
Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Club - Meeting 486 - Grounding and Other Non-Spanking Punishments

The ability to have a choice in what you do is a privilege.” - Anton Yelchin

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to our female readers to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.


I hope you all had a good week.  I feel like mine sort of passed in the blink of an eye.  I spent some time adding farkles to a new motorcycle, which I purchased before figuring out that most of my late spring and early fall were about to go “poof” in the face of medical interferences.  I finally got some imaging back on mine, confirming what I suspected. But, there’s some chance several weeks of physical therapy and limited activity might let me avoid another surgery.  Unfortunately, that’s definitely not in the cards for Anne, who will not exemplify this meme for quite some time:


I’m still trying to get my head around this unpleasant reality.  I’ve been practicing various forms of meditation and Zen for a lot of years, and I’ve always found that the hardest thing to break our attachments to is our own plans. And, most of us generally suck at predicting whether the things we want to do will actually turn out to be good for us, and often times it is the stuff that makes us the most uncomfortable and is the most disruptive that is the most constructive.  So, I’m trying to keep an open mind about how the next few months will play out in terms of positive and negative impacts on our lives. 


 Maybe it’s because I’m acutely aware of the frustration of best laid plans being disrupted that this topic suggestion from Anonymous, from several weeks ago, jumped out at me this week:

"Grounding as a method of punishment. It's a topic that doesn't get nearly enough discussion as opposed to spanking and really needs to." 

In addition to being intimately related to frustrated plans, grounding and other non-spanking punishments may have to come into play while Anne is incapacitated.  So, the topic is timely (for me) for multiple reasons.


We have experimented with grounding from time-to-time, though I think I use the term more broadly than some others do.  I apply it to any order that restricts my freedom of action, while I think others see it more narrowly as being confined to staying at home instead of hanging with friends or going to social activities. In this post, I'll use it in the broader sense.


We didn't use it often, but when we did “grounding” usually consisted of an order not to drink alcohol, and perhaps to be home from work at a particular time.  Although we did dabble in it, and I felt it had the potential to be very effective, it never really took root.  

It was an inherently difficult punishment to enforce back when I was working, because I was constantly traveling for business, and even when working out of my usual office, there was a lot of team and client-oriented socializing.  That stuff really was important to career development and associated earning capacity, so Anne would have been cutting off her nose to spite her face had she regularly imposed strict limits on my ability to socialize with others.


Yet, even if spanking has been our primary form of punishment since we began our DWC relationship, grounding has always intrigued me, perhaps because it was always out there as a possibility. It's never been something I've seen as a replacement for spanking, but it's certainly something that could supplement one.


So, given that I do have an interest in it, why haven’t I devoted topics to it more often?  Mainly because when I’ve done so in the past, the array of negative responses have tended to illustrate only how central spanking is to many men’s disciplinary interest, to the exclusion of all other means of discipline and punishment.

Yet, the longer I’m in this lifestyle, the more I’m open to the proposition that the more I dislike a particular punishment or aspect of our disciplinary relationship, the more it probably is real punishment or discipline.

I think Aunt Kay probably felt the same way.  Although the Disciplinary Wives Club and its website were devoted primarily to adult spanking, Aunt Kay clearly saw a DWC-style relationship as encompassing the full range of maternal discipline. In that vein, I found this in one of the DWC publications:


“The DWC is all about reality, special relationships, love and trust. The sort of trust that would enable a strong man to weep in his wife's arms after a licking, and then gently being led to the corner while drying his eyes. The sort of trust that would enable a woman to administer a strong dose of woodshed medicine to a man she loves and likes. The sort of trust that would allow a man to accept scolding, groundings, time-outs and penance tasks, just because his disciplinarian has determined he needs it.”


It's also clear that Aunt Kay’s references to groundings applied in her own relationship. In preparing this post, I found this comment from Aunt Kay’s husband (who went by “Tomy” when commenting here) on one of the prior posts on this topic:


“I have been mulling over the topic of "alternative punishments" since you started it last week. Like most of the other respondents, spanking is by far the usual consequence around here. But on rare occasions she imposes an "alternative punishment." What I have come to realize, thanks to your topic question, is that they are, in many ways, worse.


For some reason, being sent to bed, forbidden television, and things like that are SO frustrating that it's almost unendurable. It actually makes me feel even more helpless than submitting to a spanking. When it happens, I feel really angry inside; deeply frustrated. But expressing that is not an option. So, I have to do what I am told.


Technically speaking, around here "alternative" is not usually the right word. For us the more accurate word would be "additional.”” 

So, to me, grounding isn't a replacement for a spanking, but it is another tool in her arsenal.  One that her husband might find particularly adversive -- even more so than a spanking.  

As I think has been on display here fairly frequently in recent weeks, some men like spanking a little too much and its unclear just how disciplinary their spankings really are. I've always believed that a wife who wants to impose real discipline must adjust her methods to account for what her husband finds truly punishing and what he doesn't.  

As kids, we might have done anything to avoid a spanking, including taking a week of grounding. As adults, I suspect it often would be the opposite.

You can include me among those who really hates the thought of being grounded.  But, it probably shouldn’t be surprising that I’m intrigued by grounding as a punishment, given that I’ve come to realize and accept just how much my interest in Domestic Discipline is grounded in the “maternal” archetype that the DWC alluded to fairly often. One of our frequent commenters from a few years back, Danielle, really picked up on the connection between maternal discipline and alternative punishments in a lengthy comment really challenging me on how far I was interested in taking it:

“So, WHAT IF Anne pushed the adult/minor dynamic to its logical conclusion? She has already taken a step in that direction by assigning you chores and warning you not to forget to lock the doors under threat of being spanked. But if she really wants to exercise her authority in a “maternal” way, I think she should consider deploying the full range of disciplinary tools that adults employ with minors. In other words, in addition to spankings, she could consider consequences like grounding, loss of privileges, early bedtimes, etc. She could also consider limiting your personal discretionary spending by putting you on an allowance which could be suspended for disciplinary purposes as she deems appropriate. She could impose curfews and require you to get her permission if you wanted to go out for drinks after work. From what you have said previously, I believe you would find those auxiliary measures more truly humbling and embarrassing than simply having your bottom paddled.


