
Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Club - Meeting 427 - Communication Problems and Spankings for Big Things

When you don't respond to bad behavior, you get more of it. - Carly Fiorina


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship.


I hope you all had a good week.  For us, it was another snowy one.  I did take advantage of it to get in one day of skiing, though the conditions were cold and windy, which became a great excuse for me and the guy I was skiing with to knock off early and drink beer in the lodge.  I’m not totally happy with myself in terms of the volume consumed and the extent to which I feel very tired today because of it, but it also was a good, long conversation with someone I hadn’t hung out with in a while.  So, I’m not going to beat myself up too much about it.


It probably won’t result in any punishment from Anne either.  We’ve gone back and forth recently about spanking for alcohol consumption, after having some disputes about what the rules should be when the consumption is just a matter of having “too many” but when there wasn’t any other bad behavior associated with it, like getting loud and obnoxious, staying up absurdly late, etc.  I’ve always been a little confused by why Anne has always been fairly quick to discipline for excessive alcohol consumption, which often has little if any real impact on her, while letting things like blatant disrespect or rudeness slide.


That may be beginning to change, and a recent example served to get me questioning some of my own beliefs about whether spankings work very well on bigger issues.


I do believe that, for the most part, spankings are going to be more effective in nipping smaller irritants in the bud (or the butt, bad pun intended).  Things like my repeated problem with leaving the garage door open or not locking all our doors at night or repeatedly leaving part of my job of cleaning up the kitchen after dinner undone or not done very well.  



I also think some problems may be too deeply rooted, or be too serious or anger-inducing, or touch too closely on someone’s identity to really be resolvable with a spanking.  A recent argument with Anne is making me question


I don’t want to go into the details, but Anne and I seem to be struggling a bit with how our routines have changed now that we’re both retired.  Lately, there has been an uncharacteristically large amount of friction around priority setting and spending time together. We haven't exactly been living the fantasy of retirement togetherness lately.

I got resentful, and probably a little jealous, about one way she was spending her time and about someone she was spending it with.  Instead of communicating how I was feeling, I let it fester until, when the issue arose again, I cut loose with a snippy, frustrated comment.  Things escalated from there into a full-blown argument and going to bed angry, which is rare for us. 


The next day, she came in from running some errands and, without much lead-in, announced in a very business-like tone that we needed to have a talk about my communication style. 


She observed (correctly) that I clearly had been holding in a lot of resentment on something that she didn't even know was an issue. Thus, she had no opportunity to correct the problem because I’d given her no reason to know that it was a problem for me. 


She asked whether I agreed with her reasoning. I reluctantly admitted that I did.


 She then announced, again in a very business-like tone:


“OK then. You are going to get a spanking for this. Even if you are frustrated and even if there might be a justification for it, you can’t talk to me like that.”


Note that she didn’t ask me whether I agreed with her decision that a spanking was coming or whether it was deserved.  Rather, she simply asked whether I agreed with the underlying facts.  I couldn’t really argue with her recitation of what had happened, and from there she moved directly into telling me what I was in for as a result. In a comment last week, Alan brought up how is girlfriend was very concerned that every spanking had to be “fair,” and I think maybe there was a bit of that playing out in Anne asking me whether I agreed the facts were as she described, though I do think at that time she had already decided to spank for it.


I also should have seen it coming, since we had discussed at the beginning of the year that if a course of conduct merited a scolding, then it probably merited something a little more, shall we say, “tangible.” I had even suggested that she make that a New Year’s resolution.



What’s all this have to do with spanking for big issues and whether that works?  Well, for me our argument had been about something I really had gotten pretty worked up about. I was feeling aggrieved and definitely saw myself as the wronged party.


Yet, much of those resentful, angry feelings evaporated the second she told me I was going to be spanked.  I had been indulging myself with a little pity party, but the prospect of a forthcoming hard spanking gave my mind something more immediate, more concrete, and much more unpleasant to think about.


After she took control, the underlying problem that caused the resentment didn’t go away, but the internal emotional tenor of it suddenly seemed much less serious and the entire thing seemed more manageable.  And, of course, I now had much more reason to wish I had managed it and done so in a less emotional, more proactive, more adult-like way.


The almost immediate drop in the negative energy I’d been devoting to ruminating about the problem made me rethink some of my skepticism about using adult disciplinary spanking to solve big problems.


The core problem that had set me off had not been addressed. But, isn’t it the case that when we let ourselves get wound up about something, often the state of being wound up on the one hand, and the underlying problem on the other, are somewhat separable?


Big relationship problems are seldom simple and one-dimensional. They often involve a core issue that is important, is real, and does need to be dealt with.  But, that core issue often is bound up with a whole bunch of peripheral issues, including how we communicate about the issue to our partner, but also to ourselves. 


While the spanking may do nothing to solve the core problem, it can address some of the stuff that is making the core problem worse or preventing a solution to it.  Like unhelpful communication styles. Expressing anger and being disrespectful almost never resolves the underlying issue. Instead, it just makes the other party defensive and leads them to dig in their heels.



KOJ talked about this a couple of weeks ago, and maybe if I’d taken it more to heart then, I could have spared myself a very sore bottom. 


“We had some hot-button issues, like all couples. But my wife never tried to punish me for my position on one of those issues, but rather for my attitude in expressing my position. Some comments above express concern about being punished for one's "style of communication." But I knew full well when I was being inappropriate and deserving of punishment. My wife took the position that I should always be the consummate gentleman, especially with her but with others as well. So she would point out if I was being rude, harsh, disrespectful, yelling, overly sarcastic, etc. It wasn't what I was saying but how I was saying it. And that was spankable. In fact, that was the primary reason I was punished over the years.  She was very clear: "You are not being spanked for your opinion but for how you are expressing it in a disrespectful manner." Of course, she was right, and I accepted those punishments, even if it was a hot-button issue. In actuality, after she had spanked me really hard and adjusted my attitude, we then often were able to discuss the hot-button issue in a much more level-headed way, and possibly reach some resolution, or at least agree to disagree without hostility or resentment. But first I needed to be humbled over her knee.”


