
Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Club - Meeting 497 - Self-Disclosure and Asking for a Spanking

"The ability to have a choice in what you do is a privilege.” - Anton Yelchin

 Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you all had a great week. Ours was, honestly, not so great.  I got covid and flu shots at the end of last week.  The day of, and the day after, I felt fine.  Then, two full days later I got what felt like a full-on case of the real flu, complete with fever, chills, body aches, etc.  It left me pretty sapped for a couple of days.


Then, Anne and I got into a real row that began with something I said that probably was sarcastic and unsupportive, but I also felt like the reaction was over the top.  The details aren’t important and, honestly, I’m not sure they even mattered that much at the time.  We’ve basically been stuck together at home for the better part of two months, which probably made some kind of blow up inevitable, especially given my introverted inclinations that tend to go into full meltdown mode if I don’t get time to totally to myself (though dogs are allowed), every few weeks.


I feel like being housebound also inhibited my enjoyment of Halloween a bit, though honestly that feel probably had more to do with the fact that until about a week ago, it still felt like summer around here.  The day of Halloween I did see this picture of a lawn display that totally cracked me up. I swear I’m going to buy a riding lawn mower next year just to replicate it.



Before we get started, those of you in U.S. please, please, please remember to get out and vote if you haven’t already done so. The quote at the top of the page is one I’ve used before to reinforce a DD-related message, but this time it’s about remembering how privileged we are in having our election-related choices, even if some rounds those choices are more attractive than others.



We had a good discussion last week regarding DD’s efficacy in dealing with “big” issues.  What it reinforced for me was how differently we each define “big.”  But, I don’t think anyone was of the opinion that DD can’t address bigger issues, though several agreed with me that it might require taking things up a notch with respect to consistency and/or severity.


A few weeks ago, Norton suggested this topic:


"One topic we may want to discuss is how much self-disclosure we do. That is an issue I am dealing with now, as last week I did something she wouldn't have approved of, but I haven't mentioned yet. It will probably come up during our next check in, which is tomorrow.”


I thought we had done this one pretty recently but, when I reviewed past topics, it’s been at least a year since we dealt with this one directly. It’s probably tangentially related to my posts this spring about our check-ins for helping me get “unstuck” on life goals, but they aren’t quite the same thing.  So, let’s do it again.


Self-reporting, and its twin—asking for a spanking directly to address a particular incident—is something that always seems beneficial to me in theory but I really struggle to implement in practice.  I know that it almost certainly would help with consistency, which has been our DD’s historical weak point, yet when push comes to shove, I have a really hard time reporting bad behavior in a straightforward matter, let alone coming right out and asking for a spanking even when I know I richly deserve one.


Why? Well, the easy reason would, of course, be that spankings hurt a lot and, thus, I really don’t want to bring one on myself.  And, that really is what I would be doing if I made a habit of self-reporting.  The closest I come is probably when journaling, and even there it’s sometimes hard to be fully honest about all relevant behavior, and harder still to come out and ask for or suggest one, even though for all intents and purposes that’s what I’m doing.


Although an obvious answer, I don’t think that the pain of a prospective spanking really gets at the heart of my reluctance.  Instead, I think I find a direct, face-to-face confession of bad behavior to be very humbling, in a way that exceeds the spanking itself.   


The fact that I’m confessing something means I know I did something wrong, and admitting it straightforwardly and in person emphasizes a failure, whether that failure is meeting some personal standard, or an agreed-upon rule, or simply a failure to obey something she has told me to do or not do.  I see myself as a high-performance person, and having to confess to a specific problem demonstrates that, in that particular case, I didn't live up to a standard, whether mine or hers.


In the past, I also saw self-reporting or, as Norton called it, “self-disclosure” as potentially undermining my deep-seated need to have the sense that she is imposing discipline on me, as opposed to accommodating my request for it.


But, I’ve kind of come around on that one.  Around this time last year, TB posted something regarding his wife’s expectations that really stuck with me for a while.  He said:


“I now explicitly 'own up' to failings and request that she addresses them via a spanking has moved her sense of power and control (she says) to a new level. If I miss anything she will point it out during the pre-spanking 'talk'.




I was a little surprised that his wife felt a greater sense of power and control, since some might see it as him controlling the process more via reporting and asking for a spanking.  He explained:


“The only behaviors that she is interested in punishing me for are disrespect, moodiness, etc. - behaviors that impact her directly. She is, therefore, already aware of anything that I 'own up' to (and would usually take action to address either specifically or as a general 'reset').


She does see that my recognizing and admitting to the behavior before she takes action is another level of submission and self-awareness. In fact, although we have only been using this approach for a number of weeks, if I don’t ‘own up’ to some failing that was obvious to both of us, she will take extra spanking time to highlight that particular issue. A virtuous circle of sorts, in that I am encouraged to document my own failings even though I am aware of the consequences, because if I don't there is a very good chance that the next spanking session will be increased to cover the omission.


She is a big fan of the new approach, and she enjoys matching my journal view of my behavior with her own recollections. She also feels that it takes some of the pressure off her in deciding if/when a spanking is due. It helps me in that I dislike the delay & uncertainty between offense & punishment - if punishment is due then I am always keen to get it over and done with. My behavior has definitely been better for the past few weeks, mainly because I now feel that if I misbehave, I have to submit a 'confession'.


