
Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Club - Meeting 489 - Spanking/Disciplinary Authority and Its Limits (If Any)

"Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend a specific invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.  


I decided to post a little early, since I took a full week off and have a lot going on this weekend. And, I miss the discussion.


I hope you all had a great week.  Ours was busy, with a week-long road trip leaving us glad to be back in our own house this weekend. Travel always seems to bring out the worst in me, but I felt like we had less bickering than on past trips.  Anne admits I’m right about that, yet she still announced her intention to deliver a spanking for what she viewed as several instances of snarkiness or annoyance.



Since we were in an RV, there technically was nothing stopping her from giving me a spanking on the spot. And, while she’s threatened it a couple of times now, several days later I’m still waiting and wondering if/when it will happen.


I do understand why she didn’t spank while we were camping, however.  Our trip spanned a holiday weekend, and there were other campers and tents all around us most nights.  A spanking delivered under those circumstances definitely would have been in line with this captioned photo:



Although Anne’s openness to being more open about her authority and about my spankings has jumped by leaps and bounds this year, it still hasn’t gone quite that far.   


And, that’s sort of the topic for this week.  How far do things go? How far should they?


I got to thinking about this in part because of an AI-generated story that Julie of the Strict Julie Spanks blog posted.  It is VERY long, but I would encourage you to give it a read, as it provides some context for today’s post.


The basic storyline probably is a familiar one to F/m spanking enthusiasts who have a disciplinary bent.  A wife, one with some innate dominant tendencies, stumbles on a magazine her husband had hidden away.  It has strong F/m domestic discipline themes.  


But, unlike the many stories in which (a) the wife confronts the husband, (b) he reluctantly admits his DD interest, and (c) they live happily ever after in a DD household, in this story the wife chooses not to confront her husband with her discovery but, instead, starts making suggestive comments and subtly bossing him around, to test the waters and start inching him in a particular direction. 


Between the two of them, "Emily" is the much stronger player, and she clearly aspires to be the real leader in the relationship, and not just a vehicle for servicing "John's" DD kink. In fact, her sense of having real authority depends to a large extent on not feeding his fantasies initially. 


She realizes that what she proposes to do will leverage his erotic interests in the long run, but first she wants to edge him toward accepting real authority from her in the absence of the anticipated erotic thrill.  She will nudge him toward submission first, then spring a real disciplinary spanking on him when a real opportunity presents itself, i.e. when he truly misbehaves but doesn't know he will be spanked for it.


And, of course, the opportunity does present itself.  Her husband acts up, he gets a  spanking he never saw coming, and he now has to wrestle with the reality of her authority without any pre-existing agreement about its bounds. 


The rest of the story is a series of vignettes in which we see the couple moving further and further into FLR territory, including her becoming much more open about her authority and more dismissive of his attempts to condition or limit it.   


There are verbal dressings down when he acts up in a store, followed by a spanking in a private area but with the sales girls knowing its happening.   


A spanking in a restaurant bathroom when he mistreats a waitress. The waitress walks in and witnesses, and he has to continue to take the spanking, mortified by the whole scene


Later, a spanking at the family BBQ in front of everyone.  Worse, instead of accepting the punishment and moving on, he sulks about it, culminating in a belting from Emily's strict disciplinary father. 


At each step, John gets punished, fails to learn a lesson, acts up again, and gets a more embarrassing punishment.  After each escalation he pouts and pleads, but she:


  • rejects his attempt to limit her authority and, instead, adamantly asserts her total control over his discipline; and
  • points out that he could easily have avoided the embarrassment and pain of his increasingly public spankings by not misbehaving in the face of known consequences.


In short, Emily moves things along incrementally, methodically employing an increasingly brazen form of “anytime, anywhere, for any reason.”



 Early on, she warns him:


“I want what’s best for you, for us. But you need to understand that I’m serious about this. If it takes a little public reminder to keep you on track, then so be it. It’s for your own good.”


The story got me thinking not so much about public punishments per se, but about a wife’s decision to really embrace those characteristics we often say we want. We (some of us anyway) say we want our wives to be strict. Unyielding. Resolved. Demanding. 


And, some of us want, or think we want, our wives to be willing to escalate in whatever way is necessary to bring about real behavioral change. 



Julie’s AI-generated story pushes a lot of buttons for those of us who have this perverse attraction to being subject to someone else’s strongly wielded authority. 


A public scolding. A scolding in front of a sibling that includes unmistakable hints at the existence of the DD or FLR relationship. 


An overheard spanking. Semi-public spankings. Witnessed spankings. Spankings by the wife's father, in the presence of the whole family.


Although Julie obviously guided it along, the AI platform did a surprisingly good job, in my opinion, of getting into the psychology of adult spanking as experienced by those of us whose interest is rooted in a desire for imposed authority.


For me, it was a timely read, because I’ve been thinking more and more lately about the extent to which I have a craving for Anne to take things in a more emotionally challenging direction.


When I think back over our 20 years in this lifestyle, the spankings that really stand out have little to do with the spanking itself.  Instead, they tend to involve times when she took things in a direction I didn’t see coming or to a level that really pushed some emotional buttons. 


In the very early days, when we tallied up a minimum number of swats for identified offenses, I had a "bad week," resulting in a seriously intimidating number of swats with the heavy fraternity-style paddle. Much like John in the story, I expressed concern that I couldn’t take it, having never taken anything close to that many before. To this day, I vividly remember Anne showing no mercy, telling me, “Well, that’s too bad because you earned it. You are going to take it.”


Or, there was the first time she called me at the office, telling me to come home at lunch for a serious strapping, sending me back to work to sit on a very sore bottom.


There was the first time she gave me a surprisingly hard spanking for repeatedly failing to do a household chore correctly.


Or, the first time she alluded very openly to the prospect of her spanking me, when others were within earshot.  I don’t think they heard, but they could have.


Or, the first time she really lit into me with a lecture that was cutting and really hurt my pride. But, after sulking about it for a couple of weeks, I accepted that it had been deserved. I also accepted that maybe it didn't really matter whether I accepted.


Today, even with the benefit of 20 years of increasing self-awareness about why I want and need this lifestyle, my strong desire for imposed authority leads to a very complicated mix of feelings. 


In virtually every other aspect of my life, I won't tolerate being subject to someone else's dictates.  Yet, in my marriage, I crave it.  Well, I crave it except when it's actually happening.


I think I did recognize early on that my attraction to DD included a perverse need to have my emotional boundaries pushed, but not with the clarity I have today.  


And, back then I didn't get that my DD fascination was related more to being subject to my wife's authority than to her spankings per se.


I’m not sure why it took me so long to really understand that aspect of my attraction, since broad female authority was replete in the DWC website content and handbooks that kicked off my interest in DD. Aunt Kay emphasized repeatedly what she saw as the very broad authority bestowed on disciplinary wives:


“A relationship where the woman of the house applies discipline to the men in her life, whenever and however she sees fit, is a happier, healthier and better world.”


“The first thing you must do is to explain the golden rule of your proposed (or existing) disciplinary relationship. He must render complete obedience to you with regard to disciplinary issues at all times and must be willing to carry out any and all orders you give him without question or hesitation.”


