
Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Club - Meeting 431 - Preventative & Maintenance Spankings

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." -- Benjamin Franklin


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship.


I hope you all had a good week.  Mine was pretty uneventful.  I spent part of it trying to gather all our tax information to submit to our accountant.  Somehow, it always seems so much more complicated and time-consuming than I anticipated.  I thought with Anne working only part of the year and me not working at all, it would be simple, but there are the complications of retirement income from investments. Silly me thinking “I lost a buttload of money all year” would make things super simple.  It just seems like there should be an easier process.



Anyway, despite the insinuations by one commenter that Anne’s recent pickleball injury renders her an invalid who I should be hovering over instead of leveraging the situation for a topic on surrogates . . . sigh . . . she has brought up the issue of discipline/spanking a couple of times recently.  A couple of days ago, she asserted that I was owed a spanking for some bad behavior from a week ago. I retorted that she had “waived” the issue by not dealing with it closer to the offense.  (We have no such “waiver” rule, though I’ve thought from time to time that maybe we should, and it at least was worth trying.)


Instead of rejecting my “waiver” argument directly, she went all argumentative aikido on me, attacking my proposition indirectly from another angle.  Her retort was something to the effect of, “Well, it doesn’t really matter. We have a social event coming up, so we can just treat it as a preventative spanking.”


The spanking didn’t happen, or at least it hasn’t yet, and we still have one social eent to go this weekend.  It did, however, at least give me a topic to write about this week.  It’s been almost two years since we’ve done one on preventative spankings and, in the meantime, we’ve added some regular commenters.  Also, honestly, I was all out of inspiration for anything better.


So, let’s talk about what I call “preventative” spankings.  Let’s also talk about another form of “unearned” spanking, i.e. maintenance, though I admit my personal level of interest in that topic is not high.


Preventative Spankings


I’ve also seen preventative spankings referred to as “precautionary” or “prophylactic.” The basic idea is they are spankings that are delivered before bad behavior has taken place, in an attempt to head off that bad behavior and perhaps prevent it from happening.



I used to be a skeptic about whether preventative spankings had a legitimate role in DD relationships.  It didn’t seem to qualify as real punishment and also didn’t seem to be about being held accountable.  It also seemed to me to be more than a little unfair, since it seemed to involve punishing for something that hadn’t actually happened and might not.


Over the years, while Anne has done it only a couple of times, I’ve come around to the concept.


As I said, one of my basic objections to the idea of preventative spanking was that they seemed downright unfair.  I think there are at least two answers to that.


First, when we’ve discussed this topic in the past, it seemed like in most cases the wives who used it were responding to situations in which there was a well-established track record of misbehavior. It might be drinking too much at a party. It might be getting into political arguments at holiday dinners. Whatever the particulars, in most cases it appeared that the wives were well-justified in believing these particular contexts resulted in misbehavior.  So, while there might be a little unfairness in presuming bad behavior would happen, the husbands seemed to concede that the wives’ predictive power was pretty good.



Second, and closely related, the alleged unfairness of preventative spankings seems to be at least somewhat mitigated if they are seen as a precursor to the much worse spanking that will be avoided if the preventative spanking actually works. 


So, it’s not strictly true that a preventative is “unearned.”  Rather, it’s been earned over, and over, and over again.  She’s just trying to keep you from earning another, much worse one.


Do preventative spankings work?  As I said, Anne has done them only a couple of times.  Once was before a graduation party, with a group of friends who have a track record of encouraging excess boozing.  I recall sitting there, on a slightly warm but still stinging butt, very aware of each drink I took and on what came out of my mouth. So, in that instance, it definitely worked.  I don’t remember anything about the other time she used it, other than it was at least somewhat effective then, too.



My example fits well with a comment Alan made on one of the other occasions that we addressed this topic:


There is a lot of discussion on this blog about the mental, emotional, and sexual impacts of DD. But preventive spanking, while having its mental and psychological effects, is primarily for me not mental, psychological, or sexual but instead about the physical memory of being spanked, i.e. a warm bum -- and the constant reminder it gives me.


It’s been remarked how well behaved a guy is after a spanking. There is a reason for that beyond the mental and psychological effects of being punished. And that reason is the condition of your bottom. How long that lasts probably depends on how severely you were spanked. For me it seems to be around three days to a week.