When Anne let me know that I was going to be spanked, it wasn’t that she was refusing to see or address my underlying concern. Rather, she was making it clear that even if I was riled up about something, that didn’t relieve me of the obligation to raise it respectfully and give her a reasonable opportunity to respond.


It also resulted in me instantly getting much more clarity around the fact that I had gotten snotty with her about something that she had no real reason to know was a problem for me. 


Had she made that point the day before, when I was at the peak of my agitation about the whole thing, I probably would have asserted that the “whole thing” should have been readily apparent, so why did I need to point it out?  Of course, that’s a great, all-purpose excuse for not communicating like an adult, isn’t it?



I do believe that one big reason my moodiness lifted almost immediately after she pronounced the sentence was I now had something else to think about.  But, isn’t it interesting how a sound spanking can almost instantly alter your view of the substance of an argument and give you a new, immediate openness to the other party’s perspective?


I also wanted to quickly note something about the spanking itself.  Some of us have brought up that wooden instruments have a tendency to numb, but ZM has pointed out that even after such numbness has occurred, the wife might still want to extend the spanking because those cumulative swats are what make you sore for days afterward.  That happened this time.  She focused a lot of attention on one spot on each cheek, bringing the brush down over and over again on that same spot.  It’s now been six days since that spanking, and I still have some pretty significant soreness.


I don’t have any specific questions for the group or a firm topic suggestion related to this, but I look forward to any thoughts you may have about it.


One other item:  I've mentioned that I've thought from time to time about writing a book about Domestic Discipline and FLR relationships.  I don't know whether I'll ever get around to it, but I'd be interested in any suggestions any of you might have for particular topics/chapter ideas.  Feel free to leave them in a comment or send them to me by email.


I hope you have a great week.


  1. An interesting post. In terms of drinking the divide here is about me not eating during a night out. Mrs GL knows what the behavioural difference is between having eaten whilst drinking and having not and regardless of other bad traits popping up that is where she focuses her irritation at the time and the next day. Obviously in my perfect world she'd send me off to these nights out with a pre-warming but hey we live in hope.

    You may recall I mentioned I intended to take advantage of Mrs GL's New Year comments about ruling the home roast, that is still a work in progress but one thing that I have noticed, which is relevant to this week's blog, is that when I drew up the behavioural list it contained an awful lot of traits of myself that I wanted to reign in. Most of them are traits that can come out sober or three-quarters cut but they all have one thing in common, they stem from my communication skills/habits/limitations. That realisation means I have inserted the word "significant" into the wording of what constitutes grounds for chastisement in my draft "Domestic Peacefulness" agreement (still unseen by Mrs GL). I had to do that because without the word significant I'd be getting hauled over four or five times a day and whilst that might appeal to me on one levels it's massively impractical and would put Mrs GL off very quickly. I have also inserted a line about not provoking consequences and wanting to eliminate the traits.

    As things stand I expect to bite the bullet sharing my draft at the end of February, I suspect the behavioural appendix will grow a little in that time (for info procrastination is already on it as is sulking, jealousy and toxic conversation). Cheers GLM.

    1. Not eating definitely increases the odds of a bad alcohol-related incident.

      "Communication" seems to be a big emerging issue for us, at least "communication" writ large. My last three really serious spankings, and our last three significant arguments, all had communication issues--directed at her or others--at the core. Even with alcohol-related incidents, it's often been the communications that alcohol led to and not the alcohol itself that was the issue.

      Though, it's not a simple issue. Persuasive communication and advocacy were core to my professional life and I've always been a "talker" even if I am also an introvert. Communicating forcefully is pretty close to my core identity.

  2. I can relate to this post. A while ago, I mentioned how difficult it is to be around me when I am frustrated by small things. Of course it's my wife who has to deal with this side of me. Last year, she told me that when I get that way and snap at her, I can expect a serious spanking. Her hope was that having consequences will help me check my emotions in time.

    About a week ago, I was experiencing problems assembling something and let out a string of expletives. I then rejected Beth's help in the rudest possible way. She asked if I remembered what she had said would happen if I threw one of my "tantrums" (her word for these episodes).

    As calmly and politely as I could, I said that I'd get a spanking. The change in my tone made her smile, but she still got the hairbrush out and brought me over to the couch. After she lectured me about my childish behavior, I received a very thorough spanking.

    Her threatening to spank me, and then following through with it, changed everything. After a little while, I went back to my project and with Beth's help, managed to finish it.

    I was sore for the next couple of days and the hope is that I'll remember that before any future outburst.

    1. I definitely have had those same kind of incidents of flaring up while trying to fix or assemble something, and I too become a jerk to anyone who tries to help. It definitely is not one of my more admirable traits.

    2. I too struggle with frustration when I try to fix things, and sometimes my wife and others find themselves in the line of fire as I vent. I am not proud of that, but I guess I am at least happy to know it is a common problem.


    3. Kevin,
      I do have a question about how your wife managed to deal with your tantrum “on the spot.” Rather than wait a while until you calmed down. We tried that a while ago, and they left me resentful and frustrated her.
      If your behavior is anything like mine, they really are “tantrums,” It is embarrassing to even think about that and even more embarrassing to have her confront me about them. They are seldom directed at her, and most don’t directly affect her. Yet she becomes furious if I persist. It’s one behavior I never second guess her on if she punishes me because I hate throwing a tantrum, probably as much as she resents me doing it. It is childish and immature, and spanking is an exemplary punishment for tantrums.

