
Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Club - Meeting 470 - Interrogation, Probing, and Monitoring

“He explained to me with great insistence that every question possessed a power that did not lie in the answer.” ― Elie Wiesel, Night


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.


I hope you all had a good week.  Mine was pretty good, though we experienced one of those spring storms that kept us mostly holed up inside our house for a couple of days. Unfortunately, that led to a little too much time on social media and interacting on-line with some folks I’m involved with on a local political issue.  Maybe it’s a result of thirty years in a profession that was all about persuasive communication, but I really hate people whose go-to moves are chest-beating and name-calling. Perhaps, down the road, I’ll ask Anne to help me deal with losing my temper on-line, but not yet . . .



That was a great discussion last week, on what I thought would be a pretty mundane topic. Right out of the gate, Antonio took my “DD and health” topic in a direction I hadn’t been thinking about when I wrote the topic, namely DD and mental health.  Here’s how he described the effects of his wife’s use of DD to address his depressive tendencies:


“Now the amazing thing is that when she has finished disciplining me, my depression has completely lifted, and my unpleasant attitude has been replaced with a burning desire to please her. I don't know what a therapist would say, but I don't care because it works for us. She usually follows this with lighter preventative DD for the next few days just to "keep my mind right."


I can't explain it or why it works but it has made a major difference in our life. It has allowed me to stop taking antidepressants and instead of going into a two-week slide down the vortex of depression and then having to climb out, it is over in 10 minutes.


I cannot overstate what a difference this has made in our life. She has said a number of times that she wished she had known about this 30 years ago.”


As for what a therapist might say about it, my retort is: “Whatever works.”


Near the end of the week’s discussion, Alan had this to say regarding a comment by Ward regarding confession:


“Ward said: “I will confess if she asks…. Believe me, I know better than to fail to tell her the truth.”


This may be a separate topic, but I wonder how common it is for wives or girlfriends to ask regularly, during scolding, or while having a “discussion,” etc., about behavior she may not have witnessed. Both women who have disciplined me have used versions of it and it is a game changer for me when used to work on a particular behavior.


Like Ward, I confess if she directly asks about behavior that I would never self-report. Lying of any kind is not an option when she asks. Part of it is just the insanity of being untruthful when I have asked for discipline, and part of it is just the utter power she assumes in asking: “Have you been obedient?”


But the greatest impact on me comes from the message that she cares about the behavior and will use her authority to control or stop it. Caring about the behavior is why I respond so positively to being asked. If a woman wants to modify male behavior-- making her expectations clear and then asking regularly if he has been obedient—is a sure path to success ( at least if the culprit is me).”


Alan’s observations were well-timed, because I had actually been planning to do a topic about “interrogation,” i.e. about a wife actively probing to discover bad behavior that may have gone unwitnessed and unreported.


It was on my mind because of the check-in process Anne and I have been working on. (I’ve been planning to blog about it, but its implementation was paused for a bit because of my illness issues.  We also have some big family events and travel coming up, which are likely to get in the way of some momentum building. But, more to come.)  As originally conceived, our check-ins were focused on helping me get “unstuck” regarding some life goals. But, we’ve been talking about broadening them to include a more general check-in on my behavior, including her asking me something like: “Is there anything you think you should be spanked for?”



This would be a new thing for us. We’ve talked (and talked, and talked) about having some kind of check-in process, but it’s never really taken hold.  Similarly, Anne has never been big on actively probing for misbehavior or rule-breaking that she doesn’t personally witness, though immediately before a spanking she does sometimes ask me to recount why it is about to happen.



In preparing this topic, I looked through the old Disciplinary Wives Club website materials, because I thought there was something on there encouraging wives to very aggressively monitor and probe for bad behavior.  Maybe I imagined it, because if it’s on there I couldn’t find it. But, I did find these snippets of advice to the wives in one of the DWC publications:


“Discipline should have a positive effect.  It is a waste of your time to continually address the same situation, and it also undermines your authority.  The best way to make sure you are succeeding in bringing a change about is by being very specific about what you expect to see and closely monitoring for the results.


