
Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Club - Meeting 496 - Domestic Discipline Spankings for "Big" Issues

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” ― Vince Lombardi Jr.

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you all had a great week. Ours was pretty sedate, but given our recent medical challenges, sometimes it’s the little things that count.  We went out to dinner this week. That’s obviously not a big thing in and of itself, but it was the first time we’d been out together for anything other than medical appointments in about seven weeks.  Light at the end of the tunnel.



Fall also finally really committed to coming to our area. Took it long enough.  I don’t know why I love this time of year so much, but I do.  Well, maybe some of the reasons are pretty obvious.  I maintain Halloween is by far the sexiest holiday, as borne out by the fact I have way more Halloween themed spanking art and memes than I can ever use in one season.



Well, I accomplished what turned out to be my not-so-little project of plowing through all my old posts and the associated comments.  All 608 posts and 72,000 comments.  Although there were no big surprises, maybe a few things are worth mentioning, though I hit on a few of these in the last post:


·      I knew there was more female participating in the early years, but I had forgotten just how much more.

·      Many of those female participants seemed to be very aggressively in charge.  We can debate what an FLR is but, however you characterize it, many of those early female commenters clearly exercised, or aspired to exercise, very significant control over their men.

·      I wondered whether there was some change in the blog that drove the women away. Honestly, one big factor may have been way more pedestrian.  There was a period when Google’s “captcha” sign-on verification became damn near unworkable. I remember how hard it was to leave comments on others’ blogs.  Several people complained on mine, and it was right around that time that many of the female comments stopped.  My guess is, being very practical creatures, they had better things to do and just gave up. We also had a couple of serious “troll infestations” around that same time, and it’s possible those turned off some of the female commenters.

·      The political exchanges in 2020 and 2021 were nastier than I remembered.  Although I have no doubt it contributed to total readership falling, it’s hard to detect any impact on actual participation.  I’m staying away from political comments more this election, but not because I give a shit about total readership. I’m just kind of resigned to “what happens, happens” this time around, and I'm perhaps more realistic about the prospects of any discussion changing anyone’s mind.

·      From very early on, there were problems with men masquerading as women and individuals posing as couples.  It was impossible to police back then, and it’s just as impossible now. 

·      Topic interest comes and goes. There were topics I did early on that flopped but did quite well when I tried them again a couple of years later. 

·      It was interesting seeing how certain “features” of the discussion were introduced over time.  I had forgotten that in the earliest posts, I didn’t reply to most of the comments; that didn’t really change for several months. When I started introducing memes and spanking art, at first it was very sporadic, then only one per post, then finally several per post but each tailored to illustrate a particular point. 

·      My concerns about confidentiality and being “outed” were so paranoid, I would fudge the details on big things going on at work or in my personal life so thoroughly that reading them now, years down the line, I can’t even remember what some of them were referring to.


Of course, my biggest take away is just how long some of you have stuck around.  Thanks for sticking with it all these years and through so many repetitive posts.


Thanks to all of you who participated in last week’s open-ended discussion about how “FLR-ish” our respective marriages are.  My only big disappointment is that I was hoping to get more input from the wives. But, that’s a work in progress.  In the meantime, I felt KOJ (Yah, he’s back!), gave perhaps the best summary, with a couple of caveats, of what this thing we do includes and perhaps excludes:


“I would describe your blog as "F/m Domestic Discipline (DD)," with the following definitions:
F/m -- a woman has some authority over a man.
Domestic (for your blog) -- heterosexual, adult, live-in.
Discipline (for your blog) -- Includes spanking where sexual gratification is not the primary purpose.”


I think that’s mostly right.  My two primary caveats would be that I don’t feel like the “domestic” in DD necessarily excludes relationships that aren’t “live in” as long as, as Donn later noted, they are “committed,” which I would define as long-term and stable.


The other caveat for me personally is, when setting up the blog and managing it over the years, I've never intentionally excluded gay or trans relationships. It just never really came up.  I wouldn’t have a problem having one or both members of a gay couple participate, as long as the dynamic was basically the same as we talk about here, i.e. a domestic relationship with one partner in a lead or "top" disciplinary role holding the other partner accountable by imposing disciplinary measures including corporal punishment. It would probably be subject to a test run to see how in impacted the group dynamic, but I don’t have any reason to think that a gay DD relationship would be very different from a hetero DD dynamic.



The whole discussion of what factors influence whether a relationship is an FLR did take me in a direction I’ve previously resisted.  We often talk about DD and FLR being a spectrum, but I wonder whether they really are.  It seems to me they represent separate but adjacent lifestyles that overlap to a lesser degree for some and a larger degree for others.  In the past, I’ve been really resistant to seeing DD as a sub-set of any other relationships dynamic, but I do think that, given that there is some power shifting going on in even the most narrow forms of DD, it’s reasonable to classify it as one variant of a Dominance/submission dynamic, and one in which individual relationships incorporate various degrees of dominance. Though, I also can see maintaining that any form of Dominance/submission violates KOJ’s third factor, i.e. that sexual satisfaction not be the primary purpose.  As KOJ said, it's probably impossible to define, and that’s fine.


Now, on to this week’s topic. New commenter “Jackson” left this recent comment and topic suggestion:


Drinking more than allowed and sloppy behavior has been a continuous, persistent issue. Although discipline has improved it a lot, I think with an occasional pegging and brutal spanking it might be permanently resolvable with FLR/DD alone. Drinking is a large and complex problem, and I used to think those were not really solvable with FLR/DD, but since we have made certain every spanking is a brutal, memorable event with surrender and submission at its end, I think I could be disciplined to moderate drinking. I am much improved already. Maybe pegging is what is needed (but rarely). Dan maybe a topic sometime is “Can FLR/DD solve big complex issues?”


So, let’s get into that.  Can the discipline that comes along with a DD and/or FLR relationship solve big, complex issues?


I’ll start by observing that what each person sees as a “big” problem is inherently individual.  And, even for each individual, it may be a complex analysis. 


Perhaps his forgetfulness around financial issues usually isn't a big deal, but what if it results in her incurring a bunch of extra time or having to deal with a big unnecessary headache?

It also may hinge on particular outcomes, right?  Everyday procrastination might not be a big problem, but what if it results in not paying bills on time, thereby ruining the couple’s credit rating?



