
Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Club - Meeting 492 - Disciplinary Spanking Rationales: Does the "Why" Change the "How" or the "How Much"?

"Why slap them on the wrist with a feather when you can belt them over the head with a sledgehammer?" – Katherine Hepburn

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you all had a good week. Mine had its ups and downs.  I’ve had a lot of quiet time at home, courtesy of Anne’s convalescence after her medical procedure.  I was actually feeling pretty proud of myself, having used the near total downtime and lack of socializing to reverse a developing bad trend where diet and beers were concerned, including going totally dry for more than two weeks.  Then, I got some relief one day and, of course, what happened?  Socializing that led to bad food, too many beers, and a late night.


Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on one’s perspective, although Anne’s recovery is going well, we’re probably several weeks out from her being able to take me in hand again. 


In the meantime . . . on all the other days at home, when I wasn’t over-indulging, I got good and bored and decided to check out the topics and comments from the earliest days of this blog.  I’ve thought a few times about trying to compile the best of the thousands of comments to date into a topically arranged book.  We’ll see whether I actually get around to that, but I did go through about two years’ worth of topics and comments. 


It was interesting watching the blog’s development with the benefit of hindsight.  For the first several months, almost everyone was commenting anonymously without using names or initials.  Yet, I was able to quickly identify a few commenters who are still with us today or were until recently.  I’m pretty sure Al (or al.) gets the award for the earliest comment, but Alan was very close behind.  So, thank you guys for sticking with us for so, so long.


I’ve also known there were periods when we had more female commenters, but I was a little surprised at just how many we had early on. Or, at least we had quite a few claiming to be women.  Men pretending to be female disciplinarians has been a problem from the beginning.  Honestly, reading through the early entry reminded me how betrayed I felt the first time I had spent months engaging with a “couple” was were eventually revealed to be a male writing under multiple names and assumed genders.


Still, I have no doubt that many of putative female commenters were what they claimed. What struck me on this reading was that many of the female commenters seemed pretty far along the spectrum from DD to FLR. Maybe that was because in those early days the blog’s philosophy hadn’t quite gelled and it drew from a wider spectrum of the kink community?  


I have believed for a long time that our wives are often turned off by the whole whips and chains Femdom thing, and I still think that is largely true. But, the vibe from several of the early female commenters, as well as some later ones such as “Danielle,” was far enough along the FLR spectrum that I wonder whether I’ve been drawing the line in the wrong place.  Something to think about . . .


I was a little surprised by the quality of last week’s discussion.  I had treated it as a mere placeholder, seeking new topic ideas and continuing a discussion of our respective DD origins.  Yet, we ended up with a wide-ranging discussion of origins, face slapping, mercy and its lack, spanking duration, humbling, the terms we use for corporal punishment (spanking, thrashing, etc.), and spanking severity, among others.  We covered a lot of ground for a post with no actual topic. Good job everyone.


Unfortunately, I was hoping for a flood of new topic suggestions but instead got a small trickle.  I’m still not experiencing a lot of inspiration, so please serve up other ideas.  In the meantime, I’m going to try to stitch together a couple of suggestions that seem to me to be closely related. 


The first articulation came from Tom:


“I'm curious whether wives have a set method of punishment or vary it depending on the offense, or just their mood. I have had impromptu spankings where the scolding, punishment, and after-spanking warnings were all over in less than 15 minutes, and of course mostly much longer ones. Almost all are over the knee with a hairbrush, but my wife will add on a switching if a switch is available. I have occasionally had my face slapped for being too slow to cooperate or for responding disrespectfully to an order to get ready.”


Donn offered a somewhat different formulation, but I think that it’s still closely related to Tom’s topic to the extent Tom’s focused on the reason for the spanking (“depending on the offense, or just their mood”), and how the wife’s reason or motivation might lead to differences in the way the punishment is carried out.


 Here's how Donn formulated the possible topic:


 "Several writers have somewhat alluded to this question, but maybe an explicit rephrasing might make a subject for future discussion:


Thrashings can be administered for: (1) Punishment towards behavior modification (including overt expressions of mood/general attitude); (2) Inducing and getting expressions of subjugation, submission and respect for wife's authority; or (3) Combinations of both.


Do members get all of these kinds of thrashings? More some than others? How does your wife accomplish the "subjugation to surrender" thrashings, and how well do they work, for both husband and wife?"


I see where Donn was going, though I do see his three options as more narrow than the actual range of rationales couples have for delivering and receiving “real” spankings.  His first category, behavior modification, is obviously a biggie. 


His second category emphasizes bringing about a state of overt submission to her authority, which may or may not be a thing for all our respective couples.  There also is a flip-side to it, i.e. giving her an outlet to express and reinforce her authority or place in the hierarchy.  I think of the two together as “role affirmation/enforcement.”  


