
Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Club - Meeting 488 - Spanking for Carelessness

You learn a lot more from the lows because it makes you pay attention to what you're doing.” – John Elway

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to our female readers to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.


I hope you all had a good week. I’ve gotten in a couple of fun motorcycle day-trips in the last couple of weeks.  I’m trying to cram in as much fun as I can before we go into a state of suspended animation thanks to the injuries and consequent medical procedures I alluded to a few weeks ago. 



And, speaking of cramming in fun, Anne and I probably are going to try to squeeze in an RV trip in over the next few days, which means it’s fairly likely I won’t be posting next week.


Before I get to a topic for this week, I wanted to do one quick follow-up regarding last week’s topic.  The comments kicked off with a couple of strongly negative opinions regarding the possibility of kids—even our adult kids—finding out about our DD lifestyles.


Given how strong the reaction was from a couple of people, it got me curious about what, if anything, they have done to ensure that no one, including the kids, would find out about the lifestyle if, heaven forbid, the worst happened and you shuffled off this mortal coil, leaving some interesting toys and instruments behind. And, it's something that even those who aren't as concerned about others knowing still might want to think through.


I’ve always loved this cartoon by KD Pierre, which raises the comedic issue of an elder passing and leaving behind some hints that their life had been maybe a bit more “colorful” than her relatives realized.


I’m probably a bit more sensitive to this issue than most, because of some early life experiences with close relatives dying very unexpectedly.  It’s always been in the back of mind that every day really could be your last.


In our case, I don’t remember exactly how it came up, but at some point I told the vanilla friend who knows about our DD lifestyle that I kept all the instruments in a footlocker-like box in a closet. Once when we were going on an adventurous trip without the kids, she asked whether I wanted her to try to spirit the box out of the house if anything were to happen to us.  I had listed her as the executor on our wills, and she was the godmother of one of our kids, so it wouldn’t have been unusual for her to have a role in handling our estate and belongings.  Today, I’m not sure what would happen.  The footlocker still exists, but the tools are scattered around in various places, as are some of my hand-written journals discussing DD. 


So, the simple answer is that, if something happened to us, our kids would almost certainly quickly discover nearly everything about our DD relationship.  Which is fine with me, but others reacted with such concern, I’m curious if they’ve done anything to ensure ongoing confidentiality, in the event the worst were to happen.


In terms of how bad the reaction of adult kids might be, my own intuition is in-line with what several others expressed, namely that they probably would be fine with it or, most likely, they wouldn’t care that much one way or another. 


ZM summed it up well in responding to one of Norton’s comments:


"Being held accountable for my behavior has had a profound and positive affect on my life and my relationship. It would be great to be able to share our DD with others, but any attempts we made were met with disinterest." - Hahaha. That is one of the main observations my wife and I made when it came to telling others. In our minds, it was such a HUGE deal, but the fact is, most people simply don't think that much about what others do or really care. They might find it mildly interesting, or even perhaps slightly amusing, but unless they too are wired more like some of us, they are probably likely to not really think about it much (if ever) again.


I expect that same thing would hold at least somewhat true with grown-up kids. Probably they would think about it more, since they are closer to the situation, but it might be just reflecting on things and trying to see if there were signs of this relationship dynamic that they missed or something like that. In the end, our grown-up kids have plenty to think about in their own lives, and this probably wouldn't get a lot of mind-share.”


Al pointed out that even if the kids aren’t aware of DD, they may become aware at the more subtle changes in attitudes and displayed roles:


“However, I do know that they are both very aware (especially the older child) that there came a point when I was noticeably more respectful, and showed greater deference, to my wife than I had before - as well as Susan becoming obviously more assertive in her interaction with me, especially when it came to my behavior and attitude.”


As I noted in response, one of our adult kids asked my wife about the fact that she seemed to increasingly be in charge and making more of the decisions.  Kids are perceptive and probably know or intuit more than we like to think.


In a great cautionary note, however, AE pointed out that it’s not just about what kids might think about DD, but whether they have the discretion to keep it to themselves. 


“TE and I have a daughter who is still elementary age. She knows nothing about our DD and I would prefer to keep it that way for a while (probably a long while). She’s seen me playfully slap TE with an oven mitt in the kitchen for being in my way and she still talks about it several years later. I don’t trust her understanding or discretion at this point. That being said, I can’t say there will never be time when she’s grown that I won’t feel differently, we’re just in a stage of life where that’s unknown.”


As for this week’s topic, it’s more a series of personal anecdotes that illustrate one direction I hope our DD goes in after we get through this medical-related hiatus.


Over the last couple of years, I’ve gotten more intrigued about DD’s application to simple carelessness.  Things that don’t represent big character failings, malicious conduct, disobedience, or bad attitude. Instead, I’m talking about those times when we are sloppy or do things in an absent-minded or half-assed way.



When we first started DD and, honestly, for probably most of the first 18 or 19 years in the lifestyle, Anne focused her attention what I think we both saw as big behavioral failures. Drinking too much or too often. Temper tantrums. Behaving in a way that she saw as being rude, embarrassing, or boorish in the presence of others.


Although our general rule, from the beginning, was that she could spank for any reason, in reality most of the focus has always been on bigger issues or things that involve a failure to obey agreed-upon rules. 

