
Friday, January 26, 2024

The Club - Meeting 464 - Healthy Fear

“Courage is the facing of a challenge with a healthy fear, not being fearless.” -Les Stroud


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around.


I also wanted to raise a couple of housekeeping issues.


First, for several months now (since Blogger started requring logins for all visitors), I’ve been double-posting this blog’s content, posting here on Blogger and then posting a duplicate on Wordpress at  While I haven’t closed the Wordpress site to comments, at the beginning of each post I point back to the Blogger site as the place to engage. 


In terms of effort, doing it twice honestly isn’t that big a deal.  In fact, I kind of like having two content repositories, in case one or the other gets taken down by the powers-that-be.  But, I do think the time has come to make a choice about which should be the primary place to comment. 


I don’t see strong pros or cons either way.  The Blogger site seems to get slightly better coverage in Google’s search engine. Blogger is also somehwat easier for me. I’ve gotten more familiar with WordPress over time, but the available features vary a lot from template to template, and I still can’t figure out how to do things like having a list of links to other blogs that will update when there are new posts.


On the other hand, Google hasn’t done jack to update or improve Blogger in years. The spam filter algorithm is a chronic mess.  Visitors still have to sign in with a Google account to see the blog (I think that's still the case – please correct me if I’m wrong). And, every two or three years Google changes its rules on blogs with adult content and threatens to get rid of them entirely.


I don’t have strong feelings about it one way or another, so please take a look at the WordPress version and let me know which platform you prefer.  Also, if you visit, would you please verify whether it requires a login to leave comments?


Second, at least a couple of you know this already, but I’ve been experimenting with an entirely new venue, Medium, which is an open platform for writers in any genre. I’ve posted some original DD content there, though most of my posts so far have been adapted versions of my blog posts. I’ve done it under another pseudonym, with some open leveraging of the DWC brand (with Tomy/Jerry’s express permission). 


I didn’t bring it up here before now, because I wanted to test whether there was some pool of people interested in F/m DD who weren’t already participating in the blog. I also thought that it might be an interesting way to get around to writing a DD-themed book, with each Medium article becoming a book chapter.  


Has it been a success?  It depends a lot on how you define that.  Medium articles tend to get good coverage by search engines, and some of the articles have been read close to 10,000 times, with several getting at least 2,000 to 3,000 views.  So, clearly there are some folks out there who are interested. On the other hand, while Medium does have a comments feature, as a tool for real interaction it’s been a total flop. I think the issue is that Medium allows only a limited number of free articles per month, so most of the readers are paid subscribers using a profile that includes their real name.  Because they aren’t using a pseudonym and can’t comment without a profile, they don’t comment at all. (Just fyi, while authors can make money on Medium, I haven't joined the program that allows for that. The payment algorithm is a mystery, but I know it depends in part on reader engagement, i.e. "likes" and comments and, as I said, as an engagement tool for this particular niche, it's been a failure.)


Based on the identified profiles that “follow” my articles, however, I can get a feel for the reader demographics. Like here, the vast majority are men. But, there are several female followers.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, almost all of them are erotic writers using Medium as one of their platforms.  But, every once in a while I get someone whose profile is totally vanilla.  I always find myself wondering what their story is. . . .


I haven't been using the Medium posts to direct readers here, as I wanted to see how much interest my posts would generate on that platform totally independent of this blog. But, I may do that in the near future.


Anyway, on to an actual topic.


This week’s topic came to me indirectly following an exchange with ZM on the “outing” post from a couple of weeks ago. He said:


The topic of “outing” hits pretty close to my fascination with witnesses so is pretty compelling to me. I still don’t quite know why I want others to know. Perhaps some part of it is what Alan said: “But one's sexuality is so central to who we are that hiding it at best misses an important opportunity to self-actualize.” Another reason may be that, having experienced adult spankings, they lack the emotional impact that childhood spankings had (or at least that I thought they had), and I have realized that much of what is different is the absence of the embarrassment of others knowing. Or probably a myriad of other reasons.


I responded:


I know what you mean about the difference between the fantasy and the reality when it comes to emotional impact. For me, I don't think the gap is so much about others knowing. In fact, I think that being wholly out might actually lessen some of the emotional impact. For me, the difference in emotion is all about the power dynamic and the extent to which a punishment feels like it is being imposed whether I like it or not. That's why, for me, the emotional power of being out probably depends a lot on who is doing the outing -- me or her.


There was something I should have added:  The emotional impact of childhood spankings was, for me, intimately tied up with a genuine fear of parental discipline and paddlings from other authority figures, including principals and teachers.


While I didn’t get spanked often by my parents, I definitely had a healthy fear of it happening. In that area of the country, belts seemed to the primary instrument and both my parents knew how to swing one with force.

I don’t think I was ever paddled in school, but I was sent to the principal’s office at least twice, having been led to believe (by the teachers who sent me there) that I would be getting one. Honestly? I was scared shitless both times.  I had a very healthy fear of a principal’s paddle, particularly because most families in our community followed the rule that punishment at school automatically meant a follow-up session at home.


Looking back, I don’t think it was so much the anticipated physical pain of a session with my dad’s belt or a principal’s paddle that induced such fear. Rather, it was the knowledge that a session could be imposed for any reason they deemed deserving and, once they decided to do it, there was nothing whatsoever I could do to stop it.  As ZM notes, at school there was the added element of other students knowing that you were going to be, or had just been, paddled.


In the earliest days of our DD relationship, my fears about losing control were central to the anxiety I felt, and in two slightly different senses.  First, the knowledge that going forward she would have more control and I would have less was both tantalizing and terrifying.  Second, I was afraid of losing control in the literal sense of emotions, and tears, flooding out during a spanking and the extreme embarrassment I would feel in that moment.



I learned over time that while tears may or may not come, for me the change in the relationship dynamic--with me losing autonomy in a very real way--is an ongoing source of healthy fear.  Yet, it's a fear that I really do wish was a bigger constant day in and day out, for the reasons ZM alludes to, i.e. the emotional intensity I felt back in the day at the prospect of being punished under circumstances I could not control. 

In one of the DWC publications, Aunt Kay voices a wish for the aspiring disciplined husband that alludes to the interplay of severity and inevitability and their impact on attitude:


“My goal is for you, the man in the relationship, to one day ask yourself, “Oh, NO! What did I get myself into?” as you await an upcoming spanking session that you desperately want to avoid. Yes, that’s right. I want you to be genuinely anxious and dreading an upcoming discipline session. Why would I say such a thing? Because it means your wife has taken the role of disciplinarian seriously, has made a decision that you are going to get a good sound licking, and you have nothing to say about it.”