In theory tattling on myself does leave me in control. Yet, what TB says resonates with me.  The plain fact is, telling on myself ramps of the feeling of vulnerability.  Also, I’ve always said that DD works better when the consequences seem to arise inevitably from the behavior, and it’s certainly true that in confessing I make receiving the consequences much more inevitable. 


Therefore, it shouldn’t be surprising that in those very rare instances when I have not only disclosed something that but suggested it should be punished, I have felt less in control, not more so. And, in the tiny number of instances in which I have flat-out asked her, in person, to spanking me for something, I felt very vulnerable and not at all in control.  So, for me this a concrete example of why I hate the BDSM concept of "topping from the bottom" as applied to DD, especially when it is suggested that confessing for asking for a punishment constitutes such "topping" behavior.  There really isn't a time when I feel less in control than when I confess to something she didn't know about or suggest that something that probably was not going to earn a spanking really should.  To me, that's simply laying out the information, then letting fate take over from there.


I’ve also had some recent experiences, in a currently non-DD context, that highlight some of the complex psychology at work in self-reporting.  A few weeks ago, in response to one of Jackson’s comments regarding drinking, I said that I had been using an app that is popular in the “conscious drinking” movement, where the goal isn’t so much to stop but to moderate by making more fully-aware choices. It’s a pretty robust service. At the beginning of each week, I enter into a plan for each day, including goals for the number of dry days and specific limits on non-dry days. Each afternoon, I get a text reminding me what the goal was for that day. Every morning, I get a text asking how many I had the day before.  Every week, in preparing the weekly plan, I get a report of how I did for the preceding week and (supposedly) AI-generated suggestions for the upcoming week.


The thing I found the most interesting was how resistant I was initially to reporting honestly when I had failed by exceeding a daily goal. I’d get that text in the morning and, particularly if the failure was a big one, I’d struggle hard with being completely honest.   


 Now, the only one getting my “self-disclosure” was some computer program, and the summary reports went only to me, and there was no adverse consequence associated with any part of this reporting. Yet, I still really struggled to answer honestly!  I’ve made myself do it, and it’s gotten easier over time, but I am fascinated by how hard it was even in the absence of an actual consequence, such as a hard spanking.


And, the app has objectively helped in lowering my number of drinking days (though they were far less than daily already) and, to a lesser extent, the number of drinks on those days There is a principle in psychology called the Hawthorne Effect, which documents how people change their behavior simply by virtue of knowing that the behavior is being observed.  To some extent, that’s probably what’s going on with this drinking app, even though the only “observer” is a computer. Yet, I think it is actually something about the whole reporting process and the way it forces me to regularly think about my own behavior and set related goals.


Notice that the app has a few features that probably enhance the power of reporting. It is consistent. Every day, I get a reminder.  More importantly, every day I have to engage actively with the process by providing information. It is also certain.  If I answer honestly, I get a report that lays out the monthly calendar identifying how I did each day, and if I make bad choices it will be an ugly picture, even if I’m the only one that sees it.


The one thing it lacks is anything resembling coercive, adverse feedback, like a spanking. In fact, kind of the opposite. On good days and weeks, it provides some positive textual pats on the back, and on “failed” days it tells you not to judge yourself to harshly and encourages you to get up and try again. Honestly, I think it would work better if, at some point, the message would get a bit more “in your face,” like “Hey, that’s the third fail in two weeks. Are you even really trying?  Get on it.”


Circling back to this week’s bad behavior with Anne, I do think that having to affirmatively ask for a spanking would add a significant deterrent to future bad behavior.  Like TB’s wife, she obviously knows that the bad behavior (our argument) happened, so self-disclosure wouldn’t add anything in and of itself.  But, it could add a lot if she told me that she expects to come ask for a spanking to deal with it.  (Setting aside whether that’s physically doable right now; though it’s definitely getting closer if not there yet.)  Outside the context of something big, like a fight, I've wondered whether it would add a distinct humbling element to our usual DD rituals if, instead of her telling me when to get ready for my spanking, she ordered that one would happen over a given day or two, but left it to me to come in and ask for it when I was ready.  Honestly, just writing about the prospect gives me butterflies in my stomach.

Anyway, I’m interested to year your answers about how often you self-disclose and whether that self-disclosure rises to something like TB describes in which you are expected to not only ‘own up’ to the misbehavior but suggest or ask for a spanking to deal with.  If she requires self-disclosure of some sort, what is the consequence for failing to do it?


And, again, get out there and vote.




