
Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Club - Meeting 426 - Shame and Embarrassment

“Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.” – Mark Twain


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship.



I hope you all had a great week. For us, it was another week, another snowstorm.  After a string of very mild winters, this is the kind of winter I remember from a couple of decades ago.  One storm rolls out, the snow finally melts, then another rolls in.  I’m not complaining, though if it keeps up for two or more months I may be.  At least the skiing is great.


Preliminarily for this week, I’d like to thank JR’s wife Dev for dropping by and sharing a story about being asked to spank another woman.  I hope she’ll consider weighing in on other topics that interest her.


Personally, I thought last week’s discussion was kind of fascinating. When I first conceived of the topic, I almost didn’t go with it because I thought it might be too narrow to draw much response.


Instead, it seemed to be not so much narrow, as disconcerting and/or perplexing.  I can’t think of another topic that has caused some regular, thoughtful commenters to have to take a couple of cracks at it.  And, even then, the answers tended to be very nuanced as to whether it would be OK for our wives to spank other men.  While there wasn’t a clear pattern, it seemed to me the answers reflected:


  • the more the commenter saw spanking as inherently and invariable sexual, the more squeamish they were at the thought of their wife spanking another man 
  • unless they had been to spanking parties, in which case they were pretty cavalier about it 
  • some were a bit squeamish but open to it depending on the circumstances
  • those circumstances coming down mainly to either the wife’s reaction (might she get stimulated by it) or to the other man’s reaction (might he get stimulated by it)


For me, I think I would be OK with it, while recognizing that there are some situations where it's very hard to predict your reaction until you are in them.  With that caveat, I think I would be OK with Anne giving another man a real disciplinary spanking, even though I recognize that on some level most (not all, in my opinion) adult spankings have a strong sexual or erotic energy.  I don’t think my reaction would change if either she or the other man were sexually stimulated by it, and I’m pretty sure that I would get aroused by her display of power.


While I think I might feel kind of embarrassed or sympathetic toward the recipient, as Alan related in a story about his wife-to-be spanking another man, I think I also would be proud of and turned on by her in direct proportion to the seriousness of the spanking.


Alan’s reference to feeling embarrassed for someone else reinforced a plan I already had going to do a topic on embarrassment and shame, specifically embarrassment and shame about needing or being in a Domestic Discipline or FLR relationship. 


I started thinking about it as a potential topic based on some comments left in response to the New Years post a couple of weeks ago such as this one"


“Like Alan, I used to be ashamed of my unending need for spankings, but now it is a source of joy and stress relief. Anyway, Hope you are also starting out the New Year with a sore bottom and a relaxed state of mind.” - Norton


Now, I have looked and looked for a comment from Alan to that post regarding being ashamed at needing or wanting disciplinary spankings but couldn’t find one.  I did, however, find this comment from the week before, in response to a comment about how retirement may make us more open about our DD and FLR needs:


“But I think simple age and maturity matter at least as much in making one less concerned about others "knowing". I also am very proud of my wife for taking charge and doing what needed to be done. I also am proud of myself for accepting who I am sexually and submitting to her authority. These are feeling that grew stronger over time. In my late 20's and even into my 30's I was ashamed that I had to be spanked. I don't feel that way any longer.” -Alan


I’m not sure whether that is the comment Norton was referring to, or whether another comment from Alan was lost.  (The way Blogger keeps flagging comments as spam retroactively, I wouldn’t be surprised.In any event, a couple of others also talked about feeling ashamed of their DD needs.



“I often feel ashamed also. Then I feel ashamed because I feel ashamed. (if that makes any sense ). We talked about this yesterday and she assures me there’s nothing to worry about but it still bothers me.” - JR



My wife and I remain very private about DD. I would not want anyone finding out including neighbors. I think it’s still just too taboo. . . . I do remember one time after a punishment session, she gave me a good beating and when done told me to get out of her sight. I pulled my pants up and left the room ashamed and embarrassed.” - T


Since it came up multiple times, it seemed like something worth going into a little more.


The kind of shame and embarrassment the comments made me think about was the kind Alan seemed to be referring to, i.e. shame around the “need” to be spanked, in two senses of the word.  First, there is “need” in terms of a desire to be given disciplinary spankings and to be in a real disciplinary relationship.  Second, there is “need” in terms of requiring some kind of external authority to keep your behavior in line.



I’m not sure I’ve ever felt real shame about domestic discipline spankings or being in an FLR in either of those senses.  I admit I was very nervous when I first brought up the subject with Anne.  It was embarrassing, because it was admittedly so outside the norm and unlike anything I’d asked of her before, but I don’t think I felt “shame” per se.  I was very confused about why I wanted it and was worried she might reject it as too weird or kinky, but I didn’t feel ashamed of the desire itself.


I also don’t think I’ve felt shame about needing the externally imposed boundaries that domestic discipline gives me.  Some time ago, I think it was ZM who said that if someone were to ask why it is that he can’t just exercise some willpower and self-discipline, instead of needing his wife to impose discipline, the simple retort would be that if he could he already would have. 


That’s pretty much how I feel about my own need to be reined in at times.  Throughout most of my career, I could outwork anyone.  Over many years, I’ve killed myself in the gym and denied myself many dietary pleasures to stay pretty fit even now that I’m well into middle-age. There are many areas where I’ve proven I can work and focus and sacrifice as much as anyone.  Yet, there are some areas where I need that extra incentive that DD provides.


I also don’t think I’ve ever felt true shame or embarrassment about DD as a kink.  I don’t tend to be judgmental about others’ kinks, and the corollary is I don’t feel any real shame about my own.


Now, none of that is to say that I wouldn’t have been embarrassed about being “outed” under some circumstances.  I definitely was downright paranoid about it being found out while I was in my profession, though I honestly believe that was way more about being concerned about the possible limiting consequences on certain opportunities than about being ashamed or embarrassed per se.  I also think that my concerns diminished as I got older, and it wasn’t all about retiring or getting close to retirement said. As Alan alluded to, as I’ve gotten older and more mature (relatively), I just don’t care as much about what other people think.


I do think that there might be certain contexts where I might feel something close to real embarrassment, but they are pretty limited.  The best example I can think of is I do have an aversion to parents and siblings finding out, though I don’t know why that particular set of people knowing bothers me.


I also don’t really get embarrassed during an actual spanking session, though sometimes I do feel a sense of vulnerability that probably is something like embarrassment.  The big exception, though it’s so far purely theoretical, is around crying.



When Alan talked about feeling embarrassed for the former boyfriend his future wife spanked in front of him, I think that’s how I felt the first time I read stories on The Disciplinary Wives Club website in which the husbands ended up sobbing.  I felt deeply embarrassed by that scenario and, by extension, how I might feel if it happened to me.  At the time, I had no idea how common or uncommon crying was in DD relationships, and I think I went into many early spankings wondering if that might be the time it would happen.


To this day, I think the primary reason I have never broken down and really cried during a spanking is that the prospect embarrasses me so much.  Which is kind of odd, because it’s not like Anne has never seen me cry. Yet, after all these years there is something I find deeply embarrassing about the prospect of crying during a spanking.



The other situation in which I think embarrassment does play a big role in my relationship with spanking and DD is around asking for it. As I said, when I brought the whole idea to Anne, I definitely was nervous about both how she might react and also what I might really be in for if she agreed to give it a try.  I definitely was cognizant in the moment that it might be one of those "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it" situations.

She did agree to it, and I now have received dozens and dozens of disciplinary spankings and am well aware of what one entails. Yet, I still have a lot resistance to self-reporting and to asking for one even when I know it's fully deserved and part of me really wants it to happen to satisfy that need I have for accountability.  I don't think that resistance is all, or even mostly, about wanting to avoid the spanking.  It's more about being embarrassed about asking for it.  It's kind of odd that 15+ years into this, I probably have more embarrassment around specifically asking for a spanking or reporting something that I know will lead to one (which is really asking for it, just in a different form), than I do about the prospect of others knowing that I do, in fact, get spanked.  

What about you? What role has shame or embarrassment played historically with respect to your spanking and discipline desires? Have you ever been ashamed of wanting or needing to be in a DD or FLR relationship?  Are you ever ashamed of being a grown man who still needs someone else to impose boundaries and provide consequences?  Would you be ashamed at some people knowing but not others?


I hope you all have a great week.


  1. Dan, I’m right with you on the embarrassment of asking for it. The two cards were an eye opener. One a get out of jail free card (one use). The second a get out of jail with a sever spanking and scolding. In the past, I have been embarrassed by the act of self reporting for a spanking. The card has taken a bit of onus off her. I’ve felt in the past during an argument when I’ve screwed up, she should have beaten me. Moving forward,
    I now have the card to hand her to wipe the slate clean. I admit that I sit back at times and go, “I’m a grown man, it’s so juvenile to be spanked for my misdeeds.” The embarrassment and shame if anyone found out would be humiliating to me. I have an alpha ego and have a high stress job with numerous subordinates and a tremendous amount of responsibility. I was shamed of my need for DD with me ex, who wanted no part of spanking me. With my wife, as stated above, I was embarrassed and ashamed after a sound thrashing. I am not ashamed of the want of DD with
    my wife now. She understands my need for discipline. She gets why I need and desire it and how I feel it has brought us closer. I also think why as a grown man do I need DD?
    I am a responsible grown man who provides for and respects his family, but I feel the need to be held accountable for my actions. This is how I feel my wife has the option to make her voice truly heard. The spanking and scolding drives her point home and make me think about my actions.

    1. T., I may be being dense but just to confirm, is the idea with the "severe spanking and scolding" card that you're really not asking to "get out of jail free" but, rather, asking her to spank you?

    2. Yes Dan the second card is me asking for one that I deserve but she might not utilize for various reasons at the time. An example was Sat I went out w the guys and we had too many beers while watching the game. She obviously can tell when I’m buzzed and I was over the limit. She actually brought up that I should be grounded. She then asked do u want to use your one get out of jail free for the year or the other one. I said the spanking and scolding to wash the slate clean. After work today, she said I’m getting a good beating when I get home. Because we are still new to the DD part, the cards are a great tool to utilize until she is 100% confident in ordering me to bend over for a spanking. I know I deserve one for drinking a bit too much anyway. Like above, I can’t ask my wife directly for a spanking. I’m way to embarrassed by the request. I shouldn’t be because our relationship is wonderful, but I still can’t put my finger on why I can’t just say, I screwed up beat me. It probably goes back to why do I need this sort of adult punishment. My mind says sometimes this is way too juvenile, but obviously I need it and it helps. Like TG, being outed for my punishments would be way too embarrassing for me. My wife would never use that as leverage for anything else. It’s private between us, although I do believe a friend of hers does know in another state. We don’t see her friend, so it doesn’t bother me. I think I posted before, that one day I overheard a conversation as I came home. My wife said to her friend, my husband would never do that because I would whip his ass. Her friend was having issues with her husband at the time. I actually felt flushed overhearing it. I never said anything to my wife at the time, because there is no connection to the friend and I. I was also actually turned on a bit that my wife put me in my place when need be and that she may have suggested her friend does the same thing. She did say in a casual conversation that they had been getting along much better. I doubt that DD had anything to do with it. They do live in the “bible” belt so who knows. Im actually dreading tonight as I won’t be able to sit comfortably tomorrow.

    3. "Like above, I can’t ask my wife directly for a spanking. I’m way to embarrassed by the request. I shouldn’t be because our relationship is wonderful, but I still can’t put my finger on why I can’t just say, I screwed up beat me." Same here, and newness to DD obviously has nothing to do with it. We've been doing this for over 15 years, and I've written a blog about it for a decade, yet I can almost never bring myself to affirmatively ask for a spanking.

      "She actually brought up that I should be grounded." Do you guys actually use grounding? We talk about it, and I've suggested it. Yet, it's very rarely happened. Though, that might be because when I was working a lot of my socializing was workplace-related and client-driven, so cutting that off might have been cutting off our nose to spit our face, as the networking was definitely a big part of having a successful career.

    4. We haven’t delved deep into it yet, but I know I’m not allowed out with that same crew for awhile. She already said I’m on probation and should be on my best behavior. I spoke to her at lunch today and she said don’t forget tonight. She used the line I’m gonna tan your hide. I won’t even attempt to go out w the guys next weekend for the game. She would shut it down immediately. Although, we don’t have an FLR, I’m smart enough to know when to say when. I would like to include grounding more in our relationship. Being told no you can’t do this would be helpful for me to stay out of trouble. I do believe my alpha ego would try and say no way but I would respect her decision if need be. I’m not in trouble very often. This goes back to me knowing if I had an FLR relationship 20 years ago, it would have benefited me greatly. I was a bit wild in my youth and a wife who was older and wiser could have whipped me into shape. I don’t need an FLR now and my wife wouldn’t want the responsibility anyway. I just know that it definitely would have benefited me greatly.

    5. "I spoke to her at lunch today and she said don’t forget tonight. She used the line I’m gonna tan your hide."

      That's certainly a powerful reminder.

      "I was a bit wild in my youth and a wife who was older and wiser could have whipped me into shape."

      For me, it was way more than "a bit." By the time we were married and later discovered DD, the pattern was set. Honestly, I think for that pattern to be changed it would have had to be reined in hard much earlier, like back in high school. Or, Anne would have to get a lot more controlling. She gave me a hard spanking yesterday, and the communication around it did tap into a very maternal vibe. If that happened more often, maybe it would have a chance at truly disrupting some of those deep-set patterns.

