
Monday, January 1, 2024

The Club - Meeting 460 - Happy New Year 2024

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” - Benjamin Franklin


Hello all.  Welcome back to the first meeting of the Disciplinary Couples Club for 2022.


As long-term readers know, my New Years posts tend to be both reflective and verbose.  So, hopefully those who have been here a while and who come for the camaraderie will bear with me.


Those who are just here for the spanking porn may want to come back some other time.


First off, a hearty "thank you" to all those who participated here in 2023 for the first time.  Given the inevitable attrition as "real life" interferes with our best intentions, new members are the lifeblood of this little club.  And, thanks to all our regulars who have stuck with us for many years now.  I truly never get tired of talking to you guys.  

Finally, thank you in advance to all the Disciplinary Wives who did not join the conversation in 2023 but will in 2024.  😀


I usually start off with a summary of how the last year went for me and for us as a couple, but in preparing for this post I reviewed the one from last year, and it left me thinking I should comment on subjectivity and the vagaries of selective memory.


See, for most of 2013, I’ve been kicking myself.  I felt like in the first year and a half of retirement I made quite a bit of progress in getting my health back, regaining some life balance, taking up some new hobbies and productive activities, and meeting, or at least making progress on, some long-term goals. Then, in 2013, I totally stagnated.  I backslid on drinking, on exercise and health, on exploring new hobbies, on cultivating better and deeper relationships with friends and family I had neglected while working.  I had been doing really well up until the holidays in 2022, then all my self-discipline melted away.


At least, that's how I remember it.


Then, today, I read my New Years post from last year, which included this summary of my goals and how well I did at hitting them in 2022:


“I am kind of annoyed with myself that I let 2022 drift.  A lot.  Here are the goals I posted for last year:


·      Solidify the progress I made last year on reducing the number of excessive drinking incidents.

·      Renew and energize some friendships that I let drift away over the last few years when I was too focused on career.

·      Volunteer on some effort that has a real and substantial impact on the lives of vulnerable or powerless people.

·      Take at least three long road trips with Anne and the dogs.

·      Complete drafts of two books I’ve wanted to write for some time but never seem to get around to.

·      Multiple multi-state motorcycle trips. 

·      Take up some sport or demanding fitness activity that doesn’t take place in a gym.

·      Reverse the recent losses in our investment portfolio.


Of those 8 items, I fully completed only one.  A couple of others I sort of partially fulfilled.  Overall, it was a pretty uninspiring performance.” 


My self-assessment of my 2022 performance was so dismal, I decided to keep all the same goals for 2023 and just work toward fulfilling those.  (Truth be told, it’s damn depressing the extent to which most of my goals carry over year-to-year, partially or wholly unfulfilled.)  Within a month, I had more or less forgotten about the specific goals and did literally nothing to track my actual 2023 performance against them.


Yet, looking at that list from the perspective of the first day of 2024, I seem to have accidentally done better in 2023 than I did intentionally in 2022!  It wasn't all great.  Objectively, I did backslide on some of the previous year’s improvement on excessive drinking.  Those books still aren’t drafted, and I stopped writing altogether in another medium I had been experimenting with. Taking up a demanding sport didn’t happen, though that one proved to be a little more outside my control than I anticipated, as it has become clear that three rounds of Covid have left me with some ongoing lung capacity issues.


On the other hand, I did put more energy into some existing friendships. Better yet, despite reading article after article about how middle-aged men struggle to make and hold onto friends, I actually made a brand new one - someone to hang out with over beers and talk about life, which I haven’t really had since leaving my last job.  I didn’t exactly volunteer to help the unfortunate, but I did become unexpectedly very active on a local political/quality of life issue.  I took several long-ish road trips with Anne and the dogs and we did a couple of international vacations. I didn’t do more multi-state motorcycle trips in 2023 than 2022, but I did do some advanced training and a multi-day group trip, which also led to, if not new friendships, a couple of new good acquaintances.  By year-end, a very large bit of our investment losses from 2021 and 2022 had reversed.  Finally, I had my annual physical a couple of months ago and, while my perception had been that my diet and exercise dedication had sucked all year, objectively I seem to be in better shape on big things like cholesterol and blood sugar than I was a year ago.


Oh, don’t get me wrong.  It was FAR from a perfect year.  But, in my mind there had developed this rosy view of 2022 that was inconstdent with how I felt at the time, and the same for 2023 but in reverse. 


