Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Club - Meeting 293 - Implements & Methods

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.” - Marshall McLuhan

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, Domestic Discipline relationships.  I hope you had a good week. 

Mine was kind of a wild ride.  Lots of travel.  Lots of downtime on planes, yet a lot of work accomplished, too.  I went into it with some pretty lofty behavioral goals and, unfortunately, I can’t say I met them.  Though, for once, things seemed to get better by the end of the week, with some real progress on some of the possible causes of the physical ailment I was dealing with. 

We had a pretty good discussion last week.  Thanks to Elizabeth and Frank for sharing the story of their disciplinary discussion with their brother-in-law and Elizabeth’s sister.  It sounds like it was not as embarrassing or demoralizing as Frank feared.  Perhaps a lesson for all of us in the possibility that our fears of the consequences of being more open are overblown?   

Also, a welcome to Danielle, another disciplinary wife, who left some comments near week-end, including some illuminating ones on the freedom inherent in “bitchiness.”

Now, on to this week’s topic.  Elizabeth suggested that I ask, “Which implement is most effective for you at changing behavior? Is it because it is the most painful, or are there other reasons? On the other hand, which implement is the least effective and why? And is there an implement you find particularly erotic?”

Tools are important. No doubt about that.  And, you certainly have to choose the right tool for the job.  I do believe that some of tools can be very effective, while some of those we associate most closely with Domestic Discipline are -- less so. 

I also believe, however, that the best spanking tool may fail to bring about real change if it isn't used diligently and consistently.  And, a "weak" tool can be effective if applied with enough effort and will. 

So, we will use Elizabeth's topic, though I want to expand it a little to include not just implements, but other DD practices and tools.  If the goal is to really change behavior, which implement or DD practice do you find most effective, and why?  Is it a particular implement, or some non-spanking tool such as lecturing, corner time, loss of privileges, etc.?
I will kick things off.  On the tool front, I really don’t know whether there is one that is more effective in bringing about actual change.  In fact, I don’t think there is, because I have  become convinced over time that changing behavior is, for me at least, more about consistency and duration.  I need the punishment for bad behavior to be certain and unavoidable, and the effectiveness of the spanking is more about how long it lasts than about the implement used.   

But, in terms of effectiveness, some tools will fool you.  We recently acquired an actual used DWC leather strap with holes, so short that it is almost like a paddle.  I used to think that leather paddles were too light to be effective, but something about this one really, really hurts.  It also tends to curl over my cheek and into the crack, which is excruciatingly painful.  
 Conversely, some tools we have dropped entirely because they are too extreme and actually defeated the disciplinary purpose. They either did too much damage or would cause me to go into “take it like a man mode,” because the pain was just too much to give in to.  Top of that category are heavy rubber straps.  

As for the most effective?  As I said above, I think duration is at least as important as the level of pain induced.  While a wooden paddle or bath brush can be incredibly painful, they also tend to numb my bottom fairly quickly.  Therefore, if I were forced to choose which tool has the most effective combination of severity and ability to go for a long time without damage or numbing, it is a heavy leather strap.

Least effective?  Ironically, it is probably the one I also find the most erotic – the hairbrush. But, one other tool that scores very high on eroticism but can also be quite effective is the  leather belt.  Of course, not all belts are created equal.  An effective one needs to be heavy, like leather “gun belts” for sportsmen and hunters. They are designed to bear the weight of sidearm.  I bought one about a year ago, and it can be very painful.  It also is one of the few tools that can be packed in a suitcase without risking unwanted snickers from TSA agents.  Belts are very erotic for me, though I also tend to think of them in terms of M/m spanking, probably because they were the implement of choice for most father's when I was growing up. Though, they were certainly wielded by some of the strict mothers as well.

But, if the issue is effectiveness in bringing about real behavioral change, I have come to conclude it isn’t a physical implement at all.  It is a combination of stern attitude and consistency.  The sternness and strictness can manifest in a lot of ways that do not have anything to do with spanking.  If she issues a blunt reprimand, that is effective.  Even more so was the time she made me apologize for bad workplace behavior to someone I really didn’t like.  Embarrassing me and humbling me in such ways—taking command, verbal strictness, using punishments that fit the crime—those seem to be much more effective at bringing about real behavioral change than the hardest spanking.

Alan also gave us a great example last week; one that includes both spanking and non-spanking elements.  Namely, a witness seeing him get spanked.  According to Alan, the prospect of being spanked in front of a witness, such as his wife's sister, is one the biggest deterrents to bad behavior.  Of course, it sounds like in his case a witnessed spanking is usually also a post-orgasm spanking, so one can understand the overall deterrent effect!

Similarly, Elizabeth requiring a conversation with Frank and his in-laws probably was a powerful tool for voicing her displeasure at the way he had been addressing her sister.

So, while behavior modification is only one goal of Domestic Discipline, which do you find most effective, least effective and most or least erotic?

Have a great week.


  1. Joe2 Here,

    This post is rather long, so I will break it into two posts. 1 of 2

    To me, all of the elements of the experience play key roles; tone, tools, technique and time.

