Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Club - Meeting 443 - Humiliation, Humbling & Embarrassment

Honesty is grounded in humility and indeed in humiliation, and in admitting exactly where we are powerless. - David Whyte


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.


I hope you had a great week.  Mine was fine, other than all this f&^%-ing rain.  I feel like I’m living in the Pacific Northwest, but we do not actually live in the Pacific Northwest.  I guess I shouldn’t complain, given how much of the country was suffering from drought conditions this time last year.  But, is a nice sunny afternoon too much to expect? In the middle of June?


Our discussion last week was . . . unique?  I’ve had topics flop before, but . . . wow.  90+ comments (counting my replies).  Maybe two even tried to address either of the two topics. Oh well.  It happens sometimes, though I think that one does set some kind of inverse record for on-point participation.


Hopefully, KOJ’s suggestion for this week’s topic will fare better:


Our culture thinks of humiliation as a very negative thing, but as part of DD it can be particularly effective in driving the point home, changing behavior, acting as a deterrent, etc. And certainly, it has been more accepted and used in other cultures and times of history, such as public floggings, stocks in the town square, etc. As DD husbands, how has humiliation had a positive impact on our behavior? And why do we think it works? I think of the humiliation of baring my bottom for a spanking, of being scolded, of not being able to keep still while being thrashed, of begging for the spanking to stop, of being threatened with punishment in front of others. All of these humiliating experiences enhanced the effectiveness of my wife's punishments. This includes even the positive impact of the idea of humiliation, such as the fear of being found out as a DD husband. How exactly does this work on my brain? I really don't know!


A related aspect to my question: I keep saying and thinking that DD was not sexual for me. But in one sense it was: I would shrivel right up while feeling humiliated. I would get noticeably smaller, to the point that sometimes I would "turtle" (disappear into my scrotum). My wife would sometimes remark on this, thinking it was funny. So, I would have this reverse sexual reaction, so to speak. But it is my understanding that some men get aroused while being humiliated. I can't hardly imagine that. What about the rest of you? How does humiliation impact you sexually, both while it is happening and when you think about it afterward?


We’ve done topics on humiliation before, though not that often. Probably because it isn’t “a thing” for me personally. Well, not really.  At least, it’s not something I find stimulating in any positive way. Though, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value for me, and my attitude about it has changed a bit since the last time we did a full post on it.


I tend not to use the term "humiliation."  To me, it has a harsh tone.  I generally prefer “humbling.”  Though, I think this may be more than a distinction without a difference, because I'm not sure whether I mean the same thing by "humbling" that others mean by "humiliation." 


The purpose "humbling" serves for me is more conceptual than visceral.  I know that I get myself into trouble due to arrogance, temper, and lack of respect for authority.  Given the number of times those things have created problems for me, some "humbling" seems in order, as a tool to help me exercise more self-control and get a handle on some negative emotional reactions.  For me, it’s about rubbing off some of the arrogant edges and dumbing down my assertiveness, which admittedly can drift into being domineering and probably boorish.


“Humiliation” seems to me to be harsher, more cutting, and perhaps more sexually-oriented (for some) than mere humbling. I'm also not sure whether "embarrassment," is just a milder form of humiliation, or something categorically different.


For me, the difference between humbling, on the one hand, and humiliation/embarrassment on the other, is the humbling I am looking for is basically a tool for increased accountability, a deterrent to bad behavior, and hopefully a state of mind that helps mitigate some of my problems with temper and lack of respect for authority. There's an element of it simply being part of the natural consequences of the behavior.

Yet, because humbling can, in fact, become humiliating depending on the context, it can also inhibit my willingness to own up to my bad behavior. For example, when I fail to give Anne a required journal entry about a recent behavioral failure, I think it has as much to do with my ego wanting to not own up to that failure as it does with wanting to avoid a well-earned spanking. 



Similarly, I sometimes would prefer that she get right to a spanking instead of subjecting me to a long lecture.  Why? Because I don’t find the former inherently embarrassing or all that humbling.  KOJ talked about “the humiliation of baring my bottom for a spanking, of being scolded, of not being able to keep still while being thrashed, of begging for the spanking to stop, of being threatened with punishment in front of others.” I don’t beg for a spanking to stop, I don’t thrash around much as it is going on, and I don’t find baring my bottom for a spanking inherently humiliating, though others do, as this Glenmore drawing illustrates:

But, then there is scolding.  A “proforma” lecture or scolding right before a spanking doesn’t do much for me, positively or negatively. But, the few times that she has been really angry and cut loose with a real scolding, did impact me.  At first, not in a positive way. I tended to get resentful and stew about it for days or even weeks.  While, at the time, I didn’t identify that feeling with being humiliated, that’s probably what was really going on. 


There is nothing sexually arousing to me about that kind of scolding. Even in retrospect.  But, it’s complicated.  My subconscious seems to like playing with the idea. One of my most memorable spanking dreams was about taken out of a work/family event to be spanked by our office manager (a male), with everyone knowing that was what was going to happen to me.


We also have talked here about the embarrassment of someone knowing about a particular spanking or that we have one coming.  Others knowing about the particulars, not just the generality of our DD relationship, does do something for me, and that reaction has something to do with it being inherently embarrassing and humbling.  While I've never thought I was into humiliation, beyond the practical benefits of humbling, I can't deny that there seems to be a pattern of humiliation scenes getting my attention or having free rein in my dreams, including particularly M/m spanking scenarios, being spanked in public, and others being told about a particular spanking. And, in the right context, others knowing about the DD relationship itself creates this weird mix of repulsion and attraction. Something like that seems to be in play for the people who had a reaction to last week's picture of a paddle hanging on a wall.  Here's another.

Then there is my fascination with crying.  When I first discovered the Disciplinary Wives Club website, the stories about husbands being reduced to a sobbing mess were a huge part of the resulting morbid fascination. And, that fascination really was morbid. I found the possibility of being reduced to tears over Anne’s lap both repulsive and irresistibly attractive, and at the root of both emotions was the embarrassment it would entail.  And, because I had not yet experienced a real adult disciplinary spanking, I thought (based on the DWC stories) that it was pretty likely to happen. So far, it hasn’t, and I believe that one of the primary reasons I have not let go and sobbed during a spanking is because of the severe embarrassment that would result.  


In fact, isn’t the prospect of humiliation or severe embarrassment part of what fuels many of our DD and FLR fantasies, including crying, witnesses, public displays of her authority, etc.?


In fact, this discussion makes me wonder, is it humiliation itself that some of you find alluring or is it, rather, her ability to impose that humiliation on you?  Is a humiliation kink just a female authority kink in another guise?


As for Anne, I don’t think she’s into humiliating me, but I think it’s complicated for her, too. 


One reason she has been resistant to our (adult) kids knowing about our DD relationship is she hasn’t wanted to risk them thinking less of me as a father figure.


Yet, she also admits to getting off on some of the “humbling” aspects of imposing discipline on me. She says she doesn’t get aroused by the spanking itself, but she does take pleasure in ordering me to take off all my clothes and get in position and in watching me comply.  She knows complying with her orders is hard on my ego, and she likes that. 



How about you?  What role does humiliation or severe embarrassment play in your DD relationship? Does it play a positive role in bringing about behavioral change or enabling your wife to hold you accountable? To what extent is that positive role separate and apart from whatever disciplinary benefits you get from a spanking? Does your partner do things that are deliberately designed to humiliate or embarrass you? Are any of those separate and apart from the spanking itself?


How do you feel about that at the time?  How do you feel about it in retrospect?  Does your wife consciously try to humiliate or embarrass you?


I hope you have a good week. 

And, while I have tried hard to stay away from politics on the blog, this cartoon was just so appropriate in light of the last couple of weeks’ developments.




  1. For me, thus far anyway, humiliation is really a kink rather than about DD. I fantasize about her baring and spanking me in front of her friends.
    Behaviour change for me comes from her making her requirements clear and punishing me for failing to meet them. I now know that for the more severe offenses this will be very (a) scary and (b) humbling. I will be lectured and I will be sore. My pride does not take the lecture well. We are very open and she is supportive of me so I am not humiliated.
    I would find a lecture or spanking in front of others to be very humiliating.
    For me also I do not cry... I'm programmed to cry over emotion rather than pain...

    1. "I'm programmed to cry over emotion rather than pain..." Same here. I'll cry at sappy country songs, but I haven't cried from pain in decades.

    2. Humiliation is a rather slippery word, I think that not only does it mean different things to different people, but it means different things depending on the context.
      Curiously, this is the second week in a row where I feel that the topic veers into BDSM territory. We have played in that world a little - although not for some years, I always said that humiliation (a negative concept) was impossible in a BDSM relationship, as in that context something that could otherwise be humiliating became a manifestation of ownership (a positive concept in that environment.) In the DD context I’m not sure that it is a negative at all. Like you, I’ve fantasized about being spanked in front of a witness - a suitable witness. I can’t define “suitable” but if being presented with the idea of any particular person, I would be able to say if they were suitable or not. Being spanked in front of an unsuitable witness probably goes beyond humiliation to degradation which I think would always be a bad thing, and I would suggest that if someone is willing to degrade their spouse, the relationship is in far more trouble anyway. I suppose being spanked in front of a suitable witness could still be defined as humiliating, but I think in this contract it’s probably positive rather than negative. Certainty something I’d be willing to experience. I’m less sure about scolding or lecturing, which are not usually part of our routine. The spanking itself is sufficient I do however remember a particularly extreme punishment a couple of years ago, this was a few weeks after the transgression and at the end she told me that if I did it again, what I had just had would only be the warm-up. I don’t remember feeling any additional humiliation from that, it was just a very strong reminder not to repeat, and I took it as a command and a warning, nothing more. The simple fact of being naked over her (fully dressed) knee I don’t find humiliating, it’s just a reminder of her authority and just being in that position helps put me back on the right path. And I don’t cry, tbh I don’t even understand crying. I react plenty and can sometimes make quite a bit of noise, but I have no idea where tears come from. TG

    3. "Curiously, this is the second week in a row where I feel that the topic veers into BDSM territory." I'll have to watch out for that, because, while there are always going to be overlaps, I don't have any interest in letting the blog drift in the BDSM direction.

      "Being spanked in front of an unsuitable witness probably goes beyond humiliation to degradation which I think would always be a bad thing, and I would suggest that if someone is willing to degrade their spouse, the relationship is in far more trouble anyway." This is an example of how slippery and subjective language can be. I think of humiliation and degradation as being equivalent, but you see a distinction between the two. It's clear that some men are wired to get off on being degraded and/or humiliated, but that's not a kink I understand at all.

    4. Right, I see those two words as describing enormously different things. Slippery indeed. Incidentally, my apologies that my post has now appeared twice. I posted it last night then it was not there this morning so I assumed it had got lost somewhere in the system and reposted. Now it’s reappeared, not sure what happened. TG

    5. TG, your original post was hung up in the spam filter. I found it there this morning and approved it, before I saw that you had posted a duplicate.

    6. TG,
      You said: "Curiously, this is the second week in a row where I feel that the topic veers into BDSM territory." Shortly after that you said: "I always said that humiliation (a negative concept) was impossible in a BDSM relationship, as in that context something that could otherwise be humiliating became a manifestation of ownership (a positive concept in that environment.) In the DD context I’m not sure that it is a negative at all." - I am having a hard time putting your statements together. What I got from it was: 1) humiliation is more of a BDSM thing, even though 2) humiliation is impossible in a BDSM relationship - because it is really a positive because of the context of ownership - and at the same time 3) humiliation is also not a negative in a DD relationship?

      Anyway, as I will explain below, I don't think humiliation or for that matter ANYTHING is a "BDSM activity." What defines DD is not the activity being done, but rather the context/purpose.