    6. Dan,
      I was given a good whipping last night with the belt and I am very sore today. My spanking was very maternal. She explained why I shouldn’t be drinking like that and she didn’t care what my friends did. She stated I needed an attitude adjustment. The spanking was not as long as I expected but she drove the point home. Like your statement above, I hope it happens more often. Growing up in a strict religious household, I wish I had met someone when younger that had that strict religious background. I feel robbed of an FLR when younger and the DD needed to have made a more
      positive change that I am seeing now with my wife. I look back at some of the women I dated, and one would have definitely fit the mold for a classic FLR. She was no nonsense and a bit bossy. She inherited it from her Mother.
      She was a few years older. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out. We were too young,
      although she did spank me a few times prior to fooling around.
      She did give me a good belting one afternoon. Ohh the memories are still there. It’s amazing to me how I can remember the spankings heard or given when in my youth, but I can’t remember yesterday lol.

    7. If misery loves company, I got my spanking on Sunday and am still fairly sore today. So, I feel for, and with, you.

      I suspect that one reason DD seems to be more prevalent among those of us in middle-age is that even if we are ready for it when younger (whether we know it or not), it's pretty hard to find a woman in her 20s who has the confidence for it at that stage.

      Yeah, I have the same problem with memory. I remember some spankings that happened 15 years ago like they were yesterday, but I can't remember what I had for lunch when it literally was yesterday.

  2. Yeah, I know, I’m going off at a tangent again, but one of T’s comments really caught my attention. He talked about being very much an alpha with a pressured senior job. Although you’ve mentioned Dan that you are retired, you clearly have a similar history. Back when we frequently went to spanking parties - I’m talking about twenty years ago when we were regulars at a local group, we developed a theory based on our observations that there was a very strong correlation between male submissives and strong alpha personalities. My thought was that such people - and I include myself in this - are so always-on that submission, whether in a pure spanking or a broader BDSM sense, is an opportunity to turn the thinking brain off, and let someone else make the decisions. I think that something somewhat similar may be happening in DD. I suspect that a poll of contributors to this blog might show that a very high proportion are strong, dominant personalities in other aspects of their lives. I’m no psychologist but I suspect this is no coincidence. Giving up control in one aspect of our lives I think provides a necessary balance. And just to prove that I really did read your original post on embarrassment, I can’t even imagine being outed to family or friends. However I know my wife has at least hinted at it to one or two of her friends and curiously, I don’t feel uncomfortable with this and feel no embarrassment when we see people who I know are to some extent at least, aware of our lifestyle. I never had your experience of approaching her to ask for DD as we originally met through a spanking website. This was not even in this century, so long before meeting on the web was usual; so when I upset her pretty badly about something a year or so later, moving into the DD world was just a natural extension. I don’t honestly remember who suggested it, but by then we had discovered the DWC website so it wasn’t a big leap for us. Finally to answer your questions, yes I still sometimes feel uncomfortable about what I need and wish I understood myself better and yes, I would be highly embarrassed by some people knowing but not by others. TG

    1. "My thought was that such people - and I include myself in this - are so always-on that submission, whether in a pure spanking or a broader BDSM sense, is an opportunity to turn the thinking brain off, and let someone else make the decisions."

      I agree with your theory. It's too bad that Blogger doesn't still have a poll widget. Back when it had one, I did some polls asking whether commenters were inclined to lead or follow in their day-to-day lives. I thought that "alpha" or "type-A" personalities would be way over-represented, but it didn't really turn out that way. It was about a 50-50 split between people who identified as natural leaders and those who saw themselves as natural followers.

      It's interesting that you met through a spanking website before that was kind of a "thing." I do wonder whether the internet increased the number of people who are into these lifestyles, or whether it just added a new outlet for people to explore it but they were already doing so in other ways. Personally, I'm not sure I would have ever come across the concept or ever conceived of it as a possibility were it not for the internet.

    2. Hi TG, I agree with your theory at least to some extent, and I have heard it put forth multiple times, especially in BDSM circles, where one large group of clients for dominas are CEO's and high-power executives (and it is a safe guess that the majority of them are more alpha personalities). I am not sure if holds quite as true in DD relationships (it may), and somehow I feel that it doesn't in FLR relationships. While alphas might like the release of giving up power sometimes, and while it might help provide a little balance in their lives, I think they often find it difficult to go for longer periods of time without trying to exert more control.

      As for pre-internet awareness of things related to this, I can say that I was very aware of BDSM/femdom things, from adult magazines and things like that. However, it wasn't until after the internet came along and things like the DWC that I began to realize that I was much more into "real-life" DD or FLR, and not so much the whole domination play scene.


    3. I was generally aware of BDSM and Femdom, but I associated the latter with the whole leather, chains and whips scene. I don't think I had any real awareness that there were real couples who used real spankings to address bad behavior.

    4. It was DWC that opened my eyes to DD. I really had no awareness of it before that. TG

    5. TG, same here. Very shortly before I discovered the DWC I saw a segment on adult spanking on HBO's Real Sex series, but it was confined to erotic spanking. At that point, I still had no clue that "real" spanking was a thing among adults.

    6. Like Dan and TG, I didn’t even know real DD was a thing before finding DWC. So I always thought I wanted erotic spanking or Femdom play, though I was always strangely drawn to spankings when the woman was wearing normal clothes (not femdom attire). When I discovered the DWC, I began realizing what I really wanted, and suddenly my preference for normal attire and domestic settings made sense.


  3. I've not commented for a while as although the topics have been really interesting, I have not had the time to think through responses that would add to the debate. And then another week goes by ... This topic of embarrassment is of particular interest because although I would not describe myself as an 'alpha-male' I am very self-sufficient and professionally I have held a number of high profile leadership roles. I am generally introverted and, probably because of a religious upbringing where corporal punishment was the 'go-to' discipline, I have always been quite restrained about open displays of any emotion. I believe that I learned that restraint in an education environment where spontaneity was often punished, sex was never spoken about and most pleasurable experiences were laced with guilt. Spanking has been a lifelong fascination, a drive second only to sex & linked very closely. Although heterosexual, it was always the M/m dynamic that infused my fantasies - until I became aware of F/M, predictably via the DWC. I had simply never considered such a possibly before (very odd in retrospect).

    My initial embarrassment in broaching the subject with my wife was significant and I could only communicate to her initially in writing with a follow-up conversation. We have reached a satisfactory situation where she has the consent and right to punish me for misbehavior that affects her - disrespect, moods, thoughtlessness being the primary causes. Although initially I had to 'advise' her on severity, she now has it down to a fine art.

    I may indicate in my journal that I feel that she should 'take some action' but I have never verbally requested a spanking - that, for me, would be too embarrassing. Equally the preamble to a spanking is quite embarrassing - the having to follow her upstairs, waiting whilst she uses that bathroom, the scolding as I stand bed the bed and the order and act of undressing whilst she remains dressed. I find all of that as embarrassing now as an adult as I did in similar situations as a child.

    During and after I am not embarrassed, in fact afterwards I am often quite happy to speak with her about the experience, about how it makes me feel, why I find it beneficial, etc. Being a spanked husband has not only made me a better, more attentive and more thoughtful partner but it has also made me much more open about, and able to share my feelings.

    Of course there is the sexual element, a strong element, to this spanking aspect of our relationship but she will often says that since we started on this practice, the main benefit for her has been my ability to be more open, less reserved and more able to fully experience a wider range of emotions. TB

    1. Thanks, TB.

      "Although heterosexual, it was always the M/m dynamic that infused my fantasies - until I became aware of F/M, predictably via the DWC." I first became aware of DD through the DWC, but I've always had some attraction to the M/m dynamic, too. For me, a big part of the fascination with DD involves boundaries and consequences that are imposed, i.e. that I'm not asking for but, rather, are being imposed on me whether I like it or not. I see that dynamic as being more of a real possibility in the M/m dynamic. Thanks for sharing that the M/m dynamic was part of your fantasies, as I think many men would be very skittish about admitting it, though I also realize that in many cases it's not skittishness but, rather, that many of the commenters here genuinely have zero interest in a M/m dynamic.

    2. Hi TB,
      I can really relate to a lot of what you wrote. I too am at least mostly introverted, yet I also have held (and still do) some high profile leadership roles. Also, I am from a sexually-repressive, guilt-ridden environment, and I also found the DWC as revolutionary as far as my thinking about DD went. However, I never fantasized about the DD dynamic, although I agree with Dan that it does make the whole idea of truly imposed discipline much more possible. I am not sure if it is truly skittishness that keeps me from thinking about the DD dynamic, or what? I think it is just kind of a lack of sexuality to it that makes it seem less attractive.

      I too am too embarrassed to ask for a spanking - though thankfully she doesn't really want this anyway - and my feelings leading up to a spanking seem very similar to yours. However, I do talk very freely with my wife about all this. At least part of that is seeing how open she is to it, which makes it so much easier.


  4. Hi Dan and all,

    To focus on “shame”: There are two distinct expressions of it with respect to DD and consensual punishment One is positive, the other less so. The positive aspects of shame are the emotions evoked by being spanked, a clearly juvenile punishment, including the scolding if there is one, the shame of having one’s pants taken down (or being directed to), the shame of the need to be spanked like a naughty boy and all the many rituals that accompany adult DD. These shaming experiences, which can be very intense, are positive because they prepare one to accept and internalize the discipline to come –and they increase the probability the lesson will “stick” glued by the memory of the embarrassment felt.

    The second type of shame that can accompany adult DD is either or both a generalized same that you are some kind of weirdo because it is attractive to have a woman smack your bum or someone judgmental will find out and possibly disseminate it. As far as being a weirdo, forget it. You have bought into a long-demolished myth that “kinky” is uncommon or perverted. Maybe if you are living back in Plymouth in the 1600”—but not today. The second fear of public or career damage is more plausible -unfortunately, there are still many narrow-minded. Mean, nasty and ignorant folks out there who would try to use it against you
    This second kind of shame negatively affects you if you have it. To me, the emotion was always closer to fear of public embarrassment than shame but whatever you term it, it is still real Ultimately many of the ignoramuses that hew to a moral code that didn’t even work for the puritans will die out. Meanwhile, America will run between 50 and a hundred years behind the rest of the western world in moral development and our society will continue its habitual hypocrisy about things sexual

    1. Wow, Alan. You nailed this (both parts)!


    2. I thought I replied to this earlier, but Blogger seems to have deleted it. I totally agree with ZM that Alan's response nailed it.

      "These shaming experiences, which can be very intense, are positive because they prepare one to accept and internalize the discipline to come –and they increase the probability the lesson will “stick” glued by the memory of the embarrassment felt."

      It's kind of a paradox that, while I want punishment to feel imposed and to be delivered whether I agree with it or not, there still is a degree of "acceptance" involved. Perhaps the resolution to the paradox is that what I am accepting is, in fact, the inevitability and that it actually is going to happen.

      "To me, the emotion was always closer to fear of public embarrassment than shame but whatever you term it, it is still real Ultimately many of the ignoramuses that hew to a moral code that didn’t even work for the puritans will die out."

      While I do think I did fear public embarrassment, I also think for me it was more about tangible career consequences than embarrassment per se. I do hope the ingoramuses eventually die out, though I'm less certain about that than you are.

  5. Spanking for the purpose of sex is not shameful or embarrassing to me, and that must be why it doesn't interest me much. It is the abject vulnerability of being punished in this way that draws me so strongly. Everything about it is embarrassing and, the actual punishment, humiliating. The mention of spanking in a vanilla setting has always been embarrassing to me, and I never let on that I am interested. If it happened, I would not want anyone other than the disciplinarian to know about it. In a relationship, I'd be too embarrassed to ask for it but, not asking for it, having it imposed on me is more shaming and, therefore, what I want to imagine. Like growing up, I never asked for it, I had good reason to be ashamed of my behavior, and the consequences imposed on me felt like real justifiable humiliation. The most powerfully shaming, and least sexual, would be an M/m situation like it was as a boy. That goes into the territory of almost too difficult to even imagine, but I have entertained the idea of M/m as witnessed by a female which, again, is all about the humiliation. Something needs to stir those emotionally painful feelings. Crying is also a big fear, and reaches the level of vulnerability that fits the moth-to-flame urge here.

    1. "The most powerfully shaming, and least sexual, would be an M/m situation like it was as a boy. That goes into the territory of almost too difficult to even imagine, but I have entertained the idea of M/m as witnessed by a female which, again, is all about the humiliation. Something needs to stir those emotionally painful feelings. Crying is also a big fear, and reaches the level of vulnerability that fits the moth-to-flame urge here."

      This matches my feelings almost exactly.

    2. I feel the same way as Brett. I find everything about spanking embarrassing. I felt embarrassed and ashamed when I was spanked as a kid, and I feel the same way when my wife spanks me now. It embarrasses me just to say the word “spanking” out loud. When I first told my wife I wanted her to discipline me, I did it in a letter, and I had to leave the house while she read it. It would have embarrassed me to be present when she read it. I know I have a spanking fetish and that I have eroticized shame and embarrassment, so one might think it is just an erotic game when my wife spanks me. If it WAS just an erotic game, I wouldn’t feel so embarrassed, but because she only ever spanks for real disciplinary purposes, the embarrassment and shame are always real. I feel embarrassed because I am a grown man who gets punished like a child, and I feel ashamed because my wife doesn’t just spank, she scolds me for behaving in immature ways that, in her opinion, merit an infantilizing form of punishment.

