“We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.” - Brene Brown
Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club. Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.
Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.
Before we get started, Google seems to once again be wreaking havoc with its adult content controls. Some have complained that they are being blocked from viewing the blog. It seems to be a matter of being logged in to Google. I've played around with multiple browsers, and it seems to be the case that I can access the blog from any browser if I'm logged in and not at all if I'm not. I hope this isn't an insurmountable issue for anyone, as it does appear that people can login and still post anonymously. I'm still considering making a full move to Wordpress, though it's hardly censor-free either.
I hope you all had a good week. It suddenly got very cold where we are. I used to be very into skiing. Now, I’m very into hanging out in warm clothes in front of the fireplace. Given the temps were in the single digits when I woke up this morning, it would take a lot to lure me out for anything more ambitious than dog walks.
The last few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster for me. So, perhaps it’s apropos that even before our holiday season became so laden with hard emotions, I’d flagged an exchange I’d had with a new-ish commenter going by CalSpankee as a great candidate for a new topic. Here’s his first comment that forms the basis for this week’s topic:
“Time and time again I see the same adjectives being used to describe a first reaction to spanking as a young person: scary, thrilling, exciting. Very strong emotion is being evoked. When we hear about another person being spanked, it's mostly thrilling and exciting. Ditto if we think of ourselves being spanked when there is no real chance of it happening. But if we are a kid and there is a real prospect of being spanked, the scary part predominates over the thrilling and exciting part. What's going on is that we crave strong emotion. Hence the connection with risky activities such as mountain climbing, motorcycle riding, etc. Later we enter puberty and another very strong emotion appears in our lives: sex. Somehow the brain ties these two very different things together. So as an adult the thought of a spanking can be sexually arousing. But, as I think most of us would say, actually being spanked hard is not sexy as all, it just hurts a whole lot. Still, we crave the incredible excitement of it all.”
I responded:
“Great observation. I totally agree that we often crave strong emotions. And, perversely, it can include strong negative emotions. It happens to me sometimes with books that have very dark themes. For others, maybe it's something like horror movies. Real life can seem so bland sometimes that anything with strong emotions attached to may seem attractive. You're undoubtedly right that the craving for strong emotions can somehow become associated with something like spanking. I suspect it may also be a core part of the attraction some have to embarrassment and humiliation.
For me, real DD spankings are "thrilling" or "exciting" only in the most abstract sense. I guess they are literally "exciting" in that I used to almost always get an erection before one (that's no longer the case - it still happens but not nearly as often), yet from the very beginning that excitement was closer to fear or anxiety than any more positive form of excitement.
I do think that when she is in a very bossy mode, that can be exciting in a positive sense, though the timing is important. At the moment she is bossing me around, I very seldom am excited about it. Instead, I'm annoyed. And, she knows it. Part of the excitement for her is making me do something when she knows I genuinely don't want to and that, in that moment, I resent the authority. It's only later, in retrospect, that it becomes sexy or exciting for me.”
In a comment on last week’s post, referring to some of the things I hoped to bring into our DD relationship in a bigger way in 2025, CalSpankee again brought up the subject of spankings’ ability to evoke strong emotions:
What you described -- maternal, strictness, openness, frequency, etc.-- is certainly totally up my alley and is quite probably what a great many of the males on this website would like. What's at the very bottom of this (pun intended), I think, is a desire to experience great emotion. There is a lot of emotion in contemplating a spanking, and there can be a lot of emotion in receiving one. The key to the latter, I'm convinced, is a stop-and-go type of spanking where there is very hard spanking interspersed with pauses where there is scolding. If a spanking has few pauses and there is only continuously unbearable pain, what I find is very counterintuitive. When it's "hold on for dear life" survival mode, I cannot think of anything but the pain and surprisingly there is no room left in my mind for regret, remorse or even fear or panic.
So, let’s talk about emotions evoked by spanking specifically and by a Domestic Discipline or FLR-style relationship generally.
As a preliminary matter, do
people crave experiencing strong emotions? Although I believe I do, I really
don’t know when it comes to others. It was illuminating that, when searching
for an appropriate quote to lead off the post, the vast majority of the popular
quotes I found regarding strong emotions stressed either (a) the necessity for controlling
motions, or (b) the undesirability of “negative” emotions like anger and
fear. When I searched specifically for
quotes acknowledging that such “negative” emotions have value and should be experienced
and embraced, there were vanishingly few.
Yet, my attraction to DD began with what I would describe as very powerful, dark emotions, evoked by the stories on the Disciplinary Wives Club website. Although they were “exciting” in the literal sense that I got an erection reading them, at the root of that excitement was fear and anxiety at any thought of asking Anne to try such a lifestyle. In fact, 20+ years later, I vividly recall how anxious I was about talking to her about it, and it wasn't really fear of a negative reaction. Rather, it was an almost nauseous anxiety about what it would mean for me if she had a positive reaction.
I’ve described the initial reaction as a “morbid fascination,” but the emphasis would have been heavily on morbid. Whatever “excitement” I felt was rooted in something totally different than what I might have gotten from looking at garden variety porn or reading about any other kink. This was far deeper and far darker.
In retrospect, one reason my favorite story on the DWC has always been Al’s Even More may be that it’s probably the only one that acknowledges the dark emotions at the heart of the subject’s DD interest. Indeed, the story uses the term “morbid fascination” to describe the impact of the lead character’s discovery of the DWC. Upon reading Aunt Kay’s advice that, "The longer and harder you spank, the more he will love you for it," the story says, “That final remark haunted him, touched something deep and dark far down in his soul, as he read the pages in the site over and over.”
That really nails what it my
discovery the DWC and DD was like for me.
Although there clearly was a deep erotic component, the experienced
emotions were something much more akin to fear. If I had to pick only one word to describe it, I think it would be "vulnerability". A really deep, gut wrenching sense of having made myself vulnerable to someone--and someone's authority--in a way that was totally contrary to how I usually lived my life. My wife was very supportive during the whole phase of talking about it and getting ready for the first disciplinary spanking, but what I was experiencing was pure fear. Not so much fear of the pain, but fear of how I would react and, as I said, fear of being that vulnerable.
Even today, twenty years later, fear and anxiety are at the top of the driving emotions. And, as CalSpanker noted, many of the elements I’d like to explore more in 2025—strict control, maternal authority, open displays of authority, witnessed or overheard spankings—do engender emotions that most deem “negative”.
Loss of control and the vulnerability that comes with it. Having one’s status diminished in relation to another’s authority. The frustration of being told what to do or being subject to externally imposed consequences. Embarrassment at an overheard or witnessed spanking. Being subjected to a hard scolding in front of others.
And, of course, there is my perennial fascination with tears. To me, tears can be both (a) indicative that strong emotions are being experienced; and (b) a cause of very strong emotions, such as embarrassment or fear of showing the extreme vulnerability associated with being an adult, male, sobbing from someone’s exercise of punitive authority. It’s why this meme has always been on of my very favorite captioned spanking photos, as it incorporates an express acknowledgement that crying may be extremely embarrassing, yet that embarrassment may be something she actively wants to put him through.
The fact that I haven’t cried in 20 years of doing DD may, in fact, be a great example of how we can crave yet avoid experiencing strong emotion. I have no doubt that a big reason I haven’t been able to let go and cry is that I’m afraid of experiencing the embarrassment and extreme vulnerability inherent in it. There’s also the fear of being so overwhelmed by the whole situation that it could make me sob.
I also think I experience much more emotion from the anticipation of a spanking than from the spanking itself.
It’s possible CalSpankee is right I don’t have a lot of chance to experience emotions during it, because Anne is systematically blistering my ass without a lot of breaks in-between. I also think it’s because I tend to “man up” and just try to get through it. We’ve talked about letting me practice emoting more during the spanking, and perhaps that’s something I should put on my 2025 list of things to explore.
CalSpankee referenced how non-spanking activities I’ve referenced like motorcycles and mountain climbing also reflect a craving for strong emotion. Yes and no. I’ve always had a thing for speed and acceleration, which explains a lot of my attraction to motorcycles and skiing. But, motorcycles are also oddly meditative for me, often causing me to experience a reduction in emotions.
As for mountain climbing, I’ve only climbed one serious mountain, and part of that experience does share some emotional elements with spanking. What I took away from that climb was not the thrill of summiting, or the accomplishment of the ascent but, rather, the sheer agony of the hike down, when I was totally drained of energy in a way I’ve never experienced before. But, a storm was coming in and I had to get down. I’ve never been pushed so far beyond my limits, and there was a strong non-consensual element in it; I simply had no choice but to stay in the experience until the mountain decided I was done. It really shook me up in a way that stayed with me for weeks. It did feel like an amped up version of the emotional drain we can feel at the end of a very long, hard spanking.
I also think CalSpankee is right that, for some of us, the attraction to DD as adults may be connected to strong emotions experienced in being subject to spankings as a child. I definitely think that the emotions I experienced from the reality, or the threat, of childhood spankings was stronger than what I experience as an adult, probably because of the inevitability and pure powerlessness.
It's also the case that a very large proportion of my spanking art and picture collection that involves a strong display of real emotion on the spankee's part takes place in a school setting. And, almost always involves a female spankee. Whether in drawings or photos, there just aren't many good examples of men showing anything like real fear, anxiety, or remorse.
We also shouldn’t forget to address the spankers’ emotional experience. I hope some of our wives will weigh in here. I have no personal experience with it, having never been a switch and never having given a real disciplinary spanking (or any adult spanking at all).