“If you feel the least bit sorry for him during all this, remember, a submissive man does not want a weak or lenient woman. He wants someone very strict and dominant. If he wanted anything different, he wouldn't be over your knees in the first place.”


“The definition of a DWC relationship is that the woman’s role involves providing moral and behavioral guidance to the man and invests in her the absolute authority to decide upon and wield punishments accordingly. The man’s role is to accept this authority and strive to gain benefit from it.”


“Receiving benefit from discipline begins well before you ever reach the point of actually experiencing an old-fashioned spanking.  It begins with your awareness of your wife’s personal power and your belief that she is indeed the right woman to handle you.  Expect to be obedient!”


“Remember where it all began.  You asked your wife to please take over your discipline.  You have empowered her to assume the maternal role and have agreed to take the child role with respect to discipline. You want, more than anything else, for her to be powerful, assertive and in control.  It is a beautiful thing, really. Your obedience and compliance will greatly assist her in reaching her full potential.


I recall feeling gut-punched the first time I read the stories on the DWC website.  Twenty years later, it’s not surprising that DD has lost some of that emotional edge.  Yet, perhaps because I miss that emotional edginess, I find myself increasingly attracted to the idea of Anne becoming increasingly strict and increasingly open.



Yet, how would I react if she actually did? Would I have cooperated with a spanking in a crowded campground?


Honestly, I’m pretty sure I would have. Although I’m incredibly anti-authoritarian in all my other relationships, somehow I have accepted Anne’s authority so thoroughly that I have a hard time imagining truly balking at anything she might order, no matter how embarrassing.   


I’m sure I would argue and maybe even plead, but an actual refusal? Not likely at this point.


When I mentally place myself in each of the scenarios in Julie’s story, would I have given in, as John did?   


Accept a spanking in a place where it likely would be overheard? Yes.


Accept her letting others know about our relationship, on her terms?  Yes.



Accept being spanked in front of witnesses of her choosing?  Yes.


Accept being spanked by a family member, or anyone else, at her direction? Yes.


Many of us say we want an “anytime, anywhere, for any reason” approach to our wife’s authority. But, as someone pointed out, it’s really the first two of those that are where the rubber meets the road.


If we really want to fix problematic behavior, should the approach taken by Emily of escalating in whatever way is necessary, including public embarrassment, be on the table?


You could say this is about the distinction between a DD relationship and an FLR, but I’m not sure that’s all that helpful.  Some here insist that they are not in FLRs, yet when they describe the extent of their wife’s disciplinary authority, it sounds FLR-ish to me.  While we may have a general consensus on what something like Femdom entails, we don’t have nearly such a clear sense of where a DD relationship ends and an FLR begins, do we?


Regardless of what label you might assign to your relationship, how does it operate in terms of the breadth and depth of the wife’s authority? To what extent does the wife have the express authority to determine the where, when and why of it all? 



For the men, to what extent has she pushed that authority in ways you found difficult or embarrassing at the time? To what extent do you want her to push those situational boundaries in a way that you might find really difficult?  If you plow through Julie’s story, are there particular scenarios you think would challenge you the most?  Would you actually refuse to cooperate with a spanking-related decision made by your wife, or is it really anywhere, anytime, for any reason? In practice as well as in theory?


For the women, how do you view the extent of your disciplinary authority? Is it as broad (potentially or in reality) as Emily's in the story? Would you want it to be? 


Is the idea of exercising that kind of control something you find appealing, even if you might never go there in reality?

If your husband was like “John,” constantly acting like a child or embarrassing you in front of others, what would your level of compunction be about taking him to task publicly?  Where are the lines? 


To what extent do you feel comfortable escalating in whatever way it takes to root out the behavior you don’t like?  When he does repeat the same bad behavior, is the escalation path simply more spankings? Harder spankings? 


Or, would showing your authority in public be on the table?  What about giving a spanking where it almost surely would be overheard, like KOJ's tale of being taken to a room and spanked during a crowded party?  His reaction to the experience sums up my current morbid attraction to having my emotional boundaries pushed:


“I also totally agree that escalating the punishment to semi-public had a profound effect on me and our relationship. It planted a healthy fear in my heart and made it clear how much authority she really wielded!”


It’s that healthy fear of what she might do that I feel like I’m wanting, though I am very well aware of how it likely would rock my emotional world if it actually happened.


Have a great week.


  1. In our 24/7 FLR, her authority is absolute and unquestioned. It was part of our written agreement that she could administer discipline in any manner, any time and anywhere she felt it was needed. I also agree to accept her decision and discipline without question. All of the quotes from Aunt Kay ring true, are in force and carried out in our FLR. Public spankings are somewhat common to me as my former has bare ass spanked me in full view of the general on more than a few cases. A pants down OTK on a bench in Central Park NYC comes to mind. She has pulled me out of restaurants, spanked me and returned to the table. She also had no qualms with telling others I get spanked either directly or was overheard. My current is a bit more demure. We still believe in discipline at the time of the infraction and I have been spanked while away from home. She generally looks for some form of seclusion (behind a car at the rear of a parking lot, for example). She has spanked me in a crowed campground but it was in our rented camping trailer. There was no doubt in the minds or anyone passing by that I was being spanked. She did spank me at the home of a friend during a party, but took me to an adjacent room for the spanking. Nobody saw it, but everyone could hear and knew exactly what was happening.
    In closing, I would state I would and have submitted to discipline anytime and place she felt it necessary. It is the way we set up our rules and have run our FLR.

    1. You definitely are walking the talk on all things FLR. Was there an adaptive process, where you found things like being spanked in public or where one would be overheard very emotionally difficult, or was it something that was never a big, scary deal for you?

    2. Dan, I would have to admit in my first FLR, with my second wife, I was apprehensive and perhaps a bit scared about public spankings and conversations. I was new to the world of adult spanking and living in an FLR. She was the one who converted me to a submissive from an alpha male. Having come thru that marriage, with my current life partner, public spankings are just a part of our way of life.

  2. She has the authority to spank at anytime, anywhere. That said, we are very private, and she would never want to spank in public. I do have a fantasy of getting a spanking from her, witnessed by woman friend, or getting a spanking from another woman with her watching and directing. For me, the most embarrassing and exciting aspect of DD is her exercising her authority, and the spanking itself is simply the result of that. It would be equally embarrassing if she ordered me in the corner in front of a friend. Even her saying something implying she has such authority, such as, "we are going to have a discussion when we get home" or, more pointedly, "do you need a spanking?" would be mortifying. That hasn't happened yet, and maybe never will. I am grateful she is able to take me in hand in whatever way works for her, and I want her to continue to be motivated.
    I take her out to dinner every time she gives me a disciplinary spanking, as a way to show her I appreciate her efforts in holding me accountable. We don't live together, and have separate money, so we probably have fewer issues and less friction than many couples . We hardly ever argue, I seldom do anything to annoy her, and I try to put her first. Therefore, when I do misbehave or break a rule, I encourage her to look at that as an opportunity to exercise her authority. I don't want her to let me get away with anything, and will self report if I do something she doesn't know about, but I know she would disapprove of. That is one of my commitments in our affirmation, which we usually read before every check in. Being reminded frequently about what we have committed to helps me be more honest and open. It helps her be more strict, confident, and direct about what she wants. The affirmation was inspired by MC, who posted the idea in this blog.