    3. Hi JB. "When I first told my wife I wanted her to discipline me, I did it in a letter, and I had to leave the house while she read it." I didn't go quite that far, but I did tell her about it when we were in bed, with the lights off so I couldn't see her reaction. And, while I sketched out the idea at a high level, the next day I left a note for her with the link to the Disciplinary Wives Club website, which she reviewed while I was at work.

    4. I told my wife (then future wife) about spanking and we talked about it many times. But then I read her something I wrote about DD/FLR (opposed to just spanking play) while we were sitting in a quiet corner of a restaurant rather late at night. I read it because I was afraid I would go off on a tangent if I just tried explaining it.


    5. Anne and I have had several intimate conversations about the DD side of our relationships in restaurants over the years. There's something stimulating about talking about something taboo like that in an open environment like a restaurant.

  6. In my late 20's and even into my 30's I was ashamed that I had to be spanked. I don't feel that way any longer.” -Alan

    I have never quoted myself before but I think I Should clarify this, particularly in view of the comments made above. I have definitely always felt some shame that my partner felt they needed to use a juvenile punishment to correct me and that I responded to it. I will always remember my former GF saying once after a spanking: “(Alan) You are such a different person after I have spanked you ( and I like that change”)

    Moreover, my wife has made it clear that she expects remorse and shame if “ I have to go to the trouble of dealing with you” So shame leading up to punishment is even stronger now as I am older. It’s not shame so much that she is going to spank me ( and I can’t stop it) but more because I have behaved in a way that makes her think it’s necessary

    But the shame I don’t feel any longer and never should have was what other people would have thought about it. One should have no more shame about that than any other aspect of their sexuality or for that matter any other expression of their authentic self.

    1. Dan, you were correct about the quote from Alan I was referencing "In my late 20s and even into my 30s, I was ashamed that I had to be spanked. I don't feel that way any longer." My need to be spanked has been well understood and accepted by my lady friend, and she seems happy to remind me that a spanking will be happening soon. I really appreciate her willingness to continue to make it a priority, as that makes it more of a matter of fact routine she has committed herself to, so I don't need to ask for it. Most of our check ins will include a spanking. They often begin with her putting me in the corner, followed by my reading a journal to her, so she knows what is going on with me emotionally, as well as anything I may have done to earn a spanking. It is easier to read the journal than it is to self report, although it amounts to the same thing. All this makes me feel quite vulnerable, but not ashamed. It would certainly be more embarrassing if she told a friend that she gives me spankings, or had a friend over to witness one. We use no other methods for punishment, such as grounding, but she does have the authority to spank for any reason, and she can spank very hard and long. Having another man involved in any way would never be ok with me, and neither of us are at all interested in that.

    2. "They often begin with her putting me in the corner, followed by my reading a journal to her, so she knows what is going on with me emotionally, as well as anything I may have done to earn a spanking." While I don't read my journal to her, the idea behind sharing a journal with her is about her knowing what is going on with me emotionally.

  7. Again, I may find myself in a bit of a different situation. Almost immediately after my first adult spanking and being held accountable for my actions, I understood my need for accountability and correction. My second wife, a NYC Pro Domme, taught me about behavior rules and being accountable. Also that DD was just like any other alternative lifestyle, and how corporal punishment is a valid deterrent and punishment for infractions at any age. Nothing really to be ashamed of when you consider all the pros of DD living. When time came for me to find another mate, I had no qualms in explaining to her what I was looking for after our dating became serious. Perhaps I have been fortunate, but I never have had to ask for discipline. I have asked for a stress relief spanking from time to time. I do confess my infractions to her, and then it is up to her to decide if a spanking is due. When any other person happens to discover our lifestyle and I am able to explain the benefits, they understand and either accept it or not. I am a spanked male submissive and not ashamed of my lifestyle.

    1. Thanks, SC. You do seem to be a bit of an exception here when it comes to how readily and thoroughly you accepted your own needs without embarrassment.

  8. Hi Dan,
    Great topic! Let me take a stab at your questions.

    "What role has shame or embarrassment played historically with respect to your spanking and discipline desires?" - I know I am answering this from a different angle than you are asking, but I would say that it is likely that virtually all my desire for DD/FLR is somehow rooted in unresolved feelings of guilt and shame that I carry around, somehow leaving me seeking absolution through some concrete means.

    "Have you ever been ashamed of wanting or needing to be in a DD or FLR relationship?" - Ashamed? No. Embarrassed? Yes. First off, I think that shame should be reserved for moral failings, and while I have plenty, being wired to need DD is not one of them, since I had nothing to do with it, or at least not during my grown-up years. I am embarrassed by my lack of ability to self-regulate adequately - my disorganization, lack of self-control, and things like that. But again, I genuinely try, so while I don't feel a lot of need for shame per se.

    "Are you ever ashamed of being a grown man who still needs someone else to impose boundaries and provide consequences?" - Again, mostly embarrassed, at least in my need for imposed boundaries and consequences. However, like Alan, I am often ashamed for things that I have done that lead to me needing individual punishments.

    "Would you be ashamed at some people knowing but not others?" - Yes, but I am not sure why I should be. Because of my very conservative religious background, I would probably mostly feel ashamed if any of those people knew, because there is little doubt that I would be seen as very, very bad in their eyes. On the other hand, I don't even feel any embarrassment or awkwardness with my wife's sister (who knows everything) or my wife's friend (who not only knows everything, but was here at our house during a spanking and probably heard at least some of it taking place). A big part of shame and embarrassment is tied to how we expect that someone will think about something.


    1. "[I]t is likely that virtually all my desire for DD/FLR is somehow rooted in unresolved feelings of guilt and shame that I carry around, somehow leaving me seeking absolution through some concrete means." I think that's a great angle on the topic. For me, I've never fully understood the source of my desire for DD. It's possible that it's related to feelings of guilt or shame, though it doesn't quite resonate for me. I think that I have an abnormally high need to be held accountable when I do something wrong, but I don't think I have an abnormally high baseline level of guilt and shame I carry around.

      "A big part of shame and embarrassment is tied to how we expect that someone will think about something." This seems to be sometimes true for me, but not always. For example, I don't have any reason to think my parents or siblings would react in a strongly negative way (though it's possible my dad would), so I'm not sure why the prospect of them knowing pushes my embarrassment button so strongly.

    2. Just to be clear, I don't really know what the root cause of my desire for DD is. But it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that it is tied to feelings of guilt and shame. I too have a high need for accountability, and also a very clear need for imposed guardrails, as we talked about last week. But still it seems like somehow I have this need for catharsis or something like that. In the end, I don't really understand exactly why I want or need any of this, only that I do.

      I agree that only some of how ashamed or embarrassed we would be to have someone find out is tied to how we expect them to think about it. There are countless other factors, like how long you have known them and in which capacity. For example, I would find it easier if someone I worked for found out than if someone who worked for me found out, just because it would be more of a relative loss of position. And I obviously would not want a close family member to find out, not only because of how I think they would respond, but also because they are forever in my life, so the stakes are much higher. And so on.


    3. I thought about it a little more, and clearly I do link shame or embarrassment to how some people might react. The best example I can think of is when I've talked about Anne starting to spank with the bedroom window shades open. (Which she did again today.) I've only had one face-to-face encounter with the people in the house behind us, and the wife seemed very nice. I had a much less nice relationship with that house's previous occupant. I would have been majorly embarrassed to have that wife witness a spanking, because I she clearly didn't like me.

      Oddly, I think the work relationship hierarchy would have worked the reverse for me. If someone who worked for me found out, it's not like they could have done much to use it against me and, had they tried, I would have had way more ability to retaliate than they would. Had a superior found out, I think it really could have had a negative career impact, because it was just that kind of place. Lots of Big Swinging Dicks competing for hierarchy.

    4. Hi Dan, If you were worried about someone using knowledge of your DD activities against you, your explanation makes perfect sense. I was never worried about someone finding out and using it against me, but rather just me being embarrassed by it. So in that case, I think having a superior find out might be less embarrassing because I am already lower than them in status. Thankfully I’ve never had to find out which is worse!


    5. It probably says a lot about my old gig that, yes, I did have concerns about peers and superiors using things against me. Not exactly a supportive community. The funny thing is, among peer firms it was seen as a relatively touchy-feely place.

  9. DD embarrassed me in many ways elucidated by others above. But I have never felt shame from DD, and I consider the two emotions quite different.
    To me, shame is much deeper and longer-lasting. Shame would mean I feel bad about myself, like I am a bad person. Embarrassment is more temporary and connected to specific behavior which has been observed by others. When embarrassed, I do not feel like a bad person; I feel like I did a bad thing and have been discovered.
    Even the physical manifestations are different. Shame I feel deep in my gut, a profound ache. Embarrassment I feel on my skin: face flushed, skin prickly, hot.
    My wife believed in embarrassing me as part of DD. Her scolding was very much a dressing down. But she always considered me a good man who sometimes acted like a naughty little boy and needed to be punished like one. Standing there with my pants down, getting a lecture and required to look her in the eye, I felt very embarrassed, but not shamed. I knew I had misbehaved and deserved correction. But I also felt loved and cared for.
    Later, when she got bolder about her bossiness, I felt embarrassed that most knew that she wore the pants in our family and some knew that she made comments implying that she spanked me. My face would turn very red. But I didn't hate myself; I did not feel shame. Instead, I loved being the man she wanted me to be -- well-spanked, well-embarrassed, and well-behaved.

    1. This is a great way of parsing out the difference between shame and embarrassment. I especially like this: "Even the physical manifestations are different. Shame I feel deep in my gut, a profound ache. Embarrassment I feel on my skin: face flushed, skin prickly, hot."

  10. Embarrassment was one of my primary feelings in regard to DD. I also felt humility, and paradoxically, pride. And most of all I felt loved -- my wife's maternal love -- possibly the greatest gift I ever received.
    I felt embarrassed that I lacked self-control in my behavior. I felt embarrassed that I needed to be under her authority to behave. I felt embarrassed that spanking was the most effective way to correct me. I felt embarrassed that my wife needed to employ DD as a tool. I felt embarrassed that she had to stand in for my mother and treat me like a naughty little boy. I felt embarrassed when scolded and made to answer embarrassing questions ("Have we discussed this issue before? Have you been punished for it before? Do you need to be punished harder? When are you going to learn your lesson? When are you going to behave like the man we both want you to be?") I felt embarrassed when ordered to drop my pants for a spanking. I felt embarrassed to be put over her knee. I felt embarrassed that I couldn't take the spanking stoically, shouting and begging and kicking my legs. I felt embarrassed when I cried like a little kid.
    After the spanking I always felt humbled but also loved and focused on improving my behavior.
    And I felt pride when my wife told me what a good husband I was and when other wives complimented my behavior to her and sometimes even to my face.
    I felt humbled and proud together when women would ask my wife how come I was such a gwntleman and she would say "a lot of training."

    1. KOJ, your experience is close to mine. My wife’s scolding and questioning before and during a spanking are embarrassing, not only because her manner is reminiscent of a mother disciplining a child, but because it forces me to face the fact that I really do behave immaturely sometimes. Also, like you I am unable to take a spanking in a stoic manner. Kicking and squirming and crying out feel undignified, but I can’t help it.

    2. "I felt embarrassed when scolded and made to answer embarrassing questions ("Have we discussed this issue before? Have you been punished for it before? Do you need to be punished harder? When are you going to learn your lesson? When are you going to behave like the man we both want you to be?")" My reaction to being questioned like that is often more annoyance than embarrassment, though I think the annoyance may be a defense mechanism I use to avoid really taking responsibility including feeling embarrassed. If that makes sense.

      "I felt embarrassed when I cried like a little kid." Fifteen-plus years of DD for us, and it still hasn't happened.

    3. Spanked to tears has resulted in deep catharsis for me. It also intensified our intimacy -- just like any instance of a spouse crying in the arms of their partner.

    4. Those deeply cathartic experiences -- through DD and other means -- have helped me with my grief.

    5. I don't have any doubt crying would be both cathartic and lead to much greater intimacy. When I first discovered the DWC website, I was fascinated by the stories involving real crying. Yet, I just can't seem to get there.

    6. I have been spanked to tears, but just barely (she stopped shortly after I began crying) and it hasn’t happened for a long time now, I’m sure it will again, but it hasn’t happened enough for me to understand the triggers.


  11. A belated Happy New Year, Dan - and "club members!" Lots of interesting topics and conversations these last few weeks!

    Although the conversation has moved on, I do agree with what appears to be the general consensus that there is an inherent sexual element in F/M DD spanking (at least, for most). I would suggest that the difference between a spanking (or the desire for one) before ejaculation and immediately after ejaculation is very telling on this issue. :) Personally, I fully recognize that for me there is a "psycho-sexual" element in being a regularly spanked husband. For me, the spanking itself is never arousing per se (I've never been one to have to worry about an erection when presenting myself for a spanking). And, although we do occasionally have sex immediately following a spanking, it is not the "norm" (more often I have orally serviced her immediately afterwards, as spanking me does sometimes excite her). But the thought of a spanking before and after can be quite sexually intense (as many of us have noted here over the years - and on other forums as well).