Just like you would closely supervise a child to make sure that they were practicing the correct habits you sought to instill in them, you must do this with your husband as well.  This is especially true until he has earned your trust by showing you that he does keep his promises.”


And this:


“Your success begins with the cultivation of your skills of observation. The more you are aware of what your husband is doing, the less likely it is that you will find yourself losing control. As a DWC wife you are absolutely entitled to ask your husband about anything you want to know and to expect an honest answer.


Sure you may get resistance, just like from any bad boy who doesn’t want to tell. But, he has asked for a DWC relationship, he really wants one, and deep down inside he does want to tell you everything.


If you have had the responsibility for supervising or raising children at any time, you will recall that it took extra alertness to always be aware of where they were and what they were doing. If you haven’t had that kind of experience don’t worry about it.  Just go along with me now and you will get the idea anyway.”


She offered the men some closely-related guidance on accepting authority:


You will have to put up with closer supervision than you are used to and she will demand answers and evidence of your performance.  This is perfectly normal and how it is supposed to be.  If you feel resentful about this, or don’t want that kind of accountability, remember how maternal discipline occurs in a “child -parent” situation. The child simply cannot wiggle out of his Mother’s watchful eye. If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that when you get your spankings, it is that bratty little boy part of you who is getting it.


As I said, monitoring, probing, and interrogation have never been a big part of our DD lifestyle, though we seem to be moving more in that direction.  And, I know myself well enough to predict that if we do, I probably will resent it as it is happening, just as Aunt Kay warned. But, it also will probably prove to be a very important part of both reinforcing the hierarchy and emphasizing the “maternal” element that we are both increasingly comfortable admitting is a thing for both of us.


Regarding staying aware of what I’m doing, journaling is a part of it, though it’s more about giving her better visibility into what I’m thinking and feeling.  But, there is one way in which does do some active monitoring:  She made me enable my “Find My iPhone” app settings so she can see where my phone is at all times and, hence, monitor where I am.  Though, back when I was working I quickly figured out that, while the app does a great job of tracking horizontal movement from one location to another, it can’t do vertical.  Hence, it couldn’t tell her when I’d gone to happy hour with the team, as long as we went to the bar that was 15 floors below our office in the same building!


Of course, as Alan points out, actively probing for misbehavior works only if the husband replies honestly.  I admit, I don’t have a perfect track record. On occasion, she’s asked me how many drinks I had after going out with a friend.  I would almost always turn it into a joke and claim to have had one.  Now, technically, I wasn’t telling the truth. But, does it count as a lie when she knows it’s one and you know she knows?



I have to imagine the biggest impediment to a wife following Aunt Kay’s advice is a lack of confidence.  When we first began our DD lifestyle twenty years ago, I’m not sure Anne had the confidence to actively push my buttons by probing for information in the way Kay suggests.  But, with twenty years of both DD and life experience, I think she is much more comfortable going into “strict teacher” mode to ferret out the information she wants.


How about you?  How actively does your wife probe for information regarding your behavior or interrogate you to assess how well you have obeyed her rules? Is there any additional or different consequence for not owning up when asked?

If any wives would like to weigh in, I would love to hear what your approach has been and, to the extent you actively probe for misbehavior or disobedience, is that something you had to grow into over time?


Have a great week.  An advance warning that we are going to be traveling this week, so I may be less engaged with the comments than normal.


  1. I asked my wife about this and so this response is a joint answer. It is not intended to criticise anyone else, just to talk about how things are with us.

    We never really fancied the setup described in this article, it appears, because we subconsciously thought it would infantilise me. We have always been more inclined towards the model of adult corporal punishment, as often occurs in nations like Malaysia and Singapore. The government invests people with a certain amount of trust to keep the law and you don't do "check-ins" in countries where adult corporal punishment is a thing, but if you do get caught breaking the law, you suffer the consequences.

    My spankings were never 100% disciplinary anyway, so it won't be too long before I receive a spanking, even if it isn't directly linked to an infraction I might not have declared.



    1. "We never really fancied the setup described in this article, it appears, because we subconsciously thought it would infantilise me."