So it’s much easier for me not to lose my temper behind the wheel or have that extra glass of wine or refrain from telling Uncle Carl that he should read a newspaper once in a while if I have been recently spanked. What stops me is not the abstract thought that she might spank me, but the all too vivid physical memory that she has already spanked me.”


Maintenance Spankings


I don't know whether there is an accepted definition, but I think of maintenance spankings as "reminders" or "just because . . ." spankings. While I guess they don’t necessarily have to happen at pre-set intervals, my impress has been that our couples who use them seem to do so on a pre-scheduled basis, like once a week, once a month, etc.


My primary issue with maintenance spankings was basically the same as my concern about preventive spankings, i.e. was it really discipline if it didn’t involve punishing a particular action or failure.  I always wondered whether it was just an excuse for someone with a spanking fetish to get spanked more often, while for some reason needing to call that “disciplinary.”


I don’t feel that way about it anymore, though we still don’t have any plans to do them.  Also, as I went through some old comments to prepare for this post, I realized that while I’ve always seen “preventative” and “maintenance” as distinct categories, I’m now not so sure.


One of our past commenters “Liz” had this to say about what some here call maintenance, though she preferred another term:


“We do weekly spankings whether or not there have been any transgressions, but we don't call them maintenance. We consider them “motivational”: Art gets paddled every Monday morning to remind him to keep his arrogance to a minimum. I do believe in DD that is proactive in addition to reactive. Maybe that's what some couples mean by maintenance, but I don't care for the term. It sounds weird to me. I'm not his maintenance department. But yes, I like restricting DD to one day a week so it is not a dominating thing in our lives.”


Her husband Art offered this:


“I also have come to believe in preventive DD. Liz paddles me every Monday morning as a reminder to curb my arrogance. She spanks hard enough that sitting is uncomfortable for 2-3 days and I can even feel it as I walk. That discomfort serves as a constant reminder to be humble and keep my mouth shut when I want to make sarcastic comments. As the discomfort fades, so does my humility. All of my recent incidents of arrogance have come toward the end of the week.”


Liz and Art’s comments show a blending of the concepts of prevention, maintenance, and punishment.  Liz’s references to “proactive” and “reactive” were echoed by Danielle, who liked the term “management”:


 “If spanking is viewed purely as punishment, preventative spanking doesn’t make sense. But I view it as “behavior management,” rather than just punishment. I have used it in a specific context with my husband in the past. The men in my husband’s extended family have epic political arguments during family dinners. I have always found that annoying, especially when my husband gets involved, which he often does...or rather used to. Therefore, I have, on a couple of occasions, spanked him before going to a family dinner to heighten his consciousness of the behavior I expect of him. I also couple the preventative spanking with the implied threat that if I have to intervene in an argument during dinner, I just might "forget myself" and remind him of the consequences of misbehavior at the dinner table. I have found that it works. That’s the important thing to me.”


Liz also had an issue with frequency and the need to repeatedly discipline deeply rooted, ongoing habits.  Her husband’s issue was arrogance, which he apparently displayed more or less daily when she first took up the paddle after their marriage hit a very rocky place thanks to his behavior.  She did not want DD to dominate their lives and was unwilling to spank only for particular contemporaneous acts of arrogance, as that would entail spanking him nearly every day.  For her, spanking him once a week was both a kind of “catch up” covering all the issues during the week (including arrogance at work, which she wouldn’t necessarily learn about) and also a reminder for the following week.


In this sense, maintenance seems to perhaps be kind of a sub-category of preventative, though I guess you could also say that preventative is a sub-category of maintenance if maintenance equates with “management” or “proactive.”  It may address accumulated bad behavior that has gone unpunished, while also serving as a reminder to behave in the future.


There is another sense in which I see maintenance as having a role that is totally distinct from preventative spankings, namely “role affirmation.”  Power exchange relationships like DD and FLR may require undoing a lot of deeply-entrenched power dynamics and hierarchies.  If a woman was raised in a patriarchal environment, or if her marriage was itself an example of such an environment in the past, just like he may need periodic reminders to behave and that he’s now subject to her authority, she may need to periodically remind herself that she indeed has that authority.


In that sense, I think that preventative and maintenance spankings—and that relationship management function Danielle referred to--may also be indicators that the marriage has progressed from something confined to DD to something more like an FLR, with her taking on a more proactive role in managing conduct instead of just punishing it.


