Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Club - Meeting 502 - The Trade-offs of Spanking Frequency

“It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship. 


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you all had a great week.  It was a pretty momentous one here.  I’ve talked about Anne’s surgery and how it brought the Domestic Discipline aspects of our relationship to a screeching halt. It happened back in September. But, we had hit a spanking lull well before that. Looking back at some old journal entries, I think my last spanking may have been as far back as late May. So, a summer hiatus turned into half a year with an unspanked bottom.


Until this week.


It seems fitting that the reason wasn’t some huge drinking failure or big marital fight.  No, it was a “small” thing that has earned me more than one spanking in the past.



Namely, leaving the damn front door unlocked. I had gone to the gym while Anne was out somewhere.  I forgot to lock the door when I left. The above text arrived as I was wrapping up my workout.  It wasn’t followed by an explicit spanking order, so I thought maybe it was just a warning.  No such luck. It took a day for her to follow up, but she did.


As I said, the context seems fitting for breaking our months long hiatus.  It wasn’t for some huge bad act.  It wasn't for something I had asked for help with.  It wasn’t even for something we both agree should be a priority.  Instead, it was for something that she cares about and that I really don’t.  In the context of a DD relationship that we both want to take in at least a slightly more FLR direction, it feels right that my first spanking of this renewed phase was for something that she, and she alone, decided merited punishment and that was more of an everyday, domestic thing.


And the experience was . . . punishing. “Excruciating” is a fitting descriptor.


It’s not at all atypical for me to be surprised at how much more a real spanking hurts than I seem to remember between sessions. After twenty years, what is remarkable is that I underestimate how much it is going to hurt pretty much every single time.


But, this was truly different.  I was in pure agony from the first swat, and it was not just worse, but WAY worse than I had anticipated.  Mid-way through, she switched from the bath brush to the heavy wooden hairbrush, which hurt less but it was still much more painful than I recall spankings being six months ago.


I am confident this was more than the normal amnesia I get between sessions.  This truly felt an order of magnitude worse than most spankings.  It was a very painful reminder that there really is a trade-off between frequency and severity.


I doubt many of us truly want to get spanked more often.  It’s true that we often want more consistency, and indirectly that does usually entail getting spanked more often, but that’s not quite the same as saying we want to be spanked more often.


Yet, the experience this time reminded me that there really are paradoxical benefits to getting spanked more often and that, given just how badly this one hurt, I really would choose to be spanked more often if it meant that each spanking was closer in pain severity to what I was used to in the past. 


And, it’s not just about avoiding the extreme pain a too-infrequently spanked bottom can entail. Before our imposed pause, we had one session that involved something Anne had spanked me for multiple times before. While I was over her knee, she paused between swats to comment on the fact that I had been spanked for this before.  She asked me, “Do I just need to spank you way more often?”


It seemed like a rhetorical question at the time, but even as she asked it, I knew the real answer was “yes.” There are too many habits and attitudinal issues that have remained problems year after year.  Although I’m aware of how difficult it will me if it really happens, part of me wants to experience her ramping up the strictness and rigor to something that leaves me feeling much more concerned much more often about another spanking on an already sore butt.



And, it’s not just the spanking.  Part of the desire is to more often be in that emotional place where I feel I’m not the one in control.  One of our intermittent commenters, “DD”, left a comment a few months ago that got my attention at the time.  Here is a shortened version:


“The first time I cried it wasn't from the intensity of a particular spanking itself but from a culmination of spankings a few weeks after my wife first took me in hand. I had been spanked and disciplined a lot in those first few weeks, and I think I felt a loss of control.


Leading into this particular spanking, I was balking and trying to get out of it. I had a sense of panic at the point she brought me into the room.  I had just been spanked the day before for something else, and this was the second time I was being disciplined for the same issue in a week. I felt frustrated with the frequency of my misbehavior. I think deep down I was realizing I wasn’t the mature, responsible adult I thought of myself as. Getting disciplined really highlighted that.


I don’t know why, but that spanking was the first I really tried to talk my way out of. My wife continued to tell me to bend over and take my punishment and that we would talk after. Eventually, she told me I was now going to be spanked for disobedience, in addition to the original reason for the spanking. That got me lowering my pants and bending over.


After the spanking was over, she sat me down and said I was permitted to tell her what was so important before the spanking. I tried to rationalize not getting spanked so much, but this conversation is what turned into us formalizing our FLR relationship. My wife doubled down on the fact that things were going to continue where they were heading if I wanted to be in the relationship. She said the only way I was going to get out of getting disciplined like a bad child was to fix my bad behaviors and attitude and always respect her as the authority in the house.”


MW had a somewhat similar comment a few months ago regarding the near-panic he felt when being spanked much more frequently for a certain behavior he knew he should be able to fix but, for whatever reason, hadn’t:


“I found that when I was spanked frequently (daily or nearly daily) for the same problem, the memory of the pain, the soreness, and the little twinge in the butt would remind me to do the right thing. For one persistent problem, I would actually feel desperate and a little fearful and work harder at it. It was a wonderful feeling after years of making no progress on it.”


Although I’m sure it would bring out a level of resentment and resistance way beyond what I’ve experienced before, I find something about the very challenge of that kind of a loss of one’s sense of being in control morbidly alluring.



One might think that being spanked frequently might actually remove some of the emotional edge and make it feel too “normal”, but that hasn’t really been my experience.  Instead, I sometimes felt like I was “walking on egg shells,” with a more constant awareness of the need to adjust my behavior. It was definitely a form of fear, but what I would call a “healthy fear” of consequences, knowing that I had some control over the outcome.   


Yet, while I might have had some ability to avoid particular spankings, it still felt like my control was being curtailed because my ability to avoid the spanking was dependent on actually fixing the behavior, instead of resulting from delaying or talking my way out of one. If I’m getting spanked more frequently, and it’s not the result of something like maintenance spankings, it’s almost inevitable that I’m going to feel less in control, because it means any efforts on my part to delay or get out of it aren’t working.