    Tone. It is best when my wife is severe, not bitchy but actions and words that at an instinctive level let me know that she means what she is saying. Simple words like “stay in position” said sternly cause me to obey without thought. Very few words are used during the whole event, e.g. “You know why you are here.” A simple “Do NOT clinch your bottom” during a spanking greatly assists in asserting her dominance.

    Tools. All of our spanking instruments have to hide in plain sight. The bath brush is in the bathroom. We have an assortment of rods that live in the garage. The rods do not have handles, so they just look like rods: 1/16” nylon rods from unknown source, Delrin rods from an industrial supply store and a fiberglass electric fence rod. We used to use an 18” geriatric shoe horn made of stainless steel, but the soft plastic handle cracked, so it has become unserviceable. Some are more effective at one time during a spanking than at others. For instance, the two very thin nylon rods when taped together are very effective at the end of a spanking, because they sting like bumble bees (and almost always leave a bruise where each tip strikes), but the over-all pain isn’t enough to get me in sub-space. The primary “do it all” tool is the bath brush, because it inflicts a lot of pain and my wife finds the handle to be comfortable in her hand. She does move the striking point around to keep my bottom from going numb. We don’t have any paddles, because I can’t find one that looks like anything other than a spanking instrument. For any of the tools to be effective during the middle of the spanking, the tool must be capable of striking hard enough that the pain forces me to focus on each strike- I need to feel the hurt so bad that I mentally wonder if I can take another strike. Like Dan, the hair brush is the most erotic, but my wife is not strong enough to make it strike hard enough.

    1. If hiding in plain sight is a necessity, I agree the bath brush is probably the most severe tool that you can leave out in open view. Regarding paddles, were you or your wife in a fraternity or sorority? Maybe a fraternity/sorority paddle you could hang on a wall or leave on a shelf as a "keepsake."

    2. Joe2 Here,

      While I went to many Frat parties, I never joined one. And my wife did not belong to a sorority. Ahh, Frat parties- a time of little responsibility and a lot of free alcohol.

      I have looked for a narrow cutting board of moderate cost, but no success yet.


    4. Joe2 Here,

      Thank you. I just ordered one. If my wife doesn't like it, I'll turn it into a nice knife stropping paddle.

    5. I also just ordered one of these cheese board paddles. The maker will write on it for free, so I asked him to label it The "Cheese Board." I also asked him to drill a hole in the handle so I can hang it in my kitchen. Maybe some will get the subtle implication of the quote marks that there is a dual purpose. That's as far as I can go at being "out" with our DD. Definitely not ready to have Frank's name on it like kd has on his wooden spoon!

  2. Joe2 Here, 2 of 2

    Technique. To maximize pain, all of the rods need to handled like you use a machete- firm down strokes and a flick of the wrist right before impact. To increase effectiveness, the rods need to be held with the thumb and only two other fingers (first two fingers or last two); this allows the rods to pivot in the hand. We have tried a thick leather belt, but that requires some skill to be effective and my wife does not want to take the time to practice when there are other tools available to her. Almost all of my spankings are with me laying down. This position allows her to move around, increase the length of her swing and change the direction of the strikes. This position is also best for me, because when I go into sub-space all of my muscles relax. I become a human potato sack.

    Time. For me, a spanking needs to last from ten to fifteen minutes. I need about five to seven minutes to get into subspace and I need about the same amount of time going deeper and deeper into subspace to “unwind the mental spring” that work stress has placed on my mind. Personally, I want longer spankings, but my wife believes that any more time in sub-space is of marginal usefulness

    1. It's interesting that your wife finds a rod requires less skill and practice than a belt. My wife is finally getting into canes, but she found them very hard to use at first.

    2. Joe2 Here,

      It could be because I am laying down, so she has to raise the belt above her head to get the desired effect. The cane tips do tend to wander a bit. But she already knew how to use a machete (a yard project from Hell), so she already had the muscle memory.

  3. It's really hard to say what is most effective. My wife doesn't have very many implements. She has a hair brush she carries in her purse in case she needs it when we are out somewhere. She has a leather razor strap which is used for very severe punishment and a lexon paddle she uses most of the time. That paddle is very effective in causing severe pain. I don't know if it's the severe pain that helps me change my behavior or if it's the way she lectures me before and during the spanking. Sometimes she grounds me for a weekend and assigns me extra chores which also makes me think twice about misbehaving. Sometimes I get spanked in front of her mother, sister or a couple of her friends if I do something rude to them and that makes me think before I do or say something I shouldn't. All my spankings are OTK and completely naked even in front of others. It's humiliating but it gets the point across. All of the different things combined seem to be very effective in changing my behavior.

    1. We have a lot of implements, though I honestly don't know why we keep so many. There are only a few that are really "go to," and I think spankings are actually more effective when she sticks with one or two and doesn't switch over and over again during a session.

      Now, that said, I do have a weakness for really beautiful wooden paddles in exotic woods.