I learned very early on that fear and eroticism are not mutually exclusive.  My strongest memory of the few days that passed between me finding the DWC website and our first try at it is the combination of extreme anxiety coupled, paradoxically, with extreme sexual excitement.  Our initial conversation about the lifestyle culminated in Anne sending me to buy a high-quality brush.  I recall vividly walking around our local mall, in a state of sustained high-anxiety, while sporting a sustained erection.


I can’t emphasize enough that I was genuinely fearful about not only the upcoming first spanking but also the transformation of our relationship that might be coming. The sexual turn-on existed apart from that fear, and maybe because of it.


I know that talking about having a “healthy fear” of your wife makes some skittish.  However, to me it seems almost inherent in the whole concept of punishment as discipline.



If you don’t fear the consequences your wife may impose, then what’s the likelihood you’re going to change your behavior?


I probably could make the “healthy fear” concept more palatable by saying it’s about fearing consequences versus fearing the wife delivering those consequences, but that’s splitting hairs.


Part of coming to terms with the nature of the relationship I proposed to my wife all those years ago is accepting that, for this lifestyle to work as I intended, I need to have a healthy fear of not playing by her rules. I should be genuinely afraid of the consequences of disobedience and misbehavior.


And, similar to those expected spankings from a school principal, it’s not just about the fear of the pain involved with a really hard paddling.  Rather, it’s about loss of control and, more specifically, having that control taken away. 



I still vividly recall one of the first times I experienced Anne not just imposing discipline as we had agreed but really taking charge. A few years ago, I had a string of incidents in which I forgot to clean out a rice cooker. The third time it happened, she texted an angry emoji along with a picture of the cooker with the rice still in it. I apologized. She did not reply. 


That night, I was sitting at the kitchen table doing some work on my laptop, when she walked in from her office.


“One of the chores I gave for this weekend was to sweep the floors, right?”


Lost in whatever I was working on, I replied without looking up from my laptop. “Yes. I did that already.”


Pointing to some dog hair on the hardwood floors that I had missed, she demanded, “Does this look “swept” to you?”


“I’m sorry. I must have missed that bit,” I responded, still not paying much attention.


“You also left the closet door open again this morning. You know the cat goes in there and tears things up when you leave the door open.”


“Did I? Sorry.”


“So, you did a half-ass job on the floors, you left the closet door open repeatedly after I told you not to, and then there is the damn rice cooker. Shut down your computer and go to the basement. You are going to get spanked.”


What was happening hadn’t quite registered yet. I just looked at her.


“What are you waiting for?” she demanded. “Get down to the basement, get out the tools, and get your pants off. You are getting spanked, and I mean now!”


And, that’s what she did. I hoped, given the nature of the offenses, that it might be a fairly light spanking. No such luck. She thoroughly blistered my ass with a combination of the strap, paddle, and bath brush.



As I collected myself after it was over, part of me resented getting such a hard spanking for “small” things. And, it had happened without any kind of warning or chance to correct the things she was pissed about.


However, I also felt a deeper level of respect, along with the first glimmerings of that “healthy fear.” The resentment and the respect were inextricably intertwined.  She had decided that something merited a hard spanking and she had delivered one, not caring in the slightest how I felt about it.

I was no longer in control. She was.


ZM’s comments about the additional emotional component that may be involved in being “outed” contributes to that sense of “healthy fear” that I actually want to feel for my wife. KOJ’s description of the semi-public spanking his wife delivered during a party has stuck with me since the first time he told us about it.  As Alan has observed about it:


It’s all well and good to talk about “anytime, anywhere, for any reason,” but it’s kind of a meaningless grant of authority until she uses it in a way that truly pushes the envelope. By spanking him in a semi-public scenario, it undoubtedly left him feeling a sense of “healthy fear.”


KOJ confirmed that was the case.


I totally agree that escalating the punishment to semi-public had a profound effect on me and our relationship. It planted a healthy fear in my heart and made it clear how much authority she really wielded!”


Anne hasn’t taken things in that direction. But, I know she could and that it's not a given that she won't. I recall that KOJ said he didn't believe his wife would really do it even as she was leading him up the stairs.  He didn't think she would -- until she did.


I’ve related here before an incident that happened a few months ago after a dinner with another couple. The wife is the only vanilla friend who knows about the disciplinary aspect of our relationship. As we were driving home, my wife let me know that she thought I had been too loud and domineering over dinner and that she would be spanking me the next day.


Then, for good measure, she let me know that when the husband and I had left the table to get a drink at the bar, she told our friend that I was going to get a spanking.


I felt very embarrassed the next time I saw them. I don’t know whether she’s told her husband that I get “for real” spankings, but spouses talk, right? Every time I looked at them I couldn’t help wondering whether they were picturing my naked, blistered butt under my wife’s brush.


While not nearly as big an escalation as KOJ experienced, it’s just not that big a jump from telling a friend in private, to telling her in front of me, to telling the husband and wife in front of me, to asking if she can borrow a room at a party.


How big a role, if any, does “healthy fear” play in your DD relationship?  Do you have a healthy fear of your wife?  Are you willing to share some moments when your fear/anxiety level ran particularly high?  What is it that produces that anxiety? The physical pain?  The loss of control? The embarrassment?  Something else?



For the wives, are you comfortable with “healthy fear” being part of your husband’s reaction to your authority?  Is producing that kind of anxiety/fear in him one of your goals?  Are there things you do to ramp up his anxiety level?


I hope you have a great week.



  1. Dan, your comment about when your wife got fed up for numerous small offences and told you to get ready for a spanking really describes the essence of F/M DD. Realizing you have nothing to say about it, and that she has authority and has chosen to use it is actually something I would like to have experience more often. It is rare that I have had real fear any more about an upcoming spanking, and when I have, it has been about something she really cares about. The most intense spankings I have received have been for reckless driving, and she has pretty much cured me of that. I usually get 2 maintenance spankings a week, and I generally look forward to them, as I know they help reduce stress and calm me down. The maintenance spankings are hard enough to be effective reminders, and I seldom give her any reason to punish. Having cut back on the alcohol so much, I no longer even get much of a buzz, so that undoubteldy affects behavior I might earn a spanking for. It was a slow process and I received many hard punishment spankings for going over an agreed upon limit. I would often wake up in the middle of the night after realizing how much I drank, and then lay awake, contemplating the upcoming paddling. Being outed is something I am both attracted to and terrified by. As mentioned before, if she had a woman friend or sister that was interested, she would probably let them know. Alas, neither of us know anybody even remotely interested, and any hints given so far have fallen flat. Both of us still have a desire to share our DD in a safe way, because it has been so benificial to us both. She is far more confident and I have a far more stable life than when we first got together.

