
Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Club - Meeting 495 -- FLR-ish? When does domestic discipline become FLR?

“To say that we mutually agree to coercion is not to say that we are required to enjoy it, or even to pretend we enjoy it.” - Garrett Hardin

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.

Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.

Well, it took longer than any year I can recall, but summer seemed to finally capitulate and give way to a real fall.  As I write this, I look out my bedroom window at a grey sky as backdrop for waves of yellow and red trees (with still a little green). When I took the dogs for their morning walk, I had to put on one of my cold weather coats.  Love it!

Unfortunately, I am way, way behind my normal schedule in putting up Halloween yard decorations, since most of them go on the lawn and, until a few days ago, I was still watering and cutting grass.  

Anne continues to convalescence and, since I’ve been more or less homebound, there’s very little to report. Turns out this good behavior stuff leaves me with a lot less to talk about on the blog!  It’s not clear when Anne will realistically be in paddle-wielding form again, but I don’t think it’s too far away.  And, while my recent behavior may not have earned one, I get the sense she’s keeping score of things that have gone unpunished during this little medically-induced break, probably because she's told me so.  I guess we'll be seeing where things stand by Halloween.

As for how I’ve been keeping busy during this break, it’s what led, in part, to this week’s topic and an accompanying request to the group for feedback on the blog’s direction.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have spent hours—way too many to count—going through virtually all my old blog posts since it began in 2013, reviewing and copying “the best” comments on various topics.  Over the 11 year history of these daily gatherings, we’ve had 607 posts (some were “no post this week” notices, though a surprising number of those generated full-blown discussions) and, at last count, 26,963 comments.  I now have only about a full year of comments to go (excluding 2024). So, like I said, it has been a lot of hours.  

I’ll probably give some detailed observations from that review in another post, but one thing in particular jumped out at me.  I knew that in the early days we had more female commenters than we do today, but I’d kind of forgotten just how many more.  Some didn’t stick around that long, but there were quite a few who dropped in from time to time.  

But, what really got my attention reading sequentially all the comments from those Disciplinary Wives was just how into being fully in control many of them were.  Even though I was not focusing on Female Led Relationships (FLRs) per se at that point but, rather, only F/m discipline, many of the female commenters sure were, including many who expressly identified themselves as being in that dynamic. And, even those who didn’t use that label often brought an unmistakably “FLR-ish” vibe, for lack of a better word, to the conversation. 

A few examples:

“A wife may and generally should consult with her husband in setting or readjusting boundaries. But ultimately it is her decision what those boundaries are at any point and her decision when and why a punishment occurs. If he does not understand why he is being punished it is her responsibility to explain it to him. But he must accept her judgement whether he agrees or not.” – Marisa

“My advice for husbands is to accept their punishments with as much grace and dignity as possible and to understand their wife would not be spanking them if she did not love them. A man should not worry whether his wife might spank for this or that nearly as much as he should worry that she might give up on it and stop spanking all together. My advice for wives is decide clearly if you are willing to take on the responsibility of being a disciplinarian ( and it is a responsibility) If you decide to go ahead, go all the way establishing your authority with firmness and consistency. It’s a great lifestyle between a loving couple but it IS a lot of work. - Marisa

“I have zero tolerance for disobedience. What would be the point of a FLR if my husband could choose whether or not to do as he’s told?” – Danielle

“My ideal spanking for my husband has to do with attitude and obedience. Other things like location, his position and the tool or tools I use aren’t very important (although I do like to use a strap and the sound it makes) I want him to submit immediately when I decide a spanking and to be obedient and cooperative through the whole thing.” – Holly

“Our DD is rules based plus, meaning if he breaks a rule or disobeys me his pants come down, end of sentence. The plus part is I decide when it happens and if I say he has broken a rule, he has, no backtalk, no second chances.  Rules based plus just made sense from the beginning. He wanted rules and structure but wanted to choose when to obey and what rules he would follow. He thought it was going to be an erotic game. I straightened him out on that score and a few other things. Along the way I found out things about myself I didn't know and ways to handle him I needed to learn. We have very few disagreements now and these are settled quickly. I sometimes wonder if he would have asked for all this if he had known where it was going. It doesn't really matter because we are not going back.” –  Amy

“Accepting and living in a FLR provides clarity and peace. When I have control of decisions, it is on me. There's no blaming or the inevitable well you just didn't understand my plan when it went wrong. It's a heavy responsibility to try to make the right decision all the time, but at least I have control over it and I can own it. For my husband, it takes much of the decision fatigue of guessing what the right answer might be or waiting for me to get angry when his suggestion doesn't work. This is simple and clean. My choice, my responsibility, his responsibility to follow. The clarity of it is a significant component of why we do this.” – Rhiannon

Note the heavy focus on obedience, as well as on not just the benefits but the responsibilities of taking the lead in a F/m disciplinary relationship.

I probably should not have been surprised.  Like so many before and after me, I came to the whole concept of Domestic Discipline through The Disciplinary Wives Club.  Over the last year, I’ve spent a fair amount of time reviewing not only the website but also the DWC handbooks.  It now leaps out at me, in a way that it didn’t when I first encountered it, just how much Aunt Kay and Jerry leaned on the same “obedience” and “control” themes that those early blog commenters emphasized.  It struck me that, while Kay kept explicitly sexual material out of the DWC materials, that doesn’t mean she wasn’t advocating a very FLR-ish power shift.  There are lots of examples, but here is one that encapsulates her view of the appropriate power dynamic:

“Effective discipline begins well before you ever reach the point of administering a spanking.  It begins with your awareness of your own personal power and your belief that you are indeed the right woman to handle this (which you are).  From now on you expect to be obeyed!

Think about where you are.  Your husband has come to you and asked you to please take over his discipline.  He has empowered you to assume the maternal role and has agreed to take the child role with respect to discipline.  He wants more than anything else for you to be powerful, assertive and in control.  It is a beautiful thing, really.  He is practically begging you to reach into your internal strength, which he correctly senses is in you, and take him to the woodshed when he needs it.  Believe me, not only can you do this, it gets better and better.”

There are other quotes where she makes clear that, while getting the husband's “buy in” to the rules is the ideal, it isn’t strictly necessary.  What is necessary is his unfailing obedience to his wife's determination of what is punishment-worthy and her decisions regarding when, how and how long.

“The definition of a DWC relationship is that the woman’s role involves providing moral and behavioral guidance to the man and invests in her the absolute authority to decide upon and wield punishments accordingly.  The man’s role is to accept this authority and strive to gain benefit from it. 

Discipline is based on mutual understanding about the rules of behavior in the home and what to expect if they are broken.  While you have the authority to set the rules, it all works out best if you discuss them with your husband and allow him to “negotiate” some of the rules, so he does in fact feel responsibility for them too.  When a discipline session is called for, it must always be given.  This is especially true when you are beginning your new journey as a DWC wife.”

As longer-term group members know, I’ve gone back and forth on how much to promote FLR relationships on the blog, versus sticking to something more exclusively focused on the corporal punishment aspects, i.e. spanking, of Domestic Discipline.  It did seem like every time I would move consciously in that direction, the BDSM crowd would descend in droves.

But, the real driving force behind the decision was following Aunt Kay’s lead in trying to make it an inviting place for women, many of whom I knew would be turned off by anything involving stereotypical Femdom.

On the other hand, after sifting through thousands of those older comments, it seems clear to me that several of our most active female commenters were either in self-identified FLRs or in relationships that were very FLR-ish.

It led me to ask myself, have I been drawing the line in the right place?  It got me to wondering how some of our new female commenters think of their relationships, not so much in terms of what specific label they apply but, rather, in terms of the breadth of relationship control they exercise and how much of an “I’m in charge” vibe they bring to the whole thing.

My questioning regarding my past line drawing was somewhat reinforced by the profiles of the women who have been following my writing on Medium.  Many of them also seem to be heavily oriented toward FLRs. But, it’s dicey drawing conclusions from that platform, because so many of my followers are erotica writers (Medium is first and foremost a writing platform) and, hence, there tends to be an emphasis on sexual content in many of the profiles.

It seems like every time the topic of FLRs is raised expressly here, we get into long debates about definitions and defining whether we see our particular relationship is falling squarely in the FLR bucket.  I’d really like to avoid that this time. Instead, here is a list of relationship aspects that seem to me to indicate that the couple is going beyond the narrowest form of DD in which both agree to specific offenses that will punished and also agree to all the major how, when and where aspects.  In other words, I’m focusing on the quality and extent of the wife’s authority.  Further, I’ve added a few things that try to get at the general tone. There is a rough progression in the extent or quality of the authority, as I view it.  

I am very sure some will quibble on whether some items belong on the list and others will point out that I forgot certain factors, which is fine. This is meant to stimulate discussion, not to provide some authoritative checklist. So, here goes:

  1. If the couple have formal rules for what is spankable, she determines whether his behavior qualifies.  He may (or may not) be allowed to state his case, but she makes the decision and can spank even if he objects.
  2. If the couple has rules, she determines in advance what they are.  
  3. She can add a rule around spanking any time, at her sole discretion, but with some discussion in advance.
  4. There are no formal rules. Rather, she has unlimited discretion to determine the “why” when it comes to spanking.
  5. She determines behaviors and habits she expects him to do, not do, or develop and instructs him to do so.  His views may be solicited, but ultimately she decides.
  6. His buy-in on what is spankable is ideal but not necessary.  If she determines he should get spanked for something, he gets spanked.
  7. In addition to the “why,” she determines the “how” and the “when.”
  8. She is verbally stern and feels comfortable giving him instructions on her expectations regarding his behavior.  She is comfortable giving harsh lectures and scolding, including outside the spanking context.
  9. There is a heavy emphasis on obedience, not simply around not breaking rules but also doing what she says and following her directions/orders as they are given.
  10. She decides how openly to display her authority or the existence of the DD relationship. She chooses to add elements to spankings that are designed to humble him or elevate her power.  For example: Hinting or referring to the DD relationship to friends or family. Conducting spankings at a time in place that risks one being overheard.  Bringing in a witness to overhear, see, or participate in a spanking. 
  11. Her decision-making authority extends beyond spanking and disciplinary matters to include broader aspects of the relationship such as financial and spending decisions, parenting decisions, health issues, etc.  While decisions may typically be made jointly, if there is a dispute, she has the final say. 

