Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Club - Meeting 456 - Specific Reasons or Generalized "Resets", Reporting and Asking, etc.

Karma is a tricky thing. To serve karma, one must repay good karma to others. To serve Karma well, one must sometimes deliver bad karma where it is due.” ― R. Mathias


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. While I’ve always said the blog is open to both men and women, one of our commenters suggested I expressly invite our female readers to join the discussion.  Please consider the invitation enthusiastically extended. 

This will be our last post before Halloween, so . . . Happy Halloween!  It’s always been one of my very favorite holidays though, honestly, other than decorating the house and handing out candy, traditionally we haven’t really done that much for it. This week, for the first time in ages we went to a Halloween costume party.  It was for adults, but nothing risqué.  (Darn it.)


 A good time was had by all, though not too good.  


However, something did happen that has some potential bearing on some of the things we talk about here on this blog.


Over the last few months, I’ve developed a new friendship with the host of our Halloween party. It’s a pretty new relationship, and neither of us knows all that much about the other’s personal life. But, it was clear from the first time we got together with our wives that his “wears the pants” in that family.  He has a big, bold personality, but hers is clearly the more dominant. As the party was kicking off, she took the floor to explain some of the planned festivities.  Her husband was off to the side chatting with someone.  After trying for a few seconds to talk over him, she called out: “Hey, will you please shut the fuck up? I’m talking here.”  Her tone was kind of teasing, but also kind of not. She’s clearly someone who is used to issuing orders and having them obeyed.  This was not the first time I've felt that vibe from them.


Over the entirety of our DD relationship, I’ve come across only one other couple who made me seriously wonder whether they might be in a similar dynamic.  The interactions I’ve had with this new friend and his wife over the last few weeks definitely have me wondering whether they might be a second.   


The odd thing is, I’m feeling some interesting qualms about whether I would want him to know about our DD, even If I were convinced he’s in a similar dynamic. It’s gendered as hell, but it’s clear to me that for all my professed openness to letting others know, I do have a bigger issue with men knowing than I do about women.


As I’ve noted before, early on in our relationship I told a female friend about our DD experimentation.  I don’t recall being all that embarrassed about it, even though she was vanilla and I really had no idea how she might react.  Yet, I find myself way more resistant to even the possibility of opening up to another man, even though in his case I do have some reason to think he could be in a somewhat similar dynamic.  Now, part of it is clearly about the longevity of the relationship and differences in how well I know him versus my female confidante.  But, I don’t think that’s really the only thing at play.  Anyway . . . food for thought.


I go through phases where I seem to have lots of ideas for blog topics, then I inevitably hit a dry spell. The latter is happening now and has been for a few weeks. Since I’m lacking for real inspiration, I thought I might explore one of my favorite comments from last week--one from TB--and see whether we can parse it a bit more deeply.  Instead of quoting the whole thing then probing it in a series of observations, I’m going to take it piece-by-piece, mixing up the order of our comment exchange a little and hitting on things that caught my attention.  Instead of narrowing down to a particular topic, I invite all of your to jump in with anything his comment or my observations bring to mind.


DD started for us as a way of satisfying my lifelong interest in spanking. We were playing about one night, she started to spank me and I opened up about my interest a few days later. It gave her some power over me as she was able to access a part of me that I had kept secret from everybody.


As I told TB in my comments last week, this resonates with me strongly, though I had not thought about my interactions with Anne in quite this way before. I do recall vividly the conversation in which I first told Anne that I had discovered The Disciplinary Wives Club website, suggesting but not quite coming out and saying that I was interested in trying it. I definitely was very embarrassed and felt very vulnerable explaining it to her, not knowing how she would react.  When she called me at the office the next day and told me she thought the whole thing was "interesting"--enough so that I should buy a brush on the way home--my heart definitely skipped a beat.



But, at the time I didn’t think about it in terms of giving her some power over me.  Yet, clearly it did. At a minimum, it involved me giving her an embarrassing insight into my psyche that wasn’t reciprocal.  The confession alone, and the inequality in our knowledge of each other that it invoked, was a first tentative step in elevating her in the power hierarchy and taking me down a peg.


As I observed to TB, it also makes me wonder whether that kind of unilateral revelation and the power dynamic it creates is at the root of many of our DD interests and fantasies, including particularly “witnesses.” 


I've always known that a big driver of my DD fascination was a deep-seated desire to give up control.  But, when I’ve thought about witnesses, I’ve tended to focus on the acute embarrassment it would entail and not much about someone else witnessing, or even just knowing about, a spanking inevitably involves giving that other person a certain power over us. And, it’s not just that they might say something to someone else.  Rather, the fact that they know this very personal thing about you kind of elevates their power and diminishes yours vis-à-vis that relationship, doesn’t it? 


After a time I asked her to explicitly link the spankings with behavior changes that she (and I) wanted to see. I wrote out several versions of 'rules', we experimented with a 'points' system but eventually have settled on a set of general principles, a sort of charter that we both use as a way of measuring how I have behaved and whether a 'reset' is due.


From the outset, we linked spankings with behavior changes we both wanted to see, and initially the approach was very rules-based before settling into something at least a bit more generalized, like the “charter” TB describes.  Where we may differ is in the extent to which it’s about a “reset.”   


Anne still tends to spank mostly for specific offenses.  There isn’t a lot of focus on using disciplinary spankings to more generally reset the power dynamic. This ties into something else TB said about the benefits of DD in his relationship:


The key benefit for her is a rebalance in our relationship - as she will often say, she now has the power to stop me, to re-center me, to reset me any time needed. She says (and I agree) that we are much closer now and puts a lot of it down to the 'need' that I have exposed to her, the openness in my journal and hew ability to draw any dispute to a close if necessary.


For me I now have the clear guidelines (or guardrails as Dan calls them) and some clear consequences when I overstep. As a very goal driven personality having this clear 'target' behavior', measures & consequences is very appealing. Tension builds in most relationships for a variety of reasons - there is nothing quite like a session with the strap to 'clear the air'!


Anne really doesn’t always seem to be aware of—or at least she doesn’t focus enough on—her general authority to “stop me, to re-center me, to reset me any time needed.” I feel like she’s missing an opportunity, including to “clear the air.”  When we got back from our recent trip, we clearly were getting on each other’s nerves after too many days in close quarters, to the point that she observed that we “needed some space.” At that point, I probably was too irritated to respond well to a DD-oriented “reset.”  But, a few days later, once we’d both cooled off a little, I think it probably would have been beneficial for both of us.


It makes me curious, how specific are the wives when it comes to reasons to spank? Setting something pre-scheduled like “maintenance” aside, is it almost always for some specific offense? Or, is it sometimes more generalized like TB’s “reset” or “re-centering”?



Link that to our recent development where I now explicitly 'own up' to failings and request that she addresses them via a spanking has moved her sense of power and control (she says) to a new level. If I miss anything she will point it out during the pre-spanking 'talk'.


I followed up on this, because although I know in my heart I should confess bad behavior and even request spankings as deserved, I generally don’t. And, while most of it is because I suddenly don’t really want a spanking when I know one is coming, I also do sometimes feel like requesting a spanking leaves me too much in control. Yet, TB’s wife says him doing so gives her a new sense of power and control. He explained further:


The only behaviors that she is interested in punishing me for are disrespect, moodiness, etc - so behaviors that impact her directly. She is therefore aware of anything that I 'own up' to already (and would usually take action to address either as a specific or as a general 'reset'). She does see that my recognizing & admitting to the behavior before she takes action is another level of submission & self-awareness. In fact, although we have only been using this approach for a number of weeks, if I don't 'own up' to some failing that was obvious to both of us, she will take extra spanking time to highlight that particular issue. A virtuous circle of sorts in that I am encouraged to document my own failings even though I am aware of the consequences, because if I don't there is a very good chance that the next spanking session will be increased to cover the omission.


She is a big fan of the new approach and she enjoys matching my journal view of my behavior with her own recollections. She also feels that it takes some of the pressure off her in deciding if/when a spanking is due. It helps me in that I dislike the delay & uncertainty between offense & punishment - if punishment is due then I am always keen to get it over and done with. My behavior has definitely been better for the past few weeks, mainly because I now feel that if I misbehave I have to submit a 'confession'.


As I said, in theory tattling on myself does leave me in control. Yet, what TB says resonates with me.  The plain fact is, one reason I don’t ask for a spanking even when I know I deserve or “need” one is because doing so ramps up the feeling of vulnerability. At the time, it certainly doesn't leave me feeling like I'm in control. And, I can see his wife’s point about how it takes some of the pressure off her to decide whether a spanking is due.


How do the wives feel about this?  Is the husband’s confession and/or asking for a deserved spanking empowering to you?  In your mind, does it show an increased level of acceptance of your authority over him? Does it take away some of the decision-making pressure? Or, does it leave him with too much control over the whole process?


That’s all I have for this week.  Have a fun and safe Halloween!



  1. Like TB, my wife and I started spanking as a form of foreplay early on in our relationship. I would actually spank her as well. This would be light and tame compared to the ones given to me. As we progressed in our relationship, I became more vocal about her spanking more. I vividly remember one time I made a few comments that were unacceptable to her. This was the first time I pulled a hairbrush, strap, and paddle out and left them visible for her to use. Her response was, this isn’t play time for you. I explained to her that it wasn’t play time and I needed to be seriously punished. It was the only time in our relationship, that I asked for a spanking. She didn’t spank that day, as she was much too mad at me. She did so a week later and reverted back to my actions the previous week. I became timid to ever request one again, for fear of being shut down. I do think if she thrashed the hell out of me then, it would have been beneficial for both of us in establishing a serious DD relationship. Unfortunately, it floundered for sometime. I spoke to her multiple times about my needs. She was well aware of the way I was raised. A non nonsense approach to punishment and a severe bare bottom spanking when bad. She understood my need but at times failed to deliver due to her upbringing. As we matured, she did see the benefits to her after a good thrashing. I was more affectionate and loving towards her. The benefits outweighed any negative feelings regarding the punishment she delivered. Like most wives, she spanked harder and became more comfortable as we progressed in our relationship. Even the spankings that lead to sex afterwards, have been pretty hard and long. I continue to voice my encouragement after a punishment and tell her that is exactly what I needed, even if I don’t agree. We are working on her punishing for raising my voice to her and getting animated. I was informed I will be thrashed tomorrow for it.

    1. I kind of get not spanking when she's super angry. And, there are times, like when we returned from our trip, that I'm irritated or angry and probably wouldn't be appropriately "open" to the need to be spanked to really take responsibility in the way TB talks about. But, then there is the issue of consistency and, if it doesn't happen soon after her anger arises, it may not happen at all. I wish there was some consistent "sweet spot" between an immediate spanking that one or both of us may not be emotionally open to at that moment and letting it go for days until neither of us really cares about the incident anymore.

  2. GLM, this same thing is a huge obstacle for me as well. She also says, “I can’t spank you hard enough to suffer more than you’d enjoy it.” I too live with hope and wish you luck with your quest.


    1. GLM and 3pops, this was an issue for us shortly before I discovered the Disciplinary Wives Club. There was a very short period, in which we did some spanking scening/role play, in which she would spank me, sometimes for real offenses. The problem was, the spankings were fake but the offenses were real, and eventually she did balk at what she saw as rewarding bad behavior. The DWC, however, depicted a whole different level of seriousness, and she understood that. But, that worked for us only because I am not a masochist and do not enjoy "real" spankings on any level at the time they are happening. But, of course, she also delivers some seriously hard spankings. I can see how it would be a big issue if either (a) the wife is giving little pat-a-cake spankings that really aren't serious punishments; or (b) the husband is a masochist who does get off on pain.