I don't think of speeding tickets as a big deal, but I know others do. And, even I concede they could become a big deal if cumulatively they resulted in a license suspension or a big jump in insurance rates. Or, in today's environment, god forbid a road rage incident got out of hand.

Or, maybe carelessness becomes such a chronic problem that, while one instance may not be a big deal, cumulatively the damages adds up. Or, it could be like what happened with a couple of motorcycle trips I’ve discussed in which I failed to do some basic preparation and, while no disaster happened, it could have and, regardless of whether it actually did, it stressed me out, cost us additional money to fix mistakes, etc.


Are those “big” things? In isolation, some might not be. But, they may be part of a larger pattern. And, there is the fact that sloppiness on things that don't matter much still creates habits that can lead to sloppiness on things that do.


The best statement I’ve found among our blog comments was this from ZM, which began with an observation about how hard it may be for wives to be strict with regard to “small things”:


“I think this is a common problem, especially as wives are gaining experience, because in order for it to be a real punishment for an adult, a spanking must be quite hard and long. This is especially true if the recipient is an adult who may fantasize about spanking. Pretty much EVERY punishment is going to be relatively big, and this doesn't seem quite as fair for seemingly "small" things.


It is only by the wife seeing the bigger picture and realizing that by addressing the small things, she is also addressing the bigger issues, that the whole thing seems in any way fair or proportional. Is it fair to spank me to tears because I leave my socks on the floor? Of course not! On the other hand, is it fair to spank me to tears because I continually let deadlines slip past, ultimately jeopardizing our quality of living? Sure. Is it fair to spank me tears because I eat a hamburger and too many fries? Probably not. Is it fair to spank me to help me change my eating habits and massively improve my health, greatly increasing the chances I can live for many more years and enjoy life, family, etc.? Of course.


So only by seeing that the small things and the bigger things are all just parts of the same picture can she feel good about consistently monitoring these little day-to-day things and enforcing seemingly minor lapses with severe enough punishments that they can help to effect real change.”


Jackson’s question referred to drinking too much, and that is the problem I’ve talked about the most here over the years. It undoubtedly has led to more spankings over time than any other offense. Yet, is it really my biggest issue?  That’s debatable.  To put it in context, in the month of September, I drank only three times. 


When I look at the big picture, there is a strong argument to be made that other behavioral failings, such as procrastination, carelessness, inattention to detail, and a reputation for being difficult to manage were much bigger limiting factors where work success and overall quality of life were concerned than drinking ever has been.


But, of those three drinking occasions in September, two of them involved “a few” becoming “a few too many,” and that’s been an ongoing problem for me. And, I've always recognized that it's not really the over-consumption that itself is a problem but, rather, the potential impact on other commitments or goals.


So, while perhaps it’s not the biggest issue, it’s still big enough.


So, can DD help with big issues?  Personally, I believe it probably can but it may require bringing the whole panoply of disciplinary tools to bear.  That could include cranking up the frequency and severity of the spankings, giving more preventative spankings, doing more check-ins and monitoring, and exploring alternative punishments.


To illustrate, one big problem with using DD to root out my particular issue with binge drinking is that the problem isn’t consistent, so it’s hard to say more consistent spanking alone would help.  As I said in reply to Jackson:


I've come to doubt whether DD will do much for it, though in fairness (a) I do think it has some modest role in imposing some guardrails, even if I crash through them every once in a while; and (b) we've never achieved a really high degree of consistency and certainty. In some ways, that reflects the nature of my issue. I'm not remotely close to a daily drinker. It's just that when I do drink, it can turn into a binge. Since the drinking is so episodic, the spankings have been too, only more so.


In other words, while consistently spanking for each instance of excessive drinking might help, it’s hard to see how consistency would have resulted in more than an incremental improvement when the problem itself is so inconsistent.


But, maybe that isn't the primary consideration when judging efficacy.  Maybe more consistency would have imposed some real limits and guardrails, even if the problem still occurred episodically.


On the other hand, let’s look at something like smoking. I started using chewing tobacco in high school, graduating to cigarettes in college, and eventually came to use both in copious daily amounts. I tried to quit many times, but I was very, very physically addicted.  I eventually did kick the habit cold turkey, but only after multiple failures.


It's probably not a coincidence that my successful effort to quit happened after Anne and I got serious, even though that was a decade before we started DD. I knew she hated the smell and taste of smoke, and that disapproval may have given me the extra incentive I needed.


In that case, and maybe paradoxically, because my dependence on nicotine was displayed multiple times a day, I do think that had we been into DD at that time, it might have made one of those earlier failed attempts successful if, and only if, Anne had been determined to take consistent action to root it out.  If her mere disapproval helped me kick the habit, how much more so would disapproval combined with a severe paddling each and every time have helped? My guess is . . . a lot.


So, the nature of the “big” issue may be very important to how amenable it is to solving with Domestic Discipline.


It also may be the case that, despite the numerous serious spankings Anne has given me for over-indulging, there hasn’t been enough of a “whatever it takes” approach.  As I've confessed here, when I go out with a friend for happy hour, after the second drink I sometimes forget all about the possible consequences. But, would I forget if I knew that one binge incident might result in a week’s worth of daily spankings? Here is an older comment from “DWC Fred” that suggests that the wife's level of sheer determination and willingness to be extraordinarily strict do matter:


“Ann has only spanked me for “big” things three times in recent years. [Once was] for being upset with her and expressing myself and carrying on badly. A couple of days later I apologized, and we spoke about it. I was in tears because of how I had spoken to her and made her feel. After our discussion she sentenced me to a spanking every day, for four days.


They were horrible. From day two on I was crying as I pulled down my pants and had difficulty calling Ann to tell her I was ready.


Four days in a row is a whole new ballgame, both from an emotional perspective and the pain perspective. Anticipating the increased pain and the additional embarrassment of crying from the time I pulled down my underwear, and getting even more out of control by the time Ann was done spanking, made days 2,3, and 4 successively worse.

I’ve never repeated any of those offenses.”


I also strongly suspect that my failure to think of likely consequences might be reduced substantially if some consequences were imposed in advance via preventative spankings.  