Like I said, I’m sure people can come up with many other factors to look at and, again, I’m not saying that any of these factors independently determine whether a relationship is or is not an FLR.  I see each as more like a data point indicating that the relationship has aspects that go beyond mere DD.

To reinforce my hope that this doesn’t devolve into another debate about definitions or box labeling, I’m not going to say whether I think Anne and I are in an FLR or to what degree.  Instead, I’ll give a very short overview of where I think we are on some of the aspects identified above.

First, when it comes to decisions around the “why,” “when,” where,” and “how” of spanking discipline, she rules, though we’ve never been that adventurous on any of them.  Regarding the “why”—which I see as the most indicative of her discretion—she can and has punished me for things we never agreed would be spankable. There also have been times she’s given me spankings that were much harder or longer than I thought the offense merited.

Regarding decision-making outside the context of spankings and punishment, it’s a muddier situation. On the “FLR-ish” side, she has done things like telling me when to go to bed or deciding on her own when we will leave a party.  

On a recent trip, she didn’t like that I was speeding and told me that if I got a ticket, I would get a spanking every day that week. 

Now, those were still linked to spanking in that spanking would have been a consequence of contrary decisions on my part. Still she was more or less imposing the rules as she went along and not worrying about whether I agreed.  

On major decisions, there definitely are some areas where I would not defer. For example, a major decision regarding finances. It’s a little theoretical because we haven’t had any real disputes in those areas, but I think it’s fair to say that neither of us see her “tie-breaking” authority to extend into all areas of our relationship.  On the other hand, she has gotten more assertive in making certain decisions that I see as significant, such as deciding we are taking an extensive foreign vacation without asking me for my views about it.

In terms of openly displaying her authority, over the last couple of years she’s gotten less risk-averse when it comes to others knowing. It’s nowhere close to being fully “out” with her authority, but things like spanking in front of an open window in daytime now happen routinely and would not have a few years ago.  Moreover, she didn’t ask for my input on that. Instead, I went to close the window shades at the beginning of a session, and she told me to leave them open.  Full stop.  

Although she hasn’t chosen to tell anyone herself, she has had some open discussions about our DD relationship with a mutual friend who I told, including telling that friend that I would be getting a spanking after I engaged in what Anne saw as domineering conversational behavior at dinner.

Regarding others knowing, she hasn’t told anyone herself. She has hinted at the spanking aspect a couple of times in front of relatives (primarily our daughters), but the hints were pretty vague.  The ebony hairbrush and bath brush are now always on display on our bathroom counter.  (I don’t recall exactly, but I think I started leaving the hairbrush out after a session, and she soon followed by placing the bath brush alongside it.)  We seem to be a long way from anything like a witnessed spanking or open revelations about the details of our DD relationship and, if we were to go in that direction, it very likely would be because of prodding from me.

One problem with any attempt to apply pre-set criteria is that, in my opinion, a lot of the difference between DD and FLR relationships is more qualitative than objective.  It’s a matter of tone and comfort with wielding authority, sometimes sternly. One thing that jumped out at me in the quotes above was the overt insistence on “obedience.”  To me, that goes beyond merely cooperating with her spanking decisions.  It’s about her making a broad range of decisions and expecting them to be carried out, even when he disagrees, including on things that restrict his own autonomy. 

On that factor, I think it’s a mix and kind of a backward one at that. I do think I obey most—though not all—the time when she tells me to do or not do something.  But, she has seldom overtly emphasized “obedience” as an expectation in the way you see in the above quotes. I do see that as perhaps indicating that, if we are in an FLR, it is on the milder end of the spectrum.

What are your thoughts on all this?  Again, I don’t want to get into a bunch of “angels dancing on the heads of pins” definitional debates, but I would be curious to hear whether you see your relationship as something that goes well beyond “mere” DD; something closer to her having real power or authority over you.  Whether yes or no, is her authority and use of it as extensive and open as you want (or think you want)?

I would be particularly interested in hearing from the Disciplinary Wives on how much power they feel they have in the relationship and, as importantly, how much they would like to have. Do you have unlimited authority on the spanking aspects of the relationship? Does your authority extend beyond that? Do you want it to?  Whatever the extent of your authority, are you comfortable with it, or do you want more?

Finally, I’d like to hear perspectives on whether I have been drawing the line around acceptable subject matter in the right place and, if not, where you'd suggest drawing it.  I’m not promising I will change anything, but I would like to get more perspectives, especially since we have several new-ish participants.

Have a great week.


  1. I'm just adding one "discontinuous" comment, at this time.

    Dan, I must compliment you on finding and posting that one photo of the young women wearing the "AC/DC-is" t-shirt.

    You know the one, it reads -- "It's . . MA ' AM" -- Halloween orange/red on grey.

    It's subtle enough that many people might miss its true meaning, but could never be missed by one of us DD-husbands.

    I don't believe I could ever find that in a store or online (yes, I did a Google reverse image search, with no commercial results), BUT I DO HAVE MY OWN SCREEN PRINTER AND ORANGE PLASTISOL INK. I think my wife might be getting a special Halloween present this year!

    1. Yeah, I really like that one and have been looking for an opportunity to use it. I don't recall where I found it, but I don't think it was on a Tumblr or website that was focused on FLR or spanking. It was way more vanilla than that and, as a result, I almost passed over it.

    2. The only copy I found with GIS was for site on fetishizing womens' extremely short "shorts," ones that rode very high on the waist, and also very, VERY high on the hips/ass. (Most buttocks were NOT covered, or barely covered.) RE:

    3. Yeah, I do visit that site every once in a while, so it could have come from there.


  2. I had to split this into two parts. The system said the comments was too long to post I gave this post to my wife to read - as I do occasionally but not often - particularly as I was interested in her reaction to the comments by other women. She broadly agreed with them. Even after both of us read the whole post, we still couldn’t resolve whether we fall into the FLR category though. We make major decisions together, and although we both have areas where we tend to lead (her - financial, me - technology for example) we really haven’t had any cases where we’ve ended up with one of us making a major decision over the objections of the other. You mention foreign vacations, we’ve had some fairly complex ones over the years, we make the broad brush decisions together, then I put together all the details. (My extensive use of spreadsheets for this always creates some mirth but works well.) Looking through and commenting on your numbered list, I’m not sure if my responses move any further towards defining whether we’re FLR though :
    1. “If the couple have formal rules for what is spankable, she determines whether his behavior qualifies.  He may (or may not) be allowed to state his case, but she makes the decision and can spank even if he objects.” Yes, we have a couple of formal rules, although there really isn’t any interpretation on these - very much black or white. Notably speeding tickets, late fees and unnecessary interest charges. These are now very rare events but the consequences are severe.
    2. “If the couple has rules, she determines in advance what they are.” This was probably originally true, but I agreed to them as well. If she wanted to introduce a new formal rule that I didn’t agree with for some reason, I’m not sure where we’d end up.
    3. “She can add a rule around spanking any time, at her sole discretion, but with some discussion in advance.“ Not sure about this. I doubt she’d impose a new formal rule that I disagreed with - but I can’t be sure.
    4. “There are no formal rules. Rather, she has unlimited discretion to determine the “why” when it comes to spanking.”This is definitely true - outside the scope of the formal rules. If she decides something justifies a spanking, then so be it. I won’t argue. However - and we’re coming back to the old assuage of guilt feelings subject here - there have been times where I’ve felt punishment is justified when she may not feel it’s necessary. If I need it to move past something I’ve said or done, she will usually provide it.