Conversely, there hasn’t been much focus on simple carelessness, even though careless acts and omissions have probably cost as much time and money, and placed my health and safety at as much risk, as some of the “big ticket” stuff she has consistently addressed.


Most of the times, I'm the one who pays the price in time, anxiety, and aggravation, but that doesn't mean that acts of carelessness couldn't extend to things that do affect Anne, if they generally go unaddressed.

For some reason, it’s shown up a lot in my hobbies and recreational activities.  The first time I recall really wanting a significant spanking for an act of carelessness was on a group motorcycle trip a couple of years ago. The trip included some tough terrain.  Unfortunately, one of my tires was significantly worn, but I didn’t notice it until it was too late to get it replaced.  I decided to risk it and, while no great disaster ensued, it did cause some significant problems and made certain parts of the trip much more dicey than they should have been. I also forgot to bring some necessary equipment, despite having an exhaustive checklist to work from.


This year, when I went on a similar trip, I did a better job with ensuring everything was maintained and that I had the right equipment, yet there were still some problems that occurred as a result of not maximizing some things I knew I should, in face, maximize.  There was also one fairly significant incident in which, though I didn’t initiate the carelessness, I went along with a traveling companion’s insistence on something that I knew in my gut was going to cause us a significant problem, and it did.


On a more minor scale, last year I failed to winterize our van before the first significant freeze, and I ended up spending the better part of two days chasing down and repairing water leaks.


And, then, just a week ago, I did something on my motorcycle that was just plain stupid and could have caused a very significant and expensive amount of damage.  In the end, it turned out okay, but it could have been a very costly lesson to simply pay more attention.This drawing shows the context for the punishment that should have happened in a just world.

While it was a genuine mistake, it was a dumb, easily preventable mistake.


I realize I have an out-sized need for personal accountability and that sometimes we need to treat a mistake as a mistake.


Yet, I also believe that lack of accountability on even genuine mistakes has

ripple effects. 


I do think that as I’ve gotten further into early retirement, some of the “big ticket” bad behavior has declined.  However, avoiding the avoidable costs and frustrations of daily life is worth focusing on, given that simple carelessness sometimes does result in substantial costs in money and time. 


And, when I'm undisciplined and sloppy in small, everyday areas, that can't help but spill over into bigger things.


It's kind of like the "broken windows" approach to policing, in which crime prevention focuses on things like petty vandalism and graffiti, because those petty crimes degrade the neighborhood and give people less of a sense that the rules matter.


In the past, I could excuse some simply fuck-ups on the basis that I was crushingly busy and couldn’t always stay on top of everything. Truth be told, however, that level of busyness was a reason to get more organized and systematic, not a good excuse for being less so. 


We’ve talked here before about the value in being disciplined for “small” things, but I don’t see some of my instances of carelessness as all that small.  Some could have become real safety issues and others could have cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars to repair.  That I have avoided those consequences most of the time has been more about luck than skill. 


I recognize that my tendency to wing it has cost me and others time and, in some cases, caused a fair amount of stress and worry. And, in a couple of the instances described above, I have gotten very mad at myself.


That’s why I think I’m so attracted to this captioned picture and have posted it a few times.  To me it exemplifies the idea of getting spanked sometimes for results, regardless of the intent that led to them.


It's an attitude that I think was pretty common among parents when I was growing up and a kid failed to take care of an expensive toy or destroyed something through carelessness, inattention, or rambunctiousness.


It’s the attitude I hope Anne will take about this carelessness stuff going forward. 


I feel like the focus needs to be on both the act or omission and on the result. Or, perhaps even more so, on the potential result. It may be that relatively minor act of inattention or carelessness should earn a very bad spanking if a seriously negative result was avoided by sheer luck. And, like with failing to winterize our RV on time, some fairly minor consequences are so avoidable that they too should earn at substantial reminder to pay freaking attention!



How do our disciplined husbands and Disciplinary Wives feel about this?  Does she spank for simple carelessness?  Should she?  Give us some examples of careless than has been or should be punishable.


Have a great week.


  1. Only a very short response for a change, no stories to relate or profound thoughts. Just agreement, I think spanking for carelessness and stupid mistakes would be both justified and helpful. I’m sure it would result in more careful consideration of consequences before doing or saying things. TG

    1. A quick addendum. I mentioned this week’s topic to my wife and her immediate response was “yes.” TG

  2. I definitely think that carelessness is deserving of discipline, but it is normally something short and sweet. I have a “spurtle” which is a wooden paddle/spatula in my kitchen drawer that is perfect when TH drops a package rather than setting it down or neglects to run the dishwater or put the bins out on trash day. I bring him into the kitchen by his ear, hands on the counter, I pull down his pants, remind him of why he is being spanked. I then go to the drawer, pull out the spurtle, tap my palm a few times for effect, and then he gets a short volley of swats. Pants up, and back to normal.

    1. That sounds like a great way to handle very minor instances of carelessness. That's the first time I've heard of a "spurtle." Interesting looking kitchen tool.

    2. I agree that carelessness is a legitimate reason to spank. And like MC, my wife does not hesitate to give a brief but hard spanking for simple carelessness. She gives all spankings otk, so can't get it over with quite as quickly as MC does, but usually for a minor offense the whole procedure takes less than five minutes.