    1. "Having cut back on the alcohol so much, I no longer even get much of a buzz, so that undoubteldy affects behavior I might earn a spanking for."

      As I've said, I'm not even close to a daily drinker, let alone a daily excessive drinker. Yet, going excessive on the nights that I do drink is still far and away my biggest behavioral issue. I've had a sore bottom most of this week, and it's because I stayed pretty good over the holidays and the first part of the new year, then inevitably had "one of those nights."

      "Both of us still have a desire to share our DD in a safe way, because it has been so benificial to us both."

      I probably have more of a desire to share than Anne does, and I kind of sort of accomplish that with this blog. It would be nice to have more live conversations about it, but I think the odds of that happening with people I know from my vanilla life are pretty small. And, although it's true that it's given us a lot of benefit, it's not like we have many couples in our lives who seem to need it.

    2. We had an agreement that we would not directly tell someone about our DD without the other's permission -- and that never happened. So I didn't fear being outed directly. But my wife's comments got more and more direct over time, even though she never used a corporal punishment term. I was fearful that I was being outed -- without knowing for sure. So I did have that anxiety about whether other couples had figured it out and might think less of me. My wife was totally dismissive of my concerns. "Other than directly threatening you with a spanking, I'm going to say what I need to say to get you to behave yourself," she would tell me. "You know exactly what to do to keep me from issuing warnings! If I have to warn you in front of people and they're smart enough to figure it out, well, that's all on you."

    3. KOJ, it seems to me that your wife outed you when she spanked you at the party. Also, from what you have said, her public warnings would have have been pretty clear to at least some people. GH

    4. "But my wife's comments got more and more direct over time, even though she never used a corporal punishment term. I was fearful that I was being outed -- without knowing for sure."

      Not knowing for sure can, IMO, be more emotionally powerful than actually knowing. As I said in the post, I don't know for sure that our vanilla friend has told her husband about our DD relationship. I also don't know whether that friend passed along to the husband that my wife intended to spank me for behavior at dinner. The fact that I suspect she has done at least the former and possible the latter keeps me wondering, and I think that's more emotionally powerful than if I knew for sure that he knows.

    5. GH,
      I think she outed me at the party, but I don't know who or how many -- if any. We were on another floor, the party conversation was medium loud, there may have been background music (I don't recall), and no one there ever confirmed to me that they heard the spanking. To me the spanking and my reactions sounded plenty loud, and I believe at least some of those downstairs could hear. I also believe I got some funny looks coming down the stairs. But I will never know for sure!

  2. If anybody had ever asked me if I was afraid of my wife, I would have laughed in their face. I never felt that way. But I did have a healthy fear of her female authority and power to punish. I would get butterflies in my stomach when she sent me for the paddle. And as we got older and she got more brazen about her authority, I was nervous about what she might say or do next -- especially after the party spanking. But I never once thought of it as fear of her, but rather respect for he and fear of her authority. Maybe it seems like the same thing. But not to me. I feared and respected my mother. I respected my wife but did not fear her. There's a distinction there.

  3. When I was growing up, there were three strong emotional components to spanking: pain, embarrassment, and the fear of pain and embarrassment. (Pain is a physical sensation, but I think it is also an emotion). Maybe helplessness is an additional emotion, when you know a spanking is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it. I think the reason I have a spanking/submission kink is that for some reason I eroticized all of those emotions. My theory, which my psychotherapist finds plausible, is that I eroticized those negative emotions as a coping mechanism. The eroticization is a way of deriving pleasure from negative experiences, the way a guy who is insecure about his sexual adequacy, for example, may derive erotic pleasure from small penis humiliation.

    My wife has never given me the kind of “blistering” you described, Dan. Nor has she subjected me to the type of public humiliation KOJ’s wife did at the party. Maybe I should be grateful for that, but I am jealous of you guys. I fantasize about my wife punishing me in ways that would give DD a stronger element of fear. I have an erotic craving for fear, but I don’t need to fear my wife for discipline to be effective. No, on second thought, that’s not exactly right. The fact is that, for some reason, I do somewhat fear my wife when she is in DD mode, even though she doesn’t spank that harshly…or publicly. For example, if she tells me the house better be spotless when she gets home, I feel actual fear and I start to rush if the time of her return approaches and I haven’t finished cleaning. Maybe it’s a fear of disappointing her. Or maybe it’s that the threat of being spanked by my wife is like a psychodrama that taps into some residue of the emotions I felt when I was under threat of being spanked as a kid.

    Once when I was about six, my older sister and a couple of her friends walked in on a pants down spanking I was getting from my father in the kitchen. I recall the girls freezing for a moment, unsure whether to go forwards or backwards. My father continued spanking, as though the girls’ presence didn’t matter. The girls then hurried through the kitchen as my spanking continued. My father probably figured I was too young to be permanently marked by that humiliation. But he was wrong. As an adult I fantasize about my wife humiliating me in front of witnesses that way. But in truth, even when there are no witnesses, I feel humiliated when my wife spanks me because it’s as though in my head there are witnesses. Hard to explain.

    1. I do get why, for you, it doesn't take the threat of a hard spanking to produce some amount of fear or anxiety. We all are wired in different ways when it comes to our natural fear of authority, but I do think most people are wired to be afraid of the rejection of authority figures, but the extent of that fear varies a lot from person to person. And, for me it varies enormously from context to context. I do have some fear of my wife's authority and probably would even if the spankings weren't as hard. I definitely feared parental authority, even the spankings were few and far between. Yet, when faced with even a strong-willed superior at work, being chastised usually would just piss me off and cause me to blatantly challenge their authority.

    2. Dan, it would be interesting to know to what extent the fear of authority is natural as opposed to culturally conditioned. Although I have an anti-authoritarian streak like you, I am somewhat fearful of authority in general. I wonder whether my feelings and attitudes about authority were conditioned by the childhood experience of being spanked. When I went to school my learned fear of parental authority coloured my attitude towards school authority. Of course, corporal punishment was still used in schools back then, and my parents were traditionalists about supporting school authority: i.e., punished at school, spanked at home. I wonder whether young people today who never experienced corporal punishment feel less fear about authority in general?

      You draw a distinction between your fear of parental authority and your wife’s authority and your lack of fear of the authority of workplace superiors. Maybe that’s because the kind of power workplace superiors wield is less primal than corporal punishment, though it can have serious consequences for one’s life and one’s career.
      Any online search for spanking images shows that workplace spanking fantasies are common. I have fantasies like that myself. I wonder whether people who never experienced childhood spanking fantasize about workplace spankings?

  4. I experienced fear when I realized she would be judging my ability to stay straight during the spanking. I've figured that one out now, but there's still the concern (and desire) that my limits will be pushed.