    The idea of my wife spanking another man has never really bothered me at all - even from the start of our DWC lifestyle. And, after attending a spanking party several years ago (several hundred miles from our home town - we worked it into a vacation), even less so. My wife did spank a couple of men there - less intensely than she spanks me - but probably harder than they were used to. And I received a "playful flogging" from one lady (it stung a bit, but nothing a DWC style spanking). We have never "looked" for another man for her to spank, but I would not be opposed to her helping a friend out with his disciplinary needs in the event that such an unlikely scenario should unfold.

    As Dan noted on this topic, Aunt Kay and Jerry (Tomy) - while being very much a real life DWC couple - also had a fun attitude toward spanking. There is, in fact, an FAQ on the DWC site where she says that spanking doesn't always have to be serious - and that we can always have fun with spanking also. I do realize, however, that are many different dynamics - and that for some couples, spanking is most meaningful when it is always strictly disciplinary (and restricted only to the married couple).

    As to embarrassment (or shame), as others have noted, this seems to be less of a concern as I have grown older - especially after retirement. It would have been embarrassing for my professional colleagues to have known that I was a spanked husband (I still do some consulting but the level of personal involvement is far less).
    As I have shared before, my wife's sister discovered "our secret" years ago (after overhearing me spanked when we were not aware that she was in the house) - but it turned out that she is a bit of spanko herself, and has witnessed many of my spankings, and even spanked me a few times as my wife's proxy.

    More recently, an old college friend confessed to my wife that she was into kink - leading to her coming to know of our lifestyle - and witnessing my wife spanking me - and adding some whacks herself with a really heavy duty flogger.

    And, we had a neighbor lady comment on a paddle we left lying around - and we simply joked about how bad boys had to be kept in line. Leaving the neighbor lady to probably suspect that we were just a little kinky (more socially acceptable since "Shades of Gray").

    So, at this point in our lives - while we are not "going public" - it is not a major concern either if any of friends suspect (or even know) that she spanks me.

    Great topics! --al

    1. Hi al. Happy 2023!

      "We have never "looked" for another man for her to spank, but I would not be opposed to her helping a friend out with his disciplinary needs in the event that such an unlikely scenario should unfold." I think that's pretty much where I am with this issue, too.

      "I do realize, however, that are many different dynamics - and that for some couples, spanking is most meaningful when it is always strictly disciplinary (and restricted only to the married couple)." When we first started DD, I had an issue with mixing "fun" and "serious" spankings, because I thought it sent a mixed signal that might frustrate the DD purpose. Moreover, we had started with role-playing involving mild spankings for real offenses, and my wife was (rightly) concerned that it might actually reinforce the bad behavior. These days, I don't have any principled issue with mixing the two. Rather, the idea of non-disciplinary spankings just doesn't really do anything for me. I totally agree with you that spanking has a "psycho-sexual" appeal to me, but the disciplinary aspect seems to be a necessary element for me to get anything out of it.

      I guess your sister-in-law and the college friend coming clean about their kink interests demonstrates that *many* of us lose some of our concerns about being "outed" as we get older.

    2. "I guess your sister-in-law and the college friend coming clean about their kink interests demonstrates that *many* of us lose some of our concerns about being "outed" as we get older."

      Too soon, old, too late, smart

    3. Hi Al,
      Always good to hear from you. Notice your comment: “For me, the spanking itself is never arousing per se (I've never been one to have to worry about an erection when presenting myself for a spanking).”
      This has been my experience too for a long time, although early in both of my DD relationships, presenting an excretion was very common. I think both women literally spanked me out of that with repeat spankings. And maybe this is something (if it is a general experience with other guys, and I suspect it must be)) that should be paid more attention to by those who think a spanking can’t be a real punishment if you have a spanking fetish. Maybe with a new partner and not that much spanking experience, a guy’s cock still thinks it will be fun. But give it a little time with a woman serious about punishing you and even our “second head) learns otherwise

    4. For me, it's highly variable. For the first several years of our DD relationship, I got an erection every time. Now, it's probably about 30%. I don't know whether that is because it was "spanked out of me" over time, or whether it's just a matter of aging and part and parcel of the fact that I don't get as many erections as I used to, period. I did note that when I got a spanking earlier this week, it came on so suddenly in terms of timing of the actual spanking that I had little or no time for any physical reaction before the spanking started.

    5. Hi Al,
      Thanks for stopping in! I must say I am a little jealous that not only have you had a couple of witnesses, but they have taken it further and spanked you as well. I guess here’s to hoping!


    6. ZM wrote: “I must say I am a little jealous that not only have you had a couple of witnesses, but they have taken it further and spanked you as well. I guess here’s to hoping!”

      Over two different relationships, two different women have “witnessed” me being spanked. Both were attractive, but I had no desire for either of them to actually spank me. That is solely my wife’s prerogative.

      What might change that is if my wife seriously ordered me to take a spanking from another woman. But in my mind, that would be my wife using her authority indirectly. The practices reported in the old DWC have always seemed to me to be that type of arrangement when a wife might send her husband to another disciplinarian wife for punishment either as a convenience or to enhance his embarrassment.

  12. Like many here , I too am very embarrassed and ashamed to ask for a spanking. Dev says it’s totally fine and not to worry about it but I do. I said wouldn’t you think it odd if I just walked up and presented you you with your paddle ? She said no and liked the idea. I tried it once and felt worse after. I do often say I feel much closer to her after the paddling is over. It takes total trust to go over her knee knowing what’s going to happen. JR

    1. Thanks, JR. Do you have any insight on why you felt worse after?

      For me, there is attention between needing DD to feel imposed yet sometimes feeling a strong need for it when it is not being imposed. In an ideal world, there would be a 1:1 correlation between me feeling I deserve one and her making that same determination and delivering on it. Yet, it doesn't always happen that way. Just recently, she didn't think I'd done anything recently to deserve punishment but, while there hadn't been any recent glaringly bad behavior, I felt like there had been a lot of cumulative issues from the end of 2022 that were still on my mind even if they weren't on hers. I think there may be times when we feel a big need for accountability on something our wives may not have noticed or didn't consider a big deal.

    2. Hi JR,
      The whole “asking for a spanking” is strongly contextual for me. My former GF, for example, would tell me sometimes,” Alan, I like it when you ask for a spanking.” But I learned that she liked it selectively, probably most when she was pondering whether to give me one (was it fair, Does he deserve one, etc.-- which was always very important to her). She was sometimes almost paralyzed by that “fairness “issue “ But once she resolved that a spanking was fair, she was transformed into a strict and very serious disciplinarian So when I asked for a spanking in that context, I was helping her make a decision she was struggling to make. But other times when discipline was not on her mind, she didn’t like me asking so much. Contextual!
      My wife is different, but there still is the contextual aspect. She likes me to ask too, but because it relieves her of being proactive about it and probably because it’s humbling, and she understands that very well from the time she spent on the other side of the paddle. Unlike my girlfriend, however, to ask is to receive from her. So there is nothing tentative about asking, and I need to be ready for what is coming, which will probably include a long interrogation.
      Like many others have said, I find it very difficult to ask for those reasons and the humbling effect it has. MY adult self knows that all of that is actually good in a DD relationship. But my adult side isn’t in the room when I ask for a spanking. . Also, being spanked after asking for it rarely becomes the consensual-non consensual experience I really need.


    3. Hi Al. I guess it’s the guilt I feel.

    4. "She was sometimes almost paralyzed by that “fairness “issue “ But once she resolved that a spanking was fair, she was transformed into a strict and very serious disciplinarian." That's an interesting dynamic. I experienced something a little along those lines a week ago. Anne had clearly already pretty much decided to give me a spanking. But, instead of just ordering it, she laid out the relevant conduct from her point of view and asked whether I agreed that the facts were as stated. I couldn't really argue with it, and once I conceded that her summary was accurate, she announced I would be getting a spanking for it. I think she had already basically done the "fairness" calculating, but it was an interesting experience to be asked to concede the facts that indicated the spanking was, in fact, fair and justified.

  13. Hi Dan,

    Recently there has been some allusion to the “M/ M dynamic” in the discipline context. It has inspired me to think through my feelings about male involvement. I did mention a week or so my reaction to my future wife spanking an old friend (and possibly former lover) in my presence, with my main reaction being an embarrassment for him.
    I know that I have no fantasies about being spanked erotically or for discipline by a male. I noted your point about it possibly being more “real,” but that is not an issue for us. I fore-armed my wife (and GF before her) with enough psychological knowledge about how to control me for discipline that after several spankings, I reached a point where I felt an almost overwhelming impulse to submit to them when they became serious about spanking me. I am not a homophobe and believe strongly that gay and trans folks’ rights should be respected and protected without reservation. But the male/male thing doesn’t work for me at all.
    But concerning spanking, it gets more complicated after that. I have a significant fantasy about being disciplined together with another male. Currently, that fantasy has morphed into one where his wife is disciplining him, and my wife is disciplining me. I think I would actually participate in this if the opportunity presented itself.
    I also have a lesser fantasy about my wife deciding to use me as a model allowing another couple to witness it happening as a way to learn about DD. (This probably began after corresponding with a European who convincingly told me about his experiences as a prop for his wife) (He never said so, but I came to think his wife might have been an “amateur” pro because (according to him) his wife ran several of those sessions using him to help)
    Finally, completing my romp through the M/M dynamic is my concern that my wife might use another male to witness a punishment to intensify the effect. My former GF actually made a credible threat to invite a good friend of both of us and I discouraged it. My wife is aware that allowing her sister to witness had a boomerang effect, and she is no longer using it as a threat. (Incidentally, I wonder if most female disciplinarians don’t eventually come up with the male witness idea as leverage since both of my disciplinarians have, without encouragement from me. I think they both sensed it was a motivator for me to avoid. How I would actually feel about that, I think, would depend primarily on whether the other male was also under his wife’s authority ( i.e., a spanked husband) or whether he was observing to embarrass me further (a more likely scenario ) I have mentioned before, but my European correspondent seemed to revel in remembering how one male laughed at him getting spanked, only “ a year” later to find himself being witnessed doing corner time with a blistered bottom after his wife had punished him as she had been taught.

    Summing it up, a male disciplinarian one-on-one would be a non-starter for me (unless he was under the control of my wife and then it probably wouldn’t seem very different from being spanked by another woman at her direction. My wife using her authority would still be the dynamic. ( Both having a male as a witness or being disciplined together) That female authority seems to be the glue that holds it all together. Although I think there is some male bonding going on there also. One of the great qualities of this blog is that it allows males to talk to each other about F/M spanking, something rare outside of cyber-space.

    1. "I am not a homophobe and believe strongly that gay and trans folks’ rights should be respected and protected without reservation. But the male/male thing doesn’t work for me at all." I would never have thought you were. In fact, I think people who believe gender sexual-preferences are a social construct are totally ignorant when it comes to evolutionary biology and psychology. I do think there is tremendous variability in how hard-wired our preferences are. It sounds like yours may be a little more so than mine and mine a little more flexible or fluid than yours, but it's all within a range.

      "I have a significant fantasy about being disciplined together with another male. Currently, that fantasy has morphed into one where his wife is disciplining him, and my wife is disciplining me. I think I would actually participate in this if the opportunity presented itself." I don't have a specific fantasy around this, but I do think I would participate in it if it was something she wanted to do. Though, I do think it would work for me only if there was a real disciplinary aspect to why I was getting one, such that it wasn't just a small spanking party.

      I haven't spent much time thinking about a male being purely a witness. Since this week's topic is shame and embarrassment, I do think that in that scenario being spanked in front of another male who was not himself a spanked husband would definitely increase my feelings of embarrassment.

      The "demonstration" scenario doesn't really appeal to me, probably because it lacks that component of real accountability that I need.

      I'm not clear on what you mean by your sister-in-law witnessing had a boomerang effect. Can you explain that more?

    2. “I'm not clear on what you mean by your sister-in-law witnessing had a boomerang effect. Can you explain that more?”

      Sorry, that was less than crystal clear. She still thinks it was a positive experience, but it probably made her sister’s husband even less interested in “experimenting” (believe me, he needs to experiment). It has also become less of a deterrent for me. I am not quite at the stage where I am dressing up in tattered old raincoats to walk around town, but hard to believe as it is, I have discovered I have an exhibitionist side. (Unfortunately, she has discovered it too)

      And a further question: you said something I don’t completely understand: “In fact, I think people who believe gender sexual preferences are a social construct are totally ignorant when it comes to evolutionary biology and psychology. I do think there is tremendous variability in how hard-wired our preferences are.”
      I agree strongly about the variability and, in fact, speculate that recent generations, becoming aware of that, are responsible for creating much of the cultural dissonance older generations are experiencing. But isn’t it the belief that “gender sexual preferences are a social construct” the more enlightened view? Believing, for example, that “no real man should ever need or want to be spanked by his wife” is a social construct badly informed by evolutionary biology, is it not?

    3. Ah, got it. I don't know that I have an exhibitionist side, but I have noted that Anne spanking me with the window open doesn't cause me any sort of anxiety.

      Yeah, I didn't say that very well. Maybe a better way to put it is that individuals have various degrees to which they are hard-wired to be attracted to one, and only one, gender and/or to be open to sexually-oriented encounters with members of the same sex. For some, probably a large majority, sexual orientation is vert hard-wired (they are attracted only to the opposite sex, and it is a genetically wired preference, not a socially constructed position), particularly among men.