  3. I'm in the no camp , simply because these are unintentional mistakes and a spanking would not change anything.
    I have friend who is so accident prone he has even lost jobs because of his carelessness but he just can't help it.
    I've been spanked twice for carelessness, once for breaking the glass in an expensive coffee table when moving it , and another time for leaving tacks on the floor accidentally which she stepped on ( a bit comical really in my view).
    Both times she was angry and it was more venting for her than anything..
    Of course if a wife enjoys spanking that much she will look for any excuse to do do so, even carelessness.

    1. I agree with you that they are "unintentional" for the most part, but I don't really agree that a spanking wouldn't change anything. Sometimes things are truly accidents, but sometimes "unintentional" results from not paying attention, not following through, etc. In at least two of the instances I mentioned in the post (the worn tires and winterizing the van), I knew I should do something, and I just didn't get around to it in time. Accidents can be something where there really is no fault, but it can also be a matter of simple inattention or not being detail oriented. The latter is a major problem for me, and I'm not sure it's true that I really can't do anything about it, if Anne was committed to *making* me sweat the details.

    2. I have to admit I haven't damaged any furniture or dtopped any tacks on the floor since those spankings so perhaps they did give me a necessary reminder!

    3. Glen,
      I agree that accidents happen, and that generally unintentional mistakes shouldn't be punished, after all, we are all human and we do make mistakes. At the same time, I agree with Dan that if something happens from failing to exercise due care, from procrastination, or from simply being lackadaisical and not following through with details, even if it was unintentional, it was likely very much preventable.

      An easy example is driving far too fast (something I am inclined to do). If I have an accident, obviously it was unintentional, but if I happen to be going double the speed limit when the crash happens, the fact that it was unintentional becomes completely irrelevant, because I intentionally made choices along the way to throw caution out the window so now I own the results.

      In the case of the broken glass while moving the coffee table, whether punishment is fair or not largely hinges on whether you were being reasonably careful in moving it. If you were exercising reasonable caution, and if the damage still occurred, I would think punishment is probably not appropriate. On the other hand, if you weren't exercising reasonable care while moving the coffee table (knowing that it is expensive and presumably your wife likes it), it is probably to be punished whether it was damaged or not!


  4. I am in agreement with spanking for carelessness and such was the case in the early years of our relationship. As time went by, I became better trained and in fact did become less careless. This the the stage when we both decided to institute a maintenance program in the FLR. It was intended to accomplish 3 goals, which I have listed more than once in this blog. The third on the list states the regular maintenance is to act as a 'catch all' for minor infractions which may not be worthy of a spanking at the time. This would encompass the minor careless occurrences. It the carelessness is major or results in a larger issue, I am still punishment spanked for the incident at the time of the incident..

    1. "As time went by, I became better trained and in fact did become less careless."

      That's the way I assume it would work with me. I don't really buy that carelessness just can't be made better.

    2. Spanked Cowboy,

      It is similar for us. Spanking for every trivial offence was never seen as useful, so such miscellaneous things are covered by the "base-level" spanking.


  5. JL
    I saved the picture of the lady upset for her husband ruining her frying pan. I'm going to send it to my wife I received a severe spanking for that exact offense.of course my explanation was "I forgot" I'm sending that one to her hopefully she has can laugh about it now lol.

    1. I wonder if she always dresses like that to make breakfast? I hope so!
      She better watch out for those hot grease splashes though.

  6. Hi GLM. Leaving the toilet seat up has been one of the more stubborn habbits that have probably earned me at least 50 spankings over the last 5 years. While it may seem like a "rediculous little thing" to us guys, it is a big deal to some women. It is especially annoying for my sweetie to discover the seat up in the middle of the night, when she is half awake, resulting in her getting a wet bottom. A testomony to how annoying this is for many women is that Amazon sells a "Put Me Down" sticker designed to fit on a toilet lid. DD can be effective in making a husband more aware and sensitive to his wife's desires, regardless of if he feels those desires are trivial or not. He may come to realize that if his unwanted behavior or carelessness results in him getting a hard paddling, he had better do what she requests.

  7. Most of what I get spanked for now is basically simple carelessness. Dan's photo of the woman telling her husband "I am going to have to spank you for this, you know" is classic. The look on her face conveys her surprise and dismay she feels in discovering whatever dumb thing he did, and it also has a maternal feel to it. There is no doubt that the more my sweetie is paying attention and keeping my behavior in check, the happier I seem to be. The biggest issue for me has been drinking, and it seems to affect everything else. If I start late in the day and keep it very light, I will be less careless. I appreciate her efforts, and hope she continues to increase her level of strictness, as it obviously is good for the relationship. Thanks to MC for describing her daily ritual about doing a daily affermation with her husband. It inspired us to write our own, which I'll share here if desired. We read it before every spanking, and it helps reaffirm why we practice DD. Writing it was an interesting process, and it makes very clear what each of us needs and commits to. I liked it so much I framed it, and mounted it on my bedroom wall, with a paddle hanging below.

    1. "Dan's photo of the woman telling her husband "I am going to have to spank you for this, you know" is classic. The look on her face conveys her surprise and dismay she feels in discovering whatever dumb thing he did, and it also has a maternal feel to it."

      Yeah, there are some captioned photos where the combination of text and the demeanor of the subject just really work. For me, that pic was onen of them.

