
Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Club - Meeting 480 - Spanking Instruments You Prefer or Dread

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.” - Marshall McLuhan

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to our female readers to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.


I hope you all had a good week.  I’m still neck-deep in planning for a motorcycle trip.  At this point, I probably have more time into planning and buying stuff than the trip will actually take. But, hopefully, that will make the next trip like this more of a turnkey process. I also had to research and buy some additional safety gear, largely to keep Anne happy.



Just a heads-up about my plans for posting the rest of this month:  I’ll be around most of the upcoming week, but from Friday on I’ll be off-line for the better part of eight or nine days.  So, I won’t be posting next weekend, and there’s a pretty good chance that a one-week hiatus may turn into two. 


Near the end of our discussion a week ago, Antonio had the following topic suggestion:


It seems most of us are both aroused and terrified when we know a spanking is imminent. Or some emotions along that line. My question is for those whose partner has an assortment of tools in their arsenal: When you are about to get disciplined, is there one implement that you hope she uses and one that you are terrified that she might use?


Alan added:


That might be an interesting topic. But excepting the rubber paddle or strap, I think my wife can use any of the paddles, brushes or straps in our collection and reach the same END result. Put differently they are hurt like hell if she wants that to happen. So, to me an interesting part of it would be why you prefer one instrument or dread another. What is going on there?


I admit, I’m usually not super enthusiastic about tools/instruments topics.  But, people do seem to respond to them. And, they don’t take much work on my end, and since I’m fairly busy this weekend . . . let’s go with those.


Implicit in Antonio’s articulation of the topic is the assumption that the wife chooses the implements she will use for each session.  That used to be how we approached it, but not so much anymore.


For several years, I kept a huge variety of paddles, straps, and brushes in a small locked suitcase.  When told to prepare for a spanking, I typically would bring out the whole suitcase, and she would choose among them.  Often, she would go through five or six instruments each session.  But, back in those days we rarely used OTK, so she was usually on her feet and able to move back and forth between the tool suitcase and the ottoman or whatever other piece of furniture I was draped over.


These days, her bath brush and ebony hairbrush are always on open display in our master bathroom.  When she orders a spanking, I often bring her just those two instruments, placing them beside the ottoman where she can easily reach them while I’m draped over her lap. In addition to being more effective for an OTK session, I think we’ve both concluded that keeping things simple this way seems to help with consistency, as each session feels like less of a big production than was the case in the old days.


Alternatively, last year I bought her a personalized knife/chefs roll, which I loaded up with several small paddles and straps.


Interestingly, Anne seems not to care whether I bring her only the two instruments or the full roll.  I’m not sure why, but perhaps it relates to Alan’s observation that virtually all of her tools can be effective disciplinary instruments if used with sufficient determination and enthusiasm.


Moreover, since the bath brush has become by far her “go-to” instrument, I know that every single spanking is going to hurt like hell.  Interestingly, when preparing this post, I found this post from 2018, in which I noted that Anne typically did not gravitate to the bath brush even though it was extremely effective.  My how things have changed, and it’s a good lesson about being careful what you wish for.


The first part of Antonio’s question was “When you are about to get disciplined, is there one implement that you hope she uses . . .”  As phrased, for me the answer is no.  When I’m about to be disciplined, I know it’s almost certainly going to include the bath brush, and no amount of hoping is likely to result in her using only some milder instrument.


During the spanking, however, I often hope that she will switch from the bath brush to the ebony hairbrush midway through, because the latter doesn’t hurt quite as much no matter how vigorously she uses it.  


As for which instrument I want to avoid at all costs, Alan noted that rubber straps and paddles are in a category all their own.  I agree with that.  There was a time when we had several rubber straps, including one kind of like this:



It was a truly terrifying instrument but, while undeniably effective, it also had a tendency to break the skin and Anne was not OK with that.  I eventually tossed all the rubber instruments into the trash can.


So, thankfully, rubber instruments are no longer something I need to dread. However, there is one other instrument that Anne uses that I believe tops her trusty bath brush when it comes to delivering a wicked, deep sting.  It’s this custom paddle I bought from a vendor on Etsy:



It’s roughly the same length as her bath brush, but the head is smaller, which concentrates the full force of the swing onto a smaller surface area.  I think the hardwood also is denser than the lighter wood her bath brush is made with.


