
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Once Again . . .

 I seem to have run out of weekend before I ran out of to-do list items. I forget how busy weekends are this time of year.  I will try to get something posted tomorrow.


  1. Perhaps you need a reminder bout organizing your time.

    1. Could be, though since a lot of my "to-do" items for the weekend related to things like putting up Christmas decorations early, and some family obligations, she's not in a position to complain this time. :-)

  2. Speaking of 'to do' items , you neglected to inform us if your wife ever followed up on her cryptic comment in front of her Mother a couple of weeks ago .....I hope she did , and perhaps she will drop another cryptic comment at thanksgiving dinner?

    1. Nope, no follow-up. Somewhat depressingly, we are on our own for Thanksgiving this year, so no need to be cryptic. Though, honestly, I'm not a huge Thanksgiving fan anyway.

    2. Have a great Thanksgiving Dan ( sounds like there will be lots of time for that spanking!)

  3. It's unfortunate that you don't find Thanksgiving to be a more enjoyable event. As you know for me it's way up there.....certainly outperforming Easter and even Christmas in some ways. I would be curious as to what you don't like about it? There are definitely things about "typical Thanksgivings" that make my eyes roll, but the great thing about Thanksgiving is that it is pliable. I have turned it into a day of thanks, but one firmly rooted in our history. Adding this aspect has made it very appealing to me. Historic table settings with some contemporary twists along with a menu that reflects that same notion, render the day very special.

    When I was pretty young, Thanksgiving was: the Macy's parade being on the TV as my mother and grandmother cooked a menu that was typical but uninspired. Later it was dinner in other homes with nearly identical menus followed by football being watched by anyone not washing dishes. Ugh. If this was to be all the day could be, I would side with you with vehemence.

    But we are capable of so much more. Make it what you want it to be. You might find a break from the banal is a lot to be thankful for.;-)

    1. It's not an active dislike by any means; it just doesn't do much for me. Maybe it's the neglected "middle child" to my more favored Halloween and Christmas? Maybe it's just that none of the individual elements appeal to me very much. Even from a culinary perspective, none of the traditional elements do much for me, with the exception of pumpkin pie, which I love. I'm also not a huge football fan (I like it, but I don't live for it or follow it all that actively), so that aspect isn't something I wait for each year. It was never a big holiday for us growing up. We celebrated it, but it was never a big deal. I do kind of equate it with Easter. They are both holidays that supposedly have a deeper significance but seem to just revolve around food, and not food that I particularly like.

      But, you are right that every holiday is really no more and no less than what you put into them, though it can be either a virtuous or a vicious circle. I gravitate toward Christmas and Halloween, so I put more effort into them. And, I undoubtedly get more out of them because I put more into them. Honestly, the best Thanksgivings we have had have been on vacations in Mexico. The hotel's efforts in trying to do a traditional American Thanksgiving started as almost comical, but I always appreciated how much effort they put into it. But, I have mixed feelings about even those Thanksgivings, because my "bad son" complex kicks in and I feel guilty about not being with my parents -- even though my mother doesn't care about Thanksgiving any more than I do!

  4. Went to the Macy's parade live and in-person a few times


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