
Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Club - Meeting 506 - DD, DWC and BDSM - What's the Difference?

“Power is not a means; it is an end.- George Orwell

Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you had a great week.  Mine was kind of mixed.  The super cold weather finally let up a bit.  It was nice to be able to go for a walk without having to bundle myself up like the younger brother in “A Christmas Story.”



On the DD and FLR front, for the first time that I can really remember, I came right out and asked not for a spanking, or for more strictness, but for a pause.  I realized that I was still struggling internally with the family loss we experienced at the first of the year, and I just wasn’t in the right headspace to deal with disciplinary spankings for something other than really egregious conduct problems or with our recently implemented check-in procedure.  I told Anne honestly how I was feeling, and she appeared to get it.  Isn’t communicating like adults wonderful?  I told her that I don’t expect to be in this negative headspace for that much longer (maybe a week or two), and hopefully that’s the way it plays out.


But, the situation was, perhaps a nice segue into part of this week’s topic.  Norton had brought up the possibility of discussing something along the lines of the story, A Husband’s Essay, from the DWC website.  He said:


"Dan, your last post was very compelling, and included two enthusiastic disciplinary wives who both talked about how much they enjoy disciplining their husbands. There was also a mention of "A Husband's Essay", which is about occassionally giving disciplinary level spankings even when the husband had done nothing wrong to earn one. This has also been referred to as a "therapeutic" spanking, which has been discussed on the blog before. One idea for a post is to see if any of us have tried it and/or how would we feel about it if the wife suggested it?"


The situation he referenced—giving or getting a disciplinary-level spanking even when the husband had nothing wrong—wasn’t quite the situation I was in last week.  Mine was more getting a spanking for something relatively minor (in my mind) at a time when I was wrestling emotionally with something much bigger.  There would have been nothing therapeutic about that for me at that time. Though, I can see how others might use spanking to work through emotional issues or to instigate some kind of catharsis.

But, as I told Norton, I’ve just never really liked that story and, in fact, it’s one of my least favorite pieces of content among all the DWC stories.  Why?  Well, I think it’s because my attraction has always been to what I see as the core elements of the DWC, i.e. accountability and consequences.  In my view, A Husband’s Essay could easily be titled “All the Reasons I Like Spanking That Have Absolutely Nothing to do With Domestic Discipline.”


As I think someone pointed out, in the FAQ section on the DWC website, Aunt Kay was emphatic that, in her view, it was not best to reserve all spanking for disciplinary purposes in a DWC home.  So, she was clearly more than open to non-DD spankings.   


But, I think it’s also a fact that virtually all the content she chose to write about and put on the DWC website was about real spankings as real consequences for real bad behavior.  A Husband’s Essay is, to me, the single nod to those other kinds of spanking that she wholeheartedly supported but chose not to make a focus of her group.


Al focused in on an another potentially “therapeutic” spanking scenario:


However, the idea of the wife spanking the husband (who has not "earned" a spanking) simply because she feels the need to spank - to relieve stress or frustration perhaps - is an interesting concept that we have not discussed as much as other topics.



For me, that one is a hard “no.”  So, I guess in addition to refusing a spanking if either of us are intoxicated, we can add that one to my very limited list of exceptions to “anytime, anywhere, for any reason.” 


Though, I recognize that maybe it’s not all that limited.  Instead, it reflects that, for me, the whole attraction to the dynamic needs to be tied to accountability and consequences. I have exactly zero interest in experiencing a very significant amount of pain just because someone else feels like inflicting it.



That discussion, and my observation that the WordPress version of the blog seemed to be attracting a lot of BDSM interest, led Alan to propose a somewhat broader topic:


There may be a future blog topic in the apparent confusion with F/M DD spanking and master/slave-femdom -BDSM It would be interesting for folks practicing or interested in spanking within a domestic discipline framework to discuss and explain the key differences felt between DD and BDSM. Many consider DD spanking to be another branch of the BDSM umbrella that comprises DD. I don’t. Dan doesn’t, and I think many others feel similar. Yet nowhere I know has anyone articulated clear differences. Spanking, for example, is common in BDSM; indeed, often, it seems central to BDSM. But to me, DD spanking has little in common with BDSM as it is commonly described. The comments Dan mentions above from Femdom interests illustrate the practical nature of the issue. Many in the BDSM community see no difference between what we practice and what they do. Can we move the needle a little?


So, let’s combine that with Norton’s suggestion about “therapeutic” spankings to explore exactly what it is that distinguishes a DD/DWC relationship from everything else? Or, is it really distinguishable?


