
Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Club - Meeting 428 - Consensual Non-Consent, Asking For It & Communication

“The leader can never close the gap between himself and the group. If he does, he is no longer what he must be. He must walk a tightrope between the consent he must win and the control he must exert.” - Vince Lombardi


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship.


I hope you had a good week. Things were relatively slow and uneventful here, other than I got pulled into some drama at my former gig, where I haven’t worked in almost two years.  I wouldn’t mention it, except it kind of bears on this week’s topic, which I’ll talk about later. 


One thing that did feel eventful was a change in the weather.  I know that Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter, but here winter decided to at least take a breather.  After weeks of bitter, snowy weather, I actually had to take my heavy coat off during dog walks this week.  I can’t say I minded the change, though this time last year I was bitching that we seldom seem to get real winters here anymore.



I also wanted to address the recent Google/Blogger changes that Donn flagged.  I’ve said before that Anne does sometimes read this blog, though I never really know when or how much.  Well, apparently it made it into her reading schedule last night, because she walked into our room and asked, “WTF?  Why do I suddenly need to login to view your blog?”  Good question.  It would be nice if Blogger would send its blog owners notices about this kind of shit but, of course, they never do.  It also says a lot that the company pulled this move--requiring having a Google login in order to simply view content, arguably locking in more consumers who may not want to give Google their information—at the same time they’re getting sued by the Justice Department for alleged antitrust violations and by the Europeans for violating privacy regulations.


I was already thinking about other platforms, and maybe this puts the nail in the coffin of my long-time Blogger relationship. It’s not so much this one move, as the fact that every few years Google decides to put the screws to producers of “adult content,” going so far a few times as announcing a ban.  While you’re always basically a tenant on any free platform, subject to the landlord’s whims, Google seems actually to act on those whims regularly and, as with this login change, unexpectedly.  For that reason, I’m playing around with a “beta” Wordpress version of this blog, though I’m finding Wordpress a much bigger pain in the ass to set up. Very simple things like creating a blogroll or listing of links in the sidebars seems to take me an hour to research.  Nothing is very intuitive.  But, I’m trying.  Then, I’m not sure whether I’ll try to keep the blog in two places, or commit to one and shut the other down.  It seems logical to do the latter, since having comments in two places would be a major pain and inhibit conversations.  Anyway . . . stay tuned. On to this week’s topic.


We’ve talked here often about issues around “asking for it,” with “it” being particular spankings, and related issues of consent, rules, and consensual non-consent.


We disciplined husbands often seem to have a big need for “authenticity.” We want real spankings.  We want them to be for real offenses.  And, we want them imposed in a way that feels like exactly that – like they are being imposed on us, whether we like it or not.


We talk about it in terms of “consensual non-consent” or, perhaps less controversially, “blanket consent.”  We consent to the disciplinary relationship as a whole, and perhaps to the rules that govern it, but we don’t want to have a choice on whether particular spankings are given within that context.  In fact, many if not most of us say that we want her to have the sole discretion to determine whether a spanking has been earned.  


Some of us take it even further and say that once we’ve consented to having the disciplinary relationship, she can take a “for any reason” approach.  We consent, but it’s a very broad form.  Basically, we’re consenting to her using her best judgment.


In an ideal world, we’d like her to use that discretion fairly but rigorously, erring on the side of strict enforcement of the rules.


If there are any formal rules. Many (not all) of us are comfortable with the idea that, like a parent, she’s not confined to punishing only those things that the offender agrees should be punishable. Rather, she can determine in the moment what is spankable.


In fact, we would kind of like to be left out of the decision-making process as much as possible. If she is constantly seeking our agreement on whether something should be punished, then who is really in control?  Remember that need for authenticity I talked about?  Does it feel like an authentic imposed punishment if you have much say over the “why, when, and how” questions?



Yet, there are times when such a wide-open grant of discretion is a problem.  Maybe she’s shown that in certain limited areas, her judgment isn’t always state of the art.  Or, maybe the way the way she’s using her discretion strikes too closely to a core identity issue.  Or, perhaps it’s having social or personal consequences she’s not thinking through.


Conversely, maybe the current application of discipline—whether agreed upon or imposed, may be proving to be too lax. Or, maybe something is going on inside his head that she may not be aware of that he may think really needs to be dealt with more strictly, whether in this one instance or more systematically.  Even if both parties prefer her to be in control, maybe he needs to be able to “ask for it” when needed.


This came up for me this week in a concrete way.  Anne and I have gone back and forth a lot over the years about what the approach should be to my alcohol consumption, with everything from numerical limits to bans on drinking at home. Such rule-based limits and bans just never seemed to work, to some extent because work and social drinking situations varied so much.  And, as I’ve said, perhaps because it is so easy to say that some arbitrary number is “too much,” Anne has tended to kind of over-rotate on alcohol issues, spanking for them way more often than for other behavior even though other issues—like being disrespectful or communicating poorly or offensively (see last week’s post)—affect her much more personally.


Things kind of came to a head over the holidays when we were hanging out with other family members, with everyone drinking. Everyone had a good time and there was zero bad behavior on my part. Yet, the next day Anne suggested that maybe I should be spanked simply because I—along with everyone else—had several drinks. 


It was part of one of those big arguments I referenced a few weeks ago.  I basically blew up that she was tightening the screws in the context of a social event in which my behavior was exactly on par with everyone else’s and absolutely nothing had gone wrong. I let her know that if that was going to be the rule, then I’d just start refusing invitations to hang out with friends or family, because she couldn’t expect me to socialize freely with drinkers when the line between “okay” and “not okay” seemed to be totally arbitrary.


I told her that my view was that alcohol in itself isn’t the problem.  It’s the bad behavior that rarely, but sometimes, goes along with it.  If such bad behavior happened, then it should be spankable.  If it didn’t, then it really should be “no harm, no foul.”



That seemed like a workable compromise, and I think she agreed.  But, now I’m kind of backtracking.  Not on the part about bad behavior should be spankable but, rather, about whether consuming “too much” should earn a spanking even in the absence of some glaringly bad behavior.


It’s about something we talk about here frequently – guardrails.  I also sometimes use the word “boundaries,” but I’ve been thinking lately there is a subtle difference.  A boundary seems more like an externally imposed standard that could be entirely arbitrary; if you step over it, there are consequences even if the behavior didn’t harm anyone or have any negative impact on the relationship. 


A guardrail seems more like something that isn’t designed to stop movement that is good or non-destructive.  To the contrary, it's about allowing the driver a lot of autonomy when it comes to setting speed and direction, but also providing for a warning or course correction if things seem to be getting out of hand in a way that looks like it easily could become destructive.


However, sometimes I am the only one who can tell when things are starting to feel a little out of control.  Also, sometimes things that aren’t problematic in and of themselves have a way of accumulating into an unhealthy pattern.  Sometimes I need those things to be nipped in the bud even if they haven’t yet reached the level of a real problem.  I’ve learned from painful experience that about the time I decide I’m doing fine on my own and may have outgrown the need for DD, something usually blows up in spectacular fashion. 


Yet, I still don’t want to go back to Anne exercising unfettered discretion in this one area, because for all her great judgment, she does seem to over-rotate on this one issue.


What’s the solution?  Well, I think like a lot of things with couples in the “real world,” expanding communication might help a lot.


In most areas, I do still like the notions of “consensual non-consent” and “anytime, anywhere, for any reason.” Therefore, I continue to think it should be our baseline rule.