    2. GLM, I do identify as a masochist, even though I don’t enjoy pain for the sake of pain. Because my wife isn’t a harsh spanker, I don’t think I could even endure a harsh spanking like some guys here get from their wives, not without becoming gradually habituated. I think masochism can involve emotional states as much as physical sensation. For example, most people find embarrassment to be an unpleasant emotion. I do too in most circumstances. But in the context of spanking, I am turned on by the element of embarrassment or humiliation. I also see the craving many of us have to feel that DD is beyond our control, thus giving our wives real power over us, can be seen as masochistic. We all naturally seek empowerment and tend to experience disempowerment, especially disempowerment at the hands of another person who consciously subordinates us to their will, as demeaning or humiliating or, at the very least, humbling. I am naturally a proud person, so I don’t normally like being humbled, but it turns me on to have a wife who expects me to do as I’m told under threat of punishment. For example, I don’t like the drudgery of housework, and it feels unfair when my wife makes me do more than my fair share. But it turns me on when my wife commands me in ways that feel unfair. For those reasons I consider myself a masochist, even though I don’t have a high tolerance for physical pain.

    3. GLM, my experience is closer to yours in that I don’t feel like she has really tried. We’ve had some pretty long sessions, but they were game related and were spread out over several hours. She can spank plenty hard, but she has never even done a 5 minute uninterrupted session which I think could start to approach what I expect a “real” spanking would be.

      I don’t think of myself as a masochist either Dan, but the larger issue seems to be that my wife is repulsed by the discipline concept. Ironically, in her personal and professional life, she wishes she could project a more assertive almost dominant personality. I’m sitting here thinking “hello” I’m right here, learn assertiveness at home with me, but she shuts that down pretty quickly. I haven’t shared this blog, but I am considering it. I think DWC would be a bridge too far. The maternal aspects I suspect would be a huge turnoff for her.

    4. Above by 3pops…

    5. Masochism is obviously a tricky construct, and I probably didn't need to use that specific term to make the point. Perhaps the better way to phrase it is if you like or are attracted pain or the process of having pain inflicted on you, or to being under someone's control, to such an extent that your enjoyment or gratification outweighs any aversion to the punishment then, yes, I can see why a wife might decide that indulging that would reward bad behavior. It's really not the enjoyment or gratification or fascination itself that is the problem, since we all experience those on some level or we wouldn't be into this. It's when the emotional positives overwhelm the physical negatives to the point that the punishment simply isn't aversive enough to function as any kind of deterrent or incentive to modify behavior in a positive direction.

      For me, I am pretty clear in my my own mind that while I do have a pretty high tolerance for pain, I am NOT a masochist.

    6. GH, I am turned on by the thought of all those things, embarrassment/humiliation within the context of punishment, loss of control, etc. However, while I am stimulated by the thought of all these things, that feeling is completely absent at the time things actually happen, so spanking is still a very effective punishment for me, as is humiliation or anything like that. I like the thought of being spanked, but I don't like being spanked. I love the thought of losing control and having no say in the matter, but I cling to control tightly, and hate the feeling of actually not being in control.

      In any case, if my wife thinks she is rewarding me by spanking me, she is very misinformed. If she wants to reward me, I guess she could talk about punishing me or specific things that she is thinking of doing at some time in the future, because I do find that very arousing, but once it becomes imminent or is in progress, all desire for it is out the window.

      Tricky stuff, indeed.


    7. ZM, everything you said about yourself applies to me. My wife isn’t a harsh spanker, but she spanks hard enough that I am always relieved when she stops. In the moment, that is. Once the feeling of relief wears off, I begin to wish that she would spank me longer and harder. I believe that what she does is real discipline because it changes my behaviour and attitude, which is the point of discipline, right? But paradoxically I believe spanking can be simultaneously punishment and reward for guys like us. If you doubt that, try this thought experiment. Imagine if you did something that made your wife so upset with you that she said, “Screw this! Spanking discipline doesn’t work, so I’m not going to do it anymore.” Would that not feel like a harsher punishment than the harshest spanking she has ever given you? It would to me.

    8. Dan wrote, “For me, I am pretty clear in my my own mind that while I do have a pretty high tolerance for pain, I am NOT a masochist.”

      Maybe I am not a masochist either. Maybe putting a label like that on myself is too categorical a way of thinking. It would perhaps be more accurate to say that I have desires and fantasies of a masochistic nature, but I am not defined by those masochistic tendencies. I think that is probably true of most guys here, even though they don’t see “masochist” as an accurate label.

    9. Dan, great analysis, and I mostly agree. The issue for me is that punishment is an unknown as we’ve never approached that zone. Do I become a bit of a pain slut for the endorphin rush when the option is available? Yes, sometimes I do. Is it ultimately satisfying, no. It is tricky indeed.


    10. GH, I think most psychological diagnoses apply over a spectrum of behavior and thought processes. And, frankly, all the little labels and smaller and smaller boxes isn't all that helpful. But, I think most definitions of masochism hinge strongly on an attraction to pain specifically and apart from things like wanting to be dominated or controlled. So, I personally thing that most classic definitions of masochism do *not* apply to most of the guys here.

    11. You could be right, Dan. My therapist certainly agrees with you that labels aren’t helpful. She has been trying to break me of the habit of trying to understand my feelings and behaviours but putting labels on them. But I am incorrigible. Maybe she needs to…
      No, no, no…I am not going to follow that thought! ;-)

    12. Hi GH,
      "...she spanks hard enough that I am always relieved when she stops. In the moment, that is. Once the feeling of relief wears off, I begin to wish that she would spank me longer and harder." - This sums up exactly how I feel. In the moment, I just want it to stop (or not happen at all), whereas anytime outside the moment, I want her to be more strict, harsher, spank longer, etc.

      "But paradoxically I believe spanking can be simultaneously punishment and reward for guys like us." - I agree, to a point. Certainly, being in a relationship where my wife has and exercises authority is more like a reward, since it fulfills a very much felt need. On the other hand, individual punishments are never in and of themselves a reward, even though indirectly they are but only because they are a necessary part of the DD relationship that I want.


    13. I am late to this conversation. In her advice to women, one of the female disciplinarians writing online was insightful about male fascination with being spanked. She observed that we have an intense obsession with a game. If she will play it with us, we will do just about anything to keep it going. So as long as she is giving spankings that do not disappoint us, she can call the shots and we will comply to keep the spankings coming. It doesn't much matter whether we desire or hate the pain so long as she's doing the spankings seriously.

  3. Again a bit different here. As you all know I am in my second 24/7 FLR, the first being an actual marriage. She was an NYC Pro Domme and the marriage was like a 24/7 session with a pro. When that ended, after several months I met my current life partner. I knew by that point I wanted an FLR with DD household. As we became more serious while dating, I felt I better open up as to my desires. I explained everything and told her that was the kind of relationship I was interested in. When she asked me to move in, I explained it all again and together we formed an agreement, list of spankable offenses. A bit concerned about how she would take to an actual delivery of a punishment, we began the process of my physically moving in. I did not have to wait long. As the last of my belongings was carried in, she closed the door and stated... "if we are doing this, we are doing it right. Take off all your clothes, you're getting spanked right now to start things off". She delivered a long and hard spanking and took control right away. Rarely do I have to ask to be spanked. Several of our friends and all her family know about our DD lifestyle.

    1. Part of me really wants an overall elevated level of strictness but, when I'm honest with myself, I don't know how I really would react to a "24/7 session with a pro."

    2. Dan, Training was tough as she 'spanked' me from an alpha male to a submissive. Then, spanked often as time went on.

    3. Yes, I can see how that would be very tough.

    4. Spanked Cowboy wrote “the first being an actual marriage. She was an NYC Pro Domme and the marriage was like a 24/7 session with a pro”

      Hi SC,
      You have mentioned this marriage before. I am curious whether she, as a pro-dominant, was actually a “life-styler” or whether she maintained the dominant role at home because you needed it. My impression is the many pros are either M/F oriented in their private lives or even a little vanilla

      If she was 24/7, that must have been a challenge at times, that must have been a challenge at times, given the knowledge and experience she would have had in controlling you. On the other hand, you probably would have been very well-behaved.

      From what you have said, your current partner is very strict, but not a professional Dom. I would love to hear the similarities and differences of being under the control of two different women with two different backgrounds.

    5. Thank you for your inquiry, Alan. My former wife/dominant was pretty much a dominant in all facets of her life. She may have felt I needed more domination at home as I was an alpha male at the beginning. She was not even a bit vanilla that I recall. The 24/7 life for me was challenging and I felt I was fairly well behaved until we began life together and then realized there was a whole other level of behavior she expected, and eventually obtained. My current partner was European and a schoolteacher, so being strict was her way of life. Her spanking experience consisted of occasional discipline at school and she had never spanked an adult. She adapted quickly to adult spanking and was very good at it. During our early years, she was quite similar to the pro in her insistence on behavior to the enth degree. The differences began to show as I became better trained to her standards, likes, dislikes, ways and methods. As time passed she relaxed the punishments a bit along with the frequency, where the pro never did. I feel more at ease with my current partner/dominant than I did with the pro and not so much a 'walking on eggs' atmosphere. Make no mistake, however. Poor behavior or rule breaking still finds my bare ass receiving a very very effective spanking.

    6. "I feel more at ease with my current partner/dominant than I did with the pro and not so much a 'walking on eggs' atmosphere." I've said here before that the idea of having a "healthy fear" of my wife is an attractive idea. But, I suspect that while it is attractive in theory, walking on eggshells on a 24/7 basis would become unhealthily unpleasant in a short amount of time.

    7. Hi Cowboy, and thanks for your thoughtful response to my curiosity. Your experience with your current partner and her background sounds a lot like that of my former GF, who introduced me to DD spanking (My wife is a spanko who has adopted the F/M orientation).

      It sounds like your former wife may have carried strictness to an extreme that led you to be uncomfortably cautious around her, while your current partner allows some flexibility and rewards improved behavior. Dan's comment ( above) nails it with the eggshells metaphor. That is just unhealthy.

      The tendency to decrease spanking over time is familiar to me in both relationships, although the behavior expectations have become more rigorous, and (mostly) the spankings have become more effective.

      I do have one more question you can probably answer: do you think most pros are lifestyle F/M, or are a majority of them M/F or something else? The latter has been my impression but that might be wrong.


    8. Quick Addendum to above:
      SC, do you think your training from your marriage might have made it easier for your current partner to add discipline to your relationship while remaining reasonable and flexible. In other words, were you so well trained from your first F/M relationship that there were fewer behavior issues or they got resolved quicker. Even though there was a roughly two year span between my two F/M relationships, the training from the first did kick in after marriage.

    9. SC,
      It def. Takes a special man to live and walk that lifestyle. I agree with Dan, I don’t think I would want to walk on egg shells all day long in my relationship. I enjoy the relationship I have with my wife.
      Although I lead, she will put me in my place in a heartbeat when need be. We continue to work on consistency and I have asked her to punish me severely when I raise my voice. I have a spanking coming for this. I asked for this as, this is something I don’t like about myself and it needs to be corrected. Regardless of whether I am right, as I’ve aged this is becoming unacceptable to me.