    1. "Even her saying something implying she has such authority, such as, "we are going to have a discussion when we get home" or, more pointedly, "do you need a spanking?" would be mortifying."

      Same here, and I honestly don't know how much more mortifying it would be if she asked someone who was around to witness a spanking. I think a fully public spanking would be very, very difficult. There's a reason people used to be pilloried and/or whipped in the public square, right? But, if it were in a more private setting, I'm really not sure whether being spanked by a witness would be that much more embarrassing than Anne being very vocal about the possibility of it in front of that witness. I'm not saying it wouldn't, but I really don't know.

    2. My wife has been suggesting that she may tell her mother , or here sister that she spanks me, on a number of occasions she has made comments to women friends that I would be sorry for comments i have made that she felt were rude or disrespectful. She carries a hair brush in her purse and a few months ago she put it on the table in a restaurant snd quietly scolded me and said she was going to spank me in the restroom. We live in San Francisco and our house has a stair case to he living quarters with a glads door at street level exposing the stair case . She produced the hair brush after entering and half way up the stairs took my pants down and spanked me , anyone passing by would have seen a pretty severe spanking.

    3. Of course, in San Francisco, they could just go to the Folsom Street Fair and see it up close and personal. :-)

      When posting, please use a name, including a pseudonym, or initials. It makes it easier to track the conversations. Thanks!

    4. Dan, the Folsom street fair you mention is a gay event.. My wife and I are senior citizens, still vibrant snd active. One of the earlier posts mentioned the wife telling her mother that she spanks her husband. More than 50 years ago after a heated argument my wife’s mom waited until we were alone and scolded me about being g disrespectful in her home . i said i was sorry and she said not yet but you will be. When she said I needed to learn a lesson and for reasons i still struggle to understand I agreed to accept het punishment. She told me that she was going to give me a spanking I eoukd never forget, 59 years later , still think about it.,My wife upon learning about this began spanking me because dhr saw how i interacted with hrt mom

    5. It may have began as a gay event, but it goes well beyond that demographic now.

      I recall your earlier participation and the story of your MIL introducing you to adult spanking punishment. Welcome back.

  3. I agree with Cowboy that her authority has to be unquestioned as to why and when. This is simply practical if it is to be a real DD. It would be chaos if I could veto when I was spanked or the reason. That has to be her decision, made by her and obeyed without question or defiance. To me, that is the sine quo non of DD.

    However, where a spanking occurs should be something negotiated before a disciplinary offense arises. Part of me is jealous of how Cowboy’s S.O. handles discipline. In many ways, it is refreshingly honest and authentic (I spank when necessary, and that is who we are).

    But another part of me is not ready for the embarrassment and social price we both might pay for that openness. So, our understanding is that full discussion will occur before any third party becomes aware of our DD. In theory, her “unlimited authority: could override any limits on “where”, and she has come close to doing that with a family member. I think she would push out on it if I were ready. But so far, I am not.

    1. "I think she would push out on it if I were ready. But so far, I am not."

      I very much understand that concern. And, when I say in the post that I would comply with embarrassing punishments if she ordered them, it doesn't mean that I wouldn't be profoundly uncomfortable at the time. For me, there is a psychological value in the very process of being made than uncomfortable. Perhaps because I wasn't a "spanko" prior to my very late 30s, when I did discover DD, that concept alone made me deeply uncomfortable. It was hugely fascinating, but also incredibly challenging and upsetting. I still think of bringing it up to my wife as one of the most personally embarrassing things I've ever done. But, I also look back on that period and really miss the edginess that came with being made so uncomfortable.

      It also may have some attraction because so far we really haven't taken things as far as many like you, let alone like Cowboy. We've never had a witness of any sort. I've never been spanked by anyone but Anne. I feel like I'm hitting that stage where every day of being healthy and fit is kind of a blessing, and there's a whole lot of exploration and boundary-pushing that I've left undone.

    2. For me, there is a psychological value in the very process of being made …. uncomfortable.”

      I really get this. Sometimes, it feels mesmerizing, like being a moth drawn to fire. This is especially true when she is pushing the boundaries. The part of me under her control is saying, yes, this is where I want to go, and if punishment is involved, that same part is saying, “This is what you want, need, and deserve.”

      While the part of me struggling for control is saying, “Are you crazy? This is real, and you will not like what is about to happen.” Fortunately, or unfortunately, I go on autopilot once she starts the process,

    3. I think one reason you and I may react differently to the prospect of being pushed is for me it's more or less theoretical, and it's really me who wants to (or thinks I want to) explore pushing boundaries, while Anne is more conventional or at least not as proactively open to it, while in your case it sounds like your wife would push more if you were more open to it. So, I can understand you being more reticent since for you there's more chance of it actually happening, and it's also not as much you in control.

  4. So far , the extent of her pushing boundaries is to drop veiled threats or comments in front of others.
    She hasn't used the 'S' word yet ( so far) but certainly leaves the clear impression that she is in charge , and there may be consequences for me later.
    We use the word 'discussion' as a sort of a code word for spanking and she will use that a lot.
    Lately I've had the view that I'd be ok with her using the 'S' word in front of these friends as I'm pretty sure my wife has confided to her already based on some of her comments and reactions.
    I suppose the reason may be that DD is not such a taboo anymore and is slowly becoming mainstream and normal.

    1. It hasn't happened often, but at least twice I can think of Anne has used the "S" word, but both times where it might or might not have been overheard.

    2. The comment would certainly be more effective if she used the 'S' word!

  5. Thank you for the shoutout, Dan. I was, actually, thinking about you in part as I caused it to be written. For my own part, I'm always fascinated by the mixing up of the need to be taken in hand, the power and thrill of doing so, the punitive, and the sexual. That story was an exploration of those things. I'm glad it resonated with you.

    1. “…as I caused it to be written.”
      Julie, this is an interesting turn of phrase –does this make you the manufacturer, the customer, the designer, the “master” (mistress if you please), or a kind of author? What do you consider your relationship to be with your AI “collaborator?

    2. Ha ha! Yes. I am unsure as well, hence my phrasing. It feels like a true collaboration with me as idea giver and editor, and AI as the writer.

    3. Julie wrote: “It feels like a true collaboration with me as idea giver and editor, and AI as the writer.”

      Just so. Until you begin to edit it, change a few words here and there, rewrite something unclear, or do a myriad of other editing tasks. The point at which you are the sole or lead author is TBD. But the potential is there for AI to become the talented intern who does all the research and maybe puts a rough draft together, enabling you ( as the ultimate author) to turn it into a finished, polished, and personal work of art

    4. Julie, fyi, there was a recent segment of the This American Life podcast called "The Other Guy," which included a segment about four guys who experimented with an early version of OpenAI that has since been taken off-line. They had it create poetry, and some of it got dark as hell and played right into the concerns about an AI becoming sentient and going rogue. It was fascinating stuff.

