Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Club - Meeting 453 - A Picture (or Video) is Worth a Thousand Words

“To succeed in life requires a total inability to do anything that makes you uncomfortable when you look at yourself in the mirror.” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline relationships.


Before we get started, I would once again like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. While I’ve always said the blog is open to both men and women, one of our commenters suggested I try to be more expressly inviting in order to get a little more female involvement. So, here’s another try.


I hope you all had a great week.  Ours was pretty uneventful, except that on the Domestic Discipline front, it kind of wasn’t.  We’ve been at this almost 20 years and, yet, sometimes some small thing happens that seems like a big change.  Or, at least it seems like it might become a big change if it became a regular practice.


It all started with a conversation about the lull we had gotten into where DD was concerned, which was partially the result of a back injury I sustained a few weeks ago.  I let her know that things were sufficiently better that nothing physical stood in the way of us trying to get back on track. 


I also screwed up my courage to finally just ask outright whether I was right in intuiting that she's been missing the DD action and that she seems to actually want to spank more often.  


Well, she admitted that's the case.  She said she's been particularly frustrated lately with my tendency to be snarky and sarcastic and that she recognizes that she needs to be much quicker to deal with those issues and to order a spanking as soon as they happen.


The problem is, we’ve had these discussions about her stepping up the level of consistency and being especially strict about disrespect (usually in the form of snarky or sarcastic comments) a hundred times before, but it never seems to happen.


Well, the very next day, right before dinner we were talking about a problem I've been having that's kind of like tennis elbow. She asked where the pain was after I'd already pointed to it (twice), and without thinking I let loose with something to the effect of, “The same place it was when I pointed to it the last two times.”  No sooner had the words left my mouth than she responded, "There you go with the snarky tone!  Just last night you said I shouldn't let you get away with that. So, guess what? After dinner, you're getting spanked."


It ended up being delayed until almost bedtime, and at one point I thought that maybe she actually had gotten wrapped up in something else and forgotten the whole thing.  That suspicion was reinforced when, about 15 minutes before our usual bedtime she changed into the nightgown she almost always sleeps in. Very functional and not at all designed for sexual titillation. And, she invariably spanks me fully clothed in whatever she happened to be wearing that day.



So, I was surprised when she told me it was time for the spanking.  But, in another departure from our normal routine, she decided to conduct it in one of our guestrooms instead of our bedroom because, of all things, one of our dogs was hanging out in our room and she decided she didn't want to kick him out.


Our bedroom has an ottoman we almost always use for spankings, while the guestroom isn't set up for such activities.  I preceded her into the room and started to close the window shade. She was following right behind me and, when she entered the room said emphatically, "What are you doing?  Why are you closing that?" I didn't say anything and, after a pause, she on her own it was better to close them, because the neighbors on that side of the house have teenage kids. 

As I’ve related before, several months ago she started leaving the shades open during some spankings. But, that was in our bedroom, where the windows face into our backyard and the nearest house is a good 75 yards away with trees in both yards. While not impossible, it’s not likely those neighbors could see into our bedroom and, even if they did, we don’t know them at all. The neighbors adjacent to our guestroom, however, are people we know pretty well, and their house is separated from ours only by two very narrow side yards. So, it is VERY possible that a spanking in the guestroom could be seen.  While she ultimately thought better of it, the fact that she initially was unconcerned about the prospect that someone might see (even if it was still somewhat unlikely, given that there weren’t lights on in their windows that face ours), seems like a big deal.



Having lowered the shades, she simply sat on the bed, motioned me to get over her legs, and got down to business.  The swats were hard, but she stopped after two or three minutes, which is maybe 1/3 of a normal spanking for us, and said, “Since it was a moderately snarky comment, I’ll let you go with a moderately long spanking. This time.”


That in itself is a new development, as Anne has always been very “binary” in her approach to spanking.  All are more or less equally long and hard, regardless of the offense.


A couple of nights later, I brought up the changes, telling her that somehow they added up to a spanking that felt both unusually "business-like" and, at the same time, unusually maternal.  She said that was exactly how it felt to her too, characterizing it as being like a mother who was tired of dealing with a mouthy teenager and, therefore, took matters in hand.  



I observed that part of the maternal vibe for me was her blasé attitude toward neighbors who know us observing, because it was so much like mothers when I was growing up.  They would very commonly take a misbehaving kid out of the room, deliver a spanking, then come back as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  Or, they would deliver on the spot, not caring a whit who might see. There simply wasn’t any concern about anyone knowing a spanking was in progress. It might be embarrassing for the recipient, but from the disciplinarian's standpoint, it was no big deal.

She agreed it had that vibe, but added something to the effect of, "You could also think of it as a wife who has had enough of certain conduct and has decided she will do literally whatever it takes to make you decide it is in your best interest to stop. If that means the neighbors find out, maybe you'll find that sufficiently embarrassing to change your behavior.”