  3. 4.
    5. “She determines behaviors and habits she expects him to do, not do, or develop and instructs him to do so.  His views may be solicited, but ultimately she decides.” I wouldn’t say a straight no to this, but it is true only to a very limited extent. There might occasionally be something she asks me to do, followed by a spanking when I’ve failed to do it after three or four asks - but it’s rare
    6. “His buy-in on what is spankable is ideal but not necessary.  If she determines he should get spanked for something, he gets spanked.” I suppose this is potentially true, but I don’t remember any cases where I thought she was being unreasonable in spanking me
    7. “In addition to the “why,” she determines the “how” and the “when.”” Yes
    8. “She is verbally stern and feels comfortable giving him instructions on her expectations regarding his behavior.  She is comfortable giving harsh lectures and scolding, including outside the spanking context.” She is comfortable giving instructions on occasion but we really don’t get into scolding or lectures. Maybe a question at the every of a spanking whether I will be more careful about whatever it was for, but that’s about it. The spanking does the job itself without the need for any verbal reinforcement.
    9. “There is a heavy emphasis on obedience, not simply around not breaking rules but also doing what she says and following her directions/orders as they are given.” This is a tough one. On the rare occasions when she issues an instruction, then after expects me to do it. However, this is not common and even then will likely be couched as a request or suggestion rather than an instruction. The phrase “heavy emphasis on obedience” implies to me a very different kind of relationship, more lifestyle Master (or Mistress) / slave, which I think goes far beyond FLR.
    10. “She decides how openly to display her authority or the existence of the DD relationship. She chooses to add elements to spankings that are designed to humble him or elevate her power.  For example: Hinting or referring to the DD relationship to friends or family. Conducting spankings at a time in place that risks one being overheard.  Bringing in a witness to overhear, see, or participate in a spanking. “ This is an area we haven’t explored. I don’t think she’d make this type of decision without my buy-in - not sure though.
    11. “Her decision-making authority extends beyond spanking and disciplinary matters to include broader aspects of the relationship such as financial and spending decisions, parenting decisions, health issues, etc.  While decisions may typically be made jointly, if there is a dispute, she has the final say. “ No, I don’t think we’ve ever failed to resolve a disagreement on a major decision and I can’t imagine one of us making one over the objections of the other.
    So, are we FLR ? I really don’t know. TG

    1. TG, thanks so much to you (and to your wife) for the very thoughtful and thorough answers.

      I really like the honesty you show in asking for a spanking for the express purpose of assuaging guilt. I've definitely done that in substance, though I probably haven't been as open as you in articulating to her that I'm feeling guilt or personal disappointment about something and am asking her to deal with it. When I do suggest that something should result in a spanking even though she hasn't called it out, it tends to be in a journal entry, instead of face-to-face. There are pros and cons to that. The pro is that I tend to be more expressive and open in the journal. On the other hand, it probably is a way of leaving the door open to delay or avoidance, since there's never any way to tell how long it will take her to read it or how likely she is to act on it. I do think she would act on it if the journal outright asked but, instead, it tends to be phrased more as a suggestion.

    2. There have been one or two occasions where I have chosen to put something down on paper because I needed to communicate something that was just too complex and I had to get my thoughts in order, but we don’t journal or anything like that. TG

    3. Understood. It sounds like you're exceptionally good at owning up to things face-to-face.

      One advantage I find with journaling is that sometimes just the act of writing helps me process and articulate something that I was feeling but couldn't put words to or get to the essence or cause of.

    4. I don't do journaling, but I definitely like to write things down; it really helps me to get my thoughts together. Also, one thing that I am not sure if I ever shared here or not is actually part of my origin story. My wife and I had been dating for several months, and I had already shared about my desire for spanking, etc. But I had written a quite long (4 pages) essay of sorts that I called "A disciplined life," where I layed out how I really lack self discipline, all the negative ways that had affected throughout my life, and how DD could help me to lead a more disciplined life.

      One night, it was very foggy, so we turned back from taking her home to the town in which she was living, as driving was simply too dangerous. We ended up sitting in a quiet corner of a restaurant, and I read her the whole thing, word for word. Considering how nervous (or maybe triggered I get) when talking about anything like this, there is simply no way I could have articulated it nearly as well had I not been merely reading word for word what I had written before.

      I think for me, there might be something to be explored on whether writing things to her about this might work well for me.


  4. Very good timing as I have just presented our re-written rules to my wife which are more 'flr' than the previous set including the words 'obedienece' and 'leader'. These go further than I have previously documented and she took the time to go through them line by line (there are 14 rules) during an overdue spanking on Friday, When I say 'go through' I mean that she read each rule out loud and decided there and then whether I had transgressed, wielding the strap as she deemed appropriate before stopping to move on to the next rule. That turned out to be easily the longest spanking session ever as she seemed to find 'evidence' that I had failed almost all the rules.

    We have fairly clear divisions of duties in our house along traditional lines - I look after the finances (although she makes or approves any major spend), she runs the house, agrees or vetos any going out, holidays or other activities that we do either together or individually. It has been that way since we got together except when I disagree which generally results in a disagreement eventually resolved in her favour and since we started DD often some punitive action ...

    She is definitely capable of being 'stern' and making her displeasure clear. I am expected to journal on a regular basis and to be open and honest in that journal. I will occasionally request a spanking in that journal if I feel that it is deserved or overdue. Those requests are rarely (never?) a surprise to her but although she will acknowledge she may take her time in delivering against the request.

    She decides when, how, how long and punishment will take place. She has taken me by surprise on a number of occasions deciding to spank when I did not anticipate of feel that I had done anything to justify. She will always explain why and I will normally end up agreeing with the decision. Which means that the rules are more a guidance rather than 'hard and fast' from her perspective. Basically if she wants to spank she will but I can recall no instance of abuse of that power.

    So in summary we are probably more leaning towards 'FLR' including DD rather than just DD but crucially it doesn't feel unnatural or a burden to either of us. TB

    1. TB, with your new emphasis on things like "obedience," do you feel like it's something she really embraces? In the quotes from our prior female commenters, something that jumped out at me around "obedience" was just how insistent *they* were about it. It wasn't something their husband was bringing to them and asking for. Rather, it was something they saw as part and parcel of the relationship and that they apparently were very quick to enforce.

  5. For both TB and TG, any thoughts on whether I've been drawing the line in the right place regarding FLR topics on the blog?

    1. I honestly struggle to see much distinction between a DD relationship and an FLR. If the husband agrees to bend over for a beating at the command of his wife then as far as I can see, she is in charge and the relationship is FLR. There is clearly a 'spectrum' and different couples may be at different places on that spectrum. I do draw a distinction between 'FemDom' and FLR, the former (for me) seems to be much more 'scene' based & sexual whereas the latter (for me) is much more every day, reality-based with discipline at its core. I think that the line should be between FLR/DD and FemDom, if that makes sense? TB

    2. TB, I do understand what you're saying, and I kind of agree. I know that's very equivocal, but I've always been of two minds on this. Honestly, I've never been wild about "FLR" as a label, because the "F" part still kind of smacks of Femdom. I sort of prefer Wife Led Marriage, as I think it emphasizes that there is a domestic relationship, and one specific party (versus one sex) leads it. But, the term has never really caught on, so I've just gone with FLR. We often describe there being a spectrum between DD and FLR, but I do wonder sometimes whether that's even true. It's more like a Venn diagram, with DD and Femdom as the primary ovals that overlap in some areas for some people. Though, that's kind of counter to what you're saying. And, I do get your point that if one party is responding to commands from the other and letting themselves be given a hard spanking/paddling/strapping, then there IS a power shifting dynamic in place, regardless of what we call it.

      Of course, the difficulty of agreeing on all this spectrum, diagramming and bucketing of concepts is why for this round I tried to stay away from definitions entirely and just look at what the criteria might be that point to a real power shifting relationship.

      I do agree 100% that Femdom is defined in part by the whole "scene" thing and the theatrics that accompany it. I've always liked the "They do scenes, we do real life" slogan for distinguishing between them. It's a little pejorative for sure, but I still think it's accurate.

    3. Dan:

      I do understand both your own and TB's position on this.

      From my own perspective, a Wife Lead Marriage can cover a wide range of situations in which the wife actually leads, sometimes a very small number or such situation. Yet, it might still be considered a "full blown" WFL, even with such small or even minimal leadership.

      To me, the defining characteristic goes back to a matter that we have all long discussed here in the forum:

      If the the husband and wife agreed, has the husband extended to the wife, the authority to administer DD FOR ANY REASON.

      Once a wife has that authority, it is entirely her discretion where how she wants to use that power to take the relationship wherever she wants.

      If a wife has an absolute right to ENFORCE any decision she makes, she also has the power to decide and lead in any area she chooses.

      How much the relationship "appears" to be a WLM at any point in time is the question. Not whether the wife has the authority and DISCRETION to lead in any area, for any reason, at any time. (Isn't that what we really mean when we used the "catchphrase": "Discipline the husband anywhere, at any time for any reason"?)

    4. Donn, I sort of agree, but with one potentially big caveat. I think it's true that an FLR hinges on the extent of her authority, I think it's still not one unless she is actually EXERCISING it in significant ways. Your comment references the couple "agreeing" that she is "authorized" to use discipline for any reason, and that she has the "right" and the "power" to lead, but I still don't think that really adds up to an FLR unless she goes beyond the mere "right" to enforce but actually does so, and does in ways that go beyond merely punishing for whatever the two parties have expressly agreed can be punished.

      In other words, it seems to me that your criteria focuses exclusively on her discretion, while mine focuses on how, and more so whether, she actually uses it.


    5. I’m not sure whether you’re asking about where to draw the line from a definition point of view or an acceptability one. If the latter Dan, then I think it’s very much your choice - it’s your blog after all - and if people don’t like it they’re not forced to hang around. Obviously if there are enough people who don’t like it, then you’ll lose contributors - but I don’t see that happening, as far as I can see everyone is very happy with this blog and there way you run it. I guess we each have our “don’t-go-there” points, for me it’s any equating of Fm DD to anything maternal. Looking at the dividing line from a definition point of view is a very different question, and I think very much what this week’s discussion is about. Our relationship certainly has parallels both to yours Dan and to Al’s, and probably others as well, and reading the various comments, I wonder if maybe it’s not a dividing line at all, but that DD is actually a component of FLR. There’s been brief mention of FemDom but I would suggest that this is a completely different thing. I’d say that is a type of BDSM play that is session-based, whereas FLR and DD is a lifestyle. I think it’s possible to argue that a real FemDom relationship that is a continuous lifestyle rather than session-based is pretty much a master (mistress) / slave relationship. I’ve seen the occasional comment that suggests there may be one or two contributors here who are happily in that type of relationship, but that’s coincidental. I don’t think that there’s anyone here who believes that this is an appropriate forum for FemDom or M/s discussion. Sorry that this is a bit rambling, but I guess it’s kinda stream of consciousness - my thoughts were developing as I typed. Anyway, I guess where I’ve ended up is to suggest that DD is a component of an FLR. However, there may be FLRs where DD is the only component in use, and it is also possible to have an FLR where DD is not an active component. I guess after the conversation a couple of weeks ago, for some people the use of strap-ons as a disciplinary tool can also be an FLR component, although not one that I would be comfortable with. Bottom line : I would suggest that FLR is an overall term for a group of relationships where DD may be a component. TG

    6. It was more the latter, i.e. what people are comfortable with. It may be my blog, but ultimately I would just be talking into the wind without old and new commenters. Though, oddly, when I started it (there was a predecessor that was more like an on-line journal, which I took down after a few months), I really was just alking into the ether and thought it fairly likely no one would discover it at all.

