
Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Club - Meeting 430 - Surrogates

“The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.” - Douglas Engelbart


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship.


I hope you all had a good week.  Ours began okay but is ending with something that may put our forward progress on disciplinary spankings on pause for a month.


Anne had been having some pain in her hand, apparently as a result of too much pickleball.  She saw a doctor about it and, while nothing is broken, they decided it need to be immobilized for four weeks.  So, she’s now in a cast. And, as luck would have it, it’s on her spanking hand.


I probably should feel happy about the possibility of going unspanked for a month regardless of behavior.  But, honestly, I don’t.  For the last month or so, I’ve felt like my behavior has been worsening on multiple fronts.  While I knew I wouldn’t like it as it was happening, I also knew that I needed some of those enforced guardrails we discussed here a couple of weeks ago.  I was serious enough about it that I actually gave Anne a journal entry suggesting that she take a less hands-off approach around drinking and also start tightening the screws in other areas. 


It looks like now that may not happen.  I am going to suggest that she evaluate whether there is much she can do with her other hand, but the reality is that we may have to take a month off.


I was whining about this to Aunt Kay’s husband, Tomy, and he brought up that during its heyday, the wives associated with the Disciplinary Wives Club would have been happy to stand in and lend a hand under similar circumstances.  He also pointed out that it’s quite possible there are couples within easy driving distance who are in female-led disciplinary relationships.  He's probably right.  Hell, for all I know one or more of the commenters on this blog may live near us. 


A few weeks ago, I asked the group whether you would be okay with your wives spanking other men. The views were varied and equivocal.  At the time, a few thought the issue of being spanked by another woman was more interesting.  I agreed, but I didn’t want to take it up at the time, because it was clear that the scenario of a wife spanking another man made some of you uncomfortable, which I thought made it well worth exploring.  But, this week, let’s take up the topic of being spanked by another woman.


Have any of you been given a disciplinary spanking from another woman while you were in a relationship that included disciplinary spankings?  If so, how did that come about?


 If not, do you think it is something you and/or your wife would ever seriously consider?  What if, similar to my situation, an injury or disability interfered with your wife’s ability to discipline you?  Would you look for alternative spankers or just learn to live without disciplinary spankings?  If you did explore alternatives, would the preference be for someone you both know, or would it more likely be a professional?  Would your wife be present when the spanking happened?


I honestly don’t know how things would go if our current pause was going to be longer than four weeks.  I’ve always said I could live without disciplinary spankings if necessary, and I’m sure I could. But, I do feel like having someone put those guardrails in place from time to time has benefits for both of us and for our relationship. Still, the impediments would be fairly daunting.


First, seeing a pro probably would be the most practical option, but I really have no interest at all in seeing a pro.  It not only doesn’t attract me, but I have an adverse reaction to the idea.


Second, I don’t know whether Anne would be at all open to me being spanked by another woman.  She admits to being pretty jealous, far more so than I.  I’m not sure whether she would ever be able to get her mind around another woman taking on her disciplinary role, even temporarily. Though, I also think a lot depends on the exact circumstances.  If she struck up a friendship with another disciplinary wife, I’m not sure where that might lead.  It's always possible that she’d be okay with someone standing in temporarily if it were someone she knew and trusted.


Third, regardless of Anne’s openness or lack thereof, it is the case that if there are disciplinary wives living near us, we don’t know it. 


Maybe because there are so many practical impediments, and because of the inherently intimate nature of adult spanking, this doesn’t seem to be a scenario that those wired like us contemplate that often.  Among the dozens of stories on the Disciplinary Wives Club website, I think only one, Military Duty Calls, involves a surrogate stepping in during a period when the wife was going to be absent for several months.  In that case, the wife asked her mother to be the surrogate.  For us, family members would be a non-starter.  Anne would never, ever look to her mother for that kind of thing.  She does have a sister, but they don’t get along.



While I’ve been talking about another woman acting as a surrogate, it is of course possible that such a role could be filled by a man.  In fact, my guess is it would be easier statistically to find a man to fill the role, because there probably are more couples in M/f dynamics. I've also read that disciplinary spankings are somewhat prevalent in the gay community.  


As mortified as I probably would be if Anne sent me to a woman to be spanked, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be sent to a man. Given her jealousy issues with other women, it does seem like a male surrogate might be more palatable to her.  


It also seems that, while I'm sure I would find it utterly humiliating, my subconscious is okay contemplating it.  I’ve talked here before about a dream I had in which I was taken out of some work-related party or function to be spanked by the male office manager.  In that dream, Anne was present at the function but didn’t go out with me to witness the spanking. Instead, when I balked at doing it, she told me to move along and get what I had coming.  At least in my dream, she had zero problems with someone else spanking me, at least if that someone else was a man.


Please let us all know your thoughts about this.



I also wanted to refer back briefly to Norton’s reference to some written and audio materials he’d seen by a woman named Jacqueline Omerta, called The Psychology of Adult Spanking.  It really is too bad that the audio version seems to have disappeared. I recall one of them very distinctly, in which Ms. Omerta brought a young female client to tears with a long spanking.  Given my own fascination with the prospect of crying from a spanking, it was powerful listening to it. Ms. Omerta claimed to be a licensed therapist, and I did wonder at the time whether using spanking as therapy would be a big “no-no” for that kind of professional licensure.  I assume it would be, which is kind of too bad. I have no doubt that in certain therapeutic settings, particularly marriage counseling, spanking would be a powerful tool in the right hands.


I hope you have a good week.


  1. Hi Dan,
    Great topic. And since you posted it just two weeks before my wife will be gone for an extended time (8 weeks), maybe it’s a sign… hahaha. Actually, I have been thinking the last few weeks what it would be like if she sent someone by (of sent me to someone) to do the weekly check-ins. Probably too hard to realize in real life, but what a thought!


    1. Eight weeks is definitely a long separation, and a long time to have be fully self-disciplined.

      I've said here several times that I don't have any particular desire for F/m discipline to become more popular or more open, because it would probably feel less taboo and less "naughty." But, this discussion does illustrate some of the practical difficulties it's lack of wider acceptance creates. There are times that having it shared openly with at least a small group who actually know each other and are in physical proximity would have some advantages. Right now, I really do feel a fairly compelling need to be reined in, yet there may not be any realistic way for it to happen. Though, I'm not ready to give up on the possibility that she might be able to use her other hand with sufficient force and control.

  2. Hello Dan & all
    I suspect this will be a topic that will engage a lot of discussion! It takes the idea of a witness even farther.
    Yes, my wife and I have discussed my being punished by her best friend. We came close before the pandemic, but then, well....
    This is someone we are both very close to. Her friend knows about our disciplinary relationship, and has seen our implements, but could "never cause me pain" - or so she says.
    And we've accepted that, of course. I think, though, if there were a genuine reason my wife would need help with my discipline for a time, we would both be comfortable asking her again.
    I'd expect my wife to be present, and I'm sure she would insist on that as well. Honestly, it veers into fantasy territory for me from there, and I don't want to overshare.
    But finally, as I've mentioned before, your final illustration - of the husband punished in couples therapy - is probably my favorite that I've seen on your site - and is a powerful fantasy for me!

    1. Thanks, CK. I'm glad you like that illustration.

      We too have a mutual friend who knows about our disciplinary relationship. I think she's interested on some level just because we're friends, but it's also clear to me that she had little or no interest in adult spanking. Also, she and I have been friends for so long, I think it would feel incredibly awkward. Not just embarrassing, but awkward.

    2. So you're saying there's a chance?....

    3. No, kind of the opposite. While this person knows about our DD relationship, it's clear to me that adult spanking doesn't do anything for her. And, we've been close friends for so long, I think the dynamic would just be very weird.

    4. "This is someone we are both very close to. Her friend knows about our disciplinary relationship, and has seen our implements..." - Interestingly, one of my wife's friends (the one who knows everything about our DD and who was also in the house while I was being punished) also has seen our implements. She came over one afternoon and my wife showed them to her.


    5. ZM, she certainly seems to have an interest.


  3. Shortly before Covid, my wife had rotator cuff surgery on her spanking arm and was out of action for some months. We invited someone we knew in the local spanking community - although she was not really in the DD side of it - to visit and act in loco spankeris. This was a maintenance session rather than an actual punishment but was pretty severe. My wife was present the whole time and to some extent directed. I would have no reservations about repeating this, either if her arm were to be out of action again or just because she wanted to bring someone else in to help her. I think I would be less comfortable being sent to someone else - I would definitely prefer to have her present and, unlike you Dan, I’m not sure I could cope with the idea of the spanker being a man. For me it has to be a woman, and I think probably someone who is already involved in some kind of spanking lifestyle. I find it much more difficult to picture this with other friends or family. Neither of us has any jealousy in this area so that wouldn’t be a factor. I’ve never even considered being sent to a pro and find it difficult to imagine that. And regarding your conversation with Tomy, from a number of things you’ve said in the past, I think there’s a fair chance that we live in the same area. TG

    1. "In loco spankeris" -- Love it!

      I sympathize with your wife's rotator cuff surgery. I had a bad tear several years ago. the recovery was miserable. I'd do two replacements of any other joint before I'd willingly go through shoulder surgery again.

      I agree with you that a surrogate would almost have to be someone in a spanking lifestyle or at least with a lot of prior spanking experience. Maybe that's why the stories and drawings involving other participants always seems to involve a mother-in-law. Not many of us have a network of friends who spanking but many of us have mothers who did.

      I don't know why I'm so resistant to ever considering a pro, but I am.

