
Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Club - Meeting 487 - Whether, When, and How Much Should They Know About Your Domestic Discipline Relationship?

“The more a daughter knows the details of her mother's life [...] the stronger the daughter.” - Anita Diamant, The Red Tent.

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


I hope you all had a good week.  Mine was pretty good, with the exception of one monumentally stupid act of carelessness while out on a motorcycle ride.  It’s unclear whether I will be spanked for it, but I definitely should be even though everything turned out okay in the end.  Perhaps more on that in a later post . . .



I’ve begun several recent posts with a general invitation to our female readers to join in on our conversation.  Recently, a few have taken me up on it.  I hope they and a few more will join in on this post specifically, as I think it is one on which they might have a particularly valuable perspective.


We’ve had a few posts in the past about when (if ever) and how much kids—including but not limited to our now-adult progeny—should know about our DD lifestyle.


I got to thinking about it again, and thought perhaps some of our Disciplinary Wives might have a particular interest, after this comment a few weeks ago from “DD”:


I haven't checked the blog in a while, lots of good stuff in the recent posts. I had to comment that, while I don’t see the disciplinary relationship with my wife as maternal, a few months ago there was an incident that definitely had that feeling. I was playing video games with my son one night and my wife came in and told us to shut it down as it was a school/work night and bedtime for all of us. Being in the zone, we imprudently ignored her orders and played for another hour, time getting away from us. Well the next morning my wife knew what time we went to bed and was not happy. She scolded us both thoroughly in the kitchen for disobeying her. She had my son sit at the kitchen table and write lines, she then turned to me and told me I was not getting out of it either and that I would be getting punished. She walked me down the hall and for a good 10 minutes gave me a severe belting over the bed and an additional scolding on disobeying her and not enforcing her orders in front of our son. She then had me take our son to school and clarify what should have happened.”


I asked whether his son knew he had gotten a spanking. He responded:


"We do not explicitly tell our kids I get spanked, but they are very aware my wife is the authority in the household and that she is the disciplinarian. He knew that "mom" was upset and was taking me to our room to "deal with me". I am not sure what he could hear from the kitchen, but I think there have been some times they may have overheard my wife scolding or spanking me behind closed doors. There have also been other times they knew she was upset with me and took me to the room to deal with it. The dynamic has actually kept arguing and fighting in front of the kids to a minimum. They see enough to know I misbehaved and that it is going to get addressed but no arguing or fighting in front of them, and anything they might overhear is clearly not arguing or fighting either but a one-sided lecture/scolding and me getting disciplined with a well-deserved spanking."


Now, I know many of the commenters here—maybe most—would object to kids in the household knowing that dad gets spanked.  There could be any number of reasons for that.


Perhaps they see spanking as inherently sexual and, hence, something that should be kept away from kids by all means necessary.  Of course, after kids hit a certain age, they do know their parents have sex, right?  So, I assume something more than inherent sexuality may be at play for those who want to keep the DD part of their parental relationship strictly secret.


Some may also think that the hierarchy involved in a DD, and especially an FLR, relationship might be confusion for the kids and diminishing for the husband/father.


I know this has been Anne’s thinking, or part of it anyway. She has told me that when the kids were growing up, she was concerned that knowing about our DD/FLR relationship might lead the kids to think less of me.



I suppose that could happen, but she was much more concerned about it than I ever was.  My view was that I worked my ass off and sacrificed some of my own lifestyle desires over a lot of years to give my kids a stable home, great educations, etc.  If after all that they were to learn about the DD aspects of our relationship and lose respect for me . . . well . . . fuck ‘em.


But, I don’t think that is how it would turn out.


And, I do think they have figured out at least that our relationship isn’t quite typical.  A few years back, one of them commented to me wife that she seemed to make a lot of the decisions and basically “wore the pants.”  Making something up on the fly, my wife noted that I had a large scale, very demanding career that involved directing a lot of people and making a lot of big decisions. She said that it was stressful and that, when at home, I preferred to leave a lot of the decision-making to someone else.


It was a pretty benign explanation, but I think the fact that the question was asked at all says a lot about what they may have intuited.


Or, maybe it was more than intuition. Kids can be snoopy.  Who knows whether one of them came upon a journal or a spanking instrument that was inadvertently left out.


And, of course, a couple of years ago once they were both out of the house and on with their own adult lives, Anne started leaving her bath brush and ebony hairbrush on display on the counter in our master bath. Again, our kids aren’t dumb or imperceptive.


Still, while we probably weren’t quite as secretive as some, we did take reasonable precautions to keep the DD aspects of the relationship private and, hopefully, unknown to the kids.


Yet, I’ve always been intrigued by those like “DD” and his wife who, if not totally out in the open, didn’t exactly try to hide it either.



It doesn’t seem to be very common.  In the 10+ years I’ve been doing this blog, there have been only a handful of commenters who have said that they knew growing up that their father was subject to domestic discipline, and those seemed to involve a more or less passive understanding of the situation. There was no open discussion about it. Rather, it was just kind of in the background. 


One of the rare examples of a Disciplinary Wife who grew up in a household where her own mom was openly in charge was a commenter from a few years back named “Holly.” She recounted how her mom’s status was just always there in the background, though never discussed.


"There wasn’t any time I wasn’t aware of domestic discipline. Mom spanked our dad, never in front of us, but when she took him into the bedroom there was no doubt what was going on and anyone in the house could hear it. I didn’t think much of it except that mom was definitely in charge, which everyone knew anyway."


Later, after her young and immature husband started acting up, her mother openly advocated that she should take up the paddle or strap. 



She resisted at first because she thought her mother had been too ready to spank for every offense, but she came around as her husband’s behavior worsened. 


While she was one of the seemingly rare examples in which the wife instigated the DD relationship, she had reason to believe her husband would accept it and might even want it and, of course, she had seen how her mother had kept her father in-line.


“I knew it was real from the first spanking I administered because I knew men can be managed with a strap if a woman is determined. I had also suspected for a while my husband wanted this. Our dating relationship really became serious when he found out my father was punished. He never directly asked me to take control, but I was certain he would accept it, and I was right since I received no resistance when I told him what was coming. Also, the way he stripped and presented his ass to me on command convinced me I was right.”