So, while I do think some “big” things may be resistant to a traditional “one regular spanking per one offense” approach, that doesn’t necessarily means spanking is inherently insufficient to address serious problems. Rather, maybe the seriousness of the sanction needs to be cranked up to match the seriousness of the offense or the number of times it has recurred.


How about you?  Have you used to DD to address “big” issues?  What worked? What didn’t?  If they haven't worked, was it a matter of spankings' inherent limitation, or more a lack of will and determination to make them effective? Are there things that could be added to DD spankings to make them more effective in resolving bigger issues?


Have a great week. 


  1. Dan wrote: "I . . . can see maintaining that any form of Dominance/submission violates KOJ’s third factor, i.e. that sexual satisfaction not be the primary purpose."

    Yes, the Dominance/submissive (D/s) terminology has always seemed to include a sexual connotation, regardless of the context in which the term is used.

    My wife an I have been using, as a variation on / alternative to D/S, "Supervisory/subordinate" (S/s), which seems to much better portray the dynamic that exists in many DD and FLR-light relationships.

    1. I certainly like "subordinate" more than "submissive."

    2. Believe me, I see it as the extremely consequential election it is.

      "Sliding door moment" may be a saying we don't have in the US. At least, I'm not familiar with it. What does it mean?

    3. For North America, this the correct link for the "plot" from the movie "Sliding Doors:"

  2. I think for me the biggest issue has always been anger particularly when she didn't see things the same way as I did. I used to get so mad I would punch the wall or throw things. When I came to realize how stupid it was. I asked her to spank me for arguing with her and to some degree it helped but the lack of severity and consistency kept me from changing completely. In the last few years years she has upped her spanking severity and consistency. I know longer get so angry that I punch things so definitely an improvement. I still get angry and stomp around slamming cabinet doors and making some noise and she continues to paddle me for it. She can't read my mind and I can't read hers but I know she wishes I would just grow up. The problem is she doesn't nip those small things in the bud consistently. It's the small attitude changes that lead to bigger anger issues. Lately we have been using a daily alternative punishment to keep me thinking about her authority (standing in the corner every morning for 15 minutes concentrating on respecting her. It's effective for me the carrot is that if I can maintain my behavior for a prolonged time then the daily time in the corner will be stop by the but if not it will continue and any attempt to get out of it results in added time. Just yesterday I was t ilold to go do my corner time but got busy and didn't do it later in the day I got angry about something and started slamming thing around. I She asked if I had done my morning time. I ended up getting a a spanking and an additional 15 minutes in the corner before bed. It's a juvenile punishment but she knows how much I hate it. She told me last night that she she will increase the time by 15 minutes every time I try to avoid it. I if I don't do it this morning tomorrow and going forward will be thirty minutes and each time I disobey her she will add 15 more. I have stood in the corner for more than an hour and before it is not pleasant. There is a point where if she feels that it's not being effective I will get spanked and the corner time will continue. This usually results in a noticeable improvement in my submission to her. The other big issue is carelessness we have been working on it but it can sometimes be more difficult to address because it's so often a lapse in judgment that is not intended. The Spanking me for the little things would really be helpful but when she knows it was not intentional she said she has a hard time spanking me for it unless it cost us money.

    1. "The other big issue is carelessness we have been working on it but it can sometimes be more difficult to address because it's so often a lapse in judgment that is not intended."

      I do think it's harder to address something that wasn't intentional and may have been just pure forgetfulness. On the other hand, I do think that if I knew she was watching for such incidents, i would find ways to pay more attention to what I'm doing, because ultimately carelessness is often a matter of (a) not focusing on the matters at hand; or (b) convincing yourself that there is little risk of something going wrong, so you don't deal with things promptly and carefully. I do think spankings can "help" you pay more attention, and it changes the risk assessment if you fail to do so.

    2. I have a real problem recognizing or I think minimizing things that then become huge expensive issues. I asked for and got spanked for the last one. We both were involved and she is taking part of the blame which is what angered me because it really is my responsibility. She didn't want to spank me for the incident but was more than happy to make sitting an issue when it came to me getting angry.

  3. In our 24/7 FLR, big infractions have always been dealt with harsh spankings, and I feel that is justified. Disrespect, uncontrolled temper, over drinking, etc have always earned spankings to fit the offense. Sometimes being told to stay in position and having her return in 20 - 30 minutes for another round and perhaps several rounds or several consecutive days of a solid spanking for the big ticket offenses in not uncommon. However, I would say in our DD household, it is also the repeating of even a small or minor infraction can result in quite a long, hard discipline session. She then resorts to a 'I guess your last spanking was not effective' concept. Sometimes even driving that point home during the spanking. Doubling my punishment for each time I repeat an infraction. How many times have I heard " This is the third time I have spanked you for..................... this month. Maybe after this spanking you will learn".

    1. "She then resorts to a 'I guess your last spanking was not effective' concept." It seems like an intuitively powerful approach.


  4. The short answer is yes. As I’ve said before, we have only a couple of fixed rules that result in much more formalized and severe canings. These are late fees and speeding tickets. (Both involve unnecessary cost). I have only had one speeding ticket since we have been together, which was about twenty years ago, and a late fee last year was probably the first since about the same time. I tend to stick fairly close to speed limits but the reason I answered this question as I did is that if I find my speed has got away from me a bit and maybe drive past a cop, then when I’m checking the mirror nervously, hoping he’s not following me it’s not the ticket I’m thinking about, but the caning it will get me if he is. The most consistent thing I try to get my wife to correct is occasional snippyness. This, I would regard as a small thing and generally results in a paddling which is certainly hard enough to get my attention but not horrendously severe. The was one occasion a few years ago when I lost my temper to the “throwing things” level. It’s only ever happened once and it led to probably the most severe paddling I’ve ever had, followed by a comment that if I ever did that again, this would be the warm-up. That kind of temper is really not in my make-up but anytime I may feel tempted to lose it, I think of that punishment and it pulls me back from the brink. TG

    1. Speeding tickets would be a hard thing for Anne to enforce, since she generally drives faster and more erratically than I do. Though, that hasn't stopped her from threatening a spanking for a ticket when we're driving together. But, speeding tickets do illustrate my point about how rooting out "big" issues may require the disciplinarian to massively escalate the punishments. I went years without a ticket then had a run of bad luck and got four in a row, which brought me within 4 points of having my license suspended. THAT prospect definitely got my attention.