However, since setting the right bar around alcohol has proven to be so challenging, there needs to be a carve-out for that one.  The baseline rule we came up with around spanking only if there was other bad behavior at issue still seems to me to be a wise one.  But, if either of us sees a potential pattern developing, that should be discussed.  It could include things like:


·      if I blow my usual pattern of not drinking a majority of days each week even if none were really excessive;

·      if I have multiple weeks in a row in which I have even one objectively excessive night, even without other behavioral problems;

·      feeling bad enough the next day I skip a workout or otherwise limit my activities;

·      I stay up later than some pre-set time (11:30 or 12:00?)


The point being, there are signs a pattern might be developing and might need to be nipped in the bud. 


January was kind of the poster child for what I’m talking about.  The month started out great, with no drinking at all the first week. Then, we had family in town and had a night or two where everyone was drinking a fair amount. Then, two weeks ago I skied with a friend, and we had too many beers the night before and quite a few the following day.   



That incident really illustrates the problem.  I actually had a great time with that friend and, given that reconnecting with friends was a big goal for me in 2023, I’m not sorry at all that we connected over beer.  But, in the larger context of the month, it could be part of a pattern that I don’t want to extent into February.


Therefore, if there are times when some of those other indicia of a pattern are emerging, or if I just feel like things may be getting out of control, I feel like I need to be able to affirmatively ask for one. 


Now, whether I actually will when confronted with the prospect is a whole other matter.  For that reason, she too should be able to raise it as an issue.  Perhaps, instead of the “for any reason” default rule, she could come to me and say, “Here are the facts I’ve seen lately.  My inclination is to spank you for it. But, if you disagree, here’s your chance to make your case.”  It’s kind of like what she did a week ago, but in that case she asked my opinion only about whether the facts as she described them.  In this case, she could also ask me my opinion on whether a spanking is merited, though my view might not be binding.



These issues around consent are tricky, but so are the issues around asking for it.  I know ZM has said his wife doesn’t want to be asked.  Anne said that too, though it was several years ago.  I haven’t followed up to see what she feels these days.  And, even if she were more open to it today, I still think things work better when she’s making most of the determinations on her own.  So, even if I were to start asking, or reporting more knowing that the result would be the same, I still think I would want to limit it in such a way that she still had far more control than I did.


I don’t have a specific topic around this but welcome any thoughts or reactions.


Speaking of alcohol, I burst out laughing the first time I saw this meme and still do every time I stumble across it in my collection.




  1. Hi Dan, We subscribe to the anytime, anyplace, for any reason concept and have from the beginning. We both agreed to it, like it and it is working well for us. 'Asking for it' hardly ever occurs here with few exceptions. Maintenance is scheduled, punishment is totally up to her and I have no recourse to her decision. There are times when I realize I have committed an infraction. I immediately confess to her, usually with implement in hand. She either agrees and spanks me or waives the issue. Now I have asked for stress relief sessions, but most times she 'knows' when I need one. There was one incident which was major. I had an accident while driving her car. She was with me and knew how terrible I felt about it. Later, she told she did not intend to punish me for the accident, but knew I would feel better after being punished for it. She left it up to me with this condition... If I chose to be punished, she controlled the implement, duration and intensity and I could not alter any part of the spanking once it began. Our discipline rules would also be in effect... no warm up, no safe word and no after care. I asked her to spank me for the accident. She chose the belt and administered it very hard and very long. Bruises lasted over 3 days, but she was correct..... I did feel better after being punished.

    1. "She left it up to me with this condition... If I chose to be punished, she controlled the implement, duration and intensity and I could not alter any part of the spanking once it began." That approach is interesting, as when I've thought about parameters around "asking for it," I've considered going the other way in part. Like, if I ask for punishment for something she might otherwise not punish for, I get to pick the implement. But, for whatever reason I've never suggested that.

    2. I can certainly relate to that. There have been occasions where she was ok to waive something but I felt bad about it and needed a session to feel better. TG

    3. Dan, Interesting concept. Not sure that would work here. I have no say in anything to do with punishment. In this odd case, we both agreed I would feel better being punished for the accident. I guess she was going to be sure I wasn't able to pick something like the bunny flogger and walk away after 25 strokes. Her thought was if punishment is due or even requested, the sub takes what is given, not chooses the parameters.

      TG Total agreement with your there. Taking a spanking you know you have earned is way better than days of feeling uneasy about an issue. Was she in total charge of the punishment once it was decided?

    4. I think there are two things being talked about here: confession to something that might result in punishment, and asking to be spanked. Or at least they're different things in J and my relationship.

      If I confess to something, how and whether I'm punished is out of my hands. Depending on how J interprets my intentions, she may or may not go easier on me for things I admit to vs things she sees or discovers on her own, but I am definitely not allowed to dictate how or whether I'm corrected or punished.

      On the other hand, if I feel like I need a good spanking that isn't related to some misbehavior that she'd punish me for, I can always ask for one (I actually did a couple weeks ago, and she obliged me). But that's more like foreplay/sex than discipline. (And I don't ask very often, because part of our relationship is that sex is heavily focused on satisfying her, which is something, ironically, that I find satisfying and hot, even if sometimes frustrating.)

    5. I should add that my not being allowed to dictate, or negotiate about, consequences is something she feels very strongly about. I tested her on this exactly once. A few years ago, she imposed a post-orgasm caning as punishment, which I absolutely hate and dread. I argued that it wasn't warranted, which I thought she had simply ignored. But then after the caning ended and I started to get up, she told me to wait, and gave me two very hard strokes with the (horrible) rubber strap, for what she interpreted as defying her authority to decide punishment. Message received!

      I can argue about whether I did something, but not about the consequences.

    6. "I think there are two things being talked about here: confession to something that might result in punishment, and asking to be spanked. Or at least they're different things in J and my relationship." For us, they are different in form, but maybe not so different in substance. If I confess to something in, say, a journal entry, there is a very good chance that it's going to result in punishment. That wasn't so much the case in the early days, and there were times I actively resented that I would lay out a heartfelt confession about something, then nothing would be done about it. These days, that is much less likely.

  2. I'm generally on the other end of the equation, but I think a blanket rule for discipline works best for the relationship. It sets a clear rule, and removes any hesitation on the part of the dom(me) to moderate punishments on the basis of how the sub feels about it. I think it creates the right dynamic. And if that dynamic doesn't work, then perhaps it's time for a different relationship.

    This, of course, requires that the person providing the discipline understand the sub at a pretty deep level. There will be misunderstandings, and the person in charge needs to be mature and sophisticated enough to overcome those problems.

    As for alcohol there are a couple factors. One factor is the physiological effect of the alcohol, where it can create its own dependency. The domme can't completely know the internal feelings of the sub. This is also true with diet. Therefore, I've always taken myself out of that equation and left it to my submissives to determine how much is enough.

    However, I can see where you might want your domme to have more control with regard to alcohol. If she is physically present, one way to handle this would be for you to ask her to get you a drink and then submit to her decision whether to provide you with one. One of the advantages is that she can see your behavior and make her decisions based on that.

    If she is not physically present, you might establish a limit. For example, that might be a standard two-drink limit for each day, unless you get prior permission. In this way, if you run into a friend, you can have a couple drinks without breaking the rule. You could probably call her if the situation warranted it and ask for more.

    That's my take on this. Good luck with setting the right rules for you!

    1. "It sets a clear rule, and removes any hesitation on the part of the dom(me) to moderate punishments on the basis of how the sub feels about it. I think it creates the right dynamic." I think that's generally right, and I do think that firm and categorical rules can be a big part of helping the domme/top/whatever get comfortable with the role and with being strict.