I’ve told Anne frequently that I hope she enjoys the emotions associated with being in charge and with giving spankings. She has told me that she does enjoy the feeling of power that comes from bossing me around, including making me do chores or perform services for her when she knows that I do not get off on those things. As for giving spankings, she’s more equivocal. She’s said she experiences a rush of power in telling me to get ready for a spanking and watching me comply. I've also detected a few times that she seems to get antsy if she hasn't had an opportunity to exercise that power in a while.
However, in the past she’s denied enjoying the spanking itself, though I it’s clear she doesn’t dislike doing it. She also seems to like having a way to express emotions like anger, aggravation and disappointment. I like this drawing by RedRump, and one thing that's always attracted me to his spanking art is that he allows his women to fully express the anger that so many of our wives undoubtedly feel regarding our behavior.
Share with us anything that seems relevant to the topic regarding your own desire for and experience with strong emotions from anticipating a spanking or from getting one, or strong emotions associated with the whole concept of being in a DD or FLR relationship. What emotions do you experience? Are there some emotional boundaries you don’t want to cross or emotions you don’t want to experience? Are your strong emotions mainly “positive” or what we usually deem “negative”?
For the wives, what emotions do you experience in ordering, anticipating or giving a spanking? Are there strong emotions you associate with being in charge? With displaying to him, or to others, that you are in charge? Are there certain emotions you try to evoke in him when spanking him or making him submit to your authority, the way Anne likes making me feel vulnerable.
Have a great week.
For me, the credible threat of a disciplinary spanking or the spanking aftermath can release a virtual arsenal of emotions, including eroticism, deep love, driving lust, heightened well-being, boundless energy, freedom from guilt or remorse, and a sort of existential freedom. It is as if the (symbolic) bounds of discipline( including positively submitting to it) somewhat paradoxically is freeing. My former GF said it all once, telling me (“this) paddle will set you free” when I resisted her using a large paddle to spank me. So I experience disciplinary spanking not as the production of an exciting emotion ( like sky-diving, high-risk skiing, or racing might generate), but as the RELEASE of intense emotions that are triggered by spanking
I get the distinction you're making. There are times, after a hard spanking, in which I experience a real emptying out of emotion. I think what is gone is all that base-level anxiety, anger, ego, etc., that are so much of our background state that we don't even notice them until they're gone. Weirdly I've had the same experience a few times with acupuncture. I would leave a session feeling emptied, but in a good way.
DeleteI should amend my post above to reflect awareness that the emotions and feelings "released" by spanking are most likely the physical perception of a horde of hormones. These would include oxytocin, endorphins,dopamine and serotonin. If this is indeed an accurate description of a biological phenomena , it still begs the question: why ( for me) does this cocktail of chemicals fire off with the stimulus of a threatened discussed or actual disciplinary spanking. Pain explains little or none of it since the velocity of the emotions is as strong or even stronger in the absense of an actual spanking
Understood, and agreed that the chemicals firing away is really the least interesting part of understanding the "what" and "why" of the emotions. The cause and effect of this stuff is so complicated. I was thinking about it over the last couple of weeks, when some of the things I was dealing with reinforced my view that the main reason I gravitate strongly toward structure and boundaries imposed by a parental figure is that I had so little of it growing up. But, such dissimilar causes seem to bring about the same effect. Some of us were spanked growing up. Some weren't. Some had strict parents. Some had very lax parenting. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of commonality on the "cause" part of the cause and effect equation.
DeleteAlan - you've mentioned this remark from your former girlfriend a couple of times over the years - "this paddle will set you free", and I've always found it an intriguing statement. And - I really appreciated your further elaboration this week:
Delete"So I experience disciplinary spanking ... as the RELEASE of intense emotions that are triggered by spanking"
In my experience, I find this often to be absolutely the case.
Hi Alan,
DeleteI totally get what you are saying about the release that comes with spanking, or even the threat of spanking. For me, it is kind of a strange marriage between spankings, credible threats of spanking, or anything related to her exercise of authority both generating very strong feelings, but also the whole thing releasing me from so many other emotions that are normally fighting for mindshare. As Dan said so perfectly: "I think what is gone is all that base-level anxiety, anger, ego, etc., that are so much of our background state that we don't even notice them until they're gone."
"This paddle will set you free" - What a powerful statement! Without knowing exactly why it is, whether simply from unmet, unexplainable, or even unknown emotional needs somehow being met or whether more from hormones and other chemicals floating around in my bloodstream, I can absolutely say that in the days following a punishment, I am the most grounded, best version of myself. So in a very real sense, it does free me to be the me I aspire to be.
I have often equated the feeling during a hard spanking with that that I get during a hard run or some other physical exertion. I had assumed that it is something to do with the release of endorphins or dopamine but equally it could be the all encompassing nature of such activities. There is no room to think about anything else and perhaps it creates that 'flow' state that psychologists refer to, a state of total absorption.
ReplyDeleteAlso being spanked as discipline does create an extremely vulnerable state, something I have recently be thinking about very carefully given our new development that I will be 'owning up' to misbehaviour. Under normal circumstances I have real difficulty admitting that I am wrong in most situations; doing so around some sort of relatively childish behaviour with the almost certainty of having then to submit to a spanking turns up that vulnerability dial way out of my comfort zone. Since agreeing to that 'owning up' change, my behaviour has been very improved, my awareness of what I am saying and how I am responding has been greatly heightened. Who knows how long this will last but I do feel that I am more consciously avoiding the inevitable than ever before ... TB
It really is interesting how much vulnerability is added by having to "own up" to your own behavior, and I really don't know why it works that way. There is a totally different emotional edginess between her observing and knowing a bad act, on the one hand, and he having to tell her about it on the other, even if both will result in a spanking. It's true too that my problem with reporting is often the embarrassment of fully, publicly (to her) admitting to behavior that I myself am not proud of.
DeleteI've been think about some of this, too. We haven't instituted any formal "owning up" process yet, but we have been talking about getting our "check-in" process going again. As part of that, I've thought about adding a requirement that before each check-in I provider her wtih a variation on a reporting form I put together years ago but that we never really implemented. It would require me to identify any failures in certain areas. Just thinking about filling out the form and leaving it for her to mull over before a check-in makes me fell nervous and vulnerable.
We just re-started weekly check-ins, and it certainly does cause feelings of vulnerability and nervousness.
DeleteRegarding self-reporting, that is something that I have always shied away from. I am usually convinced that it is because my wife really doesn't want this, or at least says she doesn't. On the other hand, I did just this two weeks ago by sending a delayed email to her, and I can say that it was very difficult for me to do. As I think about it, probably at least most of the reason that I don't like self-reporting is not as much that she doesn't want it, but that I don't like the embarrassment and vulnerability of telling her things.
On a related (and sort of techie) note, I realized when I did self-report that what would be really good is some sort of program where you can irrevocably submit the email, but then never know when it will actually be sent. It was surprising to me that I couldn't find anything like this, but then I really can't think of any other real use for it. If there were something like this, one thing I haven't decided whether I would want or not is for it to notify when it does actually send.
TB wrote: " Since agreeing to that 'owning up' change, my behaviour has been very improved, my awareness of what I am saying and how I am responding has been greatly heightened"
DeleteMt wife sometimes incorporates a short interlude before spanking during which I explain why I am in trouble with her and anything else I want to say about it. When she does that I think she is also deciding how severe to punish me. Whether that is true or not ( she denies it) I tend to really lean in to describing why I am in trouble . Candidly I am doing this to place her. But doing it can also make me take "ownership" of what I did more than just be scolded for it. This probably supports actual behavior change because hearing it come out of my own mouth makes it very real.
ZM, I kind of wish there were some sort of app that would automatically send a notice to the spouse once some behavioral threshold was met. And, that kind of feature could have all kinds of uses. I've said that one problem with the drinking app I'm using it's all positive reinforcement, with no negative consequences. Even after repeated fails, it gives supportive statements about picking oneself up and not being too hard on oneself, when maybe what is really needed is a message saying, "You've now over-indulged on Thursdays three weeks in a row. Maybe you're not trying very hard or maybe you need to think about strong action to reverse this pattern." Basically, some strong, negative words instead of all the happy talk. Now, how much more effective would it be if, in addition to encouraging the user to stop fucking up, it could send a notice to a designated "accountability partner."
DeleteYou're a techie -- sounds like a great development project!
I believe that you can use Excel macros to randomly select a time to send an email. I have no idea how but I remember some of our tech guys talking about it before I drifted off ... (:) ! TB
DeleteLike many of us here, I was spanked as a child. During adulthood, spankings were nonexistent until my second wife made me realize poor behavior, even as an adult, can be quickly remedied by a good bare bottom spanking. Probably the best thing that happened to me as it changed my outlook and behavior as an adult. After we parted and I found my current life partner, I explained my need for physical punishment and she took up the task of spankings for discipline. Most of the emotions I feel are not prior to a spanking once I realize I misbehaved and 'earned' a spanking. The emotions during the actual spanking are somewhat erotic with the vulnerability and helplessness of being under the control of another. Even if not restrained, my desire to keep still, not pull away or do anything to lessen the impact. I earned the discipline and feel I must take the consequences. I should mention here that restraints as still used on occasion when she feels an extreme spanking is due. The main emotion for me is after the spanking. The satisfaction of a clean slate, the lasting redness and pain in my bottom assist in the calming feeling of atonement. I may be different here, but I feel quite good after a sound spanking.
ReplyDeleteWe're definitely different in our experience of emotions before a spanking. That's probably the height of my emotions. During the spanking itself, I'm experiencing lots of pain, but not much emotion. I don't tend to be feeling a lot of emotions immediately after a spanking, but after a while I get that calming you are talking about. And, it does help if there is lasting soreness and marking, though I don't mark a lot anymore.
