
Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Club - Meeting 479 - Before and After the Spanking

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” — George Bernard Shaw

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to our female readers to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around. 

I hope you all had a good week.  I’ve been neck deep in planning for a challenging motorcycle trip. Although I can’t help feeling some discomfort at being so effectively spied upon, my on-line shopping for motorcycle gear seems to be having a nice influence on the kind of stuff that shows up on my Tumblr feed, such as this little gem that follows on the similar pic I posted last week:



Last week’s discussion was—what’s the word I’m looking for?—I guess “irritating” will do.  Hence my relative lack of participation. 


I’ve learned over the last ten years that one challenge in running a topic-oriented blog is drawing the right line between enforcing the weekly topic, on the one hand, and letting the conversation develop organically, on the other. I actually like when a weekly conversation goes in different, unanticipated directions. It keeps things interesting and is one of my best sources of ideas for future topics. 

But, there is some line, even if I can’t articulate exactly where it is. Last week, the very first comment was from someone clearly from BDSM world, who either didn’t read the post or consciously ignored the topic, turning a topic about using pre-spanking orgasms to enhance punishment into a comment on using spanking to punish orgasms.  As if there is any connection at all between those two.  One of the very next comments flipped the topic to post-spanking sex, which again, other than sharing the general concepts or orgasms and spankings had absolutely zero to do with the actual topic, and was itself kind of BDSM-ish in emphasizing the role of spanking in enhancing sex. Then, the multi-part description of what was basically a BDSM encounter. 

I guess it’s true that no good deed goes unpunished, and I blame myself to an extent for opening up the discussion the previous week to BDSM.  I was really happy that the discussion that week stayed focused and pertinent to the relationship between BDSM and DD, i.e. on the actual topic on the table.  But, it seems that opening it up to BDSM at all created a negative pillover effect the following week. 


Oh well.  Sometimes you have to give something a try, see what happens, and adjust as necessary. 

The unfortunate thing is, I really was interested in the topic of post-orgasm spankings as part of a DD regimen, even if we haven’t done it ourselves.  It’s one of those topics I have a morbid fascination with, though it’s one that I have enough real fear around that I’ve never even secretly hoped to experience it.   


Apparently, many of you feel the same.  I especially liked this comment from Alan regarding how it seems to arise, when it does:


In my experience, men don’t bring it up—at least, I never did. My wife knew about it from prior relationships, and my former GF discovered it similarly to the way you first encountered it. Both women who have disciplined me would have accepted it as a hard limit while not being comfortable with that position. My wife’s position is that it should be something she can use if she thinks necessary. My former Gf’s position was that putting it off bounds was a limitation on the authority “You told me was unlimited”

Our ongoing agreement is that my wife can use it in a couple of clear and well-defined situations. But she would be happier if there were no limits, not because she would use it often but because it is a powerful deterrent. I can’t disagree with the latter.


Indirectly, I have sort of brought it up to Anne, by making it a weekly topic a few times, as she does read the blog fairly regularly.  She has never brought it up, though I don’t read much into that, because it’s pretty rare that she does bring up my blog posts or your comments.


I have, from time to time, thought about bringing it up to her directly, exclusively on the premise that it would be, as Alan has called it, the “nuclear option,” to be used for highly problematic conduct that “normal” spankings have not succeeded in eliminating or substantially moderating.


What holds me back?  Well, first, because somehow without ever experiencing one, I can intuit how bad a post-orgasm spanking would be.  Second, as I’ve described, Anne tends to be very binary in her spanking approach. It’s either nothing or 100%.  So, I share some of Alan’s concerns about whether it would come to be used on a too-regular basis or for less serious behavior. Third, as I said, Anne does read the blog, so it’s not like I’m hiding this option from her. 

For this week’s topic, I’m going to turn to Alan again.  He recently suggested this topic idea and helpfully included enough detail that this week’s post virtually wrote itself: 

"A possible future topic: The before and after of disciplinary spanking.


Context- Before and After studies are practically a fixture of any new product, process, behavior, or phenomenon. Spanking isn’t new, but its impact (pun noted) on both the spanked and the spanker is a bit of an unknown. 

My former girlfriend told me that there was a direct line between my bum and my brain. That may be more than a metaphor. Recent neurological research has been discussing a “second brain,” not quite in the glutes but in the bottom, adjacent to the intestinal system. That’s close enough for me.


Several commentators on this blog have noted how their wives have changed their minds or views in the aftermath of a spanking. I have experienced this personally -being spanked when I thought she was wrong but feeling very differently when the spanking was over. 

So, it might be interesting to ask for descriptions of the difference, if any, in the way a male under female discipline feels before he is spanked compared to after he is spanked. Equally interesting would be the difference, if any a female disciplinarian feels before and after.


The underlying topic here is the effect on the male of receiving a disciplinary spanking from a female. This question is distinct from the cumulative effect of multiple spankings over an interval of time. This might be an interesting topic, but it's not what I am proposing now."


So, let’s go with that. It's interesting to note that as some of the memes in this post illustrate, it often seems to be the wife's express purpose to bring about the kind of attitude change Alan's girlfriend noted. It may include the express goal of making him accept her view on things.