      "This, of course, requires that the person providing the discipline understand the sub at a pretty deep level. There will be misunderstandings, and the person in charge needs to be mature and sophisticated enough to overcome those problems." Again, I very much agree with this. The sophistication can take some practice and experience though, which is why blanket rules can help a lot in the early stages.

      "If she is not physically present, you might establish a limit." This is exactly the kind of restriction that has NOT worked for us in the past. Over time, I've come to realize that while I like someone being willing and able to impose consequences for bad behavior in this area, I have zero interest in having someone micromanage the process for conducting a happy hour with a friend, with things like reporting the number of drinks and asking for permission for more in the moment.

    2. Could you explain that some more? As long as you are staying within the limit you agreed to, you don't have to report anything.

    3. That's the problem -- either I would not stay within the limits or wouldn't agree with what they should be in the first place. She would say "two," which would work for a quick get together but not for anything longer. Or, a happy hour would turn into people going out to dinner. Like I said, if I'm out with friends I have zero interest in having that experience micromanaged. The other issue is, I will very often completely forget there is any limit and check-in system after having a couple and getting deep into a conversation with someone. It's not a matter of ignoring the limit. Rather, I simply forget all about it.

      I can see some men who are natural submissives getting off on a process of having to call in to get permission to have more, but that's definitely not me. And, as I said in the post, approaching it from the perspective of imposing a numerical limit just doesn't make as much sense as focusing on the behavior and the effects. Like the recent ski trip with a friend I talked about. Yep, we had a lot of drinks. But, it was over many hours. After going to dinner, everything we drank was safely at home. No one was driving drunk. No one said or did anything embarrassing. We got up the next day and skied. In that circumstance, who cares if it was 2 drinks or 10?

    4. That helps me understand. I think there are a couple things you might consider and see if they suggest a solution.

      One is to set a rate limit, not a total limit. That might be two drinks in the first hour, then one per hour after that. You could work with your partner to come up with a sensible rule, and then modify it based on experience.

      The other thing would be to forget any limits on the amount of alcohol and focus on the behavior. In that case, she would apply an enhancement if you misbehaved after drinking. For example, in the four hours after you finish a drink, if you misbehave, you get punished for that. And then, she would apply an enhancement. That might be, for example, a half-hour of writing lines, which would then be posted for a time (like 24 hours) in the kitchen.

      In this case, you would take total responsibility for your behavior. You would learn that as you drink you have to be more careful not to screw up. You would use your judgment when there was an opportunity, like the ski trip. But because drinking can impair your judgment, the prospect of punishment might add a little self discipline that would counter that.

      Perhaps one of these ideas will help you out, either directly or by stimulating additional thought. Good luck finding a good solution. It's inherently a tough problem.

  3. Hi Dan,

    I really liked the Vince Lombardi quote. It fits perfectly with your topic this week, and perfectly captures one of the biggest challenges of leading. For me, winning consent is easy, which is fortunate because exerting control comes hard for me, so at least by winning consent so effectively, I don’t have to step out of my comfort zone so frequently.

    I am excited to see the blog in the new format, whatever that might be. Blogger is not only very limited in its features, but also is totally subject to Google’s whims. Having said that, it is relatively easy, and allows you to focus only on the content and not so much on the means of delivery, so it is a tradeoff like most everything else in life.

    I really liked the way you described consensual non-consent, how it enables vastly higher authenticity, and how it all eventually ties to the wife’s discretion and judgement.

    “Basically, we’re consenting to her using her best judgment. In an ideal world, we’d like her to use that discretion fairly but rigorously, erring on the side of strict enforcement of the rules.” – I like your “fairly but rigorously,” though that does set a tough standard for the wife. At least so far, my wife always tends toward the “lax” side (or maybe just too far to the “fair” side). This is probably because we don’t have any set rules, because she would rather let many things slide than even occasionally be unfair, because she wants me to feel free, and because quite frankly, I usually push back whenever she does exercise her judgement, making her reluctant to do so.

    “… like a parent, she’s not confined to punishing only those things that the offender agrees should be punishable. Rather, she can determine in the moment what is spankable.” – this is exactly how I would like her to exert her authority, but again this places a much heavier burden on her than just punishing for things we previously agreed to.

    “Does it feel like an authentic imposed punishment if you have much say over the ‘why, when, and how’ questions?” – exactly! My least favorite implementation of DD is when the wife is basically just following the husband’s directions, punishing him in agreed upon ways for breaking rules that he set, and with him being able to veto any punishment.

    I agree that this heavy reliance on her judgement could be problematic, especially depending on the person (wife) involved. However, in at least my case, my wife always tends to not be assertive or stern enough, so those few times that she might punish me when I don’t really deserve it or for an issue on which I seriously disagree with her are vastly outnumbered by the times that she probably should punish me but doesn’t.

    - continued -

    1. "I like your “fairly but rigorously,” though that does set a tough standard for the wife." I agree, though I think sometimes a "tough" standard still kind of limits discretion in a way that can be helpful. Having unlimited discretion can make decision-making harder for some people, so saying, "When in doubt, err on the side of punishment" can take some of the pressure off. But, I also totally get your wife's desire for you to be free. Also, it doesn't sound like you have a lot of "big" issues that might take a heavier hand to get under control.

    2. BTW, I too really like that Lombardi quote. I think it sums up succinctly one of the biggest challenges of leadership.

  4. - continued -

    I agree fully about boundaries, guardrails, and their similarity and differences. For me, it is mostly a matter of degree. Boundaries exist for a multitude of reasons, and some of them are for your own good and some are for the good of others. Exceeding boundaries MAY cause negative consequences. If you cross the border with Canada, you might end up ending sentences with “eh?” and saying “sorry” every minute or so!

    Looking at driving, if you speed, you may have an accident, and if you do, it will most likely be worse than if you were going slower. But you might break the speed limit every day of your life and never have an accident. Guardrails, however, only exist as a measure of last resort, when non-intervention WILL certainly cause catastrophic results.

    In DD, I sometimes need both. I need enforced boundaries for several reasons, such as to supplement my sometimes lacking self-control or to have the comfort and certainly of knowing there are boundaries and that they will be enforced. The boundaries help me to stay in control much of the time, but occasionally I also need guardrails when I begin spinning out of control, because life…

    “Yet, I still don’t want to go back to Anne exercising unfettered discretion in this one area, because for all her great judgment, she does seem to over-rotate on this one issue.
    What’s the solution? Well, I think like a lot of things with couples in the ‘real world,’ expanding communication might help a lot.” – Undoubtedly this is true not only for this, but for everything related to DD and to your relationship in general. In fact, I often think of DD as being first and foremost a communication tool, more than just a means of enforcement.

    “In most areas, I do still like the notions of ‘consensual non-consent’ and ‘anytime, anywhere, for any reason.’ Therefore, I continue to think it should be our baseline rule.” – I too prefer for this to be the baseline in our relationship, not only because it feels the most authentic, but also because it in theory allows her to get the most benefit from DD. I say “in theory” because leaving everything to her judgement does put a lot of pressure on her, and so predictably she tends to err on the side of caution.

    Regarding patterns of alcohol usage, I think you pretty well nailed it. Alcohol is a problem when it causes you to behave badly (regardless of how often that happens), and it is perhaps even more of a problem if destructive patterns of excessive drinking that could lead to alcoholism start to appear.

    And regarding asking for spankings: “|I still think things work better when she’s making most of the determinations on her own. So, even if I were to start asking, or reporting more knowing that the result would be the same, I still think I would want to limit it in such a way that she still had far more control than I did.” – Same. If she wanted me to ask her, or if there was some benefit to doing so, I would be fine with it. But I would always want those situations to be the exception rather than the default.