  1. We have a DD agreement, which we read at the beginning of each check in. It reminds both of us of our committments and responsibilities r.e. our DD. Mine are to be honest with her, and let her know about any behavior that I regret or realize she wouldn't approve of. This includes anything I did that might have done which upset her, which she may have forgotten about. Like many other women, she does not always react in
    the moment, but will spank later, if reminded. Her responsibility is to discipline me whenever she is aware that doing so would be helpful for her or the relationship. We got this idea from MC, who posted about doing a "DD affirmation" on this site. We have found that being reminded of our committmnets has been helpful. Another part of our check in includes me reading relevant posts from this blog, as well as what I wrote in my DD journal. I am always aware as I am when writing in it that I will be reading it to her later. It seems easier than trying to remember things in the moment, and it lets her know what is on my mind. As I have said before, my main big issue was over indulging with beer. It was very difficult for me to do, but I would text her to let her know, and she would give me a very sound disciplinary spanking as soon as possible. That went on for about 2 years, and now it's finally under control. It was something that was an ongoing problem, and we were both really motivated to fix it. We have a check in several times a week, and one always includes a maintenance spanking, as well as occasional corner time, which helps put me in a submissive state of mind.

    1. I can see how reading a journal entry to her would result in more consistent punishment. Frankly, one of the reasons that journaling is something I do fairly regularly is because I can just leave it with her, without seeing any reaction in real-time. Also, my entries tend to be fairly long and stream-of-consciousness. But, she likes the stream-of-consciousness access, since she sees the journal not as something I use to report offenses but, rather, as a way to get more insight into what is going on in my head.

  2. Dan,
    I still have a hard time with self reporting and requesting a thrashing. I get extremely embarrassed by the thought of asking for one, even though I need it. DD has been on the back burner until recently due to an illness with my wife. I remember being insensitive a months back. I was actually at the driving range. I was alone and my mind was racing about how insensitive of a comment I made. I finished and called my wife and made
    small talk for a bit. Although it had passed days prior and my wife was over it, I was not. I said to her, I’m really sorry about the comment I made a few days ago. She responded, you should be. I told her flat out I deserved to be severely punished. She agreed and it’s the first time I was blunt about it. She said, I’ll be waiting when you get home. When you arrive home come upstairs and take your pants down and bend over the bed. I sulked home and complied. She scolded and strapped the hell out of me. I was thinking why would I have requested this. I was in significant pain and it was not enjoyable. Afterwards, I thanked her profusely for my punishment and that I deserved it. The slate was clear. One of the things she cannot stand is when I raise my voice or get fired up over an issue. She had an ex that was prone to yelling and screaming. Im obviously hot headed at times. Well, we have been dealing with a few personal issues, not of our doing that has raised my stress level. I’ve been handling them as she has been ill and then caught a severe cold and was in bed for days. I admit the stress got to me but I was venting. She told me to calm down and lower my voice. I admit I hate when she tells me this. I told her I wasn’t going to lower my voice and I’m fired up about the issue as we were getting screwed. She gave me that stern look and said lower your voice or I will do it for you. I stomped out of the room pissed. I went about my day on Friday and handled errands. I did feel bad about stomping like a small child out of the room. I arrived home and the leather strap was on the side of the bed. She said to me “let’s get this over with before dinner”. I obliged, although I didn’t feel it was warranted. She thrashed me good and it’s been awhile.
    Looking back, I deserved the punishment as it’s something I asked her to help me with. I don’t like getting animated but I also don’t like being told to lower my voice. It’s a catch 22. Before bed, she rubbed my bottom and asked me how sore it was. I said severely sore and it was. When the lights were off, I thanked her for my punishment and told her I expected more of the same the next time I raise my voice. DD had helped me to control my temper and my attitude. When the lights are off or on the phone with her, it’s much easier to tell her how I feel. I feel much more submissive then and less embarrassed.

    1. T., it sounds like you are at least somewhat better at requesting than I am. Your two incidents combined are kind of similar to the context of the spat Anne and I had. In addition to being confined at home for way too long, I was feeling sick all week and was very frustrated by the stress of not getting out by myself enough. She then did something that she admits was either uncalled for at least a very excessive reaction, and I just let all my frustration boil over. Since then, part of me has wanted to just outright ask for a punishment, but the predominant part has been inclined to just let things simmer down, since I do think this was one of those times when there was blame to go around. Yet, I also feel like I *did* blow up in a way that wasn't helpful or true to our unequal hierarchy.

      "Looking back, I deserved the punishment as it’s something I asked her to help me with. I don’t like getting animated but I also don’t like being told to lower my voice." - I totally get this. There are things I've asked her to help with, like cutting me off when I'm having a nightcap and things seem to be trending toward a late night. But, when she actually does it, I react badly. And, in the past it often was because one reason I was having that nightcap was I needed/wanted some downtime, hanging out in my office, listening to music, etc., because I was always dealing with so much stress. Like you, I've tried to emphasize after-the-fact that I understand her drawing a line, appreciate her doing it, and hope she will continue to do so in the future even if I'm not 100% cooperative. And, I do feel bad about NOT being 100% cooperative but, of course, if I always acted reasonably in those circumstances I wouldn't need DD to help control myself in the in the first place.

    2. I need my downtime as well. My wife is really good about that. She has her separate space to relax in if I’m watching the game. She has zero interest in sports unless it’s live. I’m two weeks into dry October/Nov. it hasn’t been an issue, except when a sporting event was over. Everyone went to the bar, and I went home. I’m really focused on my lowering my consumption. I’m not a heavy drinker but I do enjoy a few glasses of wine a night with dinner and a nightcap. I think I’m gonna do this twice a year starting next year. February and Oct Nov. I was talking with some family members who retired to FL. They had to curtail it because every night with friends was cocktail night. It didn’t become a problem for them, but they noticed a lot of their friends had more or less become everyday drinkers in retirement. I visit the area frequently and notice a lot of alcoholics down there. It seems like a lot of people drink daily there.

