
Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Club - Meeting 473 - Catch up After Hiatus, Wives' Concerns About "More" and Fairness, and Tears

"To do great things is difficult, but to command great things is more difficult." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships. 

Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.

Wow. What a couple of weeks. We were traveling and taking part in a family event that had been in the planning stages for a looooong time.  It was a great event, but we both came back exhausted.  One of those, “I need a vacation to recover from my vacation” trips for sure.

That’s probably why I’m doing a different post than I thought I would be doing this week.  I’ve been teasing a post about some changes that Anne and I have been talking through that would involve her taking more control, being more strict, etc.  Sort of an extension of the “performance improvement” system we started playing with a month or so ago.  We both agree that the system is something we want to explore.  In fact, we quickly started talking about how to extend it into a more formal system of “check-ins” but also, more generally, about finally implementing a stricter kind of DD, with her really taking the reins in a way we’ve talked about before, and maybe even assumed would take place naturally after retirement, but never seems to fully gel.

We got oh-so-close to some real momentum, but then all the family event planning took over our lives.  We both agreed, however, that we would get back on that horse as soon as things settled down.  Near the tail-end of our travel, we agreed we would have “the” discussion about it the day after we got back.  But, we’ve both been in recovery mode all weekend, and I’m not 100% sure when it will happen.  But, as soon as it does, I’ll provide the details.

In the meantime, there were a lot of great discussions going on while my participation was largely on hiatus.  I tried to check in daily, but mainly to ensure no comments were caught in the spam filter, and I still haven’t had a chance to absorb everything. But, it’s safe to say there are probably at least four or five themes worth exploring further.  I was tempted to jump into all of them this week, but I’ve learned that inspiration is a fleeting and undependable resource, so I’ll keep several of the obvious topics in reserve and just hit a couple of them today.

To kick that off, I’d like to thank Miss E. for dropping in.  She’s the first new Disciplinary Wife we’ve had come around in a while.  I’m glad she was able to jump right into the conversation and that you all made her feel welcome.  Her questions and the resulting discussions covered a lot of ground, and I’ll refer back to some of those discussions in the coming weeks.  For the first part of this week’s post, I’d like to discuss more about this part of her comments:

“Speaking of embracing being a “bitch,” I sometimes worry that because I was the one who initiated it, maybe he doesn’t in fact ‘need/want’ this like I do and is only tolerating it for the sake of our relationship. Granted, we have had many, many discussions about these fears and his wants, so this fear is not exactly valid, but I still worry.

I only say this because when I fully embrace and lean into my dominant side, I am fair, but am also a ‘bitch.’

It makes me feel alive in a very powerful way. 

I feel like in the case of many of your relationships, you have an advantage in that the man was the one who initiated this dynamic, so your wife need not worry whether or not it is actually good for you.”

I love that line about how taking control makes her "feel alive in a very powerful way."

Yet, those very feelings cause her concern, leading her to wonder if she gets more out of it than her husband and whether that is "fair."

That leadership is hard is not a new thought for me, whether in the “real world” or concerning the DD aspects of our relationships.  It's not often that I use the same introductory quote two posts in a row, but the above from Friedrich Nietzsche seems very apropos of Miss E.'s concerns. It's hard to will yourself to do great things and even harder to will someone else to greater performance.

In fact, although it seems like the vast majority of us are in very healthy relationships, the few times we’ve had commenters whose relationship did not sound so healthy, it was often the case that the wife seemed arbitrary or flighty in her approach to her role. In Femdom relationships, maybe it’s all about her, but here in the real world these relationships rise and fall with both parties taking the emotional impact on the other spouse seriously.

So, it seems to me to be very natural that Miss E. worries about whether her husband is actively engaged and getting as much as she is out of the relationship. What I hadn’t thought about very much was how much that might be magnified in those rare cases in which the wife was the one who initiated the relationship.

It's something I should have thought about more, because I’ve talked to a female blogger in a F/m dynamic about her concerns around whether she was being too commanding, too strict, too decisive, and whether taking on the role in a full-blooded way might harm her husband emotionally.

Anne has displayed some of that concern, though it manifests in different ways. As discussed last week in a comment, she's told me that had a hard time embracing her role for a long time, because she couldn't understand why I would want
my role, and that made her think that if she took more and more control, at some point I would balk and pull the rug out from under her.

Yet, part of her clearly feels empowered and alive in that more controlling role.  Moreover, she likes it in the context of FLR precisely because she knows I struggle against it, and she likes to see that struggle.

The great irony in all this is, of course, that most of us here seem to wish history could be slightly altered such that it was, in fact, our wives who initiated the relationship. In fact, we wish she imposed it on us. The closer we could get to consensual non-consent, the better.

And, while Miss E. and my friend struggle with concerns about being too commanding, too strict, too verbally dominant, when I’ve conducted polls here in the past, a HUGE percentage of our group say they want exactly that: more strictness, more sternness, more consistent consequences, more verbal dominance, scolding, etc.

Maybe Miss E. can take some assurance from our majority’s expressed preference for more rigor and sternness, given that her husband is assuring her verbally that he too wants their lifestyle. But, I’m sure that’s a little too pat for many of the Disciplinary Wives, as I suspect any thinking, feeling, non-sociopathic “dominant” would have lingering concerns about the impact of their actions on their partner.

So, let’s take it on more directly with our current group.  If you could change your dynamic in any respect, would you want more severity or less?  More strictness or less?  A sterner demeanor or less so?  More control and direction or less?

How about the wives? (Since Miss E. is our only female contributor currently, men feel free to contribute how you think your wife feels.)  Do you have concerns that, when you take control or become more consistent, that maybe it’s too much? Do you worry about being too strict? Too demanding?  Punishing too often or for “small” things?  Is your own enjoyment of your role limited by guilt or feelings that you shouldn’t enjoy it?

For me, I do feel I want more consistency, more sternness, more verbal control.  In short, I have expressed that I want her to be more in control, set higher standards, enforce her will more quickly and consistently, etc.  Now, whether I really want those things may be proven out once our new system/approach gets fully implemented. I have no doubt that if she carries through on what she has hinted at, I will struggle emotionally with it.  But, that is kind of the point for me.  I want to have the boundaries pushed a bit in that way.  I’ve already warned her that she may need to stick to her guns, and I hope the attitude she adopts—one that threads the needle between Miss E.’s concerns and our desire for more strictness—is to expect some resistance but to stay business-like and resolute.

That would probably be enough for one week, but we did cover some of this ground already.  Plus, I also personally wanted to follow up on Alan’s comment about crying from a spanking and Miss E.’s question about how the rest of us feel about crying, surrendering emotionally in that way, etc.  Alan said:

“Miss E wrote about re-experiencing crying from spanking: “[I]f this is something that you want to achieve with your wife, what would be the best way for her to lead you in this?”

This question has been raised often enough to suppose it comes up in many F/m relationships. Crying seems very idiosyncratic; some cry readily under punishment, while others never cry. Realistically, I think at least some may never cry during a spanking. It can be challenging for a man in our culture to reach that point of vulnerability, no matter how much he consciously may want to do so.

But for the man who will cry when spanked, there seem to be three conditions that must exist beyond his prior willingness or desire to reach that point of surrender:

1. He must feel some real guilt or shame for the behavior that earned the spanking. It must be real, and in my case, at least that has meant a severe scolding in a situation where she has at least partially begun the punishment (brisk hand spanking, pants pulled down, put in the corner, etc.) That scolding, together with real shame or embarrassment, puts me in a frame of mind to accept the spanking, and it is necessary to let go and cry during it.

2. The disciplinarian should clarify that she expects tears, wants to see them, and considers them evidence that the spanking worked. This early communication in our relationship was crucial. I don’t think I would have ever cried if she had not emphasized her expectation that tears should happen. This is very tied up with the standard “tough masculinity” image most males carry into adulthood. It sounds as crazy as it is, but instead of crying when we are afraid, we are scared to cry. A little guilt, a lot of scolding, and strong permission/encouragement to cry help overcome that.

3. Finally, he must come to feel on some level that the spanking will never end, which can lead him to let go and probably cry. A man who doesn’t cry during a serious spanking is probably “holding on” but if faced with the belief (an illusion but very real at the time) that the spanking is going to go on forever, he may be able to let go and cry—something he both wants and needs. The spanking that will produce this is not necessarily the hardest spanking you ever gave him. In fact, Hard and fast spanking can be practical behavioral tools, but they probably make a man hold on more. Instead of bringing on tears, extend the spanking for 20 minutes or even longer. Build up the severity slowly. Continue scolding throughout the spanking, and use short breaks or corner items to help create a setting in which he believes it won’t stop until he actually surrenders to you.

