
Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Club - Meeting 503 - Goals and Resolutions for 2025

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” - Benjamin Franklin

Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


Welcome to the first post of 2025. 2024 ended on an awful note for our family, and it carried over into this first part of 2025.  But, while it was never going to be a good end, there was an end and, in these circumstances, it was right and good to have it over.



As those of you who have been around for a while know, I always start the new year with thoughts on the year that was and goals for new one to come. 


I began 2024 lamenting my utter lack of progress in 2023, which led me to simply carry over goals from one year to the next. The specific goals I laid out were:


  • Solidify the progress I made last year on reducing the number of excessive drinking incidents.
  • Renew and energize some friendships that I let drift away over the last few years when I was too focused on career.
  • Volunteer on some effort that has a real and substantial impact on the lives of vulnerable or powerless people.
  • Take at least three long road trips with Anne and the dogs.
  • Complete drafts of two books I’ve wanted to write for some time but never seem to get around to.
  • Multiple multi-state motorcycle trips.
  • Take up some sport or demanding fitness activity that doesn’t take place in a gym.
  • Reverse the recent losses in our investment portfolio.


I lamented the fact that of those eight items, I fully completed only one.


I did better this year.  I made more progress in reducing alcohol consumption this year than in any previous one.  I did backslide a lot over the last few weeks, but even Anne gets it was a justifiable form of self-medication.  I didn’t do that well on renewing old friendships, but I did make a couple of good new ones.  We did a few good road trips, and I had some good motorcycle adventures. I not only reversed our investment losses but, by years’ end, I’d come to enjoy investing and trading, and studying investing and trading, so much that I feel I’ve discovered my second career.


I was more than a little weak on volunteering, though I did make at least a tiny bit of forward progress.  I didn’t complete the books, but I did make a lot of progress before everything went to hell at the end of the year.  In other areas where I fell short, it tended to be because our year got derailed with injuries, surgeries, and finally a family member’s medical crisis.


Maybe that’s why, even though the last third of the year sucked in all sorts of ways and ended horrifically, it’s hard to see 2024 as a “bad” year.


I do know that I want progress in our DD and FLR relationship to be a defining part of 2025.  Although my system for using weekly check-ins on some long-outstanding life goals didn’t last long, in part that was because the last third of the years did such an abrupt turn on us. And, I do feel like our few sessions did, in fact, help force me out of the rut I got into in 2023.  


I also recognize—and told Anne this a couple of weeks ago—that while I needed some leeway to get through the upcoming bad weeks, I recognized that guardrails were going to be more important than ever.  I still believe that and hope she will take a very strict approach with me beginning immediately.  As I noted last year, I’ve come to believe that when I’m allowed to backslide in one area, it often spills over into  generalized sloppiness and a lowering of standards.  For the last few weeks, I had a good reason for backsliding and had no choice but to focus on the crisis in front of me. But, now it’s time to make sure that doesn’t morph into a destructive pattern or habit.



Part of getting me back in-line and getting me moving forward again will be a return to weekly check-ins. We both want them.  The fact that we started them last year also informs a goal of being more open about what I would like to explore in DD and other areas.  In years past, whenever I considered asking Anne to take on more of a “coaching” role, I thought it would be too burdensome. Yet, when I finally just came out and asked whether she’d want to do it, she jumped on it, and she clearly enjoyed it.


As for other DD-related goals, most of the things I’d like us to explore were laid out in this post from July, in which we discussed our visions for what an “ideal” DD and FLR would look like.  Mine included:


Strong maternal element. Over the last couple of years, I’ve come to realize how core the “maternal” element of domestic discipline is to my motivations. I’ve always identified “accountability” as the heart of my DD urge, but I’ve come to believe that although accountability is fundamental for me, it’s not so much the independent reason I’m attracted to DD but, rather, one aspect of being subject to a higher authority that has a very maternal vibe.  It also includes her having the undisputed primary role in making and enforcing household rules, with something close to “my house, my rules” attitude on her part. 


When it came time for discipline, there would be a more explicit adoption of a full-on maternal dynamic, with both the words and the tone emphasizing her maternal role, with me being treated like a teenager who has earned a real blistering and is going to get one.