Yet, I do feel that even if I did some things in 2023, there was an accidental quality to it.  And, the areas in which I made progress aren’t necessarily those that I associate with having a life that isn’t just busy, or even interesting, but meaningful.  It may be the case that after 30+ of working my ass off in a career, even a couple of years of decompression and recovery were needed. But, in year three it started to feel more like stagnation than relaxation.  I’ve always been a fairly ambitious guy, and it turns out even in retirement I want a life that is, well . . . bigger. 



I can actually tie some of this "big picture" goal to domestic discipline.  Where I feel 2023 went off the guardrails a bit was, in fact, guardrails.  Some of the backsliding on things like excessive drinking might not have happened without some concurrent backsliding on Anne’s part.  I’ve come to believe that when I’m allowed to backslide in one area, it often spills over into  generalized sloppiness and a lowering of standards.


Then there was procrastination.  I am as guilty as any of you of procrastinating on things big and small, but in the past I  comforted myself with the rationalization that while I might be as bad as others, I probably wasn’t much worse either.  After 2023, I’m not sure the distinction matters.   


Some of the things that I’ve had on my list for a long time—like getting more involved in public policy/politics and helping others—are things I am really going to regret on my dead bed if they go undone.  And, it’s become increasingly clear to me that my failure is more than procrastination. Without career-oriented goals driving me forward, procrastination has crossed the line into stagnation.  I’ve settled into spending whole days, then weeks, then months, accomplishing little more than  reading books, watching Netflix, and writing this blog.  But, again, I don’t want to settle.


Newton’s first law is that an object at rest will stay at rest.



UNLESS acted upon by an external force. 


I’m hoping in 2024, Anne will be that external force.  Why would that work in 2024 when it didn’t in 2023? Or 2022? Or 2021?


Well, first, it took several months of slacking in 2023 before I came to feel like it really was time to stop “recovering” and start “growing” again. I simply feel more motivated in 2024 to get off my ass and DO something significant than I did in 2023.


Second, while we’ve talked about it on this blog a few times, the fact is I’ve never really asked Anne to fill a motivational, coaching-like role. When we were both working, it seemed too burdensome, particularly since consistency was already a big problem where DD was concerned.


When I talked here back in August of 2023 about using DD to meet personal performance goals, I didn’t follow up with actually suggesting to Anne that we try such a thing because, again, I didn't think she'd be interested and probably would see it as burdensome. Yet, she brought it up a few weeks later, during some DD-related pillow talk. It was a passing reference, and neither of us followed up at the time. However, it is pretty rare for her to proactively bring up subjects from the blog, so the fact that she brought that one up seemed to be a signal.



Honestly, I got the sense a few times in 2023 that she was kind of disappointed that there weren’t more times that I presented her with a clear and compelling reason to spank me. Back when she was working, I think that finding time for discipline often was at least somewhat burdensome. In 2023, however, after her own retirement, when we got into periods in which DD became somewhat regular, it seemed like there were times she wanted it to be even more frequent.


Now, one obvious solution would be for her to move unilaterally in the direction KOJ’s wife did after retirement.  He has described how she almost instantly ramped up her assertiveness and, for the next decade, continuously moved the goalposts by making more and more issues “punishable.”


Anne didn’t go through such a big, self-initiated change in approach after retirement. But, she has talked about how being retired has removed some of the mental restraints she felt about being openly dominant and the possibility of others knowing about the nature of our relationship.  For whatever reason, the process for her has been slower and less dramatic, yet there were clear signs of it throughout last year.


Including her positive reference to a blog post about taking on more of a “coaching” role.  Maybe we've both just finally hit a point where I recognize I need that internal push to overcome some multi-year inertia, where she likes doling out discipline and being in charge, and we both are open to that approach and have time to do it.



I don’t want to make this post too long, but over the last few weeks I’ve gone through a deliberate, systematic effort to identify the “big ticket” aspirations that I’ve harbored for years and years but never really gone for in a big way, whether because of work busyness, the distractions of day-to-day family and work life, or simply laziness and lack of sufficient ambition. I’m zoning in on three or four areas I really want to see more progress in this year, along with some actionable tasks to get that stone-like “object at rest” moving.


I think bringing DD into this will fail if I try to make it “too much.” Even weekly is probably too much in terms of reporting/checking in. But, maybe a monthly session where I have to show some actual progress on each of the concrete tasks I set out, with failure leading to however many spankings she feels are appropriate?