  6. I understand the fantasy element of this subject. The humiliation of being punished with witnesses who basically encourage the wife to "take change" and are amused at hubbies' suffering, highly stimulating stuff. However, I think we also need to consider the issue of consent. A witness shouldn't be accosted by a fantasy scene in which they didn't expect to participate. I think something mild like verbal correction or maybe a comment that suggests the wife's authority to set restrictions ("no, order something healthier", or "you don't need another drink") would be inbounds, but not spanking in a public place. That type of play belongs in a knowing and supportive community (like this one) where we all know what's what and are happy to share our respective lifestyle choices and fantasies.

    1. I go back and forth on this. On the one hand, I sort of agree about not "accosting" others who didn't intend to participate. But, in the story, they don't really participate. They witness. Now, that would probably make many uncomfortable, but a whole lot of stuff makes people uncomfortable these days, and more than a little of the offense-taking these days is contrived and performative.

      Growing up when and where I did, kids were spanked in situations where others overhead all the time.

      Times have changed, and I do think we need to show some sensitivity to the preferences of others but, on the other hand, the most easily offended person on the scene doesn't always get to set the rules.

    2. I would never do many of the things in my stories for just that reason. It's fiction for our prurient amusement.

      In our real-life scening, we do engage in limited public play, but we are super careful. We always "test the waters". We will start with a more innocuous comment along the lines suggested. If we get a positive response, we continue on and test some more. I'm my experience, most people are very fine with it and have fun with it.

      We had one experience shopping in a kitchen store where I picked up a wooden spoon and told my husband this would be great for spanking him. The saleslady gave us a very dirty look so we shut right up.

      On the other hand, hubby once suggested a belt he was looking at would be great for spanking me. It was an upscale men's store, Harry Rosen's. We got a good grin from the gentleman serving us, so David bent me over and gave me a test whack over my dress. The salesman was delighted! I'm quite sure we made his month and he probably ate out on it for a year!

    3. Something about the sales lady's disapproval and you shutting right up made me chuckle. Some people have no sense of humor.

    4. Julie's story was an interesting exploration about pushing the limits. For me, it was very erotic before it went to the public displays with strangers. I have always been intrigued by the idea of being pushed beyond my limits, especially when it comes to being punished with a spanking that I really wish would end, but keeps on going.
      I have experienced being spanked in 3 different semi public settings, in which the witnesses were all well aware of what was happening. It turned out to be not as big a deal as I had fantasied about, and it isn't something I have cared to pursue. I am much more intrigued by the idea of being soundly spanked by my sweetie in front of a woman friend who has learned about our DD and wanted a demonstration. We have recently been talking with another DD couple, and it's likely that will happen eventually. As I've said before, the spanking is exciting, but the reality of her power, authority, and willingness to spank me whenever she chooses is the real turn on . This is a fantacy that has become a reality, and it never gets old. An added bonus is that it has profoundly improved and deepened our relationship in ways we couldn't have imagined before. It makes me a better partner, as I am grateful to her for really holding me accountable, and so I try to put her first and show her my appreciation. It has made her more confident and aware of what she wants and needs, and she is now more likely to express how she feels.

    5. I’m MC’s husband Tom and so I’ll go with Tom MC. Agree that the most sensitive individual doesn’t need to be the standard, just suggesting that we should be respectful of witnesses.

      We have also done some semi-public scenes, but my basic rule is there has to be a low chance of discovery, the witnesses need to be able to retreat if there is a “surprise” encounter, or it needs to be a friendly environment. For example MC has givien me an outdoor spanking when we have been hiking or when we are in a campground that is lightly occupied. These spankings are out in the open, but relatively quick . We love the “closed for the season “ sign when we drive by a campground on a road trip which means that we can pull over, wander in, and play a scene that “could” be witnessed but probably won’t be.

    6. Twenty years in this lifestyle, and I've yet to have an outdoor spanking. We really need to kick up our the level of our adventuring.

    7. 'It turned out to be not as big a deal as I had fantasied about, and it isn't something I have cared to pursue.'

      This is how I suspect I would feel about being spanked at a spanking party.

  7. I agree with Norton in many ways. DD is a very private thing for us and I can’t imagine her ever wanting to do it in public or anything approaching public. I could certainly imagine it in the presence of a female friend but I don’t know if she’d go for it or not. The one and only time I have ever lost my temper in a more serious way she responded by delivering a spanking much longer and harder than ever before. It was absolutely merciless and ended with the statement that if I ever did that again, that would just be the warmup. So I would have to say that a more extreme punishment when really warranted would be in the intensity of the spanking rather than upping the emotional stakes in some way. TG

    1. I can't imagine Anne ever wanting to do it in public either. But, then again, that's what KOJ thought before it happened.

  8. As a happily married couple, I have spanked my husband in front of others at “parties” we have attended or at locations with hired DOMs so that I could practice and learn from a professional (in our early days of growth). We have gone to destination vacations for a week long “camp like” experiences to learn and grow in skills and have open discussions with those like minded subs and dominants. As a wife this was a nerve inducing “ask” and I had to find my way to interact with the other people in my own terms as well as with in the subject of DD. In most cases we were the only married couple and in most cases I was the rare “natural vanilla”. Through the decades I have grown to learn more about my husband and understand him at a deeper level as well as trust each other more and more through DD play and discipline. It has helped me grow in confidence and embrace my power and authority. Through all the variety of experiences, all the people we have met, had conversations with and have “played” with or in front of others have been very kind and understanding and so so supportive of me as a wife. We all have been very respectful of each other. If there was anything that bothered me I just looked away or removed myself from the situation with no judgement for those who were participating. It has been helpful for me to meet others that I can openly talk with about all the funny and challenging times I have shared with my husband. It is important to “be not afraid” to share and be open because that helps you to not judge yourself and to feel more like a regular human being. I have made short term and long term friendships via the various people and experiences that my husband and I have shared with others. It feels “under ground” but it really isn’t. As we get older and go through the various stages of life together (having raised our babies to adulthood) while still growing in our personal DD married relationship, we are living in gratitude for living a “spicy “ and respectful life together. We have both “grown up” and “closer together’ by having DD being a major part of our married life. The playful banter of “fantasy talk” of what could be done in public and embarrassing situations is all part of the fun. It is a leap to make fantasy a reality. There are fun people and groups that can provide safe places for “playing”. Like I have learned and have told myself…be not afraid.


    1. Thanks MC for the very insightful response.

      "In most cases we were the only married couple and in most cases I was the rare “natural vanilla”." For some reason, it really surprises me that you were often the only married couple. It doesn't surprise me, however, that you might be the only vanilla. Here in this group, I often feel like a minority of one in that I had no real interest in spanking and, hence, was for all spanking intents and purposes, vanilla and until I got close to middle-age.

      "Be not afraid" is a good way to live at any stage of life, but it's especially good after the kids are grown and, in our case, we're both retired. Because, really, with those social impediments out of the way, what really is there to be afraid of, other than our own egos and insecurities?

      I will clarify that while I get that parties could provide a kind of safe place for exploring, that's also probably why they don't have much appeal for me. My own wiring for this is such that there has to be a pretty strong element of "reality," in terms of real accountability and being taken to task, for a spanking to have much power for me. I don't *think* a party would push a lot of boundaries for me, but not having experienced one, I leave open the possibility that it might.