Let’s push the parent/minor analogy a step farther. If you were really a minor, there would be no reason for Anne to hide her authoritarian status from other people. So, if I was Anne, I would probably let some select group of people (maybe certain friends or family members) in on the secret that she wields real authority over you and expects you to obey her. Speaking to you in an authoritative way in the presence of certain people would certainly humble you, wouldn’t it? Then, if the people were curious, that could lead to her revealing to them that she disciplines you, and maybe even to spanking you in front of a willing witness, as others have suggested.


 I vividly remember that, at the time, I found Danielle's comment to be both incredibly stimulating and incredibly disturbing. Very much like the first time I discovered the DWC. In fact, I think her comment may be part of what led me start really exploring and accepting how big a part the maternal archetype played in the roots of my DD interest. 


In another comment, Danielle noted that grounding can be even more humbling and role-enforcing than spankings, particularly when seen by other family members or other adults we know well:


“If children see that their mother has the authority to “ground” their father or to send him to bed early or to take away television privileges or to make him return something he bought without her "permission" to the store, those are clearer demonstrations of a real power imbalance than a spanking would be.


[Some see] adult/adult spanking [as] more clearly sexual in nature. Personally, I would argue that those other kinds of punishments are just as sexual as spanking because they are manifestations of a dominant/submissive relationship, but they would be less likely to appear sexual to an outside observer.  I think that non-spanking consequences are even more humiliating for Wayne than spankings because whereas spankings can be construed as nothing more than a sexual act between two adults, the removal of privileges shows clearly that I am not treating him as an adult.” 


That’s another thing that seems so powerful to me about grounding.

It almost inherently involves others knowing, since it usually involves restricting the recipient from going out or spending time with others.   


That would be hard enough, but what if it were to be combined with an instruction that the husband must be honest when bowing out of said activities, relaying that the reason he can’t go out is because his wife has said he can’t go? 


Or, heaven forbid, an instruction to tell that friend that you are sitting on a well-spanked bottom and have been grounded for a week?

Now, that would be embarrassing!   


Interestingly, when I searched for spanking memes and pictures that at least suggested someone having to tell phone a friend to say they couldn't come out to play and were sitting on a freshly spanked bottom, I found three with women but not a single example with a male subject.  Similarly, I have several spanking drawings depicting women telling other women that they just spanked, or are in the process of spanking, their husbands.  I cannot find a single example of a man on the phone telling anyone--male or female--about a spanking or other exercise of disciplinary authority.  So, this clearly seems to be an area that men find more threatening that titillating.


While others may say that this is exactly why they aren’t interested in something like that, I would argue that’s exactly why it would be so effective as discipline.  The fact that you might much rather take a spanking may demonstrate why spanking might not be the pinnacle of effective possible punishments for your wfe to employ.



Anne has never made me tell anyone about a punishment, including grounding.  The closest she has come is when she made me verbally apologize to a work associate I had gone off on about something and had been mistaken about the basic facts.


In the past, I’m not sure if I could have handled it if she made me tell someone I was grounded, let alone that I had been spanked and grounded. Though, in truth, from the moment we started DD, I’ve been pretty good about complying with orders from Anne even when I found it very hard to do.  (That apology thing was excruciating because, even though I was wrong in that particular incident, the guy was a jerk and I knew he would take the apology as him being one up on me.)

So, I think I probably would have complied, though I undoubtedly would have found it mortifying. And, I now have one friend--probably the one I am the most likely to get in trouble with--who has so many times said things that indicates his wife wields all the real control in the family, I could see doing it now and possibly getting non-snickering response.


Grounding certainly is a powerful form of control.  To this day, I remember incidents in which one of my friends would be grounded by his mom. Although I don't think she believed in spanking, she was extremely rigorous about her groundings. I remember one day several of us came over to his house to pick him up for an outing, thinking that his grounding was over. But, when we got there, she pointed out that his week-long grounding still had 20 minutes to go from the exactday/time she imposed it. So, we had to sit there for 20 minutes as my friend quietly fumed.  I kind of had a thing for his mother before then, and I don’t doubt that incident reinforced that thing, even if at the time I thought only that she was a hot, older woman. 

It also seems so complementary to spanking as a punishment, it's easy for me to view any meme involving a strong maternal vibe and imagine the wife adding, "And, by the way, after I blister your butt, you are grounded for a week."



 How about you? Is grounding a part of your disciplinary relationship?  If not, would you want it to be?  For the wives, does grounding or imposing other forms of “childish” discipline on your husband have any attraction? Why or why not? If it's because he doesn't want it, should that even matter if the purpose is real punishment?


Please feel free to draw from any of the other examples Danielle used or similar forms of “parent like” control or punishment a wife could dole out if she chooses.


Have a good week.


  1. Apologies in advance for all the formatting issues with this week's post, such as variable-size fonts and line breaks. There are times when Blogger just does what it does, and trying to fix it may just make it worse.

    1. Dan: Might be your personal browser (or Google cookies), but this week's entire post's "formatting" and "fonts" look perfect and consistent on my display. (As you said, maybe don't even try to "improve it.")

  2. At the onset of our 24/7 FLR we both agreed punishments would ONLY be bare ass spankings and we try very hard to administer them immediately after the offense if at all possible. She also feels other non-spanking forms of punishment are a bit childish. We want to get the discipline, and the entire issue over as soon as possible. A few days or a week of grounding or lost privileges only stretches out the uncomfortableness of discipline for both of us. Now for serious infractions, she may spank me and leave me in position, then return for another spanking, but once the spanking is over, so is the issue, never to be brought up again, except for a repeat offense. So in short, I have never been grounded or put thru any other for of punishment....however, I am spanked at the time of the offense and at times in the presence of others.

    1. "She also feels other non-spanking forms of punishment are a bit childish. We want to get the discipline, and the entire issue over as soon as possible. A few days or a week of grounding or lost privileges only stretches out the uncomfortableness of discipline for both of us."