    Also, bending over in front of her is still embarrassing. I'm keenly aware that I'm bending over just like I would bend her over for sex.

    1. MW, I definitely get that there can be both concern and desire to have limits pushed.

      I haven't really equated bending over for a spanking and her bending over for sex, perhaps because the latter isn't a very common position for us.

    2. It's not just that the position is in our regular rotation. We enjoy that it's an assertive position for me and the opposite for her. There's some inherent meaning in it beyond the pleasurable aspect. So when I'm in "her" position I can't help but feel like my time in that position counts against my time in "my" position during sex. I know that spanking is a compartmentalized activity for us (we don't practice any overall FLR) but my mind is better at maintaining the compartments than my emotions.

  5. A few answers to your introductory questions:

    (1) Yes, Google is still requiring "Sign-In" (with "Pseudo Age Verification") to access "Sensitive Content" blogs, like your own;

    (2) Yes, I've enjoyed perusing your various articles on . I first discovered that you were writing there about 4.5 months ago (about 12 months after you started). Yes, most of the "articles" look like, and arranged in order for, possible inclusion in a book. Good condensation of much (not all) of what has been said and analyzed in this blog over the past decade;

    (3) Regarding "Wordpress," I've never liked many things about that site: (a) Crappy "scrolling" feature that merges all posts into one giant page; (2) No way to easily visit old, archived copies of posts (i.e., No Indexing by Date); (3) It appears to offer significantly LESS anonymity from the general public (both Google and Wordpress, obviously, can "break" and identify most of us who post at "anonymous"); (4) From my observations, Wordpress is much more "erratic" in terms of enforcing its "content standards; writers have to tread more carefully than on Google's platform!

    Regarding your concern re "loosing years of content," I make a couple comments:

    (1) It is possible to use "saved text files" from the Internet Archive to bypass Googles "sensitive content wall" and retrieve ALL content from previously published info on your site. Simply same the Internet Archive page (with "content blocking wall") as a "Text" file to a hard-drive, then reopen as "*.Text" in your web-browser - the "blocking wall" disappears and all content (with minimal formatting) is present.

    (2) I mentioned a couple years ago that my wife and one of her friends have been working (on-and-off) for several years on a "female directed" book on Female Lead DD. As such, I've been turned into their "Grad Student 'Bench Slave'" to gather up source materials, often condensed and summarized, for their research. As part of that research, my wife has a COMPLETE "*.html" archive of this blog, from the very fist posts and comments, on her personal computer. Much too big to ever try to email (~32,000 files at 1.3GBytes), but if you ever want a current copy on a DVD-R, we could certainly burn and send you such a "backup."

    -- Donn

    1. Frigging Google keeps choking on angle-brackets and "stripping out" web-links!!!!!!!

      The Table of Contents page for Don's Medium articles is:

      -- Donn

    2. I'm guessing the algorithm sees links included in comments as highly indicative of spam, which honestly is one of the few aspects of the algorithm that makes sense. One reason I have my Blogger settings set to require comment approval for any comments left on posts more than 14 days old is spammers would often leave "comments" with a link to their commercial (usually porn) sites on older articles.

    3. Thanks for illuminating the downsides of WordPress. The best solution probably would be to use WordPress for the template and writing tools but pay to host it somewhere else. Your observations illustrate that with all these platforms you're basically just a renter not an owner and, since you don't have an actual lease, they can toss you off at any time for any reason.

  6. Dan,
    I will check out what you are doing on Medium. Meanwhile, I like and appreciate what you are doing here. And being old as well as kinky, I am resistant to change. So I hope this blog in this format will continue.

  7. I'm pondering this difference of being under my mother's authority (and fearing her) and being under my wife's authority (but not fearing her).
    I think it has to do with me consenting to my wife's authority -- and spankings. I agreed to this, I even chose it. I could end it at any time, albeit with significant consequences.
    My mother's authority was absolute, or at least seemed so, even when I was a teen and could overpower her physically.
    When I consent to something, I think I have less fear of it because I have the power to withdraw my consent.

    1. I totally agree with the concept of "healthy fear" as a deterrent, and I felt that. I checked my behaviors because I knew that "the bottom pays for what the mouth says." I feared those spankings, and that fear was healthy.
      But when I looked at my mother, I sometimes thought, "I fear that woman." I never thought that with my wife. Maybe, "I love, respect, and obey her." But not "I fear her."
      The healthy fear is still with me, even though she is gone. I sometimes catch myself and think, "Don't do it! Julia would tan my ass if she saw me doing that."
      And it's not just the fear that helps me today. It's wanting to live up to the lofty standards she set for me. She often said when comforting me after a spanking, "I just want you to be the best man you can be." Of course I have always wanted that too. That, more than any other reason, is why I willingly took down my pants and placed myself over her knee. And that had nothing to do with fear.

    2. Sorry but more thoughts keep coming. I loved this simple life: behavior has consequences in the form of rewards and punishments. Some consequences occur naturally; some are imposed by authority. There is the government authority -- the judicial system. And there is the social authority -- my wife -- who serves as judge, jury, and executioner!

    3. KOJ, your focus on the reality of the authority as making all the difference between "fear" and "respect" seems to me to be dead-on. For me, it's at the heart of my own relations to authority. At work and in virtually all of my life, I was and can be extremely anti-authoritarian. If someone says there is a rule, I feel compelled to break it just because it's a rule. And, I know I could sometimes be a total pain in the ass for managers at work. Yet, I also have this very real desire for someone to be strong enough *make* me do what they want, and that kind of authority would feel real only to the extent it felt like it was being imposed without my consent. At work, I always fought management, but deep inside part of me wanted someone who was tough enough even in that forum to make me obey. Of course, that got harder over the years, because I acquired a professional reputation sufficient to allow me to quit my current gig and get another, equally lucrative one, pretty easily. Though, I do still wonder whether someone with the right combination of leadership qualities could have intimidated me enough that it would have felt like "real" authority being imposed. But, maybe parental discipline really is the closest most of us really come to truly non-consensual consequences.

      I think you're right that there is something simple about DD, though it's also an *additional* element that we impose on ourselves because of that desire you mention to be the best you can be. It's like, for some of us, the natural societal consequences don't work or we reach some pinnacle of success or economic stability that makes it difficult for others to impose meaningful consequences on us. So, we turn to something like DD.