      As far as "degradation" goes, I too see it is as being distinctly different than "humiliation," though I am not sure whether it is only in degree or also in overall meaning. Either way, it feels distinctly different to me.


    7. ZM, sorry I was not clear, language definitions can be tough, but I’ll try and explain what I’m thinking. Take an activity - I don’t think it matters exactly what it is, we’ve talked a lot here about others knowing and public or semi-public spankings for example. In the context of a DD relationship this is clearly humiliating and unpleasant for the husband or partner. What I’m suggesting is that if you move that same activity into a BDSM environment, the emotional effect in the submissive will be to feel owned rather than humiliated, which - as a sub - is what he wants, and is therefore a positive emotion rather than as negative one. Thoughts ? TG

  2. Hi everyone, this is my first time posting. I'd come across the blog before but it's only in the last week that I've started reading it intensively. I'm an English academic in my early 40s with young children. I got together with my non-spanko wife, Emma, when we were students and came out to her about my spanking fetish about two months into the relationship. She's now been spanking me for over twenty years. We've moved very gradually from spanking as an erotic game to a situation where she has full disciplinary authority over me - she decides when, why, how hard. That's been the deal for about five years. At the moment, I'm trying to work towards building her confidence to use her authority more assertively, the dream being that she gets into the swing of punishing me in ways that I genuinely hate and fear for things that annoy her, even when I disagree. There have been a couple of recent occasions when she's ended a marital argument by spanking me. That's a big step for us - it's something we've both been very wary of in the past. Those two incidents have gone very well, and it feels like we're in the process of taking another big step forward in the way DD works for us. That's why I've found myself here, reading your thoughts. It's been very helpful for me to have access to such a reflective and intelligent series of conversations about our evolving marital disciplinary dynamic. So, thank you, Dan. And thank you, everyone else.

    On this week's topic, I don't really associate Emma's discipline with humiliation. I'm not embarrassed to be made to strip, to beg and writhe as she thrashes me, or to break down in tears because of it (as does occasionally happen). It would be intensely humiliating if any of those things were happening in public, but not with just her. Those experiences certainly are humbling, though. So, I suppose I do see a difference as well as a distinction, even if it's not that clear cut to me. It's something to do with our relationship. Emma can humble me without my feeling humiliated because I know that though she certainly succeeds in rendering me humble before her, that process isn't going to make her lose respect for me. She's seen it all before. If anyone else were present, I'd be conscious of the strong likelihood that they'd never be able to look at me with the same level of respect again, and that would be humiliating.

    On crying, it's definitely emotion that does it for me rather than pain. But pain can trigger some pretty strong emotions. It's not that common for me to collapse into tears, but when it has happened (and it's not because of some obvious underlying emotional vulnerability) it's often been because I've felt I've let Emma down by not being able to take my punishment well. The most clear cut examples were a couple of years ago when I had a phase of repeatedly leaping up out of position before resubmitting and getting back into place. I'd feel awful about it each time, but eventually - maybe on the third occasion - I'd just crack and say the safe word that I was not longer allowed to use. Then, overcome with shame at my own failure, I'd start sobbing. Ironically, I'd stop crying pretty quickly when she bent me over again and continued walloping me. Emotionally, being back where I should be, behaving properly and taking my punishment, was reassuring.


    1. Thanks, Ben, and welcome to the club! Thank you for sharing the story of your relationship's development. The incidents in which your wife has ended an argument with a spanking will hopefully build her confidence and move you closer toward the dream you want.

      "It's something to do with our relationship. Emma can humble me without my feeling humiliated because I know that though she certainly succeeds in rendering me humble before her, that process isn't going to make her lose respect for me." That's a great way to put it.

      Thanks for sharing how crying and tears have worked with you. It's something that has always fascinated me.

    2. Ben: “On this week's topic, I don't really associate Emma's discipline with humiliation. I'm not embarrassed to be made to strip, to beg and writhe as she thrashes me, or to break down in tears because of it (as does occasionally happen). It would be intensely humiliating if any of those things were happening in public, but not with just her. Those experiences certainly are humbling, though. So, I suppose I do see a difference as well as a distinction, even if it's not that clear cut to me. It's something to do with our relationship. Emma can humble me without my feeling humiliated because I know that though she certainly succeeds in rendering me humble before her, that process isn't going to make her lose respect for me. She's seen it all before.”

      Ben, I find your perspective interesting because it is different from mine. Logically, what you say makes complete sense. I always feel embarrassed when my wife spanks me, and having to bare my bottom is a big part of it. But in my head I know my feelings don’t make sense. As you said, “She’s seen it all before.” I don’t feel embarrassed to be seen naked by my wife in any other circumstance. Part of the embarrassment with spanking is that she remains fully dressed while my bottom is bared. There is a power imbalance in CFNM situations. But within a marriage, that doesn’t make sense either. If my wife is there fully clothed when I step out of the shower, I don’t feel embarrassed, nor do I have any sense of a D/s power dynamic. But when I am bent over with my bottom bared for a spanking, I feel like a blushing 14-year-old being spanked by the most popular girl in the class. The only explanation I can think of is that the ritual of DD activates some pre-rational emotional complex that resulted from the embarrassment I felt when I was spanked growing up and the way I eroticized that embarrassment in my fantasies, maybe as a psychological defence mechanism.

  3. Humiliation is a rather slippery word, I think that not only does it mean different things to different people, but it means different things depending on the context.
    Curiously, this is the second week in a row where I feel that the topic veers into BDSM territory. We have played in that world a little - although not for some years, I always said that humiliation (a negative concept) was impossible in a BDSM relationship, as in that context something that could otherwise be humiliating became a manifestation of ownership (a positive concept in that environment.) in the DD context I’m not sure that it is a negative at all. Like you, I’ve fantasized about being spanked in front of a witness - a suitable witness. I can’t define “suitable” but if being presented with the idea of any particular person, I would be able to say if they were suitable or not. Being spanked in front of an unsuitable witness probably goes beyond humiliation to degradation which I think would always be a bad thing, and I would suggest that if someone is willing to degrade their spouse, the relationship is in far more trouble anyway. I suppose being spanked in front of a suitable witness could still be defined as humiliating, but I think in this contract it’s probably positive rather than negative. Certainty something I’d be willing to experience. I’m less sure about scolding or lecturing, which are not usually part of our routine. The spanking itself is sufficient I do however remember a particularly extreme punishment a couple of years ago, this was a few weeks after the transgression and at the end she told me that if I did it again, what I had just had would only be the warm-up. I don’t remember feeling any additional humiliation from that, it was just a very strong reminder not to repeat, and I took it as a command and a warning, nothing more. The simple fact of being naked over her (fully dressed) knee I don’t find humiliating, it’s just a reminder of her authority and just being in that position helps put me back on the right path. And I don’t cry, tbh I don’t even understand crying. I react plenty and can sometimes make quite a bit of noise, but I have no idea where tears come from. TG

  4. I used to think that it was just the pain from spankings that modified my behavior. But the more I ponder it, the more I think that the humiliation factor had a lot to do with it. That party spanking did more to change my behavior than any other spanking I ever received. And it was not a long or particularly hard spanking (though it was plenty hard; all of hers were). But what changed my behavior was that she actually spanked me when and where others might hear -- and I felt so embarrassed/humiliated that I NEVER wanted that to happen again! From that day on, my public behavior was much improved. I don't think either of us realized at the time how effective it would be. I think she was just so exasperated that she wanted to spank me immediately. She wasn't considering the humiliation factor in the moment. But it sure was effective. I remember walking down the stairs after the spanking, with my butt blazing and my face full of embarrassment. I had that prickly, hot, flushed feeling. My heart was pounding. I felt like I was walking down the stairs naked! It was possibly the most vulnerable moment of my life. I kept thinking, "Everybody knows she just spanked me." I wished she was walking in front of me, but no, she made sure I was in the lead all "exposed." But she was right behind me, and I wasn't sure if she had put her hairbrush away in her purse or if she had it in her hand! I was thinking, "Now they all know, and my life will never be the same." I am sure I was making a bigger deal of it in my head than it actually was. So what if they knew I was a spanked husband? Would they treat me totally differently? Probably not. I felt more humiliated than the circumstances warranted. But the intense feelings were still there, and the effect was permanent.
    The other thing she started doing that was humiliating was making these public allusions to corporal punishment. She was careful to never actually use the word "spanking" or any of its synonyms in front of others. But she would make all of these reference that astute listeners could figure out. "You know what's in my bag, don't you?" "Do you need a good talking to?" "Stop misbehaving or else!" "You better straighten up right now!" On and on. She used so many different phrases. I was always shocked and humiliated when she would come out with one of these, and my behavior would change immediately -- right on the spot! The others around us definitely noticed that threats worked with me. And why do threats work? Because she backs them up, that's why! So I was sure that everyone who heard one of those threats knew that I was a spanked husband. Again, it was worse in my head than the reality. Most people probably passed it off as idle talk. But I felt so embarrassed; I would get all those physical signs I mentioned earlier. To me, it must have been obvious that my face was bright red and that my bottom soon would be unless I behaved myself.
    When I look back on our DD, my newly formed understanding is that the humiliation factor was just as powerful (or maybe even more so) than the actual spankings. I wouldn't have had that understanding before joining this blog.
    I will write another post or two about the effectiveness of humiliating scolding and the sexual component of humiliation for me.

    1. "From that day on, my public behavior was much improved. I don't think either of us realized at the time how effective it would be. . . . I felt more humiliated than the circumstances warranted. But the intense feelings were still there, and the effect was permanent."

      It is very interesting to me that the effect was permanent. It seems like most of the time, negative and embarrassing experiences fade from our memories over time. It sounds like in your case the experience was so powerful that its effect really never did fade.

    2. "It seems like most of the time, negative and embarrassing experiences fade from our memories over time." - for me, most unpleasant or difficult experiences fade from memory over time, or at least seem less unpleasant than they were at the time. However, I think I can remember almost every time in my life that I have felt truly embarrassed. It is so curious how each person is wired differently.


    3. ZM, honestly, you may be right. I definitely do remember a lot of embarrassing moments. And, I remember far more of those than I remember particular spankings.

    4. Alan
      Dan wrote: “It seems like most of the time, negative and embarrassing experiences fade from our memories over time. It sounds like, in your case, the experience was so powerful that its effect really never did fade.”

      The research seems to show that we remember (more accurately, the brain creates memories) of things we enjoyed or were very important to us at the time or-- retrospectively -–while we tend to forget things that were boring, unremarkable, or uncomfortable.

      But memory itself is very volatile and unreliable as to detail and specifics. The unreliability of eyewitness memory is now well established (even though law enforcement still sometimes tries to use it.)

      Even worse, regarding the accuracy and reliability of memory, it appears that every time we “remember” an incident or experience, our brains create new slightly altered memories of what actually happened. Some very convincing studies reveal that even when we think we are reporting full and accurate detail, we are confabulating the original experience to some extent.

  5. KOJ, I have some more questions about that party that bear on the humiliation factor. (Big surprise, eh?). Obviously, you knew the people hosting the party quite well. Otherwise, would not have been invited. Were they friends mainly through your wife, through you, or had you met them as a couple? Were they people you saw on a regular basis? What about the other guests? Were they acquaintances of the hosts with whom you had no contact beyond that party, or were some of them friends and acquaintances of yours too?

    1. GH,
      We were part of a group that hosted cocktail parties at our homes on a rotating basis. Some of us were close friends, but this host couple we just knew through the cocktail parties; we hadn't done anything else with them.
      However, after the party at which I was spanked, my wife and the hostess became rather good friends. I always wondered if it had something to do with the use of the hostess's "coat room" for my spanking. My wife liked to keep such things mysterious. She never did explain what the hostess knew or didn't know, and if I pried too much I might just end up OTK again!