      I have some of your temper issues, including throwing things in frustration. But, it's almost never happened in front of her. But, I have done things like getting very frustrated assembling something, with her there, and I'm sure that if she threatened ot spank me for it at the time it was happening I would find a way to dial it in.

  5. The biggest thing for me is controlling my mouth and mytemper/stubborness. That is what she would consider my biggest issue. As for alcohol use, I’m similar to you Dan, when we are home, i can have two glasses of wine with dinner or nothing. When in our usual group, we can have six to twelve bottles. There is no shut off for our group. My wife drinks as well but not like we do. Im currently in dry October, although only two weeks in. I’m running it through Thanksgiving. I don’t have an issue, but with the upcoming holidays, I read about it and think its a great idea. My wife is on the DL after having surgery. She is better but then contacted a severe cold, so DD has been on the back burner for a while. Ive been the doting husband, so for her it is been far from her mind. I did get a bit snippy the other day and she said, “keep that tone up, I know someone who’s overdue for a thrashing”. It never transpired because she was not feeling well. I do know when it does though, I will be in for a rude awakening. I also concur with you about being punished for the small things. I don’t leave clothes laying around or the classic toilet seat up, ect. ect. Maybe it was my strict upbringing that carried over. I think I stated before that if you have to get beat for leaving the toilet seat up multiple times, then how are you learning anything. Knock on wood, I haven't had a ticket in 30 years. Finally, when you think about it, a majority of women are “agressively in charge” so to speak in every marriage, albeit it without DD. I look at all of my friends wives, they are cool but some nag, some are passive aggressive, some are moody in their own right. I love all of them, but when you break it dow, they all are in charge in some way shape or form. They may not tell you what to do, but you will pay the price when a task is not completed. One way or another.

    1. Thanks, T. Regarding drinking, it sounds like we have similar wives and similar friend groups. And, some of our booziest friends are more hers than mine. Goodl luck with the dry October.

      I hope your wife recovers well and soon from both the surgery and the cold.

      "I love all of them, but when you break it down, they all are in charge in some way shape or form." I think that's more or less true, particularly with the younger generations. I have a friend who is the "top" in an FLR, and she's told me that when she gets together with girlfriends, almost all of them say things that indicate they have a high level of control over their men, though she doesn't know if any of them are in true FLR or DD arrangements.

    2. "I think I stated before that if you have to get beat for leaving the toilet seat up multiple times, then how are you learning anything." - That all depends. If you are consciously choosing to leave the toilet seat up, then even one punishment should take care of that (unless maybe you don't see why it is an issue, in which case she might need to do a bit more "convincing" down the road).

      However, I know for me, a lot of my behaviors are basically just me running on autopilot and mindlessly doing (or not doing) things. In those cases, it seems likely that a pattern of repeated punishment may be required to overcome my patterns of mindlessness and just repeating habits that have formed over many years.


    3. As I've said before, I never have, and likely never will, get the whole toilet seat thing.

      Though I can be plenty guilty of running autopilot, I think most of my carelessness is a little more conscious than yours, ZM. In most cases--and really in all those where I get mad enough at myself to think a spanking may be merited--at some point in time, prior to things going wrong, I did think, "Maybe I should do [X] . . ." Then, I got busy or simply distracted and ignored that little voice in my head that told me to do something.

      Though, it's true that those things that Anne takes issues with are more cases of simply not paying attention and, as you say, going on autopilot. Her issues with me forgetting to lock doors or forgetting to verify that the garage door really went down are examples.

      I do think carelessness of both varieties--not paying attention to the nagging voice, and not paying sufficient attention to even have a nagging voice around certain issues--spankings could, in fact, help.

    4. Dan, I’m right with you on not getting the whole toilet seat thing. We have soft close toilets in all of our bathrooms. I go, flush, and tap the lid and it closes. I do understand the whole pattern of things that we seem to get stuck around.

    5. Lest I come across as being too angelic, I need to also say that VERY often I also procrastinate or avoid taking care of things that I would rather not do. So when I am talking about running on autopilot, that is not to say that I don't also intentionally procrastinate, often with bad outcomes!

      "I do think carelessness of both varieties--not paying attention to the nagging voice, and not paying sufficient attention to even have a nagging voice around certain issues--spankings could, in fact, help." - Agree 100%, though I still expect that it would often take a series of spankings to create new habits of paying more attention.


    6. I totally agree. When you have a "chronic" problem, it's probably going to take "chronic" spankings to root out.

  6. There are 2 big things I have been repeatedly spanked for, which are driving and drinking.
    As I have stated before, excessive drinking has contributed to all manner of bad behavior. Since that has improved, all other behavior is better, including driving. Small issues, such as leaving the toilet seat up, have also improved. Therefore, I get less spankings these days, but I do still need them, and get anxious when they don't happen after a while.

    1. It's great that by fixing that one big thing, i.e. drinking, everything else has gotten better for you. It's almost the converse of ZM's point about how not focusing on small things makes the big things worse.

  7. I'd say that our biggest problem that was addressed through spanking was when I began to use marijuana more frequently. Beth never really liked it when I got high anyway, but more regular use began to affect our relationship and my work life. Not dramatically, but clearly noticeable to her and a few others. Poor attempts at concealing how much I was using led to a frank discussion when I wasn't high, followed by a serious spanking. From that point, she kept close watch on my behaviors, the physical indicators, and unexplained expenses. It really was the sneaking around that bothered her more than anything, and after a while I quit altogether

    It was a few years after that when I confessed to my wife that I was still under the effect of cannabis for two of my spankings. She wasn't pleased and assured me that if she knew, she would have waited and spanked me twice as long when the timing was better.


    1. I can see how that one could become a problem, because it's just so much easier to consume and, depending on the form it's taken in, disguise or hide the consumption than alcohol. I get Beth's issue with the sneaking around. There have been more than a few times when my bingeing includes hanging out in my office after a social engagement, treating myself to a series of "night caps" while watching movies or listening to music, but I hide the evidence of the alcohol usage from Anne. She never believes that I'm not consuming, yet I still try to cover it up for no logical reason. It's one of the aspects of my binge behavior that I find the most unappealing.