To me, it clearly is, even if I can’t lay down a precise definition that encompasses all DD relationships and none of anything else.


Though, I don’t think it’s a purely binary thing. There are lots of variations in these relationships and, as we explored during our most recent explicit exploration of BDSM back in May of last year, many do incorporate BDSM elements into their DD/DWC relationships.


To me, maybe it boils down to two (sort of three) questions:


·      To what extent is there a core element of accountability and punishment, i.e. real consequences for real misbehavior, and to what is extent is that element “real” versus just an element of some kind of scene or role play; and

·      Is the erotic element, which I fully accept is a part of virtually every DWC-oriented relationship, the central motivation or goal?


I brought up—based on some real recent comments—what I see as something that is pretty clearly not on the DD side of the line, i.e. a scenario where he gets off on being spanked, and she gets off on giving spankings, so they do it every day regardless of behavior. To me, that is just plain old S&M. 


In response, Alan added: 


“But the question I raise is not -what are the degrees of difference--but is not the difference one of a kind? As many have noted re DD, it must be real and ( con sensually ) non-consensual to work.”


I’m not sure I understand 100% what he means by “is not the difference one of a kind?”  So, Alan, if you wouldn’t mind, can you explain that a little more?


So, let’s wrap up these threads into one topic on what distinguishes DD/DWC-style relationships from other relationships and activities that include spanking.  Or, as Al, put it: “This is an interesting direction - a post/discussion about the differences between true DD (DWC-style, for example) and BDSM - and perhaps the overlap as well.”


As a subset of that, we could talk about Norton’s reference to “therapeutic” spankings. On that one, Al had observed that he thought of “therapeutic” as being the same thing as “maintenance.”  I don’t see them quite that way.  I used to see maintenance as something that was pretty much outside the DD/DWC paradigm, but Al has convinced me that I’m wrong about that.  


 Although it probably is a gray area, I get the role in plays in reinforcing the couple’s respective roles and the overall DD/DWC dynamic. I see the dynamics in A Husband’s Essay as scenarios in which spanking is being used to serve an entirely different purpose, i.e. some kind of therapy or stress relief for either the spanker or the spankee. But, I’ve very interested to hear whether others see it differently.


Have a good week.


  1. Dan, you said you "get the role DD plays in reinforcing the couple's respective roles and the overall DD/DWC dynamic", and if spanking is used for stress relief or a kind of therapy, then it's being used for an entirely different purpose. Maybe so, but for me, maintenance spankings do reinforce our respective roles, and also provides stress relief, which could be seen as a kind of therapy. Several differences between BDSM and DD are......
    1) BDSM is primarily for sexual enjoyment and excitement.
    2) F/M DD is about changing behavior, setting limits and accountability
    3) BDSM is for Kinky sexual fun, while F/M DD is maternal and family oriented
    4) DD encourages couples to become more intimate, honest, and loving.
    5) F/M DD helps men learn to be more sensitive and vulnerable, and women to be more confident and assertive.
    6) F/M DD ends arguments
    7) You can pay a pro to with BDSM, but real DD requires a real relationship.
    8) It's a good idea to have safe words with BDSM. Not necessary with F/M DD.

    1. To me, of the 8 items in your list, there is only one (maybe sort of two) that truly distinguishes DD from BDSM. To me, the second item--setting limits and accountability--is not a part of most BDSM at all, so it is what truly makes DD different. 6) probably also has little if any application to BDSM, but I kind of see it as a subset of 2.

      I could see how an arrangement with a very skilled pro might also entail setting limits and accountability, though I suspect it would take a long-term engagement with such a pro to make that very effective, and it likely never would rival what we get with real relationships.