    4. KOJ,
      I agree with your sentiments above. My Mother had absolute control and power over us when we were kids. A stern look and you had better shape up quick or you knew what was coming. We feared our Mother. She was a loving women, but put up with zero malarkey. Other parents would comment, on how well mannered we were and how well we behaved. We knew if we didn’t toe the line, a sound bare bottom spanking would ensue. The spankings were painful,
      embarrassing and humbled you quickly. We were brought back to realty quickly, whether with the strap or paddle. I was left a blubbering mess after these punishments and knew clearly how to improve upon my actions. I don’t have that same fear with my wife. Although I dread the spanking when happening, obviously as an adult, your could clearly stop the punishment at any time. We do not of course because of consent. There was zero consent as a child. We were out with friends last night. Although all of our friends children are wonderful, some of the stories that they tell us boggles my mind. I’m blown away by the disrespect and attitudes of our youth. I would never have thought for a minute to talk back to my Mother when younger. These kids think nothing of it. I don’t condone spanking children at all, but I do admit that the values have changed dramatically in this country.

    5. KOJ, I’m not sure I agree with the distinction you draw between the disciplinary authority of a mother as being “absolute” and non consensual and that of a wife being totally consensual. It is true that when I was a child my mother didn’t need my consent to spank me, and had my consent been required, I don’t think I would have given it. But I was about 13 the last time I was spanked at home, and that spanking was probably counterproductive because it provoked a period of intense passive aggressive defiance. I didn’t know at the time that my parents would never spank me again, and I don’t know whether they stopped because of my defiance or because they judged it was inappropriate once I reached puberty. After that I was disciplined in other ways (grounding, loss of allowance, suspension of privileges, etc.). As an adolescent, I respected my parents’ authority to discipline me in those ways, and they were effective deterrents.

      You say you still felt your mother’s disciplinary authority to be absolute when you were an adolescent, even though you were physically strong enough to defy her. Does that mean you still got spanked as a teenager? If so, I would say that, at that point, there was an element of consent in your submission. I am fascinated by that story you told of being spanked by your wife at the party because I wondered what I would have done if my wife decided to do that to me. After much introspection, I believe I would have felt compelled to submit to my wife, even though the embarrassment would have been intense. What your wife did to you on that occasion is something my mother could have done to me when I was eight. But when I was 16, I would never have submitted to such humiliation. Although my father was still stronger than me, he wouldn’t have been able to spank me either, at least not without an unlawful level of physical violence to subdue me, because I would have fought back.

      My wife has occasionally threatened to spank me in public places, and she claims it wouldn’t embarrass her if people found out. I don’t really believe that she would spank me in public, but I do believe her when she says she wouldn’t feel embarrassed if people knew she wears the pants. Therefore, I do have a “healthy fear” that if I were to annoy her at the wrong time, she could rebuke me publicly in a very embarrassing way.

    6. Anonymous, would you mind using a name with your comments -- even a made up one? It makes it easier to figure out who is talking among the multiple comments.

  8. I ventured into Medium a couple of weeks ago (and quickly discovered Dan) but decided it wasn't worth the money. I may go back to read occasionally in the future.

    In terms of fear and dread in DD, I'm probably the wrong person to comment, hard to have fear, healthy or otherwise when you enjoy the consequences. Cheers GLM.

    1. Mickey, are you saying that the erotic thrill of being spanked ALWAYS outweighs the pain? Does that mean that DD isn’t really “discipline” for you?

    2. For me, the subscription has been worth it (I think it's like $5 a month), given the variety of articles. But, I think you get like 10 - 14 articles a month without a subscription.

    3. GH. I am saying my experience so far, of Mrs GL and going to disciplarians is one where enjoyment accrues every time. On the one occasion it nearly didn't due to the person having a sadist side even that fell just the right side of positive. I would disagree that means no discipline is involved, even Mrs GL's mild variation has a positive effect on me and my behaviour/moods for a few days/week or so. Cheers GLM.

    4. No. I am not afraid of my wife. Fear of being spanked yes. Dev has given many spankings/ paddlings over the years. ( most were deserved). Some have been severe to the point of bruising and a little blood. Moving and sitting has been painful for days after. Yes. They definitely hurt ! But I trust her completely. Trust is a must if the relationship is a bust. JR

    5. JR, although I do have a bit of "healthy fear" of my wife, your comment does make me want to carefully parse the difference between fear of the authority and fear of the spanking itself. At the time it is imminent, I do fear the spanking. Like yours, many of mine of the years have produced bruising and pain that lasts for days. Yet, the anxiety I feel is often as much (or more) about her ordering the spanking than about the punishment itself.

    6. I forgot to answer the tech questions. I'm active on Medium but it's exactly as Dan suspected: I can't comment on a DD blog because a more recognizable identity would be tied to it. I would have no problem reading articles there but my participation would have to be silent. I'd happily comment on the Wordpress blog.

    7. MW, to clarify, I wasn't suggesting that I see Medium as a possible replacement for Blogger. I started experimenting with Medium initially for vanilla articles under my real name. At some point, I got interested in experimenting with whether DD-related articles on it would reach an additional audience that the blog wasn't getting at. I think the answer is yes, it has reached people who were not reading the blog (though it's impossible to know the extent of possible overlap), but probably for the reason you note, participation in the form of reader comments has been miniscule.

    8. GLM: “I would disagree that means no discipline is involved, even Mrs GL's mild variation has a positive effect on me and my behaviour/moods for a few days/week or so.”

      GLM, I get that. I’m the same way. That made me think, spanking can have a “disciplining” (behaviour/mood altering) effect in different ways. If my wife spanked me as severely as Dan and other guys here describe being spanked, I would fear the physical pain. (Though I consider myself a masochist because of the nature of my fantasies, I think I have a lower pain tolerance than other guys here). Thus, physical pain can be a deterrent to bad behaviour or disobedience. That is generally seen as the whole point of corporal punishment. But a mild spanking, or even a stern warning, can have a powerful effect on behaviour (for me) because it is like a symbolic expression of a dominance hierarchy that feels humbling and shaming. But then, I am in a different situation than some guys insofar as DD is just one aspect of a full blown FLR. Other guys report that even though their wives spank them for specific mutually agreed behaviours, they nevertheless feel that they still wear the pants in the relationship. But when my wife orders me to take down my pants for punishment, it feels to me like an almost literal demonstration that she wears the pants. Come to think of it, at the height of our FLR, my wife used to require me to do housework with my bottom bared. That also felt powerfully symbolic.

  9. Earlier last year after some particularly bad problems with my temper. I asked my wife to increase the intensity of the punishment. Since then the spankings have been so hard making me more fearful of receiving one. As far as receiving one in a semi public way I know it will never really happen. However, in our current living arrangements there is always the possibility of someone over hearing but that would embarrass her. My issue is with my temper it's never really directed at my wife, because it's more due to my own short comings in responsible behavior but when she starts to suggest solutions I can loose it and say some hurtful and disrespectful things to her for which she has been consistent in giving me very painful spankings. I have gotten much better at accepting directions from her but doubt I will ever completly get to the point that an occasional spanking would not be necessary. The real FEAR is of her ever leaving me due to my selfish behavior. This is the motivation to keep asking her for help in controling it. I wonder how many other husband's realize the unintentional pain they cause their wives and would welcome her help with dealing with it thru DD.

