Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Club - Meeting 420 - Resentment and Really Giving Up Control

"One regrets the loss even of one’s worst habits. Perhaps one regrets them the most. They are such an essential part of one’s personality." – Oscar Wilde


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are, or would like to be, in a Domestic Discipline relationship.



I hope you had a good week. Ours was kind of a roller-coaster.  It started good, with family visiting.  Then it turned bad, with Anne and I getting in a rare argument. Then, it got better with both of us seeming to get over the fight.  Then it got bad again, with Anne getting a very bad case of the flu, which has me sitting around wondering whether I’ll join her suffering soon or whether I’ll succeed in dodging it despite being careless and not getting a flu shot earlier in the season.  (Funny how that carelessness theme keeps coming up for me these last few months, isn’t it?)  Of course, in my partial defense, Anne did get a flu shot and, yet, is sick as a dog.


A Christmas season interrupted by family visits, illnesses, and arguments somehow seems kind of par for the course this year.  I don’t know why, but I’m having a really hard time getting into the season this year even though Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. I’m totally uninspired regarding Christmas shopping, even though I usually enjoy trying to find just the right gift for each person in the family.  As for decorating the house, we got off to a good start, getting the Christmas lights up on the house relatively early, but then things kind of stopped. 


Our whole neighborhood also seems slow to get cracking on decorating.  Maybe it’s the economy?  It does seem like there are years when the world is unsettled and/or the economy is down or shaky, and for some reason that puts a damper on everyone’s holiday preparations.



This also is the first year that neither of us is working, so no office parties to go to, which may be keeping some of the holiday spirit at bay. On the upside, it's also probably putting some limits on my holiday weight gain. Though, I decided going into December that I was going to put a pause on most diet efforts.  This year, I'm having the damn Christmas cookies and eggnog.



Since parties lead to drinking, and drinking leads to spankable behavior, it might be reasonable to assume my behavior would be exemplary this season. Unfortunately, it hasn't really worked out that way.



Which brings us to this week's topic.  Near the end of the most recent topic discussion, a side-discussion about “resentment” ensued.  Here are some excerpts:


Alan: Sometimes there is going to be resentment before or even after a spanking and that is probably unavoidable in a real DD relationship. But if it is happening a lot, that needs to be addressed.


Me: Alan, I agree. I might even go a little further and say that if you aren't feeling some resentment now and then, is it really discipline you are doing? Or, maybe it is discipline but isn't very strict or effective discipline? I don't want to sound too judgmental on this point, but it does seem to me that some level of resentment is inevitable if the discipline is real, consistent, and hard enough to be effective.


ZM: This is a really good point. It has been rolling around in my mind the past few days. We always tend to treat resentment as a very bad thing - which generally I believe it is, especially if there is much of it - but occasional resentment is probably not only the inevitable outcome of DD, but in fact a pretty good sign that DD is being done correctly and that it is indeed real


Although it wasn’t really related to anything I’d raised in that week’s topic, it turned out to be somewhat prescient, in that later in the week Anne and I got into an argument that left us both feeling resentful and angry.  I won’t go into details about it, other than to say that I said something that she thought was intentionally hurtful.  I felt like it was, at most, accidentally hurtful and really shouldn’t have been hurtful at all.  Sometimes the two parties to a conversation just don't see it the same way.

This followed on an incident a few months ago in which I got two spankings, on back-to-back days, after Anne got very mad about what she saw as boorish behavior while we were out with some friends.  Again, it revolved around something I said. Or the way I said it, Or both. 

After the first incident, my resentment was at a low-boil for a surprisingly long time.  Close to a month.  After this latest argument, I was mad but only for two or three days.  So, I guess that is improvement?

At the root of both incidents was my communications.  The first was mainly about how I said things and how loudly; Anne’s view was I was being boorish and dominating a conversation.  The second time was more about what I said.

Regarding me getting resentful, it's no accident that both incidents involved Anne attempting to change, or hold me accountable for, my verbal communications.

My whole career involved communicating with conviction.  I’m also very analytical, which means I tend not to arrive at opinions haphazardly. Hence, I’m comfortable voicing them with confidence.  From Anne's perspective, with too much confidence and too little attention to the sensitivities of those I'm talking to.

Deep down inside, I recognize that my opinions do sometimes ruffle feathers, perhaps unnecessarily.  I also sometimes forget that I have a deep, booming voice that may give my communications an attack-like intensity that's not really what I intend.

Voicing strong opinions is core to my identity. Yet, in some contexts it probably does need to be restrained.  Which is why the Oscar Wilde quote above resonates with me.

Because my communication style is so core to my identity, I did initially feel resentful that Anne was trying to make me "censor" myself.  More accurately, she was making me stop and think before I talk.

The first time, it pissed me off.  I couldn't look beyond the fact that she was censoring me to appreciate the reason she was doing so.  But, eventually I did have an epiphany of sorts, and not just that she might be right to make me think more before I speak.  It also finally occurred to me that my feelings of “unfairness” were part and parcel of the reality of her exercising control.  

In that incidence, while she did spank me—twice—the spankings had little if anything to do with the resentment.  It was really the tone and content of the preceding lecture, and the fact that was intent on making me change how I do something that is core to me, i.e. communicating with others.

The lecture was very humbling, and my ego clearly didn’t like it. After the spankings, it kept whispering in my ear why I was right and she was wrong.

Honestly, it felt a lot like being punished as a kid.  When has any teenager accepted responsibility after a hard scolding by a parent or other authority figure?  Didn’t we always assert we were right and the authority figure was being “unfair”?


In those days, even after a spanking, wasn't it rare that you really accepted you were wrong?  At best, you complied with the spanking and life went on.

In the end, the incident and my reaction to Anne cracking the whip and enforcing her expectations about something as fundamental as how I must talk to others served to drive home just how deep-seated my issues with authority are.  Given how negatively I react to being controlled, it's probably inevitable that Anne imposing real constraints in important areas will lead to resentment or feelings of “unfairness.” 

Part and parcel of accepting her authority is capitulating to it when I least want to do it. Really accepting it goes deeper, however.  It involves that epiphany happening when you accept not just the reality and inevitability of the authority, but that here exercising it and you accepting it are things are right. That it's what you asked for, what you want, and definitely what you need.


It’s hopefully a good sign that, while our second argument was far more heated than the first, I got over the resentment far more quickly and, importantly, within a couple of days I recognized that she's right that I have to accept some limits on how I communicate.  

I’m not going to lie – part of me does continue to really chafe at someone trying to censor the opinions I voice or how I voice them.

Yet, when I’m honest, I know my predicament is because of my own failure to impose some stricter “time, place and manner” restrictions on how I talk to others.  There's no doubt my failure to rein myself in at work led to a reputation for being “pugilistic.”

I’m quick to talk here about how much I want and need imposed guardrails, yet it’s also the case that I feel anger or resentment when they are imposed.  Which is, as ZM pointed out, the best indicator that they are real.

In those moments when they are the most real, I can’t help but have doubts about whether this is something I really want -- giving someone else the authority to set limits on my behavior, including behaviors that reflect an “essential part of [my] personality” as Wilde put it.   

But, when I have those doubts, I’m reminded of a comment from Danielle about  Anne imposing some limits around workplace socializing:

“You also seem to think that the following behaviors are not issues for couples who aren’t in FLR’s:


- coming home late for supper

- having a third drink at happy hour

- receiving texts from your wife asking you not to stay out late


If you think those aren’t bones of contention in non-FLR marriages, I think you are fooling yourself. Sure, lots of guys will ignore their wives’ nagging about such behavior, but many will likely have bitter arguments with their wives about it, and in the worst case such disputes can lead to marital breakdown. The only difference between a FLR and a regular marriage is that a wife in a FLR has more leverage to curb behaviors she doesn’t like.”


She really hit the nail on the head.  It wasn’t like we didn’t have arguments about things like my tendency to be domineering back before we discovered DD and FLR.  If anything, before DD those arguments happened more often, were more intense, and lasted longer.  



Where do things go from here? Well, I suspect this will be a “work in progress” for some time.  Anne and I both need to recognize a few, perhaps uncomfortable, truths.


First, the more often she uses her authority and the more often I give in, the more comfortable we both are going to get with it.  Practice makes perfect.  It’s a good reason for her to exercise her authority more often and on “small” things.