      True, but I think advocates of grounding would say those are points in favor of it. Another interesting comment from one of the previous "grounding" posts that I didn't include in this post was that grounding and taking away privileges basically forces the recipient to show self-discipline for a longer stretch of time, by forcing them to respect the terms of their restrictions.

    2. Two opposite views of the same issue and both are valid arguments. That's what makes the world go 'round.

  3. Grounding (within the limits of the groundee being able to fulfill their adult obligations, such as work, etc.) is extremely effective. As are being sent to bed early, without supper, and having a much looked forward to activity denied, such as a day of riding my motorcycle or going to a concert. And that time wasn't spent sitting and pouting, it was doing chores and it darn well better be with a positive attitude.
    Spanking between adults is an inherently sexual act, no matter how much someone may deny it. Spending the afternoon pulling weeds instead of out riding with friends is decidedly less sexy but the dominant/submissive dynamic is off the charts.

    1. "Spanking between adults is an inherently sexual act, no matter how much someone may deny it. Spending the afternoon pulling weeds instead of out riding with friends is decidedly less sexy but the dominant/submissive dynamic is off the charts."

      That was certainly Danielle's point. I don't quite agree that adult spanking is "inherently" sexual, though for most it has a sexual component.

  4. We don't do 'grounding' but since we started DD I am expected to ask permission to do pretty much any activity outside of the home. This has become a habit and although that permission is almost never refused the asking does reinforce the power balance and submission that we are both aiming to achieve. Increasingly I am expected to do the more manual duties & chores about the house - vacuuming, cleaning, etc. As we are both retired this feels 'right' but I know that she gets some enjoyment out of that expectation. I have a feeling that being sent to the corner or to an uninteresting room as an alternative or step towards a more serious spanking type punishment would work with me but she is not keen to use such approaches.

    In response to "Spanking between adults is an inherently sexual act" I agree that there is probably always a strong sexual element to adult spanking but often there is so much more - submission, power re-balance, punishment / retribution, mood adjustment, etc. TB

    1. "We don't do 'grounding' but since we started DD I am expected to ask permission to do pretty much any activity outside of the home."

      I think I would really struggle with that, at least at first. I'm not saying that's a reason not to do it. Quite the opposite.

      I agree with your second paragraph, though some of those things you list also probably have a strong sexual component. My bigger problem with the comment was with the "no matter how much someone may deny it." I think for most people, including me, DD does have a strong erotic component. But, I also take it at face value when someone like a KOJ says that for him, it didn't, or at least it didn't at the outset.

    2. As far as the whole "spanking between adults is an inherently sexual act..." my mind immediately goes to possible exceptions, since it takes only one exception to make something not always true. Judicial caning in Singapore is one example that I could see not being inherently sexual.

      Within the context of a romantic relationship - as we are focused here - I do agree that spanking is (at least generally) inherently sexual. Interestingly, I would suggest that spanking might actually be or become less sexual for those who are into DD/FLR, since our focus tends to shift to the underlying power dynamic, authority, and so on. In a "normal" relationship, if a guy's wife swats his butt when he walks past or vice versa, of course it is sexual. But those of us in DD/FLR relationships tend to become more and more moved by the exercised authority and imposed discipline, which kind of reduces spanking to being just one of several possible means to an end. Or at least I know that is how it went in my case. I was definitely a "spanko" and was very turned on by all things spanking. But over time, especially after I started getting real spankings, I came to realize that spanking in and of itself isn't really as much of a thing for me as I thought it was, but rather it is the exercise of female authority that really does it for me. And for that matter, I guess it is really just any authority, since I can also see cases where being punished by a male might be quite impactful.


    3. Good point regarding judicial canings. I doubt many of the recipients have seen those as remotely sexual.

      "I came to realize that spanking in and of itself isn't really as much of a thing for me as I thought it was, but rather it is the exercise of female authority that really does it for me. And for that matter, I guess it is really just any authority, since I can also see cases where being punished by a male might be quite impactful."

      I agree regarding the prospect that being punished by a male could be similarly impactful, though you and I may be the only ones on here who see it that way. A week or so ago I told Anne that, given her upcoming procedure and lengthy recovery, it's too bad we don't have an in-person network of contacts to keep me in-line. It became clear that she still has issues around another woman spanking me. I half-jokingly said it wouldn't necessarily have to be a woman. That clearly doesn't raise the same issues for her, and I do think it would have the same vibe for me since, like you, I've come to realize it's being subject to someone's authority that gets me, and not necessarily the gender of that someone else.

  5. We haven’t used grounding as a form of punishment. I was threatened one time with the cancellation of a golf day. I was rude to my wife and she thrashed me hard. While I was being thrashed, she stated something to the effect of “I guess you don’t want to play golf today do you”. I apologized for my actions and after the thrashing was over, she relented. I’m tossed on grounding or other forms of punishment for DD. We both still work, but I do run my schedule by her before I make any type of plans. If I have an outing, I do find myself saying, hey I’m gonna golf with the guys on Sat., do we have anything going on. In a way, I am asking permission. I do that much more now than prior to DD. Is this a respect factor I had prior to DD? Probably not. I would make plans and just let her know I’m golfing. DD has made me have a profound affect on my attitude, respect, and my mouth at times with regards to my wife and others. I’ve used the example of my animated or when I raise my voice on an issue. My wife will say, you’re raising your voice again, apparently you didn’t learn your lesson the last time!! I’ll make sure of it this time. I’ve asked my wife to thrash me severely when I raise my voice.
    It’s something that to me is counter productive to a relationship. I’ve become a better person due to her due diligence. Although, she does let some things slide that I think I should be thrashed for. To answer the final question, I feel DD has a strong sexual component for us. My wife has told me she gets a sexual charge from thrashing me. We do make love at times after a thrashing, so how could there be no sexual component to it. She has said she likes to see my vulnerability during the punishment. She isn’t as strict as other wives on here. She wants me to lead! My wives friends have noticed a change in me and have made a few comments on how much more affectionate I am toward her. I think DD has made an improvement in our marriage and brought us closer together than ever before. Sorry for long post.

    1. "In a way, I am asking permission. I do that much more now than prior to DD. Is this a respect factor I had prior to DD? Probably not."