      I recall a Dennis Miller joke to the effect of "Most women are five drinks away from a bisexual experience." That exaggerates it for females (Anne, for example, is adamant that she has zero interest in any kind of same-sex experimentation), but I think most men genuinely have no attraction to members of the same sex and no openness to same-sex sexual encounters AND such preferences are genetically hard-wired to promote reproduction. I don't think it should be controversial that much of human activity is evolutionarily adapted to ensure propagation of our genes. Same-sex preferences obviously don't have the potential for that and, therefore, it's very unlikely that sexual orientation does not have a strong genetic, evolutionarily adaptive component.

      So, the point I was making is that sexual preferences are almost certainly based in evolutionary adaptations designed to promote wide distribution of our genes and NOT on social constructs. Now, that doesn't mean that social constructs and biases don't play a big role in reinforcing certain gender and sexual norms, but that's a very different thing than saying sexual orientation and gender identity are nothing but social constructs.

      Like you, I am not a homophobe (while I've never experimented with homosexual encounters, had I not married fairly young there is a good chance I would have), and I absolutely believe in both gay and trans rights -- including in particular the right not to get shot to death in nightclubs in redneck cities like Colorado Springs. I just don't believe that queer and trans rights should depend on whether the status is genetically determined or, rather, something that is more of a choice. I think one reason society did finally become more accepting of gay marriage is that many in the gay community argued that their sexuality was not a choice. I am sure for many of them it is not, though I think there is a lot of variability and some people are just born with more flexibility in their preferences. But, I believe in gay rights and gay marriage even if it is NOT a choice. So, while I believe a lot of sexual and gender orientation IS hard-wired and not a choice or a social construct, from a rights perspective I don't care one way or another.

    4. I support gay rights but I have to say I am totally against a person with a penis using a women's locker room because "she" says she is more comfortable surrounded by vaginas. Vaginas and penises should have places of privacy. With minors present I feel that such cross-nudity borders on criminal.

    5. A little over a year ago, I encountered my first true unisex, multi-user bathroom. Very eye opening experience. Literally and metaphorically.

    6. “ ‘I have a significant fantasy about being disciplined together with another male. Currently, that fantasy has morphed into one where his wife is disciplining him, and my wife is disciplining me. I think I would actually participate in this if the opportunity presented itself.’ I don't have a specific fantasy around this, but I do think I would participate in it if it was something she wanted to do. Though, I do think it would work for me only if there was a real disciplinary aspect to why I was getting one, such that it wasn't just a small spanking party.”- I could visualize something like this if you and your wife were close friends with the other couple and if the guys went out and got into trouble, so the angry wives decide since you got in trouble together you will be punished together. In that scenario they could even switch off if the feel like it.


    7. I agree that scenario is easy to visualize. For us, it would be hard to pull off, because everyone I know who is into these relationships involves a purely virtual/electronic relationship with someone who doesn't live anywhere near me

  14. I wouldn't say it was shame/embarrassment directly. It is more pragmatism about how I believe people would realistically respond. I know that some people would use this as an excuse to engage in mudslinging against me. My now-deceased military colleague was a strapping man and saw no reason to be directly embarrassed, so why should I? He encouraged me never to feel that way.

    I don't think it is shameful to want to be in such relationships. It is more that I took a pragmatic view of whether or not I thought I would be better, worse or the same with such a relationship (with my wife giving boundaries and consequences) and I reached the conclusion that I would be markedly better, so I therefore decided to pursue one.


    1. J, my orientation seems fairly close to yours. I do acknowledge that for me there is an erotic-sexual component driving a lot of the attraction. But, that part of the attraction works in tandem with the pragmatic driver of genuinely believing this kind of relationship helps me function better and helps the relationship function better.

      With respect to job embarrassment, while some of it undoubtedly was an aversion to being ridiculed by others, I do think that most of my concerns about being outed were the very pragmatic assessment that mudslinging was very likely, given the realities of my profession, and that such mudslinging would, in fact, have a career impact. Honestly, it's not even a close call in my mind that there would have been big negative blowback. Now, I could engineer the specific part of the profession I was in to minimize that, but the part of it I actually was in absolutely would have fostered the kind of mudslinging you're talking about,

    2. "the pragmatic driver of genuinely believing this kind of relationship helps me function better"

      "I wish "J" was making the decision about getting the German tanks to the Ukrainians. Pragmatism was never more practical or more needed

    3. Totally agree. I am firmly in the camp of we need to give them whatever they need to win quickly and decisively and that, in the end, it is that decisive victory that will prevent a nuclear escalation and not a bunch of hand-wringing.

    4. My wife and I both felt that coming out with our DD prior to retirement could impact our jobs (real estate for her, journalism for me). I had a local reputation as a columnist; I am quite sure I would have lost that plum position. She would have likely lost clients or even her position with her firm. Anything considered odd or kinky tends to not be good PR, and companies hate bad PR.

    5. "Anything considered odd or kinky tends to not be good PR, and companies hate bad PR." Very true. I think I might have been able to pull it off in an organization of 1 with me at the top, though there still would have been competitive mud-slinging from other organizations.

  15. I might be overthinking things. If my now-deceased military colleague had gone public, I see no reason why people would have viewed him negatively. He was tall and heavily-built with the most derring-do and audacious personality we knew and his wife was expecting their fifth child when he died. A "live fast die young" person. I wonder how things would have gone if we had gone public simultaneously: maybe alpha males advocating it plus strength in numbers would have helped? Dan, agreed regarding erotic and pragmatic parts in tandem. Maybe this duo would help sell the lifestyle to other men (or maximise the likelihood of them being accepting of practitioners)? Hard to communicate the full extent of what lovemaking after a harsh spanking feels like!


    1. "If my now-deceased military colleague had gone public, I see no reason why people would have viewed him negatively." I get it, though I'm not sure that it really matters whether people have a reason. When professional athletes first started coming out as gay, there was tremendous blowback, and they still are "out" in numbers that probably are vastly under-representative of the true proportion of gay-to-straight athletes, particularly in the most "macho" sports.

    2. It takes a long term sustained effort by a huge number of people, or a combination of subtle influences of many different forms (such as films, celebrities, etc.) to change societal views on things. While I agree there is strength in numbers, it is not going to be one or two alpha males revealing that they are spanked by their wives that would have that much influence on a wider scale. Though if in a small group it became known that some significant percentage of the couples employed female led DD, I could see that possibly influencing the opinion of the others in that group.


    3. ZM, you're right and, unfortunately, I doubt that female-led DD is a large enough niche that you'll ever see it penetrate popular culture very much. I do think one reason there was such a rapid transition from passing the Defense of Marriage Act to throwing out prohibitions on gay marriage was because during that interim period you had a whole bunch of television shows and movies start portraying a much wider variety of sympathetic, likable, openly gay characters. And, not as cameos but as permanent, lead characters. Shows like Will and Grace and Modern Family (one of my all-time favorites). Once Hollywood got that formula down, society as a whole very quickly got behind it.

    4. It really would be interesting to systematically study the social and cultural forces that brought the change so rapidly. It seems to be a classic example of the "tipping point" concept applied to broad social change. It would be almost as interesting to study the folks who didn't get the memo to understand the forces that explain that. Religious belief is clearly one of them but even if you throw in political orthodoxy, there still are many people of both genders out there not accepting of gays at all

    5. I think a lot of it is really an aggregation of religious beliefs, geographic-based culture, and just generational limitations. Basically, older religious people hanging out together in the same communities. You're right that there are pockets of anti-gay people outside old, rural America, but it's fading. I think George Will said, "To our kids being gay is about as interesting as being left-handed."

  16. I'm sure I was embarrassed when my wife and I first talked about me being spanked by her. It was linked to a conversation on how I was disciplined growing up, which was an embarrassing topic all by itself. To Beth's credit, she put me at ease and was open to the idea of disciplining me.

    Thus far, we have kept this part of our marriage just between us. It isn't anything that either of us would feel comfortable sharing with people in our social circle. And like others who have commented, I would be very unhappy if it was known by people I work with. Still, I know that I am excited by the thought of some females knowing that I am spanked from time to time.

    Since sharing this with our mutual friends would be awkward, my thoughts turn to Beth's three sisters. My wife assures me that she has never told them, but they are so close that it seems possible that she could share our secret. For me, just knowing that they are aware would be a major turn on. Being spanked by Beth in front of them, even more so of course.

    I know that they share intimate parts of their marital relations and have heard some of these details from Beth - which is also a turn on for me. I really do believe her though, when she says that our disciplinary life has never been included in their girl talk.

    I don't harbor any other fantasies about my sisters in law and my wife realizes that this is all about the embarrassment factor. It probably will remain something better left alone, but it's something I enjoy thinking about it.

    1. "I'm sure I was embarrassed when my wife and I first talked about me being spanked by her. It was linked to a conversation on how I was disciplined growing up, which was an embarrassing topic all by itself."

      I can see that being embarrassing, but it also seems like it might be a somewhat natural transition into a conversation about trying it as an adult. I could be misremembering things, but I don't recall Anne and I ever having a conversation about me being spanked as a child, before I brought the DWC to her attention. If anything, most of our discussions have been around the fact that my mother was *not* strongly in control and how that may have left me now craving more structure.

      I suspect it is very often a safe bet that sisters talk. We're an exception, in that Anne and her sister had a big falling out and haven't talked in years.

    2. I only know that my wife told her sister everything. And interestingly enough, her sister was completely non-interested. Not like she was against it or anything, but rather just like of my wife told her what we had for dinner today. However, her sister has been going through some increodifficult things the past few years, so it may have been more an issue of bandwidth and general numbness.


    3. I had a similar reaction when I told a close female friend about our DD. I think she was kind of interested at first, largely because it was novel and because I was a friend. But, it's very clear she has no real personal interest in it, and I seldom bring it up unless I have some specific reason.

    4. Since Kevin's wife has three sisters who she is " so close" to that the chance one or more of them will not at some point learn about their DD relationship is about the same chance that Donald Trump will announce on Monday that he made a small math error and gee whiz, he actually did lose the 2020 election. ( TRIGGER WARNING) No one should hold their breath waiting ( sorry, Dan, something just triggered that)


  17. Dan wrote "alpha" or "type-A" personalities {were not a clear majority of blog readers} …. It was about a 50-50 split between people who identified as natural leaders and those who saw themselves as natural followers.
    The following comments are speculation, “informed” speculation, I would like to think. But basically, a selective compendium of my impressions of the differences and similarities of alphas and betas in the context of a female-led relationship involving discipline:
    It is mostly alphas who comment on this blog (your blog may attract alphas commentators, or commenting more may be an alpha trait). But it seems likely to me that there is another large group of men who want or need to submit to female authority who tend to be “beta.”
    For example, one female authority-oriented blog that you link to attracts quite a few males who seem more beta than alpha as they describe their lifestyles and relationships. One striking thing about the males who seem more beta is that spanking or corporal punishment, in general, seems far less important to them and less frequent. The other thing is that there are more female commentators on the blog I am characterizing as having lots of beta males.
    There is much evidence that most women prefer alpha men in romantic relationships. But maybe that is not so in an FLR or DD relationship -especially in one where the alpha male repeatedly requires discipline.
    I think many women are willing to “train” a male and put in the time and effort to do that. But they are less willing to deal with behavior issues continually that they think are resolved -and that is where beta males may be preferred over alphas.
    Alphas can be trained but are prone to test boundaries and push the envelope continually. This, after all, is what alphas do. On the other hand, the beta male finds it easier to obey, behave as trained, and generally stay out of trouble (which may be why spanking seems to be used less in these relationships.
    Full disclosure: I was spanked hard yesterday for doing something that I knew would get me into trouble if she knew about it. It was stupid and unnecessary, and she was enraged when she discovered it because she had repeatedly spanked me for the same thing. She has told me before that she expects this and will keep dealing with me as long as she has to
    But I am frustrated, making me feel beta males under female discipline have a much easier time of it. Some of them apparently never get spanked at all. And those who are spanked seem to get only maintenance spankings, not punishment spankings. I don’t want to stop being an alpha male (couldn’t if I wanted to). But I also don’t want to get spanked anymore. I know she loves me and that she wouldn’t spank me if she didn’t. But I don’t want to make her feel she needs to do that to make me behave.
    Some guys put on cock cages, or their wife puts one on them, and then they see how long they can go without an orgasm. I will not put on a cock cage, but I will see how long I can go without a spanking or the kind of behavior that brings one on. I know the spankings won’t stop until I stop doing things, I know will get me in trouble. What is really stressing me is that I have not had a real “surprise” spanking for years. I could have avoided every one of them and the stress on her of having to administer them (spontaneous temper tantrums excepted, and she always gives me a warning first about them) Beta males apparently learn pretty quickly -how to keep the relationship but avoid the spankings. This is one place Betas are far in the lead, and alphas can learn from them.

    1. Alan, your observations make complete sense to me, especially this: "Alphas can be trained but are prone to test boundaries and push the envelope continually. This, after all, is what alphas do. On the other hand, the beta male finds it easier to obey, behave as trained, and generally stay out of trouble (which may be why spanking seems to be used less in these relationships."