  4. Here in Germany, the hairbrush is also known as an educational tool, but is probably not traditionally used as often as in the US. As a child and teenager I was punished by my mother, usually with a wooden hanger and or a wooden spoon, of course, on my bare butt. Chastisements were the rule in almost all families during my childhood and adolescence. Fortunately, it is now forbidden in Germany to beat children and adolescents.
    My wife still uses the wooden spoon to punish me today, but it is bigger than during my youth! That's why I cry and scream whenever she spanks my bare bottom with it. To my shame I have to say that my behavior during my punishment is like a little boy. Mostly I get after I stood with my red butt and pulled down panties in the corner, still to feel the cane.12 strokes are the rule, with heavier offenses it increases to 25 strokes!
    From time to time a carpet knocker is used, even more rarely a leather belt from her!
    The hairbrush has only been used twice. Since I deserve to have spanked several times a week, I consider this as almost never!
    I support the strict education and frequent sound floggings that my wife applies to me, because only then can I achieve the necessary structure and discipline! That's why I am very thankful to my wife and love her very much, I know it also happens from her love and care to me!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The delron cane is the worst. It is as or more painful as the bath brush, but since it only affects a small amount of surface area, does not numb, well, ever. she can use the bath brush first, and the cane still cuts through. I must be restrained when it is used, and the result lasts for days.

    1. We recently started exploring synthetic canes, and I agree they can be bad, though she is still learning to use them. Something that distinguishes them is their proclivity for wrapping around to strike the side of the hip, causing a particularly vicious sting.

  7. Hello Walter here. I've been following this blog without commenting before. I married my wife Kay rather later than usual. We live in Ireland and I've been a Disciplined husband for 35 years, since we became engaged (so technically disciplined partner). We are both now retired although as a former senior nurse Kay will still if called do a few hours nursing. Kay mostly uses either of her two heavy tawses or her rattan cane for my punishments.I am also spanked otk with either her formidable wooden spoon or wooden hairbrush.
    Since we married Kay has taken "like a duck to water" when administering punishment. For her the crook handled rattan cane is her "favourite" and she insists I feel it at least once every two months.
    Her younger sister Mary a long time divorcee has witnessed my punishments. When caned the usual dose is 12 although 18 is not unusual and 24 has been given a couple of times. I find the sight of A woman carrying a cane very erotic so although it hurts dreadfully undoubtedly for me the cane is the most erotic implement .
    I suppose I get caned about 8 to 10 times a year.
    Over the lap spankings "good boy spankings" as Kay calls them occur as and when she thinks one is needed or I ask for one. However if I ask it lasts longer and is harder than if it was a spanking she decided on. It works for us and there is no sign of any change even as we age. We love each other as much if not more than when we first met.Neither of us would have changed anything. Kay has read and agreed this post

    1. Thanks, Walter. The cane is another classic and iconic tool. I don't find it as erotic as a hairbrush, probably because it doesn't (to me) have a domestic vibe to it.

  8. As far as most effective deterrent to behavior here, I would have to say it is the act of being spanked itself. The mental aspect of knowing my behavior has displeased my Dominant is quite effective. Couple that with the humility of being stripped and spanked right after the poor behavior add to the mental anguish. Heap on the fact that others may hear or see the spanking really makes me think about behaving poorly wherever we are. So you don't have to ask, I have been punished in front of others including, the general public, although rarely. If complete nudity is not possible, at the very least my bottom is bared for the spanking. Everyone here is familiar with the spanking I received at the home of a friend.

    Tools, yes, some are more effective. The very worst are the cane and rubber strap. Both will leave marks while delivering the most pain. Her purse paddle, named that as she carries it with her, is solid cherry wood and delivers a very painful swat. The least effective is most likely the bare hand. Although traditional and always at hand, no pun intended, as well as the most personal and erotic, it does not carry a long lasting reminder of the bad behavior. Most erotic for me is a simple leather belt. We have several including at times, the one I happen to be wearing. If a quick spanking is needed and no implements are handy, she removes my belt and the spanking is delivered.

    1. Good point regarding the bare hand being an "instrument" of sorts. Interestingly, in 15+ years of doing DD, I don't think she has ever given me a bare hand spanking.

  9. Danielle here again. I like this topic.

    Spanking is only one item in my disciplinary tool kit for Wayne, and I sometimes combine it with one of the following punishments: loss of privileges like watching sports or going golfing; loss or reduction of his monthly allowance; grounding; early bedtimes; temporary confiscation of his computer; temporary banishment from the marriage bed. I believe that all these things are humbling for a grown man.

    I agree with Dan about the harshness of a heavy rubber strap. Wayne foolishly acquired one for me himself, but he quickly regretted it. I use it only to communicate serious displeasure because he really hates it. When I take it out, he begs me to use something else, even though he knows begging is useless at that point.

    I like hairbrushes so much that I have five now, and I’m always on the lookout for more. I agree with you, Dan, that hairbrushes are the most erotic implement (that’s why I collect them), but I disagree that they are ineffective. But then, maybe Wayne has a lower tolerance for pain than you do. That’s not to say that Wayne doesn’t prefer any of my hairbrushes to that strap, but I can bring him to a properly repentant state with either. I think the strap may be more humiliating because it breaks through any pretense of manly Stoicism so quickly. A hairbrush spanking will by necessity be more drawn out, providing lots of opportunity for scolding during the spanking. I find that satisfying.