      I do think the community aspect could be good depending on who it played out. There are three people I've met in person or in video through this blog, and I consider them to be as real friends as many of my "real life" relationships. But, while the relationships came about because of DD and this blog, the conversations now tend to be very vanilla, mainly about careers and families and what we're reading or the latest streaming series recommendation.

    2. MC, I'm sure every man here appreciates your comment. I note your saying "It has helped me grow in confidence and embrace my power and authority." My wife would certainly agree with that. She is kind and loving, but does not permit any questioning of her authority, and does not hesitate to use her strap or hairbrush.

    3. “I note your saying "It has helped me grow in confidence and embrace my power and authority."

      This emphasis on “my power and authority” has surfaced repeatedly for me. I have been under the discipline of two women, both of whom have strongly expressed the importance to them of their authority -and reacted vigorously to any perceived challenge to it, as in “Alan, are you challenging my authority?” while holding a hairbrush or sending me to fetch it.

      This attitude was very conspicuous with my former GF, and I attributed it to her assertive personality. She even ordered me to open an email account with the word authority to communicate with her. But my wife, if anything, has put more emphasis on respecting her authority. And this blog has regularly referenced it as an essential part of a DD relationship.

      I am not complaining about this at all. In fact, it goes to the essence of what many men under female discipline need: a strong expression of firm, loving female authority. But it is striking how well her needs to exercise authority mesh with mine to have her exercise her authority. This is one of the ultimate fruits of a growing DD relationship.


  9. If Anne ever were to make some public show, I wouldn't doubt alcohol would be involved. Her tolerance is much lower than mine and she tends to act tipsy, while I tend to get more controlled with each drink, up to a point,

  10. For us, parties might be a great way to make and meet friends and enjoy a community of folks sharing our interest in DD. But they would not do much to push the envelope on her exercise of authority or extend our DD experience. She wants to be free to share it with several friends, one of whom we believe desperately needs DD to be incorporated into her life. (her friend needs the discipline, not her husband)

    We have two couples practicing DD who live in other countries, and her sister has witnessed several spankings, which was a positive experience for her and us (although her husband disappointed her). And her mother knows and strongly approves.

    But we have met mostly apathy when raising the topic with others. It has been apathy and not hostility or averted eyes. Once, typically, we talked to a good friend who has a strong foot fetish and who had been spanked as part of a relationship by a former girlfriend. His reaction was, “Good for you,” but it's not something I am looking for again.

    So, we have concluded that DD enriches relationships that use it and could enrich many more, But the chances that even spankos will line up on orientation (F/M, M/F., etch) are not very high. Thus, to make DD work, one must be a self-aware spanko, and the other must at least be open-minded and have some sense of adventure.
    In fact, with the apparently large numbers of both female and male spankos, the importance of having a partner who is open to experimenting with DD may be much more important than thought.

    More and better education may be the key that unlocks this door for many couples. Spankos need to learn how to ask for what they need because what they need is also needed in their relationship. Non-spanko partners need to be open to new and maybe threatening experiences. Once these dynamics are in place, most couples should be ready to find out if DD is for them.


    1. "She wants to be free to share it with several friends, one of whom we believe desperately needs DD to be incorporated into her life. (her friend needs the discipline, not her husband)."

      That's an interesting dynamic. Does your wife have any reason to believe the friend might be receptive to it? It's kind of a conundrum. If we have a friend or family member who we think needs it or could profit form it, are we minding our own business because we don't want to intrude, or because we don't want to be embarrassed ourselves or risk rejection because we mis-read the signs? Even within our family, it's a quandary. I have one daughter who is wired much like me, and who knows whether DD might actually help moderate some of her more intense emotional reactions. Our other daughter is someone who I actually could see in the top role, and she already is more than a little controlling with her significant other.

      Having experienced myself, I'm not surprised about the apathy from people you've tried to raise DD with. The vanilla friend I've told was totally supportive, but I could also tell she wasn't personally interested. I don't know why I'm surprised. Kinks and especially fetishes are often very specific to the individual. Like, you brought up the friend with a foot fetish. It seems to be a fairly common fetish, yet I don't understand the attraction at all.

  11. I see there is another Tom here. I hadn't seen him before. Not sure how people will distinguish between us. Anyway, Julie's story is fun to read but it has nothing to do with my personal experience. My wife has the authority to spank me and is the sole judge of whether to spank and of how harsh the spanking will be. But this is a very strictly private matter between her and me. I do have one fantasy however. I would love to have her closest friend witness my spanking, or even participate in it. But we are never going to set that up, because we both realize that one person always tells someone else, and eventually a dozen people are aware.

    1. Yeah, it is confusing and took me a few comments to catch on that there are two Toms. Ideally, one of you would voluntarily change, especially if Tom is just a random pseudonym. A few years ago, we had two Joe's, and the second to arrive called himself Joe2.

      "[W]e both realize that one person always tells someone else, and eventually a dozen people are aware." Maybe, but I'm not sure it always, or even most of the time, works that way. As Alan pointed out, the most common reaction when we share these things with "vanilla" friends and relatives seems to be apathy. They may be kind of interested in hearing about it just because it's outside the norm, but the interest is shallow and short-lived. And, whether word spreads probably depends a lot on how much overlap there is in your social circles. I have one friend who is pretty wired into our small town, suburban government, I know enough people in that circle, it is certainly possible that if I told one of them it could become gossip fodder. On the other hand, I have told one vanilla friend. She has been married twice since I told her, and I'm not sure whether she's even told one or both husbands, and there is very little overlap in my social circle and hers, other than her current husband. So, there really wouldn't be much opportunity or reason for her to tell others.

    2. “…whether word spreads probably depends a lot on how much overlap there is in your social circles.”

      This is very much on point about social networks. Today mainly as more of us are ensconced in our silos, we can be either hyper-tuned in or blissfully oblivious to shared information. That and the reality that kinky sex (or what is perceived as kinky sex) is more and more “ho-hum.” This means the apprehensions many have is probably overblown. Recall that quote you once used from Eleanor Roosevelt:” You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”

    3. Yeah, the reaction of my vanilla friend upon learning of our DD was pretty ho-hum and was a real learning experience for me. I assumed people who weren't into it would react negatively or judgmentally. I hadn't really considered that the far more likely reaction would be mild curiosity that, once some details were provided, would become indifference.