      Regarding our respective locations, you said something a couple of weeks ago that caught my attention and made me wonder if we might live in the same area. Feel free to send me an email if you'd like to discuss it more.

    2. "I don't know why I'm so resistant to ever considering a pro, but I am." - I am as well. To me, the lack of any personal connection would make the whole thing seem to sterile and clinical, and that is even without there being money involved. Adding that there is money exchanged for services, it seems even less personal.

      On the other hand, if my wife were to get one of her friends to punish me, even if I didn't know that friend very well - or even not at all - it still would seem like there was more of a personal connection since she has connection to my wife, and is doing it at my wife's request.


    3. There's also the trust issue, as in trust they'd turn out not to be a psycho working out their "issues" through spanking and domination. Even if the connection was purely through your wife, you'd have some comfort level with the person.

    4. Exactly right. If they are my wife's friend, they might want to cause me pain, but they would certainly not be trying to seriously injure me.


    5. Perhaps ironically, I know a couple of wives of *my* friends how might gladly sign up for the task of spanking me and inflicting real pain, as they saw me as one of the enablers of their own husbands' bad conduct.

  4. You might look into acquiring a machine to do the spanking. Anne would just need to adjust it to her satisfaction. I understand the technology has developed, so this might work for you. And it might make a solid threat even when her hand has recovered.

    Personally, I'd be mortified to be sent to a man for punishment. But if my significant other wanted it, I'd do my best to please her. I'd certainly be on my best behavior if that were an actual prospect, though.

    1. I haven't looked into the machines in a long time. The last time I did any research, the effectiveness seemed questionable and they were kind of absurdly expensive. It might be worth another look, but there is also the timing issue. She's out of action for only four weeks. By the time I researched, ordered and received a machine, she's probably be close to being back in action.

  5. I wouldn't get too discouraged Dan , as I believe with a bit of practice Anne should be capable of delivering a decent spanking as a leftie.
    A number of years ago I had my dominant wrist in a cast because of a broken finger , and was surprised how functional I was.
    The most difficulty I had were more intricate tasks like typing or writing and anything that involved both hands were awkward .
    However ,I found throwing a ball or using a hammer were pretty easy , although not as powerful or accurate as with my dominant side.
    I would even suggest Anne should be able to continue with her pickle ball using her left hand , and she will get more comfortable with practice ( this should also enhance her spanking swing).
    Swinging a hairbrush at a target only inches away should be a breeze and she can use that wrist action to snap the brush. For more power a stand up paddling may be more effective.
    Only one way to find out isn't there ? I'm sure Anne will figure something out.
    As for a surrogate , I believe most wives would prefer the satisfaction of having delivered a sound spanking herself and that she is the one responsible for your sore backside rather than someone else having the pleasure.

    1. I hear you but admit I'm skeptical about developing her non-dominant dexterity in that period of time. I'm not sure I would be able to if the positions were reversed, though I'm also pretty useless with my non-dominant hand. That's a good point re: surrogates -- I'm sure the personal satisfaction associated with giving a spanking would be lost.

    2. A non-dominent dexterity spanking vs no spanking?
      Tough choice.

    3. Being spanked by another woman has always been an exciting fantacy for me. When a former wife decided she no longer wanted to spank me, we agreed I should go to a pro. I went to 2 different professional spankers over 5 years, which was much better than nothing, but was very expensive and lacked the reality of real DD. I would give reasons for needing discipline, but it was all up to me to self report. It is infinitely more satisfying to be spanked by somebody that loves you and is involved with you. Because we don't even know anybody that would be interested in being a witness, having another woman friend spank me is a pretty remote possibility. If my G/F went on a long vacation, and I was ordered by her to go to a pro, that might work. She would have to meet the pro first, as the essential element would my G/F's involvement with the pro, instructing her what she wanted.

    4. Glen, it probably depends on just how much dexterity is lacking and what instruments would be used. If the accuracy was seriously lacking and it was a hard wooden instrument . . . no thanks. I kind of like my tailbone, spine and kidneys in their current, uninjured condition.

    5. Norton: "It is infinitely more satisfying to be spanked by somebody that loves you and is involved with you." I'm sure that's true.

    6. Safety first for sure Dan.
      I would think her hairbrush would be best for 'precision' strikes , and Anne's technique for targeting the same area on the same cheek repeatedly would be safe but sore.
      Big instruments would be more risky.

    7. This is a little difficult to articulate, but I think being spanked by someone else in my wife’s presence, I’m still being spanked by her but the implement is the other person - if that makes sense. TG

  6. Sorry Dan , this comment was from Glen . Blogger is not letting me sign in for some reason.

  7. I think there is a big problem with broaching the topic with Anne. The reason is simple and obvious. She is injured and probably needs your help and love. The last thing she is probably thinking about is paddling your bottom. As much as we would like to believe that being spanked puts "guard rails" on our lives, the reality is that we are adults who can function within the boundaries of good behavior without the imminent threat of being spanked.

    Sure, I share the fantasy of a "guest" spanker. In the BDSM context, I've been spanked by dozens of women. It was exciting. My disciplinary spankings are useful. They help me remember to do things that I sometimes forget. They help me. But without them, especially for a month or do, isn't going to turn me into a uncontrolled toddler.

    On Thursday I had an incident. I lost strength in my legs and slowly fell to the floor. I had also been having digestive problems at both ends. My wife found me unresponsive for a few minutes. My eyes were open but I didn't respond to her voice and touch. I have no memory of that. It took me a long time to get up. The morning after, I discovered that I lost sensation in my left hand. I put a call into a neurologist I've seen. Obviously this trumps any disciplinary issue. I would suggest that Anne's problem, while not earthshaking requires you to focus on her and not a disciplinary fantasy.

    1. Agreed. There are times in life when you just have to "man up". This sounds like one of those times.

    2. So . . . let me make sure I have this straight.

      My wife has a minor injury. I'm not even sure "injury" is the right word. It's basically the wrist's equivalent of tennis elbow and was caused in much the same way. Playing too much pickleball. I used her temporarily minor movement restriction as a launching point for a "what if" discussion about how people would deal with a longer period when a spouse was unable or absent. Would they drop DD activities entirely, or would they find a workaround. I made it clear that in our case, it's a four-week hiatus and, hence, something to live with. I also made it clear that for all sorts of reasons, a surrogate wasn't a realistic option for us if there was a longer absence. But, I raised the "what if" as to what other people would do.

      In the meantime, you were apparently were found in some kind of fugue state, in which you were physically incapable of responding to your wife. You have no memory of that. You've lost feeling in one of your limbs. Pretty classic signs of a stroke or major neurological problem. Yet, you didn't go to an emergency room. Apparently didn't seek help until yesterday other than phone calls with doctors. And, all the while both you and your wife are blogging about it AND blogging about the discussion over here, while NOT seeking appropriate medical care.

      Yet, I'M the one who doesn't have my priorities straight???

    3. My decision not to go to the ER represents my fear of what I might learn. I also tend to minimize the seriousness of what happens to me. That is a failing. I used the fact that I could still function to rationalize the lack of seriousness of my response. I did go to the ER on Monday. So far, no organic damage has been found. My hand is back to normal. I had a CAT scan and lots of blood work. I will probably get an MRI and an MRA.

      I've been thinking about my resistance to getting immediate help. Part of it is that I worry that if I go into the hospital, I won't come out. If the issue was serious enough to kill me, I wanted to die at home. So, yes I blogged and waited. Yes, I minimized the potential risks. I also know that if it were a stroke, there is a 50/50 chance that the heroic meds they use will kill me. I'm on blood thinners and the addition of the powerful anticoagulant has a strong chance of creating a brain bleed.

      My priorities may not have been straight. I did spend a long time weighing them. That doesn't change the value of my comment about your proposition. It may weaken your opinion of me, but I do stand by what I said.

      If this happens to me again, I am still not sure how I will respond. I'll probably dial 911. I was terrified and not rational. It's a chasm I didn't want to look into.

    4. I don't have any problem with you standing by what you said, though I think you are completely mischaracterizing what the post actually says. And, it certainly isn't the first time you've posted something suggesting that everyone who thinks they are using DD for things like behavior modification are fooling themselves, pretending, fantasizing, etc. You're also entitled to your opinion about how a husband should deal his wife's minor health issues. In our case, I doubt my wife needs paternalistic, infantalizing, "the sky is falling" hovering by her husband. She's an independent woman who strained herself by over-doing a sports activity, not a child or senior citizen in a walker. My bigger issue was that at the same time you were criticizing me for not hovering over my wife, you and your spouse were blogging about something far more serious instead of doing something about it.

      Yeah, if it happens again you or your wife should call 911. I had a relative who had a massive stroke last year that began with more modest symptoms than you displayed.

    5. I don't believe that everyone who practices DD is simply acting out a sexual fantasy. I do believe that there is a sexual root to adult consensual spanking. You seem a bit sensitive to the suggestion that there is a sexual component. I've learned that discipline is effective even if my original interest in spanking was sexual.

      I have to admit that I have no idea what a stroke should feel like or how to know when something rises to the level of needing a 911 call. You are right that I need to understand that something like what happened to me could go on for a while. I was shocked when a day later I lost sensation in my hand. Neither of us have any experience with these things.

      My decision to avoid 911 was partly fueled by the fact that our local ambulance will only take me to the nearest ER. That particular hospital has a poor reputation. My wife and I talked all this over and decided that we could ask the local EMT's to help get me to our car and she could drive me the extra 15 minutes to the "good" hospital. The ER doc explained to me that we have 3 hours to get treatment before the world starts ending.