  6. Dan, I oddly feel embarrassed and humiliated when asked to bare my bottom. We all walk around naked in front of our wives without every giving it a second thought. There is something that brings back the embarrassment and humiliation of having to bend over and drop your pants and underwear. I don’t believe my wife consciously tries to humiliate or embarrass me in any way. I feel embarrassed when it’s time for my thrashing. I have a mixed emotions going on in my brain. I range from telling myself I need this thrashing because I screwed up; to telling myself this is stupid and silly at times. I think it brings me back to my youth. The disrespecting attitude shown towards my Mother would earn an immediate spanking. I remember the humiliation and hesitation of having to pull my pants and underwear down and bend over for a belting or paddling. My response of, I’m way too old for this or this is archaic. Truth be told, I wish my wife would spank, scold, and humble me more. We go through ups and downs with our DD. We are in another lull. After a month of her providing great DD and keeping me straight, life once again has thrown some curve balls. I was actually suppose to be thrashed on Friday but something came up. This weekend we will be busy with family obligations and then back to work. Also, I have yet to cry from a thrashing from my wife. I think in part this has to do with my build up. My macho alpha ego probably won’t allow it. I think I would have to have majorly screwed up, and the combination of scolding, humiliation, and down right disregard for my wife’s authority would have to align. I was fascinated by the DWC stories, but I also often wondered how many were slightly fabricated or embellished.

    1. "I have a mixed emotions going on in my brain. I range from telling myself I need this thrashing because I screwed up; to telling myself this is stupid and silly at times." I certainly get that, and in my case the latter is magnified by the time I put into the blog. There definitely are times I wonder whether I devote several hours a week to something that is silly or otherwise not really worthy of that kind of commitment. And, there definitely are times the whole thing seems kind of silly. Yet, I do think it keeps my behavior within some rational boundaries and that that wasn't always the case before DD. I think it's also given Anne more confidence and control. It's balanced things out in a way that definitely was not the case before we tried DD.

      Regarding my failure to cry, I think for me it would take something like ZM has described, where his wife basically let him know at the beginning of a spanking that it wouldn't end until he cried. I don't think it would be the pain from a prolonged spanking that might put me over the edge. Rather, it would be that she set the expectation that it would happen. It's very germane to this week's topic, because I think her setting the expectation would diminish some of the embarrassment/humiliation, which would be less ego-threatening and might allow for a real catharsis.

    2. When I would finally and fully surrender -- lie still on her lap, without saying anything, fully accepting my punishment as she continued to spank -- then I felt a sense of relief, acceptance, and love, and I could cry. She also felt emotional in those moments. Sometimes we would cry together as, with me still over her knee, she rubbed arnica gel on my wounds, or afterwards held me close in her arms.
      The intimacy was beyond words. Those are the moments I miss most.

    3. KOJ,
      "When I would finally and fully surrender -- lie still on her lap, without saying anything, fully accepting my punishment as she continued to spank -- then I felt a sense of relief, acceptance, and love, and I could cry." - This is an excellent insight, that complete surrender is the prerequisite to crying. Crying (at least in the DD context) is a physical response to an emotional event. I can't imagine my wife could spank me hard enough and long enough to cause me to be sobbing unless I first past through many verbal stages like grunting, yelling, screaming, and so on, which would of course never happen. But she has brought me to tears through this same emotional surrender process you described.


    4. The time you spend and commit IS worth it. If nothing else, it lets those of us who are sitting (or standing) with sore bottoms that we are not alone. There are others with the same needs, whatever our motivation.

    5. I echo Fred’s comments Dan.
      On the subject of crying, I would love to hear from anyone else that was told that the spanking wouldn’t finish until he cried… and then she followed through.

    6. Sorry Dan, that last was me

  7. I’m much aroused by being scolded or teased or both. The teasing is embarrassing and, taken to an extreme, also humiliating. It’s an odd word to accept - that is, who really wants to be humiliated? But I’ve decided to embrace it because the idea of my wife punishing me in front of a roomful of tittering women is the ultimate fantasy for me.

  8. I have shared my thoughts on this topic earlier on this blog and I will try to avoid any unnecessary redundancy, I share with Dan and several others a strong distinction between “humiliation” and being “humbled. For me, the former has no role in my relationship, while the latter can be a positive in our DD relationship and a way to make discipline much more effective and efficient.

    Humiliation, to me, is a degrading, belittling, ego-shattering, destructive experience full of negative emotions and consequences. It has no role in a loving female-led relationship. But I have experienced it outside my DD relationship both as an adolescent and an adult, and the difference between it and the humbling my wife imposes on me is the difference between night and day.

    Being humbled by her (using various techniques often discussed on this blog like scorching lectures, having my pants taken down, standing in front of her on command, etc.) is so vastly different for two main reasons; who does it and what its purpose is.
    My humbling (almost always accompanying serious punishment) is carried out by a loving, if firm, partner with whom I am in a consensual disciplinary relationship and who doesn’t want to degrade me or do any kind of permanent physical or emotional harm.

    She humbles me because she knows I need to let loose of my ego and resistance to her control. She also knows it is often necessary to strip off my multiple levels of defense and male arrogance before she can properly discipline me. My ego gets in the way and humbling me is the way to allow me to drop the ego defenses I reflexively put up against her authority and control.

    Humbling me is the psychological equivalent of physically stripping me -in both cases opening me to her control and discipline (which, of course, I really want and need)
    To sum up, my feelings, humiliation, and humbling are almost diametrically opposed; one is negative, the other positive; one is invariable destructive, the other ultimately constructive.

    1. I don't share Alan's belief that humiliation is always bad and diametrically opposed to humbling, and I hope this week's discussion does not devolve into a debate about definitions, because that is not the question I asked at all. Whether you want to call it humbling, humiliating, embarrassing or some combination, the question is whether your wife's actions and your feeling of being (humbled, humiliated, embarrassed) play a significant role in your DD, and if so, how you analyze it.

    2. Alan, I admit I don't get the desire some have for humiliation. I recall that our former commenter Danielle's husband had a thing for "small penis humiliation," which seems to be a thing for some men. I usually can at least understand in some way the attraction to a fetish even if it's not an attraction I share. But, I react so negatively to any effort to belittle or degrade me that, on some level, desiring being treated like that just doesn't compute for me.

      "She also knows it is often necessary to strip off my multiple levels of defense and male arrogance before she can properly discipline me. My ego gets in the way and humbling me is the way to allow me to drop the ego defenses I reflexively put up against her authority and control." For me, the sequence is almost the opposite. Because my ego is so strong and because I do have such an aversion to being belittled, a strong scolding can raise my hackles and bring all those defense mechanisms to the fore, making it harder for me to accept the physical correction. But, the message behind the scolding seems to work its way into my psyche over time.

    3. Words are contextual to those that use them—and the context of humbled lies at the other end of the spectrum for me from the word humiliated. If you consult almost any dictionary, you can confirm that for yourself.

      If you want to describe or discuss your experiences as “humiliation,” have at it. They are your experiences, and you are the expert on them.

      As far as the role that humbling plays in our DD, I think I addressed that directly.

    4. Alan,
      Another dictionary perspective is that humble and humiliate both come from the same Latin root word, humilis, which means "low."

    5. I have been away from the blog a few weeks due to outside forces and was actually super pleased to see the topic for this week, but now I kind of wish I had stayed away another week or two. I hate when things devolve into discussions of semantics, even though I realize semantics are very important. And even more than that, I hate when people start making value judgments for other people.

      Having said that, perhaps there is some common ground that can be found? Maybe we can all agree that there are different levels of "humiliation" ranging from mild embarrassment to as Alan described: "degrading, belittling, ego-shattering, destructive experience full of negative emotions and consequences." For me, probably it would go something like this... Embarrassment feels like it is at the mild end of the spectrum, even though people say "I almost died of embarrassment." Embarrassment can be and often is self-caused, and is frequently tied to our actions. Humbling or humbled seems a step further than embarrassment, because it indicates a downward change in status - even if temporary. Also, humbling seems to be a bit more intentional, whether I humble someone else or I humble myself. "Humiliation" is probably the trickiest word of them all, because all at once it feels like a stronger form of embarrassment, yet also quite clearly can be an overarching term that describes the whole spectrum, since everything from mild embarrassment to deep degradation can be considered a form of humiliation. And at the far end of the spectrum are degradation and debasement, which actually lower the value of the person. This is my view of the semantics, and your mileage may vary!

      If we agree that there is a spectrum, then probably all of us would also agree - as would most any reasonable person - that anything that results in permanent psychological scarring would be just as unsuitable in a loving relationship as would be things that result in permanent physical scarring. So things that lower the value of someone are obviously not ok to be part of a loving relationship, and for that matter are not ok in any other context as well.

      So maybe we can all can stipulate that the "humiliation" we are talking about here is not anything at the bad end of the scale?

      As I think about humiliation, it seems to me that it is more dependent on the person who is being humiliated than about what is actually being said or done. So, what might be perceived by one person as minor embarrassment, or perhaps even sexually titillating for some, might be a huge thing for someone else that leaves them emotionally wounded. Consequently, humiliation in any form is dangerous unless both people involved understand the other person and their motivations, and both are at least somewhat willing participants.


    6. "I hate when things devolve into discussions of semantics, even though I realize semantics are very important. And even more than that, I hate when people start making value judgments for other people." We do have a proclivity for needing to assign everything to its proper little box, don't we?

      I do agree that, in the end, it's probably all just a spectrum. To the extent there's any objective meaning to the words at all, which I'm not sure there is. When you look at KOJ and Alan's respective use of the word "humiliate," it seems clear they simply don't assign the same meaning to the word.

      An interesting thing about humbling is it theoretically doesn't have to entail any negative emotional reaction. You could be humbled simply by encountering something that causes you to recognize your own limitations. I had that happen at work a few times, where something happened that caused me doubt the certitude of my own judgment but in a situation that wasn't really embarrassing.

      But, that's really not the kind of humbling at issue with DD. And, it's interesting to me how there is an interplay between the DD and the embarrassment inherent in the underlying offense. I had another one of those instances of leaving the damn front door unlocked, which Anne seems very determined to root out. Honestly, the first several times it happened, I didn't feel embarrassed about leaving the door unlocked or the spanking. Now that I've found myself over her knee several times for this same thing, and now that I have yet another one coming, I am starting to feel some actual embarrassment, not at being spanked but at the fact that it's happening again because I can't seem to focus enough on this one stupid, simple thing to keep it from happening again.

    7. ZM, you have said almost exactly what I was planning to say about the semantics of humbling, humiliation, embarrassing, and degrading. The psychological states denoted by all those words overlap, but they have distinct connotations. “Humbling” has a positive connotation of bringing an overly proud person down a peg. “Humiliation” has a negative connotation of shaming a person in a way that damages self esteem. Bullies don’t “humble” their victims, they “humiliate” them. “Embarrassing” is close to “humiliating”, but it is a value neutral word and generally implies a less uncomfortable emotional state. For example, if I say something dumb which makes friends chuckle, that is embarrassing, not humiliating.