DeleteSpanked Cowboy,
DeleteI note the change of feelings with us as well: if I spanked J. in anger, I always spanked until the anger was gone and I felt different every time.
L. I completely understand your comments.
DeleteSpanked Cowboy,
DeleteMany thanks for your kind words. People often underestimate the usefulness of F/M DD spanking in this respect. It was definitely noticeable throughout my marriage to J.
Hi Dan,
ReplyDeleteSo much good material this week, I had to break my response in half.
I definitely crave strong emotions. This is evident not only in my desire for DD, which results in painful spankings that I almost always don’t want at the time, and even dread or fear. It is clear even more so in my seeming obsession with being embarrassed or humiliated, which is something that I normally would go far out of my way to avoid. However, it is also clear from looking at the rest of my life. In short, I feel most alive when I am living on – or at times beyond – the edge.
I discovered DWC well after I had been thinking about spanking for many years, yet still my emotions were similar to yours when you found it, probably because I still hadn’t actually been spanked as an adult at that time. And that “nauseous anxiety” or “morbid fascination” that you describe played heavily into my feelings all the way up until after the first year or two of actually being in a DD relationship, and to a very real degree continues today. I have less fascination now, of course, since everything is rooted in actual experience instead of just my wild imagination, but still I get that feeling in my stomach in the lead-up to a punishment or even when talking about it. The word "vulnerability" seems to be right in the center, with “fear” and “anxiety” close beside.
“…strict control, maternal authority, open displays of authority, witnessed or overheard spankings—do engender emotions that most deem ‘negative’.” – agreed, but also agree that these are precisely what I hope becomes more manifest in my relationship this coming year.
“Loss of control and the vulnerability that comes with it. Having one’s status diminished in relation to another’s authority. The frustration of being told what to do or being subject to externally imposed consequences. Embarrassment at an overheard or witnessed spanking. Being subjected to a hard scolding in front of others.” – again, exactly what I want and don’t want, apparently driven by my need for strong emotion.
I also share your morbid fascination with tears, having really experienced it only once and sort of several other times, but with tears still being mostly elusive. Still, most any caption that I like involves tears, and I still think that most punishment spankings really should end – if not truly begin – with tears.
Regarding CalSpankee’s comments, I agree right down the line, including that longer stop and go punishments with lots of scolding along the way produce stronger emotions than a single fast, hard spanking does. This also includes the feeling of fear or even panic after it has gone on forever and you are wondering if it is ever going to end. BTW, I think this is just the sort of scenario where tears become more likely.
ZM said: “This also includes the feeling of fear or even panic after it has gone on forever and you are wondering if it is ever going to end. BTW, I think this is just the sort of scenario where tears become more likely.”
DeleteThis should be triple-underlined for couples who want to produce tears. The duration of the spanking (think a half hour or so) can produce the belief that it will go on forever, producing the panic, leading to letting go to crying. Crying during a spanking is essentially letting go ( of manning up), surrendering to her, and accepting physically and mentally what is happening. This is not continuous spanking, but spanking punctuated with lots of scolding, maybe some interrogation breaks for corner time, and anything else the disciplinarian mixes in. The panic and belief it will go on forever is, of course, a hallucination. But I have experienced it, and it seems very real when it occurs. I think it is a spontaneous emotional response to being spanked into submission. Mostly, getting there is not great fun, but it is great when you are there.
I'm sure this is true. For us, an average spanking is probably 6 or 7 minutes at most, which simply may not be enough time to get to the right place mentally for tears. And, I think any longer session would require some pretty substantial pauses, because at the end of 6 or 7 minutes of continuous spanking I'm usually quite numb.
Delete"strict control, maternal authority, open displays of authority, witnessed or overheard spankings" --- Here's hoping we both get what we (think we) want in 2025!
Delete“But, motorcycles are also oddly meditative for me, often causing me to experience a reduction in emotions.” – For me this is both true and not true. When riding motocross especially, I am absolutely in the moment and am thinking of nothing else. To do otherwise would generally result in an ambulance trip. So in this sense, an hour riding feels like a many-day vacation. However, I am not sure that it is reduction in emotions, but rather it is alternative way to experience very strong emotions (thrill, speed, real danger), so kind of an escape.
ReplyDelete“I’ve never been pushed so far beyond my limits, and there was a strong non-consensual element in it; I simply had no choice but to stay in the experience until the mountain decided I was done. It really shook me up in a way that stayed with me for weeks.” – I can see why. Now there are some REAL strong emotions because the loss of control was very real, and the potential consequences were huge.
I definitely think that the emotions I experienced from the reality, or the threat, of childhood spankings was stronger than what I experience as an adult, probably because of the inevitability and pure powerlessness. – “inevitability” and “powerlessness” are also both words that very much describe what I so strongly desire and simultaneously don’t want to feel!
I need to talk to my wife about her part of the strong feelings. What I can say for sure is she feels a strong rush when exercising her authority, even though she kind of feels bad for feeling that way, probably in no small part because of social conditioning.
“What emotions do you experience?” – I think I already got to most of that above.
“Are there some emotional boundaries you don’t want to cross or emotions you don’t want to experience?” – Not that I can think of. I really want to experience most everything at least once, at least to have the experience. I’m sure there are boundaries, but I am not sure where they are, probably at least in part because I know that my wife would never take things anywhere near where my boundaries might be.
“Are your strong emotions mainly ‘positive’ or what we usually deem ‘negative’”? – For me, I would say mostly negative, at least in the moment, but then those same things that seemed so negative in the moment give me strong positive emotions in retrospect.
Re: motorcycles, for me it depends a lot on what kind of riding I'm doing. If I'm just doing twisties on a paved road or sightseeing on an easy dirt road, I tend to get pretty meditative. If I set out to do something constructive mentally, like work through some problem I'm having, I find I can't do it. My mind just won't hold to a coherent thought for very long. If I'm doing some highly technical adventure riding, like picking my way up or down a very narrow, rocky mountain pass, I'm often experiencing a buttload of anxiety, and I'm very mentally active, even if it's not in the form of words and chatter in my head.
Delete"Inevitability" and "powerlessness" definitely are big triggering emotions for me. The press all sorts of buttons that challenge my inner control freak, though they are part and parcel of why I find DD so morbidly attractive.
What you describe for highly technical adventure riding pretty much translates directly to motocross: "I'm often experiencing a buttload of anxiety, and I'm very mentally active, even if it's not in the form of words and chatter in my head." Interestingly, this period of high anxiety about the very real threat of physical harm and the release from the "words and chatter in my head" seem to give me just the freedom that I need; even though the experience is very stressful in its own way, it still is distinctly different than the stresses of everyday life and it is so immersive at the time, so it leaves me feeling like I just had a much longer break and leaves me feeling calm and centered. And even more interesting, pretty much the same things could be said about spanking.
DeleteCraving "inevitability" and "powerlessness" is just so very strange, considering that normally I do anything and everything to prevent those same exact feelings in day-to-day life.
My reaction to your observations about motocross echo your last sentence -- sounds a lot like spanking! I did do some motocross in high school, but nothing very organized or very hard. It was a lot of fun, and I've thought about trying to take it up now, but I suspect it's one of those things that's best not to take up in your late 50s.
DeleteI totally get the strangeness of the hold inevitability and powerlessness has on our psyches. In the rest of my life, I don't think of much of anything as truly inevitable, and I've rarely felt powerless as an adult, givne that one always has the "power" to go down fighting. Yet, something in my clearly craves it in the DD/FLR aspect of my marriage. And, I feel like I'm tilting more strongly toward the FLR side, with its more pervasive loss of control, than I have in the past.
DeleteFully understood. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous. It is only later on that the benefits of spanking become evident.
I suppose J. sort of suggested that he thought this way and therefore wanted an F/M DD marriage.
Since the DD setup was entirely J's idea, he was always keen to encourage me to never feel guilty about however giving him DD spankings made me feel. That took a bit of getting used to at first, but in time, I learned to just let myself feel what I wanted to feel regarding anything to do with DD.
ReplyDeleteI suppose part of it was a rush of power that I had, being able to make decisions that would result in either more or less pain. I can't deny that holding that ability gave me quite a rush!
However, most notably, there was a feeling of arousal when I spanked him, before and during the spanking. J. was a very big and well-endowed man, so it was important to maintain lubrication and it was nice to do it the natural way. The DD spankings were extremely effective for this purpose. J. always tried not to scream during the spanking, but often failed: this further aroused me, and when I was able to bring him to tears, I felt even more aroused.
I know this is probably out of scope, but when J. was on top of me afterwards, going in and out, I used to feel a big rush of love and affection.
Our DD marriage brought me untold feelings over the years we were married!
I'm sure many women feel guilty being aroused by exercising power but, as Henry Kissinger said, it IS the most powerful aphrodisiac. And, I think that can be true whether you're the one holding the power or the one subject to it.
DeleteReading L’s candid descriptions of her feelings makes me think many more women who exercise authority and become disciplinarians could experience these “untold feelings” in their relationships. We still live in a sexually repressive culture where feelings like those described are often suppressed or denied. A former commenter, (Danielle) stands as an exemplar of the journey many women must take to arrive at the point L describes. For newer readers, Danielle initially resisted her husband's entreaties to discipline him, many years later changing her mind and eventually becoming an enthusiastic disciplinarian (and enjoyed the feelings that came with the exercise of her power)
I do miss Danielle's candor. A few months ago, I reached out to her by email just to renew contact. I didn't get a reply.
DeleteI wrote about this a little before in the topic that asked how FLR-ish our respective relationships are, but something I noticed in doing my slog through all the old posts and comments was that *many* of our early female commenters were pretty open about enjoying their authority, and many of their relationships seemed a lot more hierarchical than most of us seem to describe today.