 Miss E also liked Donn’s formulation but proposed a significant expansion, i.e. stress reduction:


“I like the topic as you proposed it Donn. Another aspect to a spanking which could be discussed it whether or not anyone uses them as purely for anxiety/stress relievers. I’d been toying around with the idea and last night I decided to actually give it a try. Pregnancy has had its challenges these past few months and yesterday was a mentally taxing day. Up until this point I have always only spanked for a deserving reason and punishment. But I was so stressed last night I felt I just needed something to hold on to, his submission. So I asked him if I could spank him and made it clear it was not a punishment but something for me. He immediately said yes and was so sweetly submissive before it even began. The entire spanking was slow and intimate but we did build up to a nice intensity and he handled it. I’m asking him tonight but I suspect he was sinking closer to subspace with this one vs a punishment spanking. Regardless it was a nice and needed experience.”



I’m glad she brought that particular scenario--in which it is the wife's stress that gets relieved--up for discussion because, while various commenters have discussed scenarios in which spankings are used for relief of the spankee’s stress or anxiety, we haven’t really discussed using spankings to alleviate the spanker’s stress or anxiety, other than the obvious case where it is the spankee’s behavior that caused it.  


There are, of course, other rationales that might impact the way a spanking is delivered. For example there are “preemptive” or “preventative” spankings that are more about preventing bad behavior than punishing it. Those too are usually postured as being for his benefit but could also have psychological/stress relieving aspects for her as well.


So, of the rationales Tom, Donn, Miss E. and I brought up, which result in spankings in your household?  To Tom’s question, does the rationale for the spanking, or her mood regarding it, affect the method of punishment or the way it is carried out?



In our house, virtually all spankings are aimed more or less directly at punishing or, much more rarely, preventing particular behavior.  While spankings do reflect and reinforce her authority, and do lead me to a deeper acceptance of that authority, I can’t think of an instance in which she’s given one specifically for those purposes.


As for Tom’s question, Anne is remarkably binary when it comes to severity and duration.  She’s either on or off, with very little variation regardless of the nature or severity of the offense. 


The one aspect that does change a bit, and has changed fairly substantially over the last year, is any accompanying scolding.   



There is almost always some kind of lecture, but it’s often very proforma and perfunctory.  In the last couple of years, however, she has become more comfortable cutting loose with more passion when she’ really angry about something.  However, I don’t think the heightened anger and more severe scolding result in the intensity of the spanking or the punishment method changing.


I hope you all have a great week.


  1. She usually spanks for 3 reasons. The first is if I had broken a rule or have screwed up somehow. The second is if I had done something that annoys her, such as driving in a manner she doesn't approve of. The last one is for maintenance, which includes stress relief for me, preventative spankings, and generally reinforcing her authority. Lately she has been ramping up her level of strictness, and spanking harder, which I have requested she do. Last week we were on our way to a concert, and I was driving too fast, causing me to have to make a sudden stop. When we parked, she informed me I would be getting a spanking as soon as the concert was over. The concert was great, but I was keenly aware during the entire concert what was waiting for me as soon as it was over, and she didn't disappoint. One topic we may want to discuss is how much self disclosure we do. That is an issue I am dealing with now, as last week I did something she wouldn't have approved of, but I haven't mentioned yet. It will probably come up during our next check in, which is tomorrow.

    1. This might be a productive topic, possibly getting into communication styles and mutual expectations about obligations to disclose

    2. Agreed. We've done it several times before, but after 10+ years of the blog, there aren't many topics that haven't been covered over and over.

  2. Hello all. I will try to address all three of these views and how they relate to spankings in our household. First off, as Tom asked....her method. For discipline spankings as I touched on this last week are always administered as soon after the infraction as possible. If she learns about the infraction at a later time, it is addressed as soon as she learns of it. I am always stripped for any spanking at home and if away, if possible, my ass is bared. For away spankings, I am generally spanked again when we return home. For discipline spankings, there is no warm up, no safe word and no immediate after care. Usually a single implement is used and position varies as to where we are when the spanking take place.

    On to Donn and why the discipline is given. Punishment here is for behavior correction, disobeying or non conformance with house rules. It is swift, firm and effective. My submission and her authority is never the root cause of a spanking. Both of these points were discussed and resolved at the onset of our FLR. I agreed to abide by her rules, her operation of the household and her authority is absolute. Her decision to punish and when and why is final...not up for debate. I am to accept her decision and punishment without question.

    Miss E has uncovered an interesting observation. We do practice different types of spankings in addition to punishment or maintenance. We employ sensual spankings, fun spankings, stress relief spankings and the popular 'because I just felt like spanking you' type. Most often the stress relief is for MY stress relief. The 'just because' may include stress relief for her, but it is not known to me. I submit to her 'just because' type without questioning or knowing why she feels like spanking me. I think I would rather let that remain an unknown as her reasons are hers alone.

    1. "My submission and her authority is never the root cause of a spanking. Both of these points were discussed and resolved at the onset of our FLR."

      That's generally true for us, though maybe for the opposite reason. As you've discussed, you went through an early period of very, very frequent spankings that firmly established the authority and the submission. We never went through a period of comparable rigor, and I think it's another reason for some of the inconsistency we still experience 20 years later.