    10. Alan, I do believe there are more M/f pro doms but not an overwhelming amount. To your second question... for sure, my training from my pro domme wife made things much easier for my second dominant. She did not have to completely 'break' me, just alter my behavior and service to her ways and methods. It took about 8 months for the punishments to become fewer as I learned her ways.

      T, perhaps my analogy of walking on eggs was a bit too extreme. We had a very good marriage for the first 5-6 years. She was very strict, but remember, I was an alpha male to begin with. I fully enjoyed the transformation to submissive or I would not have gone thru it. When the marriage failed, it had nothing to do with the DD or F/m aspect. I do not regret the time with her and feel I am a much better person now and like living in a DD environment.

  4. These days, there are few transgressions she is not aware of. I do write in a journal, but it's more about feelings than confessing mistakes. In the past, there were many more serious punishment spankings for drinking over my limit or driving in a manner she doesn't approve of. I usually don't do either anymore, so I don't often get punishment spankings. Because I missed the feeling of really being taken in hand, I asked her to increase the severity of my maintenance spankings, which she did. Sometimes, I am not in the mood to be spanked, but she will insist on spanking me anyway, which is actually a turn on for me. Being bossy does not come naturally to her, so I have encouraged her to more demonstrative when she is annoyed with me. Sometimes I do get overly emotional and cynical when talking politics, which happened last week. She was definitely annoyed with me, and it could have led to a spanking. I did feel bad that I overacted, and it was before bed, which made it worse. In retrospect, it would have been better for both of us if she had spanked me right then. That's the kind of thing I put in the journal, because she probably forgot about it already. Often, I will simply read what I have written in here, which is what I'll be doing this morning before my maintenance spanking. Of course, if there is a reason for a spanking, it is always more meaningful and real for both of us.

    1. "Sometimes, I am not in the mood to be spanked, but she will insist on spanking me anyway, which is actually a turn on for me."

      It is for me too, but only in retrospect. Not at the time it is actually happening.

    2. I am exactly with you on this Dan. This actually applies to everything involving DD; it is hot in retrospect or for that matter at any other time other then when it is happening or about to.


    3. I think DD must be like that for all of us. If we didn’t want it, we wouldn’t ask for it. But if it wasn’t unpleasant enough to make us regret asking for it in the moment, it would feel fake.

    4. Honestly, DD isn't that distinguishable from most "growth" experiences. They suck at the time they are happening but are attractive when you are planning them and nostalgic when you are looking back on them. In my old age, I've taken up mountain climbing and some other very physically strenuous activities. While I'm doing them, they honestly aren't fun at all. It's just pain and effort and sometimes real agony. Then, once it's over I talk about it wistfully for years to come.

    5. Mountain climbing! You are a braver man than I, Dan.
      I suppose you are right about other growth experiences being similar to DD in a “no pain, no gain” way. The thing that sets DD apart is that the memory and the anticipation of it is intensely erotic.

    6. "I think DD must be like that for all of us. If we didn’t want it, we wouldn’t ask for it. But if it wasn’t unpleasant enough to make us regret asking for it in the moment, it would feel fake." - exactly right!

      "Honestly, DD isn't that distinguishable from most 'growth' experiences. They suck at the time they are happening but are attractive when you are planning them and nostalgic when you are looking back on them." - excellent insight!


  5. Dan wrote: “The odd thing is, I’m feeling some interesting qualms about whether I would want him to know about our DD, even If I were convinced he’s in a similar dynamic. It’s gendered as hell, but it’s clear to me that for all my professed openness to letting others know, I do have a bigger issue with men knowing than I do about women.”

    Although I would also have a bigger issue with men knowing, I think I would open up to another guy if I knew he was in the same boat. What might be interesting as well is that if you both told your wives, that might encourage them to compare notes about DD. I have actually confided in my closest friend about FLR and DD. That’s because we somehow discovered years ago that we are both spankos. He is interested in M/F rather than F/M. It was somewhat embarrassing to tell him I get spanked, but less so than it would be to tell a total non-spanko. He says he is jealous of me because my wife spanks me, whereas his wife has no interest in being spanked, and it’s more problematic asking a reluctant woman to submit to spanking than to give spankings.

    1. "It was somewhat embarrassing to tell him I get spanked, but less so than it would be to tell a total non-spanko." I think that probably would be true for me as well, though it's not a black and white line. As I said, I don't remember feeling overly embarrassed about telling my vanilla female friend. On the other hand, I've also spoken with two female bloggers--one in a F/m dynamic and one in M/f--and I felt some embarrassment around both of them the first time we talked live. And, I still feel a little embarrassed to give them any details. So, I think for me the depth and scope of the relationship may matter more than whether the person is in a spanking or DD lifestyle themselves.

    2. For me, knowing that another guy is in --or even has been in-- a female led DD relationship, establishes a bond and sense of comity. That doesn't mean I would feel a deep relationship ( although that might happen), but I would be comfortable discussing and exchanging DD information with him.

      On the other hand, a guy of the same type,temperament, and personality, but a non spanko, would never elicit much if any kink exchange and for sure no personal sharing.

    3. Alan, the more we discuss this point the more I come to understand that I just open up to women a lot easier than men. My closest friends in college were women, and that's largely been the case since then. I've had close male friends since college but, honestly, I haven't opened up to them about super personal stuff in the way I have to my best female friends.

    4. Dan, you could be right that the depth and scope of the relationship is more important than whether the person is into DD. The friend I told is my closest and oldest friend, so maybe the spanking interest is less important, especially since he isn’t into F/M spanking. I think what was most important is that we both shared information about ourselves that made both of us feel vulnerable. I was embarrassed to tell him that my wife disciplines me, but I think he felt equally vulnerable because he believes in feminism, so he felt ashamed about being turned on by stories and images of M/F DD.

      I mentioned a few weeks ago that I also told one of my sisters that I am into DD and FLR. I didn’t really intend to do that. We were comparing childhood memories, and spanking came up because I was curious whether she remembered things the same way I did. One thing led to another, and I ended telling her about DD and FLR. She said she would keep my secret, but I wondered whether she really would. She and my other sisters are pretty close, so I imagined that telling one might be like telling all of them. My wife doesn’t know I told my sister. I thought of telling my wife at the time because I thought she might be annoyed if she finds out from one of my sisters that I had talked about something intimate without her knowledge or consent. Several months have passed, and there is no indication that my sister spilled the beans. On the other hand, it is possible that all three of my sisters know and are doing a good job pretending not to know. I don’t think my brother knows because he wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of joking about it. I have also talked to my therapist about this stuff, but it took quite a few sessions to lower my inhibitions enough to enable me to do that.

    5. GH,
      I don’t have a very close relationship with my siblings. We live in other states and have past disagreements about a variety of issues. I could never share DD with either of them.
      For one, one of my siblings despises my parents for
      Spanking growing up. They feel it was abuse and should have never been done. They fail to mention how much of a pain in the ass they were growing up, and failed to conform to rules. That’s another topic. It must be an island thing, but multiple times, two island women asked my wife if she beats me when I’m out of line. We had some libations on vacation, and my response was anytime I’m out of line. My wife also said to one of them, I thrash his bottom good when he’s disrespectful. Thw lady smiled at me. If that occurred at home, I’d be embarrassed and humiliated. I didn’t feel the least embarrassed there.I just could never see sharing that with anyone close to us. If you did see us out in public, you would clearly tell I wear the pants in the family.

    6. "They fail to mention how much of a pain in the ass they were growing up, and failed to conform to rules." Funny how it often works that way.

      I have two siblings and have good relations with one of them. The other and I don't exactly have a bad relationship, but we aren't all that close either. I can't imagine ever telling either of them about DD. Whatever our relationship may be, it's not of a type where I feel any desire to share that aspect of myself with them.

    7. T, many people who were spanked as kids believe as you do that spanking was an appropriate way of instilling good behaviour and that it wasn’t harmful. Others, like your siblings, experienced it as a form of abuse, with all the psychological consequences of abuse, including the kind of animosity your siblings have for your parents. The trouble with corporal punishment is that different people experience it differently, so it is hard to know what the long term psychological effects will be on any individual. If your siblings look back on it with feelings of resentment and describe it as abuse, I would say that it was abusive to them, even though you experienced the same kind of discipline and have positive feelings about it. When you say they fail to mention “how much of a pain in the ass they were growing up,” opponents of spanking could take that as proof that it is an ineffective form of discipline. If it was effective, one might argue, they should have been well behaved because of it. Although I have a spanking kink like you, I am somewhat in the camp of your siblings. I wouldn’t say I despised my parents. I loved them, and I think they were good parents in most ways. But I do think that the harsh and humiliating punishments I received were abusive, and I have been sorting through a range of psychological fallout with the help of a psychotherapist. I sometimes wonder whether I would have developed a spanking fetish if I hadn’t been spanked growing up. In other words, can my masochistic tendencies be seen as a form of psychological harm? I don’t have an answer to that question, but I am working on it.

    8. GH,
      You are so correct in your assessment above. As a kid it’s obvious I never looked forward to a spanking, but it did clear the air with Mom. She went on to her normal routines afterwards. We all experience childhood memories differently. I do believe it worked for me , as I made sure to toe the line after one. I do believe my fetish came from not only being spanked, but the observation of others in church and school that contributed to this wholeheartedly. You don’t realize it in our youth, but I wouldn’t go a week without seeing some form of chastisement growing up. I wonder just how many more are like me. I don’t keep in contact with anyone from those days, so I’ll never know. I like your perspective on it. I never had the need to see a therapist. I think I would have a hard time opening up about that part of my life.

    9. "You don’t realize it in our youth, but I wouldn’t go a week without seeing some form of chastisement growing up." It was the same in the town I was born in. I went back there for a funeral recently, and some of my relatives who are my age even brought up memories of childhood spankings or, more specifically, things they did to put themselves at risk of one and the ways they schemed to avoid one. The ease with which they talked about it makes me wonder if those of us who end up wanting spankings later in life are the ones who moved out of those areas and went onto cultural lifestyles where it is NOT talked about so openly.

    10. Dan,
      I wonder that as well. I work in a large group and we have had multiple conversations about the way the youth are today. I reminded the group that my parents took no crap and my Mother would not hesitate to bring out the spoon, paddle or strap. Some of my co workers would look at me with 3 heads! The others had their own version of the spankings they received growing up. I do remember one of the stories from a Spanish guy I worked with. His Mother would wait till he got out of the shower with the strap in hand. She would lock the bathroom door behind her and strap him bent over the bathtub. I was like ouch that had to hurt. I was thinking wet, naked, and embarrassing. He said I got the message very quickly and clearly who was the boss. I was thinking back of my experiences as well and I specifically remember a women carrying around a spoon in her diaper bag at church. She used this on her boys religiously.

    11. I know this stuff about telling my sister about DD is off topic, so feel free to delete this, Dan, but I have been thinking about why I told her something so embarrassing. It came about because of talking to my therapist about memories of feeling hurt and humiliated when spanked as a kid. I wondered whether my memories were accurate or had been overwritten by fantasies later in life. That’s why I asked my older sister, who would likely have the clearest memory, whether my memories were accurate. Were the beatings with my father’s belt as harsh as I remember? Did he really pull down my pants with little concern about my sisters seeing? She confirmed that the memories were accurate. But she told me that the effect of that on her and my other sisters wasn’t as I imagined. I imagined that they watched me being punished with feelings of amusement and satisfaction. She said it wasn’t like that. Rather she found it frightening whenever my father took off his belt in anger. Even though that punishment was reserved for my brother and me, my sisters feared that it could happen to them too if they weren’t careful. She said she was a witness to those punishments, but more often hearing than seeing because when my father took off his belt, she would “head for the hills” rather than sticking around to watch. She also said she felt sorry for me, and she thought at the time that my father was unfairly harsh with me. For me, that was a moving and cathartic conversation to have with my sister. She said it would be surprising if that hadn’t been traumatic for me. So then I told her that I thought it had contributed to lifelong feelings of anxiousness, insecurity, and self doubt. Because she was so empathetic, I also told her that I thought it had affected me sexually, giving me an craving to be dominated and spanked by my wife. She said I was lucky to have found a wife with a dominant personality. I guess it was weird to reveal that aspect of my adult life to a sister, but that’s how it came about, without my intending it in advance.