      Whether we experience something as embarrassing, humbling, or humiliating is subjective. I might feel embarrassed about something that has no effect on someone else. And something that is humbling in a positive way to a proud person with a robust ego might feel crushingly humiliating to a person already suffering from low self esteem. I think most people would agree that it’s embarrassing to be spanked. I found it embarrassing as a child, and I find it embarrassing as an adult. It is also humbling almost by definition for a man to submit to discipline by his wife because that requires him to let go of his male pride. I think we all see that as a the main value of DD. Under certain circumstances, like being spanked in front of or within hearing of witnesses, I would find it humiliating, “embarrassing” having too mild a connotation. However, I have a complicated attitude to humiliation. I recognize the negative connotation of the word as Alan used it, but I have masochistic fantasies in which I experience humiliation as erotic. I see “degradation” as a step beyond humiliation, and I have no stomach for it. I would define “degradation” as a dehumanizing level of humiliation, like being treated as an animal or a piece of furniture or worse. I realize that some people who are into heavy duty BDSM get turned on by degradation, but I don’t see it as relevant to the kind of DD Dan’s blog seeks to explore.

    8. "Bullies don’t “humble” their victims, they “humiliate” them. “Embarrassing” is close to “humiliating”, but it is a value neutral word and generally implies a less uncomfortable emotional state. For example, if I say something dumb which makes friends chuckle, that is embarrassing, not humiliating."

      I like those distinctions.

    9. KOJ said,” Another dictionary perspective is that humble and humiliate both come from the same Latin root word, humilis, which means "low."
      Tons of words drive from the same Latin or Greek root but have very different meanings, as do humble and humiliate.
      You may be thinking more of cognates which are ( English) words with similar meanings derived from another language. Bruder in German and Brother in English are examples.


    10. GH,
      The above is an excellent and thoughtful discussion of the semantic and linguistic differences and similarities among humiliation, humility, degradation, etc. This discussion has been very valuable to me, partly because I now realize that some in DD relationships do experience an erotic component from “humiliation.”

      That is as valid for them as being humbled is for me. I think however, humiliation must be handled expertly in a loving relationship if it is not to do permanent harm to the recipient and the relationship.

      Maybe some humiliations are more accurately understood as complex kinks. I am thinking about things like “small penis” humiliation or similar put-downs. If a male is already concerned about their sexual prowess or the size of his penis (neither of which in reality has much influence on the other), he is really looking for some sort of catharsis of that anxiety. Maybe a partner pretending or actualizing making fun of his endowment crystalizes those feelings.

      My point is that if humiliation doesn’t bring permanent damage, it’s almost literately no harm, no foul. Otherwise, I remain skeptical of how healthy it can be,

    11. Alan, I think you are right that humiliation is a complex kink and that it could be damaging to a relationship if it is not handled carefully, based on clear communication. I am turned on by certain forms of humiliation, but I have hard limits. I have discussed my masochistic needs with a psychotherapist in an effort to better understand myself. I believe the kind of humiliation I felt when I was spanked as a child, with insufficient consideration of my developing sense of modesty, was emotionally damaging. But I eroticized humiliation in my fantasies. I believe that eroticization is a psychological defence mechanism, and I think being scolded and spanked by my wife is indeed a kind of catharsis as you put it. The way my wife handles DD feels emasculating sometimes, to be honest, and that is humiliating. For example, she might call me a “naughty boy” or warn me to be “a good boy.” That feels emasculating because it strips me of adult status while she is in a disciplinary mind set. In that sense, my spanking kink isn’t so dissimilar to small penis humiliation. Now, if I see a femdom video in which the woman berates a submissive man as stupid or useless or worthless, or anything something like that, I get triggered in a bad way. “Triggered” in the sense that it revives deep anxieties about my self worth that I felt as an overly sensitive kid who was disciplined too harshly. I am lucky that, in her practice of DD/FLR, my wife is able to humiliate” and “humble” me in a way turns me on without making me feel degraded.

    12. KQJ. To try and give you a straight answer to your question, no, I don’t feel humbled, humiliated or anything along those lines. Being naked over my wife’s knee with her being fully dressed is what she calls putting my world straight - a reset, and it is beneficial for both of us. TG

    13. TG, that's close to my dynamic. There are things that are humbling in our DD relationship, but it's more around scolding, lecturing, etc., and as I said in one of the other comments, I'm finding it more and more humbling that certain behavior hasn't been corrected and that I keep getting spanked for the same thing. But, I don't find the process of getting spanked (getting naked, waiting for it to start, going over her knee, etc.) to be inherently humbling or humiliating.

    14. .”But, I don't find the process of getting spanked (getting naked, waiting for it to start, going over her knee, etc.) to be inherently humbling or humiliating.”

      I find that fascinating because I can’t imagine not feeling humiliated by the process of getting spanked. I don’t have any doubt that some people don’t find it embarrassing to be spanked, but I just can’t imagine not feeling what I feel. GH

  9. Like T, I felt extremely embarrassed when ordered to lower my pants for a spanking, even though my wife had seen me naked many times. It's the whole punishment ritual she established: she sends me to get the implement; I hand it to her; she is seated, implement in hand, with me standing in front of her; she orders me to lower my pants; she scolds me while I am bare below the waist and she is fully dressed; she forces me to make eye contact; she asks embarrassing questions such as, "Why are you back in this position with your pants down?"; she makes me answer those questions; she orders me over her knee.
    This ritual was humbling plus embarrassing, which to me equals humiliating. It was not a turn-on in any way. As I have related, I experienced "shrinkage," to use the Seinfeld term. I did not fantasize about this before or after. I found it as difficult to go through as the spanking itself!
    And that meant it was incredibly effective. I knew I had disappointed her, I knew I could have and should have done better, and I was already committed to improving my behavior before the first swat fell! I am not saying I didn't need to be spanked, but I am saying that the humiliation impacted me about as much as the physical pain.
    There is nothing BDSM about this because I was getting nothing sexual from it. Maybe others do. I have no humiliation kink. But I do see it as an inregral part of my wife's maternal authority. I was probably spanked more than 500 times by my wife over more than 20 years. I felt extremely embarrassed every single time I stood in front of her with my pants down being scolded before a spanking. Now I believe that was a big part of the DD effectiveness.

    1. It sounds like your frequency may have been quite a bit more than ours. One of the spanking blogs I follow recently had a topic asking readers to estimate how many adult spanking experiences they had. My very rough guess was in the low 200s, based on an average of a spanking a month for 19 years. There have been times it has been much more frequent. For example, I had two last week and was supposed to get another last night. But, there also have been times when multiple months would pass without one. The low 200s is probably too conservative, but not by a lot.

    2. I never went a month without a spanking. Often it was 2-3 per month, sometimes much more depending on my behavior. She was incredibly consistent. Once she had trained a particular behavior, she moved on to a new one. I once asked her if it would ever end. "Why do you ask?" she asked me. "Do you think you're perfect?"
      "Of course not," I said.
      She replied, "Well, then, there's your answer."
      I adored her.

    3. My spankings are also much less frequent than were those KOJ got from his wife. Like KOJ, T, and probably others, I find the whole punishment ritual embarrassing, and probably a big part of that is because I am being treated like a child and know that I deserve it for doing something that I am now embarrassed for doing.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Dan,
    Great topic, even if slightly controversial!

    "How about you? What role does humiliation or severe embarrassment play in your DD relationship?" - Until now, most of the humiliation or embarrassment I have felt has been due to the humiliation implicit in the punishment process, with the only exceptions being her telling a few others that she spanks me and the one time that her friend was within earshot of me being spanked and having full knowledge that it was going on.

    "Does it play a positive role in bringing about behavioral change or enabling your wife to hold you accountable?"- I would say it is definitely positive, since for me, the feeling of embarrassment that I feel when she punishes me is even more of a deterrent than the physical pain, which is strange because I don't like the physical pain either. But I think it is more the embarrassment/humiliation that causes me to try to talk my way out of spankings than it is fear or dread of the physical pain. I like being right all the time, and don't like being called out for things.

    "To what extent is that positive role separate and apart from whatever disciplinary benefits you get from a spanking?" - I wouldn't say it is "separate and apart" at all for me. Whatever embarrassment/humiliation I feel only enhances the disciplinary benefits I get from a spanking. In fact, I think that that humiliation is the ultimate punishment enhancement. If she punishes my ego, she can accomplish a lot more than she ever could just by punishing my bottom. Not only that, but also for me this humbling/humiliation is a critical part of the whole punishment process because without it, I would never be able to accept punishment or learn from it. As long as I can continue to be all high and mighty, it is safe to say that she isn't punishing or disciplining me at all!

    "Does your partner do things that are deliberately designed to humiliate or embarrass you? Are any of those separate and apart from the spanking itself?" - So far, the only things I can think of are lecturing/scolding and corner time - both of which happen before and during the spanking itself - and telling others about our DD and having an "auditory witness" the one time. She has also done other things like pegging a few times, however that was all in a "play" context so it wasn't humiliating or embarrassing, but I think many of these things would be humbling/humiliating if done in the context of an actual punishment.

    "How do you feel about that at the time? How do you feel about it in retrospect?" - that depends. Scolding I don't like at all at the time, and even in retrospect it is probably the part I like least about DD. At the same time, it is also something that I want her to be much more stern and verbally forceful about. Perhaps it is specifically because I don't like it at all or get any sort of sexual kick from it that I crave it, since it then makes the whole experience so real? Anything that involves other people carries with it a certain amount of titillation for me, which makes it appealing as I think about it now. However, considering how much I hate being embarrassed, I am sure that if much ever does happen with it, it will be very difficult for me to endure at least at the time. I am not sure whether after that if it would prove to be the ultimate deterrent (i.e. something that I would do anything to avoid experiencing again) or whether it would be such a turn on in retrospect that I would hope it would happen again, or perhaps most likely some combination of both feelings that should never be able to coexist, yet somehow seem to define my DD relationship.

    "Does your wife consciously try to humiliate or embarrass you?" - Not much so far, as I have written about above, but I think that as she discovers the power of embarrassment/humbling/humiliation (taking no chances on choosing the wrong word!) she is likely to use more of it in the future.


    1. "As long as I can continue to be all high and mighty, it is safe to say that she isn't punishing or disciplining me at all!

      Very good point!

      "Scolding I don't like at all at the time, and even in retrospect it is probably the part I like least about DD. At the same time, it is also something that I want her to be much more stern and verbally forceful about. Perhaps it is specifically because I don't like it at all or get any sort of sexual kick from it that I crave it, since it then makes the whole experience so real?"

      For me, this is probably the most complicated part of our current DD. I have told Anne several times that, if she's comfortable with it, I'd like her to try being much more verbally stern and controlling. Yet, I know I won't like it at all in the moment. I don't know whether I ever craved a really hard scolding, but I do know that once I received one, I really hated it.

      This is hard to articulate, and probably beyond the scope of this particular topic, but over the last few months there has definitely been a change in the "reality" of our DD, resulting from her more frequent use of scolding and more consistency in punishment. It hasn't been the kind of dramatic, abrupt change that KOJ says happened when his wife retired, yet it's undeniably a much different vibe from even a year ago. It seems far more real, which honestly does make it less titillating, not more. But, there is some deeper feeling associated with the reality that goes beyond titillation. I feel like I'm coming to accept that she really is in control and that I really do need to cooperate with the process and really, finally improve in some areas, even though there is less and less titillation and erotic energy associated with it. It's very hard to articulate it, but it's very real.

    2. ZM, I am going to follow your lead and answer Dan’s questions point by point:

      What role does humiliation or severe embarrassment play in your DD relationship?
      For me, some level of embarrassment (not necessarily severe) is inseparable from DD, especially spanking. I found it embarrassing, even humiliating, to be spanked as a kid because spanking was never totally private. I had sisters who witnessed it, and they had girlfriends who would know about it. Our house was always the main hangout for neighbourhood kids, which augmented the embarrassment. In my mind embarrassment is as big a part of the punitive effect of spanking as physical pain is.