Others on this blog have recounted their route to tears and maybe they will add to what I have written.”

As I’ve said many times, I am one of those who was near-obsessed with tears and crying after I discovered the Disciplinary Wives Club.  Yet, twenty years later, it still hasn’t happened.

Perhaps one simple reason is I’ve never really been subjected to Alan’s three conditions.  First, last year, Anne did start scolding much more harshly, but it hasn’t been part of any kind of “preliminary” spanking, like being swatted by hand or physically controlled while it is happening. I could see how that could go a long way toward breaking down those ego barriers.

Second, Anne has never let me know that she expects tears and, better yet, wants them to be shed.  Early on, it felt kind of the opposite. This relates back to Miss E.’s concerns, as I think Anne worried a lot about whether what she was doing was “too much,” whether in terms of lecturing/scolding or spanking.  Although I think those concerns are much diminished, I think she may still have a few qualms about how she would react to tears.

Third, and this is one I’d like to hear more about in particular from those who have cried, Anne hasn’t delivered a spanking that just went on, and on, and on.  For me, given my tendency to go numb, I suspect that would take multiple sessions spread out over an hour or more.  I’ve come very close to this point as described in the DWC story Big Boys DO Cry, but never been pushed quite over the limit:

And that is when we approach my limit. There comes a point, as all well-spanked husbands should know, when it all becomes too much. The fire in my backside rages out of control, and I know I can't take much more. My pleading and promising becomes garbled and desperate, tears start flowing and I beg her to stop. At that point I will do anything, absolutely *anything* to bring the punishment to an end. I cannot possibly take even one more lick from that strap.

An interesting recent development is we’ve had a couple of recent spankings in which I hadn’t been spanked in several weeks, and from the very beginning, it was just excruciating. Both times, I felt like my emotions surged and I was very close to letting go completely and crying. But, that sensation lasted for maybe a minute, then I sort of “settled into” the spanking and, as it went on, I got further and further away from that initial “shock and awe” that seemed to almost bring me to the verge.

Are there any further comments on Alan’s prescription? Also, for those of you willing to go into it, how do you feel after a spanking that ends in real tears? 

Is the emotional experience dramatically different from a spanking that was similarly hard but didn't cause you to cry?  Is there any extra element of "humbling" or embarrassment when tears happen?  I am very sure that one reason I have been so focused on tears since the very beginning is that I feel like if it ever does happen, I will be extremely embarrassed, at least the first time. But, perhaps I'm wrong about that.

I’m also interested to hear more from him about how his wife and girlfriend reacted to his first real tears. Same for the rest of you who have cried from an adult spanking. What was your wife’s attitude? Was it something she had wanted to bring about?  Did your full-blown crying lead to any concerns about it being “too much,” or was she fine with it from the outset?

I hope you all have a great week.


  1. To answer your question Dan, more. I’d like her to be far less inclined to let things pass and when there is a reason for a spanking and I’d like her to be far quicker to make it happen. I should definitely be spanked more often than I am. But even more than that - and I know this is going to sound strange - I’d like her to be far more commanding when she does decide to spank. Instead of “I suppose it’s time for your spanking” I’d like to hear a firm “get undressed and get over my knee”. Somehow that would be a significant psychological difference. Weird - huh ? As for her, she used to be more inclined to discipline me but I guess she achieved much of what she wanted and I am less likely to upset her to that degree. The times that she feels justify punishment are far more rare than they used to be. So there is perhaps a slight imbalance between us and I know that sometimes if I feel I deserve a session and she doesn’t, then to her, spanking me becomes a nuisance and a chore. Incidentally, I was a bit out of it the last couple of weeks with houseguest kids and grandkids so didn’t get to comment last week, and there was one observation that I wanted to make. I noticed some mention of feminization in a BDSM context. We played around with BDSM before discovering DD. Initially she was sub but quickly transitioned to Domme. I have always been switch so was happy either way. We did briefly dabble a little with feminization but quickly dropped it. We came to the conclusion that the whole concept was flawed. If feminizing a submissive man humiliates him or makes him in some way more submissive, then the clear conclusion is that since being feminized reduces him in some way, women are clearly inferior to men. Since this is obviously in direct conflict with the concept of an F/m relationship, (and with how we view the world today) we felt that feminism was something to be avoided. No-one would suggest that putting a female sub in a suit and tie and making her look like a man would in some way belittle her. TG

    1. "But even more than that - and I know this is going to sound strange - I’d like her to be far more commanding when she does decide to spank."

      I don't think it sounds strange at all. Anne and I have talked a lot about how her tone affects the "impact", so to speak, of a disciplinary session, scolding, or check-in. For me, the more she commands--versus discusses, suggests, etc.--the more effective it is. For me, the tone is critical for demonstrating that she is really in charge.

      I get your concerns about the concept of feminization. We haven't experimented with it very much.

    2. Getting to the point of crying is unlikely to happen for me. I think it's more important to the point of surrendering, which usually happens after 4 or 5 minutes of hard paddling. I have asked her to be more commanding, and to let me know if I was going to get a spanking for some offense. Another request I made was for her to use the word spanking, instead of a euphemism. In other words, I would rather hear her say "You are going to get a spanking as soon as we get home" instead of "we are going to have to have a talk". As far as feminization, she will sometimes tell me to wear panties before giving me corner time, which adds a bit to the embarrassment before the spanking. Lastly, we never practiced "funishment" and all punishment spankings were real. She has gotten me to change my behavior to the point where I really don't annoy her, so most of my spankings are just for maintenance and stress relief.

    3. "Another request I made was for her to use the word spanking, instead of a euphemism." My preferences on that have morphed over time. Looking back at entries from the first few years of the blog, while I used the word "spanking," I more often referred to being "disciplined" or to "DD" in general. A couple of years ago, I started using "spanking" more, and I'm not entirely sure why. I think it happened around the same time I was becoming more accepting of the "maternal" vibe being a big deal for me. I also gravitate to the word "paddling," perhaps because when I was growing up, when kids were sent to the principal's office it was almost referred to as going for "a paddling" and not some other description.

    4. Also, I've noticed that in some of the DWC materials, Aunt Kay tended to like the term "licking," which also resonates with me.

    5. "Paddling" is also a "trigger" word for me as well - more so than "spanking". My wife knows this and will often threaten me with - or have me fetch - "the paddle". --al

    6. My wife and I are much more comfortable with the term "thrashing!"

      Partly it is due to my own family's close connections to Scotland and England, where "thrashing" is a synonym for both "caning" and "belting" ("tawsing"). Partly it is because "thrashing" is so generic enough that it can mean almost any "implement" applied to almost any target, or multiple targets. Partly is is because "spanking" (or "paddling") have such childish / adolescent connotations (not that there is anything wrong with that, depending upon the dynamic). I think mostly my wife uses it because it it much more dramatic sounding; much more "UMPHHHH!", and connotes a much more SERIOUS ENDEAVOR.

      (Plus, the word "thrashing" certainly gets my attention and raises my pulse / BP better than any alternative, and my wife knows it!) To each his own, right?

  2. I don’t really understand crying. I never have and don’t believe I could - it’s just not part of my make-up. A sufficiently severe spanking can certainly have me lose control, need to be held down and make a lot of noise, but I don’t think I could any more cry than I could fly to the moon. TG

    1. As I said, so far I haven't been able to do it. I don't whether that means that, since it's been a goal of sorts for 20 years and still hasn't happened, that I'm like you and simply can't. I hope that's not the case, since the prospect of crying has been such a big part of my fascination with DD and with being subject to female authority.

  3. I was on the verge of tears only once; my eyes were brimming, ready to overflow, I was wracked with guilt and remorse, it was 100% emotional, not physical (though the spanking was painful). Unfortunately, we were unavoidably interrupted and I never reached that point again.
    For those who crave ever more strictness, claiming they want to be made to behave better, what would happen if you reach the point where your behaviour is exemplary and your wife never had to raise her voice or hand again? Would you be happy? Or is the whole point to 'get in trouble' and pay the price?

    1. Preliminarily, if 20 years of hard spankings haven't resulted in completely exemplary behavior, I doubt that level is ever going to be more than theoretical. Also, I think that most men here whose wives have significantly ramped things up in one area have reported that, once compliance in that area was well established, they tended to move on to something else they wanted to address. The bar kept getting raised. I have no doubt that for some here the whole point is to "get in trouble," in air quotes. But, then are they actually doing DD, or is it just a form of "funishment" or role-play. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not what this group is for.