      Something that struck me in the DWC materials I quoted from is the extent to which they very *consciously* set out to infantalize the husband.

  2. My partner never asks or probes about my behavior. Probably because I always rat on myself and there is no need for her to inquire. Now she will ask if I took my medication and if I have forgotten, I will receive a good spanking. For not telling her or lying about it or trying to hide an offense, I get spanked multiple times or once a day for several days. This has only occurred a few times and was effective enough that I NEVER did it again. Now when I confess an offense, I bring an implement with me and assume the position.

    1. "For not telling her or lying about it or trying to hide an offense, I get spanked multiple times or once a day for several days."

      That seems to me to be a very wise approach.

  3. I wish my wife was more consistent about probing me about specific behaviors like sneaking sweets because she knows I can be deceitful and do it when she isn't looking. She also knows if she ask directly I will tell her the truth. I think sometimes she doesn't ask because she doesn't want to know. If she asked I would undoubtedly get a spanking everyday at least until I gave up the habit. It's true that I need a period of training me to break the habit. Sweets to me is like alcohol to those who tend to go overboard. Even if she could help me break the habit. There would always be that part of me that would revert back. So I would need regular reviews to make sure I'm staying within the boundaries. The problem is that we tend to work on one area of discipline at a time and my eating habits while having her attention are not priority. Currently we are working on my habit of interjecting myself into her demands with an argument. That's back talking and she is tired of it. I

    1. "If she asked I would undoubtedly get a spanking everyday at least until I gave up the habit." For some of my worst habits, that might be what it would take.

      I can see how choosing to focus on one issue at a time. I sometimes think that when you combine multiple issues into one spanking, it has to dilute the message with respect to any particular issue.

    2. I have been thinking about her prioritizing some behaviors over others and came to the realization that what she chooses are more general than specific. So back talking could be voicing something that I disagree with her about. It's okay not to like the same things she does but making a point that she should agree with me even though she has already voiced what she wants would be perceived as arguing with her which would earn me a trip over her knee. Then there is more flagrent back talking like asking for something she has already told me no on. The other general behavior is attitude. There's a lot of nuance to what could be an attitude. issue. While I get spanked for back talking and attitude I always know the specific behavior that led up to an attitude adjustment. I was short with her this morning over her expectations for lunch. She took care of my attitude tonight. I she will tell me before a spanking that it's for attitude or back talking but I know what I did specifically that led up to the spanking.

    3. Anne doesn't spank much for generalized attitudes, though she threatens a lot about "snark." I do think though that if she went in that direction, I really wouldn't have much cause to dispute whether there was really a problem there. She has pretty good judgment, and if she accused me of having a bad attitude that needed to be dealt with, I'm pretty sure I would be able to link that general statement very directly to something specific I did or said.

    4. I realize everyone is not together as much as we are, both of us being retired. Discipline for attitude or back talking is most always dealt with immediately. During a discussion if things get heated and I say things I shouldn't, we both pause and look at each other. An implement is retrieved and I get a good spanking on the spot. This seems to end the debate before it grows to an argument. A poor attitude brings the same result, even if we are away from home. Most readers here are familiar with the day at a friends home when she took me to an adjacent room, removed my belt, bared my ass and belted me soundly with everyone in the next room aware I was being spanked.

    5. "This seems to end the debate before it grows to an argument." Unfortunately, on the very few occasions we get into a real fight, tempers flare fast and hot.

    6. Right Dan. And the faster and hotter my temper gets, the longer and harder my spanking gets.

    7. I quite liked daily discipline for multiple habits at once. I'll try to make a case for it.

      We don't need conventional habit-building advice to pick one thing because we have a fiery backstop to kick motivation into gear and keep it there.

      When we're spanked for missing a different habit or combination of habits each time, it feels consistent because our specific wrong choices or mismanagements come from one underlying mindsets and attitudes. We leave the spanking thinking about how to manage the whole day better, not just a small part of it.