    6. No, I think you're again misrepresenting my arguments to bolster yours. I do not have any problem with the assertion that there is sexual component underlying the interest of most men in these relationships. But, I also contend that the disciplinary element is a real driver for many of them and that they structure things around that goal. You constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY, suggest that element as made up. Your words in the post above: "As much as we WOULD LIKE TO BELIEVE that being spanked puts "guard rails" on our lives, THE REALITY IS that we are adults who can function within the boundaries of good behavior without the imminent threat of being spanked."

      Or the quote from the shot you took on your own blog: "The interesting EUPHIMISM was “maintaining guardrails.” This surprised me. It’s one thing to carry on ENDLESS CONVERSATIONS about spanking and how they help and CHANGE BEHAVIORS."

      You clearly have a problem with anyone who suggests that the behavioral-change element is real for them and perhaps more important to them than the sexuality, and apparently don't like the "endless conversations" about it.

    7. You misunderstand me. My behavior has been changed by my wife's punishments. DD is effective for us. I'm sure it is for you too. I'm just saying that the behavioral changes occur even if there are sexual undertones. I have a deep respect for DD and those who practice it.

  8. Hi Dan,
    "Have any of you been given a disciplinary spanking from another woman while you were in a relationship that included disciplinary spankings? If so, how did that come about?" - Certainly not me...! And I can think of only a few commenters here over the years who said they had been spanked by anyone else. And of those, Tomy is the only one I can think of that was sent to someone else, though there may be others. Most of those who have said they have been spanked by other women had their wives present during the spanking, and of course that would be an entirely different dynamic. In fact, if my wife were there, I expect it wouldn't be all that different if it was my wife spanking me and we had a witness, or if the other woman was spanking me and my wife was watching. I could be wrong about that, since I have no experience with this.

    What seems like a much different dynamic to me is being sent to another woman to be spanked (or having one come to my house) when my wife was not present. As I wrote a few weeks ago: "I simply can't imagine the feelings I would have knocking on someone's door if my wife had sent me to them for a spanking, or for that matter opening my door if they came to me. I would be nervous on so many levels, including how hard or long they might spank me and how I might react. I think the nervousness would pretty well overshadow any sexual charge I got from the whole thing." For some reason this mental image I have of either knocking on a door or hearing the knock and knowing what was coming is just super intense.

    "If not, do you think it is something you and/or your wife would ever seriously consider?" - Probably, if there were the right friend available to do that.

    "What if, similar to my situation, an injury or disability interfered with your wife’s ability to discipline you? Would you look for alternative spankers or just learn to live without disciplinary spankings?" - We would probably live without1. We don't do much for misbehavior, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal as far as rules and behavior go. But most of my spankings are either from attitude or related to check-ins, which are mostly health and lifestyle goal related. My wife could probably learn to live with my grumpiness, and if I don't get and keep some real motivation on health, she wouldn't have to put up with me too long since if I don't make changes, it will shorten my lifespan.

    "If you did explore alternatives, would the preference be for someone you both know, or would it more likely be a professional? Would your wife be present when the spanking happened?" - Where we live, there aren't professional dominas or disciplinarians, so that is out for sure. I assume it would be one of my wife's friends. And I assume my wife would be present if she were around, so the only time it would happen without my wife being present is if she were gone for some period of time.


    1. "For some reason this mental image I have of either knocking on a door or hearing the knock and knowing what was coming is just super intense."

      Same here. Thinking about being sent to someone else's house for a spanking is very intense. There have been a couple of times that Anne ordered me to come home from somewhere for a spanking. The anticipation and anxiety were very, very ramped up on those occasions. Now add to it driving to someone else's house and all the embarrassment that would entail . . .

    2. "There have been a couple of times that Anne ordered me to come home from somewhere for a spanking. The anticipation and anxiety were very, very ramped up on those occasions." - I too have had something like this happen, and it is much different than if she just announces that she is going to spank me right then. It seems to be just about the right amount of delay to maximize anticipation. I expect the same would be true if we were out and if she told me I would be spanked when we got home, though in that case I would be trying to get on her good side until we were home, where if she just tells you to come home, there is no chance of doing that.


    3. It definitely is a different experience. And, I don't think it's just about a certain amount of time passing and building up the anticipation. It's something about the journey literally carrying you closer and closer to it every minute. There are times I've been sitting at home knowing she is going to spanking me in 30 minutes or an hour. While the anticipation is high in those circumstances, it wasn't nearly as intense as driving home knowing you'll be spanked as soon as you get there.

  9. These coming weeks when my wife will be gone have created fertile ground for my overactive imagination. Primarily, I was thinking about what it would be like if my wife had someone come and do my check-ins (or made me go to someone).

    One interesting thought exercise that came out of that is I kind of imagined the different people doing the check-ins (of the few who live here and know some or all about our DD). If my wife's one friend (who knows everything) were to do the check-ins, then I imagine her also possibly spanking me. However, I cannot imagine she would spank very hard, since she has never done it before and so would almost certainly be very hesitant, like most people are at first. On the other hand, you never know what people might have experienced as children, so they might think that spankings are supposed to be very severe.

    The other person that I thought of is my dear friend for many, many years, who is now also a close friend of my wife. She is the one that I said feels like my sister, or at least as I expect it feels to have a sister, since I don't have one. She doesn't know about the spankings, though we did joke about it a tiny bit, so she may or may not suspect that happens. Anyway, since she doesn't know (at leasst for sure) about the spankings, then I imagine her doing the check-in forms and reporting the results to my wife, with no spanking involved (unless my wife gave me spankings when she returns).

    Strangely, in both of these scenarios, I think the overall feeling I would have would be almost the same, even though one might result in a spanking and the other not. This makes me think that I really am more sensitive about the whole "wife having authority" thing than about the spanking part itself. I could of course be wrong, but I think I would feel just about as uncomfortable having to report my results to me friend and having her record them on the check-in form, whether there was any thought or talk about spanking or not. It would just be a very humbling thing to have to so openly acknowledge that I have to report my weekly results and that I am accountable to my wife.


    1. "I think I would feel just about as uncomfortable having to report my results to me friend and having her record them on the check-in form, whether there was any thought or talk about spanking or not. It would just be a very humbling thing to have to so openly acknowledge that I have to report my weekly results and that I am accountable to my wife."

      I totally get that. I can't articulate why, but I think it would work similarly for me. In fact, when I play out two competing scenarios in my head--being spanked by one friend by not having to report results or misbehavior to her, versus having to report to a friend by not being spanked--I actually think the former might be MORE embarrassing. And, the level of embarrassment would seem to depend a lot on how close I was to the surrogate, with the closer relationship being much more embarrassing.

  10. First of all, I’m sorry to hear of your wife’s injury. As Caged Lion, said, I’m sure that’s the focus of your attention now. That said, it’s not surprising that you might fantasize about the substitution scenario.

    I’ve mentioned before that many, many years ago, I did go to a pro accompanied by my girlfriend on more than one occasion. It was a very favorable experience for all involved, However, these were more “playful” even though hard spankings directly by my friend. One time, I think she was irritated with me and certainly orchestrated a rather severe whipping.

    As to your specific issue at hand, I think a surrogate could work under the right circumstances. However, I don’t think most wives would appreciate your suggestion if they were just incapacitated for a relatively short while. But that just depends on your own, personal dynamic with your wife. In the case of a very long-term disability, it is an option that might work for more people.

    It would certainly enhance the embarrassment aspect of your discipline!

    Regarding a male surrogate, that would not surprisingly raise issues with a good many disciplined husbands. Agreeing to that scenario would definitely take any sexual aspect out to the picture for me. I would never suggest it, but I would agree to try it once if my wife requested and only if she were present. That would be a major manifestation of one’s submissiveness to the wife’s discipline -- no denying that!

    Definitely a topic that hasn’t been discussed much here before, so thanks for bringing it up.


    1. Thanks, Graham. I think CL must not have read the post very carefully if he thinks I'm fantasizing about surrogates. As I said pretty plainly, given the practical impediments, there is zero chance of anything like that happening. The topic was simply a "what if" directed to how others would deal with something like an injury or longer-term absence. There also seemed to be a misunderstanding about the seriousness of Anne's injury. As I said, nothing is broken. It was a strain from too much pickleball, and it's better to restrain it to prevent aggravating it further. She brought up the challenges of spanking last night, thinking of options. So, it's not like she's convalescing in bed and I'm "fantasizing" about other women. It's interesting the extent to which the twin topics of the wives spanking other men or men being spanked by other women seem to draw kind of intense reactions . . .

      "However, I don’t think most wives would appreciate your suggestion if they were just incapacitated for a relatively short while." Possibly, though I think you're right that it depends on the personal dynamic with the wife. It also may depend a lot on the overall dynamics at play, including whether there is any kind of pre-existing relationship between the wife and surrogate and, if so, what it's based on. As I said in the post, one thing that got me thinking about this as a topic was Aunt Kay's husband bringing up the DWC wives using each other as surrogates. According to him, they seemed to like the "helping take care of business," cut and dried quality of it. I could see that happening if you had some kind of pre-existing network of people in the lifestyle. Anne and I don't have that, as we've never been part of the spanking party scene or had anyone close to us that we know is into this, but if you had any network in place--maybe even two sisters with a shared spanking interest--I could see how a wife might see a surrogate as non-threatening.

      Yeah, the Male-male thing definitely would be a test of one's submission to authority, wouldn't it?

  11. Having been to several different spanking party events, what I came away with was the knowledge that being spanked by a stranger for no reason can be fun, but ultimately, isn't very satisfying. The male - male thing is something I personaly would never consent to under any circumstances, so that is where my submissiveness to her authority would stop. I don't believe I am homophobic - It's just the way I am wired.