    2. While I wouldn't say I"ve reached the point of being exemplary , her discipline has improved my behaviour in most areas to the point where discipline is much less frequent, although many times she actually saves my butt by giving me a warning if I look like I may cross the line , even in public.I'm smart enough to heed those warnings and check my behaviour most times these days but sometimes ,even with a warning, she will still follow up with a spanking.
      So while spankings are less frequent , verbal warnings and strictness has increased and we are both ok with that. She still has the power to hold a good spanking over my head if necessary.
      As far as crying it never happens and I doubt if it will.Just not in my DNA or something she desires.

    3. That's really where I can see ours heading -- a period of much firmer resolve on her part, with much more frequent discipline, followed by a tapering off.

      Though, it could also go as KOJ as described his wife's approach after retirement--a very substantial and sustained ramping up, in which she kept raising the bar.

    4. I suppose if she actually enjoys giving a spanking and wants them to be more frequent she can always find a reason even if general behaviour is good.

  4. Welcome back Dan. Some great topics in this weeks posting of your blog. On being more strict, we seem to have discussed this 'prior to' rather than after living in our DD household for some time. All here are familiar with my original spanking, seconds after our relationship 'officially' started. In the early stages, I got several reminder spankings during the 'training' phase. Eventually, I was due for my first true punishment following some very poor behavior on my part. She was seated and told me to kneel before her. Then laid out my behavior and stated some of the words I had said during the time I explained what type of household I wanted. You wanted me to be strict but fair, she said. You wanted me to have full control over discipline. You wanted me to administer meaningful spankings equal to your misbehavior. You agreed to accept, without question, your punishment. These were your words, she reminded me... is that what you really want? I meekly but honestly replied 'Yes Ma'am'. "OK", she said, "I never wish to debate this again, now bend over, you are getting a spanking you will never forget". She blistered my ass like never before and we have never felt the need to address her role or the manner in which she ran the household again. On the point of crying, I guess she feels tears are a part of punishment. She nearly always spanks to tears and beyond. I do not wail or sob, but tears do flow from her spankings. Even during maintenance spankings, she will check for tears and continue on spanking until tears are present. This is the kind of relationship and household I wanted.... and got. I need accountability for my behavior in my life and need a strict but fair dominant woman to take control over this aspect of our FLR.

    1. Anne has used that kind of reminder/interrogation technique recently--though with respect to a particular incident and not the overall relationship--and it was very powerful. It went something like:

      ''On Sunday, you had an outburst about X, right?"
      "And, you agree it was an outburst?"
      "It is clear it had been building for some time, hadn't it?"
      "But, at no point did you actually tell me you had concerns about X, right?"
      "So, I had no way of knowing what you were thinking and no way to address it, but you went off on me anyway, correct?"
      "So, we agree you lost your temper, directed it at me, and it was over something I had no way of knowing about? You agree that is what happened?"
      "OK. We agree on the facts. You will be getting a spanking for this. Maybe it will teach you how to communicate more effectively."

      It was one of the first times I had felt her addressing me in a calm, deliberate way that simultaneously was completely unyielding. As I said, it was very powerful.

      Were tears something that were present for you from the beginning?

    2. Dan,
      As you recounted, Anne’s scolding /interrogation is a superb example of the kind of scolding that works for me when she does it. It not only takes me to a point where a spanking seems inevitable, but it also encapsulates the lesson she is trying to teach.

      Taking the time to do this—i.e., getting the male to focus on what he did and what he can do to avoid repeating it—is crucial if the objective is effective discipline and long-term behavior modification.

      Getting spanked, especially if it is severe, can bring about short-term change. However, if permanent changes are the goal, the physical part of the punishment needs to be explicitly linked to what caused it. My former GF told me that “there is a direct line between your bum and your brain.” Scoldings like Anne’s make sure the line is up and running.


    3. Alan, I agree. Some women may shy away from really taking charge with a verbal lecture, because they are afraid it will come out sounding like one of the usual adjectives applied to females when assertive: "shrill" "shrewing" "overbearing", etc. The thing about this interaction with Anne was how completely business-like her tone was. I had been walking by her home office, and she called me in without warning. She looked up from her computer and began with something like: "We need to talk about your communication style and what happened on Sunday." Then, she proceeded with the grilling as laid out above. But, her tone never became strident or emotional. It was, as I said, the essence of business-like. While I think anger has it's place, maybe that's better reserved for the spanking itself? This was a lead up to a spanking that she didn't give until later that night and was more, as you say, "getting the male to focus on what he did and what he can do to avoid repeating it." As you can tell, that direct, firm but unemotional presentation burrowed deeply into my head, to the point that I've brought up here (and to her) several times.

      By the way, thanks for your specific prescription regarding tears. We've talked about those elements several times here, but maybe not this line: "a severe scolding in a situation where she has at least partially begun the punishment (brisk hand spanking, pants pulled down, put in the corner, etc.). This illustrates what I meant about there being a time and place for a display of anger. Anne has never really done as you describe--exercising some degree of bodily control over me, such as a hand spanking--while scolding. I can see how that could get both the husband and wife into the right mindset, taking his ego down a peg before the real spanking even begins and, thus, making tears more likely.

    4. Dan wrote, “…taking his ego down a peg before the real spanking even begins and, thus, making tears more likely.”

      For an alpha male, the ego, front and center, is basic equipment. And make no mistakes. Women who marry alphas also like the healthy male ego outside a disciplinary context. They like it before a spanking and usually after a spanking-but never during a spanking.

      When it comes to discipline, it's important for a wife to address the alpha male's ego. This doesn't mean 'humiliation', which has no place in a loving relationship. Instead, it's about fostering 'humility ', a mindset that allows the alpha male to accept and learn from punishment.

      Engendering humility is a necessary but probably not sufficient condition to bring on tears. But I think it may be both sufficient and necessary to move spanking beyond just punishment to enduring behavior changes.

    5. Dan, Yes, tears seemed to be a staple since my first 24/7 FLR with DD household. My former always made sure tears were present for any spanking. My current has checked for tears as I stated in my post and it appears she uses it as a measure of the effectiveness of the spanking. The term 'spanked to tears and beyond' is most always in effect, even for maintenance spankings.

    6. Yes, completely destroying an alpha male's ego is unlikely to yield a situation that women want in the long-term. Many women sometimes say they would like men to be more feminine, but regret it if it actually happens. This is why I often say that F/M DD needs to be about refining an alpha male's masculinity, not diminishing it.

      If a man cries too quickly during a spanking, it is unlikely to be appreciated. Maybe if he goes through a really long and painful experience and eventually cries.

      Alan, agreed on the link between the offences and the punishment. Too many maintenance (or other types of) spankings for nothing in particular run the risk of spanking losing its behaviour-improving effects.


    7. "Women who marry alphas also like the healthy male ego outside a disciplinary context."

      While Anne denies it, I don't think it's a stretch to say that some of her attraction at the time we met boiled down to I was working as bouncer (alpha kind of job), wearing boots, jeans and a leather bomber jacket (alpha clothing), and driving a Jeep (alpha kind of car.) But, the reality after ten years of marriage was that the Alpha qualities that attracted her proved to be attractive in moderation but problematic when taken to excess.

    8. " ... the reality after ten years of marriage was that the Alpha qualities that attracted her proved to be attractive in moderation but problematic when taken to excess".

      Precisely! And that is why DD can be such a good fit , maybe particularly as a marriage matures.


    9. Spanked Cowboy what you described is something I learned years back called the Tripple A's

      Acknowledge : Identify the mistake/behavior
      Agree: Recognize the misatke/behavior was real
      Accept: That the mistake/ behaviour warrented correction and punishment /discipline was fair and expected

      It really takes away the possibility of disagreement. It also solidifies in the Bottoms mind that they aren't being told what they did wrong, they are detailing it of their accord. Kind of follows something I learned in sales..."If you tell them they can disagree, if they tell you they believe."

    10. Absolutely correct Spanky53. The Triple A description is spot on. We covered this during our pre-relationship discussions using other words. Still in effect today, those three words ( and description) make it so much easier to bare and present my ass and take the spanking I know I have earned and deserve. Add on our covenant that this issue will not be brought up again enhances our happy FLR. Asking your permission to 'adopt' the Triple A concept and use it when describing our FLR to others.