Second, there inevitably are going to be things that don’t feel “small” to one or both of us.  Hopefully, her practice with exercising authority on small things will pay off in exercising her authority more easily when emotions are running high.


Third, I need to accept, and learn to concede more quickly, that there are going to be times in this kind of relationship—one that I initiated and continue to want—when being bossed around is going to be emotionally uncomfortable for me. Put quite simply, I’m not always going to get what I want. Period.   


When that happens, we both need to accept that although resentment is inevitable, it’s her role to impose her authority and my role to comply, as difficult as that may be.  And, when there really are good reasons for her imposing the boundaries she’s imposing, then my resentment really is all about ego, isn't it?


What are your thoughts about this?  Does being disciplined, or having rules enforced, sometimes leave you feeling resentful?  What do you do when that happens?  Does it make your wife more reluctant to enforce her rules, or has she gotten comfortable with it? 


I hope you all have a great week.



  1. A very interesting discussion, one of my behaviors that will earn me discipline is my mouth and attitude my wife thinks is to opinionated and talking down or over others. Another bad habit in the same vain is correcting my wife in public with friends, it almost always end in a severe session. I own my business and at work my opinions usually Trump others, although my wife has told my office Manager who is also a family friend to tell her if I act like an ass at work . She has texted my wife on several occasions and I have been dealt with. My wife jokes about it and just tells her she is going to put it in her journal without telling her what it means. Unknown by my wife I have shared with my office manager the consequences so she keeps me grounded at work by threatening to contact and occasionally does.
    My wife will let me explain my side and decide weather punishment is deserved, if it is I am required to apologize at the office, interestingly in a majority of cases my wife takes my side and thinks I baby my staff. .
    BTW were you spanked for offending your wife last week ?

    1. "Interestingly in a majority of cases my wife takes my side and thinks I baby my staff." That IS interesting. I was kind of like that as a manager. I could be demanding, but it was a function of the fact that we were in a pressure cooker when it came to delivering results on tight deadlines. I actually sucked at holding people accountable or giving hard feedback.

      I knew someone would ask your question, and here it comes in the the first comment. She did not. We haven't talked about it, but the likely reasons are: (1) During the argument, it would have been a bad, bad move. It was one of those "real life" big arguments that, in that moment, DD is going to do absolutely nothing to solve for either party; (2) even after the passions cooled, it took a few days to get back on track, and we had family visiting; and (3) as alluded to above, she got the flu, about the time the guests left.

  2. Again, I feel our FLR is a bit different, but works well for us. At the beginning, when we were hammering out all the details, we both agreed that she as HoH, would determine if discipline was needed. I was not allowed to contest or even question her decision. She would tell me why I was being spanked and accepted it without question. I realize many, and some here may feel I am being wimpy but I fully trust her. There have been times when I feel I am being unjustly punished, but have never resented the punishment or her authority.

    1. I have never resented being punished but I have resented her authority. I know that seems off. I asked for an FLR but sometimes I resent it especially when I believe I am right. We recently had a huge argument and I still belive I was right so I resent her telling me to shut up and of course I could not and totally embarrassed her in front of others. It took her three days to calm down enough to spank me for it. When we talked about it she was still angry not so because I argued but more the way I communicated. I embarrassed her . I asked for and received back to back spankings with an hour in the corner between. I am still sore. My point is it was not the punishment. I asked her to punish me but there is resentment of her authority when I think she is wrong. I know that I asked for an FLR and I have to accept that but I think it's natural for there to be a little resentment. The problem is that usually leads to a repeat performance because I cant keep my mouth shut and just let it go. She hates and will not tolerate me bringing up prior issues. Throwing them up in her face will get her really mad and me spanked even harder.

    2. A few things, again only for our FLR, not telling anyone to do it our way. I agreed to her absolute authority and control on day one. I wanted an FLR and together we set up the rules and agreement. I was stripped and spanked seconds after we 'officially' began our FLR, as she said, just to start things off. We never argue. Such things as ruled as disrespect and met with an immediate spanking. If later is comes out that I was right, I may get a statement from her on that, but do not expect it. Another rule we made is nothing can be brought up in the future. Once I am spanked, the issue is over and can not be readdressed by either of us. Like you, there have been times where a multiple spanking is due, but once over it is done. We love each other and she treats me very well, but will play the authority card when she feels needed.

    3. Thanks, SC. I certainly don't see your acceptance as "wimpy." I do wonder, however, if you're more "submissive" than some here. It sounds like you transitioned more or less seamlessly into an FLR in which she has most of the control and you like it that way. Not arguing, not feeling resentment isn't something I could simply "choose" not to do. It's just not how I am wired, and no amount of agreeing in advance would change that.

    4. "I have never resented being punished but I have resented her authority. I know that seems off. I asked for an FLR but sometimes I resent it especially when I believe I am right." I actually totally understand that.

    5. Spanked Cowboy, our situation is similar in many ways. I suppose it hasn't been my custom to harbour resentment after a spanking. When I have been tempted to do so, I have always reminded myself of the fact that F/M DD spankings are largely there to draw a line under things and close the matter for good and that holding onto resentment would defeat the purpose of the spankings.

      Also, part of what helps draw a line under things is our custom of making love after the conclusion of a spanking. When we were thrashing (pun intended) out the details of our F/M DD setup, I was keen to emphasise to my wife that I wanted her to make sure she followed things through until she was genuinely satisfied that things were closed, i.e. if in doubt, continue spanking. A few times, I picked up on non-verbal cues indicating that this wasn't the case, so I asked her to continue afterwards.


    6. Spanked Cowboy we are still in the early stages. I am helplessly in love with my wife and with or without FLR. I want us to both be happy. I discovered she really wanted an FLR when I asked for one. Then teased her about going back to the way things were with me making the majority of the decisions. She has made it clear that the authority I gave her. Is there to stay and she could spank me now to prove it. It's the conflict of her authority and my submission when I know I am right that is difficult if not impossible for me to accept on one hand I want her to always be happy but on the other I'm a perfectionist so I just can't give up on some things. She literally has to paddle me just to get me to shut up. I guess I am a work in progress. I could not be happier than I am now once she puts me in my place. A spanking makes me feel more centered and thankful instead of resentful. I got one just a little bit ago for my Monday attitude adjustment because she could see I was having a bad day. I only wish she had done it earlier but giving her time to figure it out.

    7. Hi Spanked Cowboy,
      "...we both agreed that she as HoH, would determine if discipline was needed. I was not allowed to contest or even question her decision. She would tell me why I was being spanked and accepted it without question. I realize many, and some here may feel I am being wimpy but I fully trust her." - I don't think many here would think you are being wimpy for this. In the end, this isn't that much different than what many of us here think we have. Our wives have the authority to spank us and they have pretty much absolute discretion in exercising this authority we have given them because we trust them. The only part that is different is the accepting it "without question." In fact, this is one that I really struggle with. I contest it virtually every time, which I know is pretty counterproductive.

      "Another rule we made is nothing can be brought up in the future. Once I am spanked, the issue is over and cannot be readdressed by either of us." - I absolutely believe that one of the biggest benefits of DD is the clear closure it brings to issues. This is worlds better than the typical pattern that manifests in too many marriages, where things blow up into fights, but instead of completely clearing the air, they finally settle down to a simmer. And when there is a disagreement or argument, it is full of "you always" or "you never" and a detailed recounting of every time there has been any problem in the past.

      However, one of the other biggest benefits I see of DD is how it increases and improves communication. So, for me, I wouldn't like the idea that after a spanking happens, it can never be talked about again. Instead, at least for me, just the opposite needs to be true. I am more a proponent of what Alan and his wife have laid out. He is not allowed to object before a punishment, but he is free to talk about it at length after the punishment is finished. If my wife enforced something like this, then 90% of the time, by the time the spanking is done I would agree anyway, since the paddle seems to change my thinking patterns quite well. However, those other 10% of the times, we really need to talk because clearly there is some misalignment in how we viewed the issue. If it turns out that she is wrong, she should in fact be anxious to apologize. And if in the end, we simply don't see eye to eye on something, it is good to at least talk about it until we fully understand each other's perspective. However, in any case the incident should be treated as closed and never brought up by either party in any sort of recriminating way.