Al has commented several times on the value of weekly maintenance spankings, on the premise that they help maintain the spanking practice, which eliminates any awkwardness about imposing one when one has been earned.  I didn’t see that as a real problem for us until this long hiatus, but now I appreciate more fully what he meant.  There definitely was an awkwardness with us the last few weeks, with multiple times that she really should have spanked me, and she probably was sufficiently recovered to have done so.  It just seemed very difficult to actually take the next step and make it happen.  I suspect that the lack of regularity has contributed a lot to our lack of consistency over the years, as Anne seemingly has never been fully conditioned to take the “spank first and ask questions later” approach.


I don’t think I’m quite ready to embrace maintenance spankings, because I still think I need the element of accountability for the spanking to feel “real”. But, I think we might get most of the same benefit by recommitting to our weekly “check-ins.”



I suspect that spanking more frequently would also be easier on her in some ways.  If she did adopt more of a “spank first and ask questions later” approach, it would almost certainly reduce some of the mental energy and self-doubt involved in analyzing each instance of bad behavior for whether it was bad enough to “really” merit a spanking.  Consistent with Al’s point about maintaining the whole spanking dynamic, increasing spanking frequency would harness the power of habit.  One reason habits are so powerful is they don’t require as much mental energy as does consciously weighing whether to do or not do a particular action.


I don’t have a well-defined topic here, other than inviting comments about frequency.  We’ve addressed that topic before, but the last time it was a full topic was over a year ago. 


How frequently do you get/give real disciplinary spankings?  Do you think it should be more frequent?  Less frequent?  Does anything change for you mentally or emotionally when you are getting spanked much more frequently?



For the women, do you find spanking frequently to be a burden? Or, does it actually make things easier in some ways, whether because it results in better behavior on his part or because it becomes more of a habit that requires less mental energy?


I’m also curious, have others experienced what I did this week, i.e. a long hiatus from spanking that caused the first one after the break to feel off-the-charts painful?


I hope you all have a great week.  Be safe and well-behaved at those holiday parties.  Are we all good and sick of Christmas music yet?




  1. Well, I feel they definitely seem to hurt much more after an extended period of time. We are in the same position as you both. My wife had surgery and DD was put on the back burner. After an extended period, I was thrashed for my attitude, and the strap hurt way worse than I seemed to have remembered. I’ve always stated that my wife probably lets me get away with a bit too much. Although I am not looking to get thrashed more, I do wish she would hold me accountable for my actions immediately. Similar to Ann, she says, I just don’t think about it at the time. When the disciplinary punishment does occur, she does deliver it with gusto; and could care less about my flailing and how much it hurts. Her famous saying, is you put yourself in this position. I’d say prior to her surgery, I would get about one every other month. I probably deserve at least two a month for my snarkiness. I personally think it should happen more often to drive the point home.
    I think consistency would change my mood and conform to our agreement. I don’t feel my wife thinks it’s a chore to punish. She does see the benefits to it after. She states, I’m much more humbled, loving, and affectionate. I think life just gets in the way at times. An example, we were out on Friday and I lost my temper on the nut bags driving around. She said to relax and of course I snapped. She responded with, someone’s been cruising for a bruising for sometime now. Her demeanor was strict and stern. I kept my alpha ego tone. Unfortunately, we had company and the next day when the thrashing was to commence, another thing popped up unexpectedly. I think that where the frustrating part of DD comes in. Consistency is key.

    1. Snarkiness is something we both see as a problem. Yet, it's an area where she threatens a lot, but it seldom seems to move forward to an actual spanking. I agree with you that it should.

      Life does inevitably complicate the best intentions. It's one reason why, although the whole concept of maintenance spankings doesn't resonate with me, I do get why some kind of pre-scheduled session--whether maintenance or some kind of check-in to determine whether a spanking is appropriate--makes a lot of practical sense if the goal is more consistency. Honestly, it's a lot like sex. If you insist it must be spontaneously initiated, then the trade-off is it may not happen as often as it would if you agreed it will happen every X day of the week.

    2. I’ve been quiet for awhile….Mostly just busy I recently came out of retirement and am in the throws of a new job learning curve….

      I do get why some kind of pre-scheduled session--whether maintenance or some kind of check-in to determine whether a spanking is appropriate--makes a lot of practical sense if the goal is more consistency. Honestly, it's a lot like sex. If you insist it must be spontaneously initiated, then the trade-off is it may not happen as often as it would if you agreed it will happen every X day of the week.

      My wife and I do a week checkin every Sunday morning. We have set that time aside to be about discipline, intimacy and sex. You’re right about the spontaneity vs scheduled resulting in more sex with scheduled. Especially since my wife and I manage a desire discrepancy where I am pretty much ready anytime and she is more happy with the once a week or even less. From a discipline standpoint we realize the pitfalls in associating discipline with sex, but life is all about the tradeoffs, and trust me she goes at my butt with enough ferocity that no one would confuse it with pleasure or fun.
      Like I said we do the weekly checkins and it seems to work for us. Recently, because of holiday guests staying over we skipped a week. My behavior was actually very good. There was a little Disrepect and Rudeness, but normally I think She would have given me a pass, but we know with more Holiday activities there is going to be more “skipping”, so She lit in to me pretty hard, and it had been 2 weeks and I was surprised how much more it hurt than what I remember. I can’t imagine months of hiatus followed by a brutal spanking.
      I am embarking on an interesting experiment that I have not heard discussed here or really anywhere. I’ll share even though it is not really related to the topic. I have reasoned that if my real goal with FLR/DD is to become a better person, husband and father why not bring in a licensed professional. I will soon have my first therapy session ever. I have never been to counseling. I sought out a licensed sex therapist who specializes in BDSM, FLR/DD and polyamory. The latter my wife and I are not in to. I figured once a month or so I will meet with this woman and discuss how things have been going with my wife and our FLR/DD relationship and strategies to improve. I am hoping she can help me with things like being less argumentative, and impulse control. She is also a licensed addiction therapist, so hopefully she can help me with drinking less. If this proves helpful to how dynamic I can leave it in place and if not I can simply stop going to see her. I am interested in thoughts. Another benefit is just having another real live person to discuss all of this. This blog has been very helpful. My wife and I are very private about our arrangement and none of our family or friends know about me being disciplined or about Her making all of our decisions(or rather having the final say…we actually make most decisions together). Thoughts??