 Or, she might be focused on punishing the "before" attitude itself.



The old adage that "talk is cheap" might also be in play.  The husband may have apologized profusely for some bit of bad behavior, but she has come to believe that it's important to take firm action that guarantees he is really sorry, i.e. that a professed "before" and "after" change is real.



 As for how I personally change, I’ll begin with the specific example Alan raised of feeling my wife was wrong about something before she spanked me for it, but changing my mind during or after the spanking. 

For me, the mental shift Alan described has happened, but it’s not quite that black and white.  It’s been rare that our views on the rightness or wrongness of either my behavior or her punishing it were diametrically opposed.  More often, it’s been that we’ve had a big argument about something (rare for us), and my ego and obstinance during the argument led me to reject her view of things out of hand, even though it should have been clear there were two sides to the issue. Often, when the spanking is over, I will be much more open to her point of view, even if I still recognize the validity of my own.


There have also been a couple of times when she gave me a strong, stinging lecture and a hard spanking for behavior that she had big problems with but that I didn’t see as an issue at all or didn’t feel like it should be “spankable.” In those cases, I did often come around closer to her view after a spanking—or at least I was more able to acknowledge her perspective—though in a couple of cases it took days or even weeks after the spanking. 


 The biggest delta between my “before” and “after” state has probably been when Anne has spanked me for something that I’ve seen as spankable but fairly trivial, while she spanked me as if it was a major offense. Things like failing to do an assigned chore.  Because that sort of thing is minor in the scheme of things, I tend to go into the spanking anxious about what is about to happen—or on at least one occasion not feeling particularly anxious because I wrongly anticipated a minor spanking for a minor offense—but feeling no particular remorse or need for penance.  After what turned out to be a very hard spanking, I still didn’t feel a lot of remorse, but I felt much, much more vulnerable to her exercise of her power and authority, and unsettled about the fact that she made a decision to spank so hard for something that mattered to her if not to me.  It reinforced the reality of the power shift in a very profound way.


Conversely, the least delta between my “before” and “after” mental state happens when we both are on the same page that what I’ve done is both serious and spankable. In those cases, I generally come into the spanking feeling anxious about the spanking but also recognizing its necessity and “rightness.” When it’s over, I usually feel like my need to be held accountable has been met, and I'm grateful for it.  It’s more a sense of relief or closure. And, I often feel very physically wrung out.  The last sentence of this meme does a remarkably good job of identifying how I usually feel a few minutes after a "normal" spanking. 


 How does Anne’s mental and emotional state change “before” and “after”? It’s hard to say, because she doesn’t open up about such stuff very much.  So, my comments are confined to how her demeanor appears to change, if at all, before and after. 

Ninety percent of the time, there is very little outward change in her demeanor.  She’s usually pretty business-like from beginning to end. If she displays any change of emotion before and after, it’s probably a hint of self-satisfaction at what she considers a job well done.



On the rare occasions when she’s very angry about something, there is perhaps even less “before” and “after” change in demeanor on display. She displays her anger and seriousness before, during, and to some extent after the spanking. Unlike a “normal” spanking, which very often leads to sex, after a spanking for something that has made her seriously mad, she is more likely to simply dismiss me at the end with a terse statement like, “That’s all. For now.”  This Jay Em illustration does a great job depicting a wife who is still pissed off after the spanking is over, and my own feelings of feeling physically "wrung out" after a really hard spanking.


 Tell us about the change in your mental or emotional state before and after a spanking?  This topic would be a great one to hear from the wives directly on but, if your wife isn’t interested in weighing in, please tell us about your perception of any “before” and “after” change you think she experiences. 

Have a good week.


  1. I will play lead off and someone else can have the job of driving me home.
    Before a spanking, this interval needs to be split into a couple of time segments. The first is that almost emotionally overwhelming time when a spanking is likely but not absolutely set in concrete. My emotions then are virtually schizoid -ranging between powerful erotic feelings about getting a spanking and gut-wrenching fear of the same thing. This is a short few minute for us as I have limited time to dissuade her, a tactic rarely successful -and an interval ended by her with some pedestrian order like “Let go” or “That it.” At that point, I am expected to comply fully and willingly. She really emphasizes that after I have had (a brief ) time to object). And I really work on this for her.
    The second time segment before a spanking is an autopilot for me. I do what she tells me and try to obey her every order because doing otherwise is pointless and because she has told me how important that is to her and her confidence. My feelings are a mixture of fatalism and varying degrees of shame and guilt for needing to be spanked.

    About half the time, I am fully on board with her decision and, in fact, wonder what took her so long, But the other half of the time, the spanking is “under protest.” We don’t have anything so formal, but I do have the right after a spanking to discuss it and my feelings as long as I want. So, she gets very little pushback before but accepts whatever I need to express after -as long as I am respectful. What does differ a lot is the degree of “under protest” a spanking can be -ranging from mild disagreement with her spanking to major disagreement.
    Before discussing feelings after being spanked, a brief comment about feelings during a spanking. For me, the main feelings during spanking are some anger at myself for what I did and particularly for forgetting what a spanking really feels like. This feeling is joined with real regret, probably not so much what I did as that I am getting spanked for it, and toward the end—sometimes panic, as in “this will never stop.” (that might be the moment when a spanking most changes behavior because the panic feeling is very motivating.