    12. T., the regional culture you grew up in definitely has a huge impact on how much you were exposed to corporal punishment--as a recipient or a witness--growing up.

    13. GH, I understand how one could choose to reveal some pretty intimate things pretty spontaneously. Honestly, I have no recollection of consciously deciding to tell the one vanilla friend I've told about our DD. Instead, we met for happy hour, she asked a generic question about how Anne and I were doing, and it just kind of came out.

    14. T wrote: “I wouldn’t go a week without seeing some form of chastisement growing up. I wonder just how many more are like me. I don’t keep in contact with anyone from those days, so I’ll never know. I like your perspective on it. I never had the need to see a therapist. I think I would have a hard time opening up about that part of my life.”

      T, it hasn’t been easy for me to open up to my therapist about that part of my life either. It’s embarrassing and the process of overcoming my inhibitions enough to be completely honest with her has been gradual. I also wonder how many more men are like me. I don’t even know how it affected my own brother who was punished the same way I was. I know he remembers because he occasionally alludes to it. For example, if he sees some kid behaving badly and defying his parents in public, he will say, “Can you imagine what would have happened if we had behaved like that when dad was around?” We would never have defied or disobeyed our dad because we feared him. I’m not sure whether my brother thinks that’s a good thing or not. His question seems to imply that kids these days are out of control because they don’t get punished the way we did. However, I don’t think he disciplined his own son that way. In fact, I have heard my nephew say that his dad was a big softy and that his mom was the one whose discipline he feared. I read between the lines that my sister-in-law was a spanker as a parent and that my brother left that up to her. I have never had the courage to ask my brother whether the punishments we received as kids had long term effects on his emotional/sexual development because I fear it would give away how obsessed I am with DD. I still can’t say the word “spanking” out loud without blushing because raising the topic makes me feel sexually exposed and vulnerable.

    15. GH,
      I know for a fact there are a ton more like us. While I think of what occurred at church and school, there is no way we are in the minority. I agree with Dan, on how each person processes it. My siblings have the opposite affect I have. We grew up the same and punished the same. They despise the spankings and I didn’t and thought they made me a better person. I agree that it’s something I do not bring up with them. We will make small talk about the way kids misbehave today. I do know one of my nephews is extremely spoiled and they refuse to spank, which is understandable. I feel he gets away anything. If I ever did see a therapist, it would be something I wouldn’t bring up till way down the road. I would still feel embarrassed by DD.

    16. "If I ever did see a therapist, it would be something I wouldn’t bring up till way down the road. I would still feel embarrassed by DD."

      I don't go around randomly telling people about our DD relationship, but I think maybe I'm not quite as prone to embarrassment as some. Once there is a certain trust level established, I don't find talking about personal things that embarrassing. I was seeing an acupuncturist for a while who was pretty touchy-feely, conducting a therapeutic-type interview before each session. Honestly, there were times I felt like I was getting more out of the conversational part of the session than from the acupuncture. I think had I kept seeing her, I probably would have at some point mentioned the DD or FLR.

  6. I hope I won't be kicking up a dust storm with some of the things I am saying here, but I asked my wife for her take on this and this is what she said. Since we tend to do daily spankings, the question of who asks for it to happen is a moot point. My wife says she is glad that things are that way because she believes that this question could be overthinking things. Since the spankings I receive tend to be "therapeutic spankings" (as defined by the DWC essay) and foreplay, as well as DD spankings, it was never envisaged that they would be 100% "calibrated" to what offences I had committed and how severe they were. Each evening, she tends to spank me until she subjectively feels she has covered every disciplinary issue or she is "in the mood", whichever is later, even if that means there is no disciplinary component that night. Since we don't invest any thought in who initiated the spanking that evening, and not all that much thought in the offences that led to it, we are freed up from overthinking things and wondering if it affects matters or authority.

    On the implied subject earlier in the post of what people would deduce from us if they observed our interactions, people have commented that I am clearly the one in charge and my wife is fully at ease with this situation. My personal opinion is that this is because she knows she has an outlet for when I am badly behaved. People have also commented that my now-deceased military colleague and I had a visible contentedness about ourselves: I am guessing that this was because our wives never resorted to denying us as punishment, whereas I hear about this from other men fairly often.


    1. Wow J, daily spankings? You must have quite the leather bottom by now. I couldn’t even imagine getting spanked daily. I have to wonder if that gets old and starts to defeat some of the purpose for DD. Is is just a spanking fetish so to speak?

    2. Quite probably I do! It doesn't get old. I suppose there is a fetish element, but my wife varies the severity according to the circumstances, so she can make sure it is very definitely a punishment if she wants!


  7. My wife only spanked for specific offenses. There were a couple of times when she gave me "advance spankings" to prevent specific offenses in a social situation. But we never did maintenance spankings.
    I did not confess bad behavior, nor did she expect me to. But if she found out about something from another source, she spanked for it. And she expected me to answer all of her questions truthfully. The worst spankings I ever got were for fudging the truth. I agreed with that, as honesty is integral to a healthy marriage.
    For many years, while we had kids at home and were in our careers, we kept DD totally secret. That's why I was so shocked and embarrassed when she decided after retirement to be so open about it (though she still never directly said "I spank my husband," at least not to my knowledge). I complained about the embarrassment about her public threats, which to me was worse punishment than the spankings. But her simple answer was, "Stop misbehaving and you won't get embarrassed." What could I say to the truth?

    1. Addendum: I think that her decision about threatening me in public may have been the only time she made a "big decision" for us unilaterally. Every other major decision we discussed and decided together. It made me realize that on some level she did wear the pants in the family, though I never thought of us as being in an FLR, nor did she. I think if she had lived we may have gone further that direction. Or ... maybe to her my embarrassment wasn't that big a deal but all just part of DD. She liked to ask me, "Aren't you embarrassed being over my knee with your bare bottom being spanked like a naughty little boy?"

    2. "But her simple answer was, "Stop misbehaving and you won't get embarrassed." What could I say to the truth?" I can see why some wives don't get overly concerned about either the physical pain of a spanking or the emotional pain of embarrassment, because at the end of the day we men DO have control over whether it happens.

      I also can understand why some women aren't embarrassed at the prospect of others knowing. Their attitude seems to be, "Why would I be embarrassed? I'm not the one getting spanked."

    3. That whole indifferent attitude of "why would I be embarrassed? I'm not the one getting spanked" just really resonates with me. I am not sure exactly why, but I think it might be because of a couple of reasons. First off, I would kind of like spanking to just be something that could be openly talked about and matter of fact (though I probably would miss at least some of the "naughty secret" element of it). And secondly, this whole nonchalant response just seems to really highlight the power differential.


    4. ZM, I agree on both those, and they are kind of interrelated. The nonchalance does highlight the power differential, and the fact that she, at least, seems to care less and less about whether there is a secret, even if it is undeniably naughty. But, I do think that if DD became widely accepted, it would lose quite a bit of the attraction it has for me because it would, in fact, lose that "naughty" element.

    5. My wife got very nonchalant about our DD after we both retired. I found it embarrassing but she said that wasn't her purpose, but rather threatening me in public was very effective at curbing my misbehavior. My embarrassment was just "collateral damage."
      I realized she probably would have been threatening me in public for years if she hadn't been concerned about our careers. Not only did she feel no embarrassment, she was proud when complimented on my good behavior and attentiveness toward her, which she took credit for, readily explaining that it was due to her "training" of me.

  8. I have gone back and made comments on previous posts, but I know those are unlikely to be read so I wanted to comment here about tears.
    I might sob and get misty-eyed during a spanking, but I don't recall out-and-out tears. However, afterwards was a different matter because of my wife's loving care.
    She would rub arnica gel on my bottom and gently caress my marks and bruises as I lay over her knees. Then we would sit side by side on the couch, often with my pants still down, and she would hold me to her breast and speak to me lovingly in a maternal manner. "There, there. It's all over. All is forgiven. Now you're my good boy."
    I often would cry -- in gratitude -- as she was speaking. I know some of you don't like thinking of DD as maternal, but it was fine with me. She really was acting in loco parentis, though we never discussed our DD as that.
    Those who don't understand DD will think the next statement is paradoxical or even insane, but I imagine you all will understand when I say, "I was so grateful that she loved me enough to punish me."

    1. "I know some of you don't like thinking of DD as maternal, but it was fine with me. She really was acting in loco parentis, though we never discussed our DD as that."

      I think when I first discovered the DWC, I wasn't very tuned in to the maternal aspects, and I didn't have any sense that a desire for discipline with a maternal vibe was part of my fascination with it. In fact, it was only a year or so ago that someone pointed out to me that there was a direct reference to "maternal" style discipline in the DWC website masthead, so it was the label Aunt Kay herself assigned to what the DWC was doing.

      Several years ago, I came across Jacqueline Omerta, who pitched herself as a "spanking therapist," with some real psychology credentials. I suspect the "therapist" bit was more of a marketing angle for spanking pro services than real therapy, but that doesn't mean she didn't have some insights. Her stated view was that men and women who are attracted to disciplinary spankings often had chaotic childhoods, and that they seek our stern, firm discipline as a kind of "reparenting." Given my own very chaotic family background, that really resonated with me.

      In the last couple of years, I've gotten more connected with that part of me that does connect DD with the maternal. As I've opened up to Anne about it, I've been surprised that not only is it not a turn-off, she actually seems to be leaning into it more and more.

    2. Dan, I think that is great. I would like my wife to be more maternal driven with DD. We would never get to the point of KOJ. That relationship was profound and had an unbelievable level of intimacy. Interestingly enough, we went out for dinner last night and had a minor discussion about DD. She was at a Halloween party on Sat night. Her best friend, who is successful, invites her ex, who is a loser to the party. My wife was pissed and her friends response was, I have needs too. Her friend stated, I wish my life was more like yours. How did you score such a nice respectful man? I responded to my wife, it’s the thrashings you give me when I’m bad. She laughed and blushed. My wife then stated that all women want a mans man. A protector, lover, strong individual who admires them for who they are. Her friend had to be the alpha person in the relationship and in my opinion attracts weak men. I did get to thinking, she should probably be in a full time FLR and look for an individual who needs that type of relationship. I also said that her fiend was too brass and opinionated and has her defenses up .

    3. We've gone through multiple phases with the maternal thing. In the beginning, I don't recall having any particular affinity for the explicit references to the "maternal" orientation of DWC spankings. If that was a big part of the attraction, it was pretty deep in my subconscious. Then, after finding those Jacqueline Omerta recordings, I started thinking a lot about the whole "reparenting" thing, but it was more theoretical than something I actually tried to bring into our lifestyle. Then, I started making oblique references to that dynamic sometimes when talking to Anne -- sort of "testing the waters" to see whether she had a negative reaction. Over time, those references became more explicit. What has changed recently is SHE is also using metaphors for maternal or parental discipline when talking about what it is we are doing or how she views my behavior. The first time it happened, she was talking about my proclivity for doing something bad then trying to talk my way out of it. She said something like, "You're like an unruly teenager who keeps poking and poking at something he knows will get him in trouble with his mother, then he acts all shocked when she finally blows her top and takes him over her knee."