    3. It's funny you bring up the licensed therapy thing, as I was think about it just this morning in relation to thinking about doing some academic or credentialing programs in 2025. It seems like licensed therapy is becoming indistinguishable from "coaching" in some areas, and I think it's generally a good thing. I don't think he'd mind me sharing this, so I'll go ahead, but Aunt Kay's husband is a licensed therapist. I had talked to him about the possibility of trying to become a licensed therapist as a late career switch, and his view was if I wanted to work with people on self-improvement, I should just become a coach.

      In any event, I think it's a great idea. I'm all for anything that helps people work on personal goals or gives them an outlet to communicate with someone, and if you're serious about self-improvement, then structure helps. And, I think therapy/coaching can work in tandem with DD. I've written a bit about the "conscious drinking" app I've been using. It's good, but the one thing it's lacking is any kind of negative consequence on the "failure" days. Also, longer term readers know that I became kind of fascinated by the NXVIUM "cult" after it's founder was arrested. It had some interesting, albeit controversial, means for helping people get "leverage" over their behaviors. Now, as the trial progressed, it became clear that in the top echelons, there was a lot of very weird, abusive shit going on. But, the basic philosophy around setting high goals and coming up with creative, sometimes unpleasant, enforceable consequences made a lot of sense.

      Anyway, I hope the therapy works out for you.

      I don't personally have any issue with combining your DD and sex in terms of timing. For us, sex comes after discipline pretty frequently. In the past, it was almost 1:1, though that's not as true these days. I think part of the reason is the whole empty-nesting thing. In the early days, discipline and sex tended to happen sequentially because we were taking advantage of the brief times we were alone on both fronts. Now, without those interferences, I'm finding she's more prone to spanking earlier in the day, with sex still happening almost exclusively before bed.

  2. I'm guessing that I am in the minority as I appear to be punished about once every 7 to 10 days on average and often more regularly. We have a weekly check in which takes place most weeks and which almost invariably results in discipline. She feels and says that it is good to 'reset' me often, that it makes me behave better, that it keeps my attitude in check and makes her feel more in control. She only uses the strap these days having experimented with a range of implements. The strap hangs on the wall by my side of the bed and I still get a 'jolt' every time it catches my eye.

    I have asked if she ever sees a time when she won't want to use discipline and her current view is that it will have a place in our relationship for the long foreseeable future. I would describe our relationship as DD rather than FLR although she believes that she makes all final decisions. As I generally provide most of the input to those decisions then I believe that I have sufficient input and opinion. We very rarely disagree about major or minor decisions; most of my punishments are as a result of attitude - disrespect, rudeness, being grouchy. Our rules are very clear and agreed by both of us and she will usually run through the rules each weekly review with an almost guarantee to finding a transgression.

    I am often surprised by the variation in discomfort that I feel at different disciplinary sessions. For sure, if there has been agap since the last one then it hurts more. Or if the last one has been very recent then it hurts more. If the room is cold then it hurts more. But sometimes it just hurts more for no apparent reason. We have changed position recently from me being bent over the end of the bed to me lying on the bed with a pillow under to raise the 'target'. That new position definitely increases the discomfort significantly, maybe due to the whole target area being more relaxed or maybe the new position improves contact / angle of attack. I am not sure but it has brought whole new level of negative anticipation to each session. TB

    1. I understand what you mean about that "jolt" whenever a particular instrument catches your eye. Usually, any object on my desk or a countertop ends up just kind of blending into the background after a while. Not so with the hairbrush and bath brush left out on our bathroom counter. They've occupied that space for well over a year now, and I see them daily, yet they do still catch my attention virtually every time.

      I like the way you phrase that your wife wife "believes" she makes all final decisions! But, I get what you mean on a practical level. Regardless of how we officially allocate (or don't expressly allocate) decision-making, the reality is we almost never disagree on major decisions.

      I didn't talk about positions in the post, but position may have been a factor in the pain level of this recent spanking. It also contributed to less of a feeling of emotional intimacy. The present state of Anne's recovery doesn't allow for the OTK position. For many, many years we didn't do OTK at all. We tried it when we first started DD, found it in effective, and didn't try it again until two or three years ago. At that point, Anne was so experienced as a spanker, OTK seemed plenty effective. For this newest spanking, she had me lay on the bed, with a large cushion raising the target. I don't know whether that position lended itself to more force with each swat. It's possible. But, what I really noticed was the whole thing felt emotionally more distant (on my end) compared with the OTK position.

    2. We tried OTK in the early days but she felt that she could not get enough power to make it punitive enough. Over or on the bed gives her a much more powerful 'swing' - unfortunately ... TB

    3. That's the way we felt in the early days, but it wasn't an issue when we tried it several years later. On the other hand, it is possible that part of the much increased pain during this recent spanking was, in fact, from a more powerful swing. But, because it hurt so much worse with not just the bath brush but also the hairbrush, I think the effect was more about the long unspanked butt than the difference in swing.