    After a spanking: —assuming the spanking was reasonably hard and long, the effect on my perception of myself is pronounced -and both my wife and my GF before tell me I am a “different person.” The ego defenses that many males have evaporate. I am very open to her and am amenable to what she says and wants. I also feel a love for her that seems more intense and focused than normal romantic feelings.

    There is also the relief of having been punished, forgiven, still loved, and not liable to more punishment. The door is closed, and I am free to move on. I am not feeling the residual pain yet that will come later from being spanked, and the freedom from her brush or paddle feels liberating. The feelings can verge on euphoria.

    That may explain why I almost always do not exercise my right to relitigate the cause of the spanking and its fairness. One of the reasons a spanking seems unfair or not proportional is our human tendency to try to avoid the consequences of bad behavior. Seeing that clearly is produced by having the spanking over. However, we have had some long conversations after a spanking, and she admits she has spanked me sometimes unfairly or unnecessarily. I am philosophical about that and think of it as just a cost of a DD relationship. Her willingness to admit being wrong makes it all work.


    1. "My emotions then are virtually schizoid -ranging between powerful erotic feelings about getting a spanking and gut-wrenching fear of the same thing."

      For us, there usually is a fairly long interval--a few hours at least--between her telling me I am going to get a spanking and when it actually happens. In the very early stages, I can feel some of those powerful erotic feelings (more powerful in the past than today), then as it gets very close to time, the anxiety builds. It's usually not quite "gut-wrenching" fear, but there have been a few times lately where I did feel a huge amount of anxiety around it and thought "I really, really do not want this" over and over until it was time.

      "Fatalism" is a good word for how I feel after the session has started, including the time immediately before the spanking when I'm putting out her instruments, getting undressed, and undergoing any pre-spanking lecture. At that point, my anxiety usually has *decreased* from the hours before, when I knew it was going to happen but not exactly when.

      "One of the reasons a spanking seems unfair or not proportional is our human tendency to try to avoid the consequences of bad behavior."

      So true.

    2. Dan said: "Fatalism" is a good word for how I feel after the session has started, including the time immediately before the spanking when I'm putting out her instruments, getting undressed, and undergoing any pre-spanking lecture. “

      It is interesting that you adopt the word “fatalism” too because, for me, and I suspect for you, a fatalistic outlook is not a regular aspect of personality. In life, beyond DD, I am almost an anti-fatalist [ “Of course we can change this. Let's get this under control. There is nothing inevitable about …etc.]

      Yet I am truly a fatalist about getting spanked when it reaches the point where she is not going to relent. And it really feels good to just let go of the inevitable and not fight it. It is more evidence for me that DD is a kind of personal growth, more precisely it opens one to experiencing aspects of oneself not usually accessible


    3. Alan, I totally agree with all this. In the rest of my life, I'm the opposite of a fatalist, equating it with "defeatist."

      "And it really feels good to just let go of the inevitable and not fight it." I really, really hate injecting a BDSM saying into this conversation after starting my post with a rant about BDSM infecting last week's conversation, but there is this quote that I understand is popular in BDSM circles that seems appropriate: "A submissive gives up control for freedom. A Dominant gives up freedom for control.”

      Yielding to the inevitability of the spanking is a funny sort of yielding up of control, because it's "inevitable" only because of our own conscious choice to follow the rules we ourselves wanted, which include giving in whenever she decides a spanking is warranted. On the surface, we've given up control and autonomy. But, in a larger sense we've asserted our control and autonomy over our own lives in a way that many men could never do. We've taken a hard look at our inability to exercise enough self-control to improve in certain areas, and we've willingly handed the authority over to someone else to do it for us. It's taking control over our some negative aspects of our lives by handing some decisions about those aspects over to someone else.

      I'm usually not this philosophical first thing in the morning. :-)

    4. I find this interesting. I would never call what I feel while being thrashed "fatalistic", for me it is more a feeling of being completely owned and loved, even though it hurts like hell. I deserve it and I brought it on myself.

    5. For me, the fatalism is in the "before," not the "during."

    6. Being fatalistic requires the formation of a coherent thought;I'm not sure I experience coherency during a hard spanking;in fact I am fairly certain I don't.