  3. Perhaps a suggestion for a future topic might be post spanking discussions.
    Like yourself and Anne , my wife and I usually discuss the spanking in bed afterwards.
    Interestingly , I'd say she is the one who broaches the subject first , asking how sore my bottom is and teasing me a bit about how hard it will be to sit ,etc.
    I believe she liked to chat about the spanking because she enjoyed it is proud of it and perhaps still basking in that power exchange which puts her in charge temporarily.
    In fact , I find that she likes to stay in charge for a day or two after the spanking , bossing me around and showing higher than normal confidence.
    Another of the subjects that come up is references to someone knowing about my spanking.
    She might say," I wonder what your friends would think if they knew I gave you a red butt?"
    Personally I enjoy the post spanking discussions and even her teasing.
    What type of discussions, if any, do others have post spanking and does she remain 'in charge' for a time afterwards?

    1. This could tie into Norton's suggestion above. I look back and see how making a debrief "after action report" a regular part of DD. For years, she was shy about criticizing some of my behavior before, during, and after spanking. And I was inhibited from telling her things by the specious belief that it was "topping from above." Open, candid conversation and communication after a spanking could be a game-changer

    2. We have some similar little rituals. I've encouraged her to see herself as an artist with the medium being the colors, sounds and muscle movements she gets from me.

    3. " I've encouraged her to see herself as an artist with the medium being the colors, sounds and muscle movements she gets from me."

      That's great.

      Or how about a Director in a Broadway production or the writer in a long form novel.


    4. I believe she does see spanking as a work of art and enjoys seeing the results evolve. It's amazing what wonderful art work she does with just one colour available!

    5. Adult spanking as part of a dynamic female-led DD relationship can be. It should be an exhilarating adventure in psycho-drama, with each of us playing ( and learning about) our favorite character.

    6. Her work of art can change with time , the red diminishing and replaced with purple, blue and even yellow.
      On first sight it's usually just red.

  4. I think communication is super important in any relationship and it's natural to have post spanking discussions (checking in to see how it landed for both husband and wife) and it's also natural that MC feels more "in charge" afterwards, as it's an exercise of her power and spanking makes me more attentive and submissive to her. As far as why and how, it's always evolving and unique to a given day, which I like because it's a creative expression that needs to change in order to stay fresh. We do punishments for rules or other accountability infractions, but we also occasionally do it for fun/stress relief. It mostly based on how MC is feeling and how she is "reading" me.

    1. Thanks, MC. I'll do a full topic on the post-spanking communication issue.

  5. For me it's never that simple but here goes. For my wife the severity is more linked to her mood at the time I am being spanked. My wife has a short memory when it comes to me so sometimes she just forgets until it comes up again. Yesterday, I did something I knew I would be punished for. I had a little temper tantrum over some directions she gave me and actually told her to just shut up. We were around family so all she said was that I was in trouble with her. This morning we had a few moments alone and I asked her what I was going to be spanked for my temper or the fact that I was wrong and she was right. If she had answered anything other than my temper I would have argued that a spanking is unfair but of course I knew she would say my temper. So I know what's coming tonight after our children are gone. I I have been trying to be sweet to her today knowing that her mood will be the determining factor for how severe it will be. However, because I disrespected her I expect I will not be sitting comfortably for a few days no matter how much I have tried to bee sweet. As far as difference in punishment severity is the only difference since she realized that having me kneeling and bending over the sofa was an effective way to paddle me without getting a sore arm. That's the goto. I have told her that I miss the intimacy of being over her knee, but she t doesn't care. Her only other method of punishment is corner time. She I have been in the corner for more than an hour again depending on her mood. Sometimes she will put me in the corner instead of a spanking just because she knows I need to be punished but is not in the mood.

    1. "My wife has a short memory when it comes to me so sometimes she just forgets until it comes up again."

      That sums up well what is probably the #1 reason for our historical inconsistency problem, at least if modified to, "My wife has a short memory when it comes to me and to using DD when frustrated with me."

      Anne will get aggravated or annoyed, but she just doesn't seem to remember DD as the go-to option, and she also seems to generally have a short memory about the fact that she actually got aggravated or annoyed.

    2. Exactly the same as us. An incident will occur which in my mind even at the time could & should be resolved with a spanking. Instead she will argue or sulk and then tell me afterwards that using spanking to resolve the situation didn’t even occur to her. For me this is a key issue and highlights the relative importance of spanking to both of us - as well as impacting consistency.

      I am intending to have an ‘all or nothing’ type conversation with her as I am clear that I want & need the discipline to be consistent & the ‘go to’ method for any dispute resolution/ behaviour management in order for it to be truly effective… TB

    3. TB, with an "all or nothing" position, how though will that work if your wife, like mine, simply doesn't think of it as an option at the time of the dispute? Although I wish my wife had it top-of-mind as often as I do, it seems like if I took an "all or nothing" approach the inevitable result would be "nothing," since I have no practical way of getting her to think about something she just doesn't think about as often as I'd like.

    4. It is inconceivable to me how we can't be obsessed with DD and talk to our wives about what we want and need but when we have issues they can get upset for a few minutes but then just forget the whole conversations that we had with them over and over again. Our minds are so obsessed with it but the have so many other things to think about that they forget the conversation we had with them at least some of the time. An interesting question is how many of us ask at the time of the infraction remind them buy asking for a spanking. I have tried to address the issue by telling her if she sees the paddle sitting out it because I expect a spanking. This way I'm not directly asking for a spanking but letting her know I feel like I deserve one. Then it's up to her

    5. Hi Ward:

      I don't know if some of my earliest experiences with my own wife might be useful to you in your dilemma, but . . .