    1. I think I understand what you mean about having a temper that stems from anger at your own irresponsible behavior but then gets misdirected at your wife. I too tend to blow up when something goes wrong due to my own inattention or carelessness, then I take it out on anyone who happens to be nearby.

    2. Amen to that last point, Ward. We can be so proud and thoughtless.

      That's gracious of her to increase the intensity at your request. Since she's done that, is she reacting to your outbursts differently? I imagine a quiet word from her would get through to you now.

    3. I always get spanked for the outburst her anger over it determines how quickly it will happen. Lately, it has been the same day. However, because she will not punish me out of her anger for my behavior it sometimes takes a few days but that does not deter her from giving me the spanking I deserve.

    4. When I read your first sentence, I thought you would say that if she was really angry she would spank you immediately. I don't know why, because it's also the case that my wife seldom spanks when she's really angry.

  10. How big a role, if any, does “healthy fear” play in your DD relationship? Do you have a healthy fear of your wife?
    I wouldn't say I have "fear", because I am quite a bit bigger than her and know that I can stop the domestic discipline thing any time I want to. It is not like parental discipline or school discipline (in applicable jurisdictions) where someone bigger wields that power over you. However, it is painful enough for me to be generally motivated not to repeat mistakes.

    Are you willing to share some moments when your fear/anxiety level ran particularly high? What is it that produces that anxiety? The physical pain? The loss of control? The embarrassment? Something else?
    I can't think of such moments, though in the approch to my wedding night, it was fear of the pain (mixed with excitement), but not of loss of control, because it was clear that with our size difference, this would only happen if I was willing!

    Regarding my now-deceased army colleague, I have no insight into whether it was a "healthy" fear or not, but it was discernible that he was reluctant to go home in the evenings. When there was a social event of any kind, he would always be there. I remember dropping him off home one evening and he seemed to be reluctant and he seemed to be squirming the next day, so he probably knew what was coming!


    1. There have been a few times that I've known I had one coming that I wished I could put off getting home indefinitely.

    2. I suppose his reluctance was a little borderline, and his bravado wasn't entirely convincing, but who knows? I suppose if a husband isn't fearing coming home, the DD isn't having its full effect. What would you say generally?


    3. I too understand the fear of coming home knowing what is coming. She may or may not pronounce what is coming over the phone but I always know. I made a big mistake this week and she told me to come home immediately. I had plans and refused to come home until I was done. Truth be told was putting it off because I knew what I did was wrong and deserving of a spanking. I still got the spanking just not for what I thought. It turned out to be an attitude adjustment. She tends to go longer to drive home her disappointment

    4. I suppose some people will not improve without some level of fear, but I suppose I suppose the line might be blurred at some point. My now-deceased military colleague had a very serious fear of going home, but he had too much bravado to admit it! Me personally, I am motivated, because however painful it might be, DD has worked at causing my wife not to deny me (as all too often happens), meaning I go home because I know something awaits me beyond the spanking.


    5. I don't think I'm afraid of the pain although there have been times when it was so painful that I instinctly moved out of position or put my hand back. The thing is I'm the one who asked her to hold me accountable but it's very embarrassing when I'm so out of control. The fear of being spanked by her is more than just the pain. I'm afraid she won't be able to spank me. I'm a control freak that needs to be stopped. My issue is so ingrained in me that I don't trust anyone to do anything. It's not healthy. She gets the brunt of my needing to be in control and it crushes her. It's incredibly embarrassing for both of us. I would rather someone hear her spanking me than my trying to control her. My fear is that it has ever come to the point where she once again is so disappointed in me. It's knowing that I need this but afraid of it because I need it.

  11. Regardig your articles on medium: I really enjoy them. And if my wife ever decides to start our DD again (hopey) I will probably ask her to read some of the articles. They seem a better fit for her than the blog. Mike

    1. Thanks, Mike. I do think the blog and the articles could appeal to different audiences, even though the articles are, in fact, really just adaptations of the blog posts. And, of course, there is very little interaction on the Medium articles, which would be a little ironic if those articles appeal to women precisely because two-way communication is not really expected. Though, for me that expectation is just how it has worked out. I would love to get comments from the female readers but, like here, it just doesn't happen. Though, the difference is that on Medium, there are virtually no comments period. I have, however, had several male readers on there send me emails. But, so far, no women.

    2. The reason why I think the articles on medium would be a better fit for my wife are a) the pictures are not as explicit b) there are no comments that might rub her the wrongway. Just thinking about some comments regarding dressing the husband in panties etc..those would undermine all my efforts to make DD seem not as wierd. Mike

    3. Makes sense. Regarding the pictures, I don't really know why Medium is less explicit, because I don't think its actual rules are any more uptight on nudity and sexual content than Blogger's.

  12. Dan,
    Something to consider regarding Medium:
    You could publish some of your Medium articles again on Blogger as a “special edition” of the current blog. However, you would need to allow comments, which Medium effectively discourages. Two advantages are possible, albeit uncertain.
    1. It might provide a style that female readers would be inclined to comment on,
    2. and two, it would provide you with an enthusiastic “editorial board” who might make some meaningful suggestions regarding eventual book-length publishing.
    It seems very clear that there is a need for some hybrid form of erotic blogs between Google bloggers and Mediums disincentives for commenting. It seems like an attractive marketing opportunity for Medium, who, as a recent start-up, should be looking for subscriber incentives.


    1. Thanks, Alan. Medium is sremarkably open with what you can do with any content you publish there. Their rules make it clear that it's perfectly OK for me to write an article there, then post it on Blogger, or WordPress or wherever. Though, I think for them there are at least some incentives to direct traffic to their platform and not to others. They don't actively discourage comments. In fact, comments are encouraged, and because the money that writers earn is based in part on "reader engagement" including the number of comments, Medium is indirectly encouraging writers and readers to engage.

      The problem is the nature of what I'd call the "kink niche." There is quite a bit of erotic content on Medium, but the number of subscribers tends to be pretty low. In part, it's because it's simply not known as an erotica platform (and probably doesn't want to be, in the same way Blogger doesn't want to be known for porn), but it's more about the fact that people pay for a subscription, comments are identified by user profile, and the profiles tend to be the subscriber's real name. That lack of anonymity serious limits the number of comments on kinky stuff, and the kinkier it is the less likely people are to comment in an identifiable way.