  3. We have taken 3 month long breaks from DD this year. Two of the reasons were due to situations resulting in her being depressed, and not up for giving spankings. The other one was when I took a vacation without her. Most of the time I receive maintenance spankings once a week after our check in, and more often if I earn a disciplinary spanking. Getting spanked so often definately results in better behavior. When I go without a spanking for a few weeks, I seem to get anxious, and sometimes can fall back into old habits. Like Dan, after a long break, it does seem to hurt more. Al's comment on the value of weekly maintenance spankings helping to maintain the spanking practice and avoiding any awkwardness is spot on for me. Any time we have taken a break, there is a small hurdle we have to overcome to get back into it again. If I screw up and do something I regret, I have committed to putting it in my journal, which will inevitably lead to a disciplinary spanking. That is part of our DD agreement, which is my responsibility to follow. Her responsibility is to discipline me whenever she realizes I need it. We both recognize and appreciate the wonderful intimacy that we get from practicing real DD. So, happy holidays,, and may all of you get a hard, long, spanking for Christmas.

    1. "Any time we have taken a break, there is a small hurdle we have to overcome to get back into it again." We definitely went through that this time, though it seemed more than small at the time.

  4. If I had to guess a frequency. I usually get in trouble or annoy my wife where I get spanked for it every 2-4 weeks. She is very consistent and prone to spank or take action in the moment. The effect it has had on me is 2 fold. It has added a new respect for my wife and her authority and I am more careful to behave and spend more effort self improving where she has raised room for improvement. The second thing is I have oddly become more carefree and relaxed in my personality. I haven't fully digested that yet but I think it has something to do with a comfort from knowing she will hold me accountable and communicate clearly with authority whenever there is an issue.
    - DD

    1. When you've digested it more fully, I'd love to hear more about how being in the DD relationship has led you to feel more carefree and relaxed.

    2. I would as well really be interested in this. Maybe the emotional effect that spankigs have on us would make for a good post topic? Mike

    3. DD, you said:

      "The second thing is I have oddly become more carefree and relaxed in my personality."

      I call this the "guard rail" or "safety net" effect. The fact that she is there to 'guide' or 'catch you' reduces your overall anxiety level. Most people probably view DD as oppressive, with one partner having all of the power. However, my view is that strict discipline (especially with corporal punishment), when done properly, is actually very liberating to the administrator, and even more so to the recipient.

    4. Carl and DD - What you stated about DD helping to make you feel more liberated is certainly true for me. What is also true for me is a renewed sense of respect when "she will hold me accountable and communicate clearly when the is an issue"
      Aside from our relationship, she has become less tolerant of energy sucking people and conversations.

    5. Carl H and DD, I think one reason that comment resonated with me is that I've always thought that one reason the DWC appealed to me so much was because I had so few rules when I was in high school. At the time, that felt like a teenager's wet dream, and I'm sure that's how my more restricted friends saw it. Yet, I think I exited high school as a big stress case, in part because of the lack of rules. When there are no guardrails, it's all on you to keep between the lines. That can be hard even as an adult, but as a teenager with all the raging hormones and proclivity for exploring everything around you, it can be hugely stressful to realize that *all* the responsibility for keeping yourself in line is on you, and that if you fuck up, it's all on you to get yourself out of it. My stepdad was very explicit about it, telling me that he believed rules weren't necessary unless something went so wrong that it showed they needed to be imposed. Well, lots of things did go wrong, but I was always competent enough, desperate enough, or sneaky enough to pull out of the nose dive just in time to prevent catastrophe.

    6. I agree with Carl, is is liberating for both participants in DD. For my wife, it relieves her anger and frustration and for me it relieves my guilt and I am paying a penance. Do most people view DD as oppressive? As we have seen from examples on this site, DD is different in each and every one of our relationships with trust being a huge factor.

    7. Dan, the opposite could be said as well. I had so many rules to follow that as I grew, I started to rebell. It was nothing self destructive, but I certainly partied more and made some stupid choices. The DWC opened my eyes to what I needed in my mid to late twenties. Unfortunately, my ex at the time wouldn’t have wanted that type of relationship.
      As I’ve stated before, I would have benefited from some structure with strict discipline in my early thirties to place me back on track. When I met my wife, being older, she clamped down on my attitude and snarkiness. I couldn’t talk to her like my ex. DD has helped in that aspect although, like some here the four year old comes out.

    8. T., it's almost certainly true that there is some sweet spot between totally hands-off and way too strict, when it comes to child rearing. I do think mine were way too permissive, but I also did have friends whose parents were too strict. In some cases, that did result in rebellion. In others, I've watched over the years as they became just like their parents, and I'm not sure that was a good thing either.

      And, it's undoubtedly a balance where DD is concerned, too. I've said that the anti-authoritarianism I modeled from my step-father undoubtedly helped me rocket up in certain phases of my career, because it earned me a reputation for unconventional, out of the box thinking, and for being unafraid of direct conversations with senior management. But, it's also true that I took that too far at times and burned bridges. And, I do think that when I got closer to the very top, some of my residual immaturity became more apparent in comparison to some who were similar in age to me but, frankly, just more mature and disciplined. Like you, I could have used tighter reins at times, though for me it probably would have been in my 40s and early 50s. We were in DD by then, but it probably wasn't rigorous enough to make a big difference at work, plus it rarely applied directly to work. In terms of my adult life phases, stricter DD probably would have helped my mental and emotional balance in my 20s and 30s, but it might have retarded my ascent in my profession. In my 40s and 50s, it very well might have helped me to keep on a good trajectory. And, I can speculate about what it might have done for me in my 20s, but the reality is we didn't even know about it back then, and my wife probably wouldn't have been ready to implement it back then. But, sometimes getting more responsibility forces that maturing process. So, who knows?

    9. Dan,

      From personal experience, I am definitely an advocate of men getting married and having a DD relationship in their 20s: it has saved me so much pain through poor decisions!


    10. Dan m,
      We are similar in the aspect of anti-authority. I did not aquire it from anyone in the family. I did start to realize growing up though that some adults had no business having kids. Looking back at my structured upbringing, I observed other kids who probably accomplished nothing in life. The over the top, strict, helicopter parenting did nothing for some of my church and school friends. I was able to spread my wings into my late teens. My Mom mellowed, but others were still under their parents thumb. I concur with your point about structure to assist with the mental aspect in your late twenties. Although i had a great career in my twenties, DD would have been helpful for my ego and I really needed to be taken down a peg.