One other tool I don’t like one bit is a short leather paddle like the one in this pic, which I received as a gift from Aunt Kay’s husband.  


When used in the OTK position, it’s fairly tolerable. But, Anne used to use it a lot with me draped over the ottoman and a thick cushion, elevating my butt to meet her downward swing.  That little paddle doesn’t look that intimidating, but the end had a tendency to find its way right between the cheeks, delivering a devastatingly painful sting right in the crack of my ass.


So, how about you? Are there particular instruments you prefer or, conversely, an instrument you particularly dread?


  1. My experience is very similar to yours in that we have a large range of implements but for the last several years she’s really only used the small, wood, DWC paddle and the cane. We have several of those but this is a fairly light, whippy one. The paddle is generally OTK and the cane is bent over and sometimes restrained. My choice would be OTK with the paddle, the cane is generally reserved for more serious transgressions, is often used post-orgasm and is definitely more feared. TG

    1. I've been trying to nudge Anne toward giving the cane another try. It may end up being another of those "be careful what you wish for" experiences.

    2. Dan:

      Regarding Anne possibly giving "caning" another try . . .

      You might want to talk to Anne and learn her specific frustrations when previously using various type of canes.

      Without my having more specific details. several of the most common frustratons involve: (1) Too much "bending" / "whipping action" of natural rattan canes; (2) "Preferential Bending" of natural rattan canes, deflecting the cane from intended path; (3) The cane is simply too long for good control of the end. All of these can make it very hard to accurately (a) bring the cane down on the target, with (b) good energy transfer.

      Might I suggest, if Anne is open to a little experimentation, that she try a shorter synthetic cane, that has minimal bending during strokes, and that bending is uniform in all directions (minimizes landing higher/lower than the aim-point).

      My wife started learning with a Delrin cane (5/16" diameter, roughly 22-24" long). This size meets the above "easy use" requirements. has two workable versions currently in stock:

      Black Delrin MASTER'S CHOICE JR - 30" - 5/16"

      White Delrin MASTER'S CHOICE JR - 30" - 5/16"

      (Either of these would have to be "cut-down" by 6-8 inches, and the tip radiused with 120-240 wet-dry paper.)

      (I would strongly suggest that you avoid: Acrylic canes (easily fractured, with sharp edges); Fiberglass canes (too dense; tend to fray "glass fibers"); Polycarbonate/Lexan canes (way too flexible/whippy, even for most experienced users.)

      Just make sure Anne remembers what's most important: Practice, practice, and then more practice!

      Best of luck in your "quest" (to be a "cane-test dummy?").

  2. She can give a spanking that hurts a lot, but there isn't an instrument that I fear because it will hurt too much. I should also be careful what I wish for, but I'd like to know what that instrument would be.

    What I fear most is probably an instrument that she can't really hurt me with. It's disappointing to see her reach for a certain light hairbrush, for example. Between the weight of the brush, her strength, and her fear of really going for it, I know that the spanking will feel like a bit of a wasted opportunity.

    If she were a lecturer or brought dynamic attitude to the spankings, that would more than make up for the light touch. I am trying to be patient but that's an area in which I'd like her to grow.

    1. Yeah, light hairbrushes are so ineffective, what's the point?

      It does seem like learning to give a strong lecture is harder than learning to give a hard spanking.

  3. We have a range of implements but the ‘go to’ is the London Tanners Irish school strap, which generally hangs from a hook in our bedroom. She has become extremely proficient in delivering a hard spanking with the strap. The strap was ubiquitous at my school up to age 14 so there is a deep emotional connection for me. A timed three to six minutes ( depending on the misdemeanour) strapping over the bed is transformational (!). Having the strap visible at all times in the bedroom has a calming effect on me especially as the vast majority of punishments are for attitude. From a practical point of view, she finds the strap easier to use than the cane & less jarring than the wooden paddles. Every home should have one! TB

    1. We have London Tanners' Domestic Discipline Strap, which is very similar to their Irish School Strap. As we've gravitated more to OTK, it's been much less frequently used. But, it's definitely an effective tool, and their stuff is great quality.