      "The other thing is that there are more female commentators on the blog I am characterizing as having lots of beta males." That is really interesting. I wonder what might account for that, given that I think you're right that most women are attracted more to alpha men.

      "But I am frustrated, making me feel beta males under female discipline have a much easier time of it. Some of them apparently never get spanked at all. And those who are spanked seem to get only maintenance spankings, not punishment spankings. I don’t want to stop being an alpha male (couldn’t if I wanted to)."

      Yes! This! This is exactly what I was talking about when I referenced spankings last year that left me feeling resentful. One of them in particular made me feel like she was trying to change my communication style to that of a "soft boy" or "beta," which I have precisely zero interest in becoming. I finally kind of got my mind around the fact that I can be more careful and intentional about what I say and when/how/among whom I say it, without becoming soft and cuddly. But, the first time it happened, it took weeks, not hours or days, for me to make that thinking transition.

      "I could have avoided every one of them and the stress on her of having to administer them (spontaneous temper tantrums excepted, and she always gives me a warning first about them) Beta males apparently learn pretty quickly -how to keep the relationship but avoid the spankings. This is one place Betas are far in the lead, and alphas can learn from them."

      I get the frustration with yourself, though I'm not sure it's a matter of just trying to "learn" to be more beta-like and accommodating. The flip side of your observation is beta's comply readily because they probably don't have much inclination to disobey to begin with. I don't want to paint with too broad a brush, but for some people being "good" and "compliant" and "rule-following" is very easy but, in my opinion, the trade-off is often a certain blandness and, frankly, unattractiveness. I'm sure you've worked with people who are natural followers. How far did that get them, personally and professionally. The analogy that always comes to mind for me are race-horses. One that has no spirit or drive is totally worthless on the track, no matter how many much the jockey gives it the quirt or the spurs. The ones with over-abundant spirit and drive can be a total pain in the ass, but if all that energy can be channeled to go in one direction, the results are amazing.

    2. Dan, agreed, many (probably most) women are just not built to be attracted to beta males. I suppose this is one reason why I advocate the "model" of F/M DD where the husband is the head, but the wife uses DD to smooth his rough edges and refine him.


    3. J, I don't really have a preferred arrangement for "head" of family or household, though if I did it probably would be "co-heads." I can't really see the justification for having either of them as a default. I admit, it made me a little crazy in the past when we would have female commenters who would lay out all the ways in which their husband was a poor decision-maker who apparently couldn't do the simplest household tasks without screwing it up or having to be constantly reminded. Yet, it was somehow obvious and critical that he be respected as the "head" of the household even though, by her (and sometimes his) accounts, he sounded totally unqualified for that role. To me, there really shouldn't be a "head" per se unless (a) both parties like having an unequal allocation; and/or (b) one clearly has better judgment and is a better overall decision-maker.

    4. Dan, understood. I suppose I was referring to more why I am less inclined to lean towards FLRs. I think that a lot of women who say they want to exert full or majority leadership power over their husbands would actually come to resent them in time if they were in such a marriage. It is a classic case of "be careful what you wish for".

      Regarding the female commenters you mentioned, I suppose probably what happened was they didn't think very hard about his potential for headship beforehand. F/M DD is not going to make a man a worthy head who just does not have it within him. Rather, I take the view that it can push a husband who is almost there over the line, as well as further refine a husband who is already over the line.


    5. I think when it comes to FLR and DD, we need to take the labels alpha and beta with a grain of salt. I don’t consider myself to be either an alpha male or a beta male. I think those are zoological terms that don’t apply well to the complexity of human behaviour. I think many of us behave like alphas or betas depending on context. At work I am neither alpha nor beta. I don’t get into pissing contests with co-workers and I am not concerned about hierarchical status, but nor am I a sheeplike follower. When I play sports, especially hockey, I am fiercely competitive, like an alpha. At home, however, my wife is the alpha and I am the beta of the house. It turns me on that she wears the pants. It would embarrass me if my hockey buddies knew how submissive I am at home, but for me that is part of the thrill of being a sexually submissive male…the transgression of gender norms. An extra bit of spice in our FLR is that my wife is physically bigger than me. I am a shorter than average man, and she is a taller, and heftier, than average woman. In fact, she is bigger than most men. Does it take an alpha or a beta male to have the balls to woo a woman who is physically bigger than him? Fortunately, my wife was not put off by my being smaller than her. In fact, she found it refreshing because she had always felt that her size made her unattractive to most men who need to feel bigger than their women. I wasn’t fully aware of my submission kink when we got married, but I realize in retrospect that my kink made bigger women attractive to me. When I started going out with my wife, our size difference raised some eyebrows, and one of my buddies described her as “an Earth Mother type.” At the time that pissed me off. In the meantime, I have come to see that exaggerated maternal aspect was a part of her allure for me, and there is definitely a maternal vibe when she takes me over her ample thighs for a spanking.

    6. "I don’t consider myself to be either an alpha male or a beta male. I think those are zoological terms that don’t apply well to the complexity of human behaviour." I'm not sure they apply all that well even in the animal world. The dynamics of wolf packs, for instance, seems to be very misunderstood.

      "It would embarrass me if my hockey buddies knew how submissive I am at home, but for me that is part of the thrill of being a sexually submissive male…the transgression of gender norms." While I don't consider myself sexually submissive per se, I very much get and agree with your point and have made it here before. One reason I'm personally OK with F/m DD being small niche is that it wouldn't be nearly as exciting unless there (a) was a norm, and (b) I was transgressing it.

      " “an Earth Mother type" - I'm not sure exactly what that means but it probably would have pissed me off too. The maternal vibe is definitely a powerful driver for me, though I didn't recognize it at all when we began DD. I had a fairly contentious relationship with my mother growing up and would have vigorously disputed any assertion that I was someow trying to replicate a mother-son relationship. But, I think saying something has "a" maternal vibe is very different from saying you want a vibe involving "your" mother.

    7. J: "I think that a lot of women who say they want to exert full or majority leadership power over their husbands would actually come to resent them in time if they were in such a marriage." I think that may be true, though there is a lid for every pot, and just as some men want a strong woman, some women may prefer to *be* that strong woman and take the lead. As I said, my own personal view is that if there is to be a leader role, it should be filled by the best leader. I'm always suspicious that when someone says the man should always lead, even if he's shown time and time again that he's a really crappy leader, there's an Old Testament religious thing going on.

    8. Dan Quoted : “On the other hand, the beta male finds it easier to obey, behave as trained, and generally stay out of trouble (which may be why spanking seems to be used less in these relationships."

      Dan, thanks for the support as I wallow in self-pity about getting what I want. I do think more attention needs to be paid to the alpha-beta differences in female-led DD relationships. And I guess I also think alphas get the “worst” of it because of many of our characteristics. This is just a thought experiment, but imagine that a given woman or group of women decided they wanted a female-led domestic discipline relationship (this part of the thought experiment isn’t necessarily hypothetical, as quite a few blogs seem to suggest). Further, imagine they could choose an alpha male or a beta male for their partner. Which would most women choose? My wife had a choice and chose me and admitted that part of it was the challenge. But she has also repeatedly reminded me how obedient R was, and she gets pretty stressed over my “recidivism” as she is now. I think she would still choose me but with less drama and more obedience.
      But there is a built-in catch-22 for alphas in female-led relationships. We want accountability, boundaries, and consequences. Yet when we get them, we rebel or challenge the boundaries. There is a similar catch-22 for women in such a relationship. They want the alpha and the challenge of taming him. But they are not happy if they really do tame him but are frustrated when he continues to be defiant. That continual tension in a relationship can make it more exciting for both partners. Still, both partners need to understand the built-in tensions in putting an alpha under female authority.


    9. Dan: " “an Earth Mother type" - I'm not sure exactly what that means but it probably would have pissed me off too. The maternal vibe is definitely a powerful driver for me, though I didn't recognize it at all when we began DD. I had a fairly contentious relationship with my mother growing up and would have vigorously disputed any assertion that I was someow trying to replicate a mother-son relationship. But, I think saying something has "a" maternal vibe is very different from saying you want a vibe involving "your" mother.”

      Dan, when I got pissed off, my buddy said he didn’t mean “Earth mother type” in a bad way. I was sensitive because I knew some people thought it was weird that she was bigger than me. I would describe my wife as “statuesque”. She is tall and strongly built, with a pronounced feminine shapeliness. I agree completely with you that being turned on by the maternal vibe in a DD relationship with your wife doesn’t mean you have a thing for your actual mother. In fact, my mother, being rather petite, is nothing like my wife, so it can’t be said that I was looking for a wife who was just like my mother.

    10. Alan, I think your last paragraph really nails the dynamic and the tension. And, you're right that tension can and often does keep things exciting. I used a horse analogy before, though I don't ride horses anymore. This time, I'll use motorcycles, which ZM will appreciate. I've owned motorcycles that are small and easy to handle, and in some circumstances, those are great attributes. But, my favorite bikes are almost always powerful machines that definitely have the capability of getting me way outside my comfort zone. For day-to-day, the smaller, easy to handle bikes won't get me in any trouble or cause me any frustration, but they're just kind of boring.

      Your observations about the forum that seems to have more female participants and more men who are betas or real submissives has stuck in my head. I wonder whether there are more women that we think who are attracted to those men. Or, does that platform have more men *posing* as such women? It's hard to say. I haven't had good luck keeping female commenters here but, then, so many of them clearly weren't actually female in the first place. On the other hand, as I said to Anonymous, there is a lid for every pot, so maybe in that case both genders have lucked out and found a place to talk.

      I'm also willing to entertain the possibility that among the younger set, there actually is less attraction to alphas, and perhaps some younger women have now had enough tastes of actual power and authority in school, work, or whatever that they now have a taste for it and want it in their personal relationships as well.

      I also think it's possible that women, like men, are complicated creatures who can end up having to do some complex balancing. I am friends with one younger woman who is the top in and FLR, and my impression has been that there are times that she is not, in fact, attracted to her husband's weaker aspects. But, I think she also totally gets off on being in charge and, from a practical perspective, thinks that between the two of them she has the better judgment and decision-making skills. So, while there are downsides, I suspect she has balanced the pros and the cons and reached the conclusion that things work better, and she gets more (but not all) of her needs met by being in charge.

      I really hadn't thought about the fact that one thing that is very different about your history and mine is that your wife knew you had this need and she was into it, while my wife and I had totally vanilla relationship for over a decade, then I suddenly presented her with this 90-degree turn. In our case, it's worked out but could have easily gone the other way.

    11. "I would describe my wife as “statuesque”. She is tall and strongly built, with a pronounced feminine shapeliness." I don't know whether you are a Ted Lasso fan, but Hannah Waddingham, who plays Rebecca (the owner of the soccer team), is very tall and has the body type I think you are describing, and I think it's very attractive.

      BTW, would you mind putting a name at the end of your posts? Obviously doesn't need to be your real one. It's just easier to track who is saying what.

    12. Dan: “Your observations about the forum that seems to have more female participants and more men who are betas or real submissives has stuck in my head. I wonder whether there are more women that we think who are attracted to those men. Or, does that platform have more men *posing* as such women? It's hard to say. I haven't had good luck keeping female commenters here but, then, so many of them clearly weren't actually female in the first place. On the other hand, as I said to Anonymous, there is a lid for every pot, so maybe in that case both genders have lucked out and found a place to talk.”

      Most women don’t find submissiveness an attractive quality in men. That can be seen from both academic research into sexual preferences and from the representations of men in romance books and movies women consume. Most women also prefer taller men. As a sexually submissive man who is vertically challenged, I acknowledge those facts. Fortunately, as you said, “there is a lid for every pot”. I always figure it doesn’t matter what “most women” prefer because I am not married to most women. ;-)
      I also suspect you are right that some “women” posting about FLR are men posing as women. Why would they do that? Maybe it is because some pots haven’t found the lid that fits, so they get vicarious satisfaction by pretending to be that lid online.

    13. JB, I agree with all your points.

      Regarding the attraction to tallness, it's certainly real and not just a thing for women. Taller men succeed in business even when it's men, not women, making the decisions that lead to that success. I'm on the short side myself (beginning at about 5'9" but steadily shrinking), and I've often said that if god offered me 3 more inches in height or 30 more IQ points, I'll take the inches.

    14. JB, most of what you said resonated with me except the hockey things (insert motocross instead or anything involving speed, power, and danger) and the part about your wife being bigger than you (though I am attracted to strong, athletic, bigger boned women).

      In our marriage, we kind of follow whichever of us is either better at or more passionate about the topic at hand, and we make most bigger decisions together and with much open discussion, so in the end I think we are equals.

      Alan, your tension you describe seems to be exactly right.

      And the whole alpha/beta discussion is most interesting, regardless of whether the labels are really that accurate or helpful. Like Dan and Alan, I have wondered if younger women might be less attracted to alphas since they are more used to empowered females.


    15. My guess is that few women post here because they know there are a bunch of alpha males who are intelligent and good at debating -- and have a tendency to want the final word. And she can't just say "shut up and listen" online and have us do so like she could exert her authority in person. But I bet you have female lurkers who like this window into the minds of disciplined men.