  2. I think that to some degree, it’s simply a matter of intensity. I’ve been interested in spanking for many years - at least back to my teens, I’ve always been equally happy on either side of it and it was definitely sexual in nature. I met my - now - wife through this common interest and, as I’ve recounted before, we morphed into a true DD relationship within a year - which may not have happened if we hadn’t discovered the DWC website. I still crave - and get - maintenance spankings reasonably regularly. These are not particularly severe but always end up pushing me a little way beyond where I can comfortably deal with it. There’s still a sexual element in this for me, although perhaps not as centrally as there used to be, and I completely agree with Norton that it helps to reinforce roles - I find if I go too long between these, my behavior towards her does deteriorate a little. A disciplinary DD spanking is a completely different thing. Physically, in intensity it goes far beyond anything I would want to experience and while I think many of us agree it shouldn’t be given in the heat of the moment, she is likely annoyed or upset with me in some way so is working off her anger rather than having fun. So I think it’s perfectly possible for a relationship to encompass both BDSM and DD elements, I don’t feel that they conflict or are incompatible with each other. Any particular spanking is going to fall clearly into one camp or the other and I don’t think there will ever be any doubt as to which.
    I like Norton’s bullet points and would like to add my thoughts.
    1) BDSM is primarily for sexual enjoyment and excitement. Agreed
    2) F/M DD is about changing behavior, setting limits and accountability Agreed
    3) BDSM is for Kinky sexual fun, while F/M DD is maternal and family oriented As I’ve said before, I have a huge problem with DD being in any way maternal - probably because (1) I grew up in a time and place where there was no corporal punishment and (2) equating my wife to my mother in any way at all is quite impossible for me. Other than that I agree with this point.
    4) DD encourages couples to become more intimate, honest, and loving. I’m not sure about the cause and effect on this one, I think maybe intimate, honest and loving are the prerequisites for DD rather than a result of it.
    5) F/M DD helps men learn to be more sensitive and vulnerable, and women to be more confident and assertive. Maybe on the first, agree on the second.
    6) F/M DD ends arguments. Definitely
    7) You can pay a pro to with BDSM, but real DD requires a real relationship. Agree
    8) It's a good idea to have safe words with BDSM. Not necessary with F/M DD. Agree.

    1. The focus on intensity is interesting, but would you agree that in the way you describe it, the difference in intensity is because spanking is a means serving two very different ends. In other words, it's not the intensity that distinguishes DD from BDSM but, rather, than the former involves a different goal and the intensity is a reflection of that?


  3. I think that to some degree, it’s simply a matter of intensity. I’ve been interested in spanking for many years - at least back to my teens, I’ve always been equally happy on either side of it and it was definitely sexual in nature. I met my - now - wife through this common interest and, as I’ve recounted before, we morphed into a true DD relationship within a year - which may not have happened if we hadn’t discovered the DWC website. I still crave - and get - maintenance spankings reasonably regularly. These are not particularly severe but always end up pushing me a little way beyond where I can comfortably deal with it. There’s still a sexual element in this for me, although perhaps not as centrally as there used to be, and I completely agree with Norton that it helps to reinforce roles - I find if I go too long between these, my behavior towards her does deteriorate a little. A disciplinary DD spanking is a completely different thing. Physically, in intensity it goes far beyond anything I would want to experience and while I think many of us agree it shouldn’t be given in the heat of the moment, she is likely annoyed or upset with me in some way so is working off her anger rather than having fun. So I think it’s perfectly possible for a relationship to encompass both BDSM and DD elements, I don’t feel that they conflict or are incompatible with each other. Any particular spanking is going to fall clearly into one camp or the other and I don’t think there will ever be any doubt as to which.
    I like Norton’s bullet points and would like to add my thoughts.
    1) BDSM is primarily for sexual enjoyment and excitement. Agreed
    2) F/M DD is about changing behavior, setting limits and accountability Agreed
    3) BDSM is for Kinky sexual fun, while F/M DD is maternal and family oriented As I’ve said before, I have a huge problem with DD being in any way maternal - probably because (1) I grew up in a time and place where there was no corporal punishment and (2) equating my wife to my mother in any way at all is quite impossible for me. Other than that I agree with this point.
    4) DD encourages couples to become more intimate, honest, and loving. I’m not sure about the cause and effect on this one, I think maybe intimate, honest and loving are the prerequisites for DD rather than a result of it.
    5) F/M DD helps men learn to be more sensitive and vulnerable, and women to be more confident and assertive. Maybe on the first, agree on the second.
    6) F/M DD ends arguments. Definitely
    7) You can pay a pro to with BDSM, but real DD requires a real relationship. Agree
    8) It's a good idea to have safe words with BDSM. Not necessary with F/M DD. Agree.

  4. Therapeutic seems to fit us. On many occasions Dev has spanked me not because she wanted to but because I needed it. ! JR

    1. We really haven't explored that much, probably cause I tend to "need it" only when I'm carrying around some guilt or disappointment in myself about something I did.