    7. I do think a bit during the spanking, but not much.

  2. Hey Dan, plenty busy during the holiday week and had some friends from out of state over. I didn’t post much the last two weeks as both topics were off course for me. BDSM and post orgasm spankings
    do not occur in our relationship. This was probably the first time I didn’t read every comment and actually became annoyed by some of the post. How people come out of the wood work when BDSM is brought up. It’s your blog, but I appreciate the fact that this is one of the few outlets for true DD/FLR. For us before a spanking, I am still in a pissed off mood about something that maybe caused me to lash out. My wife is very quiet and probably cunning. She will wait till bedtime and when I lay down, she will say we have to address something. I roll my eyes because I know what’s coming. She won’t see me of course. She has already been resigned to the fact she is going to thrash me. She is already confident in her ability to handle my mood. She will explain what I’ve done to deserve this thrashing with a calm and confident tone. Her mood sometimes is the complete opposite of mine. I might still be stewing about something. She knows I will never refuse to bend over for her, even if she is wrong. It’s a promise I made years ago. She then tells to bend over, she
    removes my shorts and underwear and delivers a serious strapping. Afterwards, both of our attitudes change immediately. She loves to see me squirm. She loves to see my very red and swollen bottom. If she is in the right state of mind, she will orgasm without being touched during the punishment. This occurs when she’s not as upset with my actions and is given me a spot spanking. If we don’t make love, sometimes she will play with me too orgasm and make me tell her how much I need to be spanked to stay in line. This is erotic as she builds me up to finish. She will make me tell her, to continue to beat the naughtiness out of me and so forth. When she is mad and I’ve been truly disciplined, it’s like the
    picture above, she will dismiss me and tell me to get out of her sight. This obviously had a different psychological effect on me and I end up in another room remorseful for my actions.

    1. Thanks, T. I didn't--and still don't--have a problem with the topic as Antonio articulated it, with the focus on whether our DD commenters came to BDSM through DD, or vice versa, or never engaged in BDSM at all. But, I always seem to forget that it's like a "permission slip" for certain lurkers, or regulars who basically are doing BDSM with a DD overlay, to let 'er rip. Oh well, like I said, live and learn.

      "I am still in a pissed off mood about something that maybe caused me to lash out." That very seldom happens with me, probably because it's so rare that she spanks "on the spot," shortly after an outburst. I have a temper, but it also recedes quickly, so usually by the time a spanking happens, I'm over any emotional component on my end that led to the spanking. Also, for reasons I never have understood, Anne is just really slow to spank for something like an angry outburst or being disrespectful. It happened one time last year, and it stands out in my mind because it is so rare.

      "If she is in the right state of mind, she will orgasm without being touched during the punishment." That definitely has never happened for Anne. It's actually been only recently that she admitted to getting turned on at all by the spanking itself.

    2. "She will wait till bedtime and when I lay down, she will say we have to address something."

      This made me smile. Why do they do this? I would say my wife is shy about claiming a piece of the regular evening for spanking. Your wife sounds quite confident yet also delays.

    3. MW,
      She had gained a lot of confidence over the years. When we first started, she would phrase it, “dont you think it’s time for your thrashing.” Now its, “your getting a thrashing”. She still feels the bedroom as a sacred place to get the punishment done. I do wish it would happen in other rooms as well. I think that she has me in the right head space before bed. Her confidence and ability to deliver a sound thrashing has soared over the years.

    4. You're blessed, T.

      We usually spank downstairs so it's a trip from the bedroom, which is too close to the kids' rooms. So waiting until we go or almost go go back kind of silly. But I'm happy however it happens.

  3. I guess for me the change in my mental state before and after a spanking differs mostly if I knew or know I have misbehaved and earned the punishment. In the cases where I know I have earned the punishment or actually ratted on myself, my before state is saying, you earned this, now take it. As the prep begins and I present my bare bottom for the spanking I know I deserve, I swallow hard and take my medicine. Afterwards, I realize how effective our FLR really is and am actually thankful she keeps me in line. In cases where I am unaware I have committed an infraction or she comes to me angry with implement in hand, my pre-spanking thoughts race over things like, 'I'm being spanked for that?' or 'that offense seems minor for her to be that angry', but I still present my bottom for the punishment. Afterwards I feel unjustly punished or 'if that means that much to her, I will try to be more understanding of her feelings on that topic'. As far as her mental states, she seems to be in duty mode for punishments I am aware of. 'OK, you broke that rule and need to be punished for it. For the spontaneous punishments, she acts more like 'I'll teach you not to do that again'. During either type of punishment, her mental state seems to revert to the same make the punishment effective. She will pause after administering a just amount of spanking to ask, 'have you learned'?, or 'do you now understand me'?, or 'are you sorry'? I always stammer out a 'Yes Ma'am'. She nearly always follows that with a 'well, let's be sure' and doles out another dose of spanking before releasing me. Then tells me to reflect on my behavior and after a certain amount of time, she will come to me with a kiss and the assurance the punishment is over and the issue is closed. Then I feel much better and life goes on.

    1. "As the prep begins and I present my bare bottom for the spanking I know I deserve, I swallow hard and take my medicine. Afterwards, I realize how effective our FLR really is and am actually thankful she keeps me in line."

      That almost exactly matches my before and after reactions to "ordinary" spankings.

  4. Hi Dan,
    I came to the blog to comment last week, but really couldn't think of anything to add, since I have not had any more post-orgasm spankings (there was one, maybe 5 years ago or something). The only thing I guess I could say is that I generally am quite negative about the idea of them, but if I look back to what I wrote right after the one happened, I didn't seem to have the same level of negativity. I am thinking that part of it is that each time we have tangentially touched upon it during the years on the blog, someone usually tries to imply that a spanking cannot be real without it - something that I strongly disagree with - so that has made me generally not like the topic.

