"If I could change my DD relationship, I wish (pick one from each pair that applies)":
Spankings were more severe
Spankings were less severe
Discipline was more frequent
Discipline was less frequent
My partner would exercise more control over me
My partner would excercise less control over me
My partner was more openly dominant
My partner was less openly dominant
Now, I've always cautioned that all these polls have to be taken with a very big grain of salt. The sample sizes are limited, they are open to anyone who stops by, and the people who stop by may not be a representative sample of the DD community, let alone the community at large. But, these results are so lop-sided, that is hard NOT to read something real into them. Our Disciplined Husbands (at least the 138 who voted) resoundingly, overwhelmingly want their wives to do what they are doing -- only MORE SO.
(Note, the overall percentages don't work out well, because people had the option of responding to less than all questions, so you really have to compare the votes for each binary choice.)
This poll also has a bit of a history. It extends from an off-line email conversation I had with one of our Disciplinary Wives in which she expressed what I think is a very common concern, i.e. that in being consistently rigorous in enforcing her rules and being a strong Leader in the relationship, it might be more than he wanted. I told her I really doubted it and that, at least for me, the best advice I saw on the old Disciplinary Wives Club was to err on the side of being strict and severe. The men who ask for these kind of relationships want them for a reason. They really, truly, want to be subject to hard, consistent discipline. If he isfeeling any disappointment, it is much more likely to be because his wife is not being strict enough, not being consistent enough, not being severe enough.
These results certainly bear that out. Where spankings are concerned, disciplined men want them to be harder and more frequent. With the level of control, it's the same. Very slighlty fewer want a more openly dominant spouse, but the results still tilt way on the side of "more."
Now, there are two possible takeaways for our Disciplinary Wives. The first, and one I hope you don't feel, is that this puts you under more pressure to lead and to be stern and, in short, to be even more of something that you're already struggling with. But, the alternative way to look at it--and this dovetails nicely with last week's question--is that to the extent any "struggles" you have with stepping into the role of a full DD wife are because you think that he may balk, resist or be silently unhappy, these results are a very strong indication that you likely have his full and complete permission to take on all the leadership you are willing to take. The odds are very high that he wants you to be stern, he wants you to be strict, he wants you to rigorously enforce your rules. And, he wants to pay a price when he screws up. Therefore, if part of you really likes being in full control of your relationship and really wants to be his disciplinarian, this poll says one thing: Jump in with both feet!
As always, I think the key is communication. If you have doubts about whether your particular Disciplined Husband wants "more" or "less" or is a Goldilocks mental state of "its just right," then ask him outright. But, based on this poll, there is a strong chance that he really wants you in the role of leader of the relationship and will turn over the control if you're willing to take it.
I don't really have an actual question on this one. Instead, I'll just open it up for comments.
Have a great weekend!