
Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Club - Meeting 462 - Outing and Being Outed

Nail up some indecency in plain sight over your door; from that time forward you will be rid of all respectable people, the most insupportable folk God has created. -- Paul Guaguin

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We miss having you around. 


I hope you all had a great week.  Like much of the rest of the country, we are huddling inside trying to stay warm.  As much as I appreciate the inspirational humor in this meme, I wouldn’t think about it where we live, as something would likely freeze and fall off.

Although we had a good discussion last week, I feel like some of our regulars are still enjoying the holidays.  Truth be told, a half-month into the new year I too don’t really feel like 2024 has gotten started.  There’s the weather that I mentioned, keeping us in what feels like I state of suspended animation. We also had some family and household obligations during the first two weeks of this new year that ending up taking up more time and emotional commitment than we really saw coming.  The result has been that 2023 ended with more of a whimper than a roar where all things DD were concerned, and that hasn’t changed much in 2024.  The result is, I still haven’t presented Anne with my thoughts on some personal goals I would like help with and, in fact, I haven’t even finalized my own thoughts on the specifics of that ask.  So, I guess you could say that 2024 is starting out like most other years – irrational optimism fizzling quickly upon encountering real life.


The discussion of leaving instruments on display covered some good ground, though it seems like most of us who responded were, in fact, fairly comfortable leaving instruments of some sort on display, even if in doing so we were depending on any visitors not actually discerning that the items on display are, in fact, associated with spanking. 


Something we also probably should have talked about more is the possibility of someone inadvertently coming across a spanking implement, and what our reaction was (or likely would be).



Some, like Spanked Cowboy and Norton, seem to be pretty comfortable with more or less open displays. Norton even saw it as a possible conversation starter:


“Leaving spanking implements out is an appealing idea, as it is an open invitation for guests to inquire about it. We sometimes have a paddle hanging on the wall, but it is hidden if any guests are around. I did forget to hide it once, but she didn't ask about it. My cleaning lady discovered a paddle under the bed, and she put it on the bedside table, but she never asked about it. In general, it's a great idea, and it could lead to sharing your DD with others. If they aren't comfortable inquiring about it, then they won't say anything.”


My own inclinations are probably closer to Alan’s, which I might describe as “less is more.” 


“We have a different approach to the display of her disciplinary tools. It is something we used early at my suggestion and something she has returned to many times. She had an old-style armless straight-backed chair when we met. It became her go-to, along with the couch, when she spanked me OTK. She kept it in a guest bedroom, where she often took me for punishment.

After marriage, I suggested she keep it in our bedroom in a corner with a hairbrush on it to remind me of her authority. She did so, and it really worked.


She has spanked me in that chair, but that is not the reason it works. I know I am, in fact, unlikely to be spanked in our bedroom. It works because it is a regular reminder to me of her authority and what can happen if I forget that.

Just seeing it over and over has deepened my commitment to obedience to her. And she has told me that it makes her feel powerful when she really looks at it. No one except her mother and one sister is ever in our bedroom, so we can leave it there except when they are expected, or we are traveling or on vacation.


I also get a sexual tingle from it sometimes, and I suspect she does, too. The chair with a hairbrush on top makes a statement that is very powerful emotionally and sexually. But it's very different from leaving disciplinary tools around where they may be seen. It's very private and personal. Her sister has seen me spanked, and her mother knows she spanks me. But neither of them has ever seen the chair.


I’ve talked about how Anne and I leave her ebony hairbrush and bath brush on open display in the master bath.  While a visitor to our bathroom might draw certain conclusions, for me the display functions more as private reminder. Though, as I’ll talk about more below, at this point I don’t have any big concerns about someone drawing their own conclusions.


The topic of leaving spanking instruments on open displays segues nicely into Alan’s suggested topic, which we'll take up this week, i.e. being “out”:


Dan, this probably deserves its own topic someday, offering folks a chance to think through and express their feeling about being "out". Like most I am in conflict over it and conflict as usual produces paralysis when left unresolved. But one's sexuality is so central to who we are that hiding it at best misses an important opportunity to self-actualize. The example of the LGBTQ+ community is so instructive re: what happens when hidden sexual minorities assert their rights. People in DD relationships, male and female, no matter what side of the paddle you are on, deserve the right to remain private but also the right to be open if they choose. And anyone who chooses to demean us on any grounds is as much of an empty-headed bigot as the racist or gay- basher down the street.