    1. "I too prefer for this to be the baseline in our relationship, not only because it feels the most authentic, but also because it in theory allows her to get the most benefit from DD." That's a great point about she gets the most benefit.

      I agree with you on alcohol usage, and it kind of shows why my patterns are hard to deal with using something like DD. The plain fact is, I'm not one of those people who drink daily and it gets out of control. I don't drink anything remotely like daily. So, heading off alcoholism really isn't an issue. The problem is when I socialize, "one or two" seems to very easily become "six or seven." But, even then the circumstances really matter. The drinks I had with the friend a couple of weeks ago included two or three at dinner, and all the rest hanging out safely at home. We had a great conversation that lasted several hours and no harm was done to anyone, other ourselves with headaches the next day. Under those circumstances, I want the engagement with a friend a lot more than I care about the temporary downside of drinking too much.

  5. Hi Dan,
    I wanted to reply to your response to me regarding witnessed spankings in last week’s posting. I thought better to write here rather than there, since it is more likely to be seen.

    You said: “It occurred to me when Alan encouraged you to talk to your wife about actually doing it that the real impediment might not be her but, rather, the right witness and the right time.” – The IDEAL “situation” for me for a witnessed spanking would have quite a few factors:
    - It is for a real offense…
    - that I am at least somewhat embarrassed about or ashamed of doing…
    - that the witness also sees my behavior as being “bad”…
    - Ideally, the offense would happen in the presence of the witness…
    - and even more ideally, the same offense would have previously happened in the presence of the witness and I had been verbally warned…
    - And the offense should be something that my wife has at least some feeling or emotion about…
    - yet for all this, it shouldn’t be anything that is too intensely private

    Quite a tall list! On the surface, it would seem impossible for all those conditions to be fulfilled, but of course they don’t need to all be fulfilled for it to work well. And there are things that I do all the time that would actually check all the items on the list, like interrupting her while she is talking, checking out pretty girls (especially their bottoms), or probably many other things, so maybe it isn’t all that impossible at all?

    “For me, the whole witness thing wouldn't work at all if it was just some random witness or in a contrived, ‘play acting’ kind of scenario.” – I always want DD to be ”real spankings for real offenses,” and I agree that a made-up scenario would totally lack the emotional impact of a real spanking being witnessed. So yes, I agree that it needs to be something real. As far as some “random witness,” I would see that being more if she were to publicly scold me or something like that. I would still feel shame, even not knowing the person who witnessed her scolding me. And obviously she would never spank me in front of a stranger, for many reasons.

    One thing I would add to this, however, is that she certainly could have fun with any number of humiliating scenarios in front of others just demonstrating her power, with or without much real reason. For me, it would still be a big thing, even though it wouldn’t be the same in any way as the feelings I would get from an enforced real spanking. So for example, she could tell me to go stand in the corner for something totally minor (in front of someone), and that would still be a very embarrassing thing for me, even though it would be lacking any actual contrition.


    1. ZM,
      You have to let this happen rather than make it happen, ensuring you don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good enough. Whether all your ideal conditions prevail or not, you will experience the full impact of being spanked in front of a witness as long as your wife expresses her interest in making it happen for whatever reason she decides- including, not incidentally, her comfort level with the witness chosen.

      Disciplinary wives, in my experience, seem more interested in administering a spanking in front of a witness than we might expect, considering most of them are introduced to F/M spanking by their husbands or S.O. But they may reach the same point that we do and want to demonstrate their power “publicly” for the same reason we want it. More directly, I am saying your wife may want to spank you in front of ( the right) witness as much as you want it to happen.

      But critical is finding the right witness. For many who administer witnessed spankings, the choice seems to be sisters or close friends. In both cases, presumably, the sister or close friend has reacted positively to the disclosure of the DD relationship and even interest in witnessing a spanking. Once that place is reached, the clock is ticking as long as the wife or G.F. is sure her partner will cooperate. ( It takes a long time for a woman to become fully confident in her authority and sure that her husband or SO will obey in an embarrassing situation.
      So let her know you are ready, believe it would be positive for your relationship, and give her no reason to think you will disobey her if she acts.


    2. Definitely a pretty lengthy list! But, you're right, probably still not "impossible," at least if some of them are more an "ideal" than a gatekeeper. Like, does the offense absolutely have to take place in front of the witness? Probably not.

      For some reason, to me the "ideal" of there being a previous warning in the witness' presence seems really compelling to me. I'm not sure why. Maybe because it seems to increase the "authenticity" of the whole thing?

    3. "But they may reach the same point that we do and want to demonstrate their power “publicly” for the same reason we want it."

      Great point.

    4. Hi Alan,
      Totally agree that I just have to wait and let this happen if it is ever going to. There is really nothing I can do to make it happen, so why try? Plus, I am convinced that my wife really does want to make it happen. And you are certainly right that the "ideal" list is by no means necessary, and probably my wife's comfort with the witness is at least as important as any of the things I mentioned. What I was really trying to show is that even if I list everything that would seemingly be perfect for this, it would still be quite possible. As you pointed out, once someone has been told about the relationship and seems open to witnessing it, it is just a matter of that person being available when a spanking is due.

      "For many who administer witnessed spankings, the choice seems to be sisters or close friends. In both cases, presumably, the sister or close friend has reacted positively to the disclosure of the DD relationship and even interest in witnessing a spanking. Once that place is reached, the clock is ticking as long as the wife or G.F. is sure her partner will cooperate." - Agree. And also your point about being confident that I will cooperate is important, particularly since I have tried to weasel out of spankings much of the time. And even though I have been thinking about this witness thing the past few years and genuinely want to experience it, this is now, when I am sitting in front of a keyboard, not when I am face to face with the immediate reality of an embarrassing spanking in front of someone.

      And Dan,
      "But, you're right, probably still not 'impossible,' at least if some of them are more an 'ideal' than a gatekeeper." - Exactly. None of the things on the "ideal" list are necessary for it to be a powerful experience.

      "For some reason, to me the 'ideal' of there being a previous warning in the witness' presence seems really compelling to me. I'm not sure why. Maybe because it seems to increase the 'authenticity' of the whole thing?" - Same for me. I hadn't even thought about it before I was typing that list. I was just thinking that, in addition to being open to the whole thing, it is great if the witness thinks that the offense deserves punishment, and then I was thinking that even better than agreeing that the offense is bad is if they see it happen, so it is more concrete. And if I am warned in front of them beforehand, they not only see my misbehavior, but know that I was really out of line. This, like everything else on the list, just adds to the authenticity of the experience, not only for me but for everyone involved.

      One other one I didn't even think of when listing things, which would certainly intensify the whole thing - whether that is a good thing or a bad thing I don't know - would be if the offense somehow was against the witness.


    5. I totally agree the "offense against the witness" probably would intensify things in a huge way.

  6. Did you consider the possibility that the reason Anne suggested you needed a spanking was 'ust because she wanted to, and was using your drinking as a useful excuse.
    I've had this happen a couple of times when she ordered a spanking and when I had to ask why she simply said "Because I can!"
    If I am overdoing it with drinking she usually let's me know and when I am offered another drink she simply tells me not to.
    She is not a big drinker so when she tells me to stop drinking it's usually because she wants us to leave soon.
    At first I would simply defy her and take another drink , but paid the price later, not for drinking bug for defiance and in consideration.
    I take her warnings seriously now .
    A few times I protested and told her I wanted another drink and she was not shy to give me a more public warning like ' If you do you'll be sorry once I get you home!"
    If I am drinking when she is not there she doesnt really care as she trustscthat I won't overdo it anyway.
    Perhaps you can ask Anne to issue a discrete warning to you if she thinks you are drinking too much with company?
    Works for me and she might even enjoy it!