    1. I wouldn't assume it means your homophobic either.

      I could be wrong, but I don't think I would find a spanking party fun. Without the disciplinary component, it doesn't have much interest for me.

    2. I think it would be exciting to see other couples who understood our dynamic, like the classic 'Disciplinary Wives Club'.
      Imagining holding hands while other couples discipline. Fun until it's our turn!

    3. CK, I'm not sure the group setting would ever work for me. It would be about spanking, but I wonder whether it would really be about discipline in any way? With something like a surrogate or one other couple I suppose it could be. But, with a group, it seems more like a party. There's nothing at all wrong with that, but I don't think it would fit my dynamic.

    4. I am sure I could think up some situation in which a group setting would be for actual discipline, but it would be a struggle to come up with a scenario that works, so the chances of that actually happening in real life would be close to zero. My assumption is that a group setting would be only for fun. It certainly wouldn't work for me in scratching my DD itch, but I guess it would be interesting to meet other people who were practicing this lifestyle at least. Of course, then it is just a party, and I hate most parties...!


    5. Yeah, that's another issue. I too hate most parties.

  12. This actually came up in my marriage after my wife got sick. The radiation and chemo left her weak and unable to punish.
    I was totally focused on her health and would never raise the issue of a surrogate, but she brought it up!
    She noticed my behavior was slipping and knew that the stress of her cancer was a contributing factor. We actually discussed who we might ask! But I told her I didn't believe it would be effective from anyone else because it was HER maternal authority I craved.
    When it became clear she was not going to make it, we had one conversation where she encouraged me to eventually find another partner -- "and make sure she spanks," she said. I mostly cried during that conversation and told her I had no interest in anyone else. That has been the case.
    I redoubled my efforts in the last months to show her how well she had trained me -- that I would continue to be a good man because of her efforts, even when she was no longer around.

    1. KOJ, that's touching and sad. Since I'm not all that hard-wired with a spanking fetish, I'm sure if my wife had cancer or if either of us had a really serious health issue, DD would vanish from my mind completely.

  13. While my wife and I haven't had a conversation about who might serve as a surrogate spanker, we have speculated on who among friends and family might already be disciplining their significant other. We readily agreed that the most likely candidate would be her younger sister Natalie. We don't have any reason to think that little sis disciplines her boyfriend, but I agreed that Natalie has all the attributes of an excellent spanker. She is assertive by nature and I'm sure she would wield a hairbrush very effectively.

    Unlike your situation Dan, my wife is extremely close with all her sisters. It is much easier for me to picture her giving that kind of authority to a family member than to one of our friends or to a professional. I think it's safe to say that neither one of us has any interest in the latter. With her mother not being a suitable candidate, I have little doubt that my wife would turn to one of her sisters and that would be my preference too. I'm also quite certain that Beth would want to be present if it ever happened. I won't deny that there is a fantasy aspect to this and if having my wife watch is appealing to me, it might be for her too. Like most fantasies, it's not likely to become reality and that's probably for the best. But since we've at least broached the subject of who spanks, it would be an interesting conversation for us to have. It could be that I'm wrong about who my wife would choose, which would be even more intriguing.

    1. Hi Kevin. I admit that I'm not always very attuned to the proclivities of the people around me. For example, I had friends in high school and college who later came out as gay, but at the time I had no clue. So, perhaps it's not unexpected that when asked who in my current life might be in a DD relationship, I truly can't think of even one. There was a younger woman at my last job who I thought might be, but that's really it. None of my other friends and family seem like close fits. One of my daughters does have some very controlling aspects, and if Anne ever opened up to her about our lifestyle, I could see it being something she would initiate with her significant other. But, that one is pure speculation on my part. It's odd and a little disappointing that a decade into writing a blog on this stuff, there is really no one close to me who I suspct of being into it.

    2. Thinking about your circle of friends and family to think of who might practice this is certainly an interesting thought. But the real problem is even if you have someone you think might be more likely to be a DD practitioner, how do you find out if you are right or wrong? I am going to ask my wife about her thoughts on everyone we know. She is more in tune with people than I am, but considering where we live and how conservative it is, probably we will come up dry on that. It is easier to think of who might be a willing witness or even a willing spanker, since there are some open minded people to be found, but it is very unlikely that more than a few people in our extremely patriarchal country spank their husbands.


    3. Dan said: “,,, when asked who in my current life might be in a DD relationship, I truly can't think of even one.”
      Intuitively one might think someone who deeply resonates with the concept and practice of adult spanking would tend to “sense” a fellow traveler (don’t worry, Joe McCarthy isn’t here anymore). But in my experience, it rarely works that way. If one assumes the proportion of the population interested in disciplinary spanking is somewhere between 2 -5 percent, probably skewed toward post-40-year-olds ( that could be changing); then just by chance, somewhere between one in 20 and one in 50 people you know or meet are spankos of some sort. Do the math. One estimate is that the average person knows about 600 people. Under the assumptions stated, that would mean, on average, between 12 and 30 people whom you know could be called spankos.
      Yet most of them, like most of us, are in hiding most of the time. I know many people but have known six to 10 are spankos, one or two of whom, as far as I know, are primarily F/M. I probably know many spankos, but I don’t know that they are spankos. And most of the males and females I know that are spankos have surprised me. With several women in particular, I didn’t see it coming. But it wasn’t that I missed the clues. There usually were no clues. The woman who introduced me to DD was totally vanilla, but once introduced to spanking, she left that behind, having a custom-made paddle for herself. The only clue I have found with men is an open mind about sexuality and the presence of one or more other kinks. (shoes/feet are very common)
      So Dan's comment rings true to me, not because they are not out there but because so many of us are hidden in plain sight

    4. "One estimate is that the average person knows about 600 people. Under the assumptions stated, that would mean, on average, between 12 and 30 people whom you know could be called spankos.
      Yet most of them, like most of us, are in hiding most of the time. I know many people but have known six to 10 are spankos, one or two of whom, as far as I know, are primarily F/M."

      Where I think the big challenge come in is that, while the average person may know about 600 people, our actual social networks are a lot smaller, usually topping out at around 120 (from what I've read in several modern sociological/anthropological studies). And, even among those 120 or so, the number we are actually close enough to that we get some real visibility into their personal lives is some much smaller number. So, even if the base numbers in the population are as high as you estimate (my guess, and it's purely a guess, is it would be less than 1% who have an inclination toward the kind of real, hard spankings we discuss here). So among my 120 or so closest contacts, there might be 1 or 2 who are so inclined. Statistically, the small number alone may make them hard to spot. It's probably going to happen only if I get *very* close to someone among the 120 in my network who just happens to be one of the one or two who are into disciplinary spankings. The odds just get really small of finding such a person even though they are, as you say, hiding in plain sight.

      It's why I think you're right that for you to even identify a fellow person in a F/m DD dynamic, let alone get one to be a surrogate, it's way more likely to be from some kind of social network in which people are already "out" to each other. Even then, it's a tough proposition. I was thinking of this a few days ago in a slightly different context. But, I've been in a DD relationship for over 15 years. During that time, I've told one friend, and she's totally vanilla (where spanking is concerned - who knows about other kinks?). There are another five or six people I've talked to pretty extensively by email, all from this blog. I've had video calls with three (Tomy plus two female bloggers, one in an F/m dynamic and one in a M/f), one of whom I actually have met face to face. So, over 15 years, I've met, face-to-face, a whopping ONE person who is actually into this lifestyle. It's kind of a depressingly low number, and if you personally know 6 to 10, you are WAY ahead of me so far.

    5. I agree with you guys as far as numbers go. In general, it is likely that you know only a maximum of several spanko's, and the chances are greatly against you ever finding out who they are if in fact there are any.

      "It's why I think you're right that for you to even identify a fellow person in a F/m DD dynamic, let alone get one to be a surrogate, it's way more likely to be from some kind of social network in which people are already 'out' to each other." - Again, I completely agree that for you to even identify a fellow person in a F/m DD dynamic will usually only be possible in a spanking-related group. And the same would be even more true for finding a surrogate who is an experienced disciplinarian in a F/m DD relationship.

      Having said that, nobody ever said that the surrogate needs to be a spanko or have any F/m DD experience, so that changes the equation radically. One of the biggest surprises for me over the past two years is just how easy it is to tell someone about a DD relationship, compared to what I thought before, which is "impossible." In fact, all you have to do is find open-minded people that you trust, drop some hints, and gauge their interest along the way as you tell them more and more. There are now at least 2 people who know all the details of our DD relationship (my wife's friend and her sister), my friend who knows about our check-ins and my wife having authority (with hints towards spanking), a friend who my wife told she was "punishing" me one day, and several of her other friends who know at least that she does domination related roleplay using a belt and things like that, so I assume they think she spanks me, but just for kinky fun. And this was all without offending anyone in the least or going too far out of normal boundaries.

      Given time and more opportunities, it is certainly possible or even likely that one or more of these people, or perhaps others who we tell in the future, will go on to either witness a spanking or spank me, and considering that all of them are people that my wife trusts deeply, there is nothing that would prevent them being used even as a surrogate with my wife not present.

      Are they spanko's? Maybe one (my wife's good friend), and that is far from certain. I would classify her more as curious. Are they experienced disciplinarians in a F/m DD relationship? Almost certainly not. But that doesn't mean they have no exposure of any sort. Many mothers have spanked children, perhaps less so now than before, but still far from zero. Also, many if not most adults have been spanked either at home or at school when they were young, or witnessed or heard of others being spanked.