It may be that the early commenters were a different population. The blog began in an era where spanking was still very outre in society at large. Today-not so much. F/M spanking still seem to have an edge to it. But among sophisticated women, few are likely to be shocked if boyfriend or husband suggest it.
Delete“{Power{IS the most powerful aphrodisiac.”
DeleteIn context I think Dr K was referring to power as an aphrodisiac for women (apparently, he did some personal research on that topic). So, possibly one interesting question is whether men and women are equally attracted to and aroused by) power, i.e., is power an aphrodisiac for men as well? Maybe!
However, one could construct a coherent argument based on evolutionary biology, making a case that it is primarily women who are evolutionarily cued to find power erotically attractive -both the power exercised by men and the power they exercise over men. To the extent this line of thought is explanatory, we could expect that women taking on the disciplinary role (with authority inherent in that role) would normally come to enjoy and thrive once contemporary cultural repressions are overcome.
Put differently, women assuming a disciplinary role should enjoy it. Only if she doesn’t should it surprise anyone.
I definitely can see an argument based on evolutionary biology (though, it does seem like one can ALWAYS construct an argument for the way thing are based on evolutionary theories) for why a potential partner's power might be attractive for women and possibly not for men. I can also come up with evolutionary theories as to why a love of exercising power might be a discouraged trait in women. For most of modern human history, a female exercising power in a male-dominated culture was a good way to get herself killed. So, it may be that, in addition to traditional societal constraints on female power, evolutionary biology migh actually make a woman inclined to not take on a disciplinary role, or any role requiring an explicit wielding of power over a man.
DeleteI also suspect that men may be wired to see powerful people--male or female--as competitors. I'm not sure whether that holds true for women but, if it does, I'm guessing it's true only vis-a-vis other women.
" For most of modern human history, a female exercising power in a male-dominated culture was a good way to get herself killed."
DeleteTo the extent this is true, it explains cultural repression -- the culture of patriarchy --more than evolutionary factors. In the classic Darwinian context, power -the possession of it or the possession of a male with it-is going to make women safer -hence probably more likely to reproduce.and raise children, hence push those genes another generation along. To be sure power can be a dangerous commodity. But Kissinger's sentiments ring true. Women are attracted to it
My bad, I meant to put my reply here! Please find it below.
Alan, fully agreed that women exercising this power should enjoy it! If a couple wants to do this in their own bedroom, that is their affair and generally, nobody can stop them!
DeleteDan, I definitely appreciate the opportunity this group gives me to candidly talk about the years of F/M DD marriage I had with J. with a willing audience!
Alan, definitely agreed that women should enjoy it when they exercise this power over their husbands in a DD relationship! In any case, in a closed doors situation, it is harder for someone to prevent that happening if the couple doesn't want to be open about it. I think there is a definite case for what you said about power being erotically attractive!
ReplyDeleteDan, I definitely appreciate the opportunity this blog gives me to candidly share with a willing audience what my F/M DD marriage with J. was like! We had some great years together as a DD married couple and I hope others will seek something similar!
Happy New year to all. Dan, I had a problem accessing the blog as well. It took me a while to get into it. We just returned from an extended holiday. I must reiterate I despise traveling. I enjoy it when I am present and in the moment. We travelled with a group to the Caribbean and it was a much needed break from the cold. My New Year’s resolution was to reinforce our DD and to become a better communicator. I would love for my wife to wield her power and have much more influence over my actions. The one major one is me raising my voice when I’m upset or get animated. She despises this and it brings back memories of her ex. He always yelled and screamed and she immediately would go into shut down mode. Although I don’t yell and scream, I do get animated and fired up. With our relationship, she immediately tells me to lower my voice and gives me a look. My goals for this year are to work on that, because it’s not worth getting that worked up over trivial things. I communicated to her my need to be severely disciplined for it in my own little way. I still have a problem asking for a thrashing when I know I need it. She told me flat out she would be much better at doing it. I did receive a short hairbrush thrashing while away. It wasn’t all that long because of adjoining rooms with friends. She didn’t want them to over hear. As far as the emotional impact on our relationship, my wife is similar to L above. I think my wife felt guilty about the immediate action of giving me a thrashing. I don’t believe she enjoyed it at the beginning. I think overtime she did see the benefits to it. I became a more loving and much more doting. My wife does get aroused now thrashing me. She lays that leather on severely and I do wiggle and writhe. She told me she enjoys seeing me put in my place. As she lays it on and I become bright red, she enjoys hearing me cry out. She likes to scold me while giving me the thrashing. She wields her power during this time and enjoys teaching me a lesson. She admits it’s a turn on to see me in a venerable state. It’s a state she rarely sees me in. I find her incredibly sexy when she puts me in my place. I don’t feel that way at the time but afterwards, I look back and wonder how much better the world would be if more women put their spouses over their knee.
Hi T. Happy New Year to you, too. It's great that you got away. I'm kind of needing some place warm right now. I have very mixed feelings about travel. It's sort of like spanking, in that my memories in retrospect are *much* fonder than what I was feeling at the time it was happening.
DeleteI need to figure out what to do about the blog access. I get the impression that after the initial blocking, either Google has cleaned up the process, or people are figuring out how to get access, especially as guys like you and Alan who usually post anonymously, without signing into Google, seem to be getting in. On the other hand, the readership numbers dropped dramatically over the last few days and, frankly, I'm just kind of sick and fucking tired of Google getting a wild hair up its ass every couple of years about adult-themed blogs, for no apparent reason other than some product manager at Google apparently is a prude with too much time on his hands. I've put a bunch of work into the WordPress version I'd been playing with, and I'm thinking pretty hard about directing all comments to that platform. And, if I switch to a paid, hosted version on WordPress, I don't think they'll fuck with it because of the adult content. I'm not wild about paying to something I'm doing for free, but it is what it is. I like the engagement with you guys here, and I don't want it to stop, or slowly decline, just because Google is a pain in the ass.
"She told me she enjoys seeing me put in my place." I'm pretty sure that one is a big thing for Anne, too. Even when not doing something truly bad, I can be a bit much. So, I get the desire to take me down a peg or two. She too admits to liking it when I display some real vulnerability.
DeleteDump google if you are at all so inclined. Google will ultimately change;it will become worse - a bit like commercial TV which will continue to raise prices( pack in more obnoxious ads) and drop quality until the last person left has to turn out the lights. Google is too big to reform and too insular to even wish to do so. Word Press may not be perfect but at least they are not a monopoly and have some incentive to perform. Until these giant uncountable companies realize consumers
will find alternatives, the beatings will continue.
Thanks for that input, Alan. The thing that makes Blogger even more unaccountable is that it's become such an also-ran in blogging world that I'm sure it's a money loser. I'm sure Google wouldn't mind at all if it's adult and non-adult blogs all went away. And, it does seem to be the case that blogging is a dying medium across the board.
DeleteMy only reluctance, but I may just have to live with it, is I imported the Blogger posts into WordPress, but it's really klugy. The formatting is a total mess, and I'm not keen on cleaning up 500 posts. So, it would be like starting over entirely, though I suppose I could clean the old ones up a bit at a time.
I have confirmed that I'm not only one experiencing a big drop in readership thanks to this latest Google change. Julie says her numbers are way down, too.
On the topic: have you considered either creating a stand-alone archive for your Medium articles or otherwise republishing them?. They are very good and deserve wide exposure ( and opportunity for comment) I realize they ( most) are rooted in blog posts. But they work well as straight articles. Anyone with any serous interest in F/M dynamics would benefit from access to them.
DeleteI kind of doubt it. Most of my Medium articles are adaptations of my posts here, so I'm already (a) posting to Blogger; (b) adapting the Blogger posts to WordPress; and (c) adapting Blogger posts to Medium articles. I'm not really keen to create yet another repository with adapted articles. More likely, I may use Medium to write articles that are essentially drafts of chapters for future books. Also, by placing the Medium articles in a stand-alone archive, I might be undermining readership on Medium, which I'm loathe to do. I like it as a platform for writers, and the platform exists thanks to membership fees and access controls.
Delete"I may use Medium to write articles that are essentially drafts of chapters for future books"
DeleteThat gets the job done as well.
There is an enormous need for non-fiction spanking material amid the plethora of junk now available ( and AI is producing even more junk) The articles on Medium now comprise a working annotated chapter outline. You recently reviewed blog material from day one. Add anything from the earlier period to the articles you have archived in Medium and you have a book which could be promoted on the blog. But in today's "grab and run" AI environment, don't wait. Someone will steal it if you don't use it.
It's interesting, but adult material may be the one area of writing that is somewhat resistant to AI dominance, because so many of the popular AI platforms are programmed to resist generating anything erotic or having certain adult themes. Same with AI image generators. I've been playing around with a few of them, and you have to to trick them into generating anything remotely spanking related.
DeleteI consciously planned a lot of the Medium writing to be something easily morphed into book chapters, but I haven't stuck closely enough to that to really implement it. It's a function of this blog being my primary platform for writing in that area. On the blog, I tend to use the comments to generate future topics and/or something in a comment makes me think of a topic that seems to be at least somewhat new and interesting. So, since the blog is not following a chapter-oriented ordering or approach, my follow-on Medium articles end up also not having that orientation. The simple solution is, of course, to decouple the two and write Medium articles that aren't tied to the blog but, believe it or not, there are only so many hours in the day that I really want to devote to this one area or even to writing in general. I have a vanilla account on Medium as well, and I haven't written anything new for it in a while, because doing an article or two a week, on top of the blogging, really burned me out on writing.
good luck with it whatever direction chosen. The material is there
DeleteJust a quick comment and a few observations re access to blogspot blogs. I don't know if this might be useful, but more information can't hurt.