    1. "Did you consider the possibility that the reason Anne suggested you needed a spanking was 'just because she wanted to, and was using your drinking as a useful excuse." Very unlikely. That's really never been her emotional approach to DD.

      "Perhaps you can ask Anne to issue a discrete warning to you if she thinks you are drinking too much with company?" That wouldn't really fit the circumstances where this is a problem for us most of the time, because 90% of the time when this has become an issue, we have not been together. And, when we are together it tends to be something like a party with a couple who are more her friends than mine and who are total boozers. My position is, if you don't want me drinking along with the hosts, then I'm absolutely fine not going and actually would prefer that. Similarly with family. If my adult kids are hanging out having drinks together, I'm not going to not do that with them just to assuage some arbitrary concern.

    2. You were right to take a stand in those circumstances Dan.
      Sounds like a bit of a stretch for Anne to suggest you should be spanked in those cases.

    3. Thanks. I think this illustrates a line between DD and something more like classic Dominance/submission. I want there to be consequences for excessive consumption that establish a kind of guardrail to keep me from going off the edge. And, I think there should be consequences for doing things that are harmful or embarrassing. But, I don't have any real interest in imposing a rule just to impose a rule. Some men obviously get off on that, but I really don't

  7. I'm not a fan of the Blogger or free WordPress platform. free version can put ads on your site and no plugins (that's where you get a blogroll. Check with me on that). The paid versions are expensive with horrible performance. There are a couple of other options I've found that work well. I won't bore our readers with them. If you're interested, drop me an email. My blog is on AWS Lightsail. I love it, but it does take some technical knowledge to manage.

    1. You're definitely right about "pricey" for the paid versions. $300 a year, for which you don't seem to get much of real value other than plug-ins, and there seem to be other ways to do things like a blogroll. Did you use Wordpress for your template but are hosting it on AWS?

      Honestly, I'm considering just paying someone who knows what they are doing build me a site.

    2. If you go to AWS Lightsail, you can buy a WordPress instance. That's what I did. The smallest useful-for-wordpress instance costs $10 a month. The cheaper ones don't have enough memory to work well. You just select WordPress and it sets you up. You do need to go to the command prompt to get your password. Once you are in WordPress, the rest is easy. BTW, the $300 a year deal will not let you have a blogroll. They block the RSS Aggregator plugin.

      Feel free to email me if you want help getting started. My blog is in the $20/month instance because of traffic. It's wonderful to work with.

  8. I like to muse about the 'asking for it' subject. So originally I did 'ask for it' but in a general sense i.e. here's an idea, it's a deep drive in me that you could use to help modify some of my less agreeable behaviors'. Which I guess is the basis of consensual non-consent in that I have given over a blanket agreement to allow her to use physical discipline in response to behavior issues that she does not like. This has almost inevitably played out as me being punished for disrespect, rudeness & general moodiness. We still have the occasional big argument and after one recently during the rationalizing & making up I asked why she didn't just bring it to a halt and spank. Her answer was that she didn't fell that spanking could successfully address the 'big' issues. Which again set me off thinking.

    As a result I wrote her a long journal explaining that actually it was just those issues that DD could resolve because the root cause issue was not in itself major, but our response made it a major blow-up, for whatever reason. Now this simplistic view ignores that fact that sometimes a 'good' argument helps to clear tensions, enables some cruel but necessary honesty and tests a relationship in many ways. In my journal I also covered off why DD was important to somebody (like me) who has almost as long as I can remember had a 'thing' about spanking. It is a deep 'drive/need' that I had never shared with anybody. And this drive linked with my need to have boundaries, limits and targets made it in many ways ideal to re-balance our relationship. That explanation has seemed to make complete sense to her in a way that previous attempts have failed.

    The closest I have come to 'asking for it' is in such a journal where where I will express the view that I deserve & need a 'reset' - but that does not stop me later trying to avoid it. I find it difficult to imagine asking to be spanked and then immediately having to submit to the spanking.It feels like the 'journal' form of request is more in line with a general consent rather than asking for an immediate, specific, painful action. TB

    1. Hi TB. Lots of great stuff in this comment.

      "[T]he root cause issue was not in itself major, but our response made it a major blow-up, for whatever reason. Now this simplistic view ignores that fact that sometimes a 'good' argument helps to clear tensions, enables some cruel but necessary honesty and tests a relationship in many ways."

      This could be a summary of the two arguments Anne and I got into during and right after the holidays. The first one involved a root cause issue that not only wasn't major, it was trivial to the point of being almost silly. That such a dumb thing could lead to such a big argument is a clear indication there were some pent up bad feelings. The second, more recent one, involved what I see as a more serious issue but, as you say, our responses blew it up into a much bigger deal. Particularly my response.

      We often talk here about DD in this pollyanna way in which it ends all arguments quickly and effortlessly, with no residual bad feelings. But, as you say, some arguments do involve "cruel but necessary honesty." While our arguments didn't solve everything, I do feel like once the air cleared, we were in a much better place than we'd been for a while. Sometimes, arguments are just necessary. I've known couples who never seemed to fight or disagree. Most of them split up.

      "The closest I have come to 'asking for it' is in such a journal where where I will express the view that I deserve & need a 'reset' - but that does not stop me later trying to avoid it. I find it difficult to imagine asking to be spanked and then immediately having to submit to the spanking.It feels like the 'journal' form of request is more in line with a general consent rather than asking for an immediate, specific, painful action."

      That's one of the purposes my journaling served and, like you, I often used mine to try to explain why I want this. Because, I think for a long time Anne with along with it but really didn't understand it and wondered why anyone would really want such a thing. I also get what you're saying about how a confession in a journal doesn't feel like full blown "asking for it." It's more like a confession combined with a subtle suggestion. Though, there have been times I've used a journal entry to say straight out that I should be spanked. But, as you say, that still feels less immediate. There have really only been a couple of times that I have come right out and asked for an immediate one.

    2. The closest I ever come to "asking for it," is my confession box that I made. The purpose of it was not to ask for spankings, but rather to keep little "secrets" from accumulating. So, when I put something in there, I have no idea when it will be read and known. I only know that eventually it WILL be read, since I don't have the key to the box. Depending on when she actually reads something, how long after the offense it was, what the offense was, and how she feels at the moment, it could still lead to punishment, but it is just as likely to have passed the "statute of limitations," where it simply becomes a fact that she now knows, but not eliciting any real emotional response.


    3. I suspect it would drive me nuts not knowing whether she had read any of the confessions yet.

    4. I would think it would me too, but at least so far, it hasn't. When I put something in there, I guess I get closure in a way, so I just forget about it. We haven't really used it too much, but I will probably use it more during an upcoming extended time away for her.


    5. That definitely seems like the safest time to use it more -- when she's away for an extended amount of time! LOL

  9. Me personally, I have always been reluctant to do too much to obstruct my wife in doing what she feels she needs to do to administer discipline.

    Obviously, there have to be some limits. For instance, until we get to a stage where people can talk about F/M DD openly without it having any long-term negative effects on them, we can't be too open about it.

    However, if I start pushing for limits on how hard, how long, what for etc, fairly soon, my wife will start feeling it is ineffective and I will no longer feel the benefits of issues having been dealt with in full regarding marital harmony. For this reason, I see myself as giving a more or less blanket consensual non-consent.