      My wife uses a "demerit system" for many of the smaller, somewhat regular infractions, but mostly "my annoyances." Periodically, I'm required to "redeem" the demerits with my butt.

      Early in our own relationship, my wife would often get upset or angry with my behavior or attitude, but would seem to internalize her reaction, and possibly even blame herself as being "over-reactive" or possibly "over-sensitive". (Something I understand a lot of women have a tendency to due; accept a kind of "false responsibility" for the man's behavior -- dismiss the behavior as not that important.)

      So, before my wife really "found her voice" and easily expressed her displeasure (demerit or paddle), I tried to assist her.

      It can be awfully hard actually requesting a thrashing. Its way too easy to dismiss our own behavior when the alternative is a thrashing. I found that it was much easier for me, when I detected I had upset my wife, to:

      (1) Verbally acknowledge and apologize for upsetting her. ("It appears I have upset you. I was obviously wrong, and this is my fault; it is my responsibility.)

      (2) "Should I record one or more demerits in the punishment log?"

      A clear acknowledgement that I see her upset, that I am responsible, and that upset, and I will help in my own correction. For my wife, and I suspect many others, it is much easier to assign a demerit than break her routine or plans to deal with me. Plus, by end of week (or whenever the punishment log is regularly reviewed), a wife finding three, five, eight or more demerits accumulated is much more likely to undertake serious corrective action.

      I don't know how well this might work for other couples, but it certainly helped us with my wife tending to dismiss a lot of annoying stuff, and also with "forgetting" or "too easily forgiving" misconduct that should clearly be corrected.

  6. Spanking as energy management is a cousin of spanking for stress. One thing I will get spanked for is if I seem too keyed up at night. We do have a rule to have a reasonable bedtime, but being spanked for the energy that is making me unreasonable at bedtime feels different!

    She's never spanked explicitly because she has energy to burn, but that would be exciting. We had nights where she had significantly more to give to the spanking than usual, that had nothing to do with the earned punishment.

    1. You could say that such excess energy is one major reason I get spanked, but it's mor indirect. I have a bad habit, which I talked about an instance of at the top of this post, of having a few too many drinks and then staying up way too late watching movies and/or listening to music. But, at bottom, it's an energy thing. I know alcohol is classified as a depressant, but for me it's a stimulant and always has been. I can start out feeling overwhelmingly tired, and two drinks in it's like I did a line of coke. With each drink, I'm more and more inclined to stay up later and later. And. it's that activity that gets me in trouble as much as the alcohol itself. So, indirectly, her spanking me for the drinking and the resulting excesses, particularly a late bedtime, is a form of energy management.

  7. Does the "Why" Change the "How" or the "How Much"?

    I think the “why” is very important in determining whether any punishment at all will be administered; the more serious she views the behavior, the more likely she will punish it – Why also influences the “how” defined as the position I am spanked and the instrument(s) used, Any severe offense will be addressed with a full-sized wooden paddle or rarely a cane and significant punishments either standing or against a wall.

    Her go-to, however, is the strap, bath brush, or, occasionally, a hairbrush. But “how much” doesn’t seem closely related to “why” other than position and instrument used. A typical spanking is in the 5-minute range (as far as I can tell), which doesn’t very much.

    One other thing that impinges on how much is the number of issues she is addressing, if more than one. She sometimes addresses separate problems with separate spankings in the same session with a 20 -30-minute break in between. She has been using this more since retirement for both of us. I am not a big fan of this because it is not predictable and, in effect, can turn a couple of everyday issues into a severe spanking by lumping them together.

    1. Alan, it's odd, but it sometimes feels like there is an inverse correlation between how serious it is and how likely Anne is to spank for it. You could say it's a matter of differing perspectives on what is "serious," but I'm not sure I fully buy that. For example, I see disrespect or disobedience as serious offenses, and one would think she would too. Yet, it's rare she will spanking for them. Yet, she will always pay attention to something like leaving a door unlocked, even though we have no kids at home and live in a safe suburban neighborhood. Or, she gets testy if I'm driving too fast, even though she often drives like a maniac herself.

    2. I do get this but also think that the stated reason for a spanking may obscure what is a more complex process for her. Many women for example seem comfortable punishing for safety issues or health issues but may shy away from punishing a direct injury to then ( like disrespect). The next time she punishes you for "unimportant" offenses, think about you recent behavior the last few days to glean maybe other reasons she may be spanking you that she is not entirely making explicit. This is one reason I believe letting her decide when and why without challenging that decision. Its often a better decision than it seems at the time



  8. The why in our DD is usually an attitude adjustment for me. The how she does it and for how much is entirely up to her. An example is my wife had a procedure and our DD has suffered. She gave me an attitude adjustment paddling that hurt like hell. Then for the first time ever, I was at the sink cleaning an item. My wife came up behind me, ripped my pants down and proceeded to hand spank me. I’ve never had a hand spanking before and it went on for about 4-5 minutes. When she was done, I said what was that for? She replied, your mouth for later on. She was implying I would say something stupid and of course I did. Later on after a few libations and when company left, she told me the hard hand spanking got her hot and bothered. Similar to Glenmore, we discuss punishment in bed after it’s over or after we have made love. There is intimacy there and it’s much easier for me to open up about our needs. I usually encourage her during this time and reiterate my love for her and appreciation for the discipline she bestows upon me. She will usually make a comment about how I need a thrashing to keep me in line and how much better behaved I am “for a few days” after one.