  5. All spankings in our house are delivered as a result of poor behaviour of some type on my behalf. There is no role play, no dressing up, no sceneing. The vibe is adult to adult rather than in any way maternal. We don’t do maintenance spankings although we have tried a weekly ‘check-ins’. There have always been some transgressions to deal with during those check-ins but my wife is less keen on being tied to a scheduled event. My wife has said she would be willing to spank me at my request (if I were feeling guilty about something that she didn’t know about or had not picked up upon or if I felt I needed it) but I have never yet made that request. It feels to me that would be even harder that owning up to some misbehaviour which I have done once, and which was extremely embarrassing & uncomfortable.
    The erotic element was central right at the start of our DD. I have always had that kink Initially I explained to her that the erotic element was satisfied by the spanking process and a relatively mild spanking. I then explained that a real spanking would hurt much more than would be erotic and that she could tie to misbehaviour. I would still enjoy the fantasy part of it but that she would have the opportunity of managing my behaviour through the threat and reality of ‘real’ spankings. That balance has worked for many years as she does not hold back.
    I have no real idea of the motivations around BDSM. It always seems like a great deal of work to set up a scene. I suspect with many participants that there is considerable overlap with DD and visa-versa although DD feels like it is grounded in reality rather than fantasy. TB

    1. "It feels to me that would be even harder that owning up to some misbehaviour which I have done once, and which was extremely embarrassing & uncomfortable."

      I really don't know whether it's harder. Although it sometimes takes me a while, I'm not terrible at owning up to my own failings. Though, it depends a lot on how much they reflect something where I've violated my own standard in some way, such that I'm not embarrassed about violating a rule but, rather, about letting myself down. But, what I'm terrible at is owning up them in a context in which I know it is likely to get me spanked.

  6. Dan,

    I admit I am a little confused. What is the question we are discussing?


  7. Seems like there are 2 related topics. One of them is what are the differences between DD and BDSM. The other is the Husbands Essay, or theraputic spanking, which we discussed in the previous week. Because it isn't intended to be putative, is it DD or BDSM? At least that was how I interrupted it.

  8. Dan wrote: “But the question I raise is not -what are the degrees of difference--but is not the difference one of a kind? As many have noted re DD, it must be real and (consensually) non-consensual to work.”I’m not sure I understand 100% what he means by “is not the difference one of a kind?” So, Alan, if you wouldn’t mind, can you explain that a little more?”

    I hope to have time to develop this issue more fully. But Trump has chosen to bring down the international financial order this week, so I have some knitting to do.

    But, in nuce, BDSM relates to DD only in some overlap in methods --tools, not purpose. BDSM, at its core, is performative, while DD, at its core, is self-actualization and existential. The two are distinct phenomena: BDSM is theater, and evanescent DD is life and real; BDSM‘s objectives are pleasure and erotic; DD's objectives are intimacy and behavior change. Erotica is a tool in DD, but it is the objective of BDSM. Eros is the road to DD; but it is the destination of BDSM
    Perhaps most striking is the role of consent. Consent is crucial in BDSM, signifying its essential performative ethos. Safe words are sacred words in BDSM; DD, however, seeks “consensual non-consent “as perhaps its highest end. BDSM, at its best, is DD on training wheels.

    1. "Trump has chosen to bring down the international financial order this week, so I have some knitting to do." I was so pissed on Friday, as the markets were finally recovering nicely from an AI-related sell-off on Monday. Then, Trump confirmed he was going to impose tariffs on Saturday, and everything sold off again. But, I figured he was bluffing and blustering--because that's what he does--and I bought selectively on Monday morning as the market was still selling off over the tariffs. By the end of the day, he'd suspended the tariffs on both Mexico and Canada. It's going to be four years of this shit, with the market on a roller-coaster because of every idiotic thing that chaos agent says and does. But, you can make money off of it if you just remember that 90% of the time he is lying or bluffing. Wouldn't you actually love to play poker against him? He has like two moves, and that's all he does.

      "Eros is the road to DD; but it is the destination of BDSM." I love that!

      Re: self-actualization, I think some in BDSM would push back and say that it too involves self-actualization, as some of it focuses on fantasy fulfillment and on losing one's inhibitions and openly exploring things that others won't because they are embarrassing or transgressive. I do give them credit for that but, as you said, I think the end states they are aiming for are much different.

      I've always known that "consensual non-consent" is a big, big part of the dynamic for me and that it's an alien concept in BDSM. But, you're right, they're not just different in that respect. It is that difference that makes them PROFOUNDLY different. Thought, part of the difference also reflects the practical differences. Because BDSM (often) involves made up scenes and play-acting, it is much, much more difficult in their dynamic to confuse genuine protestations and calls to stop with play-acting.