Increased strictness and decreased overt “consent.”  In 2023 and 2024, when Anne would become more strict and controlling, there would be a period of resentment and rebellion, but it was always replaced with a feeling akin to, paradoxically, liberation.  I simply felt better when she was setting and enforcing expectations. Ideally, in 2025 there will be more of a “This is how it’s going to be, and it’s going to happen whether you like it or not” aspect to it all.


Consistency and frequency. Several months ago, I was over Anne’s knee, receiving a well-deserved butt blistering for an offense that has happened many times.  During a short pause she asked, “Do I just need to spank you more often?”  Although her question was rhetorical, the literally true answer “yes.” When I’m being honest with myself and her, it’s a rare week that I don’t do something that would probably merit a spanking in an ideally strict environment.  


Openness and others knowing.  Throughout 2024, I became increasingly aware that part of me wants her authority to be on more open display. In the past, I had strong negative reactions to being embarrassed, yet paradoxically I now often feel a need to have others know or suspect the nature of our relationship.  Moreover, I find her rare open displays of authority sexy as hell. At least in retrospect. Anne has talked about how her retirement removed some of the psychological constraints she felt around being openly dominant and the possibility of others knowing about the nature of our relationship.  I hope that’s something she explores more vigorously in 2025.  Although I’m not quite as obsessed with witnesses as ZM and a few others here, I do think that in the (unlikely) event an opportunity arose, I would be into being spanked in front of a witness or with another couple.  I don’t think Anne is there and perhaps never will be, but one never knows . . .


More humbling.  Although progress was sporadic and uneven, we did make progress in 2024 on Anne setting rules and spanking for things she viewed as a problem, regardless of whether I agreed. Getting scolded and/or spanked when I didn't really agree with the premise was a major ego blow, but that is precisely why those incidents felt like the biggest stimuli for personal growth, for both of us. Again, the only thing lacking was consistency.  Her taking more control and exercising more authority humbled me and, while it was very difficult in the moment it was happening, I believe that in the long run it was very beneficial.  I hope she takes an even tougher approach in 2025 and purposefully tries to humble me and sand off the rough edges of my male ego.


How about you? How did 2024 turn out? Were there any interesting developments on the DD front that you’d like to share?  Are there any goals or things you’d like to accomplish—DD or otherwise—in 2025?  Do you intend to share those with your wife?


For the ladies, do you have anything in particular you want your husband to improve on in 2025? Any specific goals you expect him to hit?  What are your thoughts on providing him some DD or FLR-oriented motivation to do that? Have you set any goals for yourself related to disciplining your husband or taking more control?


Have a great week, and let’s get 2025 off to a good start.


  1. This past year was bad for me health wise, but the future seems brighter. It caused me to quit drinking completely and adopt a much better diet. Some getting used to but the alternative is worse, so off to a better and healthier new year. Resolutions center around a better organized life in general and to pare down on unneeded stuff and interests. I did get my traditional Christmas Day and New Years spankings and must admit, they seemed more deliberate on her part. After one spanking, she asked it it was too aggressive. I replied no and she seemed content with that. I expect she felt our 'maintenance' spankings were becoming complacent and felt they needed to be stepped up a bit. When I told her it was not too aggressive, I may have opened the door to longer and harder maintenance spankings this year. If that is the case, I welcome them as they do improve my overall behavior and keep me on the straight and narrow.

    1. Congratulations on eliminating alcohol and on the better diet. My diet got so freaking bad over the holidays, and I was so exhausted from being caregiver that I was constantly craving sugar and caffeine just to keep going. I definitely need to get rid of unneeded stuff, beginning with Christmas cookies and candy. Eliminating clutter would be a good one to add to my goal list, and I like how you included "interests" in things to be pared back. I kind of did that with my life goals check-in list last year. Once I started putting energy into all of them, I decided that some just didn't resonate in the way I thought they would, so I asked Anne to simply drop them from the list instead of continuing to pursue something that really wasn't worth the energy.

    2. Maintenance spankings are definitely underrated! They were always very effective in bringing out the best in J.! They always got him aspiring to greater heights!