Anyway, I’m still tinkering with the precise proposal, and if she doesn’t seem truly motivated to pursue it, I will drop it entirely and go back to a more traditional set of resolutions and hope for the best.  But, I do think that given my track record of settling back into a comfortable state of inertia, things are going to be different in 2024 only if there is a step-change in the consistency of discipline in the relationship.  I've posted many of these New Years memes over the years, but this one probably sums it up best:

I do fee like one area in which 2023 improved a lot over 2022 was Anne stepping up to some serious scoldings that reflected things she saw as important, whether I agreed or not.  But, I think we both recognize that there wasn't always follow-through on things that weren't huge fails but have been chronic annoyances.  Anne and I have talked several times about how much better it would be if there was a really solid, dependable connection in her mind between, "He's really annoying me" and "He just earned a spanking and I'm going to give it to him right now."

The thing about our DD in 2023 that was challenging, for me, and that made the whole thing more "real" than in past years was that, as I said, she seemed increasingly willing to exert control over things that she saw as problems.  


Getting scolded and/or spanked when I didn't really agree with the premise was a major ego blow, but that is precisely why those incidents felt like the biggest stimuli for personal growth, for both of us. Again, the only thing lacking as consistency.


How about you? How did 2023 turn out? Were there any interesting developments on the DD front that you’d like to share?  Are there any particular goals or things you’d like to accomplish—DD or otherwise—in 2024?  Do you intend to share those with your wife?


For the ladies (one of my 2024 resolutions IS to get some of them commenting again), do you have anything in particular you want your husband to improve on in 2024? Any specific goals you expect him to hit?  What are your thoughts on providing him some DD or FLR-oriented motivation to do that?


  1. For us, it has been a very nice year. Our DD has progressed in that she seems more willing to punish ASAP for whatever behavior she disapproves of. This is something I have asked for, and now it is happening more often. She has also started to give me corner time more often before a spanking, which is a good idea. Most importantly, when she has decided I need a spanking, she will give me one, regardless of how I feel. An example of that is last night, when I was making dinner, I forgot the stove was on. Leaving the burner on has been recently added to the list of spankable offenses. We were just about to eat, and I suggested she deal with it in the morning. However, she insisted on dealing with it immediately, ordered me in the corner, and then over her lap. As far as New Years goals, I really don't have any. Staying within my beer limit can be a big challenge, and there is no doubt I would drink much more were it not for her providing guardrails. My driving has steadily improved, and I have slowed down considerably, as driving in any way that she considers reckless will result is a serious spanking. I used to believe that getting regular maintenance spankings would take care of my spanking obsessions, but these days, I feel the need to be punished more often, and very much appreciate being held accountable. Getting older, for many of us, includes forgetting things. For me, that means getting spanked more often, as many things I get spanked for are the result of not paying attention. But I am not complaining, and can't say I've ever been happier.

    1. Sounds like a great year for you.

      "Getting older, for many of us, includes forgetting things. For me, that means getting spanked more often, as many things I get spanked for are the result of not paying attention." That's probably true, though I'm not all that old and still have huge problems with simply not paying attention.

  2. Very similar to Norton, our 2023 year went along fine. I have needed very few discipline sessions as I have learned what my duties and chores are and handle them well. Occasional discipline for behavior still exists, when she deems necessary. I still receive regular maintenance spankings and that practice will continue in the New Year. We schedule ours randomly by tossing a single die, so they are not any more often, but one thing I had noticed in the latter part of 2023 is they seem to be longer and harder. Perhaps this partly because the discipline spankings have declined. I would assume this will be the case in 2024, but not sure if it will increase and further. No major resolutions here, but I will try to be a better partner/submissive and gladly take my maintenance spankings.

    1. I have some attraction to the idea of random chance determining when spankings happen or how severe they are, though I think in practice turning it into any kind of game might not work for me.

    2. The random scheduling of maintenance spankings grew out of our busy schedule. We could not seem to anchor a specific day for maintenance and as a result, spankings were sometimes overlooked. Nothing at all like a game, the die seemed to solve that problem with the random method of determining when maintenance is given. As you correctly point out, it may not work for everyone, but has been good for us. As far as the severity, it is completely up to her. I never know until actually in position, being spanked how long or severe it may be.

  3. 2023 has been a strange year. The first nine months was fine - almost textbook ‘DD’ relationship. A ‘good’ discipline session always deserved & well delivered every 7 - 10 days. A serious uptick in her power about 6 months ago with an agreed (printed) set of rules. Then about 2 months we had one of those very occasional ‘out of sync’ couple of days followed by some illness and we have not got back on track yet. Lovely ngest break from DD in about 10 years. Settling into early retirement after a very busy, travel filled career has been tricky. So I am looking forward & working hard on a re-think of our relationship at the moment. TB

    1. I've had that happen several times, where getting out of sync or an illness can morph into a long dry spell. Fortunately, I would almost always do something stupid that gave her reason to start again.