      I've always had a hard rule around no spanking when either of us were intoxicated. In fact, it's really my one and only hard caveat to "anytime, anywhere, for any reason." It probably wouldn't be a hard rule with respect to her being sober and spanking me when drunk, but it just seems like a waste of time, which I assume it was with you feeling the effects of cannabis during a spanking. My concern with her spanking when anything but stone-cold sober is she drinks way less than I do but also has correspondingly less ability to "hold her liquor." It's really a safety thing.

      I think to some extent we are hard-wired to prefer certain mind altering substances over others. I have friends who love pot, but I've always been in an alcohol guy. It's not that I dislike marijuana, but I don't like the high enough for it to become a big problem for me. I did it quite a bit in college, but only because it was around. I then quit entirely for about three decades, before discovering it again a few years ago when one of my kids and her significant other left me some after visiting. I still don't enjoy the high that much, but it is kind of wonder drug for my chronic insomnia.

    2. It’s amazing to me the amount of cannabis use in the country today. They tout it as a drug that can help with everything from inflammation to ptsd. It’s legal in some states. I’m not against it, but a friend of mine lives in a state where it’s legal and he says, everywhere you go from the gym to outside restaurants and concerts smells like a weed farm.

    3. It's been legal where we live for several years, but it's still illegal to smoke it in public, so I can smell it every once in a while but no more than when it was illegal. Honestly, other than the signs on the dispensaries, it's probably less noticeable than alcohol. And, my gym serves booze, so I definitely see it way more than I smell pot. It always seems odd to finish my workout and see a sign promoting their happy hour as I'm heading for the door.

  8. Dan,

    This has nothing to do with the topic but with your comments about that there used to be more women and they don't stick around as long. I am just passing this along. A number of months ago I asked Domino to read the blog because I thought the topic and posts by Miss E would interest her. She looked at it and said she would never read this blog because, I am paraphrasing here, because of he many sexist memes and photographs. She wanted nothing to do with a site that claimed to elevate women and demeaned them at the same time. She almost forbade me from reading the site, but relented. So you might check with other women readers but that could be a potential reason why they don't comment or stay around.

    1. Thanks, Antonio. It's good input to have, though I'll have to think hard about whether to make any changes. I don't see the memes and photographs she's probably referring to as "sexist" but, rather, celebrating "sexiness." That's kind of a thing with me. I really wish I had been old enough in the 1970s to appreciate just how open and sexy that era was, and a big part of that was very open displays of appreciation for both male and female sexiness. It was an era when Playboy flourished but, importantly, Playgirl as well. I had a moment a few months ago when I noticed, in the gym, that the attire of many of the women had gotten awfully . . . skimpy. It had a very 1970s vibe, which gave me this sliver of hope that maybe we were emerging from multi-decade era in which sexuality was put down based on either right-wing prudery or left-wing political correctness.

      There's also the inevitable line drawing. My review of old posts included one in which someone included in a comment a link to a spanking video that they felt demonstrated something pertinent to their DD experience. One of the female commenters demanded that I remove it, supposedly because her husband was a porn addict. Now, the blog already included explicit drawings and photos, as well as links to other blogs with lots of explicit content. I explained that, but she continued to demand I remove it and threatened to leave if I didn't. I didn't, and she left. (The example doesn't fit perfectly, however, because I and others had suspected this particular commenter was the latest manifestation of a commenter who repeatedly came on the blog, contributed very productively for a while, then made demands or refused to respect content preferences, all in a manner that indicated a very conservative bent.)

      Anyway, I really will think about it, and it's good input to have.

    2. It good you don't alter your selections of photos and memes for anybody's political correctness. Of course, not everything is going to please everybody. The M/M stuff is a total turn off for me, but so what? Keep up the good work! It's appreciated.

    3. If one judges a book only by its cover, one is likely to read some bad books and miss a lot of good ones.


    4. My wife would find the sexy images off-putting too, but, she will likely never participate regardless. The Medium blog would better fit her taste. Her favorite was the old Taken in Hand website which had no images.

    5. I need to reengage with the Medium blog soon but, honestly, it's been hard enough doing weekly posts here that don't feel completely repetitious, without having to do it twice.

      I remember the Taken in Hand website. Also, while the DWC did have some images, it was pretty minor (and some of the pictures were, honestly, not exactly appealing.)

  9. In my experience, things F/M DD doesn't tend to work for are things where the situation isn't the result of lack of will. My wife tends to be good at recognising these.

    Sometimes, things have been serious enough for the spanking to be staged, say because my wife's arms have become tired. When this happens, I embrace her and various other things until she has recovered, but we don't make love until she has completed it in full. Sometimes, spankings have gone on several hours before completion.

    This is obviously a very painful experience and the post-spanking lovemaking can be challenging, but my wife and I agreed that for this to work, I would need to take whatever pain she felt necessary. Such instances are particularly noticeable in communal shower situations during the following days!


  10. Regarding the woman’s comment about the images being sexist, as a woman i don’t object I find them a bit entertaining and relevant. Of course as a senior they look very young. Even early in our DD I always separated spanking and sex . I am always fully clothed. I never wanted him to find any aspect of punishment titillating. We have been visiting the site on and off for years. Until recently i haven’t felt a need to contribute but i am pleased to see comments from women. I have posted before about sexist comments and drinking has definitely preceded such comments. Years ago spankings resulting because of drinking were quite often and ultimately may have helped him to stop drinking entirely.

    1. Although I'm probably not as senior as you, I'm senior enough to know what you mean about others looking very young. I find it's especially unnerving when my doctors and airline pilots start looking like kids.

  11. Hi Dan,
    We have never used DD to address "big" issues, but that is probably mostly due to us never actually having any very big issues. Even so, I am confident that DD could at the very least be helpful in solving even big issues, especially if the wife is motivated enough to maintain consistency in delivering swift, sure, and severe (when necessary) punishments. All this is with the one caveat that I think DD should only be used in functional relationships; If the relationship is too broken, adding DD is unlikely to be a good idea.