    7. In that case, I think you’re on solid ground. Each week you curate a lively discussion with a range of contributors. If you were putting the acceptability line in the wrong place, this would be fading, which it clearly isn’t. TG

    8. Sort of. I agree the discussion has stayed lively, but readership has faded. It peaked in 2020 at about 50,000 daily views but now is around 30,000. Also, as the post says, there definitely was a time when it was attracting more fairly regular female commenters.

    9. Ah. Well I’m afraid I don’t really have any suggestions. I was really happy when I discovered this blog - I guess probably nearly three years ago now - as I was happily in this lifestyle but since the demise of the DWC I had never had the opportunity to come into contract with others of like mind. I enjoy the discourse - some weeks more than others - but for me it’s a variable resource just by existing and being maintained. I agree that more female comments make it even better, but I for one am grateful it exists at all. Ten thousand daily views or a hundred thousand - it’s valuable, I’m sure I speak for many here when I say it has real value. Keep up the stirling work. TG

    10. Thanks for the good words. Honestly, although I do care about attracting more (real) female commenters, I don't care about getting large number of viewers who mostly lurk. Or, even large number of commenters if many aren't thoughtful and really interested in having a real conversation. I do wish there was a way to have a tighter, more "real time" forum for connecting with the small number of real contributors. Something much more like the DWC in those aspects of it that were like a real club. But, people (including me for a very long time -- so I'm definitely not criticizing) are so hung up on anonymity, it's hard. And, unfortunately, it is the case that some of the bigger platforms have proven time and again they can't be trusted where privacy is concerned. For example, I use Facebook's "Groups" function a lot for a handful of hobbies and political interests. For that kind of stuff, it's a fantastic platform. But, it also makes it virtually impossible to participate using a pseudonym, and it's record of respecting even its own stated privacy policies is egregiously bad.

    11. Yes, I agree, anonymity is important and I wouldn’t trust FB groups. We discovered the DWC a little too late but I know they did have real-life get togethers, so I guess they overcame this somehow. I’m not an expert on websites but I’d guess that since they were a website themselves rather than a user on FB, they presumably were better able to ensure the privacy of their members, even if the members knew each other. My read of the contributors here is that they would probably not find that loss of anonymity acceptable - even within the group. I also agree with you that getting contributions from some of the wives / partners is welcome. TG

    12. I think many in the DWC started out more open than most of us here. Jerry/Tomy has recounted that his first real date with who became Aunt Kay was taking her to a Shadow Lane spanking party. And, at least some of the women featured in the videos were already in that community. For example, Dana Specht was in at least one of them, and she's a well known F/m spanking personality. I've never understood the timeline all that well, but I expect it started with some people who were already fairly open, and built from there. At one point, Jerry/Tomy sent me a draft that Kay must have been working on entitled "History of the Disciplinary Wives Club." Unfortunately, it was pretty light on detail around how it really got kicked off.

    13. My wife went to one of those Shadow Lane parties before we met, I never went to one. We did regularly go to a local group called Scarlett Moons though, this was twenty years ago or more and at least initially pre-dated our transition into true DD. Curiously, my wife ran into an ex-co-worker there, much to both their surprise. TG

    14. They've restarted them recently, but I've read that the vibe is very different than it was back in the DWC days. In any case, the spanking party scene doesn't hold much interest for me. Something much smaller, like the DWC apparently had going for a while, might work. Though, as soon as it gets out of the 1:1 couple context, it starts feeling like a party to me, versus real punishment/accountability, etc., which doesn't do much for me.

    15. There were a couple of small DWC get togethers in which a handful of "vetted" DWC couples got together for the weekend for discussion and spanking. We had members from all over in the group (I recall a couple from Australia that was one of those rare situations in which the wife had insisted on the lifestyle) - so the get togethers required travel for most of those who attended. I recall the "reports" from these events but doubt they are still around. Although we were active in the DWC (I assisted with the Yahoo group some) and talked on the phone with Kay a number of times, we were not able to attend the live events. We did, however, have a standing invitation to visit Kay and Jerry in California for dinner and a spanking (which was a scary proposition - as, by all accounts, Kay's spankings were indeed very much "an event to remember") - but never had the opportunity. --al

    16. Al, you obviously found it a little earlier than we did. I remember reading the reports of their - then - recent get-together and putting our name down for the next one, but it never happened. TG.

    17. In going through all the old blog posts, I found a comment from Tomy that described a get-together in which there were seven or eight couples, and each husband was supposed to come armed with a short written statement of something he wanted to work on or something he was feeling guilt about or a need to feel accountable for. Kay then assigned each husband to a wife (not his own), and they were taken into separate rooms and spanked. He described it as "powerful." The whole game/play aspect of DD group events has always turned me off, but something about that one actually got my attention in a good way. I'm trying to figure out a good blog topic related to it.

      As for opportunities missed, a few months ago Tomy was in a reflective mood and told me (not the first time) how much he wished we would have gotten together with them when the DWC was around. I said something like, "Me too, though part of can't help thinking I dodged a bullet given how that might have ended. He responded with something like, "No 'might' to it, buddy. It would have."

    18. Dan: Everything I've ever heard, or read, about Aunt Kay was that she was a "real terror" with her hairbrush or strap. Definitely created many "events to remember," almost always with tears and crying.

      In you conversations with Tomy, past, or possibly future, does Tomy have any insights into how Aunt Kay was so effective? How she seemed to so consistently create so many memorable events with tears?

    19. Donn, he hasn't really talked that much about tears, and I think he was not one who cried on a regular basis. Honestly, even though crying was a HUGE part of the attraction I felt to the DWC, it's one of two elements that I think were massively over-hyped, the other being the woman initiating the DD relationship.

    20. From above, Dan said: "I think it's true that an FLR hinges on the extent of her authority, I think it's still not one unless she is actually EXERCISING it in significant ways. Your comment references the couple 'agreeing' that she is 'authorized' to use discipline for any reason, and that she has the 'right' and the 'power' to lead, but I still don't think that really adds up to an FLR unless she goes beyond the mere 'right' to enforce but actually does so, and does in ways that go beyond merely punishing for whatever the two parties have expressly agreed can be punished." - This pretty well captures the essence of where my wife and I are at. She has the authority, but she hasn't chosen to exercise it all that often or to expand the scope of where she exercises her authority, at least yet.

      Regarding what Dan sad about the DWC group gathering where wives were assigned different wives to spank them, I think that much of the reason that resonates and seems less like a spanking game is 1) the husbands were all already spanked husbands, 2) the wives were all disciplinary wives, and 3) the husbands came with real reasons that they needed discipline. So it apparently had all the authenticity that we all seem to desire, even though the husbands were being spanked by someone else's wife. Now that I am thinking about it... wow!

      And about tears, Tomy might not have been one who cried on a regular basis and may not have talked much about tears, but Aunt Kay seemed quite open to talking about tears being a good sign that the wife was getting through to the husband and not so much a reason to stop the spanking.


  6. I think of FLR as the wife being in charge of virtually everything in the marriage and making just about all decisions. What we have is very different from that. I make many decisions because they are traditionally the man's province or in an area I'm expert on, though not without her knowledge and approval. And my opinion is asked when she is deciding. However, she has right to spank and in fact this was her idea and something she thought important. Given that she has that authority and doesn't hesitate to exercise, you might say we have a tilt towards FLR.

    1. It's interesting the extent to which some do see FLR as so all-encompassing on decision making. Until probably the 1960s, men were viewed as the head of most households, yet I'm sure the proportion of those making *all* the decisions, or even most of them unilaterally, was probably pretty small.

  7. I do think we have an FLR she may or may not ask for input when making decisions and she has paddled me for questioning her decisions. We don't have formal rules around what is a spankable offense. She has used her go to time out in the corner as an alternative when she is not in the mood to spank me. She woke me up this morning over something she deemed to be urgent but I yelled at her for waking me, so tonight I have been told I will be getting a spanking for acting like a child and I will also be put in the corner. She is in charge I don't get to decide what is urgent. It's was a disobedient attitude that got me in trouble. I am expected to be submissive and respectful to her all the time and if she deems I am being anything other than submissive and respectful she will decide when where and how to deal with it.

  8. I’ve been out of town for several days and was not able to join the group last week, but I do look forward to reading that discussion.

    In posting to various F/M DD (DWC) forums over the last couple of decades, I’ve always stated that while we are definitely a DWC couple (we were actual members back in the day), that we are not a FLR couple per se – that, except for DD, we were a typical “modern American equal-partnership” style marriage. And this is still true in general. We each have responsibilities and chores that suit our aptitudes and interests. I handle the bills because I’m a numbers guy – and I’m good at it. She cooks because she enjoys cooking – and is good at it. I do the dishes and the laundry. We split other cleaning chores. I do some yard work, but we have a yard guy also. Unlike some FLR marriages that I’ve read about, she does not assign me chores or give me orders per se. Although if she asks me (or tells me) to take care of something, I do make it a point to do it – our of respect for her as my partner – but also out of respect for her as a disciplinarian.