Liz summed up all these various roles for maintenance and preventative spankings nicely in this single quote:


“I'm not sure if there has been a Monday morning when there was NOTHING to punish Art for. So we start with that. Then we move on to the upcoming week, though there really is no noticeable transition. On many Mondays nowadays there are more swats about the upcoming week than there were for the past week. To me that is a sign that our DD is working because he had a good week last week. But he admits that he needs a paddling to remind him to keep it up. If he completely stopped being arrogant, maybe the reminders would stop. But that's all speculative since his arrogance is unlikely to go away completely. I think the routine we have established of paddling him every Monday has been good for Art. He knows what to expect. And it is good for me too, to remind myself of the authority I now hold in our marriage. I don't have to and won't accept his arrogance anymore. Maybe we both need weekly reminders of that!”


Do you practice preventative and/or maintenance spankings? What role do they serve?  Have they been effective?  In what sense?  Also, I’m curious about the mechanics.  Is a preventative or maintenance spanking less severe than a punishment spanking?  Is the duration shorter? Do you have a pre-set schedule?



I look forward to your thoughts on this. Have a great week.


  1. As many of you now, I live in a 24/7 FLR, not married but living together as such. I am spanked for discipline, always have and always will be. Enough said about discipline. As time progressed and my behavior improved, along with proper training, I became the house submissive she desired. Punishment spankings dwindled to the point of near extinction. We both decided the FLR needed something more, so we instituted a maintenance program. Maintenance, reminders, just because, whatever term is chosen, we both decided I needed to be 'kept in line' or whatever other term works for you.
    A quick word about preventative spankings. My former used them for a short time, but eventually the practice was dropped. My current partner has never used any preventative discipline.
    Maintenance or reminders we felt may be the key to what we wanted. Ah, what we wanted... We came up with goals the spankings were set to accomplish. Again, together we drafted three goals for the maintenance program.
    1. To enforce the roles in our relationship. My role is to serve and obey while she is in charge. Periodic spankings will ensure this concept.
    2. To 'remind' me of what lies in store for behavior infractions, incomplete or neglected chores and duties. Could be considered 'preventative', but we never looked as it as such. 3. To serve as a 'catch all' for minor infractions which she felt did not warrant a disciplinary spanking at the time.
    There are some words and phrases there which appear in the above narrative by Dan and quotes from others. Next we needed to determine the interval for the 'maintenance'. At the time we were both working and our lives were full. To specify a day for maintenance seemed impossible as schedules and personal activities were ever changing. Not fans of everyday spankings and we also were afraid that too much time would elapse between sessions. We devised a system of randomly scheduling maintenance sessions. Following a spanking, I would toss a single die and add '1' to the number shown on the die. That became the number of days before the next spanking. This ensured spankings would never be on consecutive days or ever more than 7 days apart. If some activity interferes with this schedule, we simply move it to the next day. Sessions are long and hard enough to be effective, and include the three things not included in punishment spankings. A warm up, use of a safe word and aftercare.
    This may not work for every relationship/marriage, but has worked very well for us for several years

    1. Thanks, SC. "To specify a day for maintenance seemed impossible as schedules and personal activities were ever changing." This wouldn't be as big an issue for us now, but it definitely would have been a problem for much of our time doing DD. It often was hard to find time when we were together and alone for real discipline that had been earned, let alone for regular maintenance sessions. I like your die throwing scheduling mechanism.

    2. SC wrote:“Sessions are long and hard enough to be effective, and include the three things not included in punishment spankings. A warm up, use of a safe word and aftercare”.

      I have not really experienced maintenance spankings, although we have experimented with them. As I remember, the subject never came up in my first DD relationship. “Fairness” was very important to her, so when she spanked, it was “for cause” in her mind.

      My wife and I have tried them once or twice, but they never gained traction as an ongoing part of our DD relationship. But distinguishing them from punishment spanking as you do (warm-up, use of safe word, and aftercare) does strike me as something that might have made them work earlier in our relationship. I think you have defined the difference between a maintenance spanking and a punishment spanking very well.

      To me, maintenance spanking might be useful to underscore a wife’s authority and define roles early in a relationship. But for us now, they probably wouldn’t add much or work well. I can see why you or anyone who established them early might continue because they become part of the routine and ritual of DD.

      And I can see how a couple having consistency issues might want to incorporate them—although getting your head around the difference between maintenance and punishment and going back and forth between them might be challenging.