    16. KOJ, I suspect you're right that part of the issue is this isn't a place to come if you don't want to have your views challenged. Which is kind of a test of whether someone is *really* in charge, right? Several years ago, there was a regular commenter here named Marisa, who took no shit from anyone. I still recall one of our commenters (KD Pierre) hitting her with some long stream of questions about something she said that offended him. Her response began with, "KD, my aren't you one for for the hypotheticals . . ." It was just this ultra-confident takedown that gave me a belly laugh. It also demonstrates that while we talk a lot about alpha males, there also are real alpha females.

  18. There was definitely a maternal vibe to our DD and to my wife's authority. She lectured and scolded like a mother and she spanked bare bottom over her knee like a mother. But neither of us thought of her taking my mother's place. There was about 30 years between my last spanking over my mother's knee and my first spanking over my wife's knee. That's not a replacement; it's a new relationship a generation later.

    I am somewhere between alpha and beta. My wife did get frustrated at my recividism but she never threw up her hands in disgust. She just spanked harder and scolded longer. She knew that even stubborn husbands learn eventually.

    1. KOJ, my situation is very similar to yours.

    2. "She lectured and scolded like a mother and she spanked bare bottom over her knee like a mother." That is more and more our dynamic, but it wasn't for the first 14+ years. I think it's a function of, over time, I became much more aware of being attracted to the maternal aspect and became more open about it. My openness I think also encouraged her to acknowledge that she too has some maternal associations with the whole DD thing and is comfortable with them.

      "She just spanked harder and scolded longer. She knew that even stubborn husbands learn eventually." Alan, is that perhaps where your wife is headed with "back to basics" approach?

    3. Dan wrote: "She just spanked harder and scolded longer. She knew that even stubborn husbands learn eventually." Alan, is that perhaps where your wife is headed with a "back to basics" approach?

      I know she has been spanking more and talking less since around Thanksgiving, when I stupidly set her off. If this keeps up, I will think of the pandemic as the good old days (just kidding). I feel a little bit like my pointer probably feels when she substitutes a short leash for walking him for the long retractable leash I use. I don’t know if it’s back to basics or if I will just be on a shorter leash for a while. She says she is fed up with dealing with the same old problems. That is probably a fair complaint. But she let a lot of that go for more than two years, and now suddenly she has to deal with it

    4. Regarding the “maternal vibe, I recall having a conversation with Danielle about the maternal aspects of spanking an adult male, during which she said something like, “ if it feels maternal, it is maternal” If I remember correctly, she was comparing how she spanked her husband with how she had spanked her sons growing up concluding there wasn’t much difference other than the severity she imposed on her husband.
      Thinking about it today, I think it is impossible not to have some “maternal vibe” if your wife spanks you over her lap or some other way reminiscent of what you experienced or saw growing up. I suspect mothers for eons have spanked using only a limited number of positions, and most cultures recognize them. It might be a case like the famous cliche about ducks: if it looks like a maternal spanking and feels like a maternal spanking, it is probably a maternal spanking.
      One thing needs to be added to that, however, and I believe I argued this with Danielle. An adult male, particularly one that is your husband, is not a child, and you are not his mother. Moreover, you may be his disciplinarian, but you are also in an adult sexual relationship with him that is in no way maternal. The maternal vibe is a template for administering a spanking, and in some ways, a wife giving her husband, particularly a punishment spanking has some maternal overtones. It cannot be otherwise.
      But when my wife does spank me, I am very aware that this is an adult woman doing this, and I am an adult male (who maybe hasn’t been acting very adult) to whom she is doing it. My mother is not in the room. Moreover, my wife and I suspect most wives spank harder, longer, and more often than my mother ever did. So maternal vibe, YES! Maternal, NO!

    5. I was spanked a lot by my mother so I think I was subcinsciously drawn to the maternal vibe, even though it was many years before it became expressed in our marriage. Maternal DD is likely easier for me to accept than some of you because I am not turned on by spanking. When my wife would start scolding, I would shrivel up like I had just jumped into a freezing cold lake!

    6. Alan: "She says she is fed up with dealing with the same old problems. That is probably a fair complaint. But she let a lot of that go for more than two years, and now suddenly she has to deal with it." I think sometimes that it isn't in my best interests for Anne to let things slide. She definitely took a much more relaxed approach to my behavior over the holidays, and after a month of having little control imposed, the behavior started to escalate and we started having more arguments. While I don't like it at the time, consistency really does seem to be better for me.

      Alan and KOJ: Regarding the the maternal vibe, I agree that while the vibe is attractive, it's an attraction to the way a strict mother manages behavior, and not to something about MY mother. And, you're Alan, the analogy only goes so far, because DD happens in the context of an adult relationship that, for most of us has sexual energy attached to it. Regarding KOJ's reference to scolding, I think the aspect of the relationship that I associate with a "maternal vibe" is more about the lecturing and overall focus on controlling behavior, not so much about the spanking itself.

  19. Dan noted above: “That is really interesting. I wonder what might account for that (many female commentators on blogs with many beta males) given that I think you're right that most women are attracted more to alpha men.”

    Let me link my thoughts on this topic to your blog, particularly to the relative paucity of female commentators, despite its reputation for high-quality dialogue and a female-friendly atmosphere.

    Women in this culture and, unfortunately, almost all cultures) may not be as comfortable interacting with a group of alpha males. It may be alpha behavior, it may be the topics alphas pursue, or it may be something altogether different that fails to attract female commentators. I am thinking of some of the females who have commented extensively on your blog, most of whom were alpha types. I would add --and this is entirely impressionistic, that many female commentators on the beta blogs are probably themselves alpha. Maybe alpha-type females are more likely to comment on spanking blogs, but when they do, they choose blogs trending to beta males.
    Re that most women are attracted more to alpha men: I think that is unquestionably true of younger women, particularly those whose biological clock is “still ticking.” But after that, maybe not so much. Biology and age have a lot to do with this. And then some women, regardless of age, prefer beta males. I am thinking in particular of a couple of stories published by Aunt Kay in her “Real People” section, stories in which women chose beta males for a disciplinary relationship rather than an alpha male looking for a male easier to control and discipline.
    Nor is a preference for betas limited to women seeking DD relationships. I can think of at least two take-charge women I knew who had a wide choice of partners (no reason to suspect they were in DD relationships) who married betas. All in all, alpha males and beta males bring very different strengths and weaknesses to any relationship, whether it is DD or vanilla.

    But if it’s a DD relationship, the alpha male will struggle longer and more with himself and his disciplinarian than the beta male because surrendering to female authority is Terra incognito for him, something he both needs and wants but will fight all the way.

    A question left hanging out there is why an alpha male looks for female-led DD at all. Many of us obviously do but seeking and submitting to female authority seems inconsistent with so many other alpha characteristics. Like the moth to the flame!

    1. Alan, these are all great thoughts. Regarding why women may not hang out on this blog, I think all your explanations could be true, and I'll add one nuance: Over time, I've chased off (more or less consciously and deliberately) all the men who were really into Femdom and, at most, putting this disciplinary veneer over their femdom fetish. All those guys who would go into fawning, "You're a goddess, will you please spank me?" mode any time a woman would show up. I didn't want them on here, because I think many women who genuinely are in DD relationships hate that whole fawning Femdom scene. So, I made some pretty deliberate decisions about a demographic of contributors that I really didn't want around. It could be that there are many women out there who actually like and want that.

      "A question left hanging out there is why an alpha male looks for female-led DD at all. Many of us obviously do but seeking and submitting to female authority seems inconsistent with so many other alpha characteristics. Like the moth to the flame!"

      I don't know that I'm ever going to be able to answer that for myself, but one specific reason for my quandary is I often feel like I didn't choose DD. It chose me. As I've said, I wasn't into adult spanking at all. Then, I saw a spanking segment on the HBO series Real Sex, that led to what I'd characterize as an acute but moderate interest in the subject. It was not at all a compulsion, but more just something mildly kinky and stimulating that was worth trying. It was obviously attractive enough, though, that even after we stopped playing with it, I would look for spanking material on the internet, and in the course of one of those searches I found the DWC. After poring through it, I didn't feel like I had any real choice but to ask Anne to try it. I literally barely slept for a couple of days, because my mind was churning over it.

      Why, given that I am so anti-authoritarian? I don't really know, but my speculation is that both intellectually and emotionally, I knew that my alpha and anti-authoritarian proclivities were (a) causing lots of problems for me and for us; and (b) it all felt totally unbalanced. For me, there was always this very utilitarian, intellectual side that recognized the problems my personality was creating and latched onto DD as a possible solution. Then there was the non-intellectual, emotional side that probably had always subconsciously hated that lack of balance in the yin and yang and also jumped on a possible solution.

      Then, I think over time, an erotic interest in submitting to someone's authority developed, as much as a *result* of DD as a cause of it. I don't deny that it was there from the beginning, as I definitely had a majorly strong sexual response to the DWC stories. But, I think it was more in the background and more about the accountability piece. The attraction to authority I think came to the fore later.

    2. I still think it’s a balance thing (a word you used) and analogous to the broader FemDom lifestyle. An alpha male with an always-on type of brain in a FemDom relationship uses a session to switch off for a while. Similarly an always-in-control alpha male in a DD relationship achieves some balance by giving up control in this one part of his life. TG

    3. “For me, there was always this very utilitarian, intellectual side that recognized the problems my personality was creating and latched onto DD as a possible solution. Then there was the non-intellectual, emotional side that probably had always subconsciously hated that lack of balance in the yin and yang and also jumped on a possible solution.”

      Dan, your comment about balancing “the yin and yang” resonates with me. Men are generally bigger and stronger than women. (In my case, my wife is bigger, which I find sexy, but not stronger). Most societies until now have been male dominant because of that. However, the hormone that makes us physically stronger, testosterone, can also make us behave in ways that are eternally immature and sometimes downright dangerous. Not only do girls mature faster than boys, but women seem less apt than we men to relapse into immature behaviour. For that reason, I think a DD arrangement in which “the weaker sex” is empowered to discipline us is good.
      Here’s an example. I was once sent to the dressing room during a hockey game for losing my cool and swearing my head off at the ref. I knew I had behaved like a jerk. This was supposed to be a friendly amateur game; it wasn’t as though the Stanley Cup was on the line. I was glad my wife didn’t see it. Unfortunately—or fortunately—one of my buddies teased me about it a couple of days later in my wife’s presence. When we were alone, my wife interrogated me about the incident. Her questions made me feel ashamed, and my instinctive attempt to make excuses increased my sense of shame. I felt even more ashamed when she took me over her knee, bared my bottom, and spanked me with her hairbrush, scolding me for my “childish” behaviour. She made me promise to apologize to that ref the next time I saw him. I honoured that promise, and I have made an effort not to repeat that behaviour. I think that is an example of the benefits of balancing the yin and the yang.

    4. "She made me promise to apologize to that ref the next time I saw him." My wife made me do that with a colleague/frenemy once. It was excruciating, largely because I really didn't like the guy. So, it wasn't just the apology. It was being made to apologize to someone you don't like much.

      Interestingly, after my apology and some circumstances that forced us into some concentrated time together, we ended up being friends.

    5. Dan wrote: “one specific reason for my quandary is I often feel like I didn't choose DD. It chose me.” I can’t think of a better, more concise, or eloquent way of expressing what is unquestionably a multitude of factors led by some configuration of genetic influences. I noted in an earlier comment that you seemed to leave open the possibility that some aspects of sexuality are flexible enough that some people might be able to move ( back and forth, Between hetero and homosexuality. The apparently not uncommon existence of “bi-sexualism” seems to confirm that.

      But the question of choice versus determinism is harder to answer. Applying it to spanking, which I know something about, I feel my choice was narrow (ignoring the celibacy option, which probably wasn’t a real option for me at all). I did not need to choose a sexuality grounded in the F/M dynamic, although it was the most natural for me. I could have become a disciplinarian in my committed relationship. But circumstances and decisions I made put me on a consistent F/M trajectory that has only grown over time. My larger point, however, is that my choices in these matters were tightly circumscribed and limited. I think this must apply to human sexuality more generally.

    6. "My larger point, however, is that my choices in these matters were tightly circumscribed and limited. I think this must apply to human sexuality more generally." Alan, I think this was largely the case for me, too. I do think that how much sexuality and sexual choices are circumscribed varies a lot by individual, though for most of us it is probably relatively rigid.

    7. I suppose the yin-yang thing is a slight variation on what I mentioned about an alpha male knowing that he needs his rough edges smoothed and he therefore chooses an F/M DD marriage so that he can be refined.



  20. "A question left hanging out there is why an alpha male looks for female-led DD at all. Many of us obviously do but seeking and submitting to female authority seems inconsistent with so many other alpha characteristics. Like the moth to the flame!"

    As I've shared before, I am also essentially an alpha-male in most ways - I certainly was in my career, and really in my marriage as well for the first 20 years or so - before we transitioned to a DWC lifestyle.

    While I cannot definitively say that my attraction to F/M DD would not have manifested otherwise, I am quite certain that it was sparked by a serious otk paddling I received from my Mom's younger (and attractive) aunt at the age of 10 (a story that I've shared here before). While I was not bare bottomed, she did pull down my pants so that I got spanked in my underwear - leaving me with a very sore, well reddened behind and lots of tears. AT the time, the immediate effect was to make sure that I never sassed my aunt again - and I didn't. However, as I moved into puberty a year or two later, the memory morphed into a sexual fantasy - and sparked a lifetime fascination with maternal style discipline. --al

    1. "While I cannot definitively say that my attraction to F/M DD would not have manifested otherwise, I am quite certain that it was sparked by a serious otk paddling I received from my Mom's younger (and attractive) aunt at the age of 10 (a story that I've shared here before)."