    I too noticed the attempts to pull the conversation in a different direction last week. Though this might well be an outgrowth of the more BDSM angle of the previous week, it could have also been simply people either not carefully reading the topic or trying to find a way to interact by sharing adjacent experiences. Probably it would not have been as much of an irritant if it had happened somewhere further down the comment threads. When the first few comments are not on topic, it kind of bodes poorly for the week, so it is good that Alan "anchored" this week! BTW, while I greatly appreciate the sharp focus we keep on DD here, I also really enjoyed the time we spent delving slightly into BDSM, so I personally don't think it is a bad thing to do from time to time, as long as we are able to maintain a sharp DD/FLR focus most of the time.

    I will chime in on this week's topic in the next day or two as I have time.


    1. "[I]t could have also been simply people either not carefully reading the topic or trying to find a way to interact by sharing adjacent experiences. Probably it would not have been as much of an irritant if it had happened somewhere further down the comment threads."

      Good points. And, I too did enjoy the limited discussion of BDSM within that narrow context of how people have journeyed to it or through it in relation to real discipline.

  5. Much like T, both BDSM and post orgasm spankings aren't really part of what we do, so I am glad we are back to more fimiliar territory. For me, there is a difference between the time before and after I cut back on drinking. Before, about a year after we got together and began our journey into DD, I received many disciplinary spankings for overindulging, or for scaring her with reckless driving. There was real dread before those spankings, and usually I would have trouble sleeping, anticipating the spanking in the morning. After I finally decided to permanently cut back, which took a few years. I got far fewer disciplinary spankings, and became a more careful driver. Now, the majority of my spankings are for maintenance, and I look forward to them. However, there is often a small amount of anxiety before, which disappears once the check in is over and the spanking begins. The upcoming spanking will be foremost on my mind. At my request, she will usually spank hard and long enough to get me past the point of resistance, until I finally surrender to her. To sum up, before the spanking, I feel an erotic energy mixed with a small amount of anxiety. After the spanking is over, there is always intimacy and relief, and I always feel grateful to her for taking care of me. When I do occasionally receive a disciplinary spanking, it is usually for breaking a rule, which is mostly due to me forgetting to do something. It is still meaningful and exciting to be spanked for punishment, and I never contest a spanking, or feel like she punished me unfairly. In fact, sometimes I wish she was more strict, and have suggested that she try to look at these transgressions as opportunities. Her telling me I will be getting a spanking, and delivering it soon after, vividly demonstrates her authority, which is the fundamental ingredent that makes it work.

    1. It's interesting - you and I seem to have almost polar opposite reactions. You reacted with more anxiety and dread to spankings in a context in which it sounds like the conduct was more serious and the spanking more deserved. You feel less anxiety and are totally open to it when it's something more minor, like forgetting to do something. I, on the other hand, usually am feeling genuine remorse or irritation with myself after serious misconduct, so we both are on the same page that is deserved. I don't exactly look forward to it, but I know it's needed and necessary. For more minor incidents, I'm comfortable with it mentally *after* the spanking and feel admiration for her authority and willingness to use her power, but going into I may be mentally resistant and even mildly irritated at being spanked for something I don't personally care about very much,

    2. HI Dan. For me, the reason I am getting a spanking is far less important than the absolutel neccessity of my getting this need fulfilled. If she is really motivated, so much the better. She is never angry with me, like the wife in your last illustration. While I no longer feel remorse , I did feel it before I slowed down on the drinking. Of course I feel irritation with myself when I forget things, but that's just part of getting older. Iam grateful to her taking me in hand, and having the willingness to continue doing so, even when she doesn't feel like it. She has spanked me for things I don't care much about, but that doesn't bother me at all. I am never mentally resistent or irritated when she decides to spank me. While the spanking may be hard to take, I know I will soon feel more relaxed. The basic reason she is spanking me is because she loves me and she knows I need it.

    3. "Of course I feel irritation with myself when I forget things, but that's just part of getting older."

      Maybe some of it is getting older, but part of it (for me) is also about habitually being sloppy when it comes to paying attention. I've noticed recently that my overall forgetfulness has declined since Anne started imposing rules around a couple of her pet peeves. The key seems to be that she has made "spankable" a couple of things that I don't care about at all. It's making me consciously choose between (a) getting spanked; or (b) paying attention to things I have no intrinsic desire to pay attention to. The interesting shift is that I find myself being a little more attentive on other things that, in past, I might have forgotten or not paid any attention to.

    4. Dan, we have gone through a similiar thing. I have come around to her way of thinking on a few things. I now agree with her that a good idea to turn off your cell during a meal or an important activity you are doing together.. One thing that bugs her, that I still do sometimes, is leaving the toilet seat up. The only reason I care about it is that I know it bothers her. She has sometimes let me slide without a spanking, which seems to me to convey the message that it really isn't that important to her. Of course it takes effort on her part, and she won't always be in the mood. However, she would get have gotten better results earlier by being more strict and consistent, delivering a sound spanking every time, as soon as possible. Once she took it more seriously and it was clear I would get a spanking, I now sometimes get up again after I pee, to make sure I didn't leave the seat up. It sounds similar to you leaving the garage door open at night. Do you still do that?