      But, when we were younger, she would react “on the spot” to tantrums if we were at home. She would probably prefer that “on the spot” approach still. But it didn’t work well, spanking me before I had worked through the tantrum and was feeling guilty about it, which might be later that day or the next day. I always regretted the actual tantrums within 24 hours or less, but if she spanked me in the middle of one, we both just felt frustrated.
      The irony is that I would have liked her to establish on-the-spot punishment for other issues, but this was the one for which she really wanted to spank immediately. These days she might scold me but then waits for me to come to her and apologize. Whether she spanks after the apology or not depends on many factors. Waiting and spanking later has reduced the frequency of the tantrums and her frustration with them. But it didn’t eliminate them totally. One reason may be that I am ashamed of them, but I am not convinced that those outbursts (toward inanimate objects) are not healthy for me on some level. The same goes for the occasional yelling or throwing a well-placed F-word. She clearly disagrees

    4. Alan, Anne hasn't spanked me immediately for a tantrum, but I think my reaction would be similar to yours - it just wouldn't work in that moment. It *might* work if she told me in a very stern manner that I could stop the tantrum immediately or get spanked later. But, I just wouldn't be in the right mindset to accept a spanking in the moment. I'm not saying I would refuse, but I think it would involve zero actual contrition.

    5. This is an interesting thought. I am not really sure how I would respond.I am guessing I would probably resent it a bit at the time and not really feel contrition (like Alan and Dan), but I really don't know. However, I don't think she would have to wait anywhere near 24 hours. Usually only minutes after I massively over-react to something, I start feeling sheepish about it, so probably she could piggyback onto those feelings.


    6. There is a distinct pattern to my behavior when I become frustrated and my wife can easily recognize it. Like some others, I begin with foul language, which Beth finds offensive all by itself. If I then start slamming things or snapping at her, I've crossed the line and we have agreed that spanking is appropriate.

      I've been punished well after the fact for childish behavior on other occasions, but this early intervention is something new for us. It helps that I'm truly embarrassed by my outbursts and want to change. And that first time, I have to say, it did have a calming effect on me. This was in spite of the fact that it was a very thorough spanking. In our case, there was no reason to wait and we both benefitted from dealing with the problem then and there.

    7. At first I thought you were saying she acts pre-emptively, before the real tantrum begins, but it sounds like she waits until you are "underway" As a philosophy this kind of " don't do the deed if you can't do the time" approach works well for many things but ( speaking only for us), it doesn't work with a tantrum , maybe because we are both so emotionally invested in negative feeling that the " teaching moment" doesn't immediately arise. Clearly Beth has figured this one out and plaudits to her. Are there other times she waits for a cooling off interval or does she typically move quickly when she sees a problem?


    8. Alan, you are reading us correctly. Beth can tell when my inner child is in a downward spiral and will intercede before I hit bottom. The proactive approach is still pretty new for us, but the idea is for me to think twice before I even start throwing a fit. We both agreed that this would be the procedure whenever she feels that it's needed.

      I agree that it's embarrassing to hear my wife describe my actions as a tantrum, which is something I associate with an out of control child. But it's a pretty accurate assessment at times and that's when the hairbrush comes out.

  3. Dan, like you I doubt that spanking can solve big relationship issues. I suspect that spanking works best to fine tune relationships that would work without discipline. For example, if I cheated on my wife, I don’t think she would think spanking was a solution. Nor would I expect her to. My spankings mostly relate to attitude, especially demonstrations of attitude that my wife finds immature. I recently got spanked pretty hard for getting a speeding ticket. She was strict about that because she often tells me not to speed, so when I got busted by the police for it and tried to make excuses, she decided enough was enough. It felt a bit like the way my parents would punish me if I got punished at school as a kid.

    As for your book idea, I think it would be good to have a chapter giving your wife’s perspective on DD, maybe in her own words. It would be interesting to hear Anne’s thoughts about what’s in it for the wife. But then, if she is like my wife, she may be more of a doer than a talker when it comes to DD.


    1. I agree completely. I think spanking in an adult DD relationship is a very effective fine tuning tool for a relationship that is fundamentally working well. I also share doubts as to whether it is a useful response to bigger issues. Attitude, speeding tickets, unnecessary financial hits from late credit card payments and the like are the triggers for a spanking - with attitude by far the most common. We have known couples who we’ve felt would benefit from DD, but when we’ve thought about it more carefully have come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t work for them as he wouldn’t be on board. So I guess I’d suggest that things fall into three buckets : the relatively small annoyances in a good relationship where spanking is a very appropriate response when both partners share that view. Secondly the occasional big issues in a good relationship that - I agree - are probably not best addressed by this kind of punishment. Thirdly - and we’ve seen this several times over the years - there’s the relationship that’s genuinely in real trouble where it’s obvious from the outside that he’s being a total jerk and needs proper punishment. In this situation it’s probably never going to happen, and if it did it probably wouldn’t solve anything. TG

    2. JB, speeding tickets are an interesting example of a "small thing" where DD might work, though in our house it would bring the issue of "do what I say, not what I do" to the forefront. Several years ago, I got pulled over for speeding (I ultimately wasn't ticketed), with one of our kids in the car. She promptly ratted mom out, telling me that Anne had gotten a ticket a few weeks before and never told me. I did go through a period, however, where I got four (yes, four), over a very compressed period. Maybe a spanking would have nipped that in the bud before came way too close to losing my license. Though, it's a tough one. It's not quite core to my identity in the way communication is, but I've been a fast driver since I was old enough to drive, and I love fast cars and motorcycles.