      All this is to say that while it would be much easier to find someone in a spanking group of some sort, it is by no means necessary, even if one is looking for a surrogate.


    6. You definitely make a compelling case for how to expand the number of people who are in the know, though I wonder how much that would, as a practical matter, expand the number of potential surrogates? Unfortunately, I only have one, very personal data point. The good friend who I told about our DD relationship long ago knows quite a bit about it at this point, since both Anne and I have told her. Yet, I don't think I would ever consider her as a surrogate. Since it seems pretty clear that nothing about the spanking thing interests her on a personal level, it would seem like a big imposition to bring her into it. Moreover, I'm almost *too* close to her for it to work, if that makes sense. Because we've been such close friends for so many years, I think it would be *too* embarrassing for both of us, plus I'm not sure that given her closeness to me that she could have enough emotional distance to deliver a really hard punishment spanking, without all the concerns most of our wives initially have around not wanting to hurt us "too much."

      Though, you definitely give me a lot to think about in terms of openness. You've described the country you live in as deeply patriarchal and conservative, yet several of your wife's friends know about her domination-related role play. Maybe Anne is the one who is an outlier in terms of privacy, because I don't think any of her friends know a thing about the details of her sex life. Nor do my male friends. Well, my male friends other than you guys here on the blog, of course.

    7. “if you personally know 6 to 10, you are WAY ahead of me so far.”

      That 6-10 includes several women who were mostly M/F., and that was during my twenties and single days. If you had” discovered” spanking earlier, you probably would have had a similar experience.

      Many women are interested in spanking, but most are interested in receiving, not providing. I also met at least three women who were willing to play a dominant role during that period. But looking back, I would say only one of them could actually have become a disciplinary wife. The others were experimenting and responding to me.

      Until I met the woman who introduced me to female-led DD, I don’t think I had met a woman who linked spanking with discipline and punishment.


    8. "That 6-10 includes several women who were mostly M/F., and that was during my twenties and single days. If you had” discovered” spanking earlier, you probably would have had a similar experience."

      That's probably true. My pre-marital sexual adventures were depressingly few and depressingly vanilla. And, I was in my 20s when we got married. In combination with my lack of early confidence, I definitely limited the breadth of my exposure to various kinks.

    9. Having come of age in the 60s, I had the good fortune of being able to have sex with hundreds of women, as they were recently liberated due to better birth control. Many women wanted to prove that they could be as sexually active as men, and I was very happy to help out. I spanked many of these women, and most of them seemed to enjoy it. I was hoping that eventually one of them would want to turn the tables on me, but that never happened. I was unaware that the possibility existed to be taken in hand and be in a real DD relationship, but that would take many decades.

    10. Part of me really, really regrets not being born a decade earlier . . .

  14. For me, the core of it all working would be a direct line from my wife’s authority to any spanking another woman administers. My wife’s presence would be important, but essential would be her assent and wish that it happens. Being sent to another woman for discipline or being spanked by another woman is not a fantasy. Still, I would certainly obey her if she ordered it, probably with some mix of fear and excitement. In RL, we have never confronted the issue, although she has mentioned that her sister “might“ like to spank me and asked how I felt about that.

    Thinking about it in broader terms, the notion of a surrogate in an RL DD relationship seems practical only in a situation such as Aunt Kay and Tomy created with the DWC: a group of couples knowing each other and involved in female-led DD. Of course, it could work with as few as two couples or even a single female friend or relative. assuming the wives were comfortable with it. And something like that may well happen, especially among couples who attend organized spanking events. I can see how the need for a surrogate may arise, as, for example, the story alludes to on the DWC website in which a wife had to be absent for long periods, or as in Dan’s case, where an injury or sickness prevents discipline. Undoubtedly, a DD relationship thrives on a certain amount of sustained momentum (or consistency). Interrupt that, especially early in the relationship, and something is lost.

    It would be interesting to hear from anyone with actual experience with surrogate spanking, including those who might have used pros while actually in an ongoing DD.


    1. "Thinking about it in broader terms, the notion of a surrogate in an RL DD relationship seems practical only in a situation such as Aunt Kay and Tomy created with the DWC: a group of couples knowing each other and involved in female-led DD." I think that's probably right.

    2. Strangely, I find myself disagreeing with both of you, which maybe has never happened before! I don't think the group is in any way necessary for the idea of a surrogate to be practical, though I can see how it would make it easier. All it takes is a willing friend or family member (probably of the wife).

      "My wife’s presence would be important, but essential would be her assent and wish that it happens." - Well put. I agree. My wife could be there or not, and in most ways it would be better if she was there, but the most important thing would be that she was truly ok with it. For me to be fully confident of that, it has to be arranged by her, with me having little or nothing to do with the process.


    3. I agree a group wouldn't be strictly necessary. It's just the scenario that seems most plausible to me with respect to it actually happening.

  15. While it doesn’t include real DD, spanking partys can be enlightening and fun. It’s great to be around hundreds of other spankos. Obviously, some of them will be into DD. Also, you can be pretty sure you will get spanked as much as you want, and have the opportunity to do some spanking yourself, if you are a switch. The one in Vegas rents out 2 floors of a big hotel. Often, folks will leave their doors open, which is an open invitation to come in. There are also numerous presentations. I realize this would be a big stretch for most couples, check it out if you are able. It was very satisfying for me, and reassuring to experience spanking enthusiasm
    with folks from all over the world. We had a couple from Austria and also Japan!

    1. "Also, you can be pretty sure you will get spanked as much as you want, and have the opportunity to do some spanking yourself, if you are a switch."

      This is why I don't think it would work for me. If you take out the DD component, "as much as you want" is, for me, close to zero. Same with switching, only more so. I have a true aversion to the thought of dominating and/or spanking a woman.

    2. I understand that for you, and many others on this blog, spanking is entirely for DD. I have enjoyed spanking many nice female bottoms, and I spank my G/F lightly, using only my hand for foreplay, which is erotic for us both. For me, being spanked is more about stress relaese and being held accountable, but I don't seem to need a lot of discipline these days. There is a fair amount of ritual to my maintenance spankings, which highlights her authority. She uses several wooden paddles, and spanks quite hard for at least 6 or 7 minutes. Lately I got a cane and have been encouraging her to use it at the end of a spanking to cut through the numbness. She would probably have little interest in going to a spanking party, so we probably never will. It was fun for me to experience it, and is a nice memory.

  16. One possibility has been over looked. If your wife is unable to use a spanking implement, she could consider some other form of physical punishment. For example electric shock could be used. An extreme example would be a cattle prod, available at farm supply stores. It looks scary and it is. But, if used properly, it will not do permanent damage. I suggest a ritual where your wife would order you to strip naked and present your backside for punishment. The prod applied to the fleshy butt will hurt like hell for a few seconds. If your wife has sentenced you to 3 jolts, I guaranty the anticipation of the 2nd and 3rd jolts will test your submissiveness. Each jolt will leave 2 freckle sized burns on the skin of your butt. These will heal as quickly as marks from a paddle.

    1. Umm . . . no. Though, FWIW, I grew up in a very rural area and have loads of experience with kids shocking kids with cattle prods.

    2. Hahahaha. Well, we have talked about alternative punishments before, usually with little to no response from anyone, other than the occasional mouth-soaping, corner time, enema, or pegging. I guess this one is unique at least.


    3. Yep, definitely unique. And, hard to deny it probably would be an effective punishment.

  17. Didn't kdpierre discuss having several women with disciplinary authority over him, and they would suggest and assign punishments to his wife (or vice-versa)? I miss his blog.

    1. Something like that. His stepdaughter could suggest punishments to his wife. There were two women they were friends with who both spanked him for disciplinary purposes, but I don't recall that they could assign punishments to his wife or vice-versa. I'm not saying they didn't, but I don't remember that being the way the arrangement worked.

  18. Hi Dan. The idea of a surrogate has always intrigued me. However, without an actual DD relationship, it is a fantasy on top of a fantasy. In reality, it seems highly unlikely that such an arrangement would ever happen. First, it would have to be my wife's idea. I don't want to ask her to provide an alternate disciplinarian, as that would only give the appearance that I'm calling the shots. Once a DD relationship is established, I want to leave all decisions in her hands, and I'm also fine with the decision that punishment is not needed. If she is unable to give a spanking for whatever reason, it is up to her what she wants to do about it.

    The second reason is that, as others have already discussed, what are the chances we know anyone into DD on close enough terms to help us out in this regard? I don't do kinky parties or share this publicly. I would not want to involve anyone in my family, and that's a hard limit. I might go along with someone on her side of the family, but that would require a very unusual relationship between my hypothetical wife and her disciplinarian relative.

    A third reason for the unlikely possibility of this ever happening is that, even if we knew someone into DD, does that qualify the person to be my disciplinarian? I don't want to sound too picky, but I'm picky. The reason my hypothetical wife has been given the authority is because I trust and respect her, and we're compatible. I'm going to assume my wife would also not just pick anyone for the job. That person would have to meet her requirements.

    I think the most likely way for a surrogate to become a reality would be for my wife to decide, for whatever reason, that she wants to incorporate an outside disciplinarian. She would talk with me about it, and we would find a set of conditions that work for both of us. She would then conduct an online search for possible candidates and, if she found one to her liking and within the boundaries we had established together, it could be arranged. My wife must be present, and supportive at least in spirit with the proceedings. Within my boundaries would be a professional disciplinarian, but that person would have to also meet with my approval. I would need for the disciplinarian to be genuinely enthusiastic about domestic themed situations. The worst possible choice for me would be a male disciplinarian. My wife would know that is what I sincerely do not want, but that decision must be left to her.