    11. Spanked Cowboy, no permission needed. If it fits how you describe things go for it.

    12. I like the Triple A approach, though it doesn't quite fit what I'm aiming for. It seems to be aimed at those for whom full agreement is important not just with respect to the nature of the relationship but to each individual punishment. My own leanings and desires are closer to the "consensual non-consent" part of the spectrum, where I've agreed to the overall power dynamics, such that it doesn't matter that much whether I can check the box on all three of the As with respect to each particular punishment. In fact, sometimes those punishments where we were least aligned on Agree and Accept are those that, over time, produced the biggest change in increased humility on my part and greater confidence on hers. Now, as a practical matter, the vast majority of our punishments have checked all three boxes, but wanting discipline to feel "imposed" is such a big part of my psyche that anything requiring me to be on board with all three works against the kind of control I would like her to exercise.

    13. Personally I practice more in like with the Triple A approach philosophy. Ive never heard it laid out in that way though so thanks for sharing!
      I always subconsciously held it against myself as I thought it was a detriment to the dynamic how important the second A (agree) mattered to me. I still punish him regardless of whether or not he agrees but definitely not my favorite. Ive always viewed it as I should have a more ‘consensual non consent’ approach.

    14. Dan, I think consensual non-consenty is an absolute element. I actually had a conversation about that idea last night. The Triple A came into use for us because it was the basis of why we even work together. The consensual non-consent was agreed to under those terms because there are just times when action is required over conversation. And that was made clear just before she yanked me over her knee.; )

    15. Miss E, more of the Double A approach?

    16. Spanky53, thinking it through more, our approach is kind of a hybrid. If you go all the back up this chain to my description of my wife's interrogation about a fit of temper, she was basically cross-examining me to get to admit the facts were as she saw them to be. So, you could say the Acknowledge and Agree elements were met. The Accept element also was met in that particular case. Where the consensual non-consent comes in is it really wouldn't have mattered whether I expressly agreed or not, and might not have mattered whether I disagreed with her factual assertions or her determination that they added up to a spanking having been earned. You could say my agreement or acceptance was a sufficient but unnecessary element in the outcome.

    17. Double A approach?

      Id have to agree with you Dan in
      that ours is very similar. Except mentally, I lean more to the Triple A philosophy naturally though I wish I held more comfort regarding the consensual non consent approach. Could just be though my own personal doubts as Ive mentioned in other parts. Maybe as those are dealt with, my confidence in this area will rise as well.

  5. I'd expect most commenters here (men who predominantly asked their wives or girlfriends to lead and discipline) to prefer more strictness on the part of a disciplinary partner, but I don't think that provides guidance to a woman who initiated a disciplinary relationship with her boyfriend or husband. Men who are willing to accept such a relationship despite not necessarily having been fixated on spanking for countless years prior are probably not looking for more strictness from their partner. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be imposed, if that's a cost of being in the relationship and he's willing to pay it then all good (assuming all the complicating factors are satisfactorily resolved e.g. mentally healthy, loving, no coercion, etc., etc.). But what would make him willing to pay that cost, and profit from it?

    The suggestion I would make to any woman who had initiated such a relationship and wanted to increase the intensity would be to make spankings and the more general state of being subject to her authority as avenues to intimacy, intimacy meaning more than sex, which could be included or not. Acknowledging being pleased with his trust and vulnerability would certainly provide him a way to get more out of it, and increase the likelihood of his being open to her taking him more firmly in hand.

    Spankings that are delivered in a somewhat cold manner might be more realistic in their resemblance to judicial, scholastic and even some domestic spankings but it's easy to imagine how they could alienate someone who did not have any inherent attraction to discipline or even someone who did. I'm not trying to imply that this is how the commenter's relationship is, obviously I'm ignorant, just bringing it up because I suspect this is a more important factor than the degree of strictness for someone who isn't into spanking.

    If the spankings provide the opportunity for the couple to come closer, and he takes advantage of that, then I think he's getting enough out of a disciplinary dynamic. It isn't realistic to expect both parties to get the same out of it, if it leans positive for both that's good enough.

    1. Jake,

      Agreed. I think the purpose of an F/M DD spanking should be to bring the couple together. I believe proximity (of whatever form) before and/or after the spanking definitely helps achieve that aim.


    2. "Men who are willing to accept such a relationship despite not necessarily having been fixated on spanking for countless years prior are probably not looking for more strictness from their partner."

      My own situation is a little different in that I did initiate the DD part of our relationship but spanking was not something I had fixated on for any substantial period of time before initiating. And, the examples in which the wife initiated are so few and far between that it is even harder to generalize (it's very hard to generalize the path for even the more typical male-initiated DD relationships) from them. In the very few instances in which commenters here or people I know through the blog are in female-initiated DD relationships, it seems that even in that small subset the couple was usually into some kink that gave her reason to think he was open to that more "submissive" role.

      Among our current commenters (though he's gone silent again), the best example of someone who seems not to have had a pre-existing spanking interest and didn't really initiate one is KOJ. I won't put words in his mouth, but drawing on his comments here, I think he would say that even if he didn't have an attraction to disciplinary spankings, over time he recognized they had big benefits for the relationship and for him personally. And, I think he has said that he recognized over time that he was very drawn to female authority.

    3. ""Men who are willing to accept such a relationship despite not necessarily having been fixated on spanking for countless years prior are probably not looking for more strictness from their partner." - I can see why you would say this, since presumably those men at least in many cases are not particularly drawn to the power dynamic. However, I think it is probably useful to separate the fixation on spanking and the fascination with the power exchange, since while related, they are not necessarily the same thing.

      I had a fixation on spanking (in one form or another) for pretty much all of my life, or at least the time I remember. So, I was naturally drawn to this lifestyle. However, now that I have experienced real disciplinary spankings, I think I am much less fixated on them before, and I have realized that my fixation on spanking was probably misplaced, since it is really the authority that does something for me, not the spankings themselves.


    4. "However, I think it is probably useful to separate the fixation on spanking and the fascination with the power exchange, since while related, they are not necessarily the same thing."

      Agreed, and I'm basically on the same page as you that the primary fixation for me is the authority and being "taken in hand" aspects and not the spanking per se.

      Unlike you, I didn't have an early fascination with spanking. I also wasn't mature or self-aware enough in my 20s and 30s to realize that the "thing" I had for older women was really a thing for maternal authority and being subjected to a strong woman's will.

      Yet, the spanking part isn't merely a means and not at all an end in itself. The fact is, there are lots of ways a thing for maternal authority could manifest that do NOT involve spanking. Yet, it is the DWC that caught my attention so strongly and the focus on spanking as the channel for the authority has never really ended.

  6. I am a regular reader of this Blog, even though I am not in an FLR relationship. This topic caught my attention enough that I felt like I had to respond. As a 90/10 Top leaning Switch my Bottoming side relates to two types of spankings. Discipline and Playful. The Discipline side is what this comment is about.
    I have two friends who are play partners that I eventually asked to consider Taking me in Hand as the need arose or they sensed something that needed correcting or adjusting. One friend is purely about Attitude Adjustments that I ask for. We had to come to an agreement on what we were both comfortable with. No OTK, usually face down on the bed, no scolding just spanking. Very to the point and no aftercare or discussion after the fact.
    The other provides Discipline and she has full consent to provide it when and wherever she feels it is warranted. The reason I approached her is that everything in her demeanor and actions always took me to a space where I felt totally in her control. She had never provided Discipline to anyone before, and we had a several negotiations about my need for her to Discipline me and in effect take immediate and unquestioned control. We discussed that the need for OTK be the preferred position she had the consent to alter that at any time.
    The need for her to be even more forceful and demanding from when we normally played was made crystal clear. This was something she had no problem with. What I had to prepare her for was the regression aspect. There are times where I do need to be taken down from Adult to recalcitrant Teen, but that isn’t about Discipline for me that’s more Furnishment turns into Punishment.
    What we experienced after the 3rd session was me actually being taken to tears, emotionally and mentally taken there. The first time she paused just briefly to determine where I was, the thing that amazed me is that she redoubled her efforts verbally and physically. She asserted her complete control of me in no uncertain terms.
    We talked about it after the spanking was completed. And she expressed how cathartic it had been for her to see me release control so totally and vulnerably. She felt complimented and felt our friendship had reached a new plateau. I agreed. Our dynamic now is one from the time we meet we both understand that the moment she walks through the door she is in complete control. This extends whenever we are together, no matter if we are out to dinner, a movie or even on our hikes. We are constantly checking in with each other about how this has evolved and to what extent we have either become more or less comfortable with this arrangement since we are in a purely platonic relationship. But I have to say both Ladies are amazing and fill my need to allow a Woman to Lead.