    3. "We have known couples who we’ve felt would benefit from DD, but when we’ve thought about it more carefully have come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t work for them as he wouldn’t be on board." TG, I mostly agree with the three categories you came up with, though I think it's really hard for any of us to have the kind of visibility into someone else's mind and another couple's relationship to really predict whether DD might work. I suspect that most people who know me would think that I'm a prototype for the kind of guy would never be on board with such a thing, yet not only am I on board; I initiated the whole thing.

      I've wondered if at some point in the near future I might be inclined to test this a bit, simply by telling more friends about our relationship. I don't have any formal plan to do it, but I do feel like since retirement I'm just more open about all sorts of things. I've had one friend for a long time who I've thought desperately needs to be reined in, but like you I've always assumed he would not be on board with any such thing. Though, unfortunately, his wife is kind of mousy, and I wonder whether *she* would ever get on board.

    4. While I agree that DD works really well to (as you put it) "fine tune relationships that would work without discipline," I think that might be selling DD a bit short. Any relationship can work without discipline (most do), and quite a few relationships work well without discipline.

      Of course, if a relationship is already working well without DD and if both partners really are on board with DD, then DD will probably make things even better and help them to stay that way. One of the primary advantages of DD is that it helps to clear the air and reduces or eliminates "the cold shoulder" and nagging, which can creep into any relationship and become very damaging to the relationship over time.

      But just because DD works great in fine-tuning a well-functioning relationship, it doesn't mean that DD can't work even for more serious problems. I think that DD can be effective in addressing most any size of problem, whether big or small, as long as both partners recognize that there is a problem and as long as there is genuine desire to change to address the problem.

      However, while I do think that DD can work even for bigger problems, I think this is true only within the confines of a generally healthy relationship; it would obviously be foolhardy to try to introduce DD into an abusive relationship or one where the partners can't stand each other or something like that.

      So for TG's categories, I agree on the small things in a good relationship, don't quite agree on the second category (I think DD can work even on bigger problems in an otherwise good relationship), and I wholeheartedly agree on the last category where a relationship is clearly in real trouble.

      As far as guys who really need punishment not being on-board, that is probably true unless they have a spanking or punishment fantasy (like many of us here do) and/or have sufficient self-awareness to recognize that their behavior is negatively impacting their wives and others around them.


    5. "As far as guys who really need punishment not being on-board, that is probably true unless they have a spanking or punishment fantasy (like many of us here do) and/or have sufficient self-awareness to recognize that their behavior is negatively impacting their wives and others around them."

      I agree. Though, I wonder whether some might independently lack of self-awareness, but might be capable of it if someone took them aside and explained that they were often behaving like a dick and maybe something could be done about it. I just don't know.

  4. It is interesting that you mention Anne's new spanking technique as I just posted on the subject of 'one cheek spanking ' on my Patreon page.
    Now I'm not suggesting Anne got her inspiration from my post , but she clearly found it somewhere and decided to give it a try .
    I'm no expert on the technique, but did experience it only once when my wife discovered ( quite by observation) that spanking the exact same spot over and over produced quite a reaction from me.
    I have read other accounts of wives doing this and it is certainly very effective.
    Like me , the men resorted to pleading for her to change cheeks , an offer she declined.
    Did you consider pleading with her to change?
    Sounds like she gave both cheeks equal treatment.
    Some wives even ignore the other cheek completely and spank exclusively one spot on one cheek repeatedly. OUCH!
    The result is a husband sitting lop-sided for the next few days !
    Do you think Anne discovered this technique by accident , or did she find it by researching?
    Either way I suspect she will be repeating it due to its 'success'.
    Perhaps it will be the style that finally produce tears?
    Thankfully my experience was brief compared to yours and my wife has not repeated it...

    1. I would be surprised if she even knows what Patreon is, but who knows?

    2. But are our wives researching spanking 'techniques' which enhance their spankings without us knowing about it , or are they just 'learning on the job' with experience?
      There is lots of info out there these days for strict wives to hone their spanking abilities.

    3. And, there is also the fact that ZM had talked repeatedly about the way spanking in one place past the point of numbness really contributes to the multi-day soreness, and Anne does read this blog and the comments fairly regularly.

    4. In the perhaps unlikely event that it was Anne's reading what I wrote that helped create this new punishment style, I just want to say that I am happy to be of service! ;-)


    5. You would probably only be returning the favor, as you telling your wife about things on this blog probably has gotten you spanked more than once!

    6. Hahaha. True that. It is not so much that me telling her things on the blog resulting in me getting spanked more often (though that might be so), but more than that she has learned so much from here about how to give very painful spankings and about the psychology of spanking.


  5. Just a quick thought. You were punished for your behavior, not your feelings about the underlying situation. I think that is the key. I get punished for what I do (or don't do), not what I feel about a particular situation. You may be right that Anne needs to consider you more, but you are wrong when you are snippy. I believe spanking is very effective in behavior modification.

    1. "You were punished for your behavior, not your feelings about the underlying situation. I think that is the key." I agree, though I'd add that I was punished for my behavior and not my feeling about the underlying situation OR my feelings about whether my behavior OR the underlying situation merited a spanking. She basically carved out the disrespect/attitude aspect of the situation and dealt with that separate and independently of anything else.

  6. Hi Dan,
    Your wife’s approach to addressing your “communication style” is a fascinating glimpse into her discipline “style.” It provides evidence that she knows how to begin solving some pretty big issues with spanking. She skillfully framed the issue as one of communication you could hardly disagree with and artfully ducked the larger issue by getting you to agree (in effect) that you were wrong. From there, she could have easily taken the tack to get you to admit you earned a spanking or maybe even to a point where she asks you, as my wife sometimes does: “Do you think you can ask for the spanking you deserve for not communicating to me?. But I like it that she just cut to the chase, telling you: “OK then. You will get a spanking for this” No drawn-out lecture or scolding, just a firm decision to take action.