    1. "I’ve never had a hand spanking before and it went on for about 4-5 minutes."

      Despite being in a DD relationship for 20+ years, I've never had one either.

    2. Using the hand to deliver a traditional punishment, spanking is rarely, if ever, going to be effective discipline for an adult male. (it can be an erotic treat, however)

      However, using the hand at strategic parts of a punishment spanking can be very effective. For example, my wife has hand-spanked me while leading me upstairs for a spanking with my pants around my ankles. This has gotten my attention. She has also hand-spanked me during a long pre-spanking scolding before picking up the hairbrush.

      And maybe most effective of all, she will come over while I am in the corner after spanking and resume her scolding, punctuating her words with firm slaps to my already reddened bum. This is all much more psychological than physical. But most of the benefit of any spanking is found between your ears


    3. Using the hand to deliver a traditional punishment, spanking is rarely, if ever, going to be effective discipline for an adult male. (it can be an erotic treat, however)

      However, using the hand at strategic parts of a punishment spanking can be very effective. For example, my wife has hand-spanked me while leading me upstairs for a spanking with my pants around my ankles. This Has gotten my attention. She has also hand-spanked me during a long per-spanking scolding before picking up the hairbrush.

      And maybe most effective of all, she will come over while I am in the corner after spanking and resume her scolding, punctuating her words with firm slaps to my already reddened bum. This is all much more psychological than physical. But most of the benefit of any spanking is found between your ears.


    4. I like how you placed the spanking is between the ears. The rapid hand spanking immediately brought memories
      From a long time ago. The rapidness and length of the spanking caught my attention. I agree that it alone isn’t strong enough for us males, but it was quite an experience. Ive never experienced an adult one before. I did find it a bit erotic and my wife admitted she was hot and bothered by it later on.

  9. Does why affect how or how much? Yes, definitely in my case. Major violations or constantly repeated violations are always followed by post orgasm spanking, which is very difficult to accept and almost always ends in tears for me. They generally contain at least three, sometimes 4 implements, a strap or tawse, a paddle and a cane. Sometimes a bathbrush is added to it, or if the season permits and my wife remembers, then a switch. There is no warmup and no breaks, real disciplinary spanking from the beginning until the end. I really hate them and feel myself anxious from the moment I realize I'm up for one. The spanking together with a scolding is over with 5 - 15 min, and my bottom is quite sore and sometimes bruised as well after that. I'll do my best to avoid them. For minor violations or tantrums I'll get a similar spanking but without the order to satisfy myself first. What I have realized is that when my wife has some real emotions in her, the spankings tend to be more severe and intense. I myself have asked her to be more strict with me when she would like to see any real changes in my behavior and sometimes I already regret it :) Lately she confessed for the first time, that she sees benefits from the spankings and feels herself a bit more empowered. After spankings we normally hug and I feel great intimacy from it. What concerns the discussions then we also do talk about it the same evening or next morning and she teases me about my sore bottom.

    1. "I'll do my best to avoid them. For minor violations or tantrums I'll get a similar spanking but without the order to satisfy myself first."

      That's the way all ours are. They are always, almost without exception, extremely hard, with no warmup. We used to do the four (or more) implement thing, but now it's most often two, and occasionally three. But (thankfully), she's never ordered a post-orgasm spanking.

  10. In our household, most of his spankings are similar. Generally, he is either bent over our bed or across my lap and I use my hand, my wooden hairbrush, or occasionally the cane for serious offenses. The seriousness of the spanking is determined by the offense, however, as we are working to grow our dynamic, the overall level of intensity has increased. This week we did a check in for the first time and he now knows that not only will I be pushing him, but eventually I plan to work him to tears. We have also implemented self-disclosure so I am excited to see how that pans out.
    Though most of his spankings are for punishment, we do occasionally do ‘fun’ teasing spankings, therapeutic/stress reliever spankings or preventative. In fact, as he is out of town right now for work, last night we had a preventative spanking to remind him of his place, my expectations, and the rules. Definitely ended up taking a turn I didn’t foresee. I could tell by the way he handled the spanking that he was mentally someplace else. When I pushed, he disclosed some mental things he is going through that he had previously downplayed and hidden from me. Such behavior is not allowed in our relationship, which he knows. Needless to say, we had a deep talk and though I do understand and forgive him, he does know that he will be receiving a severe spanking every night once he returns. At least until I decide the lesson has been learned.
    So for us, I’d say the Why definitely impacts the How Much and even How to an extent.

    1. "This week we did a check in for the first time and he now knows that not only will I be pushing him, but eventually I plan to work him to tears." I'll be interested to hear how that goes, if you're inclined to share. It has never happened for us, but she's also never announced an intention to make it happen.

    2. Having announced her attention, they are halfway there. It was my wife telling me that "I expect tears" that ultimately made me realize I was holding back and resisting a very natural emotional response. It happened naturally when my wife gave me "permission" to cry. That was a large barrier.