DeleteFirst, while I normally post without using my Google Account (i.e., "semi-anonymous), I first "signed in" to read blogs back in, when was it, Spring 2023, when Google first started requiring some type of "age verification" to view "restricted content" blogs. As far as I can determine, I've never signed out, or been disconnected from my Google blogspot account since that first sign-in.
On may blogspot blogs I see my "Graphic Moniker" and initials in the upper-right corner of the "sensitive content blocking page." Thus, I know that I remain "signed in."
However, in the past two weeks I have had multiple instances where I visited blogspot blogs (which I've long visited) and the "sensitive content blocking page" does not display my sign-in information. (1) Some of these will, nevertheless, allow me to bypass the "sensitive content page", (2) while others demand I again "sign in" to verify I'm of lawful age. (Your blog is one that refuses to acknowledge that I am signed in, but nevertheless allows me full access.)
Considering this overall pattern, I strongly suspect that there are "systematic communication problems" between some of Googles servers that maintain, and communicate "active accounts" with some of the servers that host individual blogs.
Since Google obviously utilized a massively parallel server architecture to host blogs, and a somewhat similar architecture for its user account maintenance, I strongly suspect that some of these parallel servers or having selective, intermittent communication outages with other servers.
In my opinion, from these observations, I do not believe there has been any (substantive) change in Googles overall policies. It seems much more likely that, since blogspot is becoming one of Google's "lost children," Google simply does not care to carefully monitor for these type of problem.
Of course, this does not make the challenges of Googles carelessness any more tolerable!
In closing, I might remind our many members who prefer to post anonymously, that they can continue to post anonymously while signed into their Google accounts. It's fairly simple, when starting a posting, to deselect your Google user-name and instead select the "Anonymous" name.
P.S. Sorry about he general loss of lurking visitors/viewers. That really sucks!
Thanks, Donn. That all makes sense. I do think the "lost children" thing is going to become more and more of a problem. It's hard to fault Google for not putting money or attention into what is probably a money-losing platform, though it obviously becomes a downward spiral as Google continues to disinvest and the platform keeps sucking worse and worse.
DeleteI'm not hugrely concerned about loss of lurking visitors in and of itself, but there does need to be some conversion of lurkers to commenters, otherwise the blog dies a slow death over time. And, with fewer lurkers, there is a smaller pool for new commenters to come from.
For the past 2 weeks, it has been extremely frustrating trying to access to your site. Google continues to request that I sign in, but I am already signed in. I called Apple's tec support, and we were on the phone for over an hour. It was pretty funny, because I felt the need to explain your blog, and why is not pornographic. She had no problem with it, but we got nowhere, and she thought the problem had something to do with your site. I was eventually able to pull up your site on Google chrome on my computer, but not on my i pad. Doesn't make sense.
DeleteSounds like Google is making its platforms work better with its own browser. Shocker. (Of course, I'm an Apple guy and Apple's entire design philosophy is making it's stuff work great together and not so great with competitors' stuff.)
DeleteHi Norton:
DeleteI imagine your frustrations are right up there with mine!
I suppose it is possible that some of Googles ID-cookies are somehow inconsistent. Google obviously assigns at least two separate cookies to visit a "restricted content blog:" One cookie for age/account verification; a Second cookie to track you acceptance of the "restricted content" Warning Message. (I'm sure that Google also assigns other (dozens) cookies for various obscure purposes.)
Some of the anomalies we experience may be due to having multiple cookies, for the same blog, of different ages; or, the way particular OS's and Web Browsers handle certain cookies.
Might I suggest that completely clearing ALL of Googles cookies, then starting over with a "clean slate" (no Google cookies, at all) might be a good starting point. As almost any (novice) tech support guru might recommend:
(0) Make certain your computer's clock is set to the correct time and time zone of your location; (Yes, Google tracks where and when you are, in addition to tracking how long its been since you last clicked the "sensitive content" warning message.)
(1) Log out of your Google account;
(2) Use you browser's "cookie name search function" to locate ALL cookies that anywhere in there name contain the key phrase "goog;'
(4) Log back into your Google account (that will download and set that one cookie);
(5) Visit the blogspot blog and click-through the "sensitive content" warning;
(6) Hope for the best and see of that method works; (Maybe long-term?)
It's shitty that we have to "jump through these hoops," but the 800lb googorilla is running this circus!
Regarding access via iPad, what they have done is through up an overlay that is significantly larger than needed. If you scroll down quite a way down, the sign in button will appear. No problem after that. It’s a pain, but something I think will get fixed soon enough. Checking on iPhone the overlay seems properly sized.
That's good to know. Thanks.
DeleteThanks for the tips. I will try them to see how it works out. It is nice to have an i pad for reading the blog, while being able to comment on Dan's suggestions and on what other commenters contribute on the computer. Recently I have been needing to take photos of relevant comments with the i pad, which I later will read to A.J. during our check in. She, like me, has found the blog to be very insightful and thoughtful. We do several check ins a week, and at least one of them will always include a sound maintenance spanking, which helps keep me grounded. These were usually given OKT, but recently her shoulder pain has caused us to alter our routine. Now she has me laying over the bed, propped up with pillows. It isn't quite as intimate or maternal, but she can get a better swing and spank harder and longer. Most important, it doesn't bother her shoulder as much. She has been great about reminding me when a spanking is coming up, which is one way of her reminding me of her authority.
DeleteEven before this mess, I've found it very hard to navigate the blog reliably using my iPad or iPhone. Blogger has never prioritized those platforms, and it shows.
DeleteVery interesting comments. I have to admit up front that I am an adrenaline junking and that plays into my experience in FLR DD.
ReplyDeleteWhen I am told to get in position for a thrashing my adrenaline begins to surge. I used to "man up" to get through a thrashing but now I just let go and howl, scream, and claw at what ever I am bent over. I am not conscious of anything but the pain but I get an erection every time, especially since we went full on FLR. Towards the end of a thrashing Domino will reach around and check my state and if it isn't somewhat hard she will keep going. To get it is a symbol of control that she can thrash me and still make me hard in spite of it.
She had been exercising more and more total control at home and on public. She has been calling me "boy" in public and around friends when she orders me to do something. Somewhat humiliating but also very satisfying. When we go out to eat now she insists on ordering the wine, ordering my food (she asks what I want) and paying the check. The money comes out of the same bucket no matter who pays but she enjoys making the wait person realize that she is in control. It sometimes really messes with their mind.
A couple of months ago we were staying in a hotel on an extended date weekend to see a concert. This room had a big mirror where I could see her as she have me a good thrashing. Normally I can't see her when she disciplines me, but I could this time and I was so very surprised to see the huge grin she had on her face the entire time she thrashed me. Everytime that she thrashed me toward the end she will ask me who is in charge and when is she in charge. I best answer correctly and quickly or the next thing I feel is the paddle hitting my balls. She loves to do that occasionally to put me in my place.
Do the reason I relate all of this is just to say that I feel that for me, DD and FLR are very arousing and very emotionally freeing. I no longer have to be in charge or the dominating male. I was that for enough years and she is relishing being in control and in charge.
I used to get an erection every time. Now, it's probably more like 60%. And, it always vanishes very soon after the spanking starts.
DeleteWe've been doing the she pays the check thing for a long time. It's become such a regular thing that neither of us really think about much (or, at least, I don't). But, it is amazing how, mid-way into the 2020s, some waiters really, really struggle with it. I can't tell you you many times one has handed me the check, I had it to my wife, she supplies the credit card, he comes back and hands the processed check to me again.
J. got one every time, to my recollection! It was nice that I had an uncomplicated means of preparing him that also prepared me!
DeleteNow you are teasing:What was your "uncomplicated" method?
DeleteI gave J. some other physical punishments, but overwhelmingly spanking! Nothing that isn't already discussed in great depth here!
J. had a bottom that was infinitely spankable! I am glad we never struggled to get ourselves ready!
In line with your thoughts on strong emotions as a source, there is a psychiatric theory as youngsters, some may reprocess experiences which frightened us as a coping mechanism. As I understand it, in essence re-associating it from something scary to something pleasurable (ala sexual). As theories go, that one seems plausible; especially for those of us who grew up in the golden age of spanking. That said, overall I still lean more to the 'nature' than nurture argument as I have no explanation for the younger generations now who still grew up spanko without the exposures we had as kids.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of that theory, but it is an interesting one. I agree with you that it is puzzling that interest in erotic spanking seemed to go up just as its real-life prevalence in childhood had dropped like a rock. I personally remain skeptical of anything like a spanking gene, but I can come up with all sorts of theories about why natural selection might be highly selective for being subordinate and having a thing for authority. I get the sense that evolutionary theories have changed pretty radically over the last few years, going from an obsessive focus on what seemed adaptive to the individual spreading his/her genes to what best allows the group as a whole to survive and flourish. When you zoom out and look at group dynamics, a situation where there were lots of people trying to be leaders all the time would be extremely chaotic and likely to lead to disaster in emergencies. For that reason, I suspect we as a species are highly programmed to have a very small ratio of natural leaders to natural followers. Probably like 1:10. Also, I can see how individuals might be programmed to like/crave/accept discipline because, face it, out on the savannah people who resisted discipline from the wiser elders or the tribe/clan as a whole, likely either died from their own undisciplined behavior or found themselves ostracized and banished, which also was a quick way to die.