    When it comes to major decisions, our policy is to come to a unanimous decision – so we each effectively have a veto when it comes to a major optional decision. If it is a “must make” decision, we “argue it out” until we figure it out – we are both well educated professionals who had successful careers. So, from that aspect, we not truly a FLR marriage – neither of us is “the boss”.

    However, she is very much the boss when it comes to marital discipline, and setting standards for appropriate behavior – especially in regard to behavior around others. And, in looking at Dan’s list of items that might indicate an FLR marriage, we pretty much check all the boxes. From the very start of our DWC journey, we agreed that she would have complete control in regard to marital discipline. So – in the disciplinary aspect – it seems we would be an FLR marriage (although, again, perhaps not in the broader sense).

    I will also add that anyone that knows us – family and friends – would conclude that I am undoubtedly deferential to Susan, almost certainly more so than the “average husband”. And – those who have known us well for decades would probably have noticed a shift in the amount of deference that I give her at a certain point in our marriage. And – even though we are an equal-partnership in most aspects of our marriage – I have know doubt that our friends and family all believe that she is “the boss” because of the obvious deference that I give her.

    I do agree that it might broaden the appeal of the Blog to include more expansive discussions that go beyond “basic” F/M DD and that might include FLR discussions (and almost necessarily the certain amount of Femdom that often comes with that). The “risk” – as Dan has noted – is a shift in focus to “fetish-oriented femdom” instead of relationship-oriented DWC-style F/M DD and “loving” FLR’s.


    1. "fetish-oriented femdom” instead of relationship-oriented DWC-style F/M DD and “loving” FLR’s." That's a great way to describe the distinction.

    2. Al wrote: “However, she is very much the boss when it comes to marital discipline, and setting standards for appropriate behavior – especially in regard to behavior around others.”

      That nails it for us, almost in detail, including the caveat for # 11 (although most of my yard work is in our hammock). This full partnership with marital discipline carved out for her is a natural flow for us. In principle, her disciplinary authority could move it much further along the FLR continuum, but she doesn’t want that. Every couple seems to decide where they want to be along that continuum. Al’s model must fit many others.

    3. "In principle, her disciplinary authority could move it much further along the FLR continuum, but she doesn’t want that." Alan, that's kind of what I was getting at in my comment to Donn, above.

  9. In re-reading Dan's list, I will amend my post above to say that we "check all the boxes" - **except** - for number 11. (I didn't read that one carefully enough - but it does not generally apply to our situation). Nevertheless, in the disciplinary aspect, we do meet the other 10 points so are possibly closer to being FLR than I have stated in the past - but, again, not in the broader sense. --al

    1. Al, overall yours does sound a lot like mine, especially the point about most big decisions being made jointly because you are both well-educated professionals with strong career experience. It really wouldn't make sense for most decisions to be made by one party in that situation.

      I get what you mean about "in the broader sense." Of the factors I listed, 8 through 10 all sort of relate to the general tone of the relationship, but maybe they are still too specific, because I think there in a general sense the relationship is an FLR if it has the "tone" of one, which is driven a lot by her demeanor. You can check most of the boxes, yet it might still not feel like an FLR if that overall tone was missing. It's hard to articulate, and probably why some of us might check very similar boxes and yet come to different conclusions about whether we are in an FLR.

    2. We seem to fit into the same catagory as al describes. Number 11, for me, is what separates a DD relationship from a FLR. Regardless of everything else, such as how strict she is, most of us are with women who have the authority to spank for any reason, whenever they decide to. There are certain rules that are absolutely spankable offenses, but she doesn't need me to break a rule to order a spanking. It might be because I have been stressed out, or she might want to remind me of her authority. We both know I will comply, so there is no discussion.

  10. We do not have a “list of formal rules”.
    I am generally punished for poor attitude, disrespect, and my stubbornness. My wife has never felt the need to add new rules. She has unlimited discretion to spank for any reason. I told her I would never refuse to bend over for a thrashing, even if I thought it was unfair. I have generally good habits and assist in all household chores. I’ve never been the type to leave the seat up, clothes on the floor,
    dishes in the sink, ect. I do not try to talk my way out of a thrashing. I actually feel at times she should be much quicker to administer one. My wife does not order me around but will make it clear when she needs a task completed. I oblige because it favors both of us a majority of the time. She has been verbally stern and has gotten much better about scolding, but also hates to nag. She scolds and spanks privately and there is no correction in front of others, with a few exceptions on vacation. She does not require me to obey and only her best friend knows she thrashes me. It rarely comes up in their conversations and no one inside
    our circle knows. As far as finances and decisions. I handle the finances.
    Im a numbers guy and she could care less. We handle the chores together.
    I cook because I have a passion for it.. We do not have an FLR and are strictly DD. Ive stated before that I could have benefited from an FLR in my mid 20’s. I cannot see ever being in one now and my wife has zero desire to lead that type of lifestyle. I do enjoy hearing about the FLR relationships and the dynamics that go into one. I just think that they are so few and far between. It takes a major commitment on both parts to make it work. I agree with Donn that some things should be handled by the man and others by the wife or better half. The femdom thing is a complete turn off for me and i would hope that by opening up discussions about FLR, the Femdomers would stay away. This blog is not about that and I wouldn't want it tainted so to speak. You've done great work here.

    1. Thanks, T. I agree with you on Femdom being a turn off. Assuming DD and FLR are on the same spectrum as Femdom (see my discussion with TB above - I'm not sure they actually are), there is some line between FLR and Femdom. I may not be able to articulate it, but I know it's there, and you won't see any substantial part of it on the blog. To be clear, I have zero problem with people who are into it, but there are plenty of blogs/Tumblrs, etc. serving that community.

  11. I am not certain I understand the distinction between a DD and FLR. Long before either of us had any idea that there were specific terms for arrangements where the wife dispensed discipline. Many years ago I created a list of his responsibilities and made it clear there would be consequences if he was inconsiderate or lacking in effort. He had a very hard time acknowledging his response to the strapping my mother gave him, and was fearful I would ridicule or embarrass him about being put in his place by a woman. Early on the spankings were frequent but over the years he has tried to be respectful and is very accommodating. Coming from a time and place where it was common to make comments about women’s bodies and generally condescending sexist comments occasionally he still violates my rules. He manages our finances but needs my approval to spend, is this a DD or FLR? Years ago I established that an offense that warrants a spanking would never involve sexual gratification. Nearly all spankings are preceded by me watching him pleasure himself as spankings after coming are no fun. No connection between punishment and sex. There are still some occasions where I spank him for bad attitude or my frustration. More than four decades into this, , is it a DD or FLR ?

    1. Thankfully, absolutely nothing that matters hangs on putting yourself in the right box. Particularly the line about spending requiring your approval suggests to me it is at least FLR-ish, but in the end it's all in the eye of the beholder.

    2. Miss C, I would say that if my wife and I have a tilt toward FLR, you tilt considerably farther than we do. Punishment often leads to lovemaking, not immediately but later the same day. A spanking leaves me feeling very much at peace, and her feeling energized and pleased.

  12. My wife and I are finally taking real steps into this lifestyle I have desperately wanted. I et a maintenance almost once a week. However, the other day, I refused to take a spanking that I disagreed with, I felt it was unfair, not only that but I was afraid of the pain. We were at an impasse. We discussed it later and I said that it was really up to her from now on. Still, I hope I can live up to my words.

    1. I totally get not wanting to cooperate, especially when you feel one would be unfair. But, I'll also say that if you do, in fact, desperately want this lifestyle, you kind of have to figure out a way to be very cooperative in the early stages. It's very easy to undermine a newbie Disciplinary Wife who is trying to give you what you want, to the point that she drops the whole thing.

    2. David, All relationships should rely on mutual “general” consent, especially a domestic discipline (DD) relationship with corporal punishment (CP), whether maledom or femdom. Then you get into the thorny issue of “specific” consent, i.e., does the consent for each specific incidence of DD need to be bilateral or just unilateral?

      I think plenty of DD relationships do require bilateral consent for each and every disciplinary session, and they seem to work pretty well. However, I also believe the gold standard is when the disciplinarian is the sole decision maker as to when, where, how and WHY each discipline session takes place (but with lots of previous discussion as to what these parameters are - we can differ on whether the female can impose her will as to making any specific rule). Basically, if a DD home was like the 3 branches of government, the female and male would make the rules (legislative), but the female would adjudicate the rules (judicial) and administer all punishment (executive). Right now it sort of sounds like you are your own disciplinarian, but have designated your wife to administer your punishment when you require it.

      As you said in your post:

      “However, the other day, I refused to take a spanking that I disagreed with, I felt it was unfair, not only that but I was afraid of the pain.”

      If you want to take this to the next level where your wife has both the authority AND ability to discipline you as she sees fit, then there are 3 ways to overcome your resistance/refusal:

      1) Suspend DD for a specific amount of time (3 mo, 6 mo, 1 yr) - usually it is the man who asked for this arrangement and the prospect of suspending it may make him more compliant. However, this is my least favorite of the 3 methods because it could result in a moratorium on much needed discipline.