So, Holly was the rare woman who observed (or overheard) her mother spanking her father, whose mother discussed it with her at an appropriate time in life, who went on to tell her future husband about it, and who later went on to impose (sort of) a Domestic Discipline relationship herself.


From time to time, I get questions from parents with young kids about how to achieve any kind of DD consistency with kids in the house.


One answer is, of course, to do what Holly’s mother did – don’t worry about keeping it secret.


I understand why most couples will reject that as a solution, though I still wonder how things might have developed had Anne gone there.  I feel like she’s made more progrees in the last couple of years than in the previous twenty.  What might have happened if she’d been as open back then as she is today, when even today she’s not exactly “out” but, rather, just not that concerned anymore about what others think? 


Moreover, what about once the kids are grown, or at least young adults?  Is the DD or FLR side of your relationship something that should be kept from them once they are off on their own?  Or, was Holly’s mom right to be relatively open about being in charge and disciplining the father, culminating in the mother openly advocating that Holly take up the paddle?



Why is it the case that even once our kids become adults and move on to their own relationships we still seem to be intent on keeping the DD aspect of our relationship secret from them?


Aren’t we supposed to try to give our kids--or perhaps their spouses--the benefit of our parental wisdom?  If you think DD is something that has helped your own marriage, or if you think it helps your own performance or your mental/emotional wellbeing, shouldn’t you share that with your adult kids for their own potential benefit?


Those benefits could take a lot of forms.  Perhaps, like Holly’s mother, you have a daughter who needs to take charge of her own ill-behaved husband. 


 (I like the scenario this meme proposes, but is it really that hard to proofread three or four sentences ??)


Or, maybe your darling son (or daughter) is having a hard time growing up and could profit from being on the receiving end of the marital paddle or strap. 


Honestly, I don't know how open we will be in the years to come. As some of our commenter KOJ’s stories reveal, things like retirement can cause people to be way more open than they might have once thought possible


Although I’ve probably never been as concerned about keeping things from our kids as Anne has been, at this point I've pretty much decided that I would be okay with them knowing everything at a general level, whether about the disciplinary spankings or about our blooming FLR, or both.


Though I don't care if they know, I don’t have any desire to talk to them about it myself.  And, given the gender dynamics, if it were to be openly revealed, that probably should come from Anne.  I don’t think she’s there yet, and in my view that’s maybe an opportunity missed, as I think it would be empowering for her. And, while they are adults and capable of making their own choices, it still might be a great thing for them to see the example of a strong woman, fully and openly in charge at home. 


Feel free to discuss any aspect of this post that resonates with you, but here are a few specific questions to get you started:


Were either of your own parents disciplined by the other parent when you were growing up? 


Are your kids aware of you disciplinary relationship? 


For those of you who are in an FLR, are your kids aware that the wife is the leader in the marriage? 


Have you ever spanked or been spanked by your spouse while the kids were in the house or might overhear? 


If your kids are not aware of your DD or FLR relationship, might you tell them or let them find out about it in the future?At what age might it be appropriate?


Does the kid's gender effect your view in any way?  


 If your daughter married a man with maturity or performance problems, would you pass along some helpful hints that maybe she should educate herself about DD?   


What if you had an immature or misbehaving son? Would you ever suggest to him (or to his frustrated daughter-in-law) that maybe disciplinary spankings could give him the structure and boundaries he seems to need?


Have a great week.


And, speaking of kids, one last pic combining kids and my current obsessive hobby.




  1. I would consider it a terrible idea to let kids know their father was spanked by their mother. My wife always treated me with respect in their presence and for that matter in the presence of our friends. Knowing that she spanked me would have degraded my in their eyes, I am sure. I was never spanked with them in the house. That resulted in something I now find humorous - her telling me on a weekday morning not to leave for work until she had taken them to school. When she returned, i got my spanking and went off to work with a very sore bottom.

    1. I don't think treating the "bottom" spouse with respect is inconsistent with being open about one spouse being in charge, whether for disciplinary purposes or in some broader sense.

      I always equate it to the military model. The colonel outranks the sergeant (by a lot), but the sergeant outranks the privates and corporals, also by a lot in terms of actual authority. So, the fact that the colonel holds power over the sergeant doesn't mean the privates don't respect (and even fear) the sergeant.

    2. The military rank analogy is very fitting in this case. Just because you are subject to your wife, it doesn't mean that you are on the same level as the kids. And also, if we are being honest with ourselves, in even the most traditional patriarchal family - however outdated that model might be - there are still quite a few areas in which the wife likely has almost absolute de facto authority either because the husband doesn't know much about that topic, doesn't care about it, or simply doesn't want to be bothered with it. So, if the kids can clearly see that Mom makes all the decisions about food or school or whatever, how is it really that much different that she also has authority over Dad on disciplinary matters.

      I only know about my own family of course, but I am pretty sure my kids would have respected me just about exactly as much had my ex-wife spanked me, and had they known about it. As you pointed out above, Dan, I busted my ass for my family to have a good life, I guided them in the best possible way, I always put them first, and I am worthy of their respect. And, even in the hypothetical where my ex-wife had been my disciplinarian (since this would have been during the time my kids were younger), and had they somehow found out, and if they went on to respect me less, I kind of expect that as they have matured into adults themselves, they might have a newfound respect for me for making myself subject to my wife's authority to help me become the best possible version of myself. But of course, that is all just hypothetical...


    3. "I only know about my own family of course, but I am pretty sure my kids would have respected me just about exactly as much had my ex-wife spanked me, and had they known about it."

      This also raises an issue I probably should have thought about when writing the post, but for those who say that kids knowing about DD would lead to disrespect, perhaps, but perhaps not nearly as much as if the husband remained kind of a fuckup or a big overgrown kid because of a lack of DD or because DD was so inconsistently applied because kids were around. I'm pretty sure my kids would have lost respect for me had I kept acting as I did in my 20s, and far more so than if we had not started practicing DD.