  12. I loved the topic of the blog this week. Ironically, it is very pertinent to current life events. The past few months have been an absolute rollercoaster as we found out we are having an unexpected baby, just moved, still house hunting, and navigating changing our careers. It seems that right now the only constant and stability we have is each other. Though our dynamic has been ‘active’ it has not been Active. A few weeks ago we went out and discussed it. He brought up that he wants it to be Active again and said he has been waiting for me to ‘bite’.
    These past few weeks I have been spending considerable thought and research on exactly how I want it to look as we begin to shift into a different and busier chapter of our lives. Ive often gone back and forth with my philosophy regarding absolute authority. This week I am taking him out to discuss everything, our philosophies, new ideas to implement, and expectations moving forward so that our dynamic can once again be not only Active but a bigger priority.
    Personally, I would love to one day share our dynamic with a few close friends, make subtle comments alluding to it, and even eventually spank him where it can be overheard. As for actual witnesses or participants however I have no desire to share. He however would rather keep it strictly private as he is scared people would lose respect for him.
    I like the emotional aspect of DD and a punishment which you brought up Dan. Essentially, I feel similarly and love the idea of using these certain tools to further push his submission much like Emily in Julie’s story. My fears have always been however, what if he outright refuses or I break the trust which he has in me and cause him to feel violated or unsafe. Either way, I lose the very foundation of our dynamic.

    1. Miss E, it's really unclear to me what exactly it is that you want to do. I completely share your husband's desire for privacy. My wife respects it and sometimes uses it in a reverse kind of way. When she is irritated with me and we are with other people, she will act extra sweet and say things that can have a very different meaning from the obvious one. Like, "Oh, I really want to hear more of your thoughts on this and can't wait 'till we get home and do that." To me it is clear I'm going over her knee.

    2. I love the usage of inside innuendos. My husband and I do the same when around our families.

  13. Wow, that does sound like a rollercoaster! But, it also sounds like exciting stuff.

    I understand how your husband feels when the dynamic becomes less active. It's a paradox. I really hate spankings when they happen, yet I get antsy if too much time passes between them. Honestly, I think Anne does too. I sometimes get the sense she's actually hoping I will do something that will give her a good reason to put me over her knee.

    I understand why your husband has some angst about how others might disrespect him if they learned about your dynamic. For me, the concern was always about work and professional reputation. I've never been too concerned about how friends would react, though I admit that in 20 years there is only one I have shared it with.

    I do think the emotional aspect of DD probably does get overlooked. I think one reason I was so attracted to the Disciplinary Wives Club is some of the stories did explore real emotions. And, I still remember the days between me discovery the website and telling my wife about it as one of the most emotional periods of my life. I knew what it was I contemplating asking for, and I found it incredibly intimidating, yet it triggered such deep feelings that I couldn't not tell her.

    It's great that you are taking your husband's possible concerns into account before pushing the boundaries. It sounds like a great topic to discuss when you take him out. We were more than a decade into our DD lifestyle when she told me that a part of her had always shrunk from really committing to it, because she had a fear that if she did, there would come a point where I would decide I didn't want it anymore. She said that she had a very hard time understanding why anyone would *want* to be on the receiving end of this lifestyle, so she always kind of expected me to reverse at some point.

    1. I completely understand how Anne feels. When it has been more than a week or so I honestly start to hope he will disobey just so I can spank him again.

      I plan on further discussing how public or private we will be layer this week. As it is a more concerning boundary for him rather than me, I’ll let him set the pace as far as his comfort with telling people. My best friend is coming in town this weekend however so we’ll see how he feels with me confiding in her. I do know however that spanking him in semi-public places is a decision that I have already decided (car parked in a secluded spot, etc)
      That might be all the pushing he needs for right now.

    2. Miss E, I value privacy, like your husband. But if I had to choose between being spanked in a semi-private place, or in the presence of your best friend, I would choose the latter. And there would be a special spiciness to it.

  14. Some of this depends on how confident and outgoing are our wives in general. For a generally introverted, private woman, it would seem weird to DD and just about nothing else.

    Similarly, depending on the confidence and personality of the husband, being outed as disciplined could range from mildly relieving, to traumatic, to becoming his sole defining feature socially.

    Couples who are matched in extraversion and who are at least mildly outgoing would do best with this, I think.

    1. You could be right. Though in our case, I am an introvert, while Anne is an extrovert. Yet, I'm the one who has fewer qualms about others knowing or about interacting in person with people in the lifestyle.

  15. "Or, the first time she really lit into me with a lecture that was cutting and really hurt my pride. But, after sulking about it for a couple of weeks, I accepted that it had been deserved. I also accepted that maybe it didn't really matter whether I accepted.

    I think I did recognize early on that my attraction to DD included a perverse need to have my emotional boundaries pushed, but not with the clarity I have today."

    This (and other remarks you made) are very interesting. I wonder what would happen if I simply communicated a need to experience a certain emotion through her discipline. "I want to feel fearful when you discipline me. Can you help me achieve that?" Where would that go? I would have to talk through how my fear would not compete with love, but after that.

    1. It's an interesting question. I have talked with Anne a lot about my feelings around DD, but I don't think I've ever asked her to consciously try to bring about a certain emotion in me. But, she kind of gets in and, in some areas, is fully on board. For example, she has said that there are times when she bosses me around that she can see me struggling, getting mad, and wanting deperately to tell her to go fuck herself. She says that she *likes* see those emotions arise in me and likes watching me do what she wants anyway.

  16. We fall into the category of keeping our DD a private affair. We have never done anything remotely public for fear of being seen. I can attest to some of the comments above about it being left to the imagination. I also agree one has to be careful introducing or making a person a witness to DD. It could be misconstrued in a way to make that person feel extremely uncomfortable. My wife has made a few comments in public and I thought one went a bit too far. The only time I wasn’t concerned was while we were on vacation, a lady made some comments about ensuring I was kept inline. My wife stated to not worry about that, he gets a good strapping when needed. The women of course smiled from ear to ear. We had some libations and would never see the women again, so it didn’t bother me. I still don’t feel DD is ready to be mainstream. I also can’t see there ever being a legal issue between consenting adults. Although, I wouldn’t go willingly into a women’s dressing room and over my wife’s knee for a thrashing. That’s how you could end up in trouble. Imagination is a beautiful thing.

    1. I'll be surprised if DD ever goes mainstream and, frankly, I'm fine with that. I do wish there was a way for there to be more willingness to engage personally in a community like the DWC but for it to still remain a "naughty secret" as Aunt Kay once said. But, maybe that is a near-impossible needle to thread.

  17. Interesting discussion. My take in general on "being spanked publicly" is that it is a hot fantasy, but for most of us a risky proposition in real life. My wife and I have both carefully guarded our privacy on this issue. Although, as time goes on, we are both probably a little less concerned that someone might find out. In general, society has become more tolerant of "kink" (which is how the public would view DD), and, in truth, it probably is not as big a deal that someone would find out as most of us believe. But - that is not to say that being spanked in public among a group of people is a wise course of action. I recall a situation a couple of years ago where a neighbor lady saw a paddle laying out (we've gotten careless since the kids moved out). My wife saw her glance at it - and jokingly told her "Al's been misbehaving again" - and I chimed in "Well, boys will be boys". At which point, I picked up the paddle and left the room. Nothing more was ever said - and I'm sure the neighbor just though we into some "kink play".

    That said, there are three individuals who know that my wife gives me regular disciplinary spankings - two ladies who have seen me spanked and spanked me - and a single male friend who has become a "friend of the family" and visits often.