    3. "But for us now, they probably wouldn’t add much or work well." I think that's where we are too. Though, I do see a possible bigger role for preventative.

    4. Yes! I think preventative spankings have a role at most points in the cycle of a DD relationship. That has certainly been so for us.

    5. I like that dice rolling method. When you roll a one and the next one is going to be two days later, are you usually able to make it work or do you find the lower numbers tend to be delayed more often? I'd guess that the fives and sixes don't slip often because going more than a week would feel bad.

    6. Dan. Scheduling around busy lives and even more so with children, which was not a factor for us, can be difficult. The dice scheduling works well for retired or empty nesters.

    7. Alan. Maintenance has become an important part of our DD household, but certainly may not have a place in all DD relationships. What works for each couple is best for them. Distinguishing discipline from maintenance here is quite simple. Discipline is instant and usually has some scolding or at least an announcement of the reason for the spanking. The force used is also a dead giveaway as the very first swat is just as hard as the last one. Discipline can occur anywhere in or out of the house, usually wherever we are when she discovers my infraction.

    8. MW. Scheduling does not seem to be a problem, even with the lower numbers. Being spanked on a Monday and again on Wednesday, for example, causes no issues and I should point out, she would not lessen a spanking just because it is near another one. Discipline does not alter the maintenance schedule either, even if it occurs near or on the same day as maintenance is scheduled.

  2. The choices of topics on here and developments in my situation do seem to coincide well. So yesterday I communicated my desires via some digital notes send as links. The first was a minor preamble which include giving Mrs GL about 4 weeks to fully decide whether it can work for her?. The second is written like an agreement. Am pleased I have communicated (although it helped I was due to be out of the house all day LOL).

    Written in the draft agreement is the chastisement element and it includes both Maintenance, which I call regularly re-enforcement (so basically the semi-vanilla bedtime spankings I get presently but on a more regular basis), and preventative which I call pre-emptive, a term I picked up on here that works for me. I put both in (and an extensive list of behaviours that are punishable but I have make a commitment not to do any deliberately and to strive to eliminate them) because I think both are applicable and needed and as such I don't have any issue, whether on judgement or trust that Mrs GL, if she signs up fully, will exercise both fairly and consistently. As such I say (subject to confirmation before April) bring them both on. Cheers one expectant GoodLifeMickey.

    1. This is quite the agreement process! I'm envisioning it printed up as a bound codex to keep beside your bed. :-)

    2. I'm not Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory Dan LOL.

    3. I haven't watched that one so, unfortunately, the cultural references is lost on me. But, hopefully lots of others here get it!

    4. Dan, for info, in that US based sitcom the aforementioned Sheldon is renowned for enjoying writing and ensuring adherence to cohabitation and relationship contracts. Funnier than it reads. If you are not acquainted with that cultural reference then you will struggle even more with my moniker on here as it relates to a 1970's UK sitcom ;-).

    5. Good to know. I'll have to check it out. It's interesting how some of the funniest series have some of the most banal premises. Who could envision The Office (both UK and US versions) as so wildly funny, based on the premise of a bunch of salesmen in an undistinguished office of an undistinguished industry talking to each other and having meetings.

  3. We did not practice maintenance or preventative spanking (with possibly an exception or two), and my wife and I always felt, like Dan, that real punishment should be for real misbehavior. However, Dan's post and quotes from others do raise some excellent points. When there has been a pattern of misbehavior that has not improved despite correction, then a preemptive "strike" does seem appropriate.
    My wife would give me warnings prior to partygoing and remind me of previous consequences. She also would issue warnings during the party, most of them privately but occasionally in front of others. These warnings did an excellent job of curbing my behavior so that preventative spankings never became part of our routine. I think it might have happened once, but my memory of it is a bit fuzzy right now. That's what happens when you are a Kinky Old Journalist and it is before dawn..

    1. "These warnings did an excellent job of curbing my behavior so that preventative spankings never became part of our routine." Anne hasn't worked much with verbal warnings, but I'm sure they could be very effective.

  4. It's probably helpful to distinguish between punishment and discipline. By discipline I mean when someone's behavior is controlled by another, generally for that person's benefit. Punishment is an adverse stimulus. Receiving that stimulus makes it less likely the person receiving it will repeat the behavior that caused it. People often use the terms interchangeably, but to me they are distinct concepts. Punishment is one tool of discipline.

    Receiving a spanking (or any harsher stimulus) can be part of discipline without it being punishment, if it is used to control behavior. It doesn't have to be connected to any specific behavior, past or future.