    2. Norton, I’m delighted that my post sparked you and your wife to write your own affirmation, and I’m impressed that you hung it on the wall! I would love to see it with Dan’s permission (I realize this is “off topic”). We are currently revising our daily affirmation to make it shorter and more focused on my wants, which is actually harder than it sounds 😊. DD helps to keep our bond strong, I hope you are as blessed.

    3. No problem on my end. Unfortunately, there's no way to post a picture in comments. I'm happy to post it if Norton wants to send it to me, or I'm happy to facilitate the two of you exchanging contact info.

    4. Please share my E-mail with Norton if he is interested Dan, and thanks for facilitating.

    5. Happy to. Norton, let me know if you're OK with me sending MC your email address.

    6. Hi Dan. Yes, please share my email with MC. Here is our affermation / statement

      Domestic Discipline Agreement.........
      This it to affirm our mutual, ongoing commitment to our practice of domestic discipline. DD has helped strengthen our relationship in several ways. It helps provide structure to address problems in the relationship and ensures we set aside uninterrupted time to focus on the relationship.
      DD has been positive for AJ by encouraging her to be more assertive and confident. It also give her a proactive way to address issues in the relationship.
      DD has been positive for Norton by helping him become more vulnerable, better behaved, and more sensitive to AJ's needs. It also encourages better self care and self discipline.
      Norton: I acknowlege my need for firm boundaries, accountability, and acceptance
      of consequences for my actions. I will continue to inform AJ about any behavior of mine she would not approve of and will submit to her authority without question.
      AJ: I agree to support Norton and our relationship be providing guidance and by exercising my authority to discipline him at any time at my discretion. I will attempt to recognize and exercise my authority to stop any argument or unwanted behavior from Norton. He has requested that I do this and appreciates my support.

      We both enjoyed the process of putting this together, and we read it before each check in, which we do several times a week. Almost every check in will include a spanking, lasting at least 5 minutes. It's always an intimate time for us.

    7. Sorry I forgot to include my name on the entry above.

    8. Beautiful, you are a team. I may use some of your approach in our revision, as it’s validating on both sides. We also have enjoyed writing and editing as it’s a good way to refine the dynamic.

    9. MC. Reading it repeatedly really drives home the reality of what we are committing to. I really do better when I am held accountable. There is nothing kinky or trivial in our affirmation, as it simply states what is true for us. Hopefully, your husband also expresses his gratitude to you for helping him be a better behaved, happier man.

    10. Norton,

      I definitely think the five-minute check-in is good, as it helps maintain the habit.


  8. Yeah, I admit, I just don't get the whole toilet seat thing.

    The hypocrisy problem is real, but I don't have a big problem acknowledging that it's kind of inherent in our arrangement that is one-sided and designed to be so.

  9. Try peeing sitting down Norton if it's earning you that many spankings!

  10. I’m on the fence with this weeks topic. I’m leaning more with Glenmore on this. I could see being spanked for multiple infractions of the same thing. An accident is an accident. I also agree with Mickey, if you have to be spanked for leaving the toilet seat up 50 times, then, just my opinion, you really haven’t learned anything. A simple solution is to install soft close seats. We have them in all of our bathrooms. I go, flush, and tap the lid down. Problem solved. Where I can see it could be beneficial is Dans example of failing to winterize an item ect ect. This seems to maybe fall into the category of laziness or procrastination. I am culpable of both at times. My wife doesn't want to Mother me. As far as carelessness goes, I wish there was an example of overt carelessness that would require a thrashing. Breaking a glass or pan, to me it’s a mistake. I actually get more mad about it than her because my hobby is gourmet cheffing for family and friends. She did remind me this morning getting out of the shower, that I’m getting a thrashing when we arrive home for my insensitive comment. She told me she hasn’t forgotten.

    1. "I actually get more mad about it than her because my hobby is gourmet cheffing for family and friends."

      That is similar to a point I intended to make in the post but forgot. There is some stuff on the carelessness side that impacts both of us to some extent, because it costs us *our* money. But, a lot of the consequences of careless are borne by me.

      The van incident--which you accurately describe as being rooted in laziness or procrastination--did cost some $$ to fix, but it was very minor. The real consequence was the hours and hours I spent repairing.

      On the motorcycle travel incidents, it's mixed. Ultimately, they created a safety issue, and while I was the one who would bear the direct burden of any safety consequence, I like to think she wants me to still be around an unhurt, so she does have some skin in the game on things like that.

      But, I do recognize that when I say I hope she will pay more attention to carelessness issues, it may be more of an imposition than some other things she deals with, because the consequences of my carelessness are often borne entirely or mostly by me. Yet, I don't think she minds, because we've reached this point in our DD where I think she sometimes gets more than a little antsy to deliver a spanking if it hasn't happend in a while, and she increasingly likes exercising her authority.

  11. With regard to last week’s topic, one of my wife’s biggest hesitation/concerns is someone finding, and the impact it would have on her reputation. I’ve addressed it by handwriting a note placed in an envelope and stored in our toy bag, that explains this was always my thing, that she graciously accommodates me, and that I’ve never spanked her. That was enough for her even though it is likely that no one will ever see it unless we meet an untimely demise together. I asked if she really cared what people think after she passed and the answer was a resounding yes.