    I also like hairbrushes because they can “hide in plain sight”, to borrow Joe2’s phrase. I believe the public display of spanking implements has a chastening effect on Wayne between spankings. I keep my main go-to hairbrush, a large hefty one that is really a paddle with bristles, in our bedroom. If anyone came into our room, that brush would tell a story because it rests permanently on the seat of an antique, straight backed chair, ready to go. I keep another one on top of the dresser in the guest room. It is fancy, Victorian style hairbrush, so guests could suppose it is purely decorative. Hairbrushes are also on display in both bathrooms. If Sherlock Holmes was ever a guest, he would notice that there is no hair in any of the paddle style hairbrushes and make the logical deduction. (In the bathroom the guest might also see hairbrushes of another style that do contain hair). I wonder whether anyone has figured it out. I’m just waiting for the day when some guest will ask, “What’s the deal with all the hairbrushes?” LOL

    I also have a lovely hand painted, decorative cutting board from Mexico that makes a perfect paddle. It is about a quarter of on inch thick and rectangular with a handle, just like an actual spanking paddle. But unlike a spanking paddle, I can hang it on a hook on the kitchen wall for everyone to see. Because the cutting board/paddle has a larger surface area than a hairbrush, I don’t think it hurts as much. But I like to use it sometimes because it spans both butt cheeks and it makes a very loud sound. The loud report has great psychological effect, especially if the weather is warm and the kitchen window into the backyard is open.

    I think that, whatever punishments the wife in a FLR includes in her tool kit, the most important way to manage a husband’s behavior is to communicate clear expectations, enforced with rigorous consistency.

    1. Like Wayne, I foolishly acquired our rubber straps. Unlike Wayne, I wisely threw ours away! (Though, she had already decided they did too much damage -- a lot of cutting and breaking skin to a more than minor extent.

      For good or ill, I do have a very high tolerance for pain. Strangely, I seem to be losing some of that in the last year or two. But, on a relative basis, I can take a lot. Though, that does kind of temper the whole point.

      Love the Sherlock Holmes line. That's great! It also sounds like, from your prominent display of a hairbrush on a straight back chair, you are not overly concerned about anyone figuring out that yours is a disciplinary household.

    2. >>>>>>>>"rigorous consistency. "<<<<<<<<<<

      That is as impossible to disagree with as saying 'mutual respect and tolerance is the key towards lasting world peace.'..............and just as unlikely to actually happen in the harsh reality of day-to-day living. I think it would be very telling if we asked everyone here to hold up their hand if they agreed with that statement......and then said, "now keep your hand up if that's how your DD routinely plays out."

      Oh well, it does sound exciting though. ;-)

      BTW, we have a oversized wooden spoon with my name on it hanging in the kitchen under a sign euphemistically explaining its purpose. Anyone can see it but it is amazing how few people have commented on it.

    3. What is the euphemism, kd? Just curious! Frank loves looking for possible implements of correction on public display in people's houses. Most are potentially dual purpose like the wooden spoon. But a name on it makes the dual purpose rather certain, and a euphemistic sign even more so!

    4. Some of my more militaristic friends would say the key to world peace is not respect and tolerance but having a big stick and being perceived as willing to use it. Sort of like the prescription for an effective discipline program? I agree that rigorous consistency is a goal that will probably always be just out of reach, though I also think it is at least part of the prescription for real behavioral change.

    5. Dan, it certainly wouldn’t bother me if people figured out that I discipline Wayne. As mentioned, I’ve become progressively bossier with him in front of other people, so I think everyone knows that I call the shots in our marriage. I like that, so it wouldn’t embarrass me to out Wayne as a spanked husband. I haven’t done so (yet) for two reasons. 1. It WOULD be embarrassing for Wayne, and 2. I feel that it may be inappropriate to reveal Wayne’s spanking kink to others because it is an aspect of our sex life.

      The hairbrush on the straight backed chair is an obvious display of my disciplinary authority, but it isn’t really “prominent” because it is in our bedroom, which is a fairly private space. The obviousness of it feels a little “dangerous”, which is kind of exciting, but it isn’t overly dangerous because guests have no reason to go into our bedroom. The lovely Victorian style hairbrush on the dresser in the guest room and the hairbrushes in the bathrooms are more likely to invite speculation. I think that anyone in a disciplinary relationship would probably conclude that those hairbrushes are spanking implements based on Wayne’s meek acceptance of my public bossiness. Maybe I am rationalizing, but I feel that making a display of clues that would invite speculation is perfectly appropriate in a way that simply telling people would not be. But I have decided that if anyone ever asks me a direct question about it, I will probably answer honestly.

      By the way, Etsy sells lovely little “hairbrush charms” that can be worn on necklaces or bracelets or even as ear rings. Apparently, the target group for those items according to Etsy are hairdressers and women who are really into fashion, but I’m thinking a hairbrush pendant might be a nice conversation starter for disciplinary wives.


    6. Kdpierre, I think you may misunderstand what I mean by “rigorous consistency.” I don’t mean that I spank Wayne constantly. I don’t have to because he generally meets my expectations. I mean that my expectations are consistent. We don't have a FLR one day and a permissive free-for-all the next day. In that sense, disciplining an adult is like disciplining a child: consistency of expectations reduces the need for punishment.