      "I wish my life was more like yours. How did you score such a nice respectful man?" It's funny how women who end up with losers for partners attribute other people's good relationships to "luck" or just finding the right person. The reality is that most of the time they either (a) had low standards from the outset or, (b) tolerated behavior that most people who actually want a good relationship wouldn't put up with. When Anne and I met, I was kind of living my life like a beer commercial. At some point, it became clear that I could have that lifestyle, or I could have a good relationship with her, but not both. At least not in the same way and to the same extreme. I'm always going to be more extreme and more brash than her, but there are limits and were even before we discovered DD

    4. Dan, I wonder whatever happened to Ms. Omerta? The minute I visited the DWC website, I was hooked. I was drawn to the maternal aspect of DD. Like I’ve stated before, I def. could have used a full on FLR in my late twenties. I ended up marrying my wife who is a bit older than I am. I tried a few lines on her, that I used on my ex and she was having none of it.
      When we started DD, her maternal aspects kicked in and she used some of the classic lines. “You won’t sit for a week”, “do you need an attitude adjustment”, you’re cruising for a brusin. I was drawn to her like a moth to the flame. Although our DD goes in spurts and has its ups and downs, I do appreciate when she takes the bull by the horns and puts me back in my place. I also appreciate the fact that she has the confidence in me to lead. It only boost my ego which she takes down a few notches when need be.

    5. Yeah, Omerta does seem to have vanished from the scene, and I presume some of it is intentional, given the way her recordings simply stopped existing on platforms like YouTube.

      Like you, the minute I visited the DWC website I was hooked. "Obsessed" is probably an even better word for it. But, I don't remember it being the "maternal" references that got me.

      I definitely could have used an FLR in my 20s, but I don't really know whether it could have come about. I don't think I ever would have initiated one back then, even had I known the existed, which I really didn't. But, looking back, by college I had a well-established attraction to older women, especially ones I saw as authority figures. If an older woman had tried to impose a DD or Female Led relationship on me, it's certainly possible I would have gone for it. In fact, I think it's pretty likely I would have, though that's very much with the benefit of hindsight.

    6. This is only one man's opinion, and no more evidence than my own experience: but I think I was not ready for a real DD relationship until late 30's into my early 40's. Ready for spanking earlier? Absolutely! . Late teens at the latest. But the maturity needed to seek and accept an F/M DD relationship came much later

    7. Alan, I really don't know whether I was ready for one before it actually happened. I think that by at least my last 20s I had some inkling that I lacked balance and that my excessive personality traits were causing me problems. I don't think I had enough insight until my late 30s, however, to recognize the DWC as a solution when it finally presented itself. But, what I don't know is whether I might have responded positively had a significant other or potential significant other proposed, or imposed, it earlier. I kind of suspect that I would have gone along had that happened, at least by my mid-20s. But, it's impossible to really know. As for spanking, back then it wasn't even on my radar screen, and I really have no idea how I would have reacted if someone had introduced it to me in a non-DD context. I know that I would NOT have have anything to do with it if it was M/f, but I don't know how I would have reacted had a woman proposed F/m erotic spanking.

    8. Dan said: “But, what I don't know is whether I might have responded positively had a significant other or potential significant other proposed, or imposed, it earlier.”
      That, however unlikely it be, is the ultimate question. “Wdspoone”, a blogger who while ago wrote a lot on F/M (and published much visual F/M material, as well), recounted, as I recall, a situation similar to your hypothetical. He wrote that while he had definite F/M impulses, he had no real experience until meeting a woman somewhat older than him (while he was in his early 20s).In an ensuing relationship, she, on her initiative, came to control, discipline, and spank him for misbehavior without him ever disclosing his F/M interest to her.
      While this reads a bit like a typical male fantasy, the author has been around a while, and the other material I have read by him has the ring of unembellished authenticity. I believe he says or implies in the article that he wasn’t really ready for the DD, but when it was imposed, he went with the flow.
      In all honesty, although I wasn’t “ready” to put myself under a woman's authority, I suspect that a determined, DD-oriented woman could have made it happen even in my 20s.

    9. Dan and Alan,
      Looking back, I think I would be open to it. I visited a disciplinarian multiple times a year for a few years in my early twenties. We would actually talk about life before a session. She said I could have benefited from a full on FLR based on my actions and said I should seek out an older women to assist. I actually dated an older women for a few months in my mid twenties before settling down. She spanked me a few times but she was not into it as far as punishment went. I do miss that disciplinarian. We seemed to be on the same page. As we went on, her intensity increased as we became more comfortable with each other. She was familiar with DWC. I do miss her openness about life and the scene.

    10. Wdspoone may have been a little more self-aware than I was at that stage. In my 20s, I knew I had a thing for older women, but I didn't as yet feel any glimmer of F/m impulses. But, like you I think that had I met a DD or FLR-oriented woman at that age, she could have made it happen.

    11. T., it definitely sounds like you had great self-awareness in your 20s!

    12. Yeah Dan, my family always told me your an old soul and you were definitely born in the wrong decade lol.

    13. All this shows why I would personally like to see F/M DD normalised. My theory is that many people enter into it at a late stage of life because its obscurity means people find out about it later and the fact that it isn't commonplace means some people are reluctant. On the other hand, if it were normal, people would be aware of it at an early age and start it earlier. Alan, I note what you said about your late teens: my ideal would be men marrying young and having an F/M DD marriage before they have time to do all sorts of stupid things!


    14. I am like Allan. If anyone had told me when I got married in my twenties that I was destined to become a submissive, spanked husband some day, I would have been insulted. Even though I had erotic spanking fantasies from an early age, I had way too much male pride to imagine being in a FLR. (I also doubt that my wife would have married me if she thought I was submissive. She has evolved with age too). While I think it is exceedingly rare for a woman to impose spanking discipline on a reluctant husband, I also believe that everything kind of relationship we can imagine exists somewhere. Also, knowing what I discovered about my sexuality as I got older, I believe like Alan that if a woman had consciously set out to impose spanking discipline on me when I was young, I would have resisted, but she would have succeeded if she was determined because a part of myself deeper than mere ego would have collaborated with her. As humiliated and emasculated as I might have felt, the sexual excitement would have been irresistible. Or so I believe.

    15. GH wrote: “I believe like Alan that if a woman had consciously set out to impose spanking discipline on me when I was young, I would have resisted, but she would have succeeded if she was determined because a part of myself deeper than mere ego would have collaborated with her. As humiliated and emasculated as I might have felt, the sexual excitement would have been irresistible.”

      We are in fantasy land here. But given the premise -i.e., a DD-oriented woman who knew how to press the (sexual) buttons-- could have made it happen. I do believe it would have taken some time (and patience on her part) because I just was not that self-aware then. Ironically, though, as I think about it, I probably needed serious discipline more at that time than I ever did later when it actually happened.

    16. I’m right with you both, if the older women I dated in my twenties, enjoyed spanking and became a true disciplinarian and held me accountable for my actions, based on my youth, I would of probably been hooked.
      When she did spank, I was in a different world and on cloud nine. I know I would have conformed to her as she did have a dominant side to her. Unfortunately, it never vibes and outside influences took over.

    17. As far as fantasy land goes, I had a neighbor, the family was from South Africa. The Mother
      was no nonsense and spanked her kids often. I heard her multiple times screaming and beating her kids with a strap.
      I observed it one time as well walking by. I admit I was a peeping Tom. I did pick on one of her boys once in a while. My fantasy continues to be to run into her and apologize for my actions. Explain I would like to make it up to her and have her strap the hell out of me. I’ve had a dream about it and have thought about it often. She lives a town over and I was hoping one day to run into her. I know I wouldn’t have the nerve to ask, but it would be interesting.

    18. I love that your fantasy has a real woman from your past life as its subject. While I had some crushes on older women growing up, none of them had a disciplinary vibe. Hence, there's no one in my past who plays a big role in any disciplinary fantasies.

    19. I had no clue until it happened that I would end up in a DD marrriage. I wasn't sexually attracted to spanking, I didn't date older women or marry one, and I didn't think I was submissive in any way. No self-awareness at all.
      I did know that I missed my mother and living under her roof. It was the sense of order that she provided that I could not replicate on my own. But I did not even dream of my wife providing that order -- let alone using DD to do it -- until our marriage was on the rocks and she asked that fateful question: "What would your mother have done ..."
      Suddenly it came flooding back how my mother had provided order into my early teens! I answered my wife truthfully, and a week later told her, very embarrassed, something like, "I will never resist you if you want to use my mother's methods." (I remember being too nervous and embarrassed to use the word "spanking.") A week later I got my first adult spanking, and DD quickly became a central part of our relationship. Order was restored!

    20. Dan,
      There were a few like that I had growing up. One was one of my acquaintances Mom. She used a yard stick on her daughters when younger. I overheard one at one time at the house. The neighbor definitely took the cake though. She struck a cord with me and was a no nonsense Mom. Those kids toed the line.

    21. KOJ: "I wasn't sexually attracted to spanking, I didn't date older women or marry one, and I didn't think I was submissive in any way. No self-awareness at all." Honestly, this does pretty much describe me, well into my 30s. The only caveat is the attraction to older women. But, I didn't connect that to any kind of power dynamic at the time. I just thought I liked older women's looks and maturity.

      T, I probably would have ran into one of those had we continued living in the area I was born in. Spanking was so prevalent there, it would have been almost inevitable to run into a mother with that kind of vibe. When I was fairly young, we moved to another area of the country. Culturally, I'm sure there was still a lot of spanking going on there, but it wasn't nearly as "up front" or on constant display.

    22. T,
      Thank you for the cokpliment far above about our relationship. I must have read over that.

  9. "I was kind of living my life like a beer commercial."
    Dan, that's a great line! I was living that way, too, "and at some point it became clear that I could have that lifestyle, or I could have a good relationship with her, but not both."
    We were on the verge of breaking up when she had the presence of mind to ask me how my mother would have handled my disrespect. Looking back, I think she may have known my answer was going to be that my mother would thrash me with her hairbrush. It's even possible that my wife was setting me up for DD. She sure took to it quickly. It wasn't until much later that I realized how intentional she was in "training" me, as she liked to call it. I thought she was just punishing me when I irritated her. But one time, after we had been doing DD for more than a decade, she remarked that she was just "completing the gentleman training that your mother started." It occurred to me then that maybe she had a master plan while I thought we just fell into DD by happenstance.

    1. KOJ, we weren't on the verge of breaking up when DD came along, but the trajectory we were on--and that I was on personally--wasn't good.

      It does sound like your wife was more systematic, and more proactive, than Anne has been to date. She uses DD reactively and does it well, but I don't think there is any real training plan in her mind.

