
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Club - Meeting 320 - Changes and Transitions

“An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises.” - Mae West


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, Domestic Discipline relationships.



Sorry for the delayed post, and now that it is here it will be a short one. I hope you’re all off to a good start for your week and, for those in the U.S., enjoying Thanksgiving preparations. Though, I admit it’s a holiday that has never done much for me.  Apparently, many DD and kink-aficionados feel the same way.  In past years, I have spent hours looking for Thanksgiving-themed sexy/kinky art, and the pickings are always drier than an overcooked turkey.  This year, I’m not even going to try and am just moving on to Christmas!



We really are getting an earlier start on Christmas this year.  We don’t have the tree up yet but will do it this weekend.



Most of our Christmas lights and outdoor decorations are hung.  We noticed that a few others in the neighborhood also got an early start.  I guess everyone could use some early Christmas cheer and holiday spirits this screwed up year.  We also got a head start on some of the more intensive preparations because we have some personal commitments coming up that may keep me away from the blog for a couple of weeks after this posting. Right now, I’m just playing it by ear.


I apologize for all the delayed and missed postings.  Part of the problem really has been lots of family obligations and celebrations, home improvement projects that take on a life of their own, etc. Though, it’s also likely a function of there just hasn’t been a lot to share on the DD or FLR front.  Some of that is probably thanks to all the distractions I just mentioned.  But, it’s also a function of the fact that after hitting a real low point in terms of stress and personal behavior problems in September and part of October, I’ve been on an uncharacteristically good roll lately.  It’s been weeks since I had any over-indulgence problems on the drinking or diet front.  I’m going into the holidays several pounds lighter than I was this time last year.  I’ve been working out steadily, though that may temporarily stop soon thanks to a combination of some physical issues I need to address and gyms shutting down again thanks to Covid resurgence. Work remains much, much slower than I’d normally like, but I’m finding I really don’t care very much.  While she hasn’t said anything expressly, I get the feeling Anne isn’t in much of a domineering mood, whether for her own reasons or because there has not been much bad behavior on my end to get riled up about.



I’ve been living with myself long enough to know that trends and trajectories—good or bad—always change direction or fully reverse at some point.  I also believe that men have hormonal cycles too even if ours are less dramatic, and my kink interest and my perceived need to give up control and have boundaries imposed waxes and wanes sometimes for no apparent reason.  But, when it’s not all that often that I hit a place where everything just feels more stable and balanced. On those occasions, I do end up thinking about what would happen if “balanced” became a more ordinary state for me.


Now, in the past I always thought that if I suddenly found myself feeling more balanced and controlled and, hence, less in need of imposed boundaries and external controls, I might still actively seek out DD to drive better performance in other areas.  I think it is pretty rare that someone is self-disciplined in all aspects of their lives, so there is always something to work on, right?  Perhaps, but early next year I am planning to go through a big career change that right now is removing any real performance goals around work and career achievement.  Work and career-related goals and motivations have been such a dominant thing in my life for 30+ years, it’s just weird being in a place where I don’t have anything I’m aiming for in that area. 


None of this is to say I have some inclination to stop DD or to stop experimenting with FLR.  It’s a lot more subtle and uncertain than that.  I’ve just hit this point I’ve never really been at before where my moods and drives are pretty manageable and stable and the work-related striving and stress that created at least some of the imbalance may really be going away sometime soon.  So, it’s not that I’m giving up on DD or FLR but, rather, for the first time since we took this up, live really is moving in a different direction and who knows what impact that will have?


What about you? For those of you who have been through a similar transition, what impact did it have on your DD and/or FLR desires and level of activity? For those who haven’t, if you reached a point where your behavior was mostly under control, would you still need or want DD in your life?  Would you continue with spanking but take it in a more erotic direction?  For the ladies, if your men suddenly became much better behaved on every front, or if his need for DD and imposed rules were reduced, would you miss doling out the discipline?  Would you miss taking charge, to whatever extent you are in charge of certain areas now?


I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. Be safe.


  1. My transition was physical, a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Two weeks after diagnosis, the company I worked for went out of business. So, I took retirement, and have been home all day, every day, with Merry, for almost two years now. Hormone treatments have left me with no testosterone and no libido. Merry just... Left me alone. This month, around my birthday, two weeks ago, the desire has slowly returned. I suggested a return to some DD, which started with a birthday spanking, a few days after my birthday.