Delete"I agree with you that it is puzzling that interest in erotic spanking seemed to go up just as its real-life prevalence in childhood had dropped like a rock." - one thought, off the top of my head, is that maybe the cause/effect is reversed. Maybe somehow some of the people who experienced spanking as children grew up and - through a general increase in BDSM in society, possibly as an outgrowth of the sexual revolution - became interested in adult erotic spanking. If they came to view spanking through a sexual lens but had experienced or encountered spanking as a child, it is possible that at least some of them would have become the very people who would be most vocal about eliminating childhood spanking. If that were the case, then perhaps the huge decrease in the prevalence of childhood spanking was at least partly due to erotic spanking becoming a thing.
DeleteOr another thought, since I am just throwing out crazy theories here as I think and overthink this whole issue. Suppose that there were always a certain percentage of people who were hardwired to want or seek discipline/spanking/etc. If that is the case, then because spanking in schools and homes was such a common thing up until the past few decades, what if somehow many/most of those who were hardwired that way experienced the reality as a child and either it somehow scratched that itch so the desire went away or at the very least, for most who had that need or want, spanking just became a matter of fact punishment which never transitioned into a sexual desire, since they simply didn't think of it that way? Then, as childhood spankings began to become much less common in society, the people who are hardwired that way were left with this smoldering desire that they didn't understand, which manifested as interest in adult spanking, mostly with erotic tones. If this (admittedly far-fetched) theory is correct, then spankings frequently occurring in schools and homes could have actually de-sexualized spanking for most, and actually kept adult spanking from becoming a thing!
I'm not sure your second theory is that far-fetched. To me, it actually makes a lot of sense.
DeleteI do wonder whether the Millennial and Gen Zs will be the lasting norm in growing up without spanking, or whether that will prove to be a cultural blip. I'm not a proponent of childhood spanking. My first child was spanked (lightly) on a very small number of occasions, and my second not at all. But, I think it's an area that's rife with virtue signaling, and the studies showing it's negative impact are, when you did into the details, laughably flawed to the point that it's pretty clear that many were designed to produce a predetermined outcome. There are also some (Jillian Keenan in particular) who argue that childhood spankings are inherently sexual for one or both parties, which I think is total nonsense and involves her projecting her spanking fetish--which, being a fetish is, by definition, outside the norm--onto all parents. Your second scenario does a great job of illustrating how a lack of realistic exposure to actual spankings early on could result in *more* sexualization, not less.
Your first scenario also seems to me to be entirely plausible, and it's a great reminder of how trick cause-and-effect relationships can be to sort out.
Any unexpected movements or remarks related to spanking send a shot of nervous excitement. Fear is when the spanking starts and I realize how much pain I've accepted to take. I think this is ideal, to be baited by thrill to put myself in her hands, where I'm then turned over to my character-building negative emotions.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a feeling of dread when I break a rule and I don't know if she will do something about it.
I asked my wife about this. Her emotions are not really complements or opposites of mine. When I feel thrill from her unexpected actions, she feels uncertainty or fun. When I feel fear, she is focused on meeting my needs against her instincts, and us long-term. When I feel waiting dread, she is too busy to feel anything.
I asked her what she thinks about spanking being so meaningful and emotional for me, but not for her. Her reply is she is happy to do it for me. She finds little things to notice and enjoy. No big feelings. This seems precarious. She could start to develop strong positive emotions that would drive her into a more proactive and assertive role like some wives here. But she could also start to develop negative emotions, or just increasing boredom, and we'd be done.
MW, your first paragraph is very similar to some observations ZM has made here, to the effect that eroticism vs. discipline isn't really as either-or as it may seem, because being turned on by the idea of spankings does make one submit in the first place, but if the spankings are hard enough to be real punishment, behavior can be corrected and changed. So, the positive behavior change might not happen were he not initially turned on enough to submit to a very hard spanking.
DeleteIn our earliest days of DD, Anne undoubtedly was accommodating my desire for it more than satisfying her own needs or interests. Though, I'm not sure it ever was "against her instincts." She took to it quickly enough, it must not have been all the counter to her inclinations. And, her interest has gotten much stronger over time. So, I hope that's the way it works out for you as well, though I understand what you mean about it feeling precarious.
Do you remember anything you might have done to nudge her towards taking a greater interest? Talking is important, of course, and showing results.
DeleteNot really. We've been at this 20+ years and, honestly, it's probably only in the last three or four that I could say definitively that she seemed enthusiastic for it to the point that it might be something she would not want to end even I, for some reason, said I didn't want it. She did say at one point that it was hard for her to understand why any man would want this, and that caused her to assume that at some point I would decide I didn't want it. She said that the suspicion that I would drop the whole thing at some point kept her from fully committing. So, I think part of it was just a very long track record of me continuing to want it. I think journaling about it gave her a lot of insight into what was going on in my head, and over time that made her more confident. But, honestly, I think it was mainly just time.
DeleteDan, your topic this week was very compelling, and I have enjoyed reading all the comments. For us, DD has allowed us to be more intimate as a couple. It has helped me be more vulnerable, live a healthier lifestyle, and now I take fewer unnecessary risks. It has helped her to be more assertive and confident, both in asking for what she wants in the relationship, as well as outside of it. As far as strong emotion, I feel all of the things you described at the beginning of your blog this week, except fear. Instead of fear, I would say if she tells me I have broken a rule, I will immediately feel anxiety, but also excitement. Like most of us, I want her to be firm, strict, and consistent about not allowing me to get away with anything we have agreed should result in a spanking. Being spanked for punishment is always more exciting and meaningful that for maintenance. I have never intentionally broken a rule, but when it does happen, I look at it as an opportunity for her to reinforce her authority. Unlike some couples, we have had some great sex after a disciplinary spanking. DD has definitely helped us prolong our sex life. I keep a DD journal, so she knows what I am thinking about. Our check in always involves me reading it, as well as relevant things from this blog.
DeleteThis morning I asked A.J. if she had strong emotions connected with our DD and doing spanking. She said she did at first, but now it's just matter of fact. It has never been just matter of fact for me. So, DD works for each of us in different ways, but it does help keep us connected and intimate.
DeleteI like your point above about anxiety. I use to fear being spanked growing up. The fear was there and the pit in your stomach grew when you knew one was coming. I experience a bit of anxiety when my wife is about to thrash me. I do get a pit in my stomach, but not from fear. My wife doesn’t take her time with volleys. It’s usually a full on thrashing with the leather. It probably last around 6-8 minutes. I can’t stand when she corrects or chastises me. I feel belittled a bit, but that’s the point. I despise being told what to do by her when I’m heated. After the strapping, I’m turned on by her putting me in my place and I feel our intimacy is stronger. I agree with your point about discipline versus maintenance. We haven’t really got into the whole maintenance thing. I know it works for some. I think at first , my wife like Nortons just did it to appease me. That’s changed and has come full circle. My wife now enjoys it and the power exchange is huge for her. I’m usually the dominant one. She actually gets turned on now and our sex life, which is great, has improved tremendously.
Norton, I have a really hard time separating fear and anxiety. I guess I thing of anxiety as a milder form of fear. Once she tells I'm getting spanked, any excitement vanishes. That's not to say I don't get an erection. I often still do. But, even so, I'm not internally feeling anything I would refer to as excitement in the positive sense.
DeleteIt does sound like you've made a lot of positive challenges as a result of DD. You and I have talked about the diminishing need for risk taking, including things like motorcycles. I think one result of our bad holiday season is I'm pretty committed to living *more* dangerously than before. We'll see how that plays out . . .
Dan, not sure what "living more dangerously than before means", but it sounds like taking more risks as you get older. Maybe it means something else for you, and hopefully it does. As we age, it just isn't wise to keep trying to do the risky things we used to do. I gave up the motorcycles and skiing a few years ago, but I am probably 10 or 12 years older than you. It's a different world in your mid 70s, when so many of our friends have taken bad falls, have had serious injury or health problems, and 3 have died this last year. All that said, I would probably still be riding motorcycles, but my sweetie was worried every time I got on, and it just didn't seem fair to her. Our DD has helped me look at things from her point of view. She was never demanding about it, but I simply realized it was the right thing to do for our relationship. Also, I realized it was part of my identity, and it was time to let it go. Now that I have finally found a woman who understands me and is into DD, I don't want to mess up our "golden years" by winding up in the ER.The wonderful thing about F/M spanking and DD is, it can enhance sex, as well and be a great substitute for sex. It doesn't ever seem to disappear.
DeleteNo, I'd say for me it very much does mean taking more risks. I agree that a loved one dealing with you in the ER, or worse, in your golden years sucks. But, I can also now say with authority that watching someone die from a chronic illness at an advanced age ain't no picnic either. I'm hoping it will be several decades before I'm done, but this experience as convinced me that if the choice is between dying a drawn-out death from a chronic disease or from doing something fun but stupid, I'll take fun but stupid.
DeleteAnd, the reality is, mid-70s is still quite a ways away for me. sixty isn't, but 60 is the new 50, right?
I haven't given up completely on skiing but have pulled way back. But, it wasn't because of danger. The last couple of seasons, I've actually been skiing harder terrain, and doing it better and faster, than ever before. It's more that I'm just kind of sick of being cold when I don't have to be, and schlepping all the gear around is such a pain in the ass.
Regarding motorcycles, I'll give them up when I start detecting a material slow down in reaction time. It's undoubtedly true that I don't react as quickly as I did in my 20s. But, that's not the relevant standard. The relevant standard is whether I'm reacting so much more slowly that the danger to me or others has become a problem.
ReplyDeleteI never found spanking J. boring ever, but that's just me!