    3. Substituting attention for intention just got my attention,

    4. I suspect it's a big part of my barrier, too. That, and the prospect of embarrassment. The "permission" would likely diminish it, but I doubt it would banish it entirely.

    5. It was actually your advice Alan months ago that inspired me to tell him my intentions and give him ‘permission’. I was unaware of just how big a psychological aspect there is to crying, especially with men feeling they should always ‘man up’.

    6. I am not an expert on this by any means. And tears still don’t come spontaneously, so there may be real gender differences here beyond the strong culturalization males are exposed to from an early age. Most spankings do not produce tears.

      But when there are tears, they become a powerful catharsis and express genuine remorse. They also have ushered in some tender moments and deep intimacy. Some conditions make them more likely, but I think letting them happen is better than setting out in any one spanking to make them happen.


    7. Miss E, and also Miss C if you read this, you do seem to exercise a deep dominance over your husband. Does he have any autonomy, any area in which he makes the decisions? My wife from the outset demanded control of my personal behavior, but many of our decisions are made jointly, with one person taking the lead, and that is not always her. e.g. I take the lead in financial planning, since I have more expertise in that. Also, she always treats me with respect in front of other people, and most especially in front of the kids. But on personal behavior she is strict. An example: I had/have a terrible habit of interrupting people, which she considers very rude. She has not exactly broken me of that habit, but she has certainly reduced its occurrence. When it happens, it results in a rather sore spanking. On the other hand, if I speak clearly on matters where I'm knowledgeable, she is proud of me.

    8. Tom,
      While yes, my husband and I have an FLR, we make the majority of our decisions jointly. He has always naturally deferred to me so in many matters, he will seek my permission and I have final say. That being said though, we both play to our strengths as far as responsibilities go. For example, we both have a background in finance but whereas I’m not a fan, he loves it. So he spearheads most of our financial goals and investments. I’ve always known that while I wanted a flr for my marriage, I also very much wanted an active partner and not the responsibility of sole decision maker.

    9. Miss E, thanks for responding. May I ask how you treat him in the presence of other people? And how in the presence of your future children?

    10. This describes our DD relationship almost wholly. Her “final say” is often to tell me to decide, and we definitely have spheres of influence (your financial example fits us perfectly). But we are partners playing to each other’s strengths and recognizing the weaknesses. We have wrapped DD into this, giving her enormous discipline and behavior management authority. (“Any time for any reason” is something we are both serious about)

      But it all happens within a partnership. The semantics are tricky here, but to me, an FLR suggests less collaboration and more comprehensive dominance of the female partner. So, I have called our relationship “female-led DD” to distinguish it from FLR. We may be in the minority on this blog because the FLR tag comes up regularly.


    11. Alan, it's really hard for me to judge where your relationship (as you've described it) and mine fit when it comes to FLR-ish arrangements. At least for a while, you were more adamant than I that you're not in an FLR. I think of myself as in kind of an "FLR lite," but I'm not sure there's that much daylight between your dynamic and mine, so a lot of it is, as you say, probably semantics.

      I do think some see FLR as less collaborative and more dominated by one party. That's not our arrangement either. Though, I do think it's drifted there a bit more over the years. One that stuck out to me was minor but, to me, telling. Anne simply informed me one day that she was booking a vacation for us in Mexico and gave me a block of dates to choose from. She had decided that I was stressed out at work and needed time off, plus she wanted to go herself. In the past, the result might have been the same, but it wouldn't have involved her simply telling me that she had decided unilaterally that we were doing it. Like I said, it's a subtle example but very meaningful to me at the time in terms of what it signified about how she was seeing her role.

      The financial example fits us perfectly, too, though ours is parsed more finely. Anne has an accounting background, while I'm a math phobe. But, I love learning about and handling investments and doing portfolio management and trading, while she has no interest in that at all. So, she ends up handling our bank accounts and everything related to bill paying, while I handle all the investment accounts.

    12. Tom,
      I treat my husband out in public (and in private) with respect, he is a phenomenal man and he most certainly has my love and admiration. Though some of my family do know I am the head of our household, and my sister now knows about our dd, to most others it simply looks like I have an extra attentive and doting husband who is highly considerate. We have decided that our children won’t explicitly know about our dd, however, Im sure they will naturally pick up on our dynamic to an extent.
      As for defining an flr, Ive always viewed the deciding or leading factor as who is the ‘head of the house’ or who ultimately submits to whom. After that, the collaboration aspect is just a sliding scale that fluctuates throughout the relationship based on life stages, situations, individual partners etc

    13. Dan & Miss E,
      I think that, ultimately, FLR relationships fall somewhere along a very broad continuum. Where disciplinary authority is the province of the wife/G.F., the place any particular relationship sits on that continuum is determined to a large degree by how much authority she decides to exercise. The example you cite with Anne illustrates. By making a unilateral decision about travel, she moved your FLR toward more female power. If she leaves it there, your relationship becomes a much “fuller” FLR in time. But if the travel decision is a one-off, the relationship changes little. Ours has been dynamic that way, with her exercising quite a lot of authority for a period and then letting go of some of that. Both of us are comfortable with that. The real difference between all FLR's and vanilla relationships is that she has disciplinary authority , particularly to use corporal punishment.