    1. What Shilo neglected to mention was that I stopped on his request. I've always been ready, willing, and able.

    2. I am sure hormone levels/mix have a huge impact on our desire for DD.

  2. When my wife and I formally set up our DD arrangement years ago,we were both surprised at how long the list of my offenses and areas to improve was.
    This and the mere act of empowering my wife to act on correcting my behaviour with the delivery of a good spanking made me more aware that I had to improve.
    Over time , the humbling aspect of going over her knee or bending over for her paddle while she outlined my offence gradually brought improvement over time.
    I'm far from perfect and still am guilty of poor behaviour but it is much less often and the fact that I know a paddling will be administered makes me think twice.
    One of my worst habits, interupting or not listening to her opinions, is still problem but if I slip up she is very quick to remind me of the consequences and I smarten up.
    This actually works better than a spanking these days.
    "Do we need to have another discussion about that?" is enough.
    She still enjoys wielding the paddle or hairbrush to give it up though!

  3. For most of my life.......even at some low points, I've always managed one way or another to have some form of spanking available to me. If I feel it is not an option, I get antsy. Usually, knowing it's there, I go in cycles of desire for it, but in the past they were pretty short with spanking interest inevitable. Recently the cycles have gotten longer with more seemingly lengthy times where I just don't have an interest. BUT......I do have some strong interests: I want a long period of socio-political CALM, not agreement, but CALM. I want to not have to worry every damned morning over what is going to happen next. I want my back to not hurt ALL of the time. I want Covid GONE! I'd like an extra $100k in my 401K. I'd like to be able to buy a new car. If these things came to pass, I think my spanking interest and overall libido might very well skyrocket.

    A while back we had a health scare here that killed sex. Then we got our good news and we were fooling around like rabbits for days on end. But now again we have settled into a rut, and I think it's because life has become exhausting under Covid, and the other things I mentioned.

    People say "money can't buy happiness", but 'no money' doesn't buy it either.

    1. I totally hear you on this year being exhausting, though on the socio-political front it's been an exhausting FOUR years.

      The lockdown does seem to be strong evidence against the idea that what we all need is to rest more and cut down on our activities. In the 8 or 9 months of this lockdown, I've stopped traveling entirely, eliminated an hour of commute time each day, and otherwise wound down on lots of levels, and yet I haven't really accomplished anything significant the entire year, and while my energy levels were up for a while, it's been on a downward trend the last week or two. I'm convinced I need more activity, not less, in order to really recharge.

  4. You may recall I got disolutioned that Mrs GLM was seeing her role as a chore so I then put a stop for about 9 months to what was a cycle of mild spankings about 18 months ago. I noticed during that period that I became more prone to 2 or 3 challenging behaviours (growling at the teenagers, treating work as an irritation, slacking off domestically etc.). Since coxing Mrs GLM back to the task, with me accepting she puts more into things this way around than she ever did the other way, some of those have improved (but parts havn't). As Mrs GLM doesn't talk about things there is no direct relationship between my mildly sore bottoms and improvement but in my mild its clearly cause and effect. If she evers gets round to telling me off, informing me what I deserve or just even telling me I have one coming for X then I'm sure both my behaviour standards and my enjoyment would increase 10 fold. Might have been better said in previous weeks chats but I see no contradiction between being an Alpha Male when it comes to normal life and having behavioural change encouraged by wanting to be spanked by a loving hand like I'm a 12 year old from 45 years ago (but not my family as I wasn't). I don't yet have things nowhere I'd like but as I keep hoping. Cheers GLM.

    1. "As Mrs GLM doesn't talk about things . . ." I'm sure that is difficult.

    2. Oh yes, really difficult. TBF to Mrs GLM she is like that on any aspect of relationships, emotional or physical.

  5. Not so much as a transition here as the fact I have learned to behave very well....for the most part. Discipline spankings faded to near obscurity. Instead of leaning toward sensual spankings as was mentioned above, we instituted a maintenance program. Tried several scheduling methods over time and actually the random schedule directed by rolling dice seemed to be the best. However now we have a new (only a few weeks now) schedule which is working OK. I am spanked for maintenance every 3rd day. Yes, there have been some postponements and makeups, but generally it works. I still mess up occasionally and warrant a discipline spanking, which she delivers effectively. As Glenmoretales mentions above, my interrupting her, has become my most repeated offense. She dislikes it very much and beginning soon, as soon as I interrupt her, I not only apologize but hand her a paddle. A ten stroke 'reminder' will be issued. We will see how that plays out.

