up there too. These were not her go-to spanking implements, but she did use them (especially in the kitchen). A new threat/warning joined our lexicon, including issued to me at least once in front of one of her girlfriends: "Do you see what's hanging right here?" Those threats worked!

    3. We don't have any spanking instruments displayed on the main floor or anything obvious spanking-related displayed anywhere. But, the ebony hairbrush and her bath brush are now always on open display in our bathroom. So, they serve as a constant reminder to me but aren't something anyone else would usually see. Though, when our kids come around, it's certainly possible one could follow my wife into our bathroom when talking to each other.

    4. Dan, is there any reason a person who saw the hairbrush and the bath brush would see them as spanking implements rather than just brushes? We have a bath brush on display in our bathroom, and house guests see it because my wife and I don’t have our own private en suite bathroom. If Sherlock Holmes looked closely at that bath brush, he might remark that it doesn’t appear ever to have been used in the bath, but would most people not assume that it was just a bath brush?

    5. GH, the pic triggered memories of the past as well. The principal had the paddle to the left of his desk. It was within arms reach. He had the paddle taped as it was cracked by a senior. My best friends Father had the paddle hanging in the laundry room. When the door was opened, it was clearly visible. My Mother had the paddle and spoon on top of the fridge. When it was time for a spanking, she would grab either and enter the bedroom. Pants and underwear down and bend over for your punishment.

    6. The implements my wife utilizes are pretty much household items. But I do get embarrassed and self conscious if they are left out. Prior to company coming I'd been soundly spanked with a wood brush in the living room. The brush was on the coffee table when the guests arrived. Generally it just looked out of place but for me It was as if it was telling everyone that it was just used on me. I wanted to put it away but didn't, almost thinking if I did it would call attention to it. Also if a doubled over belt is left on a bed after a whipping it's a similar feeling to me.

  4. This answer addresses both questions: real-world impact and timeliness of punishment.
    My wife strongly believed in the punishment following the crime ASAP. My office was about 12 minutes from home, and there were any number of times when she called and said, "Get your ass home for lunch" -- and it wasn't because she had made a fancy meal! I knew I would be squirming in my work chair that afternoon.
    On one occasion she was working and decided a spanking couldn't wait. She had me meet her at an empty house she had listed! There was no furniture so she sat on the stairs and put me over her knee. The smacks and my responses made quite the echo!

    1. I hope you won’t take offence, KOJ, but I find your wife summoning you to be spanked during the work day—and not just at home!—to be kinky. I mean that in a good way.

    2. My wife called me home from work for a spanking only once, but I still vividly remember that drive home.

    3. GH,
      I don't see it as kinky because I still define kinky as unconventional behavior that gives a sex hit. I wasn't aroused; I was worried another Realtor might come in! But my wife told me later that the house wasn't yet on the MLS and she was the only one with a key.
      I don't recall what the spanking was for, but she surely could have waited. I think she was getting a little drunk on her power and was experimenting how far she could push it. Would I obey in such a situation? Turns out the answer was yes, though I felt very embarrassed when she ordered my pants down in someone else's house, even vacant.

    4. KOJ, I think summoning you to be spanked in a place outside your own home is pretty kinky, in the sense of non conventional. You said yourself that it felt a bit dangerous because you worried another realtor might come in. You also say it heightened your embarrassment to be spanked in a house that wasn’t yours. I think that makes it kinky in the same way it is kinky to have sex under circumstances that feel risky. For your wife, summoning you to be spanked there may have been a stepping stone to working up the nerve to spank you at a party, which I would also classify as kinky in the sense of unconventional or risqué.

    5. said: “ …though I felt very embarrassed when she ordered my pants down in someone else's house, even vacant."

      I have had only one similar experience (having my pants taken down in someone else’s house) I remember feelings of deep vulnerability combined with excitement. Overall it was a surreal experience as in OMG, she is really doing this. Contrasted with being spanked at home, the feelings of vulnerability were off the chart.

      Paradoxically to me, being spanked in a hotel doesn’t evoke the same feelings although that happening does underscore my wife’s authority.

      Incidentally, did the spanking you described happen before or after you were spanked during a party? One reason I am curious is that when you submitted to the spanking in the vacant house, it might have given your wife the confidence to take it to the next level.