    3. To L. We both totally agree. When punishment spankings tapered off, maintenance spankings gradually became the cornerstone of our relationship. Now, she may be stepping them up a bit....harder and longer.

    4. We have discussed maintenance spankings here many times - but we never know when there may be newbies lurking who might benefit from the conversation. My wife has been giving me weekly maintenance spankings for years to maintain a consistent disciplinary wife tone in the marriage. We also have found that they help maintain the habit of spanking and prevent any awkwardness that may occur when there has been an extended amount of time between spankings. Some couples find them helpful, others do not. --al

  2. As to resolutions and goals for the New Year, I hope to fine tune my fitness program this upcoming year. It's not bad now - but I could lose a few pounds and tone up a bit more - which is always challenging as we grow older. I have some reading and study goals as well.

    On the disciplinary front, I can rely on my Susan's solid belief in spanking discipline to ensure that consistent spanking will continue to be a regular occurrence in our marriage (as well as her enjoying spanking for the joy of spanking).

    I do see some opportunity for growth in terms of "openness and acceptance". Susan's sister has known of our disciplinary arrangement for years and, in recent years one of Susan's old college girlfriends who is way into kink has also learned of our disciplinary wife lifestyle. After some initial adjustment, I became comfortable with them knowing. However, during this last year, a male friend of both Susan and I has come to know of our DWC marriage. Unlike the two ladies, however, he has not witnessed or even overheard a spanking, although Susan does freely mention me being spanked in front of him. Her talking freely in front of him (or texting him) about how she had to spank me this morning (for example) has been a bit unnerving. I have begun to come to terms with this but hope to make progress in becoming more comfortable with this new dimension this year (along with anyone else who may learn of our disciplinary relationship). I seriously doubt that she will ever spank me in front of him (which would be hugely embarrassing - and is decidedly NOT a fantasy). However, it is possible - maybe even probable - that he may eventually overhear a spanking (he hangs out with us a lot). I would still find this very embarrassing, but I believe I could come to terms with it. I am not "hoping" for this to happen, but hoping to be accepting of him overhearing a spanking, if - more likely when - it does occur (as I strongly suspect Susan is just waiting for the right opportunity).

    Our male friend, by the way, is very nonjudgmental and finds our lifestyle "interesting" but has absolutely no interest in being spanked (even though I know Susan would love to spank him). --al

    1. I find keeping muscle tone is still pretty easy at this stage, and I can even add a pound or two of muscle over a year. But, losing fat just keeps getting harder and harder. Very demoralizing.

      The embarrassment of a male overhearing a spanking does seem like a worthy goal and one that might be obtainable given that he already knows about that aspect of your relationship. But, I get that you're not actually "hoping" it would happen. That's where I crossed some kind of mental/emotional threshold last year. I admit that I'm actively interested in someone observing in some way, whether overhearing or visually witnessing. I do think it would be hugely embarrassing, but for me that's kind of the point. It's not that I like embarrassment or humiliation. In the past, embarrassment has actually been a huge aversive thing for me. But, that's the point -- I feel like I want to challenge myself on several fronts this year, including getting past embarrassment about what others think. I won't go into details, but part of my stress over the last few weeks with the family medical crisis was dealing with someone who was hyper-concerned about what others think, and it reinforced my desire to care even less about what others think than I already do. For me, the bigger challenges around it are (a) would Anne ever actually do it; and (b) even if she would, what would a realistic scenario be, given that something like a non-DD oriented spanking party has little or no interest.

  3. Happy New Year, during the week leading up to Christmas when we were planning to entertain friends and family , he was grumpy, listless and offered no help. By Christmas day I had had it. I warned him before the guests arrived. During the day i was so frustrated that I had perhaps a bit too much to drink. As my irritation mounted I confronted him I thought discreetly. He in a angry curt way acknowledged my frustration. An hour or two later I warned him that he was in for it, apparently loud enough for him to think someone overheard. By the time everyone had left i was really upset. While he was cleaning up I fetched the strop. He said I had had too much to drink, i had in fact had more than my usual one max two drinks.As he protested which is most unusual I had had it. The argument escalated and he said he thought we should discuss this when I sobered up. O didn’t feel that intoxicated but he was resisting which never happens. I the back and forth he called me some expletives which infuriated me more. As i was really determined now to discipline him, he finally stopped resisting and I took his pants down and stropped him furiously. He yelled out more nasty names and a took him by the ear to the bathroom and washed his mouth. He feels that I was out of line and the spanking was alcohol induced and inappropriate. More than 59 years of DD and he is still upsey with me about the alcohol and the intensity of the punishment. Have any others dealt with alcohol and anger perhaps out of control?