  2. If any wives are reading this, I'd like to know if they agree.

  3. Like Tom, I would never want my kids to know I was a spanked husband. I am a surprised it even came up as a topic this week. Letting other adults know is an entirely different matter. Being held accountable for my behavior has had a profound and positive affect on my life and my relationship. It would be great to be able to share our DD with others, but any attempts we made were met with disinterest. I believe the world would be a happier place if more wives insisted on spanking their husbands to help them improve their macho behavior. To answer a few of Dan's questions, I was not spanked by my parents growing up, but I was spanked by a female teacher in elementary school, which began my life long obsession with spanking. I was never spanked where kids might hear, and they will never know I was a disciplined husband.

    1. "I would never want my kids to know I was a spanked husband. I am a surprised it even came up as a topic this week. Letting other adults know is an entirely different matter."

      Now that my kids are grown, I don't draw the big distinction you seem to between adult kids and other adults. The hierarchy between us becomes less and less noticeable every year. When they visit, they are basically my partners in hitting the local pub together, and I enjoy their company as much or more than some of my other adult friends. Also, I'm pretty secure in my sense of myself and my "masculinity" if you want to call it that.

      It all adds up to, I don't think they would have a big negative reaction to it, and I don't think I would care that much if they did.

    2. "Being held accountable for my behavior has had a profound and positive affect on my life and my relationship. It would be great to be able to share our DD with others, but any attempts we made were met with disinterest." - Hahaha. That is one of the main observations my wife and I made when it came to telling others. In our minds, it was such a HUGE deal, but the fact is, most people simply don't think that much about what others do or really care. They might find it mildly interesting, or even perhaps slightly amusing, but unless they too are wired more like some of us, they are probably likely to not really think about it much (if ever) again.

      I expect that same thing would hold at least somewhat true with grown-up kids. Probably they would think about it more, since they are closer to the situation, but it might be just reflecting on things and trying to see if there were signs of this relationship dynamic that they missed or something like that. In the end, our grown-up kids have plenty to think about in their own lives, and this probably wouldn't get a lot of mind-share.


    3. "In the end, our grown-up kids have plenty to think about in their own lives, and this probably wouldn't get a lot of mind-share."

      Exactly. The one scenario in which I could see it getting more of that mind-share is if one of the kids was having problems with their own spouse, or perhaps if they had attitude or behavioral problems themselves that they recognized and wanted to correct. At that point, perhaps knowing about their parents' DD might lead to some reflection about options for their own situation.

  4. Our kids are grown now and out of the house for some time, but they were both home and in the middle school to high school range when we instituted the DWC lifestyle a couple of decades ago. As I've shared before here during previous discussions on this topic, our intention was that the kids not be aware of the spanking and we actively worked to avoid them finding out while they lived at home. My wife had access to a private office that was only used during regular weekday business hours that was only a few minutes away - she kept a hairbrush hidden there, and she often took me there to spank me during those early years (a trip to the woodshed).

    After the kids were in bed (relatively early on school nights) - I would sometimes be switched (with a real switch that I had to cut or the DWC mini-cane) as there was very little noise. The main concern was me yelping, More than once - when I began to get a little too loud - my wife put a clean pair of socks in my mouth to bite down on as she switched me.

    One night early on in our DWC commitment - before we had the DWC mini-cane - she was switching me with a real switch when it broke. She was so frustrated by that she grabbed the bath brush from the nightstand drawer and continued spanking me with that - noise not withstanding. I managed to say "what if the kids hear?" - and she just replied "oh well, too bad" and kept spanking. As soon as the spanking was over, I checked on the kids and they appeared to both be soundly sleeping (and it was fairly late for a school night) - but, to this day, we still don't know for sure.

    Despite her flippant response when I asked about the kids, her reaction was really out of the ordinary - and was the only time she seemed to show no concern about whether the kids overheard a spanking. She told me later that she was just really caught up in the moment (as I've shared before, my wife really enjoys spanking for the joy of spanking). The next day I ordered the DWC mini-cane so we wouldn't have to worry about switches breaking - and it was a given that she was not going to stop switching me on those occasions when a low noise spanking was required. She still used real switches on occasion. She liked sending me to cut one for her - but now she could easily switch to the mini-cane if the switch broke,

    Aside from them possibly overhearing that one spanking - there is always the possibility that they may have seen an implement left out (or did we ever forget to lock the "toy box"?) or overheard some other spanking when they may have quietly come in the house (as was the case when her sister discovered that my wife spanked me) - and just never mentioned it. But if I had to guess, I would guess that they didn't. However, I do know that they are both very aware (especially the older child) that there came a point when I was noticeably more respectful, and showed greater deference, to my wife than I had before - as well as Susan becoming obviously more assertive in her interaction with me, especially when it came to my behavior and attitude. --al

    1. "My wife had access to a private office that was only used during regular weekday business hours that was only a few minutes away - she kept a hairbrush hidden there, and she often took me there to spank me during those early years (a trip to the woodshed)."

      You know my thing for woodsheds! :-)

      My office definitely would not have worked. We were in one of those very trendy, modern offices with each individual office fronted by a full glass wall and door. I'm sure it worked wonders on holding down the number of sexual harassment suits.

      "However, I do know that they are both very aware (especially the older child) that there came a point when I was noticeably more respectful, and showed greater deference, to my wife than I had before - as well as Susan becoming obviously more assertive in her interaction with me, especially when it came to my behavior and attitude."

      I'm sure something similar led to our adult kid asking the question about my wife making the decisions. I don't think it was so much that I was showing more open deference but, rather, than Anne got more obviously assertive. Also, not to go into details, but based on what I know about her book purchases, of our two kids, that one seems to be pretty erotically oriented, such as being very into the whole "Romantasy" genre that has gotten so big lately. Or, as I call it, Fairy Porn.

    2. "I managed to say 'what if the kids hear?' - and she just replied 'oh well, too bad' and kept spanking." - This right here is exactly the attitude I think I would like to see my wife exhibit more, but maybe if she did, I would find out it wasn't exactly what I wanted after all! But I really do like the idea of such a matter-of-fact approach.


    3. That kind of was Anne's attitude the first time she left the shades open on our bedroom window when giving a spanking. When I think about it, I find it very powerful and, like you, wish she would exhibit it more.