    If the dominant inflicts pain on a regular basis, I would call that maintenance. If it is effective for curbing something specific (like curbing offensive behavior on outings), then it's punishment. because the pain makes it less likely the submissive will misbehave. But even if it's not directed toward any specific behavior, it can still be discipline, because it helps to control the submissive's behavior.

    With preventative pain, the submissive knows if they misbehave, then the resultant punishment will be more painful because of the preventative session. Getting further punishment on a sore bottom is just more painful, and the pain sets in quicker.

    So, I think both maintenance and preventative pain can be very effective forms of discipline.


    1. "With preventative pain, the submissive knows if they misbehave, then the resultant punishment will be more painful because of the preventative session. Getting further punishment on a sore bottom is just more painful, and the pain sets in quicker." I agree, though my experience has been it's not as much worse as I would have anticipated.

    2. Maintenance spankings work very well for us, and serve several purposes. They reaffirm her authority, and enhance my submissiveness. I have no doubt they reduce bad behavior that would lead to a disciplinary spanking, which would be worse. I look forward to them, and get turned on by her reminding me when they are coming up. Of course, I will feel more relaxed afterwards. The experience is enhanced if I am ordered to stand in the corner to think about anything she should know about that might deserve discipline. I have asked for, and received, some preventive spankings as well. They have proven to be very effective.

    3. "I look forward to them . . ." That has definitely never been the case for me. Verbal reminders definitely can be very stimulating for me, as can the anticipation, but it's a morbid kind of stimulation. I definitely do not look forward to the spanking itself at all.

  5. Very innovative Dan , I never thought of using a 'waiver' rule .
    However, a simple way for her to circumvent any potential 'waiver' is to say "I'll be dealing with you later for that'" and then taking her sweet time in doing so.
    I'd say even suggesting it would make a spanking even more certain.
    Good try though!

    1. In my relationship with my former girlfriend, who introduced me to DD, we had the rough equivalent of a “ waiver rule,” although we didn’t call it that. We had what we called the “24-hour rule” It was very simple: once she called me out on an offense, attitude, or disobedience, she had 24 hours to administer punishment, or the issue was considered closed, and there would be no punishment ( later we amended it to 24 hours to schedule punishment)

      I think the rule helped us to focus more on the DD aspects of our relationship and me to become more careful about getting into trouble with her. But it also did put some pressure on her because sometimes she almost agonized about whether to spank, wanting to ensure it was “fair”. Adding time pressure to that had some plusses and minuses, but the 24 hour rule did eventually fade away.

    2. I do think there is a practical limit on how long punishment can be delayed before the connection between cause and effect basically withers.

  6. My wife also struggles to punish unless she considers it fair. I was punished in the weekend for "borrowing" a cigarette, but this was one that she (and I) considered absolutely earned.
    In the weekend she also agreed to provide a maintenance session weekly... which is new for us. I am wondering if/hoping it will help keep discipline front of mind for her. A habit if you like, and the severity to move up and down depending on whether there is something to address.

    1. Frequency is obviously a big part of forming new habits, good and bad.

      I quit smoking cold turkey shortly after meeting Anne, but only after trying over and over at least a half-dozen times before. I've wondered whether DD could have helped me break that habit earlier. (Not that I was in a DD relationship or even knew they existed.) It's such a tough habit to break, especially if you're physically addicted, as I clearly was. I don't think DD could have "caused" me stop, but I do think it might have made me more focused during those earlier tries.

    2. My wife was a very consistent spanker. For instance, I was expected home at 6 pm unless I had called ahead. I got one swat for every minute late without calling -- and she let nothing go; even if it was 6:01 I got the one swat, pants down and bent over the kitchen island, bare bottom with the bread board (and even one swat could sting!). That may seem harsh and micromanaging, but to her it was all training. For me, I appreciated the consistent enforcement of rules. There was no room for error, nor should there be. If I didn't want paddled, all I had to do was call ahead!

  7. For 85% of US taxpayers the IRS has all the information it needs to use the system found in most other 3rd world nations: the taxpayer logs in to the national government tax site, verifies the data shown on their return, adds any missing information (charitable donations, specific basis of capital gains, etc), electronically signs the return, and done. Most taxpayers in those nations report spending no more than 10 minutes/ year on this process.