    1. So, one of my only hard rules around DD is no alcohol. I't not really about anger or feeling it would be excessive. Rather, it's a concern that Anne would end up slipping and hurting something like a tailbone. I've broken one and it's excruciating. And, Anne objectively gets pretty tipsy on even a few drinks. My view is that no matter the situation, she can wait until the next day and then is free to do whatever she wants.

      But, that's just my view and is my one and only "hard limit." It doesn't sound like you did any damage, and it sounds like you would have spanked him sober or after a few drinks.

    2. While I do want to judge any specific situation, I do think it is important to mention that the accepted wisdom of the domestic discipline community (as well as the BDSM folks) is that one should never engage in spanking under the influence of alcohol or any mind altering substance - whether as the top or bottom.

      My unequivocal suggestion would be that the bottom/spankee in a DD relationship should absolutely refuse to be spanked if the disciplinarian is under the influence of alcohol or drugs - even if their disciplinary contract states that the bottom/spankee may not refuse a spanking. It is simply not safe.

      Likewise, I would suggest that the disciplinarian in the DD relationship try to bear in mind that they should not spank while intoxicated, and they should refuse to spank a drunk partner while they are drunk, no matter how they are behaving at the time - or even if they request a spanking while drunk. The bottom/spankee should not make the decision to consent to a spanking while intoxicated as they are not truly competent to do so (and even if a DD relationship, there is always "consent" even as our lifestyle is normally one of "consensual non-consent".

      Just my take.


    3. **typo on the above comment by al.** In the first sentence, that obviously should have been ... "While I do *not* want to judge any specific situation"... Apologies. --al

    4. We have had two "anger" sessions where she exceeded safe limits and each derived from her fragile mental state at the time and not necessarily alcohol. Both times broke skin and one left me with hemorrhoids (a story for another time). This is the agreement. She can spank me whenever she wants. But we both agreed afterward that this crossed the line and spanking in anger needs to be avoided. However, the intensity and lasting sensations of those days still is an incredible turn on. No lasting damage done.

    5. Al, honestly, in retrospect I should have taken the more definitive line you did. I think the safety concerns inherent in an inebriated spanker are significant enough, there are damn good reasons that the accepted wisdom is what it is. If someone is using some pat-a-cake funishment instrument maybe it wouldn't matter, but with any serious instrument there is, in fact, a very obvious safety risk, and I should have just said that.

      I hadn't really thought of the consent aspect with a drunk spankee. For me, a scenario in which I was spanked when drunk has simply never seemed like real discipline. I have a very high pain threshold even when I'm sober. When drunk, I'm more or less "bullet proof." I just don't think it would have any psychological/emotional impact when I'm inebriated.

    6. Michael, to me your comment illustrates that it's hard to draw firm "rules" or conventions for how DD should work, because each situation is different. Alcohol seems pretty clear to me -- virtually everyone has diminished judgment when inebriated. (I say that as someone who once had a reputation for being more "calm, cool and collected" drunk than sober. Yet, I certainly wouldn't trust myself to give a spanking after drinking). Anger is fuzzier. Some of us actually wish our wives would let their anger show more often. But, there is a line.

      Maybe what this really illustrates why I think it's so important to have a track record with a partner well before the DD relationship starts. I'm OK with my wife displaying anger, even if it results in my bottom paying a steeper price, because I don't have any doubts about her judgment when sober. (I have big doubts about her judgment when tipsy, and it's in part because she gets that way so infrequently that when she does drink, she can get sloppy very easily.) She has a well-balanced temperament, and getting totally out of control isn't going to happen. However, some people have temper issues that probably render their judgment just as defective as that of someone who is drunk. If someone indulged in that regularly, I'd have to question whether they should be in a DD role at all. If it's that one or two times something got out of hand and no injury occurred, it's something that probably needs a serious discussion and real thought, but people make mistakes.