    6. Alan, it’s interesting that you and I had the same thought that the empty house spanking could have been a stepping stone to the party spanking for KOJ’s wife. Alan, the way you describe the feeling of vulnerability and excitement in getting spanked in someone else’s house is exactly how I imagine that would be for me. There is an element of KOJ’s story that would raise those feelings off the charts for me. The room the host offered as a spanking place was actually semi-public because guests had their coats in there. That means that being overheard from downstairs wasn’t the only risk: someone might have come to get something out of a coat during the spanking.

    7. Alan,
      The vacant house spanking was years before the party spanking (which was after retirement), and I do think it helped boost her confidence that: a) I would obey; and b) it was a good experience for her.

    8. "Paradoxically to me, being spanked in a hotel doesn’t evoke the same feelings although that happening does underscore my wife’s authority." I've been in hotels a few times, and they didn't do much for me emotionally either. I'm not sure why.

    9. An anthropologist or some kind of ologist would probably point to our innate sense of territoriality, where a hotel room becomes “ours” for the 24 hours or so we rent it. Also, in practical terms, most people can control access to a hotel room or otherwise ensure privacy.

      After I commented on KOJ’s post I remembered that my former GF liked to take walks into forest land with a paddle in her knapsack. She had a fondness for both outdoor spankings and outdoor sex ( a gender trait??) although we didn’t actually have that much of it .

      Being spanked outside was not the same as being stripped in someone else’s home, although I remember being nervous that someone would come along. They never did but I have wondered since what she would have done if we did have company.

    10. My wife and I would walk around the neighborhood each evening, which included a short trail through some woods. I got threatened a couple of times that she would make me cut a switch, but it never happened.

    11. We have a lot of heavily forested land near us, and I have thought about the possibility of her spanking me there. It would be far from risk-free, as there are several trails that are fairly heavily used.

    12. If I remember correctly, an early story/account on the DWC web page was by “Jerry” who narrated part of his honeymoon with Aunt Kate and an outdoor spanking that happened on a hiking trail they were traversing. The details are hazy but I think it was on an unnamed mountain trail close to their accommodations. I think he was nervous about being seen –or maybe they suspected they were seen. The details are vague but maybe someone else remembers the story

    13. There is a way in which outdoor spanking is riskier than outdoor sex. Sex can be noisy, but it doesn’t have to be. I think one would naturally try to be quiet in order to be attentive to the possible approach of other people and not to draw the attention of anyone who might be around. On the other hand, a hard paddling makes a distinctive sound that draws attention and could obscure the sound of people approaching.

    14. True enough,but the comparison does depend on where one has sex outside or is spanked outside. I walk our dog in one of the nearby parks and have learned to avoid any sizable copse of trees ( especially pines) where lovers seem to shed their inhibitions along with most of their clothes.I have learned to watch for them, so I can veer away, less I spoil their moment. But they definitely are easy to spot.

      Spanking outside on the other hand, either doesn't happen often ( which I doubt) or people are more careful to do it in remote areas, deep woods or little traveled trails. I have never witnessed ( or heard) an outdoor spanking in contrast to encountering plenty of outdoor sex


  5. Another example: There were times we went home early from a party because she couldn't stand my behavior and insisted we leave. I remember driving the babysitter home thinking about the thrashing I was going to get when I got back. My behavior clearly wasn't worth it, since leaving the party early compounded the punishment. The spanking usually happened as soon as I returned home, since the kids were usually already asleep.

  6. Regarding delayed spankings: I don't find that to be a huge problem. Although I agree that "the sooner the better" is preferred, I also accept "better later than never." The only problem for me with delay is carrying the associated guilt for the offense a bit longer. Graham

    1. "Although I agree that "the sooner the better" is preferred, I also accept "better later than never.""

      Well put. That's pretty much my evolving philosophy. Though, as for carrying guilt around, I find mine usually has, at most, a two or three day half-life.

    2. I never felt a whole lot of guilt. When l was caught I willingly paid the price. The few times she let me get away with stuff were fine with me. I enjoyed being a bit rambunctious and edgy. That's my personality. It worked for us that she didn't expect me to confess misbehavior that she wasn't aware of. But when it reflected back on her, then she was quick to punish. I was definitely more gentlemanly around her, which was what she expected. And I was still pretty well-behaved when she wasn't around. But definitely more sarcastic.

    3. "I enjoyed being a bit rambunctious and edgy. That's my personality." I posted a few months ago about a spanking and lecture that left me feeling resentful, and this was really the heart of it. It's an ongoing challenge. I have a big personality. It's part of what makes many people like me and, in fact, I doubt Anne and I would even be together had I not been that way when we met. So, the thought of dumbing myself down isn't appealing. On the other hand, she's right that sometimes being bold crosses a line into being overbearing and/or boorish. So, she's not wrong to make me work on it, but the finding the right balance isn't easy.