While where all this goes over time is unknown, it does seem like a spanking that was one of the mildest I’ve received in a while might be fairly momentous in terms of what it may portend.  Only time will tell.


Onward to an actual topic.  Last week, I provided a link to a spanking video Aunt Kay’s husband sent me that included a very strong “lecture” component, from a wife who seemed genuinely pissed off.  It led Alan to observe:


I have seen a couple of tapes from this couple before. It could, of course, be role-playing by an especially talented pair of amateurs. But I think not. What we see here instead is a couple in some sort of DD relationship involving spanking who have set up taping equipment in advance of offensive behavior, agreeing to film the real thing when it comes along. This scene and two or three f others produced by them resonate too deeply with my experiences to not be genuine.


One other point, for those who have not recorded discipline, is the surreal effect that is produced by watching yourself get a real spanking. My wife has no interest in recording, but my former girlfriend was interested in it, and we did a few pretty crude tapes.


Crude they were, but watching her in action and my response (both verbal and physical) was like the equivalent of having an out-of-body experience. I became the “third person” in the room, seeing it as if I was watching someone else get spanked rather than me. I suspect that the “third person” effect wears off if a couple does a lot of taping, but I don’t know for sure.


That led to a few comments around whether people had taken videos of a spanking, and it seemed few have. We have not, though I admit to a perverse curiosity about it.  I would like to see some of the mechanics, like exactly how hard is she swinging, and I’d also like to see the look on her face. Though, I think I’m most interested in seeing my own reactions.  I suspect it would have that “third person” quality Alan references, though I have no way of knowing.



So, my first topic is really just a continuation of the comments from last week: Have you ever taken a video of you taking or, for the wives, administering a spanking? If so, what was that like?


The discussion of the spanking video also led to a topic suggestion from Alan:


Re filming a session: It might be interesting if Dan selected a spanking video like the one noted in the introduction (i.e., plausibly real) -and then offered commentators a chance to comment on how much it resembled their typical spanking, in what way, how it did, how it didn’t, etc. Alternately, a series of similarly plausible spankings could be linked, and commentators invited to choose their favorite or most typical one or the one coming closer to their typical experience and why and how. In this way, folks might learn a lot both about what is “normal” for others and what is ideal. What made me think about this is that talking some this week about the spanking Tomy cited made me realize I don’t really have a good sense of what others experience, and I have some pretty strong ideas as to what constitutes a “ real and effective” spanking for me. We all could learn from that.

I like the idea, though doing it justice is going to require some real participation from the group, including providing some of their own clips.  And, let’s not limit it just to “plausibly real” videos, since the reality is almost all the content out there is stage in one way or another. Instead, I would ask commenters to provide videos that reflect either of the following:

 ·     a spanking that is close to what you receive in terms of severity, duration, etc.

·       a spanking that may deviate significantly from what you receive but that reflects your “ideal” or something you genuinely want to experience.


As Alan suggested, let’s get into specifics about what is similar to what you receive (or want) and what isn’t, since it’s probably the case that no video is going to perfectly match what you do or desire.


I can kick it off and will provide a few clips.


I’ll start off with the spanking clip from Aunt Kay’s husband.  This one actually does have some similarities to one of our “typical” spankings.  The duration is probably close to ours, and the position is somewhat similar, except Anne never locks my leg down with hers.  Where it differs is:


·      Anne never gives hand spankings.

·      I am always completely naked.

·      While Anne has started lecturing more during the spanking, this video has WAY more of it.  Anne’s lecturing tends to be during very short breaks in the action and, overall, it’s a much more limited part of the experience.

·      Anne’s go-to instrument these days is the bath brush, which would have resulted, I think, in a harsher spanking than this depicts.


This next video is one of several I’ve seen from this spanker, and it depicts something pretty close to our actual spankings. While clearly staged, I think this woman’s spankings often have a very realistic feel. It feels very close to ours in terms of duration (around five or six minutes of actual spanking time) and severity. She cycles through three instruments, while these days Anne uses two and sometimes three. The instruments she uses are themselves pretty similar to the ones Anne would use. The primary areas where it differs are:


·      Obviously, the recipient is female, but my focus in watching it is generally on the spanker, not so much the spankee.

·      The recipient is way more verbal than I am during a spanking. I exclaim a lot (grunting and gasping, mostly) but not that amount of verbalizing and emoting.

·      The spanker’s pace is very quick.  Anne’s is more deliberate, usually with a second or two between each swat. I admit to being a little curious about how a “fast and furious” approach like this one would feel.

·      The spanker emphasizes caring for the spankee and they hug at the end. This is purely my thing, but I would find that very off-putting during a spanking.  It works best for me when Anne’s words and demeanor emphasize that I am there to be spanked and hard, and I don’t need or want after-care.


This last one (actually, more than one) is a compilation from a commercially-oriented service and, thus, the scenes are obviously staged.  My focus is mainly on her bath brush scenes. She clearly is laying into him hard, especially in the one near the end of the compilation. 