      Does it play a positive role in bringing about behavioral change or enabling your wife to hold you accountable?
      Yes. Spanking works because it hurts and it is embarrassing. I have always felt that increasing embarrassment was part of the reason for baring the bottom for spankings, but maybe my parents didn’t intend it that way. Who knows? I’m pretty sure my wife intends it that way.

      To what extent is that positive role separate and apart from whatever disciplinary benefits you get from a spanking?
      For me it is inseparable.

      Does your partner do things that are deliberately designed to humiliate or embarrass you? Are any of those separate and apart from the spanking itself?
      Yes, she scolds me. The point of scolding, as I experience it, is to shame me by making clear that the spanking isn’t an erotic game, but punishment for a real failing. My wife never spanks me without scolding, but she sometimes scolds me without spanking. I find it embarrassing to be scolded, so it is emotionally similar to spanking, but without the physical pain. I’m pretty sure that making me bare my bottom while she remains fully dressed is also calculated to increase my embarrassment.

      How do you feel about that at the time? 
      Although I have masochistic fantasies involving pain and embarrassment, I am like a normal person in the heat of the moment and find those things unpleasant. Like KOJ, I don’t get sexually aroused while I am being punished. I suppose that’s weird for a masochist.

      How do you feel about it in retrospect? 
      In retrospect it turns me on tremendously, and it deepens the sexual bond I feel to my wife.

      Does your wife consciously try to humiliate or embarrass you?
      Yes, I think she does to some extent. She certainly seems to enjoy scolding me. She will also ask rhetorical questions like, “Aren’t you ashamed that I have to spank you at your age?” And although the spanking is private, she sometimes says something like, “What would people say if they could see you now?” She says this when I am bent over with my bottom bared, and that touches on my fears and fantasies of public humiliation. I don’t know whether she is consciously manipulating my feelings when she does that, or is just saying what comes into her head during a spanking.

    3. GH,
      Your answers line up with mine perfectly!
      In my childhood, it also was well-known that I was spanked, and my two sisters (one older and one younger) were sometimes witnesses. They also liked to tease me about it and told their girlfriends, who would sometimes tease me as well. It was extremely enbarrassing, so I grew up with that connection between spanking and humiliation.
      One possible difference is that my mother kept my underpants up in the front, so that my genitals were not exposed to my sisters along with my bare bottom. I was grateful for that.
      My wife also sometimes scolded without spanking. It was somewhat humiliating, but not nearly as much as being scolded with my pants down prior to a spanking. This was the way that my wife went further than my mother, making sure I experienced the additional indignity of my genitals on display before her. This was intentionally embarrassing on her part. She knew that I felt completely humbled and incapable of anything but complete obedience. It was "bare the body, bare the soul."
      She and I both read the DWC web site and I believe followed many of its precepts. But I haven't looked at it in a long time. Now I wonder what Aunt Kay said about humiliation. Dud she encourage it? Did she draw the distinctions Alan is avid about? I am sure Dan will know.

    4. Dan,
      You wrote: "I feel like I'm coming to accept that she really is in control and that I really do need to cooperate with the process and really, finally improve in some areas." This seems like an incredibly positive development! It means your DD is real and inescapable. Improved behavior is the inevitable result.
      I realize how lucky I was that DD was not a kink for me that my wife had agreed to fulfill -- that behavior improvement was always our common goal. Until joining this blog I did not realize how seldom that was the initial DD goal of both husband and wife and instead the result of a process. My wife would not have kept spanking if it had not been improving my behavior in tangible ways. Kudos to the wives who have demonstrated patience in this area.

    5. KOJ, I don't know whether she exactly "encouraged" humiliation, but she didn't seem to shy away from it and suggests it is probably an inevitable by-product of treating someone behaving childishly with a punishment often used on children. This is the most direct statement I can find: "Always remember the key traits of establishing a dominant disciplinary relationship. When handling discipline issues be firm but fair, strict, demanding, aloof and unyielding. Don't be afraid to degrade and humiliate, and above all, when that bare bottom is turned upside down across your knee waiting for the paddle or hairbrush, don't disappoint him."

    6. "I realize how lucky I was that DD was not a kink for me that my wife had agreed to fulfill -- that behavior improvement was always our common goal. Until joining this blog I did not realize how seldom that was the initial DD goal of both."

      KOJ, the funny thing is, had you asked me at various points in our DD relationship, I would have said that even if there was an undeniable erotic energy at play, the main goal was (a) behavior improvement, and/or (b) rebalancing the power dynamic by giving her a way to have a stronger voice. What I'm feeling more now, however, is that to a big extent her taking firmer control, being more consistent--basically the elements so many fantasize about--make it feel *less* erotic, at least as it is happening, but undeniably more real. I always felt it was real before, but it's like taking it to a different level makes it even *more* real, but in the process does take some of the erotic energy out of it. Or, it's like the erotic energy isn't as broad and pervasive, but perhaps deeper and more meaningful? I'm not articulating it well, and I'm not sure I can without doing a whole confessional-type topic on it.

    7. KOJ wrote: … “Behavior improvement was always our common goal. Until joining this blog, I did not realize how seldom that was the initial DD goal of both husband and wife and instead the result of a process.”
      Using the eroticism that comes from disciplinary spanking to achieve behavior change was in fact our initial goal. Most of those behavior goals originally came from me (not all), but eventually, she began to use spanking for behavior changes more important to her. Today we think of them as “our goals.”

      I think KOJ is unusual in seeking behavior change from discipline without (at least initially) an erotic component. But I don’t think he is unusual in seeking behavioral change by giving his wife the authority to use discipline. Most of us do that in one fashion or another.

      And for most, as many earlier commenters have described, the eroticism of spanking and discipline becomes the driving motivator for behavioral change. Indeed most, if not all, of the women who have addressed this issue on the blog, describe how they eroticize discipline to bring about behavioral change in husbands or boyfriends


    8. Dan, Aunt Kay used strong language: “Don’t be afraid to degrade and humiliate…”. Wow! That’s strong stuff. I think my idea that Aunt Kay was a female supremacist was based on turns of phrase like that. I think what she meant by “degrade” was that a wife should use harsh discipline to strip her husband of dignity and to make him feel on a visceral level that he is not her equal but has lower status in the marriage. GH

    9. "I think KOJ is unusual in seeking behavior change from discipline without (at least initially) an erotic component."

      We were at least someone close to KOJ's dynamic in terms of the goals. Based on her assessment of our short flirtation with play-acted erotic spankings, she had zero desire to do anything that might actually reinforce bad behavior. So, for her the initial selling point of the DWC is that the spankings were *not* supposed to be erotic and were intended to be real punishment. There definitely wasn't a meeting of the minds that eroticism would be the driver for behavioral change. As I said, for her, it was almost the opposite.

      For me, it was more complicated. I actually shared her focus on the behavioral change and accepted that the spankings she would deliver were not intended to be erotic. So, I shared that with KOJ. Where I think he and I differed was that the whole DWC concept definitely did stir a deep erotic reaction from the start. But, for me that was more like a side-effect, a goal or even really an identified means. I don't think it was until two or three years ago, when ZM articulated that for him the eroticism was what ensured that the discipline part would actually happen, that I really connected the two in that way. And, I said in a response to KOJ, right now I feel like DD is becoming both less expressly erotic (for me) and more real, in tandem. Interestingly, I see some signs that for Anne it is becoming more erotic, which was kind of KOJ's wife's trajectory.

    10. GH said: "I think what she meant by “degrade” was that a wife should use harsh discipline to strip her husband of dignity and to make him feel on a visceral level that he is not her equal but has lower status in the marriage."

      No, based on direct communications I've had with her husband about how he felt in the marriage, I think he would strongly disagree with that. He is very adamant that he never felt she lowered his status in the marriage and definitely did not degrade him as a person. Quite the opposite -- he has said many times that she built him up at a time that he desperately needed it.

    11. Dan,
      I think there is an inverse correlation between the eroticism of DD and its "realness," at least for the spanked husband. Since I didn't fantasize about being spanked or find it erotic, it was darn real punishment!! It sounds like that is happening for you, too.
      I think the spanked husband is more likely to focus on changing his behavior when there is nothing erotic about the punishment.
      For the spanking wife it is quite different, however. She is asserting power to change her husband's behavior. If she begins to find that power erotic, that does not change the impact on her husband's behavior (as long as she doesn't start spanking him just to get an erotic hit). She can spank him for behavior improvement and get the side benefit of enjoying her power -- physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.

    12. KOJ, the feeling of it seeming less erotic as it gets more "real" seems to equate to how some men describe a post-orgasm spanking.

    13. Alan and KOJ, agreed, a wife should feel at liberty to give her husband DD spankings, even if that means she gets erotic pleasure from it.

      Dan, I agree, DD should be focused on building the husband up (i.e. improvement), or more specifically, breaking him down and building him up higher again.


    14. “No, based on direct communications I've had with her husband about how he felt in the marriage, I think he would strongly disagree with that. He is very adamant that he never felt she lowered his status in the marriage and definitely did not degrade him as a person. Quite the opposite -- he has said many times that she built him up at a time that he desperately needed it.”

      I guess that shows why discussions of semantics are important. If that’s not what Aunt Kay meant, “degrade” was poor choice of words. GH

    15. The context of her comment was all about a disciplinary session, not about degrading the husband as a person. You projected that into some Femdom fantasy in which a "wife should use harsh discipline to strip her husband of dignity and to make him feel on a visceral level that he is not her equal but has lower status in the marriage."

    16. “I think the spanked husband is more likely to focus on changing his behavior when there is nothing erotic about the punishment.”
      If that was true, spanking would be an ineffective form of discipline for most guys who ask for DD.

    17. J; "Dan, I agree, DD should be focused on building the husband up (i.e. improvement), or more specifically, breaking him down and building him up higher again."

      Kind of "DD as Marine Corps basic training," right? :-)

    18. Dan, although I have femdom fantasies, I don’t think I am projecting anything onto that word. The standard definition of “degrade” is “to treat or regard someone with contempt or disrespect.” It is a strong word with extremely negative connotations, as when people describe some porn as “degrading to women.” Now, you may be right that the context in which she used the word shows that it doesn’t convey the meaning she intended. Your preferred word is “humbled” for good reason. GH

    19. Dan, I think there is definitely some merit to the comparison. In both cases, it is a case of a man enduring pain (and, I suppose, toughening up in the process) to bring about greater self-discipline for the sake of a greater reward later on.


    20. Dan,
      I never had a post-orgasm spanking, but to me that is clearly linking DD to eroticism, just not in the order the husband might prefer. That doesn't convey the realness I am talking about. I mean more when the husband shockingly realizes: "I used to think this was a kinky turn-on, at least afterwards, but now I don't get turned on at all and I truly am under her power to impart pain whenever and however she chooses!"

    21. KOJ, I'll disagree with you on that one. Yeah, it does involve someone having an orgasm, but for the express purpose of draining all that erotic energy immediately prior to a spanking. And, I've never once heard even the most fetish-oriented among us say that the post-orgasm spanking is anything they have any interest in repeating.

      But, I do get the distinction you are making. My point was that as her power and authority become more real and you start getting spanked more and more for things that aren't necessarily your chosen issues, or spanked more often than you envisioned, or at times when you're "not in the mood"--basically, the less it's playing to your erotic fantasies and, instead, is more and more a function of her priorities and not yours--it can drain it of the erotic energy that made the spankings themselves more tolerable. For me (and I am very deliberately speaking only for myself on this), her amping things up is making the overall experience less erotic, not more so. But, paradoxically, there is a kind of deeper, more substantial feeling in play, realizing that you really are no longer in control in the way you once were. I've written posts before about the concept of "surrender," and I think that's kind of what I am experiencing, on the relationship level as opposed to the individual punishment level. Does that make sense?