      Going from overwhelmingly busy with business and business-related travel to early retirement was a lot rougher for me than I anticipated. Happy to talk to you about it off-line if helpful.

  4. For me most of 2023 was consumed by recovery from serious illness in 2022, and FLR/DD was pretty much on hold. I have been spanked a few times in recent weeks, so maybe FLR is going to make a comeback. On Christmas Day we went to my brother’s place for dinner as usual. During our FLR years I was in the habit of helping with the kitchen cleanup whenever there was a big family dinner. This year I got involved in a political discussion with some of the men in my brother’s Italian in-law family. The Italian men in that family maintain the patriarchal tradition of not lifting a finger in the kitchen. To my surprise, my wife didn’t say anything, but joined in the cleanup herself. At home the next morning, however, she scolded me for behaving like “an Italian nonno arguing politics in a cafe” while women did the work. She then spanked me. She told me I was lucky that she didn’t spank me at my brother’s house and should consider myself warned that behaviour like that in the future could be embarrassing for me. So maybe FLR will make a full return in 2024.

  5. GH, I too would have been spanked for not helping in the kitchen. Maybe not in front of the family, as your wife waited until you were home. However, I have been spanked in front of others and if it occurred a second time, I would have been spanked on the spot. I hope your FLR makes a full return soon.

    1. Being spanked in front of others has always been a fantasy of mine, and would seem to be extremely embarrassing, especially if it was for real punishment. She has told 3 women friends that she spanks me sometimes, but none of them were curious enough to inquire about it, so they probably just assume it's kinky sex. Not only are they are unaware of our DD, but they are probably not aware that DD even exists. If she threatened a spanking in front of one of her friends, that would immediately make it real. I seldom gave her reason to do that any more, but there were plenty of opportunities a few years ago, when we started practicing DD for real. Along with weekly maintenance spankings, I was punished at least every few weeks for going over my drinking limit and reckless driving. Thanks to her strict and loving discipline, those things are pretty well kept in check these days. We now do a check in twice a week, so I am on a shorter leash, and have become more honest about sharing transgressions with her ASAP. It is obvious to both of us that my behavior has improved because of it. I am curious how it happened that you were spanked in front of others, and how long your wife has been doing it.

    2. Spanked Cowboy, I was spanked last year under similar circumstances. Not exactly for failing to help with domestic duties, but I had said some regrettable things along those same lines. It resulted in Beth bringing out the spatula when we had some time alone. That has been her implement of choice for slightly lesser transgressions, with the implicit threat of a more serious spanking in my future.

      And Norton, I too fantasize about being disciplined in front of my wife's friends or sisters. She's made it clear that it's never going to happen, which is probably best for all concerned.

    3. Anonymous... It does not happed often, but I have bee spanked in front of others for a quick discipline session. Even though others are present or near, she bares my ass and spanks. A quick drop of my pants reveals a bare ass with the type of underwear she has me wear. We call them 'spankers', and of course there are times she makes me go out with her commando.

    4. I too fantasize about being spanked by my wife in front of witnesses. I wonder why so many of us have that fantasy? I don’t think I would really want it too happen. The embarrassment would be too much, but the fantasy turns me on. Concerning my wife’s threat that it will be embarrassing if I repeat my Christmas Day behaviour, I don’t think she would actually spank me at my brother’s house. However, I think there is some risk that she would embarrass me by warning me publicly.

  6. GH, Interesting you fantasize about being spanked in front of others, but clearly do not desire it. Completely understandable, as it is very embarrassing. Most of the embarrassment and humiliation for me is past as it has occurred many times. I guess the same is true for any warnings. As it has been done, I get no warnings..... When I misbehave, down come the pants and I get spanked.

    1. Spanked Cowboy, how do you think the people who have witnessed it perceive your being spanked? You must have very “kink friendly” acquaintances who don’t mind being involved as witnesses. Does your wife ask if anyone minds before doing it? I am trying to imagine how such a thing would play out.

    2. Being spanked in front of lifestyle friends or other lifestyle folks is a common occurrence and I have been on the witnessing end of other getting the same treatment. There are times when the general public may get a glimpse of me being punished. Most just go about their business, while others have watched. We use some discretion but still are sometimes visible. She never asks, she feels they can always walk away if they opt not to see it.