      2) The woman can assign additional punishments for non compliance when the male later agrees to accept his initial punishment, such as a second spanking (the next day), a position or instrument that he really loathes, a post orgasm spanking, extended grounding, etc. Since it is mostly the male that initiates a DD regime, he will usually consent to his discipline eventually. My only problem with this approach is that “Discipline Delayed is Discipline Denied”. I believe the gold standard for DD is that the female should be able to “Strike When the Paddle is Hot”. I think that scenario is the most beneficial to both the male and the female.

      3) Physical Restraints - this is not about bondage per se, but is the one way to neutralize the male’s superior upper body strength. It is a way to turn a grown man into an overgrown 10 year old boy and greatly reduce his ability to resist/refuse his punishment, even for an OTK session. This presumes that the male will either put the restraints on himself or at least not prevent the woman from installing them. I recommend police grade metal handcuffs, but with a shoulder width chain between the wrists. This actually makes it easier on the female to put them on the male and the chain provides her a “leash”.

      I suggest you talk with your wife and give at least 1 of the 3 above a try for 6 months or so.

    3. As a political fanatic, I love that "branches of government" analogy.

      I see the same problem you do with option 1, but it could end up being worse than a moratorium. These relationships can be so fragile in the beginning that a 6 month break could easily end up with the dynamic fizzling out permanently. We experimented with restraints for a while; not because I ever refused to comply but because I thought it might help me "surrender" more deeply, knowing that I couldn't successfully resist. But, it didn't seem to have the psychological impact I thought it would, plus it added a layer of preparation on top of what already seemed like too much. Our consistency went up when we made things as simple as possible.

  13. Hello again to everyone. This is a very interesting topic, I have thought about it a lot myself. If I read your post, our relationship is more DD than FLR because spanking is only used to change my behavior or bad manners or to control my tantrums. We have some specific rules, the violation of which is always followed by very painful post-orgasm spanking. Then we have a series of rules of conduct that I am expected to adhere to or spanking follows as well. And then we use spanking to achieve certain goals of mine, right now it's weight loss. It's a goal I've set for myself, and my wife just helps me stay focused. We do have an agreement that she can use spanking to discipline me whenever she feels it's necessary or useful, but I have to admit that, fortunately or unfortunately, she hasn't fully discovered that power for herself yet. In our everyday life, however, we are equal spouses, partners and parents who make all major decisions together and thoughtfully. The difference between before and now is that I am more accepting of her decisions and I don't get angry or offended so easily when I disagree. This was real life now. In my fantasy, however, I rather imagine our relationship as more of a FLR, where my wife would have more power and decision-making rights, and she would also stand up for her views more firmly and strictly. But maybe that's delusional and I'd just need a much stricter DD relationship because I don't really want to give up the day-to-day decision making on all things. I myself have just had the impression that women are more powerful when it comes to FLR.

    This may be a bit off topic or a completely different topic, but for the last six months I have been thinking about whether there will be a limit somewhere that I don't want to go beyond. Either punishing or directing your wife to be more specific, strict, consistent can lead you to a point where you start to regret it. A place where reality completely takes over fantasy? As I already wrote in an earlier post, this DD relationship is a completely new concept for us and we have been practicing it for a little over 2 years. At the moment, I just feel like I can't get enough of it, and the fantasy is constantly forcing me to try something more. Everyone has probably been at this point at some point. I sometimes wonder if her punishments are not painful enough and memorable enough that after a week, sometimes even earlier, I will be waiting for the next one again? Or if she really reacted to everything immediately and strictly, would that change the situation? However, every time this situation arrives or becomes a reality, I dread it like hell. But maybe that’s just the peculiarity of this fetish?

    1. Hi P.P.

      "We do have an agreement that she can use spanking to discipline me whenever she feels it's necessary or useful, but I have to admit that, fortunately or unfortunately, she hasn't fully discovered that power for herself yet." This can take a long time. Hell, we've been at this for 20+ years, and I think it's only in the last two that I can say she seems to really be getting a sense for her own power.

      Regarding whether you may reach a limit at some point where it feels like too much, I can try to do a full topic on it in the future. I have done something like it a time or two. The short answer for me is, with respect to DD and being spanked for bad behavior, attitude, etc., I've never really reached a point where it is too much. But, we also haven't ever had a period like some have where she is super strict and you feel like you are getting it constantly. Where there have been times that it felt like "too much" is when she was amping things up more on what I consider more the FLR side. Taking control of me when I wanted to stay up late, having a nightcap or three and watching movies. Scolding very strongly (and later spanking) when she thought I was being too domineering during a dinner conversation with friends, when I didn't really see a problem and felt like she was trying to control how I communicate, which is close to an identity-defining thing for me. I've definitely experienced days or even weeks of resentment and second-thoughts about how far I really want to take the FLR aspects. But, although in some instances it took a while, I tend to come back around to the view that, for us, the problem--20+ years after we started--still is her exercising too little control or too inconsistent control.

    2. The reality for 99% of the guys who want/need DD/FLR and are lucky enough to actually be in a relationship is that usually our wives don't exercise their authority often enough, consistently enough, or harshly - for lack of a better word - enough.

      At the same time, the most common fantasy that I have seen over the years with regard to DD, and one that we have talked about here from time to time, is the woman taking it far, far beyond what the guy was wanting or expecting.

      And this is where I find myself most of the time, wishing she would take things much further, not only as far as I want her to take them, but even beyond, and yet also wondering just how I would feel if she actually did that.


    3. That's definitely the big irony. If she takes it as far as we think we want, we'll probably find we don't want it. At least not at the time.

  14. (1) If the couple have formal rules for what is spankble, she determines whether his behavior qualifies. He may (or may not) be allowed to state his case, but she makes the decision and can spank even if he objects.

    I am required to comply with rules, under penalty of punishment, in many areas of our life. My wife has absolute discretion and authority to determine when such a rule has been broken, either "technically" or "in spirit." She always allows me some opportunity to assert there was not a violation, or that the violation was in furtherance of something more important. Depending upon the importance of the rule, my wife may allow more or less time for me to make my case; for less important violations, I am often stopped-short -- allowed little comment. She will spank based upon her final decision. Any "objection," beyond my polite assertions (above) she considers "back-talk" or "insubordination," bringing additional, separate punishment.

    (2) If the couple has rules, she determines in advance what they are. She can add a rule around spanking any time, at her sole discretion, but with some discussion in advance.

    My wife can add a punishable offense, detailed in a "rule," at any time without any discussion. She most often will discuss with me why she has created a rule, and I am allowed to make suggestions for modifications or specific circumstances. However, while she may make a modification, I can't recall her ever "revoking" a rule after creation. (Early in our DD relationship, my wife came to me occasionally with "proposed rules" that she wanted to discuss and work out with me "in advance." That period was short-lived -- there are no longer any "in advance discussion" for new rules.)

    (3) There are no formal rules. Rather, she has unlimited discretion to determine the “why” when it comes to spanking.

    Yes, my wife has practically unlimited discretion to determine "why" I might be punished, irregardless of whether a specific "formal rule" covers the matter This was an early mutual decision we both thought would benefit to discipline, by ensuring there were no arguments (after a violation) if there had really been misconduct. As my wife has stated, her discretion in this is "kind of a rule" - the "rule" that is regularly applied to growing boys and adolescents -- the boy knows he's violated an implicit/unstated rule or standard when he hears: "What the hell were you thinking about; you should have known that was unacceptable! Bend over!"

    (4) She determines behaviors and habits she expects him to do, not do, or develop and instructs him to do so. His views may be solicited, but ultimately she decides.

    Yes, the "formal" and the "unstated" rules as described above apply to both my specific negative misconduct and any failure on my part to engage in specific positive conduct or behavior, depending upon context. She has determined such rules for both expected and prohibited actions, be they conscious or "ingrained habits" (i.e., creating or extinguishing "habits"). Most such rules or expectations she initiated, but she has accepted many of my own suggestions for self-improvement and incorporated same.

    (Cont. . .)

    1. (. . . Cont.)

      (5) His buy-in on what is spankable is ideal but not necessary. If she determines he should get spanked for something, he gets spanked.

      My "buy-in" is irrelevant. She has total authority and discretion to punish as she deems appropriate; she decides - I am punished!

      (6) In addition to the “why,” she determines the “how” and the “when.”

      Yes, she determines "how" I will be punished. This is never debatable; the implement, intensity and duration are beyond my purview. Sometimes she will tell my in advance how I will be punished; other times, I only learn once it begins. I am allowed to provide input as to "when" if I feel that a particular time, or alternative time, would be more or less beneficial to her goals, or if the "time" might risk third parties becoming aware of our dynamic (e.g., times of day more likely to have neighbors near our house; upcoming doctors appointments; etc. . .)

      (7) She is verbally stern and feels comfortable giving him instructions on her expectations regarding his behavior.

      I kind of equate the term "stern" with a certain underlying "anger," and I think that would only very, VERY rarely describe my wife's demeanor re communicating instructions or preparing for punishment. That said, she can certainly be "crisp / no-nonsense" in her instructions and evaluations; she has certainly mastered the "command voice" that police and military officers are so proficient with (e.g., something WILL be happening; you WILL be doing / not doing something). She is very comfortable using either "crisp" or "command" voices in communications.

      (8) She is comfortable giving harsh lectures and scolding, including outside the spanking context.

      Yes, she can become very harsh in her lectures and reprimands during punishments. Outside of punishment sessions, she is very controlled and to the point, but there is almost never any "scolding," be it "harsh" or otherwise.

      (To be further continued, later . . .)

    2. "My wife has absolute discretion and authority to determine when such a rule has been broken, either "technically" or "in spirit."" This distinction illustrates why a rules-based system probably wouldn't work well for us. I spent 30+ years arguing for a living. There's no way I can't find a loophole somewhere in the best constructed set of rules!