    But in the good ole US of A various lobbies, starting with the largest paid tax preparation service and now including the two largest tax preparation software suppliers, have lobbied VERY VERY hard to prohibit the IRS from implementing such a system - because it would take away 85% of their business. Both of the software firms now claim to offer a "free" web-based service but getting to it from the site or via Google is impossible, and I'm sure there are plenty of gaps in that supposedly free service that force the user to upgrade to the paid service. Freedom!

    1. The power of the tax preparation services definitely is part of the problem, though so is the loophole-riddled tax code. I know that liberals and progressive object to a flat tax because it is regressive, with the poor paying more proportionally, but that seems to me to ignore the fact that most of those in lower tax brackets actually pay something close to their bracket. The richest, on the other hand, pay nothing remotely close to their assigned bracket, because they have great tax lawyers and accountants who get the amount down as low as possible. My proposal would be that we have two brackets, with the higher one kicking in around $500k a year, exempting the working poor entirely, and eliminate pretty much all deductions.

    2. Dan,

      You are absolutely right. Too many "progressives" let the perfect be enemy of the good( enough). Putin will get the Peace Prize before the present disaster we call a tax code is made even coherent, let alone fair. The flat tax would actually increase fairness in spite of being regressive , precisely because it would change( increase) the proportion of federal revenue coming from the uber-rich.

    3. The issue of the uber-rich paying no taxes has been on my mind a lot more lately. Probably because of the release of Trump's tax returns. I made a good living before I retired, but there's still something wrong about the fact that I paid far more in income taxes--on both a relative and an absolute basis--as Trump, the supposed billionaire, did. But, of course, during many years, the vast majority of Americans who paid *any* federal income tax paid more than Trump.

    4. One can track many factors to explain why not only federal tax policy , but government policies overall are so dysfunctional . Paid lobbyists are certainly integral parts of that chain but underneath it all is the corrupting effects of money-political contributions specifically aggravated by the enormous costs of political campaigns. The cost of campaigns,however, while of concern, is not the real problem. The real problem is the source of that money and what it buys

  8. We've done "Just Because" spankings on and off over the years. When we didn't do it, the power exchange suffered in subtle ways. Only when I finally broke a rule and got spanked did we realize the drift. A few months ago, my wife started "Just Because" spankings. She said she would administer one three times a week. I knew that was unlikely, but decided to keep my mouth shut. The reality is that I get one every week or so if I haven't been punished. Her "Just Because" spankings are only five-minutes long and less intense than punishments. I'm not sure if they help me remember to behave. They do keep the disciplinary channel of communications open for us. Maybe they work after all.

    1. Keeping the disciplinary channel of communications open is really important, as life can easily disrupt it. I have encouraged her to do some "just because" spankings, but so far, she seems to prefer a bi weekly check in. They almost always end with me over her lap for 6 or 7 minutes.. I like the "just because" concept, because it underscores her power and willingness to impose her authority whenever she feels like it, and adds the element of surprise. The advantage of the bi weekly check in is the anticipation, and she enjoys teasing me and reminding me about one coming up. Both seem to be effective as a deterant to bad behavior.

    2. While I don't think we ever will do maintenance, if we did bi-weekly seems like a reasonable frequency. If even just a weekly maintenance was added to any actual disciplinary spankings, I think she would see it as taking up too much of her attention. And, I get that.

  9. Hi Dan,
    "Do you practice preventative and/or maintenance spankings?" - We don't really do maintenance spankings, or at least we don't refer to them as that. But in a way, we do end up at close to the same point, since she sometimes spanks "just because," which I would say is mostly role reinforcement (as well as for a bit of fun on her part).

    We had never done preventative spankings, prior to yesterday. Unfortunately, when I told her about the new blog subject for the week, preventative spankings really resonated with her since she will be leaving this week for the next couple of months, and consequently her paddles resonated as they hit my poor bottom repeatedly (and her bathbrush and strap as well, but I am not sure they resonate).

    One other thing that also comes at least kind of close to both preventative and maintenance spankings is that when she is doing the regular weekly check-ins, she often gives me a very short spanking just as a reminder of what will happen if I don't do well in the coming week.

    I can't really answer what role they serve or their effectiveness. I guess they do help to reinforce the relationship, but I don't know that they necessarily directly influence my behavior, though they may indirectly.