    14. Miss E
      Defining FLR by who is the head of the house. Even that can be a question at times. My wife has refrained from doing things because I said I was opposed to her doing them. (And of course I do nothing she opposes.) But she has the absolute right to punish, and a few times I've been spanked two days consecutively, for stubborn behavior. I suppose that is a very basic deciding factor.

    15. the first time I cried it wasn't from the intensity of the a particular spanking itself but from a culmination of spankings a few weeks after my wife first took me in hand.
      I had been spanked and disciplined a lot in those first few weeks and I think I felt a loss of control. That combined with the shift in my wifes demeaner made me feel very unsure
      about what would happen leading into each time I was disciplined. We went from having arguments where she would eventually get emotional and cry or she would be pasive aggressive
      and now she was very cold, matter of fact and strict.
      leading into this particular spanking I was balking and trying to get out of it. I had a sense of panic at the point she brought me into the room and it was time to bare myself and
      bend over the bed. I had just been spanked the day before for something else and this was the second time I was being disciplined for the same issue in a week. I felt frustrated with
      myself and the frequency of misshebavior. I tihnk deep down I was realizing I wasnt the mature responsible adult I thought of myself as. Getting disciplined really highlighted that.
      I dont know why but that spanking was the first I really tried to talk my way out of, my wife continued to tell me to bend over and take my punishment and that we would talk after.
      Eventually she told me I was now going to be spanked for disobedience in addition to the original reason for the spanking. That got me lowering my pants and bending over, I will never
      forget the glare from my wife as I finally obeyed. I was already tearing up getting into position and it only took a few swats before I started crying. That didnt seem to phase my
      wife, the spanking and scolding was long and severe.
      After the spanking was over she sat me down and said I was permitted to tell her what was so important before the spanking. I tried to rationalize not getting spanked so much but this
      conversation is what turned into us formalizing our FLR relationship. My wife made a lot of good points and basically doubled down on the fact that things were going to continue
      where they were heading if I wanted to be in the relationship. She said the only way I was going to get out of getting disciplined like a bad child was to fix my bad behaviors and attitude and
      always respect her as the authority in the house. In hind sight I realized another role reversal was that where previously she would cry and break down during an argument and I usually was
      not emotional and eye rolled, now I was the one crying and remorseful and she was very matter of fact and in control. I have only cried a few times in the many spankings I have gotten
      but that was the first one.
      - DD

    16. "I think deep down I was realizing I wasn't the mature responsible adult I thought of myself as."

      Great observation! Although I think your moment of gaining that self-awareness may have been more dramatic than mine, I think this hits on the entirety of what attracted me to the DWC in the first place. It was NOT the spanking per se. I had read lots of spanking erotica and never experienced anything like my DWC reaction. Rather, I think I had been frustrated for a while that I was deep into my 30s but, in some ways, still living like a college frat boy.

      "In hindsight I realized another role reversal was that where previously she would cry and break down during an argument and I usually was
      not emotional and eye rolled, now I was the one crying and remorseful and she was very matter of fact and in control."

      Another great observation.

  11. From the perspective of a wife who does use spanking as a way of reducing my stress and stresses on the relationship, certain offenses guarantee what Aunt Kay would call a memorable event. Any misogyny or condescension toward women gets my ire up and his pants down . I have admonished him for staring at an attractive young woman in a restaurant and while quietly telling him he was in for it while taking my hair brush out snd putting it on he table, verbal comments about a woman’s appearance always gets a mouth soaping before the strap, while I haven’t seen reference on this site to pegging, misogyny brings out a dido that he hates. I will say that he has avoided any negative attitudes about women, so i feel my approach has modified his behavior.

    1. Pegging for comments about women does seem to be a case of the punishment fitting the crime.

    2. I don't know about pegging, but I half wish that eying women would be added to the spanking list.I try not to but I know I do it more than I think I let on. I'm sure my wife knows exactly how much I do it. So she would be in a position to call the shot on whether the infraction occurred in a way I wouldn't have grounds to protest. That would be good for our DD.

    3. MW, I see that one as the equivalent of blaming a compass for pointing north. :-)

    4. There are most certainly "degrees" of such behavior. My wife understands this, and does not always punish me for such disrepect toward other women.

      Mostly it is a case of whether I catch myself, and redirect my attention in an appropriate manner and interval.

      Basically, it seems to be my own wife's opinion and modis operandi that (1) If I persevere long enough for her to obviously notice / catch me, then (2) It was obviously disrespectful to both the other woman AND PARTICULARLY to my wife. My wife most certainly punishes, sometimes severally, such blatant disrespect of role in my life.

    5. Might this be part of a future subject for discussion:

      Various types of disrespect and/or misconduct towards other women, and disrespect to our wives by such misbehavior towards other women?

    6. Or possibly expanded to disrespect and misconduct towards all other third parties, be they other family members, friends, acquaintances or members of the general public? -- VK

    7. I can do something like that, and I like VK's expansion

  12. In my opinion, pegging can be discipline, but I don’t experience it as punishment. It is not a regular event, but it has happened often enough for me to understand it. I will try to unwrap that if anyone cares, but it is not in the same universe as spanking, corner time, or even a non-spanking punishment.