      Yeah, "stern" has some complicated connotations, and it definitely can have an angry vibe for some, or at least very dour. "Crisp/business-like" is, IMO, a great style for budding DD wives to aspire to.

    3. Dan, If you remember, my wife came out of the "Corporate HR Culture," before forming her own consultancy.

      I'm sure her "mastered" her ""crisp/business-like" tone of many, many "recalcitrant" employees.

    4. Dan wrote:
      >"Crisp/business-like" is, IMO, a great style for budding DD wives to aspire to."<
      and/or "matter of fact" like (a phrase I sometimes use). Similar connotation. --al

    5. I didn't "proof" that before I pushed [PUBLISH]:

      I'm sure she "mastered" her ""crisp/business-like" tone on many, many "recalcitrant" employees (That was well before she started applying it to me, which was even before we started DD).

    6. Donn, I would have hired for our firm. Our HR guys seemed to see as their job to make sure nothing bad ever befell even the worst performing employees.

      Al, agreed, "matter of fact" is another great one.

  15. Hi, Dan,
    This is KOJ (Kinky Old Journalist), and I'm glad to be back. More on that later.
    Part 1:

    I would describe your blog as "F/m Domestic Discipline (DD)," with the following definitions:
    F/m -- a woman has some authority over a man.
    Domestic (for your blog) -- heterosexual, adult, live-in.
    Discipline (for your blog) -- Includes spanking where sexual gratification is not the primary purpose.

    That explanation excludes Femdom (which is primarily about sexual gratification), discipline of children, gay relationships, and long-distance relationships (which to me are not domestic) but does allow for a wide range of FLR relationships. It doesn't try to draw a distinction between DD and FLR, because one probably can't be drawn -- as you say, even in your own marriage. The question in your title is to me unanswerable. A better question would be: How FLRish is your DD?

    To address your 11 points: My marriage changed dramatically from the initiation of spanking to my wife's passing almost 20 years later. It was meant to start as spanking for very specific and limited rules infractions, but quickly transition to anything she considered "disrespect" or a "bad attitude." By the end, it was a full-on Wife-Led Marriage EXCEPT for No. 11 on your list.

    When my wife agreed to start spanking me, I made a promise: I will never refuse a spanking from you. This, I believe, is crucial, because the man has physical power over the woman, and she knows he could refuse at any time. This promise is what allowed my wife to transition through your first 10 points.

    Now for No. 11: From the very beginning of our life together, we made a distinction between what we called Big decisions and all of the other decisions -- the Little ones. Big decisions were out-of-the-ordinary decisions which had a significant impact on one or more family members (taking a job, moving, sending the kids to a new school, changing their doctor, buying a big-ticket item, etc., etc.). It was pretty obvious to us what were Big decisions -- they were outside of our ordinary day-to-day lives. These decisions were always made by consensus. If we didn't agree, then we kept talking -- and meanwhile, the change was not made. When we absolutely couldn't agree, we used this decision-making model (which I believe we invented):

    1. Phrase the question yes or no and in a positive manner: Should we move to California? (Not "Should we not move to California" or an either/or question.)
    2. If it is a Big Decision and the answer is "maybe" (no consensus), then the answer is NO.
    3. If it is a Little Decision and the answer is "maybe," then the answer is YES.

    1. KOJ part 2:

      Where WLM came into play in our decision-making was that my answer often was a cheerful, "Whatever you like, dear." So there wasn't much "maybe" for Little Decisions -- she made 99% of them. I believe that part of being a gentleman is going along with the wife's wishes most of the time; a primary goal of a husband should be for the wife to feel cared for and comfortable. Over time some of those Little Decision questions became commands from her: "We're going out to dinner tonight." My expected answer was, "Yes, Ma'am." I didn't mind this at all. In fact, I liked that I didn't have to think of it as a question to give time and energy to. Just go along to get along. Happy wife, happy life.

      In terms of the progression of our DD, by the end of about the second year, we agreed that she would be in charge of our day-to-day lives and would have the authority to impose new rules and punish for infractions in whatever way she saw fit. My only say was if I thought that the change was in reality a Big Decision and thus had to be decided together. I remember only one instance: We all knew we needed to eat healthier, and at one point she decided to impose a particular diet on the family which I had some concerns about. Whereas she thought of it as a day-to-day thing of what food would be prepared, I said, "Wait a minute, dear, this is a significant health decision." We discussed it, she agreed, and we went to our decision-making model described above.

      I'm not saying I never had any issues with her decisions and punishments. There were quite a few times that I disagreed, but I felt it was my place to concede and accept. And I was always thinking that I had to keep my promise to never refuse a spanking. The time I had the most problem with this was regarding your point 10: "She decides how openly to display her authority or the existence of the DD relationship." Those who have been around here for a while have heard my story of being spanked upstairs at a party that was going on downstairs. I was absolutely flabbergasted -- but I also accepted it without questioning her at the time! Like Dan's wife and many others, she was growing in her understanding of her power -- and asserting it as she chose. She also got much more free in issuing public threats that clearly implied a spanking (though she never used the actual word): She would sing out so others could hear, "I've got my hairbrush in my bag!" Folks would hear that -- and see me blushing profusely and changing my behavior immediately. How could they not know we were DD? But it never was acknowledged directly.

      My marriage was very close to what Al describes above: I was very deferential, and it was clear to all that she was "the boss." Besides those who figured it out, I think she may have told a few, though I never asked her that question directly. I haven't had the guts (yet) to ask my kids if they knew.

      After a few years of DD, many men we knew considered me "pussy-whipped." Many women we knew considered me to be "the perfect gentleman." When my wife and I discussed this, she would laugh and say, "Well, your behavior is the same in both!" But then we would agree that the motivation for my good behavior was very different; she never wielded sex as a weapon.

      Finally, an explanation for my rather lengthy absence from here. I continue to grieve the loss of my wife, and sometimes discussing or even thinking about DD brings up those sad feelings -- and I back away. But at other times I want to be part of a DD community like this blog, remembering how wonderful my DD Marriage was for so many years.


    2. Welcome back!

      I am glad you checked back in. Every time you go on one of these extended hiatuses, I wonder whether your age caught up with you in a very bad way. I'm very glad to hear that's not the case. I'm sorry that sometimes the subject matter enhances the grieving process, but I get it.

      "The question in your title is to me unanswerable. A better question would be: How FLRish is your DD?" I think you're probably right. The group discussion took my own thoughts down some different paths, which I'll probably talk about more in next week's post, but to preview: We often talk about DD and FLR being a spectrum, but I really don't think they are. I think they are separate but adjacent lifestyles that overlap to a lesser degree for some and a larger degree for others. I think FLR is kind of "Dominance/submission lite," while Femdom is "Dominance/submission max."

      Your description of what I've intended the blog to include and exclude seems mostly right, with a couple of caveats.

      "That explanation excludes Femdom (which is primarily about sexual gratification), discipline of children, gay relationships, and long-distance relationships (which to me are not domestic) but does allow for a wide range of FLR relationships."

      First, I've never intentionally excluded gay or trans relationships. It's just never really come up. I'm not sure I would have a problem having a gale male post, as long as the dynamic was basically the same as we talk about here, i.e. a domestic relationship with one partner in a lead or "top" disciplinary role and holding the other partner accountable or effecting behavior changing using corporal punishment and other measures.

      [FYI, your statement on that is kind of well-timed, because as I was plowing through all the old blog posts, I was forced to think about the multiple instances in which we had men falsely claiming to be females and, likely though harder to prove, single individuals claiming to be a couple. This happened so many times, I wonder now whether it could have been someone who was non-binary or other category with a compulsion to explore different gender identities here. That possibility wasn't even on my radar back then and, of course, it's very possible that it was just some asshole who liked playing with people by deceiving them into thinking they were interacting with a female when they weren't. It's impossible to know.]

      Second, I would add that the blog's subject matter also excludes couples who do engage in spanking but really only for recreation or scratching a pure spanking fetish. In other words, it doesn't include relationships that do include spanking but don't include a strong disciplinary/punishment/behavior modification component.

      ""We're going out to dinner tonight." My expected answer was, "Yes, Ma'am." I didn't mind this at all. In fact, I liked that I didn't have to think of it as a question to give time and energy to."

      Honestly, I think this was a huge part of my initial attraction to DD. I was overwhelmed by decision-making every day on the job. There was a big attraction to having a different sphere in which the opposite was expected. Interestingly, while Anne has never gotten close to your wife's level of openness, this is basically what she has told our daughters when they started noticing her making more decisions. She told them I often got tired of making decisions at work and it was a relief to not do so at home and just let her decide things. It was true as far as it goes . . .

      I like your decision tree for large and small decisions, especially the way the third one would have a tendency to tilt the choice in favor of getting out of ruts and force you to try new things.

      Again, welcome back!

    3. Welcome back, KOJ - good to "see" you, and enjoyed your post! While most of our social circle probably considers me to be a "nice guy" and mostly considerate (in general, and especially so to my wife) - I do suspect that a couple of my more "macho/good old boy" acquaintances probably do think I am a bit "pussy-whipped" when it comes to showing deference to my wife (although I can still be somewhat alpha around the guys under the right circumstances.) --al

    4. KOJ—"My marriage changed dramatically from the initiation of spanking to my wife's passing almost 20 years later. It was meant to start as spanking for very specific and limited rules infractions, but quickly transition to anything she considered "disrespect" or a "bad attitude.”