    8. "However, those other 10% of the times, we really need to talk because clearly there is some misalignment in how we viewed the issue."

      I think that's a really good point. Everyone who's been on here a while knows my feelings about "topping from the bottom." I don't think any rule that cuts off communication is a good idea. It sounds like it works in SC's case, but I think it would be a problem for most couples. In the end, none of us--regardless of which end of the paddle we are on--are mind readers.

    9. Thanks to all for their comments. Note to Dan... my transition to an FLR was not a seamless as it may appear. I was converted from an alpha male to a submissive during my first 24/7 relationship by my second wife. Believe there was much resentment and nearly revolting during that conversion. My current partner got the 'broken in' model and only had to train me in her ways, likes and dislikes.

    10. SC, got it. Thanks for the clarification.

  3. I don’t remember ever feeling any resentment at receiving anything from mild discipline to a severe punishment, but I don’t think I’ve received one when I didn’t think it was warranted. In fact I’d say that more often than not it’s triggered by my feeling of guilt about whatever I’ve done or however I’ve upset her. I think I’ve seen similar comments from others in the past as well. I think her view is that there’s little point in punishment if it’s not accepted. Its purpose is behavior modification and if it meets resentment is not going to achieve its aim. TG

    1. "I think her view is that there’s little point in punishment if it’s not accepted. Its purpose is behavior modification and if it meets resentment is not going to achieve its aim."

      Thanks, TG. I get that perspective, though I see it as somewhat more complicated. I think that if there is a full-blown argument going on, punishment in that moment isn't going to solve anything. I do think, however, there have been a significant number of times when I may not have felt like I was in the wrong before a spanking but was way more open to that possibility afterward.

    2. Hi TG and Dan,
      "I don’t remember ever feeling any resentment at receiving anything from mild discipline to a severe punishment, but I don’t think I’ve received one when I didn’t think it was warranted." - This makes sense, because the very definition of the word "resentment" is that it is the result of unfair treatment.

      "Its purpose is behavior modification..." - For me, this is only one of the purposes of DD, albeit a very important one.

      "I think that if there is a full-blown argument going on, punishment in that moment isn't going to solve anything." - Fully agree. In fact, punishment at that moment is probably a really bad idea for both parties, and will not only not solve anything, but will likely make things worse.

      "I do think, however, there have been a significant number of times when I may not have felt like I was in the wrong before a spanking but was way more open to that possibility afterward." - I wrote about this very thing in the comment above, so I won't repeat it here. But I think this is true for me about 90% of the time.


    3. I agree that in the heat of the argument is the wrong time for punishment. Tempers have to book a bit first

    4. Sorry - cool a bit first. TG

  4. There were times when my wife accused me of having a bad attitude where I really believed I didn't. Maybe I was preoccupied with something important so I was a bit short. She did let me try to explain. Sometimes she accepted my explanation and sometimes I was punished. I occasionally felt resentful, but it usually was gone by the end of the spanking. She spanked me into "acceptance" -- I would stop struggling and accept the swats, and similarly I would accept her reasoning for them. But sometimes it would linger.
    There's a saying, "Resentment is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die." Resentment is unexpressed anger and only hurts me by stuffing it. I got spanked for that too. While swatting me she would lecture: "You need to explain what you are upset about and not do this passive-aggressive crap. You are a professional communicator so you damn well better communicate with me!"

    1. "Resentment is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die."

      Take a look at the first meme in my November 12, 2022 post for what I think is a very funny variation on that saying.

      It is funny how being a professional communicator sometimes seems to stop as soon as you cross the threshold into your own home. I too was basically a paid communicator, yet that isn't always on display at home.

    2. Dan, agreed with the meme that is a variation on the Buddha theme. I suppose this is the whole point of F/M DD spanking: ensuring that the husband "drinks the poison" regarding whatever it is that she is unhappy about, or rather, is administered it.


  5. We have talked earlier about how being spanked can turn initial resentment into acceptance and even into realizing that she was right. But when that acceptance doesn’t happen, for example in Dan’s example, some core issue is triggered, and it can help to remind yourself that the authority you gave her carries with it the inevitability that you will be punished sometimes when you feel, perhaps strongly that it was unfair. This really is a collateral cost of the enormous benefits you both receive as a couple from practicing DD.
    But I think there are things a couple can do to minimize the resentment, understanding you will not always agree with her reasons for administering discipline.
    One critical variable is communication, both before the spanking if possible and for sure after the spanking. You have the right to know why she is punishing you but you also need to try to understand her point of view.
    Another that certainly works for us is preparing me to accept the spanking before it happens, both by constructive scolding and sometimes just giving me time to cool down or transition to that obedient cooperative state she wants me in
    She also allows only minimal protests before administering discipline. She is very strict about this. Obedience and surrender to her authority at that stage are very important to her. But she allows me unlimited discussion and even argument afterward and does listen to me when I protest a particular spanking. She has even apologized a few times for either being too severe or misunderstanding what had happened.
    DD only works if your wife has full authority to use her discretion about when, where, and for what. Some resentment among adults has to happen once in a while and something a couple can get beyond if they both realize that discipline really is love. I remember telling my former GF that she couldn’t make a serious mistake in deciding to punish because it is a loving act. I still believe that.

    1. "This really is a collateral cost of the enormous benefits you both receive as a couple from practicing DD."

      "[I]t can help to remind yourself that the authority you gave her carries with it the inevitability that you will be punished sometimes when you feel, perhaps strongly that it was unfair. I think that's clearly true.

      I think the situation also emphasizes point you've made in the past, namely that DD is going to work more seamlessly when there is actual advance agreement on what offenses will be punished. But, of course, that can conflict in a major way with some of our preferences for more of a "for any reason" arrangement.

      I also think the situation Anne and I experienced recently illustrates that there are some issues that DD just isn't going to solve, or at least that there is a very big timing element on when it should be used. Sometimes a disagreement is just too big or the opinions too at odds to be resolved with something like a spanking. Or, the positions are just so far apart. Or, emotions are just running too high. But, on that last one, I think DD can be used to bring closure once the tempers have cooled.

    2. Alan, excellent comment. There are too many good things packed in it for me to even begin to address them all one by one, so suffice it to say that I agree on all points! One thing that I particularly like is the restriction on pre-spanking protest (which is something I always have a problem with) but allowing free discussion and even arguing after a spanking is given. Considering that most of the time, the objections just seem to evaporate during a spanking, those times that this doesn't happen probably indicate that you are further apart on the issue, so some extended conversation should not only be allowed, but in fact encouraged.

      And Dan, I agree that there is a time and a place for DD. It is likely that there are issues that it simply won't work on, and certainly many times that it won't work at that moment in time. Obviously, the easiest situation for DD is when it is for an intentional infraction of a known rule with no good reason, so it all is pretty black and white, but so often life gives us lots of shades of gray.


  6. Hi Dan,
    Sorry to hear you had to deal with a fight and then the flu. Hopefully it will all pass quickly. I too am having a hard time getting much in the Christmas spirit. It is not so much that I am not in the mood for Christmas, as I too love it above all other holidays, but rather it simply doesn’t feel like it should be December already. Also, like you, I have decided that I will generally try to enjoy the holiday treats - though hopefully not too excessively - and then will get back to dieting after the holidays.

    I love the Oscar Wilde quote. It captures exactly how I feel about so many things, ironically many of the very things I want to address through DD. It is not so much that I love the behaviors, habits, or patterns, and of course I do recognize the detrimental effect some of them cause, but rather it is that they seem so tied into who I am that the thought of changing them just makes me sad.

    “I’m also very analytical, which means I tend not to arrive at opinions haphazardly. Hence, I’m comfortable voicing them with confidence. From Anne's perspective, with too much confidence and too little attention to the sensitivities of those I'm talking to.” - Facts and knowledge matter, and if you have both on your side, it is natural to speak quite confidently. But of course, Anne is also correct that tone matters.

    “Given how negatively I react to being controlled, it's probably inevitable that Anne imposing real constraints in important areas will lead to resentment or feelings of ‘unfairness.’” - Very true. I expect that anyone who has difficulty with authority will struggle with this aspect of DD, or at the very least I know that I sure do.