I get the conflict Alan feels around openness and being “out.”  Hell, my approach to this blog probably epitomizes it.  I obviously feel some deep need to talk about this lifestyle, since I’ve been doing so here on a weekly basis for almost a decade.   


Yet, it’s also true that I use a pseudonym and don’t share many identifying details. There is only one vanilla person in my life who (for sure) knows about our DD activities, and there are only four or five others who I’ve met through this blog and have formed a relationship with that includes some personal contact and knowledge of the other’s real identity. 

 Do I wish for a greater degree of “outing”?  Yes and no.  On the one hand, most of the time I don’t feel any compelling need to share more than I already do. But, I do think that my overly paranoid concerns about confidentiality have cost me some opportunities for connections that I wish I had not missed out on.


The best example is Aunt Kay of the Disciplinary Wives Club. I learned about the DWC when it was still functioning like an actual club of sorts, with participants having real contact with each other and particularly with Aunt Kay and her husband “Jerry.”  Within a couple of years, it had started its decline, with website functions vanishing one by one.  I did exchange a few emails with Kay before she passed away, and she was familiar with this blog and told her husband she hoped I would keep the DWC spirit moving forward, and I’ve since formed a real relationship with him. Yet, I regret that my concerns about “coming out” and disclosing my identity kept me from initiating more real contact with Aunt Kay and others in the DWC before it was too late.


Also, I’m sure that being so closeted about this has cost us in terms of the consistency we both think would help with behavior correction through deterrence.  It’s not as big an issue now that we are empty-nesters, but not being more “out” certainly set a pattern that we’ve never really escaped from despite having the house to ourselves most of the time.


So, although many of us think about what it might cost us if we were “out,” it’s wrong to assume that there are no costs associated with not being out, if only the cost of lost opportunities for community and connection.


Therefore, knowing there is a cost to not outing myself, why have I not come fully out of the DD closet?  Honestly, most of it is just inertia and also a feeling that it probably wouldn’t change much in the way I live my day-to-day life.  I can truthfully say that since retiring, most of the time I have neither a great fear of being outed or a great desire to open that part of myself up to the world.


I’m also not sure where Anne is these days on the whole “openness” thing. I’ve talked about how over the last year she started spanking me with the window shades open, which creates at least the theoretical chance that a neighbor could get an eyeful.  Yet, it also may be telling that, for the handful of people who know about our DD and know my real identity, the reason they know is because I told them. As far as I know, in twenty years of this thing we do, Anne has not told anyone herself, though she is open about it with the one vanilla friend I told.


I feel like I’m not the norm in that respect and that, among those who are partially “out” it has more typically been the wife who has decided to do that outing, whether it is telling a sister or girlfriend and/or inviting someone to witness or overhear a spanking. In fact, in going through my collection of spanking art for this post, I could not find a single meme or piece of spanking art depicting a scenario in which the husband did the outing and, in most instances, the scenarios implicitly or expressly involved a wife deciding to "out" the DD relationship to others over her husband's objections or at least without his affirmative consent.

And, for those who are closeted, it’s an interesting thought experience to test the extent to which real power has been ceded to the wife to ask what if she told you she wants to be more openly in charge?  What if she told you that she wants it be clear that she wears the pants?  What if that included her disclosing to anyone she chooses that she spanks you? 


And, which would you find more embarrassing for others to know – that she spanks you, that those spankings are for real punishment and discipline, or that she has some degree of unequal authority in your relationship?  Your answer might shed some light on a question that may be implicit in the connection Alan drew between being “out” about DD and “out” about sexual orientation, i.e. what is your assessment of where society is in terms of both gender equality and openness to kink? Is there a consensus that society is becoming more accepting of spanking if it is a kink but not if it is a tool used to reinforce a man taking second place to his wife in the decision-making hierarchy?


I also very recently came across this piece of spanking art, which to me raises all sorts of interesting feelings about the prospect of total strangers knowing.  Why do we care so much about the judgment of strangers?



If any of the wives would like to join in, I would personally be very curious what you think about openness and “outing.”  To what extent are you currently “out” about your disciplinary or FLR lifestyle?  Would you feel embarrassed if others knew about it? If so, why, given that you aren’t the one being spanked or bossed around?  Do you have concerns about “outing” your husband, or would you see that as part of the process of reinforcing your role or, perhaps, humbling him?