    "Is a preventative or maintenance spanking less severe than a punishment spanking? Is the duration shorter? " - I would say much less severe and much shorter, or at least it feels that way to me. Also, these spankings are more likely to involve more of a warm-up. Of course, the entire dynamic is different without me feeling some measure of guilt and without her having any emotion about the topic at hand.


    1. "Is a preventative or maintenance spanking less severe than a punishment spanking? Is the duration shorter? " Thanks for answering this one. There hasn't been much feedback on it yet, and I really am curious about this logistical issue.

      Sorry you got spanked because of the blog!

    2. Hi ZM:

      The start of this comment is definitely "off-topic", but I wanted to comment directly to you, and also make an inquiry.

      You've mentioned several times over the years that your wife comes from a very conservative social/cultural background. I think you have also mentioned a few times that you don't live in North America, but rather some "conservative"/"very traditional" foreign country.

      The reason I raise these observations is that my own wife is "first generation" from immigrant parents to the United States. Her parents came from an extremely conservative and patriarchal (Islamic) culture in the Middle East. While she was exposed to a fairly normal "American Childhood," her parents' beliefs had substantial influence, and created substantial "inhibitions," in her later development and participation in what would become are DD/FLR marriage.

      So, I have been curious what country/culture your wife grew up in, and which you may possibly be currently living in. Could you share more information about where you live (either specific, or more generally)? Can you share more information on how your wife's acculturation effected her perspectives, and development in, domestic discipline? (If she is anything like my wife, the initial hesitation passed much quicker than I might have hoped. My wife, after a rather short period of hesitancy, pretty much adopted an "Oh Yea!" and "How could I have never know I could have this kind of power/control?" attitude.)

      Dan: This might be an interesting topic for a future discussion. We have talked before about how our childhood experiences may have influence us and our wives' perspectives, desires and openness to DD, but we have never really delved into how various religious, ethnic and "racial" backgrounds and perspectives effect such matters. (Full disclosure: I grew up on a racially mixed family; spend a lot of time "maturing" in the Deep South, during periods when it was the "Old, Bad 'Deep South'.")

      Now that I'm done hijacking this thread, re "Maintenance:" We practice "Maintenance" on a fairly regular, mostly weekly basis. It is a means for her to reassert her authority, and me to acknowledge her authority, and for me to repeat my promises of subservience and obedience. She also uses "Maintenance" to "adjust my mood and attitude," as needed, and to take care of minor indicators that I might be "slipping" in any of my promises and obligations. It is a very special time for both of us. While my wife can sometimes be very intense, and persistent, in both her questioning, lecturing, and application of her strap, I have never feel it was in any way "undeserved punishment." The overall benefits to her, me and the relationship are just so obvious to both of us.

    3. Maintenance spankings are not as hard as disciplinary ones, but the length of time for maintenance is often longer, depending on her mood and what kind of state I am in. She uses a timer and maintenance spankings usually lasted about 5 minutes. I requested that they go a little longer, so now they are at least 6 or 7 minutes. Sometimes she will ask me at the end if I need more. I usually say no, but not always. The main benifet for me is reduced stress, as well as feeling loved and cared for.

  10. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Franklin’s familiar proverb does capture the concept behind preventative spanking, as we have experienced it.

    She has used it in situations in which I had embarrassed her in the past and was likely to do so again (family gatherings) or situations where bad behavior was almost certain ( long multi-day drives), or occasionally in situations she was counting on me to perform as ordered and wanted to take no risk of any disobedience -and the “prevention” was much better than the cure ( a long hard spanking when we got home or one hanging over me for days until we did get home.
    She suggested the first one, and we talked about it for a long while because it didn’t fit our discipline “model,” even with the “anytime for any reason rule.” In reality, that rule meant to both of us that she decided when unacceptable behavior occurred, but the behavior had to happen before any punishment.

    Preventatives were different. But talking about them, they also made sense. They were to be used only in situations where my misbehavior was almost certain, and when it occurred, it would cause both of us much stress and angst as well as embarrassment for her. In effect, I got spanked before the offense instead of after, saving both of us the bad experience that would have occurred, plus avoiding the problem of scheduling a spanking when traveling or about.
    I think they are for long-term committed couples, but they do work if avoiding certain behavior is the goal -and if they are close in time to the event or activity likely to trigger the misbehavior. One of the reasons they work is the same reason most guys ( I suspect) exhibit angelic behavior for several days or a week after a serious spanking. And another reason ( already mentioned, I think) is the physical memory of the recent spanking, which can last anywhere from a couple of days to a week.
    Only once in the nearly ten years we have used them have I been spanked again when we got home after first getting a preventative. So they have worked for us, probably better than we expected. She had suspended them during the pandemic years but started again during the holidays. She may not continue the holiday tradition because it really isn’t necessary now. But she wants to keep them in her quiver just in case, which I support.