    As I see it, we change our behavior in response to extrinsic motivation either because we don't want to be punished or because we become aware that change is needed either for our own good or for the good of those around us. Speeding tickets are a good example for me of something that modifies my behavior, but only because I don't want to be caught. Consequently, I drive slower when there is some chance of being caught, and like a bat out of hell whenever I think it is unlikely that the police could catch me on radar. Fear of punishment can be effective at limiting or curbing behavior - which oftentimes is enough - but the behavior only stays modified as long as the risk of being caught and punished is both credible and real.

    In cases where there is not real buy-in by the one being punished, DD can still be useful in that it can help limit or contain the behavior, but it will probably require vigilance on the part of the wife and the will to continue punishing as necessary.

    On the other hand, one of the great ways that DD is so powerful is its ability to change our way of thinking. I have had a number of times so far, as I have recounted several times before, where I was simply stunned at DD's ability to change even deepset thought patterns or mindsets. Your smoking example above shows the power of a changed mindset well, even though it occurred many years before you even discovered DD: "It's probably not a coincidence that my successful effort to quit happened after Anne and I got serious, even though that was a decade before we started DD. I knew she hated the smell and taste of smoke, and that disapproval may have given me the extra incentive I needed."

    Why did you quit smoking? Of course you wanted to, but what seemed to really do it for you was that you saw that she didn't like it, so you were then not quitting only for yourself, but also for her good and for the good of the relationship.

    I have long maintained that DD is more than anything a very effective form of communication, and I have yet to see a situation where better communication is not at least one of the keys to overcoming a problem.


    1. "Fear of punishment can be effective at limiting or curbing behavior - which oftentimes is enough - but the behavior only stays modified as long as the risk of being caught and punished is both credible and real."

      This is SO true, at least in my case. Particularly with speeding. I would NEVER drive the speed limit if I knew there was no chance of being caught. Well, maybe in school zones, but that's really it. And, I think you're spot on applying that DD and identifying the ramification being that she can change things without his buy-in, but it's going to take a lot of diligence and work.

  12. By all means. As you know I’ve been spanked numerous times for improper language. It’s a huge pet peeve for her. However when things get difficult for a variety of reasons when I’m at fault , a good spanking is given. It hurts badly but afterwards all is back to normal. We are traveling at the moment and it’s very stressful. She’s spanked me twice already. She used her hand a few minutes ago for the first time in years. Didn’t hurt much but stung a little. It seemed more intimate and eased the stress. JR

    1. Travel definitely brings out some of my worst behavior.

    2. Funny you say that Dan. I used to enjoy traveling. I still love getting away, but the BS surrounding the parking, airport, luggage allowance, weight limits., security lines. It’s to the point where I dread it. I just returned from visiting a buddy of mine down south and going through security is a hassle. They asked me to remove my sweatshirt, I said, I don’t have a shirt underneath. She says oh don’t worry about it then. I had a T shirt on, but the machine sees
      Right through you. What was her point?

    3. Yeah, air travel is such a hassle, though I really don't do all that well with ANY travel. But, air is the worst. Last year, we had an early morning flight to Mexico, leaving around 7:15, which required getting up around 4:30 am. As I stumbled through the airport, exhausted before the trip even started, it occurred me that prior to retirement I did that every single week, and yet I wondered why I felt like crap all the time.

  13. Since the subject of sexism was brought up above, I thought I'd mention that making misogynistic comments is something I've been punished for twice and led to the creation of a unique rule within our FLR.

    We had only been married for a few months and we were in the kitchen. I was sitting at the table on my phone and my wife was washing the dinner dishes. Even then, that was my responsibility most of the time, but that night she jumped on them. She was wearing a tank top, shorts and in her bare feet. I looked her up and down and said in what I intended to be a joking manner “Damn, you make being barefoot in the kitchen like you should be really hot.”. I was expecting her to just give me a look and shake her head, but instead she stopped, turned around and looked at me with fiery eyes. I knew I had screwed up. I tried to give her the “I was just kidding” routine, but it was too late. She told me to get my ass into the living room and wait for her. She walked in a few minutes later with the bath brush, scolded me for making a sexist joke, told me how she had to put us with that constantly in her previous relationship and how she was not gonna tolerate it from me. About 7 or 8 minutes later, I was left sobbing with a burgundy butt.

    What happened next was interesting. After I calmed down a little bit (Her rule is the spanking doesn't stop until we'll after I'm crying), she told me to go to the kitchen and that I was going to finish washing the dishes. I took a few steps and she told me to stop and take my socks off. I did and she took them from me and put them on herself. She then told me to get busy. She was sitting at the kitchen table by the time I was finishing the dishes and said to me “Who is barefoot in the kitchen now?”.

    After that night, she informed me of a new rule she had decided. That rule being that, from then on, I was to always be barefoot in the house whereas she could wear whatever she wanted. She tends to wear socks more often than not (and so did I up to that point), but I have to take mine off at the door and put them in the hamper. She said her reasoning for this was two fold. 1. She liked the idea of turning what she considered an outdated, misogynistic idea (Barefoot in the kitchen) and turning it on it's head like a role reversal sort of thing. As an extension of that, making me more vulnerable in a sense as a further sign of her domination. 2. She knew I was very self conscious about my feet. They're not ugly or hairy or anything, but I've just always been shy about them. She said this rule would help get over that and force me to confront it. In another unusual role reversal aspect to our marriage, she has a foot fetish and likes both men and women feet. She said she always found mine sexy and this gave her an excuse to be able to look at mine more often.

    I only made one more sexist remark after that, and her punishment that time was far more unique. I wasn't spanked or grounded that time, but afterwards I wished I had been. Maybe I'll share that later.

    - TnP

    1. Wow TnP, that’s some serious discipline for what my wife would have laughed off as a joke. I’ve made a comment one night when she made dinner. I’m the chef in the relationship but I appreciate when she makes it. I came down and she was in her nightgown and barefoot. I of course stated, that’s where women belong barefoot and in the kitchen. We both laughed and got a chuckle out of it. Obviously, your wife’s former husband was hurtful and sexist and that’s a shame. I do admire her no nonsense scolding and spanking that followed. I’m torn on the socks things. I would think if your self conscious about it, than she should be more lenient about your feelings. I do applaud how she corrected you immediately after your comment. It is something my wife does not often enough in our relationship. At times it’s put off a few days.