    1. While ours tend to be much longer affairs, I have no doubt that for those minor irritations and bad habits, ten hard strokes with a paddle could make a huge difference if done consistently.

  6. There have been a couple of times both before and after we got married where husband's disobedience was so infrequent that I kidded him and told him I was going to have to make some new Rules for him. I missed the frequent Disciplinary Sessions of the intermediate times when he was still my boyfriend. Occasionally wasn't enough for me.

    I did wind up adding a few Rules, but, these were things I wanted him to work on, anyhow. Since my work schedule is never the same, if I have to spend more time than usual at work, his disobedience does get more frequent.

    Our annual holiday hiatus started last Saturday. I knew it was coming, so he got a more severe than usual Disciplinary Session last week plus a very severe one in front of my best friend a couple of weeks before that. Don't get me wrong, he was disciplined for actually disobeying Rules, I didn't just put him across my lap just to do it. Still, because I know he won't be across my lap again until February, I am missing disciplining him, already.

    I've agreed he can't be disciplined for anything he does during the hiatus, but, him not pushing it too much is his part of the bargain. I think we both know part of the reason the first Disciplinary Session in February is so severe is partly because of things he did during the hiatus. Part of it, too, is because I missed disciplining him. There are other reasons, too, but those are just some of them.

    1. "I've agreed he can't be disciplined for anything he does during the hiatus, but, him not pushing it too much is his part of the bargain. I think we both know part of the reason the first Disciplinary Session in February is so severe is partly because of things he did during the hiatus." That trade-off makes sense. I don't think an intentional hiatus would normally work for me at this particular time of year, as my behavior tends to get pretty out of control thanks to all the social functions. That's obviously not an issue this year . . .

    2. Our journey to the point of Domestic Discipline was wobbly and crooked and the trade offs might have been why. Still, I think the wobbly journey was how we arrived at our arrangement that works for me and us. Like you, Dan, I thought the holidays would be the most appropriate time for Discipline, but, he said it was important to him we take a break from it. I even tried to propose other times of the year for a break, but to him, it was the holidays.

      He says he understands the last 2 or 3 Disciplinary Sessions before and the next 2 or 3 after are going to be long and severe and he knows I'm going to be looking for reasons during both periods. He says he accepts that. I didn't have to tell him not to push it during the hiatus, he volunteered he had to not push it.

      I suppose you could say me disciplining him has been effective as he pretty much stays in line during the hardest time of the year to do that. For my part, I have to understand he's going to drink too much here and there and he's going to tell my best friend at least once just what he thinks of her. As for my real pet peeve, pornography and masturbation, he seems to do less and less of that over the hiatus than he used to. I guess it's a combination of him not wanting to disappoint me plus the effectiveness of my Discipline during the rest of the year.

    3. I get his concerns. One of the few times our DD arrangement has caused real resentment was when I felt that it was so rigid around drinking and socializing that it made things like holiday parties simply not enjoyable if it meant that everyone else could go to a party and spend hours together without restraint but I couldn't. It just wasn't realistic and it had the possibility of making an otherwise enjoyable event something I didn't want to do at all.

  7. Hi Dan,
    I know this transition has been a while in coming, so I just hope that it will be all that you want it to be!

    "For those of you who have been through a similar transition, what impact did it have on your DD and/or FLR desires and level of activity?" - I haven't been through the same transition that you are going through, but I have been through a lot of difficult times these past few years. I don't think a transition by itself changes my desire for DD or FLR, but the stress that comes with transitions definitely has a huge effect. And curiously, it sometimes increases the desire and at other times it almost completely removes it. Maybe a lot of that has to do with whether I feel in control or not; if I am having a lot of stress, but feel in control of life, the desire seems to diminish (probably because I don't have time to think about it), but if I feel like life is spinning out of control, then my need for DD/FLR skyrockets. I am pretty sure that a large part of my underlying motivation is needing the security of imposed boundaries, and all of the punishments and different humiliations are mostly just ways to allow the authority to be manifest.

    "For those who haven’t, if you reached a point where your behavior was mostly under control, would you still need or want DD in your life?" - For me it is more about being under my wife's authority, more than modifying any particular behavior. I would say that the primary hindrance we have in DD is my good behavior. My wife just doesn't have that many things to punish me for, at least those that seem very worthy of punishment.