    7. I suspect the target market for those hairbrush charms are "hairdressers" to exactly the same extent that the target market for Body Shop bath brushes is comprised of people who use cactus bristles to brush their backs. :-)

    8. Anna here! I do love Danielle's idea of adding loss of privileges to any form of discipline. As any couple we have an assortment of paddles etc. My current favorites are a leather tawse with handle. Also an old ping pong paddle once used by his aunt when Peter was a teen, and recently a black leather belt 1.5 inches wide that Peter wears on his jeans. Very hot to order him to remove the belt and hand it to me.
      As a future topic perhaps a chat on combining loss of privileges with the spanking. I myself intend to
      begin this week with monitoring which events might mean most to Peter to lose.

    9. Elizabeth: the plaque reads...."Rosa's Medicinal Spoon Provides a big dose of an age-old remedy proven to cure most domestic maladies. Those showing symptoms of irritability, ill-temper, or chronic lethargy should be prepared to take their medicine." And my name is clearly written on the inside bowl of the spoon itself. (And yest it IS a functional implement that has seen action many times. Its size makes it quite painful too, similar to a bath brush.)

      And the spoon is just one item. In our Federal Period living room, mixed in with the pewter sconces and portrait of Thomas Jefferson, is a copy of a small period print depicting an older gentleman bent over with his pants down, being switched by a younger lady who is hiking up her skirt. Anyone visiting our home can see this if they take the time to actually look at the artwork on our walls.

      There are others, but to be honest, while openly visible, they are in rooms that few others than those who already know about us, would venture into. One is a framed photo of a domestic spanking scene on a bronze plate dating back to 1480 Netherlands openly on display in our bedroom, and a color drawing of my own of a woman switching a guy out in the woods..... which is right out on the wall of our laundry room.

      Dan: Having a bigger stick is only a deterrent to war for as long as the opposing forces don't feel their stick may actually be bigger. The fact is, there is no lasting method to ensure world peace, just like having a DD arrangement has not stopped misbehavior in most of the people here, myself included.

      Danielle: No, Danielle, I understood exactly what you meant and still stand by my belief that few folks have the level of consistency that could be described as 'rigorous'.

    10. LOL Dan.

      Anna, I agree with you that loss of privileges as a supplement to spanking would be an interesting topic. I'm interested in seeing how other couples view it.

    11. kd,
      Love the saying for the wooden spoon! If we were more "out" I might do the same. It does sound like Rosa is inviting anyone who needs it to taste her "medicine."

      I know you do not believe consistency is possible, but I would say that 50 Fridays a year is pretty consistent DD and also that my right arm is pretty rigorous!

    12. To kdpierre: Yes, I have to agree with you that "rigorous consistency" is probably all too rare. Personally, I think that is a problem because when children and young people learn that rules and standards of behavior are inconsistently enforced, they get a confusing message, so it difficult to maintain discipline. Often the lack of consistency on the part of disciplinarians, whether parents or teachers or whatever, is simply the result of laziness. It is sometimes easier to just let borderline bad behavior slide instead of confronting it, but that always leads to worse behavior. When the behavior gets bad enough, the parent or authority figure may be provoked to mete out harsh punishment, but the sudden switch from permissiveness to harshness will only cause confusion and resentment. That applies to parents and teachers in their roles as disciplinarians of young people, and I believe it applies equally to wives practicing domestic discipline or FLR with their husbands. Maybe "rigorous" wasn't the right word. I meant it as something like the opposite of "lazy". Though Wayne is a grown man, he really isn't much different than our boys were when they were growing up. For example, if I don't confront Wayne when his attention to chores is marginally adequate, I can be certain that his performance will soon be inadequate. At that point I could give him a harsh strapping as a deterrent to sloppy work. But unless I make the effort to hold him to account as soon as his performance starts to slip again, I can be sure there will be an endless cycle of harsh punishments followed by improvements that are only temporary. Getting back to Dan's original question about "effectiveness in bringing out real behavioral change," my point is that it's not the harshness of the implement that counts, it's the consistency of expectations.

    13. Danielle, this reinforces my view that effective behavior modification involves three factors, and they are interrelated: (1) chances of getting caught; (2) consistency of punishment; and (3) severity of punishment. While the third can get the job done if the consequences are really, really severe, perceived chances of getting caught and punished are a big part of the equation. I know KD likes the example of pickpockets who targeted the crowd at public hangings, knowing that the consequence of getting caught would be getting hung! Pretty hard to argue the consequences weren't severe. So, either the offender was irrational or had a sociopath's immunity to fear, or something else was at play. Like gambling that the odds of getting caught or being unable to outrun the authorities was low. I also use the example of a string of traffic tickets I got a few years ago. I hadn't had one in years, despite regularly driving pretty fast. My assessment of the odds of getting caught made the chances of getting a ticket an ineffective deterrent. Then I got several in a row. At first, it still wasn't a big deterrent, because the fines were something I could easily afford to pay. Then, on the fourth ticket, I started to face the serious prospect that if I got one or two more, I could lose my license. At that point, my behavior changed. But, it wasn't just that the severity of the punishment went way up. It was also that the string of tickets changed my assessment of the odds of getting caught.