    2. We're in a little tiff right now because of a sarcastic, joking kind of comment I made. It's hard to predict sometimes how what we think of as a little nothing kind of comment will land.

    3. Yeah…We have a rule against any Misogyny…and there is Zero tolerance for it!

    4. @T: If I'm being honest, her rule regarding me having to be barefoot always at home has indeed helped my shyness in regards to the matter. Made me see my feet with a little more appreciation and not feel so self conscious when others are there and see them. So ultimately, her method worked even if it seemed a tad harsh at the start. She is very strict and stern in many ways, but also very empathetic and supportive and has helped me in several ways. I confess being a smidge jealous that you and your wife are able to joke more openly about such things, but as you correctly pointed out, her past informs her standards now. She doesn't punish me for his mistakes, but makes damn sure I don't repeat any of them or even come close to it. I can respect that.

      - TnP

    5. @Dan: True that. It took me a while to learn the rhythm of that with my wife as I have a more loose, brash sense of humor than she does. To be fair, she has lightened up and learned to accept and even laugh at much of it over the years. The misogyny is a hard line for her, though.

      - TnP

    6. @Jackson: Same here. It is the rule my wife is perhaps most adamant about, in fact. The second time I made a sexist comment was when she was discussing her nephew (Who was a senior in high school at the time) with me. The boy's mother has expressed concerns because he had started painting his nails pink and was getting teased severely over it by his father and friends at school (One of those “Emo” sorts as they were commonly called back then). I was raised in a more traditional, old fashioned setting and said “Well, he is a boy and painting nails is for girls. I can see why his dad is upset about it.”. Earlier that week, I had made a remark about her doing some outdoor work I felt I should be doing as the man while she had me doing what I felt was more feminine chores in the traditional sense. She was already upset about that, but my comment about the nails set it off. She scolded me for “Sexist and outdated thinking”, but told me I wasn't getting spanked or grounded and that she had a better idea.

      We were planning on going on a week-long beach vacation the next week, and a few nights later she called me into the living room. She revealed a hot pink speedo, and much to my horror, she told me not to bother packing any of my swim trunks because that would be the only thing I was allowed to wear on the beach and at the pool. I looked at her dumbfounded and before I could protest any, she pulled out a bottle of hot pink nail polish and told me she was painting my fingernails and my toenails to match it. I was outraged, but she said I deserved to know what it felt like for her nephew. Additionally, since I had complained of feeling too much like “the girl in the relationship”, I might as well live up to it for a brief period. I complained and protested about it, but was told my only other alternative was to be spanked before we left and then grounded to our hotel room for the whole trip. I didn't want to spend the whole vacation cooped up in our room with a red ass, so I complied.

      What resulted was a week of people pointing, laughing, making rude remarks, snapping pictures, being hit on by a couple of gay guys and having to politely inform them my predicament was the result of me “losing a bet to my wife”, etc…. When we got back home, she used acetone to help me take off the nail polish. She said I would never have to wear the speedo again as long as I never made any more misogynistic comments. I promised I wouldn't and told her I was sorry for what I said and understood it from a different perspective by that point. She gave me a hug and a kiss, told me she was proud of me for learning my lesson, and I haven't made the same mistake since.

      - TnP

    7. I'vew done a couple of posts on "whatever it takes" approaches to discipline. Sounds like your wife is a master practitioner of it.

      I always laugh when I see guys on speedos when we're on vacation. I'll now have to think twice about whether it is by choice.

    8. I gotta say, I would be mortified and would have chose to sit in the room for the entire trip. Of course, my wife would be more embarrassed being seen w me; and would never subject herself to that type of torture. Your wife is definitely at the top of the FLR spectrum.

  14. I have been on a vacation with my Wife and so have not commented the last 2 weeks. I will give an update…and comment here about FLR and also about the topic for the week we were on vacation (Can DD help with complex problems?).
    My Wife and I are definitely in an FLR with DD. We have a list of rules and behaviors that if broken or the behaviors are reported or observed spanking happens…usually weekly…I keep a daily log and we review it.
    When I left for vacation I had quite a bad week…mostly caused by over drinking which is punishable by itself, but also resulted in some pretty poor behavior…being dishonest about it, sloppiness, rudeness. I did not get the spanking because my grown up child came to dinner and spent the night…The next night She started spanking while angry and was really laying in to me with a 3 layer thick steel reinforced leather paddle. She had ordered a spanking and I was submitting, but I saw the martinet was in the mix and hid it under the bed while she was still in the bathroom. Big mistake! She noticed and was Livid. She was so disgusted with me She stopped spanking saying It did no good. Instead She refused to go on the trip with me and instead asked that I go alone. I said that I would but did not want to go alone and asked her to please come with me. After a lot of discussion she agreed. We had a great time and there was zero trouble on the trip….but we are home now and the spanking has yet to come….it was going to happen this morning…I was told to finish brushing my teeth and come out and that the Punishment was coming. I came out and She had the implements out and ordered me in to position…I reminded her that I have a full body dermatology exam this afternoon, and so it is postponed. There have been a couple of minor things that have one up these last 2 weeks since my last Real Punishment spanking….but mostly It’s the drinking. Someone posted that complex issues like drinking can be improved with DD, but it has to be taken up a notch. I think the idea of 4 consecutive days of spanking for drinking sounds like it might be pretty effective. I suggested that to Her and fully expected She would balk at it…say no…or even think that I was just trying to get spanked more(She still thinks i like it). I was surprised how quickly She agreed. I think She will follow through…if she does I am going to get it this afternoon, Friday, Saturday and Sunday….I am dreading this, but I do think it will curb me to abiding by her drinking rules, and I need to…they are pretty liberal. She allows an afternoon cocktail, a glass of wine and a finger of whiskey prior to going up to bed. Any more is overdrinking and self reportable or if asked must be reported, and it is usually dealt with on Sunday. If we go to the 4 day in a row sessions…Well I can’t imagine that I would be breaking the Rules!!!