    4. My wife would let me go as long as most people were laughing. If the laughter stopped or turned nervous, I would get the warning look. Sometimes I piped down and somstimes I did not.

    5. KOJ, I am sorry if I seem obsessed with the story of your wife spanking you at the party, but it just resonates so deeply with my fantasies of public humiliation. Your comment about your wife giving you a warning look whenever your raucous behaviour went too far and started to make other people uncomfortable adds a new layer to the party spanking story. If your wife felt she needed to take the extreme step of spanking you at the party, you must have missed or ignored some warning looks, right? And if that is the case, it is likely that other guests were conscious of the loud behaviour that annoyed or embarrassed your wife. In that case, it is likely that at least some guests took note of your wife’s stern manner when she ordered you to follow her upstairs for a “private discussion.” If the upstairs scolding and spanking was indeed loud enough to be heard downstairs, I can imagine other guests actually listening out of curiosity, and exchanging glances, as your wife punished you. I mean, that’s an unusual thing, and it must have been somewhat titillating for the listeners. Then, when your wife brought you back downstairs to face the other guests without even giving you the opportunity to compose yourself, they would have noticed that you were a changed man, red faced and subdued. Whether or not they thought it was kinky, they would know that the discipline was real. That reminds me of a way in which your wife’s extraordinary step was “maternal” the way maternal discipline was when I was a kid. If I behaved in a way that embarrassed my mother in someone else’s house, not only would she have not hesitated to take me aside for a spanking, she would have made no effort to be discreet about it because publicly signalling that one wasn’t lax as a disciplinarian would have been a point of honour for parents back then. What your wife did reminds me of that.

    6. GH,
      I was a bit inebriated at the party, but my wife told me later that she gave me both warning looks and verbal warnings and felt she had to either drag me home or spank me at the party! And she did not feel like leaving just because of me.
      It is likely that others noticed the warnings and us going upstairs and my very changed demeanor coming back down, so your scenario is very plausible. But no one shared what they may have noticed or if they realized that a spanking had occurred. I do know that several women noticed my improved behavior going forward, because that is when they started commenting that I had become a gentleman and asking my wife about the transformation, to which she would mysteriously reply: "Training."

    7. Dan,
      I agree that it was sometimes a tough call to decide when I had crossed the line into boorish behavior, and my wife and I sometimes disagreed about that. She would say, "Well, you obviously don't know where the line is, so it's up to me to decide. And your job is to accept my decision or suffer the consequences."
      At the beginning I was sometimes a bit resentful of her domineering decision-making, but I came to adore her matter-of-fact authority. Plus, she was right 99.9% of the time.

  7. We are clearly in a DD relationship, and not an FLR one. I like it that this log covers a wide range of lifestyles, and it is interesting to learn about them. I think so much of the nature of a successful DD relationship depends on mutual trust. My partner and I are both very independent, and we don't live together. She does have the authority to spank whenever she feels it is appropriate, and I have never challenged her. She is very intuitive, and will sometimes let me know I am going to get a spanking simply to calm me down. We have a check in twice a week, so I get a spanking at least once a week, and often more. Being so vunerable helps keep my behavior in check, so I seldom need disciplinary spankings anymore. While I try to avoid them, sometimes I do miss how they make me feel before and afterwards. A good solution for that is described in the Husband's essay from DWC, where he gets a hard, "therapeutic" spanking every so often, even though he has committed no offense. The paddle on display is a turn on for me also. It is an appealing idea to have an implement that is multi purpose, such as a paddle shaped cutting board, hanging on the kitchen wall.

    1. "Being so vulnerable helps keep my behavior in check." Same here.

    2. I never stopped getting disciplinary spankings. My wife kept setting new and/or higher standards. She said that husband training is never complete.

  8. Thanks, GLM.

    I guess first gear is still better than park or neutral.

  9. On the topic, I remember one parent-teacher conference where we were supposed to sit on those hard plastic chairs. My wife had just set my behind on fire when I told her I was going to complain about one of our daughter's grades (which our daughter had said she thought would be higher). I went to sit on that chair and it was like sitting on a bee's nest. I hopped right up in front of the young female teacher and stayed standing throughout the conference, during which I had not a thing to say.