  4. I keep buying implements like different paddles but she will test them and then always go back to the Jokari paddle that she has used for years. Its interesting that it hurts more than anything else that we have tried including bath brushes and hair brushes. In my opinion it's simply more comfortable for her. So while some implement might hurt more than others I think it depends on her level of of comfort using it. I know that a bath brush can be very painful but not so much in her hands. She Weld that Jokari paddle and swings her with the force of the bat she used when she played softball and let me tell you she has hit a lot of home runs on my bare bottom. I have noticed that if she is particularly upset with me I can expect some light brusing. I deserve every spanking and only one wish she would be more consistent so that it doesn't get to the point of her needing to be as severe as that but if I were honest I can't help but get her that riled up on occasion.

    1. "So while some implement might hurt more than others I think it depends on her level of of comfort using it. I know that a bath brush can be very painful but not so much in her hands."

      That's a great point.

    2. My wife likes the Jokari paddle too - it stings the most of any implement we have . It is very effective in getting and keeping my attention. She will start with another implement like a wooden spoon or a switch but she always finishes the spanking with the Jokari. FF

    3. While it really stings it rarely continues to hurt me the next day. She has however on occasion left some brusing.

  5. We have tried a variety of paddles, and a cane. She doesn't like using the cane or heavy paddles, so we exclusively only use fairly small wooden paddles. Her go to is a ping pong paddle, which can be surprisingly effective when used hard and long enough. Because Iam pretty skinny, there isn't a lot of butt to spank. She uses is a narrow bamboo paddle, (Amazon for $7) which is very effective and stings more than the ping pong paddle. I have encouraged her to use it towards the end of the spanking, as it cuts through the numbness that happens about 4 or 5 minutes of paddling. Neither of us have any desire to us anything close to a bath brush. She has become a very effective spanker, and can use these 2 paddles for either maintenance or discipline. If it's a serious infraction, my butt will be very wrinkly for a few days. That doesn't happen much any more, but I still seem to want some discipline, and she could be a little more strict with me about small things that annoy her. Being spanked for a reason is always more meaningful and rewarding for both parties. She recently told me that she wanted the kitchen to be better organized, and was frustrated when I didn't return things where they should go. Of course I will try to be more diligent about putting things back where they should go, and I also reminded her that she had the authority to help me be more motivated.

  6. It's pretty simple for us. My wife became comfortable using the hairbrush very quickly and hasn't been eager to change to another implement. She has played around with spatulas and wooden spoons, but I haven't found them to be effective, so their use has been more along the lines of warning smacks. Belts and canes hold no interest for her. We would both probably admit that they lack the feminine and maternal tone of an old fashioned hairbrush spanking. I'm sure that other tools might deliver a greater impact, but she manages quite well by extending our session with the brush.

  7. I prefer the sensation of being struck by leather, but we don't often use that. Most often I am spanked with a wooden paddle, which I really don't like. We have a matching pair with one thicker than the other. The thinner one has a horrible sting but doesn't really bruise. The thicker one marks very quickly.
    My favourite in terms of theatrics and type of pain is the cane. It is on another level for me, but hardwired in due school experiences. I bruise significantly and will be sore for days with it. Reserved for serious offences, but it is my wife's favourite implement. She tells me that using it sometimes does arouse her... not sure why. Sound, marks, effect on me? Not sure.

  8. Any recommendations for really quiet implements beside the cane? My wife is concerbed about our neighbours (or kids) hearing us. Mike

    1. A heavy paddle or hardwood bath brush is pretty quiet. Unless you're getting an especially hard spanking, she can build up the heat with light to moderate strokes. Maybe a few more than usual. The heavy woods don't have a pop sound unless swing hard.

      We've also found an antique bakelite hairbrush to be quiet and good for OTK.

    2. Hi Mike:

      My wife and I have faced similar problems, as our house is located two feet from our street's sidewalk on one side, and only three feet from a common parking lot /walkway for an apartment building we own on the back of our "lot."