    2. So much good stuff this week! I'll start with Dan's question about does it empower my wife to know if I have did anything that should result in a spanking. The answer is clearly yes. Since we began seriously practicing a DD lifestyle, she has become stronger and more confident in expressing her opinions in other ways also. I have shared about our DD with a non spanko male friend, but he has mainly focused on the spanking part of it, and not the larger issue of her actually having more authority in our relationship. He is definitely kinky, but not into spanking. Like many of you, I open up easier to women than men, but so far, haven't told any women friends about our DD. I still hope one of my partners woman friends will witness a spanking, or maybe just witness me being ordered in the corner. I was spanked when I was very little, but not by my parents. I was in a fundamentalist Bapdist school from 1st grade to 3rd grade, and was spanked often by a female teacher in front of the class. Looking back on that experience, it was clearly child abuse. However, it planted the seeds that resulted in me becoming a lifelong spanko, as well as an atheist, which I am grateful for. Moving on... Dan Said "When I first discovered the DWC, I wasn't very tuned in to the maternal aspects, and I didn't have any sense that a desire for discipline with a marital vibe was part of my fascination with it." I used to believe that all I wanted was to be soundly spanked by a woman, which I really loved, but I have also come to appreciate the marital vibe that can be part of real DD. Because my mother was mentally ill and dad was not around, the reparenting idea really resonates with me.
      Dan also mentioned Jaqueline Omertà, who we have discussed before. He said she "pitched herself as a "spanking therapist" with some real psychology credentials" Also Dan said "Her stated view was that men and women who are attracted to disciplinary spankings often had chaotic childhoods and that they seek out stern, firm discipline, as a kind of "reparenting" Yes, that was certainly true for me. Unfortunately, Omertà believed that it should all be role play, and not the kind of real life consequences we want and need for real life transgressions. Still, she had many good things to say about adult consentual spanking, and it really helped me to read that she spanked veterans to help them with PTSD. Her writing is still available on Amazon. The DWC, Jaqueline Omerita, and lastly, this blog, have all contributed to my being a much happier and civilized man, and, like Dan, no longer living a life resembling a beer commercial.

    3. Norton, I’m not familiar with Jacqueline Omertà, but I find the concept of therapeutic “reparenting” interesting. I’m not sure whether her idea that it should be “role play” is necessarily contrary to “real life consequences”. If you went to a professional disciplinarian to be spanked for something that made you feel guilty or ashamed, she would be “playing a role” for you if she took you over her knee and spanked you in a maternal manner. But the role playing element would not necessarily mean that it wasn’t a real spanking for real transgressions, would it? I would also say that there is an element of role playing when our wives channel a maternal vibe in disciplining us. I think some women are turned off by DD because they find it creepy to behave like a mothers to their husbands. Maybe women who cope best as spousal disciplinarians are able to compartmentalize their roles as wife and as maternal disciplinarian. Just a theory. GH

    4. GH,
      When I saw a professional disciplinarian it was for real life issues that I was dealing with. We had a long talk prior to me coming to see her. I explained my background and why I was seeking discipline. Even when I arrived, we would sit, have tea,
      and chat about life and how things we’re going. When it was time for business, she turned into a no nonsense maternal driven disciplinarian. I would spend sometime in the corner. She set up a chair in the room, brought me over, took my pants and underwear down and started to scold me about my mishaps. She remembered each and everyone of them prior to me coming. As she started her spanking, she would scold throughout, asking me questions on why I was over her knee. It was humiliating and embarrassing to have her ask
      me these questions. She then moved to the implements and laid it on. She would bring me to the point of not being able to take anymore and then slow down. She would send me to the corner. I remember her calling me over and telling me to get undressed. I stripped to nothing. I was humiliated and embarrassed in front of her and felt true contrition for my actions. Then naked she bent me over and strapped the hell out of me till I almost was broken. When finished a hug and we would head back to the kitchen to talk about my punishment. I actually felt a bond with her. A lot of these disciplinarians are just about money. She was not. I felt I was much better behaved after seeing her.

    5. It sounds like she was incredibly talented

    6. When I was married, my wife decided she didn't want to spank me anymore, so we agreed I should see a pro instead. It was a long drive, and expensive, but worth it. My experience was much like what T described, but probably not as heavy. After a chat, she would spank long and hard, using a variety of implements. I saw her every other week for a few years, and then found another pro nearer to where I lived, who was also very good. Sometimes she would invite some women friends over to her house for a tea party, and I was their house boy, wearing only an apron. Most of the women were kinky, and were encouraged to spank me whenever they felt like it. When my current G/F and I got together, this pro taught her how to spank me, and gave her a lot of good advice. It helped to demystify the whole thing, as my G/F was unaware of adult spanking, and I wanted her to be sure she could do it. She took to it very quickly, but it was awhile for us to discover out what would work better for us was real DD. Going to a pro can be helpful, but getting spanked and held accountable by a woman who loves you is probably going to be much more satisfying than seeing a pro. Also, if you are around each other enough, it's inevitable you will do some things she decides she wants you to change.
      What better way to encourage change, than to put you over her knee?

    7. Norton,
      Great points above. I known it’s obvious the pro didn’t love me. My wife loves me enough to correct me when needed. She did say it takes a big man to admit when you are wrong. Number 2, to bend over and have your wife thrash the hell out of you, is also admirable. As she put it last night, it’s a great equalizer.

    8. When my wife was deciding whether to spank me or not, she commented that she was not my mother and never wanted to be acting as my mother. Then she proceeded to spank me just as my mother had -- OTK, bare bottom but not nude, with an implement, with scolding, no sexual connotations, but comfort afterwards. While I knew she was acting maternally, I never said so. I realized that I wanted her to be in loco parentis without realizing it or being confused by it. That was good for both of us.

    9. "I realized that I wanted her to be in loco parentis . . ."

      For many years, I *didn't* realize that was any part of what I wanted. I now do. Where things seem to be different from what you experienced is that, as I've tiptoed around this issue with Anne, she seems to not only not be confused or repelled by the "in loco parentis" role but is actually leaning into it.

    10. My wife may have been leery because I had been spanked by my mother so many times and that was clearly part of the mother-son dynamic. I don't really know. She seldom answered questions about her motivations, preferring to remain "mysterious." She could get me to reveal anything with her hairbrush, but she didn't want me plumbing her depths, nor did I have a way to. I wish she had left a journal or something, because there are still so many unknowns about her. But that's how she probably wanted it -- me wondering about her years after she is gone.

    11. That's pretty interesting, KOJ. I've kept so many paper journals, I'll be even more of an open book to my wife once I'm gone.

    12. KOJ, I think you have hit the nail on the head. I believe some women in DD relationships may consciously cultivate the power of “mystery”. Is that what is meant by the term “feminine mystique”? This has suggested a wonderful fantasy to me. Imagine if all of our wives had a women’s only get-together to share their thoughts and feelings about DD, to discuss disciplinary tips and techniques, and to entertain one another with stories about spanking us guys that they find amusing or titillating or possibly bothersome in some instances. Imagine them being completely honest because there were no men present. I would love to be a fly on the wall for those conversations. KOJ, as I have already said, your account of being spanked by your wife at a party blew my mind, and I can’t stop myself from fantasizing about being in your shoes. It would be wonderful to hear how your wife would have told her version of that story to all of our wives the way you gave your version to us guys.

  10. KOJ-" It wasn't until much later that I realized how intentional she was in "training" me, as she liked to call it."

    . It's interesting that many wives seem to use the word "training" in talking about their husbands or boyfriends. MY former GF used it frequently to describe her objectives, and she noted friends who used it, wondering if they might not have a disciplinary relationship also. My wife, too, uses it, and I have heard several of her family and friends refer to "training" over the years. I doubt using the term signifies a DD relationship it does reveal the female mindset with regard to their mates.

  11. There are a few points I feel tempted to comment on in the thread above ...
    I get the tension that often grows when we have been away for a trip as Dan mentions. We sometimes have that and we are both pleased to get home and go our separate ways (as only long term partners can!) for a few days. Invariably there is a reckoning once she has calmed down and I am always at the receiving end! I am very rarely completely in the wrong but I have learned that during the couple of days after a trip at home, that events get re-written and my best course of action is to submit, get the beating over with and enjoy the closeness after.
    There seems to be no issue in me 'owning up' as I have said before. She very well knows that despite my interest in spanking, that I dislike the actual event more than the buzz from having my fantasy brought to life. It took me a while to explain but she now clearly understands the dynamic tension that I experience between the need / interest in spanking and the need to avoid the pain and embarrassment. I am never 'happy' to receive a spanking but I am very happy that spanking is a key part of our relationship.
    Spankings have been very 'real' since the very early days and definitely since she realized that spanking could be her golden ticket to a more balanced relationship. She acknowledges the concept or erotic spankings but has categorically rejected that approach or any kind of role play. I have no masochistic tendencies - when sentence is passed I dread the pain, I'm always glad when it is finished and I am resolved to avoid a repeat - until the pain subsides and the fantasies rearise!
    I was never physically punished at home as a child but I was almost daily at school, probably not far off abuse. (Those 'religious' schools!) so I really had no reference point for F/M relationships until I did some research after our first (and only) play session. I still have a 'thing' about being subjected to punishment from a M/M perspective, almost echoing my school experiences, but that urge is considerably weaker given how embedded DD now is in our relationship. So I have no connection to a 'maternal' punishment framework, it feels more like a respect for a strong partner who has spanking as a 'go to' response to poor behaviour.
    I have often tried to work out what the interest / attraction of spanking is and for me it is something about the aspect of voluntarily exposing oneself in a prone position to await deliberately inflicted pain in a ritualised manner. I really cannot think of many (any?) other experiences that are similar (marathon running?) It is sexual because of the body area involved & the intimacy (although that does not explain why hand strapping seems to be of interest to many people).
    And finally my wife refers to 'training' and 'reset' concepts quite often. We have our framework of rules which are almost 100% focussed on how I behave towards her and which have rapidly become the 'gold standard' against which I am regularly measured. There are seven 'rules' and this morning (she likes to 'speak' with me after my shower!) I apparently underperformed against five of them... TB

    1. "I really cannot think of many (any?) other experiences that are similar (marathon running?)" When I climbed my first serious mountain a couple of years ago, there was one sense in which it was like DD. I made a lot of mistakes during that climb, because of sheer inexperience. One of them was not eating anything on the way up and, just as I got to the summit, a storm rolled in, so my focus became getting off the mountain quickly. The result was that about half-way down, I ran out of energy in a way I have never experienced before. And, while I was wearing high-quality gear, the boots weren't quite good enough, and I started experiencing excruciating aches in the bottom of my feet. I was just completely out of gas and stumbling my way down a long, long trail. It hit this point where all I wanted was for the experience to stop, yet I had to keep going and simply had no choice in the matter. I think it is the closest I have come to being way outside of my perceived limits, in a situation that I set in motion but that in the end felt non-consensual because I had no way to bring it to an end. It truly did rattle me in a profound way that stuck with me for several weeks after the climb.

    2. I'd be interested in hearing, if you're willing to share, the specifics of your 7 rules.

    3. Dan: " I think it is the closest I have come to being way outside of my perceived limits, in a situation that I set in motion but that in the end felt non-consensual because I had no way to bring it to an end. "

      Been there, done that.

      And yes, it can be a profound moment of consciousness. One takeaway I have gained from such experiences is that I had no idea of my real "limits" I think we tend to make these a priori determinations of our limits without any necessarily sound connection to reality

      There is an analogy here to resistance training. With a given set of exercises, we never know our weight limits until we do enough reps to "failure ( unable physically to do one more rep) When that happens you know the limits

    4. Totally agree, Alan. I can't speak to all forms of physical exertion, but I strongly suspect that where resistance training is concerned, we're biologically programmed to have a "mental limit" that is designed get us to stop short of our real physical limit, in order to prevent injuries. I've found that when my mind tells me I can't do another rep, I usually have at least two or three more in the tank.