  5. If either of my parents spanked the other, I was unaware of it, but my siblings and I were spanked for discipline. I never knew my partner's parents or anything about her childhood. We have no children as we met after retirement age, so I guess I should take this topic off. I do know some couples with children... some are very open and the kids know about their Mom or Dad being spanked for discipline just as they are. They believe it is easier for the kids to accept their discipline knowing it also applies to the non-dominant parent. Other couples we know totally hide their FLR from their children, but when they leave the house as young adults, if they discover it, so be it. Valid arguments for both concepts, so I guess it would depend on how each set of parents feel about their kids learning about domestic discipline. As a non-parent, I guess I have said enough or too much.

    1. "Valid arguments for both concepts, so I guess it would depend on how each set of parents feel about their kids learning about domestic discipline."

      That's really where I come out -- I don't think there is a clearly right or wrong answer on this one.

  6. If you've ever wondered how snoopy your kids are, I would venture to say, "very". When I was a young teen I systematically snooped everywhere. I didn't understand what the massager was for. Massage, I naively thought! I found some very spicy novellas Mom was reading and my Dad's Playboys. Also, the "motherload", The Joy of Sex.

    1. You are certainly right Julie. Kids are very snoopy. My spankings have always taken place with no one in the house except the two of us. And the only implements used are a heavy old hairbrush and a sturdy wooden ruler of a kind no longer made. No one seeing them has any reason to believe they are being used on a husband who has irritated his wife.

    2. You and I were apparently similarly bad kids. I too snooped extensively, and I too found The Joy of Sex. Also Xaviera Hollender's Super Sex. Gotta love those experimental 70s!

      But, my snoopery as a kid is exactly why I have my doubts about what my kids might have found out about our extracurricular activities.

    3. Oh yeah - good times! My best buddy found his parents' stash - "The Joy of Sex", "Pretty Maids All in a Row" (a well known erotic novel - later a movie), another illustrated sex manual of some type (with actual pics. "Joy of Sex" only had drawings) - a couple of other "sex novels" - some Playboys. We spent a fair amount of time with that library. --al

    4. Likewise me as a child... very snoopy. My grown daughter has also indicated that she was very snoopy growing up, so there is now doubt that she wondered about the implements in our wardrobe. Like others, I´m pretty sure that she would have known that I was on the receiving end.

    5. Al: When I was in junior high, my parents bought a house and, as we were taking delivery, the current residents were still in the process of moving out. They somehow managed to forget about a large box of magazines left in the corner of a closet. I found it and hid it somewhere else, just in case they might return and ask about it. It contained a large assortment of biker magazines, mostly Easy Riders, which included posed nude women on bikes and also lots of shots of real women flashing at biker events like Sturgis. I doubt it's an accident that to this day I'm very into both motorcycles and pics of real women flashing in public settings.

      Mark: I really don't know who our kids would assume was on the receiving end if they did find an instrument. They were very young when we first started and probably wouldn't have really understood why there was a paddle in the closet. Had they been older back then, I think the probably would have seen me as dominant. Today, I think they would drive the opposite conclusion.

  7. I should add that my wifely spankings are strictly a secret between the two of us, to be shared by none of our friends or relatives.

  8. In regard to our parents, my Dad was incapacitated by a debilitating disease when I was a toddler and died before I was ten. My Mom - while spanked as a child herself - was not a particularly strict disciplinarian. I do remember being spanked with a switch and belt as a youngster - but not very often - and not after the age of 8.

    As I've shared here before, my Mom's younger and attractive sister (my aunt) did soundly spank me otk with a hairbrush over just my underwear (pulled into my crack) at the age of ten when I stayed with her for a few weeks one summer (due to family issues - death of my father, etc). As noted before - although terrifying at the time (I did NOT sas her again!) - the event morphed into a sexual fantasy as I hit puberty and spawned my fascination with F/M DD.

    My aunt had two boys who got spanked otk bare bottom with the brush on a fairly regular basis. Whereas my Mom's childhood spankings had not made her a believer, they did make my aunt a firm believer in the value of a sound spanking. And apparently it was their Mom who did the spanking in their household - and it was a fairly regular occurrence. My Aunt apparently inherited that belief as - in addition to my one spanking - I overheard my aunt sound paddling both of her sons on a number of occasions. And, although it did not occur to me at the time, in retrospect, I would not be surprised if she spanked her husband as well - as she clearly "wore the pants" in the family - and he was always carefully respectful of her. --al

    1. I had some really hot aunts growing up, and pretty much every mom in that area of the country spanked. But, my family moved from there before most of them had kids. So, I never saw or overheard them in disciplinary mode. I'm sure it would have made a lasting impression. And, I don't think any of my aunts or my grandmothers would have been a disciplinarian to their husbands. So, maybe it was my lack of early role models that contributed to my lack of any early spanking interest.

    2. Al, do you ever discuss this with your cousins now? Do you wonder if they are in a DD/FLR with their spouses?

  9. My kids have always known that my wife is in charge, I doubt they know that she spanks me but my brothers joke about telling my mother or my wife that I deserve a spanking. Little do they know I really am a spanked husband. I really don't want the family to know the reality but if they found out it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world I'm really not ashamed that my wife holds me accountable and keeps me in control.

    1. It seems interesting that your adult brothers go there.

      You're kind of where I am, or at least used to be, about the family finding out. It wasn't something that I wanted to happen, but it wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world either. My concerns about confidentiality were way more centered around people in my profession finding out.

    2. My wife has been a little more open about using more of a command tone with me when others are present (as necessary, of course). Consequently, probably at least some of those around us might wonder if she really wears the pants in the relationship or if she is just joking around. Having said that, other than the few we have told (mostly she has told), probably none would suspect that I am a spanked husband. And the current reality is that we are staying so busy, that I really am not a spanked husband for the time being.


    3. "And the current reality is that we are staying so busy, that I really am not a spanked husband for the time being."

      When I was working, it definitely was the case that I was the most prone to bad behavior when things were slow.