      What I find really interesting is it seems like this can play out one of two ways. You got spanked at 10 and developed a life-long fascination with it. I was not spanked after a pretty young age (except for one time by my father when I was probably around 12, and I definitely did not sexualize it), yet you and I both ended up with that fascination.

  21. Addendum - while I wasn't in the conversation that week, I do believe the potential sexual effects of childhood spanking was discussed on the forum a few weeks ago. It certainly played out in my case. I absolutely have no regrets (no shame!) that I developed a fascination with F/M DD, but I do wonder if my fascination would have developed without this event. I suspect that it would have eventually - that something would have triggered it at some point. Still... --al

    1. "I absolutely have no regrets (no shame!) that I developed a fascination with F/M DD, but I do wonder if my fascination would have developed without this event. I suspect that it would have eventually - that something would have triggered it at some point." I suspect you're right that it was a "trigger" (though, god do I hate that word given how it has proliferated with all the "trigger warning" BS), and not a "cause." It's also interesting that both you and T (below) had such a triggering event, yet neither of you regrets that such a trigger occurred.

  22. My wife definitely saw me as a challenge -- she used that exact word. And she loved when other women complimented her on my gentlemanliness, showing that she was succeeding with my challenging behavior. We both noticed that women would compliment HER on MY behavior -- even right in front of me. It was not "you're such a gentleman" but "he's such a gentleman," or even "he's so well-behaved," showing that even vanilla women recognize that wives train their husbands. She would thank them for the compliment SHE was receiving! Even I agreed that it was her doing more than my own. The power of the paddle!

    1. "We both noticed that women would compliment HER on MY behavior -- even right in front of me." That really is pretty funny, and telling

  23. Al,
    I’m right with you on the comments above. I am an alpha male in everything I do and can attribute my DD to childhood spankings. I remember getting spanked by my friends Mom multiple times, and my last spanking came from stealing at the age of 12 or13. I shared the story here as well. That was my last bare bottom spanking and was well deserved. I never took anything again that’s for sure. I have no regrets about developing a need for DD, but I know it was directly attributed to my childhood. I started to fantasize about being spanked by my friends Mom and the women who lived across the street. She was another no nonsense Mom who spanked her kids and I overheard them a few times. For me, the psychological aspects of DD, such as the scolding prior to the spanking are much needed. I married the opposite person that my Mother was. I was not looking for someone like her, but for me DD wouldn’t work without the maternal aspects to it. We moved away from erotic spanking which we used as foreplay prior. They were still hard spankings but without the maternal aspect. I now want nothing but maternal good sound thrashing’s. I don’t want them when they are happening, but obviously I need them. I need them more than I get them and I am still working on that with my wife. I praise her after a spanking and tell her I appreciate her punishing me. This communication has helped her to be a bit more aggressive. Her personality is wonderful. She is beautiful, warm,
    kind and never raises her voice. So she has come out of her comfort zone so to speak to administer much needed DD. I think that obviously having kids and being a Mom, it’s much easier to go into discipline mode. We obviously chose not to spank as I felt it was wrong and growing up in a religious household, it was the norm for me. We aren’t religious and I moved away from the whole “church” setting.
    I would like to move into maintenance spankings, but I’m unsure if that is a good or bad thing.

    1. What's fascinating to me about this is that many kids of our generation got spanked and not only did *not* develop an interest in spanking but hated the experience and never wanted to repeat it. Yet, for some it triggered something much deeper.

    2. Hi T. Maintenance spankings aren't for everybody, but they work really well for us. I seldom receive disciplinary spankings any more, because I am so often reminded not to act impulsively. If I have earned a disciplinary spanking, I'll get a longer, harder spanking, followed by a some corner time, and then another 5 minutes of maintenance spanking. For us, maintenance spanking is an agreed upon ritual that happens every Monday and Thursday. It was always difficult for me having to bring up my need for a spanking, but that never happens any more. We used to only do them on Mondays, but we have found that it helps settle me down to be paddled again on Thursday, before the weekend. She seems to enjoy teasing me by reminding me a spanking is coming up, which I always find reassuring. R.e. the triggering discussion, I was spanked in a religious school from 1st grade through 3rd grade, then kicked out for asking questions. It was my introduction to spanking, which has stayed with me my entire life. My parents were not very involved with me, except in an abusive way. Getting a spanking seemed to equate to giving me some limits and boundaries, which I never got from my parents or past wives. Now my primary relationship has become so much better than anything before, and Iam able to be a more vulnerable, better partner. I don't engage in risky behavior as often, drive slower, and drink less. I am also not as strident as before, I listen to her, and we seldom have serious arguments. What wife or G/F wouldn't want that?

    3. Norton,
      Thank you for providing some insight. I just like you was paddled in a religious school setting. This seemed normal growing up and there was always a witness present. This usually involved the female school secretary which just added to the embarrassment. My Mother took a very active role in our lives and for that I am eternally grateful as I had friends who parents could care less. A spanking at school earned one at home. I’m going to talk to my wife about maintenance spankings in a delicate way. I’d like her to get on board with them. I already feel like I’m not punished enough, so maybe this will equate to a better life balance as opposed to a disciplinary spanking once in a while. I agree that my wife and I have very few arguments/discussions. One of my goals for the year was to ensure I keep my mouth in check and think about the consequences for my actions.

    4. "A spanking at school earned one at home." This was pretty much the norm where I grew up.

    5. Yeah Dan, I took the paddling at school stoically. I never shed a tear. When I came home with the note, it was a different story. I was spanked bare on an already sore bottom. Usually by the second strike of the strap or paddle , I was balling and by the time she was finished, I was a hot mess. I had no problem crying in front of Mom, but I was never given the principal the satisfaction.

  24. I have some alpha qualities -- I fought my way into a coveted writing position -- but I hated managing others. The one time I took a newsroom management position was a disaster, and I couldn't wait to demote myself back to a writer.
    I wasn't alpha or beta in my marriage, either. My wife and I had an equal relationship, which also waa a disaster, with constant bickering. Like many journalists, I tended to be caustic, sarcastic, and condescending (alpha misbehavior), which is a recipe for marital discord. Beta qualities such as obedience, subservience, and biting my tongue did not come naturally -- they had to be "drilled" into me.
    It was our constant bickering that led us both to desire a solution. As I have related, when my wife asked me how my mother would have handled my disrespect, I blurted out the truth -- with a spanking. Maybe I had a subconscious desire to be reined in with corporal punishment, but it is not something I had thought about until that moment. A few days later I told her maybe we should try it, and within a week after that I was being spanked -- hard with implements. Once she knew that she could end the bickering whenever she chose, our marriage improved dramatically. If that made me a beta, then so be it.
    An aside on implements: We both loved the Tennessee Ernie Ford song "Sixteen Tons," which has a line in regard to fists: "If the right one don't get you then the left one will." She used to sing out a threat to the same tune: "If the hairbrush don't get you then the bath brush will." Straightened me right up!

    1. I ended up managing a lot of people, but I never enjoyed it. I don't really equate "alpha" with managerial competence. Some of the best managers I had were either not alphas or were kind of quiet, subdued alphas.

    2. Being alpha is not so much a skill set or even a philosophy. It is a set of personal attributes and a way of being in the world -existential to its core, independent in thought, and skeptical about power and authority. Perhaps the desire for female-led DD is that search for power and authority that can be trusted and surrendered to

    3. KOJ wrote,” Once she knew that she could end the bickering whenever she chose, our marriage improved dramatically. If that made me a beta, then so be it.”

      I don’t think that makes one a beta, and in fact, I doubt many betas would be able to endure the level and quantity of punishment your wife had to administer. Or, for that matter, I doubt many betas would need as much punishment as you apparently did before your wife was satisfied with your behavior. This is one of the points I was driving at earlier, arguing that alpha types are much more challenging when they submit to female authority – because we tend to fight and resist pushing our wives, so they need to be more punitive. In the end, we get what we need and want but getting there has been a hell of a lot harder than it is for betas

    4. Dan, I am what you described as a "subdued alpha". I'm far too introverted to be a bold leader, but have been the boss at my morkplace ever since I graduated from college. For the past couple of years I've been CEO of a small nonprofit. All six of my employees are women and frankly, I like not having to deal with alpha males and their egos.

      Even though it doesn't come easily to me, my career has been on an upward trajectory since my early 20s. My home life is a big help in providing balance and I'm grateful to my wife for that.

    5. Kevin, I get gravitating to female employees. When I look back, I definitely had a lot more drama around managing men and, as you say, a lot of that was about ego.

    6. KOJ said: “when my wife asked me how my mother would have handled my disrespect, I blurted out the truth -- with a spanking…”

      I wonder if your wife wasn’t asking you what a jurist might term a “leading question,” fully anticipating your answer ( she would have spanked me ), and more importantly—asked it completely ready to respond proactively to your answer.

      If I am right, you were far more fortunate than most men at that juncture when they began to accept the need and desire for imposed female authority. More commonly, I suspect a wife is struggling to keep up with her husband’s evolving needs, whereas it sounds like she might even have been a little ahead of you since, as you have mentioned, it was several decades since you had been over a female lap.

      Do you suspect she was willing to try discipline even before you got around to thinking about it yourself? You mentioned that you don’t have a sexual fetish for spanking, so it had to be hard to submit, particularly in the beginning.

      I have to express some admiration for what you did to save or strengthen your relationship because, as someone with a spanking fetish, I am aware that it makes the spanking seem desirable before it happens and in retrospect. Without those impulses, my interest in it would diminish, however good I know it is for me and our relationship in the longer run.

    7. Alan,
      She very well may have been a step or two ahead of me. She usually was, and she knew I had been spanked a lot by my mother. I never thought of that! Thanks!
      While I don't have a spanking fetish, I found many things about DD attractive. I hated arguing so much and it ended that phase of our lives. I liked how it relieved guilt. I loved how she no longer held resentment or acted passive-aggressively. I liked the simplicity of following her directions. It made life so much easier!
      I liked that she was turned on by her authority. It definitely improved our sex life! I also became very attracted to her maternal authority in a way I never would have imagined.
      Most of all, it was obvious to me and everyone else that I was a better father, husband, and man under her strict direction.
      The pain was well worth all these things. And I did get used to the pain somewhat, though she could always take me over the edge when she wanted to.

  25. --al said, “ I absolutely have no regrets (no shame!) that I developed a fascination with F/M DD, but I do wonder if my fascination would have developed without this event. I suspect that it would have eventually - that something would have triggered it at some point. Still...”

    Yes, and there always will be that “still” pause for anyone whose initial interest in spanking was triggered in childhood by being spanked, witnessing a spanking, or seeing one –or several. But if it wasn’t in childhood, it could have been later, such as in Dan’s case (which may be is not that rare). Or, if you had lived your life in a seminary, a monastery, or a nunnery, it may never have happened. Or if someone had decided early enough to make you a natural contralto (i. e. a eunuch), then it might never have happened either. In other words, it would happen sooner or later if you were exposed to sexual experiences that trigger it. That is because most, if not all, spankos have some amount of genetic predisposition to associate spanking with sexuality (and the reverse). It is an evolutionary adaption, yet to be fully explained, but having some correlations with reproduction. Explaining homosexuality as an evolutionary adaption is much harder than explaining spanking, but the latter is surely an adaption, possibly influenced by environmental experiences fully as much as spanking.

    1. I read a book recently on evolutionary medicine. One big point it made was that sometimes a trait that is maladaptive doesn't get edited out of the gene pool, because it has a small enough impact on distributing genes that it doesn't get selected out over time. I could see homosexuality being like that. For hundreds if not thousands of years, it was so discouraged in society that people who were gay still engaged in procreative sex.

  26. Dan,
    If you are right (and what you propose regarding homosexuality is a respectable hypothesis among many others in evolutionary biology – then homosexuality would be expected to decline over evolutionary time, possibly in a few hundred years, given recent changes in social attitudes.

    However, it would be remiss not to mention that other hypotheses regarding homosexuality do not regard the adaption as maladaptive. To use more technical language, as one of my friends did recently: “Who the hell knows?

    1. True, and while I found a lot of the stuff in the book I read very interesting, I do sometimes think that evolutionary factors may be over-used in explaining human behavior. It's just so easy to pick any facet of behavior and construct an argument for why it might have been adaptive for our caveman ancestors.

    2. I agree to the extent that evolutionary explanations have recently become the flavor of the day and are prone to overuse (Freudians, please take notes) - and to the degree that environmental influences are more important than genetics much of the time. For example, a plausible formula recently for longevity ( living to be 100) estimated genes account for about 25 percent of the variance in longevity. A more intuitive if slightly less scientific way to put this is that 75 of every centenarian alive today DO NOT have their genetic makeup primarily to thank for their longevity.

      Genetic makeups over time interact with environmental factors to produce evolutionary adaptions of course, But in the short run, environmental influences seem to matter most in most circumstances.

  27. My behavior is embarrassing to both of us even if she is the only one who sees it. I am not to embarrassed to ask for a spanking but truth be told I hate to do so. When I don't ask I usually get so out of control that I don't need to ask by that point she has figured it out and the spanking is way worse than if I had just asked


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