    22. Yes, Dan, it makes great sense -- and it is a great thing for your marriage in my opinion. I first had to experience surrendering during a specific spanking many times before I realized I had completely surrendered to her maternal authority. It was at that point that we became much closer and realized our marriage was truly fulfilling both of our needs.

    23. And it was just what you said, Dan. Maternal authority meant to us that it was her agenda, not mine, her timing, not mine, her choices, not mine. Her goals for me became my goals for me because I was truly under her authority.

    24. "Maternal authority meant to us that it was her agenda, not mine, her timing, not mine, her choices, not mine."

      Yes, that's exactly it. And, isn't that a perfect summation of *real* maternal authority? A mother sets the goals and, as you say, the agenda. She isn't merely responding to a son's "Hey mom, here are the things I'd really like you to help me work on . . ." In fact, there's a pretty good chance that what she thinks he needs to work on conflicts with his own agenda.

    25. agenda, not mine, her timing, not mine, her choices, not mine."

      This Is the best succinct description of what happens as a DD relationship evolves and matures. Apparently, for KOJ, it started that way, but for us, it actually started along the line Aunt Kay suggested, with more of the agenda mine. But that definitely change as she gain experience and confidence. The agenda becomes more and more hers or really shared.

    26. I note what KOJ said about the pants only being pulled down at the back, not the front as well. This is what I tend to do when receiving a fully clothed spanking. Do people have any thoughts on this narrow issue? Do they agree or disagree with what KOJ said about this increasing or decreasing humiliation? And do people feel any other effects besides humiliation?


    27. J, for some reason, I find it more embarrassing to be spanked fully clothed, with just my bottom bared, than I would to be completely naked. I think the reason for that is that having just my bottom bared reminds me of the way I was spanked as a child, so it feels kind of infantalizing. I think that if my wife ordered me to get completely naked for spankings, it will feel more like a sex act than a disciplinary spanking to me. But I understand that many other guys don’t feel that way.

  12. Where are you guys located? My wife and I would love a real-life get together with similar minded people. We are in New England.

    Best wishes to all

  13. There is a great FM spanking blog at : which unfortunately has not been updated for years but still has some wonderful high quality FM Spanking art and stories.
    The name struck me as being appropriate as Underling means 'of lower status' and Humbling means 'lower importance'.
    When a wife summons a Husband to strip for a spanking she is symbolically , and temporarily , reducing his importance / status while elevating hers.
    One of my favourite 'Undie' stories is 'Sore Losers' about a pair of husband whose arguing ruins a couple scrabble game and end up getting spanked.
    There are many others to enjoy.

    1. It really is too bad the artist stopped updating that blog with new art.

  14. I am going to follow the excellent example set by ZM and try to reply to Dan’s six topic questions systematically:
    1. "How about you? What role does humiliation or severe embarrassment play in your DD relationship?"
    Embarrassing or humbling me is a vital part of effective discipline. It prepares me to accept punishment and endure it while creating the mindset that makes me open to my wife’s words and wishes. It can be transformative if I am required to switch from an aggressive aloha role to a submissive husband receiving a just punishment.
    "Does it play a positive role in bringing about behavioral change or enabling your wife to hold you accountable”?
    Yes, I believe if behavior change is the object of the spanking, being humbled before deepens the lesson by making me conscious of my vulnerability and guile.
    3. "To what extent is that positive role separate and apart from whatever disciplinary benefits you get from a spanking?"
    I am not sure how to answer that beyond what I have said. It certainly makes the spanking more real and memorable and probably means whatever effects come from the spanking, they will last longer.

    "Does your partner do things that are deliberately designed to humiliate or embarrass you? Are any of those separate and apart from the spanking itself?"
    Absolutely and this has been part of our DD from the beginning. I brought with me several ritualistic embarrassments that put me under control, and she added a few from her own experience. She uses embarrassment strategically as a means to an end rather than an end in itself ( that might border on what I think of as humiliation)
    I would say that they are all separate and apart from the spanking, with the exception of continuing the scolding while spanking and occasional anal discipline.

    "How do you feel about that at the time? How do you feel about it in retrospect?"
    At the time, my focus is on what is happening. My feelings are of moving through something I both want and fear and not having much control over it. In retrospect, what happened, as my mind recreates, it can fuel intense sexual fantasy.
    "Does your wife consciously try to humiliate or embarrass you?"
    Yes, in the sense that we have discussed, and she has learned what works to make a spanking successful and fulfilling for both of us –mainly using the techniques mentioned above.

    1. "She uses embarrassment strategically as a means to an end rather than an end in itself ( that might border on what I think of as humiliation).

      I think that is a key distinction.

    2. Alan, if you don’t mind my asking, what sort of “ritualistic embarrassments” does your wife use in addition to spanking? GH

    3. Hi GH,
      If using the word ritual suggested some sort of series of “actions performed regularly according to a prescribed order.” (Which is a common definition of ritual), then I probably should have used another word. (Although others have used ritual in connection with spanking similarly to the way I do)

      She mixes up a series of techniques and strategies, which usually prepare me mentally to be disciplined and reinforce the motivation to accept a spanking (cooperate with it) and the resolution to change the behavior or avoid the offense she is punishing me for. None of them are particularly exotic in the disciplinary spanking world, but they are things that put me under control or start that transition. I don’t think she uses any of them all the time or in any one order.

      1. Corner time (+_ 10 minutes) before a scolding or spanking is pretty common;
      2. decisively taking my pants down early or before discipline begins is another;
      3. smart hand cracks to the seat of my pants is one;
      4. grabbing my chin with her forefingers and forcing eye contact during a scolding is fairly frequent;
      5. she will slap my face when scolding me sometimes if she thinks I need it (but that is infrequent),
      6. emphasizing that I keep my bum thrust out during a spanking happens often.
      7. And there are other “rituals” that are verbal in nature, such as intense interrogations; asking me if I need a spanking; telling me I am very close to a spanking, and that sort of thing.

      Except for the crack to my bum over pants, all of that is done in private ( except for the rare occasion I am spanked in front of her sister)

    4. Quick Addendum: reading what I just wrote makes me realize I may have understated the importance of some verbal "rituals; such as " I own your ass";" I control that bum".; " Repeat back to me ( what I just said"; "NOW!" " Tell me why you are getting spanked" and so on, The verbal is a very important part of it.

    5. I have been offline, but thanks for answering my questions, Alan. One could quibble about the use of the word “ritual”, but I think the way you use it is pretty common.
      I think of spanking itself as a ritualistic expression of dominance and submission, which makes clear who “wears the pants” in the relationship. During a spanking my wife literally wears the pants, since my pants are taken down. Like your wife, my wife uses stock phrases and questions to emphasize her dominance. My wife also smacks the seat of my pants with her hand sometimes to remind me who’s the boss, and she’s not shy about doing that in public places. She has on occasion also grabbed my chin with her fingers to force eye contact during a scolding. That feels incredibly humbling. I find it interesting that different women, without comparing notes, will develop the same ritualistic methods of expressing their dominance.

    6. GH said: “She has occasionally also grabbed my chin with her fingers to force eye contact during a scolding. That feels incredibly humbling. I find it interesting that different women, without comparing notes, will develop the same ritualistic methods of expressing their dominance.”

      I think that is true and fascinating—almost as if it’s hard-wired in women who assume the disciplinarian role. It’s probably more likely that using the same methods comes from cues she has picked up from the culture or seeing it used by someone else.

      But I remember my former GF used the chin hold, and the first or second time she did, I asked her where she learned that. She said something like it just felt natural or “second nature” (which is an interesting term itself). Danielle, a woman who once commented frequently on this blog explained her use similarly. And my wife uses it but she is more likely to grab my ear.

      When you say “different women without comparing notes” are you citing actual experiences or just observing conversations and discussions on line?


    7. “When you say “different women without comparing notes” are you citing actual experiences or just observing conversations and discussions on line?”

      Alan, I’m not basing that on extensive experience. I’m thinking mainly of my wife. As far as I know, she doesn’t do any research, online or offline, about FLR or DD, and she has no interest in stories about spanking, female dominance, etc. So I find it interesting that she does certain things that your wife or the wives of other guys here do, without “comparing notes” with anyone. Now, I suppose I could be wrong about that. Maybe she has discussed FLR and DD with other women, or maybe she reads stuff online without my knowledge. But I don’t think so because…well, why would she hide that from me?

    8. GH,


      I do agree with your observation. I have been surprised how little my wife does on line such as reading the spanking blogs, commenting or other research. She has had the chance to compare notes with a limited number of others in to spanking but I doubt very much her style is anything but her own unique personality little influenced by anyone else. Did you ever consider what it would be like if our wives did compare notes?

    9. My wife was pretty avid about the Disciplinary Wives Club. She said just about everything else she saw was kink stuff written by men, and she wasn't interested. Plus, she said the DWC had all the advice she really needed. One of the main pieces of advice was something like "spank harder and longer and don't let marks stop you."

  15. Where is the main page to find Glenmore's art?

  16. You can also find some at my blog
    Dan has a link to it.

    1. Are you planning to put any more there?

    2. My patreon site has weekly updates.

  17. I think that humiliation is not the word most of us have been looking for. As it's clear from the multiple posts.
    I will say that a punishment spanking is far more effective for me when I am being properly scolded. I do find being scolded, embarrassing, especially if I have already been. Baird, and waiting for the spanking itself. Sometimes the scolding comes in between swats of the hairbrush or paddle. The swat will be an exclamation point being made in the lecture or scolding

  18. I tend to use all the words interchangeably. For me, DD is always about what's best for the spankee and the relationship. In that context (where I use those words), there is nothing inherently bad about any of them. In a different context, a context where the goal is not betterment and the motive is not love, they all denote a psychologically damaging thing.

    To not jar, I'll use the "humbling" word.

    The only reason I am into spanking at all is how humbling it is. Pain is just pain. I can suffer pain. Big deal. I'm in pain at the gym all the time. Or a bad period. Or a medical issue. But having my husband take me across his knee and spank me for being legit naughty? Very, very, humbling!

    1. In a different context, a context where the goal is not betterment and the motive is not love, they all denote a psychologically damaging thing." I think that's a great way to sum it up.

      "Pain is just pain. I can suffer pain. Big deal. I'm in pain at the gym all the time." True that. I walk around in pain from the gym all the time. In fact, in last week's post I talked about sometimes putting off a leg workout because I knew I had a spanking coming and didn't want to make the pain from the spanking worse. And, I do try to adjust my behavior to avoid getting spanked. But, I never worry about the pain from a leg day on its own, even though it often exceeds the residual effects from the spanking. So clearly, while both involve pain, one causes me to engage in avoidance behavior but the other does not. Both involve pain, but something more or different is clearly involved in DD spanking.

    2. For most, pain is a necessary consequence of DD.

      But it is not what we really seek, as much as it is the price we pay for what we do really seek: which is being in a relationship in which a woman we love exercises the authority to spank and discipline us within that loving relationship.

      Pain from a spanking can be agonizing and nearly insufferable. Yet the moment it is over, we know the price we have paid for what we have received was well worth it.

    3. Alan,
      The exercise of maternal authority from a woman I loved is definitely what I sought and needed. My self-control was weak so it was good to have it imposed.

  19. I haven't heard that one, but its apropos.

  20. Great discussion. As I've talked about here before, like Dan and other contributors, I see a distinction between humility (being humble) and humiliation. But then, what is humility to one might be humiliation to other - and then there is also the kink aspect to humiliation that appeals to some (not my cup of tea - but to each his own). I've never felt a sense of humiliation by my wife spanking me - although I often feel humbled as "she spanks my arrogance out of me" (one of her favorites phrases). I didn't feel feel humiliated by her sister seeing me spanked (a bit embarrassed initially perhaps) - but I probably would if she announced it at a family reunion (but probably less so than in years past).