    1. I do think that pushing for limits can undermine an otherwise good dynamic, especially if a wife isn't all that confident in her role yet.

    2. I agree that pushing for limits is not the best idea, particularly when the DD relationship is still relatively new, and the wife is still gaining confidence as Dan pointed out. However, on a practical note, it is almost never the case that a wife who is new to being a disciplinarian actually needs any limits on how hard, how long, how frequently, or what for. Rather, it is usually the opposite problem, where she is hesitant to assert herself.

      Where limits start to come into play is usually when she has already become much more confident and wants to expand the scope of her authority. Depending on the personalities, wants, and needs of both partners, it can either develop into a full FLR relationship, or it can stay forever at a pure DD relationship.


    3. I think that's right about the usual progression. I will say, Anne seemed to have no hesitation at all around the "hard" part. Frequency and consistency were the issues.

  10. Drinking has been a big challenge for me much of my life. Part of it has been my anti authoritarian streak and not enjoying being told what to do. I have found what works for me is limiting my alcohol to roughly 2 pints a day. I am on the west coast, where IPA is often up around 7 to 8 %, and if I have 2 on an empty stomach, I will be over the .08 limit for sure. So, I plan when and where I am going to drink as well as how much. For years, we tried spanking for me going over whatever limit we agreed to, but eventually it seemed this simply wasn't working, and she was overburdened with it. Though we do have a consent, non consent, spanking agreement, my drinking didn't usually affect her much, and didn't happen when she was around. We finally agreed this should not be an issue she should have to deal with, and I got serious about limiting it myself. What has worked well for us has been 2 maintenance spankings a week, so there is never much time between spankings. If I have done anything she doesn't like, I will get an additional spanking before, or after, the maintenance spanking. On the witness issue, we don't know anybody that would be interested. Her sister did comment on what a helpful partner I was when I was washing dishes. I was hoping my G/F would say something like, "Yes, I have trained him well", or something like that. It would beg the question "How do you do that?"

    1. "I am on the west coast, where IPA is often up around 7 to 8 %, and if I have 2 on an empty stomach, I will be over the .08 limit for sure." It took me a couple of painful experiences to learn I need to look at the alcohol content before ordering a beer. We live in a state where microbrews are a very big thing, and the alcohol content in some of them is enormous. Some of them are literally like a 12-pack of Bud Light in one or two pints.

    2. I often use a breathalyzer, which can really help you know where you are actually at. The fact of such widely differing alcohol levels was part of what made my G/F weary of trying to keep track. I didn't often give her crap, even when I was quite buzzed, but I would sometimes be too casual or sloppy. Not anymore. Usually, I am done drinking by dark. Sleep is better, and so is sex. I would rather drink water than Bud or most other American beers like that. Life is too short to drink bad wine, coffee or beer. The same could be said about living without spanking.

    3. I've thought about buying a portable breathalyzer but haven't yet. I too am usually done by dark, but I sometimes have my "how at the moon" nights. I agree regarding life is short and going with quality consumables.

    4. "howl" at the moon, not "how at the moon"

  11. Hi Dan,

    Your prefatory remarks on drinking and relating it to DD did strike a chord with me—not because we are currently having a problem with it -but because it can be so hard to define sometimes when externally applied discipline is appropriate or necessary. Setting a strict drink limit without some context is arbitrary. Still, if she called me on it, she could legitimately charge that I was being “defiant,” which to us would be not submitting to punishment if she issued one or did not cooperate with her during administration.
    Yes, she is being arbitrary, but no, that doesn’t justify disobedience or failure to cooperate from me.
    It can become a big mess, yet we get a lot from our consensual non-consent arrangement and don’t want to change that. Judgment from her about using her authority and forbearance from you can help, but any strict rules-based system will confront the issue.
    Back to drinking and similar behaviors that are rule-based. A couple must decide when communicating how much latitude is expected from enforcing those rules This can range from zero tolerance to quite a bit of discretion depending on the full context of the behavior. If a couple has a drinking rule, there should be general agreement on how strict that enforcement will be -with the understanding that a wife’s authority to use her discretion remains unlimited – and if she calls you one, she has a right to expect obedience, hopefully, accompanied by plenty of time post - punishment to male your point or express your views.
    Another thing that drinking, smoking, and other similar behaviors bring up is the question of consequences. Did bad results occur from breaking drinking rules, or are there health hazards ( smoking is clearly one), or did the behavior threaten the relationship in any way? These are just examples of the more significant issue of weighing the impact of the behavior in determining what, if any, punishment is appropriate.
    Many of Dan’s examples of drinking exemplify the issue when drinking apparently didn’t produce negative consequences or, at worst, the benefit-cost ratio was a positive one. Maybe the ideal situation is for a couple to have a mix of rules-based and non-rule-based expectations for behavior > In the real world, there probably are behaviors that should be rules-based and others less so. In the end communication is what makes it all work

    1. "Maybe the ideal situation is for a couple to have a mix of rules-based and non-rule-based expectations for behavior > In the real world, there probably are behaviors that should be rules-based and others less so."

      Alan, that's really where I come out. Rule-based systems can have big benefits, but there can also lead to "a real mess" as you put it. There can be definitional problems (what should the rule be), implementation problems (how is the rule working in practice? Is it causing more resentment than it's worth), and enforcement (as you said, maybe sometimes it should be strict and sometimes more lax, but then that creates consistency and arbitrariness problems). For us, "for any reason" seems to work pretty well, most of the time. Alcohol is really the one and only area that seems to present an ongoing challenge.

  12. First, I apologize for being in lurking mode for the last few months. I think my last comment was in August or September.

    On the "big things vs. little things":

    J and I are in what you'd call an WLR, but there are limits to it. She punishes me (sometimes severely) for behavior that violates, in her view, trust or our agreed-upon rules, but those are overwhelmingly about our relationship and household. She was pretty clear (and I agreed) when we started this that she would NOT punish me or take responsibility for enforcing important things that I should be responsible for, because that puts too much responsibility on her. In other words, things that affect health, safety, career, kids (now grown) etc, are generally outside the scope of her discipline, and if I became reckless in those areas we'd have a bigger problem than could be addressed with even a very severe punishment.

    So while I would get (and occasionally have been) severely punished for things like lying to her, if I, say, drove drunk, that wouldn't be something for her to discipline. That would be an serious "adult" problem that we'd have to address as equal adults.

    I don't know where EXACTLY the line is, but there's definitely a line, and we seem to both understand it. I think if I had a problem with alcohol that would probably fall outside what she'd punish me for.


    1. Thanks, K.

      "I don't know where EXACTLY the line is, but there's definitely a line, and we seem to both understand it."

      Your comment and Alan's seem to me to illustrate that lots of potential issues can be characterized as either a problem with particular conduct or, on the other hand, a relationship issue regarding something like "trust" or "respect." So, for example, if she's told me to watch how much I drink, and I end up drinking to excess, is the offense at issue that I drank too much, or is it a disobedience or defiance issue because I didn't do as instructed?

    2. Hi K,
      "In other words, things that affect health, safety, career, kids (now grown) etc, are generally outside the scope of her discipline, and if I became reckless in those areas we'd have a bigger problem than could be addressed with even a very severe punishment.... if I, say, drove drunk, that wouldn't be something for her to discipline. That would be an serious 'adult' problem that we'd have to address as equal adults." - I can see where you are coming from, and I agree that a spanking (even a very severe one) will not fully address a problem of such magnitude. Communication is a critical part of dealing with these major issues, and no amount of spanking can replace that needed communication. Also, I agree that "adult" issues must be addressed by equal adults, though for me that is less of an issue because I never feel like my wife and I aren't equal adults, even though she has the authority to discipline me.