      You're right that it can be a profound, eye opening experience when we push, or get pushed, well beyond what we thought was our outer limit. That experience on the mountain really did screw with my head in a way that lasted for a long time.

    5. TB,
      I want to hear your seven rules as well. We had a few specific rules (no more than two drinks at a party, do Saturday chores, no yelling at the kids), but mostly it was "disrespect, bad attitude, sarcastic comments, embarrassing her, backtalk, and not acting like a gentleman."

    6. Oh, I just remembered another one of her threats: "Do you need a gentleman reminder?"

    7. TB wrote: “I have often tried to work out what the interest / attraction of spanking is and for me it is something about the aspect of voluntarily exposing oneself in a prone position to await deliberately inflicted pain in a ritualised manner. I really cannot think of many (any?) other experiences that are similar (marathon running?) It is sexual because of the body area involved & the intimacy (although that does not explain why hand strapping seems to be of interest to many people).”

      TB, what you say about the attraction of spanking resonates with me. Because of the prone position and the part of the body being smacked, it is uniquely shaming and, for me, inescapably sexual and intimate. That is especially true when the bottom is bared. But it is also true even when the bottom isn’t bared. I witnessed a couple of school spankings when I was a kid in the 60’s. The boys were hand spanked by women teachers on the seat of their pants. Witnessing that had a sexual impact on me, and I know from the giggles and titters of my classmates that I wasn’t alone. School spankings were rare where I lived, probably because of the sexual connotation of smacking the bottom. The standard form of corporal punishment was hand strapping. I was never spanked at school, but I got the strap a couple of times, once from a male teacher and once from a woman teacher, with another woman teacher witnessing it. Though there is nothing explicitly sexual about hand strapping, for some reason getting it from a woman felt different than getting it from a man. From a man it felt more frightening. But from a woman it felt more shaming. Based on my memory, I would say there is a potential for a certain kind of intimacy unique to hand strapping. When you get spanked, your face is turned away from the spanker. But when you get hand strapped, you are face to face with the disciplinarian, and there is a sort of emotional nakedness in facial exposure. They can read your face as they punish you: if you blush or wince or if tears come to your eyes, they can see that. My wife has never hand strapped me, but I think that could potentially be a deeply intimate experience, different from spanking, but powerful nevertheless. When my wife scolds me, my natural tendency is to avert my eyes because I feel ashamed, but she will say, “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” I suppose that when I am forced to look her in the eyes when she scolds me like an adult scolding a child, she can read read my feeling of shame in my face, and I figure she must get some kind of satisfaction from that, just as I get an erotic jolt. Therefore, I can imagine there being a deep, erotically charged intimacy if she were to combine a scolding with a dose of the strap. I have sometimes thought that I would like to acquire one of the old regulation school straps so my wife could add hand strapping to her disciplinary repertoire. I can certainly understand why some people are into that. Also, for people who are fascinated by the idea of being disciplined in front of a witness, hand strapping has potential because it is less explicitly sexual than spanking. Just some thoughts.

    8. GH - I did get a replica strap as per the Christian Brothers - it s only ever used on bare cheeks, creating a severe yet satisfying punishment. Severe in that it really hurts to the point that the first minute of so it almost unbearable and then it settles down to just about bearable but I am always glad when it stops. Satisfying in that there is no such thing as a play or erotic spanking with a London Tanner strap. When it goes to work it is a full on punishment session. Unfortunately it is my wife's 'go-to' implement...

    9. London Tanner - great high quality stuff.

    10. I plagiarised these from various sites but she really likes them to the point that they are now framed beside the strap for me to see daily and for her to use as a aide memoire when the strap is in hand. As I am sure you can imagine it is relatively easy to transgress against at least some of the rules without too much effort... and they cover all the areas that she has an interest in...

      Rules for Husband

      At All Times : -
      • Maintain a Positive, Patient & Pleasant Attitude
      • Exhibit the Utmost Respect, Empathy & Courtesy to Wife
      • Through Deeds & Words Support & Never Contradict Wife
      • Keep Wife informed of Activities & Location
      • Obey Wife’s Express Instructions & Commands Immediately & Without Question
      • Perform Tasks & Chores to Wife’s Satisfaction on time and without complaint
      • Receive Discipline with an accepting & Penitent Spirit without complaint or argument

    11. Hi GH,
      I agree with what you said about hand strapping. There is nothing intrinsically sexual about it. Yet, there is a strange intimacy that comes from looking into the eyes of the one who is punishing you in real-time.

      I hadn't thought about hand strapping for witnessed spankings, but you are right that it does have potential, since it is still corporal punishment, but there is no nudity involved, or even any "sexual" body parts. I have no idea what it would be like to have my hands strapped in front of a witness, nor do I have any idea what it would be like to be spanked in front of a witness, so I have no idea how the experiences would compare. Regarding the embarrassment, I have said before that I probably would be just about as embarrassed for my wife to make me stand in the corner in front of a witness as if she spanked me in front of them. In either case, the power dynamic would be clearly on display, as would my misbehavior. In the case of standing in the corner with a witness (probably laughing and giggling), there would be no physical pain, so that might actually make the embarrassment more intense, since I am guessing the pain would be somewhat of a distraction. On the other hand, being spanked in front of a witness adds physical pain (distraction from the embarrassment) but adds the vulnerability and embarrassment of not being fully clothed in front of someone, as well as worries about how you are perceived to be taking the pain. Not sure how that all balances out. Having your hands strapped in front of a witness is an interesting mixture of everything.



    12. GH and ZM,
      Forgive the gratuitous advice, but regarding hand strapping, I would think a while before going there as an adult - often or maybe ever. The hand has some 27 bones, relatively unprotected (unlike another prominent area of the body ) from any trauma. As one gets older, arthritis can also occur and may be linked to injury early in life. For me, it just wouldn't be a risk worth taking. There are other ways to get the face-to-face dynamic.

    13. TB, is that London Tanners strap meant for strapping hands or buttocks? I would expect a strap for hands to be somewhat smaller. In Ontario where I live, corporal punishment of any kind has been banned in schools for many years. But when I was a kid there was a regulation strap approved by the Ministry of Education. I recall it being about a foot long and made of some stiff composite material. It stung enough to bring tears to my eyes. If I ever see one of those in a flea market or garage sale, I will get it for my wife. Most teachers possessed a strap back in the day, so there must be some gathering dust in basements and attics still.

    14. Alan, your point about the risk of injury from hand strapping is well taken. The buttocks are definitely better suited for harsh adult/adult DD. I never heard of kids sustaining injuries from hand strapping, but I don’t think a strapping was ever much more than 4 or 5 smacks per hand, and I think only moderate force was used. (I suppose teacher training must have included instruction on safe and appropriate use of the strap). I think hand strapping has a fetish appeal because it used to be such a common form of corporal punishment where I live.

    15. ZM, I agree with you that being ordered to stand in a corner in the presence of a witness might be just as embarrassing as a spanking. That’s because it is infantalizing. It is also so closely associated with spanking in our culture that a witness would probably assume it is a prelude to a spanking that may take place after they leave. You mention the feeling of vulnerability that would result from being spanked in front of a witness because of being only partially clothed. But there is no rule saying the bottom needs to bared for every spanking, so your wife could opt to spank you on the seat of the pants, as was done for the only school spankings I witnessed. I think that would be plenty embarrassing!

    16. Hi Alan,
      I wasn't necessarily advocating for hand strapping, since I have experienced it and didn't exactly like it. I agree that if done, a lot of care must be exercised. Mostly, I was thinking through the hypothetical situation of how that would compare to a conventional spanking if both were witnessed.

      And GH,
      I agree that standing in the corner is infantilizing. And I can also see that the witness might see it as a likely prelude to a later spanking. But I also think there is an inherent embarrassment in someone knowing that one is being punished, regardless of the means of punishment. Regarding the vulnerability that might result from being partially clothed (of course I agree that you could be spanked while fully dressed) I was thinking that even though there might be vulnerability and embarrassment in the case that you are less than fully dressed, it is different from the embarrassment/shame of being punished. So could it be that the fact that you are embarrassed to be only partially clothed in front of a witness actually reduces the embarrassment that you feel about the punishment, since the one embarrassment distracts you and keeps you from fully feeling the other embarrassment?


    17. ZM, I agree with you that it is inherently embarrassing to have people know you are going to be punished, whatever the method of punishment. I don’t know whether everyone would feel that way, but I certainly do. I find your idea interesting that when there are different types of embarrassment, one embarrassment might distract from another embarrassment. I have always assumed that embarrassments would just add up, but maybe that wouldn’t be the case. That reminds me of a spanking video I once saw of a workplace spanking fantasy. In the video, a respectable looking middle aged man wearing a suit was being given an OTK spanking by a much younger woman also in business attire, while another woman behind a desk, presumably the office manager, looked on. What was unusual about the spanking video was that there was no nudity. The man was being paddled fully clothed, reminding me a couple of school spankings I witnessed. For some reason the fact that the man’s bottom wasn’t bared, removing an obvious sexual element from the punishment, made the scenario seem all the more humiliating to me. Maybe that’s an example of your point. It’s as though having his bottom bared would have been an erotic distraction from the humiliation of being punished by a young woman who was utterly indifferent to his sexuality.

    18. While I'm sure being punished in some form would be embarrassing, for me at least I think there would be a big range, and it would still depend more on the who than than the what, though both would matter. For example, if some friend of my wife were to know about our DD (very unlikely) and my wife would decide to put me in the corner while her friend was at our home, I would be embarrassed, but I don't think it would be all that much, at least if that friend already knew about our DD. A spanking on the other hand, would probably be very embarrassing in front of that same friend regardless of the circumstances. Another example might be grounding. If I told my female friend that I couldn't go get a drink with her because Anne had grounded me, I might feel a twinge of embarrassment, but nothing close to what it would be to tell a group of male friends the same thing. And, there also would be a big difference for me between grounding and corner time. Grounding/loss of privileges demonstrates a degree of control and hierarchy that I think I would find very embarrassing. I associate that whole punishment with a high degree of embarrassment, perhaps because I had a couple of friends in high school who were subjected to it regularly. On the other hand, I find corner time so profoundly boring that I just can't think of it in terms of embarrassment.

    19. TB,
      Thanks for your seven rules! I find it fascinating that six of them applied to my marriage even though we did not have an FLR. The only one that possibly didn't apply is "Obey Wife’s Express Instructions & Commands Immediately & Without Question." She didn't give many commands unless I was already in trouble. If she wanted something done, we could discuss when and how, etc. But if I got snotty or argumentative about it, then consequences were swift and sure.
      I thiughr your rules were going to be about specific behaviors, but they are mostly about general behavior and very much like how my marriage went. The most specific -- that she know where I was and what I was doing when we were not together -- was a big deal to her.

    20. Anne has my phone in her Find My iPhone app, so it's very easy for her to figure out where I am at any time. A little creepy, but she's a safety nut.

  12. I know this is weeks late, but here is a video similar to what I received: 200 full-force swats in 3 minutes, reaching above her head with the implement, OTK on a sofa, partially clothed, leg-locked, with orders to stay in position. The differences are that my wife often used a bath brush more severe than this paddle, the gender of the recipient, and that my wife did not pause at all so accomplished this many swats in closer to two minutes.