Hi, yes, your experience sounds different from ours. It's not thrilling or intimate for my wife, and we've had periods where we quit and don't talk about it. When we are on, she is good about keeping to our plan, though. Plus, she has the cutest wry smile when she asks if I'm going to miss a habit one too many times today.
DeleteGreat to hear you and your wife are able to keep it up, even if your outlook is different to the one J. and I had! I am pleased we managed to keep it up till the end.
DeleteI just know noticed that you have been talking about "J" in the past-tense.
I had always enjoyed your blogs, but haven't visited an quite some time.
I'm sorry for whatever may have happened you your relationship, and wish you the very best!
"[She] she has the cutest wry smile when she asks if I'm going to miss [one of my duties."
DeleteIt certainly sounds, to me, like your wife has a deep-seated, continuing interest - even derives enjoyment - in being your disciplinarian.
DeleteMany thanks for your good wishes. I feel blessed that things with J. were happy all the way from start to finish.
Dan said: This is one of the seeming paradoxes of DD—and probably the issue that most confounds “vanillas” trying to understand it: How can I discipline him with spanking when he gets off on it (literally)?
ReplyDeleteThink about it from the vanilla perspective. A beloved dog) misbehaves in some way that creates a real problem. But every time it misbehaves, I give it a favorite treat he loves. Gosh, the dog is still misbehaving, even getting worse, and maybe giving him what he loves when misbehaving isn’t the best way to manage his behavior.
The reason that logic is misleading with people in DD relationships is that “ the spanking” ( assuming it is a severe punishment spanking) is not what is loved. In fact, for many males, severe spanking is not wanted at all. What is desired and needed is a relationship in which a loving partner exercises the authority to discipline (i.e., loving female authority). That is why (as Dan is stating), spanking can be a real punishment and can correct behavior. It really can be a kind of miracle drug for relationships. It gives the spankee (male or female) what they strongly need while giving their partner the capacity to manage and correct problematic behavior lovingly and collaboratively.
I am facing a serious spanking soon, maybe tomorrow and that is partially why this is top of mind. I love he way she has reacted to what hardened ( and the feeling I have). And when it is over I will remember it fondly and it will foster intimacy. But I absolutely don't want the actual spanking and plan to make sure it doesn't need to happen again
Sorry, Dan's original quote belonging at the top of the comment above was omitted. Here re it is
DeleteDan wrote: “… Being turned on by the idea of spankings does make one submit in the first place, but if the spankings are hard enough to be real punishment, behavior can be corrected and changed.”
Alan, your dog training analogy fits almost exactly our first experience with spanking, i.e. the very brief period in which we experimented with erotic spanking and role play. The spankings were with a flimsy leather paddle from an adult novelty store. But, the scenarios in which it was used tended to involved actual misbehavior on my part. So, it was basically "funishment." She quickly came to believe (correctly) that it was exactly like your dog example -- I was misbehaving and she was giving a "treat" of kinky sex with a non-punitive spanking. It essentially was rewarding bad behavior.
DeleteSo, when I discovered the DWC, the first thing I had to do was convince her that the spankings Aunt Kay advocated were something far different. I emphasized that point during our initial discussion and, of course, her subsequent review of the website proved the point.
Sorry about the upcoming spanking. We had our first check-in of the new year last night. It didn't result in a spanking, in part because she knows that any misbehavior over the last few weeks was pretty minor, especially given the stress I was under on the family front. But, it was good to get the process going again. And, I've emphasized to her that the ongoing family stress needs to be seen as a reason TO discipline, not a reason not to, as I probably need some hard boundaries now more than ever, so things don't cascade out of control.
DeleteDefinitely a good outlook on F/M DD!
I'm sorry to be late to the party on this. I have the sense (based on my own experience, which may not be everyone's experience) that when an actual spanking is a real possibility, the emotion that is often generated is fear and perhaps some excitement in some people. When an actual spanking is not involved -- because we are reading a spanking story or hearing someone else describe a spanking - the emotions are thrill and excitement. It's hard to be scared if there is no chance at all of being spanked. What you might say is that there are two different sets of emotion involved: thrills and excitement well before the spanking (imagine making an appointment with a dominatrix one month in advance, and consider what you feel one day after that appointment is made), and then that gives way to fear as the date of the appointment approaches. When you walk in the door it may be all fear at that point, especially if it's your first visit to the domme. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, the big revelation for me was discovering that continuously unbearable pain prevents emotions from arising, but a stop and go kind of spanking with scolding in between the volleys of swats (intermittently unbearable pain, in other words) allows emotions such as regret, remorse, fear, panic, etc. to arise that make it fairly easy to cry (if I am able to focus on the emotion and what is being said). But in survival mode during continuously unbearable pain I can't think of anything except surviving -- so there is no crying. It's very counter intuitive.
ReplyDeleteFor me, fear or anxiety (it's hard for me to separate the two) is the predominant emotion when I know a spanking is imminent. Excitement is something I definitely do not associate with the spanking itself or the immediate lead up to one. But, it's certainly true that there is excitement for me when the prospect if further out, or when it's thinking about DD in general or something like reading a DD-oriented story.
DeleteAnne has done a lot of stop-and-go spanking, with long pauses in between volleys. She started to do that a bit more last year, but then we went on a long hiatus. And, the pauses between volleys weren't very long. I do agree that when it's continuously unbearable--or even if it's a short spanking but with a very intense instrument--it forecloses almost all real emotion, and particularly anything like regret or remorse. As you say, it is a bit counter-intuitive, but I totally get it.
I'll bet you experienced excitement when you read the "Even More" story. I know I did. For many decades I was unable to cry during a spanking. What finally ended up working for me was the following. First, I knew I had been doing something wrong. It was a sin of omission -- not doing what I knew I should have been doing. Second, there was a very reasoned, calm discussion about this between me and the spanker. Third, the spanking was OTK with the spanker using a paddle with the full force of her arm at a rapid rate (50 swats per minute?). The pain for me was unbearable, but she would stop, scold me for perhaps 5 or 10 seconds, then resume the spanking. During the pause I was able to process her words in the scolding. The cycle kept repeating. It was the focus on the scolding words, the remorse, the regret, the guilt, that all came together with the intermittently unbearable pain that pushed me into crying, sobbing. It didn't last all that long, maybe only 3 or 4 minutes. But it worked.
DeleteOne other thing I should add -- and this was hugely surprising to me -- is that after the spanking I was really a changed person. I affirmative WANTED to do what I had previously avoided doing. I was actually enthusiastic about it. It was like a great weight had been lifted. I know the psychology world would go absolutely nuts over this, but query whether a similar technique to what I experienced could be used on someone who really wanted to quit drinking alcohol or quit smoking but just couldn't manage to do it on their own. With the correct frame of mind in the spankee, I think this could actually work. Of course, no psychologist would ever touch something like this with a 50-foot pole.
DeleteI don't recall my reaction to specific stories when I first discovered the DWC, but Even More has always been one of my favorites, so I don't doubt that I felt excited when reading it. But, I'm also sure it was the kind of morbid excitement that the husband in the story experiences when *he* discovers the DWC. That's what my entire intro the DWC was like -- there was excitement, but it was tinged with such anxiety and fear that it was almost a negative kind of excitement. "Morbid" is the word the husband in Even More uses, and it's the best I can do.
DeleteAfter 20+ years of this, I don't think the elements of a spanking story, or non-fiction advice like Aunt Kay's "Tips & Methods" section or her manuals, that trigger a strong emotional response for me have actually changed all that much:
- A strong element of the disciplinary relationship and/or an individual spanking being imposed regardless of what the husband thinks about it. "Even More" is kind of mixed on that score, since the husband initiates the relationship. But, the story does begin with the wife ordering a spanking and the husband trying desperately to talk his way out of it.
- Very harsh spankings definitely get to me. "How I am Spanked" is probably the harshest on the DWC and, while it sounds brutal, it does cause those butterflies in my stomach to geet aroused.
- The stories with crying definitely resonate more than those without.
- Some of the stories involving witnesses or other participants, or highly embarrassing situations. "Military Duty Calls" always gets to me for some reason. It's not really the mother-in-law element, but more that the wife is so in charge of things, to the point of getting a surrogate in her absence. It also always gets to me for some reason that, at the end of the story, she gives her husband a spanking on her return on top of the one he received from the mother-in-law. When I was a kid, it was the rule in pretty much every household that getting a spanking at school meant another at home, and I think that kind of "double consequences" is similar to the wife spanking the husband as a result of him getting spanked by the MIL.
I think one of the missing elements for me on crying is a spanker who has indicated they want or expect it to happen. Anne is aware that it's something I want (think I want) to experience, but in the past I sensed some trepidation on her part. I think she's mostly over that, but it's still clear that it's not something she personally feels a need or desire to bring about. That's OK, but I think I would get closer to it if she verbalized an expectation or "permission".
I'm sure you're right that 99% of psychologists wouldn't go near using anything as coercive as a spanking to correct issues like smoking or drinking. Though, it's not like there aren't some coercive or "tough love" elements in some forms of counseling, particularly some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques. Also, as some who have been around here awhile know, I got fascinated a few years ago with some of the techniques used by the "self help" group known as NXIVM. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/30/magazine/sex-cult-empowerment-nxivm-keith-raniere.html. I've since learned about some of the egregious stuff the founder was doing and what they did to people who tried to leave. Very nasty stuff. But, that doesn't mean that some of the principles the group advocated didn't have some efficacy. It included trying to get leverage over your own habits and goals, through some pretty coercive means. The documentary on it called The Vow (HBO) included a couple of references to members of the group using spankings for motivation, and I've posted one screenshot of one of the conversations.https://disciplinedhubbies.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-club-meeting-355-before-and-after.html
Also, I'm not sure I'm completely following what you mean by the spanking resulted in you being a changed person. Do you mean that crying once made you want to do it more often?