  1. I'm not still on vacation! I posted a few hours ago on the New Year topic, and then after that on last week's topic, but I think that one got caught in the spam filter. I will certainly be weighing in on this week's topic, since as you know, it is always on my mind...!


  2. Outing has never been a major concern here. Especially since she retired several years ago. We do not broadcast our FLR or DD lifestyle, but if discovered we try to explain it to folks like adults. We stress the benefits of and FLR and the need for corporal discipline to back it up. Another point, touched on above is the possible cost of not being outed. We have met and played with several other couples in FLR's and would not have met some of them if not for us 'discovering' their lifestyle or they finding out about ours. Probably a very small factor for many couples, but we have met several 'new friends' through learning about each other.

    1. The possibility of making new friends is, to me, a compelling reason to be more "out." But, an additional challenge for us is that, at least so far, neither of us has shown any interest in "playing with" another couple. I don't completely dismiss it as a possibility in the future, but I think it's very unlikely. And, for me, spanking doesn't have much attraction outside the disciplinary context. It makes me wonder how much being more "out" would really result in making "new friends" if the "let's play together" aspect was off the table.

    2. I agree that "let's play together" wouldn't ever have worked in my marriage. But if I and another husband misbehaved together, and the wives who were friends found out about it together and thought the husbands should get consequences together, I could envision my wife suggesting corporal punishment to the other wife -- and it happening together. But not play. No way.

    3. KOJ, that's close to where I am. And, it wouldn't necessarily need to involve the men misbehaving together. Maybe they misbehaved separately but were spanked together? There are various scenarios where it might work for me, but it wouldn't work (I think), unless there was a real disciplinary element to it.

  3. As Norm MacDonald so eloquently stated , I'd say my wife and I are and will remain 'deeply closeted' although over the years there clearly have been unavoidable 'slips' where our DD was inadvertently exposed to others.
    One time I was bent over the bed about half way through a pretty sound paddling when our 5 year old daughter opened our bedroom door as we hadn't heard her calling to us with all the racket.
    We rescheduled our DD to times when the kids were out after that!
    I'm sure our daughter remembers that...most kids do but nothing has been said.
    I think I would be more worried about family knowing than close friends for some reason.
    Another time I went home at lunchtime and was over her lap about to start a good airbrushing when we heard our front door open and our good friend and neighbour call out.
    Luckily we hadn't started yet but I'm sure by our red faces she suspected she interrupted something!
    We made sure to lock the door after that one.
    The same friend Lso saw our paddle left out in the basement one day when we forgot to put it away from the previous evening.
    She and my wife are very close so I suspect she was informed of our DD but so far it hasn't come up when we get together , although my wife does tend to drop most of her discrete 'hints' when we are with them.
    I must confess I do harbour a desire to just let it out and share it with her. Not sure why though.

    1. I don't think I've seen that Norm MacDonald routine. Can you point me to it?

      I've read that most kids can't form reliable memories until around age 7. So, seems like there is at least some chance your daughter might not remember it. I honestly have no idea whether at some point we inadvertently "outed" ourselves to our kids. On the one hand, I don't have any particular reason to think they know. On the other, our DD was in practice for all but their earliest years, and we've left implements in unsecured places on more than one occasion. If they were even close to as inquisitive as I was as a kid, it would not have been hard for them to discover something.

      "I think I would be more worried about family knowing than close friends for some reason." I feel that way too, though I'm not sure why.

    2. Check YouTube 'Norm MacDonald is a deeply closeted gay man 'on the Conan O'Brien show.

    3. Mr. MacDonald pulled the same shtick on the "Larry King Now" show back in 2016.

      He really had Mr. King going there, for thirty seconds or so.

      Clip is available on YouTube:

      -- Donn

    4. The Larry King clip was almost painful, the way he was toying with the old guy.

      I wasn't an SNL fan back when MacDonald was the Weekend Update guy. I've since come to see him as a comedic genius.

    5. SNL eventually fired Norm when he refused to stop the OJ Simpson jokes.
      A comic genius indeed.

  4. GLM here. On a personal, very close friend level (all genders and sexualities), I have no qualms joking or mentioning my "tastes". I haven't had much in the way of questioning from those who know but equally I haven't had anyone in the know become distant with me so far. I am careful who I share with because Mrs GL has a public persona this side of the pond which I strive to protect.