    1. "I am a regular reader of this Blog, even though I am not in an FLR relationship." Sounds like you kind of are in one - just with a friend instead of a wife. :-)

      Seriously, great comment. It's wonderful that you found a friend who meets that need for you and seemingly did it so seamlessly and enthusiastically.

      I had a follow-up discussion with my wife about tears after doing this post. I'll talk it a little bit more in the next post. I don't know whether I will ever get there, but after our recent discussion I don't have nearly as much concern about her feelings about taking it there.

    2. I think finding one women is quite amazing, but to have found two is extraordinary. I love the way she redoubled her efforts after he started to break down. I would love to get to that headspace. She seems born to be a disciplinarian. I’m working with my wife to be a bit more like that. I haven’t gotten to the point of tears but have come close. We will see what transpires down the road. I think I would need to feel such a level of guilt and remorse; that could cause a breakdown of emotions. I don’t like disappointing my wife and we rarely argue anymore. DD has nipped some of this in the bud. It has been cathartic for her as well, she has an outlet now.
      She didn’t have this with her ex who treated her horribly. My best line to her about our DD, was I will never not bend over for a thrashing from you. Even if I don’t agree at the time, I will take my thrashing like a big boy.

    3. Dan, You havea point there! As far as tears, it's so different from person to person. I have friends I have spanked and they never reached tears. People talk about it things like; it isn't about the's's connection. In my m ind it's simply about personal makeup. Some people just don't seem to predisposed to let them go. It doesn't mean the spanking wasn't effective or didn't get to someone emotionally or physically, it just didn't produce tears. Whenever someone has asked me to bring them to tears, I always tell them it is probably not going to happen. And honestly for me my own tears never came from spankings I went in knowing it was going to be severe. The more I EXPECTED the less likely they would occur. It's really hit or miss in my mind.

      Anonymous, That is true, but probably only possible because they were both well established friends before everything transpired.

    4. I'm sure a lot of it does have to do with personal makeup. Though, in my case, I find it annoyingly easy to cry in other contexts, like sappy songs and movies. Yet, when it comes to spankings, I can't quite let go.

    5. Dan have you tried watching a sappy movie or listening to a sappy song while being spanked? Might work out.

  7. Ive been excited all week to read the new post/comments, works been so busy its taken a minute.

    At any rate, I feel like several of you hit the nail on the head for me personally.

    Dan, these questions are exactly how I feel whenever I consider letting go and taking more ownership of my husband.
    “Do you have concerns that, when you take control or become more consistent, that maybe it’s too much? Do you worry about being too strict? Too demanding? Punishing too often or for “small” things? Is your own enjoyment of your role limited by guilt or feelings that you shouldn’t enjoy it?“

    And Jake, I think you may be on to something regarding the difference in being more strict if you are a household where the woman initiated.

    Reading all the different perspectives on how you view your wife when she becomes more strict/commands you to get over her knee, made sense to me, and I have heard other people describe that psychological need the same. However, there have been times when I would let myself feel my full dominance, so to speak, and be assertive/commanding before a spanking, and he would tell me that he felt as if I had flipped a switch, and was not being genuine. In fact it would almost seem as if he pulled away more and became more defensive. Yet, if I am firm but talk him through it, keep it a bit lighter, he submits.

    I like how you explained how a man who hadnt initiated but still agreed might feel about a dd relationship and what exactly he gets out of it.

    On the one hand my husband wants to be the head of the house because he feels that that is all he has to offer to a relationship. On the other he wants to submit to me in every area. He wants an flr because it makes him feel loved, safe, comforted and a way to serve me. But then he also doesnt know what makes a man a man and is scared he’ll lose his identity. He’s not sure what his definition of a man should be. He seems to not always need/want a dd relationship at times. But then at others he is proposing offenses that he has committed and should be spanked for.
    For context as well, he was abused by both his mom and dad his entire life and we are currently in the process of putting up even more boundaries/no longer talking to them. So alot of these concerns for him play into his ptsd and his past. Of course this apparent back and forth gives me whiplash and only adds to my fears of abusing my power. We have tried simply taking both dynamics and putting them on hold until we both can work to build the foundations, work with a kink friendly therapist, and make sure we both want this. However, we naturally fall into it. For example, Sunday i asked him to think over carefully whether or not he wanted the domestic discipline side of our relationship or if it was too much for him at this moment with all the family things happening and his inner struggle of “being a man”. Yet by that evening, I had him leaning against our sink being spanked, albeit somewhat playfully.

    I had somewhat of an advantage in our relationship in that I already knew who I was regarding these dynamics before we met and had had several years to work on acknowledging it, overcoming the shame and accepting it, then being open and confident about it. He however didn’t have that chance. So I feel as if in many ways he is still in the “overcoming the shame and accepting it” phase which may be why one minute he is so submissive and asking me to buy him a cck ring for his business trips, and the next he is saying what kind of man is someone who gets spanked.

    1. One answer you can give for what kind of man is someone who gets spanked, is one with whom you can interact at the level you wish to engage.

      His claiming that it looked like you were flipping a switch and no longer genuine sounds just as likely to be a defense maneuver to prevent you from taking a confrontational disciplinary stance as his own actual appraisal of your sincerity.

      Especially with his background, it may take a little while to get things where you like but it sounds like you're well on your way and you seem to be going about it in an ethical way. Even though many of us, including myself, would prefer a strict disciplinarian, you might be better off emphasizing the playful for however long it takes while still making it clear that you do eventually want him available for physical correction as you deem necessary.

    2. "However, there have been times when I would let myself feel my full dominance, so to speak, and be assertive/commanding before a spanking, and he would tell me that he felt as if I had flipped a switch, and was not being genuine."

      It sounds like you did "flip a switch" but from your less genuine self to something closer to who you really are. When I used to tell younger, up and coming, women on my team at work that they needed to stop self-censoring and dumbing down their leadership skills because of being concerned about an underling's reaction, this is pretty much exactly what I meant. Though, it's obviously harder in the context of an existing intimate relationship, where patterns get set early on.

    3. Miss E said: “…if it was too much for him at this moment with all the family things happening and his inner struggle of “being a man.”

      Eventually, submitting to your loving authority and accepting your necessary discipline will be a strength for him rather than a burden -- as well as a wonderful cathartic that moves him further from the abuse he experienced. I suspect you have some formidable challenges ahead given his childhood history. The kink-friendly therapist will be an important resource for you.

      It sounds from your account like he knows he needs your discipline, and you understand how important it is to both of you and your relationship. Teaching him he can trust you as well as firmness and consistency from you may be the high road forward. Some kids with an abuse history didn’t suffer so much from the physical punishment as they did from the wild, inconsistent, hostile, and sometimes crazy setting in which it was administered. The more you teach him that you love him, you can be trusted, and you will punish when needed, with both firmness and love, he will move forward

    4. All of the suggestions are extremely helpful and allowed me to step back and see from a different perspective.
      Lately I have been working on my own individual goals. Specifically to be more “unapologetically authentic” as I have had a habit in the past of being a people pleaser to the point of my own mental/physical health declining. So this topic is interesting in the sense of like Dan said, maybe my ‘flipping a switch’ isn’t necessarily less genuine but rather more so.

      To be honest as well, I appreciate your advice Alan that maybe someone such as my husband might need consistent and loving, fair discipline to build his trust in me and move forward, however I have also been considering your advice T about putting this dynamic on hold.

      I’ve spoken with my own therapist about the place ‘kink’ holds when it comes to healing and dealing with trauma and she has pointed out that kink can be a healthy tool for people to actually heal. That said however, I know it can also be a detriment and even potentially another obstacle on his path to healing.
      I know for me personally, this dynamic with him helps me in every way. After I spank him I feel a sense of peace and balance often for days afterwards. It is as if all my other stress and worries melt away. Spanking for me holds the same level of connection and intimacy as sex and I often start to feel ‘malnourished’ if too much time goes between punishments.
      That being said however he is more important to me than this so I am doing my best not to let the decision be selfishly influenced. Eventually I will discuss it more deeply with my husband whether or not he feels it is helpful right now or if he needs some space but with the amount of absolute crap that has been dumped on our laps these past few months regarding his family, he has too much on his plate of more immediate concern.
      So I have been trying to feel out which way forward would be best for us.