This clip from the same source includes an acted scene that includes a fake lecture, but she is very upfront that it’s a scene and not reality, so I’m not focusing at all on plausibility.  What I find notable about this one is the very strict tone and the way a simple hairbrush becomes a very effective instrument in her hand.


The reason I included the clips of this particular woman’s spankings is, while her spankings are maybe harsher than Anne’s, it’s a matter of degree not kind.  Her swats seem somewhat harder than Anne’s, though it’s not a night and day difference, with the caveat that her clips of paddlings (here is a teaser) do seem quite a bit harder than what Anne delivered back when she used a fraternity-style paddle.  (She hasn’t done a stand-up session with one in a long time.)  I would characterize this woman’s spankings not so much as something I “want” Anne to match in terms of severity and very strict tone, but they are at a level I would like her to feel prepared to go to if she thought it were necessary. 


So, forward those favorite clips guys (and gals) and let us know how they do and don’t reflect the punishments you receive or maybe aspire to experience. And, of course, feel free to comment on my clips.


  1. Hey Dan, we are out of town traveling. We left extremely early the other morning to catch a flight and almost missed it. Between traffic and the airport being overly crowded, I was nervous about missing the flight. After traveling all day, I misplaced something in our luggage and became snarky with my wife. It was one of those comments, I should have just completed it myself. Well, my wife found the item and I apologized for my snarkiness, but my wife said tomorrow you’re getting spanked. She brought her hairbrush with her. She punished my bottom till swollen and bruised. I was sweating when she finished. She has definitively picked up the pace of her discipline. At one point, she said stop being a pussy and take your beating. You deserve it. I was kind
    of taken back for a moment but she was right, I earned it. I have found a few videos online that I thought were great discipline videos. I’ll try to find one and forward the link. I do like Crystal who punishes the younger man. They were a couple in real life but divorced or broke up and are no longer together. She spanks longer than my wife does. I do like her scolding. She is a great disciplinarian. Even after all the videos they produced, you have to wonder was it just a spanking fetish for him or were they really a loving couple dedicated to the long haul of a relationship.

    1. Dan, I always enjoyed the scolding and strapping from this mature women. It actually reminded me of my youth. I would get spanked after church. A couple of cheesy dialogue lines but a good strapping.

    2. She does have some good lines, even if cheesy! I loved, "I'll strap you 'til you can't wiggle."

    3. Travel definitely brings out some of the worst disrespect/snark in me. I'm usually tired, stressed, aggravated . . . a great combination for bringing out the petulant teenager in me.

      "At one point, she said stop being a pussy and take your beating. You deserve it." That would have taken me aback too, though it's definitely a statement that shows a wife coming into her own and willing to assert her power.

      There is something I like about Crystal, too. She's pretty unflinching in doling out some serious discipline.

    4. That line was funny and when she said to him, “ you want more, I’ll give you more”. That video definitely brought back memories of my youth and being spanked at home. I probably received about 300 from the brush yesterday. Crystal spanks much longer than my wife. I hope eventually she gets to that level or not.

    5. Dan,
      I’m coming to despise traveling. There is nothing fun about packing, getting to the airport, which is a nightmare. Then unpacking, getting settled in etc. etc. I’ve noticed people are much more aggressive and on edge per se. I enjoy it when I get to the destination, but hate the lead up.

    6. T., I'm the same way about travel. Honestly, it was the big thing that drove me out of my career. For the last few years at work, I was traveling by plane a bare minimum of twice a week, and often more. I think I still have PTSD from two many 4:30 am mornings to get everything together to make a 7:00 am flight. I like seeing new places, but I hate the process of getting there if it involves plane travel.

  2. I took a look at that second spanking again (the one with the female spankee) and, on second thought, while that spanking may be similar to ours in total duration, she works in quite a few more swats. Maybe close to double. I've never actually succeeded in counting swats/strokes from beginning to end, but I think Anne's are usually right around 300.

  3. Mickey,
    I’ve visited a disciplinarian in the past and she was awesome. I prefer mine to be older and not as attractive as her above. I was in my twenties when I visited last. I’m glad I found someone who can spank me now. The connection is obviously much more real. Although, if she was still alive, I would see her again without hesitation.

  4. Couple things. We’ve recently become empty nesters. We redid one of our guest bedrooms. We had an extra wooden chair and I just stuck it there to get it out of site. Dev thought this would be a good “ spanking room “. We’ve had several discussions there over the past month. … Years ago we did video several spankings. I’m sorry but they were deleted. She’s become very proficient from then till now. I will record the audio of a spanking on my phone sometimes. To listen to it later brings everything back. Her tone. The sound of the paddles impact. It’s intriguing. JR.

    1. I hadn't thought about an audio recording, but I'm not that visual so I'm sure that for me audio could be a good replacement for video

  5. Dan said: “I've never actually succeeded in counting swats/strokes from beginning to end, but I think Anne's are usually right around 300.”