    The two ladies are my wife's sister who (in a story that I've shared here a few times) inadvertently heard me being spanked when she came in the house without announcement as I was being spanked in the bedroom - fairly early on in our DWC lifestyle. It turned out that she has a fascination with spanking herself and so could not help but tell my wife that she heard her spanking me - which eventually led to her witnessing me being spanked numerous times and even spanking me herself on a few occasions (as proxy spankings for my wife - or with my wife for a birthday spanking). The other lady is one of my wife's old college friends - who just within the last couple of years - came out to us as being into kink, so we came out to her about our DD lifestyle. She has also witnessed me being spanked and spanked me herself ("recreationally" - but still quite effectively).

    The guy saw a paddle we left carelessly left out (a habit in the last few years it seems) - so when he asked "who got spanked?", my wife promptly informed me that I did - and went on to explain the DWC lifestyle to him. I was not actually not immediately aware of that conversation - and was initially "somewhat horrified" to find out that another man (that I know well) knew that my wife spanked me on a regular basis - but also simultaneously found it disturbingly hot. He has not witnessed me being spanked (and likely never will) - although I can imagine him overhearing a spanking - if I happened to really to go over the line while he was at the house (and got taken to the bedroom for a spanking).

    (To be continued due to comment length) --al

    1. "I was not actually not immediately aware of that conversation - and was initially "somewhat horrified" to find out that another man (that I know well) knew that my wife spanked me on a regular basis - but also simultaneously found it disturbingly hot."

      For me, it's all speculative, but I think this is likely how I would react too. Though, the "horrified" part would likely depend a lot on my own relationship with that man. I've never known but have always assumed that my vanilla friend may have told her husband. But, he's such a non-judgmental, gregarious guy that I don't feel anything about him knowing. The only other incident that comes even close to another male knowing is that I have one female friend I made through this blog. She used to have her own M/f oriented DD blog, which I still have a link to on this blog, though she hasn't updated it in years. Most of our communications are by text these days, but I did have one Zoom call with her. Her husband briefly popped onto the screen when he brought her a glass of wine. In their relationship, he's the dominant man, which I could see triggering some trepidation in me, but it didn't feel that way. We both exchanged hellos, and that was about it. I suspect if we knew each other well, he'd be someone I'd like to have a beer with.

      So, while my experience so far has been extremely limited, other men knowing hasn't been as ego threatening as I had assumed it would be.

  18. Continuation from --al.

    In general, though, while it is a "somewhat hot" dynamic that two other ladies are involved, another man knowing was initially very disturbing. Interestingly, my wife has never thought it was a big deal that he knows (although she did apologize for telling him without my consent - she said it "just came out") - and, in fact, she enjoys occasionally telling one of these three that "Al got spanked" or that "I'm going to spank him when he gets home". It's most disturbing knowing that tells our male friend that as well.

    Although - in an interesting twist - she has also told him repeatedly that he would greatly benefit from regular spankings himself. He has replied that he thinks it is great that it works for us but he is having no part of being spanked - not because of any "objection" as such - he just doesn't want to voluntarily subject himself to that much "pain". She did, however, get him to take 5 swats with a paddle over his shorts recently as a "birthday spanking". And amusingly, just last weekend she left us watching college football together as she went to the store - and jokingly warned us both on the way out to behave while she was gone or that we would both be spanked. And - I have no doubt that she would do just that if he were willing.


  19. In regard to "public spanking", my wife has given me a few "semi-public spankings" over the years. I've been spanked numerous times inside the car - usually at night, but a few times in daylight, but in a reasonably secluded spot. And, on a few occasions, I've been spanked outside the car, always in a secluded spot. One of those was in broad daylight - but, again, in a secluded area. (But, still, there is always the possibility that someone might be watching out of sight - or suddenly come up from "out of nowhere").

    She did spank me once in a family restroom at the mall after I was rude to a sales clerk - years ago. There was no one around when we went in - and she only gave me 20 or 30 swats (I got another "full spanking" for that behavior when we got home). When we exited, she made sure that she had the brush in her hand (just above her purse - like she was putting it away) so if anyone did hear, they would know that she was the one doing the spanking. As we exited, there was one lady several feet away who glanced our way with a bit of a smile. She may have heard or just been amused that we were in a family restroom together (and up to some sort of hanky-panky).

    Finally, I will mention that my wife has "silently switched" me (with a real switch or the DWC mini-cane) many times with others in the house - sometimes with someone in the next room. The biggest challenge is not yelping.


    1. It’s nice to be able to share that experience with a few other people. We have a group of friends who are way too vanilla. I know one our friends who don’t even have sex anymore. Pretty sad actually as he wants it and she has no interest anymore. As for DD her best friend knows she thrashes me when out of line. I’ve stated she lives out of state. Now that I know she is aware , I would have no problem with my wife thrashing me in front of her. I thinks it’s probably because I don’t know her that well and only speak to her when my wife is on the phone. I’ve stated that her husband could use some serious DD. It will probably never happen as they live across the country and I don’t see us as getting out there anytime soon. We have a few years of action packed travel. I also agree that DD would be considered a kink by most “vanilla” couples, not as real discipline to improve your actions.

    2. Al, I love that she kept the brush out, just to ensure that no one would think she was the one who had gotten spanked. That's a great detail.

    3. "We have a group of friends who are way too vanilla."

      I honestly know almost nothing about the sex lives of any of our friends. For all I know some of them could be kinky as all hell. I really have no idea.

    4. I love that she disciplined you in the family restroom at the mall. Ive wished I could find more semi public but still private places like that but it seems to be easier said than done in my area.

      Also. I have been looking everywhere for a miniature cane or paddle/strap small enough to fit in a purse. Any recommendations? Alot of shops so far seem to only have the full size of implements.

    5. Miss E - you might want to take a look at the online store: cane-iac dot-com. They have announced they will eventually go out of business if a buyer cannot be found - and have reduced their stock, but they still have a nice selection. Hopefully a buyer will be found . It is a nice resource and we've bought a few items there - including a 12 inch strap that she uses very regularly on me. --al

      The occasion on which she spanked me in a family restroom in the mall was on a weekday morning early - before they got busy. I doubt that it would be practical most of the time.


      My wife keeps a hairbrush in her purse - as well as one in each of vehicles - since no one questions a hairbrush if it happens to be noticed.

    6. For paddles, I've had the most luck with sellers on Etsy. Here is a smaller paddle from one of my favorite sellers:

      For straps, my favorite source by far is The London Tanners. They are pretty pricey. But, in my view, worth it.

    7. Thank you for the sites! I found a few that could work

    8. The hardest implement to find is an old fashioned wooden ruler, a heavy one of the kind that apparently is no longer made. My wife found one by searching Etsy and other sites. Not sure where she found it. She uses it along with her hairbrush rather than as an alternative to it.

    9. We found a small strap and paddle-like brush in an antique mall. My wife prefers a short-handled paddle or brush nearly every time.

  20. Dev recently spanked me out in the garage. I was allowed to close the door. She said next time it stays open for everyone to see. JR.

    1. Although still indoors and not exactly public, that would be a high embarrassment area for us, as we live in a very established suburban neighborhood, with lots of older neighbors and more that a few kids, with lots of people walking dogs at all hours.