      The four most common solutions to "noise privacy" are: Noise insulation (building materials); selecting "inner rooms" with multiple doors / walls between sound and possible "listeners;" creating "cover noise" (radio / stereo / TV) of roughly same intensity that is closer to possible listeners, and selecting inherently "quieter" implements.

      All other factors being equal, the amount of sound an implement's impact creates is proportional to the (1) surface area of contact between implement and flesh, and (2) the amount of air trapped, compressed, and then suddenly released at moment of impact.

      Canes are the second quietest implement (a bundle of several metal coat-hangers the apparent winner). A 5/16" diameter cane's impact area is very small (~3 sq-in.); a cane's cylindrical profile prevents it from trapping, and suddenly releasing, any significant air.

      Many people choose a "loopy johnny's" (LJ) (kind of a cane wrapped back upon itself) as a quite alternative. An LJ, usually made of leather of rubber strands, is very quiet. An LJ with electrical-cable strands is both quiet and can be very intense.

      A narrow strap with multiple drilled holes at the contact end is also much quieter regular, wider straps (or paddles): Smaller contact area, and air can easily escape without being compressed and then "exploding out" at final impact. A tawse is also relatively quiet: Two to three narrow straps ("tails"), with slots between tails preventing air from being trapped.

      Similarly, paddles with many holes are much quieter than solid paddles, and have a deserved reputation for greater intensity. Narrower, shorter paddles are quiter than longer, wide paddles. Narrow, short and "holely" are quietest of all.

      There is a fourth implement, rather rare, that is extremely quiet and can be relatively mild or very intense: A "Devil's Braid!" (It is kind of a cross between a strap and a paddle, with extreme "air flow." There is a basic example of such an implement on the Cane-iac website:

      The "devils braid" can be made from solid rubber strands (relatively "flexible", like a strap), or "home-made" from 1/4 - 5/16" electrical cable (e.g., computer power cords) for greater impact / intensity ((more "rigid", like a paddle or "truncheon"). The "open braid / weave" and many small contact points eliminate most noise; little difference in noise between various intensities (rubber or electrical cable; thick or thin). (My wife had me weave one for her: Twelve inches of electrical cable braid, with a fourteen inch oak handle.)

      If you want something more paddle-like, "bath brushes," with their smaller impact areas, are comparatively quiet. A bath brush can be made extremely quiet by extracting / cutting-off all the bristles, and then drilling out the old bristle holes with a 1/4" drill bit; the resulting "through holes" eliminate air trapping between brush head and skin.

    3. Thank you for that thorough answer. I think about gettin a loopy johnny or building one myself. I stumbled across an old plastic skipping rope (called speed rope) this week in our garage. Has quite a bite to it when looped together and would make for a good loopy johnny I think. Mike

    4. Mike:

      As many commentators hear have learned, and commented, with "lighter strand materials," Loopy Johnny's have a tendency to "snap back" and lash the hand holding the handle.

      It is often a good idea to ensure the handle is at least five to six inches longer than the length of the loop. That way, any "backlash" will hit the handle and NOT the user's hand!

  9. Our discipline routine is a little different than what most have described. Domino uses about the same force no matter which tool she uses due to her carpel tunnel flare ups, so she chooses the tool that will deliver the pain level she wants to inflict on me. Sometimes more than one depending on her goal.

    On the wall by our bed is a rack and on it hangs a thin bamboo paddle, a thick bamboo paddle, a hard ribbed rubber paddle, a long leather strap, a 25 fall leather flogger with metal tips, a riding crop, and a short heavy leather strap. They all hurt but in different ways.

    The thin bamboo strings like hell, the thick bamboo leaves marks, the hard ribbed rubber paddle hurts big time and leaves small bruises. The riding crop stings and leaves serious welts. The long leather strap is her go to. It hurts a lot! It also will leave welts and light bruises.The flogger is in a class by itself. She uses it only for the absolute worst infractions because it hurts very bad, leaves welts and the metal tips often just break the skin.

    She makes me strip and bend over the corner of the bed. I can't see which tool she is choosing. I have to just wait for the first swat to know what I am in for.