    I might very well feel humiliated if she emulated KOJ's wife and spanked me within earshot of a group of my friends at a party. We've all seen memes/drawings about this (spanked at a party, etc) and perhaps read a story or two along those lines, but I can't imagine the embarrassment I would likely feel if such a thing really played out. As a spanko, I would be quite titillated to overhear such a spanking - but I also wonder what if would be like for a complete non-spanko to suddenly overhear a wife spanking her husband at a cocktail party. --al

    1. "As a spanko, I would be quite titillated to overhear such a spanking - but I also wonder what if would be like for a complete non-spanko to suddenly overhear a wife spanking her husband at a cocktail party."

      In the past, I was always intrigued (morbidly so) about what it would be like to have others overhear me getting spanked. But, as I talked about a couple of posts ago, I've recently come to realize that I too get titillated thinking about overhearing (or seeing) someone else get it. I've never thought of myself as a spanking voyeur, but apparently that drive has been hiding in there somewhere.

    2. wrote: “ I've recently come to realize that I, too get titillated thinking about overhearing (or seeing) someone else get it. I've never thought of myself as a spanking voyeur, but apparently, that drive has been hiding in there somewhere.”

      I think most of us have a little voyeur lurking inside, but if and when you experience it, that experience may change how you think about it. I had one experience witnessing the beginning of another male being spanked. It was the beginning because while initially very curious,

      I soon felt embarrassed for him and left the room and him to privacy shortly thereafter. I have often thought about that and wondered if I would have felt different if we both had been getting spanked together -and I think the reaction would have been totally different—much like bonding with him rather than removing myself.
      But being a “ third party,” as it were to the transaction was not the experience I expected


    3. Alan, I have no doubt you could be right that it wouldn't be what I expect, especially given my fairly extreme sensitivity to watching others being humiliated. I've been known to skip past portions of movies and TV shows that I've seen before when I know the upcoming scene involves someone being humiliated. I suspect that overhearing one would be less likely to draw that reaction than seeing one, but who knows.

      I'm sure you're right that getting spanked together would feel totally different, though whether that "totally different" would be in a positive sense probably would depend a lot on the context. If it's simply about getting spanked together for the sake of getting spanked together--like you get together with another DD couple and the paddles come out without any real infraction being addressed--I don't think it would do much for me. I think it would just feel like a game or a kink to me, and that doesn't really push my buttons. But, in the more unlikely event that it involved both of us being spanked for real offenses, that could change things a lot. Even more so if we were both being spanked for something we did together.

    4. "But, in the more unlikely event that it involved both of us being spanked for real offenses, that could change things a lot"

      A totally different dynamic

  21. Those are more good points.

    There is no question that “humbled” and “humiliated” are different words. But equally, there is no doubt that humbling to one person could be humiliating to another-and the converse: humiliation to one may only be humbling to another.

    It is hard to believe. Yes, most of us share a fetish. But we share that fetish differently.



    1. Alan, that sounds exactly correct to me. Concerning the topic this week, there is a spanking site called "Embarrassing and Fun" which has spanking art from Barbra O'Toole and others. I think the title of the blog resonates with our discussion about how it can be fun to be embarrassed. I love being embarrassed due to being ordered around or put in the corner. Anything that is a demonstration of her authority is a turn on for me, especially if she decides I need a spanking and I wasn't expecting it. It is also a turn on for me, knowing that she has told a few of her women friends that she spanks me.

    2. Norton wrote” I think the title of the blog resonates with our discussion about how it can be fun to be embarrassed. I love being embarrassed due to being ordered around or put in the corner.”

      I have a question: I agree that embarrassment is often a big part of a DD experience. But most of us probably don’t enjoy being embarrassed outside the spanking/discipline relationship we have with our wife or girlfriend. So what is it about the embarrassment that in vanilla life might make you blush or worse --but can give you a raging erection when it happens with your wife during discipline? What is going on there?

    3. Alan, it's a great question, but one to which I really don't have much of an answer. Personally, I don't think it's the embarrassment aspect of a disciplinary spanking that gives me (mostly used to give me -- it doesn't happen as much these days) a raging erection right before the spanking. But, it's definitely true that even scoldings, which I didn't like at the time, can be very arousing in retrospect. That's just not true of embarrassing situations from vanilla life.

    4. As I see it, embarrassment is like physical pain: it can be arousing in the context of DD, but there is nothing arousing about it in vanilla life, as Dan put it. GH

    5. But Why Arousing?

    6. Exactly. Embarrassment in real life outside of DD is awful. For me, the wonderful feeling of embarrassment around DD comes from submitting to your woman's authority over you, or have others knowing that they do. Once I was driving a little recklessly with my GF and two of her woman friends in the back seat. She made a vague comment, but didn't punish me for it. Later I told her that was a missed opportunity. It would have been a very embarrassing ride home for me if she said "As soon as we get home, you will be getting a spanking" in front of her 2 friends.
      Another time we were at a dinner party and I already had a couple beers. We have a rule about no cell phones on the table during dinner, and if I forget, I will get a spanking. I got my phone out without her permission to show some guests a video, and she said something like "Are you sure you want to do that?" which was quite embarrassing. Soon after we returned home, she gave me a hard paddling.
      I have encouraged her to demonstrate her authority over me, and always appreciate it when she does.

    7. “ But Why Arousing?”

      Alan, I don’t know the answer to that question. But I am like Norton. To me it just is arousing. I find the story of KOJ’s wife spanking him at the party incredibly arousing. I empathize with the extreme embarrassment KOJ must have felt, and there is a part of me that would hate to be in his shoes. At the same time, the thought of it arouses me. Because I’m a masochist maybe? But why am I a masochist? My own psychoanalytic explanation is that I dealt with the humiliation I felt when I was spanked as a kid by eroticizing it as a psychological defence mechanism. Then it just became an aspect of my sexuality. I don’t know whether that interpretation is correct, but that’s the most rational answer I can give to the question “why arousing?”.

    8. GH, I can relate to your concept of eroticizing spanking as a defense mechanism. My parents stuck me in a fundamentalist christian school from first to third grade. I was spanked numerous times in front of the class for asking questions, and after 3 years, they kicked me out. That experience led me to become not only a lifelong spanko, but a hardcore atheist as well. I never had the decency to let them know how truly grateful I am. Spanking has been a lifelong obsession for me, and is a core part of my sexuality. I never have an orgasm without thinking about it. My G/F understands this full well, and talks about spanking to get me excited. It works pretty well.

    9. Norton, I was never spanked in front of the class at school. Hand strapping was the usual form of corporal punishment where I lived. But I did witness a couple of other boys being spanked in front of the class by women teachers in primary school. I felt empathy for those boys because I felt I would have died of embarrassment if that happened to me. However, I had erotic fantasies about being those boys for years. Incidentally, I know I wasn’t the only kid in the class who had a sexual response to those witnessed spankings. In both cases, the excitement in the class was palpable, and expressions of amusement and excitement on the faces of some of the girls in the class played a big role in the development of my f/m spanking fantasies.
      You are lucky to have a girlfriend who understands your sexuality and is able and willing to give you what you need. GH

    10. Norton wrote, responding to GH:” I can relate to your concept of eroticizing spanking as a defense mechanism. My parents stuck me in a fundamentalist Christian school from first to third grade. I was spanked numerous times in front of the class for asking questions, and after 3 years, they kicked me out”

      That is a classic Freudian framework for looking at it. But it doesn’t preclude the possibility that you have/had a genetic predisposition to eroticize spanking activated by the experiences you had. It would be interesting to know how many of your classmates had an interest in spanking triggered by your experiences ( probably a few)AND how many did not ( probably most )

      I can track some of my own early interest in spanking to seeing or hearing ( the latter, I think) a girl spanked that I had a crush on.
      BTW, a prevalent, albeit controversial, the theory is that some female tops are produced by seeing boys spanked that they dislike or who have offended them in some way. So maybe your bad experiences paid off for someone.

  22. The kink community mantra: "Your kink is not my kink but your kink is ok".

  23. Corporal Punishment for us is mainly about rebalancing rather than any conscious humiliation and that (I believe) is how it should be. Yes, there is a sexual element for me but for my wife it is all about relationship balance, behavior management and re-centering of me. Her power to order and deliver a spanking that causes me real discomfort is a sort of safety valve in an otherwise imbalanced relationship. I am physically stronger, I earn the money (or used to), etc. She is more 'black & white and certainly has a stronger moral compass than I do. I can be argumentative, sarcastic, moody nd self indulgent. She will put up with it - for a while, often issue a warning and then uses her power (which I have committed never to resist) to order me 'upstairs', into position, scolding and spanking. I don't ever feel humiliated or belittled. I feel pain, some embarrassment (at the recognition of my poor behavior), regret and then release, gratitude, love & calmness after. TB

    1. TB, for us the goal from the beginning was very expressly about the kind of rebalancing you are talking about. But, for us, a systematic humbling of me was part of that. Our relationship had a lot of the dynamics you describe. My wife worked, but but I earned more money by far. My profession was more prestige-oriented than hers. Temperamentally, I'm a lot more argumentative, sarcastic and generally aggressive than her. It all added up to a very unbalanced relationship. DD did serve as a "safety valve" in the way you describe, but there was also a goal of it being more than that, with a longer-term rebalancing.

      I think in general it has had that result though, interestingly, perhaps not so much by humbling me as by empowering her.

    2. TB and Dan, I like the way you put the rebalancing of the relationship. I fall into that category with you both. I feel there is a sense of relief after a thrashing and a calmness in the relationship. It’s like a reset so to speak. I do feel more humbled and drawn to my wife wife. I would say I am more temperamental than my wife. She has never yelled or raised her voice in anger. She is calm, but when she has had enough, look out. She has a way of putting you in your place quickly when upset. We had another lull in our DD, but a switch went off a few days ago after a function. My sarcastic tone was unacceptable to her on an issue. She gave me that ”look”. I’m sitting on a very swollen bottom. She roasted it with the strap this morning. I promptly apologized throughout, but to no avail. She made sure I was punished.

    3. T,
      My wife also didn't put much stock in my apologies while I was being thrashed. She knew I was trying to get her to stop. She gave me what she believed I deserved, regardless of what I said. I came to respect that.

    4. Dan,
      I agree that wife empowerment is a crucial component of DD. My wife changed in many ways after she started spanking me. She became more assertive and outspoken. Her career took off. She came out of her shell, so to speak. She was happier, in our marriage and in life. I'm sure part of it was maturity that comes with age. But part of it was her paddling power over me.

    5. "We had another lull in our DD, but a switch went off a few days ago after a function. My sarcastic tone was unacceptable to her on an issue. She gave me that ”look”. I’m sitting on a very swollen bottom. She roasted it with the strap this morning. I promptly apologized throughout, but to no avail. She made sure I was punished."

      I get the sense that some of you may be a lot more vocal than me during spankings. While I grunt a lot and will exclaim "ow" and "oh" over and over, I really never talk or vocalize much. Perhaps that's one reason the tears have never come - because I haven't gotten through some preliminary steps, like vocalizing, pleading, promising, etc.

    6. "My wife changed in many ways after she started spanking me. She became more assertive and outspoken. Her career took off. She came out of her shell, so to speak." That's all definitely true for mine, other than the career part. She was in a very regimented profession where there wasn't a lot of upward movement.