  10. There haven't been a lot of comments about DD impacting life, but there have to be many simple examples. Dan mentioned skipping days at the gym after a spanking. I tried not to do that. Instead I waited to shower when I got home, and I did the stairmaster instead of the stationary bike, which was very ouchy with a newly spanked butt.

    1. Thanks, KOJ. You may be the first to actually address the topic!

      My gym skipping is actually confined to *before* spankings, not after, and is purely related to not wanting a hard spanking on glutes that are already sore from a hard weight workout. Regarding privacy and potential embarrassment after a spanking, I get lucky that at my gym, each shower is in its own stall. So. as long as I'm careful to always be covered with a towel, there isn't much chance of anyone seeing anything embarrassing.

    2. Some years ago, when DD was a mere fantasy for me, I was in the communal shower after a workout, and I saw a guy in the shower across from me with a very red bum. I asked myself whether his bum could possibly be red from a spanking, but he seemed so nonchalant about revealing his bum to other guys that I thought there must be some other explanation. I was tempted to ask because of my kink, but I couldn’t very well say, “Excuse me, sir, but I couldn’t help noticing you have a red bum.” So I didn’t ask, but it really got my imagination going.

  11. I want to mention one more thing about my wife's matter-of-fact bossiness. She said those outrageous things with a really cute smirk on her face and a twinkle in her eye. There was a wonderful humor about her DD authority, and it helped me accept my punishments and obey her.

  12. It's fairly common for my wife to tell me in the morning that I've earned a spanking that will be administered after we both get home from work. This is done purposely to give me most of the day to think about it and I have to say that it's effective.

    But there are times when dinner and other matters interfere with the plan. Or she is just weary from a long day. In those cases, Beth will make sure I know that she hasn't forgotten and that my punishment is only being postponed. It's usually been only one day later, and never more than two or three.

    1. Those sorts of real-life interferences happened a lot when we had kids. But, for us, justice delayed often did end up being justice denied.

    2. This is one reason my wife was into immediate consequences, so the punishment would not be forgotten. The other was her belief that the consequences needed to happen quickly to truly effect behavior change. I don't believe she was into retribution, so she did not get that benefit from delayed consequences.
      There were many spankings after the kids went to bed. I would bite a pillow to keep quiet, and the music would be turned up. I distinctly remember her spanking to the beat of rock songs so that the swats were hidden by loud bass and drums. I think she enjoyed it too.

  13. Hallelujah! My wife spanked me yesterday! A real disciplinary spanking like she hasn’t done in months. She had asked me to put the bicycle rack on the car the day before, and I forgot to do it. She told me she was going to spank me and asked me if I knew why. I said I didn’t know. Then she asked, “What did I ask you to do yesterday?” To my chagrin and her displeasure, I didn’t remember right away. She told me to think about it and let her know when I remembered. It came to me while she was out walking the dog, so I put the bike rack on the car. “I see you remembered now,” she said when she got back, “but you’re still getting a spanking.” She then took me to the bedroom and spanked me. During the spanking she lectured me that she has been lenient lately because of my health problems but that her leniency has made me lazy and inattentive, and she is no longer going to accept that. FLR is back! — GH

  14. GH,
    Glad your DD/FLR is back! However, I hope you weren't this elated during the spanking. I hope you were wishing it would end soon and regretting your disobedience!

  15. One more "DD impact" memory: I did get spanked right before a physical that typically included the dreaded prostate finger exam, for which the entire bottom is bared. I was rather nervous, as I knew I had bruises. But the doctor asked me, "Are we doing a prostate exam today?" I said I didn't think so. What a relief!

    1. I'm always a little perplexed when a doctor leaves my treatment or examination decisions up to me.

      I had an incident a couple of years ago in which I saw a dermatologist for a spot on my face, and he ended up suggesting a full-body exam. Luckily, I had *not* been spanked recently, but the surprise got my heart racing and made me quickly try to remember when the last time was.

  16. Regarding the quote at the beginning of this post: My wife did not cause me concern and uneasiness. Just pain!
    In truth, I felt more at ease under her maternal authority. Life was much simpler when I just did as I was told!

  17. Hi everyone,
    I miss you all! I have been just way too busy to even thing of writing here. But there have been some very compelling last week and this week, so I do plan to jump in tomorrow some time.

    Until then, for those who get a kick out of seeing spanking, related things, check out FUBAR on Netflix. In episode 3, there is quite a cute spanking scene. I even went back to watch it to see if she was really spanking him, and at least a few of the swats really happened, and weren't just her hitting a pillow or something.