    11. "Structured upbringing" is pretty close to the exact opposite of what my childhood felt like. It's a miracle I got out of it in mostly one piece.


  5. I think we’re a little different from most on here in that we met through an early spanking website. So spanking to us at that time was very much in the sexual realm. She was sub and I was switch, but she went over to the dark side very soon after we met. We morphed into a DD dynamic within less than a year later. So to put this in context, regular maintenance is something that I crave, and apart from just wanting it, it definitely helps keep me on the straight and narrow. It’s not horrendously painful but she always pushes me a little way beyond what I’m comfortable with, leaves me marked and delicate for a while. As others have said, she sees this as something of a reset as well and I certainly detect a behavioral change if too long passes between maintenance spankings. I’m in the process of trying to encourage a change in our DD. About a week ago we were in the middle of doing something pretty stressful and I could feel my anger level rising, what my wife calls the four year old coming out. It was the thought of punishment that pulled me back down before I really got started. It seems to me that this can only work in the long term if (1) it’s consistent - the four year old mood or whatever it is ALWAYS results in a punishment and (2) this is for behavior modification, the punishment has to be severe enough to act as a real deterrent. So I’m trying to encourage a shift to more consistency and more severity - then my aim will be to justify a real punishment rarely if ever. So, bottom line, to try and answer your question, for me the ideal is regular - and not too harsh - maintenance coupled with a guaranteed serious punishment any time it’s warranted - then it’s up to me to make sure that it’s not warranted - at least only occasionally. And I agree with you that the OTK position brings an intimacy missing from others. TG

    1. I think the emphasis on "guaranteed" serious punishment is important. There are all sorts of things that go into making a disciplinary regime effective, but I think certainty is probably at the top of the list. Though, as you note, that's really true only if coupled with a fairly high degree of severity.

    2. TG,

      Agreed, that sort of regularity works for us too!


  6. Not the first time I have mentioned it, but I tend to get a "base spanking" every day in the evening before sex. Sometimes, I get another between sessions while in bed. Amongst other purposes, this has a maintenance purpose. When there is a disciplinary purporse, their length and intensity is increased. Typically, this will be a couple to a few times a week: our agreement is that if it is something irritating her, she won't delay resolving it. On careful consideration, I think the frequency has been quite reasonable, given the offences warranting a DD spanking.

    Mentally, I suppose the change is the feeling of disappointment, if many spankings occur in a short period of time, as this tends to mean I have let my guard down.

    Regarding the questions for the women, I asked them to my wife. Her answers are as follows. She doesn't find spanking frequently to be a burden, because I have encouraged her to see it as a pleasurable thing, and over time, this has worked. She said that in the early days, it sometimes felt like a chore, but this changed over time, also for the reasons given (better behaviour and it becoming an ingrained habit and therefore needing less effort to keep up with).


  7. Hi Dan. Happy holidays. Dev does spank semi frequently. The real disciplinary spankings that that are addressed in the spanking room or worse in the woodshed are not very often at all but when they do happen are quite memorable. I don’t believe she sees it as a burden. She says and knows that I NEED it. I say and do stupid things all the time. I don’t mind being paddled for it. Still hurts but easier to accept. I know she does it because she cares. Makes all the difference in the world. JR

    1. As you know, I do envy your woodshed. I think it's not just about the possibility of exposure that woodsheds represent. It's more about how that one place becomes associated in the mind with especially strict punishment.

  8. Hi Dan,
    The only time I would say that my wife spanked me regularly was several years ago, when we were doing weekly check-ins. She often gave me little "reminder" spankings during these, even if everything was good, so I guess that would count as maintenance.

    Since then, it has been sporadic at best. I would say my last "real" punishment spanking was during the summer, if not spring. While I don't remember exactly when it was, I can tell you unequivocally that it hurt a lot, since it had been a long time since the previous spanking. And I am sure that the next spanking I get will hurt as much or more.

    Overall, I think that if you are getting spanked often, somehow dodging a spanking is a good thing, but if you are only spanked occasionally, then any spanking you somehow avoid may ultimately make your next spanking so excruciating that it would have been better to have gotten the spanking after all.

    I am pretty sure that after way too long, my wife and I are going to get back to doing check-ins, mostly motivated by a recent health scare with one of our family members. If so, probably soon I will be getting back in shape, and my more frequently spanked bottom will be a little less sensitive than it currently is.


    1. Hi ZM. Your second-to-last paragraph is a great way to summarize it.

      I hope your wife does get you back on track on the health front. That's obviously important. For me, I feel like this could have been an OK year from a health front - at least better than last year, when I felt like for maybe the first time age and lifestyle were resulting in worse strength and stamina than the year before. But, this year it was all about resilience and injury-proofing, or lack thereof. But, it's a trade-off. If I want to stay adventurous and doing hard stuff, that probably means more injuries.

  9. "I doubt many of us truly want to get spanked more often. It’s true that we often want more consistency, and indirectly that does usually entail getting spanked more often, but that’s not quite the same as saying we want to be spanked more often."
    I'm not quite sure if i understand this comment correctly. Do you mean by her being more consistent, that she will not leave any infractions unpunished? Because for me, if she doesn't punish a behavior that we have agreed should be punished, then I have the feeling that our DD is not real. I don't necessarily need the spanking (or not that often at least), but the actual threat of being spanked - like the sword of Damocles - hanging over me, ready to fall at any moment. Mike

    1. Yeah Mike, I knew that point was clunky, even as I wrote it. Basically, what I meant was that consistency probably would lead to more spankings, but the motivation isn't quite the same and, over the long term, consistency doesn't necessarily mean more spankings. If she becomes very consistent in spanking for one problem, the behavior might improve, and there might actually be fewer spankings. And, as you said, inconsistency somehow makes the whole thing feel less real, regardless of how often spankings are happening. So, I see frequency and consistency as overlapping concepts but not quite the same thing. I think of not leaving any infractions unpunished as being strict and, yeah, that probably is just a synonym for consistent.