    As for today’s topic, about half the things I’ve set out to be held accountable for cover carelessness or forgetfulness. The other half being laziness and procrastination. She’s willing to work with my list but has yet shown no inclination to spontaneously spank for something that annoys her. This is very consistent with her thoughts on being discovered above.


    1. "I asked if she really cared what people think after she passed and the answer was a resounding yes."

      It's funny, I'm almost the exact opposite of your wife on this one. Not only do I not care what people think after I pass, I kind of take a mischievous delight in the thought of some someone discovering something scandalous about me after I'm gone.

      I probably should separate out carelessness, forgetfulness, laziness and procrastination. But, for me, they definitely overlap.

    2. I’m with you on this one Dan. My wife, however, who is a brilliant and thoughtful person, can’t outrun her family history. Her family has been in our home town since before the Civil War, and her father was an archivist. History and legacy are paramount to her existence.

    3. For some reason, your comment brought the song Harper Valley PTA roaring into my mind. A town where people all know each other yet don't know--or don't want to know--what is *really* going on with all those seemingly boring, vanilla people they share the community with.

    4. Funny. It is always entertaining to look at others and wonder what they are up to, isn’t it? As for my wife, she’d prefer boring and vanilla, but it is loving and accommodating despite the remote potential of discovery. What more could I ask for?

    5. Yeah, it really is entertaining to speculate on what others might be up to. I generally go with the assumption that it's those I least suspect who may be into the most "out there" kind of stuff.

  12. I'm in the "yes" camp, that for certain types of "mistakes" there should definitely be punishment. Punishment of severity graded to the ultimate potential consequences of the mistake. Even some small "mistakes" should receive severe punishment.


    There are many life situations where we should all exercise a certain "duty of care" or "level of care" towards ourselves and other people. When a so-called "mistake" is made ("just happens"), and the person making the "mistake" is operating outside of agreed upon "boundaries of care," then that is NOT a mistake!

    Yes, sometimes a true, inadvertent mistake can occur, even when we are meeting the agreed level of care, and that first time that happens should not be punishable. However, that should certainly be a learning experience; an opportunity to re-examine the boundaries of care that should apply; realign those boundaries and our procedures (and "attention levels") to ensure such "mistakes" do NOT recur.

    I can't see any way to have a basic standard for evaluating supposed "mistakes" and setting "boundaries of care."

    I'll have something more, directly personal of relevant recent experience, to discuss with the group later. Later when I have built up my own courage in preparation for confessing to my wife. (This is going to get ugly.)

    1. This way of looking at it makes a lot of sense.

    2. I agree Donn about the difference between the first time and subsequent ones. One of our few fixed rules is about incurring unnecessary charges. I always pay off my primary credit card in month one, avoiding interest charges. Last month I screwed up, believing I was good paying it off before the statement date provided l made the minimum payment before their stated due date. Turns out they start charging interest on the due date, not the statement date, so I ended up with an unexpected interest charge. I thought I’d done everything right and we agreed there would be no punishment in this case. I’m sure making the same mistake again would have severe consequences though. TG


    Sorry, that second to last paragraph should have read:

    "I can't see any OTHER way to have a basic standard for evaluating supposed 'mistakes' and setting 'boundaries of care'."

  14. For this topic, I am going to have to think a little more. On the one hand, much or most of the frustration in my life (and hers) is either directly or indirectly a result of my overlooking details, procrastination, taking unnecessary risks, or simply failing to be careful enough. On the other hand, I shudder to think about just how often I would be punished if she got serious about fixing these things... BTW, I am both joking and serious about this, all at once. I really can't imagine just how often I would be punished if she tackled procrastination or carelessness, but at the same time, I know that it would probably be most transformative for me if she ever does.

    I'll write more later.


    1. "On the other hand, I shudder to think about just how often I would be punished if she got serious about fixing these things."

      Good point!

  15. I'm in agreement with spanking for carelessness. I have been spanked several times for it. She might let it slide as long as it doesn't cost us money but if it does I know a severe spanking is coming my way. I recently made a purchase that we both agreed we needed but I failed to make all the measurements and the item would not fit. She realized we would have to pay the return shipping and a restocking fee. That night I was paddled so hard that sitting was a good reminder for several days. Whenever my careless behavior cost us money I get spanked so that I can think about the cost of being careless and how much it hurt when she spanks me for it. I still fail from time to time but I have gotten better about checking things twice before I leave behind a 500 dollar item that summarily disappears.

    1. Ward, this is exactly the kind of thing I get really annoyed with myself for and that is totally preventable. I wonder sometimes how many thousands of dollars I've squandered over the years simply by not really thinking through or adequately researching a purchase.

  16. Being punished for my carelessness has been a great help in making me more aware and careful. After being thrashed for carelessness she used to ask me "what are you going to do now." I would say something like "I'm going to try and be more attentive and careful." Then suddenly one day I said that and she flared at me and said bend back over and proceeded to give me a second thrashing. When she finished she said "banish that word from your vocabulary. You will not 'try', you will 'do'". So now even saying I will "try" earns me a thrashing. It has made me do a better job of being careful. Thanks a lot Yoda.