      But at least for me, just because a severe punishment cannot fully address a bigger problem, it doesn't mean that it couldn't still be part of the process of solving it, or at least ensuring it doesn't recur, if she felt like she wanted to use it as a tool as well. One of the most powerful things about adult DD is just how great it can be at facilitating communication and intimacy on a deeper level. Deep communication and intimacy are almost never a bad idea in a marriage.


  13. Alan nailed it with "In the end, communication isa what makes it all work". All couples must agree what works best for them. There are certainly some issues that fall outside of what can be resolved with spanking. In our relationship, disciplinary spankings result in things that directly affect my G/F. The frequent maintenance spankings help reduce stress and grumpiness, resulting in less disciplinary spankings.

    1. Norton wrote: “In our relationship, disciplinary spankings result in things that directly affect my G/F.”

      Your philosophy regarding what issues belong in a DD is very similar to ours. But the focus for us is the relationship rather than just her or just me. Either partner in a DD can act in a very unselfish and altruistic way for extended times if necessary. But long term, I firmly believe both parties must have their needs met if a relationship is to thrive.

      What I find a big turn-off about some of the “fem-dom” relationships portrayed online is the lack of balance between the partners and the sometimes total emphasis on the desires and pleasures of the dominant female ( realize some of this is male-generated fantasy, but not all of it.)

      So for us, drunk driving would be very much within her authority because it can pretty drastically harm our relationship. When the focus is on the relationship, it opens things up and gives her more discretion.

      That is why I have never seriously objected to her addressing my drinking in specific settings or times. She treats me like an adult unless my behavior becomes childish or undercuts our relationship. I like that, as well as the “open door” policy after any spanking, which eliminates any stress or bad feelings about her decisions.

      Also, something not much discussed is encouraging her to use her discretion makes her much more comfortable about exercising the authority most of us want our wives and G.F. to use. And the more she does use her discretion ,the better her judgment is likely to be on the things that matter to both of you


    2. "But long term, I firmly believe both parties must have their needs met if a relationship is to thrive."

      I couldn't agree more, and the same with your comments on Femdom. Though, I do recognize that for some men, the need IS for that level of one-sided domination. It's not for me, but I know it is for some.

      To me, anything that keeps either party from having a voice about what is working and what is not--like the whole concept of "topping from the bottom"--is a big glaring red flag regarding the future health of that relationship.

    3. I absolutely agree with Alan about both the necessity for both party's needs to be met for a relationship to thrive.

      "I couldn't agree more, and the same with your comments on Femdom. Though, I do recognize that for some men, the need IS for that level of one-sided domination. It's not for me, but I know it is for some." - Excellent point. And this can lead to some cases where one need or perceived need (like the need to be totally controlled) may preclude another need (like sexual relief) being met for some time. Although, even here, I assume that while the fantasy is real, and while some might practice it to some degree, likely much of what is found online is greatly exaggerated. Or maybe not? Who knows?


  14. I don't believe I ever directly asked for a spanking, and I think my wife would have been shocked if I had. However, there were times when she would ask something like, "Do you need a spanking?" She meant it as a rhetorical warning, but on occasion I would give a smart-ass answer such as "probably" or "if you think so" -- and then I would be over her knee in a New York minute. You could say I was asking for it!
    Regarding alcohol, this was an issue in our marriage. Early on after starting DD she raised the issue that I would often get obnoxious/boorish when I had too much to drink. I agreed, and she said she was going to restrict my intake and punish me for violating her rules. She had just spanked me for my alcohol-infused behavior that had occurred at a party the night before, and she asked me how many drinks I had had. I did not recall at all, so I made up a number: four. She said that I would now be limited to two drinks. I said how about three? She gave me the look, but she agreed -- and said that if I got boorish at the next party after three drinks that my ass would pay double what I had just received (which was plenty).
    Sure enough, at the next party I was obnoxious after three giant goblets of wine -- which was actually at least six drinks and maybe more like nine. She gave me a thrashing that I still clearly recall, and from then on I was limited to two.
    But as others have mentioned, two drinks is not always two drinks. It depends on the size of the glass, the alcohol content, whether I am also eating, and who knows what other factors. She was not a total micromanager and let me make those determinations. So on many occasions I had the equivalent of four to six skimpy glasses of wine you would get at a restaurant -- but was still within my two-drink limit because I had only filled my glass twice. As long as I did not misbehave, she didn't care.
    My wife also was not one to constantly ask about my behavior when we were not together. There were times she did -- and woe be to me if anything got back to her through the grapevine. But she did not consider me to be violating her rules if I did not volunteer that I had drunk beyond the limit when not in her presence. However, if she asked me a direct question, I knew I had to answer truthfully. Since I never knew when she might question me, this usually served as a deterrent when we were not together. But there were quite a number of times when I risked it and got away with it and did not feel a bit guilty (unless I had misbehaved in some way).
    I believe we were a consensual non-consent couple. Fortunately for me, she had excellent judgment and did not take advantage of her authority. Though I hated the pain of a spanking, I did not argue or try to weasel my way out of a punishment. I feared that if I did so, she might lose confidence in her authority and be tempted to stop our DD altogether. And while I never craved spanking like most on here, I did crave her maternal authority, and the hairbrush naturally came along with it.

    1. I will add that if I had three drinks and was not boorish, I still got spanked, and not just for breaking the rule. She considered it disrespecting her to break a rule that I had agreed to, and the disrespect in itself was spankable.
      She was very clear that my public behavior reflected on her. "Don't embarrass me," she would say. We agreed that her public behavior also reflected on me -- it's part of being married. But she felt that my behavior reflected on her more strongly because she had worked hard to train me to be a gentleman and when I acted ungentlemanly it implied a deficit in her training of me. While I have never much cared for the dog analogy, she didn't mind using it with me (and sometimes in public). "If my dog bites someone, I'm just as much to blame as he is for not training him well enough," she would say. "And if my husband offends someone, ..." (She would trail off; she didn't need to finish the sentence.)
      Embarrassing, but for us it was true.

    2. As an owner of dogs, one of which required enormous training to get him to stop being aggressive with other dogs and sometimes people, I like that analogy.

      "Sure enough, at the next party I was obnoxious after three giant goblets of wine -- which was actually at least six drinks and maybe more like nine." That is definitely a big issue with numerical limits - given the difference in the size of the pour, the alcohol content, etc., two drinks can be like one or it can be like six. Wine in particular is a problem for me. I don't know why, but it seems to get absorbed into my system much faster than other alcohols, and it also seems to prime me for the kind of boorish behavior you talked about. Interestingly, other than beer my least problematic booze is tequila, as long as it's good stuff.

    3. R.e. asking for a spanking, I have done so many times. If my G/F knows I will be dealing with a stressful situation, she will often ask "do you need a spanking?" I would not assume answering that question with "probably" or "if you say so" would be a smart ass answer. Both answers almost always result in me saying "yes ma'am". I trust her judgement, and if she asks me, I probably do need a spanking, and I'll be more relaxed when it is over.

  15. I eventually simplified my response to going over her knee as two-fold. My job was:
    1. Take it.
    2. Learn from it.