    3. Yeah, I recently had to pick up a former mentor of mine at his retirement community. I was astonished at all the little grey hairs congregating in their common area over cocktails, having a good old time at around 4:00 pm. Although it seemed on the surface like a great way to spend my senior years, I can see how it could become a big problem even for those who don't have to worry about things like going to work hungover.

  3. One thing that promotes self-reporting is her clearly expressed expectation that I will report. It has worked for us, particularly when a particular behavior is being stressed and she asks about it regularly. I respond to her interest in it and knowing she expects me to be a truth-teller about it. We are not currently doing a regular behavior review. But we have done it in the past, and that also promotes self-reporting. Apparently, some guys can self-report and ask to be spanked without a woman’s prodding or being asked directly by her. But our experience is that it doesn’t happen without her active involvement at some level. When she clearly cares about it, I am motivated to work on it by confessing when my behavior has not met her expectations.

    1. That's a really good point, Alan. I think one reason our self-reporting has never worked that well is the idea was usually coming from me. When we were doing out "life goals" check-ins earlier this year, that's really as close as it's come to her getting into it sufficiently that it became "her" thing instead of "my" thing. I think had we been able to string several weeks of that together without interference, it might have taken firm root. But, as usual, real life interefered.

  4. Self-reporting, self-disclosure, or as I say, ratting on myself comes about in our 24/7 FLR as I would imagine in nearly everyone's relationship. Some of the reasons not to rat on oneself, as Dan alluded to may be the reluctance of accepting a painful trip across a lap. The act of confessing in itself is humbling and somewhat of an admission of falling short of assumed standards of behavior, would also rank high. Here, I always rat on myself for others reasons. If I do not and she learns or the infraction, it is considered trying to hide the act and then the punishment is much worse. At the beginning we both agreed to punishment as soon as possible after the incident, immediately is best. I usually do not have to ask for a spanking. When we are both together and I act up or lose my temper, no words are even spoked. Either she or I go get an implement and I am spanked immediately.

    1. I think that, for me, admitting to falling short is worse than any fear of the spanking. The latter hurts the butt, but the former hurts the ego, which for me is much worse.

  5. Self reporting has never worked. I don’t need to confess to anything. I do enough that it isn’t necessary. We are still traveling down in Florida. The traffic is horrendous at times and I got caught up in some minor road rage. Only lasted a few seconds but it scared her. After things settled Dev said we are gout to “ discuss” this later. Ok , we all know what’s going to happen. This time I totally agree with her. I’m sure I won’t like it a bit but when I know it’s deserved it’s much easier to accept. JR

    1. I really do need to watch myself where road rage is concerned. I get super angry at aggressive drivers and have a hard time not responding. Twenty years ago, it would have resulted in a mutual exchange of the middle finger. Today, it might result in gun shots. One of my daughters lives in a city that is rife with road rage shootings, and she's told me that I need to learn to keep my hand gestures to myself when driving with her down there.

    2. Hi Dan. Dev here. I was looking at his phone and read what he wrote. This is fairly accurate but he likes to play martyr and down plays things. We were doing over 70 mph on the interstate and he does something stupid ! Someone could’ve been hurt or killed ! I was scared at first but now angry. I read several of his other posts that I may address at another time but for now this issue needs taken care of. . We arrived home late Tuesday. I will “ discuss “ this with him probably tomorrow. I guarantee you. He WILL be paddled !! Dev.

    3. Dev, got it. Like I said, road rage is probably one area my wife SHOULD be harder on, if only because the consequences can be so huge. Though, it's kind of a hard thing for her to crack down on, since she drives more aggressively than I do. She says that's not the case, but our adult kids will back me up on that one.

    4. Hi Dan. Dev again. I just want to bring closure to our situation. After we unpacked and settled back in , I called him upstairs around 6:00. I told him to go down to the spanking room and I’d be down shortly to discipline him. He offered no resistance. I purposely waited over an hour so he could think about what was going to happen. When I entered the room , Mr Macho had a totally different attitude. Now he was all sorry and apologetic and promised never to do it again. I said I was happy he felt remorse and accepted his apology. I also said nothing changes and I was going to give him a good spanking. I told him to BRING ME THE PADDLE ! I know how much he dislikes this . When he returned I asked do you know why we are here and you are getting this ? He said yes ma’am. I turned him over my knee and thoroughly paddled his bare bottom. He yelled and screamed from the beginning. I paused after a few minutes so he could catch his breath and asked if he was learning anything? He blubbered another yes ma’am. I said I need to be certain and continued. His backside was deep red with purple in areas. I know the paddle hurts , it’s supposed to and in that light I feel badly for him. Then again he needed to learn the consequences of his actions and I don’t regret anything.. thanks for letting me chime in. I have enjoyed reading your forum. Keep up the nice work. Bev

    5. Dev, thanks for the compliment. I hope you'll drop in whenever you have the time and an interest.

      "His backside was deep red with purple in areas." It's usually the condition of my backside the brings a spanking to a conclusion, sometimes earlier than would probably be ideal from her perspective. I've told her she should ignore it more than she does. I also used to not see the point of spanking after my bottom becomes numb, which happens all the time with wooden instruments. But, I now get that it's the longer, post-numbness part of the spanking that creates the multi-day soreness that keeps the spanking, and how you earned it, on your mind.