    1. "A third reason for the unlikely possibility of this ever happening is that, even if we knew someone into DD, does that qualify the person to be my disciplinarian? I don't want to sound too picky, but I'm picky."

      That's true, though there's also the adage, "Birds of a feather flock together." It seems to me in terms of an acceptable demeanor, a wife's friends might be better candidates than someone chosen on-line no matter how much vetting you tried to do.

      I was thinking about something kind of along those lines in response to Alan's comments about hiding in plain sight. I wonder with the younger generation just how thoroughly they are hiding. I've referenced one female blogger in a F/m dynamic that I became friends with through our blogs. She is at least 15 years younger than me and definitely seems a generation apart. She told me at one point that it's pretty clear that several of her girlfriends are clearly in relationships where they call the shots. She said she doesn't know whether their control extends to physical discipline or D/s-oriented kink, but that there were clear power structures in place with her female friends in charge. Statistically, I still think real F/m DD dynamics are probably rare, but I also need to acknowledge that I'm increasingly separated from the younger generations and probably am not in a good position to project just how many there might be or how open they might be about it.

    2. "It seems to me in terms of an acceptable demeanor, a wife's friends might be better candidates than someone chosen on-line no matter how much vetting you tried to do." - Exactly right. Trust and openness are the most important qualities, which will be easier with an existing friend than with someone found online. Plus, as I pointed out a few comments up, there is no reason to think you need to find a spanko, as long as they are open-minded and up for new experiences.

      And also, it is true about "birds of a feather flock together." My wife is open-minded, so most all of her friends are as well, even in the closed-minded society in the country in which we live.


    3. You probably just answered my question above, about how it is several of your wife's friends know about dominance role-playing despite living in a conservative country.

    4. Yes, I think that is part of the reason she was able to be so open to them. In the end, she tends to attract people with similar mentalities and worldviews as she has.

      We have talked here about how you never really know who might or not be a spanko. At least for my wife and me, I expect that our friends and families would be pretty surprised that we were into this. For that matter, even if there happened to be another couple that has a F/m DD relationship in our circle - however unlikely that might be - I would be surprised if even they would pick us out as likely DD practitioners.

      In the same way, while there is probably a somewhat higher likelihood of a generally more open-minded person also being open-minded about DD, this is by no means absolute; most people's open-mindedness is very dependent on the topic, depending on their beliefs and life experiences. So, a seemingly rather closed-minded person might be quite open to DD, and even a very open-minded person in most things might be completely closed with regard to DD. Having said that, it is much easier to tell an open-minded person, because even if they are turned off by or have very negative views towards DD, they are less likely to let it sway their opinion of you.

      In the end, considering that you can't really know who might or might not be a spanko in some way, and you can't really even guess with any real accuracy who might be more or less open to hearing about, witnessing, or participating in DD, about all you can do if you want to tell a few people is first select people that you trust and that you think might be open towards it, based on any other things you have talked about, and then slowly test the waters with them. If you see they are curious and/or open to talking about it then proceed, or if they just seem totally disinterested then change the topic, or if they seem in some way offended by it, just turn it all into a joke.


    5. "So, a seemingly rather closed-minded person might be quite open to DD, and even a very open-minded person in most things might be completely closed with regard to DD." That's kind of my vanilla friend who knows about it. She's very open-minded about pretty much everything. But, there is a difference between being open-minded about hearing about something and being open-minded about participating. She's totally open-minded about DD and somewhat curious about hearing about it. But, that curiosity is about wanting to know the lives of the people you are friends with, not about actually participating. She's read this blog and told me she finds the discussions very interesting, but it ultimately just doesn't do anything for her.

    6. My ex-wife was very open minded in almost every way in every part of life, except she was absolutely against any sexual kink of any sort. She was raised in an ultra-conservative environment that basically obsessed about all the evils of sexuality. Because she was so hardwired to be open-minded, she was able to overcome that upbringing in many ways, and was even quite open-minded about sex in general, including gay sex, as long as there were no kinks involved. But any kinks were just a bridge too far.

      As far as DD, it had two big strikes going against it for her, first because she viewed it as being kinky since there was an underlying sexual fantasy, and secondly because she was once spanked unfairly when she was a pre-teen, and could never get past the feeling she had during that spanking.

      However, there might also be people who are very closed-minded with regard to politics or something like that, but who are completely open to the idea of DD.

      And then as you pointed out, there is a big difference between being open to and maybe even wanting to hear about things like DD and being open to being involved in any capacity. Also, there are people like my sister-in-law who are not in any way judgmental about DD - so I would have to classify them as open-minded about it - but who really don't care about it all, so if you talk to them about DD, they are thinking about other things like doing laundry or whatever.


    7. That is very interesting that she was OK about sex in general, including non-procreative gay sex, but had a problem with any kind of kink.

      We are this interesting mix of hard-wired tendencies and flexible interests. On the one hand, we may be attracted to things few others can understand. Like foot fetishes. I don't get it at all, but it's clearly a things for some others. Yet, many of our disciplinary wives are proof positive that just because you don't start out being attracted to something, an attraction to it can arise over time.

    8. Dan wrote: “…She told me at one point that it's pretty clear that several of her girlfriends are clearly in relationships where they call the shots. She said she doesn't know whether their control extends to physical discipline or D/s-oriented kink, but that there were clear power structures in place with her female friends in charge.”

      It will be interesting to see where these newer generations of female-led/female-controlled relationships go ( or maybe have already gone). They would seem to be fertile ground for both males and females attracted to spanking to incorporate some form of spanking DD or F/m dynamic into the relationship as your friend has done.
      On the other hand, women in these relationships, already possessing some power and authority, may not feel the need to add corporal punishment. Nonetheless, we know many males fantasize (at least ) about female authority and spanking. Finding themselves in a relationship with an already empowered woman, the males may press to make formal discipline and punishment part of the relationship. Women will ultimately hold the reins of power regarding whether or not the relationship becomes female-led DD. But given the reciprocal nature of committed relationships and society’s direction toward less inhibited norms about sexuality. It would not be surprising to see F/M relationships increase as women increasingly gain power in other areas of life.

    9. You're right, Alan. It's such a fascinating mix of possibly competing social changes:

      (1) Women have, in the past, been socially conditioned not to take on leadership roles. That is changing and might suggest more openness to FLRs and DD.
      (2) But, the youngest generations are all about egalitarianism and no one exercising power over anyone else. And, they've been raised to reject all forms of violence.
      (3) They are more open sexually than our generations were, yet they have much less sex than we did and are kind of prudish in ways that were not true of the '70s and much of the '80s.
      (4) I know you believe spanking has a genetic component, but even if true, it seems like it needs some kind of trigger. With so few of the younger generation ever having been spanked or exposed to anyone else getting spanked, what happens when those real life triggers are no longer prevalent?

      My gut tells me my friend is right and that we will see far more women taking the reins in FLR-like marriages. Yet, I also see many social changes that could push in the other direction.

    10. Dan wrote: “With so few of the younger generation ever having been spanked or exposed to anyone else getting spanked, what happens when those real-life triggers are no longer prevalent?”

      That is the million-dollar question. Right now, perhaps until recently, it seems likely that the trigger happened very early in life for most folks(you would then be an exception, but not unique) So what happens if early exposure to spanking becomes rare or near nonexistent?
      One thing likely is that the genetic component predisposing one to an interest in spanking --- ( I believe it is likely a combination of certain genes) –that genetic predisposition then is exposed to a sufficient environmental stimulus ( trigger ) later in life rather than earlier, perhaps post-puberty adolescence or later. We know that the brain and cognitive processes can continue to develop until the mid-twenties.

      So, those with a spanking predisposition may discover it as young or even middle-aged adults. And, of course, they may not discover it at all.

      A core principle of developmental psychology is that most of us have talents, traits, and capacities that we never express because we are not exposed to the environmental influences necessary to act as catalysts.

      How all this will work out in the real world amongst the rapidly changing gender roles and attitudes toward sexuality is impossible to predict. But consideration of the widespread interest in spanking exhibited on the web and in general media -while at the same time, the actual incidence of spanking in childhood has sharply declined—does suggest that adult spanking is far from an endangered species


    11. You're right that there is plenty of spanking material available on the internet, which might still trigger an interest. Though, that raises at least two related questions. First, are people stumbling on spanking material on the internet, or are they actively looking for it? Second, if the latter, would they have any reason to look for it without first-hand exposure earlier in life? Without the stimulus of school spankings and family spankings and all that stuff that worked its way into so many of our psyches, might it just fall out of fashion entirely? Sometimes I wonder if it already has. When we first started in DD, there were at several blogs out there devoted to F/m DD and more devoted to M/f. Now, there are a tiny number devoted to M/f. But, that's not quite true if you count Tumblr, where there are still many sites featuring F/m spanking memes and photographs. Though, there is very little actual interaction on them, and they're usually a mix of DD and Femdom stuff.

    12. Based on what I read on T-shirts (and elsewhere, of course), it appears there are many young women who control their men through "pussy power" (denying him intercourse unless he behaves a certain way). If that is effective in giving her power and authority, as it appears to be, then she probably has no need to spank.

    13. KOJ, something tells me that control via denying sex isn't just a "young women today" phenomenon.

    14. Hi KOJ, I agree with you that it seems that you seem more social references like "I have the pussy, I make the rules," especially among younger people. I agree with Dan that it is likely neither a new practice nor one primarily used by young people, but rather I think people are just becoming more open about saying things like this, that maybe were always true, and maybe everyone knew it was this way, but nobody said it out loud.