    3. SC, when your wife spanks you in a place visible to the general public, she can’t pull down your pants, can she? I think you would be at risk of being arrested for public indecency, I think.

    4. Basically that is correct. With a bit of discretion and haste, it can be accomplished. Years ago I was bare ass spanked on a park bench in Central Park, NYC. Again, it was done and over within a few minutes. I do admit, this was before every man, woman and child had a camera phone and felt compelled to record and report. My most recent such experience was on a roadside. Not an interstate highway, but a two lane road. Pants at ankles and being spanked, we received a few horn toots as cars drove by, but nothing else. Being spanked with the risk of being seen by the general public is embarrassing, but a rush at the same time.

  7. Hi Dan, I hope you are doing well. So far, this year has turned out to be continuation of the frantic pace of last year. I am hoping I can get back here and comment tomorrow or the day after, since I always like thinking of goals and it ties in so well to new years. I am hoping this topic will be open a few more days, considering the low participation so far.


    1. I will probably post a topic today, but please do comment on this one if you have time. I would definitely love to hear your plans for 2024.

  8. I think you may be right about less frequent discipline fitting major annual goals. I'm considering asking for quarterly review sessions for mine, with a kick-off this January. These would be serious talks and potential punishments, with time blocked off on the calendar and the kids away. During the quarters, I would need to give some updates not tied to spankings to show I'm taking the goal seriously enough for her to play along.

    I'm noting as well the repeated mentions of illness. Respiratory virus was pervasive this fall. Caring for ourselves and our children hurt our desire and energy. That's partly why I want to incorporate a new approach during 2024.

    1. If you ask for something like that, I would be curious to hear how it goes.

      Maybe it's just part of the aging process, but it does seem like the last couple of years Anne and I have seen DD momentum dissipate over and over again thanks to illnesses and injuries.

  9. Hi Dan,
    As you know, 2023 was quite a year for me, with a rather large career change and starting a new venture that has taken - and continues to take - a huge amount of time, effort, and energy. Consequently, DD has really gotten put on hold for the most part. There were a few punishments during the year, and the most recent real punishment was in many ways groundbreaking, since she told me about it beforehand, so I had butterflies in my stomach all day, and she had some very strong emotion that she vented during the punishment.

    As we began working together, I expected that maybe we would sometimes irritate each other, which could lead to punishments. So far, this has not been the case, though she has at times upped her verbal strictness at work which is interesting. I think basically we have been too exhausted to even think about incorporating more DD. If we get out of the totally tired stage, then I can see lots of times that she could punish me not only for attitude, but also for things like paying too much attention to some of our very attractive customers (which is disrespectful), for being irresponsible by procrastinating or taking shortcuts on things, or even for forgetting to do things that ultimately cost us money.

    2023 was a pretty big year for us working towards our future, and I think that part was pretty good. However, the one thing that we did NOT work on was health, and specifically mine. Early in the year, I was thinking we would soon be back on a check-in system, and we even had everything set up for that with a clear focus on health, but in the end it fell by the wayside. So for 2024, one of my biggest things I would like to work on is making better health choices, so that if we do have some business success, we can actually enjoy the fruits of our labor. So far, I don't see that happening.

    One thing that I really need to work on, especially in the workplace, is overreacting to things. It is unhelpful and it causes a huge percentage of my wife's stress. I am sure that if I asked her to, she would be more than happy to use DD to decrease or even totally extinguish my overreacting, but I have been reluctant to do so since about 90% of the time, when I do overreact it is due to one particular person's misguided actions, and while over-reacting isn't helping, I also don't want to see them get a pass for all their wrong actions, and have it become more and more of a problem.

    Anyway, here is to a great 2024!

    1. "As we began working together, I expected that maybe we would sometimes irritate each other, which could lead to punishments. So far, this has not been the case,"

      Anne and I wouldn't last five days.

      "though she has at times upped her verbal strictness at work which is interesting." Does this happen in front of other people? I'm curious how others might react to that, in light of what you've said about the very patriarchal culture.

    2. Hi Dan,
      It is not that I haven't irritated my wife, but rather that we simply have been too exhausted to even think about DD or even trying to improve things. We are still in survival mode.

      As for her verbal strictness, it does sometimes happen in front of others, and it is a new thing, really only in the past couple of months. As for the reactions of others, I haven't really paid all that much attention, but now I will. I am guessing they write it off as her just kind of joking.


    3. I can see how it would be a pretty straight line from overwork and exhaustion to bossiness and strictness.

  10. Retired and wudowed is not conducive to annual planning and goal-setting.


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