    1. I thought of Yoda too, before I got to your last sentence. Haha!

  17. I have been made to sit to pee since the beginning of our FLR.

  18. Seems like I may be in the minority as I don’t ever get punished for careless behaviour only for rudeness, moodiness, sarcasm & arguments. I guess I am not careless generally about money & deadlines. I am careless about what I say and I regularly pay for it … TB

    1. TB,
      I can relate to you as well. I’m generally thrashed for the same
      offenses. I manage daily life, money and general obligations pretty well.

    2. I hadn't thought of carelessness with my mouth as a subcategory of carelessness, but it certainly is one that gets me into trouble.


    3. I can relate to the comment about being careless with my mouth it wasn't that long ago that I got frustrated with her and cursed at her thinking she couldn't hear me but she did. I got a very long hard spanking for that. It was almost a week before I stopped thinking about it every time I set down.

  19. Yes, punishment for carelessness is a regular occurrence in our DD marriage. Often, carelessness earns a threefold punishment - a natural consequence, a punitive consequence, and a teaching consequence.

    A recent example- I forgot to put out the trash bins on trash day.

    Natural consequence: I had to drive the trash to the dump

    Punitive: I received a belt spanking

    Teaching: I had to write out the dates of all of the trash days for the next year, which is now taped to my mirror

    From my wife: "Maybe I'm jaded, but my experience raising three kids is that the line between "I forgot" and refusal to do something is grey. To keep hubby from the temptation of using the "I forgot" excuse falsely, I often treat it there same as outright refusal. In the example shared, putting out the bins is on hubby's chore chart. I didn't much care whether he forgot or refused - the result of the same."

    1. That's quite the trifecta! Of the three, I suspect having to drive the trash to the dump would have stuck with me the longest.

  20. Hmmm. Carelessness not really but as I’ve said on here a couple times grammar YES ! I do watch what I say when she’s around. Previous paddlings are easily remembered. I was cleaning the extra fridge in garage Sunday. I removed the glass shelf and it barely touched the door and it shattered into a million pieces. I yelled out f——— w—-! She HATES that worse than ain’t. She was in the house and didn’t think she heard anything. She came out holding her paddle , sat down and was going to paddle me right then and there. She was mad and there was no getting out of it. She did let me close the door first then penance was given. A harsh one at that. JR

    1. A similar situation here. She allows 'some' foul language from me, but her key word is 'cocksucker'. Every time I say that word, I am assured of a good hard spanking.... sometimes even a double spanking.

    2. I recently said the F... Y... to her out of anger. She immediately told me I was going to get a spanking but waited until the appointed time before bed to put me over her knee and. paddle me until I was a very sorry husband. It's one of the few times I actually had tears in my eyes when she finished. I was ordered to do twenty minutes in the corner every morning until I learned to be more respectful to her. I have only been let out of doing CT once since then. However, I got a spanking that night for disrespect in front of family. When we got back to my mom's house she told my mom that she should give me a spanking of course she was joking but that I night I got the spanking from her my wife. She has recently become more bold about commenting on my bad behavior around my family and my need to be spanked. I don't know if they really grasp that I'm in fact spanked by her when she is tired of my mouth.

    3. We try to punishment immediately after the infraction, if at all possible. I have never been spanked in front of my family, but have in front of her family. I have also been spanked in front of lifestyle friends and strangers. My former Dominant Mistress would do a mouth soaping along with the spanking. My current does not do that.

    4. SC, "cocksucker" would be a very hard one for me to banish from my vocabulary. Ever since watching Bull Durham (one of my all time favorite movies), it's been my go-to favorite insult to people I really don't like. I realize it's not exactly politically correct, but there are a few words like that that may not have aged well but I'm not discarding them yet.

    5. Ward, it is an interesting development that she's becoming more open in referring to spankings, even if it might be taken as a joke. Anne was doing that for a while, though it's tapered off. But, even so, I still feel like it was an inflection point in terms of her confidence in her role and her openness to being more open.

    6. So. I had an early class to teach yesterday. Started at 07:00. I was leaving the house at 06:20. I knocked over a box of nuts/ bolts in garage. Stuff is everywhere. I instinctively yelled fucking whore.! About 09:00 she sends a text. “ heard what you said when you were leaving. We will discuss it later “. I thought she was asleep ? When I arrived home she was in the living room sitting on the “ spanking chair “ holding her paddle. I offered no resistance and accepted my fate. When I was across her lap she asked how many times recently have we had the exact same discussion. I said two ma’am. She replies third time must be a charm and I’m going to make this something you won’t soon forget. And she did !!! JR

  21. Carelessness means two different things to me. One is the little everyday slip-ups that make her life harder, like forgetting garbage bins or not starting the dishwasher. I would appreciate it if my wife punished for these as part of a program to make me a more careful and considerate husband.

    I wouldn't mind being spanked for little carelessness out of the blue if she is generally frustrated and something was the last straw. I would rather she do this as part of a vision to have a more considerate husband, though, and remind me of that vision as part of punishment.

    My second meaning of carelessness is failure to be excellent in areas that are my strengths. This is more of a supporting, fortifying, encouraging discipline. In these areas I have to set the rules she will enforce. Instead of tell me I've hurt her or wasted her time, she is asking me what went wrong, how I will do better, telling me she admires me and wants me to excel.