    7. I am very vocal during a spanking. One reason is that vocalizing seems to help me to deal with the pain. But I also have this feeling that it would be disrespectful to my wife to be stoic. A possible third reason is that I experience a sort of age regression when I get spanked, so I probably respond more like a boy than a grown man. I don’t know whether this is a downside or an upside, but my wife doesn’t spank as harshly as most guys here seem to get spanked, and my vocalizations may make my wife more quickly satisfied that I have learned my lesson.

    8. For us, it goes along similar lines, though we don't regard it as "rebalancing". However, it is definitely about behaviour management and re-centring. Her discipline brings about behaviour improvement, even if it doesn't "equalise" things. We regard it as more like a "channel" for her to bring about character improvements to me. I am also bigger and stronger than her, as well as the breadwinner, but my buttocks are the padded area which I voluntarily expose to allow her to give me physical correction. Same as you, I feel pain, regret, release, gratitude, love, calmness etc following the spanking. As mentioned earlier, she breaks me down and builds me up again, making me a better leader.


  24. DD is a great way to balance power in a relationship where the imbalance is leaning toward the Husband , but when it goes the other way, giving the wife more power is a completely different dynamic that would be more FLR .
    In these cases it is possible for the wife to abuse that power which isn't good.

    1. Many men seem to crave the abuse of power from a woman. On tenterhooks. Not sure when she might go off on him. Running around ridiculously to please a woman who cannot be pleased by any acts of subservience. The only thing that would please her when she's in that mood is taking it out on his ass.

    2. Definitely true that neither sex is immune to abusing power.

    3. I can’t say I agree with Julie. I’ve never craved the abuse of power from a women. I’m supposed some men are. I think that is why it takes a special man to be in a full time FLR. I think if not careful, it could be wrought with abuse from the women. As I believe vice versa.

    4. You only need to look at the content of femdom porn to see that Julie is right that “many men crave the abuse of power from a woman”, at least in their fantasies. But, of course, fantasizing about something doesn’t mean one would want it in real life, except maybe as consensual role playing.

    5. Yes, exactly. Can't imagine how to build a sustained relationship on it.

    6. Julie, agreed, though I also admit I don't have much real insight into the psyches of the men and women who want that dynamic.

    7. Dan, I think one needs to distinguish between fantasizing about it and actually wanting it. I understand the fantasy. But actually wanting it is another matter. GH

    8. Agreed, though Julie's comment was about building an actual relationship on it, and my response referred to people who actually want it.

    9. Good point, Dan. I just have doubts that anyone would actually want it on a 24/7 basis. I think the “cruel mistress” fantasy is one that men pay professional dominatrixes to role play for them and wouldn’t be a viable relationship model.

  25. I was tied up yesterday and today isn't looking much better for working on a post. I may (or may not) get to one later in the week. The discussion here has been pretty muted lately anyway, so I suspect others are also out enjoying their summers.

  26. Sorry I am so late!

    There are several elements of my spankings that are embarrassing and/ or humbling. These are varied, depending on circumstances. I have to strip to my underwear and go through the house to find her,tell her I’m ready, ask her to spank me. Sometimes I’m told to just pull down my pants and underwear and stand in the corner or sit on my bed, thinking about why someone my age needs to be spanked in order to behave. Waiting that way is embarrassing!

    Ann always makes me look her in the eye and tell her why I’m about to be spanked. Again, embarrassing.

    For me, these embarrassing/ humbling elements are almost equally important as the pain. Taking my underwear off for amorous activity I’m anxious to get busy!! But to do it for a spanking, or to have Ann do it is embarrassing and I’m slow to do it, also knowing how much pain is coming once they’re down.

    These embarrassing things really relate, I think, to the shift that took place in maternal spankings about age 10. Before that it was all fear of the pain. After that it was about equal fear of pain and the embarrassment of baring myself and getting scolded after I was bare.

    1. I found my wife's spankings much more embarrassing than my mother's. Part of it was the pants-down scolding my wife gave me. Part of it was being an adult treated like a naughty little boy. Part of it was that I was never my mother's equal, but early in my marriage I was my wife's equal, and then she took the power away (with my consent).

    2. To be sure, a big factor is the idea that I’m pulling down my pants for a spanking at my age, the same punishment I received frequently as a child.

    3. "These embarrassing things really relate, I think, to the shift that took place in maternal spankings about age 10. Before that it was all fear of the pain. After that it was about equal fear of pain and the embarrassment of baring myself and getting scolded after I was bare." That seems very understandable, though I don't think I ever received a bare bottom spanking when I was that old or older.

    4. Unfortunately for me, mine increased from ages 12-14. My last from my mother was at 15. I wasn’t worse behaved, my parents got stricter.

      Today I was spanked twice. Ann has reduced the length of my spankings, but not how hard she spanks. It’s been almost 2 months since my last, both because of health and because of house guests. The two today were two she remembered I had coming. I have two on Wednesday for my first infraction in two months. My butt is sore, with more to come.

    5. I'm sorry to hear that. My Anne seems to have (finally) forgotten one still owed for an unlocked door about three weeks ago. She kept mentioning it, but maybe that one has finally slipped off her mind.

    6. I’m sitting in my recliner watching a movie and my butt really hurts!

    7. Sorry! Sounds like a warm 4th of July weekend for you!

    8. So, I'm a bit of a cyclist and try go out for exercise rides of 10-15 miles 3 or 4 times a week, along with the occasional longer weekend ride with a group or charity ride. It is not unusual for my butt to be a bit sore from a recent spanking while out bike riding (and bike riding itself can cause a bit of a sore bottom), but I do try to avoid riding immediately after a spanking for obvious reasons.

      But this morning - I got an early morning spanking that was due last night. She got involved in a tv show, then fell asleep, so I thought she might blow it off - but instead she spanked me soon after we got out out of bed this morning. And - I had a commitment to bike ride with my neighbor - starting about a half hour after the spanking. It was not a pleasant ride - my ass was incredibly sore on that skinny bike seat - and it really irritated the soreness from the spanking, which was still hot/tingling/throbbing from the spanking that I had just received. And, the additional irritation is still evident a couple of hours after ride. I literally put a pillow on my desk chair. --al

    9. I don't ride a lot, and that skinny seat leaves me very sore under the best of conditions. Can't imagine saddling up right after a hard spanking.

  27. We have agreed to a complete restart / reset of our DD relationship, partly driven by a difficult couple of years which we now seem to be coming out of, partly due to lack of consistency and partly due to an agreement that when DD is ‘live’ everything seems better between us. Step one was a reset session a couple of days ago, not the hardest but definitely a change in attitude. Step two is her re-reading some key parts of the DWC lore which has boosted her confidence and step three is a commitment on me to write a daily journal, owning up to any issues.

    The reset happened in a hotel - normally a complete ‘no-go’ for my wife, and a hotel in a resort where the density of guests is in inverse proportion to the density of the sound proofing! I know people must have heard as she improvised with my leather belt. I felt / feel embarrassed & humbled some of the time but not bothered other times.

    I am keen to here recommendations for implements for use in such circumstances as it feels like it may be a regular occurrence….TB

    1. Congratulations on the reset. We've sometimes gone through months-long lulls when DD wasn't much of a thing for us, and I think it's undeniable that things just don't work as well between us during those periods.

  28. Turn the TV on as loud as is comfortable, and run the shower simultaneously, administering the spanking close to at least one of these. A cane is probably best for sound with the strap a second choice.

    1. Good advice. When a quiet spanking is required, my wife uses a short, thin cane that the DWC sold under the name the "DWC Mini-Cane". It always gets packed in our suitcase when we are traveling. We call it "the switch" because it replaced using the real switches that she used at first as they kept breaking, and had a limited life span. Although, now and then, just for effect, she still has me
      "go and cut her a switch" to use on me. --al

    2. I’ve had a few motel spankings. We rely on a nasty braided belt that looks normal, but the braids really tear up my bottom! With the tv on and my face in a pillow it’s pretty quiet.

    3. I’ve had a few motel spankings as well. I remember one time we were at a hotel and I received an erotic spanking, with a prelude to a wonderful lust filled night of debauchery. My wife opened the door to go get coffee in the morning and simultaneously the couple next door was leaving. The wife was toting her Bible, with her husband in tow. She looked at my wife and said “you are shameless”. My wife told me she gave the husband a wink and sauntered down the hallway to get coffee. The wife said let’s go Howard and pick your jaw up off the ground. To this day, we both get quite the chuckle out of that story. I think the wife thought she was getting spanked. That wife clearly wore the pants. We couldn’t stop laughing about it the entire day. Of course, we were much younger then.

  29. I don't get too hung up on the words used. Humiliation is more or less the feeling, but it's narrowly confined to within a situation I desire. Humbling is maybe the best word for the longer term feeling but, in the moment, it's the sting of the embarrassment that is even more compelling than the physical pain. What keeps the emotional pain on the safe side from degradation is that there is nothing damaging about it. There's no loss of respect in either direction.

    Being humbled by a strict disciplinarian acting in a parental way is an intense experience that should leave a warm memory to pick at like an old wound, but nothing debilitating. As difficult as it is to bear, it's a good kind of pain. She enjoys causing and seeing evidence of my feelings, but there is no malicious intent on her part. She understands the positive nature, and for it to work for me, she must be into spanking for discipline herself in order to have that understanding. I don't want her doing it only to please me, or doing it only because it allows her to dominate and get her way. Without the enjoyment aspect, I don't believe a woman even knows what I want or what triggers my desire for spanking and related dynamics. If she is also into being disciplined, that would work fine for me.

    1. Brett, I find your ideal compelling, but reality rarely matches ideals, so we muddle through, making the best of whatever hands we have been dealt. My wife is not a spankophile like me, but she does like being the boss, and she knows that spanking me is a useful tool to that end. But I have often thought that the ideal spanker would be one who not only enjoys giving spankings, but shares the desire to be on the receiving end as well. If my wife was a spanko like me, and she wanted me to discipline her sometimes, it would give me erotic pleasure to do that for her because my own experience as a “bottom” would help me to understand her needs. I was befriended online some years ago by a woman who was a professional disciplinarian, and she told me the reason she enjoyed giving spankings professionally, and was good at it, was that she liked to be on the receiving end non-professionally.

    2. GH, my wife enjoys being spanked for fun, but is not interested in it from a disciplinary perspective. We have played at discipline, but it lacks the emotion of the real thing. She would try to be a disciplinarian if I asked her to, but I've never had any desire to be spanked by her because she just doesn't fit the part. So for me there is no settling for less than what I want to imagine. If a relationship dynamic doesn't excite me, then that's just the way I'm wired. Those who are not so limited as me are luckier to have more options to find the spankings they yearn for.

  30. My name is David, I posted once in 2015 and once a couple of days ago. I am going to share my story as it has unfolded the last two weeks. I told my wife that I needed her to be my strict disciplinarian from now on, to enforce her rules by giving me severe spankings. I told her I had dreamed of this kind of relationship my whole life. She said, without any hesitation that she would do it for me. This woman, Goddess really, has spanked me really hard before, but never true punishment that I could not stop. I know this woman and let me tell you that she will have no problems beating my ass until I am in hysterics if that is what is required. We went through our inventory of paddle, hairbrushes, and bath brushes, to decide which ones would be used when the day of disobedience finally comes. We also found a leather belt to tie my hands in front of me so that I can not try to escape from my spankings. I asked her to never let me back out of our arrangement and she is fine to holding me to our agreement. My wife is my Goddess and I trust her implicitly with this. I will say that, as we were trying to figure out which instruments could be used, she smacked my butt with one about three times, and I thought 'holy shit, what is wrong with me, that hurt.' Now I am exited and scared.....really scared.


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