  6. This is my first time commenting here, so I just wanted to convey that this is a great site and I hope you keep it going for a very long time.

    Coming to the topic, My husband has asked me for spankings although it's not something that occurs often. We've been practicing FLR-DD for over a decade now and initially, he had come up with a few things he had felt guilty about for a long time but never got any disciplinary closure for it. I listened to it and provided him with a harsh but loving discipline that helped him put an end to the guilt to an extent.

    In our day to day life, there are times he would admit something to me especially if I had been away for a few days on a Work trip or meeting family, etc. It does take a lot of courage for him to confess to me. While I appreciate his honesty, it does not reduce his punishment as far as I am concerned. Once he has confessed, I appreciate him for his honesty and then order him over my lap for a proper blustering that fits the situation.

    1. Forgot to add an username.

    2. Great comment, SternWife and good to hear from another long term FLR/DD couple. Ours is nearly 14 years old now. There are times when I confess, she does not punish, which means it will be addressed with my regular maintenance spankings. Like you, if she decides discipline is in order it is never lessened because of my confession. It is handled immediately and I am spanked soundly. Glad to have this opportunity to compare notes with you about the FLR/DD lifestyles we live.

    3. Thanks SternWife, and thanks for joining in,

      It seems like confession should earn some kind of credit, but I think most wives have your attitude. I guess confession remains good for the soul but bad for the butt.

    4. The reason I don't want to reduce the intensity of punishment is that I don't want him to see confessing as an easier way out. Hence I ensure to spank just as I typically would if I had found out myself.

      That said, I do express my appreciation towards his honesty with an extended aftercare routine than usual.

      Spanked Cowboy- It's certainly interesting to share notes on sites like this. Nice to meet you.

    5. Likewise, SternWife. A quick thought on you saying you spank just as if you had found out yourself. Conversely, here, she will spank longer/harder if she finds out herself. We never do aftercare immediately a punishment, but when it comes time, she, like you, will acknowledge my confession.

    6. If I feel he has tried to hide something from me or has been less than transparent, then I certainly do punish harsher. Otherwise I tend to stick to regular punishment routines. I can remember only once when he tried to hid something in fear of a spanking and when I uncovered it, he received a much harsher punishment than he would've if he had been honest. Since that day, he prefers the honesty route.

    7. My wife tends to be *very* binary in terms of severity. They all are pretty similar in terms of how hard, how long, which instruments, etc.

    8. Stern wife, it’s nice to have you aboard. It takes a lot for a man, especially an Alpha man like myself, to approach his wife about DD/FLR. He initially approached you with things he felt guilty about. What are the things he felt guilty about and what do you punish for?

    9. SternWife. I much prefer the honesty route, so I ALWAYS rat on myself. Much better to take the spanking I deserve for the infraction that to even allow her to think I was trying to hide something. When you did increase the punishment on that one time, was it just harder or longer or another method? Different position, implements, add humiliation??? What was your 'harsher punishment'?

  7. That moderate drinking app's design could be adapted to DD rules. The husband would interact with it daily. Both husband and wife would get the weekly recap. The wife would get an additional recap of how conscientiously the husband used the app. Both recaps would information the couple's weekly discussion. The app could inform the wife if the husband ignores it for too long.

    1. It definitely does incorporate some of the features you would want in a DD app. It does, in fact, contain a feature that tracks how many days in a row you enter information on how many drinks you had. The one biggie it lacks is any ability to have the weekly summary sent to anyone but the user.

  8. I don't tend to suggest that my wife give me a spanking, because that is meant to be left to her. However, I consciously disclose, because the more I do so, the more my wife has the necessary information for my intended character improvement. As far as I'm concerned, if I don't disclose, I am only cheating myself.

    If I foresee a danger that I might fail to mention something to my wife (accidentally or otherwise), I text her the details, so that it is irrevocable.

    My wife has occasionally spanked me further for not disclosing things, but that is very much the exception, rather than the rule.



  9. When you do something that is problematical and you’re in a DD relationship, then there may be a punishment. Forgetting for a moment the physical pain aspect of this - which can obviously act as a deterrent and behavior modification over time - there may be two emotional effects : for the spankee, it can wash away the feelings of guilt over whatever it was, and for the spanker it vents her anger. The bottom line for us, and I suspect for others, is that it lets us move on without that lingering painful atmosphere hanging over us. When self-reporting something that she would otherwise be unaware of, the resulting spanking still has the same effect on the spankee of washing away the feelings of guilt. There have been a couple of times in the past where I’ve done this - as I’ve recounted before - and the emotional benefit far outweighs the physical pain. TG

    1. TG, it is kind of paradoxical that the need to be held accountable is at the absolute core of my need for DD, yet I'm very unreliable with self-reporting, which helps ensure that I am NOT held accountable. And, one thing this discussion, and the resistance I felt to reporting honestly to a disembodied app, helped me clarify in my own mind is that the spottiness doesn't really have much to do with wanting to avoid a painful spanking. It's tied far more directly to not want to really "own" a behavioral failure.