    Probably where we will end up with this is that she will start to punish me more for all the very "small" behaviors that I have that annoy her: leaving the Windex on the counter after cleaning my glasses, not making the bed, not remembering to turn my cell phone ringer on in the morning, etc. All of these seem almost too minor to punish me for, but when you consider how small annoyances can accumulate and eventually weaken a relationship, there is no reason for her to put up with them. DD should have benefits for her too, and one of the biggest is that she has the power to change things that upset or bother her, if she chooses to do so.

    But there are also still quite a few things that are part of our weekly check-ins that she can start to push much harder on and punish when her raised expectations are not met. For example, I still need to lose a lot of weight, and the amount of exercise I fit is in pretty paltry. Considering the effect excess weight and lack of exercise have on my health, and considering that ultimately a decline in my health could dramatically affect our future, she can and should keep raising the bar and pushing me very hard on this.

    Realistically, I just can't see us ever getting to the point that she runs out of things to spank me for, considering just how much she could raise her expectations. It is just a question of her seeing the benefits and deciding that even minor things are worthy of fixing even with significant punishments.

    "Would you continue with spanking but take it in a more erotic direction?" - We do role play some now and would continue to, but for spanking to be very interesting for me, it has to be real and tied to some underlying behavior, or even some other real reason, like losing a bet.

    "For the ladies, if your men suddenly became much better behaved on every front, or if his need for DD and imposed rules were reduced, would you miss doling out the discipline?" - I didn't ask specifically but we did talk through this some a few days ago. No question, she would miss it, since she gets turned on by exercising her power some.

    "Would you miss taking charge, to whatever extent you are in charge of certain areas now?" - Again, yes, she certainly would. And currently, she doesn't take charge of too many things, but over time she is learning to flex her muscles a bit.


    1. "I know this transition has been a while in coming, so I just hope that it will be all that you want it to be!" Thanks, ZM! It will be a few months yet until I am totally out, so it's a multi-phase transition, but will wrap up in the first part of the year. It's going to be hard to assess whether it turns out to be everything I hope, because I am very consciously denying myself any kind of planning for a future role. I really want to take a few months to let everything settle before making any decisions, and that requires me to consciously NOT plan. Which, for me, is unbelievably difficult.

      "For me it is more about being under my wife's authority, more than modifying any particular behavior. I would say that the primary hindrance we have in DD is my good behavior." That's a very interesting angle.

      "For example, I still need to lose a lot of weight, and the amount of exercise I fit is in pretty paltry." I was on a pretty good roll for a while, then it stalled and partially reversed. Both the positive trend and the reversal were all about diet, as my level of physical activity is, unfortunately, more or less out of my control at least at the levels required to put a dent in my body composition. But, with any luck that situation will be getting better in 2021.

  8. For the ladies, if your men suddenly became much better behaved on every front, or if his need for DD and imposed rules were reduced, would you miss doling out the discipline?
    Yes, I definitely would miss it. It's the feeling of power when spanking Jimmy that is so great. I went so long without any power in our relationship.

    Also, now that we are totally back together, the next spanking will be the first with his bottom bare. He has a really cute butt, so I am looking forward to that! I also am looking foreward to having sex after a spanking, which I know he is looking forward to as well.

    Would you miss taking charge, to whatever extent you are in charge of certain areas now?
    I am never going to give up being in charge. That is the only way our marriage will work. I think even Jimmy would agree with that. If his behavior improved dramatically or his "need for DD and imposed rules were reduced," I would still be in charge. Why wouldn't I be? Maybe the spanking wouldn't happen much, but that would be because he is doing things my way!

    Although we haven't been doing DD long at all, our life has transitioned. We went from living apart when the DD started to living together but in separate bedrooms to being completely back together. The DD has grown during that time and I guess has sort of turned into an FLR, though we don't use that term and I don't think Jimmy would care for that designation. I'm in charge without coming right out and saying I am in charge, and that's just fine with me. That way he gets to keep the swag I always wanted him to keep.

    Right now we are both ecstatic to be back together. This site of Dan's is one part of the reason why. You have my gratitude, Dan. It's hard to find places on the internet where kink is discussed in a serious and intellectual manner, and this is one. I don't mind the titilating pictures either! You've given me some ideas for holiday attire!