    I can’t describe how overwhelmed I would be (and was, but only a few times”) getting spanked this hard with a bath brush. You have shared that Anne is not always consistent, but she sure as hell is serious about getting the job done if she comes anywhere close to 300 with a bath brush.

    I realize a determined woman can deliver that in only 5-6 minutes if she wants, but OMG, my ass would be a mess for a week or longer. We have talked a lot about the limits of severity alone in changing behavior. And I agree with most of that. But 300 with the bath brush as a regular experience would straighten me up pronto on any behavior I could change or control. As an open question, are there other guys that get spanked this hard regularly (not just a one-off)

    It is not something I want, but am curious about how severe most guys get it.
    A note on this week's topic. I suspect most female disciplinarians who are also wives or SO’s do not show the more severe spankings in order not to embarrass their husbands, especially if there is crying., So we rarely or never see a severe discipline spanking on tape. The one exception may be the old Wdspoone tapes, which are definitely severe.

    1. Alan, my wife got close to around 300 yesterday with an oval brush that packs a punch. I’m usually face down and cannot see her impact. The AirBB we are staying in has mirrored closets. I watched her rain down that brush and could not stay still. She would push my back down and into place and continue to rain down the brush. I had a hard time yesterday. I admire these guys that can take a serious thrashing without moving. They must be savants or something out of this world, because I’m always wiggling and moving.

    2. To clarify, the totally usually includes some split between the hairbrush and bath brush, but it's still almost always 100 - 150 with the bath brush. And, sometimes she's probably closer to 200 than 300, but rarely less than that.

    3. T,

      A hairbrush, especially a thick one like some of the hardwood sauna brushes, is intimidating in the hands of a determined disciplinarian. It was mostly what my former girlfriend used, and I never won one of those sessions.
      But 300 with a hardwood bath brush is excruciating, especially if you are bum up lying on the couch or bed and she is swinging full force behind you.

      Btw, my impression is that most women like to see at least some physical reaction to a spanking. (squirming, kicking, etc.) It lets them know they are getting through to you. My wife especially likes to see me struggle against it until I give in and even push my bum toward the brush or paddle.

      What we see on the net too often are guys with iron asses or guys who can’t let go. If I were a disciplinarian, I would want to see the reaction just as feedback to know what was going on with her. I think most women want the same,

    4. I'm kind of bad about being one of those guys who "can't let go." I do yelp and exclaim with virtually every swat, but it's relatively contained verbally, and I don't really thrash around. But, I think you're probably right that most women want to really see they are getting there point across.

  6. That's interesting background. I have seen her in many photos over the years.

  7. This
    is the same couple Dan linked to from Tomy and is a short tape ( actually part 2 of the same spanking). But it demonstrates a style and severity along with the scolding that I often experience for on-the-spot or shortly delayed spankings. This one may be a replay or reenactment, but there is no doubt this woman knows how to spank and has a lot of experience keeping her bad boy in line.

    These are always a little bit shocking, happening without much notice, but after, I am always glad she got it over and it's behind us. It's hard to tell from the tape, but I imagine she gave him a pretty severe scolding before the tape started and maybe even after. She is one pissed-off wife who knows what to do to express her anger


    1. Alan, she definitely knows how to express her anger. Verbally and non-verbally. I agree that this couple's videos seem real. Yes, she clearly knows it's being recorded, which probably makes some of the scolding sound a little contrived, but I don't think that means that what is happening isn't real.

      It sounds like an area where your spankings and mine differ is "on the spot" and the accompanying lecture. While Anne says she is going to start doing them, so far she's done very, very few on the spite or even after a slight delay. Also, I know you said mine seem a lot more severe than yours, but I would consider what that woman handed out to be pretty in line with Anne's, so if yours are comparable, we're probably in the same ballpark. Though, it is true Anne uses the bath brush for much of the spanking. But, from the condition of this husband's butt, she seems to be delivering a very effective spanking with that brush.

    2. I doubt that she often or maybe ever gives other than an effective spanking. She does several thing that my wife habitually does such as the leg lock over the bed, continuous scolding/rhetoric during the spanking and seems to bare him only below the waist ( although I would probably be more embarrassed to be made to strip, my wife prefers keeping it "real" as she puts it. ( Once when I suggested she make me strip,she asked me if I was made to strip when spanked at home which I wasn't, so it doesn't happen now)
      But one thing I have noticed the women featured in the video does is dismiss him after he has been punished. She doesn't seem to do any "after-care" and I have seen a few other realistic videos where there is no after-care. Maybe that is just part of her punishment style and second guessing her might not be fair. But I know that much of what makes a disciplinary spanking work is the reconnecting afterward and for me it is a time of vulnerability and need for closeness with her

    3. I was going to mention how she dismisses him as well. I don't like "after-care" immediately following a spanking, though we very often end up holding and talking about it in bed 15 or 20 minutes later. So, I'm generally fine with no after-care and kind of prefer it. But, in my mind, she goes well beyond that. In both your video and the one I posted, she ends the session with something to the effect of, "Get out of my sight." I definitely would NOT want that. We've talked a lot her over the years about how one big value of DD is wiping the slate clean, and her dismissal doesn't seem consistent with that.