      I sort of do the same thing, but maybe not to the same extent as you. If I'm planning anything in the evening or that would involve travel or a night or more away, I'll almost always ask whether we have anything else going on. But, in my case, it usually is because I'm pretty bad about keeping my calendar up to date, so I often really don't know whether she might have booked something that I've forgotten about. For me, it's more about courtesy than deference. I honestly don't remember whether I was worse about that kind of thing before DD. I do distinctly remember one night when she called and gave me an earful about the fact that I was very late for dinner. I was, at that time, about 1,000 miles away, having apparently forgotten to tell her about a business trip when I left that morning. I doubt something like that would happen today (if I still had business trips), and it's certainly possible DD has something to do with that.

  6. We also don't use grounding or other non-spanking punishments, although the thought of them in itself is a bit exciting for me. We have once used the fact that I had to go to bed earlier, i.e. right after the punishment. It was because in the evening I started fussing about the TV show my wife chose and demanding attention, which ended up with a sore ass and an earlier bedtime. Although it didn't seem like much at the time, in retrospect it was quite effective. I have also thought and even suggested to my wife that as an additional punishment some kind of extra housework could be assigned, e.g. a major cleaning of the house at the end of the week or something similar. Grounding or losing some kind of privilege seems a bit much for me at the moment, but maybe I just have to get used to the idea. I have also thought about forbidding orgasm for a while as a punishment, but I have not suggested it to my wife.

    1. "Grounding or losing some kind of privilege seems a bit much for me at the moment, but maybe I just have to get used to the idea."

      I find myself emotionally resistant to the idea, but that's also part of why I'm perversely attracted to it. There are times I feel like, if a problem has been addressed with spankings over and over again but is still happening, maybe my wife needs to adopt a "whatever it takes" approach, including things like grounding that may actually be harder for me to accept than a spanking.

  7. Certainly thought-provoking, but I get stuck on grounding stultifying rather than energizing our relationship. Grounding lacks the game-like quality and focus to really keep me engaged. Plus, it only works as a punishment over a long period of time; I don't waste a lot of time as is so I'd have to lose out on things that help us achieve our goals. Spanking takes a small amount of time and compromises nothing outside of that time.

    I could maybe see it if the grounding was an assignment to do something important that I'd been neglecting.

    There's a lot of joking about husbands being grounded out there, I will say. It seems like it would be a more socially acceptable punishment to be open about.

    1. "It seems like it would be a more socially acceptable punishment to be open about." I really don't know. When I imagine telling guy friends that I couldn't go out because my wife grounded me, or telling them that I was having trouble sitting when we did go out because my wife spanked me for doing something wrong, I think most men would find BOTH of those very hard to do. To me, it's the disciplinary aspect that is still very socially taboo, not the specific means of expressing it, i.e. spanking, grounding, etc. Now, I do think other guys wouldn't react as badly if you didn't quite own up to the dynamic around grounding, saying something like, "Sorry, the old lady is pissed at me for staying out late last night. You know women. I'm not going to make it worse. Catch you next time." They might still tease you about it, but I suspect there would be a "been there, done that" quality to it. But, if your description was totally honest about the power dynamic, I'm not sure there would be any greater societal acceptance of a disciplinary grounding than of a disciplinary spanking. But, I don't really know; just shooting from the hip here.

    2. As far as grounding lacking the "game-like quality and focus," I agree. I think it was Helen, or maybe someone else who commented here in the past, who said she tried to keep a sexual edginess to assigned tasks. Being made to wash the dishes isn't particularly stimulating, but if you are wearing only an apron and your wife is standing there with a riding crop inspecting your work, it is entirely different!

      Regarding the societal acceptance part, I agree with Dan. In fact, because other people probably couldn't even wrap their minds around the concept of spanking not just being a sexy game, probably they would view it as such, no matter how much you told them about the power dynamic. So you could go on and on about her authority, and they would just mentally be thinking "wow, he's pretty kinky." On the other hand, since grounding doesn't seem very sexy, if you told them about the same power dynamic, they would probably really struggle to grasp that anyone does things like that. Interestingly enough, 2 or 3 years ago, I was the one who said that I would be more comfortable having others know about the power dynamic than I would be with them knowing my wife spanks me. Now that several people actually know both of the relationship dynamic and that she spanks me, I have changed my tune and now think it is much easier for others to know about spanking, because they simply don't think much about it.


    3. "Interestingly enough, 2 or 3 years ago, I was the one who said that I would be more comfortable having others know about the power dynamic than I would be with them knowing my wife spanks me. Now that several people actually know both of the relationship dynamic and that she spanks me, I have changed my tune and now think it is much easier for others to know about spanking, because they simply don't think much about it."

      It sounds like you've come a long way in terms of others knowing. For us, it's still really only one person (and maybe her husband, though I don't really know), other than the handful I've come to know through this blog.


  8. We’ve never considered any form of punishment other than spanking and I doubt we ever would. I think the underlying driver is probably something that we’ve touched on frequently in the past, that many contributors here see DD as to a greater or lesser extent, maternal; whereas for me / us nothing could be further from the truth. As for spanking being inherently sexual, yes, when comparatively mild and - perhaps - maintenance. I think that becomes progressively less true as the spanking gets harder and more punitive. However there is absolutely nothing sexual in a punishment given after a required climax - which we have also discussed before at length. TG

    1. I don't doubt that for those who are into grounding, it could be because of the maternal connection. But, I wonder if that is as true for the wives who impose it? I could see some of them doing it for its sheer utility. For some problems, it might simply be more effective than spanking if the husband is kind of into spankings but not at all into having his freedom curtailed.

  9. While the primary punishment is a very sounf spanking my wife has also utilized alternative punishments.

    1) While not grounded seversl times in have spent Sunday not watching the NFL but sitting with my wife watching "hallmark movies". And trust me if i complained about it, i would ne standing watching them.

    2) My wite will send me to the corner for 10 - 15 mins to think about how to rethink / rephrase / oir change tone on something i just said to her.

    3) Luckily this has not happened in years (but she will occassionslly suggest it) and only a few times but i have gotten my mouth washed out with soap. It was way worse then a spanking.