DeleteCalSpankee wrote: "[No] psychologist would ever touch something like this with a 50-foot pole."
DeleteSorry to contradict you but: "NO," but sometimes "yes."
My wife is a psychologist and also a disciplinary wife: Psychologist for over 35 years; DW for roughly 23 years.
One of her best friends, and professional colleagues, is also a psychologist and also a disciplinary wife.
My wife has probably pointed a friend or associate toward general DW philosophies roughly half a dozen times since she herself became a DW.
Her friend, who actually practices clinical psychology, has likewise pointed friends, and even clients, toward DW philosophies. I don't know how many times, but she is quite open (with other DW's) about doing so, and open about her primary reason: She has an ethical duty to help patients to know about ALL possible OPTIONS they might investigate to assist themselves.
BTW: Did you know that Aunt Kay's husband, "Jerry," before retirement, was a practicing clinical psychologist for decades? I have little doubt that Jerry, the caring and ethical practitioner he was, similarly "pointed" clients to all options.
BTW: Did you know that there were two other clinical psychologist, members of the DWC, that designed and helped analyze the last survey of DWC members' demographics and disciplinary philosophies/attitudes?
Yes, it can be very challenging for a psychologist to balance their personal ethics with the "professional responsibilities" enforced by state licensing authorities.
However, there is a very big difference between "recommending" something to a client versus "pointing" to many possible options, which might include DW and other "loving discipline" philosophies.
You're right about Jerry's profession, but I think wrong about him recommending the DWC option to patients. What he's told me, I think he's always kept those two worlds of his very separate.
DeleteBy "changed person" I meant that although previously I had no desire to correct the omission I mentioned, after the spanking I not only wanted to correct it, I was enthusiastic about correcting it. That was the change. I also discovered what for me is the key to crying, namely, the stop and go pattern plus scolding during the short pauses plus me thinking about what was being said and feeling remorse on account of it.
DeleteDan, sounds like a difficult dilemma, not being able to speak openly about something you know has a strong likelihood of being helpful.
DeleteCalSpankee, glad you found what was most effective! Not everyone finds it quickly, so trial and error is necessary. I did fairly quickly with J., though not immediately.
As mentioned before, I have had quite a challenge drinking way too much beer for much of my lifetime. It wasn't until we started practicing DD that I began to get a handle on it. It was a gradual process, and it took about 2 years until I finally was able to get it down to a reasonable level. I endured many hard punishment spankings, which I would keep track of and report on my intake daily.. She was quite diligent about dealing with it ASAP. I had tried everything else, but DD has been the only method that worked. Looking back on it, it was a major change in lifestyle. That is just one of the many benefits of DD, but who knows if it will ever get out of the closet, and be recognized as a serious method of dealing with problems. Of course, it isn't for everybody, but it really works well for some of us.
DeleteL wrote “ sounds like a difficult dilemma, not being able to speak openly about something you know has a strong likelihood of being helpful.”
DeleteIt is interesting that several psychologists were involved in the original DWC. Donn’s comments amplify the impression that psychologists (particularly clinical) may be on the front line dealing with emerging interest in female-led DD and related spanking “kink”. Anyone working in couples counseling must encounter it regularly. It would be interesting to know whether psychologists who practice DD brought it to their professional practice or whether their clinical experiences first exposed them to DD. If I were in clinical practice, I would find it challenging to put my enthusiasm for DD on the shelf altogether. In daily life as a layperson, I know at least a half dozen couples that would almost certainly benefit from DD. Someone working in a clinical setting and understanding the benefits of DD would have an ethical responsibility to share that with clients who would benefit from it. As long as the consensual and adult nature of DD was stipulated, I can’t imagine what licensing regs would be an issue.
DeleteI suppose that would depend on the jurisdiction.
That said, maybe there are informal opportunities. J. took every reasonable opportunity to spread the practice as far as he was able and I'm very willing to follow up on this for him.
In my quest to access your site, these was a statement on google which may explain why we are being blocked. "Google only prevents access to adult content sites controlled by google, such as youtube and blogger" That doesn't explain why I can access it on Google chrome on my computer, but not my i pad. Please let us know if you find out anything.
ReplyDeleteAfter another half hour with Apple, we discovered an interesting statement from google, which may explain why some of us can't access your site. "Google only prevents access to adult content sites controlled by google, such as youtube and blogger"
ReplyDeleteI'm curious, why do you keep talking to Apple about the problem? Whatever the problem is, it's pretty clearly not an issue on Apple's end.
DeleteThe reason I I have continued to ask for help from Apple is that they have been willing to help, and they have knowledgeable tech support. There isn't any phone number to contact google, and I am not very good with computers.
DeleteDan, you mentioned the "Military Duty Calls" story in the DWC. It was one of my favorites, and had many details I still remember. One of them was the mother in law telling her son in law to put his hands on the floor and not to move them until she was done spanking him. Another was how the wife was so impressed at how quickly the mother in law could bring him to tears. Part of what was so morbidly compelling about that story was his complete humiliation, as well as the mother in law's confidence and determination.
DeleteI think the reason I like that story so much is that the whole arrangement is made without any input from the husband, and he clearly is not on board with it. His wife simply imposes it. I also like the fact that, after he commits an infraction, he has to call the MIL and tell her he needs to be spanked. There is something about having to ask for one's punishment that always gets me.
DeleteNorton wrote: "[In Military Duty Calls], [the] mother in law tell[s] her son in law to put his hands on the floor."
DeleteSorry, but I don't remember that part (from my very recent reading). Might you be thinking of some other, similar, "Real People's" essay?
DeleteOops, My Bad!
I found the passage with "hands on the floor."
I thought you were talking about the MIL's "punishment spanking," while the MIL's "hands on floor" directive occurs at the start of her "demonatration / practice spanking" in front of her daughter.
Sorry for spreading my confusion.
"Military Duty Calls" is a really great real-life account! My own favorite section is how the mother-in-law maneuvers her own husband into his first adult spanking, precursing the MIL's establishment of her own DWC marriage!
Sorry to post the same thing twice. It took awhile to show up.
ReplyDeleteCalSpankee wrote: “I know the psychology world would go absolutely nuts over this, but query whether a similar technique to what I experienced could be used on someone who really wanted to quit drinking alcohol or quit smoking but just couldn't manage to do it on their own. “
ReplyDeleteNorton wrote :” … had quite a a challenge drinking way too much beer for much of my lifetime. It wasn't until we started practicing DD that I began to get a handle on it. “
In the addiction culture, this is not supposed to happen. But it does happen—especially when consistent discipline like Norton describes is combined with a strong desire and effort to modify the behavior, i.e. one must commit to the desired change for the external influence (spanking) to work. There are addictions that punishment spanking cannot help, and professional care is needed in these cases ( I am thinking serious illegal drugs or even pain meds). But a couple In a DD relationship should consider trying discipline to deal with some behaviors, including alcohol and smoking when there is a genuine desire on the male’s part to stop or modify (smoking or drinking). My former girlfriend ended my smoking with some very tough love combined with regular reporting, nicotine patches, and gum. The spankings alone didn’t do it, but they provided much motivation. I would not have stopped without the patch. The patch gave me the way to quit, but the spankings and her commitment to it gave me the motivation.
My wife has used spanking to manage or modify other habits, including turning me into a very moderate drinker. Again, spanking alone did not do it. But together with the personal desire to change, her commitment to making it happen, and appropriate medical support, it can happen.
DeleteGreat to hear it was ultimately successful! J. didn't have the same habits, but I am glad I brought about various character improvements through spanking and he was a much better person as a result.
Alan, I used to be of the pretty strong opinion that DD should not be used for serious addictions. I'm now much closer to your position, i.e. that spanking likely will not work on its own, but that it can have a role in reinforcing other treatment modalities.
DeleteFor me, spanking has always evoked strong emotions. Generally, leading up to a spanking, the anticipation is exhilarating. Especially if I know that my husband also is feeling some anxiety or trepidation. It is the vulnerability itself that seems to "feed" a part of me. During the actual spankings, there are times I can feel myself hit 'domspace' where I feel as if I am unleashing every aspect of myself and fully embracing even the most intense parts of who I am. It almost feels innately selfish, as if I am feeding off of my husband, his vulnerability, and pain. However, more often than not, I feel as if I keep some form of restraint throughout the punishment and instead focus of tuning in to his body's responses so as to best determine how far to push him. After a spanking, the times when I felt as if he fully submitted, often leave me feeling a sense of intimate connection that lasts for days. There is a quiet peace and comfort that settles me mentally for a few days after each spanking. Likewise, when too much time has passed, a deep seated hunger will steadily grow and almost feel like an 'itch'. As someone who used to be addicted to nicotine and has now been sober for a year and a half, I attribute the feeling as a similar need, itch, and craving. My husband and I now do weekly check-ins which have helped not only our dynamic grow, but also that connection has become more consistent. The only downside is that lately he has been working so hard to be truly obedient, which I admire, appreciate, and reward, but I also miss being able to push him with a punishment spanking and watch him fully give himself over physically in submission. As such, I haven't decided how I want to proceed...
ReplyDeleteDuring our check in tomorrow, I plan on having him read this blog and answer the questions in his journal. I think it will make for a great conversation.
"After a spanking, the times when I felt as if he fully submitted, often leave me feeling a sense of intimate connection that lasts for days. There is a quiet peace and comfort that settles me mentally for a few days after each spanking."
DeleteIt's amazing how closely that parallels what many of us on the other end of the paddle experience.