    4. Alan,
      That video was a classic. I enjoyed how she leg locked him in place and continued to rain down the hairbrush. This was how my wife spanked me the other day, with the exception of me laying flat on the bed. Whenever I went to move, she would just reposition me with her off hand back in place. I really enjoyed her scolding. Although I agree with Dan, every recorded spanking is set up and staged to some effect. I would love to get a recording of my wife spanking me when she is truly upset and angry with me. It would be priceless in my mind.
      I did thoroughly enjoy the video though.

  8. I take back my comment on the other post. I enjoyed looking for this video, the closest I found to my punishments on SpankingTube. Her cadence, posture and that medium severity are like ours. I am usually over furniture instead of her lap. I don't relate to any of the other videos on their channel.

    1. Thanks for sharing, MW. I would rate the spanking I received last week, which I described at Anne's first real attempt at moderation, as perhaps a little more severe than this one, but in the same ballpark. Anne's cadence is somewhere in the middle between the relatively slow tempo in your video and the very fast action in the second in my post.

  9. We have done several videos, and it's easy doing them with an i pod. A few have been for punishment, and those seem to be the most intregueing to watch, as it shows how determined she is to do a thorough job. They have also served as good reminders of what will happen if I break a rule. She usually takes a photo of me when the spanking is over, and I enjoy seeing them later. The first vid you sent, ending with "get out of my sight", was not at all erotic to me. She seemed disgusted with her husband. The next one, with the woman being spanked for driving and drinking, was pretty erotic, and I enjoyed them hugging at the end. The whole thing seem like a very intimate experience, and there was much more of a maternal vibe to it. Like my real punishment spankings, it went on for about 9 minutes, and was quite fast and hard. I also like the reactions from the woman being spanked, and would like to be able to react like that, as it would probably be a great release to be able to cry. Most of the vids on SpankingTube seem staged, but the one you sent seemed very real.

    1. There's staging, and then there's staging. To some extent, all the videos I posted were staged, in the sense that someone obviously prepared in advance to video a spanking. The distinguishing issue to me is whether they still reflect either (a) a real disciplinary spanking, i.e. one that was being done for some real punishment/disciplinary reason; or (b) at least was a very plausible depiction of one. To me, the first one I posted is the most realistic in terms of seeming to be someone displaying some real anger over a real offense. Perhaps that's why you found it the least erotic? To me, the second (the woman spanked for drunk driving) was certainly staged, but I'm not sure that means the underlying event didn't actually happen and it wasn't intended to be a "real" disciplinary spanking. Something about it feels real to me and, even if turned out to be completely staged, it seems to be a pretty plausible depiction of a moderately severe spanking. The third set is obviously totally staged and doesn't pretend to be "real" in the sense of any offense really happened or the spankings are designed to really change behavior. But, the spankings themselves obviously are *very* real and pretty damn severe, at least by my standards.

  10. We’ve never videoed any spankings so it’s hard to know how they’d compare, but in terms of severity these are the right sort of ballpark. The ones at the end (she goes by Miss Sephie, I think) are at least one notch harsher than I’m used to from Emma, but the undignified wails and involuntary wriggling you see in the guy she’s hairbrushing in the second one… I’ve definitely been there. There comes a point where the pain just is too intense to hold still, in my experience. The many cuts in the video probably mean he actually wasn’t able to, repeatedly escaping from her lap before forcing himself back down again. I have much experience of that process. You don’t come out of it feeling good about yourself. When tears have come, it’s often been after this sort of repeated abject failure to hold position. (Emma’s now started trying to ‘train’ me to hold my position better - we’ll see how that goes.) It’s not always like that, mind, but if I’m in real trouble or the mood is just wrong, my spankings do end up going that way.


    P.S. Sorry to have been away so long. Life as working parents with small children gets hectic.

    1. Squirming like that is something I don't do, though sometimes it is hard to resist the temptation to try to get up. I also sometimes feel like by trying to "take it like a man" I'm depriving myself of one big experience, namely having my arm locked behind my back as you see in some of these videos, and my leg locked under hers. I imagine being physically controlled like that has to be pretty humbling.

    2. Ben, that reminds me of how embarrassed I get when I'm trying to keep myself straight. Paddled naked? No problem. Being seen having to reposition five degrees? Total humiliation. And while I haven't cried from it, the it wears me out monitoring myself so it must be bringing me closer.

    3. "I imagine being physically controlled like that has to be pretty humbling." - I agree, and the thought of it is compelling.