    1. I could add that one as a topic too and, in fact, would prefer it to doing it in this week's discussion. It's not an issue of not liking "off topic" discussions. Rather, it just makes for a larger conversation when something is an actual topic. It kind of gets depleted when it gets addressed only in the comments on a preceding topic.

  13. Alan, it would be interesting if you could describe how pegging affects you and your relationship. Does she, or you, enjoy it? It certainly seems to truly demonstrate her position of power in a very graphic manner.

  14. I’ve never seen pegging discussed here. If you Miss C or Alan would feel comfortable sharing I would love to hear more about not only your experiences but also the enjoyment vs. punishment aspect! I enjoy pegging and told my husband (then boyfriend) at the onset of our relationship. He hadn’t been ready to try it until a few months ago when he came to me and said he was ready for that step and wanted to give me all of him. So I have been preparing to experience it with him but haven’t yet!

  15. I will defer to Dan's judgement and wait until we have a full topic to discuss further.


    1. Thanks, Alan. Like a spanking you know is coming, it will build anticipation. ;-)

    2. I am practically in "sub-space" already.

      BTW that might make an interesting topic area one day. It is a direct import from BDSM, but it has been alluded to on this blog. I am not sure I know what it is precisely.

  16. In our house the spanking is almost always for punishing poor behavior, and sometimes immediate…”Go upstairs right now!”, but rarely. Usually they come weekly and she always reads a log written by me of my behavior during the week and decides if punishment is necesssary. It almost always is. And then I am spanked. Severity does not vary much anymore. A few months ago we agreed that a spanking should Always be scary, severe and lead to submission and surrender. She does spank rarely for prevention. My adult child recently married and I got an even more severe spanking than usual and twice the scolding as she warned me about her wedding behavioral expectations. And it worked pretty well too. I was very good the wedding day, but did drink too much and get sloppy the two nights prior to the wedding while enjoying being with old friends and family. I ‘m sure I have quite a thrashing coming as soon as all the guests leave.

  17. I mentioned pegging, we are seniors, while punishment spankings are fewer due in part to better behavior a persistent problem relating to comments made about attractive women . I will wash his mouth make him
    Pleasure himself , then spank him. I use a large dildo and the combination of a real spanking and submission to my dominant use of the dildo usually curtails his misogynistic attitude for months.

    1. Miss C,

      I am not surprised that the punishment you described has long-lasting results. While I wouldn’t wish a post orgasm spanking on any guy, this might have been an appropriate time to administer one

      It was an excellent example of what the DWC website called spanking “reinforcements,” which are adding tools like the things you mention, as well as scolding and corner time. to a spanking. Reinforcements do work to make a spanking more memorable.

      I dislike misogynistic comments/attitudes deeply, and I wish you luck with permanently erasing them. If your dynamic supports it, you might try making him wear panties for a set time to remind him that he was punished and WHY he was punished.


  18. Alan, in addition to the measures i mentioned, once per week we review his comments and general attitude and his adherence to the rules regarding his chores. I employ maintenance spanking and while doing his chores he must wear only an apron which exposes his spanked behind and reminds him that he is under my feminine thumb.

    1. Miss C,
      Do you employ this level of strictness due to current behavior issues, or is it part of your usual dynamic? I am asking mainly because it seems that level of strictness would get his behavior under control pretty fast.

      In other words, does he need that level of discipline continuously, or are you “cracking down” on him because of unusual misbehavior?

    2. As i mentioned, we are seniors and while his behavior in most Areas is restrained , long ingrained old fashioned comments about women’s bodies are still uttered. The occassion for real punishment spankings are fewer snd farther between, but he knows the drill

    3. Miss C:

      It’s interesting how different people are. I have actually tried to get my wife to peg me, and she has a couple of times. I loved it…she didn’t. I don’t think it would be an effective punishment for me though unless she was dangerously rough, because I really liked not only the physicality of it, but especially the feeling of being totally and completely dominated by my disciplinary wife. It does reinforce the dynamic, but I wouldn’t call it punishment for me anyway.

  19. I've noticed that someone has uploaded several books of possible general interest to the Internet Archive:




    These are located at:

    These uploads were apparently made to the Archive's "Test Section," which means all of these files will be permanently deleted in 30-days (roughly November 1).

    If you want any of these, GET THEM ASAP, as they are unlikely to ever again be available, ANYWHERE!

    -- Scotsman

    1. Scotsman - thanks for the tip. I tried this, but didn't know how to get to the test section. Has anybody else tried this? Suggestions?

    2. Is it possible to download them?


    3. The link ( will take you to the page where all three books are located.

      You can select which book to read in the "viewport" by clicking on that book's name in the upper-left column.

      Alternatively, you can download the book in most common formats (TXT, ePub, PDF) by clicking on that link in the lower-right list of formats. That will expand a list of all files in that format, which can then be directly downloaded to your computer. (Most browsers will download by "right-clicking" on the link, then selecting "Save as . . ." or "Save link as . . ."

      -- Scotsman

  20. I just reviewed the book, fun and comprehensive. Thanks for the tip Scotsman


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