    2. TG,
      I’m right with you, I felt the guilt drift away after my comment to my wife after the driving range. After the thrashing, of which she definitely vented her anger on my bottom, we were back to normal and I felt much better about my actions. I also have thought twice about saying something I shouldn’t. DD has helped in this aspect; to not get so fired up or angry over something you can’t control. As far as the self reporting goes, there really is no need for it. She punishes for attitude, loudness, being obnoxious, ect. I have a hard time hiding that.

  10. On self reporting and asking to be spanked….And an update on the 4 days in a row for breaking Drinking Rules. It’s day 4 and the last 3 days have just gotten worse and worse…..but more on that later…I am very good at self reporting, but NOT because I’m asking for a spanking…I consider it my end of the deal. I mean if She is going to spank me for breaking Her/Our rules then I figure the least I can do is keep an accurate record of things and honestly self report. Otherwise in my view I would be undermining the whole Dynamic of FLR/DD. She almost opted out of FLR and DD once saying that if I really wanted to be better that I would just do it and shouldn’t need to be spanked. Well…we had a long talk about us both agreeing that neither of us really understand Why I seem to need it, but both of us agreed that I am a much better man, husband, father and friend with HER DD in my life than I was before we started. Now about my well thrashed butt….I am not looking forward to HER coming home from work today. She will relax for awhile and at some point probably around 4:30 she will go let the dog outside and order me upstairs for round number 4 of a 4 day consecutive days spanking. She has already said that since it is the last of the 4 that it will be by far the worst and longest…And that is really saying something given the last 3 days….But you know I think it is working….I don’t even really want to disappoint her or for her to have to do it again, but I know She would…She has made that very clear…And I don’t want her to have to. I never want to have to endure this again! She really doesn’t enjoy hurting me. It is completely against Her nature. I have to endure this last one, And then as long as I abide by the Drinking Rules we can go back to our weekly checkins….Much more manageable for my Ass!

    1. Good luck on day 4.

      I get the sentiment that if we really we want to do better, we just should. The problem is, most men in these relationships already do hold themselves to high standards and are probably more motivated to "be better" than men in the general population. So, if we could, we probably would.

    2. Jackson, your wife is no joke and serious about reforming your actions. I don’t think my wife would follow through in four straight days of thrashing me. I think by day three she wouldn’t want to thrash a bruised bottom. I’m 18 days into 32 day dry OCT/Nov. I feel great actually.

    3. Well…funny you should comment that she is no joke…my bottom is in agonizing pain as I sit writing this…She finished the 4th only five minutes ago…ordering me upstairs as soon as She got home from work. I’m Done with breaking Her Drinking rules! She made it clear that She is perfectly willing to do it again anytime. Congratulations on your 18days! That’s awesome. Keep it going.

    4. T, I'll join Jackson on congratulating you on the sober streak. That's a significant accomplishment.

  11. As I have mentioned before we have been in a DD for decades. Early on there was a very brief period wherein he would self report. It was I think in part him seeking the release/ relief he felt after a punishment spanking. I dealt with this by making it clear that all
    Spankings would be post orgasm and never any sex associated with spanking. As the years went on his behavior has largely improved but there is rarely an occasion where has self reported.. although the spankings are less frequent, I make certain he finds each punishment something to avoid . in our DD spankings work to control behavior that challenges peace.

    1. If self-reporting would lead to a post-orgasm spanking every time, I'm sure I would be even less inclined to self-report than i already am!

    2. This is an intermittent thing for us. Spankings used to be post-orgasm more often than they are now, but overall I tend to agree with miss C, if a primary purpose of DD is behavior modification, then it’s probably a good approach, and would certainly have no impact on my tendency to self-report when I think it’s necessary. TG

    3. Miss C: “As I have mentioned before we have been in a DD for decades. Early on there was a very brief period wherein he would self report. It was I think in part him seeking the release/ relief he felt after a punishment spanking. I dealt with this by making it clear that all spankings would be post orgasm and never any sex associated with spanking”

      Miss C,reading this, its clear you feel it necessary to use post orgasm sparking to eliminate any sexual feelings. Other wives as well as male commenters have also described the use of post orgasm spanking. And -full disclosure-my wife also has used it, not often, but she demands the authority to use it.

      If you would comment, why do you use it every time? It’s true that sexual excitement before a spanking can happen. But it is usually brief and does not continue very long into a punishment spanking. Almost any husband or boyfriend subject to spanking will say they derive no pleasure, sexual or otherwise during the actual spanking.

      I get why you use post orgasm spanking. But would you speak to why you use it for most or all spankings


    4. I don’t know that I have ever had a post orgasm spanking. Does it hurt more? Why? Can someone explain the physiology/psychology of this phenomonon?