    Those types of punishments can happen almost any time, even months later if that's when I have a realization. They are hard to start doing. If she doesn't see what I'm trying to achieve then they seem to feel like I am asking for a spanking just because.

    1. MW, that's a great distinction, and I can see why it would be great to implement both. Some of my carelessness (forgetting to lock doors), is stuff that she cares about a lot but I care about only a little, if at all. On the other hand, most of the things I talked about in the post are things that I care about a lot and she is indirectly interested in, at best. Most of those fall into your second category.

  22. This week’s topic is timely - I just had to give a spanking for what could be considered carelessness. Without getting into too many details, I asked my husband to do something three times that would help me prepare for the rest of the week. It wasn’t just in passing, we had a pretty extensive conversation two of the three times I asked. Yesterday, when I needed it, it hadn’t been done, and caused me to have to scramble for a solution. It wasn’t the end of the world, but it was inconvenient and easily avoidable. Before he even got to work, he knew he’d be going over my knee before bed. Today, he’d done it before I could ask to avoid a repeat. I don’t think I’ll need to correct every act of carelessness or forgetfulness with spanking, but there are definitely times where if something makes a bigger problem, is something I feel strongly about, or it causes a domino effect of issues, spanking would be helpful correction. AE

    1. Hi AE. The criteria in your last sentence seems like a great starting point for wives who may want to spank for carelessness but don't want to get caught up in spanking for every little thing. I'm sure the way you handled it would have gotten my attention.

    2. Yes, definitely. As a husband, I try to assure that it's not unfair if she listens to her intuition and wants to address something that we haven't explicitly talked about. She doesn't need to fully articulate what she's sensing and convince me with an argument.

    3. AE, you asked him three times and he didn't do what you asked? That seems to me to be more than carelessness. I'm not sure I'd even get asked a second time before going over her knee.

    4. Thanks Tom.
      To be fair, attempts were made, and the supplies were not at the house. After that, just forgetfulness… which was dealt with as it should have been. No problem with that, as I will certainly improve my carelessness.
      My dear wife AE leaves out that it was the third night in a row spending quality time over her knee due to one bit of naughtiness or another, and the bruises were getting impressive.

  23. When we tried DD last year for a few months we put some minor behavior that annoy her on the „spankable“ list. One of the main behaviors was my habit of swearing which is not a big issue for her but quite a bit of annoyance. Especially when I swear in front of the kids. Unfortunately I have a very hard time controlling my tongue and for the most part I am just thoughtless. Well she had me keep count of how many times I swore each week and I would get a session with the cane about every other week (severity depending on the swearing count). Believe me, after two weeks counting and seeing the count rise further and further I was getting increasingly nervous about the session that was in store for me. After a couple of weeks of this procedure I was almost cured of my swearing habit. It was really amazing for me to see how DD can help with the own thoughtlessness and help to change habits that before I thought I couldn`t change. It´s like I am able to focus on things that I just couldÅ„t focus before. Unfortunately since she stopped DD swearing came right back. Mike

    1. Very early on, we had a system in place that involved designating a certain minimum number of swats with a large paddle for certain offenses. I remember very well the increasing nervousness once the tally got high.

      Sorry DD was such a short-lived experience for you. Any chance she will take up the cane again?

    2. I really really hope so. There is not one day I don't think about it. But my wife is very vanilla and spanking me feels very wrong to hear. But she is getting a bit more dominant and starts scolding me more. So there might be hope. We paused the topic until the years end and then we will start talking about it again. Mike

    3. "It was really amazing for me to see how DD can help with the own thoughtlessness and help to change habits that before I thought I couldn`t change." - I too have been surprised that DD could change even my very mindset on some issues and hence some deeply rooted behaviors/reactions to things. I think the key part of your statement, and of this week's topic in general, is the word "thoughtlessness." All these little behaviors (including oversights) stem either from not thinking enough about things or doing them (or not doing them) without fully thinking about the likely effects. The whole toilet seat discussion further up was about not thinking to put the toilet seat down. I struggle with the idea of being punished for something that I didn't even think about - as opposed to willfully making wrong choices - but part of the amazing thing of DD is it can help you to start to think about things that you never thought about before and make you much more mindful.


    4. ZM-Good points. R.E. the toilet seat discussion, it's something I often have been spanked for. It's very easy to forget to do, and I've found her "reminders" helpful in making me remember. There are months that go by without me forgetting, then it happens again. Though it is something that is trivial to most guys, if you are guaranteed a spanking for doing it, that makes it so much more important! Regardless of how you feel about any issue, if it's important enough to her that she will spank you for doing it, that issue will become more important to you. The more she follows up on punishing for little things, the better behaved I seem to be, and the more confidence she has.

  24. Hi Dan,
    I have been thinking about the topic the last few days, and I think I have at least a bit more clarity now.

    Overall, I agree with the concept of being punished for carelessness and can see how it could be very helpful. The net effect of being punished for something is that it makes us care more about that thing, and caring more about something is kind of the opposite of caring less (kind of playing with the word carelessness).

    When it comes to accidents, for there to be any fairness, the incident needs to be looked at through the lens of "was this foreseeable, and if so, were you taking adequate precautions and being careful enough?" And quite frankly, even if you think things through before doing them, and even if you do things with the utmost of care, sometimes things just happen. In those cases, punishment is not warranted. But when looking at myself with any degree of honesty, I can see that in the vast majority of cases, even those things I see as accidents would have been entirely preventable with a little more care on my part. Far too often, either laziness or procrastination keep me from doing what I really know I should, and then I merely hope that nothing bad happens from my lack of care.