    1. Making you watch Hallmark . . . you should turn her into the authorities for spousal abuse. ;-)

      Mouth soaping is something I was threatened with as a kid, but I don't think it ever happened. I'm sure it genuinely sucks.

    2. My former HoH would mouth soap me for lieing or extremely foul language. It is a horrible punishment and very glad my current HoH does not. The few times I was mouth soaped, it was accompanied by a long hard spanking.

  10. I have mentioned it has a punishment a few times but today it has never happened at least in the traditional way. In the broader terms I do lose my freedom to do as I please somewhat frequently. She is in charge and being retired we are almost always together she will ask for my opinion about what I want to do or where I want to go, but she often decides to ignore my request and determine the an alternative. I'm not allowed to complain. her go to alternative

    1. Her alternative to spanking is corner time. She has been putting me in the corner every day for twenty minutes just to enforce her authority. If I misbehave during the day an additional half hour or a spanking will be added

    2. I could see corner time being an effective punishment if you get bored easily. And, I do. But, it's offset by the fact that I've been into meditation for close to 20 years. On the few occasions that we've done corner time, I quickly go into a very meditative state and am not really bothered by the time there.

  11. Nope. No interest at all. She has always disliked my grammar ( she hates ain’t the most ). She did mention washing my mouth out with soap once but never carried it out. JR

    1. My wife has never threatened that one, but I'm sure it's an awful experience that would make me choose my words more carefully. But, as I've said before, IMHO "ain't" is a perfectly good word.

  12. A reader of my blog requested a follow-up to a story I wrote that would involve a grounding and the necessity to inform his friends of that and his spanking. It's here, fyi,

    1. I was trying to remember where I'd recently read a story involving having to tell your friends you were grounded. Thanks for reminding me. Damn senior moments!

    2. That story was wild. AI seems to really understand the whole embarrassment part, at least!


  13. Grounding seems more appropriate for a FLR. Neither of us have ever even discussed it, as we are both pretty independent. She has often used corner time, but it has always been either before or after a spanking. She has had me write lines a few times before, which is very time consuming and boring. For me, all adult spanking is always sexual on some level. We never did post orgasm spankings, and don't want to start now. She has stepped up the intensity of all preventative, maintenance, and disciplinary spankings, so I have a sore butt, more often than not.

    1. Yeah, I would agree that grounding probably is closer to the FLR end of the spectrum than a simple spanking arrangement.

  14. I admit I am not finding it easy to hold it in, but has anyone here been put in/on the naughty corner/naughty step? Lol.


  15. When Beth is annoyed with my behavior but not to the point of spanking me, she will occasionally send me to the bedroom. She'll give me a serious look and say something like "I think you need a half hour to think about what you just did/said". When That's over, we're both in a better frame of mind. Like all of our discipline, there is a maternal feel to this and it doesn't occur to me to push back at that point.

    1. That might work for me, as long as she took my phone and laptop away.

    2. Hi, this is MC's husband Tom. My opinion is that the act of submitting to my wife's discipline is the key to the dynamic, as it's clear I'm accepting her authority to punish me. Therefore, grounding is a perfectly acceptable form of discipline to me. I sometimes get worked up and need to cool down, so I liked Kevin's suggestion of a short time-out.

    3. Tom, that's sort of where I am, too. The fundamental emotional factor driving my DD interest is probably an out-sized need for accountability, but very closely linked to that is to be held accountable in a way that involves me having to accept my wife's authority, in whatever way she chooses to assert it.

    TG said: “There is absolutely nothing sexual in a punishment given after a required climax - which we have also discussed before at length.”

    Reading TG’s comment above, it reminded me of something never directly discussed on the blog. That is the feelings and reactions by both spanker and spankee during and especially after a post-orgasm spanking. There have been many comments about how punishing it is and how it lacks the erotic energy of other spankings. But few, if any, I remember, have explained specifically how they feel during the spanking, how they get through it, what the after-spanking period is like, and maybe most importantly what are the effects on their relationship.

    This may be a niche within a niche because apparently not all wives use post-orgasm or intend to. But there does seem to be a substantial portion of men in DD relationships who are subject to it. From published accounts on the net, most guys who have experienced them, like me, have received very few. But there have been accounts also of men who regularly receive them. I recall a very credible guy who led a Yahoo group reporting that his wife required him to ejaculate before every spanking. And I think among the current crew of commentators there are one or two that have mentioned frequently being spanked post-orgasm. In any event, if you are looking for a topic anytime it would contribute to an area of DD not extensively covered.

    1. You asked about feelings during and after post orgasm spanking. My wife punishes me at least half the time with post orgasm spanking. I once had her read a post by a woman in DD relationship who had discovered that post orgasm spanking was much more effective as a punishment and after applying it, she no longer had to punish her husband as often. It seemed to her that ordinary punishments were what the husband wanted in his fantasies, but in order for the punishment to be real and effective, it must be one that you do not want and try to avoid at all costs. It also significantly reduced the situations where her husband deliberately asked for punishment with his behavior. Punishment without first satisfying oneself was a bonus for good behavior.

      My wife thought it was worth a try, and seeing how much more effective it was and how it achieves the same result with less effort, she decided to use it on me as well. Fortunately, she doesn't do this for minor violations, but for major ones.
      As for feelings, whenever it's clear that I need to satisfy myself first, or there's a strong possibility that I need to, my fear and anxiety are much greater. Since spanking as such excites me, I generally don't have a problem with satisfying myself, but there is always the knowledge that after that all appetite and desire for spanking disappears and I want to run away. My heart aches just thinking about what's going to happen. The punishment itself is many times more painful and there is nothing erotic about it. It is a punishment from beginning to end that must be received and endured through sweat and tears. When it's over, I'm usually crying like a little boy and incredibly relieved. If after a normal punishment I sometimes feel that I could have received a little more, then after post orgasm spanking I never have that feeling. I'm much more vulnerable and need more closeness, and my wife usually gives me that. I have not realized that she felt very differently during or after it, and she has never told me that. I kind of feel that she likes a little bit seeing how anxious I am before the punishment. I received one couple of days ago and I still remember it, I also remember the anxiety I felt the day before I knew it’s going to happen.