    For me I think the key to wider public acceptance is about why? In a bizarre twist if you say it's a sexual thing, part of the world of foreplay, even fetish, people will be imo more tolerant. Where I think they balk presently is the concept of behavioural influences/discipline. That seems more difficult to sell, which is a shame. Personally, even though I am not in one, I'd love FLR to be given the same space to acceptance as sexual preferences and gender change. Cheers Good Life Mickey.

    1. I agree with you that social acceptance seems more likely to extend to spanking as sexual/fetish than to behavior correction/discipline. I can only speculate as to why. It's possible that patriarchal holdover dynamics make it hard for people accept women having authority over men. But, I don't think that's really it, because I suspect many people would have an even harder time with the a man physically disciplining a woman. I think it's probably more about exercising that kind power seems problematic in today's egalitarian world, regardless of the gender configurations.

    2. Couldn’t agree more Dan.

    3. I think it's simply the notion that "a spouse should not treat their spouse like a child." It's considered disrespectful, and the extreme of it is corporal punishment.

    4. KOJ, I think that's certainly part of it.

    5. I expect it is not just one thing that makes people feel uncomfortable with any sort of physical punishment in our modern society. The egalitarian aspect certainly comes into play, so who is anyone to wield authority over someone else? And certainly the respect thing KOJ mentioned would also bother many. But I think it really goes deeper, probably in ways that I don't fully understand. It seems like we have kind of gotten to the point that we think - whether consciously or unconsciously - that people are merely the byproduct of their environment, so we don't really want to hold anyone accountable for decisions they make. I say this without wanting to understate just how big an impact environment actually does have. And in cases where it is clear that intervention is required, it seems that we are mostly convinced that we should only use words, and there is no room for any sort of physical acts. Again, I am not wanting to understate just how powerful words and kind actions can be, but rather just stating that I think for many people, any sort of physical punishment is totally out of the question under any circumstances.


    6. The whole concept of accountability certainly has taken a hit. Well, not a physical hit, of course. Pun intended.

    7. I think spouses hold each other accountable in many ways -- most of them passive-aggressive. A more direct approach, with or without corporal punishment, is so much healthier!

    8. KOJ, I definitely agree! So many more marriages would continue until separation by death if wives spanked for everything they use passive-aggression with and their husbands allowed them!


  5. It's hard to come 'out' en masse without a pithy shared identity. How would we be noticed? We on this blog spread our desires slowly, with full complexity, and only to our wives, which we are grateful if we manage to convince to spank us in a way that half understands what we want. When we have the desire to share with others we mostly seek to widen the circle with which private information is shared, to gain convenience or build a community. Not go public and if we did we simply wouldn't have the bandwidth to explain ourselves accurately, so the public would think something else had happened.

    DD has gained a bit of traction (it at least has its Wikipedia stub entry) but most groups who could fall under the DD umbrella would disavow the others. If someone could build a coalition from that, I'd be amazed.

    That said, we are just one startling new Netflix show away from a national conversation!

    1. I don't know about the prospects of a Netflix show, but I recently started the fourth season of Fargo on Hulu, and it starts with a very long scene in which a high school girl gets multiple school paddlings, each ending with a very obviously painful walk back to class.

    2. Not surprised that show is pushing boundaries...but without having seen it, I'd think the public would just code that scene as sinister child abuse or a schoolgirl fetish and it wouldn't register that some people benefit from it. It does give the next show opportunity to develop the discipline concept.

    3. It's one of those rare shows where I often have to pause after a scene, read some columns by the smartest TV reviewers out there, then watch it again so I really get the significance. Interestingly, when I read the recaps of that episode by several reviewers, most of them don't mention the spanking scene, even though it is a very extended intro that lasts for several minutes. The character that gets paddled is a precocious, very intelligent black teenager, and it also shows a black male teenager getting paddled, both by a white principal. The few reviewers that mentioned it at all referenced it as a comment on race relations.

  6. Our household isn't one where she wears the pants, so part of the question is a moot point. Regarding disclosing to others, both of us are in agreement that it is part of our private lives and not for sharing, beyond say people knowing that it happens. It is a bit like sex: people know that married couples generally do it, but no more information is generally necessary (except in anonymised situations, such as this). At the moment, it would seem to bizarre a thing in our circles to disclose, but we are definitely open to disclosing per se if this becomes normal.