    5. Alan, our DD started five decades ago, we were young and in retrospect very immature. My parents felt we were naive and were unprepared to take care of ourselves. After a number of pretty heated family arguments my mother lost patience and with consideration of his ego confronted him when no one else was present and said he needed to learn how to behave in our family. After a long scolding he consented to a spanking. He was 20 and to this day he says he doesn’t understand why he agreed. He had never been disciplined by his parents. It took some time for him to tell me about this experience. After telling me i saw his interactions with my mom. He was polite, deferential. After some discussion we experimented with me spanking him and he was clearly turned on. For a period it seemed he sometimes did something he knew upset me with hopes for a spanking followed by sex or me relieving him. After many discussions it was clear that this was not getting me the same deference I saw after my mom spanked him. We established some rules and I made it clear that sex was not a component of punishment spankings. He had a tendency to make misogynistic comments for which he earned a spanking and a mouth soaping. All these years later most of his behavior is very supportive but occasionally he says things that are followed by me taking a strap to him and a bar of Ivory soap. Spanking has really been helpful in our DD but I had to eliminate sex for it to work for us.

    6. Jackson:

      There have been two major discussions of wives using "post orgasm" thrashings, and men's perceptions of their "brutality," during the past few months. I believe both discussions occurred slightly before you first joined our discussion group:

      These two weeks of discussions should answer most of your cerebral/executive function questions. Of course, there is only one way to truly understand: "feeling is believing!"

    7. Sorry! That last post re "Post Orgasm Punishment" was from me, "Donn."

    8. Miss C, thank you for expanding on why you use post orgasm spanking. I have encountered your husbands’ comments on other blogs about being spanked by your mother. It seems that spanking had a profound influence on him and his need to be spanked. This seems notable since he didn’t receive discipline growing up.

      I can understand why you turned to post orgasm to stop his berating. That must be enormously frustrating to a partner working to establish effective discipline.

      For me though just couple of those would have stopped any batting fast. Their effectiveness lies in that they are the ultimate threat. I take her warnings very seriously

  12. I self disclose (although I don't call it that) pretty much all the time via my journal. I'm not a great sleeper and so I am in the habit of updating my journal which my wife reads, on an almost daily basis. I use MS OneNote which I can access from any device. I am more comfortable structuring my thoughts in a journal - my wife occasionally replies via the journal but mostly does so verbally. We are just different that way.

    She now regards my journal updates as a very useful, verging on essential line of communication between us. And it has become the norm for me to identify any poor behaviour in the journal as a matter of course. If I didn't she would say that I had not been completely honest or she would react in some other way. If we have a dispute that is unresolved on the day she will expect to read my views (and generally an apology) in the next journal.

    I have also set up a tab for our 'rules' - I say rules but they are more boundaries, expected behaviours and agreement that she can discipline and when. We now review the rules weekly and they provide an excellent 'aide memoire' as they cover all areas of behaviour that she is interested in monitoring as well as a very good way of focussing the conversation. We have scheduled those sessions for Friday morning as a catch up from the week but also as a preparation for the weekend. We have been doing this now for a while and having such clear behavioural guidelines and a scheduled time to review has increased my sense of freedom & clarity whilst improving her confidence & consistency.

    So in terms of self disclosure I aim to be completely honest and with full disclosure (almost) in the journal (which I sometimes regret!). It tends to be clear whether I feel that my behaviour merits discipline and it is fair to say that all of the weekly reviews have resulted in a spanking so far. I will only rarely suggest that I need a spanking and usually in slightly oblique language. I have never asked for one verbally even though our rules allow for that option, I just find it too difficult even though she has set me that challenge.

    My wife is 'vanilla' but clearly sees the benefit of DD in our relationship and has openly said many times that she sees it as an essential part of our relationship now. She does not treat me like a child, in fact refuses to - she often says that we are in an adult relationship and that part of my 'growth' is being mature enough to manage my own behaviour, to be aware of any failings and to accept, even request appropriate discipline. TB

    1. "I will only rarely suggest that I need a spanking and usually in slightly oblique language." That's a perfect description of most of my journal entries.

      I see so many advantages to something like your MS OneNote journaling. For some reason, I've always had a thing for real paper journals when it comes to very personal entries. I do use an electronic journaling app, but I tend to use it for less personal observations and for things I know I'm going to want to search for over time. It's also great for including pictures that are relevant to an entry. And, Anne seems to really like captioned spanking photos with pertinent message. My compromise has been to print some out and include them with the hardcopy journal.

  13. Sounds like a very health FLR/DD marriage….Sounds familiar and is really close to the dynamic around FLR/DD in my own marriage. I believe my wife and I already had a close, good marriage. We have been together for over 30 years, but only a little less than 2 years have we introduced FLR with DD. I have to say it has greatly improved the way we treat each other…not only am I much more respectful, calm and better behaved in almost every way, She treats me better too. She asks my opinion and consider it more often than She used to before DD. I think it’s because She has more confidence knowing that She will ultimately be the Decider…so She feels less need to sell Her point of view or dig in on Her positions. Knowing that I will stay in my lane and after voicing respectfully any disagreement I will conform to Her wishes or face the consequences which are now very clear because of DD. Before DD consequences could be the silent treatment, sleeping in a different bedroom, withholding sex…all of that is gone now…and settled with the paddle and strap.

    1. That's a great point about how knowing you are "the Decider" can actually make someone a much better, more collaborative leader. I think Femdom sends the opposite message.