    2. Its hard for me to believe that this behavior -- given the age of this bull and its high concentration--will not unleash a bear stampede at some point in the next two years. . The losses could be historic when it comes ( an observation, not a prediction). And the damage to international market structures will be substantial and enduring. If your investment horizon is long ( think up to 10 years), then hang on and enjoy the ride. But lots of folks are going to be headed for the exits as the chaos continues. There are going to be lots of opportunities ahead.


    3. It's definitely unpredictable. My biggest concern is a resurgence of inflation. Tariffs are inflationary. Mass deportations will tighten a labor market that is already at or close to at full employment, which is inflationary. And, tax cuts are inflationary. So, any of his big three policy areas could lead to higher inflation, and he''s doing all three at once. I'm watching interest yields and other inflation measures like a hawk. The second it looks like the Fed may have to start raising rates again, I'll be taking a lot of $$ out of the market and waiting on the sidelines to step back in after he makes a shambles of the market.

    4. " I'll be taking a lot of $$ out of the market and waiting on the sidelines to step back in after he makes a shambles of the market."

      I will be waiting for you when you arrive. Cold beer?


  9. I hope I am on-topic. I admitted in an earlier comment that I don't know exactly what question I am trying to answer.

    I suppose J. and I were always comfortable with the situation that there was a large amount of overlap between the types. Spanking functioned as a discipline tool to keep him on the straight and narrow, as well as being the "escape valve" when he had pushed me too far, even when I couldn't analytically say why he had messed up. We used it for something resembling therapeutic purposes.

    However, a part of it was nowhere near disciplinary in its purpose (on days when he hadn't done anything out of order). The female genitalia enlarge and lubricate when aroused. J. had a very big willy and so this was necessary. I spanked him every evening. Occasionally, we cut corners and had a follow-up baby-making session without a spanking, which I quickly regretted: it was painful! Therefore, I would roll him over in bed and spank him before the next baby-making session. This left both of us aroused, me particularly so when he winced and screamed in pain. I believe women should not feel bad about admitting this: all too often, women are made to feel guilty for this, and so spanking habits fall by the wayside.

    I suppose key to making spanking and its nebulous nature work for us was not overthinking it and being comfortable with the fact that it was unclear what was what (rather than say insisting on everything being exactly measured out according to the gravity of the offence). The end result was that we had a very harmonious marriage from start to finish and conceiving five children very quickly.


  10. I absolutely love the way this was worded - “BDSM relates to DD only in some overlap in methods --tools, not purpose. BDSM, at its core, is performative, while DD, at its core, is self-actualization and existential. The two are distinct phenomena: BDSM is theater, and evanescent DD is life and real; BDSM‘s objectives are pleasure and erotic; DD's objectives are intimacy and behavior change. Erotica is a tool in DD, but it is the objective of BDSM. Eros is the road to DD; but it is the destination of BDSM”.
    This is definitely how I would define the key distinct difference between the two.

    I was unable to respond to everyone’s comments on the last post but I did enjoy reading them. My husband and I actually stumbled into something a couple weeks ago. I have this beautiful leather tawse that I had been reserving for serious offenses. That week, at his check-in, he had earned an intense spanking due to a series of misbehavior that he knows is unacceptable. Largely due to his past, which I’ve touched on before, there are times when an intense spanking can become too much for him mentally. This happened to be one of those nights, so rather than forego the punishment or postpone to later in the week, I compromised and said he could handle being spanked in segments of five hits. So until I thought he had learned his lesson, I was going to give him a ‘layered’ spanking. Throughout the week, at any point when I told him to bend over and drop his pants he would have to accept it and obey immediately.
    This happened to fall on a week where we got snowed in so there were plenty of opportunities to keep him sore.

    This past check-in we discussed whether or not he preferred this layered spanking method or one long spanking during check in. He said that he preferred the layered method as it felt like it kept our dynamic more active thoughout the week and in the day to day.
    In addition, he suggested that I start working up from just five strokes to vary intensity and every couple of weeks push him to a higher number.
    Honestly, that admission from him alone has had me feeling ecstatic and closer to him.
    As for me personally, I’ve preferred the layered method as it feels like it sustains a level of intimacy and vulnerability on a daily basis that I feed off of from him. Considering I used to doubt him even wanting our dynamic to him initiating being more active and actively asking me to push him, we’ve come a long way.
    Im excited to see where/how it evolves.


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