    I would probably be most embarrassed if she wore the pants and others knew about it. My aforementioned military colleague and I sort of respected each other for being willing to take hard spankings for the sake of marital harmony like this. I would generally respect another man who took up the F/M DD lifestyle. I definitely think society is going in the direction of tolerating women spanking their husbands, but thankfully, I don't think we are going in the direction of people thinking that a woman doing this to her husband is abuse.

    I am 100% certain that openness to F/M DD won't happen in my lifetime, but hopefully not too long afterwards!


  7. Hi J. It is interesting that you are clear that you are have an F/M DD lifestyle, but you say the household isn't one where she wears the pants. Being in this lifestyle, if she has the power to spank you any time for any reason (like most of us) it would seem that she wears the pants, at least to some degree. Wearing the pants is kind of a vague term. For you, it may mean you make big decisions together. In my relationship, we both enjoy having a lot of independence, but if she decides I need a spanking, we both know I will comply without hesitation or arguing. Like some others have mentioned, with time, she has become more confident in making comments to others that are not exactly explicit, but do hint of her dominance. An example is last week we were paying for something, and when I didn't have my half, she told a complete stranger that she would "take it out of my hide". It was embarrassing, but I also was a little turned on by her confidence. She has told several women friends that she spanks me, but neither of them were interested enough to inquire more about it. Just knowing I do get spanked by her would not be as embarrassing as them knowing I was in a DD relationship, where she really did have the power to put me over her lap at any time. I have considered asking her to confide to some friend, or maybe her sister, about our DD. However, neither of us know if any of her friends would really be interested. A favorite fantasy of mine is that one of her friends would witness a real punishment spanking, which would be completely spontaneous. Perhaps it could be we were all in a car and when she didn't approve of my driving, I was told "You will be getting a spanking as soon as we get home."

    1. "She has told several women friends that she spanks me, but neither of them were interested enough to inquire more about it."

      I suspect this happens a lot. We all think that because we are obsessed with this thing we do, surely everyone we know will be super interested in hearing about it. But, it doesn't really work that way. It's probably no different than hearing about other people's hobbies. My wife is obsessed with pickle ball, and I literally could not possibly care less about it. Why should kink be any different?

      I'm reminded of an Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "You wouldn't worry so much about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they do."

    2. Norton, I am definitely interested to hear your thoughts in more detail. I agree with what you are implicitly saying about wearing the pants not being a blanket term. I am the leader, but she can and does hold me accountable and put in some guard rails to some extent, primarily using spanking. talks about situations where spankings might not be direct disciplinary spankings, but spankings where the husband allows his wife to spank him just because. Since men are, on average, built with a more powerful composition, I think it is more reasonable to expect a husband to have that willingness than the other way around. The book "Real Women Don't Do Housework" ( also talks about men submitting to a spanking out of sacrificial love. The author appears to be in a wife-led marriage, but I think there is every reason why such sacrificial love should be as (if not more) intense with a husband-led marriage.


    3. "We all think that because we are obsessed with this thing we do, surely everyone we know will be super interested in hearing about it. But, it doesn't really work that way." - This has certainly been my experience. My wife told her friend everything, showed her implements, basically orchestrated the friend being in the other room while I was being spanked, and so on, but all this was because the friend was actually interested. My wife told her sister just as much, but it simply didn't matter at all to her sister, and it was as if she was telling her about doing laundry or something like that.


    4. ZM, to me, that is the ideal scenario. We declare, but nobody is particularly interested, perhaps because it is normal, perhaps because people don't feel the need to preoccupy themselves with other people's lives, or whatever the reason might be.


  8. My wife would never want anyone to know that she spanks me. We grew up with the cultural norm that men were supposed to be in charge. The thing is she never really trusted my judgment and I don't really blame her. It's a long story, but my point is our families still look at men being the authority as the norm. However, her mom was a strong women who for the most part ruled over her dad. I don't think she spanked him . He was known on occasion to put his foot down when needed. My wife is a strong women following in her mother's footsteps. I asked her to spank me to settle our bickering. I know someone has to be charge and she needs to be in control to feel safe. As far as being outted goes I suspect a few of her close friends and our adult children know she is the boss but I don't think they have a clue about how I am punished and that's the way my wife want it. I however need another one spanked husband to talk to. Thats why I follow and post on this blog. I'm keeping her desire to not be putted but filling my need to comserat with other husband's that are seeking a FLR