    But even more impressive than her style is that she took both of you to the point where a potentially explosive problem (post-retirement priorities) begins to be dealt with simultaneously, and you get a better attitude about dealing with it.
    I do not believe big problems can’t be resolved or minimized by spanking because I know personally they can. Not all big problems but many of them. And it’s not a matter of beating your partner into submission.
    ZM and others have discussed how facing a spanking or getting one can transform how one looks at something. I have mentioned myself how often a spanking has started with me thinking she is wrong or even unfair, only to do a 180 before it is over. That is how spanking can help solve big and smaller problems. It dramatically alters one’s perspective on it all. There is an old adage about improving the world “ one spanking at a time.” And that is how spankings can help solve the big problems – one spanking at a time

    1. Alan, thanks for the compliments re: Anne's skill. It's also a testament that such skills can be learned. This was definitely a new, more confident, more nuanced approach than has been the case in the past.

      Just for clarification, she did give a "drawn-out lecture or scolding" right before the spanking. Honestly, those do absolutely nothing for me and may even be a slight negative in terms of getting me into an accepting, surrendering mindset. But, it may be something the helps purge her own aggravation or frustration with me by verbalizing it and getting it all out there.

      I think spankings can solve some "big issues," though think where it does work on big thinks it probably takes a level of consistency and diligence that seems to be the exception and not the rule in these relationships. There also is a big timing element. Had she tried to spank the attitude out of me the day of the argument, it probably would have been "potentially explosive" as you allude to in your last paragraph and likely would have made the underlying problem even harder to deal with. The one-day cooling off period probably was key to how things worked out.

    2. Alan, I definitely agree about the whole perspective thing. Both my wife and I have been almost shocked at just how effective DD was at changing my mindset about certain things.

      And Dan, you are certainly right about consistency and diligence. That is often where things fall apart for us, though even there she has managed to change some of my unconscious habits by consistently reminding me. One of the most interesting ones never resulted in a punishment, but she mentioned quite a few times that she was going to punish me for it sometime (and how), and she reminded me about the habit many times. In the end, the habit changed completely even though she never did follow through with a spanking. But because she framed the whole thing within DD, it didn't seem like nagging.

      Also, I agree absolutely about the whole issue of timing.


    3. "But because she framed the whole thing within DD, it didn't seem like nagging." It really is interesting how much context means everything.

  7. Count this reader as a Yes vote for a book!

  8. With my wife, the issue was seldom the issue for which I was spanked. I was mostly spanked for disrespect, attitude, "communication style," whatever you want to call it. And I deserved every single swat and many more besides.
    As others have said, once my attitude was properly adjusted, my position on the actual issue we were debating seemed much less crucial to me. She was usually right about that too.

    1. "As others have said, once my attitude was properly adjusted, my position on the actual issue we were debating seemed much less crucial to me." Exactly right. Honestly, on the substance of the problem we were dealing with, I *still* think I was right. The threat of the spanking just created this different mental space in which I still believed I was right about the problem but didn't care about it as much.

  9. Dan, several of the points you made seem to convey the very essence of DD. When your wife said you were going to get a spanking, it didn't sound like there was anything you could do to prevent it - she had decided, and you have given her the authority to do so. Feeling relief over the problem you were upset about, because now you have a spanking to consider, is wonderful. When I was totally panicked over loosing my wallet, I got a hard paddling, which completely calmed me down. That sort of thing seldom happens anymore, resulting in much less discipline from her. There is something very exciting about being told I am going to get a spanking, which always reminds me who is in charge, and that is the fundamental turn on for me. As far as the question about spanking addressing big issues, my answer would be yes. We started our foray into DD slowly, first with little things like changing bad habits, such as leaving the toilet seat up or having my cell on during a meal. As she got more confident, she really started to focus on my drinking, which was a core issue. It took a few years and numerous hard spankings, but now my drinking is finally under control. Obviously, that isn't going to work for an alcoholic, but it worked for me. I was used to just drinking whatever I wanted, which was part of my anti authoritian streak. Not drinking as much results in much better communication between us, and I am grateful she hung in there with me. As far as the issue of getting numb at the end of a spanking, we found that using a small cane is very effective at cutting through the numbness, and you will feel it for a few days. Part of our ritual that I enjoy is being bossed around, sometimes starting with being told to stand in the corner, then a check in, then being put over her lap, and ending with being told to bend over a chair. As far as topics for your possible book, it seems the main themes are pretty self evident, as we keep coming back to them. It's always enjoyable to me to hear the woman's perspective, and how DD has made her life better.

    1. "When I was totally panicked over loosing my wallet, I got a hard paddling, which completely calmed me down." I'm not sure that particular scenario would work for me, though I think a paddling could play a role in addressing other issues involving overly emotional responses. Like the flare of temper when assembling or fixing something that Kevin referenced above. Though, I don't really know whether consistent paddlings would make such temper flares less likely in the future. They come on so fast, I really don't know whether I'd ever be able to stop and think about the prospect of a paddling before the temper flared. But, it's possible. I've found that after three spanking for communications, I'm suddenly a lot more aware of what I say before I say it.

      "We started our foray into DD slowly, first with little things like changing bad habits, such as leaving the toilet seat up or having my cell on during a meal. As she got more confident, she really started to focus on my drinking, which was a core issue." We are sort of going in the opposite direction, having focused arguably too much attention on that one issue for too many years to little effect. But, I do wonder whether that issue would be more effectively dealt with if there was first a consistent pattern of using DD very rigorously for smaller issues. It very well may be that sequencing matters and that it's not so much that DD can't deal with larger issues, but that there first has to be a pattern of consequences laid down on smaller things until a habit of compliance starts to emerge.