      I get what you mean about needing that feeling of the sword of Damocles hanging over you. That's pretty much what I meant about wanting that additional emotional edge that being in a more strict DD/FLR relationship would give. The threat does provide some of that, but I feel like if it's not backed up with a fairly high frequency, then the sword of Damocles feeling recedes, because I start thinking (rightly) that my odds of delaying are high, and that if delay is often successful, that often extends into successful avoidance.

    2. Dan, I like your point about consistency. That’s one issue that affects our DD. I’m not necessarily envious of other relationships on here. To each their own, but I think it’s great that some wives nip their men in the bud immediately. I certainly don’t want to get thrashed every night like some, but my point the other day about life getting in the way becomes frustrating to our DD. Our company ruined the punishment. I should have been thrashed and had it coming. Now it’s been days and I know it’s not coming and it means that I haven’t learned not to open my mouth or act like a five year old. I will end up getting punished this weekend but for me, i think the lesson would be learned immediately. T

    3. T., I totally get the frustration, and for us those everyday interferences usually became long delays, which in practice often meant it didn't happen at all. I really don't know whether there is a real solution. There never really was for us, at least when we had kids. If kids are the source of interference, then the one obvious solution is to just be way less concerned about them knowing that mom disciplines dad. But, my wife was never willing to go there, and I don't get the sense many of the other commenters here are that open if they have kids. As for all those other real-life interferences, I do think maintenance and scheduled weekly or semi-weekly check-ins probably would help, though we've never really gotten into either.

    4. Dan,

      I suppose I would like to get to the stage where DD is so normal that we don't have to think about that, but that is a while away!


    5. All the happenings and interruptions of everyday life have continually frustrated our best efforts to have any sort of consistency in the DD aspects of our relationship. The biggest challenge is that we don't seem to be able to keep the empty nester status for any length of time, which combined with our small living space (actually probably normal for our part of Europe, but VERY small by US standards), makes it seem that we never have any privacy. Also, because our lives have been so busy for too many years, my wife and I feel like we don't have any time together, so usually if we do get a few minutes alone, the last thing she wants to do is punish me.

      The solution we have talked about to all this, though it is not yet a reality and may never be, is if we build a house, we want a soundproof secret room. Then it doesn't matter if we are home alone or not! And in fact, my wife and I have often talked about just how crazy it would be to have a house full of people and to casually slip out, her punish me, and then we return like nothing ever happened. Now that I think about it, it is somewhat ironic that I find this idea provocative, since it is basically the opposite of having witnesses, which is usually what I am obsessing on.

      One thing I can say about consistency is it really helps to have a fixed time (weekly or whatever). During the time my wife and I had a weekly check-in time, it actually did happen on schedule almost all the time, and if not, then shortly after.


    6. ZM, I totally get the challenge of the interrupted empty-nester status. Our own experience with that led me to believe that empty-nesting is usually a "process" not an "event." Some of the issue for us was both kids went to college locally, but even once one went out-of-state for grad school, she still traveled home very frequently, and the other was still around all the time. And, when Covid hit, the one who was living out-of-stated moved back. It was several years after I thought they would be gone that we had substantial, uninterrupted blocks of days with them not here. But, you're probably right not adding not having pre-scheduled check-ins or maintenance exacerbates the problem.

      I've always loved the idea of a hidden room. It definitely plays to my Lord of the Rings/Narnia/Harry Potter fantasy bent.

    7. I was thinking about maintenance spankings for our relationship as well, but I don’t want to get thrashed for the sake of getting thrashed. A set time would be great, but our schedules do not coincide with each others. I did speak with my wife, over the phone of course, about her dropping the ball the other day. She actually brought it up. I was busy at work and told her my bottom fell asleep from sitting. Her response was, don’t worry you’ll be standing tomorrow. I ate humble pie and apologized for my rude and snarkiness mood. I actually reminded her to please address it immediately the next time. It would help me to realize my actions and pay with consequences. She agreed and of course brought up the fact that we had company.

  10. Happy Holidays Everyone! As Dan mentioned in the main post, weekly maintenance spankings have been part of our disciplinary wife lifestyle since the beginning - a couple of decades ago now. We have found that maintenance spankings help maintain an atmosphere of feminine/maternal authority in the household, as well as the habit of spanking. They also tend to promote emotional intimacy and clear the air of any attitudinal issues that have may have begun to fester. Maintenance spankings are otk to promote intimacy and the aspect of maternal discipline. Sex often follows - with an emphasis on her pleasure. They are, however, very much real spankings - with no less than a hundred whacks with a paddle of some type (paddle, brush, short strap, etc) that always result in a sore, red behind and often some tears as well. In contrast, punishment spankings require me to be bent over - or kneeling on the bed, presenting the target. They are significantly harder and usually longer (a couple of hundred whacks at a minimum) - significantly more painful and absolutely no sex afterward.

    To the point made earlier, while an effective spanking can certainly be given over the knee, there is no doubt that a bent-over spanking with the wife standing up and swinging the paddle is generally going to be a much harder spanking - just the physics of it. (And I agree, Dan - this may have contributed to your recent spanking being so painful - given that your more recent spankings were otk).

    Although weekly maintenance spankings have always been the plan, there have times that for various reasons, we may have gone a month or so between spankings - and, yes, that first spanking after a hiatus is always especially painful. And even more so because after a hiatus - where perhaps the habit had started to slip - the impetus for her to pick up the paddle again was usually because I had done something to earn a punishment spanking.