    2. As I've posted here a few times before, I agree 100% with your assessment, P.P.

      Regarding the wife's view, she had always been a somewhat reluctant spanker. Once we started post-orgasm spankings for relatively serious or repeated minor offenses, she became much more enthusiastic.

      Our approach may differ from others. She starts with a moderate spanking that she knows will excite me. She then makes wonderful love to me while repeatedly telling me that I will have to immediately bend over for her cane as soon as I climax. While scary, that actually makes me cum quicker. She then make sure that I'm absolutely totally drained.

      The ensuing caning or paddling is incredibly hard to take, but I can assure you that it is incredibly effective. She once gave me 50 with cane, which took quite a while to complete as it was so difficult for me to retain or get back into position. I admit to taking some pride in completing it, but that feeling didn't come until the next day.

      As hard as this is to take, it has made our relationship even stronger. I only wish we had started it sooner.


    3. Hi PP
      Thanks for that very candid description of your wife’s use of it. It is interesting that she distinguishes between major and minor punishment. Has her use of post-orgasm reduced the major punishment you receive?

      Can you offer any sense of what a “major violation” would be to trigger a post-orgasm spanking and whether you have the right to any appeal before it happens?

      Also, what effect has her use of post-orgasm spankings had on your relationship? This is particularly true since she began their use ( as I read you) sometime after DD was established in your relationship.



    4. PP said: "I once had her read a post by a woman in DD relationship who had discovered that post orgasm spanking was much more effective as a punishment . . ."

      You are a stronger man than I. Even though I think I have sought out spankings that I truly "do not want," I have never actively suggested that Anne try post-orgasm spankings.

    5. I'm not sure it has much to do with strength. The reason why I brought this topic to the table in the first place was actually that somewhere deep inside I had been fantasizing for decades about spanking happening against my will and being as real as possible. It also has a completely different effect on guilt and makes her much more powerful in my eyes.

      I am in no way advocating post orgasm spanking, and I understand that it is terrifying and perhaps not everyone wants to experience it, but if the interest is there, then you can have this experience by secretly satisfying yourself before the punishment.

    6. You asked if her post-orgasm spankings have reduced my major violations, yes definitely. It's pretty much stopped my bratting and made me more careful about earning my punishments :) You wanted examples of major violations: drinking too much at parties when I can't do my responsibilities the next day because of it, smoking (although I've quit smoking, I like it sometimes one cigar in the company - not much anymore :) ), repeated stubbornness e.g. within a week. If those mentioned are certain, then it largely depends on her mood, and if she feels that she still needs to show me the place, then I can take that into account. For those things where I have asked for her help to change something in myself or to discipline myself, she generally does not use it. Has it changed anything about us, sure, I have a lot more respect for her and it makes her more powerful in my eyes. It also makes me feel like she takes my discipline seriously and offers me a so-called real punishment, which is both painful and unwanted at the same time.

    7. That's an excellent about about a spanking you do not want. "Wanting" in the DD context is tricky, because most of us men initiate the DD relationship, so on some level we do want it. But, bound up in our attraction it is wanting it to be severe enough to make us not want it in the moment. Yet, that still kind of falls within the boundaries of what we want and expressly ask for. However, the post-orgasm spanking seems to be on another level, to the point that especially for those of us who have not suggested it to our wives, it really is qualitatively different and truly unwanted.

    8. As I recall from my exactly one experience with post-orgasm punishment, I didn't think that it really made it more painful. But what was different was that of course I was just totally not up for a spanking right at that moment, or really much of anything else for that matter, so it seemed kind of annoying in that sense. Also, I felt like it lacked almost all of the closeness that I usually feel to my wife during a punishment. I guess I am glad that I experienced it, just so I don't wonder about it as much, but overall I don't think it did that much for me, or really for her either, since again we went from a sexual situation to a distinctly non-sexual punishment, so I think it kind of made it seem like more of a chore to her as well. As far as effectiveness goes, probably each person would have different experiences. For me, the complete removal of the erotic element and the lack of emotional connection with my wife made the whole thing exit my brain more quickly, so I expect it had less impact than a normal punishment, which tends to replay on continuous loop for the following days. As a deterrent, it probably works to a certain degree, but not because I fear her doing it as much as just that the whole thing seemed pretty unpleasant.
      One thing to keep in mind is that over time, I seem to have become more negative on post-orgasm punishment, but if I felt like going back and finding what I wrote right after it happened, I know it was less negative. I think this is probably just due to my pushing back at any suggestion that post-orgasm spankings are more real, which I simply don't believe from my own experiences.


    9. That's a really unique take on it. I think you're the first one here who has experienced one and found it kind of "meh."

  17. There's nothing worse than being forced to go shopping with her.

  18. being in a full FLR my wife does add on corner time or has me to chores or tasks related to why I was spanked some of the time. If she is particularly upset corner time is more likely after a spanking and if discipline is related to something I needed to do or can do she will order me to do whatever task or chore is appropriate right after a spanking a lot of the times.

    I have to say in regard to spanking. Saying I like it or its a favorite isnt quite right but we both feel it is a fundamental part of being disciplined in a FLR. It is the clearest form of discipline that establishes both of our roles. It allows her to assert her authority most clearly and immediately turn an argument into a scolding with discipline. It is hard to have an ego or be argumentative bent over a bed/ccouch, pants down and receiving a spanking and or scolding.

    1. "Saying I like it or its a favorite isnt quite right but we both feel it is a fundamental part of being disciplined in a FLR."

      It's true for me, too. I'm sort of the odd man out in my own group, as unlike so many men here, I didn't have any real interest in spanking before getting into DD in my late 30s. And, as I've gotten more insight into my desire for DD, I've realized how much of it is tied into a need for more structure and authority, especially authority with a maternal vibe. Yet, it's also no accident that it was the DWC, with its heavy emphasis on spanking, that got and kept my attention. So, while spanking is more of a means than an end to me, it's a complicated mix.

    2. “So, while spanking is more of a means than an end to me, it's a complicated mix.”