    5. Norton, very rarely. Though, in large part because I replaced the garage door opener and had the rails serviced. I *knew* the damn thing was going up on its own.

    6. Dan, you said that after Annie started imposing rules making her pet peeves "spankable", you not only started paying attention more about those things, but also gave more attention to other things as well. So, aside from training you to not do things that annoy her, she has also gotten you to become more attuned to what she wants without her needing to ask. This is a good example of how DD can help make a husband not only behave better, but also become more sensitive to her needs. This has been true for me as well.

    7. "So, aside from training you to not do things that annoy her, she has also gotten you to become more attuned to what she wants without her needing to ask."

      Norton, not really. The point I was making was about paying more attention to details and being less careless in general, not really about being more attuned to her preferences. There's probably a small element of anticipating things she might have a problem with, but that's a very small part of the development I was referring to.

  6. I have the four “ A” s. Announcement. Anticipation. Application and After effect. Once Dev has announced a spanking will be given I’m nervous as hell anticipating it. The waiting is excruciating. It hurts badly when the application is given. I rate each spanking on a 1-10 scale. Most are in the 7 range depending on what is used. The highest was a few weeks ago at 9.5. It was really was difficult to sit or even move The final part is the after effect. I’m VERY relieved it’s over and whatever the offense was is forgiven and forgotten. JR

  7. Here we mostly do maintenance spankings. We don't live together so the opportunities for transgressions are less. Sex is not part of the maintenance process. I've expressed my desire that this should not be considered foreplay ever. That only cheapens the experience.
    If I earn a spanking during a date or something, we try and take care of it ASAP. It's those ones you don't want that can be the most powerful.
    My reaction varies with intensity/duration. Shorter, easier sessions, when I've not really done anything to deserve it but still require a reminder don't have the power of more painful experiences. But those that escalate to drawn out and very hard events leave me in a state of total devotion. There is nothing I will not do for this person who has taken the time and energy to express her power and discipline me in a very thorough manner. I crave that headspace. It's not strictly limited to post spanking but that can really stoke the embers for days to come.
    The pain is only a side effect. The heart of the session is energy transfer. We are sharing an intimate and clearly defined space and she is transferring her energy to me. It's like cooking on a hot skillet. The ingredient is forever altered just by transferring energy. That vibration penetrates to my very marrow, far deeper than stinging skin. It's an act of love.

    1. "It's those ones you don't want that can be the most powerful."

      Since we don't do erotic spankings, and I'm not a masochist, I can truthfully say that there are no spankings that I actually "want." But, I get what you mean. There are degrees of "not wanting."

      "But those that escalate to drawn out and very hard events leave me in a state of total devotion." For me, it's not so much the severity of the spanking that determines the extent of the glowing after-effect." It's more about her demeanor and the extent to which the session involved her sticking to her guns, exercising her power . . . basically the extent to which she made a determination, stuck to it, and showed me who was boss.

  8. For me, when my wife and I were in our WLM I agreed to or maybe I should say I gave my wife the right to spank me for whatever reason; whether that was punishment, maintenance, or just because she felt like it. I also felt that she should have been harsher with me both in not allowing me by with as much and in the physical spanking.

    So when I was told I was getting a spanking it was all the nervousness and erotism that many of you experience. Because I gave my wife that right the only after feeling was that I love her for taking me over her lap.


    1. For me, I think it's the "before" reaction that relates to the fact that I've consented to this lifestyle, not so much the "after." I'm resigned to what is about to happen because I have, in fact, agreed to it.

      Though, as Alan and others have pointed out, you reach a point in these relationships where, even if you always have the right to withdraw consent, you no longer feel that as a live option.

    2. I agree with that statement and Alan. Ive reached that point in our relationship where i could withdraw and do not for a host of reasons. Although, i know this type of relationship does me a boat load of good, I do at times question why i want it. It is when put at face value, the type of activity that a small percentage of the world participates in. I’ve also given my wife strict instructions to spank for any reason she sees fit. I also told her i would never refuse to bend over for her, even if she is wrong.

    3. This may be the obvious,but we stick with it finally, because of the enormous benefits it can bring when it is working: it allows her to self actualize and gain and express confidence;it allows you to get the discipline you need and want;it produces behavior modification that one or both want ; it creates an atmosphere between both of you that promotes intimacy,openness and vastly improved communication, she really is your best friend and you are her best friend; and not least, it produces an erotic energy that rivals any other and seems to transcend aging.

      Not bad for a slap on the ass once in a while"

  9. Hi T. Most of us have spent a lot of time obsessing about why we want it, and eventually coming around to just accepting it. The rest of the world gives attention to all manner of sexual choices, and F/M spanking seems to be way down on the list. Unlikely we will be getting a parade any time soon. Like you, it has done me a lot of good. It did strike me as an odd choice of words when you said you've "given your wife strict instructions to spank for any reason she sees fit", which sounded like more of a demand than a request. My assumption was that you meant that you have given her a clear request to please spank you whenever she felt like it, and you would appreciate it. Is that right?

    1. Norton,
      You are correct, poor choice of words above. Alan, your statement above is eloquent and articulate. I do believe our intimacy level is ten times what our close friends have. If they only knew, and yes my wife is my best friend. We have an enormous time laughing and doing normal couples things. A parade w DD would be hilarious.