    1. I don't know whether you've fully sold me on maintenance spankings yet, but I'm certainly closer than I was before this break to seeing why they would be helpful. Of course, they wouldn't have prevented this particular break, since it was a medical necessity and not the usual sort of "real life" interferences.

  11. I will also add that this week's post is somewhat synchronistic. Although I have continued to be spanked regularly with a paddle or strap, I have not been switched in quite a while. My wife enjoys the feel of a paddle or strap against my ass more so than that of a switch or cane. She also enjoys the louder sound of the paddle or strap on my bare rear. And since I particularly dreaded being switched, I was always grateful that a switch was not her first choice.

    However, when the kids were still at home, I was switched quite often due to the need for a quieter spanking. Since the kids have left, switchings have been few and far between, only when we had company in the house and she felt the spanking could not wait. I have not missed them one bit....

    Well, this weekend we went to a family Christmas event about an hour away and I somehow I made the mistake of getting into a "heated discussion" with a relative that lead to me making a smart ass remark to my wife after she tried to disengage me. Oh, the look I got, and a text a minute later informing me of my ass blistering to come. Eventually, we made it home, but a relative had come home with us to spend the night in our guest room as the other house involved was quite full. Nevertheless, we were not home 20 minutes when she instructed me to go to the bedroom and get out the paddle. I immediately protested that our guest would hear. She replied "too bad" - that she really didn't care if she embarrassed me after the way I had embarrassed her - but, after a pause, she told me that I could go cut her a switch instead - and better make it a couple because she was going to wear my ass out...

    I did as instructed (smuggling them in unseen), whereupon she immediately did indeed wear my ass out. Not having been switched in at least a couple of years, it was excruciatingly painful from the very first whack. And I had to be quiet because of our house guest - which was also very, very difficult. Two days later, my bottom has numerous visible "switch cuts". Pretty sure I'll being watching what I say for the rest of this holiday season.... --al

    1. I have never been switched. Does it hurt more than a cane?

      I was going to ask whether you just happened to have some on hand or had to somehow sneak out, cut some, and bring them in. I honestly am not sure we have any suitable bushes in our suburban yard.

    2. >switch vs cane< I have not ever actually been "caned" - although I have seen and handled canes. So, I really can't say from experience - but I have heard that caning can be extraordinarily painful. We do have the DWC "mini-cane" that is made of plastic, and is not really like a true cane. We refer to it as a "switch" because it is similar in size and shape to a switch, is "whippy" like a switch, and (to me), the pain was very similar to an actual switch. When I was being switched regularly, for the sake of convenience (not having to go out and cut a switch - and Susan having to deal with breaking them over my ass), she started using the mini-cane on me which was quiet like the switch and with a similar effect on me. --al

      However, on occasion, she wanted to exercise the option to have me "go out and cut her a switch" to use on me - it is a bit of head trip to have to do that. And, on this occasion, that is what she had me do. We also live in a suburban home - but one with lots of large bushes surrounding a good portion of the house, plenty of switches available. Our bedroom has a sliding glass door to the backyard, so that does make it easier to discreetly bring a switch into the bedroom. --al

    3. Al mentioned the sound of a paddle, which can be distinctive. I guess wives sometimes use canes to avoid the noise. But ( and I have wondered about this for a while), how do you deal with the involuntary sounds a guy makes when punished with a cane or paddle? I have been paddled at her mom’s house, but far away from the family, so we have never dealt with the problem. But I am curious, or are you all just “tight-lipped” about ( getting) it?

    4. I definitely can understand why being sent out to cut one would be a head trip. When I was growing up, a friend's very strict father owned a western wear store. When one of the kids earned a punishment, he would make them go to the racks in the store with belts for sale and bring him the one he would punish them with. Something about that whole process struck terror into me at the time and has left me with a lifelong fascination with being told to bring an instrument.

    5. Alan wrote: >"are you all just “tight-lipped” about ( getting) it?"< (referring to avoiding loud yelps while getting spanked with a "quieter" implement - such as a cane or a switch)...

      Personally - I try to be "tight lipped" - to avoid the embarrassment of being heard. I "bite down hard" which helps. Back when I was being switched regularly, I would sometimes bite down on a rolled up clear pair of socks - which also (like a gag) helped avoid too much noise. But still, when being switched, I do sometimes yelp too loudly, regardless of my efforts to control. I did a couple of times during this past weekend's switching, but nothing was mentioned by our guest afterward so hopefully it was not heard. --al

    6. While I don't thrash around or try to get up, and I don't plead or beg for it to end, I definitely am not stoic or tight-lipped. Lots of exclamations and yelps.

    7. Dan wrote: >"Lots of exclamations and yelps.<"

      Yeah - right there with you - "tight-lipped" is only when I'm being spanked in a situation where others might here. In private, I'm anything but tight-lipped! --al

    8. "While I don't thrash around or try to get up, and I don't plead or beg for it to end, I definitely am not stoic or tight-lipped. Lots of exclamations and yelps." - Same here.

      As far as switches, I have never experienced that, but my wife loves canes (me not so much), especially her Delrin ones. I think canes are quite enough that nobody would hear them in other rooms or the hallway, but then of course it would depend on me being quiet enough, which is not a sure thing! Another very silent tool my wife uses sometimes is the Cane-i-ac Devil's braid, which is a braided silicone contraption. Unlike all other quiet tools, it is all thud, no sting. It leaves deep, long-lasting soreness.

      Having said all this, my wife also loves the sound of wooden paddles, so if noise is not a concern (which is rarely the case) she would begin every punishment with one or more wooden paddles, maybe include the leather strap somewhere along the way, and finish with one of her Delrin canes.


    9. I actually purchased a junior crooked cane years ago. It took her a bit to get use to it. I do know that it stung like hell. She splintered it over my bare bottom years ago and we never replaced it. She was not a massive fan. I do remember one time we were at home arguing. I said something smart and stupid. She looked at me and said, “should I send you out to cut a switch”. I said no Mam.
      I actually dont know where it came from, but she had just returned from her sisters. I know the last time I was there, it was brought up in jest. Her sister had a rod in her hand, using it to set something up and a friend said wow you could hurt someone with that. She responded , I would like to use it on my husband. He needs it.