    “I’m quick to talk here about how much I want and need imposed guardrails, yet it’s also the case that I feel anger or resentment when they are imposed. Which is, as ZM pointed out, the best indicator that they are real.” - This part is a little tricky. I definitely asked for these guardrails to be imposed, not only because I recognize I need them to help keep me in check, but also because I somehow crave the feeling of them being imposed. However, all this is with the clear recognition that I will NOT want them to be imposed when they are. It is somewhat like asking to be spanked until well after you cry and beg for it to stop. You may think you need it, and you know that you won’t like it when it happens, but somehow you still want it to happen no matter what your feelings may be at the time. For me, I am really drawn to this inevitability.

    “First, the more often she uses her authority and the more often I give in, the more comfortable we both are going to get with it. Practice makes perfect. It’s a good reason for her to exercise her authority more often and on ‘small’ things.” - I agree that it makes sense to “practice” on smaller things, so both partners are much more comfortable with their relative roles and responsibilities within the DD relationship.

    “Second, there inevitably are going to be things that don’t feel ‘small’ to one or both of us. Hopefully, her practice with exercising authority on small things will pay off in exercising her authority more easily when emotions are running high.” - Again, exactly right. In the end, I am not really convinced that anything is really that small anyway, since generally everything is part of bigger patterns. But still it makes sense to get the rhythm going on issues or behaviors that both partners likely have less emotional investment in.

    “Third, I need to accept, and learn to concede more quickly, that there are going to be times in this kind of relationship—one that I initiated and continue to want—when being bossed around is going to be emotionally uncomfortable for me. Put quite simply, I’m not always going to get what I want. Period.” - This!

    “And, when there really are good reasons for her imposing the boundaries she’s imposing, then my resentment really is all about ego, isn't it?” - Grudgingly agree. Haha!

    I’ll get to the questions in a second post.


    1. Well, so far, my dealing the flu has been purely as an observer. So far, Anne got it but not me. Fingers crossed . . .

      Christmas, and December in general, did really sneak up on me this year. Which is odd in itself, because our last few winters have been abnormally dry, while this one feels way more like a real winter, with multiple snows already and more coming this week.

      "It is not so much that I love the behaviors, habits, or patterns, and of course I do recognize the detrimental effect some of them cause, but rather it is that they seem so tied into who I am that the thought of changing them just makes me sad." Exactly this!

      Plus, there is the truism that our greatest weaknesses are often the shadow side of our greatest strengths. Communicating strongly and with passion was one of my greatest strengths in the actual job performance side of my career, yet it caused all sorts of problems in the day-to-day, behind the scenes part that involved interacting with colleagues and superiors. And, it's not that different in my social life. One reason I have the friends I have is most of the time we enjoy having vigorous conversations about the issues of the day. But, lines can be crossed. Or, some of us may like and be used to vigorous give and take, while others get very weirded out by it. I had one colleague who was like a brother to me. When we disagreed on an issue, we would get into what others saw as very heated arguments. It didn't bother either of us at all, but it would completely weird out more junior members of the team who were conflict-averse.

      "For me, I am really drawn to this inevitability." Totally. If I had to sum up what draws me to DD in a couple of words, it probably would be "inevitability" and "vulnerability."

  7. Dan wrote: It involves that epiphany happening when you accept not just the reality and inevitability of the authority, but that her exercising it and you accepting it… (is right). That it's what you asked for, what you want, and definitely what you need.”

    This is really where the rubber hits the road in moving from a spanking /discipline fantasy to a real-life domestic discipline relationship in which you must accept her authority and obey her to make it work. In fact, discussions with my wife have convinced me that it is her confidence that I will obey her when she decides on discipline that allows her to express that part of her persona. I have no way of knowing, but I imagine that many would-be DD relationships never become a reality because of male disobedience at the point she is punishing you or using her authority in a way that threatens the male ego.

    By the time I met my wife I had been well “trained” by my former girlfriend, so to my memory, I have never defied my wife about discipline or tried to stop a spanking before it was over. But I did that with my former GF, more often than I like to remember-- getting up before she gave permission or otherwise stopping a spanking. I still remember vividly the day she had taken me to that point which we all have experienced where we are desperate for it to stop and to find a way to stop it. And I was ready to stop it as I had done many times before. But I also had a kind of epiphany at that point telling myself this is what I need and really do want and I am screwing it up by not taking my punishment. -After that, I just let go of it and stopped all resistance, and really didn’t even want to resist any longer. I think most of us must go through some experience like that where we make a conscious decision to obey and submit as part of the disciplinary relationship we want with our wives or girlfriends. That experience of letting go to her also had a major impact on how she disciplined too. a few times after that “letting go” I did still get up to stop it. But instead of backing off or just stopping, she insisted I assume the position again and didn’t stop until I did. Once she saw what she could do, she never let me be defiant again. And that was the real beginning of our DD.
    Bottom line: it is a quid pro quo. If you are in a DD relationship for a while, you will feel occasionally you have been punished unfairly You must decide if accepting “unfair” punishment occasionally and the humbling of the ego that goes along with it, is worth it to you to be in a DD relationship. So far for me, the answer has always been yes

    1. "In fact, discussions with my wife have convinced me that it is her confidence that I will obey her when she decides on discipline that allows her to express that part of her persona."

      I think it's the same with mine. Though, unlike you, I never had a pattern of resisting, trying to get up or otherwise terminate a spanking early, etc. Yet, she has told me that in the back of her mind, she always thought I probably would resist or would call an end to it, because she couldn't really conceive of why any man would want this in the first place. For some reason, reading The Hesitant Mistress gave her some insight that helped her get past that suspicion. I don't really know what it was, because while I like that book, I'm not sure it gives any insight into the male psyche that she couldn't get from the stories, Q&A, or tips & methods sections on the DWC website.

      I do think you're right that at least some budding DD relationships probably never get off the ground because of the male undermining her efforts through resistance, delay, trying to terminate early, etc.

    2. I have never tried to stop a punishment. However, what I HAVE done - probably more times than not - is tried to talk her out of punishing me. That is what I really need to work on. Thankfully, one word that would describe my wife is "resolute." So, if she really decides something, nothing can stop her. The times I have successfully talked my way out of a spanking were those times that she was already on the edge. Having said that, I am sure that her confidence would be even higher if I didn't challenge her every time.

      "Bottom line: it is a quid pro quo. If you are in a DD relationship for a while, you will feel occasionally you have been punished unfairly You must decide if accepting '
      'unfair' punishment occasionally and the humbling of the ego that goes along with it, is worth it to you to be in a DD relationship. So far for me, the answer has always been yes." - Exactly right. Do DD long enough, and she will punish you unfairly at least once.


    3. "However, what I HAVE done - probably more times than not - is tried to talk her out of punishing me. That is what I really need to work on." Same here, for sure.

    4. ZM writes: ” I have never tried to stop a punishment.”

      I don’t know whether to be in awe of you and the several others who have made similar statements or hate you. I admit it. I was a wimp when the real spankings started, maybe for as long as six months. The difference between the fantasy I had for years before the first one and the actual experience was overwhelming. I have never gotten out of position for my wife but my former GF was another story. The first few spankings from her as I remember were endurable but once she understood I wanted a real spanking, she literally took the gloves off. I remember thinking over and over that it would never end which is when I ended it until I realized how I was sabotaging our relationship In my defense this was a woman who believed in spanking as a punishment and seemed to instinctively know how to handle a hairbrush ( and occasionally her large sorority paddle). She did not know the meaning of a moderate or warning spanking. They were all real and serious to her. But I guess I really was a wimp about it. Are there no other guys out there who got up or stopped in some way (safe word for example) those early spankings? Am I the only ( former) wimp on this blog?

    5. Alan, I really doubt you're any wimpier than some of the rest of us!

      First, I have kind of a crazy high pain tolerance. Always have, for as long as I can remember. It's not that I don't feel pain. I think I just process it differently than most other people.

      Second, remember that Anne and I went from virtually no spankings to DD spankings. For the first few "real ones," we were using crappy hairbrushes and adult store paddles that might as well been her hand.

      In other words, I had some ramp up period, even if I didn't recognize it as such at the time. And, when we got into the "real spanking" end of the spectrum, it took a while to get past my crazy-high pain threshold.