    5. Agreed Miss E. Spanking can do wonders for intimacy, whatever the model used.


    6. Miss E.
      For what it's worth, it sounds to me like there is too much inconsistency and confusion about the DD relationship at this point, and complicated by childhood trauma. As far as I can tell, your husband is too conflicted and unable to be comfortable in this dynamic. Unbiased professional help where you two can get everything out in the open and work together towards a better understanding of desires and boundaries is, I think, the best idea. Until then, you could keep it on a lighter and more playful level, or at least be aware that, when in doubt, take the safer route.

      Even in a case where the husband initiates the DD, it's not always so simple. The reality of discipline does not always match the fantasy or desire. In real-life situations and changing moods, what sounded so wonderful can become oppressive or too much of a sacrifice — but then the desire takes over again, and suddenly the wife is not being strict enough. And then imagining what emasculation or humiliation feels like is not the same as the actuality. I say this from experience.

      I think the foundation of the DD must be both solid and flexible with everything understood and out in the open. The wife should be confident and not doubting herself, and the husband committed to some amount of sacrifice of his autonomy — and also his masculinity if that is, indeed, a sacrifice for him.

      Many DD couples have a "safe word" that can be used when the time is simply not right for discipline. This gives the disciplinarian the security that they are not going too far, and a way out that prevents their partner from feeling trapped. Personally, I don't care for this idea, but it's an option to consider.

    7. Thanks for sharing Brett.
      You made a great point about the wife shouldn’t be doubting. That hit close to home. Definitely a goal of mine to eventually reach that point. So I suppose in that way there is room for both he and I to increase our levels of trust.

      Its funny too that you mentioned having a safe word.
      We use one now, partially because in the beginning of our relationship I was unaware of how deep the triggers/flashbacks ran and wanted him to have an out if needed, and partially because originally much of my research had been based in BDSM where the safe sane consensual (ssc) movement pushed that you have a safe word for everything.

      After reading some of the blog posts however and talking with you all about the mental block a safe word can cause in the process of deeply surrendering, that has become my next goal to work with him on (obviously once we decide how we are proceeding for the immediate present). We’re in the process of getting a kink friendly couple therapist so that is where the ‘pause’ is stemming from.

  8. If I could change a few things about our relationship, I would want my wife to be stricter and more consistent with DD. I would like a much sterner demeanor and I would love her to scold more and be more maternal in her approach. When she is on, she is on. I personally feel I get away with more than most men here. I’ve talked to her about my feelings; stepping up our DD and her taking control of the relationship. She’s hesitant and I think she doesn’t want to lose the vanilla aspect of our marriage. My wife married an alpha male with a strong personality. She was attracted to me immediately. She said I had a warmth about me and loved how
    I protected her. When I approached her regarding DD, we had been together for a while. She knew I was spanked severely growing up and we dabbled in fun punishments. I believe it was my constant adoration for her after a “thrashing”. My wife loves that term. I think my constant encouragement helped her become more comfortable giving me a good beating. It took her quite some time to get there. As far as Ms. E’s comments above. My wife has refused an FLR. I’m at the stage where I wouldn’t want one either. I’ve stated before that in my mid twenties early thirties, I would have benefited greatly.i would love for my wife to be more firm and I don’t understand why he thinks your “flipping a switch”. In a way you are, my wife does the same. We F’d up and you turn into maternal mode.
    Actions have consequences. I think the major problem you both have is with his former abuse. Personally speaking, I would probably stop DD or any type of physical punishment until he’s gone
    through therapy. I think he needs to come to terms with the abuse he suffered while younger. There could be serious ramifications down the road
    With your relationship if not addressed.
    It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I needed to be punished for my actions. It seems like
    your husband has a long way to go at accepting the way he thinks about DD.

    1. "I’ve stated before that in my mid twenties early thirties, I would have benefited greatly."

      Same here, though I wonder whether I would have been open to it back then, since I didn't have any interest in adult spanking at that point and had never heard of anything like DD.

      "It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I needed to be punished for my actions."

      Again, same here. For me though, I'm not sure when the need actually developed. Looking back, with the benefit of hindsight, I know that early on (late high school at least), I had a thing for older women. I think that probably was more about their authority than their age, though I didn't recognize that at the time. I'm not sure that in my 20s or even 30s I was self-aware of any need to be held more accountable. However, I do think that if some very strong, confident older woman had come along and tried to impose a DD relationship on me, I probably would have gotten into it earlier. I suspect the desire for authority was in there by that time, but I didn't recognize it for what it was and would have needed someone to make me aware of it.

    2. I can definitely speak from experience that receiving F/M DD at an early stage of my adult life has brought immense benefits, both in terms of the tangible ones (my improved behaviour) and the intangible ones (things that never happen because my wife got me well trained). It is plain to see how well things work between my wife and me and our circles of people married at similar ages.


    3. J,

      It sounds like my husband and I are probably around the same age as you and your wife.
      I dont know if she is ever on here but if shes open to it Id love to connect. Im always looking to get to know other females who live a similar lifestyle.

    4. I'd definitely be interested in getting in touch. How can I make contact with you offline?


    5. Miss E:

      It's great that you and "J" have a way to communicate!

      However, leaving your em-address "open and readable" on any blog risks having your em-account spammed with numerous unwanted "solicitations," both commercial and quite sexually objectionable!

      If you and "J' have verified effective em-communication, YOU MIGHT ASK "DAN" TO DELETE THAT POST WITH YOUR EM-ADDRESS. SAFETY FIRST, RIGHT!?

    6. Great point Donn!

      Thanks for pointing out! Dan, Id appreciate it if you can remove it.

      Thanks all!

    7. I will, though fyi, any poster can always remove their own comment.

    8. Clarification:

      Posters who "log-on" as "anonymous," or simply provide a "pseudonym" in the $name_ field$ are NOT able to edit or remove their own comments.

      Only a poster that has registered Google identity, and used that registered-identity while posting, has full-access to editing/removal. (Everyone else has to rely upon the Moderator [Dan].)

  9. Dev has never gone as far to create tears yet. I was involved in a road rage incident Saturday. It got out of hand. THANKFULLY no one was injured. I accept full responsibility for my stupid actions. She said we are going to “ discuss “ it Friday out in the woodshed. This could be the one for tears as she’s very upset. She knows the waiting is agonizing for me. All is totally fine at the moment. In the past I could debate any spanking. As much as I dread it , this time is totally deserved. JR

    1. I have to sympathize with the road rage, depending on the facts. I have a short fuse for morons and passive-aggressive drivers. But, in this environment, things can escalate so freaking fast -- I get why she would come down hard on it. The only thing that saves my butt (literally) when it comes to driving is that, while I drive fairly aggressively, my wife is even worse.

      Good luck with Saturday.

    2. I too suffer from road rage, though I would like to point out that I am always right... ;) Well, maybe not quite always, but usually, hahaha. It is just so easy to get frustrated with others, but now it seems like the whole world is on a short fuse, so you never know what other people will do as they overrespond to anything and everything.

      Thankfully (at least for my bottom), my wife has never done anything about the too many incidents that I have had so far.


  10. As far as strictness is concerned I know I really need it. I have told her there is no such thing as being to strict. That being said, there have been times that I resent it a little. Then when it comes to tears I have difficulty getting to that point. I agree with the points made that could bring one to tears my eyes have watered up but for me I think I would have to be totally exhausted to be broken enough to cry. It's strange I have really cried over gulit and I wish she would put me over her knee while I'm crying but it's the realization that I'm already hurting emotionally that prevents her from doing it but I think I would benefit from being completely broken over her knee.

    1. I understand that desire to be "broken" over her knee. It was a stronger desire for me in the beginning than it is now, but I still get it.

      The funny thing with me and crying is I can't seem to get there during a spanking, but I'm quite prone to doing it over sappy songs and movies.

    2. JR,
      I noticed you said your wife will be ‘discussing’ this with you on Friday. Do you guys use the method of a ‘punishment day’ once a week where you are spanked for all your wrongdoings throughout the week in one session? If so, what are your thoughts on that sort of schedule versus a punishment as soon as the action occurs.

    3. Would hope that there aren't too many wrongdoings in a week! I do try to avoid them. Tends to be one session every so often in my case, usually for a single offence; then, my wife will beat me as soon as is practical, with the proviso that she is calm when she takes up the paddle or the cane.....

      Jay (Anon)

    4. Miss E:

      Re: Your question about "timing" of discipline and punishments, my wife tries to use a somewhat "hybrid" approach.