      So, I have no doubt that you are right that consistency of punishment is *at least* as important as severity, and that the two are mutually dependent. If consistency is high, then less a less severe punishment may be effective, while if the consistency is low, it might take a really, really severe consequence to bring about the same behavioral change.

    14. Danielle: As I stated in my first reply, you'll get no argument from me that consistency is key. In fact, I think everyone here would agree. I am not contesting the value of consistency (and your examples about parenting are spot on). I'm just saying that in my own experience, and in hearing the comments of others over a long long time, a DD relationship tends to go more in cycles than a straight line.

      I also have to say that I don't think I'm much like your Wayne. My issues are doing too much and getting stressed over it and consequently passing that stress on. But it is difficult for Rosa to act too strenuously on that type of 'misbehavior'. How does a wife come home to a fixed dinner and waiting coffee on the same day her husband single-handedly just built a backyard arbor and then spank him because he's a bit irritable from fatigue and pain in his back? Or even if the bed was not made that day because he was too busy with everything else?

      I don't think anyone wants their DD to be cyclical. It's just how life plays out.

      Elizabeth: Going through with a punishment 50 out of 52 weeks is in my opinion nothing short of remarkable. Recently I wrote a post on my blog entitled "Charmed DD Lives". In it I mention my envy of people who seem to be able to have frequent spankings, sex, vacations, and to be blunt? Frequent "anything good". The only things frequent here are stress, interruptions, mutual mood swings, financial woes, terminally ill family members, and worries in general. None of which are conducive to consistency in DD. So enjoy your luck and appreciate it. It is not universal.

      Our DD peaks when the conditions are right, and wanes in the harsh light of unfortunate circumstances.

      Dan: Pruning shears. Even if you don't get caught frequently.....just a couple of times will definitely permanently impact dexterity. ;-)

    15. Dan, I like your explanation of the three factors involved in deterrence. I’ve never thought of it in such an analytical way. I think you are right that consistency and severity are “mutually dependent.” I would just comment that we women doing the spanking may not be thinking as analytically as you guys on the receiving end. When I punish Wayne more or less severely, I don’t really think in terms of simple deterrence. For me, it’s more a matter of my own emotional satisfaction. If Wayne has really annoyed me, spanking him hard gives a satisfying feeling that I am meting out justice.

      To Kdpierre: You said, “I also have to say that I don't think I'm much like your Wayne. My issues are doing too much and getting stressed over it and consequently passing that stress on.”

      Yes, you are different, but maybe not as different as you think. Your sentence would apply perfectly to Wayne, except changing the word “doing” to “thinking.” Wayne thinks too much and argues too much, and he gets stressed about it, which means I most often have to spank him because the way he stresses himself stresses me. I never have to punish him for outright disobedience. And on the occasions when I do have to punish him for neglect of his duties, it is usually because he has gotten so deeply involved in some stupid political argument on Twitter. But the most frequent reason for spanking him is to light a fire in his bum to break him out of his self-imposed stress. I suppose the reason I have to do that periodically is that sometimes he can’t help himself. In that sense, those spankings are more therapeutic than deterrent, I guess.

    16. I don't doubt that the paddle swinger often is not thinking analytically about deterrence. While I think for some it is a controversial point, I don't have any doubt that while many DD marriages may begin with a focus on behavior modification, over time the satisfaction of giving him his just desserts or, more simply put, "payback" become big benefits for the wives whether or not they will acknowledge that.

    17. Danielle: When you put it that way perhaps Wayne and I are not that much different. The 'chores' comment in your previous post made me think otherwise. "Not doing chores" is definitely not an issue for me.

  10. This is Elizabeth's Frank. For me, the sorority paddle is by far the most effective implement, and also the most erotic employed by my wife. There is something about knowing that it was applied to my wife's posterior in college and that she used it on her sorority sisters that makes me feel part of an exclusive club. It turns me on and makes me feel submissive and loving towards her. And then she begins swinging it hard, and the pain reinforces her authority in no uncertain terms.

    When I fantasized about our DD, I imagined going over her lap regularly and getting it with the hairbrush. And I still would like that. But the few times we did it were too maternal feeling for Elizabeth, so we don't do OTK, which eliminates small implements like the hairbrush.

    Elizabeth does at times use leather belts, a razor strop, and a bath brush, all of which are quite effective. But the sorority paddle hangs in our clothes closet and I see it every morning as I dress for work, with my wife's name prominently displayed, and it serves as a reminder and warning to behave that day, almost as if she is speaking the warning to me.

    1. While not quite the same thing, a few months ago I did get three tools that I know were used on one or more disciplined husbands, and that definitely gives me a different feeling about those particular tools. I also have some used brushes that seem like they could have been used on someone's posterior, but who knows?