      Finally, I was raised in a hyper-masculine environment where you just gut things out. I honestly think that my biggest impediment in DD is the "take it like a man" thing.

      I'd way rather be less resistant and able to give into it more.

    6. I didn't stop any spankings because I was afraid she would in turn stop DD completely. I started out stoic but I quickly realized she needed a reaction to believe I was getting the message. So I decided to be honest and let my real feelings out. Groan, wriggle, cry out, etc. It hurt like hell, so why not let it out to the person I trusted most in the world? And she appreciated that honesty.

    7. Hi Alan,
      I can assure you I am no hero! Similar to what Dan recounted, my wife began with inadequate tools, and additionally she was very worried that she was going to injure me since she had never done this before, so she took it pretty easy in the beginning. Also, my bottom marked most impressively in the beginning, so she would stop pretty quickly seeing how marked I was.

      Two other disclaimers that I might offer are that: 1) while I never tried to stop a spanking, probably the only thing keeping me from it at times was the fear that maybe she would stop DD permanently, as KOJ said, and 2) I might not have ever tried to stop a spanking or stand up, but that doesn't mean that I didn't move my bottom at least somewhat out of position as I flopped around like a fish. I might not have told her outright to stop, but I probably made enough sounds of anguish at times that sometimes she did stop early.


    8. "Also, my bottom marked most impressively in the beginning, so she would stop pretty quickly seeing how marked I was." Same here. The difference between then and now is night and day.

      KOJ and ZM, I'm not really sure why I never really resisted in the moment. I don't think it was really about fear she might stop DD permanently, though that concern might have been in the background. I think it was more that my earliest exposure to adult spanking was, for the most part, through the DWC website which, if anything, maybe oversells how bad a "real" spanking is, with all the stories involving men crying and totally losing it. I think that, from the beginning, I kind of knew what I was asking for, which gave me some amount of discipline to accept it.

      Now, that doesn't mean that I haven't gotten very, very close to trying to get up. Honestly, it's not been discipline or self-control that kept me from doing it so much as when it was on the verge of becoming unbearable was usually about the time my butt would start becoming numb, such that "almost unbearable" became "just bearable enough".

  8. While she didn't articulate it, my wife understood from the very start that dd was a "habit" we both needed to develop. We started with very trivial rules that were easy to break. I got used to the inevitability of being spanked if I broke a rule, any rule. We've moved up to behavioral issues. One of the big ones is my tendency to interrupt. Each time I've been called out and spanked, I feel resentment. I had something important to say. Right? Well, maybe not *that* important. Because we've developed disciplinary habits, I may resent the correction, but I don't question or resent her right to punish me.

    One thing she does that may be different from others is that she makes no attempt to lecture me about how wrong my behavior was. She makes sure I know why I'm being spanked and goes about punishing me. The reason is that we've found that if I'm consistently punished for a behavior, I will learn not to repeat it. It always works with me. I guess it is conditioned behavior. All I know is that I have almost completely stopped interrupting. I catch myself when I start. I can't really explain why.

    Those early years with simple rules about chores and things like squeezing toothpaste from the bottom of the tube, trained me to accept her authority. Sometimes I resent the correction for a short time after my spanking, but I never question her right to punish me. I know there is no point in arguing. If she doesn't like something I do or say, she will punish me each and every time I do it.

    1. "One thing she does that may be different from others is that she makes no attempt to lecture me about how wrong my behavior was." I used to think that lecturing beforehand would add a big element to the experience that would enhance the overall effect. I've concluded that from my perspective, it doesn't serve much purpose. Now, it may still be the case that lecturing helps her get the matter off her chest, so from that perspective it might still have value.

    2. If it is something that you have been punished for again and again, there is little point in lecturing, since you pretty well understand her viewpoint.

      For me, lecturing before only works if it is something that I actually feel really bad about. What does seem to work somewhat is lecturing during a spanking or between sessions, when I am already feeling more submissive and I listen a bit more openly.


    3. For us, the scolding was part of the punishment. When it was something I had been punished for repeatedly, she would scold me about that. It was embarrassing to be told I was acting like a naughty little boy who should know better, and that I needed to start acting like an adult. The embarrassment added to the effectiveness of the spanking, which she knew.

    4. For us, the only times my spankings didn't include a lecture have been when quick discipline was required. Even in those instances she will give me a scolding before and after she applies the hairbrush to my backside. Her words really do increase the embarrassment and as Dan suggests, it probably has some therapeutic benefit for her.

    5. Just to be clear, most of the time my wife scolds at least some as well, or at the very least discusses why I am being punished. I am just saying that it usually doesn't have the emotional impact I would have expected it would, except in those rare cases that I feel really bad about something. More often, she spanks me for things that don't have that much of an element of me hurting her feelings.

      "The embarrassment added to the effectiveness of the spanking, which she knew." - This is how I expect it would work, but for me, I just never feel all that embarrassed during the scolding phase. Perhaps it is because I am thinking about the upcoming spanking and just want to get on with it and get it over with. But I am not doubting that scolding can be very embarrassing, and that it can increase the effectiveness of a punishment. If my wife ever scolded me in front of someone else, like one of her friends, it would be more impactful for me than it would be if she spanked me harder than she ever has in a private setting.


    6. My reaction is very close to ZM's. I thought scolding would have a major emotional impact, but most of the time it just doesn't.

  9. Hello all, Dan sorry to hear about your fight. Unfortunately, marriages go through ups and downs and no ones marriage is perfect. I agree that Christmas came way too quickly this year. It is also my favorite holiday. We host Christmas Eve with us making around eight courses. I’m definitely running behind the eight ball this year. I think my resentment is two fold. First, my wife was sick for awhile and I was responsible for everything. I completed all the household tasks without issues.I did this because of my love for her. My wife has recovered but sometime fails to give 100 percent back to helping with the household. I think she almost expects it. I’ve lost my cool a few times with her, and I accepted a good thrashing from her. I resented her correcting me. My wife should be assisting a lot more with the household chores. I did not resent the punishment due to my attitude. She was correct to spank me. Secondly, I feel you are correct that some issues just will not correct themself with DD. We do not have an FLR, and frankly my wife isn’t right on everything. I am not right on every issue either. This is why DD is such a work in progress. I do agree with ZM, there are going to be times in this type of relationship where you have to concede that not everything will go your way. I did after all tell her, I would never not bend over when instructed. Although, I do feel at times I have been unjustly punished.

    1. "We do not have an FLR, and frankly my wife isn’t right on everything." Nor is anyone else's. I used to get some of the "my wife is a goddess, and the woman is always right and should always be obeyed" crowd her, but I seem to have run them off years ago.

      I'm glad your wife has recovered. Sorry you're carrying most of the Christmas Eve preparation burden.

  10. The only time I felt any resentment was the day she spanked me for something I didn’t do. She thought I said something that I didn’t. We argued for several days. Finally I gave in just to get things back to normal. It was a long and hard paddling. Several days later my daughter confirmed I didn’t say anything wrong. Things were immediately better after but the damage was done. I was upset and concerned that the trust would be damaged. It was a while before I went over her knee again but eventually all returned to “ normal “

    1. I can definitely understand the resentment in that scenario. It's probably inevitable that couples are going to have different perspectives on things that happen, but that's very different than a disagreement over whether something actually happened at all. My only solace in that circumstance would probably be that I've gotten away with all sorts of things that I did actually do but either never got caught or that went unnoticed or ignored. So, the scales of justice are balanced pretty far in my favor.

  11. For certain, I feel a certain amount of resentment when the punishment is actually administered. I suppose those are similar to the emotions I had growing up, whether I was spanked or sent to my room (or often times both). Then and now, I got over it quite quickly. It's certainly never lasted 2-3 days for me and even one day of being annoyed would be rare.

    In that respect, Beth and I are quite different. When we have an argument she will stew over it for much longer than me. She has told me that it's actually a little irritating that I am so quick to forget that we are mad at each other, as she isn't ready to forget at all. I suppose that explains why spanking works so well with me. The sooner it's administered, the sooner I feel like I can move on.

    As you can tell, Beth is likely to harbor resentment about my behavior well after I've gotten over my punishment. I've heard of couples that have sex right after a punishment spanking. We're more likely to have our version of make up sex a couple of days later. No surprise that I'd be ready sooner than she would. It's always worth the wait though.