      That is an insight that I have gained during this blog. For me it’s the expression of loving firm female authority. Spanking in this culture captures and embodies that authority better than anything else. But as Danielle commented “eroticizing” discipline is the real key. And things like corner time, chores, being grounded etc. can enhance of even take the place of spanking. Like most guys on here, pain plays a complicated role. By itself it is not erotic, fulfilling or even necessary. But what it does do powerfully is demonstrate who is in charge, who is exercising authority and who must be obeyed. That is what makes it all work on so many levels

    3. Alan, agreed. At some point, I think it was ZM who talked about how the eroticism doesn't undermine the DD aspects. Rather, it's what makes the DD palatable and, hence, not only tolerable but something we seek out despite the pain. I'm heavily paraphrasing him, but that was the gist. I had never thought of it that way, and it was one of those key insights that participants on the blog like him and you sometimes give me that leave me thinking for days about something that I kind of intuited but couldn't articulate before.

    4. That was a very concise paraphrase, and exactly on point!


  19. Her punishment of corner time is in full swing. She has determined

    at everyday I will spend 20 minutes in the corner to show my submission to her and get me to focus on her authority. So I'm supposed to do it in the morning but if I somehow get out if it in the morning doing it in the evening is a sure thing. I hate doing it in the evening but somehow it didn't happen this morning. I asked her if I could do it early and get it over with then I started joking with her about 15 Minutes instead of twenty. I went so far as to set the timer for 15 minutes instead of twenty and go to my corner and she responded with a curt we will see. While standing in the corner it dawned on me that she might spank me for it. I spoke up and added 10 minutes to the timer hoping that the additional time would appease her. She asked me why I changed the timer and I appoloized for my smart Alec attitude earlier and that I added 5 more minutes as a punishment. She replied I decide when you get out of the corner the timer is simply a reminder. I thought I would be in for more time and a spanking but to my surprise she let me out at twenty minutes the original time. I apologized again and thanked her. The I asked if she was going to spank me. She said no and recognized me for all the hard work I had done during the day. I'm so thankful she didn't spank me because I'm still a little sore from the previous spanking.

    1. You were kind of playing with fire by taking 5 minutes off the timer, though I can understand why it seemed worth a try.

  20. Not really grounding or corner time but my wife is in the habit of delivering punishments first thing in the morning. She will often tell me what will be happening and tell me to stay in bed whilst she spends 15 - 20 minutes doing ‘stuff’ before telling me to get into position. I am naturally an early riser, being most productive in the first few hours and so being told to wait in bed prior to being punished is very difficult for me. I am always very keen to have her ‘get her on with it’ so I can get on with my day. I have had extra punishment for being impatient at those times…! TB

    1. I think that would be hard for me, somewhat equivalent to a post-orgasm spanking, because I feel very non-sexual first thing in the morning

    2. TB, that is major fantasy territory for me, imagining myself as being productive in the morning. :)

    3. TB, same here, unless drinking two cups of coffee and walking the dogs is "productive."

  21. I just stumbled across this site, and figured I'd chime in on this topic.

    My wife makes heavy use of what you've described as childish or parental style discipline such as grounding, early bedtimes, writing lines, cornertime, and the like.

    The story behind it is a bit of a case of "be careful what you wish for". When I first approached my wife with the idea of wife-led domestic discipline, she he loved the idea of holding me accountable, and quickly implemented a list of rules that she expected me to follow. The first time I broke one of the rules, it was something related to not doing my share around the house (she has since implemented a chore chart, but this was before that). It all went down something like this:

    It was a Friday, and I was at work trying to close out the week. My mind was preoccupied with looking forward to Saturday because we were invited to a barbecue over at one of our friend's house that promised to be a blast. He and his wife live on a lake, and so I was looking forward to doing some wakeboarding, hanging out with friends, and enjoying some good beer and barbecue.

    Shortly after lunch, I got a text message from my wife. It consisted of a few photos of various messes around the house that I had promised to clean up, and then the ominous message, "We'll talk about this tonight". I must admit that while I was a bit scared, I was also excited - we had just agreed to start wife-led domestic discipline not long ago, and I assumed that I would be receiving a good spanking for not taking care of my responsibilities.

    That night when I got home, my wife informed me that we'd talk about her text message after dinner. Again, I have to admit that this made dinner very, very exciting as I was expecting to get spanked.

    After dinner, my wife excused herself, but not before giving me clear instructions: I was to clean up all of the dishes for dinner, then go stand in the corner and wait for her. I swallowed hard, and got to work doing the dishes. Then I pressed my nose against the wall and waited for what I was certain would be a spanking. From the other room, I heard what sounded like my wife talking on the phone, which I assumed was her just killing time while I was in time out.

    After what seemed like forever (but was probably only 10 minutes), my wife came back into the room and began lecturing me (still in the corner) about neglecting my responsibilities around the house.

    Then, she dropped a bomb on me - she had just gotten off the phone with my friend's wife, whom she informed that I was not feeling well and so I would not be attending the barbecue - but my wife would still be attending. I stood there with my jaw on the floor trying to process what I just heard, when my wife handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it, and saw an extensive list of chores- things like washing the baseboards, cleaning the gutters, scrubbing the grout, and more. My wife informed me that I would be going to bed immediately (it was before 8 PM!) to get plenty of sleep, because I was to get to work starting at 5:00 AM the next day working on that list of chores. I was then told that if I had not completed every single item on the list, then I could expect the same thing the next Saturday, and the Saturday after that.

    I started to protest - this isn't fair. My wife's response hit me like a ton of bricks: "You told me that I am in charge. You told me that this isn't just about you getting off on spanking, but that you wanted structure and consequences. You told me that it was my job to determine your punishments. Well, this is what I've decided. You can refuse, but then I never want to hear about domestic discipline again."

    I, with much contrition, apologized and agreed to take my punishment. My wife then sent me to bed so I could be very rested for the next day.

    That Saturday was my first real domestic discipline punishment. It's not what I had envisioned, but was actually a million times more impactful than a spanking (which I ended up getting anyway once my wife got home from the barbecue.)