  10. We are childless, but are keenly aware that the clock is running and I expect that status to change in the not distant future. We are a long way from having adult children, but the idea of sharing our disciplinary practices with them seems terribly uncomfortable and unlikely to change. I can't relate at all to that kind of information coming from my own parents. That's partly because I'm certain that it never happened, but also because the mental image would be hard for me to accept. I say "image" because I assume that it wouldn't occur in front of the kids. It's not that my mom was subservient to him, or that she had any qualms about disciplining her kids. I just would find it jarring.

    I don't have that same reaction to others knowing that my wife spanks me. I've often wished that my wife's sisters knew and the same is true for a few of her friends. Much of this is fantasy on my part and I know that it's sexually driven. My wife, on the other hand, has made it very clear that she has no desire to share this part of our lives with anyone at all.

    1. "We are a long way from having adult children, but the idea of sharing our disciplinary practices with them seems terribly uncomfortable and unlikely to change.

      I think it it ever were expressly shared with our adult kids, it would almost certainly be my wife doing the sharing. And, while in the abstract it seems like it would be an uncomfortable exchange, now that they're grown my wife and the kids are more like best friends than parent-child.

      Yeah, I can't imagine my parents doing anything like DD, though my father desperately needed someone to keep in-line, and I think my mother could have profited from being more directly controlling and less passive aggressive. Opportunities missed . . .

  11. I was spanked by Mom, single
    Parent growing up. We were paddled at school as well. There was no doubt my Mother was in charge growing up. She had to rule with an iron fist, but showed us a tremendous amount of love. When you screwed up, a severe spanking was coming. So there was obviously no DD in our household growing up. When I met my second wife, first wife had zero desire to spank or adopt DD/FLR. I gradually suggested DD. An FLR was out of the question for her. She wanted a man to lead. She was paddled by Mom growing up and held resentment towards it. I thought originally there would be no way she would want to thrash me. As years went on, she had developed a maternal side of discipline similar to the way I was reared. It took sometime, but when she is upset, look out. Her tone, her appearance, and her thrashing is DD. We never spanked around the children and like all here, went through ebbs and flows. We are empty nesters now and can leave implements laying out. We did fail to put a paddle away and a guest used our upstairs bathroom. I noticed it later on in the evening and it was in plain sight. As far as others knowing, my wife has told her best friend who lives in another state. Her sister could know but I am unsure about that. As far as friends, no one in our group knows. I believe one of our mutual friends brothers could be in a DD. His wife is a raging bitch control freak who, I wouldn’t be surprised if she spanks him at all. Her tone and dominant force around us at gatherings has always made me wonder. Her kids knew to tow the line growing up and I am sure they were spanked. I wouldn’t think our friends would care if we were outed but I’m not gonna go out of my way to offer it up. If our kids found out, it wouldn’t upset me at all. DD is such a small part of our relationship that it’s not front and center like an FLR would be. My wife wants me to lead and we have a normal vanilla relationship with the exception of when I’m out of line.

    1. "Her tone and dominant force around us at gatherings has always made me wonder."

      I have one new-ish friend who I've come to kind of suspect could be in some kind of FLR relationship. His wife has the big career, to the point that their adult son once described, in my presence, my friend's income as a rounding error compared to the mom's income. She absolutely, clearly wears the pants in the family. But, whether it extends to something like an FLR or DD, it's impossible to know at this stage.

  12. We had a close call when the kids were young when our 3 year old opened our bedroom door when I was bare-assed over the bed getting paddled.
    Given that the paddle was likely the noisiest implement she could all have chosen, and the kids' bedrooms were on the same floor we were taking a bit of a risk.
    She was quite mad at me as we were visiting family and I ended up having us drive home in a snow storm because I deferred leaving until the game I was watching on tv was over.
    Bad decision as it was a white knuckle drive home .
    The kids likely heard her veiled threats during the drive like "You're going to get it good once we're home"
    The paddling ended prematurely ,but she called me at work the next day to inform me that she wasn't done ,and finished the job with gusto later that week when I came home for lunch.
    After that , our routine became lunch time discipline sessions when the kids were at school .
    Like Ann ,when the the kids got older they seemed to notice her being more in charge , picking up on her orders and threats to me but they have never said anything thus far , although I suspect they know something and just accept it.
    We would both prefer to keep it that way.
    Interestingly enough ,she has pretty well outed us to a good friend who hears her threats and comments regularly and who also walked into our house during a paddling and likely put two and two together.
    I'm ok with her knowing I get spanked interestingly enough.

    1. "Interestingly enough ,she has pretty well outed us to a good friend who hears her threats and comments regularly and who also walked into our house during a paddling and likely put two and two together. I'm ok with her knowing I get spanked interestingly enough."

      Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that much. I suspect that being "outed" is one of those things we build up in our minds as this dark, emasculating thing. Then, if it happens, it turns out not to be a big deal, and the person we are outed to turns out not to be very interested anyway.

    2. I do find there is s difference between outed to our kids vs being outed to a female friend. I also would not like being outed to a male friend.
      On the other hand I'd love it if our female friend showed more interest than she has so far.

    3. Are you OK with your wife making threats in front of a friend? And why was someone able to walk into your house during a paddling? Seems that you and she are not really very concerned with being outed. My wife occasionally makes a threat in front of someone else, but it is very carefully worded so that only I understand that it's a warning.

    4. I admit I have more gut-level resistance to a male friend knowing, which is exemplified by the fact that I have told one female friend and no male friends. But, I doubt it would make a meaningful difference in my relationship with any men I am genuinely friends with. And, if it did . . . fuck 'em.

    5. I don't know where you live Tom but we rarely lock our doors during the day, but after that incident we made sure the doors were locked before we started a paddling.
      Neither of us has a desire to be outed , but the idea of our female friend knowing doesn't bother me and I suspect my wife may have discussed it with her during one if their girly chats.
      My wife's public threats are subtle but she does use the word 'discussion' a lot which is kind of our code word for a spanking.

    6. It really is a function of geography, isn't it? Where we currently live, people tend to be pretty security conscious, and it isn't typical for friends to just drop by. But, I've lived in places where leaving doors open, and keys in the car, was common and people very often just showed up to visit with any kind of notice.

    7. In recent times , like most folks , we have become more security conscious.
      The world is a less safe place these days unfortunately.
      When our friend stops by she has always just come in , but that particular day it was lunchtime during the week and she was supposed to be at work so it was totally unexpected and we has no idea who it was.
      I have a feeling if it happened today the paddling would not have been aborted!