    In our married life, I can only recall possibly two spankings that I felt were undeserved long after they were over. So the fact that I remember them probably means that I still resent them on some level. Beth would point out that if it was only a couple of times, her track record is pretty good and that I should be grateful for the other times when I was guilty but avoided punishment altogether.

    1. Kevin, it's a great point that resentment may be experienced by *both* parties and that a spanking may take care of it, may not, or may exacerbate it. It really depends on the situation.

      I'm probably more like your Beth. I don't hold grudges, but I can certainly nurse them and other negative feelings for a while.

    2. Make-up sex is immediately possible with us because the method my wife and I have agreed is that she continues spanking until she is confident that the resentment is gone and she will no longer stew over it, even if that means prolonging it a long time.


    3. I expect that in most situations, a spanking decreases the chances of the wife resenting whatever caused the spanking and increases the chances of the husband resenting the spanking itself.

      "In that respect, Beth and I are quite different. When we have an argument she will stew over it for much longer than me. She has told me that it's actually a little irritating that I am so quick to forget that we are mad at each other, as she isn't ready to forget at all. I suppose that explains why spanking works so well with me. The sooner it's administered, the sooner I feel like I can move on." - The same holds true for my wife and me. Of course, probably part of the reason that I am so anxious to move on quickly is because I am so aversive to conflict. I just want the conflict to end, even if I am not all that happy with the resolution. My wife, on the other hand, is more likely to push and push until she feels truly happy with the outcome and feels that justice was served.


  12. "Beth would point out that if it was only a couple of times, her track record is pretty good and that I should be grateful for the other times when I was guilty but avoided punishment altogether." - Very true. While we love to focus on the times we are punished unfairly, I am quite certain that if our wives were perfectly fair, correct, and all knowing, we would end up being punished a LOT more often than we are.


    1. "I am quite certain that if our wives were perfectly fair, correct, and all knowing, we would end up being punished a LOT more often than we are."

      So true!

  13. My wife was very good at asking questions, and I did answer truthfully even if it got me spanked. She could just sense that I had done something wrong. She didn't expect me to volunteer it, but she would say, "I can see you've misbehaved. What did you do?" And she did not go soft on me for confessing. She liked to say, "Misbehavior earns consequences. End of discussion. Get the brush." I loved her for that consistent authority!

    1. "My wife was very good at asking questions, and I did answer truthfully even if it got me spanked."

      I can't say I've always been as forthcoming under questioning, though she also always knows when I'm lying.

    2. I lied to her a couple of times Early on. Those were probably the worst spankings I ever got. KOJ

    3. It's hard for me to characterize what I do as "lying." We both know at the time that I'm not under any illusion that I'm fooling her. It's more like "not vocally admitting" than lying.

    4. Several people this week have alluded to their wives’ asking questions about their behavior. This practice has been a big part of both my DD relationships. I think it has been very positive for me -- and apparently both my former GF who used it first and now my wife who still uses it regularly.

      It makes me feel my wife is really involved in a constructive way in my behavior and in expressing her expectations. It also makes it unnecessary for me to agonize over whether I should report something that will get me in trouble with her. I would never lie to my wife but I am pretty good at evasion or omission. But when she probes for a specific behavior or asks “is there anything else you want to tell me”? I will just blurt it out. There is just something about being gently but firmly interrogated by her that vaporizes my normal inclination to careful answers.
      With my former GF, telling her the truth was a very big deal and any lying was a very bad idea, both lies of commission and omission and she considered failing to tell her things she “should know” a lie of omission. My wife is not quite so sensitive to truth-telling but I would never lie to her face and especially when she is probing.
      I have pondered for a long time why being asked questions about my behavior has been such a powerful technique for both my disciplinarians. I know it both makes me feel more comfortable about DD and eliminates any deceit from seeping into our relationship. But that more explains what it does than why it works so well

      Reading here on the blog how it seems to work the same for some guys but not work for others makes me even more curious about the whole dynamic itself. Does anyone have any thoughts?

    5. Alan, for me, it doesn't make me feel more comfortable with DD, at least not in the moment. Though, that's probably a good reason for her to do it even more.

      I think, for me, this issue of being probed and the discomfort it gives me relates to the whole topic of resentment. In both cases, even after 15+ years in one of these relationships, I can still react very defensively when challenged or pushed. In some ways, it's concerning how *little* she's been able to beat some of that ego out of me in that period. But, I think it really comes down to consistency, and also that for a long time chipping away at my ego didn't seem to be a real goal for her. It's really only been since she retired six months ago that she started getting more consistent but also being generally more dominant and aggressive, whether it was things like leaving window shades open, or giving much stronger lectures when she's really angry, or probing more about behavior. I can't say I've reacted to it all that well, though I do think it's getting better. And, I come back to my point about resentment -- the fact that I do react with a lot of emotion (internally - I don't display it all that much most of the time) is a good indication that the whole thing is real and becoming more so all the time. It's a lot like the transformation KOJ has described in which his wife got much more dominant after retirement.

      Interestingly, Anne has always kind of liked that I struggle with it. She's told me that one thing she likes about service domination is that I clearly dislike it so much. She gets off on the fact that when she tells me to do something, there is that flash of an expression that lets her know I desperately want to tell her to fuck off. Yet, I comply and do what she wants. I think it would be less exciting to her if I was more naturally compliant.

    6. Hi Alan,
      I wouldn't say that being interrogated makes me more comfortable about DD, but I do agree that it is very powerful technique, especially for those wives that don't necessarily want self-reporting. I would say that when she asks a series of more probing questions, it does very much cement our respective positions in place in that she is the one who is allowed to ask questions of me until she is satisfied, and I am obligated to answer truthfully and completely, so I am truly subject to her.

      "It makes me feel my wife is really involved in a constructive way in my behavior and in expressing her expectations. It also makes it unnecessary for me to agonize over whether I should report something that will get me in trouble with her. I would never lie to my wife but I am pretty good at evasion or omission. But when she probes for a specific behavior or asks 'is there anything else you want to tell me'? I will just blurt it out. There is just something about being gently but firmly interrogated by her that vaporizes my normal inclination to careful answers." - This whole paragraph resonates with me. When she asks questions, it does make her an active participant in the process, and of course since we don't really do self-reporting (except for some of our weekly check-in goal results), interrogation plays in nicely. I too find that when she starts to question me, or for that matter punish me, most of the time it makes me feel submissive and suddenly I am starting to volunteer all sorts of things, though at times I also get defensive as Dan was saying.


    7. Hi Dan,
      I agree fully about consistency and how important it is. Hopefully your wife will become more and more confident in her role and will be more consistently assertive and dominant, now that you have all that free time on your hands and unlimited opportunity.

      "Interestingly, Anne has always kind of liked that I struggle with it. She's told me that one thing she likes about service domination is that I clearly dislike it so much. She gets off on the fact that when she tells me to do something, there is that flash of an expression that lets her know I desperately want to tell her to fuck off. Yet, I comply and do what she wants. I think it would be less exciting to her if I was more naturally compliant." - My wife also likes service domination. The fact that she tells you do something that you don't want to do (at least in the moment), and rather than resist, you comply and do it is very telling of just what power she has.

      Regarding your wife likely finding it less exciting if you were more naturally compliant, I had never thought about it, but it certainly makes sense. Power is pretty intoxicating, and there is no question that making someone do something they want to do is a lot less of a rush than making them do something they don't want to do. Interestingly, I think the reverse is also true. If your wife asked you to do only things that you wanted to do, you would probably be relieved in the moment, but it would also be lacking any excitement because there would be no true power exchange involved. This is the biggest paradox for me, that somehow I so strongly desire, need, and even crave to be made to do that which I don't want to do, and to have things done to me (like spanking) that I really, really don't want at the time.


    8. "I wouldn't say that being interrogated makes me more comfortable about DD, but I do agree that it is very powerful technique, especially for those wives that don't necessarily want self-reporting."

      That raises a related point -- given my very bad track record on self-reporting, her driving the process through frequent, probing questions is just way more likely to result in the truth coming out than relying on me reporting anything.