  10. The comment above was mine.

    1. "Unlikely we will be getting a parade any time soon."

      I love this. I laughed so hard at the thought of a float in a parade with a bunch of guys on it receiving thrashings!

      I asked Domino about her feelings before and after. She said if it is a disciplinary thrashing, before it she feels frustrated that I have to be corrected once again. Then after she has chosen her tool and administered my thrashing she feels relieved, calm and in control. She said with maintenance and other types of thrashings she just feels enjoyment through the whole process and erotic thrashings make her very aroused.

      I feel excitement and dread before any type of thrashing. That is a strange combination of feelings as most of you know. During it I feel very owned and loved. After it I just want to be held and worship her. Somehow it hurts so good.

  11. Interesting to think what the DD/FLM parade would look like…


  12. San Francisco puts on some pretty wild and explicit parades. The had one where, along with many other kinky things, there was a couple, male and female both in thongs, each hitting each other on the butt with a riding crop as they went down the street. It was truly hilarious.
    Maybe a DD/FLM parade would probably have only him getting the crop.

  13. I've had a busy week but thought I would add a few thoughts before the week is up. There's the thought that has been shared here before - the idea of spanking is hot before a spanking and even immediately after a spanking - but not so much during the spanking as your ass is getting set on fire - so absolutely true.

    I have been spanked regularly for many years and my experience is similar to what others have shared. Often being told that I will be spanked later does produce an initial hit of hotness and eroticism - but as the time draws nigh... real dread can set it. Like Dan talked about, there are times - when the time has come to drop the drawers - that I really, absolutely, positively do not want that spanking. But the commitment to submit to a spanking at her discretion was made a long time ago - and honoring that is just a part of being a spanked husband. And - as we've discussed here before as well - at a certain point, it became virtually impossible for me to entertain the idea of refusing a spanking (psychologically, emotionally). My wife has decided that she is going to spank me - so I will be getting a spanking - whether I want it or not - it's just the way it is. A certain fatalism - as was discussed above.

    After the dread and the painful butt blistering spanking, however, almost without exception there comes that somewhat ineffable sense that "all is right with the world" - even as my ass is very red, very sore, and often throbbing. Atonement has been made, attitude has been adjusted. The issues have been resolved.

    There was discussion earlier about how a spanking can sometimes result in us coming to agree with our wife's point of view after spanking - convinced by the paddle, so to speak. In our case, there is some truth to this. Although there if often no disagreement at all that she is completely justified in spanking my behind (even though I may still dread it), occasionally I may feel that I am being "unjustly punished". Although this is somewhat academic since she can spank me at any time "just because", I still do occasionally feel like I am in the right - even as I assume the position. And - quite often - afterwards, I do find myself realizing the validity of her point. I don't believe this to be simply because she "spanked me into seeing it her way" - but that the spanking cut through my stubbornness, arrogance, and pride to the point that I was able to give her view an honest hearing. Often, I will see that she is right - or, at least, not wrong. And - as far as attitude adjustment goes - a spanking always leaves me with a much improved attitude.

    As to my wife. Before a spanking, she is always very determined and matter of fact. When she had decided to spank me, there is absolutely no doubt in her mind that the spanking is going to happen. After the spanking, she is generally quite upbeat and cheerful - often with a satisfied, confident - even smirky - air about her. She truly enjoys spanking just for the love of spanking. She is usually pleasant with me afterwards - unless it has been a more severe punishment spanking where she was truly pissed to begin with - then she may still seem satisfied, confident, and smirky - but not cheerful. Instead, I'm likely to get a closing scolding of how she will not hesitate to take the paddle to me again if I can't straighten up. --al

    1. "My wife has decided that she is going to spank me - so I will be getting a spanking - whether I want it or not - it's just the way it is."

      Exactly this! This is the level of control and determination on Anne's part that I've always wanted to be at the heart of the DD part of our relationship.

      "[T]he spanking cut through my stubbornness, arrogance, and pride to the point that I was able to give her view an honest hearing. Often, I will see that she is right - or, at least, not wrong."

      Again, exactly. It's not that there is some 180 degree reversal in my assessment of our relative rightness and wrongness, but there is a shift in my attitude that causes me to be open to the possibility that I'm not 100% right and she's not 100% wrong.

  14. Al,
    Great comments above. We recently purchased some new appliances for our home. Over the weekend, I inadvertently left something in one of my pockets that went into the dryer and caused a sticky residue in the new machine. Needless to say, my wife was not happy, to say the least. She came outside as I was having a chat with the neighbor. She said can I see you for a minute? We went into an enclosed are and she proceeded to show me what occurred. I apologized to no avail. She said I was getting a thrashing. No if’s and or buts about it. I explained to her it was a mistake and she said I should of been more careful; to ensure my pockets were empty. I should not rely on her to make sure of it. She said upstairs now and assume the position.
    I didn’t hesitate and went upstairs and immediately stripped. She gave me a strapping I won’t soon forget. I promised to check my pockets each and every time moving forward. Her response was next time you don’t,
    it will be ten times worse. I’m sittting gingerly at work today.