  13. Our kids left home before we started our DD journey but they always thought that their Mum was the only person with any control over me! I have told a very close friend but he thinks it’s just a sexual thing. I don’t think I’m bothered if people know, I’m quite relaxed that most of our friends think that my wife has control but that I constantly rebel.

    On a separate note, we got into a slight dispute this morning about something trivial. She asked me to do something online and then proceeded to do it herself. I pointed out that this was unhelpful & a bit frustrating and she disputed my version of events repeatedly. Although I kept calm I did show some frustration that she did not accept what had happened. After a few minutes I went to another room to allow some space. She came in a couple of minutes later and ordered me to the bedroom for a spanking ‘to fix my attitude’ which although I felt was unjust I submitted to as I have committed to never resisting. My issue is that I now need to journal how I am feeling (I have committed to doing so after every punishment) and I am not clear on whether to be honest ( and risk further wrath / disputes) or whether just to put it down to a blip on her behalf. I have no problem with the strapping as there are many times I have avoided one but I have got a problem about not being completely honest … TB

    1. That's a tough one. You're right that the journal probably doesn't have much value if you aren't honest.

    2. TB, I very much enjoyed your story about how your wife chose to spank you after an argument. It sounded like she picked up on your frustration, which was the reason for the spanking, not the content of the argument. Since you have given her the authority to spank you any time she wants, it isn't clear to me what the problem is or why you can't be honest in your journal. You could just say you didn't feel it was justified, but so what? You have granted her the authority, so she doesn't meed to justify anything.

  14. TE and I have a daughter who is still elementary age. She knows nothing about our DD and I would prefer to keep it that way for a while (probably a long while). She’s seen me playfully slap TE with an oven mitt in the kitchen for being in my way and she still talks about it several years later. I don’t trust her understanding or discretion at this point. That being said, I can’t say there will never be time when she’s grown that I won’t feel differently, we’re just in a stage of life where that’s unknown.

    I’ll let T speak to his history should he choose to, but as a child I was only spanked a few times - mostly by my mother and only once that I remember from my father; it was with a belt and it scarred him more than me.

    We try to display a true partnership for our daughter, although I do think she knows that the running of the household falls to me - she just doesn’t connect that her Dad’s behavior is included in that purview. AE

    1. Hi AE, and thanks for that perspective.

      Our kids were also elementary age when we started DD. They definitely wouldn't have understood what was going on at that stage, and you're right that their discretion would have been open to question.

      In those early years, we were experimenting with DD, but I don't think it had taken on the aspects of any sort of broader FLR-like power exchange. It's been only recently that they've figured out that Anne seems to have taken on more authority, though that's honestly as much about her being more openly in taking and displaying more authority as about them getting old enough to make the connections. And, I honestly don't know whether they have a clue about the DD aspects.

  15. This is J.'s wife. We have often discussed the subjects here between ourselves and I thought I would one day join in and I am finally doing so! I will use "L." to indicate that it is me writing.

    What we have decided is that after he is long gone and the children are adults, I will tell them how we did things. DD F/M is generally understood, at some level, to be sexual, so we have agreed I won't do this until they reach adulthood. It may form part of "premarital counselling". She will advise daughters that it brings out the best in husbands and sons that it is the best self-improvement thing they can do. However, it might be good for her to introduce them to the idea as soon as they turn 18, so that they have time to get used to the idea before they get married.

    J. would like to have a situation where he can talk about F/M DD openly with other men, but we know it won't happen in his lifetime.


  16. I am puzzled by the references to T, TE, AE, J, etc I can not relate those initials to any posts. Could we all try using some name, and a name that makes it clear if the poster is a wife?

    1. It's usually pretty easy to tell from the context whether the commenter is a male or female. I don't have any problem with initials, though the single initials can get a little confusing if we have more than one commenter using the same initial. We do seem to have at least two "J"s, for example.

  17. One also wonders whether Anonymous is one person, or two, or three, etc.

    1. That's why the instructions at the bottom ask commenters to use a name or initials.

    2. I do support Tom here. The use of initials is OK if only one or two adapt them. But it gets confusing beyond that. The comments folks make are important to them and important for those of us who try to read them carefully and track a conversation. A profusion of initialized comments frustrates that
      Alan -54321

  18. That doesn't seem very contradictory to me. Seems understandable to not want anyone to know but to have an adult discussion about it if they do.

  19. "DD" here from the comment in the post about getting disciplined with my son for playing video games too late. To clarify I feel like he probably did hear me get disciplined in that situation and he has probably heard it a few other times but both of my kids still treat me with respect and as a parent. They do not express or show in any way thinking less of me. My wife also treats me with respect and does not demean or belittle me in any way even though she is in charge and a clear authority figure in the house and in our relationship. We still maintain a loving and balanced relationship. I do think like it was mentioned previously, if anything, it has helped me be a better husband and father to my kids and they probably see that. Also like it was mentioned I do think they understand discipline easier seeing that I also have consequences for poor behavior and attitude.

    There have been a few comments in regard to discipline and FLR being seen as sexual in nature. I think one of the reasons my wife is so open about her authority and discipline is we very much do not have a sexual aspect to that part of our relationship. The authority role and the discipline are strictly separate from our sex life. what may be unusual is we do not bring any of the power play or engage in any BDSM type things into the bedroom. My wife is very much dominant outside of the bedroom but not inside the bedroom. She has seen how effective disciplining and spanking me has been for our marriage and as a source of agency for her authority in the house and uses it frequently as a tool for correction and conflict resolution.
    - DD

    1. "The authority role and the discipline are strictly separate from our sex life. what may be unusual is we do not bring any of the power play or engage in any BDSM type things into the bedroom."

      I don't that ours is "strictly" separate, but it's pretty separate. The whole DD dynamic does have a very strong erotic component for me, but little if any of the DD/FLR dynamic actually spills over into sex in the bedroom.

      It actually doesn't surprise me that your kids haven't shown any disrespect in relation to (probably) knowing you get spanked. Kids are often more sophisticated in their ability to appreciate the nuances in relationships than we give them credit for.