      And on a fun note, life's just more fun when we're facing more complex challenges and rules to optimize. Our women like to see us in action! Even when we slip up, we're more fun to spank when fully engaged. If we're fun to spank, we're going to get that support more consistently. :)

    8. "When we're spanked for missing a different habit or combination of habits each time, it feels consistent because our specific wrong choices or mismanagements come from one underlying mindsets and attitudes."

      I like that a lot!

      We've never done anything close to daily discipline. It's actually been very rare that I've gotten even two in one week. But, the threat value it carries far exceeds a single spanking. I've been spanked so many times over two decades of this that no one spanking serves as a major deterrent, and there definitely are times that I'm willing to engage in something that I know may get me spanked because (a) the spanking may not, in fact, happen; and (b) I know that, while it will hurt like hell, it's something I've handled many times before. But, the threat of multiple spankings definitely amps things up. I talked several months ago about a trip we were on in which Anne warned me that if I got a speeding ticket, she would spank me every day for a week. While I was very resentful about it, I complied. Had she threatened a single spanking, I very well might not have.

  4. My wife kept a written account of my behaviour and at the end of the week, she would review it with me. Each infraction included the type and number of spanks it merited. I wasn't given the opportunity to rebut any of the charges; I had to merely accept them. I could, however, confess to anything she was unaware of, which I did on occasion. Given that it was 99% play and I loved going over her knee, I "confessed" readily when my behaviour had otherwise been good.

    1. "My wife kept a written account of my behaviour and at the end of the week, she would review it with me. Each infraction included the type and number of spanks it merited."

      We had a similar system when we first started DD, but I was responsible for tracking the behavior and tallying the number of swats.


  5. To answer your question simply : not at all. I know we’ve talked here many times about DD being frequently husband-led. From time to time I’ll be instructed to bring the paddle or the cane and she will deal with whatever issue she feels needs it. When it comes to dealing with anything she wasn’t directly aware of though, it always comes from me. We’ve never done check-ins and I can’t imagine her ever asking me about things she wasn’t aware of. For me, it comes back to feeling guilty about something and a good paddling dealing with those feelings of guilt. TG

    1. Ours has been similar to what you describe up 'til now, though that may be changing. I also find that sometimes it's not that she isn't aware of something I did but, rather, we see it differently in terms of seriousness. It happens a lot with things like being careless or cavalier about something that ends up costing me a lot time and/or money. It's not exactly "guilt" that I feel about it, but more like intense frustration with myself. There are times I feel like it merited a session, even if she didn't think of it that way. But, I have a very hard time taking that next step and actually asking for one.

  6. DD would be unfulfilling for me if I had to discipline myself by having to get my wife involved in it. She needs to have the desire I have, but from the other side of the paddle. That means she takes an active role in "parenting." Both of us know we are indulging in a fetish-like desire, and it relies on her leading, wanting to discipline, and looking for legitimate reasons to punish if and when it makes sense. It's not her obligation; she must enjoy the process. I'm never going to ask her for a spanking. I might confess to something, but only if it feels natural within our parental-like dynamic.

    If I was in the parental position, I would do the same for both of us, because our reason for the DD relationship is to set up conditions where our mutual desires will be actualized. The practical benefits of discipline are a byproduct of the fetish, and the fetish relies on the circumstances feeling authentic. On top of all of this, we can't forget that we are adults with adult lives. The parent-child element of DD is exciting, but limited in ways that will never fully match the real thing.

    1. Brett's description of how his wife takes an active role in "parenting" is similar to how we look at our DD. Because I had few boundaries during my childhood and most of my adult life, I was always pretty rebelious and anti authoritan. That served me well early on, but not so much later on in life. Now I really appreciate being taken in hand, and over time, she has become more enthuiastic in embracing her role. We often refer to DD as "re parenting" When I was trying to get a handle on cutting back on beer, I did ask her to get very specific about exactly how much I had. That really worked well, and there is no need to do that anymore. I meant to comment last week, so I will do that now. I loved Alan's description of how important DD and spanking can be, and that has been very true for me as well. I do have PTSD, and being spanked on a regular basis has helped me deal with it like nothing else. It really helps to snap me out of a funky mood.