  11. A video that is similar in some respects to our spankings is :
    It seems this guy has upset his girlfriend and had agreed to receive a spanking which , by his reaction, is a lot tougher to take than he expected.
    She spanks at about the same intensity as my wife , although she is mostly silent throughout compared to my wife lecturing and pausing to scold more.
    His reaction is more intense than mine I would say as I try to dig in and bear it as much as possible.
    She does leave him with a nice red behind which is also similar to mine.

    1. Something appears wrong with that link.

      Is that the COMPLETE link?

    2. Correct Link:

    3. He squirms much more than I do, but the grunts and groans for the first couple of minutes are probably pretty similar. When he starts saying things like "I'm sorry," - I seldom do anything like that.

  12. Hi Dan,
    This is a great topic. I wish I had more time to participate this week, since I really like spanking videos, and absolutely love spanking pictures.

    With regard to the topic, we have never recorded a spanking, but have thought about it. I think severity-wise, we are similar to most of the videos you posted, though probably a bit shy of the Miss Sephie ones most of the time. My reaction varies according to severity (of course), but probably even more by my state of mind at the time, and in at least equal part how long it has been since I have gotten a real spanking.

    I think the videos posted so far pretty well reflect what our spankings are usually like, or at least I don't have any that I can think of to post that more closely represent our spankings.

    However, one video that is definitely worth posting is this one:

    It captures almost exactly what I have envisioned my wife using for on-the-spot spankings when she is quite irritated (which rarely happens). It is kind of the whole "principal's office" vibe, because it consists of a relatively small number of obviously very painful paddle swats. As I have said here many times, I hate self-reporting and asking for spankings, mostly because I strongly dislike actually receiving them. However, I have been thinking all day about this, because I can see that I have caused my wife a ton of stress about an issue, so I think I have decided to show her this video and to ask her to do just this to me, not only for this situation, but also whenever she feels it necessary. We will see if I actually follow through with it.


    1. I've seen that paddling video before, and it fits a lot of my own thoughts on what a hard and quick paddling should be like for me if the goal was to get my attention without a longer OTK session. That very wide paddle is something we don't have, and it seems like it would make for a less painful spanking, as it would distribute the force over a very large surface area, though based on the coloring changes on his butt, it seemed to do the job.

    2. I have been lurking for a little while and I guess it is time for me to comment. My wife and I just started dd about a year ago, and I have been curious as to how my spankings compare to other's on this blog. I was always afraid that mine would not be severe enough to be a part of the club, but the video that ZM posted is very similar to what I receive. My wife uses one of those wooden grill cleaning tools that is 3/8" thick, 18 inches long snd 5 inches wide. About 8 inches on the "business" end. Typically, she administers 20 -30 strokes almost exactly as shown in the video, using her whole body and absolutely no rubbing or pauses. The whole ordeal is usually over in about 30 seconds. I have been wondering if a longer, but not quite as hard paddling would be worse. Has anyone received both types and what are your thoughts?

    3. Ldd, first, thanks for jumping in! Second, there definitely is no "severity" requirement for membership in the club!

      I'm not sure whether I can characterize one or the other as "worse." They're just very different. I have received some paddlings/strappings that were short but unbelievably painful. But, the longer one's seem to leave me with more of a feeling of being held accountable and that she is in charge. Speaking purely for myself and how the affect me, the former for me is more about pure punishment and the second is more about the hierarchy and submitting to her authority.

    4. Thanks Dan, that really makes sense to me. However, considering it took nearly 10 years for her to take this step, I am not going to suggest she change her strategy, and simply take whatever she dishes out. We have both seen a very positive effect on our relationship, and it was already very good.

  13. Hi Dan,
    Now a few comments about part of what you wrote.

    "I observed that part of the maternal vibe for me was her blasé attitude toward neighbors who know us observing, because it was so much like mothers when I was growing up. They would very commonly take a misbehaving kid out of the room, deliver a spanking, then come back as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Or, they would deliver on the spot, not caring a whit who might see. There simply wasn’t any concern about anyone knowing a spanking was in progress. It might be embarrassing for the recipient, but from the disciplinarian's standpoint, it was no big deal." - I don't really remember enough childhood spanking incidents to remember how the mothers acted. Most of what I remember are times I heard of school spankings, and a couple of spankings I got.

    However, I expect what you said is exactly right. Also, this same dynamic applies at least to some degree in adult spanking, and I assume would be true also in witnessed spankings. The embarrassment is mostly felt by the one being disciplined, not the disciplinarian.

    "She agreed it had that vibe, but added something to the effect of, 'You could also think of it as a wife who has had enough of certain conduct and has decided she will do literally whatever it takes to make you decide it is in your best interest to stop. If that means the neighbors find out, maybe you'll find that sufficiently embarrassing to change your behavior.'" - This resonates very strongly with me. We have talked many times here about the whole "whatever it takes" approach. I can see where embarrassment could be a powerful part of that, perhaps even more so than the physical punishment itself.


  14. If anyone wondered, I have not yet talked to my wife about this. If anyone wondered just what I did that was all so bad, the short answer might well be "nothing." On the underlying issue, I am definitely right, however I can see that the way I have been handling things and over-reacting to things is causing my wife a lot of stress.