    1. Hi Belle,
      “The next spanking will be the first with his bottom bare.” Reading this made me realize you are in an almost unique position to answer a key question in DD, and that is to what extent it matters whether the male’s bottom is bared or not receiving punishment. Bare is probably the default condition for most couples (not all as Liz reminds). But you have been spanking Jimmy for a while (a year or more?) allowing him to retain some coverage, and you have got the results you wanted. Now you plan to administer discipline bare bottom. So it will be a sort of before and after experiment. What changes if anything? So questions like: Is the discipline more effective or less? Does it change the frequency you need to spank him? Is it overall a plus, a minus or not really that different? Dan may want to consider this as a future topic because it is something I don’t think we have ever covered. Full disclosure: I was very skeptical you would get the results you were after without baring his bottom and you proved me wrong about that. So part of this is personal curiosity. But to bare or not bare is really an important question in DD. Any perspective you can share on it will be enlightening

    2. "I'm in charge without coming right out and saying I am in charge, and that's just fine with me." I love that.

      I will try to keep it up, including the Christmas-themed pics and art!

    3. "It's the feeling of power when spanking Jimmy that is so great. I went so long without any power in our relationship."

      Thanks for that, Belle. This is why I miss it so much while we're on our annual holiday hiatus. I do enjoy the feeling of power that making him dress up and putting him across my lap gives me. I went a long time without any power in any relationship. It was the one part of my life that was in conflict with everything else. At my job I have power. In business dealings, I was always assertive but in relationships I was always mousey. No more, although my current husband is going to be my only relationship going forward.

  9. As someone who has a fetish for something I want to avoid, this question is very interesting. DD for me is a regime to live under regardless of my behavior. If spanking isn’t needed, I’m fine with that. It could be that the discipline is working. My wife and I knowing she has the authority, and that the power she wields is effective, satisfies my fetish. Yet, if spanking happens, I expect that to be even more exciting than just its potential.

    That said, she may feel deprived if she can’t explicitly express her role through spanking now and then. I would really enjoy the idea that this is her kink but, like me, punishment only satisfies her if it’s legitimate. It would compromise the use of spanking if simple eroticism confused its meaning. I think the solution here may be stricter rules, as long as they make sense within our lifestyle, and breaking a rule feels like an actual form of misbehavior. I’m far from perfect, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for her to impose something that makes a lapse in good judgment and failure inevitable. I would be relying on her to keep it real. If the circumstances feel too contrived, discipline loses its kinky power.

  10. I basically agree with Brett about the difficulty of "appreciating" contrived disciplinary spankings. But in contradiction of myself, I do seem to recall a certain enjoyment at spanking parties - as goofy as that might sound.

    And also, as we were speaking about recently here, Role Play can be satisfying if/when both parties learn to inhabit the roles. About that though I would point out that it takes some commitment and, if the word applies, actual "practice". Role play is a big stretch for almost everyone and you have to be willing to go through the awkwardness and clumsiness in the initial stage to get to the good stuff.

    1. Thanks, Tomy. The phrase "fake it' 'til you make it comes to mind." Out of curiosity, did Aunt Kay go through such a transitional phase, or was she basically a natural?

    2. This text from the DWC FAQ came to mind -

      FAQ # 3
      "Is it best to reserve all spanking for disciplinary purposes in a DWC home?"


      Oh, I hope not! While our theme is indeed proper discipline by wives, we are all about having fun and good times. Even the creation of a DWC home should be desirable for both parties. In reality, most of us love to do role plays, creative scenarios, or just have a spanking session for no reason other than "general principles", such as "you must have gotten away with more than I'll ever know, so into the bedroom with you".

      On occasion we will attend a party where there is more likely to just be a lot of spanking going on with only very occasional role playing.


    3. For Dan's curiosity about Aunt Kay having a transitional phase - It's a difficult question because like everyone, our relationship kept evolving. But she was definitely a natural - The first time she got really angry with me, when we were in the process of moving in together, I was shocked to find out what one of her real spankings was like. Rapid,no nonsense, and no getting out of it.

  11. After a good many years in the DWC lifestyle, regular discipline has indeed curbed most of my bad habits, although my wife still seems to find plenty of reasons to spank me - not the least of which is keeping my inherent "alpha arrogance" in check, which has never completely gone away, despite the countless paddlings that I have received to tame that trait. Not to say that the discipline in that area has not been without effect - I am much better about watching what I say. But the fact that this issue will always there to some degree most likely ensures that dd will remain in our marriage.

    Additionally, as I have written about before, we do practice weekly maintenance spankings in our home as well - which ensures the consistency of maternal disciplinary authority in the household - even in those times when I have not earned a disciplinary spanking, as well as addressing any need/desire that I might occasionally have for corporal discipline.