    2. Jacqueline Omerta, who promoted herself as a "spanking therapist" theorized that many people who seek out disciplinary spankings do so because they had chaotic childhoods and subconsciously are seeking "re-parenting." While I don't buy a lot of her schtick, that part rang true to my own experience.

      "Because I had few boundaries during my childhood and most of my adult life, I was always pretty rebelious and anti authoritan. That served me well early on, but not so much later on in life." Same here. I used to counsel young professionals at work that the attributes that get you up the first part of the ladder may be exactly what hold you back from the higher rungs. Unfortunately, there was often a "do what I say, not what I do" element to my advice on that subject.

    3. I have absolutely no idea as to how valid Ms. Omerta's theory might be - but I can say that my childhood was definitely chaotic (had to live with various relatives due to serious illness in the family, even spent a few months in a "children's home"). My father passed before I was 10. --al

    4. Same here on losing a father at a very early age. And, while I now have a good relationship with him, my step-father and I did not get along at all for many years. But, I suspect (but don't really know), that my mom's very erratic personality issues when I was growing up is the real source of my perception of having grown up in a chaotic environment. In combination, I didn't think of either of them as sources of stability growing up.

    5. Both of you, as well as others, have alluded to “chaotic” childhoods and various types of resistance to authority. I relate strongly to these characterizations. Indeed, the latter, resistance to authority —or some resentment of imposed authority—is almost synonymous with one characteristic of the alpha male persona, as we have discussed it. The apparent paradox is that the men who often oppose authority the strongest may well be among those who passionately seek it from their SO.

      I have thought about this for a while. While I am far from a definitive answer, provisionally I think FOR ME, my childhood left me distrustful and cynical about authority (and indeed, in the wider adult world, we should all be aware of and skeptical about the far too common real abuses of authority now pervasive in our society)

      But at the same time, I long to experience the imposition of loving authority from a woman I love and trust. In short, the defiance of authority I carried out in childhood produced a deep need to find and submit to authority that was safe (from “chaos”) and imposed by someone I could trust and respect. This makes some sense when the child's primary needs for safety and stability are considered. The safety and security of lovingly imposed authority do probably create the conditions for those feelings. If one must reject the authority that makes them possible as a child, maybe one looks for that authority (and its rewards later in life. This would be, I suppose, a kind of reparenting. But very few of us get through childhood without needing some makeovers.

      Sorry for the unsolicited deep dip into Freud. I would love to hear from others about the need for authority, especially if you feel the apparent paradox as I do


    6. No need to apologize, Alan. I love these discussions about how we all got into these lifestyles.

      I like to think that I'm pretty self-aware, and I've never been reluctant to take a hard look at my own mindset. Yet, it is hard for me to reconcile my fairly extreme resistance to authority in all aspects of my life, except my marriage. And, the marital relationship not only is an exception but has gone in the other direction.

      For me, I think I modeled the extreme anti-authoritarianism of my step-father. He was kind of a force of nature. He wasn't at all interested in laying down, let alone enforcing, rules. And, it was a conscious decision. He once told me, "I'm not going to worry about laying down rules unless and until you do something stupid you can't get yourself out of." In the meantime, my mom pretty clearly had some form of bipolar disorder, though we we were living in areas where there was no one to make that, or any other, psychological diagnosis. So, I had one parent who actively resented authority and another who wasn't capable of exercising it responsibly.

      Growing up without rules, I think many of my friends envied that I did pretty much whatever I wanted. And, at the time, I probably felt that way myself. But, years later I think I began to understand how stressful it had been being entirely responsible for your own behavior at an age at which you really aren't ready for it. My step-father never did have to set any rules, because I always did succeed it getting out of whatever trouble I created for myself. But, I think I always felt, deep inside, like things could go seriously off the rails at any point, and it would all be on me to fix it.

      I suspect that when I found the DWC, something in my subconscious recognized it as a way out of feeling that overwhelming sense of solo responsibility and why that manifested as an attraction to maternal/parental authority. But, I didn't understand any of that at the time. I knew right away that it was something I had a compelling desire to explore, but I was nowhere close to understanding why. And, even today, I'm largely guessing at why it triggered such a strong reaction.