    1. I've admired that spanker for some time. She's clearly the real deal.

    2. Dan,
      My wife actually followed through last night on my attitude adjustment. She thrashed my bottom for quite sometime. I’m extremely sore today. She told me that was the only equalizer in our relationship and to expect more moving forward. I did suggest more punishment for raising my voice and getting animated. She despises that about me and at my suggestion, she actually followed through. I definitely was not in the mood and exhausted last night. I showered and finished a project. When I came to bed, the strap was laying on the bed. She said it’s now time for our kids discussion about your attitude. The equalizer comment really drove home the DD. I’m hoping the intensity and holding me accountable ramps up. Although, I did not enjoy the strapping received last night. I deserved it.

    3. T, that's great that she's stepping up in a way you both seem to need and want. It sounds like you both agree the power dynamic needs to be addressed. I don't raise my voice or get animated. For me, it's almost the opposite. I either get dismissive and don't respond to things if I feel like what I'm doing is being interrupted, or I get sarcastic or caustic. But, while it manifests differently for you and me, the underlying issue is the same -- disrespect.

    4. My wife never wanted an FLR. But she wanted to feel she definitely had the same amount of power in our relationship. We would argue, I would get snotty, she would spank me, then we would calmly settle the disagreement together -- once she had humbled my male ego that thought it was in charge.
      She became a devotee of Aunt Kay, and she liked to say (I think maybe quoting Aunt Kay), "DWC is the great equalizer."
      Or she would say, "Go get the bath brush. I need my equalizer."

    5. Koj,
      Wild, I have never heard my wife use that term until last night. The equalizer. It worked last night.

    6. My former GF often referred to it as "leveling the playing field" --pretty much equal to equalizer

  13. Hi Dan,
    Some general comments about this week's topic.

    First off, with regard to others knowing, I find it much, much easier to think of a female knowing. Some of this may be because I might feel a bit defensive about a guy knowing, but probably it is more that I am just like you mentioned somewhere above, in that I have found it much easier to have closer female friends than male pretty much since college. I have had lots of guy friends, but our relationships have tended to stay super shallow, focused on doing things together, like riding dirt bikes and so on. On the other hand, I have always found it much easier to open up to females.

    As far as your thoughts about how opening up about your desire for DD gives the listener some power over you, I think you are spot on, though I hadn't really thought about it before. The moment I told my wife (girlfriend at the time) about my desire/need for DD, she immediately had some power over me just by virtue of knowing. And it wasn't that she might tell someone else - though that possibility also existed - but rather that she now understood something about how I am wired, and if you truly understand what really motivates someone, you can get them to do absolutely anything.

    I do think this same dynamic holds true with others knowing, or witnesses for that matter, though again I hadn't thought about this before and of course I haven't had a witness at least so far. But I do think when I am around those who know about our DD relationship, I feel a certain vulnerability towards them, which also seems to cause a certain sort of bond, so it is both them having a certain power over me, but also me feeling more connected to them.

    As far as the whole "reasons" thing, my wife spanks me most of the time for general attitude (either towards her or others), and during those times that we are doing check-ins (which hasn't been for a long time, but really needs to be) she also spanks me for failing to meet goals that we mutually set. She doesn't do "resets" just to assert her authority, though she does occasionally spank me just because she wants to. I generally don't like it when she does so, because it feels like it is for nothing, but if she tied it to reminding me of her authority, I would be much more ok with it. When she spanks me for attitude, it is pretty much the same as a "reset." In my mind, the difference between maintenance and a reset is what triggers it. Maintenance is triggered by schedule, while a reset is triggered by her sensing it is needed. For this reason, a "reset" feels much more real to me, since it is directly linked to behavior, if not a single act, at least a pattern.

    Finally, regarding self-reporting. In general, self-reporting feels like I am in the driver's seat too much, though I can see the angle that if she expects me to self-report on things that she is already actively monitoring, it could make her feel more empowered and further cement her authority. For me, the difference is if she expects me to self-report or not. If she does ask for this, then every time I do it, it strengthens her authority, while if she doesn't want me to self-report, then every time I do self-report it undermines her authority and could make it seem like I am trying to manipulate her.


    1. I never self-reported. But if she asked me a question about my behavior that occurred while not in her presence, I had better answer truthfully and completely. She always knew when I was lying, and then the spanking was twice as bad -- literally. Like 400 swats instead of 200 (though we didn't actually count).

    2. ZM and Dan, I agree that knowledge is power, and revealing my desire for DD to my wife felt like a huge transfer of power from me to her because she knew something about me that makes me feel embarrassed and vulnerable. As I said in a previous discussion about the lack of women participants here, I suspect that our wives might feel that sharing their intimate thoughts and feelings about DD with us would surrender some of their power.

      ZM, my wife has never spanked me in front of witnesses or made me aware that any of her friends know she spanks me, but my intuition is that you are right: anyone in on the secret would acquire some of the power my wife has over me. My wife has sometimes threatened to spank me in public places, and I think one purpose in doing that is to remind me that her potential power goes beyond our current arrangement in which she alone knows this embarrassing thing about me. As things stand, I’m not sure whether any of her friends know. I have always just assumed that she wouldn’t tell anyone, even though she has never given me a straight answer to that question. She knows from my journal that I sometimes fantasize about embarrassing things she may have told friends, so when I ask her about it, she will smile and say, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” I have always interpreted refusal to give a simple “no” as mere teasing. But since learning that she and her best friend compared notes about their husbands’ struggles with erectile dysfunction, I wonder if her friend has also been an outlet for my wife to talk about FLR and DD.

      On the topic of maintenance spankings, my wife doesn’t do them. I have tried to sell her on the idea, but she says it would be silly to spank me according to a schedule when she sees no real reason to do it. She is basically a spur of the moment spanker, and the most common reason is attitude adjustment or if I have neglected to do some duty and it causes her inconvenience. I never tell on myself because my wife doesn’t ask me to, and I don’t want to give her the impression that I am fishing for spankings. I do wish she would do maintenance spankings because sometimes I really crave the feeling of intimate connection I get from being spanked, but I don’t want to do something fake, like annoying her on purpose. Sometimes it feels like a Catch-22.

    3. “ But if she asked me a question about my behavior…”

      That, in practice, bridged the gap in both of my DD relationships between self-reporting and her being solely responsible for monitoring behavior. If she doesn’t care about an issue enough to ask about it, then it probably doesn’t rise to the level of a disciplinary issue for her.

      But I believe being untruthful in an intimate relationship is almost always toxic. So I will tell her the truth with as little shading as possible if she asks, even though my response to her might mean I will be spanked.

      One of the motivations I have to be candid with her when questioned is the titillation of playing on the edge (will she or won’t she? But, as has been mentioned a couple of times already this week, going to far ( i.e. triggering a spanking ) ends that game quickly.

      I love everything about spanking except the spanking,

    4. ZM: "But I do think when I am around those who know about our DD relationship, I feel a certain vulnerability towards them, which also seems to cause a certain sort of bond, so it is both them having a certain power over me, but also me feeling more connected to them." Exactly. I have a very close, open relationship with the female friend I've told about DD. But, that doesn't mean that telling her didn't subtly change the power dynamic in the relationship, if only as perceived by me. I'm not exactly embarrassed around her, but somewhere in the background of my thoughts I'm very aware that she knows. And, it's not completely confined to her, because I also wonder whether she has told her husband about it. I'm not sure whether vulnerability is quite the right word, but certainly I'm aware that a pretty intimate detail has been revealed to one, and may both, of them.

      "Maintenance is triggered by schedule, while a reset is triggered by her sensing it is needed." Exactly. Personally, the idea of maintenance does nothing for me.

    5. I totally agree that when someone knows something embarrassing about you, it gives them power. Both my wife and I got Brazilian waxed (removing pubic hair). We went to the same female waxer, who thus had seen and handled my genitals.
      Coincidentally, we got involved in a financial negotiation with her over some real estate. We were in a conference room where she looked me in the eye and smirked and absolutely refused to compromise. Something passed between us, and I am convinced that her eyes said, "I have seen what you've got down below, so the answer is no." She got her price.

    6. Cost me thousands!!!

    7. But I showed her! She never got my "business" again!

  14. That opening quote about karma is wrong, in my understanding. It is the person who does something "bad" who will eventually get payback. It is not up to the recipient of the bad act to pass it along. The same is true of good karma. Is that quote serious or just supposed to be funny? Karma is not "pay it forward." That's a different concept. Karma is "what goes around comes around."

    1. I think that's too simplistic a view of karma or the role someone who believes in it would say we play in each others' karma. You're right that karma is basically about consequences. And, what goes around comes around can be positive or negative. So, in the DD context, you could say that by helping visit bad consequences upon someone, you are ultimately helping them (promoting a better karmic outcome), because you are teaching them better intentions and actions, thereby helping spare them from building up more bad karma through more bad actions. The religions that are into karma also seem to be pretty into the idea of earthly justice, punishing offenders and meting out the consequences they deserve, etc.

  15. Possible topic: Describe occasions where you know you are about to cross the line and earn yourself a spanking. Does that knowledge often act as a deterrent? Or do you often do it (whatever) anyway? If so, why? Are you testing her to see what will happen? Are you hoping to earn a spanking? Is your male ego just doing what it wants to do? Have you not been spanked enough for this particular behavior to have learned your lesson? Or ...?

    1. DD has allowed me to change behaviors and especially attitudes, but I can never think of a time that I chose to act differently or not exhibit an attitude because I thought it may result in a spanking. Rather, I have changed because DD allowed me to see things differently, and often from her perspective, and that is what brought about change.

      The exception to this was when we were doing weekly check-ins with goals and punishments. Those did provide strong motivation, and I often changed my behavior to avoid punishment. Even there, however, I cannot think of a time that I chose to do something anyway, knowing it might result in punishment, nor did I want to test her. Rather, sometimes I did my best, or at least what I thought was my best, and it simply wasn't enough. Or sometimes there were things that I didn't have complete control over that kept me from meeting goals. And finally, especially with diet, I would go ahead and eat something because I wanted to, but always with my over-optimistic idea that I would work harder or follow the diet better the other days to still hit my target. I never thought "maybe this will get me punished, but I am going to do it anyway," but rather I thought "it will be ok, because I still have plenty of time to hit my target."



  16. Dan, lately I have been having trouble logging on to your site through Safari. I figured because of how frequently I would visit, your site would be near the top. This morning, the link to your site disappeared, and there was something at the bottom saying they had removed some of the choices. Some of the current choices were about selling books on DD sold on Amazon. I was able to get to your site by going to Google Chrome instead. Are some of you guys experiencing this also?

    1. Norton, sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by my site disappeared or that choices had been removed. Disappeared from what and removed from what?

    2. It sounds like your browser manipulating your saved or bookmarked sites to enhance its adverts. You should be able to delete it or, better, change browsers.

  17. I think one of you guys brought up the wanting the spanking to end, but afterwards feeling like you should of had it longer. I kind of feel that way two days afterwards. I’m still sore and tender after the severe strapping from my wife. I now reflect, of course, after the fact, that she should of gone longer. I suffered through it, but felt my transgressions warranted a longer punishment. Maybe it’s the thoughts about my actions. I am happy she stepped up her game and will continue my encouraging support surrounding our DD.

    1. I think we have pretty much all had exactly this happen. I am not sure why, but it seems to be a very common part of the DD experience.


  18. Dan, when trying to look up your site, it seems to have been removed. At the bottom a message says "In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 5 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included" However, your site is not included at all. I was only able to get to this using my history.

  19. In my travels, I came across this contract made by a Dominant Woman for an FLR situation. Here's the link:

    The blog site also has references to some e-books she's written on the subject. I just thought it'd be interesting to some.


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