      I've thought about pushing her to try the cane again, as I think it does often lead longer-lasting reminders. It's not an instrument that has worked well for us in the past.

    2. "I've thought about pushing her to try the cane again, as I think it does often lead longer-lasting reminders." - I will be more than happy to give you some of my wife's canes if you need them (especially the Delrin ones)! :-)


    3. Cool! I'll trade you for some of my surplus paddles!

  10. As far as the book goes, I already mentioned that this blog is more than enough for a book. Cut and paste it all into a Word document. Then you can combine and edit posts by topic (chapters). How to Get Started. Implements. Witnesses. Consistency. DD vs. DWC vs. FLR. Etc., etc. Cut out the politics and time-sensitive topics like COVID. Ask your wife to add comments or her own chapter. "Disciplined Hubbies" is a great title. Done!

    1. Unfortunately, that makes it sound a lot easier than the actual process would be. Cutting and pasting it all has to be done by hand, and you're talking about 10 years of posts plus literally thousands of comments. The topics themselves are written to stimulate conversation, not really to give instruction or convey information. In fact, a lot of the heart of the material appears in the back and forth that takes place in the comments which, like I said, run into the thousands. So, there would be a huge amount of time and work both editing stuff from the body of the posts out and editing stuff from the comments in.

    2. There is no question that there is more than enough content in this blog to write a great book, but it would be a nightmare to wade through all of the comments and try to glean just the right insights from them. It is hard enough to do that within a single weekly post, especially when we have more than 100 comments.

      If it were me, I would just make the whole book about witnesses and other participants! Hahahaha


    3. Hi ZM,
      Just caught this and thought about how ready you are to have the “witness experience” The sort of “next door” quasi-witness experience you have already had cues you up for having a witness in the same room with you as your wife spanks you. Your wife sounds like a marvelous woman, ready, willing, and able to make it happen once she is sure you are ready. Consider telling her that you are ( if you are). It will be different than you expect, maybe better, maybe not. But it is an experience you will remember and value even if you never do it again.

    4. Hi Alan,
      I think my wife really does want to make this happen, but is just waiting for the right situation where I deserve it at the same time we have the house to ourselves and whichever person she chooses - most likely either her good friend who was the person in the other room, or she has also mentioned her ex-sister-in-law - is both available and up for it.

      "It will be different than you expect, maybe better, maybe not. But it is an experience you will remember and value even if you never do it again." - I am sure you are correct on all counts. Whatever I expect is probably not just how it will be, especially my feelings at the time, since I have no real idea what they might be. No matter what, if it ever does happen it certainly be something I remember forever and grateful to have experienced, even if it turns out to be something I never want to experience again. One benefit of actually doing things is it at least it satisfies any curiousity.


    5. And I ended for adding that yes, my wife is amazing. I feel blessed every day to share life with someone like her. Whatever else people could say about me, at least most would agree that I married well!


    6. It occurred to me when Alan encouraged you to talk to your wife about actually doing it that the real impediment might not be her but, rather, the right witness and the right time, For me, the whole witness thing wouldn't work at all if it was just some random witness or in a contrived, "play acting" kind of scenario.

    7. Seneca said this first but he has been proven correct many times since: " Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" His English wasn't very good, so he said it in Latin.

  11. Ann has only spanked me for “big” things three times in recent years. Only once has it been for being upset with her and expressing myself and carrying on badly. A couple of days later I apologized and we spoke about it. I was in tears because of how I had spoken to her and made her feel.

    After our discussion she sentenced me to a spanking every day, for four days. They were horrible. From day two on I was crying as I pulled down my pants and had difficulty calling Ann to tell her I was ready.

    The other two were for similar, but different, financial screw ups. The first brought four days in a row. The second happened when Ann was out of town. For four days in a row I had to spank myself 300 per day. When she returned, Ann added a last round of 300

    I’ve never repeated any of those offenses.

    1. I don't think we've ever gone more than two days in a row, and I was always surprised that the Day 2 spanking didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. But, I'm sure that four days would be a whole different ballgame.

    2. We too have never went over two days. I think maybe I won't read your comment to my wife, since I am imagining the soreness would really build up over 4 days. Though, as you said, the spankings were very effective.


    3. Four days in a row is a whole new ballgame, both from an emotional perspective and the pain perspective. Anticipating the increased pain and the additional embarrassment of crying from the time I pulled down my underwear and getting out of control by the time Ann was done spanking made days 2,3, and 4 successively worse.
      Like I said, I have never repeated these offenses.

  12. Domestic discipline seems best suited to attitude adjustment and unacceptable attitudes are most often going to make themselves apparent in communication. To my eye this all seems more fitting for a domestic context than spanking for specific acts of misbehavior, although those have their place too. But punishment for a particular act, e.g. forgetting a chore, has a bit of a judicial tone to it. It's a little colder, more clinical, like there's an accounting going on - one speeding ticket means one hard spanking. But when it's about attitude, or manner of speech, it has a more personal feel that's more about one person asserting their authority.

    It's interesting that Anne does read your blog from time to time. Back in September of 2021 on the Tears post, Alan made some insightful comments on what factors needed to be present to induce tears. Did any of those points, or others in that post for that matter, bring on any changes in her disciplinary approach?

    1. Hi Jake. "unacceptable attitudes are most often going to make themselves apparent in communication." Very good point, as is your point about how addressing communication feels more like an assertion of authority. I hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense.