      KOJ captures more fully the notion I tried to articulate earlier: how “FLRish” a wife led relationship becomes is largely determined by her. Once a woman is given and accepts authority to spank “anytime for any reason “(An authority That seems necessary to me for it to work), then she decides the scope of it.

      KOJ’s wife took the authority he gave her well beyond what most men under DD men probably experience. But speaking personally, it would be both thrilling and scary to imagine it happening. And I am fairly certain if my wife took it in that direction, I would do nothing to try to stop her. That’s is what makes it both thrilling and scary. She could make it happen if she determined to do so.


    5. Alan,
      Interesting to me that you say my wife took it further than most, because I was thinking just the opposite because we were not an never would be a "full FLR."

    6. KOJ,
      My frame of reference was the transition to “anything she considered ‘disrespect …’ “from “very specific limited… infractions” I wasn’t addressing any FLR dimension, a concept I don’t find hugely helpful toward understanding female led DD

    7. KOJ / Dan, with reference to your “live in” mention, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the occasional contribution here from people who fit the profile of this blog but don’t actually live together, so I would question that one condition. Also, the more I think about it, the more I think - as I said a few days ago - that DD and FLR are not different types of relationship, but that FLR is more a catch-all term for a relationship that may have one or more elements, one of which may be DD. I think it’s fair to say that everyone on here is in a relationship that to some extent is FL, and probably all include spanking as part of that, but there seems to be plenty of variation in what other elements may be included. I’d also suggest that there may be FLRs out there that don’t include spanking as one of their elements - which for obvious reasons we don’t see on here. TG

    8. We are very intimate, but not married, and not living together, but she stays at my place most of the time. We have separate money, and we are both very independent. We have been practicing DD for about 5 years, and because of that, my behavior has improved a lot, especially concerning my alcohol intake. She was very involved in that effort, and I have had dozens of disciplinary spankings over those years. I don’t get punished much any more, and most of my spankings have been for maintenance. Now I encourage her to be more strict and less tolerant of any behavior she doesn’t like, similar to what many other contributors have expressed they wanted.

    9. TG and Norton, I agree that, to me, the emphasis on "domestic" is meant to distinguish long-term, stable relationships from shorter-term arrangements. Or, perhaps it's really about distinguishing real relationships from things like hook-ups, parties, etc. where whatever spanking is going on is plainly focused on sex, fantasy, role play, etc. In any event, I don't think it necessarily prescribes one particular living arrangement or marital status, even if the vast majority of these relationships involve married couples who are living together.

    10. Dan wrote: ". . . to me, the emphasis on "domestic" is meant to distinguish long-term, stable relationships from shorter-term arrangements."

      My recent reading of much more of Aunt Kay's various writings bring to mind the terms or phrase she repeatedly used, which I believe is most encompassing of what exists here in the forum, and is necessary for long term success.

      Aunt Kay: "committed", or "loving and committed!"

  16. Dan

    Thanks for the kind words. I do feel very welcome here, and have a lot in common with most of you.

    Like you, I don t care for the term FLR. It isn't clear the type of relationship or how committed the participants are to each other. This could be a boss/employee, teacher/student, doctor/nurse, etc.

    Wife-Led Marriage is much clearer. We never called ours that, but after reading this blog and other materials, I believe it was.


  17. Hi Dan,
    This is a great topic, since it cuts right to the heart of the relationship. As always, I don't have enough time to properly write much on this or even to respond much to what others have written, but I will at least take a swing at it.

    Regarding the list you came up with, I find it interesting that while they generally increase in FLR-ishness as you go down the list, where my wife and I are at is somewhat all over the board.

    In theory, she has the authority to make whatever rules she wants, and she can spank anytime, anywhere, for any reason in any way she chooses, but in reality, she seldom chooses to exercise or expand that authority, so that pretty well sums up the first 7 items of your list.

    "She is verbally stern and feels comfortable giving him instructions on her expectations regarding his behavior. She is comfortable giving harsh lectures and scolding, including outside the spanking context." - This part is increasing, but quite slowly.

    "There is a heavy emphasis on obedience, not simply around not breaking rules but also doing what she says and following her directions/orders as they are given." - I certainly wouldn't say "heavy emphasis," but at the same time, we have differed from many other couples here by our almost complete absence of rules, so I guess in reality our relationship is more based on obedience.

    "She decides how openly to display her authority or the existence of the DD relationship. She chooses to add elements to spankings that are designed to humble him or elevate her power. For example: Hinting or referring to the DD relationship to friends or family. Conducting spankings at a time in place that risks one being overheard. Bringing in a witness to overhear, see, or participate in a spanking." - This one we are certainly more than most, and almost certainly she will take this (much?) further given time and opportunities.

    "Her decision-making authority extends beyond spanking and disciplinary matters to include broader aspects of the relationship such as financial and spending decisions, parenting decisions, health issues, etc. While decisions may typically be made jointly, if there is a dispute, she has the final say." - This has not been the case until now, BUT I absolutely agree with Alan that ultimately this is just a function of how far she has chosen to take things so far. From the moment I indicated my want/need for this, where it ultimately goes was largely out of my hands, because especially from the first time she ever decided to punish me and I submitted to it, she held all the cards because of her understanding of the way I am wired.


    1. Yeah, while I did try to rank them in terms of FLR-ishness, the reality is that the act of doing so inevitably involves judgment calls that reflect my own biases. And, as you point out, relationships change over time, and not necessarily on a linear path toward an FLR.

      One could also argue that I don't have the order right, especially w/r/t some of the higher-numbered factors. No. 11 seems to me to inarguably fall in the context of some kind of Dominance/submission relationship, whether an FLR or something similar. But, I could argue that 9 should be ranked right behind it, while as KOJ demonstrates, 10 probably is indicative of an FLR to some degree but, depending on the individual couple, but be something that happens alongside an otherwise somewhat equal partnership.

      And, honestly, I could argue that even No. 1 indicates some display of real power shift, because even if she is deciding only whether his conduct has earned a spanking, that is still really quite a lot of decision-making authority compared to a completely egalitarian relationship.

      I'm sorry you don't have more time to participate, but it's always good to have you around.

  18. I am 100% in a female led relationship, getting spanked is a key part of her enforcing her authority and disciplining me. I see FLR and DD as very separate on their own from Femdom and BDSM. The distinction is pretty basic for me too. If the activities are seen as sex / kink then its femdom or BDSM. If it is a lifestyle and relationship dynamic it is FLR with DD. We do not have a sexual aspect to the FLR and DD so I do not think we have any cross over into femdom or bdsm even though my wife is very confident in her role.

  19. I have been on a vacation with my Wife and so have not commented the last 2 weeks. I will give an update…and comment here about FLR and also about the topic for the week we were on vacation (Can DD help with complex problems?).
    My Wife and I are definitely in an FLR with DD. We have a list of rules and behaviors that if broken or the behaviors are reported or observed spanking happens…usually weekly…I keep a daily log and we review it.
    When I left for vacation I had quite a bad week…mostly caused by over drinking which is punishable by itself, but also resulted in some pretty poor behavior…being dishonest about it, sloppiness, rudeness. I did not get the spanking because my grown up child came to dinner and spent the night…The next night She started spanking while angry and was really laying in to me with a 3 layer thick steel reinforced leather paddle. She had ordered a spanking and I was submitting, but I saw the martinet was in the mix and hid it under the bed while she was still in the bathroom. Big mistake! She noticed and was Livid. She was so disgusted with me She stopped spanking saying It did no good. Instead She refused to go on the trip with me and instead asked that I go alone. I said that I would but did not want to go alone and asked her to please come with me. After a lot of discussion she agreed. We had a great time and there was zero trouble on the trip….but we are home now and the spanking has yet to come….it was going to happen this morning…I was told to finish brushing my teeth and come out and that the Punishment was coming. I came out and She had the implements out and ordered me in to position…I reminded her that I have a full body dermatology exam this afternoon, and so it is postponed. There have been a couple of minor things that have one up these last 2 weeks since my last Real Punishment spanking….but mostly It’s the drinking. Someone posted that complex issues like drinking can be improved with DD, but it has to be taken up a notch. I think the idea of 4 consecutive days of spanking for drinking sounds like it might be pretty effective. I suggested that to Her and fully expected She would balk at it…say no…or even think that I was just trying to get spanked more(She still thinks i like it). I was surprised how quickly She agreed. I think She will follow through…if she does I am going to get it this afternoon, Friday, Saturday and Sunday….I am dreading this, but I do think it will curb me to abiding by her drinking rules, and I need to…they are pretty liberal. She allows an afternoon cocktail, a glass of wine and a finger of whiskey prior to going up to bed. Any more is overdrinking and self reportable or if asked must be reported, and it is usually dealt with on Sunday. If we go to the 4 day in a row sessions…Well I can’t imagine that I would be breaking the Rules!!!

  20. I'm late to this topic. I found the list of traits to be though-provoking. The wife's candor or verbal comfort almost seems necessary for the marriage to be wife-led. If she is unwilling to speak, then she can't do much besides communicate through lists of rules, which is where we husbands do a lot of defining and enumerating so inevitably steer the discipline.

    1. MW, that's kind of my sense too. As I said in the follow-up post, to me a lot of it comes down to her tone, and it's kind of either there or it's not.

  21. It's pretty clear that women are interested in spanking men mostly when this is a part of FLR, not just separated activity.

    I have also observed it in my case, where we were doing some discipline soankings for many years, but it really boosted when I introduced her to FLR concept and we have started to focus on building such relationship instead of just on discipline and spanking.

    I really encourage anyone interwsted in forming FLR to read in details, and share it with their female partners. It' s written in a way that really convince women!


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