      My wife is a behavioral psychologist (educational; corporate), and believes very, VERY strongly that teaching and learning (e.g., "thrashing") SHOULD occur as close in time and location to a transgression as possible. That the science of psychology (and thousand of years of human experience) clearly proves that this closeness in time/location is very important for my subconscious mind to fully participate and "learn" from her corrections; leads to the fastest and best improvements in behavior.

      Unfortunately, as has been recounted here in the forum by almost every member at one time or another, life often gets in the way. There always seems to be something that prevents or delays these most effective "immediate corrections." There is also the challenge that some disciplinary corrections simply require greater preparation, time and effort to be most effective.

      When my wife learns I have somehow transgressed, she tries to immediately utilize as much appropriate corporal punishment as time and location allow. When this is not possible or sufficient, and she determines additional measures are needed, later, she will strongly scold me and also give me a "secondary punisher:" Some sort of "token," "demerit," or object that signifies what will be happening later. My wife use epoxy painted US Coins; different colors / denominations depending upon seriousness of offense, and how much "learning" I can expect later, at her convenience. By repeatedly "associating" such a "token" with later consequences, the token itself becomes a "punishment" - very psychologically (and somewhat physically) punishing; i.e., a "secondary punisher."

      Every day, if possible, but at least once a week, my wife tries to schedule a "check-in" session, where we can "discuss" my recent behavior. I am required to "redeem" any/all of my accumulated tokens at that time. Oftentimes my wife will deal with all such matters immediately. Otherwise, she will schedule specific times (and locations) to deal with specific offenses. If I have been exceptionally well behaved, my wife will simply perform "maintenance," while I am required to recite the terms of our agreement and my sincere appreciation for her guidance.

      This method has worked well for us. (There is nothing quite like sitting in a restaurant, and my wife catching me disrespecting her (and the waitress) by staring a little too long at a waitress' legs, whereupon she extracts and hands me token for ten minutes of thrashing with her paddle.) She finds carrying and dispensing "tokens" to be incredibly convenient and effective! Almost no offense is every "forgotten," or "falls through the cracks" of daily events and turmoil.

      So, you see how this is a "hybrid" method. She uses both methods: immediate and delayed-session. She tries to always, immediately utilize some type of punishment at the time and location of offense: CP, and/or Scolding, and/or a Punishment Token. Then later, as needed, she can complete or reinforce an initial punishment, to ensure that I have truly learned my lesson(s).

      Just something to consider as you, yourself, develop your own best methods for managing your household and relationship.

    5. I absolutely love this idea! Will definitely be using the token idea!
      Sounds like the perfect way to keep up consistency even when life is crazy.

      Also, how perfect your wife is a behavioral psychologist. What a great fit!


    6. Miss E:

      My wife usually reads my entries here on the blog, and she pointed out that I omitted an important part of using a "tokens" as "secondary punishers." She pointed out that this is not simply an "accounting system," but that the tokens actually have to be "punishing," in and of themselves. Of course I knew this, but left out an important (crucial?) step in converting a token to a secondary punisher.

      She also pointed out that I failed to mention the inverse: That any token system can (wife says "must") also have a reward system; there should be BOTH "demerits" AND "merits;" have both "punishers" and "rewarders." Or as she calls it, "balanced training," the fastest and most reliable path to the desired behavior. (She does NOT believe that "rewards" should be given, ordinarily, for normal "good behavior." With the exception of initial training, "rewards" are reserved to "exceptional behavior.")

      Yes, I sometimes get the feeling that I am "Pavlov's Dog," but her methods work very well, and we are both very happy.

      Continuing that analogy, for example the creation of a "secondary rewarder," you might consider a common practice while training a dog. For almost all dogs, a "tasty treat" satisfies an innate "drive;" can be used as a "reward" for exceptional behavior or learning/achieving a new behavior. Of course, it's difficult to always be carrying around a pocket full of salmon cookies or beef jerky. Most people with dogs have naturally discovered how to create "secondary rewarders:" Coincidentally (same time and place) with awarding the "tasty treat" for correct behavior, the trainer also "pets" or "strokes" the dog, and usually repeats a praising phrase ("good dog"). After multiple repetitions of the combinations, the "petting" and the "praise" themselves become "rewarding" (become "linked"); they themselves create a state of both psychological and physiological pleasure. Most professional trainers have discovered that the best sequence is to bestow the desired "secondary rewarder(s)" first, then bestow the primary reward ("treat"), and finish by repeating the "secondary rewarder(s)."

      (Even after a linkage between primary reward/punishment and "secondary rewarder/punisher" has been established, it's important to regularly "refresh" that linkage by periodically repeating the linking sequences. For "secondary rewarders", multiple experiments with animals and humans have clearly established that "random intermittent" relinking of primary and secondary rewards is most effective at maintaining effectiveness. However, similar studies also establish absolute consistency ("every time; all the time") best maintains linkage between primary and secondary punishments.)

      I seem to recall you previously asking whether "training" a husband could also involve "rewards" in addition to "punishment." Most couples do use rewards, and secondary rewarders, pretty much without thinking about it, regardless of being in a DD-relationship. My wife just seems to be more explicit (calculating?) in her methods. She long ago established her favorite "secondary rewarder:" Nuzzling her lips up against one of my ears while repeating her own "good boy" phrase. You can imagine some of the primary rewards she intersperses to create and refresh the linkages. Let's just say there seems to be "direct wiring" between my ear and my . . .

      To create a linkage between a punishment and a "secondary punisher" (i.e., "token"), that token must (1) be present during the punishment, and (2) visible to the student / trainee, and (3) have the student's "regular" (and hopefully "strong") attention before, during and after the punishment. The coincidence (same time and location) of both punishment and secondary punisher is absolutely necessary to create the "subconscious linkage" between the two; necessary to allow the secondary punisher to later achieve significant both psychological and physiological response (punishment) in the student, without any direct punishment.

    7. Wow Don, i think i needed a thesaurus to follow your analogy on DD. I’m sorry, but I don’t want my wife to compare me to our dog. I’m not sounding critical but your relationship is definitely that aspect. I don’t like the reward for being a good boy aspect. I’m not a dog and don’t want to be compared to one. Glad it works for you guys.

    8. Donn,

      Thank you for sharing and thank you for breaking it down so easy to follow! Every question that crossed my mind, you ended up answering.
      Im fascinated by this approach and will probably try experimenting with it. Ive studied psychology before but never heard of primary and secondary punishers/rewards and linking the two!

  11. Dan
    Said "
    The funny thing with me and crying is I can't seem to get there during spanking, but I'm quite prone to doing it over sappy songs and movies"

    I'm the same way. I lost my temper with her today over something I had previously explained to her. I thought she got why I couldn't do what she wanted and when she brought it up I lost my cool and raised my voice. She was shaking and in tears immediately. I was just I felt terrible but an immediate punishment was not possible because we had a appointment to get to. I apologized immediately and repetitively throughout the day but she was clearly frustrated with me. We finally talked about it after dinner. She said that she wasn't sure that she wanted to spank me again since I had just gotten one the night before. Anyway long story but I was sent to the corner for half an hour and then after doing my nightly chores I was spanked it was straight to the point. I wanted to cry but I just can't. I feel totally guilty about what I did and I want to stop doing it but sometimes my temper just takes over.

    1. I get it. My temper has always been a problem, and sometimes it just surges too fast for me to check it before I say something I shouldn't.

  12. The crying discussion is timely.

    As it happens, I was seriously punished, for the first time in, I think, over a year, a few weeks ago. I definitely deserved it. I had, basically, lied J about something, which is definitely not something she tolerates and is very clearly against our rules. As you may remember, J is very non-nonsense when it comes to punishment, which are rare in our relationship because I try hard to avoid doing anything that would warrant them. But I was stupid and tried to avoid relatively minor trouble, which got me into major trouble.

    The punishment was, as usual, awful and very hard to endure (30 strokes with the rubber strap reserved for the purpose, delivered post orgasm). I'm also grounded for a month (basically, no fun activities for me, and I'm sleeping in the guest room for the duration). As hard as the beating and grounding is, I'm willing to suffer through it to get back in her good graces and demonstrate my contrition. I earned it, and i know it. No tears involved.

    But the scolding I got when we discussed what I had done absolutely brought me to the edge of tears. This has never happened before. I basically felt like a small child who had badly disappointed his parents after being caught doing something I knew was bad. I didn't actually cry, but I was definitely in a mindset where might have.

    The strapping, as painful and unwelcome as it was, actually brought me OUT of that feeling. I felt physically worse, but emotionally much better afterword.