    1. Two points mentioned above by KOJ resonate, especially remembering the early training from my former G.F.

      1. KIJ: “there were times when she would ask something like, "Do you need a spanking?"
      My G.F. also meant it as a rhetorical warning that I was “getting close” Warnings like that usually worked when we are in public or at a party. Just asking me, “ Do you need a spanking? (privately) probably actually saved me from dozens of actual spankings that I was close to triggering from her. But when we were alone, she sometimes added a subtle physical element to it that made it even more powerful. While asking, “ DO YOU NEED…?, she would grab or lightly touch my shoulders and look me directly in the eye. Or sometimes, she would firmly grasp my bottom or deliver a light smack to my clothed bum while asking the question. It really put me under control and almost always made it unnecessary for her to go any further. Looking back, I think I was looking for an expression of her authority when I acted out -and this did it for me. When a woman doesn’t enjoy the act of spanking but has established herself as in charge, she can use these kinds of little techniques that make much spanking unnecessary or optional It worked, though, because I knew that she wasn’t kidding. The next step was “Let’s go,” or it’s equivalent, and I would be past the point of no return. Some of it was a kind of game we played where I pushed things but not to the point she felt she had to act. But thinking about it now, the “game” was also her teaching me the limits and where the line was. I think we both enjoyed it a lot more when I figured out how far was too far.

      2. KOJ: “ However, if she asked me a direct question, I knew I had to answer truthfully.”

      This technique may be used more often than I know, but in both of my relationships, it took some communication to implement it. Few, if any, women, even if they are completely comfortable with the notion of female-led DD, want to be responsible for monitoring male behavior daily. At the same time, the idea of focusing on one or maybe two behaviors and inquiring about them (sometimes in depth) has appealed to both women who have disciplined me. She can choose what she emphasizes when she does it and what she does about it – including noncorporal punishment or no punishment at all for noncompliance with a rule or expectation. I am a truthful person, but can be good at evasion and what my wife has called the “sin of omission.” But this evaporates when she questions me face to face and with probing questions about a specific behavior we have discussed earlier. I think most males in a DD relationship do not want to deceive their partner. But we are human also; if we know a full answer will have painful consequences for us, we are tempted to dissemble. This won’t happen with direct questioning focused on one or s few behaviors, particularly if truthfulness is an important value in your relationship. For us, it probably has been more important to her than any other single issue. Asking a direct question ( and following up if necessary) is one way to ensure truthful answers.

    2. Hi Alan, I absolutely agree about the power of interrogation. It may not be that powerful in a "normal" marriage, but in a relationship where disciplinary authority has already been established (and assuming truthfulness is already the pattern), it takes on a whole different level of effectiveness.


    3. It is very powerful but also reminds me how relatively unimportant the actual spanking or other corporal punishment's can be once that authority is established and exercised. At least with alpha males, sometimes a woman does need to pick up the strap or hairbrush, But I know with us looking back on many years now, those occasions have been reduced pretty dramatically.

    4. "Just asking me, “ Do you need a spanking? (privately) probably actually saved me from dozens of actual spankings that I was close to triggering from her." I don't know why, but there is something that really, really grabs me about the prospect of being asked that particular question. Five words, yet so incredibly powerful.

    5. I too find the rhetorical question "do you need a spanking?" very compelling. It makes it very clear that you are close to the edge and that ultimately it will be your actions that determine what happens. Also, somehow it just seems very maternal.


  16. There have been a number of threads about alcohol, rules in general, and rules about alcohol and I couldn’t decide which to comment under.

    Probably either extreme - clearly defined rules on one end, and “anytime for any reason” on the other - has its own problems. The primary problem I see with rules is that every rule then requires many, many conditions, and in the end still ends up relying quite a bit on her judgement since there is no possibility that every possible condition is foreseen. In the legal system, that is a big part of why we have judges and juries. Even if the facts are stipulated with regard to committing the offense, that is often only part of the story.

    My wife and I don’t have any fixed rules. My question for others in the group is what (if any) agreed-upon rules do you have?

    On the other end of the spectrum, the problem with relying solely on her judgement is that undoubtedly her judgement will be less than perfect sometimes, and also it puts quite a bit of responsibility on her.

    Alcohol is a pretty good example of something that kind of challenges either fixed rules or judgement, partly because it is very situational. The same amount of drinks can result in everything from a fun, relaxed evening sitting around drinking and talking with an old friend in the comfort of your home, and public drunkenness, obnoxious behavior, and drunk driving. The differences are the alcohol content, the rate consumed, and the rate of alcohol being transported into your bloodstream.

    A key question for me is “what is trying to be controlled?” For those that like to feel very controlled by their wife, or for a wife who likes issuing edicts just because she can, maybe it is fine to have an arbitrary limit. But for many others, I don’t think a hard numerical limit really makes that much sense, unless a pattern starts to appear indicating that you are on the slippery slope to having an alcohol problem. In that case, maybe saying maximum 2 drinks per day and 6 per week or something like that makes sense. And of course, if one is already at the problem stage, 0 is probably the right number.

    If the goal is to control the behavior, then technically a rule on alcohol isn’t needed. Rather, all that is needed is a reminder that having drank some won’t be an excuse for bad behavior, but rather will be seen as more of an aggravating factor, so if you would be punished for acting that way sober, you will be punished even more for acting that way when you have had a bit to drink. But this leaves open for interpretation exactly what constitutes bad behavior.

    In the end, what works best for each couple is up to them, and like everything else, a “one size fits all” approach won’t really work.


    1. It's interesting - when we first started we had several rules, and even had a presumptive minimum number of swats assigned to each offense. Now, we don't really have anything that I would describe as an express rule. Though there are things that have been dealt with via a spanking that are so established that I guess you could say we do have a rule. Leaving rice in the rice cooker got me spanked twice, so I guess you could say we have "no leaving rice in the rice cooker rule." Same with locking the doors to the house at night and not leaving the garage doors open.

    2. We definitely had a set of rules, all of which she established and enforced with spanking. But she also was very much into spanking for "disrespect" and ungentlemanly conduct," and that could take almost any form. Occasionally I would be surpised by her reasoning, but usually she was spot on.
      Did spankings decline as she "trained" me? Yes, but not as much as one might imagine because she kept setting the bar for my behavior higher and higher. Plis, she both needed to and enjoyed asserting her female authority, and nothing did so as directly and dramatically as ordering me to take down my pants.
      We didn't do maintenance, but there were times when I noticed her getting antsy and I knew she would soon be finding a (good enough) reason to put me over her knee. Sort of a gender reversal from the more typical situation of the disciplined husband needing a reset. It was her demonstrating that "I'm in charge here, and don't you forget it!"

    3. ZM writes: “My wife and I don’t have any fixed rules. My question for others in the group is what (if any) agreed-upon rules do you have?”

      For us, for a long time’s its been discipline “anytime she chooses, for any reason, she feels it is necessary at any place she thinks is suitable, i.e., anytime, any place for any reason. We did have several fixed rules early on, and now I think about them as training wheels (although not in a disparaging way, as we resolved some major problems with them . ), but ultimately one has to fish or cut bait if a female-led DD is to grow And for us that has meant the only “fixed rule” is that I want her to be in charge, she wants to be in charge, and she really is in charge.


    4. "I think about them as training wheels . . ." That's not a bad analogy, I too mean that non-disparagingly.

  17. Historically I had the same problems with my wife trying to enforce rules I felt unfair as you.
    What helped me was to imagine that she absolutely knows it's unfair and she only push for it to show me who's on top and take please from feeling thelan she is the ruler.
    Keeping this in mind i've started to feel it's sexy when I could't do something I like because of her rule. Finally it is what we want. Dominant wife which rules the household, right?


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