That was an intersting discussion last week. I can't say I know much more than I did before about whether or not most readers are subject to their wive's authority to such an extent that if she did order disclosure that he is a spanked husband, he would comply. But, I know that virtually all of them who aren't already "out" think it is a bad idea and are really good at dodging the question on whether they would comply even if their wife were to deicide it really isn't such a bad idea. :-) So, let's chalk that topic up to an interesting idea that failed miserably in its implementation.
This week's topic relates to the most recently closed reader poll, which sought information on whether readers were spanked when growing up and, if so, how often and by whom. This poll seemed to interest people a bit, as indicated by a fairly high response rate and by the fact that a large number of responses were entered shortly after I posted the poll. Here are the results:
Spanked frequently
Spanked but only infrenquently
Never spanked
Spanked by mother/not by father
Spaned by father/not by mother
Spanked by both
I really did not have many preconceived notions about this one, and nothing in the results really surprises me that much. Substantially more than half the responders were spanked to one extent or another, though only 14% were spanked frequently. A healthy proportion, almost a full quarter of our viewers, were never spanekd at all. Interestingly, the burdens of imposing discipline seem to fall somewhat harder on mothers than fathers, though a large number were spanked by both.
It should be obvious what I was trying to get at with this poll. I wanted to see whether there was any clear link between being spanked growing up and being interested in it as an adult. From these stats, I think it would be hard to make that leap. So, since the data doesn't seem to go anywhere, how about the anecdotal evidence? Do you think your own early experiences being disciplined lead to your adult interest in having it imposed on you, or for our Disciplinary Wives, your interest in imposing it on your husband?
I can see this one going either way, and my own experience seems somewhat at odds with any speculation that being spanked growing up tends to make you interested in it as an adult. I was, in fact, spanked but not often. I can only think of two or three total. I'm sure there were more, but none worth remembering. And, some of those that I do remember are enshrined in my memory more because of thebehavior that lead to them than the spanking itself. But, it is also true that where I lived, spanking was just part of the background environment we were all raised in. Parents spanked. Teachers and principals spanked. School spankings were actually the worst on several levels, because in addition to the primary spanking at school, conducted with the full knowledge of one's peers, one could often expect another licking at home as further piling on just to make sure the lesson about not acting up in school came through loud and clear. Aunts and uncles spanked their nephews and nieces with just as much frequency and just as little sense of impropriety as with their own kids. So, while I don't recall being spanked very often, it was always in the background.
But, I do wonder sometimes whether the lack of regular spankings, and general lack of any kind of imposed discipline, especially any as I got older, did indirectly cause my later interest in DD. As I recently related in a comment on another blog, I grew up without clear behavioral boundaries, to the point that by the time I was in high school I was, for all intents and purposes, living almost entirely by own rules. Teenage boy's wet dream, right? Somtimes, but at a cost. When there are no rules, and where the only consequences are those that are the natural result of your own behavior, that can be a lot of responsibility. No one is there to literally whip you back into shape and put you on the right side of the line, so you either do it yourself, or keep doing whatever you're doing and hope catastrophe doesn't strike. I do think that my adult desire for someone to impose consequences on me when I screw up may be tied to having too much freedom and suffering too few consequences early on. I think it also may be why on the spectrum of being interested in spanking for its own sake versus seeing it as a tool to be used for larger disciplinary purposes, my inclinations are toward the latter. But, of course, none of this explains why I had no interest at all in either spanking or DD unti well into my 30s, other than I had never really heard of DD until then. And, my first glimmer of interest in this area involved a segment on a cable TV show about adult spanking, but not of the DD variety. So, it is all very complicated.
So, tell us your thoughts on this. I will ask of all of you, please self-censor where details are concerned. There are undoubtedly people out there who get turned on by spankings of the non-adult variety, and I definitely do not want anything on here to faciliate that in any way.