      "If that is effective in giving her power and authority, as it appears to be, then she probably has no need to spank." - I mostly disagree with this, but not because of effectiveness. Sure, it is effective, as are lots of other things like the silent treatment, cold shoulder, and maybe even nagging. But all of these things, while they might cause behavior change, also cause damage to the relationship.

      For those guys that have a thing for spanking and female authority, probably spanking is the most effective precisely because it plays to his fantasies. If on the other hand a guy had a thing for tease and denial and female authority, then probably he could be effectively controlled (without causing bad feelings) by controlling access to sex more or using chastity cages or things like that. I think that for many if not most of us who are into things like this, it is not just the "exercised female authority" part that is important, but also how it is exercised.


  19. I can see four different versions of the whole "others" thing, excluding parties and things like that which don't seem very real. All of these are similar in theme, but quite different in just what is happening and how it would probably feel to experience it.

    The first is the one I threw out a few weeks ago when we were talking about our wives spanking other men. I envisioned a scenario where the husbands had gotten in trouble, so the wives spanked them together and switched off on who was spanking whom. I mentioned above, where the wives punish the husbands together and switch off (or not). So in this case 2 spankers, 2 spankees (so FF/mm). I am not sure what feelings I would have in this situation, since another guy would also see me being punished, as would his wife, and then of course if she spanked me too, that would add an additional layer of complexity. I am guessing it wouldn't bother me nearly as much as having a male witness or spanker under other circumstances, since the other guy would also be getting spanked, so he couldn't be looking down on me too much. Plus, misery loves company...

    The second is the one we usually talk about (FF/m), where in addition to your wife spanking you, another person (most likely a friend or relative of your wife) either spanks you or is a witness. I could well be wrong, but I think it might feel pretty much the same regardless of which one was actually swinging the paddle. In either case, at least one is witnessing what is happening while the other is making it happen, and they are talking to each other and likely laughing and feeding off each other.

    The third one I can think of is where the wife either sends you to be punished or sends someone to punish you, but without them being there, so it is F/m, just not with your wife being the "F." This one would be pretty intimidating, I think. If the woman were an experienced spanker, I would be terrified at just how hard she might spank. If she were not an experienced disciplinarian, then the spanking itself would probably be no big deal. Either way, it would seem more awkward than in the scenario with my wife present, since at least in the that scenario they can interact with each other, but in this scenario it is just you and her, and all the attention is on you.

    The final scenario I can think of - and which only occurred to me as I was typing this - is reminiscent of stories of kids who are spanked by their friend's mother, in that in this one, you and another guy are spanked by his wife, presumably for trouble that you got into together. This one seems the least likely to ever happen, since it requires that you know and probably be close friends with a spanking couple so that your wives are comfortable enough with each other that they would be ok with the other wife spanking their husband without them being there. Of course, it actually is lower "risk" than if a wife's friend spanks you alone, since if her husband is also there and being spanked, there is no doubt that there will not be much of a sexual element. I have no idea what this one would be like, but it would be different than if both wives were present because they wouldn't be interacting with each other.


    1. It's great the way you've laid out these options and the way it forces me to think through what it is that really pushes my buttons with the various scenarios but also with DD in general. For me, the extent of embarrassment and the sheer emotional force doesn't seem to have that much to do with the genders involved or the number of participants as long as the number is small. What really determines the level of embarrassment, anxiety, etc. is whether I'm really being punished for something I actually did. I think the reason parties and larger get-togethers don't cause much reaction in me is that, while I guess it's theoretically possible they might involve a real spanking for a real offense, it's not very likely.

      The distinction becomes really apparent to me when comparing your first and fourth examples. If it was just a couple getting together and spanking for the "fun" of it, or using some offense merely as an excuse or prop for what is basically a spanking party, it doesn't seem to do anything for me emotionally, even with the other man there. But, that dynamic changes entirely if I were being spanked with another man and it really was a punishment for something we really had done.

    2. ZM wrote: “I envisioned a scenario where the husbands had gotten in trouble, so the wives spanked them together and switched off on who was spanking whom.”

      Of all four scenarios, this one appeals to me the most. It is actually a fantasy I have had for a while. Part of my wife’s sister coming to witness me being spanked was her interest/curiosity about extending DD to her own marriage. If that had happened, there was probably a real chance the two sisters would in the future have orchestrated some “joint “discipline session.”

      Fortunately, or unfortunately, her husband has no interest in becoming a disciplined hubby, so that will not happen. It is, however, still something I would like to experience.

      I think the effect of being spanked in the presence of another disciplinary wife, or alternately being spanked by her while my wife spanks her husband, could have enormous correction value while at the same time being erotic ( at least in retrospect).

      A scenario like this also solves for me the presence of another male. Receiving a disciplinary spanking in front of another male who was there solely to embarrass or add to my punishment is very close to a hard limit. However, if the other male is present, not to witness my punishment, but to be similarly punished, then the problem goes away. I don’t know if it would matter much if my wife spanked me and his wife spanked him -or if the wives instead disciplined each other’s husband. (IN RL, that might matter a lot)

      But the main point is that being disciplined with another male is not at all threatening as long as he is also being punished. The related scenario in which either his wife or my wife is administering the discipline to both of us is not something I have thought much about (and something unlikely to happen), but it would have similar effects on me.

    3. Alan, I apologize if you've talked about this before but I can't recall, does your brother-in-law know you are a disciplined husband? If so, has that affected your relationship with him?

    4. I like ZM’s four categories but have a twist on number two. I’ve mentioned before that we’ve known a couple of couples where we could see that some real F/m DD would be good for their marriage. Forgetting for a moment that in these specific cases, the guys would generally not have been on board (narcissist,) I’ve sometimes wondered what would have happened if we were actually to suggest it to a couple where both husband add wife were on board with the idea but she really didn’t know how to approach it. Seems to me that this leads into a training session, where the experienced wife is teaching the newbie how to apply discipline and the husband is the training tool. I think this would have a very different vibe. TG

    5. Different vibe for sure.

      It hasn't happened often, but I too have had at least one friend who I thought really needed to be a DD husband. At the time, thought he would not have been on board, though I now wonder whether the primary issue was that I didn't want to reveal our arrangement. I do think that if their marriage had reached some crisis point I might have suggested it to him.

    6. Hi Dan, the reason I like to think through these different scenarios, other than that is at least somewhat arousing to do so, is because it really helps me to understand my fascination with DD a little better. Quite often, it is when thinking through something like this with different scenarios that I have a sudden realization about some underlying principle, thought, or feeling.

      You said: "For me, the extent of embarrassment and the sheer emotional force doesn't seem to have that much to do with the genders involved or the number of participants as long as the number is small. What really determines the level of embarrassment, anxiety, etc. is whether I'm really being punished for something I actually did." - For me, I agree that the guilt that I feel (or lack thereof) about the behavior being punished would be a large determining factor of how much embarrassment I would feel and how much emotional force the whole thing would have, but I think that those outcomes would also be greatly influenced by just who the participants are, how I am connected to them, how close I am to them, and also their gender(s). I have no idea how the number of people involved - assuming it is small - would affect the emotional impact or embarrassment of the experience. For example, if there were just my wife and a witness or participant, most all of their focus would be on me. If there were three or four participants, would that increase or decrease the embarrassment at the time? Of course, if there were 2 or 3 witnesses or fellow spankers, that would be more people to perhaps feel a bit embarrassed around later, but I am thinking only of the time of the actual spanking here.

      And Alan, I agree that having another male present just as a witness or spanker would be close to a hard limit, whereas having one present as a fellow spankee actually seems somehow compelling. Also, you said: " I don’t know if it would matter much if my wife spanked me and his wife spanked him -or if the wives instead disciplined each other’s husband. (IN RL, that might matter a lot)." I like the way you offered a disclaimer on this, since often, on things like this that we haven't experienced, it is really hard to say how we would feel until it actually happens.

      TG: I agree that your twist on it would have a different vibe, at least for two reasons. First off, the one being spanked is presumably new to the whole thing as well, and the experience is more intense the first few times it happens. I for one am thankful that when my wife first started spanking me - and I wasn't very used to hard spankings - that it took her a while to ramp up her severity. Secondly because even if it is for an actual offense, the fact that it is being used for training would somewhat weaken the link to an offense. And of course, it seems like it would be a bit less embarrassing because the woman who is not your wife is more used to seeing guys spanked, so it simply isn't as big of a deal to her.


    7. Dan wrote:” … does your brother-in-law know you are a disciplined husband? If so, has that affected your relationship with him?

      I assume that he does, although we have never directly discussed it. Most of what is going on there has come from my wife via her sister. My relationship with him has been friendly but casual. At one point, he apparently expressed enough interest in spanking that my SIL thought that’s where they were heading. But maybe the reality of it shut him down

    8. TG wrote: “This leads into a training session, where the experienced wife is teaching the newbie how to apply discipline and the husband is the training tool.”

      According to a believable European correspondent I talked to a few years ago, this actually happened. And I have written about it before. He said she “trained” several newbies one-on-one, usually accompanied by their husbands, using him as a real-life model. He had some embarrassing experiences with it but seemed to think it was positive overall. He never said, but I wonder if she was not a pro since she seemed to repeat the experience many times. I know some pros today offer similar services on their websites, and there must be enough interest in such training that they bother to promote it

    9. Alan, we probably do need to assume that if we tell anyone, their spouse also will come to know. Though, you also never know for sure unless one of them brings it up. I've talked about the one vanilla friend I've told. I assume she's told her husband, but I really don't know for sure. But, in that particular case it doesn't concern me, because they are both very non-judgmental people.