    1. Welcome back! I've been curious about FUBAR, as I'm generally a big Arnold fan. I'll check it out after I finish working my way through Better Call Saul for a second time.

  18. Dan,
    I was thinking of a post idea:
    Our culture thinks of humiliation as a very negative thing, but as part of DD it can be particularly effective in driving the point home, changing behavior, acting as a deterrent, etc.
    And certainly it has been more accepted and used in other cultures and times of history, such as public floggings, stocks in the town square, etc.
    As DD husbands, how has humiliation had a positive impact on our behavior? And why do we think it works?
    I think of the humiliation of baring my bottom for a spanking, of being scolded, of not being able to keep still while being thrashed, of begging for the spanking to stop, of being threatened with punishment in front of others. All of these humiliating experiences enhanced the effectiveness of my wife's punishments.This includes even the positive impact of the idea of humiliation, such as the fear of being found out as a DD husband. How exactly does this work on my brain? I really don't know!

    1. A related aspect to my question: I keep saying and thinking that DD was not sexual for me. But in one sense it was: I would shrivel right up while feeling humiliated. I would get noticeably smaller, to the point that sometimes I would "turtle" (disappear into my scrotum). My wife would sometimes remark on this, thinking it was funny. So I would have this reverse sexual reaction, so to speak. But it is my understanding that some men get aroused while being humiliated. I can't hardly imagine that. What about the rest of you? How does humiliation impact you sexually, both while it is happening and when you think about it afterwards?

    2. I strongly endorse KOJ’s suggestion for a topic -not necessarily on the character and role of humiliation in spanking but also on why and how it works -particularly for (apparently) many who would otherwise avoid embarrassment at any cost. I know the blog had addressed similar topics before, but I am seconding a focused discussion that largely stays on point. This is an area of DD many struggles to understand, not the fewest are the wives and girlfriends who discipline us.

    3. After this week, I have pretty low confidence in a discussion even starting on point, let alone staying on point! :-)

      You're right that we've done this before, but I didn't have any other ideas for a topic and can do it one on this

    4. Dan, I can see that it was mainly my fault that this week’s discussion was off topic. I guess I was still fixated on the topics of previous weeks. I’m sorry about that. In the future will refrain from posting anything that isn’t relevant to the topic immediately at hand. In fact, I promise to post less. I know I talk too much sometimes. Cheers. GH

    5. GH,
      I for one appreciated the questions you asked me. After more than 20 years of DD, I feel like I am just beginning to figure myself out, with the help of this blog.

    6. KOJ, I’m glad you appreciated the questions. I had lots of questions because your account of DD in your marriage fascinated me. Thanks for answering my questions. But having reread Dan’s post for this week, I can see that our discussion was off topic. —GH

    7. I don't mind (much) when discussions go (not too much) off-topic. It happens a lot, and it often has the benefit of helping suggest a topic for the following week. What seemed to set last week's discussion wasn't that it went off-topic but, rather, than it never seemed to get on-topic in the first place.


  19. I’m at the point now where there’s no longer any point in me attempting to resist future corrective sessions from my wife, as it would be probably futile. So, I’ll now just let them take their course & resign myself to the long term outcome. i.e. Living within a discipline lead relationship. I know now that it’ll be a case of when, not if that becomes the reality. I know that by accepting the outcome It will mean accepting a life in future where domestic discipline and punishment spankings will not be an option. They will instead be a guaranteed consequence of any unruly behaviour that I’m adjudged by my wife to be guilty of. Plus maintenance spankings on a regular basis. I also know that this lifestyle is permanent and there is no going back. She’s made that crystal clear.
    I’ve read several blogs about husbands etc. That allow themselves to be coerced by their wives into a situation where they’d eventually pass the point of no return and find themselves having no choice but to accept their wives authority and subsequent discipline sessions. I didn't think in the beginning that I wold become one of them
    I wonder if any other husbands have started out simply trying a domestic discipline lifestyle, as an experiment initially. But then finding that the decision, whether or not to go beyond the experimental stage. Was taken completely out of their hands by their wives?

    So guys. I guess the moral of the story here is…..Be careful of what you wish for. It may not turn out quite as you expected.

    Mr and Mrs Burns

    1. I don't know whether it would be true to say the decision has been taken completely out of my hands, but I would say that what began as her accommodating something I wanted has been transformed into something she is far more invested in. I don't know that she would outright refuse if I tried to walk away from it, but she's certainly much more committed to it now than she once was, to the point that I think she would at least be very reluctant to stop.


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