    10. ZM, we have a Delrin cane, but she's never really used it. I wish she would give it more of a try, primarily because I like the visual and kinesthetic reminder that a cane's welts provide, especially now that I don't really bruise anymore. Though, I noticed after this last spanking, what I get now are semi-permanent gray ovals, that are noticeable but only if you're kind of looking for them.

      T., do you think her sister is a spanker?

    11. Dan,
      No I don’t this she is. I think because it’s a southern thing. It’s like a trip to the woodshed. When she was talking it was among a bunch of women setting up for a gathering. I walked in on it after carrying a box inside. I pretty much pretended I didn’t hear it and carried on. A women made an off comment about, I’m sure he could”. He is a pain in the ass lol. I’m sure within that group of women, one of them is a spanker. One of them bossed their husband around like a puppy dog. We in this lifestyle are acutely aware of relationships both vanilla and kink. On a separate note, I took the thrashing I was suppose to receive for my sneakiness last night. My wife didn’t hold back. I was sweating through it and am sitting on very tender thighs and a very sore bottom. The old adage be careful what u wish for.

    12. I get it. I'm originally from what a sort-of-Southern state (not the Deep South but sees itself as southern), where spanking references pop up in all sorts of situations.

      Sorry about the sore bottom, and I totally get the "be careful what you wish for" thing.

    13. We have a synthetic cane which is quiet & really effective. There is something about the difference between the pain of the strap & the cane that means I have (very subtlety) persuaded her to ‘prefer’ the strap. The strap probably hurts more but in a different way. I know I can endure it better than the cane. It feels more effective. TB.


  12. “I have oddly become more carefree and relaxed in my personality."

    My former girlfriend started using a large ( and very effective) paddle, and I went through a period of resisting and resenting it. She told me that if I accepted it, “it will set you free.” It took me years to fully understand that. But she was promising what DD is describing. Once I could rely on discipline to protect me from bad decisions and behavior, I could let go of the struggle. Bad choices and bad behavior could come back and punish me 100 times more severely than a session with her paddle -and knowing that discipline was firmly in place was freeing.

  13. My wife and I began a DD dynamic around four months ago. So far, her disciplining has been somewhat inconsistent, with sessions occurring every 5-6 weeks. I believe this is because she's still finding her footing and adjusting to the role. I think it’s only natural that we're still in the early stages. In fact, we had a conversation about this just this past weekend. While she initially had some reservations about the DD structure, I can see that she's starting to embrace and enjoy the sense of power it brings. It's really just a matter of her gaining confidence and experience in wielding that power more consistently and effectively.

    1. It's definitely a process. I think that's especially true when it comes to the wife learning to enjoy and embrace the power. There's so much socialization to overcome to get to that point.

    2. We found it helpful to come up with a short statement which we read before every check in. It's an idea we got from MC, who posted about that in here. The statement is a declaration r.e. our DD, intended to remind us of why we are practicing it and how it's important for the relationship, and how it benefits each of us. It also describes exactly what responsibility each of us has committed to. My responsibility is to inform her whenever I have done something that should result in my being disciplined, or when I need a spanking for any reason, including simply being stressed out. Her responsibility is to provide discipline whenever I have earned it, or to spank me whenever she believes I need it. Both of us have agreed that DD is necessary and helpful for our relationship, and reading this statement reinforces our mutual committment and responsibility to follow through on what we have agreed to. The end result for me has been to become more honest with her, as I have committed to do. The end result for her is to not let things slide, and to deal with unwanted behavior ASAP.

    3. Thanks, Norton. This is helpful!

  14. Only in the early days of our relationship was I spanked as often as once a month. We fairly quickly agreed that spankings would be reserved for the more serious transgressions. These continued to decline in number and in more recent times, I'd estimate that they have averaged around four per year. Beth says that she can always tell when it's been too long. Knowing that my spankings don't happen often, she makes certain they are memorable events. I'm certain that she spanks harder now than when I was getting them more frequently.

    Over the past few years, we have instituted something akin to warning spankings. When my behavior has annoyed her, but not to the point that requires a full spanking, I get the abbreviated version. This consists of her applying a spatula to my bare bottom, always carried out in the kitchen. It's much shorter than a real spanking - fewer than ten smacks, accompanied by a scolding instead of a lengthy lecture. It stings just slightly, but there isn't any lingering soreness or light bruising. Very humbling though, especially when I'm sent to the kitchen to wait for her. She likes being able to make her point with less effort, knowing that if it wasn't sufficient, firmer discipline can still be applied.

    1. I personally think that "warning spankings" or even very short discipline spankings meant mainly to get his attention, make a lot of sense. Unfortunately, for us it has always been very binary -- off or totally on.

  15. Regarding warnings, if a simple verbal warning doesn’t get his attention, I will leaveTHE STRAP on a chair with a pillow on it or on our bed. He knows when i tell him ti go wait for me that the warning didn’t work and that a strapping is now inevitable . Ttge very sight of THE STRAP usually is adequate

    1. “The very sight of THE STRAP usually is adequate.”

      Miss C,
      Do you use “THE STRAP” this way as a final warning, or at that point, is he going to be spanked regardless? A former girlfriend used her hairbrush as a final warning, placing it where I would see it or sending me to bring it to her. As a warning, it was effective. If I acted out after that, I deserved to be spanked, and she never disappointed me. For me, threats (or warnings) work because they are backed by a history of following through. Following up on warnings is really a gift to your husband because he will get fewer spankings in the long run.


    2. I've been wanting to communicate somewhat like that. If she puts an implement out, I know I'm getting it. If I put something out, she knows I think I need it, and she can somehow respond. It can be hard to find private time during busy days to negotiate discipline.


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