    2. Dan - your description of your neighborhood describes ours as well - although only a few kids - but lots of dog walking. Nevertheless, I have been spanked over the workbench in the garage a number of times. --al

    3. Al, thankfully, ours is very full of cars, motorcycles and gear. It would be too difficult for her to get a good swing. ;-)

  21. ‘Imagination is a beautiful thing.’ - such a good quote from T above. I admit to being fascinated by the possibilities of what goes on behind the closed doors of other peoples lives ( without being able to find out!). I have a theory that almost everyone has some sort of ‘kink’ or kinks that they luxuriate in fantasising about and in many cases acting out. DD is one of very, very many interests on FetLife for example. The secretive side of sex & related activities is some of what makes those areas so interesting & exciting.

    I have been punished several times with the synthetic cane in our RV, although mainly when the sites are not busy. There are always people walking about though but very unlikely that anyone would say anything or that we would ever see them again. One of our neighbours once made a fairly direct reference to adult discipline which was oddly out of context & made me wonder if he had overheard one of our sessions. I have also been punished in hotel rooms & air B&B rentals - not quite public but not as secure as home. And finally I was beaten when we were staying with relatives although we did wait until the house was empty. It still felt risky as we had no idea how long they planned to be out and as it turned out they arrived back as we had just finished.

    Do I care if people find out? Not really, DD increasingly feels like a special gift that we have been given and in some ways I feel a certain pride that we have been able to incorporate it into our relationship. TB

    1. I too am pretty fascinated with what I don't know about other people's sex lives. It's just kind of fun speculating about how seemingly very vanilla people may be kinky as hell.

      I kind of get the "certain pride" you take. Although I am intrigued by others' sex lives, I honestly don't think it's true that all that many people are honest about what they want and need and succeed in acting on it. I do feel like the people who are into DD are, as a group, people who have the courage to engage in something that others find too transgressive. To me, it exhibits a kind of intellectual and spiritual sense of adventure that I'm not sure that all that many people really live.

  22. Over the past 10 years or so, my wife has become more comfortable asserting herself about my behavior in the presence of others. It's quite a change from when we first dated and it's been noticed by friends and family. I'm sure they view it as a positive. However, she has been adament about not sharing that she spanks me as punishment. Too far from the norm for her and too humiliating for me. She's probably right about the latter, but I actually would be more open with certain females in our circle. Beth finds it very surprising that I would even consider this, and clearly has no interest in going there. She has shared some details of our bedroom with her sisters, such as how often and what we like. So if we spanked as light bdsm (which we don't), that would be fair game. But discussing real corporal punishment for my misbehavior? According to her, that's not on the table.

    1. It's interesting that she's comfortable sharing sexual details but not real corporal punishment, but it doesn't really surprise me. I've thought for a while that while erotic spanking has reached some level of social acceptance, that's really not the case with DD. For some reason, people are more squeamish about the power dynamic than about the erotic elements.

    2. It makes a lot of sense to me why Kevin's wife, Beth, would not want to have others know about your DD. It would be far more embarrassing (and exciting) for me to have friends know that she actually has to authority and power in the relationship to spank me whenever she chooses to, than to have friends know I enjoy getting spanked for kinky sex. It would also be embarrassing for her friend to know that I asked her to do this to keep me in line. I do have a fantacy of being punished past my limits in front of a woman friend of hers, which is all about her demonstrating her power. She has told several women friends that she spanks me for stress relief, and they just seemed to accept it, pretty much the same as if she told them she enjoys giving me a massage.

    3. Norton, as I've said, the one vanilla friend I've told about our DD also seemed pretty blasé about the whole thing, and it seems like that's the reaction many have gotten when revealing they are in this lifestyle. My one question is whether, when we aren't there, they twitter to their spouse or friends something to the effect of, "Can you believe that Dan is into . . .??" I suspect they really are pretty blasé, but who knows for sure.

    4. Dan, maybe so, but it's hard to believe some guys wouldn't be wishing their wives would be more open to something other than vanilla. And the most exciting alternative is usually going to have something to do with power.

    5. I agree power exchange is always going to be a big kink, though I suspect that for most couples the attraction runs in the opposite direction, with M/f dynamics being a turn on.

  23. When we started our DD journey I told her she had absolute authority. She can and does spank me for any reason whenever she chooses. I try not to challenge her authority but being a perfectionist I cannot accept certain things being out of order. My wife has a health issue that prevents her from standing for too long so she decided that she would be the one to back the RV while I direct her. This works most of the time but there are instances where getting into some spots is more complicated and require a certain amount of logical thinking. The problem is my logic does not align with hers. I will tell her what I need her to do thinking it is logical but somehow she is not able to execute it the way I pictured it. I get frustrated knowing my behind is going to be in big trouble. I finally ask if I can back it in with her direction. If she allows it, she is now so angry with me for not being able to communicate I can here it in her voice and if she starts to cry I loose my mind and if I'm not careful it will escalate out of control. That is the senario on this trip. Once I finally got the RV properly situated she was in tears. I knew I had a very severe spanking coming not the night of because she would be too angry but the next evening I knew what was coming. After she calmed down I broached the subject and asked if I was going to be spanked. She asked do you think you deserve one. I told her I don't want a spanking but deserve it because, I committed the breaking of the primary rule to never ever embarrass her. I told her I would submit to her and do my best to stay in position. I used to always be put over her knee but the angle causes her arm muscle to be sore for days, so the new method is with me on my knees bent over the sofa. For some reason this does not hurt her arm but intensifies the sting because she can somehow get to the more tender areas. I have never been able to stay in position or keep my hand from going back to protect myself. I determined that because I was so deserving that I would some how stay in position. During the first flurry I failed. She told me to get back in position and started over. I bite into a sofa pillow and manage to stay in position after just two more flurries she stopped and let me up. She told me she was proud of me for staying in position and she would have continued had I not.

    There is only one area that I maintain a little bit of authority and that is her health. She needs to take her medication as directed and get medical attention if her numbers are off by too much. Since we started our WLM I have had to request that she address my concerns. She has overriden my request on one occasion. If she was not able to reason with me. I would have made her go to the doctor but as always her reasoning was sound and I submitted to it.

    1. Ward, not to read too much into it, but this kind of sounds like she just doesn't know how to back up the RV very well. Is that really your fault? For us too, criticizing Anne's driving is something that she reacts to, but I'm also comfortable saying it's something she *over*-reacts to, because even the adult kids comment about her unsafe driving. She gets mad, but it's honestly the one area in which her anger is just not very rational and doesn't fit the facts as everyone else sees them.

    2. Ward, appreciate that very human story, and nice job digging deep to stay in position.

      For us it's: stepping in to help her is okay. Making less than constructive comments is not okay. Passively letting her fail is really not okay. We don't spank for failures like that (yet), but she sees that way.

      If she was going to have to back in an RV I'd probably make her do a course with cones first. :)

    3. Actually she is usually very good at backing it in. I have seen her put it in spots that I'm not sure I would have even tried. Their are a few spots where the road is narrow or the lot angles up hill or is angled to one side and then straight.. The reason I get spanked is for it is always the way I handle it. I get frustrated my voice gets louder and it's embarrassing to her. I should have been more patient and addressed her with respect not putting her in an embarrassing situation.


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