    7. Al wrote"My unequivocal suggestion would be that the bottom/spankee in a DD relationship should absolutely refuse to be spanked if the disciplinarian is under the influence of alcohol or drugs - even if their disciplinary contract states that the bottom/spankee may not refuse a spanking"

      We absolutely agree -after several confrontation with this issue. She slips into strict disciplinary mode more easily with a glass of red ( or two). We have sought a resolution for it by practicing some non -spanking punishments with clear understanding that she can spank the next day or later if she still feels it necessary. It has not been a perfect solution but mostly works .


    8. I am kind of like Dan on this one. My wife is so level-headed that I simply have no problem with her spanking when she is angry, though it almost certainly ends up being more painful and memorable.

      As for alcohol, my wife almost never drinks, and if she does, it is like 1 glass of wine, and I don't detect any change in her judgement. Because she drinks so rarely, probably if she drank much more it would affect her pretty quickly, but for us it is simply not an issue.


  4. What you described -- maternal, strictness, openness, frequency, etc.-- is certainly totally up my alley and is quite probably what a great many of the males on this website would like. What's at the very bottom of this (pun intended), I think, is a desire to experience great emotion. There is a lot of emotion in contemplating a spanking, and there can be a lot of emotion in receiving one. The key to the latter, I'm convinced, is a stop-and-go type of spanking where there is very hard spanking interspersed with pauses where there is scolding. If a spanking has few pauses and there is only continuously unbearable pain, what I find is very counterintuitive. When it's "hold on for dear life" survival mode, I cannot think of anything but the pain and surprisingly there is no room left in my mind for regret, remorse or even fear or panic.

    1. I totally understand your last sentence, especially the "hold on for dear life" mode. I got rid of a heavy rubber strap because that was where it always took me, and while it hurt unbelievably badly, it still wasn't "effective" in any real sense.

    2. Using a rubber strap is the clearest example I have of pure retributive punishment spanking , but as you point out they are not effective in the sense of modifying behavior or teaching a lesson. But maybe they are effective in making her feel better about your behavior or attitude, the blog discusses a lot spanking as a way to manage behavior or incentivize better behavior. But over the years I have received my share of spankings that were mostly retributive.


    3. I could see it working that way if she really got how painful it was and decided to use it for that very reason. But, for us, I'm not sure she really got how much worse that instrument was, and since she has never (and likely will never) get a punishment spanking, she really doesn't have a way of understanding the qualitative difference between rubber and, say, equally thick leather.

  5. " ... a desire to experience great emotion."

    This offers a solid insight into the motivation and fascination with spanking. But for me the question then becomes; What "great emotion" --and why does spanking produce that emotion.? Being spanked and the threat of a disciplinary spanking from female authority I love and respect --can unleash almost indescribable overpowering emotion. But why? If I am naval gazing, I plan to continue gazing because I want to know the answer


    1. No worries about navel gazing. I've had a topic teed up on this since CalSpankee first brought it up back in early December. I'm hoping to post on it this weekend.

    2. This sounds like a great topic. I too wonder why spanking releases such overpowering emotions, though I suspect that at least part of it traces back to (irrational?) fear built up during childhood, and probably another huge driver is loss of control.


  6. Happy New Year, Dan - May you receive all the spankings you crave this year!

    1. Same to you, Julie! FYI, I think there will be a big gap between "crave" and "deserve". :-)

  7. Happy New Year! After a brief break from DD due to holidays, illness, and some tension influenced by family issues, my wife and I have reset our relationship with discussions on plans, boundaries, and improvements. Last year, I drafted a set of rules to guide behavior, consent, and commitment, which we used successfully as a weekly review template. However, my wife recently shared that the rules felt too rigid and DD-focused for her, and she preferred a simpler approach without regular check-ins. Together, we condensed the rules into a single paragraph that better reflects our shared values and is less wordy.