    1. "Preventatives were different. But talking about them, they also made sense." For me, preventatives are an area where theory probably needed to yield to reality. It always made theoretical sense to me that for a spanking to be legitimate discipline, of course it needed to be connected to punishment that had already happened. But, I do think there truly is a legitimate argument for preventatives in addition to punishment, as both are aimed at changing behavior, just at different temporal points in relation to the conduct. And, yeah, one could object that the conduct might not have happened at all, but I think that's a big concern only if a wife were to use preventatives in a pretty arbitrary matter. As you said, if there is (a) an established track record in certain contexts; and (b) the spanking is coming shortly before that contextual situation, there isn't much real grounds for saying it is arbitrary or unconnected to really managing behavior.

      When your wife does use them, how to the severity and duration compare to an actual punishment spanking.

    2. Dan wrote: “When your wife does use them, how do the severity and duration compare to an actual punishment spanking.”

      The last one was milder and shorter, but I think she was testing the waters again after a few years. Before that, it depended on how worked up she was at the time or important it was to control my behavior. We both learned they were most effective if the physical memory remained, so that was the goal post.

    3. That goal post makes a lot of sense. I can see how in some cases, a very mild session with just a few mild swats could focus the attention. But, I don't think it would carry me through any lengthy gathering or event unless the physical sensation was still there.

  11. Interesting how different people interpret words. I’ve always considered discipline to be a swift and generally unplanned response to some probably minor infraction. While a punishment is a more severe and probably scheduled response to a more major rule break or bad behavior. I do also think that maintenance spankings are beneficial. When I go too long without, I notice subtle changes in my behavior. TG

    1. It definitely is. I don't really think about a time element differentiating them, but if I did I think I would think of "discipline" as a longer term process, while "punishment" is more of a thing that happens with a 1:1 correspondence between behavior and consequence. I do think of punishment as having a ring of more severity about it, though I probably shouldn't because I kind of think of discipline as the end and punishment as one means to that end. But, in the end, you're right -- people just have very differing reactions to the same word.

    2. I'm more with Dan on this one, but of course as you pointed out different people interpret words differently. For me, when I hear the word "discipline" I think training, like the process of forming (hopefully) better self-discipline. So, I view discipline spankings as part of the overall training process. They could be either planned (like maintenance or my "check-ins") or unplanned (like your "unplanned response to some probably minor infraction"). Either way, I agree that they are probably more minor, and also probably with less emotion on the part of the one doing the spanking.

      On the other hand, when I think of punishment spanking, I assume it is for something more serious, that the person being punished knew good and well not to do, and that the person doing the punishing is hurt, angry, or otherwise upset about. Consequently, I view it as a lot longer and more painful. I don't necessarily think about it as being scheduled, but I guess it could be.


    3. To me, discipline doesn’t necessarily imply punishment, although punishment can be integral to establishing or maintaining discipline. Discipline is training, behaving, or performing in certain well-articulated ways that meet the expectations and standards of the disciplinarian.

      Punishment is often the consequence of indiscipline, and spanking can be that punishment (for most of us who identify as a spanko, spanking is the preferred punishment and often the most effective, but as we have discussed, punishment is not limited to corporal punishment).

      So, one can say that they were disciplined with a spanking for X., But the spanking itself was not discipline; it was a punishment for failure to demonstrate discipline. Some of us (including myself) seek a disciplinary relationship because we feel the need for discipline in certain areas or lack self-discipline.

  12. I do think of discipline as training, and punishment as one tool to achieve training.
    Discipline is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "a branch of learning or scholarly instruction."
    According to, "Training in a discipline results in a system of orderly behavior recognized as characteristic of the discipline. Such behaviors are manifested in approaches to scholars'understanding and investigating new knowledge, ways of working, and perspectives on the world around them."
    The discipline in which my wife trained me was how to be a gentleman at all times. She was the teacher; I was the "scholar." A key training method was spanking.

  13. Dev gives a hard spanking on the first day of the month. Sometimes this helps but there are always other events that lead to a trip over her knee.


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