    7. I love your comment Alan and suspect that it may go some way to helping me. "Indeed, the latter, resistance to authority —or some resentment of imposed authority—is almost synonymous with one characteristic of the alpha male persona, as we have discussed it. The apparent paradox is that the men who often oppose authority the strongest may well be among those who passionately seek it from their SO."

      I've related much of this before but... I lived with stable and loving parents until I was 12 so no issues there. Then I went to a boarding school. There was imposed authority there with over the top punishments from seniors and masters that was not proportionate to "offences" committed. As a young person this gave me real struggles with my inherent desire for fairness. I did not appoint any of those that exercised authority over me.

      I suspect that I've taken away from the experience the need for strict boundaries, and I am delighted that at least now I select the disciplinarian and I love and respect her.

    8. I was raised by loving parents who, while far from perfect, imposed a certain level of strict but mostly fair discipline. So there was no chaos, and I was not feeling undisciplined. However, I was unusually sensitive to the idea of corporal punishment. My feelings about it were hatred, confusion, anger when my siblings were spanked — and yet there was this aura around the concept of spanking that haunted me. It was sexual, but still a mystery til I was mature enough to recognize it as such. When I continued to be spanked by my father after puberty, the experiences in all their drama and detail were imprinted as what I think of as a fetish. In my adolescence, I turned into an anti-establishment rebel, but I'm not sure how much authority at home played a role in that as much as the corruption I could see around me, and a natural distrust of those in power.

      What attracts me to DD is my fetish that blossomed in adolescence. I want to imagine a wife who assumes and wields the authority of my father. This is at odds with the fact that I am not submissive, and I don't like the idea of a relationship that is not egalitarian. I'm also not consumed with the idea of self-improvement, at least at my age — maybe when I was young and more ambitious. For me, it is really about a sexual attraction to a strong authoritarian kind of woman who is fair and nurturing, and I tend to think of the relationship as a way of reliving and relitigating my adolescence.

    9. I think there is a rich seam of discussion in Alan’s thoughts about authority. I was a quiet rebel against the strict male dominated religious school regime that I was subjected to, sensing even as a child that it was an unsuitable environment. I was frequently punished & always had an unproductive, negative relationship with those in authority. My home life in contrast was very female dominated as my father died when I was young, my mother was strict (although no physical punishment) and I had a number of older sisters. I carried my resistance to male authority & in fact all authority through to my later education & work life and although I was by any standard‘ successful’ I could have achieved more had I learned to modify & focus my blatant anti-authority attitudes.

      DD with my strong willed wife has in many ways allowed me to explore those feelings often in a pseudo therapeutic way for the past 15 years. It’s fair to say that my awareness & understanding of that side of me grows with almost every DD interaction.

      As an interesting side theme I almost refused to be punished recently as we prepared to leave for a 10 day trip. My behaviour had been ‘OK but needing a reminder’ - her words - and so for several days before departure I had been expecting a session. Eventually she called me to the bedroom an hour before leaving when I still had a number of tasks to complete. I protested at the timing & delay to the point that she backed down. I think both of us realised that was a mistake - me protesting & her backing down and as a result she confronted me an hour later & demanding that I submitted to a quick but fierce beating. I was still anti & took it badly but submitted. She was of course right and I have since told her. Overcoming my resistance seems to have increased her power… I guess my question is whether it is ever right or a right to to resist a spanking in a DD relationship? TB

    10. TB, I don't know whether it's right, but maybe it's inevitable or nearly so? People are human, and there are likely to be times that a wife just doesn't think through the timing or circumstances. Honestly, I would be very annoyed too if I was trying to get a bunch of things done right before leaving for a trip, particularly if it was something that had been pending for a long time.

      Coincidentally, Anne and I are traveling this week, and she too almost ordered a spanking, 20 minutes before we needed to leave. But, she figured out on her own that the timing simply did not work.

    11. I guess my question is whether it is ever right or a right to to resist a spanking in a DD relationship? TB”

      One always has “THE right” in a consensual relationship. But is it ever the “right” thing to do – for oneself, the relationship, or her?