    One thing I have been thinking about as we have started working together is power balance. We started a business in which I have most all the expertise needed to make the business succeed, which already means I have a bit too much power comparatively. Plus, in a total blow-up scenario (which I would never anticipate happening), I am also in a much better position to do something else at a much higher salary than my wife could earn, simply by virtue of my career choice and previous experience. On top of this, I have a sometimes overbearing personality, I am physically strong, and so on.

    People talk about how hard it is to work with your spouse. So far, I have found it to be rather easy, but I can also see how tensions from working together could easily spill over into the relationship. This built in power imbalance that favors me is a very dangerous thing. It could easily cause my wife to feel disempowered or even resentful, especially in any situation where I overreact or don't communicate perfectly.

    I am not sure how a typical couple would handle this, but considering my fascination with female authority and the exercise of that authority, the obvious answer for me at least seems to be to clearly shift the day to day power significantly towards my wife, so she can make me toe the line and knock me down a peg or two whenever it is needed, before it creates bigger problems.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts.


    1. If I had been self-aware enough to really understand why the Disciplinary Wives Club material attracted me so much almost 20 years ago, it probably would have been something very much like this. And, it's not like I lacked all awareness around it, because after I discovered that website and pitched the idea to Anne, a huge part of that pitch was, in fact, about balancing a very unbalanced power dynamic.

      It wasn't like I was an ogre or purposefully domineering. It was that the "facts on the ground" regarding our relative power was very close to what you describe. Our relative career and educational choices meant I earned a lot more and probably always would. I was in a high-status profession, while she in one that was lower status but that, frankly, produced a hell of a lot more social value than mine did. And, my fairly strong personality could come off as overbearing even if I never really meant it be perceived that way. (I've had conversations over the years with work subordinates that made me see that people perceive me as way more intimidating than I perceived myself to be.)

      I very consciously proposed DD as something to equalize that power imbalance a bit. I think it has succeeded to a very significant extent, though it's always a work in progress.

      There is something about the kind of paddling depicted in that video that, in my mind, does equate to the wife dominating in a very targeted way. As you said, it's almost "school principal" like, and it's somewhat removed from the more iconic and erotic elements we sometimes associate with F/m DD, like being draped over her knee, the use of more "domestic" tools like a hairbrush, etc. This is just kind of an "all business" paddling, delivered in a living room, over the edge of a sofa, maybe for a transgression that just occurred in that same part of the house?

      I can't put my finger on why, but intuitively I understand why you would want to propose it to your wife. For some reason, I too have been thinking about asking Anne to reintroduce the paddle for at least some punishments. We used to use them a lot, then for the last year or so we've migrated to almost exclusively OTK with the bath brush and, to a lesser extent, the hairbrush.

    2. I wish I were actually self-aware, but it is a nice thought at least! You summed up exactly what I was trying to say about our relative power. It is not that I am domineering, but so much of the power naturally falls to me. This is even more true where I live, which has perhaps the most patriarchal society in Europe.

      "I've had conversations over the years with work subordinates that made me see that people perceive me as way more intimidating than I perceived myself to be." - Me too. I think of myself as being very approachable and easy going, and in many ways I am, especially to those who know me well. But then people who don't know me all that well say that I am quite intimidating

      Several hours ago I talked to my wife about this and also showed her the video (she has seen it before too), and she immediately gave me a hard spanking. She said she will be more than happy to keep me in line at work. Maybe I will regret it later, but at least for now it seems like a good thing.


    3. "Maybe I will regret it later, but at least for now it seems like a good thing."

      Since she just spanked you hard, sounds like you should be regretting it now!

  15. These comments are general in nature but generally, I fully agree with them. I am far from a female supremacist or any kind of supremacist. But when you are in a relationship with a "good woman", one can and should cede some or much power to her in the relationship understanding how hard it is in the dominant culture for women to accept and understand what you are doing in ceding that power.

    If you also have the need/desire for discipline enforced with corporal punishment , then the stars can be in perfect alignment given some time and ( usually) a lot of work. Some women are born to be obeyed and some men are born to obey them


    1. "understanding how hard it is in the dominant culture for women to accept and understand what you are doing in ceding that power." Very, very true. My wife has said that one thing that really held her back for many years is that, no matter how often I told her I wanted this lifestyle, she couldn't really understand the *why* of it, i.e. why any man would want to subject himself to harsh consequences. Hence, she always thought at some point I surely would change my mind and then yank the rug out from under her authority.

    2. My wife seems to have never really struggled with that part, which is amazing considering the culture in which she was raised. Up until now, the primary impediment has been her "forgetting" about the authority she has. But at least some of that is certainly her thinking (far too often rightfully so) that I will resist a bit, which makes her feel less sure of herself. I am working on that.