    Even in the cases where I am not aware I am doing something a few spankings can make me more aware. I have told here before that several years ago, my wife became irritated at my failure to wash my hands often or thoroughly enough. Several times, she threatened to punish me in such a painful way that I ended up becoming much more aware and now wash my hands out of habit. In this case, even the threat of punishment (because what she was describing was so shocking to me) was enough to make me mindful and to change my habits.

    So, in theory I am totally onboard with the concept of spanking for carelessness. The only thing that may keep me from following through with trying to move things this direction is the degree of the problem: I am overall pretty careless or often even reckless. If I were to be punished for carelessness with any consistency, it would happen with far too much regularity, which of course this scares me. On the other hand, I expect that if it happened half as often as I think it would, I would quickly become much less careless.

    But that leads me to my deeper issue with this. Believe it or not, I feel like a lot of my identity is tied up in my playing things fast and loose, taking risks, dodging bullets, and all that. I am afraid of giving that up, even though I know it would result in a more peaceful life.


    1. ZM, you bring up a fundamental struggle I have had for many years, which is probably common to many of us. Being probably the oldest guy contributing here, one thing I've noticed is the older I get, the less desire I have to play fast and loose, and take unnecessary risks. My identity was completely wrapped up in doing exactly that most of my life, and I have been exceedingly lucky to still be alive. It started with riding big bikes with no helmet on the LA freeways at 16 years old, with obviously, no boundaries. I was invincible, or so I thought, until loosing several high school friends. My identity was also being anti authoritarian, breaking rules and social norms. However, the more we have embraced a domestic discipline lifestyle, the more I have let go of clinging to that "bad boy" identity. As we age, the price for getting hurt gets higher, and it takes longer to recover, if you ever do. Do I miss it? Sure. But my partner is happier, and takes good care of me, and the chances of us growing older together are much better now.

    2. "When it comes to accidents, for there to be any fairness, the incident needs to be looked at through the lens of "was this foreseeable, and if so, were you taking adequate precautions and being careful enough?""

      I think that is the right framework to judge the outcome through.

      "Far too often, either laziness or procrastination keep me from doing what I really know I should, and then I merely hope that nothing bad happens from my lack of care."

      That's often the case with me. Then, sometimes it's not laziness or procrastination, but more just the "hoping nothing bad happens" thing.

      "Believe it or not, I feel like a lot of my identity is tied up in my playing things fast and loose, taking risks, dodging bullets, and all that. I am afraid of giving that up, even though I know it would result in a more peaceful life."

      Same here for sure, and to some extent I would argue that a certain cavalier attitude toward risks can be beneficial. I knew a hell of a lot of people in my profession who were mired in mediocrity because they were so hyper-cautious and risk-averse. But, there's a balance, right?

  25. On the subject of hypocrisy, my wife tries her best not to do the same things, though realistically, some will always slip through, but I don't pay much attention to that.


  26. I admit I don't have an enormous amount on this week's direct topic. Accidents/carelessness is not something we have separately considered. My wife has a free hand to spank me for such things if she wishes and she often does so.

    On the pre-topic subject of children finding spanking implements, we decided, having considered this topic, that after I am gone, she will store the implements elsewhere, in case of accidental discovery, until the children come to find out about our livestyle. When that time comes, she may potentially take them back, as a memento of times together. I admit the possibility of them finding out after my passing is not something that preoccupies me much. In any case, my wife and I have agreed that after I am gone, several years will pass and she will tell the children when they reach adulthood: if something has been this useful to us, why not talk about it?

    Regarding the outside hypothetical possibility of both of us dying and then others finding out, this is a risk we just have to take: it is impractical to store implements elsewhere. Our plans are based on me dying and then her telling them many years later when they reach adulthood.


  27. Accidents are often caused by simply not being mindful of what I'm working on. I can be easily distracted while working or doing something mundane. I consider myself to be a good defensive driver but have had several accidents in the past all of them because I was distracted by other thoughts while driving. A fairly recent trip incident was caused by not thoroughly checking around me while parking the truck. I backed into an obstruction I couldn't see causing some damage that cost us a fair amount of time and money. She had warned to wait until she could spot me but I ignored her and attempted it alone. At first she saw it as an accident but I reminded her of her warning and needless to say I found my self over her knee being paddled

    1. "A fairly recent trip incident was caused by not thoroughly checking around me while parking the truck. I backed into an obstruction I couldn't see causing some damage that cost us a fair amount of time and money."

      Been there, done that. Driving is definitely one of those areas in which I've cost myself a good bit of $$ over the years by simply not paying close enough attention to what I was doing.

  28. I have a similar introduction to FLR with domestic discipline. It started as BDSM, very light and me asking for funishments. I wanted to top, but she had zero interest in that, and really was pretty reluctant to hit me. When I happened across a few blogs and ultimately checked out Disciplinary Wives Club and JC Cole on Medium I went to my wife and suggested that we use this to make me a better person and improve my behavior. It was difficult for her at first, but she quickly embraced the life style.


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