      "This is the biggest paradox for me, that somehow I so strongly desire, need, and even crave to be made to do that which I don't want to do, and to have things done to me (like spanking) that I really, really don't want at the time."

      I totally get it. After 15+ years of this I still can't explain it, but I do get it.

    9. Dan,
      After years of reading this blog, I believe you and I are alike in many aspects. So why our reaction to disciplinary interrogation is so different is a thing I can only conjecture about. I experience the gentle probing (and it is gentle) as an expression of love and caring. (I vividly remember what my former GF said to me once when I was protesting a spanking: Alan, I would not (bother to) spank you if I did not love you That has really stayed with me.

      My wife’s probes also are not anything like constant 24-7 monitoring but rather usually focused on two or three key behaviors we have both agreed need attention. Also, they make it easier for me to accept her authority and it does all but preclude any serious dishonesty between us,
      But you don’t apparently experience the questioning in the same way. Something about it is threatening to you and it causes resentment sometimes I really do get your feeling about authority and resisting it almost instinctively. You have alluded to that over the years and I have really resonated with your feeling. In my youth, I was the original “rebel without a cause” and I resisted all authority.
      I still do in many ways. But feminine disciplinary authority is something I have fantasized about since at least 2nd grade. As you have related, your spanking “epiphany happened well into adult life. So it is possible you are still dealing with submitting to feminine authority while those of us who had earlier spanking desires have had more time to work that out. (And I did spend a good part of my late teens well into my 20’s working that out and thinking I was the disciplinarian. ) My guess is if you give it a little more time and Anne becomes a bit more consistent you will find the joy of accepting discipline without resentment. And if I am wrong, you deserve a good spanking.

    10. Alan, I think you're close to the mark on all these. I suspect that my anti-authoritarianism is more hard-wired than it is among even some fellow rebels. With a father who was the epitome of it, I modeled it from an early age. It also was rewarded as an adult. I've said here that I feel that I was passed over for some big career opportunities because of my temperament issues, but the reality is I also moved up way further and way faster than many peers precisely because I wasn't a rule-follower. In the end, the real issue wasn't that I was anti-authoritarian but that I didn't find quite the right sweet spot for it.

      What kept me from finding that sweet spot was my temper, and it's partially at fault when it comes to how I react to probing. It really does get my hackles up and can feel threatening even when it is fairly benign. I'm not surprised that you can't explain even though you've "known" me for a while; I can't really explain it myself. I suspect that part of it is a function of the fact that because my parents never imposed any real rules, I went through 20+ years of life with never being accountable to anyone, and for the first 10* years of our marriage, DD wasn't a thing. So, I had 30+ years of seldom experiencing anyone probing me. That's my long-winded way of saying you're probably right that discovering a thing for female authority late in life probably means my development in that area is several years behind yours.

      I also get the impression from how you describe her that your GF was very diligent and rigorous, such that once your fascination with female discipline became a reality, it was pretty consistent and rigorous from the start. I think my journey with it has been more meandering and, in fact, despite it being a part of our lives for 15+ years, this last year was the first in which I felt like there was a real "step change" in her focus on it.

    11. I think for us, like others, the interrogation was such a clear demonstration of power exchange -- in some ways just as powerful as the spanking itself. She was asking the questions and I was compelled to answer them -- I'm not sure I was even capable of lyong in those moments! I felt totally under her authority, just like during a spanking where I knew it was my all-important role to not try to get off her lap, no matter what.
      Sometimes the questioning was gentle but other times it was an interrogation that led to scolding that led to punishment. While greatly embarrassed, I also would get aroused at the moment the scolding began -- when the power exchange became apparent.

    12. "While greatly embarrassed, I also would get aroused at the moment the scolding began -- when the power exchange became apparent."

      This is one indication that, for me, both the punishment and the power exchange are necessary elements. I used to get an erection before every spanking (not as much anymore, though still sometimes). Yet, I never do in response to any kind of scolding.

  14. KOJ, I have always been truthful with my wife too and rarely felt like it earned me a milder spanking. Her approach has been to ask me if there is anything I want to tell her. I can tell that she is very good at reading my face and I don't even try to put something over on her.

  15. Happy Holidays, All! We are not really in a full FLR - more like a modern partnership marriage - where each have our individual responsibilities for the marriage. It's just that one of her "responsibilities" is (attempting to) keep me in line with good old fashioned corporal discipline - a task which she takes seriously and performs admirably.

    However - it does seem to me that she sometimes simply spanks me into submission when she wants to get her way on a given issue (after we have first discussed it, then argued about it - then I eventually get spanked for arguing too loudly or using bad language - and she wins the argument by default and gets her way). Now this is not a regular occurrence, and I'm sure that she sees it differently (that is - she was obviously right all along). But - there have been times when her spanking me into submission and winning an argument by default has resulted in some resentment on my part. And there are times when I want a certain outcome to occur, and she doesn't - but I know that if I push too hard, I will simply get spanked until I am "forced" to admit that it was not a good idea to begin with. And, there are times when I resent that "spanking ace card" - her ability to spank me at her own discretion, whether it seems fair to me or not.

    But, as has been noted, it does seem that if the DD relationship is real, then a certain amount of occasional resentment is to be expected.


    1. If I argued too loudly or used bad language I got spanked for that, and deservedly so! That misbehavior has nothing to do with the topic of the disagreement.
      My wife never spanked me just to win an argument, and I would not have tolerated that. To me that would have been misusing her authority. If we had a disagreement on an important topic we kept talking until we worked it out. But I had better talk respectfully.

    2. Hi al. Happy Holidays to you, too!

      "However - it does seem to me that she sometimes simply spanks me into submission when she wants to get her way on a given issue (after we have first discussed it, then argued about it - then I eventually get spanked for arguing too loudly or using bad language - and she wins the argument by default and gets her way)." Honestly, it's been very rare that I've been spanked simply for disrespect or for arguing in a particularly aggressive way. And, equally honestly, I think that's a mistake on her part. She's let me get away with a lot more on that front over the years than she really should have.

    3. To me, it sounds like al. is saying almost that he “talks his way into a spanking” I know I have managed to accomplish that several times. When it happened, my wife has told me I didn’t get spanked because we disagreed but because I was disagreeable. Actually, her language is a little more earthy than that. But that’s the gist of it.

      I am not aware of it when it is happening but when we get into a real argument, I can become overbearing and obnoxious, so mostly she has been right about that. But I have become much better about remaining calm and respectful when we argue -not (just) because of the threat of a spanking-but because by triggering her wrath I almost automatically lose the argument. Maybe that’s what al is getting at speaking of being “spanked into submission” In effect that is what happens when I lose my cool with her. Arguments are probably one area where the threat of a spanking has been less of a motivator than knowing if I do overstep my bounds, I lose the right to continue to advocate my position on whatever the issue was.

    4. "I am not aware of it when it is happening but when we get into a real argument, I can become overbearing and obnoxious..." - I too seem to lack that self-awareness in the moment, and probably in too many other situations as well. For some reason, it just struck me as funny when I read it. :-)

      And your point is certainly valid. The one who keeps their cool inevitably takes the high ground quickly and usually prevails.


    5. BTW, Happy Holidays Al! Always nice to have you weigh in on things.


    6. "Arguments are probably one area where the threat of a spanking has been less of a motivator than knowing if I do overstep my bounds, I lose the right to continue to advocate my position on whatever the issue was."

      That's a great point, Alan.

  16. I wouldn't say I tend to hold onto resentment. From time to time, I receive spankings from my wife that I felt were not warranted. However, given that make-up sex happens afterwards, we have not yet had a difference of opinion that is a hill worth dying on, meaning that every time I didn't agree with her decision to spank me, I just went along with it, reasoning that this was short-term pain for a long-term (and short-term) reward.

    Also, what we have sort-of agreed is that if there is a disagreement about whether or not a spanking is warranted, I will not challenge it at the time, but consider it and then bring it up at a later time if I still feel it was unwarranted. In every case, when I have pondered things further, I reached the conclusion that the spanking was substantially or fully warranted.

    Occasionally, after a lot of pondering, I have mentioned disagreements to my wife about the wider spanking strategy (rather than specific instances) at suitable times (i.e. not just before a spanking). She took the feedback on board and used it to refine her strategy.