    1. Somewhat similar in the beginning of our relationship. Her being in charge and making all the decisions was never in doubt. That was the way I lived in my former FLR. It was the method of physical punishment she was not accustomed to. When I suggested bare bottom spanking as the method she was not sure but willing to give it a try. Within no time she had issued the first spanking and things took off from there. After her retirement, she was much more free about who 'discovered' our lifestyle. Soon, things said in public, like 'someone needs a spanking' or 'looks like a trip over my lap is needed' slowly gave way to me being spanked at the time of the bad behavior. A good deal of discretion is used, but at times some folks saw me spanked. I have been in two 24/7 FLR relationships now, and would be happy to discuss anything aspect of either with you Ward.

    2. The norm I grew up in was mostly that the men were in charge, but it was in some ways more complicated than that. The men definitely *thought* they were in charge over all, but the reality was the women pretty much took care of everything domestic, including punishing kids. I don't have strong memories of being spanked as a kid, but I do recall an older step-sister getting spanked, and it was my mother doing it. The mothers where and when I grew up were at least as prone as the fathers to delivering corporal punishment, with a belt being the generally preferred method. Female teachers also were very prone to corporal punishment, almost always with a paddle.

    3. Dan, I definitely think what you described is a good pattern for a DD relationship: the man being in charge, but the woman's input being enormously important for keeping things running behind the scenes.


  9. Our initial agreement was there would never be DD witnesses nor would we discuss it with anyone without the other's permission. We stuck to that for almost 20 years. Then, after retirement, she began fudging the rules. As you have heard, she decided that hearing a spanking was not witnessing it. And that hearing threats and warnings was not outing us. At first I was a bit outraged by her changed behavior. But by this time she clearly wore the pants in our marriage. And what was I going to do about it? End the DD that had pretty much saved our marriage? No. Grin and bare it. Misspelling intentional.

    1. In the beginning, I don't think we ever talked about any explicit rule around discussing it with others. Rather, I think we both just assumed that it was this very embarrassing thing that neither of us would *want* to reveal to others. But, within a few months of starting the lifestyle, I blabbed to a female friend (at that time mostly mine, though also somewhat mutual and today very much mutual) about it over happy hour beers. Which is, frankly, pretty in line with my personality. I would have made a lousy spy, as I find it very difficult keep secrets.

      "Grin and bare it." I like that.

  10. After observing how much really personal information is shared between my wife's friends and sisters, it's almost surprising that Beth steadfastly maintains that she has never discussed my discipline. I believe her though, as Beth tells me that she would be way too embarrassed for both of us. In that respect, I guess I'd be more open than her. I wouldn't want our arrangement widely known, but there is something attractive about being outed to a few discreet women. I'm not comfortable with guys knowing though, which I think was discussed here previously.

    On a few occasions, Beth has heard my mother reminisce about my childhood spankings, but thank God, she has never uttered a word about our present day arrangement. It makes us both smile, but I'm glad it goes no further than that.

    1. Kevin, we seem to be a lot like you and Beth in that respect. My wife isn't close at all to her siblings, but she is *very* close to our adult daughters, and I'm always surprised that she hasn't confided in one or both of them. When they were kids, I think she feared that it would cause them to lose respect for me. Today, I suspect that there just hasn't been a natural entry point for the conversation. Or, maybe I'm wrong and this is something she will never share. I really don't know. But, I know what you mean about there being something attractive about being outed. I'm not quite as concerned as you about the gender of who it might be revealed to, but I do recognize that I did tell a female friend about our DD but I haven't done the same with any male friends. And, for whatever reason, I am very reluctant for family to know about it, and I'm not entirely sure why. Despite growing up in tiny farm towns in the 50s and 60s, my mom is pretty liberal and "live and let live." My dad sort of is too, though for most of his life he was definitely more of the Clint Eastwood, all American male type. I think he would be very puzzled by the whole thing. And, I'm pretty resistant my sisters knowing though, again, I'm not sure why.

    2. To me it's embarrassing for anyone to know that I as an adult male got bare-bottom spankings and pants-down scoldings. I imagine people thinking, "When is he going to grow up and take personal responsibility for his own behavior?"