    3. The "why" is multi-level and, to some degree idiosyncratic as this blog has testified to over and over. But the one common denominator is the need and desire for firm, loving, imposed female authority backed up with at least the credible sanction of an embarrassing spanking. No one can possibly blame any woman, not herself a spanko for not understanding "why". But the internet will change --is changing--what women know about F/M spanking because males are telling them. That and the inexorable trends toward empowering women in our culture imply a very different set of gender dynamics involving power in the future. How that all plays
      out is above my pay grade. But one thing vital to know to anyone -male or female-entering or in a serious relationship: the desire to spank or be spanked may wax and wane during a lifetime the need never goes away.

    4. ZM, it is pretty surprising that your wife hasn't struggled with it more, given what you've alluded to regarding the very patriarchal culture. Kudos to her!

  16. Dan quoting or paraphrasing Anne: "She agreed it had that vibe ( maternal), but added something to the effect of, 'You could also think of it as a wife who has had enough of certain conduct and has decided she will do literally whatever it takes to make you decide it is in your best interest to stop. If that means the neighbors find out, maybe you'll find that sufficiently embarrassing to change your behavior.'"

    Anne’s point here, if I understand it, perfectly captures what I always wanted and, in fact, the core of my adult spanking fantasy—being in a romantic relationship with a woman who saw me not as a child or even an adolescent but who saw many of my behaviors realistically as sometimes childish, immature, and signaling the need for external boundaries and real consequences. At first, she probably would not think of spanking or other corporal punishment to control that behavior because spanking, etc., is thought of (wrongly) as exclusively a childish punishment. But she would come in time to understand that spanking was the way to manage me, not as a child but as an adult who sometimes acted childishly.
    None of this is intrinsically maternal, although the wife or GF might use many of the tactics, tools, and rituals that mothers of misbehaving children use. Indeed, at one point, my former GF used a hard clothes brush my mother had used on me because then she didn’t have anything else to do the job she wanted to do. Believe me, those spankings ( there were only a few until she had a bigger paddle made) did not feel at all like my mother was spanking me. Instead, I was in an emotional, sexual, romantic relationship with a woman who was disciplining me as an adult and consensually --because we both wanted to protect and strengthen our relationship.

    I am stressing this because I believe some or many male spankos conflate “ maternal vibes” with the very different act of an adult woman spanking an adult man for failing to act like an adult. She may even use the same brush or paddle mom used, but you are not a child or adolescent any longer – and she is not your mom. She is your friend, lover, and disciplinarian who “ has decided she will do literally whatever it takes to make you decide it is in your best interest to stop.” ( misbehaving)

    1. Hi Alan,
      Good points. Sometimes the lines get a bit blurry when we are talking about "maternal." This is particularly true because while she might be "an adult woman spanking an adult man for failing to act like an adult," the whole "failing to act like an adult" could easily be rephrased to "acting like a child," "not acting his age," "acting immaturely" or any number of other phrases that mean about the same thing. He may be an adult male, and she sees him as such, but also she sees his behavior as childish or immature. To further confuse things, she might say "if you are going to act like a child, I am going to treat you like one." She still sees him as an adult, but now she sees him as an adult that needs to be treated like a child to learn a lesson.

      In any case, the whole "whatever it takes" is very compelling.

    2. "But she would come in time to understand that spanking was the way to manage me, not as a child but as an adult who sometimes acted childishly." Agreed Alan, that's the right distinction.

      "To further confuse things, she might say "if you are going to act like a child, I am going to treat you like one."" This is true as well, and Anne has used something like that phrase recently.

  17. Despite my strong preference for OTK, this video pushes a lot of the right buttons. She is resolute, not put off in the least by what I assume are pleas for mercy, and calmly takes her time. It isn't clear if the recipient is crying but he's pretty responsive, which for me makes it watchable. There are a couple of nits to pick, she lets him keep his pants too high, if they were three or four inches lower it would make a big difference, and related to that, too many of the strokes land too high. All in all, first rate in my book, probably too intense for me especially considering he looks like he's getting a good dose served up off screen. But like your earlier comment, I like the thought of a woman who would be willing to take it to that level without any qualms when she thought it appropriate.

    And while it's not real discipline, the videos put out by the Wife_Spanks account are very good. She does the best job of expressing the casual authority of a spouse with disciplinary authority that captivates me out of any of the videos that I've seen. Again, calm and takes her time, it's like she wants to take her husband on an emotional journey not just impart some pain. Those who are interested might find an additional one or two of her full length clips on xhamster.

    1. The wife in the first one definitely swings that belt hard. I get what you mean about some of the strokes landing too high, though some of it seems to be caused by his squirming. A belt has never been among Anne's favorite implements, though she has used a strap with vigor pretty similar to this video.

  18. This one is pretty severe. His discomfort mirrors what I would often experience with a strapping in that the pain seems to be most intense during the early parts of the session and then settles to ‘bearable’. I have found that if the strapping goes on for a long time or if she takes a break and the starts again that a whole new level of ‘unbearable’ build up. TB


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