    10. ZM: "I think that those outcomes would also be greatly influenced by just who the participants are, how I am connected to them, how close I am to them, and also their gender(s)." Very true. I don't think the gender would play that big a role for me, but the other facts of the particular relationship definitely would matter. I think the hardest would probably be if there was someone you didn't like or had a difficult relationship with. Though, that's also a very unlikely scenario among already unlikely scenarios. Yet, it's not zero. When I've talked about Anne's recent experiments with leaving window shades open, timing is everything. I don't know the current neighbors with line-of-sight to our bedroom that well, but they seem nice enough. Their predecessors, however, included a wife who bitched at me multiple times over our fence about our dogs barking, even though ours would often bark at hers because hers barked at ours. I called her out on that, and she went storming off. So, had she looked through her window and witnessed a spanking, and if I knew she saw it, that definitely would have majorly amped up the embarrassment.

    11. I agree it would be hardest if it was someone that you didn't like or for that matter, perhaps even more so if they didn't like you. When I imagine that unlikely scenario, I picture them being hardly able to contain their pleasure at seeing me punished, or perhaps helping, and them kind of egging my wife on to continue.

      Also, I agree completely that if you tell someone anything - not just about DD - you probably should assume they tell their spouse. I guess I am thankful in that way that other than my wife's sister (who doesn't talk nearly enough to her husband), everyone who has been told anything about our DD is either unmarried or divorced. That also makes it easier for me to think "what if" for any of them possibly witnessing or participating at some time, since it just removes a whole layer of possible complications because they don't need to worry about what their husbands think about it.


    12. KD Pierre's website has a story called Pride that involves a guy's wife arranging a spanking by her friend, who the husband despises and its mutual. Unfortunately, KD gives it a kind of happy ending in which the husband accepts his role vis-a-vis the friend. I kind of don't see that happening if someone who disliked me and I disliked spanked me . . .

      My vanilla friend has been married twice during the time she's known about our DD, but somehow both of them are cool guys. So, if either or both of them know about it, it's fine with me. But, it does show the need for some prudence. For example, what about siblings. My sisters have, at times, both had very questionable taste in men. So, if they had known and told their husbands or significant others, it actually could have been a problem.

    13. ZM, interesting, when I was writing that last comment, the scenario in my mind was that the husband of the trainer was the subject and the trainee would go off afterwards, ready to discipline her husband without him necessarily even knowing that she had been preparing for it. Your assumption was that the trainee’s husband would be her subject. TG

    14. I guess either version of that scenario works equally well, though of course in practice they would be two entirely different situations. I am not sure which is more interesting, but probably the one where the experienced wife's husband is the training tool, since it is easier to then picture myself as that guy.


    15. TG and ZM, I think you guys are WAY more willing to "take one for the cause" than I am. I'd be fine with my wife mentoring a newbie by spanking the newbie's husband. But, no way is she using *me* to demonstrate!

    16. Well, it is quite a bit easier to say that I am fine with it as long as there isn't much of a chance of it actually happening, or at least happening anytime soon!


    17. Coming from the FLR side of the house, being a 'demonstration volunteer' seems perfectly logical.

  20. I think it would be really hot if my husband had another man punish me. I would prefer if my husband was there directing the punishment. I would definitely let one of his buddies spank me bare bottom (but not naked) in front of my husband.
    I would be really nervous if he sent me to a disciplinarian I didn't know, but I would go as long as my husband knew for sure that it was safe.
    Like the rest of you, it needs to be real punishment for real offenses.
    Cynthia Ellen

    1. PS. I know that several of his buddies have the hots for me, so they definitely would take on the task. And they probably would be willing to spank me hard enough, like my husband isn't! Bring it on!
      Cynthia Ellen

    2. Something tells me that would be a "no" for your husband?

    3. Indeed, but even telling him she is thinking about it, could be the bucket of cold water poured over his head he might need.

  21. I also wanted to comment on the excellent quote for this week: "The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.” I think there is a huge amount of truth in this, at least in part because we generally mature by taking chances and trying things, and if we are afraid of being embarrassed, we don't take as many chances, or at least not as quickly.

    The subject of embarrassment is a complicated one for me, because I absolutely hate being embarrassed, and have always tried to do everything I can to avoid it. I also remember and at times ruminate over every time I have been embarrassed in life. Yet somehow, I believe a big part of the reason that I crave the whole witnesses or participants thing - or surrogates as we are talking about this week - is because somehow I almost crave to experience that embarrassment that would be caused by having someone there while I am punished.

    Also, I too have read some of Jacqueline Omerta's writing. I thought she had some great insights. Though there were of course some things that I didn't necessarily agree with her on. I don't really remember what she said about tears, so I will have to see if I still have anything of hers downloaded anywhere, since obviously that is a topic I think about a lot.


    1. Yeah, I like that quote too. You'd be surprised at how hard it is sometimes to find a quote that is remotely relevant to the topic at issue. A lot of times, we're swimming against the prevailing cultural current, so all the compelling quotes are on things like NOT submitting to authority, NOT being embarrassed, NOT being hard on yourself, etc.

      Embarrassment is definitely a complex thing for me, too. I too can ruminate over times in my life I've been embarrassed. Though, my biggest aversion is to seeing others embarrassed. It's to such a degree that I will sometimes fast-forward past parts of movies I've seen where I know someone is about to be embarrassed or degraded. Yet, like you, part of me kind of craves the exposure and vulnerability that goes along with it.

      It's funny, but I distinctly remember Aunt Kay's husband laughing at me (in an email) when I treated Jacqueline Omerta with some seriousness. But, I agree with you and do think some of her observations about why people want adult spanking were insightful. Though, I think her appeal is going to be largely to those on the DD side and not the kink side, as a lot of her theories and her interaction centered on people wanting spankings to enforce accountability or bring about catharsis on things they were ashamed for doing.

    2. “The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.” - Douglas Engelbart
      I agree with both of you, but I would revise Engelbart’s quote slightly to read: “The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the RISK of embarrassment he can tolerate.” – To me, it is not embarrassment per se that fosters maturation as much as the act of risking embarrassment via new experiences and even new ways of acting and thinking – in a phrase, one’s attitude toward change.

      Some of us get stuck (fixated) in “the way things were,” others are moderately comfortable with change, and a few actually seek change. All of these positions along the continuum of tolerance toward change are correlated with one’s comfort with the risk of embarrassment.

      I am not saying that one’s attitudes toward change and new experiences can be completely explained with reference to whether one is “risk-seeking,” “risk-neutral,” or “risk-averse” regarding embarrassment. Change is much more complicated than that. But one’s attitude toward risk, including the risk of embarrassment, does explain much behavior.

    3. "All of these positions along the continuum of tolerance toward change are correlated with one’s comfort with the risk of embarrassment."

      Agreed, though I think that in addition to "risk" the other very important word in that sentence is "comfort." Comfort seeking and aversion to get out of our comfort zones are huge impediments to growth, whether it's the comfort of avoiding embarrassment, the comfort of avoiding physical exertion or pain, the comfort of waking up in your bed and proceeding to do the same thing you did yesterday . . . . If I had to try to identify the #1 thing that keeps me from meeting my goals and living an enriched life, it's addiction to comfort.

    4. “Comfort seeking and aversion to get out of our comfort zones are huge impediments to growth,”
      Agreed. Part of the appeal of maintaining the status quo is the comfort zone it represents for most. Paradoxically, we tend to seek comfort and avoid change, but our most memorable experiences probably result from getting out of that comfort zone.

    5. I totally agree about the memorable experiences.

      I suspect that comfort seeking has a very big evolutionary component. For our long-ago ancestors, comfort wasn't that easy to acquire, and discomfort might be a serious signal that something life-threatening was in play, since so much of that world at least had the possibility of being life-threatening. The problem is, comfort is now the easiest state for us to achieve, and we actually have to work a little to find discomfort.

    6. Both of you guys are exactly right about what keeps most of us from achieving so much more and living more full, rich lives.


  22. How about another woman assisting by facilitating the spanking, rather than delivering it?
    We are in that stage of life when it is hard to spank without being overheard. How nice would it be for a woman with grown children to let my wife occasionally use her home for discipline? My wife almost never travels for work, but we could use a private space outside our home nearly every week.

    Over time, I imagine that the mentor relationship between this host and my wife would grow, because I don't see how an older woman could approve and host without having an opinion on how well my wife carries out discipline. And of course there would be some conversation as part of the visit. But I daydream.

  23. Nothing wrong with daydreaming!

    I definitely recall that phase when it's hard to spanking without being overheard. It's a hard one to work around and can last way longer than you'd think.

  24. While my wife was known to make cryptic DD comments in front of others ("You're getting yourself in trouble ...") and once spanked me at a party (in private), I never knew which of our friends were truly aware of our DD. But I had to assume that many of them were. I also knew that my wife spoke with her girlfriends about their husbands (as all wives do), and that she had been asked about husband "training." But she never volunteered particulars, and I did not feel it was my place to ask.
    I continue to be friends with many of those couples. When we get together I sometimes wonder, "Does SHE know? Or does SHE know?" Not that it matters, but I am curious. I don't see them as potential surrogates, but I wouldn't mind if one of them ever asked me in private, "So how are you doing wuthout domestic discipline in your life?" I think I am on this blog for the same reason. Just to have someone to talk with about it.

    1. Even when you know someone knows, I think it adds a certain "edginess" to the conversation. I find that with my vanilla friend I am always aware that she knows, and I can't help wondering what she's thinking about it and whether, when she's talking to me, an embarrassing visual comes to mind. It's not a bad edginess at all, but it's there.

      Whatever your reason, I'm glad you decided to join the discussion here.


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