    I fear the flogger above all and it doesn't take much of that to have me melting into a puddle.The thin bamboo is my favorite as it hurts but doesn't leave a lot of marks, just a very red ass. The small leather strap is often used for a few choice swats to end the session. She will tell me to spread wide and hold my C up out of the way and apply a few swats up between my legs on my balls. It is her way of reminding me that she has total control. No getting off that. I know at least one is coming.

    1. I have always thought of floggers as for erotic scenes, not real punishment. Sounds like I was wrong about that.

      I've had carpel tunnel before. It truly sucked. Domino has my sympathy.

    2. No, this is not one of those cheap adult store toys. Made by a professional whip artisan and priced appropriately. It is very pretty though.

  10. The only instrument I really fear is a rubber strap, but ours is permanently gone. But absolutely any instrument post-orgasm induces instant panic. I have actually only experienced post-orgasm with a sauna brush, and the Disciplinary Wives Club produced” DWC labeled) hairbrush paddle. So, I speak only from a vivid imagination. That DWC brush paddle, by the way, administered OTK and used properly (takes some practice) is an excruciating experience. Anyone doubting that OTK can be a serious punishment should experience that paddle with a woman who knows how to use it.

    I have become pretty fatalistic once a spanking can’t be avoided. What will be will be. I trust her deeply. She is going to punish me but not permanently harm me, and I surrender to that and to her. She is going to use the appropriate tool and will spank me as long and as hard as necessary. There is nothing I can do about that, and I don’t want to do anything about it. The time to do anything about it was either because I got in trouble or I thought about behaving the same way the next time. Yes, she has me well-trained, and I am immensely proud of her.

  11. All of my disciplinary spankings are now post-orgasm. TG and Alan both mentioned those above. Mine are usually with the cane. While I dread these situations, I must admit that they are incredibly effective. That said, I suspect that any instrument used post-orgasm would be highly dreaded. Graham

  12. We have an array of implements as well. The vermont wood paddle, the thick leather belt, the cane, the hairbrush, and a thick leather paddle. My wifes go to lately is the thick leather paddle. She can bring that down quickly with causes significant discomfort. She finishes with the wood paddle at times. We had a junior cane which she enjoyed. It was whippy and caused thin lines. I would not be heavily marked the next day, but sitting down was uncomfortable. The cane broke and we ordered a new one. She hated it. It now sits unused in the closet. Enjoy your trip Dan, we will be traveling over the next month as well. My post’s will be limited as well. Safe travels and enjoy the time away.

  13. You can't beat a good hand spanking when applied properly.

    1. Few women can give a really effective spanking using just the hand. But after liberal use of a good implement, a hand spanking is both effective and very intimate and personal. I have had many hairbrush/hand spankings, always over the knee.

    2. Hand spankings don’t get much respect. But for us, what could be called “strategic “hand spanking plays an important role. It's basically her slapping my butt to punctuate her pre- and post-spanking words and actions. I will offer a few examples to illustrate.
      1. One of the best is when she reaches out and gives me a good one or two quick smacks in semi-public when she might be upset with me or might want to get my attention, or when we are alone and she want to exercise authority. I get an erotic thrill when she does it, but it's also a clear power play for her because I become laser-focused on her and what she is doing. The whole thing reminds me physically of her authority, is thrilling, and puts me in a zone of obedience to her. I have occasionally observed it happening to other men ( several in grocery stores for some reason) who I have no reason the think they are in an F/M relationship -and every time I have seen it, the guy reacted a little sheepishly and seemed to calm down.

      2. Some other uses of strategic hand spanking: after she has taken my pants down and is scolding me before taking me to where she will spank me. Again, she uses it to punctuate her words and get me under control, and it works to do that
      3. During the pre-spanking lecture especially OTK. This also serves to warm up the target area but the impact on me is almost totally psychological
      4. While in the corner, especially pre-spanking. Then I can’t see it but when she slaps my bum and scolds me while I am trying to hold the coin up it is simultaneously thrilling and deeply humbling.
      Does anyone else have experience with hand spanking?