  20. Boring answer here; we try hard to keep DD a secret, to the point where the kids' schedules affect the discipline schedule more than anything else.

    We are getting into that era where there is no reliable time when they're all asleep. I'm jealous of al's nearby unused office building. I've actually looked into this myself, but there are so many cameras installed on office buildings now and landlords get automated summaries of motion.

  21. DD,
    I like that aspect of the relationship and it is something we are shooting for in our DD. I would like my punishments to be more maternal and have zero sexual ties to them. There are times we make love after or have some type of sexual activity. I have suggested and given some type of communication, that I would like to keep our sex life and punishment separately. It unfortunately, doesn’t always work that way. I got strapped the other day for my attitude. She then dismissed me and told me to more or less, get out of her sight. I do think for adults there is a strong sexual component to it.

  22. To answer some of the other questions, I don't think I would suggest DD to my adult children. However, I'd encourage them to have open conversations with their spouses about helping or getting help curbing bad habits and having structure in the home.

    I suspect some of this spanking orientation is genetic so, if everything is on the table in their marriages, eventually...

    1. "I suspect some of this spanking orientation is genetic so . . ."

      Whether the spanking orientation is genetic or not, the underlying temperamental tendencies probabably are, so it wouldn't be surprising if multiple generations sought similar ways to deal with those issues.

      For our family, it could play out in a mix of ways. One of our kids is wired like me, i.e. pretty intense, prone to excess, etc. The other one has a much more balanced personality but, based on some of her reading habits, may be more disposed toward experimentation. She also doesn't take much crap and is very direct in her communications about expectations with her significant other. So, I can see one of them getting a lot from being on the receiving end of a DD relationship, while the other one very well could be a disciplinarian.

    2. JL
      This hits home about genetics and snoping in parents room. I was guilty of that a found books my father had some were old private eyes that spanked woman as part of the plot. The most interesting one was a book call Madame her slave
      It was about an accountant that got caught embezzling money from a woman owned company she gave him a choice becoming her slave for one year or being turned over to the police. He chose the former and was subjected to corporal discipline throughout the book. I don't know if my mother disciplined him but he was definitely intrested in spanking. Once we were at a festival in New Oleans and he bought a big paddle and gave it to my wife and told her to use it to keep me in line. Took about 30 years of marriage before she agreed to use DD in our marriage.

    3. >Genetic spanking orientation< No clue either.

      However, I do know that my (now very adult) daughter is into BDSM kink in general (including spanking) as a bottom. She doesn't necessarily know that I am aware of that (but I do know it for a fact - details are not important) - but she has make casual statements that were BDSM related in front of me - in particular that real kink people were offended by "Shades of Gray". That - and the BDSM themed pencil drawing that is framed and hanging in her bedroom. I believe she drew it herself. It is not so blatant that a plain vanilla person would necessarily understand it - but it is clear to anyone who has had exposure to the lifestyle.

      So, while she may suspect that I know (or not), she clearly does not care if I believe that she is into kink - although she is unlikely to discuss the details with her dad (nor would I want her to). I don't think that she feels free to mention it in front of me because she is aware that her parents are into DD - but it obviously would be a possibility. --al

    4. I haven't gotten any insight into whether either of my kids are into any BDSM-like kink, but one of them shows signs of being very sexually-oriented, if that makes sense.

      One of my past secretaries made a similar comment about Fifty Shades, specifically characterizing it as "too soft" for her tastes. In what I thought was an incredibly insightful comment, she said she thinks Fifty Shades appeals not to kinksters, but to those with a wealth fetish. She said she much preferred Anne Rice's "Beauty" series, which is pretty hard core porn. She didn't stay with us very long, and I often wonder whether, had she stuck around, I would have fully admitted my DD kink to her.

    5. >Cousins< - From the thread above where I wrote about my aunt spanking her boys regularly - and me once.

      My cousins and I (especially the one closest to my age) have occasionally reminisced about their mom's propensity to spank. They were both regularly spanked otk bare bottom until puberty. And, both of them still received occasional spankings well into their teens for serious offenses - over underwear and bent over the bed.

      I had never asked them if they thought that she might have spanked their dad, however, even after I became aware of the DWC - and suspected that she might have. However, after your query, I decided it wouldn't hurt to ask as I am fairly close to the cousin my age and we have often engaged in "guy talk". So, I gave him a call last night and eventually steered the conversation to DD - telling him that surfing around the Web that I had come across an article about wives who discipline their husbands with real spankings - and that I couldn't help but think about his mom and dad, given her propensity for spanking. He hesitated for a moment - then said that he had never seen or heard a spanking - but that he wouldn't be surprised if she had spanked him on occasion. Besides her propensity for spanking, he did recall her sometimes making remarks to his dad that would have indicated a threat of a spanking or that a spanking was coming - if those same remarks had been made to one of the boys - and it had occurred to him even then that those were "spanking words" but that he couldn't imagine his dad being spanked. But, now in retrospect, he said that it would not surprise him to find out that she had spanked their dad on occasion. --al

    6. Wow! That's a big conversation! Love it that he had thought about his mom using "spanking words" with his dad, even if he didn't connect all the dots at that time.

    7. Al’s recounting reminds me of a series of conversations with my former GF, who introduced me to DD. She had no spanking history (although she had spanked a son growing up). She was very pro-spanking but had no experience with it in a relationship. As our relationship developed, she started to remember many times her mother had delivered a firm spank to her father over his trousers when she was irritated or wanted to emphasize a point.

      My GF made nothing of that then, ascribing it to “play.” Later, however, she remembered her mother sometimes ordering her father into the bedroom during arguments. They would disappear for half an hour to reappear, with mom sporting a big smile and affectionate and her dad seeming subdued. She DID NOT ever hear anything like a hairbrush or paddle being used (which she almost exclusively used on me at that time), But a cane could have been used, which my GF had little or no experience using or hearing.
      Eventually, like Al’s conversation, my GF became convinced that her mother did discipline him, possibly spanking, but maybe a non-spanking punishment. I reached the same conclusion, less on her memories than on how quickly and naturally she went from “vanilla” with me to a skillful disciplinarian. I believe it is a combination of genetic predisposition and an activating environment that produces spankos. Her mother would have created the necessary environment as an entirely in charge wife (whether she actually spanked or not).