    1. I don't envy you and the rubber strap one bit, though part of me admires how seriously both you and J. take real punishment spankings.

      I get how a hard spanking could take you out of the guilt-ridden mindset that might encourage tears. Some obviously see one of the major advantages of DD as that kind of "slate clearing" function where the guilt on his side and the anger on hers go away after the spanking is complete. For me, I don't consciously feel a "the slate has been cleaned" sort of release after a spanking, but my sense of needing to be held accountable often is incredibly strong prior to a spanking and then is gone afterward.

    2. K, good to hear that you were given a serious post-orgasm strapping. A sign of genuine contrition and serious discipline IMHO. You were on the verge of crying before the strapping as a result of her scolding. Did the scolding continue during the strapping? If not, next time you might try that along with a slower, maybe longer strapping during a sincere and relentless scolding. I also find it helps if she says during the scolding that "I want you to cry for me." Just food for thought. Graham

    3. A good scolding brings me closer to tears than the spanking. I used to think that being scolded while being spanked would bring on the water works but it never has. I'm so focused on getting thru the pain that I can't cry. I think I would have to be so exhausted and well past my pain threshold to be so broken that I would give into crying. I can endure a lot of pain so getting to that point seems impossible

      I have cried over upsetting her that's when I wish I could she would blister me

    4. Graham,

      It’s really not my choice; in our relationship, I have little say in how and when I’m punished (except through my behavior). But it’s fine. I have no particular interest in crying. All I crave is to be subject to firm, loving discipline from my wife, and I’m very fortunate that I get exactly that.

      For the record, though, she definitely takes her time in applying the strap. Maybe 30-60 seconds between strokes, so not a barrage, but slow enough for the pain of each one to be fully “appreciated”before the next arrives. I think that’s probably worse, honestly. I still have bruises all over my butt and upper thighs.

  13. Great discussion! I appreciated this in the post this week:

    "feel alive in a very powerful way"

    Yeah - I would say that is very true for my wife in her role as a "spanking wife". She has shared with many times that loves the sense of power that spanking brings - and that she enjoys spanking for the "joy of spanking".

    As to crying and tears - I have shared before that my wife has reduced me to sobbing during a spanking on many occasions over the years. It does not bother her at all - or prompt her to stop spanking when it does occur - sometimes, I even think it encourages her to spank longer. She simply considers it a natural reaction to a sound spanking.

    As we've discussed here before, Alan's summation of a "spanking to make a man cry" is just right on - the expectation of sobs, sound scolding, and a "spanking that goes on forever". For myself, I've been spanked to tears enough over the years, that I don't necessarily feel the need to "be tough" and not break down - so now, it is easier for me to "let go" and cry even when it may not be a "spanking that never ends" - especially if there is some part of me needing an emotional outlet (and my wife seems to be able to sense this sometimes). And - the fact that she expects sobs and doesn't consider it unmasculine or weak helps make it "ok to sob" as well. --al

    1. "I don't necessarily feel the need to "be tough" and not break down . . .:

      Although I think my lack of tears to date probably has some complex mix of factors in play, I think the need to "be tough"--if even in only my own eyes--probably is a big part of it. It's not really a conscious part of the thought process so much as a protective instinct that kicks in under stress, including the stress of a spanking. And, while a lot of things regarding my part in a DD lifestyle may not seem consistent with my public persona, I think many people who know me from work would attest that my natural reaction to being challenged from on high was to get very rigid and assertive myself, which is kind of what I feel when I got into "man up" mode after the first swat or two lands.

    2. Dan, if your subconscious need to ‘be tough’ and ‘man up’ comes into play anytime you are being spanked, how are you working to change that mentally (if at all)?

    3. I usually try to tell myself before a spanking that I am going to accept it and the accountability that it entails. I also try to respond to any lecturing without getting defensive. But, it is not an easy thing to unwire 50+ years of temperament. And, I never really was successful in reigning that aspect of myself in at work, even though I knew it was holding me back. I could say I would try to have more respect and tolerance for leadership, but the second one got in my face . . .

    4. Al writes: “I've been spanked to tears enough over the years, …so now, it is easier for me to "let go" and cry even when it may not be a "spanking that never ends"

      Al’s point here deserves more attention. Like any muscle that gets exercised, crying is easier the more often it happens ( it’s an analogy disguised as a metaphor, so move along). It does happen easier after the first few points due to the unconscious tendency most guys have to block it. Reading Al’s comment reminds me how important my wife’s expectation that being spanked should bring tears was in it all. Her “permission” probably tipped it for me as much as anything else.

      It is sort of amusing that we want to demonstrate how tough we are when our wives have us bare bum bent over for chastisement. That is probably not the best moment to reprise our inner John Wayne. Many, if not most, wives want us to be strong, but not when they are punishing us. Then, most of all, they want to see acceptance, obedience, and contrition.


    5. "It is sort of amusing that we want to demonstrate how tough we are when our wives have us bare bum bent over for chastisement. That is probably not the best moment to reprise our inner John Wayne."

      Haha! So true.

    6. Alan, that last paragraph was just golden. It had some insights that had never even crossed my mind before.


    7. >"Alan, that last paragraph was just golden."<

      Well stated - with great perspective! --al

    8. Alan, are you thinking of the film "McLintock!" by chance?


  14. Ward wrote earlier in the comments:
    >"I'm so focused on getting thru the pain that I can't cry."<

    As I have shared, my wife has brought me to tears and "sobbing" on many occasions - although, to be clear, I'm not talking about "gut wrenching, bawling your eyes out" emotionally distraught hysteria. But just a natural more "low key" kind of sob that comes from surrendering to the pain of the non-stop whacks of the paddle - the "sobbing" is directly related to the "surrender" that has also been mentioned in the comments.

    But - in regard to Ward's comment above - what I have discovered is that during a real intense punishment spanking, the pain is indeed too intense to allow for the complete surrender needed to induce sobbing - it's all I can do to just endure.

    As Alan has pointed out in his description of spanking that leads to sobbing - the spanking is often not an intensely hard spanking. Certainly it is hard enough to be genuinely painful - but not so hard that it can just barely be endured. But - the whacks never end - they just keep coming with no end in sight. Those endless whacks - combined with some sound scolding - are what are most likely to bring on sobbing. And while everyone is different, I suspect that this would apply to the majority of spanked husbands. --al

  15. I have had ‘wet eyes’ but never real tears. That doesn’t bother me as it has never been a goal for either of us and I don’t really understand the fascination. After 10 years plus of regular DD, my wife’s technique with the strap is hard, fast & sustained to the point of being borderline unbearable. We are now in the habit of such spankings every 4 - 5 days after much discussion & experimenting around consistency & keeping me in the right frame of mind.

    For us the spanking acts as a leveller as well as punishment. I seem to be able to be well behaved for a couple of days and then there are ( it seems!) always minor slips in what I say, respect & attitude. We have reached the point now where we both know that I need a ‘reset’ and although very painful, I rarely protest. Being physically exposed to accept the strapping, having her see the discomfort that I am in and earned and knowing how the process boosts her confidence are all powerful relationship enhancements for us. TB

    1. "We are now in the habit of such spankings every 4 - 5 days after much discussion & experimenting around consistency & keeping me in the right frame of mind."

      We seem to be heading a bit in that direction. The timing itself isn't part of a plan. She's just being a lot more strict and treating each offense separately, and it seems to be heading toward a spanking every 4 or 5 days, at least in this phase.

    2. This is interesting. And more interesting will be seeing if it settles down to the 10 days to 3 weeks, the time frame which we were in for a long time after she decided to tighten the screws. Eventually you may find that ( in the long run) you will get spanked less than before she became stricter, because your behavior will become much better in her eyes- and for sure there will be less frustration

    3. Alan, my guess is it will settle down, if only because the higher frequency gets my attention in ways that a more sporadic schedule hasn't.

  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that whatever the prescription is for tears, even "eye-watering" pain isn't enough.

  17. Miss E,

    My apologies for not responding sooner, but life got busy. I asked my wife if she would be willing to talk with you as you asked. She said not right now as things are just very busy at the moment for both of us. She said I'm the future if I set up a signal account or something like that so that she can maintain her anonymity then she would consider it. Very sorry. If there are any specific questions you want me to ask her I certainly will ask her and reply here.


    1. Or I can give you an email address.

    2. Absolutely no worries Antonio! I completely understand! There were no specific questions, just looking to connect with other women as I know very few wives who are in this lifestyle.
      Thank you for checking though!


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