      Regarding pre-DD consequences, it happened with us, too. Anne had absorbed a lot of bad lessons from her very passive-aggressive mother.

    2. Dan:

      Since the books are now gone from the Internet Archive, thanks for pulling that notice at top of this week's discussion.

      Also, you might want to pull the same notice at end of last weeks discussion:

      -- Scotsman

  14. I suppose it doesn't count if I ask for a spanking when it is apparent that I'm going to get one anyway. I've done that a few times, mostly as a clear statement of my wife's authority. At first I probably thought it would mean a milder punishment, but I can't say that that has been the case.

    I think it has been more meaningful when I have confessed to deeds that she was very unlikely to find out about on her own. It may not happen often, but has led me to the conclusion that homilies about confession being good for the soul are based in fact. Neither one of us is good at being deceptive and there have been instances where my wife has likewise 'fessed up to me. Of course her admission didn't result in corporal punishment, but it was obviously humbling for her nonetheless.

    The topic of post orgasm spanking has come up here a few times and I will just add that we haven't used that approach. That said, my wife has never been interested in sex after spanking me. I would sometimes ask for it, but was rebuffed because a.) she was still upset with me, and b.) she wasn't comfortable linking my punishment to intimacy.

    I don't think she has thought about post orgasm spankings being more painful and hopefully that won't occur to her. The closest I've been to experiencing one was when she saw my erection and asked if I wanted to take care of it before we got down to business. I assured her that I did not.

    1. There have been very few times that I have outright asked for a spanking. As I said in response to TB, above, my "asks" tend to be more like oblique suggestions in a journal. On those very few occasions when I have literally asked for one, it's tended to involve not things that she didn't know about but, rather, things she didn't care very much about but I did. In some of those cases, she didn't know about whatever the issue was, but that's not why I asked. I asked because she wouldn't have cared even if she had known. A really pedestrian example was, I was trying to lose weight and had been doing a pretty good job of sticking to a diet. Then, someone made brownies and, instead of having one, I inhaled five. (I absolutely cannot resist brownies.) It wasn't something she cared about at all, but I wanted to send a clear message to myself that such a big fail on something I cared about, even if she didn't, wasn't acceptable. There also have been issues around carelessness, where something I did cost me time and energy but had little or no impact on her.

      I have never asked for a post-orgasm spanking and probably never will. Unfortunately, while they might not occur to Beth, my wife does read this blog . . .

    2. My wife has always said ‘no sex after spanking’ as she also does not want to link the two. However it is surprising how often sex happens after spanking…. Part of me thinks she just may enjoy the spanking … TB

    3. TB, it happens very frequently for us. I used to say it was sort of just a fortunate pattern that developed and resulted from spankings happening when kids weren't around, which also was a good time for sex. Now that the kids are gone, yeah, I too suspect she enjoys the spanking more than she lets on.

  15. Self-disclosure and asking for the spanking also exist in our relationship. We have rules that lead to spanking, and we have an agreement that other inappropriate behaviors can be punished. The last one was that when I leave the house in the morning and start the car, it is my responsibility to see that the dog's food bowl is full, not for my wife, who comes last, to deal with it. I've been spanked twice for this and I remember it now. Asking for spanking myself is hard for me too, because we've agreed that if I do it, it's post orgasm spanking, which I hate.

    1. I agree with Anonymous below on this sounding "wickedly inventive."

    2. Sorry, That was Alan Anonymous. Now that I have a last name,maybe I will get with the program and begin posting as A.A.

  16. Though my tendency is to disclose, I admit there have been some times when I held a few snippets back for later. Since spanking tends to precede sex with us, I have sometimes let out a snippet while still in bed early in the morning, resulting in a spanking in bed and then sex. If she doesn't feel it is worthy of a spanking, I may explicitly ask for one

    That said, I have to point out that we have agreed I will never engage in "bratting", because one of the benefits to my wife is improved behaviour and "bratting" would defeat the purpose of DD.


    1. P.P.: “Asking for spanking myself is hard for me too, because we've agreed that if I do it, it's post orgasm spanking, which I hate.”

      This seems wickedly inventive. True it would discourage reporting. But it deals with the “brattling” problem alluded above by Miss C and J. Few are going to brat for a post orgasm spanking. It’s probably effective too in recusing/eliminating any topping from below and keeps the power to decide why and when with her ( where it belongs)

  17. Dan wrote: “ I've wondered whether it would add a distinct humbling element to our usual DD rituals if, instead of her telling me when to get ready for my spanking, she ordered that one would happen over a given day or two, but left it to me to come in and ask for it when I was ready”

    We have never done this but I am going to discuss it with my wife. It could be a powerful tool for her I want her to know about. As I think about it, it may be some cultures have used something similar as part of the punishment process.

    It does check some boxes. It would almost guarantee that you spent time thinking about what happened and what is going to happen. The point when you go to her and say you are ready means you are taking responsibility for the behavior and ready to pay the price. My former girlfriend liked it when I came to her after she had decided to punish me. But not so much when I asked for a spanking or told her I needed one without her first deciding it was going to happen

    1. I've done it on a very small number of occasions, where i knew one was coming and I decided to ask her to get it over with. It definitely was a powerful feeling.


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