      Incidentally, her mother once walked into the house, only briefly announcing while I was being loudly spanked OTK on the living room couch-- forcing us to hurry while my GF shut me, still bare bottom, in the Bathroom and entertained her mother. Her mother asked why I was so long in the bathroom but eventually left without finding out for herself. I have wondered more than once what would have happened if she had just walked in without announcing because she would have literally caught me with “my pants down” and her daughter demonstrating why her new boyfriend was so thoughtful, courteous, and well-behaved. Looking back, I think it’s an experience I missed.


    8. Al and Alan,
      Great replies above. My wife and I are on vacation. She has no problem with strangers knowing about how she puts me in my place when need be. We were out the other night, and I made an insensitive remark, of which I thought was a joke. The server could see the tension and made a wise crack about me being in trouble. My wife looked at her and said, you have no idea, he wont be smiling come Monday night. He might be standing for dinner. I of course turned beet red. She wanted to thrash me when we returned, but the place we are staying at, has other guest. The next morning, we were at the shore and saw two kids playing w the paddles and a ball. She said, hey babe I'm going to ask them to borrow that paddle for a while to thrash your bottom. Coincidentally, while at the shore, I did hear a Mother threaten to spank her child if she kicked sand at her one more time. I then heard another Mother say to her kid, if you do it again I’m taking you to the room to give you something to cry about. So apparently, spanking still goes on today. I’m also vacationing in a pretty liberal state. So I was quite shocked.

    9. Alan: "Looking back, I think it’s an experience I missed." No doubt. As embarrassing as I'm sure it would have been, it also probably would have been one of those experiences you would look back on with some fondness because it was so intense and interesting.

    10. T., I'm sure I would have been mortified. Yet, I'm perversely attracted to Anne being that open.

    11. I apologize. I only meant to say I think my spanking interest has a genetic component. Not that everyone's does.

    12. Definitely nothing to apologize for.

      I've never quite bought that there is a "spanking gene" per se, but I can see how something like a predisposition to getting off on authority, craving punishment for breaking rules or norms, etc., could have provided evolutionary advantages that could be encoded in our genes. I certainly don't think it's an evolutionary accident that there seems to be more people predisposed to following than leading, by a substantial margin.

    13. I was truly embarrassed and said to my wife that was probably a bit too much. She said, too bad you deserve it. You’re out of line and we wont ever see her again. She has slowly become more assertive in our relationship. Especially, when she is mad or upset. Following up on Alan’s thought, my wife was spanked growing up. Her Mother was no nonsense as well. I’m not sure that made her an excellent disciplinarian at first. It took sometime for her to come out of her shell. She had a love hate relationship with her Mother. Her disciplinary style has slowly evolved and has gradually become more prevalent over the last few years. I believe she sees improvement in me and that’s why she continues our relationship in this way.

  23. I’ve been playing with AI and the ‘nature vs nurture’ response is interesting… TB

    ‘ The development of sexual interests in spanking and submission is likely influenced by a combination of both **nature** (biological factors) and **nurture** (environmental and social factors). Here’s how each might contribute:

    ### 1. **Nature (Biological Factors)**
    - **Genetic and Neurological Factors**: There is some evidence that genetic predispositions and neurological factors might influence general sexual preferences and behaviors, including interests in power dynamics, such as submission. The brain's reward system might respond differently to stimuli like pain or dominance, making certain individuals more likely to find these experiences pleasurable or arousing.
    - **Hormonal Influences**: Hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, which influence sexual desire and behavior, might also play a role in shaping preferences for dominance or submission. Additionally, endorphins released during physical activities like spanking might contribute to the enjoyment of such activities.
    - **Evolutionary Psychology**: Some theories in evolutionary psychology suggest that power dynamics in sexual behavior might be rooted in evolutionary strategies for mate selection and reproduction. For example, dominance and submission can play roles in complex social structures and bonding.

    ### 2. **Nurture (Environmental and Social Factors)**
    - **Early Experiences and Conditioning**: Early life experiences can significantly shape sexual interests. For example, if someone has an early experience that pairs physical sensation or submission with sexual arousal, they might develop an interest in spanking or submission as adults. These associations can be formed through direct experiences, fantasies, or even exposure to media.
    - **Cultural and Social Influences**: Cultural norms and societal messages around power, control, and gender roles can influence the development of sexual interests. For instance, societies that emphasize certain power dynamics may indirectly encourage individuals to explore these dynamics in their sexual lives.
    - **Media and Erotica**: Exposure to certain themes in media, such as

    1. This is sound in direction, keeping in mind that the precise configuration and expression of “kink” genes is still a DNA frontier. Part of the murkiness of it is that a large part of our potential genetic makeup is not expressed(activated) (explaining, for example, why two brothers might end up with no kinks, very different kinks, or one with no kinks, and the other with lots, etc. My own opinion is that the predisposition is toward kinks rather than a spanking kink, a foot kink, or any of the dozens of other kinks people experience. And there is growing evidence that kinks themselves are much more common than our post-Victorian culture imagined.

  24. We were akways sure our kids have no idea. However, this summer I've started to wonder are we correct. One thingbis certain - they are aware my wife is in charge.
    My son (12 y.o) asked me directly how come that all our male and female friends follow my lead on holidays wiylthout any hesitations, how come that wives of our frienda always follow my lead and the only person in the world who does opposite and who xan change mynplans or opinions is Mum. I have clarifued that everyone should have someone to follow, and the best choice for succesful and stron man is to follow his wife.
    Also I had a talk with my daughter (15 y.o) about what kind of boyfriends she ia intereated in. Her response was: cute and caring about me like you, one which word is afraid of, but more obedient than you to Mum:)
    So, they know who is in charge for sure.


This blog is a curated resource for those genuinely and positively interested in DD and FLR lifestyles. Comments that are rude, uncivil, inconsistent with the blog's theme or off-topic may not be posted or may be removed. Please use a name or initials (doesn't have to be your real one) when commenting - it helps commenters keep track of who is "talking."