  11. It would be nice for many of us if we could comfortably share, but in reality most of us can't. For one thing, "secrets" are not well kept. If several folks new, you could rest assured that one of them would sometime violate your confidence even if accidentally. Risk is too high. That one reason why Aunt Kay's club was popular and why its popularity likely would have grown absent her unfortunate demise. Lots of us would love to share that group experience if a safe environment. Graham

    1. I think it was Ben Franklin who said, "Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead." For the most part, I agree with that. Though, how far is spreads probably also depends on the extent of interconnections. I've always assumed that the vanilla friend I've told probably told one or both of her husbands. But, I don't have any wider network connected to either of those two, so even if they couldn't trusted to keep it to themselves, who would they tell? Conversely, my career network was widespread but also remarkably insular in some ways. While I probably was a little *too* paranoid about it at the time, I do think there was some legitimacy to the concern that telling anyone about it could cause it to spread widely.

    2. I wouldn't say I am paranoid, but I don't yet feel it is the time to go public. That said, I am looking forward to being able to, a bit like society treats sex: people know that it tends to happen with married couples and so it is hardly news that it happens, but it is personal and people don't feel the need to share every single detail.


    3. For some reason I prefer WLM, "Wife-Led Marriage," to FLR, I guess because it focuses on the relationship as a marriage. I think I might have sheepishly agreed to having my marriage described this way, since most of our friends would have said, "Well, duh. We knew that." But I wouldn't have wanted the DD aspect affirmed publicly.

  12. Dan, you mentioned the use of pseudonyms and vagueness to protect identities here, and I certainly do that. My wife would rightly be appalled if her privacy was threatened by what I wrote.

    Up to now. I haven't told Beth that I post here (or that the site exists), but have been considering doing just that. I don't keep secrets on other things and I feel certain that she is the same way with me. I also think that she would say that my posts have described our relationship honestly. Not to say that she wouldn't have a different perspective than me. I'm sure she would beg to differ on some of my recollections.

    As I said, we are both committed to being open and honest with each other, and I feel badly that this is somehow different. I can recall just one very sound spanking I received for keeping secrets. It wasn't the act itself that got me in trouble, but as politicians have learned, the cover up was what made it worse. I wasn't as forthcoming as I should have been and was punished for that. This would be a little different. since I would be coming to her of my own volition, but I admit that a spanking would be justified.

    I've been thinking about this for a while, as I enjoy the interaction here. I doubt very much if Beth would participate, but I suspect that she would be curious about the posts.

    I suppose she might ask me to no longer participate here, but I doubt that would be her response.
    I'm wondering now if others share their activity with their partner?

    1. Kevin, I can raise and beat your act of keeping a secret about the blog. For the first several years of its existence, I didn't tell Anne about the blog's existence even though I write it! I don't remember how long it was out there before I told her about it, but it was quite a while. I thought she might be furious that I had talked so much about our relationship, including the most kinky aspect of it, in an online forum.

      Interestingly (to me anyway), she didn't seem to care or even be all that interested.
      She has gotten more interested over time, though while she does read it (though I don't think that regularly), she's never seemed very interested in actually participating in the discussion. I think she kind of sees it like another form of journalling; one that gives her additional insight into what goes on in my head.

    2. I would've gotten spanked for keeping the secret -- any secret. But I would have shared this site with her. She wouldn't be very interested to read what spanked husbands think. LOL.

  13. How amazing it would be if some wife of a guy here stepped into Aunt Kay's role! But I think she was one of a kind. My wife read her site "cover to cover" and got many ideas from Aunt Kay. She read nothing else because she said she had no need to. "The male mind is quite simple to understand," she would say. "He craves good sex and good food, and he responds well to rewards and punishments."

    1. I am aware of someone who I think would be more than capable of doing this, but she doesn't have the platform that Aunt Kay had, so not sure what to do about that.


    2. Somebody should start a "New Disciplinary Wives Club" blog and run it for your friend, who would contribute content.

    3. Tell me when that happens!


  14. I think many wives are at least partially aware of their power over their husbands. In the last few years of our marriage, I can't tell you how many times my wife was asked, "How did you get your husband to be such a gentleman?" The phrasing of the question acknowledges that this is something the wife can accomplish, that she has the power to do so!
    My wife's standard answer was "training," followed by a lot of laughter. At least in my presence, the discussion went no further. But I wonder if it did when no husbands were around. My mysterious wife would not tell me.

    1. If that was my wife's response to a group of women, it would surely make me wonder what she shared with her most intimate friends.