    My wife and I also agreed she wouldn't punish me in the heat of an argument, as we agree that rational decision-making facilities need to be present during F/M DD spanking sessions. Instead, we remove ourselves from the situation and she gives me a spanking that evening (or maybe sooner?) if she feels it is warranted. We also subscribe to the view of not letting the sun go down on your anger. When arguments have occurred shortly before bedtime, it has meant that we stay up longer while we wait for things to cool down, before proceeding with the spanking.


    1. This was us. Never let sun go down on our anger.

  17. J, I really admire the relationship you have with your wife on discipline. You seem so together on it. I'm curious how long you've been married and if her approach to spanking you has changed much in that time.

  18. Hi Dan,
    Now for a response to the actual questions for the week, since I have commented on everything but!

    “Does being disciplined, or having rules enforced, sometimes leave you feeling resentful?” – This is surprisingly hard to answer. I do sometimes feel resentment, and a punishment or the threat of punishment can certainly be the trigger that causes that resentment to bubble to the surface. However, in every case I can think of at least so far, the resentment was not directly linked to me being punished, but rather from me feeling that I was right regarding the underlying issue. In other words, had she just gotten upset at me for these same things, without threatening to punish me, I still feel I would have had exactly the same level of resentment. What is interesting is that in most of the cases, when she did follow through with punishment, my perspective changed and I no longer felt so right about the issue at hand, or at least how I was approaching the issue. Had she not punished me, I doubt that would have happened, or at least certainly not as quickly.

    Also, as I reflect, I can see that in every case that she has punished me for something and I felt resentment – always because I thought I was right - she didn’t actually disagree that I was right, and in fact most of the time fully agreed with me. In each case, she punished me because of how I treated her or others as a result of the feelings that I had about the issue. I resented it at the time because I was so focused on me being right about the issue, when in fact she wasn’t even punishing me for the issue, but rather for how I was expressing my feelings about the issue.

    A perfect example of this is I expressed last week that I particularly struggle with resentment when she punishes me because of attitude, since I carry a very heavy load. I inevitably focus on the heavy load I carry, and act as if that excuses my poor attitude, while she focuses on my attitude and how it makes it harder for me and for everyone around me, especially considering my heavy load.

    The one thing that each of my incidents where there has been some resentment have in common is that I hadn’t really communicated my feelings, but rather bottled everything up inside. Then, when it reached the boiling point, I would start being very sarcastic and hurtful or sometimes passive aggressive towards others, rather than just clearly and rationally discussing my feelings.

    Considering all this, I believe the antidote for most resentment (and just about everything else) is honest, open communication, hopefully in a kind, loving, and dispassionate manner.

    Having said all that, I don’t like submitting to authority at all, even when I have requested to be held accountable, so if there is any bad underlying feeling, even if it is not about being punished, it is not hard for resentment to surface as my ego starts to feel threatened.

    “What do you do when that happens? Does it make your wife more reluctant to enforce her rules, or has she gotten comfortable with it?” – It probably does make her more reluctant, but I can see even as I type this that it shouldn’t. She should go ahead, making it clear exactly why I am being punished, validating my feelings as necessary, but also making it clear that the way I am expressing my feelings is not helpful. If she does this, there is an excellent chance that the resentment that I am already feeling will not become some bigger resentment at being spanked, but rather will simply vanish.


    1. "However, in every case I can think of at least so far, the resentment was not directly linked to me being punished, but rather from me feeling that I was right regarding the underlying issue."

      Exactly, and I think some may have mistaken the basis of my post in this respect. In both of the arguments we had that resulted in me feeling resentment, it wasn't about the punishment. In fact, the second time there was no punishment (at least not yet). The resentment came from the fact I didn't think she was right about the underlying issue, or at least we didn't see the issue from nearly the same angle.

      Where our situations are a little different is that when Anne was angry with me in the two recent incidents, she definitely thought she was right about the underlying issue. But, I think what this illustrates is that you seem to be spanked more often for attitude than I am. I am pretty sure your attitude is likely no worse than mine. But, your wife clearly makes it more of a focus.

  19. Attitude -- my wife called it disrespect -- was the main focus of our DD.

  20. Many thanks for your kind words Kevin. If you don't mind my asking, which part of the DD side of our relationship do you like most?

    We have been married getting on for four years and I suppose what has changed in that time is she is more willing to give spankings with the intensity and/or length required. Is this the sort of thing you were thinking of?


  21. I admire your ability to communicate on when and how you are to be spanked. Beth and I have been married twice as long as you and have made progress in that area, but it has taken time. Because she disciplined me out of frustration at first, we rarely had calm discussions on the subject. At first, she did spank me in the heat of the moment, but eventually we both figured out that this wasn't very effective. It sounds funny now, but our first step was for Beth to send me to our bedroom while we both cooled down. It would be at least a half hour before she came in and spanked me. Sometimes the need to administer punishment subsided before then, although that was pretty rare. Eventually, she stopped "sending me to my room" and if we had a problem we agreed to "talk about it later". That's still our practice, and the three spankings I've received this year were all the delayed type.

    So I'd say you are ahead of where we were in year four of marriage. Like you though, I've always accepted my wife's authority to spank. This has gotten us through some difficult times and I am grateful for that.

    1. Kevin,

      Thanks again for your kind words. Again, if you don't mind my asking, what sort of difficult times has this got you and your wife through?


  22. J, it's probably not much different than what other young couples experience. I was 23 when we got married and Beth was 21. We both needed to grow up in a hurry. For my part, I was still hanging around with old friends that were not a good influence. Beth was more mature than me, but her parents doted on her and she admits now that she was pretty spoiled. Her parents also didn't hide their opposition to our marriage, although things are much better with them now.

    Although Beth shared some of the responsibility for our struggles, the bigger problem was my own immaturity. She knew that I had been spanked growing up and when I offered to let her punish me that way, she agreed that we had nothing to lose. I have to say that I was surprised at how quickly she took to the disciplinarian role. She has never been reluctant to spank me hard and has described it as cathartic for her. Not the word I would choose, but I have no doubt that her hairbrush has made me a better husband.

    1. Hi Kevin,

      I suppose, thinking about it, that the young couples thing was a factor. We decided to pursue early marriage and parenthood and recognised that we would have to grow up very quickly. Spanking is a particularly useful took for young couples taking the plunge with the wisdom to recognise the need to change quickly.

      I suppose I had been subject to stabilising influences in the form of the armed forces, but I was also spanked growing up, as it happens. As a result, there wasn't a huge gap between when my spanking when growing up happened and my marital spankings, meaning they weren't such a huge adjustment for me. Did you feel a similar way with the transition from child to adult spanking?


  23. In our case, a slightly rocky start to married life helped us to decide to wait before having kids. We wanted to have more stability in our own lives before taking on such a major responsibility. At this point, children aren't far off for us though.

    It was a little over 10 years between my last maternal spanking and the first one from my wife. It was recent enough for me to clearly recall the experience, but enough time had passed for me to have gained some perspective. As my mother has pointed out a few different times (and to several people), spanking always worked well with me. Beth had heard her say that very thing and that became part of our discussion on how to make our marriage work.

    If I hadn't been spanked growing up, I doubt if I would have suggested giving it a try. And as you can imagine, there was a lot of deja vu the first time she applied a hairbrush to my bare backside.

    1. Kevin,

      It wasn't as long as 10 years for me. As with you, it was me who suggested giving it a try in the marriage environment: my mother didn't involve herself with that sort of thing.

      In any case, I think all husbands/wives should try F/M DD spankings to facilitate the working of the marriage! My now-deceased military colleague who had a similar arrangement with his wife was also of this opinion. Dan is less keen, but I would like things to become common enough for it to be just expected that husbands are spanked and there to be nothing unusual about it.

      Off-topic, I know, and I respect your personal choice, but I support the idea of married couples having children sooner rather than later. It forces a man to grow up quickly. Also, it meant my wife knew she had to work fast to get certain bad habits out of me using F/M DD within a time limit and she certainly rose to the challenge! She spanked long and hard to make sure I got the message!


    2. My mother also made comments about the efficacy of spanking me, which I always found embarrassing. And while my wife did not use the word cathartic, she often would say "I feel better now" after punishing me.

    3. I love this blog for such dialogues. Literally one of the best places on the internet.


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