  11. It all depends on mood, situation, how long I have been without an orgasm, and Rosa's mood and intention as well. Any implement can play out in a variety of ways. The same implement on a Wednesday can feel and have me react very differently on the following Tuesday. We tend to use one particular lucite paddle that Rosa truly prefers over everything else. But on occasion we use other things. I don't find the implement has much to do with anything though. For example......we have this synthetic switch that in most cases is quite nasty. But if I am in a particular mood, and given the right circumstances, I can actually "enjoy" the damned thing to a degree.

    But for true behavior modification nothing beats the threat of pruning shears.

    1. It's true that the same instrument can have dramatically different effects at different times. And, on a broader level, I sometimes think my butt is getting more sensitive over time and that my formerly weirdly high pain threshold is dropping. I would assume it works the opposite, i.e. that as you get spanked over the years your nerves pull back, skin toughens, etc. It doesn't seem to be working that way for me, though.

      The other possibility is, of course, that she is just swinging harder at sometimes that others, and that on average she spanks harder now than she used to.

    2. Dan, I think there is another possibility to explain why your pain threshold seems to have gone down. My theory is based on my observations to changes in my husband’s reactions to spankings, as revealed by his body language and vocalizations. I think that men naturally want to “take it like a man” when they are spanked by a woman, so they tend to steel themselves psychologically so as not to feel embarrassed or even “emasculated”. But as a man surrenders more fully to his wife’s disciplinary power, he lets down his guard and allows his vulnerability to show. I have noticed that with Wayne. I feel as though he is learning to let go of the male pride that made him feel he had to show me how stoical he could be. I wonder if he even realizes how much more he vocalizes during a spanking than he used to? Of course, I do spank him pretty hard sometimes, but I don’t think that explains it all. I think he has given himself permission to really FEEL his spankings, and to allow me to see what he feels. Maybe something like that is going on with you? Just a thought.

    3. Danielle, it's possible, and I don't dismiss those kinds of psychological factors at all. But, the spankings themselves were kind of going in the opposite direction. A couple of paddles in the arsenal got so unbelievably painful that I just could not let go, and they lead to even more "take it like a man," teeth gritting. Even if I started with a goal of really feeling it and surrendering to it, it just wasn't possible to stay in that space after a couple of bone jarring swats.

      But, you could be right w/r/t the bigger picture. I do think that I was very guarded emotionally well into my 30s, to the point that up until college I really hated to have anyone touch me at all. I think my high pain threshold did have something to do with that, and as some of that early emotional defensiveness and guarding has dropped over the years, my pain sensitivity has normalized a little. Though, I do think some of it is just the way my mind/body processes pain. I had a pretty significant injury a year ago. When I describe it to people, they wince. But, it honestly just didn't hurt that much.

  12. My name is Anton, and I wrote several months ago about my new FLR which I had requested of my wife. For many months she has punished me with fines, but no corporal punishment. That finally changed last night. She has been reviewing this blog, Aunt Kay's DWC, and other sites, and warned me a few days ago that she finally decided that she would join the Disciplinary Wives Club. And honestly, this morning I have a bit of regret that I initiated all this!

    Today our company has an outing to a baseball game. We do this once a year, and we do a bit of drinking at the game, and in the past I have drunk a little bit too much. On one occasion I had to get a ride back to the office instead of driving myself, and my wife and I then had to go get my car later, which irritated her immensely. So this year, last night, she called me into the bedroom and said that we were going to make sure that I did not drink too much today. Then she told me to remove my belt and hand it to her and to drop my pants and underpants and bend over the end of the bed. I was initially excited at the prospect of finally getting corporal punishment, until she announced that I was going to get 100 smacks with the leather belt. I complained that I hadn't done anything yet, and that corporal punishment is supposed to be after I've done something wrong. But she said that she had decided to use it in a preventative way. After which she proceeded to whip my butt 100 times with the belt. It took quite a while, as she followed some procedure Kay recommends that included pauses and scolding.

    It hurt immensely and left quite a few marks and bruises, and I was shocked at how hard she swung. I slept poorly on my stomach and I can't imagine sitting on a hard metal bench at the game later today. And she told me I may not sit on a pillow or coat!

    My question, which may be for a future discussion here, is the appropriateness of using corporal punishment ahead of an incident rather than after it. I understand that in an FLR the wife is the one in charge, but I always envisioned punishment as following something I did wrong rather than preceding it. So in addition to a very very sore behind, I have a bit of resentment.
    But you can be sure I will have only one beer as she instructed.

    And I am in shock. I never expected her to be this harsh. As they say, be careful what you ask for!

    1. Danielle here.

      Anton, I have to answer this right away because your question has me so riled up! How dare you question your wife’s right to give you a strapping in the situation you described! Let me get this straight. On previous occasions you have drunk too much in public, and the last time you actually drove your car intoxicated, breaking the law, endangering your wife, yourself, and the public. Is that right? Even if that was a year ago, you still deserve to be punished for that. But I also want to say that “discipline” is about more than “punishment.” Discipline is about managing behavior, and I believe the “pre-emptive” strapping your wife gave you was a very appropriate way of managing your behavior. She has shown you how much importance she puts on her demand that you not repeat that irresponsible behavior. And you have said yourself that your sore bum will be a good reminder not to have more than one beer today. Final point, you say that you feel a bit of resentment about the strapping. Well, let me tell you, if you were MY husband and you showed the least bit of resentment in those circumstances, you would be in for a good dose of the hairbrush over top of the welts that strapping must have left. My advice to you, Anton, is that you should write your wife a nice thank-you note for loving you enough to give you the kind of discipline you need, and apologizing for behaving badly in the past. There. Got that off my chest.