  14. My favorite (and most feared...oddly) is the little hairbrush from Cane-iac. Super portable. The thought of it being in L's purse is a thrill a minute. She has found her timing with it too. Some of those strikes just go right to your core. It's her favorite as well because its more intimate. Its close to hand spanking without the pain. When we first started this adventure she bruised her hand. I was quite proud of that.

  15. Most favored and most feared implements for thrashings?

    My wife owns many implements, some purchased, but most hand-crafted by me to her specifications: A couple bath brushes (long and short handles), several Delrin(R) plastic canes, and a "devil braid" (image link in above post).

    However, the two I most favor are the ones she usually uses for OTK thrashing: Her short, 1/4" rubber strap (; and a "lap paddle" made from Delrin(R) plastic, otherwise identical in shape/pattern to Aunt Kay's "holy terror" (

    The most feared? A few years into our marriage my wife asked me to design and craft an especially aversive "strap" and a similarly intense "cane." She wanted them to be implements I was truly very fearful of her using; something she could use on those rare occasions she needed to make the most serious "corrections."

    The strap is made of fiberglass impregnated PTFE plastic (Teflon[R]): 3/8" thick, 1.5" wide, and 14 inches long, attached to a 12 inch handle. The strap portion has been "worked" (repeatedly bent, back and forth) to make it much more flexible than regular, "virgin" Teflon. The strap has a pattern of 1/4" ventilation holes drilled through the last eight inches, closest to end, to prevent any "air cushioning" during impacts.

    Similarly, my wife had me design and craft a 3/8" x 32" "cane" from that same type Glass-PTFE (Teflon) material.

    (Density of Harness Leather: ~0.5 gm/cm^3; Density Oak: ~0.8; Density Delrin: ~1.1; Density Glass-Teflon: 2.3).

    Yes, I truly fear what's coming when my wife appears holding either of these Teflon implements. Luckily for me, she overwhelmingly uses her other implements. However, there has never been a year that I haven't experienced at least one of these "most feared" implements. My wife truly understands "deterrence."

  16. Hi Dan:
    Don't know what's up with Google "SPAM Monster," but it ate two of my comments this morning. Comments that had been previously accepted, and had been present/posted for 1-3 days.

    (I'm starting to think Googles AI is "brain dead." It should be able to recognize me (name; IP-address) by now, and seen multiple time you have restored my comments. Come-on Google; this is simple shit for your programmers!)

    1. Antitrust enforcement---, antitrust enforcement ---antitrust enforcement -the magic words that will get one beyond the clutches of the grotesque monster google has become. It’s a classic case of the cure being worse than problem ( spam)I would take a ton of spam if the google gotcha monster would go away

  17. Quick update: we are away from home and she asked me to pack an implement which would pass customs inspection without undue embarrassment…. I foolishly grabbed the bath brush ( wooden, long handle) and shoved in my case not anticipating any need during a couple of weeks away. I’m normally exceptionally well behaved on holidays. Unfortunately there was an incident during transit which she felt merited some stern correction. We have never used the bath brush for that purpose and I can only say that after a session with that one I will definitely be on my best behaviour until we get home! I think if it is used like a strap (similar velocity and number of strokes) it is a truly fearsome implement. Plus I did get some funny looks from the people next door who must have heard some part of my 3 - 4 minutes of full-on punishment… TB

    1. I hate the bath brush, which doubly sucks because it has become Anne's favorite by far.
      Regarding customs inspection and airline security checks, I've decided the least provocative but still effective instrument is a heavy leather belt. Who can really question a leather belt in a man's suitcase. But, the reality is, those airport security people have seen everything. I talked to a guy who is a former TSA security supervisor. He said vibrators buzzing in a suitcase by accident, thereby mortifying the female owner of said suitcase, was a virtually weekly event.

  18. When I receive a punishment spanking (which luckily is not often; most of my spankings are more maintenance type) my wife uses a bath brush. And she only use the bath brush for punishment. Spankings.

    As our relationship evolved over time we want to have a clear line in determing which spankings are purely discipline / punishment and which ones were not. To do that we selected the bath brush (the one from the Body shop) as the punishment implement. It quite effective, especially as she spanks me full force, no warm up from the first swat.


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