      In my opinion, It is never the right choice except for a physical or emotional emergency. I say this with some experience, having stopped several spankings with my first disciplinarian and now well into a second decade with a woman I have never disobeyed when she ordered a spanking.

      First, it is a failure to trust her to decide how hard and long you will be punished. That both undercuts her confidence and determination to discipline you – and ridicules the notion that you are really under her disciplinary authority (“Sorry hon, I really want you to discipline me, except when it hurts too much—I’ll get back in position now—OK))

      Second, it reduces, if not eliminates, any benefit you are getting from the discipline because you know you can and have) stopped it when it got difficult. Discipline becomes elaborate role-playing –and if she continues it at all, she will know that it is play and not serious.

      Finally, resisting discipline will do enormous -and possibly fatal-damage to any DD relationship. Serious resistance is equivalent to withdrawing consent. Few women will take you seriously if you play with that dynamic.

      But what about when she is threatening or punishing you for something you strongly feel is unfair -or is she just wrong about it? This is probably the most challenging moment in DD consent -taking a spanking (or other punishment) you “know” you don’t deserve.) I have accepted several of these in our marriage, and I consider them among the best investment in our relationship I have made

      Why? Firstly, while she allows me only limited appeals before a spanking, there is no limit on discussing my feelings after a spanking (and there have been some spankings that she apologized for). We have thrashed out many issues with the hairbrush being back in the drawer. This has served as a safety valve against resentment.

      But beyond that, I accept spankings that may be unfair because the cost of fighting them is much higher than the cost of accepting them. I could compare it to hiring a lawyer for 1000 dollars to fight a 100-dollar ticket. Even if you win, you have already lost. The spanking will be over in ten minutes, absolute top-- but the cost of defying her over one can go on for weeks, months, or even forever


    12. It has been very rare that Anne has spanked me for something I genuinely thought was undeserved, and even then it was more like "overblown" than genuinely undeserved. Another rationale I give myself for not refusing even when I think she's "wrong" is that the times she has been wrong and given me one do not remotely compare in volume to the times I have deserved one and avoided it. It's hard to wallow in the perceived injustice of a handful of spankings when I've gone unpunished hundreds of times when I unarguably deserved one.

    13. I have to agree a lot with what Alan said about toying with consent. You should either have an open conversation with blanket consent or not commit to the relationship dynamic.

      I too have been spanked several times where going into the spanking I was upset or wanting to argue because I did not agree with having earned the discipline or that my wife was wrong. I can add to this conversation that most of the time (with me anyway) by the time my discipline is over (my wife is thorough) I have a whole knew perspective on whatever led to the discipline spanking. I can say every time that has happened so far, after being punished, it has put my ego in check and I see things from my wifes perspective. She has always had a valid reason for disciplining me but it took the punishment to see that. submitting to the spankings I agree with and also dont agree with has been huge for our relationship development and improved communication.


  7. We don't really have a formal self reporting system, although my wife will sometimes ask my if I have anything to confess during my weekly maintenance spanking. Since she does not do this during every maintenance spanking, I usually wonder if she "has caught me at something" which always makes me really nervous - so I tend to confess anything I can think of to which she might object, fearing the consequences if I don't and she really does "have something on me". The maintenance spanking would become a serious punishment spanking if I she caught me lying. Not that I would ever have done anything serious enough to cause a serious marital issue - but certainly I do occasionally do things that she would probably not approve of. --al

    1. "I usually wonder if she "has caught me at something" which always makes me really nervous . . ." I can see how that would be nerve-inducing!

  8. What's the difference between a spouse being actively supportive of a new habit and being infantilizing? I would argue that it's the denial or hindrance of the opportunity to make the positive choice oneself, not the careful watching and querying to see whether the right choice was made.

    1. While I do think the comments in the DWC materials I quoted from emphasize treating the husband like a little boy, and even though the "maternal" archetype is a thing for me, I never really think of myself or feel like a little boy in our relationship. And, I never think of it as being infantalized. But, I get what you mean about the element of choice, or lack thereof, being decisive. I think of it as the difference between a fairly limited DD and a broader concept like FLR. But, I don't personally think of the difference in terms of any kind of "age play" dynamic that might lead me to see it as "infantalizing" for her to set the rules. But, it is a fairly vague line because, as I said, while I don't see myself as a little boy, I am attracted to her being a decidedly "maternal" role.