    1. Sounds like an eventful two weeks. I hope you'll keep us posted on the four day approach.

    2. Well….It started this morning…My 4 days of consecutive thrashings for over drinking. It has been about 2 weeks and I have described my poor behavior including early morning drinking(but only twice…improvement due to Her prior efforts), sloppy behavior, Rudeness, dominating conversations, Carelessness and failure to complete tasks properly and timely, but it is the drinking that is calling for the multi-consecutive days of discipline. She came home from her morning appointment and sat at the table on her iPad next to me for about an hour and then She got up and let the dog outside and said…”We better go ahead and take care of your Punishment while she is outside.”
      I nodded and got up and headed upstairs. She started laying in to me with the pickle ball paddle(about 50-60), I couldn’t count. She scolded me horribly in an angry tone. “We are going over to friends tonight and there will be some kind of drinks, you can have 2 and then you will switch to beer or wine. And if I have to nudge you or pinch you…you better Stop what you’re doing, and we are going upstairs when we get home.” And we are having discipline each day for the next 3 days….so I have 3 more just as bad or worse at least. She kept lecturing as She switched to the French Martinet for about 30, then came the leather strap I just ordered from CorrectionConnection…it’s even worse than the 3 layer thick Drinking Paddle which came next…and then the pickle ball paddle again for another 30 or so and She finished with the Drinking Paddle for about another 50….I’m sure it was over 200 and my butt is a mess. I didn’t ever actually cry tears, but I made crying sounds a couple of times. As she started the last 50 or so with the Drinking Paddle I became super calm and stopped crying out and just accepted everything.
      I am truly dreading the next 3 days, and I know how difficult this is for Her too. When it is over and during the 3 days I know that I will 100% abide by Her rules for drinking. She has made it clear that She will continue to do this 4 day thing as long as it takes. I can’t imagine breaking the rules any time close to that 4th spanking, and am hopeful that it will have a permanent effect. I feel Her love for me so strongly right now.

    3. Thanks for the update.

      It's interesting, given my own bingeing issues, that she treats the 2-drink minimum as not including beer and wine. Wine is actually one of the worst things for me when it comes to bingeing. Something about it seems to go straight into my bloodstream, and I totally forget about moderation from that point forward. It sucks because, while I'm primarily a beer drinker, I do like wine and so many of our friends drink it that it's hard not to join in.

    4. Yes…I have often found it interesting how different kinds of alcohol affect different people differently. I used to own a pub so had a unique perspective and opportunity to observe lots of people….She won’t tolerate over indulgence with any of it. She just knows that the hard liquor does seem to sometimes bring out traits that She Does Not care to tolerate. I’ll be especially careful tonight. My ass is sore and I know I have it coming again in the morning…I sure don’t want any more tonight.

    5. The quality of the booze also matters tremendously. In college, I did very bad things when drinking tequila. Today, it's one of my favorite sipping drinks. I'm sure part of the differences is I''m more chill now, but the much bigger factor is I no longer drink the crap I drank in college.

  15. AE here. I think DD can help with significant issues, but like anything, how it’s framed determines its success. Most of these bigger issues are complex, and it’s hard to say that they are fixed at the conceptual level without getting to the habits and steps that add up to make the bigger issue. For example, my husband has health goals he has asked us to incorporate into our rules. I’m not correcting if “be healthier” isn’t met; I’m correcting for missed vitamins and supplements, missed gym sessions, maybe setting a limit on alcohol, etc. By breaking the issue into components, the goals are more straightforward, it is easier for me to determine if there has been a violation, and it is easier for me to correct at that level, which leads to an overall correction of the more significant need to be healthier. If we tried to fix the larger issue as a whole, I think it would be inconsistent and much less effective.

    1. It does seem to be the case that having too much discretion in deciding whether something should be punished can lead to paralysis, especially when the standard at issue is vague. It makes perfect sense to take something broad and vague like "be healthier" and break it down into very concrete inputs. Earlier this year, I had gotten very frustrated not by anything very particular, but for a more general stagnation. I just wasn't getting anything new or interesting done in my life. Over the course of multiple weeks, I came up with some very concrete steps I thought would move things along toward some bigger, more conceptual goals. When I met with Anne about it, she pushed me to define the concrete tasks even more tightly, so there was no question about whether I had or had not done it when we met the next week to check in on progress. It did help me get "unstuck," and she seemed to actually enjoy it, but life got busy and we got out of the habit.

    2. AE said,” I’m not correcting if “be healthier” isn’t met; I’m correcting for missed vitamins and supplements, missed gym sessions, maybe setting a limit on alcohol, etc. By breaking the issue into components.”

      This is an excellent disciplinary strategy and is solid advice for anyone seeking to use discipline to turn big goals into reality. It also fits with much contemporary thinking about achieving long-term objectives. In effect, one needs to figure out the intermediate steps required to reach the big goal -and then concentrate on those intermediate steps one after the other. It must also require great consistency and clear thinking from the disciplinarian. But this is a way to do it if it can be done.

  16. We have a set of rules, which I have referred to before, which are all about my behaviour within the context of our relationship. Disrespect, rudeness, moodiness, accepting her decisions on key matters, not arguing, looking after her well-being, etc. Non of which can be clearly defined but it is always very obvious when a rule has been broken. My wife is very clear on what behaviour she expects and accepts; and she will punish me enthusiastically for breaches. She will occasionally suggest that I have had enough to drink but she will not punish me for drinking, only for behaviour. And so I am responsible / able to drink what I like although we both know that it often increases the chances of poor behavior. Likewise she is interested in my fitness & well-being but to date has refused to include anything other than behaviour that affects her in our rules.

    Does it work? We share a view that it does work although I am probably more convinced than she is. I have had the (very common amongst this group) conversation with her about frequency and consistency in applying discipline. I journal very regularly and I am open in those journals if I feel that she has missed a discipline opportunity. She seems to prefer a long 'session' every ten days or so, rather than dealing with each incident as it arises.

    I know that I usually behave very submissively for a few days after one of those sessions, almost exactly as our rules describe. I also know that my memory fades like the marks and bruises and that within the week I will often be straining at the leash and testing the boundaries which will inevitably lead to some rule breaking, a few days of marital disharmony until she breaks out the strap again. It is a well trodden path which I believe could be broken with some pre-emptive action on her part but as yet I have been unable to convince her. TB

    1. "I also know that my memory fades like the marks and bruises and that within the week I will often be straining at the leash and testing the boundaries which will inevitably lead to some rule breaking, a few days of marital disharmony until she breaks out the strap again."

      I can SO identify with that.


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