      Your idea has merit. Up until now, I had been consciously trying NOT to steer cross-traffic between the blog and Medium, because I was treating it as a little experiment on how much demand/interest might exist for this kind of writing completely independent of those who found it here. But, that experiment has served its purpose. I have been considering, and probably will, provide a link in either my Medium profile or as a footnote to individual articles referring people here for more discussion.

      Would that encourage more female readers to come here and comment? I have my doubts. Most of the females who "follow" me on Medium are kink writers themselves. I've looked at some of their stuff, and little if any of it is DD oriented or, more particularly, F/m DD. My impression is they would more likely be "Strict Julie" readers than Disciplinary Couples Club readers. But, you never know. Like I said, every once in a while a female reader with a very vanilla profile "follows" me, and I'm always intrigued.

      My guess (and it is purely a guess) is that any additional traffic from Medium would more likely be more like our current commenters -- male, with a few in real DD relationships, others in non-disciplinary spanking relationships, and many lurkers who are just curious. But, you never know until you try, right?

      The editorial board offer is certainly attractive going forward. As I said, my original intent was to use Medium almost like a word processor for what would become chapters. But, in reality, the work flow made it easier to write a weekly post here, then tweak it into a Medium article, neither of which would serve very well as a book chapter. Honestly, it was really about laziness and convenience. But, one of my goals for the year is to finally live up to all those resolutions to write a book, so hopefully I will get back on track with than using Medium.

      And just a plug for Medium as a whole, subscriptions are cheap -- like $5 a month for unlimited reading and posting. It's rare that there isn't some article in my daily feed that isn't worth my time. I read stuff about aging and early retirement, physical fitness and exercise, philosophy, religion, politics . . . Some of it is serious. Some is humorous. Some is erotic; much more is vanilla. I think it is a pretty cool platform for anyone with wide-ranging interests who likes to read a lot.

  13. Hi Dan,
    Great topic. You wrote a lot of good stuff, so I will just write on that here, and then will do a second comment for my thoughts on the topic.

    “The emotional impact of childhood spankings was, for me, intimately tied up with a genuine fear of parental discipline and paddlings from other authority figures, including principals and teachers.” – I agree fully that there is a direct connection between fear and emotional impact, and this connection is – or should be - just as significant in adult DD as it was in childhood spankings.

    Your observation was quite profound that the basis of the fear is not just the physical pain involved, but perhaps even more so the loss of control on all levels: loss of control of the situation, loss of freedom or autonomy, and even loss of control of your emotions in front of at least one witness (the one doing the spanking).

    I loved the Aunt Kay quote. I aspire to feel that level of fear about DD, even though as she aptly pointed out, if that happens, I most certainly will not enjoy it at the moment.

    “I can’t emphasize enough that I was genuinely fearful about not only the upcoming first spanking but also the transformation of our relationship that might be coming.” – This fear is probably universal, or at least it should be considering the observations by Alan (and I believe others) in the past that DD relationships tend to gravitate more and more towards FLR over time.

    When the fear issue first came up some weeks ago, it was me who insisted on splitting hairs over whether the fear is of your wife or the consequences she might impose, but after more reflection, I have decided I am fully onboard with not trying to make the distinction. An easy analogy is that I am afraid of snakes, but in fact my fear is much more of being bitten by venomous snakes, which somehow translates into a fear of all snakes, even though I recognize that not all snakes are dangerous. So saying that I am afraid of being bitten by venomous snakes is in practical terms the same as saying I am afraid of snakes.

    “The resentment and the respect were inextricably intertwined. She had decided that something merited a hard spanking and she had delivered one, not caring in the slightest how I felt about it.” – Again, great observation. I want my wife to get to the point of not caring how I feel about getting a spanking, or at least I think I do.

    “While not nearly as big an escalation as KOJ experienced, it’s just not that big a jump from telling a friend in private, to telling her in front of me, to telling the husband and wife in front of me, to asking if she can borrow a room at a party.” – Excellent point. The hardest thing is probably overcoming the initial fear of telling someone, and from there it is relatively easy to move from level to level with regards to knowledge, witnessing, and even participating in.


    1. Once again, you're my lost brother. I don't have many things in my life that rise to the level of true phobias, but I freaking hate snakes. And, it doesn't matter whether it's a rattlesnake or a ten-inch garter snake.

      Yeah, there is something about that particular Aunt Kay quote that really gets to me, too.

      I think with Anne the "not caring how I feel about it" is very context-driven. Or, maybe it just comes and goes. A couple of weeks ago, I said something to her about KOJ's party experience, and her response was something to the effect of, "You would be so mad if I did something like that." I'm sure I would, but that would kind of be the point, right? And, as I said, she's started insisting on leaving shades open in our room during a session. Is a neighbor we don't know very well seeing an ongoing session really all that different from a guest at a party overhearing?

    2. I don't think I ever once have seen someone looking in one of my windows. But it could happen!

    3. Yeah, that quote pretty much sums up "be careful for what you ask for..."

      Regarding windows, even if the probability of someone looking in is low, it is certainly nonzero, so there is a chance. Another intriguing window theme which I have seen in a few spanking pictures is where the guy has his head stuck out an open window while he is being spanked. If he was being spanked with a loud implement, such as a paddle, it would be quite easy for a passerby to figure out what was going on. But if he was being spanked by a cane or some other super quiet implement, then the possibility of someone knowing he was being spanked would be totally tied to his reaction (going back to your fear of loss of control of emotions).


    4. ZM, I've seen some drawings along those lines.

      In our case, it wouldn't really require looking in. It's more about line-of-sight and lighting conditions. The bedroom window of the house behind us lines up with our bedroom window, and is slightly elevated. They are probably about 60 yards apart. During the day, I think glare on the windows would make it hard to see in. At night, I think it could be seen, but there are some trees between our houses, which makes it less likely. And, since Anne is seated on the ottoman in front of the bed, if the neighbors could see in I suspect the part that would be visible would be her hand going up and down while holding the bath brush.

      The one time she spanked me in the guestroom, had she left he shades open all it would have taken to see it happening would have been for one of the neighbors to look out a small window that faces directly into our guest bedroom, with only about 20 yards, and no trees, separating them.

  14. And now, on to your questions for the week.

    “How big a role, if any, does ‘healthy fear’ play in your DD relationship?” – Most of the time it plays a very small role (if any), with occasional flare ups.

    “Do you have a healthy fear of your wife?” – Yes and no. On the one hand, I have a strong respect for her resolve. If she REALLY decides something, it is pretty much impossible to stop. However, with regard to DD, most of the time she either has too much patience with me, she is willing to overlook too much because she loves me, or perhaps she lacks sufficient confidence to really resolve to punish me. To be clear, her punishments themselves are very worthy of being feared, so most of the lack of fear is because most of the time they are not all that likely to actually happen.