    In the Real People Section (Page 1) of the DWC site, there is an article entitled "A Husband's Essay" that is one of my very favorite writings on the site, or in the entire realm of F/M DD for that matter. I highly recommend it to those who may not have read - it touches on some of the issues being discussed on this thread. --al

  12. Al says it very well for me too. Behavior certainly improves over time ( even though there is a clear expansion of what is spankable even while overall behavior improves). And the frequency of spanking definitely decreases ( while severity definitely increases). This year which hasn't been typical I have not been spanked since late summer and won't be receiving my annual holiday "preventatives" since we won't be traveling. But if disciplinary authority were to completely disappear ( including her very credible threats) I have no doubt I would quickly revert to the ass I was before we started. So we do go periods with very little real physical discipline, but I know that brush or strap is never that far from her reach and my pants could be around my ankles in 10 seconds flat if I forget it.

  13. Interesting topic. This is a bit of a different take. There are times, like this year with COVID and schooling, where we feel completely squeezed by the needs of our jobs and our children. The lack of places for our children to conveniently be not only creates fewer opportunities to self-reflect, but doesn't give us time to do more intentional work that can be evaluated and incorporated into self-improvement. The result is that we both realize intellectually that we are acting imperfectly, but feel we simply cannot expect any better performance from each other, either on the behavior front or the discipline leadership front. We can only endure and look forward to a more proactive and leisurely season of our lives. We feel the desire to employ correction in our marriage evaporate. A maintenance program or a "just because" understanding would really help us through, because spanking itself is sorely missed, but due to the aforementioned squeezing we can't seem to clear our heads to have that conversation. Vaccines can't come soon enough!

  14. Since I have some time I'll chime in on the topic.

    "For the ladies, if your men suddenly became much better behaved on every front, or if his need for DD and imposed rules were reduced, would you miss doling out the discipline?

    Yes I would miss it at this point if I stopped it totally but I don't see that happening. William has improved in many areas so he receives less or no discipline in those areas. If I see a returning to issues I warn, correct or discuss verbally what I'm seeing or hearing and give him the opportunity to adjust things himself. If that doesn't work I spank him!

    "Would you miss taking charge, to whatever extent you are in charge of certain areas now?"

    I have to say I'm right there with Belle on many points, I'm not giving up being in charge!" In every relationship there has to be someone who has 51% or final say and in ours that's me. We discuss a lot of things and my husband can convince me or change my mind on things and I respect him so I listen and learn or we'll even wait when possible to "sleep on it."
    Attitude, behavior, certain rules and boundaries there is no discussion or changing my mind. This is a big area William has had to learn or is learning. He tends to show less self discipline and would easily bend the rules or want to change them. Can't tell you how often I'd heard, "Please just this one time."
    So the progression after spankings began was;
    Breaking the rules and boundaries he'd get spanked.
    Then he learned to ask first, if I said no and he went ahead and did it he'd get spanked worse.
    Then one day he asked to bend a rule again. I bent him over my knee and spanked him soundly! I sent him to take off his clothes and get the hairbrush. He returned, naked as told, I lectured him on the importance of rules and how tired I was of him wanting to bend them. He tried to convince me that he understood and how sore his bottom was.

    I asked if he was going to listen to me when I told him something and not argue or try to get out it? He assured me he would and happily promised to do as told. ( he was feeling relieved and also rubbing his bottom.) I told him I expected him to keep his promise and his word then I saw the relief leave his expression when I said "Good! over my lap." He knew he was in trouble whether he obeyed or not but did his best to talk me out of using the hairbrush as he was going over exactly as told too.

    I let him know I was proud of him for keeping his word then I spanked the daylights out of him with the wooden hairbrush. He learned that lesson very well!

    As long as I have the desire to spank him I will continue as needed or occasionally 'Just Because. 'I plan on staying in charge!
    For instance, William is not working right now so as much as I'm able I've been having him wear his sneakers, socks and a t-shirt around the house if he's not naked. I love his body, especially his firm round butt and I want total access as much as possible. (He's my Mimbo) He was walking around with a major stiffy this morning he hasn't had a sexual release for about two weeks. (We dealt with something almost a month ago and I have been strict with him.) I dictated a To Do list to him this morning then I bent him over at the waist and gave him a good sound spanking. 'Just Because!'

    I let him masturbate while I was there so he'd keep his mind on his work. I told him I expected his list completed when I returned or he knows what he'll get. I asked him to text me and let me know if I'll be giving him a little beating when I get home or not. (If his lis is not completed) I'm proud that he will text me and I'm 99% sure he'll complete his list. So whether William needs this or not I don't see me stopping anytime soon. Jennifer


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