    1. Welcome, and wow! What a great origin story! For me, your wife's approach got right to the heart of "real" domestic discipline, establishing her authority in way that brought home to you that an exercise of real disciplinary authority might involve something that, unlike a spanking, you didn't find erotic at all.

  22. Hi Dan,
    Great topic, as always!

    "Is grounding a part of your disciplinary relationship?" - at least so far it never has been.

    "If not, would you want it to be?" - I am guessing I would have a hard time with it, but for the reasons you outlined above, maybe that is precisely why it would be a good punishment.

    "For the wives, does grounding or imposing other forms of 'childish' discipline on your husband have any attraction?" - I didn't ask her about this, but having said that, she has talked many times about using early bedtime as a punishment, which of course would be horrible for me since I am the night owl of night owls. The very thought of sending me to bed early pretty much makes her laugh every time she has mentioned it.

    And of course, because of my endless fascination with others knowing about or witnessing a punishment, I could write far too much about the second part of what Danielle wrote (others being in the know).

    "That would be hard enough, but what if it were to be combined with an instruction that the husband must be honest when bowing out of said activities, relaying that the reason he can’t go out is because his wife has said he can’t go? Or, heaven forbid, an instruction to tell that friend that you are sitting on a well-spanked bottom and have been grounded for a week?" - Well, I guess I know what scenario will be playing in my mind the coming days!


    1. "I am guessing I would have a hard time with it, but for the reasons you outlined above, maybe that is precisely why it would be a good punishment."

      That's very much my view. I'm increasingly coming around to the view that when I really don't like the idea of a particular punishment, that's a signal that it might be exactly what I need to the extent I want DD to be "real."

      Yeah, I recall having a very strong reaction to that part of Danielle's comment at the time.

    2. But I keep in mind Danielle's emphasis on "eroticizing" alternate punishment.That is win win for her as well as you. She gets to "manage your behavior" ( Danielle phrase) and you get fulfillment from experiencing the eroticism from being subject to her authority


  23. My wife not only uses grounding as well as spanking in her methods of discipline within our FLR, but she actually used it more. I'd say the ratio of grounding to spanking is 70/30 or so. When she grounds me, it means I'm only allowed to go to and from work and occasionally an errand or two she may send me on. Otherwise, I'm stuck at home doing extra chores and not being allowed any TV except when it's with her and she chooses what we watch. Early bedtimes and line writing often accompany it also. If I REALLY mess up, she will do both. Spanking first and then grounding immediately afterwards. The longest I've been grounded so far is a month.

    If she grounds me and I have something planned with a friend or friends that is non essential (Not a wedding or anything but just to hang out and have some beers or something) during that time, I have to call them and tell them I'm grounded and therefore can't come out. She watches while I make the phone calls as well. If I refuse to do so, I'm spanked for the disobedience and then she calls them to tell them herself. When she first made it clear that this would be part of the punishment, I asked her if I could try to word it in a way that would be less embarrassing. Maybe say I was “ in the doghouse” or something of the sort. She refused and said I had to tell them I was grounded and that she grounded me. When I complained further, she said that embarrassment was part of the punishment and that if I didn't want to experience it, act like I had sense and do what she said and it wouldn't come to it.

    It is humiliating and I'd rather just be spanked any day, but it is also humbling and one hell of a deterrent. It's made me a better man, and as much as I hate it, I understand why it's happening when it does. I do recommend it as a practice for women who rule as heads of their household because, rest assured, it WILL get the husband in line faster than even the worst spanking would.


    1. Thanks, TnP. Great observations on the power of grounding. I'm curious, how have your friends reacted when you've told them you are grounded?

    2. Not surprisingly I've had the term “Pussy whipped” thrown my way probably dozens of times as a result of it. I've grown accustomed to it and basically thrown it back at them as “Well, with a pussy that glorious, you'd be whipped by it, too.”. More often than not, that shuts them down pretty quickly. I've even had a few envious glances as a result.

      Otherwise, I've heard phrases like “Henpecked” and “Nice job wearing the pants” and the sort as well. They know about our FLR anyway as my wife decided from the start we're going to be totally open and honest about it. She said she's proud of being a powerful and assertive woman and therefore sees no reason to treat it like some dirty secret she is ashamed of. She also said I need to know my place and not feel like I can get away with extra just because others are around. Not something I'm exactly thrilled about (I may go more into it on your other post about transparency and others knowing another time), but she is the boss and says how it is. Period.

      ~ TnP

    3. It's interesting, your comment got me thinking about my own friend dynamic. If we were more open about our DD and FLR, I'm not sure how much I actually would hear things like "pussy whipped" because I seem to have gravitated toward friendships with (a) strong women; and (b) men who are married to strong women. The guy who is probably my "best" friend at the moment is married to a woman who clearly wears the pants in their family, has the much bigger career, earns more money, etc. I didn't really think about it until right now, but in virtually all my closer relationships, it's the woman who is the stronger personality. Yet, the men aren't dish rags. Far from it. They tend to be accomplished, smart guys, but they are married to even stronger women.

  24. I have a relationship with an assertive career woman who is submissive in bed but who wears the pants at all other times. She enjoys firm spankings and then pleasing me orally, but that is the extent of her submissiveness.
    If I’m rude, forgetful, or don’t follow her instructions I can expect that there will be consequences. Occasionally she’ll punish me with a caning or firm hairbrushing, but her typical punishments are either corner time or line writing. For corner time, she’ll put me there for 10 minutes or so, with the longest being 20 minutes (so far.) Lines can be worse, as she will recite a long sentence/short paragraph that addresses the infraction, and can number 20-50 times. That can take up to 1-2 hours.
    Sexually, I’m permitted one orgasm per month. If I’ve committed a serious infraction I lose my monthly orgasm, though this is a rare occurrence for me.
    I do most of the household chores and she’ll point out what needs improving or if I’ve missed anything. If she needs to repeat herself then I might face punishment.
    Despite my only receiving one orgasm per month, we have a very active sex life, and she has perhaps 25-30 orgasms to my one.
    This arrangement works well for us: we both love the dynamic and the punishments truly keep me in line and improve my behavior.


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