    “Are you willing to share some moments when your fear/anxiety level ran particularly high? What is it that produces that anxiety? The physical pain? The loss of control? The embarrassment? Something else?” – I can think of at least four times, though I am sure there are others.

    1) The first time she ever spanked me for real - she had told me she was going to punish me a few hours before. We were out drinking coffee or having lunch or something, and it was literally all I could think about. I was very nervous, because I knew she had some real feelings to vent, and quite frankly I had no idea what to expect.

    2) She called me at work one day and told me I was going to be punished when I got home. I couldn’t think of anything else until I got home. In this case, it was mostly the anxiety of not knowing what it was about.

    3) Another time, she had a friend at the house who knew I was being punished. My wife made sure I knew that either one of them could enter the room to punish me, and I was blindfolded and in position. I think it was my wife who entered each time (she says it was her, but had the friend actually came in one of the times and asked my wife not to tell me, she would almost certainly not tell me). I simply cannot describe the feeling I had at that time. It was more anxiety than fear, but it was just crazy.

    4) The last time I got a real punishment, my wife wrote to me on messenger and was very cross with me. I actually thought she was just joking at first, but then as she continued, I realized she was serious. I had butterflies in my stomach all day. The primary reason is because I had no idea why she was punishing me.

    While in at least two of these cases, the fear was mostly from not knowing why I was going to be punished, I think this fear is actually counterproductive, because instead of fearing the punishment, I was more wracking my brain over what I could possibly have done.

    For me to have a true healthy fear, an impeding punishment must be totally out of my control, enough of a punishment that I am at least somewhat afraid of how it will feel, with some uncertainty about just how I will be punished, and about 100% sure to happen.

    -to be continued –

    1. "To be clear, her punishments themselves are very worthy of being feared, so most of the lack of fear is because most of the time they are not all that likely to actually happen." This! You would think that like most familiar things, getting spanked would lose it's threatening edge the more often it happens. To a certain extent maybe that's true, but I think the lack of consistency--of really knowing that it IS going to happen--does give me a psychological safety valve that keeps the full pressure from building up when I know one is possible but not quite certain.

      "While in at least two of these cases, the fear was mostly from not knowing why I was going to be punished, I think this fear is actually counterproductive, because instead of fearing the punishment, I was more wracking my brain over what I could possibly have done."

      I can understand why that would be counterproductive. I really can't think of a time that Anne has left me in the dark about why she was mad. On the times your wife has, did you understand and agree with the reason once she let you know what it was?

      "For me to have a true healthy fear, an impeding punishment must be totally out of my control, enough of a punishment that I am at least somewhat afraid of how it will feel, with some uncertainty about just how I will be punished, and about 100% sure to happen."

      Our sessions follow such an established pattern, there's very little doubt about how I will be punished.

  15. -continued -
    When thinking about this topic, I wrote a whole list of words related to this healthy fear, and since you mentioned stories, I will write a small story of how a scenario might go, with quotes around all the words or phrases I thought of.

    The “butterflies in my stomach” had been nonstop since earlier in the day, when she told me I was going to be punished. As the hours passed, a deep sense of dread had overtaken me, and the butterflies had somehow metamorphosized even further into a cold pit of fear, particularly because she had told me that the spanking would continue until well after I was in tears, and that spanking was only one of the punishments I would be getting. It didn’t help that she had laid out a large array of punishment implements in the living room and left them for me to see. At this point, the decision had been made, and the punishment was “inevitable.”

    Standing in the corner wearing only frilly panties she left out for me, I felt even more “vulnerable” and “defenseless” than had I been totally naked. It was almost like I was more naked than naked, especially since she had waxed my bottom to make sure it was ultra-sensitive. Somehow the little bit of harmless flirting that had triggered the punishment didn’t seem so harmless anymore; as I thought about how it made my wife feel, feelings of guilt turned into “regret.” And one thing I really regretted right now was asking her to “impose” discipline whenever she deemed it necessary.

    Normally, when I stand in the corner I can think about other things, but this time was different, at least partly because I knew the spanking was going to be particularly “severe,” especially with her assertion that it was going to continue long enough to ensure it was past my breaking point.

    But much of the fear was because I didn’t know just what the second punishment might be, but we have talked about some pretty bad punishments, and while she has never seemed that motivated to go too far before, it seems like this time, I had crossed a real line and she was determined she was going to straighten my ass out. I was imagining all the awful things we had talked about before, knowing that she would be choosing one or more of them, and I was “powerless” to stop it. The “uncertainty” was killing me.

    Of course, I could physically stop her, but this powerlessness I felt was even deeper than a physical powerlessness, because it came from inside me; both I knew and she knew that I would never stop her, so my ability to stop her was more hypothetical.

    After a wait that seemed like forever, but likely only a couple of minutes, I heard her heels click on the wood floor as she walked down the hall. My heart rate increased and I began to feel “panic,” but then she didn’t open the door to the living room. I was puzzled until I heard the front door open, faint talking and giggling, and then I heard the unmistakable sound of two pairs of heels in the hallway. In horror, I snuck a peak and saw the door handle move and the door start to open…

    Of course, this was all fiction, but I can assure you that if my wife did sometimes do things like this, I would have a healthy fear indeed.


    1. As you know, I've never gotten to the point of tears, and Anne has never come right out and said that a spanking was not going to end until I was crying. I do wonder what emotional reaction I would have, especially now that I know how hard it is for me to get to that point. I think had she made such a point early on, I would have been very scared of the vulnerability and embarrassment of losing control in front of her. Now that I know how difficult it is for to let go, I think I would be scared about whether I could get there at all.

      I see Anne's two primary implements every day, left out on the bathroom vanity. And, that definitely keeps me constantly aware of the prospect of a spanking. Yet, I think it would be very fear-inducing if she did NOT usually leave them out but, instead, if I came home to find one laying out in plain sight, visibly signaling what was to come. I'm sure it would keep me on pins and needles walking past it over and over again.

      "Breaking point" is definitely one of those "trigger phrases" for me. Same with something like "straighten my ass out."

      Combining this story with your four examples, it seems like key to fear is a sense of "determination" or "resolve" on her part. It sounds like even on those occasions when she didn't let you know why you were being punished, her determination to do it and do it hard was made very clear. Same with the first time she gave you a real spanking. It sounds like she is very good at conveying to you what she has decided and her determination to do it.


This blog is a curated resource for those genuinely and positively interested in DD and FLR lifestyles. Comments that are rude, uncivil, inconsistent with the blog's theme or off-topic may not be posted or may be removed. Please use a name or initials (doesn't have to be your real one) when commenting - it helps commenters keep track of who is "talking."