    1. T, I've had several conversations with Anne lately about being a lot harder on simple carelessness, like the incident you describe. Those mistakes and accidents can add up to a lot of money over time though, for me, I get frustrated with myself because of the amount of time they often end up costing me to fix something I screwed up through pure inattention and carelessness. Sometimes it's really minor stuff that could have been avoided through equally minor changes in my level of attention or carefulness. Example: We were on vacation a few months ago, and I went into the ocean wearing an expensive pair of prescription sunglasses. The surf was pretty calm, and I thought it would be OK to bob around in the ocean with my glasses on. Well, of course, an atypically large wave came along, knocked me on my ass, and my glasses disappeared into the surf. All it would have taken for me to prevent that from happening was to hold the glasses in my hand when I got into the water. I'm still pissed off at myself that replacing the glasses cost a few hundred bucks out of pocket. It's that sort of stuff that I've suggested to Anne that she can and should spank for, because I'm convinced that I *can* pay attention and be more careful if I know there will be imposed consequences if I don't.

    2. I agree with you on that one Dan as our experience shows that it cleared up my carelessness a lot.
      I'm much more careful now than back when we first started our DD arrangement.
      I still recall one incident where I stupidly lifted a glass top table we had just purchased and of course the glass fell out and cracked.
      She really loved that table which may explain why she really paddled me hard for that!

    3. Carelessness is big issue with me too. The most common form is related to me losing things. Not the worst thing of course, but it frustrates my wife because it happens so often. She takes pity on me and quickly finds whatever I'm looking for. This has played out so many times that eventually she's spanked me for not paying attention to what I'm doing. I'll admit that, at least for the short term, I seem to do better.

    4. Kevin, that one wouldn't work for us. Anne is terrible when it comes to misplacing things. It's a running joke that she will claim to have looked up and down throughout the entire house for whatever it is she lost, and I can invariably find it in a minute or two.

    5. It was kind of a shock to the system. I am usually just punished for my attitude and snarkiness. This was the first time I could think of for carelessness. I must admit I was caught a bit off guard. I definitely deserved the punishment. She is finding her stride.

    6. Dan, it's remarkable how similar the situation is at our house: but with the roles reversed. Beth truly believes that my inability to find things that are in plain sight is a male thing. You and Anne are evidence to the contrary.

    7. Loosing things has been frustrating for me, which is also frustrating to her. If it's something important, such as a wallet, that will be a spankable offense, and now I pay more attention, and don't carry my wallet unless I need to. Actually, clearly analizing how to improve that situation wasn't that hard. It just took some intention to step back and consider how to not keep doing the same mindless things over and over. Just putting things back in the place they belong saves lots of time and energy. I do suffer from male refrigerator blindness, but I don't get spanked for that.

    8. Kevin: "I must admit I was caught a bit off guard." Over the years, the spankings that caught me the most off-guard have been among the most memorable.

      Norton: I seldom forget my wallet, but I'm notorious for forgetting to my credit card back in my wallet after paying for dinner or drinks at a bar or restaurant. Former colleagues often literally look in the bill folder thing to make sure I took my card back.

    9. Dan, that actually wasn't my post that you responded to. But I can see why you thought it was, and agree with the sentiment about unexpected punishment.

  15. Just a thought for a future topic. It seems most of us are both aroused and terrified when we know a spanking in eminent. Or some emotions along that line. My question is for those who's partner has an assortment of tools in their arsenal; when you are about to get disciplined is there one implement that you hope she uses and one that you are terrified that she might use?

    1. That might be an interesting topic. But excepting the rubber paddle or strap, I think my wife can use any of the paddles,brushes or straps in our collection and reach the same END result. Put differently they are hurt like hell if she wants that to happen. So to me an interesting part of it would be why you prefer one instrument or dread another. What is going on there?

  16. The before and after spanking states seem to be part of a 'continuum' for me in that as soon as sentence is passed i.e. she tells me that she is going to spank me, then I almost always go into an acceptance and submissive state that gets me into position, listening to the inevitable lecture about what has displeased her without answering back, accepting the strapping, apologising and thanking her after she has stopped. I am then in that 'submissive' state for anything from a couple of hours to several days, to varying degrees. She has always says that she loves that version of me but equally loves the return of the 'slightly' more feisty 'normal me'. I enjoy the emotional transition that the experience brings about on me, but I also enjoy the increased confidence and satisfaction that she displays on those occasion when the spanking really 'works' for both of us, which luckily is quite often.

    In terms of future discussions I am interested in what people see as the 'ideal' DD relationship? What would it look like, feel like, how would your partner behave, talk, act, what changes would they ideally like to see in their current DD relationship? May have been covered before but I have tried to describe this many times to my wife with varying success... TB

    1. "She has always says that she loves that version of me but equally loves the return of the 'slightly' more feisty 'normal me'. "

      I get that. I wonder how many women really would enjoy someone who is always submissive, and I doubt there are many, at least not in DD relationships vs. Femdom.

    2. Many of the women I have know wanted to "tame" me ( and some did). I think many if not most women envoy a bit of "taming" occasionally. But they want to tame a man who needs tamed



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