      I don't think Anne is nearly as fixated on the tears issue as I have been over time. We've talked about it a lot, and I think that she would be fine if it happened, i.e. it wouldn't make her averse to giving hard spankings. But, I also don't get the sense that she has any particular motivation to make it happen. More generally, I know she does read some comments, but I'm not sure how often or how exhaustively she goes through individual post and comments.

    2. Hi Jake,
      "But when it's about attitude, or manner of speech, it has a more personal feel that's more about one person asserting their authority." - I agree with this. Interestingly, however, I think that sometimes it is actually harder for wives to punish for things that directly affect them more (like bad attitude). It is almost like they feel selfish when they use DD for things that they want.

      As far as what DD is most useful for, I can think of pretty clear examples that fit within any of the "4 D's of domestic discipline," though my wife doesn't do much with a few of them. I am not sure who came up with these, but I think they are pretty valid.

      Disrespect - This one is probably the biggest one, but my wife pretty much only disciplines me for attitude, and even then only when it gets pretty bad. She also occasionally spanks me for excessively checking out girls, but certainly not nearly as often as I deserve. I can think of quite a few other things she could include, like me interrupting her, trying to insert things into conversation as she is talking on the phone, or answering for her if someone asks her a question, but at least so far she has never addressed these.

      Disobedience - We don't really use this one much at all. We don't have a list of "rules."

      Damaging behavior - This is most of what she addresses with weekly check-ins (when we have them). They are mostly addressing health and fitness goals. While it might not be the same as doing something that is immediately dangerous like driving recklessly, in the long run not taking care of your health is perhaps the most damaging thing possible.

      Dishonesty - I don't think I have ever been spanked exactly for dishonesty. Certainly not for lying, but possibly from things I have tried to cover up? I will have to think about this one more.

      And I just thought of a fifth "D" my wife could add, in which case I would probably never sit down again: "delaying" If she ever decided to get serious about addressing my procrastination, I would have a very hard time.


    3. "It is almost like they feel selfish when they use DD for things that they want." That's a good point.

  13. I think one of the reasons that our DD really took off is that my wife truly did have goals for me -- it wasn't me asking her to hold me accountable for goals I was setting. She decided the goals, and she enforced them with hairbrush and bath brush. I knew these goals were good for me, or for our marriage, so I did not object. She would just announce them: "You're going to lose 20 pounds over the next three months. You're going to start exercising five times a week. You're going to stop saying the F word. You're going to ask permission before you have a third drink. You're going to call me when you have to stay at work late. You're coming to bed when I go to bed. You're going to open my car door each and every time." On and on and on. She always had at least one goal for me in addition to frequent "attitude adjustments." When I developed one habit she wanted, she would start on a new one. It became a challenge for me, a game but a real one -- to achieve the goals she set. When I got lazy or forgetful, my butt got the reminder. It worked for us!

    1. "I think one of the reasons that our DD really took off is that my wife truly did have goals for me -- it wasn't me asking her to hold me accountable for goals I was setting." I think it clearly works better that way, when the wife is setting rules that she presumably actually cares about. But, I think some wives are tentative going into these relationships and reluctant to really assert authority, so it takes them a while to get to that level of independence where they really take control. At least that's the way it's been for us.

      "You're coming to bed when I go to bed." That would be a very, very tough one for me. Anne needs way more sleep than I do.

    2. My wife has done great at staying on top of things (like weekly check-ins), and she is very resolute. If she decides something, it will generally happen. But at least so far, she has not really asserted authority in the way you described it. She might set a certain weekly goal or something, and if she does she will see that it is achieved or I will be punished, but she has never really openly asserted herself like the examples you gave. Maybe over time she will more?

      "'You're coming to bed when I go to bed.' That would be a very, very tough one for me. Anne needs way more sleep than I do." - This is very true for me as well. I think because of this, almost every time my wife has read anything about being sent to bed early as punishment, she has laughed out loud, since for me it would be the worst punishment possible. Of course, if someone sent her to bed early, she would be happy about it!



    3. My wife liked having her back rubbed as she fell asleep. It was a loving intimacy between us. She did not mind if I got up again after she was asleep.

  14. Curious that we should be taking about reasons for spanking this week. I think I have to add a fourth category to the three I previously suggested, I’ll call it the preemptive strike. We’re going to an event on Saturday where I think I may have some difficulty maintaining my usual sunny demeanor. (And attitude is probably my most common problem that needs to be addressed.). I have suggested two things: firstly that it may be easier to control my mood if I am feeling some soreness through the day and secondly that we should leave the cane out when we leave the house in the morning. Knowing that it’s ready for action as soon as we get home if she deems it necessary will, I think, help me maintain focus on how I behave. TG

    1. We've used what I call "preventative spankings" a few times, and I honestly think they should have a larger role when it comes to some of my socializing excesses. I really, really like your "preemptive strike" terminology. I may need to steal that one.

    2. Dan wrote: “I think it clearly works better that way, when the wife is setting rules that she presumably actually cares about.”

      I strongly agree, although probably most female-led DD probably starts with the male’s goals strongly influencing what is “spankable.” I think there may be a natural progression as the DD relationship matures for the wife’s rules and priorities to move front and center. We are not where KOJ’s relationship got to, which could be called a total matriarchy. But I think about the change with us in terms of the things that will get me into trouble with her as opposed to what did in earlier years. Many problems are no longer problems or rarely
      problems, while she feels free to set the boundaries and consequences that matter more to her. I am not uncomfortable with how it has evolved, but not sure I would feel the same if she became as strict as KOJ’s wife. But I have noted this before: where a disciplinary wife does decide to take it is up to her more and more as the relationship goes on. KOJ or someone in a DD relationship like his may not initially envision where it goes, but the consequences can’t be wholly anticipated once that female authority is established. Be careful what you wish for, indeed.