  9. Dan, I also can't see myself as a little boy either, although the maternal aspect is an important binefit for me. Before my SO and I got together, I went to a dom much younger than me. At first that seemed strange, but ultimately, it didn't really matter, as she was really good at spanking. We got along well, and she taught my SO how to spank, as she had never been aware of adult, consensual spanking before. Over the years, she has gained more confidence, and now she is quite motivated to spank me hard and often, which always feels reassuring and loving to me. We usually do a check in before a maintenance spanking, which is when she may ask probing questions. I have encouraged her to do so, as I have had a tendency to be vague and slippery in the past, especially about alcohol consumption. If I am asking her to hold me accountable, then obviously I need to be completely honest. Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I had been taken in hand years ago. My guess is it would have been better.

    1. Norton, your experience with the young Domme reinforces for me what I said about the "maternal" aspect not being an age thing for me. Although I haven't known many younger women who have had the confidence to project the kind of authority I want, there have been a few. I don't doubt that someone younger than me by quite a lot could still be an effective disciplinarian.

  10. Dan, that last post was mine, and I forgot to include my name. After writing it, it occurred to me that a possable future topic could be "does being in a DD relationship where you ask to be held accountable make you more honest?" My guess is for most of us the answer would be yes. That is a huge benefit for disciplinary wives, not to mention they also have a partner that will be quite vulnerable and desires real intimacy.

    1. Honestly, I'd have to answer no to that one. I think the possible consequences of an admission do make me less likely to open up about certain things. Or, maybe it's more accurate to say the timing becomes much more flexible.

  11. That may be because it sounds like your wife punishes you very hard. The bath brush would be a bit beyond our level, and she doesn’t want to leave brushes. If I had to endure the bath brush, I might not be so honest either.

    1. Yeah, I do sometimes wonder whether, when someone seems to be perfectly compliant and proactive in self-reporting, they are getting the same kind of spankings I am . . .

  12. Alan,
    I like part of your theory above. I was the opposite above. My life was strict and structured. School and church were the most important factors in life, as we were led to believe. My family believed education was the most important thing in life. I believe because my life was so structured , I rebelled when younger. I despise authority today, even though I’m in a position of authority. When I was an adult, I refused to call my Church going parents by their Mr. And Mrs titles. I started addressing them by first name only. I refused to address my supervisors at the time by their titles. I am hundred percent with Al, my childhood life has left me cynical about authority and we should be aware of the abuses of power going on in today’s society. It’s prevalent everywhere. The consequences for rebellion from my Mother was strict corporal punishment. My life is far from structured now. It took me awhile, but I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. Life is too short gents. We don’t do self reporting either. I definitely deserve more spankings in our relationship, but my wife sometimes fails to act or life gets in the way. I do appreciate I found a loving individual who thrashes me when she sees fit. DD has corrected my behavior, about opening my mouth and saying something I have regretted to her.

    1. "I am hundred percent with Al, my childhood life has left me cynical about authority and we should be aware of the abuses of power going on in today’s society. It’s prevalent everywhere."

      I don't think I've ever been cynical about authority per se; it's just something I don't recognize just because "they" think it exists. I just sort of learned a long time ago that whatever "they" think they can do to you usually just isn't that bad.

  13. I can say my wife does not ask me to self report and she does more than enough to keep track of things on her own. Unrelated but something I thought of that did add value to the FLR dynamic is my wife started consistently having a conversation at some point after dishing out a discipline spanking. It could be an hour or the next day. The conversation consists of having me explain to her in great detail why I thought I was punished and what I learned from it, what I plan to do different. She will ask this even if she knows she made it exceedingly clear with scolding (she is very proficient at this). I think she wants to know I learned my lesson and paid attention. At first I had an impulse to push back but then I started to get used to it and like the accountability.



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