    In our discussions, she expressed discomfort with disciplining while angry or emotional, preferring to address issues when calm and rational. I explained that dealy often meant it didn't happen. She also highlighted that whilst DD is an excellent tool for her it is more 'ingrained' in me and she often feels the responsibility is uneven, as she processes emotions before deciding on discipline whereas I felt the 'need' soon after any misbehaviour. We agreed to incorporate a new element: me "owning up" to behavior I feel guilty about, discussing it face-to-face rather than through journaling. I (foolishly) suggested this as I explained that I was sometimes left to carry around the 'guilt' created by my behaviour for more time than was comfortable. She asked for some examples, which I relayed from the holiday period and an incident two days previously just to help the discussion. The examples led to a memorable strapping, which, while unexpected, effectively reset our dynamic.

    We’ve now agreed that if I fail to confess, she will remind me and increase the punishment. I’m unsure if I’ve been outmaneuvered or if this is a step toward a more mature integration of DD in our relationship. Either way, I’m nervous about this new approach, really not looking forward to my first 'confession' but unsurprisingly I''m committed to maintaining exemplary behavior for now. TB

    1. I hope the "owning up" thing works for you. It's something I really struggle with, at least when it's not coupled with something like a scheduled check-in.

      Sounds like you went from a manual to a mission statement. Although lots of systems can work, it does seem like simpler is usually better. It seems like there are few wives who get into the dynamic to the same extent we men do, and the longer the set of rules the more it feels like DD is becoming *the* central part of the relationship. I can see how it would feel overwhelming, or like it was becoming such a priority that it was squeezing out other things.

    2. My ‘rules’ were more like an international treaty ! 😂

  8. Happy Year all,
    This subject is very timely for my wife and I, since just this week we re-started with weekly check-ins. The majority of the focus is on reducing weight, since it has kind of hit a critical level. If I remain at this weight, it is simply quite unlikely that I will live for all that many more years - even though I am still a bit under 60 - so it is literally do or die. Consequently, we both are taking it very seriously, and I kind of have the feeling that this time the check-ins are not going to fall by the wayside.

    As far as what you wrote about for DD goals or what the ideal DD or FLR relationship might look like, I agree so much that I could have written it myself, though had I actually done so, I might have left the "as obsessed with witnesses as ZM" part out! ;-) Having said that, guilty as charged...!


    1. Good luck on the weight loss. I highly recommend the 16:8 form of intermittent fasting. For me, it's been effective in reducing and maintaining a better weight. I also was developing a fairly serious triglyceride and "bad" cholesterol problem. Intermittent fasting brought all my blood markers into normal range. Diets usually fail because they aren't sustainable. That form of IF has proven pretty sustainable for me, as I'm basically just fasting in the mornings (or evening, if you choose to do it that way), then eating relatively normally for the rest of the day. I typically eat my last meal around 8:00 pm, then don't again until around noon the next day. Honestly, after a couple of weeks of adjustment, I'm simply not hungry in the mornings anymore.

  9. Interesting discussions. Our DD is on hold for a while, as I recently had an operation which will take some time to recover from. So, no sex or DD for about 6 weeks, unless I improve more quickly than expected. As al and others have said, we have found maintenance spanking to be very helpful, so hopefully we can begin doing them in a bit. Along with the surgery, I have also had problems with my house, so it has been a very stressful time, without the usual stress relief. BTW, it was frustrating trying to get to this site, as Google was blocking it, but I was able to get to it by signing in on chrome.

    1. I'm sorry about the need for the operation. I hope you heal up soon.

      Someone else sent me an email complaining about being unable to get onto the site. I had a similar experience -- if I was logged into Google, I could get to it with no problem. For me, it wasn't browser-dependent. If I was logged in I could access it. If I wasn't, I couldn't.

      Fucking Google.

  10. Yeah, I access this on the phone and it now has this strange thing where I have to get past the sensitive content warning then scroll half way down through a grey screen and hit the sign in button - even though I never signed out. Shame there’s no alternative medium that would be less inclined to try and control us. TG

  11. Ot is very difficult to enter the site


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