    2. Kevin was wondering if our wives or partners share their activity (writing in here) with their partner. Not only does she know that I write in here, before our bi weekly check in, I often read to her what I wrote, as well as other comments that are relevant.

  15. Hi Dan,
    The topic of “outing” hits pretty close to my fascination with witnesses so is pretty compelling to me. I still don’t quite know why I want others to know. Perhaps some part of it is what Alan said: “But one's sexuality is so central to who we are that hiding it at best misses an important opportunity to self-actualize.” Another reason may be that, having experienced adult spankings, they lack the emotional impact that childhood spankings had (or at least that I thought they had), and I have realized that much of what is different is the absence of the embarrassment of others knowing. Or probably a myriad of other reasons.

    I agree that while there are certainly risks and costs to being outed, there are also very real costs to being closeted. Considering the risks, probably I would never want to be fully “out” like KD was, where he posted his real name and pictures of his face and most other things. But also being at least a little outed has been a very powerful experience for me so far, so I guess I am hoping for more movement in that direction.

    “What if she told you she wants to be more openly in charge?” – This probably depends on the situation. It is not that I have problems with her being more openly in charge, but rather just have problems with her being in charge at all. I both want and crave for her to be in charge more, but at the same time find myself holding onto the reins for dear life.

    “What if she told you that she wants it be clear that she wears the pants?” – This is a little hard, because I don’t want people to think less of me. But at the same time, if people assume that I am in charge, then the thought that they would think less of my wife is just ridiculous. I guess I would like cultural norms to be more open on this point.

    “What if that included her disclosing to anyone she chooses that she spanks you?” – As I said above, I wouldn’t want or desire being fully outed, but assuming that she is outing me to select people, then I would have to say that if she is in charge, then I guess that is her right.

    “And, which would you find more embarrassing for others to know – that she spanks you, that those spankings are for real punishment and discipline, or that she has some degree of unequal authority in your relationship?” – I think probably that she has some degree of unequal authority. But this depends a little too. Someone knowing that she spanks me for real punishment and discipline is quite a bit different than them knowing that she is going to be spanking me when we go home, for example. So if they just know about the relationship and that she spanks me, it is probably more embarrassing that she has the authority, but if they know about a particular spanking, then the spanking itself becomes more important than the power dynamics at play.

    I’ll ask my wife about the questions, but I would guess that she would say that if she is embarrassed about our relationship, it is either because her friends might think she is a bitch, or maybe that she wouldn’t want them of thinking of me as not being manly enough.


    1. So much great stuff in here.

      "Another reason may be that, having experienced adult spankings, they lack the emotional impact that childhood spankings had (or at least that I thought they had), and I have realized that much of what is different is the absence of the embarrassment of others knowing." I know what you mean about the difference between the fantasy and the reality when it comes to emotional impact. For me, I don't think the gap is so much about others knowing. In fact, I think that being wholly out might actually lessen some of the emotional impact. To me, I think the difference in emotion is all about the power dynamic and the extent to which a punishment feels like it is being imposed whether I want it or not. That's why, for me, the emotional power of being out probably depends a lot on who is doing the outing -- me or her.

      KD definitely set a high bar for being 'out' particularly putting real pictures to the name.

      "It is not that I have problems with her being more openly in charge, but rather just have problems with her being in charge at all. I both want and crave for her to be in charge more, but at the same time find myself holding onto the reins for dear life." I totally get that. In fact, after just saying that for me the emotional power of being punished depends to some extent on it feeling imposed against my will, the reality is that if she did take over in a big way I would almost certainly have very negative feelings about it at the time. Though, that is EXACTLY what makes parental spankings so emotionally powerful, right?

      "I don’t want people to think less of me." I get this, though caring about what others think of me is something I'd really like to change about myself. I suspect we are genetically wired to care what others think, but it's such a limiting trait. And, it's funny that we care about what others think of us, even though many of those people probably wouldn't compare favorably to us when it comes to credentials, accomplishment, etc.

      "Someone knowing that she spanks me for real punishment and discipline is quite a bit different than them knowing that she is going to be spanking me when we go home, for example." This another point that I totally agree with, yet I don't really know why. There definitely is something much more embarrassing about someone knowing about a particular spanking--whether one that is coming or that has just happened--than knowing about the DD relationship in general. But, I don't really understand why that is the case.


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