    2. I used to be on the fence about preemptive or "prophylactic" spankings, but after receiving a couple, to me the plain fact is, they work. I do think that fairness probably requires that they be milder than an actual punishment after a bad act. But, as Danielle points out, in your case you can write this off to getting what you deserve after a one-year delay!

      And, welcome to the club!

  13. Danielle,
    I did not drive drunk. I got a ride back to work, my wife picked me up, and then after I sobered up we went back to the ballpark and picked up the car. And I did apologize at the time.

    I did express some resentment so I guess I am lucky I am not your husband! The hairbrush on top of the strapping would have been hard to take. Nor do I feel like writing a thank you note at the moment. So there!

  14. I can't speak on the effectiveness of hand spankings, as I haven't had one since I was a little kid.

  15. This is Danielle again:

    Oops! I owe you an apology for not reading your post more carefully, Anton. Maybe I deserve a spanking myself? Lol (Joking. Never gonna happen). Anyways, I’m glad to know you didn’t drive drunk.

    That being said, I stand by my position that pre-emptive spankings are justified as a behavior management tool in a FLR. I like Dan’s fancy term for it: “prophylactic spankings.” I have given my own husband such spankings. As I said, Wayne can be very argumentative. So can other members of his family, to the point that get-togethers of his extended family can turn into epic political battles. For some reason, the participants in those battles are mainly men, much to the annoyance of the women. Well, last Christmas before we went to Wayne’s sister’s place for dinner, I read him the riot act and gave him a good paddling to show how serious I was. It worked, and I was happy to tell him afterwards how proud I was that he refused to take the bait when his brother said some provocative things, trying to get him going.

    The strapping your wife gave you may have been overly severe, but I’m not about to second guess another woman’s disciplinary choices. I don’t think resentment is useful. If you really feel it was unfair, I suggest you talk to her about it in a respectful manner, rather than nursing a grudge. As to not feeling like writing a thank-you note, suit yourself. But I’m giving you this advice as a woman. You say you wanted your wife to spank you for a long time, but she wouldn’t do it. I understand her not wanting to do it because I was like that once too. So you need to consider what a big step it was for her to finally do it. If Wayne had criticized me or shown resentment the fist time I spanked him, I may have just said “screw it then!” I suggested that you write a thank-you note because that’s exactly what Wayne did, and I found that sweet. It helped give me the motivation and the confidence to continue down that road. Of course, if you are having second thoughts about whether you want a disciplinary wife, that’s another issue.

  16. Well it was an interesting evening. My wife read your posts,Danielle, and said she agreed with them. Then she produced a hair brush and started waving it at me and said she was taking your suggestion for addressing my resentment... and also for being a little snooty in my response to you.

    She had me take down my pants and get over her knee like a naughty little boy, which I had imagined forever, and she went to work with her hairbrush. It stung on top of the strapping bruises but was not near as bad as the belt.

    I did quite a bit of apologizing and agreeing that I was getting what I deserved. I also promised to apologize to you, so here it is.

    She eventually pushed me off her lap and said she also agreed that i needed to write her a thank you note ... except i was going to spell "thank you" with my tongue on her clit a hundred times or until she told me to stop! Which I did and it turned me on a lot. After she had several orgasms she said we were going to bed and that i would get no relief and that from now on "pussy must be earned."

    I don't know what has gotten into her but I know I am now in an FLR!
    I was hard most of the night!

  17. What a lovely response, Anton! You have made my day! Apology accepted.

    It sounds like you and your wife had a wonderful evening. I am so happy for both of you, and I feel honored to have influenced it in some small way.

    Yes, you are definitely in a FLR now! :-)

    Now, I wonder what might happen if your wife sees the posts I wrote about housework in a FLR? Better not show her those ones! ;-)


  18. Like Anton I too have discovered that the most effective salve for my bruised and burning bottom is to kneel before Anna and with my tongue express my true regret for my poor behavior. To lay beside her after she has been satisfied and I have had no relief, reminds me that had I merely behaved in a more loving manner, I too
    would have gone to sleep fulfilled.

  19. I can speak on the effectiveness of hand spankings, Dan. They aren't very effective as punishments. If I try to punish Wayne by hand, it stings my hand as much as it stings his butt. With your high tolerance for pain, I doubt whether your wife could have much physical impact on you with her hand. But I think an over the knee hand spanking CAN have an interesting psychological effect because, like you, some men remember being spanked that way by their mothers as little kids. If the point is to make a husband who is getting "too big for his britches" feel like a naughty little boy, a hand spanking can be useful.

  20. Ha ha! One of your images (for the belt”) is cartoon me by lil jo.
    Thank you for including cartoon me!

    1. Wow. I had no idea. I really like that one!

    2. I collected a giant page of some of the art he gave me with my commentary. Check out
      Feel free to borrow at will.


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