    3. Hi Alan,
      Our relationship has evolved in many ways, particularly in how hard and long she punishes and things like that, but not all that much in her asserting authority. My wife and I were just talking about this last night. It is somewhat odd, because overall she is not someone who finds it particularly hard to be assertive, but she thinks (and I agree) that it is mostly because she wants me to feel free. And in general, I want to feel free as well, but then I want her to sometimes strongly exercise her authority so I actually feel like there are some enforced boundaries. We humans certainly are complex creatures!

      I was reading my wife some of the comments from this week, and the whole idea of having at least some rules really seemed to resonate with her. She not only talked about it while I was reading things to her, but then mentioned it again later. Also, the idea that she could more openly assert herself seems to be something she is leaning towards exploring. I guess we will see.

      "...where a disciplinary wife does decide to take it is up to her more and more as the relationship goes on...the consequences can’t be wholly anticipated once that female authority is established." - Fully agree. And also I agree that this might well fit into the "be careful what you ask for" category.


    4. Alan: "I am not uncomfortable with how it has evolved, but not sure I would feel the same if she became as strict as KOJ’s wife." It probably is the same for me, though it's impossible to tell without it actually going there. I recall something you said recently, about how every time your wife or GF tightened the reins significantly, you would temporarily rebel. I suspect that would happen if Anne started going more in the direction KOJ's wife went, yet it's also true that his descriptions of that give me a bit of the same "morbid fascination" I had with DD after discovering the DWC website.

    5. Re Pre-emptive strikes (distinctive to maintenance spankings), that was one area I hadn't thought through but having picked up on that reading these comments I have inserted. Cheers GoodLifeMickey.

    6. Funny, I did not feel at all like we lived in a total matriarchy. All big life decisions we made together. I did concede authority in the day to day operations because our lives worked much better that way. At the same time, I was the aggressor in the bedroom most of the time.

    7. Fair enough! But given her control and the consequences with which she could enforce her will, what would you term it?
      And as far as being in control in the bedroom, I am not sure that changes things a lot. Once maybe, but not today


  15. This is an update on a private email I sent to Dan a couple days ago.

    I mentioned in that email that Google has started requiring viewers/users/posters of "Sensitive Content" <*> blogs to sign-in with "age verification."

    Apparently I "over-inferred" the rigor with which Google would be verifying "ages." When I originally signed up for my first Gmail account (+2 decades ago), I was asked to provide a Birthday and Birthyear. (I provided false information.)

    Apparently that original sign-up was sufficient for Google's "age verification" purposes. All that is needed to access "Sensitive Content" blogs (like Dan's) is to sign-in with an existing Google/Gmail account credentials.

    (Of course, by requiring "sign-ins," Google can not correlate all of our viewing and writing here with all of our other websurfing and purchasing behavior, to "feed us" better-matches advertising. Should be interesting to see what kinds of new advertisements Google sends my way, and on what other websites I visit, now that Google knows I'm a "spanko!")

    -- Donn

    1. CORRECTION: ". . . Google can NOW correlate all of our viewing . . . here "

    2. Thanks, Donn. True on the correlation and marketing *if* you use the same Google account and login for all your surfing. I have my "real" Google account that I use for pretty much everything except this blog, and then this account which I use for this blog and only this blog.

      I've done a little experimenting on this issue over the last few days, including visiting this blog using different browsers. I'm able to view it and comment without logging in on Safari for Mac, Safari for iPad and on Tor. Anything Google based, plus the Brave browser I usually use to login in here does now require a login "for age verification." Alan has also confirmed to me that Opera requires a login.

      But, as you said, if you already have a Google account, nothing in this new login requires you to verify your age.

      I also spent some time yesterday playing around with Wordpress. At some point, I very well may migrate the blog to there, but it's not pain free. Putting a blog entry in is easy, but setting up the "look and the feel" of the site using their themes and widgets is way more of a pain in the ass than it was on Blogger. So, while I may migrate, it's going to be a work in progress.

    3. Just a reminder:

      In addition to tracking your "login" name, Google also sets multiple cookies based upon your computers "browser fingerprint."

      Even if you do use a different (unique) email solely for this blog, Google has already read the cookies Google set on your computer from previous use of other Google accounts / email address. Just as, in the future, Google can read the cookies it set today on your computer (at this blog) on other websites / blogs that utilize Google tracking / advertising (basically +99% of all websites).

      There is no escaping the watch of Big Google.

    4. The president of Sun Microsystems, Scott McNealy, once said "You have no privacy. Get over it." Everyone got pissed, but he was basically right. I do think it is theoretically possible to engage with a blog this one anonymously. But, you would need to use something like Tor, preferably a VPN along with Tor, and preferably use different computers for coming here and for your daily surfing life. Back when I was very, very paranoid about anonymity, I always used Tor and had my browser set not to accept cookies. The net result was a thoroughly awful, pain in the ass user experience. Theoretically, someone at Google with nefarious intent probably could have what he needs to blackmail me on all sorts of fronts. But, the reality is, so could anyone who hacked my Amazon account. Or anyone who had access to my credit card statement and saw that I've bought spanking implements. For that kind of hacking though, you'd really be talking state actors and, if it happened, I'd probably just own the embarrassing fact that I'm into DD and adult spanking. And, the world would go on just fine.


This blog is a curated resource for those genuinely and positively interested in DD and FLR lifestyles. Comments that are rude, uncivil, inconsistent with the blog's theme or off-topic may not be posted or may be removed. Please use a name or initials (doesn't have to be your real one) when commenting - it helps commenters keep track of who is "talking."